CRSA Training and Credentialing Survey 2012

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of CRSA Training and Credentialing Survey 2012

Poll: In which surgical specialty do you prima...

Poll: Do you work at an academic center?

Poll: In which geographic area do you practice...

Poll: How old are you?

Poll: How many robotic cases do you perform pe...

Poll: Is the basic FDA-mandated certificate pr...

Poll: What is the BEST role of the robotic sim...

Poll: Which robotic simulator would you sugges...

Poll: The ideal sequence for training is basic...

Poll: What component/s should an ideal robotic...

Poll: Who is best suited to organize and certi...

Poll: Should a surgeon start with the simplest...

Poll: What is the most important objective out...

Poll: Robotic surgeons should have experience ...

Poll: In general, after how many proctored cas...

Poll: How many robotic cases should an "expert...

Poll: How many robotic cases should an "expert...

Poll: How many robotic cases should an "expert...

Poll: Should the privileging process be proced...

Poll: Do you think that an International regis...

Poll: Should the privileges to perform advance...

Poll: Based on the available evidence how many...

Poll: Based on the available evidence how many...

Poll: Based on the available evidence how many...

Poll: Robotic training courses should be offer...

Poll: Who should decide the contents of these ...

Poll: What kind of robotic training courses sh...