crps II

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Transcript of crps II

  • 7/28/2019 crps II


  • 7/28/2019 crps II


    Identifying DataA case of Lorna B. Ulbata, 56 years old, female, single,

    Filipino, Roman Catholic, presently residing at Brgy.Cancayang, Javier Leyte, admitted for the 1st time atRTRH.

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    History of Present Illness Patient accidentally slide and her

    right hand first touch the ground

    which supported the whole body (+) swelling of the hand

    (+) pain with pain scale of 7 outof 10

    Went to manghihilot for 9sessions with increase of swellingnoted and was prescribed withCefalexin BID x 15 days



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    History of Present Illness

    Still with swelling of the right hand &burning pain sensation radiating to theforearm and to the elbow

    Consultation done at Abuyog DistrictHospital

    Right hand x-ray was done

    Impression: complete fracture of the

    right distal radial bone with callusformation



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    History of Present Illness

    With restrictions in the shoulder

    movements (especially abduction) noted Impossible to make a fist

    Consultation done to a private physician


    Alenpronale (Revanta)

    Celecoxib 200mg 1 capsule Calcium+Vitamin D (Calci Pluc) 1 tab

    Less relief of pain & swelling noted



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    Past Medical History Past Hospitalization:

    2009: gastric ulcer at Abuyog District Hospital

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    Psychosocial History Patient is a self-employed

    Commerce Graduate

    A non-smoker Non-alcoholic beverage drinker

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    Review of System General: No weight Loss, no body Malaise Skin: shiny, swelling right hand Head: no headache, no lightheadedness, no dizziness

    Eyes: no pain, no redness Ears: no earache, no discharges Nose & Sinuses: no congestion, no nasal stuffiness Mouth & Throat: no sorethroat, no bleeding gums Neck: no pain, no rigidity

    Respiratory: no dyspnea, no hemoptysis, no orthopnea Cardiovascular: no chest pain, no palpitatons GIT: good appetite, no nausea, no vomiting GUT: no hematuria, no polyuria, no dysuria, no oliguria Musculoskeletal: with muscle & joint pain at the right hand

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    Physical Examination Patient was conscious, coherent, oriented to time,

    place & person, afebrile, mesomorph, well developed,well nourished, not in cardiorespiratory distress withthe following vital signs:

    BP- 140/90 mmHg

    HR 112 bpm

    RR 24 cpm Temperature 36.4

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    Physical Examination Skin:

    Inspection: brown complexion, with swelling & shiny

    on the right right hand Palpation:warm, hyperhidrosis, with good skin turgor

    Nails: pinkish nail beds with good capillary refill (

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    Head:skull is normocephalic, black long hair equally distributed,temples not depressed, no nits, no scalp lesionno tenderness

    Eyes:Eyebrows: symmetric, black hair, no lesions, no scarsEyelashes: fine black hair, ectropionEyelids: no lidlag, no ptosis, no edema, no swelling, no scarsConjunctiva: pinkish palpebral conjunctiva, no hemorrhages,no active lesions, no ulcerationsSclera: anicteric, no hemorrhage, no active lesionsCornea, Iris, Lens: with opacity, no active lesions, nolacerations or serrations

    Pupils: round, asymmetrical, 2-3mm in diameter from normal

    to constriction, briskly reactive to direct and consensual lightstimulation

    EOM: full

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    Ears: symmetrical, no impacted cerumen, no discharges, hearing notimpaired,no tenderness

    Nose and Sinuses: pinkish mucous membrane, septum at midline, nodischarges, no congestion, no nasal flaring, no sinus tenderness

    Mouth and Throat:

    Lips: symmetrical, pinkish in color, no lesions, no cheilosis, and noangular deviation

    Buccal mucosa: pale, moist mucous membrane, no lesions

    Teeth: complete set of teeth, no false dentures

    Gingiva: no swollen gums, uvula at midline

    Tonsils: no enlargement, no redness, no abscess

    Neck:supple, trachea at midlineBreast: symmetrical, no lesions, no discharges, no lumps, no palpable

    lymph nodes, no tenderness

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    Chest and Lungs:

    Inspection: symmetrical lung expansion, no lagging, nosubscapular and intercostal retraction on respiration

    Palpation: confirmed symmetrical chest expansion, unimpairedtactile fremitus, no masses, no tenderness

    Percussion: resonant in all lung fields

    Auscultation: no crackles, no wheezes, no pleural friction rub


    Inspection: adynamic precordium, no precordial bulging, novisible pulsation, PMI at 5th ICS left midclavicular line

    Palpation: PMI noted at 5th ICS left midclavicular line, no

    heaves, no thrills, no tenderness Auscultation: regular rhythm and synchronous with pulse rate,

    no murmurs, no pericardial friction rub

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    Inspection: globular, no visible peristalsis, no engorged vein,no hypo/hyperpigmentation

    Palpation: no tenderness, no mass, liver not enlarged,kidney not palpable

    Percussion: tympanitic all over

    Auscultation: normoactive bowel sounds, no arterial bruit,no venous hum, no peritoneal friction rub

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    Extremities:Range ofMotionShoulder

    PE RightShoulder

    PE LeftShoulder

    PE RightShoulder

    PE LeftShoulder

    Flexion 80 degrees 180 degrees 4/5 5/5

    Extension 15 degrees 80 degrees 4/5 5/5Abduction 90 degrees 3/5 5/5

    Adduction 60 degrees 90 degrees 4/5 5/5



    10 degrees 55 3/5 5/5


    10 degrees 45 degrees 4/5 5/5

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    Extremities:ROM of theElbow

    Right elbow Left Elbow Right elbow Left Elbow

    Flexion 150 degrees 150 degrees 4/5 5/5

    Extension - 10 degress 10 degrees 4/5 5/5

    Supination 5 degrees 80 degrees 3/5 5/5

    Pronation 70 degrees 80 degrees 4/5 5/5

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    Extremities:ROM of theWrist

    Right Wrist Left Wrist Right Wrist Left Wrist

    Flexion 20 degrees 80 degrees 3/5 5/5

    Extension 20 degrees 70 degrees 3/5 5/5

    Adduction(Radialdeviation )

    5 degrees 20 degrees 3/5 5/5


    5 degrees 30 degrees 3/5 5/5

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    Extremities:ROM of the fingers &Thumb

    Right Left

    First interphalangealflexion

    10 degrees 80 degrees

    Second, third, and fourthinterphalangeal flexion

    10 degrees 100 degrees

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    Light touch Pinprick

    C5 Lateral side of theantecubital fossa

    +++ +++

    C6 Thumb +++ +++

    C7 Middle Finger +++ +++

    C8 Little finger +++ +++

    T1 Medial side of the

    antecubital fossa

    +++ +++

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    ReflexesBiceps Triceps Brachialis Knee AnkleRight 1+ 1+ 1+ 2+ 2+

    Left 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+

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    Neurologic Exam:

    MENTAL STATUS EXAM: alert, coherent and oriented to person, place, andtime, no mental changes and confusion noted.


    CN I: no anosmia

    CN II & III: pupils 2-3 mm in diameter, symmetrical, equally reactive to

    direct and consensual light stimulation CN III, IV, VI: able to move eyes upward, downward, medially and laterally

    CN V: intact sensory function to pain and touch, with intact corneal reflex

    CN VII: able to smile, able to frown

    CN VIII: responsive to verbal stimuli

    CN IX and X: with intact gag reflex, able to swallow

    CN XI: able to turn head to both sides against resistance, able to shrugshoulder

    CN XII: able to protrude tongue, no deviation to L/R

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    Course in the WardsAdmission

    1stst HOSPITAL DAY

    Motor: increase of the ROM of the shoulder Less swelling


    Motor: increase of the ROM of the shoulder

    No swelling

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    Diagnostics Procedure


    Hemoglobin 150Hematocrit 0.42

    WBC 7.85

    Neutrophils 0.72

    Lymphocytes 0.27

    Monocytes 0.01

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  • 7/28/2019 crps II


  • 7/28/2019 crps II


    Salient Features1. 56 years old2. Female3. Single4. Swelling of the right hand5. Injury of the right hand for about 2 months ago6. Continuous Burning Pain radiating to the forearm & elbow7. Decreased ROM of the right shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers &

    thumb Restriction of right shoulder movement With restrictions in the shoulder movements (especially

    abduction) noted Impossible to make a fist

    8. Hyperesthesia, allodynia, hyperhidrosis

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    1. Swelling of the right hand

    2. Injury of the right hand for about2 months ago

    3. Continuous Burning Pain

    1. Continuous Burning Pain

    radiating to the forearm & elbow2. Decreased ROM of the right

    shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers &thumb Restriction of right shoulder


    With restrictions in theshoulder movements(especially abduction) noted

    Impossible to make a fist

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    FibromyalagiaRule In Rule out56 years oldFemale regional areas of pain

    11/18 tender pointRelated to sleep, problems anxiety ordepression

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    Posttraumatic neuralgiaRule In Rule Out1. Injury of the right hand for about

    2 months ago2. Decreased ROM of the right

    shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers &thumb

    3. Continuous Burning Pain4. Weakness of the right hand

    1. Swelling of the right hand2. progressive spread of symptoms.3. obtain relief with sympatholytic


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    1. 56 years old2. Female3. Single

    4. Swelling of the right hand5. Injury of the right hand for about 2 months ago6. Continuous Burning Pain radiating to the forearm & elbow7. Decreased ROM of the right shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers

    & thumb Restriction of right shoulder movement With restrictions in the shoulder movements

    (especially abduction) noted Impossible to make a fist

    8. Hyperesthesia, allodynia, hyperhidrosis

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    Brachial Plexus

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    CRPS is a neuropathic pain syndrome characterized by

    autonomic dysfunction and severe pain that may leadto crippling contractures of the limbs.

    A variety of painful conditions following injury whichappears regionally having a distal predominance ofabnormal findings exceeding in both magnitude andduration the expected clinical course of the incitingevent, often resulting in significant impairment ofmotor function and showing variable progression overtime

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    CRPS COMPLEX varied and dynamic clinical presentation

    REGIONAL non-dermatomal distribution of thesymptoms

    PAIN out of proportion to the inciting events

    SYNDROME constellation of symptoms and signs

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    International Association for the

    Study of Pain (IASP) Nomenclature CRPS I = reflex sympathetic dystrophy

    CRPS II = causalgia

    A.K.A = algodystrophy, shoulder-hand syndrome,Sudeck's atrophy, transient osteoporosis and acute

    atrophy of bone

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    CRPS Female to male ratio: 3:1

    Any age, but middle age predominates (median 42years old)

    Onset 9-85 years old

    CRPS occurs in about 1-2% of patient who have hadfractures and in approximately 2-5 % of patients after

    peripheral nerve injuries

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    Clinical Manifestation1. Pain

    Continuous , constant, burning, aching, throbbing

    Disproportionate to the injury

    Asymmetrical and not in distributuion of a peripheralnerve, worst in distal

    2. Autonomic abnormalities

    Vascular: hot swollen erythematous/cold, blached &mottled

    Sudomotor: Hyperhydrosis

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    Clinical Manifestation1. Motor

    Diffuse weakness of the extremity

    2. Trophic changes

    Nail growth

    Loss of function: muscle, joints & tendon

    Hair changes (coarse/loss of hair)

    Skin-thin and glossy, loss of elasticity osteoporosis

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    CRPS I1. The presence of an initiating noxious event or acause of immobilization

    2. Continuing pain, allodynia or hyperalgesia with

    which the pain is disproportionate to the incitingevent.

    3. Evidence of some time of edema, changes in skinblood f low or abnormal sudomotor activity in the

    region of pain4. The diagnosis is excluded by the existence of

    conditions that would otherwise account for thedegree of pain & dysfunction

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    CRPS II (Causalgia) Criteria1. The presence of continuous pain, allodynia or

    hyperalgesia after a nerve injury, not necessarilylimited to the distribution of the injured nerve

    2. Evidence of some time of edema, changes in skinblood f low or abnormal sudomotor activity in theregion of pain

    3. The diagnosis is excluded by the existence ofconditions that would otherwise account for thedegree of pain & dysfunction

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    3 main hypotheses

    Facilitated neurogenic inflammation

    Autonomic dysfunction

    Neuroplastic changes within the CNS

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    Treatment Goals Relief of pain

    Return of function

    Prevent or slow the progression

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    Treatment1. Physical Therapy2. Pain

    Eterocoxib 120 mg 1 tab OD


    3. Steroids

    4. Gabapentin & Pregabalin

    5. Calcitonin

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    Sympathetic Blockade Lumbar sympathetic block

    Stellate ganglion block

    IV regional anesthesia block

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