CRP strategy for planning in RIDF-XIII. To achieve ◦ Effective Communication to the assignees...

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of CRP strategy for planning in RIDF-XIII. To achieve ◦ Effective Communication to the assignees...

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CRP strategy for planning in RIDF-XIII Slide 2 To achieve Effective Communication to the assignees about the opportunities in CLDP Effective Participation of the assignees in evolving land and livelihood development plans Higher motivational levels among the assignees to utilise the investments and opportunities in the program Slide 3 25 blocks of RIDF-XIII in each district Mandals should be finalized first and all the blocks in those mandals should be saturated Majority of the assignees should be S.C and S.T. Priority should be given to all S.C or S.T blocks The land titles should be clear, preferably with individual demarcations Slide 4 25 members should be selected from RIDF IX and X batch blocks in each district 50% should be para workers and 50% should be assignees, both from RIDF-IX and X batch blocks Para workers, who have facilitated the implementation of IX/X batch project effectively Active assignees, who have developed their lands and benefited significantly with the investments provided by the CLDP and can articulate well At least 50% CRPs should be women Slide 5 DWMA should conduct a two day training program for all the selected CRPs followed by a 2-3 day planning process in any one of the selected block For this field training purpose, a block of relatively less extent may be selected It is advised to take the services of an NGO or District level resource persons, having experience in CLDP for facilitating the orientation and training program for CRPs By the end of the field training a planning calendar should be finalized which should contain details of team wise blocks and respective planning dates Training Module and material developed at state level should be broadly followed with district specific modifications Slide 6 Planning teams should be constituted based on the number of CRPs identified and trained Each planning team should consist of at 3 CRPs and I TA for a unit of 25 acres. 4-5 blocks for each planning team, preferably in one mandal or adjacent mandals APD is responsible for selection and training of CRPs, and utilizing their services for completing the planning process in the selected blocks in his/her jurisdiction Slide 7 Time line Day 1 - preliminary meeting with the assignees orienting about the program - collecting basic information about the block in focused group discussion. Day 2 & 3 (Depending upon the block size.) - Field visit for identifying works for land development & recording household details for all assignees. - Taking measurements in field in data input sheets. Day 4 Consolidation meeting with the assignees for sharing and discussion on identified individual and collective works, their costs, implementation process and related decisions in the form of resolutions. Critical steps in the planning process Slide 8 Planning team should come out of the block with a comprehensive plan document, which contains Basic abstract details of the block Resource map of the selected block of land Filled in formats of individual assignee wise household and land holding details Consolidated formats of individual assignee wise household and land details Filled in formats of individual assignee wise identified works along with filled in data input sheets Filled in formats of identified collective works along with filled in data input sheets CIG resolution on the identified works, implementation process, selection of paraworker and CIG representatives Slide 9 Proper selection of CRPs and informing them before hand on the type of work, number of days of work and honorarium Conducting the training program(both in house and on field) effectively using the services of experienced Resource persons Arrangements for stay of CRPs within the village during planning process Copies of the resource book should be available with the facilitation and planning team before hand Participation of experienced resource person(DRP/NGO/Peoples organization) in the orientation and preparatory meeting with CRPs Planning dates and the details of the resource person should be communicated to CRD well in advance Slide 10 The plans prepared and the information taken as part of the process need to be firmed up in terms of estimates and data input sheets fed in the Mandal Computer centre (MCC) for generation of work estimates and individual proceedings within a week Submitted to DWMA and block level administrative and technical sanction obtained The resource fee to be paid to CRPs as per the established procedures in SERP Respective APD is responsible for ensuring this process and preparation of a report based on the data collected Slide 11 CRP Strategy Block level input formats Land details Slide 12 CRP Strategy Block level input formats Individual works Slide 13 CRP Strategy Block level input formats Works list Slide 14 CRP Strategy Block level input formats Works list Slide 15 CRP Strategy Block level input formats Slide 16 CRP Strategy Block level planning output Slide 17 CRP Strategy Block level planning output Assignee details Slide 18 CRP Strategy Block level planning output Resolution Slide 19 CRP Strategy Block level planning output Identified works abstract Slide 20 CRP Strategy Block level planning output Common works abstract Slide 21 CRP Strategy Block level planning output Slide 22 Slide 23 Slide 24 CRP Strategy Pilot Block in RR Dist. Name of block: Chittigidda Gram Panchayath: Kesapalli Village:Nagireddypally Revenue Village:Chittigidda Mandal:Nawabpet District:Ranga Reddy Slide 25 CRP Strategy Pilot Block RR Dist. (cont.) Activities completed List of assignees finalised. CIGs formed. Election / selection of group leaders and opening CIG Saving Bank Account with Banker will be done. The women members of the Pattadars family taken as the stake holder Collected base line data on present status of livelihoods of assignees Groups formed with assignees based on contiguity of land and residence. Ensured stake holder is in possession and in enjoyment of land. Ensured that each stake holder is aware of the boundaries of the land. Computer generated estimates were prepared for works to be taken up under EGS. Social mobilization taken up for sharing water among the stake holders Slide 26 CRP Strategy Pilot Block in RR Dist.(cont.) Original Estimate NABARD Funds Rs. 12.63 lakhs EGS Funds Rs. 14.85 lakhs IKP Rs. 5.99 lakhs Total Rs. 33.47 lakhs Estimate based on CRPs NABARD Funds Rs. 9.07 lakhs EGS Funds Rs. 15.92 lakhs IKP Rs. 3.49 lakhs Total Rs. 28.44 lakhs Slide 27 CRP Strategy Pilot Block in RR Dist.(cont.) Differences and reasons Original Est & through CRPs Slide 28 CRP Strategy Pilot Block in RR Dist.(cont.) Beneficiary Details Slide 29 CRP Strategy Pilot Block in RR Dist.(cont.) NABARD Components - details Slide 30 CRP Strategy Pilot Block in RR Dist.(cont.) EGS Components - details Slide 31 CRP Strategy Pilot Block in RR Dist.(cont.) IKP/ Bank Components - details