Crosby United Methodist Church...culminated with a “Happy Birthday Jesus Party”. Approximately...

Post on 06-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Crosby United Methodist Church...culminated with a “Happy Birthday Jesus Party”. Approximately...


Official Church Business

Crosby United



Crosby United Methodist Church

Sunday’s Schedule 8:45 am Contemporary

Worship Service

9:45 am Small Group/SS

(All Ages)

10:45 am Traditional

Worship Service

Hope to see you there!

1334 Runneburg Road

Crosby, Texas 77532

P.O. Box 1385

Crosby, Texas 77532

Phone: 281-328-2616

Fax: 281-462-0328

Wednesday’s Schedule

Meals: 5:00—6:00 pm

Youth: 6:00 pm

Bells: 5:30 pm

Choir: 6:30 pm

February 2019February 2019February 2019

Pastor Jamie Lea 832-472-3575 cell

281-328-2616 office / 281-462-0328 fax Brittani Hawkins

Administrative Assistant 281-328-2616 office Ray Reese

Director of Music Ministry

Gwen Moyle– Pabst Accompanist

Bob O’Brien Organist

Cassie Manning Nursery Attendant Office Hours

Mon.-Thurs.: 8:30am-4pm Closed for Lunch:

12-12:30pm Friday: CLOSED

Crosby United Methodist Church 1334 Runneburg Road • P.O. Box 1385 • Crosby, Texas 77532

281-328-2616 •

Our last two surviving World War 2 Veterans

on Veteran’s Day,

Willie Haluska and Walt Rose!

Children’s Ministry: CUMC’s children spent the month of December studying the

events surrounding the birth of Jesus. This month

culminated with a “Happy Birthday Jesus Party”.

Approximately 20 children attended and listened to a reading

of the Christmas Story performed by youth participants,

participated in arts and crafts related to the birth of Jesus,

sung a special rendition of Silent Night, and shared birthday cake. A good time was had

by all. Thanks to all the volunteers that made that event a success.

We continue to offer Small Group Sessions for all children prior to the Traditional

Service. The time is 9:30-10:30 am. Thanks to Lynn Merrill and Amy Law for addressing

the needs of our children. Volunteers are needed to help as we continue to grow.

Speaking of growth, our attendance is steadily increasing in Children’s Worship. We are

making changes to the curriculum to reinforce and broaden the scope of the sermon.

A big thanks to Kathy and Bruce, Lois Rogers, Becky Malac, Linda Burgess and others

that volunteer to conduct this very important time with our children. We have fun as we

build the Christian foundation for our children through discussion, crafts, and play.

WE NEED ADDITIONAL VOLUNTEERS! Currently, we are on a three week rotation, but

would love to add people to extend that rotation. Two people instruct, present, and su-

pervise the children. The materials are made available, no resource work on your part.

Please pray about this and consider becoming a part of our team as we address the

needs of CUMC children. You can contact me, Suzie Eppers at:

or 281 4620886 (home) or 832 3147411 (cell) and I will get you involved.

UMW will meet Wednesday, February 6,

at 11:30 am in the Wesley Room. Bring your

calendars as we will plan out the year.

Ladies of the church, if you ever wanted to

be more involved, this is your opportunity!

UMW connects us at the local, district, state,

national and even international level! Come

and find out more at our next meeting!

Women's Small Group Bible study will begin Sunday, February 10, at 7:00 pm at

the home of Lisa Naasz, 706 Quion Ct. We will be studying the book of Luke.

Many thanks to all the

Shut In volunteers who

have helped get 2019

off to a great start!

-Suzanne Day

Kids Hope started off 2019 with a “Welcome Back” Pizza Party for the Elementary School Kids Hope students. All were excited to see their mentors after the break, but they were especially wide eyed and mouths were watering as they smelled and ate the pepperoni pizza. Thank you, Pat Walton, for hosting a festive party with pizza and party favors.

It brings joy to ones heart to see the students value being part of the program and witness the relationship between students and mentors. They are thankful

and courteous and full of hugs and smiles for all.

We will continue this semester with an emphasis on reading and writing and are beginning a unit on Acts of Kindness.

Our mentors are the very best!!! They keep “showing up” for their student with big hearts and lots of care, even though they do not always know or see the impact they make in the lives of these kids. A big “ Shout-Out” to our Prayer Partners who are the backbone of this ministry providing the spiritual strength. Also, a big thanks to Pastor Jamie and our church family that allows this wonderful program to exist.

We can rejoice as we continue being the “hands and feet” of Jesus. We ARE making a difference!

Please join our party in celebration of God’s Love! All children are welcome.

Ages 1-11! Sunday February 10th at

9:30am in the Fellowship Hall


February 01: Mellette Berezoski February 01: Christopher Jamail February 02: Emily Armstrong February 03: Jennifer Fergerson February 03: Collin Greenwade February 04: Lisa Kolb February 05: Sue Hernandez February 06: JoAnn McMurrey February 08: Cynthia Clark February 09: Noe Yzaguirre February 10: Dianne Fleming February 11: Taylor Keene February 11: Regina Kelley February 12: Kimberly Black February 13: Debbie Foster February 13: Wanda Odom February 13: Cade Outtrim February 14: Sydney Lantz February 15: Avery Fergerson February 15: Terra McMinn February 15: Zachery Thompson February 16: Holly Benoit February 17: Ben Doskocil February 17: Tommy Stetson February 18: Hayes James February 18: Terry Smith February 20: Jenn Roach February 20: Lois Rogers February 21: Randy Foster February 21: Tera Smith February 21: Harvey Welch February 22: Jimmie Slovacek February 23: Weston Roach February 23: Hunter Smith February 24: Anna Brewer February 26: Wade Barnes February 26: Joyce Boyles February 26: Trenton Bullington February 26: Don Cox February 26: Brandon Metz February 28: Mike Roden


February 02: Craig & Mindy Shira February 10: Jayson & Haley Tramel February 13: Kyle & Carol Greenwade February 14: Chris & Karen Claunch

Emmaus News!

If anyone is interested in attending,

or serving on the upcoming Men

and Women’s Walks, please

contact James or Becky Malac.

It will be a great spiritual renewal

and formation for you, your family,

and your church!

From the Pastor’s Pen... Greetings from the Parsonage Family,

2018 was a wonderful and productive year for our Church. We had growth in almost all areas

of Ministry and in Worship. We had some folks join our ranks and many more in the process of

making that decision. As you read this, we will have just finished up an exciting Planning Ses-

sion that has highlighted the current Ministries and the opportunities God has planned for His

people here at Crosby United Methodist Church. If we have time we will include some of the

results of that session included in this Newsletter. In any case much more information will be

coming in the near future.

I pray that many of our Church Leadership has signed up for the upcoming District sponsored

training on the 13th of February, remember Childcare is provided you just need to register as

soon as you can. We are having success with our multiple media endeavors as evidenced with

Facebook Live, Instagram, our Church’s Facebook Page and other things this ole’ preacher

can’t even pronounce. I hope someday to leave this Church on the cusp of the New Frontier,

whatever that frontier is.

Our 2019 Confirmation Class is moving quickly along and before you know it we will have

some young folks making their vows to this Grand Ole Church. Thank you for your continued

support of our children and youth for “they are our future.” On that note have you seen the

consistently 15 to 25 kids running around with their change barrels and headed for “Children’s

Church,” can I get an Amen. Our Small Groups are growing in no small way due to the work of

the Spiritual Care Team. What an exciting time to be in Mission and Ministry here at Crosby

United Methodist Church.

With this growth comes many challenges (from this point on called opportunities), but as I

have shared, this is much better than planning the deletion of Ministries and reduction of

Worship options. We are in a great place with a tremendous amount of options and opportu-

nities as we move forward into God’s Preferred Future for us in this place. Kandace and I are

excited to accompany you on this journey and committee out time, resources, gifts, and graces

to make CUMC a place for all God’s children in the community.

God’s Peace

Pastor Jamie & Kandace

The author of this poem is serving a sentence that is “indefinite”.

He is 72, and has been writing poetry the last 32 years of his time

in prison. He gave me permission to share this and other he has

written. He has given his life to God, to write poetry, and be a

servant of our Lord. I’ll remember him on these cold, rainy winter

days, and through these words. - J. Malac