Crop Insect Pest __ Cash Crops __ Pest of Sugarcane

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Insect pests of sugarcane

Crop: Sugarcane

S.N: Saccharum officinarum

Family: Poaceae


Important pests

Early shoot borer- Chilo infuscatellus Symptoms Identification Management

Stem or internode borer: Chilo sacchariphagus indicus Symptoms Identification Management

Top shoot borer, Scripophaga excerptalis Symptoms Identification Management

Leafhopper, Pyrilla perpusilla Symptoms Identification Management

Whitefly, Aleurolobus barodensis Symptoms Identification Management

Cane mealy wing whitefly, Neomaskellia bergii Symptoms Identification Management

Scale insect, Melanaspis glomerata Symptoms Identification Management

Mealy bug, Kiritshenkella sacchari Symptoms Identification Management

Wooly Aphid: Ceratovacuna lanigera ; C. Graminum Symptoms Identification Management

Aphid, Melanaphis sacchari, M.indosacchari Symptoms Identification Management

Termite, Odontotermes obesus Symptoms Identification Management

Root grub, Holotrichia consanguinea; H. serrata, Symptoms Identification Management

1. Early shoot borer- Chilo infuscatellus Symptoms of damage

Dead heart in 1-3 months old crop, which can be easily pulled outRotten portion of the straw coloured dead heart emits an offensive odour Bore holes at the base just above the ground level

Bore holes Side tiller formation

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Crop insect pest :: Cash Crops :: Pest of Sugarcane _s...

1 of 7 05/02/2011 07:36

Dead heart Dead heart


Identification of the pest

Larva - Five dark violet stripes and dark brown headAdult - Pale greyish brown moth with white hind wings

Larva Adult



Early planting during main season.Intercrop: Daincha – low shoot borer incidenceTrash mulching: 10 – 15 cm thickness on 3 days after plantingEarthing up: 45 th Days After Planting (DAP).Remove and destroy dead heartsSpray Granulosis virus 106 – 107 twice on 35 and 50 days after planting (DAP)Tachinid parasite: Sturmiopsis inferens @ 125 gravid females from 30- 50 days of plantingWhorl application: Sevidol 4G @ 12.5 kg or Lindane 10 G 12 kg + 37.5 kg of sand / haSoil application: Carbofuran 3G @ 33 kg/ ha or chlorpyriphos @ 12.5kg/ haSpray endosulfan 35 EC @ 1000 ml or chlorpyriphos 20 EC @1000 ml / ha or NSKE 5 % twice.


2. Stem or internode borer: Chilo sacchariphagus indicusSymptoms of damage

Internodes constricted and shortened with a number bore holes and frass in the nodal regionAffected tissues reddened


Damages of internode borer

Feeding injury Reddening of cane Bore holes

Identification of the pest

Larva - four violet or pink stripes and light brown head

Larva Adult

Adult - Pale brown with white hind wings



Crop insect pest :: Cash Crops :: Pest of Sugarcane _s...

2 of 7 05/02/2011 07:36

Collect and destroy the eggs periodicallyDetrash: 150 and 210 DAPAvoid use of excessive nitrogen fertilizersEgg parasitoid: Trichogramma chilonis @ 2.5 c.c / ha (6 releases from 4th month onwards at 15 daysinterval)


3. Top shoot borer, Scripophaga excerptalis Symptoms of damage

Parallel rows of shot holes in the emerging leaves andRed tunnels in the midribs of leavesDead heart in grown up canes which cannot be easily pulledDead heart reddish brown in colourBunchy top due to growth of side shoots


Damages of top Shoot Borer

Shot holes on leaves Bunch top Dead heart

Identification of the pest

Larva - Smooth, white or cream coloured with a red coloured mid dorsal lineAdult - White coloured moth. Female has buff coloured anal tuft in abdominal tips

Larva Adult



Collect and destroy the egg massesRelease Ichneumonid parasitoid: Isotima javensis @ 125 females / ha (prepupal parasitoid)

[NOTE: fields showing more than 10 percent top borer infestation.]


4. Leafhopper, Pyrilla perpusilla Symptoms of damage

Leaves become yellowCovered with black sooty mouldTop leaves get dried up and lateral buds germinate


Identification of the pest

Nymph - soft, pale brown dorsally and pale orange ventrallywith two characteristic anal filaments Adult - Straw coloured, head pointing forward as a snout




Avoid excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizersSet up light trap Detrash: 150 and 210th DAP Release lepidopteran parasitoid:Epiricrania melanoleuca @8000 -10,000 cocoon /ha (or) 8 - 10 lacs egg/ha.

Crop insect pest :: Cash Crops :: Pest of Sugarcane _s...

3 of 7 05/02/2011 07:36

Spray any one of the following on the 150th and 210th day (1000 l spray fluid): Malathion 50 EC 2000 mlEndosulfan 35 EC 2000 mlMonocrotophos 36 WSC 2000 ml


5. Whitefly, Aleurolobus barodensis

Symptoms of damage

Yellowing of leaves turn pinkish latterGradual drying and presence of sooty mould

Wilting of leaves


Identification of the pest

Nymph - Neonate pale yellow – latter turn shiny blackAdult - Pale yellow


6. Cane mealy wing whitefly, Neomaskellia bergiiSymptoms of damage

Black, grey or white dot like in appearanceInfests under surface of leaves


Identification of the pest

Nymph - Brownish ovalAdult - Black bands on wings



Avoid excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizersFenitrothion 50 EC @ 2 lit or moncrotohphos 36 SL @ 2 lit /ha


7. Scale insect, Melanaspis glomerata

Symptoms of damage

Dark encrustations on the internode


Identification of the pest

Greyish black or brown circular scale


Select scale insect free setts Bunds free from weeds Avoid repeated ratoonsDetrash as per scheduleDrain excess waterAvoid water stagnationPresoak the setts in 0.1% malathion solutionSpray of the following insecticides(120/150 day after detrashing)

Dimethoate 30 EC @ 2ml/lit of water methyl demeton 25 EC @ 2ml/lit of water


8. Mealy bug, Kiritshenkella sacchari,Pink mealy bug: Sacchricoccus sacchari

Symptoms of damage

Pinkish, oval insects found beneath leaf sheath on the nodesWhite mealy coatingStunting of main cane and also attack roots


Crop insect pest :: Cash Crops :: Pest of Sugarcane _s...

4 of 7 05/02/2011 07:36

Identification of the Pest

Adult - Flattened, pinkish, oval with mealy coating



Avoid excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizersDrain excess water.Spray malathion 50 EC@ 1 lit /ha.

Identification of the pest

Nymph - Third and fourth instar nymphs covered with white wooly secretionAdult - Apterous adults covered with white wooly secretionCeratovacuna lanigera - Light green colourC. graminum - Light yellow in colour. Winged adult is black in colour


9. Wooly Aphid: Ceratovacuna lanigera ; C. graminumSymptoms of damage

Nymph and adults suck the sap from leavesHoney dew excrete – development of sooty mould fungusWhite chalk powder coating on the ground and leaves.


Identification of the pest

Nymph - Third and fourth instar nymphs coveredwith white wooly secretionAdult - Apterous adults covered with white woolysecretionCeratovacuna lanigera - Light green colourC. graminum - Light yellow in colour. Winged adultis black in colour


Field release of biocontrol agents like Dipha aphidivora, Micromus and coccinellidsAvoiding transportation of aphid infested leaves from one location to another.Avoiding use of infested cane for seed purpose.Ensuring that the insecticides treated leaves are not used as fodder.Spray any one of the following insecticides once or twice in affected patches:

acephate 75SP @ 2gm/lit,chlorpyrifos 25EC @ 2ml/lit,monocrotophos 36WSC @ 2ml/lit,endosulfan 35EC @ 2ml/lit.


10. Aphid, Melanaphis sacchari, M.indosacchari

Symptoms of damage

Yellowing of leaves, colonies of aphids in central leaf whorl presence of ants

Identification of the pest

Nymph - YelowAdult - Purple



Detrash as per scheduleDrain excess water

11. Termite, Odontotermes obesus

Symptoms of damage

Poor germination of setts ( After Planting)Characteristic semi- circular feeding marks on the leaves in the standingcropEntire shoot dries up and can be pulled out easilySetts hollow inside and may be filled with soilCane collapses if disturbedRind filled with mud


Identification of the pest

Cream coloured, tiny insects resembling ants with dark coloured head


Flood irrigate the furrows to avoid termite attack in the furrows at the time of planting

Crop insect pest :: Cash Crops :: Pest of Sugarcane _s...

5 of 7 05/02/2011 07:36

Sett treatment -

Dip the setts in imidacloprid 70 WS 0.1% or Chlorpyriphos 20 EC 0.04 % for 5 min.Soil application - Apply lindane 1.3 D 125 kg/haSpray application of Imidacloprid 200 SL at 250 ml in 250 l of water / ha


12. Root grub, Holotrichia consanguinea; H. serrata, Leucopholis lepidophoraSymptoms of damage

Yellowing and wilting of leavesDrying of crownAffected canes come off easily


Identification of the pest

i) Holotrichia consanguinea; H. serrata,

Egg - White, almost round.Larva - Young grubs are translucent, whitish yellow in colour, fleshy ‘C’ - shapedAdults - Dark brown beetle

ii) Leucopholis lepidophora

Larvae- creamy white with swollen dark last abdominal segmentAdults – Reddish brown beetle with dark tinge



Set up light trap Provide adequate irrigation Crop rotation in endemic areas Collect and destroy the adult beetles present on neem, Ailanthus and Acacia Lindane 1.3 D @ 50 kg /ha near the root zone


Crop insect pest :: Cash Crops :: Pest of Sugarcane _s...

6 of 7 05/02/2011 07:36

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Crop insect pest :: Cash Crops :: Pest of Sugarcane _s...

7 of 7 05/02/2011 07:36