CRM @ NINtec B.V.

Post on 20-May-2015

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Transcript of CRM @ NINtec B.V.

© Copyright 2007-2008 NINtec B.V.

Customer Relationship Management- Capabilities

NINtec specializes in the business of providing Software

Outsourcing & Offshore Software Development services

to its clients globally. 

Facts and Figures

NINtec a 100% subsidiary of Gateway Group initiated

business in June 1997.

A spotless delivery record of over 650+ projects.

Out of the 900+ employees globally, a team of 800+

software development professionals at our Offshore

Development Center in India.

Technology partners with more than 70 software product

companies and over 50 software development houses


Offices in 6 countries Globally with revenue of 11 million

$ and a consistent growth of 200% to 300% year on year

since a decade.

About NINtec

CRM Experience

Value Propositions: More than one decade of experience

Microsoft Gold Certified Partner

Microsoft Dynamics Gold Certified Partner

Highly experienced Team of 100+ Professionals

Custom CRM Solutions

N-tier Client server applications

Deep technical and domain knowledge

High performance & Cost effective solutions

Automation of complex and voluminous processes

Gain access to the world-class software engineering skills

Speed & agility: deliver solutions on-time and on-budget globally

State-of-art infrastructure and 24x7 support

Technology Skill Sets: Microsoft Platform


Java / JSP / J2EE

Cold Fusion MX

Oracle / Sybase etc

CRM Products: Custom CRM Solutions

Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Sugar CRM

Sage CRM etc

Solution Offerings:

CRM Offerings

Service Offerings:

Process, Strategy and Business Analysis: Program and project management, business case determination, best practice guidance and implementation, technology needs assessment, requirements definition, gap analysis, use case modeling.

Program Management: Fast-track requirements, customization, installation, implementation, release management, quality assurance.

Packaged Application Implementation: System requirements documentation, vendor statement of work management, architecture design and implementation, test planning and execution, deployment and operations readiness for CRM vendors like Microsoft, Sage, SugarCRM and among several others.

System Integration: Efficient, streamlined adapter and API development for ERP, CRM and legacy systems.

Outsourced Contact center solutions: Support for multilingual, 24X7 tier-1,2 and tier-3 applications, with delivery across multiple geographies.

New product launch: Assessment of IT systems and portfolio to enable new product launches and ensure quick time-to-market.

Key CRM Capabilities

Some Features of Custom CRM Solutions developed by NINtec: Customize Contact Profiles: Customize the contact profiles to create unlimited data elements to

track in-depth information about clients, employees, vendors and partners.

Phonetic Transcription: Contact details include minute details like phonetic pronunciation of names.

Multiple Addresses: Maintain multiple seasonal addresses for each contact with precise label formatting capabilities for domestic and international clients with unlimited phone numbers and email addresses as well.

Maintain Affiliations: Maintain affiliations of contacts with multiple businesses, charities, etc.

Track Relationships: Track relationship of your clients with internal contacts such as relationship managers as well as external contacts such as attorneys and accountants

Detailed Activity Tracking: Track activities and collaboration from all touch points. Email directly to contacts from within the CRM application. Track documents, notes and people involved with each activity.

Secure Client Communications: Communicate securely with clients through the corporate website. Users can send messages with documents and be notified immediately if the client has any question or concern. Clients can initiate their own activities which are automatically routed to the correct user based on the client’s relationship with your users.

Custom CRM Solution: Features

Audit Trail Notifications: Receive audit trail notifications when someone make significant changes to one of your contact records. Aggregated notification sent daily so that users can review all changes in a single email.

Alert Notifications: Receive alert alarms through the application when logged in. When not online, receive the alerts nevertheless at regular intervals through emails. Snooze or clear the alarms through the email as well. Customize the alarm intervals and shutoff the feature if required for individual users.

Mail Merger: Send highly personalized HTML emails to thousand of clients using personal salutations and signatures.

Group, Event & Subscription Management: To group clients, track attendance to events such as seminars and manage email or print subscription lists.

Quick Search and Retrieval of Contacts: Powerful search engine to lookup simple names or complex criteria involving data from any area of the CRM application or even across other applications.

Data Clean up & Consolidation: Clean and consolidate data before importing it into the application.

Website Tracking: Website tracking by integrating valuable website usage data directly into the activity list. Record all significant actions of your clients on the website the previous day. For e.g. client communications sent, downloaded reports, executed transactions, etc. view the contact specific log through the CRM application.

Custom CRM Solution: Features

Show Cases

Project Overview:

The solution developed is a web based service portal for managing and distributing the business contacts, leads and accounts information across the sales cycle. The Customer can subscribe to clients lead database to access the data and use the service. The data is high quality leads, categorized in such a way that customers can choose the segment they are interested in.

The value added services help the customer to increase sales lead pipeline by outsourcing the product/service marketing campaigns and qualifying the leads. The sales platform combines all components to make you even more successful in sales.


Contact Management

To-Do/ Task Management and Alert


Import/ Export for data synchronization

and maintenance

Custom CRM Solution for an Advertising company


Strategic gain and economic benefits

associated with CRM by becoming more


Integrating organizational capabilities

structure, processes and skills into an

integrated platform

Use of collaborative tools and discussion

forum allows for quality and disciplined


Minimal or no investment in training

Provides for Intellectual Repository and

enables Knowledge Management

Key Account and Relationship

Management Tools & Technologies Used:

ASP.NET 1.1,, MS SQL Server 2000

Custom CRM Solution for an Advertising company

Project Overview:

The client has envisioned a centralized database web application to overcome challenges in deliverables to external customers and all the internal business functional areas.

This application developed is a corporate portal with main focus on integration with Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003, Microsoft CRM 3.0 and customized web solution to produce audits and financial reports.

MS CRM Integration with SharePoint

Portal for an Energy Company

Solution Brief:

Integration of three different

Technologies / Products (Microsoft

SharePoint Server Portal 2003, MS CRM

3.0, Crystal Reports XI) under a single

web portal

Managing data coming from multiple


Customization of MS CRM 3.0 to meet

the client expectation

Implementation of custom Work flows as

per the custom business process flow

followed by the client

Data migration from Salesforce CRM to

MS CRM with relationship

MS CRM Integration with SharePoint

Portal for an Energy Company

Project Overview:

The client was looking to develop an application that integrates growth-generating measures into their existing business processes and corporate culture to bring up a role clarity & consistency at work.

A multi – tenanted SaaS application was developed to boost prospecting, a key function of any sales oriented organization.

Solution Brief:

A single-sign on, a unified authentication to the web application, underlying MOSS and MS CRM 4.0.

The application’s security roles needed to be in sync with the MS CRM 4.0 security roles

Implementation of a multi-tenanted SaaS architecture.

Multi-lingual solution.

Maintaining tenant specific customization in MS CRM 4.0


MS CRM Customization and Integration

for a Consulting company

Prospects: A module to manage and

process the prospects

Sales cycle management: MS CRM 4.0

was implemented to manage leads,

opportunities, quote(s), order(s), accounts

and respective contacts.

Performance: This was implemented to

facilitate each user view their personal

targets, status and achievements.

Centralized knowledge center

Personal Portal: Each tenant was provided

with their own MOSS portal where they can

manage own services.

The application was developed as a game

where each user gets points on performing

certain tasks or activity which acts as a

growth stimuli.

MS CRM Customization and Integration

for a Consulting company

Solution Architecture- MS CRM

Project Overview:

Client was looking to integrate and automate their sales processes. The aim of the project is to automate the sales process followed at the customer side to help the team perform better and efficiently to improve the business of the organization. Further, it was desired to integrate the MS CRM with Sage CRM.

Solution Brief: Configuration of MS Dynamics CRM 4.0

Customization of MS Dynamics CRM 4.0- Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunity, Quotes, Orders

Sales Process Automation (Workflows and Plug-ins)

Integration with Sage CRM.

MS CRM- Sales Force Automation for a Finance Company

In order to automate the sales process, the following Workflows and plug-ins were written:


Intimate “Sales Manager” about the new quote submitted by Quote Users.

If the relationship type field of account is not supplier or customer and once the Order is created for that account the relation type field should be changed from prospect to customer.

After quotation is sent to the customer then opportunity status should be updated to proposal submitted.

If quotation has been sent to customer and the customer does not revert back in 1 day then email has to be sent With Subject "Chase Quote” to Quotation manager.

Support manager should be notified if case is not resolved within priority time (4 hours for emergency/1 Day for major).

When work order is generated then account user should be notify.

When quote is created for procurement email notification would be sent to Purchase user.


Plug-in to generate job reference number


RFQ [Custom Entity]



MS CRM- Sales Force Automation for a Finance Company

Project Overview:

The client, one of the largest Pharmaceutical Company globally, wanted to enhance and improvise the customer relationship by automating the generation of daily activities for different users and geographical locations, based on custom business processes. Further, they wanted to have the functionality to import the data available in offline mode to MS CRM.

Solution Brief: Configuration of MS Dynamics CRM 4.0

Customization of MS Dynamics CRM 4.0

MS CRM Implementation for a Pharmaceutical Company

Daily Activity Generation:

To enhance the customer experience, it was desired to have some functionality in MS CRM to generate phone call activities daily based on some custom business logic.

Generated activities were also assigned to different users based on the geographical location of Account/Contact. We have developed a windows service to implement this functionality. This window service was configured to execute once daily. Web service exposed by MS CRM SDK is used to develop this window service.

Custom Import Utility:

Utility to import accounts and contacts based on the custom business logic of filtration.

Report Generation:

Around 30 business reports developed using SQL Server Reporting Service and deployed to MS CRM Server.

MS CRM Implementation for a Pharmaceutical Company

Sage CRM Customization for a Consulting Company

Project Overview:

The client wanted to extend some functionalities available in their CRM system and integrate marketing, sales, customer service, and customer information tools together in an entirely Web-based package.

Solution Brief: Customization Sage CRM 6.2 using ASP page and


Integration of the Google Maps API customized ASP page to calculate the distance between given two postcodes.

Integration of ASP.Net and Sage CRM and managing all the underlying communication using Sage CRM SOAP web services (no reading or writing directly to the database is allowed).

Customizations done by NINtec:

Field calculations: Using the Opened date and closed date of a case we created a script that will work out the number of working days to close the case. This calculation takes into account weekends and holidays and displays it on the case summary screen in a new field.

Address Mileage calculation: Client wanted the Postcode caption on the Address page as a hyperlink. When the Postcode caption/link is clicked, a pop-up window is displayed that shows the Google driving directions to that postcode. Once this number of miles is passed back to CRM, it create another address field called Mileage cost, which is calculated from 40p/mile for a return journey. Again this cost is populated into the Mileage cost field. we proposed address mileage calculation to be done using the ActiveX object "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" and screen scrapping to read the web service response and do the required calculation.

Case Tracking Note to Communications Tab: We Created a communication for a case when the tracking is updated with a new note. The communication action is named 'Tracking Note' This will benefit the user because they will not have to look at the tracking tab as well as the communications tab for an update to the case.

Company Context Area: The context area (blue area at the top of Sage CRM) provides the user to add some summary information for the company. This include Number of open cases and Number of open opportunities for that company. These customizations are saved as a component.

Web Form to Create Records in Sage CRM: When a potential customer visit the web form and submits, the system generates- Company, Person, Address records, Phone records and Communication records.

Sage CRM Customization for a Consulting Company

Project Overview:

The client was looking for a platform, which would enable them and agencies to interact smoothly in order to review strategic and creative works in process. The solution which is a Content Delivery & Collaborative Solution is a customized solution which can be completely integrated with the current organizational website or a branded site to be newly developed.

To develop a web-enabled application which covers all aspects of interaction between the client and the other parties (Customer, Employee, Vendors and Re-sellers).

Sugar CRM: Content delivery & Collaborative Solution for an Advertising Company

Solution Brief: Implementation of SugarCRM 4.5 1d (PHP):

• The presentation layer is developed as a web-based application using SugarCRM technology

• The common library is developed using LAMP technology

• The Business layer and Data Access layer is developed using class library project in PHP.

• The Database layer is implemented using SQL server


1. Information Publishing

2. Intelligent Search and Knowledge Management

3. Alert Messaging

4. Client Interactions Postings

5. Collaborative Tool

6. Invoicing Tool

7. Time Card Tool

8. Link management


Sugar CRM: Content delivery & Collaborative Solution for an Advertising Company

Sugar CRM Customization for a Healthcare Company

Project Overview:

The client from the Healthcare business, runs a call center and uses Avaya for calling and Sugar CRM for customer relationship management. The callers are calling from home and requirement is to provide single screen to track the customer, filling details on the case, to know other agents calling status and provide effective searching to find the contents from agent scripting, mails, FAQ, Alerts, Knowledgebase which are available in Sugar CRM.

The tasks involved were development of several customer module to accommodate in Sugar CRM application in such a way that they can be easily migrated with new version of Sugar CRM in future. Creation of the dashlet to put on Sugar CRM homepage was also required. Each dashlet refreshes data in certain time interval.

Solution Brief: Customization of SugarCRM 4.5 1d (PHP)

Modules Integration

NINtec has done some customization to integrate the special requirements from the client which are not originally exist in Sugar CRM.

Agent Script: It contains the declaration of all the drop down menus (combo box) used in Sugar CRM framework. NINtec has added two more drop downs named Split Type and Script Priority.

Sugar CRM Framework does not allow search for the blank (--None--) value in the version provided by the client. NINtec has made customization for search on (--None--) value which gives the list of all the contents.

While creating a Case the “Agent Script” button was required by client to search the agent scripts in popup according to the call reason selected. NINtec has made changes in the file to integrate that functionality.

Alerts: NINtec has made changes to integrate the hyper link functionality in the Alert dashlet view.

FAQ’s: NINtec has made changes to provide the popup for search of FAQs according to Employers or Health Products in Contacts Detail View.

Search: NINtec has created a schedule to run a cron job for the Indexation task on every second. The duration for the cron job can be changed from the scheduler by the administrator.

NINtec has created the function to perform Indexation task.

NINtec has made changes required to add the Indexation schedule in to the existing schedule list provided by the Sugar CRM framework.

Dashlet Refresh Time: Refresh time of the homepage dashlet can change by changing the interval from the displayScript->setInterval function of the given above files for Alert and FAQ modules accordingly.

Sugar CRM Customization for a Healthcare Company

Our Partners

Thank you

Global Presence

Vipin Moharir

Managing DirectorNINtec B.V.

Head OfficeBredewater 4L, 2715 CA Zoetermeer,

The Netherlands

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Fax: +31 (0) 79 320 0802

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© Copyright 2009 NINtec B.V.