CRL Print Archives Preservation Registry (PAPR) ALA Midwinter 2012 Update.

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Transcript of CRL Print Archives Preservation Registry (PAPR) ALA Midwinter 2012 Update.

CRL Print Archives Preservation Registry (PAPR)

ALA Midwinter 2012 Update

PAPR Collection Analysis


CRL PAPR Development

• CRL is partnering with California Digital Library to design and develop PAPR.  Ithaka S+R is advising CRL on the project.

• PAPR Phase 1 will include holdings of WEST, CRL, and others (available mid-2012)

Library Catalogs

Archived Holdings

Holdings for analysis

Archived Holdings

Archived Titles and Holdings

Print Archive Programs

PAPR Knowledgebase

PAPR Collection Analysis


CRL PAPR Components

Library Catalogs

Archived Holdings

Holdings for analysis

Archived Holdings

Archived Titles and Holdings

Print Archive Programs

PAPR Knowledgebase

Open online searching

CRL & GRF members only

PAPR Knowledgebase: Home


Program Summary


Facilities Summary



Facility Details

Title Search Overview



Title Search List


Title Summary

Title Details

Previewv.5 – v.30 (1968-1984)

PAPR Collection Analysis


CRL PAPR Development

Library Catalogs

Archived Holdings

Holdings for analysis

Archived Holdings

Archived Titles and Holdings

Print Archive Programs

PAPR Knowledgebase

• Libraries and consortia provide archiving criteria and holdings records for comparison

• PAPR compares consortial holdings and existing archives, recommends titles and archivers, produces reports for deselection or gap-filling

Archiving Proposals

Deselection Reports

1. PAPR online directory and searching: by June 2012 or earlier

2. PAPR Collection analysis services:

• In process for WEST (development partner• Overlap analysis and WEST title categories

~ 83 WEST member files loaded, analysis underway Jan – Feb 2012

• Archive Builders report archived titles (spring 2012)

• Deselection reports (spring 2012)

• For other libraries/consortia: after June 2012

3. Future phases: newspapers, government documents, PAPR as center for preservation data

PAPR Development Schedule