Critical thermal limits of bumble bees (Bombus impatiens ...and Esch (1990) found that three bumble...

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Transcript of Critical thermal limits of bumble bees (Bombus impatiens ...and Esch (1990) found that three bumble...

© 2018. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

Critical thermal limits of bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) are marked by stereotypical

behaviors and are unchanged by acclimation, age, or feeding status.

K. Jeannet Oyen* & Michael E. Dillon

Department of Zoology and Physiology & Program in Ecology, University of Wyoming,

Laramie, WY, 82071 USA

*Address for correspondence:

Dept. Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming

1000 East University Avenue - Dept 3166, Laramie, WY 82071 USA



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ipt the most recent version at First posted online on 12 March 2018 as 10.1242/jeb.165589

SUMMARY: Stereotypical behaviors at extreme temperatures correspond to loss of muscular

function and yield repeatable estimates of CTmin and CTmax for bumble bees.


Critical thermal limits often determine species distributions for diverse ectotherms and have

become a useful tool for understanding past and predicting future range shifts in response to

changing climates. Despite recently documented population declines and range shifts of bumble

bees (genus Bombus), the few measurements of thermal tolerance available for the group have

relied on disparate measurement approaches. We describe a novel stereotypical behavior expressed

by bumble bee individuals during entry into chill coma. This behavioral indicator of CTmin

occurred at ambient temperatures of 3-5 °C (~7-9 °C core temperatures) and was accompanied by

a pronounced CO2 pulse, indicative of loss of spiracle function. CTmax was indicated by the onset

of muscular spasms prior to entering an unresponsive state and occurred at ambient temperatures

of ~52-55 °C (42-44 °C core temperatures). Measurements of CTmin and CTmax were largely

unaffected by acclimation, age, or feeding status, but faster ramping rates significantly increased

CTmax and decreased CTmin. This high-throughput approach allows rapid measurement of critical

thermal limits for large numbers of bees, facilitating large-scale comparisons among bumble bee

populations and species – a key step in determining current and future effects of climate on these

critical pollinators.

KEYWORDS: thermal tolerance, ramping rate, chill coma, metabolism, CTmin, CTmax


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At extreme cold and hot temperatures organisms lose neuromuscular function (Robertson et al.,

2017) making them unable to feed or escape from predators (Cowles and Bogert, 1944; Huey and

Kingsolver, 1989). The coldest and hottest temperatures at which organisms can maintain muscle

control (CTmin and CTmax, respectively) can therefore delineate climates where populations can

persist (Ayrinhac et al., 2004; Calosi et al., 2010; Overgaard et al., 2014) and vary predictably

across latitude and altitude for diverse ectotherms (Gaston and Chown, 1999; Addo-Bediako et al.,

2000; Sheldon and Tewksbury, 2014; Oyen et al., 2016). Further, thermal tolerance and its

plasticity are key traits for predicting distributions of diverse organisms in response to changing

climates (Ayrinhac et al., 2004; Kellermann et al., 2009; Rezende et al., 2011).

Shifts in elevational and latitudinal ranges have been recently documented for bumble bees across

Europe and North America (Kerr et al., 2015). Shifts to higher elevations and range compressions

among southern bumble bee species appear unrelated to changes in land or pesticide use, and are

unlikely to reflect shifts in resources, but strongly correlate with changes in climate (Kerr et al.,

2015). Differences among bumble bee populations and species in tolerance of temperature

extremes may in part underlie these recently observed responses to climate warming (Hamblin et

al., 2017). However, despite their ecological (Goulson et al., 2008) and economic (Morandin et

al., 2001; Velthuis and Doorn, 2006) importance and broad geographic distributions (Goulson,

2010), thermal tolerance of bumble bees (genus Bombus) has rarely been measured (but see Goller

and Esch, 1990; Owen et al., 2013; Martinet et al., 2015; Oyen et al., 2016; Hamblin et al., 2017),

a surprising gap given a long history of study of bumble bee thermal biology (Heinrich, 1975).

Bumble bees are heterothermic, capable of regulating body temperatures across a large range of


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ambient temperatures (Heinrich, 1976). Nevertheless, like other organisms, they lose physiological

function at extreme low and high temperatures. By directly measuring muscle potentials, Goller

and Esch (1990) found that three bumble bee species lost flight muscle activity (i.e., entered into

chill coma; MacMillan and Sinclair, 2011) when thorax temperatures were below ~7-8 ºC. More

recently, Oyen et al. (2016) used a righting response assay to measure CTmin and CTmax of three

bumble bee species. Both CTmin (~9-10 ºC) and CTmax (40-45 ºC) declined with altitude, suggesting

that alpine bumble bees are more tolerant of cold extremes and less tolerant of extreme heat. CTmax

of three urban bumble bee species was measured as the temperature (44-46 ºC) at which they lost

postural control, and was correlated with population responses to urban warming (Hamblin et al.,


These limited estimates of bumble bee thermal tolerance have been measured by different

approaches, potentially limiting their utility in broader-scale comparative work, which requires

standardized, repeatable methods (Terblanche et al., 2007; Sinclair et al., 2015). Although changes

in muscle potentials (Goller and Esch, 1990; Findsen et al., 2014; Andersen et al., 2015) and in

nervous system function (Anderson and Mutchmor, 1968; Bradfisch et al., 1982; Robertson, 2004;

Robertson et al., 2017) can provide direct physiological evidence of thermal limits, the difficulty

of these experimental approaches make them less attractive for large-scale comparative studies.

Conversely, the simplicity of measuring righting response (Fry, 1967) has led to its prodigious use

as a metric of thermal tolerance, but righting response may be affected by differences in motivation

(bees may choose not to right even when they are able to; Hazell and Bale, 2011), so it is unclear

if these behavioral differences represent physiological thresholds (Lutterschmidt and Hutchison,

1997a; Sinclair et al., 2015). Bumble bees may fail to right at non-stressful room temperatures


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and remain on their backs for minutes to hours, occasionally righting at much lower temperatures

(Oyen et al., 2016).

Additionally, thermal tolerance may vary in response to many intrinsic factors including nutritional

status, age, and previous temperature exposure. Cold tolerance depends strongly on maintenance

of ion homeostasis for chill-susceptible insects (Coello Alvarado et al., 2015; MacMillan et al.,

2015). Hemolymph ion balance can be altered by food intake (Shreve et al., 2007; Coleman et al.,

2015; Koštál et al., 2016), so cold tolerance can change in response to uptake of dietary salts and

sugars. For example, in Drosophila, increased dietary salts such as KCI and NaCI led to faster

recovery from chill coma (Yerushalmi et al., 2016), whereas increased dietary sugars reduced cold

tolerance (Colinet et al., 2013b). Whether dietary sugars alter thermal tolerance of bumble bees,

which feed primarily on floral nectar, is unknown.

Thermal tolerance can also vary with age (Bowler and Terblanche, 2008). Many studies have

shown thermal tolerance traits vary between and within life stages (Davison, 1969; Crill et al.,

1996; Bale et al., 1989; Nyamukondiwa and Terblanche, 2009; Chidawanyika et al., 2017).

Variation in thermal tolerance within life stages (e.g. larvae or adults) may be due to age-related

morphological and physiological reorganization or to senescence (Bowler, 1967; Bowler and

Hollingsworth, 1966; Bowler and Terblanche, 2008; Colinet et al., 2013a). High thermal tolerance

in pre-adult stages is often followed by marked declines in thermal tolerance after eclosion to the

adult stage (Bowler, 1967; Pappas et al., 2007; Colinet et al., 2013a). To our knowledge, thermal

tolerance of larval and pupal bumble bees has not been measured; for adult bumble bees, muscle


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physiology and metabolism can change markedly with age, (Skandalis et al., 2011) so bumble bees

may show age-related shifts in thermal tolerance.

Previous temperature exposure can also alter thermal tolerance in insects. Over short time scales,

differences in ramping rates often alter thermal tolerance (Overgaard et al., 2006; Terblanche et

al., 2007). For example, Drosophila up-regulate heat-shock protein (HSP) expression more at

slower ramping rates such that they can tolerate hotter temperatures (higher CTmax) and suffer less

cellular damage after heat exposure (Sørensen et al., 2013). Conversely, slower ramping rates may

allow core temperatures to more closely track external temperatures, potentially resulting in more

conservative estimates of thermal limits than suggested by faster ramping rates. Compared to other

insects, bumble bees are large heterotherms (Heinrich, 1976), and generally can maintain high

thoracic temperatures at ambient temperatures between ~ 9 and 30 °C (Heinrich, 1972). Therefore,

even at more extreme temperatures associated with CTmin and CTmax, thoracic temperatures may

be offset from ambient temperatures, potentially with a lag dependent on body size and ramping

rate (Gates, 1980).

The ability to quickly mount a physiological or biochemical response to stressful environmental

temperatures may facilitate persistence in changing climates (Somero, 2010). Therefore,

acclimation capacity is a potentially important factor not only for determining plasticity in thermal

tolerance traits but also persistence under current and future climate change (Stillman, 2003;

Gunderson et al., 2017). The mechanisms allowing insects to increase thermal tolerance in

response to stressful temperatures include changes in membrane composition (Overgaard et al.,

2008), upregulation of HSPs (Joplin et al., 1990; Colinet et al., 2010) and extensive changes in the


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transcriptome and metabolome (Teets et al., 2012). Little is known about the response of bumble

bee thermal tolerance to acclimation. Queen bumble bees show tissue-specific changes in HSPs

during diapause (Kim et al., 2008) and both queens and workers have increased survival at low

temperatures following a cold exposure (Owen et al., 2013). These limited lines of evidence

suggest that bumble bee critical thermal limits could also change in response to thermal history.

A better understanding of the potential role of thermal tolerance in past and future responses of

bumble bees to changing climates requires an easily implemented approach to measuring thermal

tolerance that is also clearly tied to organism physiology and knowledge of plasticity of thermal

tolerance over short time scales (Allen et al., 2016). Here, we validate a new high-throughput

method for measurement of CTmin and CTmax in bumble bees. We show that stereotypical behaviors

(previously undescribed in bumble bees) are tightly linked to a final release of CO2 due to loss of

spiracle control, clearly marking entry into chill coma (CTmin) (MacMillan et al., 2012; Lighton

and Turner, 2004; Sinclair et al., 2004) and likely indicative of loss of neuromuscular function

(Robertson and Money, 2012; Robertson et al., 2017). We further show that bumble bee CTmax is

indicated by the onset of muscular spasms and measurement of CTmax is not influenced by previous

measurement of CTmin. Using this high-throughput method, we find that estimates of CTmin and,

to a lesser extent, CTmax are generally consistent among individuals within a nest. Thermal limits

are largely unaffected by acclimation temperature, feeding status, age, or body mass, but are

influenced by temperature ramping rate.


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Animal rearing

All experimental animals came from three commercially-reared B. impatiens colonies (Koppert

Biological Systems, Howell, MI, USA), which each contained ~250 female workers, the natal

queen, and a bag of proprietary sucrose solution. One colony was used for initial measurements of

critical thermal limits, for determining the effect of CTmin on CTmax, and also for respirometry and

core temperature measurements. A second colony was used for acclimation treatments, and a third

colony was used to determine the effects of ramping rate, age, and feeding status on critical thermal

limits. All colonies were kept in the lab at ~22 °C under a 12 h day/night cycle. Colonies were

provided with ~10 g of ground fresh-frozen pollen (Brushy Mountain Bee Farm, Moravian Falls,

NC, USA) every other day. Female workers were taken directly from colonies immediately prior

to experiments, except where otherwise noted.

Determination of CTmin and CTmax

After removing pollen loads, bees were weighed to the nearest mg (Acculab ALC 210.4, Sartorius,

NY, USA) and then placed in individual 2-dram clear glass vials (2 cm width x 5 cm height) with

acrylic lids and two ~2 mm air holes. The inside of vials was first coated with INSECT-a-SLIP

(BioQuip, Rancho Dominguez, CA, USA) to prevent bees from climbing the walls and then placed

in wells (16 total, 20 mm diameter, 3 mm deep) milled in a solid aluminum block. A slot within

each well housed a T-type thermocouple (30 gauge) in contact with both the aluminum well and

the sidewall of each vial. These “vial” temperatures were individually tracked using two TC-08

thermocouple data loggers (PICO Technology, Tyler, TX, USA). The aluminum block was

mounted on two thermoelectric plates (TEC1-12706, 40 x 40 cm, 12V, 92W, ΔT=63 °C), with the


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active side of the TEC and the block insulated from room air within a foam cooler (40 X 30 X 15

cm and 5 cm thick, rigid foam insulation). A K-type thermocouple mounted on the block as

described above measured vial and block temperatures used by a proportional integral derivative

controller (Auber Instruments, GA, USA) to regulate temperature.

For each experimental run, 16 bees were placed in individual vials on the block and held at 22 °C

for 10 minutes before vial temperature was ramped to -5 °C at a rate of ~0.25 °Cmin-1 (realized

ramping rates were within 0.02 °Cmin-1 across runs). As temperature decreased, bees were

continuously monitored for signs of curling (see supplemental video and results section for a full

description of CTmin behavior). Bees were immediately removed from the block following CTmin

and allowed to warm to room temperature (~20-22 °C) on the bench top at a rate of ~0.15 °Cmin-

1. After the aluminum block equilibrated with room temperature (~20 min), we immediately started

CTmax trials. Bees were returned to the block and held at 22 °C for 10 minutes followed by ramping

vial temperature to 65°C at a rate of 0.25±0.02 °Cmin-1. As temperatures rose, bees became

agitated, lost muscular coordination, and began to spasm, at which point CTmax was recorded (see

supplemental video and results section for full description of CTmax behavior).

Determination of bumble bee core thoracic temperatures

Tracking of vial temperatures allows for high-throughput measurement of bee responses to

ambient temperatures, facilitating characterization of ecologically-relevant thermal limits for

populations of bees (Table 1). However, both to confirm that core temperatures track vial

temperatures and to estimate core temperatures associated with CTmin and CTmax, we measured

core temperatures in a second set of ramping experiments. Fine 37-gauge thermocouple wire


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(Omega® Engineering, Stamford, CT, USA) was implanted at 3 mm depth (typical thorax depth

is ~7 mm) into a small hole near the midline of the thorax between the wing bases created with an

insect pin and subsequently sealed with beeswax (bees lived up to 2 weeks after the implant was

removed, suggesting limited long-term effects of the approach). Bees with implanted

thermocouples were placed in vials on the aluminum block (as described above) and cooled or

heated to CTmin or CTmax, respectively, at nominal rates of 0.1 ºCmin-1, 0.25 ºCmin-1, and 1 ºCmin-

1 (vial temperatures were simultaneously monitored as described above). Realized rates of heating

and cooling for both core thoracic and vial temperatures are reported in Table 2. For clarity, we

have used the labels 0.1, 0.25, and 1 ºCmin-1 throughout. Unless otherwise noted, we report vial

temperatures throughout the manuscript; however, the summary values in Table 2 allow estimation

of associated core temperatures.


We measured CO2 production of bumble bees during cold ramps using a flow-through

respirometry system with data acquisition software (ExpeData, Sable Systems International [SSI],

Las Vegas, NV). For each experimental run, a single bee was placed in a glass chamber (75 mm L

x 20 mm diameter, 5.3 mL volume) with aluminum end caps sealed with rubber O-rings. Dry,

CO2-free air was pumped at a flow rate of 100±2 mLmin-1 through the chamber containing the bee

as well through an identical but empty “baseline” chamber using regulated pumps (SS4, SSI). The

respirometry chambers rested on a temperature-controlled aluminum block, attached to a

thermoelectric cooler and controlled using a proportional integral derivative controller (see above)

to ramp at 0.25 °Cmin-1. A 36 gauge (~0.5 mm diameter, 2 mm long) T-type thermocouple inserted

through one end of the baseline chamber was attached to a digital thermocouple reader (Omega®


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HH23A, Stamford, Connecticut, USA), to monitor air temperature throughout experiments

(recorded approximately every 4 min or ~1 ºC, with intervening temperatures linearly

interpolated). A BL-2 baselining unit (SSI) controlled by the data acquisition software allowed for

automatic switching between the baseline and experimental (with bee) chambers. Excurrent air

was subsampled at a rate of 50 ± 3 mL/min (SS4, SSI) through a Licor LI-7000 (LI-COR®,

Lincoln, NE, USA) which measured CO2 (ppm) and water vapor pressure (kPa). The LI-7000 was

zeroed and spanned daily, using a column of magnesium perchlorate and ascarite and primary

standard 1020 ppm CO2, respectively. Both the BL-2 and LI-7000 were connected to a desktop

computer via a 16-bit data acquisition interface (SSI UI2, basic accuracy 0.03%). The temperature

profile during metabolic experiments mirrored the steps described above for CTmin: 22 ºC to -5 ºC

at 0.25 ºCmin-1. CO2 measurements continued for 10 min after observation of curling behavior to

verify the lack of subsequent CO2 pulses. A minimum of 60 seconds of baseline data at the

beginning and end of each experiment allowed for lag and drift correction of traces prior to



To test for effects of acclimation on CTmin and CTmax, worker bees were removed from a single

nest and placed in separate feeding containers (19 cm x 14 cm x 9 cm, with 15 2 mm air holes) for

12 h at 4ºC, or 72 h at each of 15 and 32ºC. Pilot experiments demonstrated that bees were unable

to feed below 13ºC and therefore could not be held below this threshold for longer than 12h

(normal day-night cycle), and that bees held above 34ºC for any length of time suffered high

mortality. We therefore selected 15ºC as an intermediate cool temperature at which bees foraged

normally and could therefore be held for up to 72h without high mortality and 32ºC as the highest


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temperature at which bees survived and maintained normal feeding behaviors. The feeding

containers were placed in 1280-oz PowerChill Thermoelectric Cooler (Coleman Outdoor

Company, Golden CO, USA) modified with heat lamps and timed lights (12:12 LD). A K-type

thermocouple mounted within the cooler measured air temperatures used by a PID controller

(Auber Instruments, GA, USA) to regulate temperature. Air temperatures were verified using

HOBO® Pendant Loggers (Onset Computer Corporation, Pocasset, MA, USA). Bees were fed

nectar (50% sucrose/water solution) ad libitum (for those kept at 32 or 15ºC) or only once (for

those held for 12 h at 4ºC). Following acclimation, bees were weighed and then tested for CTmin

and CTmax as described above. To control for run effects and for direct comparison with acclimated

bees, eight additional bees were taken directly from the hive and tested with acclimated bees.

Temperature ramping rate

Because ramping rates may alter estimates of thermal limits (Terblanche et al., 2007), we

additionally measured critical thermal limits with temperatures ramped at nominal rates of 1ºC

min-1 and 0.1ºC min-1. Realized cooling rates were 0.90 ± 0.03ºC min-1 and 0.095 ± 0.004ºC min-

1 and realized heating rates were 0.99 ± 0.13ºC min-1 and 0.10 ± 0.01ºC min-1. For clarity, we have

used the labels 1ºC min-1 and 0.1ºC min-1 throughout.


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To determine whether critical thermal limits change with age (bumble bee physiology can vary

with age; Skandalis et al., 2011), newly emerged individuals from a single nest (clearly indicated

by gray pile and curled wings) were marked with unique colors indicating emergence date. We

measured CTmin and CTmax for three, four, and seven day old bees to span the range of ages

included in previous experiments.


Feeding status may affect critical thermal limits due to resource availability or mass differences.

We therefore measured CTmin and CTmax of bees removed from a single nest, placed in separate

containers and provided either water or nectar for five hours immediately following the 12 hour

night cycle. Pilot experiments revealed that bees did not survive the 4-5 h experiment if previously

deprived of nectar for more than five hours.


We used ANOVA to compare thermal tolerance metrics among treatment groups with mass as a

covariate and post-hoc comparisons by Tukey’s HSD. We compared variance in thermal tolerance

using F tests. We used Pearson’s r to evaluate correlations between core and vial temperatures.

Unless otherwise noted means are reported with standard deviations.


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Measurements of CTmin and CTmax in bumble bees

Critical thermal limits of bumble bees were indicated by stereotypical behaviors, which occurred

spontaneously, without stimulus (see supplemental movie 1 of CTmin and Movie 2 of CTmax

behavior). As bumble bees approached CTmin, they were largely motionless due to cold

temperatures but responsive to stimulation with a metal probe. At CTmin, the bees spontaneously

began moving, typically rocking back and forth. Wings would then flutter vigorously as legs

adducted beneath the abdomen. Lastly, the abdomen, head and antennae would curl ventrally, often

causing the bee to fall over. At this stage bees were completely unresponsive when stimulated.

After measurement of CTmin, over 95% of bees survived longer than 24 h and those placed back

in the nest survived for up to 2 weeks.

Critical thermal maxima of B. impatiens was determined as the onset of muscular spasms, a metric

often used to determine upper critical thresholds of ectotherms (Lutterschmidt and Hutchison,

1997a; Lutterschmidt and Hutchison, 1997b). As bees approached this limit, the wings fluttered as

the head and antennae, normally held erect, curled ventrally. Subsequently, the abdomen adducted,

the wings unfolded and spread laterally, and the stinger extended before the bee became still. Bees

typically survived 2-10 h after measurement of CTmax with fewer than 30% of bees surviving 24 h

or longer.


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CTmin of sister bumble bees taken from the same nest occurred at vial temperatures of 3.7±1.6 ºC

(range: 1.4-7.2 ºC) and did not vary significantly with mass (F1,13<0.001, P=0.989; Fig. 1, open

blue points; Table 1). CTmax measured immediately after measurement of CTmin (52.7±4.4 ºC; Fig.

1, red points filled with blue; Table 1) did not differ significantly from measurements of CTmax

taken independently (53.1±3.0 ºC; Fig. 1, open red points; Table 1; F1,28=0.122, P=0.730). CTmax

(range: 45.0-61.0 ºC vial temperatures in this experiment) was more variable than CTmin

(F14,14=7.2, P<0.001), but this increased variance did not appear to be caused by measuring CTmax

immediately after CTmin because variance of CTmax was similarly high when CTmax was measured

independently (F14,14=2.1, P=0.183). As with CTmin, in this experiment mass did not affect CTmax

(F1,28=0.4, P=0.533).

Differences between thoracic and vial temperatures

Across 23 bees varying in body mass from 96 to 243 mg (149±44 mg), core temperatures cooled

more slowly than vial temperatures (Fig. 2, Table 2). The slope of core relative to vial temperature

varied with cooling rate (ANOVA, F2,20=6.35, P=0.007), with bees ramped at 0.25 °Cmin-1 having

a significantly steeper slope (more closely tracking vial temperatures) than bees ramped at 0.1 or

1.0 °Cmin-1 (TukeyHSD, P=0.025, and P=0.011, respectively), which were indistinguishable

(P=0.959). Slopes did not vary significantly with mass for any of the ramping rate treatments

(ANOVA, all P>0.255). Because slopes were shallower than 1, the difference between core and

vial temperature increased as bees were cooled (and varied with ramping rate, Table 2), ranging

from 3.5-5.2 °C at vial temperatures of 8 °C to 4-6.7 °C at vial temperatures of 1.4 °C (Table 2;

these vial temperatures encompass the extreme values recorded across all CTmin experiments).


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Across 30 bees varying in body mass from 101 to 231 mg (151±37 mg), core temperatures

increased more slowly than vials (Fig. 3, Table 2). The slope of core relative to vial temperature

depended on heating rate (ANOVA, F2,27=9.81, P<0.001), with bees ramped at 1.0 °Cmin-1 having

significantly steeper slopes than those ramped at 0.1 or 0.25 °Cmin-1 (TukeyHSD, P<0.001,

P=0.018, respectively), which were indistinguishable (P=0.518; Table 2). Slopes did not vary

significantly with mass for any of the ramping treatments (all P>0.190). Because slopes were

shallower than 1, the difference between core and vial temperature increased as bees were heated

(and varied with ramping rate, Table 2). Core temperatures ranged from 6.4-7.8 °C cooler than

vials at a vial temperature of 42 °C to 13.7-17.5 °C cooler at vial temperatures of 64 °C (Table 2;

these vial temperatures encompass the extreme CTmax values recorded across all experiments).


We measured CO2 production during cold ramps of seven bumble bees ranging in size from 143

to 236 mg. Bees stayed active with mass-specific metabolic rates exceeding 13 mL CO2 g-1h-1 at

temperatures above 12ºC. At lower temperatures, metabolic traces were characterized by steady,

low CO2 release with occasional CO2 pulses (Fig. 4), likely corresponding to periods when

spiracles were closed and open, respectively (Lighton, 1996). We saw strong correspondence

between CTmin and a final, isolated CO2 pulse (Fig. 4). For all seven bees, a final CO2 pulse began

51±33 s prior to observation of curling behavior and peaked 60±28 s after observation of curling

behavior, resulting in a release of 2.3 uL CO2/mg body mass on average (Fig. 4; Table 3). Neither

total CO2 released during the CTmin CO2 pulse (F1,5=0.77, P=0.419), nor the duration of the CO2

pulse (F1,5=0.73, P=0.433) were related to body mass. For the three bees taken down to their


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freezing point (-6.6, -4.9, -4.3ºC), we saw no further metabolic peaks after the pulse associated

with CTmin.


We found no effect of acclimation treatment (F3,88 = 0.10, P=0.960), mass (F1,88= 2.4, P=0.126),

or their interaction (F3,88=0.9, P=0.423) on CTmin (Fig. 5; Table 1). We found a marginally

significant difference in CTmax between acclimation treatments (F3,91=2.4, P=0.069) driven by the

tendency for bees in the 15ºC acclimation treatment to fail at slightly (~3.3ºC) cooler temperatures

than bees taken directly from the nest (P=0.083; Fig. 5). CTmax increased by ~4ºC for every 100

mg increase in body mass (F1, 91 = 12.5, P<0.001).

Ramping rate, age, and feeding status

Overall, CTmin varied with ramping rate (F2,41=15.8, P<0.001), with bees ramped at 1 ºC min-1

having ~2 ºC colder CTmin than bees ramped at rates of 0.1 or 0.25 ºC min-1 (Tukey HSD, both

P<0.001), which did not differ in CTmin (P=0.879; Fig. 5, Table 1). CTmax increased significantly

with ramping rate (F2,38=32.3, P<0.001): ramping at 1 ºC min-1 yielded CTmax estimates 3.1 ºC

warmer than estimates obtained from ramping at 0.25 ºC min-1 (Tukey HSD, P=0.062), which were

7.0ºC warmer than estimates obtained from ramping at 0.1 ºC min-1 (Fig. 5; Table 1). There was

no effect of mass or the interaction between mass and ramping rate on either CTmin or CTmax (all



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Neither age (F2, 26 =0.39, P=0.682), mass (F1, 26 =1.8, P > 0.192), nor the interaction between age

and mass (F2,26=0.3, P=0.749) significantly altered CTmin (Fig. 5; Table 1). CTmax varied

significantly with bumble bee age (F2,26=12.0, P<0.001; Fig. 5; Table 1). Four day old bees had

significantly lower CTmax as compared to 3 and 7 day old bees (Tukey HSD, both P<0.002), which

were indistinguishable (P=0.717).

We found no difference in CTmin (F1,28=2.2, P>0.149) or CTmax (F1,28 = 0.4, P>0.509) between fed

and unfed bumble bees (Fig. 5; Table 1). CTmax decreased with mass for fed bees (F1,28=16.9,

P<0.001) but not unfed bees.


Critical thermal limits of bumble bees

Lab-reared B. impatiens reached CTmin at vial temperatures of ~4 ºC and corresponded to core

temperatures of ~8 ºC (for all bees ramped at 0.25 ºCmin-1). Wild-caught bumble bees lost the

ability to right themselves at ambient temperatures of 7-10 ºC (Oyen et al., 2016). Differences in

these estimates of CTmin could reflect differences in methodology as bees likely lose righting

response prior to reaching chill coma (i.e., at warmer temperatures; we did not disturb bees to

measure righting response in the current study). Additionally, these (wild and lab-reared) species

could differ in lower critical thermal limits as has been documented for diverse insects (Overgaard

and MacMillan, 2017; Sunday et al., 2011). Application of the methodology described here can

facilitate future comparisons among bumble bee species and populations using a standardized

approach. The only other estimates of bumble bee cold tolerance are lower lethal limits of B.

terrestris, which ranged from -5 to -9 ºC (Owen et al., 2013). But, we do not expect chill coma


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and lower lethal temperatures to occur at the same temperatures as they reflect different

physiological mechanisms: reversible loss of muscle coordination at CTmin is likely driven by

nervous system failure and depolarization of muscle potentials (Andersen et al., 2015; Goller and

Esch, 1990; Robertson et al., 2017), whereas death at the lower lethal limit is likely due to

irreversible loss of ion homeostasis (Bale, 1993; Hazell and Bale, 2011; Overgaard and

MacMillan, 2017).

Bees reached CTmax at vial temperatures of ~ 53 ºC (corresponding to ~ 43 ºC core temperatures),

much higher than previous estimates of bumble bee CTmax, which range from ~30-46 ºC (ambient

temperature) when measured using righting response (Oyen et al., 2016). Hamblin et al. (2017)

found CTmax indicated by loss of postural control for 3 species of Bombus (including B. impatiens)

varied between 43-52 °C, when bees were heated at 0.5 °Cmin-1. The muscular spasms we relied

on to indicate CTmax happened after loss of postural control and likely after loss of righting

response (though we did not interfere with bees, so lack estimates of righting response for these

lab-reared B. impatiens). Martinet et al. (2015) used a static approach to estimate how long bees

held at 40 ºC could maintain postural control (bees were held at 40ºC). Although their static

approach cannot be directly compared to the present study (as they report times rather than

temperatures), static approaches will likely give lower estimates of CTmax relative to the ramping

approaches (increased at 0.25 ºCmin-1) used here (Nguyen et al., 2014; Santos et al., 2011).


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High CTmax and low CTmin resulted in ~50 ºC thermal tolerance breadth to ambient temperatures

for B. impatiens, greatly exceeding estimates of thermal tolerance breadth (TTB) for most

ectothermic organisms (also usually based on ambient temperatures; Sunday et al., 2011). This

corresponded to tolerance of ~35 ºC range in core temperatures. The difference between thoracic

and ambient thermal tolerance limits in bumble bees may arise from the ability of heterothermic

bumble bees to modulate internal temperatures at both cold and hot ambient temperatures

(Heinrich, 1976). Despite their prodigious thermoregulatory ability, extremely cold and hot

temperatures have marked effects on their behavior likely reflecting a of loss of neuromuscular

function (see supplemental movies; Fig. 4).

Previous work on bumble bees suggested strong effects of mass on thermal tolerance limits (Oyen

et al., 2016). Here, we found that CTmin was consistent across bees varying in mass from 53 to 285

mg, whereas CTmax increased approximately 1 ºC for every 25 mg increase in body mass. Contrary

to our expectations, this effect was not explained by the difference between core and vial

temperature: for neither CTmin nor CTmax did the slope of the relationship between core and vial

temperature depend on mass (Table 2). Alternatively, the increase in CTmax with mass could be

due to larger bees escaping hot temperatures by climbing the walls of the vials (despite the

application of INSECT-a-SLIP) more effectively than their smaller counterparts. Regardless, these

results suggest that CTmax may vary by ~8 ºC within a population given the typical range in mass

of bumble bee workers (50-300 mg).


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In all experiments, CTmin was generally less variable, ranging from 1.4 ºC to 8.0 ºC, than CTmax

which varied from 42 ºC to 65.0 ºC across all experiments (vial temperatures; Table 1). Ranges in

estimated core temperatures at failure were smaller: ~6-11 ºC for CTmin and ~36-50 ºC for CTmax

(Table 2; Figs 2-3). This pattern is opposite of many other measurements of critical thermal limits

where CTmax tends to be less variable than CTmin (Mitchell et al., 1993; Klok and Chown, 2001;

Jumbam et al., 2007). Our measurements of CTmin were less variable (sd of 1.6 ºC across all

experiments; Table 1) than CTmin measurements for other insects (Sheldon and Tewksbury, 2014;

Slabber and Chown, 2005; Klok and Chown, 2001; Gaston and Chown, 1999). This limited

variability in CTmin is in part methodological as bees show clearly visible, stereotyped, and short-

lived behaviors (supplementary movie 1) at the onset of chill coma (Fig. 4) but may also reflect

strong genetic and developmental similarity between workers within colonies. Bees failed over a

narrower range of estimated core temperatures (~6-11 ºC for CTmin), with the larger variation in

vial temperatures at failure in part due to differences among bees in how core temperatures tracked

vial temperatures (particularly in response to different ramping rates; Fig. 2; Table 2). Aside from

these differences in core-vial offsets, variability in CTmin may reflect innate individual variation in

cold tolerance, given that acclimation, feeding status, and age did not influence CTmin.

Variation in our estimates of CTmax are within the range of reported values for other insects

(Sunday, 2011). Comparable studies using loss of postural control (Hamblin et al., 2017) and

righting response (Oyen et al., 2016) to indicate CTmax, also resulted in high levels of variation

with CTmax ranging from ~45 – 52 °C and ~30 – 46 °C, respectively. Here we show that variability

in the offset between thoracic temperature and vial temperature could explain as much as 9 °C of

variation in our estimates of CTmax, given that offsets of bees heated at 0.25 °Cmin-1 were between


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6 and 15 °C. Higher variability in CTmax may also reflect the length of the behavior (onset of

muscular spasms, which may last for minutes) and the difficulty distinguishing the onset of muscle

spasms from the erratic behavior of bumble bees in hot temperatures.


Metabolic traces of all measured individuals followed a similar pattern with high levels of CO2

output above 12ºC followed by lower overall CO2 production, which typically corresponded to

lower activity levels. Differences among individuals in the duration and total CO2 released during

the CTmin CO2 pulse were not related to body mass but might reflect time elapsed since the previous

CO2 pulse. The clear behavioral indication of CTmin (see supplemental movie 1) always

corresponded to a final pulse and subsequent decrease in CO2 release, matching similar patterns in

CO2 production observed in other insects as they enter chill coma (Sinclair et al., 2004; Stevens et

al., 2010; MacMillan et al., 2012). The CO2 pulse likely indicates a loss of muscular control at

CTmin and resulting inability to close spiracles, leading to an efflux of CO2 without subsequent

periodic pulses (Goller and Esch, 1990; Hosler et al., 2000). Relaxation of spiracles typically, but

not always, results in opening rather than closing (Chapman, 1998) and therefore may lead to a

slow release of CO2 after muscular failure (Stevens et al., 2010). Because this pattern is consistent

among diverse insect taxa, it likely represents a complete loss of neuromuscular control induced

by low temperature (Overgaard and MacMillan, 2017; Robertson et al., 2017). The loss of muscle

control following CTmin could represent a localized failure at the muscular level, systemic failure

within the central nervous system, or both (Overgaard and MacMillan, 2017). Because this

physiological threshold is marked by clear behavior, bumble bees provide a compelling system for

studying the mechanisms underlying effects of extreme temperatures on insects.


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Acclimation responses in critical thermal limits have been documented in many insects (Fields et

al., 1998; Overgaard et al., 2008; Chidawanyika and Terblanche, 2011) and may represent a key

physiological mechanism allowing species to cope with environmental change (Overgaard et al.,

2011; Seebacher et al., 2015; but see Gunderson et al., 2017). However, we found little evidence

for effects of temperature acclimation on either CTmin or CTmax of B. impatiens. Ants show a

similarly weak response of thermal limits to acclimation, with more pronounced effects of

acclimation on CTmax than on CTmin (Jumbam et al., 2008). Few data are available for acclimation

capacity in bees, but rapid cold hardening, a form of plasticity likely driven by upregulation of

molecular chaperones and changes in cell membrane structure, has been documented in B.

terrestris (Owen et al., 2013). Although rapid cold hardening, the heat shock response, and

acclimation are potentially physiologically distinct responses (Bowler, 2005; Sinclair and Roberts,

2005), the minimal response of CTmin and CTmax to acclimation temperatures reported here

suggests that adult bumble bees must behaviorally compensate for environmental heat waves or

cold snaps.

Ramping rate

Ramping rates may alter estimates of critical thermal limits by increasing or decreasing the lag

between environmental temperature and organism core temperature equilibration or by inducing

different physiological responses associated with the duration of exposure (Terblanche et al.,

2007). Bumble bees ramped at 1ºC min-1 had significantly (~2 °C) lower CTmin and (~10 °C) higher

CTmax (Fig. 5), suggesting that either the offset between core and vial temperatures was greater at


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faster ramping rates or that tolerance increased because duration of exposure to stressful

temperatures decreased. Given that thoracic temperatures of bumble bees cooled at 1.0 °Cmin-1

were not significantly different from those ramped at 0.1 °Cmin-1, the difference in CTmin, at faster

cooling rates may be driven by decreased exposure time to physiologically stressful temperatures

(Terblanche et al., 2007).

Bumble bees failed at thoracic temperatures between ~32 - 46 °C when heated at 0.25 °Cmin-1, or

0.1 °Cmin-1, but failed at thoracic temperatures between ~48 – 58 °C when heated at 1.0 °Cmin-1.

This increase in CTmax estimates at faster ramping rates was not due to larger offsets between core

and vial temperatures because the offset between thoracic and vial temperatures decreased at faster

ramping rates (Fig. 3; Table 2). Rather, faster ramping rates decreased the time bees are exposed

to physiologically stressful conditions, such that those ramped more quickly reach higher

temperatures before failure. Increased thoracic temperatures at faster heating rates may represent

a breakdown in thermoregulatory ability. Bumble bees actively shunt heat from the thorax to the

abdomen via blood flow to prevent overheating (Heinrich, 1976), but if temperatures rise too

quickly, they may not be able to effectively regulate body temperature via blood flow.

Critical thermal limits of cockroaches (Cocking, 1959) and fruit flies (Overgaard et al., 2006) also

shift dependent on ramping rate. Slower ramping rates may provide sufficient time for hardening,

a form of phenotypic plasticity (Hoffmann et al., 2003) which involves changes in cellular

membrane structure that protect cells from injury (Anneli Korhonen and Lagerspetz, 1996; Kelty

and Lee, 2001). Tsetse flies have lower CTmin and CTmax when ramped more slowly, possibly due

to rapid cold hardening prior to CTmin and increased duration of exposure to stressful hot


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temperatures near CTmax (Terblanche et al., 2007). Rapid cold hardening has been documented in

B. terrestris (Owen et al., 2013), but is unlikely to explain lower CTmin of B. impatiens at faster

ramping rates (Table 1, 2), because time for cold hardening is reduced. For the same reason,

elevated CTmax at fast ramping rates is unlikely to reflect upregulation of stress compounds, such

as heat shock proteins, or thermoprotective metabolites, e.g. sorbitol (Wolfe et al., 1998) or glucose

(Sformo et al., 2010). Broader thermal tolerance measures (higher CTmax and lower CTmin) at faster

ramping rates may instead reflect a shorter duration of exposure to stressful temperatures

(Terblanche et al., 2007).

Age and feeding

Age and feeding status can affect physiological and biochemical processes and therefore may alter

critical thermal limits. Several studies have shown variation in critical thermal limits with age

(Bowler and Hollingsworth, 1966; Bowler, 1967; Nyamukondiwa and Terblanche, 2009;

Chidawanyika et al., 2017). Age did not alter CTmin in B. impatiens, but CTmax was significantly

lower in 4 day old bees relative to either 3 or 7 day old bees. The reason for this pattern is an open

question. In fruit flies, CTmin decreased with age and CTmax increased with age up to 14 days old

(Nyamukondiwa and Terblanche, 2009). We found little variation in thermal tolerance of bumble

bees up to 7 days old (Table 1). However, bumble bees may sometimes live for more than 14 days

(Goulson, 2010) and whether these older bumble bees show shifts in thermal tolerance remains to

be tested.


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Maintenance of ion homeostasis at low temperatures likely underlies cold tolerance in many

organisms. Feeding can therefore alter lower thermal limits of through effects on hemolymph ion

concentrations. In both fruit flies and beetles feeding led to higher CTmax, perhaps by increasing

the overall biomass of the organism or by improving nutritional status (Nyamukondiwa and

Terblanche, 2009; Chidawanyika et al., 2017). In bumble bees, feeding had no effect on thermal

tolerance, but starvation longer than five hours led to high mortality at moderate temperatures

(between 26ºC and 31ºC), emphasizing the importance of constant feeding for these animals.

Bumble bee workers have only minimal glycogen stores as compared to bumble bee queens, which

can increase energy stores before overwintering (Röseler and Röseler, 1986). Although we saw no

effect of feeding versus starvation on thermal limits of bumble bees, wild bees may regularly

experience differences in nutritional quality of nectar (Nicolson and Thornburg, 2007), which

alters foraging activity (Pankiw et al., 2004) and influences physiological condition (Stabler et al.,

2015). Investigating the effects of differences in nutritional properties of nectar on thermal limits

of bees may therefore be a fruitful avenue for future research and reveal differences in thermal

tolerance traits related to bumble bee diet.

Acclimation, age, and feeding status had little influence on critical thermal limits of bees.

However, CTmin and CTmax varied significantly between nests, when all bees from a nest were

considered together, regardless of experimental treatment (F2,203=33.7, P<0.001). Bees for

experiments came from three distinct nests, with bees used in the acclimation experiments having

CTmin ~1ºC higher overall than bees used in the initial measurements of CTmin (TukeyHSD,

P=0.034), and ~1.7ºC higher than bees used in ramping rate, age, and feeding experiments

(TukeyHSD, P<0.001), with bees from the latter two nests indistinguishable in terms of CTmin


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(TukeyHSD, P=0.184). CTmax did not differ significantly among nests (F2,217=0.90, P=0.407).

These analyses group bees from different experimental treatments, so must be interpreted with

caution. However, they do suggest that thermal limits may differ between colonies, perhaps due to

genetic or maternal effects or to differences in developmental conditions; but we know little about

the history of the commercially-reared nests. Future work on among-colony differences in thermal

tolerance will be particularly revealing if the source of queens and developmental conditions of

the colonies are known.

Critical thermal limits of bumble bees described here are repeatable and largely unaffected by

acclimation, feeding status, or age and are clearly associated with physiological thresholds. This

strong link between an easily observable behavior and the underlying physiological limit makes

bumble bees a compelling system for studying the cellular mechanisms leading to loss of muscular

control at CTmin and CTmax. Furthermore, measurements of critical thermal limits of bumble bees

across populations and species may provide valuable insights relating to recent population declines

and range shifts (Grixti et al., 2009; Cameron et al., 2011; Kerr et al., 2015), as well as facilitating

mechanistic predictions (Kearney and Porter, 2009) of the effects of climate change on future

distributions of these vital pollinators.


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We thank Steve DeVries for extensive help with designing and building the equipment used in

these experiments.


The authors declare no competing or financial interests.


This work was funded by NSF-DEB 1457659 to M.E. Dillon.


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Figure 1. Critical thermal limits of B. impatiens vary with body mass. CTmin (open blue

points) and CTmax of bumble bees with CTmax measured after CTmin (blue-filled red points) and

independently (open red points). There was no effect of CTmin on subsequent measurements of

CTmax (F1,28=0.4, P=0.533), and no effect of mass on CTmin or CTmax (F1,13<0.001, P=0.989). See

text for additional statistical analyses.


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Figure 2. Bumble bee core temperatures decrease linearly with vial temperatures during

cooling ramps. Thick lines indicate average response of core temperatures for 23 bees (thin

lines) held in vials ramped at 0.1, 0.25, and 1.0 °Cmin-1 (blue, purple, and red, respectively).

Gray shaded area indicates range of vial temperatures at which bees reached CTmin across all

experiments (see Table 1). Note that experiments proceed from right to left as vials were cooled.

Circles indicate offset values reported in Table 2. See text and Table 2 for statistical details.


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Figure 3. Bumble bee core temperatures increase linearly with vial temperatures during

heating ramps. Thick lines indicate average response of core temperatures for 27 bees (thin

lines) ramped held in vials ramped at 0.1, 0.25, and 1.0 °Cmin-1 (blue, purple, and red,

respectively). Gray shaded area indicates range of vial temperatures at which bees reached CTmax

across all experiments (see Table 1). Circles indicate offset values reported in Table 2. See text

and Table 2 for statistical details.


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Figure 4. Bumble bee CTmin corresponds to a final CO2 pulse indicative of loss of spiracle

control. Representative respirometry trace for a bumble bee ramped at 0.25 ºC min-1 from 18 ºC

(room temperature) to 2 ºC (below CTmin). The point at which CTmin was recorded based on curling

behavior (see supplementary movie 1) is indicated by the arrow, corresponding to a final peak in

CO2. There were no further peaks following CTmin until the bee froze (not shown). See Table 3

and text for statistical analyses and summary of additional respirometry data.


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Figure 5. Critical thermal limits were generally invariant across experimental conditions.

CTmax (upper panel) and CTmin (lower panel) in relation to acclimation treatments, ramping rates,

age, and feeding. Open points indicate values for individual bees, and large filled points indicate

treatment means. CTmax was significantly higher and CTmin was significantly lower (indicated by

*) in the bees ramped at 1 ºC min-1 relative to those ramped at 0. 1 ºC min-1. Four day old bees had

significantly lower CTmax than either 3 or 7 day old bees (indicated by letters). See text for

statistical analyses and Table 1 for summary data.


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Table 1. Thermal tolerance of B. impatiens was largely unaffected by diverse experimental

conditions. Critical thermal minimum and maximum (CTmin, CTmax, respectively) and thermal

tolerance breadth (TTB) across experiments. Values are mean ± SD of vial temperatures, with

sample sizes indicated by numbers in parentheses. Letters indicate statistical differences within

experiments. See text for statistical analyses.


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Experiment (N) CTmin (°C) CTmax (°C) TTB (°C) mass (mg)

CTmin/max (15) 3.7 ± 1.6 52.7 ± 4.4 48.9 ± 4.1 148 ± 37

CTmax (15) -- 53.1 ± 3.0 -- 165 ± 38


Nest (48) 4.7 ± 1.3 53.7 ± 4.8 49.0 ± 5.0 139 ± 43

4 ºC (12h) (16) 4.6 ± 1.6 53.9 ± 4.3 49.3 ± 4.9 144 ± 31

15 ºC (72h) (16) 4.6 ± 1.1 51.5 ± 3.4 46.9 ± 3.9 124 ± 33

32 ºC (72h) (16) 4.8 ± 1.6 52.8 ± 5.9 48.0 ± 6.3 167 ± 48

Ramping Rate (ºC min -1)

0.1 (14) 3.4 ± 1.2b 48.7 ± 3.5b 45.3 ± 3.9 158 ± 27

1.0 (15) 1.4 ± 1.0a 58.5 ± 4.5a 57.1 ± 4.6 163 ± 31

Age (days)

3 (8) 3.5 ± 1.2 56.6 ± 2.4 a 53.1 ± 2.7 190 ± 37

4 (10) 3.4 ± 1.4 51.1 ± 3.2 b 47.7 ± 3.2 169 ± 26

7 (14) 3.0 ± 1.2 55.6 ± 2.5 a 52.6 ± 2.8 177 ± 51

Feeding Status

Fed (16) 3.6 ± 1.0 52.9 ± 4.0 49.2 ± 4.2 185 ± 62

Unfed (16) 3.0 ± 1.4 53.6 ± 3.4 50.5 ± 3.8 175 ± 41


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Table 2. Bumble bee core temperatures lag behind vial temperatures during temperature

ramps. Heating and cooling rates of bee core temperatures were less than vial heating and

cooling rates, such that the slope of the relationship between core and vial temperature was

always less than 1 (Figs. 2, 3; a slope of 1 would indicate core temperatures perfectly tracked

vial temperatures), resulting in increasingly larger offsets at more extreme temperatures. The

offsets (differences between core and vial temperatures) are given for the extreme ranges of vial

temperatures at which bees failed across all experiments (1.4 °C - 8.0 °C for CTmin and 42.0 °C –

64.6 °C for CTmax; see Supplementary Figs 1-6) Values are mean ± SD with sample sizes

indicated by numbers in parentheses. Statistically significant differences between ramping rates

in core-vial slopes are indicated by letters (see text for details of statistical analyses).




(°C min-1) (N)



rate (°C min-1)



rate (°C min-1)








0.10 (7) -0.11 ± 0.002 -0.09 ± 0.01 0.80± 0.03a 4.0, 5.3 151.5 ± 47

0.25 (8) -0.24 ± 0.03 -0.20 ± 0.02 0.88 ± 0.09b 3.5, 4.3 152.2 ± 42

1.0 (8) -0.96 ± 0.05 -0.74 ± 0.03 0.77 ± 0.05a 5.2, 6.7 145.3 ± 47


0.10 (8) 0.12 ± 0.01 0.07 ± 0.01 0.57 ± 0.08a -7.8, -17.5 154.3 ± 37

0.25 (8) 0.29 ± 0.02 0.18 ± 0.01 0.61 ± 0.05a -6.4, -15.2 144.2 ± 26

1.0 (11) 0.98 ± 0.05 0.67 ± 0.04 0.67 ± 0.04b -6.4, -13.7 145.3 ± 47


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Table 3. CTmin assessed by behavior corresponded to a final CO2 pulse. Bee mass and CTmin

for individual bumble bees in relation to characteristics of the CO2 pulse (Fig. 4). There was no

relationship between bumble bee mass and the total amount of CO2 released or the duration of the

CO2 peak. See text for statistical details.


(g) CTmin

(ºC) CO2 pulse

start peak end total

ºC Time before

CTmin (s) ºC Time after

CTmin (s) ºC Time after

CTmin (s) uL CO2 min

0.143 5.5 5.9 94 5.3 62 4.6 246 0.5 5.7

0.167 4.2 4.7 140 4.1 73 3.4 310 0.55 7.5

0.188 3.3 3.4 81 3.2 43 3.2 421 0.41 8.3

0.198 3.9 4.1 89 4.0 34 3.8 381 0.68 7.8

0.209 3.7 3.7 83 3.7 42 3.2 567 0.4 10.8

0.214 4.9 4.9 12 4.7 53 3.9 343 1.01 5.9

0.236 1.9 2.8 190 1.7 16 -1.0 580 0.91 12.8


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Supplemental Figure 1. Bumble bee core temperature (solid lines) tracks vial temperatures (dashed lines) for seven representative individuals, when ramped from ~ 20 ºC (room temperature) to ~ -5 ºC at 0.10 ºC min-1. Colors indicate each bee core temperature and its corresponding vial temperature. Grey region represents the range of CTmin values measured for this nest (see text for details).

Journal of Experimental Biology 221: doi:10.1242/jeb.165589: Supplementary information


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Supplemental Figure 2. Bumble bee core temperature (solid lines) tracks vial temperatures (dashed lines) for seven representative individuals, when ramped from ~ 20 ºC (room temperature) to ~ -5 ºC at 0.25 ºC min-1. Colors indicate each bee core temperature and its corresponding vial temperature. Grey region represents the range of CTmin values measured for this nest (see text for details).

Journal of Experimental Biology 221: doi:10.1242/jeb.165589: Supplementary information


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Supplemental Figure 3. Bumble bee core temperature (solid lines) tracks vial temperatures (dashed lines) for eight representative individuals, when ramped from ~ 20 ºC (room temperature) to ~ -5 ºC at 1.0 ºC min-1. Colors indicate each bee core temperature and its corresponding vial temperature. Grey region represents the range of CTmin values measured for this nest (see text for details).

Journal of Experimental Biology 221: doi:10.1242/jeb.165589: Supplementary information


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Supplemental Figure 4. Bumble bee core temperature (solid lines) tracks vial temperatures (dashed lines) for eight representative individuals, when ramped from ~ 20 ºC (room temperature) to ~ 75 ºC at 0.1 ºC min-1. Colors indicate each bee core temperature and its corresponding vial temperature. Grey region represents the range of CTmax values measured for this nest (see text for details).

Journal of Experimental Biology 221: doi:10.1242/jeb.165589: Supplementary information


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Supplemental Figure 5. Bumble bee core temperature (solid lines) tracks vial temperatures (dashed lines) for eight representative individuals, when ramped from ~ 20 ºC (room temperature) to ~ 75 ºC at 0.25 ºC min-1. Colors indicate each bee core temperature and its corresponding vial temperature. Grey region represents the range of CTmax values measured for this nest (see text for details).

Journal of Experimental Biology 221: doi:10.1242/jeb.165589: Supplementary information


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Supplemental Figure 6. Bumble bee core temperature (solid lines) tracks vial temperatures (dashed lines) for eight representative individuals, when ramped from ~ 20 ºC (room temperature) to ~ 75 ºC at 1.0 ºC min-1. Colors indicate each bee core temperature and its corresponding vial temperature. Grey region represents the range of CTmax values measured for this nest (see text for details).

Journal of Experimental Biology 221: doi:10.1242/jeb.165589: Supplementary information


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Movie S1

Movie S2

Journal of Experimental Biology 221: doi:10.1242/jeb.165589: Supplementary information


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