Critical reading part 1

Post on 09-May-2015

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Transcript of Critical reading part 1


Critical Reading and Critique

Short Essay #2

What is a Critique?

Critical Reading



Questions to Ponder

To what extent did the author succeed in making his or her purpose?

To what extent do you agree with the author?

To what extent did the author succeed in making his or her purpose?

To what extent do you agree with the author?

To what extent did the author succeed in making his or her purpose?

To what extent do you agree with the author?

Begin with writing an accurate summary

Locate the author’s thesis and identify the passage’s content and structure.

Move on to understanding the author’s purpose.

The Author’s Purpose




Inform, Persuade or Entertain?

Inform, Persuade or Entertain?

Inform, Persuade or Entertain?

Where do we find critiques?

Research papers

Position papers

Essay exams

Legal briefs

Business plans and proposals

Policy Briefs

Book reviews

What questions does an informative work address?

What or who is ___?

How does ___ work?

What is the controversy or problem about?

What happened?

How and why did it happen?

What were the results?

What are the arguments for and against____?

Evaluating Informative Writing

Accuracy of information---trustworthy?

Significance of information– so what?

Fair interpretation of information-

Example of a Report

Tar Sands

And more…

Another Perspective

Evaluate a Report Presenting Raw Data

Form groups of two and search for an online report covering a study and evaluate the accuracy of information, significance and fairness of reporting.