Critical Degrees 9 Aqua

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Transcript of Critical Degrees 9 Aqua

Critical Degrees As helpless as baby kittens are, when a stranger approaches they hiss and spit and kick up a fuss, and make a fine show of bravery. Human beings are rather frail creatures too, with great pretensions. Behind all their hissing and spitting they possess a sheer gumption which is peculiarly human and is most noticeable in moments of stress and harassment.  In the horoscope it is shown by the critical degrees. The critical degrees are points spaced 12°51’ apart, beginning at 0° Q (See table of critical degrees).  This is a division of the zodiac by 28, which is symbolically the moon’s orbital period:  the critical degrees are “lunar” in the sense that this area of life is never stable – there is always some question or problem about it.   Any natal planet or horoscope angle that lies within an orb of one degree of any of these points is considered to be critical. Where you find a critical planet or angle in the chart, you find a good deal of hissing and spitting in the life.Critical degrees show a cosmic restraint:  natives will experience obstruction and frustration here (depending on the planet involved) until they learn to surrender their own will in this particular area of l i fe . By denying satis fact ion in external circumstances, natives are forced back upon their own resources: they have to find satisfaction within themselves. These degrees are neither benefic nor malefic: they deny external satisfaction, but increase self-reliance. There is an obstinate struggle here against hampering and isolating circumstances – usually self-created – and also a great reserve of fortitude and strength. This strength is especially apparent when a planet or angle comes to conjunction with a critical degree by secondary (day-for-a-year) progression. Except for the progressed moon, whose effect is much weaker, there is usually a preceding month or so of personal limitation and frustration.  Then, within a few weeks of the time that the progression is exact, a crisis occurs. The situation calls for a transcendence – moving up to a new level of grasp and control. The real significance of these critical moments in life is often properly understood only in retrospect over a period of months after the event.  Generally, your critical planets and angles reveal not only where you fume, but also where your greatest potentials lie.  They are your true points of touch with the depths of your own humanity. When there is a Preponderance of planets conjunct critical degrees (four or more) in your horoscope, then you possess a deep sense of accountability to the world at large; yet life keeps you on a very short leash. You soon learn that even slight deviations from the straight and narrow path can have catastrophic consequences. You feel compelled to do more than is necessary because you have an acute need to justify to yourself the fact of your existence on this earth.  You tend to distrust being too happy – or at least feel vaguely guilty about the idea – which gives you an air of world-weariness. You bear life’s burdens with downright doggedness, which on the negative side reveals itself in a singular pigheadedness. At your best, you possess dignity and a real sense of self-worth which in time can lead you to true wisdom. If there is an absence of planets conjunct critical degrees in your horoscope, then you possess great flexibility and adaptability, together with an uninhibited opportunism.  You tend to be rather happy-go-lucky; you get to do pretty much as you please in life because you let nothing interfere with what you really want to do. At times you may use other people for your own ends and discard them when you have no further need of them. You have a gift for transplanting yourself body and soul whenever your involvements have reached a point of frustration.  You have little sense of remorse or guilt, and can get away with things that most people can’t because life doesn’t hold you accountable. An absence of critical degrees provides a relative freedom from compulsion, which can be a great opportunity to practice self-limitation on a voluntary basis.  At your best you are honorable, dispassionate, and just. At your worst you tend to leave your messes for other people to clean up. When your natal Sun is critical you have a strong will and determination, but very little fulfillment in life. You feel misunderstood and unappreciated, out of step with the world around you.    You have high ideals and a good heart, combined with a fierce pride and unwillingness to compromise. You are out-of-step with the world around you, but have an unwavering faith in your own worth.  This is not so much a pride before people (though there can be a touchy, snobbish, or overweening tendency) as it is a pride before God. It’s difficult for you to reconcile the demands that the world makes upon you with what your own inner voice is telling you to do.  You tend to find real life too real, too harsh, which lends a softness and sweetness to your nature and gives you a grumpy or brooding air.  At your worst you are given to self-righteousness of self-pity. Your independent disposition and unwavering faith in your own worth is trimmed by a long period of servitude in which you must bend yourself to the demands of other people or the press of circumstances until the nascent humility, which is your most endearing virtue, truly flowers.  When your Progressed Sun arrives at a critical degree your life comes to some dead end or point of futility.  There may be arguments or disagreements with associates, or just an awareness of nonfulfillment with where your life seems to be taking you. Abruptly some new door opens.  You make the decision to change direction in life.  Filled with inspiration and a new sense of purpose, you leave the uncongenial environment to go off on your own. It's as if you can feel the hand of God guiding and directing you. In the succeeding months you may reflect upon your own limitations; you come to appreciate what it is that is really of importance to you in the working out of your destiny. When your natal Moon is critical you possess good instincts and great tenacity; yet life is never a settled issue for you. You’re never quite sure what it is you want out of life, so you’re never quite satisfied with things as they are.  You tend to hold yourself back because you have an emotional sensibility which is very easily moved or disturbed. You take everything that happens very much to heart, which on its negative side can become a tendency to sulk or pout.  At your worst you are completely dominated by your moods, and the less rational they are, the more adamant you become. Your best quality is your willingness to follow your intuition all the way to the end, which endows you with a great capacity for loyalty and dedication.The Progressed Moon’s conjunctions with critical degrees are by no means as important or far-reaching as those of the other planets.  Occurring about once a year, they are usually in effect for a day or so prior to the exact date they are due. Something comes up that is a bit out of the ordinary or involves you with other people in a novel way.  The experience is quite engaging emotionally.  It often has an oblique or indirect bearing upon your present situation in life, and thus serves as a focus for your current feelings and aspirations. The event helps you to realize consciously some of the things you may have been taking for granted heretofore.  The upshot is a change of attitude as regards your current involvements and a real sense of emotional encouragement.When your natal Mercury is critical you are sociable and eager to please; but you never quite seem to fit in no matter how hard you try. You are self-conscious and constantly aware of the impression you are making on other people.  At times you may become too dependent on their approval or acceptance. You can be overly self-justifying in your efforts to dodge blame and reproach.   There can be a sense of cheerful indifference or helplessness about you; you can be a little too pleased with yourself; as a reaction against others’ judgments. On the other hand, you tend to be nonjudgmental yourself, and are eager to learn and communicate.  Typically your friendships cut across all lines of social class and educational background.  There is a freshness, an openness, about you, which heralds a nascent innocence.Progressed Mercury usually arrives at a critical degree on the heels of a period of inner turmoil and confusion about who you are and where you belong.  Then you conceive some new idea or project with which you can identify yourself.  You enter a period of great energy and activity. The situation hinges upon clear communication with other people, and you have the aplomb and self-possession to bring it off. Your fondest images of yourself seem to come true; you feel like Super-You. In the succeeding months you come to see yourself in a new light, with a new-found sense of personal prowess.When your natal Venus is critical you possess an unflagging optimism and hopefulness; yet life seems to continually disappoint your expectations.  You are endowed with a somewhat abashed playfulness and the eager anticipation of a child, but you are extremely vulnerable emotionally and susceptible to being imposed upon or taken advantage of. Actually you victimize yourself with a childish impatience and refusal to allow things to run their course – such as waiting for Mr. or Ms. “Right” to come along, and pouncing on any likely prospects.   You may not be looking for give-and-take in an intimate relationship so much as for security and a sense of stability.  On your positive side you have a nurturing impulse towards your fellows.  You are a delight to know because you are spontaneous, full of adventure, and possessed of a wide-eyed curiosity about the world.Progressed Venus usually conjoins a critical degree after a chaotic or unsettling period in which your life and relationships have seemed unsubstantial or unfruitful. Then a new possibility presents itself and your realize that you have it within you to change matters.  It is a very creative, artistic, inspired period.  A new beginning – sometimes an actual removal – is made. You break old alliances and make new ones. Your situation in life stabilizes and loose ends come together.  In the months that follow you come to understand better the contribution which you have to make of yourself in order to find your own happiness and peace of mind.When your natal Mars is critical you possess great perseverance and endurance; but you usually find yourself in a rut, stuck in the same old dead-end situations. You don’t like being under pressure but often find yourself in that position because you put off decision-making or just let things slide until you’re absolutely forced to make a stand. You may harbor secret ambitions or dreams of grandeur, together with a secret fear of successfully realizing them; so you tend to carry an air of frustrated intentions around with you. On the other hand, you mix your caution with bravado and panache and an exceptional amount of personal charm.  You have a sense of fair play and a determination to shield and protect other people, which is the hallmark of an incipient heroism.Progressed Mars often reaches a critical degree after a period of battering your head against a wall.  Sometimes there has been illness, or disapproval and rejection by other people.  Then the wall falls away. Some sort of renunciation, conversion, or self-sacrifice is required;  a new commitment must be made.  You may get to do something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, and you receive the support of other people.  Succeeding months show you the futility of passive acceptance: you become more willing to stand up for yourself. When your natal Jupiter is critical you possess a rather sheepish desire to be looked up to and a gift for taking charge, together with a disinclination to play at all unless you can make the rules. You are the proverbial “leader without followers”: enthusiastic and eager to share, but overly set in your ways and fixed in your views so that there is a certain point beyond which you just cannot be reached. You take great delight in sheer contrariness, and there may be a vaguely patronizing or condescending air about you – or the sense that you are humoring or indulging other people.  If life at times makes you feel that nothing you say or do counts, it’s because you’re often unwilling to give anyone else any credit.  When you have learned the virtues of adaptability, the steadfastness of purpose and complete sincerity which are your outstanding qualities win you the firm allegiance of all who know you.Since the planets beyond Mars move very slowly by secondary progression and rarely conjoin critical degrees, delineations for the progressed outer planets will not be given.When your natal Saturn is critical you are gentle, sensitive, and aware; yet you tend to find life rather unresponsive and indifferent to you. You are ever the objective observer, even of yourself; this aloofness endows you with an ironic, even self-mocking, sense of humor. You tend to insulate yourself in your objectivity and resist committing yourself fully to what is going on around you. You are always conscious of yourself as an actor in the drama of life, which on the negative side inclines you to pose. If life at times makes you feel that your ideas and feelings are not being respected, it’s because you tend to play at life, refusing to take it – or other people – seriously in its own right.  Your best quality is your conscious determination to keep your own participation in life as clean and free of ulterior motive as possible, which is the herald of a true personal integrity.If your natal Uranus is critical you are extraordinarily exacting, especially of yourself, and determined to carve out some special niche in the world wherein you are the undisputed master.  You are a scrapper, with clearly defined goals in life; and you will not tolerate being crossed in your efforts to realize them. You are endowed with ingenuity and a marked originality in point of view, and you know it, which may make for unendurable smugness or complacency in your temperament. Your dogmatism and bluntness in speaking your mind often antagonize and repel others, even when you’re basically right.  You possess a true moral courage, ever present but particularly noticeable in the face of adversity. You are characterized by a readiness to sacrifice yourself for other people or for an ideal.If your natal Neptune is critical you are easy-going and free-spirited; yet life is constantly bogging you down with entangling obligations.  You sometimes give the impression that the world is faintly a nuisance – a brief and bothersome sojourn en route to some more interesting place. You are a dreamer with your own private world: some area of life in which you feel centered and at ease and in which you have everything down pat. There is often an outstanding talent or competency, even a touch of genius. But, outside your specialty, you keep relations with other people and the world generally as superficial and perfunctory as possible. It can be hard to pull you down off your cloud when an emotional commitment is called for.  When you have learned to accept responsibility for the world beyond yourself, your inspiration and vision influence all who know you. When your natal Pluto is critical you possess great intensity and ardor, but life is always trying to dominate you or grind you down.  You are endowed with a penetrating intellect and can see very clearly through the prevailing cultural mores.  You may toy with fanaticism or extremism in one form or another, but you are more of a malcontent than a revolutionary:  you can get hipped on something and lose all sense of objectivity. You chafe at the normal expectations that your social milieu seeks to impose upon you, but you may be at a loss as to how to strike out on your own.  You tend to meekly accept some socially approved role in life rather than seize the responsibility for your own destiny. As a result there is a seething or disgruntled air about you, a tendency to crab and complain. At your best you are endowed with great personal stake in the fate of humankind as a whole, which heralds a nascent modesty.If your natal Ascendant – Descendant is critical then you alternate between great self-possession on the one hand, and a sureness of self or snobbishness of unsociable proportions on the other.  Although you can be self-assertive to the point of brusqueness, the private you is often plagued with self-doubts. You both openly disdain and desperately need the support and encouragement of other people.  You tend to feel misunderstood; and usually you are misunderstood, because you are always marching to the beat of a different drum.  You constantly try to live up to some idealized image you have of yourself. You are animated by a sense of mission in life, and you resent being judged on any basis other than the terms of your own ideals; but you are apt to discount your own ulterior motives, which are quite visible to everyone else.  Your best qualities are your idealism and conscientiousness, which endow you with a true nobility.The Progressed Ascendant – Descendant often reaches a critical degree at the end of a long period of low self-esteem.  Some situation crops up in your relations with other people which puts you in an unaccustomed and unusual position.  It presents a challenge to your normal image of who you are. You must rise to the situation and get on top of it; and to do so requires that you surpass your normal expectations of yourself. A feeling of great power wells up inside you; or you simply know within your heart that you can master the situation. You assert yourself and put yourself in complete control of both the situation and your own doubts.  Succeeding months give you a better estimation of where you must draw your lines, and you gain a new confidence in the power of your own personality.If your natal Midheaven – Lower Meridian is critical, you possess great resolution but also a tendency towards vehemence or absolutism.  Although you can be positive to the point of peremptoriness, the private you is somewhat defensive. You have a desperate need to feel that you are standing on solid ground, invulnerable to challenge.  You may embrace some sort of philosophy or religion as a standard for all that is desirable and good and as an assurance of divine benediction upon your efforts. You have lofty goals and ambitions, and are inclined to regard the accomplishment of your work in life as being of much greater importance than yourself personally. The unvarnished self-aggrandizement that colors all of your actions is liable to escape your notice.  On your positive side you are dependable and thorough, with a great capacity for self-discipline and a true spirit of dedication.The Progressed Midheaven – Lower Meridian often comes to a critical degree at the finish of a period of hard work or intense effort, usually under the direction or for the benefit of other people. Then a new freedom of action opens up. You find yourself able to make your own choices, and you decide to change the course of your career or life’s work. You accept some new responsibilities.  Frequently there is some sort of travelling or moving about, but in pursuit of opportunity rather than for mere convenience. In the succeeding months you understand better how you can secure your position in life and guarantee your own independence. ◦

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Critical Degrees As helpless as baby kittens are, when a stranger approaches they hiss and spit and kick up a fuss, and make a fine show of bravery. Human beings are rather frail creatures too, with great pretensions. Behind all their hissing and spitting they possess a sheer gumption which is peculiarly human and is most noticeable in moments of stress and harassment.  In the horoscope it is shown by the critical degrees. The critical degrees are points spaced 12°51’ apart, beginning at 0° Q (See table of critical degrees).  This is a division of the zodiac by 28, which is symbolically the moon’s orbital period:  the critical degrees are “lunar” in the sense that this area of life is never stable – there is always some question or problem about it.   Any natal planet or horoscope angle that lies within an orb of one degree of any of these points is considered to be critical. Where you find a critical planet or angle in the chart, you find a good deal of hissing and spitting in the life.Critical degrees show a cosmic restraint:  natives will experience obstruction and frustration here (depending on the planet involved) until they learn to surrender their own will in this particular area of l i fe . By denying satis fact ion in external circumstances, natives are forced back upon their own resources: they have to find satisfaction within themselves. These degrees are neither benefic nor malefic: they deny external satisfaction, but increase self-reliance. There is an obstinate struggle here against hampering and isolating circumstances – usually self-created – and also a great reserve of fortitude and strength. This strength is especially apparent when a planet or angle comes to conjunction with a critical degree by secondary (day-for-a-year) progression. Except for the progressed moon, whose effect is much weaker, there is usually a preceding month or so of personal limitation and frustration.  Then, within a few weeks of the time that the progression is exact, a crisis occurs. The situation calls for a transcendence – moving up to a new level of grasp and control. The real significance of these critical moments in life is often properly understood only in retrospect over a period of months after the event.  Generally, your critical planets and angles reveal not only where you fume, but also where your greatest potentials lie.  They are your true points of touch with the depths of your own humanity. When there is a Preponderance of planets conjunct critical degrees (four or more) in your horoscope, then you possess a deep sense of accountability to the world at large; yet life keeps you on a very short leash. You soon learn that even slight deviations from the straight and narrow path can have catastrophic consequences. You feel compelled to do more than is necessary because you have an acute need to justify to yourself the fact of your existence on this earth.  You tend to distrust being too happy – or at least feel vaguely guilty about the idea – which gives you an air of world-weariness. You bear life’s burdens with downright doggedness, which on the negative side reveals itself in a singular pigheadedness. At your best, you possess dignity and a real sense of self-worth which in time can lead you to true wisdom. If there is an absence of planets conjunct critical degrees in your horoscope, then you possess great flexibility and adaptability, together with an uninhibited opportunism.  You tend to be rather happy-go-lucky; you get to do pretty much as you please in life because you let nothing interfere with what you really want to do. At times you may use other people for your own ends and discard them when you have no further need of them. You have a gift for transplanting yourself body and soul whenever your involvements have reached a point of frustration.  You have little sense of remorse or guilt, and can get away with things that most people can’t because life doesn’t hold you accountable. An absence of critical degrees provides a relative freedom from compulsion, which can be a great opportunity to practice self-limitation on a voluntary basis.  At your best you are honorable, dispassionate, and just. At your worst you tend to leave your messes for other people to clean up. When your natal Sun is critical you have a strong will and determination, but very little fulfillment in life. You feel misunderstood and unappreciated, out of step with the world around you.    You have high ideals and a good heart, combined with a fierce pride and unwillingness to compromise. You are out-of-step with the world around you, but have an unwavering faith in your own worth.  This is not so much a pride before people (though there can be a touchy, snobbish, or overweening tendency) as it is a pride before God. It’s difficult for you to reconcile the demands that the world makes upon you with what your own inner voice is telling you to do.  You tend to find real life too real, too harsh, which lends a softness and sweetness to your nature and gives you a grumpy or brooding air.  At your worst you are given to self-righteousness of self-pity. Your independent disposition and unwavering faith in your own worth is trimmed by a long period of servitude in which you must bend yourself to the demands of other people or the press of circumstances until the nascent humility, which is your most endearing virtue, truly flowers.  When your Progressed Sun arrives at a critical degree your life comes to some dead end or point of futility.  There may be arguments or disagreements with associates, or just an awareness of nonfulfillment with where your life seems to be taking you. Abruptly some new door opens.  You make the decision to change direction in life.  Filled with inspiration and a new sense of purpose, you leave the uncongenial environment to go off on your own. It's as if you can feel the hand of God guiding and directing you. In the succeeding months you may reflect upon your own limitations; you come to appreciate what it is that is really of importance to you in the working out of your destiny. When your natal Moon is critical you possess good instincts and great tenacity; yet life is never a settled issue for you. You’re never quite sure what it is you want out of life, so you’re never quite satisfied with things as they are.  You tend to hold yourself back because you have an emotional sensibility which is very easily moved or disturbed. You take everything that happens very much to heart, which on its negative side can become a tendency to sulk or pout.  At your worst you are completely dominated by your moods, and the less rational they are, the more adamant you become. Your best quality is your willingness to follow your intuition all the way to the end, which endows you with a great capacity for loyalty and dedication.The Progressed Moon’s conjunctions with critical degrees are by no means as important or far-reaching as those of the other planets.  Occurring about once a year, they are usually in effect for a day or so prior to the exact date they are due. Something comes up that is a bit out of the ordinary or involves you with other people in a novel way.  The experience is quite engaging emotionally.  It often has an oblique or indirect bearing upon your present situation in life, and thus serves as a focus for your current feelings and aspirations. The event helps you to realize consciously some of the things you may have been taking for granted heretofore.  The upshot is a change of attitude as regards your current involvements and a real sense of emotional encouragement.When your natal Mercury is critical you are sociable and eager to please; but you never quite seem to fit in no matter how hard you try. You are self-conscious and constantly aware of the impression you are making on other people.  At times you may become too dependent on their approval or acceptance. You can be overly self-justifying in your efforts to dodge blame and reproach.   There can be a sense of cheerful indifference or helplessness about you; you can be a little too pleased with yourself; as a reaction against others’ judgments. On the other hand, you tend to be nonjudgmental yourself, and are eager to learn and communicate.  Typically your friendships cut across all lines of social class and educational background.  There is a freshness, an openness, about you, which heralds a nascent innocence.Progressed Mercury usually arrives at a critical degree on the heels of a period of inner turmoil and confusion about who you are and where you belong.  Then you conceive some new idea or project with which you can identify yourself.  You enter a period of great energy and activity. The situation hinges upon clear communication with other people, and you have the aplomb and self-possession to bring it off. Your fondest images of yourself seem to come true; you feel like Super-You. In the succeeding months you come to see yourself in a new light, with a new-found sense of personal prowess.When your natal Venus is critical you possess an unflagging optimism and hopefulness; yet life seems to continually disappoint your expectations.  You are endowed with a somewhat abashed playfulness and the eager anticipation of a child, but you are extremely vulnerable emotionally and susceptible to being imposed upon or taken advantage of. Actually you victimize yourself with a childish impatience and refusal to allow things to run their course – such as waiting for Mr. or Ms. “Right” to come along, and pouncing on any likely prospects.   You may not be looking for give-and-take in an intimate relationship so much as for security and a sense of stability.  On your positive side you have a nurturing impulse towards your fellows.  You are a delight to know because you are spontaneous, full of adventure, and possessed of a wide-eyed curiosity about the world.Progressed Venus usually conjoins a critical degree after a chaotic or unsettling period in which your life and relationships have seemed unsubstantial or unfruitful. Then a new possibility presents itself and your realize that you have it within you to change matters.  It is a very creative, artistic, inspired period.  A new beginning – sometimes an actual removal – is made. You break old alliances and make new ones. Your situation in life stabilizes and loose ends come together.  In the months that follow you come to understand better the contribution which you have to make of yourself in order to find your own happiness and peace of mind.When your natal Mars is critical you possess great perseverance and endurance; but you usually find yourself in a rut, stuck in the same old dead-end situations. You don’t like being under pressure but often find yourself in that position because you put off decision-making or just let things slide until you’re absolutely forced to make a stand. You may harbor secret ambitions or dreams of grandeur, together with a secret fear of successfully realizing them; so you tend to carry an air of frustrated intentions around with you. On the other hand, you mix your caution with bravado and panache and an exceptional amount of personal charm.  You have a sense of fair play and a determination to shield and protect other people, which is the hallmark of an incipient heroism.Progressed Mars often reaches a critical degree after a period of battering your head against a wall.  Sometimes there has been illness, or disapproval and rejection by other people.  Then the wall falls away. Some sort of renunciation, conversion, or self-sacrifice is required;  a new commitment must be made.  You may get to do something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, and you receive the support of other people.  Succeeding months show you the futility of passive acceptance: you become more willing to stand up for yourself. When your natal Jupiter is critical you possess a rather sheepish desire to be looked up to and a gift for taking charge, together with a disinclination to play at all unless you can make the rules. You are the proverbial “leader without followers”: enthusiastic and eager to share, but overly set in your ways and fixed in your views so that there is a certain point beyond which you just cannot be reached. You take great delight in sheer contrariness, and there may be a vaguely patronizing or condescending air about you – or the sense that you are humoring or indulging other people.  If life at times makes you feel that nothing you say or do counts, it’s because you’re often unwilling to give anyone else any credit.  When you have learned the virtues of adaptability, the steadfastness of purpose and complete sincerity which are your outstanding qualities win you the firm allegiance of all who know you.Since the planets beyond Mars move very slowly by secondary progression and rarely conjoin critical degrees, delineations for the progressed outer planets will not be given.When your natal Saturn is critical you are gentle, sensitive, and aware; yet you tend to find life rather unresponsive and indifferent to you. You are ever the objective observer, even of yourself; this aloofness endows you with an ironic, even self-mocking, sense of humor. You tend to insulate yourself in your objectivity and resist committing yourself fully to what is going on around you. You are always conscious of yourself as an actor in the drama of life, which on the negative side inclines you to pose. If life at times makes you feel that your ideas and feelings are not being respected, it’s because you tend to play at life, refusing to take it – or other people – seriously in its own right.  Your best quality is your conscious determination to keep your own participation in life as clean and free of ulterior motive as possible, which is the herald of a true personal integrity.If your natal Uranus is critical you are extraordinarily exacting, especially of yourself, and determined to carve out some special niche in the world wherein you are the undisputed master.  You are a scrapper, with clearly defined goals in life; and you will not tolerate being crossed in your efforts to realize them. You are endowed with ingenuity and a marked originality in point of view, and you know it, which may make for unendurable smugness or complacency in your temperament. Your dogmatism and bluntness in speaking your mind often antagonize and repel others, even when you’re basically right.  You possess a true moral courage, ever present but particularly noticeable in the face of adversity. You are characterized by a readiness to sacrifice yourself for other people or for an ideal.If your natal Neptune is critical you are easy-going and free-spirited; yet life is constantly bogging you down with entangling obligations.  You sometimes give the impression that the world is faintly a nuisance – a brief and bothersome sojourn en route to some more interesting place. You are a dreamer with your own private world: some area of life in which you feel centered and at ease and in which you have everything down pat. There is often an outstanding talent or competency, even a touch of genius. But, outside your specialty, you keep relations with other people and the world generally as superficial and perfunctory as possible. It can be hard to pull you down off your cloud when an emotional commitment is called for.  When you have learned to accept responsibility for the world beyond yourself, your inspiration and vision influence all who know you. When your natal Pluto is critical you possess great intensity and ardor, but life is always trying to dominate you or grind you down.  You are endowed with a penetrating intellect and can see very clearly through the prevailing cultural mores.  You may toy with fanaticism or extremism in one form or another, but you are more of a malcontent than a revolutionary:  you can get hipped on something and lose all sense of objectivity. You chafe at the normal expectations that your social milieu seeks to impose upon you, but you may be at a loss as to how to strike out on your own.  You tend to meekly accept some socially approved role in life rather than seize the responsibility for your own destiny. As a result there is a seething or disgruntled air about you, a tendency to crab and complain. At your best you are endowed with great personal stake in the fate of humankind as a whole, which heralds a nascent modesty.If your natal Ascendant – Descendant is critical then you alternate between great self-possession on the one hand, and a sureness of self or snobbishness of unsociable proportions on the other.  Although you can be self-assertive to the point of brusqueness, the private you is often plagued with self-doubts. You both openly disdain and desperately need the support and encouragement of other people.  You tend to feel misunderstood; and usually you are misunderstood, because you are always marching to the beat of a different drum.  You constantly try to live up to some idealized image you have of yourself. You are animated by a sense of mission in life, and you resent being judged on any basis other than the terms of your own ideals; but you are apt to discount your own ulterior motives, which are quite visible to everyone else.  Your best qualities are your idealism and conscientiousness, which endow you with a true nobility.The Progressed Ascendant – Descendant often reaches a critical degree at the end of a long period of low self-esteem.  Some situation crops up in your relations with other people which puts you in an unaccustomed and unusual position.  It presents a challenge to your normal image of who you are. You must rise to the situation and get on top of it; and to do so requires that you surpass your normal expectations of yourself. A feeling of great power wells up inside you; or you simply know within your heart that you can master the situation. You assert yourself and put yourself in complete control of both the situation and your own doubts.  Succeeding months give you a better estimation of where you must draw your lines, and you gain a new confidence in the power of your own personality.If your natal Midheaven – Lower Meridian is critical, you possess great resolution but also a tendency towards vehemence or absolutism.  Although you can be positive to the point of peremptoriness, the private you is somewhat defensive. You have a desperate need to feel that you are standing on solid ground, invulnerable to challenge.  You may embrace some sort of philosophy or religion as a standard for all that is desirable and good and as an assurance of divine benediction upon your efforts. You have lofty goals and ambitions, and are inclined to regard the accomplishment of your work in life as being of much greater importance than yourself personally. The unvarnished self-aggrandizement that colors all of your actions is liable to escape your notice.  On your positive side you are dependable and thorough, with a great capacity for self-discipline and a true spirit of dedication.The Progressed Midheaven – Lower Meridian often comes to a critical degree at the finish of a period of hard work or intense effort, usually under the direction or for the benefit of other people. Then a new freedom of action opens up. You find yourself able to make your own choices, and you decide to change the course of your career or life’s work. You accept some new responsibilities.  Frequently there is some sort of travelling or moving about, but in pursuit of opportunity rather than for mere convenience. In the succeeding months you understand better how you can secure your position in life and guarantee your own independence. ◦

Bob Makransky’s Astrology Corner © 2001

Privacy Policy

Critical Degrees As helpless as baby kittens are, when a stranger approaches they hiss and spit and kick up a fuss, and make a fine show of bravery. Human beings are rather frail creatures too, with great pretensions. Behind all their hissing and spitting they possess a sheer gumption which is peculiarly human and is most noticeable in moments of stress and harassment.  In the horoscope it is shown by the critical degrees. The critical degrees are points spaced 12°51’ apart, beginning at 0° Q (See table of critical degrees).  This is a division of the zodiac by 28, which is symbolically the moon’s orbital period:  the critical degrees are “lunar” in the sense that this area of life is never stable – there is always some question or problem about it.   Any natal planet or horoscope angle that lies within an orb of one degree of any of these points is considered to be critical. Where you find a critical planet or angle in the chart, you find a good deal of hissing and spitting in the life.Critical degrees show a cosmic restraint:  natives will experience obstruction and frustration here (depending on the planet involved) until they learn to surrender their own will in this particular area of l i fe . By denying satis fact ion in external circumstances, natives are forced back upon their own resources: they have to find satisfaction within themselves. These degrees are neither benefic nor malefic: they deny external satisfaction, but increase self-reliance. There is an obstinate struggle here against hampering and isolating circumstances – usually self-created – and also a great reserve of fortitude and strength. This strength is especially apparent when a planet or angle comes to conjunction with a critical degree by secondary (day-for-a-year) progression. Except for the progressed moon, whose effect is much weaker, there is usually a preceding month or so of personal limitation and frustration.  Then, within a few weeks of the time that the progression is exact, a crisis occurs. The situation calls for a transcendence – moving up to a new level of grasp and control. The real significance of these critical moments in life is often properly understood only in retrospect over a period of months after the event.  Generally, your critical planets and angles reveal not only where you fume, but also where your greatest potentials lie.  They are your true points of touch with the depths of your own humanity. When there is a Preponderance of planets conjunct critical degrees (four or more) in your horoscope, then you possess a deep sense of accountability to the world at large; yet life keeps you on a very short leash. You soon learn that even slight deviations from the straight and narrow path can have catastrophic consequences. You feel compelled to do more than is necessary because you have an acute need to justify to yourself the fact of your existence on this earth.  You tend to distrust being too happy – or at least feel vaguely guilty about the idea – which gives you an air of world-weariness. You bear life’s burdens with downright doggedness, which on the negative side reveals itself in a singular pigheadedness. At your best, you possess dignity and a real sense of self-worth which in time can lead you to true wisdom. If there is an absence of planets conjunct critical degrees in your horoscope, then you possess great flexibility and adaptability, together with an uninhibited opportunism.  You tend to be rather happy-go-lucky; you get to do pretty much as you please in life because you let nothing interfere with what you really want to do. At times you may use other people for your own ends and discard them when you have no further need of them. You have a gift for transplanting yourself body and soul whenever your involvements have reached a point of frustration.  You have little sense of remorse or guilt, and can get away with things that most people can’t because life doesn’t hold you accountable. An absence of critical degrees provides a relative freedom from compulsion, which can be a great opportunity to practice self-limitation on a voluntary basis.  At your best you are honorable, dispassionate, and just. At your worst you tend to leave your messes for other people to clean up. When your natal Sun is critical you have a strong will and determination, but very little fulfillment in life. You feel misunderstood and unappreciated, out of step with the world around you.    You have high ideals and a good heart, combined with a fierce pride and unwillingness to compromise. You are out-of-step with the world around you, but have an unwavering faith in your own worth.  This is not so much a pride before people (though there can be a touchy, snobbish, or overweening tendency) as it is a pride before God. It’s difficult for you to reconcile the demands that the world makes upon you with what your own inner voice is telling you to do.  You tend to find real life too real, too harsh, which lends a softness and sweetness to your nature and gives you a grumpy or brooding air.  At your worst you are given to self-righteousness of self-pity. Your independent disposition and unwavering faith in your own worth is trimmed by a long period of servitude in which you must bend yourself to the demands of other people or the press of circumstances until the nascent humility, which is your most endearing virtue, truly flowers.  When your Progressed Sun arrives at a critical degree your life comes to some dead end or point of futility.  There may be arguments or disagreements with associates, or just an awareness of nonfulfillment with where your life seems to be taking you. Abruptly some new door opens.  You make the decision to change direction in life.  Filled with inspiration and a new sense of purpose, you leave the uncongenial environment to go off on your own. It's as if you can feel the hand of God guiding and directing you. In the succeeding months you may reflect upon your own limitations; you come to appreciate what it is that is really of importance to you in the working out of your destiny. When your natal Moon is critical you possess good instincts and great tenacity; yet life is never a settled issue for you. You’re never quite sure what it is you want out of life, so you’re never quite satisfied with things as they are.  You tend to hold yourself back because you have an emotional sensibility which is very easily moved or disturbed. You take everything that happens very much to heart, which on its negative side can become a tendency to sulk or pout.  At your worst you are completely dominated by your moods, and the less rational they are, the more adamant you become. Your best quality is your willingness to follow your intuition all the way to the end, which endows you with a great capacity for loyalty and dedication.The Progressed Moon’s conjunctions with critical degrees are by no means as important or far-reaching as those of the other planets.  Occurring about once a year, they are usually in effect for a day or so prior to the exact date they are due. Something comes up that is a bit out of the ordinary or involves you with other people in a novel way.  The experience is quite engaging emotionally.  It often has an oblique or indirect bearing upon your present situation in life, and thus serves as a focus for your current feelings and aspirations. The event helps you to realize consciously some of the things you may have been taking for granted heretofore.  The upshot is a change of attitude as regards your current involvements and a real sense of emotional encouragement.When your natal Mercury is critical you are sociable and eager to please; but you never quite seem to fit in no matter how hard you try. You are self-conscious and constantly aware of the impression you are making on other people.  At times you may become too dependent on their approval or acceptance. You can be overly self-justifying in your efforts to dodge blame and reproach.   There can be a sense of cheerful indifference or helplessness about you; you can be a little too pleased with yourself; as a reaction against others’ judgments. On the other hand, you tend to be nonjudgmental yourself, and are eager to learn and communicate.  Typically your friendships cut across all lines of social class and educational background.  There is a freshness, an openness, about you, which heralds a nascent innocence.Progressed Mercury usually arrives at a critical degree on the heels of a period of inner turmoil and confusion about who you are and where you belong.  Then you conceive some new idea or project with which you can identify yourself.  You enter a period of great energy and activity. The situation hinges upon clear communication with other people, and you have the aplomb and self-possession to bring it off. Your fondest images of yourself seem to come true; you feel like Super-You. In the succeeding months you come to see yourself in a new light, with a new-found sense of personal prowess.When your natal Venus is critical you possess an unflagging optimism and hopefulness; yet life seems to continually disappoint your expectations.  You are endowed with a somewhat abashed playfulness and the eager anticipation of a child, but you are extremely vulnerable emotionally and susceptible to being imposed upon or taken advantage of. Actually you victimize yourself with a childish impatience and refusal to allow things to run their course – such as waiting for Mr. or Ms. “Right” to come along, and pouncing on any likely prospects.   You may not be looking for give-and-take in an intimate relationship so much as for security and a sense of stability.  On your positive side you have a nurturing impulse towards your fellows.  You are a delight to know because you are spontaneous, full of adventure, and possessed of a wide-eyed curiosity about the world.Progressed Venus usually conjoins a critical degree after a chaotic or unsettling period in which your life and relationships have seemed unsubstantial or unfruitful. Then a new possibility presents itself and your realize that you have it within you to change matters.  It is a very creative, artistic, inspired period.  A new beginning – sometimes an actual removal – is made. You break old alliances and make new ones. Your situation in life stabilizes and loose ends come together.  In the months that follow you come to understand better the contribution which you have to make of yourself in order to find your own happiness and peace of mind.When your natal Mars is critical you possess great perseverance and endurance; but you usually find yourself in a rut, stuck in the same old dead-end situations. You don’t like being under pressure but often find yourself in that position because you put off decision-making or just let things slide until you’re absolutely forced to make a stand. You may harbor secret ambitions or dreams of grandeur, together with a secret fear of successfully realizing them; so you tend to carry an air of frustrated intentions around with you. On the other hand, you mix your caution with bravado and panache and an exceptional amount of personal charm.  You have a sense of fair play and a determination to shield and protect other people, which is the hallmark of an incipient heroism.Progressed Mars often reaches a critical degree after a period of battering your head against a wall.  Sometimes there has been illness, or disapproval and rejection by other people.  Then the wall falls away. Some sort of renunciation, conversion, or self-sacrifice is required;  a new commitment must be made.  You may get to do something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, and you receive the support of other people.  Succeeding months show you the futility of passive acceptance: you become more willing to stand up for yourself. When your natal Jupiter is critical you possess a rather sheepish desire to be looked up to and a gift for taking charge, together with a disinclination to play at all unless you can make the rules. You are the proverbial “leader without followers”: enthusiastic and eager to share, but overly set in your ways and fixed in your views so that there is a certain point beyond which you just cannot be reached. You take great delight in sheer contrariness, and there may be a vaguely patronizing or condescending air about you – or the sense that you are humoring or indulging other people.  If life at times makes you feel that nothing you say or do counts, it’s because you’re often unwilling to give anyone else any credit.  When you have learned the virtues of adaptability, the steadfastness of purpose and complete sincerity which are your outstanding qualities win you the firm allegiance of all who know you.Since the planets beyond Mars move very slowly by secondary progression and rarely conjoin critical degrees, delineations for the progressed outer planets will not be given.When your natal Saturn is critical you are gentle, sensitive, and aware; yet you tend to find life rather unresponsive and indifferent to you. You are ever the objective observer, even of yourself; this aloofness endows you with an ironic, even self-mocking, sense of humor. You tend to insulate yourself in your objectivity and resist committing yourself fully to what is going on around you. You are always conscious of yourself as an actor in the drama of life, which on the negative side inclines you to pose. If life at times makes you feel that your ideas and feelings are not being respected, it’s because you tend to play at life, refusing to take it – or other people – seriously in its own right.  Your best quality is your conscious determination to keep your own participation in life as clean and free of ulterior motive as possible, which is the herald of a true personal integrity.If your natal Uranus is critical you are extraordinarily exacting, especially of yourself, and determined to carve out some special niche in the world wherein you are the undisputed master.  You are a scrapper, with clearly defined goals in life; and you will not tolerate being crossed in your efforts to realize them. You are endowed with ingenuity and a marked originality in point of view, and you know it, which may make for unendurable smugness or complacency in your temperament. Your dogmatism and bluntness in speaking your mind often antagonize and repel others, even when you’re basically right.  You possess a true moral courage, ever present but particularly noticeable in the face of adversity. You are characterized by a readiness to sacrifice yourself for other people or for an ideal.If your natal Neptune is critical you are easy-going and free-spirited; yet life is constantly bogging you down with entangling obligations.  You sometimes give the impression that the world is faintly a nuisance – a brief and bothersome sojourn en route to some more interesting place. You are a dreamer with your own private world: some area of life in which you feel centered and at ease and in which you have everything down pat. There is often an outstanding talent or competency, even a touch of genius. But, outside your specialty, you keep relations with other people and the world generally as superficial and perfunctory as possible. It can be hard to pull you down off your cloud when an emotional commitment is called for.  When you have learned to accept responsibility for the world beyond yourself, your inspiration and vision influence all who know you. When your natal Pluto is critical you possess great intensity and ardor, but life is always trying to dominate you or grind you down.  You are endowed with a penetrating intellect and can see very clearly through the prevailing cultural mores.  You may toy with fanaticism or extremism in one form or another, but you are more of a malcontent than a revolutionary:  you can get hipped on something and lose all sense of objectivity. You chafe at the normal expectations that your social milieu seeks to impose upon you, but you may be at a loss as to how to strike out on your own.  You tend to meekly accept some socially approved role in life rather than seize the responsibility for your own destiny. As a result there is a seething or disgruntled air about you, a tendency to crab and complain. At your best you are endowed with great personal stake in the fate of humankind as a whole, which heralds a nascent modesty.If your natal Ascendant – Descendant is critical then you alternate between great self-possession on the one hand, and a sureness of self or snobbishness of unsociable proportions on the other.  Although you can be self-assertive to the point of brusqueness, the private you is often plagued with self-doubts. You both openly disdain and desperately need the support and encouragement of other people.  You tend to feel misunderstood; and usually you are misunderstood, because you are always marching to the beat of a different drum.  You constantly try to live up to some idealized image you have of yourself. You are animated by a sense of mission in life, and you resent being judged on any basis other than the terms of your own ideals; but you are apt to discount your own ulterior motives, which are quite visible to everyone else.  Your best qualities are your idealism and conscientiousness, which endow you with a true nobility.The Progressed Ascendant – Descendant often reaches a critical degree at the end of a long period of low self-esteem.  Some situation crops up in your relations with other people which puts you in an unaccustomed and unusual position.  It presents a challenge to your normal image of who you are. You must rise to the situation and get on top of it; and to do so requires that you surpass your normal expectations of yourself. A feeling of great power wells up inside you; or you simply know within your heart that you can master the situation. You assert yourself and put yourself in complete control of both the situation and your own doubts.  Succeeding months give you a better estimation of where you must draw your lines, and you gain a new confidence in the power of your own personality.If your natal Midheaven – Lower Meridian is critical, you possess great resolution but also a tendency towards vehemence or absolutism.  Although you can be positive to the point of peremptoriness, the private you is somewhat defensive. You have a desperate need to feel that you are standing on solid ground, invulnerable to challenge.  You may embrace some sort of philosophy or religion as a standard for all that is desirable and good and as an assurance of divine benediction upon your efforts. You have lofty goals and ambitions, and are inclined to regard the accomplishment of your work in life as being of much greater importance than yourself personally. The unvarnished self-aggrandizement that colors all of your actions is liable to escape your notice.  On your positive side you are dependable and thorough, with a great capacity for self-discipline and a true spirit of dedication.The Progressed Midheaven – Lower Meridian often comes to a critical degree at the finish of a period of hard work or intense effort, usually under the direction or for the benefit of other people. Then a new freedom of action opens up. You find yourself able to make your own choices, and you decide to change the course of your career or life’s work. You accept some new responsibilities.  Frequently there is some sort of travelling or moving about, but in pursuit of opportunity rather than for mere convenience. In the succeeding months you understand better how you can secure your position in life and guarantee your own independence. ◦

Bob Makransky’s Astrology Corner © 2001

Privacy Policy

Critical Degrees As helpless as baby kittens are, when a stranger approaches they hiss and spit and kick up a fuss, and make a fine show of bravery. Human beings are rather frail creatures too, with great pretensions. Behind all their hissing and spitting they possess a sheer gumption which is peculiarly human and is most noticeable in moments of stress and harassment.  In the horoscope it is shown by the critical degrees. The critical degrees are points spaced 12°51’ apart, beginning at 0° Q (See table of critical degrees).  This is a division of the zodiac by 28, which is symbolically the moon’s orbital period:  the critical degrees are “lunar” in the sense that this area of life is never stable – there is always some question or problem about it.   Any natal planet or horoscope angle that lies within an orb of one degree of any of these points is considered to be critical. Where you find a critical planet or angle in the chart, you find a good deal of hissing and spitting in the life.Critical degrees show a cosmic restraint:  natives will experience obstruction and frustration here (depending on the planet involved) until they learn to surrender their own will in this particular area of l i fe . By denying satis fact ion in external circumstances, natives are forced back upon their own resources: they have to find satisfaction within themselves. These degrees are neither benefic nor malefic: they deny external satisfaction, but increase self-reliance. There is an obstinate struggle here against hampering and isolating circumstances – usually self-created – and also a great reserve of fortitude and strength. This strength is especially apparent when a planet or angle comes to conjunction with a critical degree by secondary (day-for-a-year) progression. Except for the progressed moon, whose effect is much weaker, there is usually a preceding month or so of personal limitation and frustration.  Then, within a few weeks of the time that the progression is exact, a crisis occurs. The situation calls for a transcendence – moving up to a new level of grasp and control. The real significance of these critical moments in life is often properly understood only in retrospect over a period of months after the event.  Generally, your critical planets and angles reveal not only where you fume, but also where your greatest potentials lie.  They are your true points of touch with the depths of your own humanity. When there is a Preponderance of planets conjunct critical degrees (four or more) in your horoscope, then you possess a deep sense of accountability to the world at large; yet life keeps you on a very short leash. You soon learn that even slight deviations from the straight and narrow path can have catastrophic consequences. You feel compelled to do more than is necessary because you have an acute need to justify to yourself the fact of your existence on this earth.  You tend to distrust being too happy – or at least feel vaguely guilty about the idea – which gives you an air of world-weariness. You bear life’s burdens with downright doggedness, which on the negative side reveals itself in a singular pigheadedness. At your best, you possess dignity and a real sense of self-worth which in time can lead you to true wisdom. If there is an absence of planets conjunct critical degrees in your horoscope, then you possess great flexibility and adaptability, together with an uninhibited opportunism.  You tend to be rather happy-go-lucky; you get to do pretty much as you please in life because you let nothing interfere with what you really want to do. At times you may use other people for your own ends and discard them when you have no further need of them. You have a gift for transplanting yourself body and soul whenever your involvements have reached a point of frustration.  You have little sense of remorse or guilt, and can get away with things that most people can’t because life doesn’t hold you accountable. An absence of critical degrees provides a relative freedom from compulsion, which can be a great opportunity to practice self-limitation on a voluntary basis.  At your best you are honorable, dispassionate, and just. At your worst you tend to leave your messes for other people to clean up. When your natal Sun is critical you have a strong will and determination, but very little fulfillment in life. You feel misunderstood and unappreciated, out of step with the world around you.    You have high ideals and a good heart, combined with a fierce pride and unwillingness to compromise. You are out-of-step with the world around you, but have an unwavering faith in your own worth.  This is not so much a pride before people (though there can be a touchy, snobbish, or overweening tendency) as it is a pride before God. It’s difficult for you to reconcile the demands that the world makes upon you with what your own inner voice is telling you to do.  You tend to find real life too real, too harsh, which lends a softness and sweetness to your nature and gives you a grumpy or brooding air.  At your worst you are given to self-righteousness of self-pity. Your independent disposition and unwavering faith in your own worth is trimmed by a long period of servitude in which you must bend yourself to the demands of other people or the press of circumstances until the nascent humility, which is your most endearing virtue, truly flowers.  When your Progressed Sun arrives at a critical degree your life comes to some dead end or point of futility.  There may be arguments or disagreements with associates, or just an awareness of nonfulfillment with where your life seems to be taking you. Abruptly some new door opens.  You make the decision to change direction in life.  Filled with inspiration and a new sense of purpose, you leave the uncongenial environment to go off on your own. It's as if you can feel the hand of God guiding and directing you. In the succeeding months you may reflect upon your own limitations; you come to appreciate what it is that is really of importance to you in the working out of your destiny. When your natal Moon is critical you possess good instincts and great tenacity; yet life is never a settled issue for you. You’re never quite sure what it is you want out of life, so you’re never quite satisfied with things as they are.  You tend to hold yourself back because you have an emotional sensibility which is very easily moved or disturbed. You take everything that happens very much to heart, which on its negative side can become a tendency to sulk or pout.  At your worst you are completely dominated by your moods, and the less rational they are, the more adamant you become. Your best quality is your willingness to follow your intuition all the way to the end, which endows you with a great capacity for loyalty and dedication.The Progressed Moon’s conjunctions with critical degrees are by no means as important or far-reaching as those of the other planets.  Occurring about once a year, they are usually in effect for a day or so prior to the exact date they are due. Something comes up that is a bit out of the ordinary or involves you with other people in a novel way.  The experience is quite engaging emotionally.  It often has an oblique or indirect bearing upon your present situation in life, and thus serves as a focus for your current feelings and aspirations. The event helps you to realize consciously some of the things you may have been taking for granted heretofore.  The upshot is a change of attitude as regards your current involvements and a real sense of emotional encouragement.When your natal Mercury is critical you are sociable and eager to please; but you never quite seem to fit in no matter how hard you try. You are self-conscious and constantly aware of the impression you are making on other people.  At times you may become too dependent on their approval or acceptance. You can be overly self-justifying in your efforts to dodge blame and reproach.   There can be a sense of cheerful indifference or helplessness about you; you can be a little too pleased with yourself; as a reaction against others’ judgments. On the other hand, you tend to be nonjudgmental yourself, and are eager to learn and communicate.  Typically your friendships cut across all lines of social class and educational background.  There is a freshness, an openness, about you, which heralds a nascent innocence.Progressed Mercury usually arrives at a critical degree on the heels of a period of inner turmoil and confusion about who you are and where you belong.  Then you conceive some new idea or project with which you can identify yourself.  You enter a period of great energy and activity. The situation hinges upon clear communication with other people, and you have the aplomb and self-possession to bring it off. Your fondest images of yourself seem to come true; you feel like Super-You. In the succeeding months you come to see yourself in a new light, with a new-found sense of personal prowess.When your natal Venus is critical you possess an unflagging optimism and hopefulness; yet life seems to continually disappoint your expectations.  You are endowed with a somewhat abashed playfulness and the eager anticipation of a child, but you are extremely vulnerable emotionally and susceptible to being imposed upon or taken advantage of. Actually you victimize yourself with a childish impatience and refusal to allow things to run their course – such as waiting for Mr. or Ms. “Right” to come along, and pouncing on any likely prospects.   You may not be looking for give-and-take in an intimate relationship so much as for security and a sense of stability.  On your positive side you have a nurturing impulse towards your fellows.  You are a delight to know because you are spontaneous, full of adventure, and possessed of a wide-eyed curiosity about the world.Progressed Venus usually conjoins a critical degree after a chaotic or unsettling period in which your life and relationships have seemed unsubstantial or unfruitful. Then a new possibility presents itself and your realize that you have it within you to change matters.  It is a very creative, artistic, inspired period.  A new beginning – sometimes an actual removal – is made. You break old alliances and make new ones. Your situation in life stabilizes and loose ends come together.  In the months that follow you come to understand better the contribution which you have to make of yourself in order to find your own happiness and peace of mind.When your natal Mars is critical you possess great perseverance and endurance; but you usually find yourself in a rut, stuck in the same old dead-end situations. You don’t like being under pressure but often find yourself in that position because you put off decision-making or just let things slide until you’re absolutely forced to make a stand. You may harbor secret ambitions or dreams of grandeur, together with a secret fear of successfully realizing them; so you tend to carry an air of frustrated intentions around with you. On the other hand, you mix your caution with bravado and panache and an exceptional amount of personal charm.  You have a sense of fair play and a determination to shield and protect other people, which is the hallmark of an incipient heroism.Progressed Mars often reaches a critical degree after a period of battering your head against a wall.  Sometimes there has been illness, or disapproval and rejection by other people.  Then the wall falls away. Some sort of renunciation, conversion, or self-sacrifice is required;  a new commitment must be made.  You may get to do something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, and you receive the support of other people.  Succeeding months show you the futility of passive acceptance: you become more willing to stand up for yourself. When your natal Jupiter is critical you possess a rather sheepish desire to be looked up to and a gift for taking charge, together with a disinclination to play at all unless you can make the rules. You are the proverbial “leader without followers”: enthusiastic and eager to share, but overly set in your ways and fixed in your views so that there is a certain point beyond which you just cannot be reached. You take great delight in sheer contrariness, and there may be a vaguely patronizing or condescending air about you – or the sense that you are humoring or indulging other people.  If life at times makes you feel that nothing you say or do counts, it’s because you’re often unwilling to give anyone else any credit.  When you have learned the virtues of adaptability, the steadfastness of purpose and complete sincerity which are your outstanding qualities win you the firm allegiance of all who know you.Since the planets beyond Mars move very slowly by secondary progression and rarely conjoin critical degrees, delineations for the progressed outer planets will not be given.When your natal Saturn is critical you are gentle, sensitive, and aware; yet you tend to find life rather unresponsive and indifferent to you. You are ever the objective observer, even of yourself; this aloofness endows you with an ironic, even self-mocking, sense of humor. You tend to insulate yourself in your objectivity and resist committing yourself fully to what is going on around you. You are always conscious of yourself as an actor in the drama of life, which on the negative side inclines you to pose. If life at times makes you feel that your ideas and feelings are not being respected, it’s because you tend to play at life, refusing to take it – or other people – seriously in its own right.  Your best quality is your conscious determination to keep your own participation in life as clean and free of ulterior motive as possible, which is the herald of a true personal integrity.If your natal Uranus is critical you are extraordinarily exacting, especially of yourself, and determined to carve out some special niche in the world wherein you are the undisputed master.  You are a scrapper, with clearly defined goals in life; and you will not tolerate being crossed in your efforts to realize them. You are endowed with ingenuity and a marked originality in point of view, and you know it, which may make for unendurable smugness or complacency in your temperament. Your dogmatism and bluntness in speaking your mind often antagonize and repel others, even when you’re basically right.  You possess a true moral courage, ever present but particularly noticeable in the face of adversity. You are characterized by a readiness to sacrifice yourself for other people or for an ideal.If your natal Neptune is critical you are easy-going and free-spirited; yet life is constantly bogging you down with entangling obligations.  You sometimes give the impression that the world is faintly a nuisance – a brief and bothersome sojourn en route to some more interesting place. You are a dreamer with your own private world: some area of life in which you feel centered and at ease and in which you have everything down pat. There is often an outstanding talent or competency, even a touch of genius. But, outside your specialty, you keep relations with other people and the world generally as superficial and perfunctory as possible. It can be hard to pull you down off your cloud when an emotional commitment is called for.  When you have learned to accept responsibility for the world beyond yourself, your inspiration and vision influence all who know you. When your natal Pluto is critical you possess great intensity and ardor, but life is always trying to dominate you or grind you down.  You are endowed with a penetrating intellect and can see very clearly through the prevailing cultural mores.  You may toy with fanaticism or extremism in one form or another, but you are more of a malcontent than a revolutionary:  you can get hipped on something and lose all sense of objectivity. You chafe at the normal expectations that your social milieu seeks to impose upon you, but you may be at a loss as to how to strike out on your own.  You tend to meekly accept some socially approved role in life rather than seize the responsibility for your own destiny. As a result there is a seething or disgruntled air about you, a tendency to crab and complain. At your best you are endowed with great personal stake in the fate of humankind as a whole, which heralds a nascent modesty.If your natal Ascendant – Descendant is critical then you alternate between great self-possession on the one hand, and a sureness of self or snobbishness of unsociable proportions on the other.  Although you can be self-assertive to the point of brusqueness, the private you is often plagued with self-doubts. You both openly disdain and desperately need the support and encouragement of other people.  You tend to feel misunderstood; and usually you are misunderstood, because you are always marching to the beat of a different drum.  You constantly try to live up to some idealized image you have of yourself. You are animated by a sense of mission in life, and you resent being judged on any basis other than the terms of your own ideals; but you are apt to discount your own ulterior motives, which are quite visible to everyone else.  Your best qualities are your idealism and conscientiousness, which endow you with a true nobility.The Progressed Ascendant – Descendant often reaches a critical degree at the end of a long period of low self-esteem.  Some situation crops up in your relations with other people which puts you in an unaccustomed and unusual position.  It presents a challenge to your normal image of who you are. You must rise to the situation and get on top of it; and to do so requires that you surpass your normal expectations of yourself. A feeling of great power wells up inside you; or you simply know within your heart that you can master the situation. You assert yourself and put yourself in complete control of both the situation and your own doubts.  Succeeding months give you a better estimation of where you must draw your lines, and you gain a new confidence in the power of your own personality.If your natal Midheaven – Lower Meridian is critical, you possess great resolution but also a tendency towards vehemence or absolutism.  Although you can be positive to the point of peremptoriness, the private you is somewhat defensive. You have a desperate need to feel that you are standing on solid ground, invulnerable to challenge.  You may embrace some sort of philosophy or religion as a standard for all that is desirable and good and as an assurance of divine benediction upon your efforts. You have lofty goals and ambitions, and are inclined to regard the accomplishment of your work in life as being of much greater importance than yourself personally. The unvarnished self-aggrandizement that colors all of your actions is liable to escape your notice.  On your positive side you are dependable and thorough, with a great capacity for self-discipline and a true spirit of dedication.The Progressed Midheaven – Lower Meridian often comes to a critical degree at the finish of a period of hard work or intense effort, usually under the direction or for the benefit of other people. Then a new freedom of action opens up. You find yourself able to make your own choices, and you decide to change the course of your career or life’s work. You accept some new responsibilities.  Frequently there is some sort of travelling or moving about, but in pursuit of opportunity rather than for mere convenience. In the succeeding months you understand better how you can secure your position in life and guarantee your own independence. ◦

Bob Makransky’s Astrology Corner © 2001

Privacy Policy

Critical Degrees As helpless as baby kittens are, when a stranger approaches they hiss and spit and kick up a fuss, and make a fine show of bravery. Human beings are rather frail creatures too, with great pretensions. Behind all their hissing and spitting they possess a sheer gumption which is peculiarly human and is most noticeable in moments of stress and harassment.  In the horoscope it is shown by the critical degrees. The critical degrees are points spaced 12°51’ apart, beginning at 0° Q (See table of critical degrees).  This is a division of the zodiac by 28, which is symbolically the moon’s orbital period:  the critical degrees are “lunar” in the sense that this area of life is never stable – there is always some question or problem about it.   Any natal planet or horoscope angle that lies within an orb of one degree of any of these points is considered to be critical. Where you find a critical planet or angle in the chart, you find a good deal of hissing and spitting in the life.Critical degrees show a cosmic restraint:  natives will experience obstruction and frustration here (depending on the planet involved) until they learn to surrender their own will in this particular area of l i fe . By denying satis fact ion in external circumstances, natives are forced back upon their own resources: they have to find satisfaction within themselves. These degrees are neither benefic nor malefic: they deny external satisfaction, but increase self-reliance. There is an obstinate struggle here against hampering and isolating circumstances – usually self-created – and also a great reserve of fortitude and strength. This strength is especially apparent when a planet or angle comes to conjunction with a critical degree by secondary (day-for-a-year) progression. Except for the progressed moon, whose effect is much weaker, there is usually a preceding month or so of personal limitation and frustration.  Then, within a few weeks of the time that the progression is exact, a crisis occurs. The situation calls for a transcendence – moving up to a new level of grasp and control. The real significance of these critical moments in life is often properly understood only in retrospect over a period of months after the event.  Generally, your critical planets and angles reveal not only where you fume, but also where your greatest potentials lie.  They are your true points of touch with the depths of your own humanity. When there is a Preponderance of planets conjunct critical degrees (four or more) in your horoscope, then you possess a deep sense of accountability to the world at large; yet life keeps you on a very short leash. You soon learn that even slight deviations from the straight and narrow path can have catastrophic consequences. You feel compelled to do more than is necessary because you have an acute need to justify to yourself the fact of your existence on this earth.  You tend to distrust being too happy – or at least feel vaguely guilty about the idea – which gives you an air of world-weariness. You bear life’s burdens with downright doggedness, which on the negative side reveals itself in a singular pigheadedness. At your best, you possess dignity and a real sense of self-worth which in time can lead you to true wisdom. If there is an absence of planets conjunct critical degrees in your horoscope, then you possess great flexibility and adaptability, together with an uninhibited opportunism.  You tend to be rather happy-go-lucky; you get to do pretty much as you please in life because you let nothing interfere with what you really want to do. At times you may use other people for your own ends and discard them when you have no further need of them. You have a gift for transplanting yourself body and soul whenever your involvements have reached a point of frustration.  You have little sense of remorse or guilt, and can get away with things that most people can’t because life doesn’t hold you accountable. An absence of critical degrees provides a relative freedom from compulsion, which can be a great opportunity to practice self-limitation on a voluntary basis.  At your best you are honorable, dispassionate, and just. At your worst you tend to leave your messes for other people to clean up. When your natal Sun is critical you have a strong will and determination, but very little fulfillment in life. You feel misunderstood and unappreciated, out of step with the world around you.    You have high ideals and a good heart, combined with a fierce pride and unwillingness to compromise. You are out-of-step with the world around you, but have an unwavering faith in your own worth.  This is not so much a pride before people (though there can be a touchy, snobbish, or overweening tendency) as it is a pride before God. It’s difficult for you to reconcile the demands that the world makes upon you with what your own inner voice is telling you to do.  You tend to find real life too real, too harsh, which lends a softness and sweetness to your nature and gives you a grumpy or brooding air.  At your worst you are given to self-righteousness of self-pity. Your independent disposition and unwavering faith in your own worth is trimmed by a long period of servitude in which you must bend yourself to the demands of other people or the press of circumstances until the nascent humility, which is your most endearing virtue, truly flowers.  When your Progressed Sun arrives at a critical degree your life comes to some dead end or point of futility.  There may be arguments or disagreements with associates, or just an awareness of nonfulfillment with where your life seems to be taking you. Abruptly some new door opens.  You make the decision to change direction in life.  Filled with inspiration and a new sense of purpose, you leave the uncongenial environment to go off on your own. It's as if you can feel the hand of God guiding and directing you. In the succeeding months you may reflect upon your own limitations; you come to appreciate what it is that is really of importance to you in the working out of your destiny. When your natal Moon is critical you possess good instincts and great tenacity; yet life is never a settled issue for you. You’re never quite sure what it is you want out of life, so you’re never quite satisfied with things as they are.  You tend to hold yourself back because you have an emotional sensibility which is very easily moved or disturbed. You take everything that happens very much to heart, which on its negative side can become a tendency to sulk or pout.  At your worst you are completely dominated by your moods, and the less rational they are, the more adamant you become. Your best quality is your willingness to follow your intuition all the way to the end, which endows you with a great capacity for loyalty and dedication.The Progressed Moon’s conjunctions with critical degrees are by no means as important or far-reaching as those of the other planets.  Occurring about once a year, they are usually in effect for a day or so prior to the exact date they are due. Something comes up that is a bit out of the ordinary or involves you with other people in a novel way.  The experience is quite engaging emotionally.  It often has an oblique or indirect bearing upon your present situation in life, and thus serves as a focus for your current feelings and aspirations. The event helps you to realize consciously some of the things you may have been taking for granted heretofore.  The upshot is a change of attitude as regards your current involvements and a real sense of emotional encouragement.When your natal Mercury is critical you are sociable and eager to please; but you never quite seem to fit in no matter how hard you try. You are self-conscious and constantly aware of the impression you are making on other people.  At times you may become too dependent on their approval or acceptance. You can be overly self-justifying in your efforts to dodge blame and reproach.   There can be a sense of cheerful indifference or helplessness about you; you can be a little too pleased with yourself; as a reaction against others’ judgments. On the other hand, you tend to be nonjudgmental yourself, and are eager to learn and communicate.  Typically your friendships cut across all lines of social class and educational background.  There is a freshness, an openness, about you, which heralds a nascent innocence.Progressed Mercury usually arrives at a critical degree on the heels of a period of inner turmoil and confusion about who you are and where you belong.  Then you conceive some new idea or project with which you can identify yourself.  You enter a period of great energy and activity. The situation hinges upon clear communication with other people, and you have the aplomb and self-possession to bring it off. Your fondest images of yourself seem to come true; you feel like Super-You. In the succeeding months you come to see yourself in a new light, with a new-found sense of personal prowess.When your natal Venus is critical you possess an unflagging optimism and hopefulness; yet life seems to continually disappoint your expectations.  You are endowed with a somewhat abashed playfulness and the eager anticipation of a child, but you are extremely vulnerable emotionally and susceptible to being imposed upon or taken advantage of. Actually you victimize yourself with a childish impatience and refusal to allow things to run their course – such as waiting for Mr. or Ms. “Right” to come along, and pouncing on any likely prospects.   You may not be looking for give-and-take in an intimate relationship so much as for security and a sense of stability.  On your positive side you have a nurturing impulse towards your fellows.  You are a delight to know because you are spontaneous, full of adventure, and possessed of a wide-eyed curiosity about the world.Progressed Venus usually conjoins a critical degree after a chaotic or unsettling period in which your life and relationships have seemed unsubstantial or unfruitful. Then a new possibility presents itself and your realize that you have it within you to change matters.  It is a very creative, artistic, inspired period.  A new beginning – sometimes an actual removal – is made. You break old alliances and make new ones. Your situation in life stabilizes and loose ends come together.  In the months that follow you come to understand better the contribution which you have to make of yourself in order to find your own happiness and peace of mind.When your natal Mars is critical you possess great perseverance and endurance; but you usually find yourself in a rut, stuck in the same old dead-end situations. You don’t like being under pressure but often find yourself in that position because you put off decision-making or just let things slide until you’re absolutely forced to make a stand. You may harbor secret ambitions or dreams of grandeur, together with a secret fear of successfully realizing them; so you tend to carry an air of frustrated intentions around with you. On the other hand, you mix your caution with bravado and panache and an exceptional amount of personal charm.  You have a sense of fair play and a determination to shield and protect other people, which is the hallmark of an incipient heroism.Progressed Mars often reaches a critical degree after a period of battering your head against a wall.  Sometimes there has been illness, or disapproval and rejection by other people.  Then the wall falls away. Some sort of renunciation, conversion, or self-sacrifice is required;  a new commitment must be made.  You may get to do something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, and you receive the support of other people.  Succeeding months show you the futility of passive acceptance: you become more willing to stand up for yourself. When your natal Jupiter is critical you possess a rather sheepish desire to be looked up to and a gift for taking charge, together with a disinclination to play at all unless you can make the rules. You are the proverbial “leader without followers”: enthusiastic and eager to share, but overly set in your ways and fixed in your views so that there is a certain point beyond which you just cannot be reached. You take great delight in sheer contrariness, and there may be a vaguely patronizing or condescending air about you – or the sense that you are humoring or indulging other people.  If life at times makes you feel that nothing you say or do counts, it’s because you’re often unwilling to give anyone else any credit.  When you have learned the virtues of adaptability, the steadfastness of purpose and complete sincerity which are your outstanding qualities win you the firm allegiance of all who know you.Since the planets beyond Mars move very slowly by secondary progression and rarely conjoin critical degrees, delineations for the progressed outer planets will not be given.When your natal Saturn is critical you are gentle, sensitive, and aware; yet you tend to find life rather unresponsive and indifferent to you. You are ever the objective observer, even of yourself; this aloofness endows you with an ironic, even self-mocking, sense of humor. You tend to insulate yourself in your objectivity and resist committing yourself fully to what is going on around you. You are always conscious of yourself as an actor in the drama of life, which on the negative side inclines you to pose. If life at times makes you feel that your ideas and feelings are not being respected, it’s because you tend to play at life, refusing to take it – or other people – seriously in its own right.  Your best quality is your conscious determination to keep your own participation in life as clean and free of ulterior motive as possible, which is the herald of a true personal integrity.If your natal Uranus is critical you are extraordinarily exacting, especially of yourself, and determined to carve out some special niche in the world wherein you are the undisputed master.  You are a scrapper, with clearly defined goals in life; and you will not tolerate being crossed in your efforts to realize them. You are endowed with ingenuity and a marked originality in point of view, and you know it, which may make for unendurable smugness or complacency in your temperament. Your dogmatism and bluntness in speaking your mind often antagonize and repel others, even when you’re basically right.  You possess a true moral courage, ever present but particularly noticeable in the face of adversity. You are characterized by a readiness to sacrifice yourself for other people or for an ideal.If your natal Neptune is critical you are easy-going and free-spirited; yet life is constantly bogging you down with entangling obligations.  You sometimes give the impression that the world is faintly a nuisance – a brief and bothersome sojourn en route to some more interesting place. You are a dreamer with your own private world: some area of life in which you feel centered and at ease and in which you have everything down pat. There is often an outstanding talent or competency, even a touch of genius. But, outside your specialty, you keep relations with other people and the world generally as superficial and perfunctory as possible. It can be hard to pull you down off your cloud when an emotional commitment is called for.  When you have learned to accept responsibility for the world beyond yourself, your inspiration and vision influence all who know you. When your natal Pluto is critical you possess great intensity and ardor, but life is always trying to dominate you or grind you down.  You are endowed with a penetrating intellect and can see very clearly through the prevailing cultural mores.  You may toy with fanaticism or extremism in one form or another, but you are more of a malcontent than a revolutionary:  you can get hipped on something and lose all sense of objectivity. You chafe at the normal expectations that your social milieu seeks to impose upon you, but you may be at a loss as to how to strike out on your own.  You tend to meekly accept some socially approved role in life rather than seize the responsibility for your own destiny. As a result there is a seething or disgruntled air about you, a tendency to crab and complain. At your best you are endowed with great personal stake in the fate of humankind as a whole, which heralds a nascent modesty.If your natal Ascendant – Descendant is critical then you alternate between great self-possession on the one hand, and a sureness of self or snobbishness of unsociable proportions on the other.  Although you can be self-assertive to the point of brusqueness, the private you is often plagued with self-doubts. You both openly disdain and desperately need the support and encouragement of other people.  You tend to feel misunderstood; and usually you are misunderstood, because you are always marching to the beat of a different drum.  You constantly try to live up to some idealized image you have of yourself. You are animated by a sense of mission in life, and you resent being judged on any basis other than the terms of your own ideals; but you are apt to discount your own ulterior motives, which are quite visible to everyone else.  Your best qualities are your idealism and conscientiousness, which endow you with a true nobility.The Progressed Ascendant – Descendant often reaches a critical degree at the end of a long period of low self-esteem.  Some situation crops up in your relations with other people which puts you in an unaccustomed and unusual position.  It presents a challenge to your normal image of who you are. You must rise to the situation and get on top of it; and to do so requires that you surpass your normal expectations of yourself. A feeling of great power wells up inside you; or you simply know within your heart that you can master the situation. You assert yourself and put yourself in complete control of both the situation and your own doubts.  Succeeding months give you a better estimation of where you must draw your lines, and you gain a new confidence in the power of your own personality.If your natal Midheaven – Lower Meridian is critical, you possess great resolution but also a tendency towards vehemence or absolutism.  Although you can be positive to the point of peremptoriness, the private you is somewhat defensive. You have a desperate need to feel that you are standing on solid ground, invulnerable to challenge.  You may embrace some sort of philosophy or religion as a standard for all that is desirable and good and as an assurance of divine benediction upon your efforts. You have lofty goals and ambitions, and are inclined to regard the accomplishment of your work in life as being of much greater importance than yourself personally. The unvarnished self-aggrandizement that colors all of your actions is liable to escape your notice.  On your positive side you are dependable and thorough, with a great capacity for self-discipline and a true spirit of dedication.The Progressed Midheaven – Lower Meridian often comes to a critical degree at the finish of a period of hard work or intense effort, usually under the direction or for the benefit of other people. Then a new freedom of action opens up. You find yourself able to make your own choices, and you decide to change the course of your career or life’s work. You accept some new responsibilities.  Frequently there is some sort of travelling or moving about, but in pursuit of opportunity rather than for mere convenience. In the succeeding months you understand better how you can secure your position in life and guarantee your own independence. ◦

Bob Makransky’s Astrology Corner © 2001

Privacy Policy

Critical Degrees As helpless as baby kittens are, when a stranger approaches they hiss and spit and kick up a fuss, and make a fine show of bravery. Human beings are rather frail creatures too, with great pretensions. Behind all their hissing and spitting they possess a sheer gumption which is peculiarly human and is most noticeable in moments of stress and harassment.  In the horoscope it is shown by the critical degrees. The critical degrees are points spaced 12°51’ apart, beginning at 0° Q (See table of critical degrees).  This is a division of the zodiac by 28, which is symbolically the moon’s orbital period:  the critical degrees are “lunar” in the sense that this area of life is never stable – there is always some question or problem about it.   Any natal planet or horoscope angle that lies within an orb of one degree of any of these points is considered to be critical. Where you find a critical planet or angle in the chart, you find a good deal of hissing and spitting in the life.Critical degrees show a cosmic restraint:  natives will experience obstruction and frustration here (depending on the planet involved) until they learn to surrender their own will in this particular area of l i fe . By denying satis fact ion in external circumstances, natives are forced back upon their own resources: they have to find satisfaction within themselves. These degrees are neither benefic nor malefic: they deny external satisfaction, but increase self-reliance. There is an obstinate struggle here against hampering and isolating circumstances – usually self-created – and also a great reserve of fortitude and strength. This strength is especially apparent when a planet or angle comes to conjunction with a critical degree by secondary (day-for-a-year) progression. Except for the progressed moon, whose effect is much weaker, there is usually a preceding month or so of personal limitation and frustration.  Then, within a few weeks of the time that the progression is exact, a crisis occurs. The situation calls for a transcendence – moving up to a new level of grasp and control. The real significance of these critical moments in life is often properly understood only in retrospect over a period of months after the event.  Generally, your critical planets and angles reveal not only where you fume, but also where your greatest potentials lie.  They are your true points of touch with the depths of your own humanity. When there is a Preponderance of planets conjunct critical degrees (four or more) in your horoscope, then you possess a deep sense of accountability to the world at large; yet life keeps you on a very short leash. You soon learn that even slight deviations from the straight and narrow path can have catastrophic consequences. You feel compelled to do more than is necessary because you have an acute need to justify to yourself the fact of your existence on this earth.  You tend to distrust being too happy – or at least feel vaguely guilty about the idea – which gives you an air of world-weariness. You bear life’s burdens with downright doggedness, which on the negative side reveals itself in a singular pigheadedness. At your best, you possess dignity and a real sense of self-worth which in time can lead you to true wisdom. If there is an absence of planets conjunct critical degrees in your horoscope, then you possess great flexibility and adaptability, together with an uninhibited opportunism.  You tend to be rather happy-go-lucky; you get to do pretty much as you please in life because you let nothing interfere with what you really want to do. At times you may use other people for your own ends and discard them when you have no further need of them. You have a gift for transplanting yourself body and soul whenever your involvements have reached a point of frustration.  You have little sense of remorse or guilt, and can get away with things that most people can’t because life doesn’t hold you accountable. An absence of critical degrees provides a relative freedom from compulsion, which can be a great opportunity to practice self-limitation on a voluntary basis.  At your best you are honorable, dispassionate, and just. At your worst you tend to leave your messes for other people to clean up. When your natal Sun is critical you have a strong will and determination, but very little fulfillment in life. You feel misunderstood and unappreciated, out of step with the world around you.    You have high ideals and a good heart, combined with a fierce pride and unwillingness to compromise. You are out-of-step with the world around you, but have an unwavering faith in your own worth.  This is not so much a pride before people (though there can be a touchy, snobbish, or overweening tendency) as it is a pride before God. It’s difficult for you to reconcile the demands that the world makes upon you with what your own inner voice is telling you to do.  You tend to find real life too real, too harsh, which lends a softness and sweetness to your nature and gives you a grumpy or brooding air.  At your worst you are given to self-righteousness of self-pity. Your independent disposition and unwavering faith in your own worth is trimmed by a long period of servitude in which you must bend yourself to the demands of other people or the press of circumstances until the nascent humility, which is your most endearing virtue, truly flowers.  When your Progressed Sun arrives at a critical degree your life comes to some dead end or point of futility.  There may be arguments or disagreements with associates, or just an awareness of nonfulfillment with where your life seems to be taking you. Abruptly some new door opens.  You make the decision to change direction in life.  Filled with inspiration and a new sense of purpose, you leave the uncongenial environment to go off on your own. It's as if you can feel the hand of God guiding and directing you. In the succeeding months you may reflect upon your own limitations; you come to appreciate what it is that is really of importance to you in the working out of your destiny. When your natal Moon is critical you possess good instincts and great tenacity; yet life is never a settled issue for you. You’re never quite sure what it is you want out of life, so you’re never quite satisfied with things as they are.  You tend to hold yourself back because you have an emotional sensibility which is very easily moved or disturbed. You take everything that happens very much to heart, which on its negative side can become a tendency to sulk or pout.  At your worst you are completely dominated by your moods, and the less rational they are, the more adamant you become. Your best quality is your willingness to follow your intuition all the way to the end, which endows you with a great capacity for loyalty and dedication.The Progressed Moon’s conjunctions with critical degrees are by no means as important or far-reaching as those of the other planets.  Occurring about once a year, they are usually in effect for a day or so prior to the exact date they are due. Something comes up that is a bit out of the ordinary or involves you with other people in a novel way.  The experience is quite engaging emotionally.  It often has an oblique or indirect bearing upon your present situation in life, and thus serves as a focus for your current feelings and aspirations. The event helps you to realize consciously some of the things you may have been taking for granted heretofore.  The upshot is a change of attitude as regards your current involvements and a real sense of emotional encouragement.When your natal Mercury is critical you are sociable and eager to please; but you never quite seem to fit in no matter how hard you try. You are self-conscious and constantly aware of the impression you are making on other people.  At times you may become too dependent on their approval or acceptance. You can be overly self-justifying in your efforts to dodge blame and reproach.   There can be a sense of cheerful indifference or helplessness about you; you can be a little too pleased with yourself; as a reaction against others’ judgments. On the other hand, you tend to be nonjudgmental yourself, and are eager to learn and communicate.  Typically your friendships cut across all lines of social class and educational background.  There is a freshness, an openness, about you, which heralds a nascent innocence.Progressed Mercury usually arrives at a critical degree on the heels of a period of inner turmoil and confusion about who you are and where you belong.  Then you conceive some new idea or project with which you can identify yourself.  You enter a period of great energy and activity. The situation hinges upon clear communication with other people, and you have the aplomb and self-possession to bring it off. Your fondest images of yourself seem to come true; you feel like Super-You. In the succeeding months you come to see yourself in a new light, with a new-found sense of personal prowess.When your natal Venus is critical you possess an unflagging optimism and hopefulness; yet life seems to continually disappoint your expectations.  You are endowed with a somewhat abashed playfulness and the eager anticipation of a child, but you are extremely vulnerable emotionally and susceptible to being imposed upon or taken advantage of. Actually you victimize yourself with a childish impatience and refusal to allow things to run their course – such as waiting for Mr. or Ms. “Right” to come along, and pouncing on any likely prospects.   You may not be looking for give-and-take in an intimate relationship so much as for security and a sense of stability.  On your positive side you have a nurturing impulse towards your fellows.  You are a delight to know because you are spontaneous, full of adventure, and possessed of a wide-eyed curiosity about the world.Progressed Venus usually conjoins a critical degree after a chaotic or unsettling period in which your life and relationships have seemed unsubstantial or unfruitful. Then a new possibility presents itself and your realize that you have it within you to change matters.  It is a very creative, artistic, inspired period.  A new beginning – sometimes an actual removal – is made. You break old alliances and make new ones. Your situation in life stabilizes and loose ends come together.  In the months that follow you come to understand better the contribution which you have to make of yourself in order to find your own happiness and peace of mind.When your natal Mars is critical you possess great perseverance and endurance; but you usually find yourself in a rut, stuck in the same old dead-end situations. You don’t like being under pressure but often find yourself in that position because you put off decision-making or just let things slide until you’re absolutely forced to make a stand. You may harbor secret ambitions or dreams of grandeur, together with a secret fear of successfully realizing them; so you tend to carry an air of frustrated intentions around with you. On the other hand, you mix your caution with bravado and panache and an exceptional amount of personal charm.  You have a sense of fair play and a determination to shield and protect other people, which is the hallmark of an incipient heroism.Progressed Mars often reaches a critical degree after a period of battering your head against a wall.  Sometimes there has been illness, or disapproval and rejection by other people.  Then the wall falls away. Some sort of renunciation, conversion, or self-sacrifice is required;  a new commitment must be made.  You may get to do something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, and you receive the support of other people.  Succeeding months show you the futility of passive acceptance: you become more willing to stand up for yourself. When your natal Jupiter is critical you possess a rather sheepish desire to be looked up to and a gift for taking charge, together with a disinclination to play at all unless you can make the rules. You are the proverbial “leader without followers”: enthusiastic and eager to share, but overly set in your ways and fixed in your views so that there is a certain point beyond which you just cannot be reached. You take great delight in sheer contrariness, and there may be a vaguely patronizing or condescending air about you – or the sense that you are humoring or indulging other people.  If life at times makes you feel that nothing you say or do counts, it’s because you’re often unwilling to give anyone else any credit.  When you have learned the virtues of adaptability, the steadfastness of purpose and complete sincerity which are your outstanding qualities win you the firm allegiance of all who know you.Since the planets beyond Mars move very slowly by secondary progression and rarely conjoin critical degrees, delineations for the progressed outer planets will not be given.When your natal Saturn is critical you are gentle, sensitive, and aware; yet you tend to find life rather unresponsive and indifferent to you. You are ever the objective observer, even of yourself; this aloofness endows you with an ironic, even self-mocking, sense of humor. You tend to insulate yourself in your objectivity and resist committing yourself fully to what is going on around you. You are always conscious of yourself as an actor in the drama of life, which on the negative side inclines you to pose. If life at times makes you feel that your ideas and feelings are not being respected, it’s because you tend to play at life, refusing to take it – or other people – seriously in its own right.  Your best quality is your conscious determination to keep your own participation in life as clean and free of ulterior motive as possible, which is the herald of a true personal integrity.If your natal Uranus is critical you are extraordinarily exacting, especially of yourself, and determined to carve out some special niche in the world wherein you are the undisputed master.  You are a scrapper, with clearly defined goals in life; and you will not tolerate being crossed in your efforts to realize them. You are endowed with ingenuity and a marked originality in point of view, and you know it, which may make for unendurable smugness or complacency in your temperament. Your dogmatism and bluntness in speaking your mind often antagonize and repel others, even when you’re basically right.  You possess a true moral courage, ever present but particularly noticeable in the face of adversity. You are characterized by a readiness to sacrifice yourself for other people or for an ideal.If your natal Neptune is critical you are easy-going and free-spirited; yet life is constantly bogging you down with entangling obligations.  You sometimes give the impression that the world is faintly a nuisance – a brief and bothersome sojourn en route to some more interesting place. You are a dreamer with your own private world: some area of life in which you feel centered and at ease and in which you have everything down pat. There is often an outstanding talent or competency, even a touch of genius. But, outside your specialty, you keep relations with other people and the world generally as superficial and perfunctory as possible. It can be hard to pull you down off your cloud when an emotional commitment is called for.  When you have learned to accept responsibility for the world beyond yourself, your inspiration and vision influence all who know you. When your natal Pluto is critical you possess great intensity and ardor, but life is always trying to dominate you or grind you down.  You are endowed with a penetrating intellect and can see very clearly through the prevailing cultural mores.  You may toy with fanaticism or extremism in one form or another, but you are more of a malcontent than a revolutionary:  you can get hipped on something and lose all sense of objectivity. You chafe at the normal expectations that your social milieu seeks to impose upon you, but you may be at a loss as to how to strike out on your own.  You tend to meekly accept some socially approved role in life rather than seize the responsibility for your own destiny. As a result there is a seething or disgruntled air about you, a tendency to crab and complain. At your best you are endowed with great personal stake in the fate of humankind as a whole, which heralds a nascent modesty.If your natal Ascendant – Descendant is critical then you alternate between great self-possession on the one hand, and a sureness of self or snobbishness of unsociable proportions on the other.  Although you can be self-assertive to the point of brusqueness, the private you is often plagued with self-doubts. You both openly disdain and desperately need the support and encouragement of other people.  You tend to feel misunderstood; and usually you are misunderstood, because you are always marching to the beat of a different drum.  You constantly try to live up to some idealized image you have of yourself. You are animated by a sense of mission in life, and you resent being judged on any basis other than the terms of your own ideals; but you are apt to discount your own ulterior motives, which are quite visible to everyone else.  Your best qualities are your idealism and conscientiousness, which endow you with a true nobility.The Progressed Ascendant – Descendant often reaches a critical degree at the end of a long period of low self-esteem.  Some situation crops up in your relations with other people which puts you in an unaccustomed and unusual position.  It presents a challenge to your normal image of who you are. You must rise to the situation and get on top of it; and to do so requires that you surpass your normal expectations of yourself. A feeling of great power wells up inside you; or you simply know within your heart that you can master the situation. You assert yourself and put yourself in complete control of both the situation and your own doubts.  Succeeding months give you a better estimation of where you must draw your lines, and you gain a new confidence in the power of your own personality.If your natal Midheaven – Lower Meridian is critical, you possess great resolution but also a tendency towards vehemence or absolutism.  Although you can be positive to the point of peremptoriness, the private you is somewhat defensive. You have a desperate need to feel that you are standing on solid ground, invulnerable to challenge.  You may embrace some sort of philosophy or religion as a standard for all that is desirable and good and as an assurance of divine benediction upon your efforts. You have lofty goals and ambitions, and are inclined to regard the accomplishment of your work in life as being of much greater importance than yourself personally. The unvarnished self-aggrandizement that colors all of your actions is liable to escape your notice.  On your positive side you are dependable and thorough, with a great capacity for self-discipline and a true spirit of dedication.The Progressed Midheaven – Lower Meridian often comes to a critical degree at the finish of a period of hard work or intense effort, usually under the direction or for the benefit of other people. Then a new freedom of action opens up. You find yourself able to make your own choices, and you decide to change the course of your career or life’s work. You accept some new responsibilities.  Frequently there is some sort of travelling or moving about, but in pursuit of opportunity rather than for mere convenience. In the succeeding months you understand better how you can secure your position in life and guarantee your own independence. ◦

Bob Makransky’s Astrology Corner © 2001

Privacy PolicyOf course all prediction starts with the natal chart. Nothing can come to pass that wasn’t promised in the natal chart. For instance, unless one or both luminaries are afflicted in the natal chart, the vitality and health should be good. If the Moon forms many amicable aspects then domestic conditions and relationships with women are favorable. But, if the Moon forms hard aspects to Uranus or Saturn, then life can throw some curve balls or tough conditions to overcome at certain times. Unless there is susceptibility for an accident, then none will occur. The natal chart provides the base from which to look into any department of life to find the lifelong potential.The progressed chart is used to find the general timing of when the promised potential will come about. The progressions show when things are ripe for a certain kind of event. Say Venus becomes very activated in a young man’s chart, receiving a trine from his progressed Mars during the same year his progressed Ascendant trines his natal Moon, then we’d suspect developments involving a woman and a romantic attachment. But, we’d know it for certain if his natal chart promised happy romantic entanglements, such as Venus trine Mars and natal Venus ruling the Seventh and occupying the Fifth House. Because an individual tends toward particular strengths and weaknesses, as shown in the birth horoscope, the reoccurring planetary configurations are usually accurate in reflecting a period when the inherent issues surface, as well as the individual’s probable response to conditions and circumstances. Then, major transits, including eclipses or even a New Moon can act as a trigger to set off progressions.The planets are impartial, though of a specific nature and vibration. Because individuals differ, the response to the same type of planetary energies will differ from one person to another. The natal chart is what holds this key, and the astrologer must be aware of this before attempting to make a forecast. For example, if the natal chart shows loss through speculation, then a lucky transit means little in regards to gambling. It is more likely that the individual will feel that s/he can win, takes a risk, and experiences a loss instead. However, in a chart indicating gain through speculation, the same lucky transit could be predictive of a big win. So, the natal horoscope must always be used as a foundation and in conjunction with subsequent charts. In my book, Predicting Events with Astrology, Chapters 3 through 9 cover a variety of topics and how to find the natal potential for love, money, success, health, etc.Transiting Nodes Impact on PlanetsQuestion: I am not clear about the strength of transiting nodes. Planets are emphasized more. How does one evaluate nodal transits; i.e., with what level of strength? BTW, I’ve really enjoyed your website! A.O.Answer: Hi and thanks for writing. I’m glad you’re enjoying the website.This is a good question you have about the transiting nodes. Of course you probably know that it is the conjunction and opposition aspects to natal planets that are important. The transiting nodes over a planet does emphasize the nature of the planet – I see it as a sort of exclamation point, bringing about experiences, situations, conditions and feelings associated with the particular planet – even showing an emphasis on the people in your life that are ruled by the planet (Sun: father, Moon: mother, Mercury: siblings, etc., etc.).The North Node, also called the Dragon’s Head, is associated with fresh incoming energy that amplifies the way the aspected planet manifests. It often turns up the volume on the urge to bring more into the life of a material or tangible sort. Depending on the condition of the planet, this energy can be very positively directed, or there can be distortion in the way the planet responds to the nodal stimulation – it may become greedy or grasping.The South Node is associated with a drawing out force, asking something of us; a time to give back. Its effect and the way it sensitizes a planet is more intangible and timeless, urging continuity and requiring selfless and compassionate actions. When experienced negatively, one may feel weak or insecure; as if one’s power and energy is leaking. This can result in making drastic or desperate decisions that could have severe repercussions later on.To give a brief example of this phenomenon, Martha Stewart experienced a powerful South Node eclipse prior to her fall from grace for suspected insider trading activities. The eclipse fell on her Moon, representative of her public popularity, while it also fell opposite her progressed Jupiter, representing her financial wealth. It is likely that a sense of losing control contributed to some uncharacteristic judgment calls. But from this example, one can see how the South Node, also called the Dragon’s Tail, became associated with sacrifice and vulnerability.But, there is even more to it than that. Similar to the effects and impact of an eclipse, the transits of the nodes over a planet tend to keep one firmly planted upon the divine path that was chosen for this lifetime – like a guidepost. The transiting nodes over a planet represent points of Karmic interchange.In his book, Lunar Nodes, Mohan Koparker says that when the destined nodes are making significant aspects, the free will existence is at its minimum. He goes on to say that a person has nothing to worry about as far as making decisions at this time since the decisions are made for that person according to what is best in the long run. A person is brought back to his/her normal pattern of destiny through these nodal connections. This is also true of eclipses.The level of strength of the nodal transit may be dependant upon various factors, including the condition and prominence of the natal or progressed planet receiving the transit as well as our previous actions and how closely we’ve stayed upon our predetermined path or strayed from it.I hope this helps. I have two books that you’ll find essential and you actually helped inspire one of them. One is

called Eclipses, Predicting World Events & Personal Transformation and the other is called Lunar Nodes, Discover Your Soul’s Karmic Mission. The latter book has a complete chapter devoted to nodal transits to your planets, with individual descriptions of what to expect and when, as the North or South Node moves over your planet or another angle of the chart. There is a difference! There’s also a chapter devoted to planetary transits to your natal nodes! The latter book also contains a table of nodal positions through 2054. Best wishes, Celeste Teal

0, 13, and 26 degrees of the Cardinal signs8-9 and 21-22 degrees of Fixed signs4 and 17 degrees of Mutable signs

That’s what I knew about the term ‘Critical Degrees’ while doing Project in Astro College First year.Though me and all my classmates tried hard to go beyond these numbers but ended up putting them in project sheets.Years went by now lets discuss that transiting state of planets.Personally, I consider all the 29 and 0 point degrees as Critical Degrees.Generally speaking, 0 degree is the strongest power and 29 is the weakest point. planets gain strength or lose their signification based upon degrees and affinity with the sign they’re in.

Let’s look at Venus as 29Degree Virgo. whilst it’s in the fallen position of venus, a few moments later, venus would have entered His domicile of libra. because venus was about to go home, venus gets a boost of excitement. Ever get that feeling of looking at the clock and seeing that you have a few minutes left before you can go home? well that’s what venus acts like in 29Degree of Virgo. venus is about to leave jail cell and get to go home so he is getting all gussied up and happy. basically speaking, Venus dont really have that cage feeling unlike those who have early virgo venus.Another example is my 29 gemini mercury. if i was born a day later, i would have been cursed with soggy cancer mercury and that would really suck.Although my gemini mercury is in domicile, still, mercury doesn’t want to leave his home and so my gemini mercury power is fizzled. early gemini mercury is most powerful. despite my nearly busted gemini mercury, i’ve always been 1 of the top 3 in all my classes, devastate others in debates and arguments, and behave like a gemini mercury does. the gross part is, sometimes, I do get depressed (like cancer mercury would) about people.The main issue of Critical Degrees with the decision making regarding the energy of that very planet.After going through many charts with Critical Degree planets, it made me believe the native keep thinking from every perspective but then all have one thing common that is sense of urgency.while taking steps they jump on something as if nothing can stop their sponteniety whether its right or wrong. perhaps everyone else will be surprised by the rash decision after analyzing from all the perspective.It’s the last degree of the zodiac sign, and there can be a real sense of urgency surrounding the characteristics and associations of the particular sign. There can also be a general weakness in this area – it can be a point of poor choices, difficulties, crisis, or overcompensation.In Progression when native’s Sun reaches 29Degree then the life of the native can be in crisis.

inding themes and patterns suggesting a certain type of event can be relatively easy. But, when it comes to timing an event, we can often use all the help we can get. The nodes of the Moon provide this timing and helps to pinpoint with more detail the particulars of an event.

Timing Events with the Moon’s NodesThe North Node of the Moon, both in the natal horoscope and in its transit provides a positive influx of energy

and power. It has been identified with Jupiter and embodies a joining quality. The South Node is akin to Saturn, and may show a point of self-dissipation. It is of a separating quality.

A planet in conjunction with one of the nodes in the birth chart has the influence of the appropriate node to be either an innate source of fortune and honor or one of potential mishandling and self-undoing. The South Node points to a place where we perform at a somewhat unconscious level, meaning the easy execution of natural abilities or taking the easy road and, occasionally reflecting moral deficiencies.

Since the opposing nodes hold different meanings, as they transit the horoscope, they create a double set of aspects. Their conjunction with an angle or planet, and conversely, the conjunction of a transiting planet with a natal node place a great emphasis on the planet or angle involved in the contact. The nodes provide timing, and their contacts can be relied on to forecast probable events in keeping with the nature of the angle or planet transited. Some of the most significant life developments take place when the Moon’s nodes transit the angles of the chart.

Following is an outline of nodal contacts and can be referred to whether found in the transits to the natal or progressed chart or in any return chart.

By considering each of the nodal connections formed in return charts, a considerable amount of substantial material can be found in the nodal factors alone. In fact, these will often lead the entire chart. Noteworthy contacts in the return chart include not only the transiting node to natal planet, and transiting planet to natal node, but also transiting node to transiting planet. In the latter case, when the return house and sign position of the pair is considered, the trend suggested will be quite a dynamic factor for the return period.

Of course, nodal contacts formed in the Solar Return are more powerful than in Lunar Returns, simply due to the length of time the aspect is in force. Contacts of the transiting nodes to the progressed planets and angles also manifest quite dynamically, and should be considered. Learn more about your Solar & Lunar Returns with my book, Predicting Events with Astrology. This new edition features four chapters on the returns that will basically walk you through, one step at a time.

Nodes/MidheavenAs the nodes of the Moon transit across the MC/IC axis, there are usually countering themes involving the

areas ruled by the 4th and 10th houses. Since a conjunction of the North Node to the Midheaven automatically brings the South Node to the 4th house cusp, these transits will usually show an increase in status and activity runs smoothly in the professional area. There are good relationships with superiors and authorities and they tend to be especially beneficial at this time. This transit often closely coincides with a new professional position or promotion. At the same time, things may not be going as smoothly within the domestic scene, thus an emphasis to the outlet of energies through the professional arena. There may be concerns regarding the parents or family. This time period may coincide with additional expenses or repairs around the house and could time the illness of one of the parents.

Occasionally, this transit reflects a period of deep introspection as the individual reassesses his or her security foundations.

The opposite transit with the North Node transiting the 4th house cusp and the South Node on the Midheaven suggests an opposing theme. Here, it is the home front and familial relationships that are progressing smoothly and providing satisfaction, while the professional area is lacking in some way. This transit often coincides with a fortunate relocation or move. This may be a direct result of the unfortunate situations arising in the professional area or a lack of career opportunities. Superiors or authority figures may be frowning upon or dissatisfied with the efforts of the individual at this time. Assistance is likely to come from one of the parents, who are likely to be enjoying fortunate circumstances.

The 10th and 4th houses are traditionally representative of the parents, with the 10th usually identifying the more authoritative of the two. However, research indicates that when it comes to the transits of the nodes, the 4th house relates to either parent, with other authority figures represented by the 10th.

Nodes/AscendantWhen the North Node transits the Ascendant, the individual is in a “coming out” phase. Personal timing tends

to be fortunate, and there is a knack for being in the right place at the right time. Things begin to click, as there is an air of self-sufficiency, with others responding more readily to any personal efforts undertaken by the individual. Those born with the North Node conjunct the Ascendant are always noticeable for these dynamic qualities, and others are quite willing to follow their lead.

At the same time, the transiting South Node on the 7th house cusp shows that others may tend to be somewhat like extra weight to carry, requiring the individual to take on added responsibilities or burdens. This transit occasionally times a health problem or unfortunate circumstances surrounding the marriage partner or an intimate. Due to stressful conditions, partners may become moody or difficult to deal with. Because the individual with this aspect is anxious to move forward on his/her personal interests and projects, any conflicting demands are more taxing than usual.

With the opposite transit, the situation is reversed. With the North Node on the cusp of the 7th house, and the South Node on the 1st, others seem to hold the winning hand for the time being. Whether or not the individual is undergoing some personality crisis, he or she finds that it is not a time for going it alone. Others must be depended upon to a more elevated degree, and it is not unusual to find that there is a very real dependency issue going on here. Whatever help or support needed by the individual at this time can be found easily, since there are others around more that willing to lend themselves. This cycle often coincides with meeting a “partner” who can be of great benefit for some time to come, and it is not uncommon for marriage to take place with this transit. In general, benefits to the individual will come via the partner, and these are sometimes quite substantial.

Although these transits frequently bring an emphasis to the marriage partner as the one who either requires or offers the additional support, this is not a hard and fast rule. It may be some other person or “others” in general who play this role.

These angular contacts of the nodes usually time the more important events happening in a lifetime, and while the foregoing describes the general way they will manifest, there are exceptions in which a North Node transit will coincide with unfortunate events and vice-versa. At such times, there will be other patterns showing in the chart, often involving the nodes themselves, describing this reverse order of things. If the node is transiting with another planet when it makes one of these natal contacts, those factors must be considered.

Even in the return charts, the periods in which either the transiting or natal node fall on one of the angles suggest a dynamic trend. Events tend to be more significant and personal than at other times. For example, if the transiting node aligns with the Ascendant of the Lunar Return, it will be a particularly busy month. The individual is likely to initiate or follow through with a project that is time consuming and personally rewarding. There will be a need for balancing personal needs with responsibilities to others. In fact, it is a good idea to prepare for this transit if possible. Beyond this, if a node falls exactly on any other house cusp in the return, the events relating to that house will contain deeper connotations for the period.

Nodes/NodesThe conjunction of the transiting nodes to the natal nodes also typically times important cyclic events in the life.

These connections reflect cataclysmic points in time, similar to the previously described angular contacts. While all events linked to the nodes seem to contain an undertone of karma, these especially point to matters in which others appear to have as much control as the individual in ordering up the events taking place. It is notably preferable to have the nodes lined up on the natal nodal axis as they were at birth to having them interchanged in position. The North Node conjunct North Node often reflects forming relationships and fortunate connections, while the South Node conjunct the North Node indicates broken relationships and unfortunate connections. The latter combination frequently times mishaps, accidents, and unusual circumstances.

Nodes/Part of FortuneAspects linking the nodes to the Part of Fortune are also noteworthy. The North Node with the Pars Fortuna

reflects comfortable conditions and meetings with those who can be of special benefit. It often times a change in trends brought about through this new and fortunate connection. The individual’s timing and choices tend to be right on target for bringing about improved conditions. The opposing South Node transit usually shows less fortunate circumstances in the living conditions and environment. Support is not only lacking, there may be conflicts arising that push the individual in a corner. In fact, caution should be applied in forming new relationships at this time since someone from this group may be found to have major countering interests to those of the individual. Pressure builds in various areas, and the individual is likely to complicate matters even more through inappropriate choices and unwise decisions.

Nodes/VertexThe nodes with the Vertex have similar connotations. The nature of the Vertex implies that nodal connections

to this point will manifest qualities similar to those with the Ascendant axis as well as the Part of Fortune. This is because it is a sort of auxiliary Descendant, and relates specifically to important and seemingly fated encounters, both with people and with circumstances.

Nodes/MidpointAnother notable contact of the nodes are those that form with the Sun/Moon midpoint. Since this is a point

reflecting a male/female relationship, often the parents as a unit, and is a point of balance of the yin/yang qualities, it frequently signifies events taking place which affects the family unit. Squares to this point frequently appear to be as significant as the conjunction/opposition.

Nodes/PlanetsAs the nodes transit the natal planets or transiting planet aspects the natal nodes, events take place according to

the things ruled by that planet and the area it rules in the natal chart. The nodes tend to excite any planet to manifest at its fullest potential and bring an extreme amount of emphasis to such a planet. The transiting node conjunct transiting planets brings an emphasis to things ruled by that planet. If transiting a natal planet, the inherent potential of the planet is given more freedom to operate. In this case, the potential of any natal planet must be considered when judging probable manifestations. The Solar and Lunar Returns should especially be noted for any of these planetary contacts. They offer valuable detail on the kind of activity that is upcoming, as well as identifying the area of life to be affected and how such activity will take place. These nodal contacts can be combined with an evaluation of the progressed chart and current transits to determine more specifically the events coming due.

Outside of the angular placements of the nodes, their conjunction with the planet ruling the natal horoscope is among the most notable of any. Since the 1st house rules the physical body, a conjunction of one of the nodes to this ruler have been found to coincide with self-initiated changes in appearance or style. They may also time an illness, operation, or accident.

Nodes/PlutoLinks of Pluto with one of the nodes is quite dynamic. Pluto is associated with new strength in confronting and

overcoming limitations while the nodes also time periods of exceptional strength in facing situations once and for all. Together, they show a time of reckoning with deep and powerful psychological issues.

Because the nodes are reflective of lunar qualities associated with the domestic environment, paired with Pluto, they often translate into literal transformations or reorganization taking place within the home or family unit. Circumstances are often somewhat tumultuous in the home, and/or renovations are taking place. There is a “coming to terms” with inner needs.

This Pluto link also brings termination and times the closure of significant issues, especially if there have been conflicts of interest. Immovable force meets with immovable force, and a collision of interests often results in a victory for one and defeat for another. A previous set of circumstances is rearranged upon a new foundation. Pluto is often involved with the nodes when divorce occurs. Together, this pair is significant of sexual issues of all kinds and it has been found linked to rape. There are death and rebirth situations, and an actual death could occur. This combination has been found to be a significant factor in suicides, overdoses, and murder, as well as hold ups, shootings, and other personal attacks.

These Pluto/node connections are also linked to both kidnappings and forced custodial changes. Relating to reproduction, the pairing may also coincide with miscarriages, abortions, and vasectomies.

The link of the nodes with Pluto is significant also of new enterprise and of financial matters. The house ruled by Pluto should also be considered in judging the probable area of life that comes into focus.

In addition to the changes initiated or encountered by the individual with a node/Pluto contact, on a larger scale it can be witnessed to produce a change in consciousness by the masses when it is the transiting node upon the natal Pluto of a generation.

Nodes/NeptuneNeptune links to the nodes often times the rise of confusing issues, and there is a general lack of clarity over a

particular situation. A previous set of circumstances may have reached a point of dissolve, and new connections are taking place. There are frequently deceptive practices taking place, and one should question the motives of anyone who comes into the life at this time, keeping in mind that “he can only be deceived who first deceives himself”, a quote from Jean Jacques Rousseau. It is also a time when the individual is more likely to deceive another, or to break the trust of another, even though the decision to do so may seem totally justified at the time. This is possibly the major downfall associated with Neptune, and one’s own judgment should be questioned and reviewed under this combination.

Neptune rules liquids and large bodies of water, and these aspects have been found involved with everything from serious roof leaks to living, working, or vacationing on a beach front property. As noted earlier, the connections of the nodes with Neptune may time a period when drug or alcohol issues come to the surface. This particular combination is also quite prevalent when thefts and robberies take place. A few years ago, the two were transiting close together for some time. During that time period, it seems that all around, people were having their cars stolen, they were getting robbed and/or losing valuable items.

Even with the foregoing, Neptune should not be considered an unfortunate contact, and it often times remarkable events in which important dreams materialize. It means the erasing of boundaries between the real and the fantastic, which makes this possible. To quote St. Augustine, “Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.” The intuition is stronger, more reliable and often right on target. These connections also show a time when inspiration acts as a catalyst to profound artistic accomplishments. This is a spiritual combination, and may coincide with the transcendence to a higher spiritual level through meditation, dream work or other altered states of consciousness.

Nodes/UranusA virtual plethora of possibilities exist when the nodes come together with Uranus. Events are always

unexpected and come about suddenly or out of the blue, in keeping with Uranus’ characteristics. There are brief encounters with those who can lift one to extraordinary heights, or dash one into the depths, and these most frequently have their repercussions upon the public reputation of an individual. It is not a good time to take unwise risks if it means subjecting the reputation to negative criticism or ruin, for this is quite likely to happen with this aspect. For that reason, it frequently times the unexpected loss of a job or scandalous attacks to the reputation. Those who have been honest and adhered to ethical codes in their actions and dealings need not worry about this. These configurations are often present when a freedom issue arises. This may be the loss of freedom; literally, as in incarceration for a serious crime, or a black mark against one to reflect a lesser crime. Conversely, the same pair has been found to time sudden popularity and fame.

Chance encounters are common, and they can usually be counted on to be quite significant, one way or the other. Typically, relationships begun with this aspect tend to be temporary, erratic, a source of upset, or short-lived,

but they have a definite purpose. Once this purpose is carried out, the relationship comes to an abrupt end, although not necessarily on a sour note. Uranian activities are prominent with these aspects, and an interest may develop or opportunities open up in areas such as astrology, electronics, or advanced technologies. The house position of Uranus can help to pinpoint the area of focus.

Nodes/SaturnConcerns and events may revolve around an authority figure or someone of advanced age when Saturn and the

nodes are linked. This is occasionally a parent, but more frequently there are issues with an authority figure. This may be a boss, judge, business associate or someone else of advanced rank and knowledge. Such a person may be a source of loss, or impose delays and restrictions. Actually, the limitations encountered are not nearly as serious as the individual takes them at this time, and situations tend to smooth out nicely in the long run.

For purposes of stability, there is nothing better than the conjunction of Saturn and North Node. Both relationships and enterprises begun at this time are likely to be durable and long lasting, and this is especially notable in marriage and professional areas. The individual is willing to take on heavier responsibilities and the added commitments will prove favorable. The Saturn conjunction to the natal North Node is said to be particularly karmic in nature, bringing due rewards for past efforts. There is much truth to this, and it often coincides with terrific upward professional progress, as well as stabilizing influences in general. If Saturn turns retrograde and passes over this point two or three times, these rewards can be expected at each contact. The alternate transit of North Node to Saturn works in a similar fashion. If rewards do not transpire, it may be time to scrutinize one’s previous efforts.

Saturn with the nodes may time extensive dental work, periods of colds or flu and bowel problems.

Nodes/JupiterJupiter, as the “greater fortune” does indeed time the periods of greater material assets when combined with the

nodes. This combination is often noted when material and financial increase occurs. However, these contacts usually time a period of additional expenditures as well, and the added income is sometimes necessary to cover these. Over-expansion is also a notable characteristic of Jupiter, and this contact may time a cycle of exceptional monetary risks. Heavy financial losses may be the result, although there is usually someone nearby who is willing to bet on the abilities of the individual to pull through and will often lend a helping hand. Even when facing the material setbacks occasionally signified by this contact, the individual will usually make fortunate strides in his or her philosophical beliefs as a direct result of the experience. If one does not benefit materially, then benefits will be of a spiritual nature. This combination also tends to be somewhat social in nature and generally brings one in contact with those of an honorable reputation who will act as a catalyst to spiritual or financial growth.

Weight loss or gain has been associated with this pairing, with much depending on which of the nodes are involved and any linking configurations. Jupiter with the nodes has been noted in horseback riding accidents and leg injuries. It has also been found to time long distance moves and long distance travel, and to be influential in publishing ventures.

Nodes/MarsMars with the nodes is the most dynamic for action of any other planet. Mars holds some similarities to Pluto in

regards to new enterprise, except with Mars, the individual initiates the activities taking place. An example of the type of new ventures is seen in our recent exploration of the planet Mars itself. During the time that the US surface scanner, Sojourner, was on its way to Mars, Mars itself turned retrograde, spending several months within a conjunction to the transiting North Node. At the time that Mars again reached its original stationary retrograde position and formed a conjunction to the North Node of the Pathfinder enterprise chart, the scanner landed on Mars. The entry into new territories and the pioneering activity of Mars is quite evident in this historical event. The fact that it was Mars itself being explored is exemplary!

Mars with the nodes give the courage to follow through on new ideas, and striking out one one’s own, however there is more of a tendency to take risks. Caution should be applied to the types of risks taken since the combination also attracts law enforcement officers. The recent Mars/node conjunction timed numerous citations for speeding and reckless traffic violations for many individuals in whose chart the pair contacted the natal Mars. For several personal acquaintances, two or more citations were received within days of each other. With these contacts, tremendous energies come bursting forth in an effort to maintain the personal identity. Mars is also the most often noted link to the nodes at the times of accidents, due almost exclusively to sudden careless actions. Confrontations are very likely to surface with this connection and there are increased mechanical breakdowns and malfunctions, also notable in the recent Pathfinder exploration.

Nodes/VenusVenus combinations with the nodes usually time pleasant events of a social nature, celebrations, meeting with

friends and fortunate circumstances in general. They are exceptional timers for childbirth and any related social events, such as baby showers, and post birth visitations. Since Venus signifies affections and attachments, these combinations also reflect a focus on ones children in their later years. They reflect an involvement with women and their interests, including finery, beauty salons, bridal preparations, flowers, and all things feminine and lacy. They may signify romance, marriage, and they frequently time the concern for a loved one.

Nodes/MercuryMercury with the nodes usually promises an accent on movement. It may signal an actual move, but more

frequently times either major or minor concerns with vehicles, occasionally coinciding with a traffic accident. Travel plans are made and tickets purchased. A secondary theme suggested by the pairing is issues surrounding communications and agreements. These tend to take on added importance, and there is an increase of important news personal in nature. Important discussions and negotiations take place. In relation to both these themes of Mercury, it is a good idea to check the overall chart and to consider which of the nodes is involved in the contact to Mercury. Before issuing a statement in writing or signing papers of any kind, think things over at length first. Extra awareness in any communications at this time can help to prevent serious misunderstandings. Mercury sometimes signifies events relating to young people, and for that reason may sometimes reflect issues surrounding children; either one’s own or others.


The nodes combined with the Sun hold a similar meaning as the nodes on the angles of the chart, especially the Midheaven axis. There are frequently locations or job changes. If it is the South Node on the Sun, this change may be due to lack of opportunity in the current location and a phase of bottoming out. Relocation taking place at this time frequently work out very well.

Unless there are conflicting themes, the contacts of the nodes with the Sun can generally be counted on to bring favorable conditions, benefits and the potential for progress and promotion. This is more likely with positive North Node contacts to the Sun. Important acquaintances are made and anyone coming prominently into the life at this time should prove to be quite beneficial, often leading the individual in the direction of bigger and better things. There are fortunate encounters and other discoveries, and financial matters usually improve. The nodal contacts to the progressed Sun are just as dynamic as to the natal Sun.

Nodes/MoonThe Moon partakes somewhat to the nodal contacts to the Ascendant axis, and signifies events quite personal in

nature. Similar to the Ascendant tie, this frequently times a period of favor, popularity, and an exceptional amount of support from others. It is especially noted when public support is received. Just as important as a nodal contact to the natal Moon is its contact to the progressed Moon. In fact, the latter contact sometimes appears as the more dynamic of the two.

Events centering on the home and family take on added importance and these contacts especially relate to qualities of nurturing and mothering. Often someone enters the life at this time that plays a nurturing role. This is likely to be a woman and relationships with women tend to be most significant. At other times, this contact may show a time when a nurturing individual leaves or the relationship comes to an end. These node/Moon links also coincide with the birth of children and events surrounding offspring. This contact has been noted as a factor in various accidents and in cases of drowning. As in all the nodal contacts, the North Node will more often reveal a joining quality in these matters, while the South Node indicates a separating quality.

If you liked this article, you’d probably enjoy my book Lunar Nodes, which is a complete reference on the lunar nodes; from aspects in the natal chart, to transiting aspects, to finding compatibility between two people based on nodal aspects. Predicting Events with Astrology includes more about the Nodes of the Moon as well as Eclipse factors. My book, Identifying Planetary Triggers includes a table of nodal positions to 2050.

This article was first published in the April 1998 issue of Dell Horoscope. © Dell Horoscope, all rights reserved.

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google_ad_section_start(name=default)Tarot Card for Aquarius

THE STARWith Aquarius as its ruling sign, The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench the thirst, with a guiding light to the future.

The Star is one of those cards everyone loves. In every deck, it is usually the most beautiful. It suggests the peace and harmony of its meaning. Whatever hope, healing, future it offers, one must remember that it might not be immediate. Like Aquarius, its vision is for tomorrow, not today.

This is the card that tells you that you are being guided in the right direction. The picture displays a naked woman kneeling down beside a river with two jugs in her hand. She is pouring the water from the jugs into the stream. In the background is a large star, almost directly above her head and seven other stars around it. There are birds, flowers, trees, shrubbery and green grass around her. She appears tranquil and at peace in her natural surroundings.

If this is yourself, you are intuitively heading towards the direction of where you should be on your own personal path in life. You are also about to have much abundance enter your life through many and varied ways. If you have been looking for a certain job, more than likely you will achieve it and this will reflect what is going on inside you, which is finding your true niche in life. You are also able to express yourself more truthfully without hindrances from your past or your upbringing. Your intuition is extremely heightened at this time and can bring on flashes of insight to guide you through the many decisions you are going to be facing. Trust in your future and show great faith against the odds and you will succeed. Something to do with the country, or near a river or ocean may figure strongly in an event which will occur within about one month.

The Star depicts hope for better things, and promising opportunities. It is about your dreams and your wishes. This card represents the first step on the right path, but it must be accompanied by action for it to be a true success. A new cycle is beginning. You are on the right track.

It is a card of inspiration, encouragement and rejuvenation, especially after a trying or traumatic time. It’s telling you to take a deep breath and draw inspiration from the natural beauty around you. It also has an astrological tinge to it. It speaks of the influence of the heavens on one’s life. It’s a calmness that lets you connect to the universe in a free flow of energy. It’s a restoration of order and peace.

What has traditionally been known as the Star card is about reconnecting one's Soul with the Divine -- the transcending of personality, family, community and reputation. It has to do ultimately with the freedom to be one's Self. The Soul is responding to celestial influences -- forces that can provide the personality with a stronger sense of purpose. The Star card helps us to remember our exalted origins and our attraction to a Higher Union. This card could also be called the "Celestial Mandate" -- that which refers us back to our reason for being, our mission in this lifetime. The Star reminds us that, in a sense, we are agents of Divine Will in our day-to-day lives. If we let go of the idea that we are supposed to be in control, we can more easily notice and appreciate the synchronicities that are nudging us along. In this way, we become more conscious of the invisible Helping Hand, and we better understand our place within -- and value to -- the larger Cosmos.

This card is about following your own star, living your life with a sense of purpose, and finding meaning and inspiration. You may have unexpected assistance as you pursue your dream. Remember to be true to yourself, commit yourself to your sense of purpose, and things will work out better than you anticipated.The Star is about possibilities, all the endless possibilities you can imagine. In the Mythic Tarot, the Star is Pandora - opening the forbidden box that released human suffering upon mankind. This helps remind us to be careful what we wish for, because our thoughts and dreams are very powerful.

Often, the Star keeps popping up when there's something we're looking forward to that has not yet materialized. A lot like other major cards, this one seems to appear and reappear until either the inevitable happens, or there is a change in course. I think that the message in this card is to have faith, keep dreaming - and also be aware of what difficulties and disappointments may come as a natural result of getting your wish. The box itself is your hopes and dreams. The creatures within are reality! What might be the real consequences of getting what you wish for? Will it be worth going after? Can you handle it?

The bright and radiant Star is the best card to meditate on to increase your self-esteem. It can improve your ability to trust in yourself. The Star radiates your own inner beauty. Notice the seven smaller stars representing your chakras. This represents a need to open your chakras and cleanse your aura. The number 17 equals 8 (1+7=8). Notice all the stars have eight points. Eight is Strength, the quality needed to accept your faults and love yourself in spite of them. The bird in the tree in the background is the sacred ibis of thought, roosting in the tree of mind. The woman

is pouring water (psychic energy) into the pool of Universal Consciousness. The other pitcher pours the water onto dry land in five rivulets, representing the five senses. Her feet are balanced between dry land and the pool. The bent leg on the ground (Earth) supports her weight, while her other foot is resting on the water of the subconscious. Keep a balance while at the same time, staying grounded. She is naked, having nothing to hide. The ground is fruitful. When the Star appears, be open to new ideas and growth. Listen to the still small voice within. The sign is Aquarius and the rune is Daeg.

The Star is a card of harmony and balance, much like the card of Temperance. However, because the Star follows the card of the Tower, it also represents the end of a period of change and turmoil. The Star is a card of fulfilment, peace of mind, mental and emotional stability. Like Temperance, the woman in the card holds two containers of water, but in this case she pours the water out to nourish the earth and continue the cycle of fertility which is represented by the lush greenery around her. Also like Temperance, she has one foot on land and the other in the water. The water represents the spiritual realm and the land is a symbol of the material world.

The Star brings you the gift of pleasure in nature, of reasoned intuition and of shining hope. It reveals a loving phase, filled with calm energy and renewed understanding. It is a card of heavenly favors and a sense of being blessed. If you are currently experiencing difficulties or have been depressed or unwell, the Star augurs healing. Your ability to let go of damaging memories has been strengthened by contact with your true self. Hatred, envy, bitterness, and revenge have burned themselves out and no longer shadow your life or potential for future happiness. Now you are able to forgive and forget. Friendship is an important area governed by the Star. Your friends are especially previous to you now, and you may friend their presence in your life a source of great happiness.

Illumination. You need to be the star of your "show" and experience a time of joy, wonder, hope and healing. Relax and re-establish your connection with your body and the illumination of spiritual realities. Dwell on the good. People have always looked to the stars as a source of inspiration and hope. There is something about their twinkling light that draws us out of ourselves and up into a higher plane. When we turn our eyes heavenward, we no longer feel the distress of earth. The Star reminds me of the clear, high voice of a soprano. There is something other-worldly about it. All the harshness and density of everyday life has been refined away leaving only the purest essence. After being exposed to the Star, we feel uplifted and blessed.

In readings, the Star is most welcome when grief and despair have overwhelmed us. In our darkest moments, we need to know that there is hope and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The Star is the opposite of the Devil who strips us of our faith in the future. Card 17 holds out the promise that we can eventually find peace of mind. The Star also reminds us to open our heart and release our fears and doubt. If you have been holding back in any way, now is the time to give generously. It is important to remember that the Star is inspiring, but it is not a card of practical solutions or final answers. Truly without hope we can accomplish nothing, but hope is only a beginning. When you see Card 17, know that you are on the right track. Your goals and your aspirations are blessed, but to realize them, you must take positive action. Use the light of the Star to guide you in your efforts.You will become aware of how successful and respected you are. You may attain a goal that brings lasting happiness, or you may win a reward. Your reputation may be enhanced. A successful person may be involved.

The star represents the confidence of youth. The young girl is innocent in life, full of hope and inspiration. She is in anticipation of what will be. Want to find (or regain) a sense of meaning, inspiration, or purpose to your life and hope your future will be better than your past. It's the call of destiny that motivates you or compels you to go on.Courage, hope, and inspiration are in your life. Great love will be given and received. Wisdom, spiritual enlightenment, progress toward goals and knowing what these goals are.


False sense of security. Unfulfilled hopes and dreams. Disappointment. Pessimism. Back luck. Conclusion of an unsatisfactory business experience or friendship. Being held back by fear. When the Star is reversed, the spiritual mission is distorted. Instead of hope, we might have despair or discouragement. Instead of being filled with positive possibilities, we may find ourselves dwelling on negative issues. Negative thoughts will wear away at us - to the point where we may give up control of the situation. Thus, the reversed Star suggests we look for issues in our life where we find ourselves discouraged or feeling overwhelmed. It's important to move past these issues - they can take on an importance far greater than they deserve and can hold us back.There is doubt and stubbornness. Chance of physical or mental illness.

To fully learn to be the Star in your own life, Aquaurius, remember:

regain hopehave faith in the futurethink positivelybelievecount your blessingssee the light at the end of the tunnelfeel great expectationlook forward to successbe inspired

regain motivationrealize inner strengthsee the way clearbe stimulated to a higher levelcreatereceive the answerbe generousgive or sharespread the wealthopen your heartgive back what you have receivedlet love flow freelyoffer with no reservationshold nothing backfeel sereneexperience peace of mindrelaxfind your still centerremain untroubledsavor perfect calmbe tranquil amid troubleenjoy harmony

Magickal Associations

Prospects, hope, destiny, opportunity.A beautiful maiden kneels with one foot balanced on the water of the subconscious.She is the Empress and Mother Nature pouring the waters of life onto the material Earth.DIVINATION MEANING : Good health. Love will be given and recieved.

The Star (L'Etoile)The Daughter of the Firmament;The Dweller Between the WatersCard Number: 17Key Number: 28Rulership: AquariusHebrew Letter: TzaddiTranslation: fish HookNumerical Value: 12

Pale yellowStar aniseIncenseVioletOilRosewoodGemstoneCitrine

Divinatory meaning

Upright - Fresh hope and renewal. Healing of old wounds. Hope. renewal of faith and hope. Spiritual love. A mental and physical broadening of horizons. Promise and fulfillment. inspiration. Influence over others. Vigour and confidence. Protection.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - Self doubt. Stubbornness. Unwillingness or inability to adapt to changing circumstances and accept the opportunities it may bring. Lack of trust and self-doubt. Obstacles to happiness. Diminished life. Inability to freely express oneself. Rigidity of mind.


For rituals concerning the grating of wishes and the fulfillment of dreams, for fame and stardom and all forms of recognition, the card of would-be writers, actors, entrepreneurs, musicians and dancers

MEDITATION: Contemplate your experiences with Faith, Hope and Wishes come True.

PERSONAL DISCUSSIONS: When have you felt the energy of The Star? Have you seen it in other people? Have you had happy/sad experiences with this energy?

Spell/Ritual/MeditationCut out a star the size of your hand, from a sheet of pale blue paper. On the night before a full moon place it under a glass of water and leave it there until the night following the full moon. Drink the water and think, "I drink this water, I am inspired by the moon and the stars." Close your eyes and receive a message. Write it down on the star and keep it safe.

We all know that it's impossible to lump every single person who shares the same Sun sign into a neat package of qualities. Sure, if you're a Leo, you're likely to share many Leo traits that are similar to

other Leos. But in Astrology, there are many nuances that add great depth and complexity to your planetary placements.break One such nugget of gold are Decans.If you understand Triplicity in Astrology, then you can grasp what a Decan is. Triplicity is a fancy term to explain the different elements in our zodiac. Triplicity is a group of three signs (triple) that belong to the same element. There are three Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), three Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), three Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and three Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces).It's all about the degreesNow, it's important to remember that there are thirty degrees in every sign -- no matter what sign we're talking about. And finding out your unique degrees is easy -- just run an Essential Birth Report. Decans are a nifty way of breaking down the qualities of each individual sign by separating each one into thirds of ten degrees each. Every sign will have three Decans and each Decan has a planetary ruler which becomes the co ruler of that particular sign. By knowing which Decan a planet or other point in your horoscope is in, you can learn more information about its story and how it may affect your psyche.Every Decan must belong to the same Triplicity (element) as the sign itself. Decans are arranged in the exact order they would appear in the natural zodiac wheel. If we use Aries as an example, we can see that the first Decan of any planet in Aries will apply for the first ten degrees. It will be an Aries-Aries Decan which is pure, unaltered Aries energy, ruled only by Mars. The first Decan of any sign will correspond to the exact sign, giving it an extra pure expression of that particular energy.If you have a planet between ten and twenty degrees of Aries however, there is a slight change. Now we're in the Aries-Leo Decan ... which gives a different flavor. This planet will have the Sun as a co-ruler, adding more dimensions to interpretation. If you've got a planet between twenty and thirty degrees of Aries, then it falls in the Aries-Sagittarius Decan ... which has a Mars-Jupiter quality to it. You can quickly see how someone born with a 5 degree Aries Sun, a 15 degree Aries Sun and a 25 degree Aries Sun will all have varying expressions of their solar energy. Fascinating!More than just your Sun signThe principle of Decans can be applied to any of your planets or other points in your horoscope -- so explore the terrain and have fun discovering just how unique your birth chart truly is! Let's say your Venus is in Virgo at 12 degrees. Virgo is an Earth sign and the degree would fall in the second Decan which, when we follow the natural zodiac, brings us to Capricorn. Mercury rules Virgo and Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Suddenly we can see how this Venus placement has both qualities to it and that may explain why, if you have this Venus placement, when it comes to love you're more conservative and logical than most. In matters of money you might be an incredibly astute business person with this Venus placement! The Capricorn flavor as a co-ruler to your Venus in Virgo offers valuable additional insights.Below is an easy to read graph that will quickly tell you what Decan each sign falls under based on the degree of the planet or point. Have fun exploring your Decans!Aries: Fire, Ruled by MarsFirst Decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by MarsSecond Decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by SunThird Decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by JupiterTaurus: Earth, Ruled by VenusFirst Decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by VenusSecond Decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by MercuryThird Decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by SaturnGemini: Air, Ruled by MercuryFirst Decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by MercurySecond Decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by VenusThird Decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by UranusCancer: Water, Ruled by MoonFirst Decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by MoonSecond Decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by PlutoThird Decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by NeptuneLeo: Fire, Ruled by SunFirst Decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by SunSecond Decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by JupiterThird Decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by MarsVirgo: Earth, Ruled by MercuryFirst Decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by MercurySecond Decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by SaturnThird Decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by VenusLibra: Air, Ruled by VenusFirst Decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by VenusSecond Decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by UranusThird Decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by MercuryScorpio: Water, Ruled by PlutoFirst Decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by PlutoSecond Decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by NeptuneThird Decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by MoonSagittarius: Fire, Ruled by JupiterFirst Decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by JupiterSecond Decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by MarsThird Decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by SunCapricorn: Earth, Ruled by SaturnFirst Decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by SaturnSecond Decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by VenusThird Decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by MercuryAquarius: Air, Ruled by UranusFirst Decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by UranusSecond Decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by MercuryThird Decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by VenusPisces: Water, Ruled by NeptuneFirst Decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by NeptuneSecond Decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by MoonThird Decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by Pluto

The Tarot and the DecansFollowing is a comparison of the decan descriptions from Henry Cornelius Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy (2nd volume) and the divinatory meanings of the minor arcana cards to which they are attributed in Book T.Decan Agrippa's Description of the Decan Card Book T Meaning of the Card

Aries I A black man, standing and cloathed in a white garment, girdled about, of a great body, with reddish eyes, and great strength, and like one that is angry; and this image signifieth and causeth boldness, fortitude, loftiness and shamelesness;

2 of WandsDominion

Strength, domination, harmony of rule and of justice. Boldness, courage, fierceness, shamelessness, revenge, resolution, generous, proud, sensitive, ambitious, refined, restless, turbulent, sagacious withal, yet unforgiving and obstinate.

Aries II A woman, outwardly cloathed with a red garment, and under it a white, spreading abroad over her feet, and this image causeth nobleness, height of a Kingdom, and greatness of dominion:

3 of WandsEstablished Strength

Established force, strength, realization of hope. Completion of labour. Success after struggle. Pride, nobility, wealth, power, conceit. Rude self-assumption and insolence. Generosity, obstinacy, etc.

Aries III Figure of a white man, pale, with reddish hair, and cloathed with a red garment, who carrying on the one hand a golden Bracelet, and holding forth a wooden staff, is restless, and like one in wrath, because he cannot perform that good he would. This image bestoweth wit, meekness, joy and beauty:

4 of WandsPerfected Work

Perfection or completion of a thing built up with trouble and labour. Rest after labour, subtlety, cleverness, beauty, mirth, success in completion. Reasoning faculty, conclusions drawn from previous knowledge. Unreadiness, unreliable and unsteady through over-anxiety and hurriedness of action. Graceful in manner, at times insincere, etc.

Taurus I A naked man, an Archer, Harvester or Husbandman, and goeth forth to sow, plough, build, people, and divide the earth, according to the rules of Geometry;

5 of PentaclesMaterial Trouble

Loss of money or position. Trouble about material things. Labour, toil, land cultivation; building, knowledge and acuteness of earthly things, poverty, carefulness, kindness; sometimes money regained after severe toil and labour. Unimaginative, harsh, stern, determined, obstinate.

Taurus II A naked man, holding in his hand a key; it giveth power, nobility, and dominion over people:

6 of PentaclesMaterial Success

Success and gain in material undertakings. Power, influence, rank, nobility, rule over the people. Fortunate, successful, liberal and just. If ill dignified, may be purse-proud, insolent from excess, or prodigal.

Taurus III A man in whose hand is a Serpent, and a dart, and is the image of necessity and profit, and also of misery & slavery.

7 of PentaclesSuccess unfulfilled

Promises of success unfulfilled. Loss of apparently promising fortune. Hopes deceived and crushed. Disappointment, misery, slavery, necessity and baseness. A cultivator of land, and yet a loser thereby. Sometimes it denotes slight and isolated gains with no fruits resulting therefrom, and of no further account, though seeming to promise well.

Gemini I A man in whose hand is a rod, and he is, as it were, serving another; it granteth wisdom, and the knowledge of numbers and arts in which there is no profit:

8 of SwordsShortened Force

Too much force applied to small things: too much attention to detail at the expense of the principal and more important points. When ill dignified, these qualities produce malice, pettiness, and domineering characteristics. Patience in detail of study; great care in some things, counterbalanced by equal disorder in others. Impulsive; equally fond of giving or receiving money or presents; generous, clever, acute, selfish and without strong feeling of affection. Admires wisdom, yet applies it to small and unworthy objects.

Gemini II A man in whose hand is a Pipe, and another being bowed down, digging the earth: and they signifie infamous and dishonest agility, as that of Jesters and Juglers [jugglers]; it also signifies labours and painful searchings:

9 of SwordsDespair and Cruelty

Despair, cruelty, pitilessness, malice, suffering, want, loss, misery. Burden, oppression, labour, subtlety and craft, dishonesty, lying and slander. Yet also obedience, faithfulness, patience, unselfishness, etc. According to dignity.

Gemini III A man seeking for Arms, and a fool holding in the right hand a Bird, and in his left a pipe, and they are the significations of forgetfulness, wrath, boldness, jeasts [jests], scurrilities, and unprofitable words:

10 of SwordsRuin

Undisciplined, warring force, complete disruption and failure. Ruin of all plans and projects. Disdain, insolence and impertinence, yet mirth and jollity therewith. A marplot, loving to overthrow the happiness of others; a repeater of things; given to much unprofitable speech, and of many words. Yet clever, eloquent, etc., according to dignity.

Cancer I A young Virgin, adorned with fine cloathes [clothes], and having a Crown on her head; it giveth acuteness of senses, subtilty of wit, and the love of men:

2 of CupsLove

Harmony of masculine and feminine united. Harmony, pleasure, mirth, subtlety: but if ill dignified --- folly, dissipation, waste, silly actions.

Cancer II A man cloathed in comely apparrel, or a man and woman sitting at the table and playing; it bestoweth riches, mirth, gladness, and the love of women:

3 of CupsAbundance

Abundance, plenty, success, pleasure, sensuality, passive success, good luck and fortune; love, gladness, kindness, liberality.

Cancer III A man a Hunter with his lance and horne, bringing out dogs for to hunt; the signification of this is the contention of men, the pursuing of those who fly, the hunting and possessing of things by arms and brawlings.

4 of CupsBlended Pleasure

Success or pleasure approaching their end. A stationary period in happiness, which may, or may not, continue. It does not mean love and marriage so much as the previous symbol. It is too passive a symbol to represent perfectly complete happiness. Swiftness, hunting and pursuing. Acquisition by contention: injustice sometimes; some drawbacks to pleasure implied.

Leo I A man riding on a Lion; it signifieth boldness, violence, cruelty, wickedness, lust and labours to be sustained.

5 of WandsStrife

Violent strife and boldness, rashness, cruelty, violence, lust, desire, prodigality and generosity; depending on whether the card is well or ill dignified.

Leo II With hands lifted up, and a man on whose head is a Crown; he hath the appearance of an angry man, and one that threatneth, having in his right hand a Sword drawn out of the scabbard, & in his left a buckler; it hath signification upon hidden contentions, and unknown victories, & upon base men, and upon the occasions of quarrels and battels [battles]:

6 of WandsVictory

Victory after strife: Love: pleasure gained by labour: carefulness, sociability and avoiding of strife, yet victory therein: also insolence, and pride of riches and success, etc. The whole dependent on the dignity.

Leo III A young man in whose hand is a Whip, and a man very sad, and of an ill aspect; they signifie love and society, and the loss of ones right for avoiding strife.

7 of WandsValour

Possible victory, depending on the energy and courage exercised; valour; opposition, obstacles and difficulties, yet courage to meet them; quarrelling, ignorance, pretence, and wrangling, and threatening; also victory in small and unimportant things: and influence upon subordinates.

Virgo I A good maide, and a man casting seeds; it signifieth getting of wealth, ordering of diet, plowing, sowing, and peopling;

8 of PentaclesPrudence

Over-careful in small things at the expense of great: "Penny wise and pound foolish": gain of ready money in small sums; mean; avaricious; industrious; cultivation of land; hoarding, lacking in enterprise.

Virgo II A black man cloathed with a skin, and a man having a bush of hair, holding a bag; they signifie gain, scraping together of wealth and covetousness.

9 of PentaclesMaterial Gain

Complete realization of material gain, good, riches; inheritance; covetous; treasuring of goods; and sometimes theft and knavery.

Virgo III A white woman and deaf, or an old man leaning on a staff; the signification of this is to shew weakness, infirmity, loss of members, destruction of trees, and depopulation of lands.

10 of PentaclesWealth

Completion of material gain and fortune; but nothing beyond: as it were, at the very pinnacle of success. Old age, slothfulness; great wealth, yet sometimes loss in part; heaviness; dullness of mind, yet clever and prosperous in money transactions.

Libra I An angry man, in whose hand is a Pipe, and the form of a man reading in a book; the operation of this is in justifying and helping the miserable and weak against the powerful and wicked:

2 of SwordsPeace restored

Contradictory characters in the same nature, strength through suffering; pleasure after pain. Sacrifice and trouble, yet strength arising therefrom, ... as though the pain itself had brought forth beauty. Arrangement, peace restored; truce; truth and untruth; sorrow and sympathy. Aid to the weak; arrangement; justice, unselfishness; also a tendency to repetition of affronts on being pardoned; injury when meaning well; given to petitions; also a want of tact, and asking question of little moment; talkative.

Libra II Two men furious and wrathful and a man in a comely garment, sitting in a chair; and the signification of these is to shew indignation against the evil, and quietness and security of life with plenty of good things.

3 of SwordsSorrow

Disruption, interruption, separation, quarrelling; sowing of discord and strife, mischief-making, sorrow and tears; yet mirth in Platonic pleasures; singing, faithfulness in promises, honesty in money transactions, selfish and dissipated, yet sometimes generous: deceitful in words and repetitions; ... (Unhappiness, sorrow, and tears).

Libra III A violent man holding a bow, and before him a naked man, and also another man holding bread in one hand, and a cup of wine in the other; the signification of these is to shew wicked lusts, singings, sports and gluttony.

4 of SwordsRest from Strife

Rest from sorrow; yet after and through it. Peace from and after war. Relaxation of anxiety. Quietness, rest, ease and plenty, yet after struggle. Goods of this life; abundance; ... (Convalescence, recovery from sickness; change for the better).

Scorpio I A woman of good face and habit, and two men striking her; the operations of these are for comliness, beauty, and for strifes, treacheries, deceits, detractations, and perditions;

5 of CupsLoss in Pleasure

Death, or end of pleasure: disappointment, sorrow and loss in those things from which pleasure is expected. Sadness, treachery, deceit; ill-will, detraction; charity and kindness ill requited; all kinds of anxieties and troubles from unsuspected and unexpected sources. ... (Disappointment in love, marriage broken off, unkindness of a friend; loss of friendship).

Scorpio II A man naked, and a woman naked, and a man sitting on the earth, and before him two dogs biting one another; and their operation is for impudence, deceit, and false dealing, and for to lend mischief and strife amongst men;

6 of CupsPleasure

Commencement of steady increase, gain and pleasure; but commencement only. Also affront, detection, knowledge, and in some instances contention and strife arising from unwarranted self-assertion and vanity. Sometimes thankless and presumptuous; sometimes amiable and patient. ... (Beginning of wish, happiness, success, or enjoyment)

Scorpio III A man bowed downward upon his knees, and a woman striking him with a staff, and it is the signification of drunkenness, fornication, wrath, violence, and strife.

7 of CupsIllusionary Success

Possible victory, but neutralized by the supineness of the person: illusionary success, deception in the moment of apparent victory. Lying, error, promises unfulfilled. Drunkenness, wrath, vanity. Lust, fornication, violence against women, selfish dissipation, deception in love and friendship. Often success gained, but not followed up. ... (Lying, promises unfulfilled; illusion, deception, error; slight success at outset, not retained).

Sagittarius I A man armed with a coat of male [mail], and holding a naked sword in his hand; the operation of this is for boldness, malice, and liberty:

8 of WandsSwiftness

Too much force applied too suddenly. Very rapid rush, but quickly passed and expended. Violent, but not lasting. Swiftness, rapidity, courage, boldness, confidence, freedom, warfare, violence; love of open air, field-sports, gardens and meadows. Generous, subtle, eloquent, yet somewhat untrustworthy; rapacious, insolent, oppressive. Theft and robbery. ... (Hasty communications and messages; swiftness).

Sagittarius II A woman weeping, and covered with cloathes; the operation of this is for sadness and fear of his own body.

9 of WandsGreat Strength

Tremendous and steady force that cannot be shaken. Herculean strength, yet sometimes scientifically applied. Great success, but with strife and energy. Victory, preceded by apprehension and fear. Health good, and recovery not in doubt. Generous, questioning and curious; fond of external appearances: intractable, obstinate. ... (Strength, power, health, recovery from sickness).

Sagittarius III

A man like in colour to gold, or an idle man playing with a staff; and the signification of this is in following our own wills, and obstinacy in them, and in activeness for evil things, contentions, and horrible matters.

10 of WandsOppresion

Cruel and overbearing force and energy, but applied only to material and selfish ends. Sometimes shows failure in a matter, and the opposition too strong to be controlled; arising from the person's too great selfishness at the beginning. Ill-will, levity, lying, malice, slander, envy, obstinacy; swiftness in evil and deceit, if ill dignified. Also generosity, disinterestedness and self-sacrifice, when well dignified. ... (Cruelty, malice, revenge, injustice).

Capricorn I A woman, and a man carrying full bags; and the signification of these is for to go forth and to rejoyce [rejoice], to gain and to lose with weakness and baseness:

2 of PentaclesHarmonious Change

The harmony of change, alternation of gain and loss; weakness and strength; everchanging occupation; wandering, discontented with any fixed condition of things; now elated, then melancholy; industrious, yet unreliable; fortunate through prudence of management, yet sometimes unaccountably foolish; alternatively talkative and suspicious. Kind, yet wavering and inconsistent. Fortunate in journeying. Argumentative. ... (Pleasant change, visit to friends).

Capricorn II Two women, and a man looking towards a Bird flying in the Air; and the signification of these is for the requiring those things which cannot be done, and for the searching after those things which cannot be known:

3 of PentaclesMaterial Works

Working and constructive force, building up, creation, erection; realization and increase of material things; gain in commercial transactions, rank; increase of substance, influence, cleverness in business, selfishness. Commencement of matters to be established later. Narrow and prejudiced. Keen in matters of gain; sometimes given to seeking after impossibilities. ... (Business, paid employment, commercial transaction).

Capricorn III A woman chast [chaste] in body, and wise in her work, and a banker gathering his mony [money] together on the table; the signification of this is to govern in prudence, in covetousness of money, and in avarice.

4 of PentaclesEarthly Power

Assured material gain: success, rank, dominion, earthy power, completed but leading to nothing beyond. Prejudicial, covetous, suspicious, careful and orderly, but discontented. Little enterprise or originality. ... (Gain of money or influence: a present).

Aquarius I A prudent man, and a woman spinning; and the signification of these is in the thought and labour for gain, in poverty and baseness:

5 of SwordsDefeat

Contest finished and decided against the person; failure, defeat, anxiety, trouble, poverty, avarice, grieving after gain, laborious, unresting; loss and vileness of nature; malicious, slanderous, lying, spiteful and tale-bearing. A busybody and separator of friends, hating to see peace and love between others. Cruel, yet cowardly, thankless and unreliable. Clever and quick in thought and speech. Feelings of pity easily roused, but unenduring. ... (Defeat, loss, malice, spite, slander, evil-speaking).

Aquarius II A man with a long beard; and the signification of this belongeth to the understanding, meeknes, modesty, liberty and good maners:

6 of SwordsEarned Success

Success after anxiety and trouble; self-esteem, beauty, conceit, but sometimes modesty therewith; dominance, patience, labour, etc. ... (Labour, work, journey by water).

Aquarius III A black and angry man; and the signification of this is in expressing insolence; and impudence.

7 of SwordsUnstable Effort

Partial success. Yielding when victory is within grasp, as if the last reserves of strength were used up. Inclination to lose when on the point of gaining, through not continuing the effort. Love of abundance, fascinated by display, given to compliments, affronts and insolences, and to spy upon others. Inclined to betray confidences, not always intentionally. Rather vacillatory and unreliable. ... (Journey by land: in character untrustworthy).

Pisces I A man carrying burthens [burdens] on his shoulder, and well cloathed; it hath his significion in journeys, change of place, and in carefulness of getting wealth and cloaths:

8 of CupsAbandoned Success

Temporary success, but without further results. Thing thrown aside as soon as gained. Not lasting, even in the matter in hand. Indolence in success. Journeying from place to place. Misery and repining without cause. Seeking after riches. Instability. ... (Success abandoned; decline of interest).

Pisces II A woman of a good countenance, and well adorned; and the signification is to desire and put ones self on about high and great matters:

9 of CupsMaterial Happiness

Complete and perfect realization of pleasure and happiness, almost perfect; self-praise, vanity, conceit, much talking of self, yet kind and lovable, and may be self-denying therewith. High-minded, not easily satisfied with small and limited ideas. Apt to be maligned through too much self-assumption. A good and generous, but sometimes foolish nature. ... (Complete success, pleasure and happiness, wishes fulfilled).

Pisces III A man naked, or a youth, and nigh him a beautiful maide, whose head is adorned with flowers, and it hath his signification for rest, idleness, delight, fornication, and for imbracings of women.

10 of CupsPerfected Success

Permanent and lasting success and happiness, because inspired from above. Not so sensual as "Lord of Material Happiness," yet almost more truly happy. Pleasure, dissipation, debauchery, quietness, peacemaking. Kindness, pity, generosity, wantonness, waste, etc. ... (Matter settled: complete good fortune).

Decan Agrippa's Description of the Decan Card Book T Meaning of the Card

Aries I A black man, standing and cloathed in a white garment, girdled about, of a great body, with reddish eyes, and great strength, and like one that is angry; and this image signifieth and causeth boldness, fortitude, loftiness and shamelesness;

2 of WandsDominion

Strength, domination, harmony of rule and of justice. Boldness, courage, fierceness, shamelessness, revenge, resolution, generous, proud, sensitive, ambitious, refined, restless, turbulent, sagacious withal, yet unforgiving and obstinate.

Aries II A woman, outwardly cloathed with a red garment, and under it a white, spreading abroad over her feet, and this image causeth nobleness, height of a Kingdom, and greatness of dominion:

3 of WandsEstablished Strength

Established force, strength, realization of hope. Completion of labour. Success after struggle. Pride, nobility, wealth, power, conceit. Rude self-assumption and insolence. Generosity, obstinacy, etc.

Aries III Figure of a white man, pale, with reddish hair, and cloathed with a red garment, who carrying on the one hand a golden Bracelet, and holding forth a wooden staff, is restless, and like one in wrath, because he cannot perform that good he would. This image bestoweth wit, meekness, joy and beauty:

4 of WandsPerfected Work

Perfection or completion of a thing built up with trouble and labour. Rest after labour, subtlety, cleverness, beauty, mirth, success in completion. Reasoning faculty, conclusions drawn from previous knowledge. Unreadiness, unreliable and unsteady through over-anxiety and hurriedness of action. Graceful in manner, at times insincere, etc.

Taurus I A naked man, an Archer, Harvester or Husbandman, and goeth forth to sow, plough, build, people, and divide the earth, according to the rules of Geometry;

5 of PentaclesMaterial Trouble

Loss of money or position. Trouble about material things. Labour, toil, land cultivation; building, knowledge and acuteness of earthly things, poverty, carefulness, kindness; sometimes money regained after severe toil and labour. Unimaginative, harsh, stern, determined, obstinate.

Taurus II A naked man, holding in his hand a key; it giveth power, nobility, and dominion over people:

6 of PentaclesMaterial Success

Success and gain in material undertakings. Power, influence, rank, nobility, rule over the people. Fortunate, successful, liberal and just. If ill dignified, may be purse-proud, insolent from excess, or prodigal.

Taurus III A man in whose hand is a Serpent, and a dart, and is the image of necessity and profit, and also of misery & slavery.

7 of PentaclesSuccess unfulfilled

Promises of success unfulfilled. Loss of apparently promising fortune. Hopes deceived and crushed. Disappointment, misery, slavery, necessity and baseness. A cultivator of land, and yet a loser thereby. Sometimes it denotes slight and isolated gains with no fruits resulting therefrom, and of no further account, though seeming to promise well.

Gemini I A man in whose hand is a rod, and he is, as it were, serving another; it granteth wisdom, and the knowledge of numbers and arts in which there is no profit:

8 of SwordsShortened Force

Too much force applied to small things: too much attention to detail at the expense of the principal and more important points. When ill dignified, these qualities produce malice, pettiness, and domineering characteristics. Patience in detail of study; great care in some things, counterbalanced by equal disorder in others. Impulsive; equally fond of giving or receiving money or presents; generous, clever, acute, selfish and without strong feeling of affection. Admires wisdom, yet applies it to small and unworthy objects.

Gemini II A man in whose hand is a Pipe, and another being bowed down, digging the earth: and they signifie infamous and dishonest agility, as that of Jesters and Juglers [jugglers]; it also signifies labours and painful searchings:

9 of SwordsDespair and Cruelty

Despair, cruelty, pitilessness, malice, suffering, want, loss, misery. Burden, oppression, labour, subtlety and craft, dishonesty, lying and slander. Yet also obedience, faithfulness, patience, unselfishness, etc. According to dignity.

Gemini III A man seeking for Arms, and a fool holding in the right hand a Bird, and in his left a pipe, and they are the significations of forgetfulness, wrath, boldness, jeasts [jests], scurrilities, and unprofitable words:

10 of SwordsRuin

Undisciplined, warring force, complete disruption and failure. Ruin of all plans and projects. Disdain, insolence and impertinence, yet mirth and jollity therewith. A marplot, loving to overthrow the happiness of others; a repeater of things; given to much unprofitable speech, and of many words. Yet clever, eloquent, etc., according to dignity.

Cancer I A young Virgin, adorned with fine cloathes [clothes], and having a Crown on her head; it giveth acuteness of senses, subtilty of wit, and the love of men:

2 of CupsLove

Harmony of masculine and feminine united. Harmony, pleasure, mirth, subtlety: but if ill dignified --- folly, dissipation, waste, silly actions.

Cancer II A man cloathed in comely apparrel, or a man and woman sitting at the table and playing; it bestoweth riches, mirth, gladness, and the love of women:

3 of CupsAbundance

Abundance, plenty, success, pleasure, sensuality, passive success, good luck and fortune; love, gladness, kindness, liberality.

Cancer III A man a Hunter with his lance and horne, bringing out dogs for to hunt; the signification of this is the contention of men, the pursuing of those who fly, the hunting and possessing of things by arms and brawlings.

4 of CupsBlended Pleasure

Success or pleasure approaching their end. A stationary period in happiness, which may, or may not, continue. It does not mean love and marriage so much as the previous symbol. It is too passive a symbol to represent perfectly complete happiness. Swiftness, hunting and pursuing. Acquisition by contention: injustice sometimes; some drawbacks to pleasure implied.

Leo I A man riding on a Lion; it signifieth boldness, violence, cruelty, wickedness, lust and labours to be sustained.

5 of WandsStrife

Violent strife and boldness, rashness, cruelty, violence, lust, desire, prodigality and generosity; depending on whether the card is well or ill dignified.

Leo II With hands lifted up, and a man on whose head is a Crown; he hath the appearance of an angry man, and one that threatneth, having in his right hand a Sword drawn out of the scabbard, & in his left a buckler; it hath signification upon hidden contentions, and unknown victories, & upon base men, and upon the occasions of quarrels and battels [battles]:

6 of WandsVictory

Victory after strife: Love: pleasure gained by labour: carefulness, sociability and avoiding of strife, yet victory therein: also insolence, and pride of riches and success, etc. The whole dependent on the dignity.

Leo III A young man in whose hand is a Whip, and a man very sad, and of an ill aspect; they signifie love and society, and the loss of ones right for avoiding strife.

7 of WandsValour

Possible victory, depending on the energy and courage exercised; valour; opposition, obstacles and difficulties, yet courage to meet them; quarrelling, ignorance, pretence, and wrangling, and threatening; also victory in small and unimportant things: and influence upon subordinates.

Virgo I A good maide, and a man casting seeds; it signifieth getting of wealth, ordering of diet, plowing, sowing, and peopling;

8 of PentaclesPrudence

Over-careful in small things at the expense of great: "Penny wise and pound foolish": gain of ready money in small sums; mean; avaricious; industrious; cultivation of land; hoarding, lacking in enterprise.

Virgo II A black man cloathed with a skin, and a man having a bush of hair, holding a bag; they signifie gain, scraping together of wealth and covetousness.

9 of PentaclesMaterial Gain

Complete realization of material gain, good, riches; inheritance; covetous; treasuring of goods; and sometimes theft and knavery.

Virgo III A white woman and deaf, or an old man leaning on a staff; the signification of this is to shew weakness, infirmity, loss of members, destruction of trees, and depopulation of lands.

10 of PentaclesWealth

Completion of material gain and fortune; but nothing beyond: as it were, at the very pinnacle of success. Old age, slothfulness; great wealth, yet sometimes loss in part; heaviness; dullness of mind, yet clever and prosperous in money transactions.

Libra I An angry man, in whose hand is a Pipe, and the form of a man reading in a book; the operation of this is in justifying and helping the miserable and weak against the powerful and wicked:

2 of SwordsPeace restored

Contradictory characters in the same nature, strength through suffering; pleasure after pain. Sacrifice and trouble, yet strength arising therefrom, ... as though the pain itself had brought forth beauty. Arrangement, peace restored; truce; truth and untruth; sorrow and sympathy. Aid to the weak; arrangement; justice, unselfishness; also a tendency to repetition of affronts on being pardoned; injury when meaning well; given to petitions; also a want of tact, and asking question of little moment; talkative.

Libra II Two men furious and wrathful and a man in a comely garment, sitting in a chair; and the signification of these is to shew indignation against the evil, and quietness and security of life with plenty of good things.

3 of SwordsSorrow

Disruption, interruption, separation, quarrelling; sowing of discord and strife, mischief-making, sorrow and tears; yet mirth in Platonic pleasures; singing, faithfulness in promises, honesty in money transactions, selfish and dissipated, yet sometimes generous: deceitful in words and repetitions; ... (Unhappiness, sorrow, and tears).

Libra III A violent man holding a bow, and before him a naked man, and also another man holding bread in one hand, and a cup of wine in the other; the signification of these is to shew wicked lusts, singings, sports and gluttony.

4 of SwordsRest from Strife

Rest from sorrow; yet after and through it. Peace from and after war. Relaxation of anxiety. Quietness, rest, ease and plenty, yet after struggle. Goods of this life; abundance; ... (Convalescence, recovery from sickness; change for the better).

Scorpio I A woman of good face and habit, and two men striking her; the operations of these are for comliness, beauty, and for strifes, treacheries, deceits, detractations, and perditions;

5 of CupsLoss in Pleasure

Death, or end of pleasure: disappointment, sorrow and loss in those things from which pleasure is expected. Sadness, treachery, deceit; ill-will, detraction; charity and kindness ill requited; all kinds of anxieties and troubles from unsuspected and unexpected sources. ... (Disappointment in love, marriage broken off, unkindness of a friend; loss of friendship).

Scorpio II A man naked, and a woman naked, and a man sitting on the earth, and before him two dogs biting one another; and their operation is for impudence, deceit, and false dealing, and for to lend mischief and strife amongst men;

6 of CupsPleasure

Commencement of steady increase, gain and pleasure; but commencement only. Also affront, detection, knowledge, and in some instances contention and strife arising from unwarranted self-assertion and vanity. Sometimes thankless and presumptuous; sometimes amiable and patient. ... (Beginning of wish, happiness, success, or enjoyment)

Scorpio III A man bowed downward upon his knees, and a woman striking him with a staff, and it is the signification of drunkenness, fornication, wrath, violence, and strife.

7 of CupsIllusionary Success

Possible victory, but neutralized by the supineness of the person: illusionary success, deception in the moment of apparent victory. Lying, error, promises unfulfilled. Drunkenness, wrath, vanity. Lust, fornication, violence against women, selfish dissipation, deception in love and friendship. Often success gained, but not followed up. ... (Lying, promises unfulfilled; illusion, deception, error; slight success at outset, not retained).

Sagittarius I A man armed with a coat of male [mail], and holding a naked sword in his hand; the operation of this is for boldness, malice, and liberty:

8 of WandsSwiftness

Too much force applied too suddenly. Very rapid rush, but quickly passed and expended. Violent, but not lasting. Swiftness, rapidity, courage, boldness, confidence, freedom, warfare, violence; love of open air, field-sports, gardens and meadows. Generous, subtle, eloquent, yet somewhat untrustworthy; rapacious, insolent, oppressive. Theft and robbery. ... (Hasty communications and messages; swiftness).

Sagittarius II A woman weeping, and covered with cloathes; the operation of this is for sadness and fear of his own body.

9 of WandsGreat Strength

Tremendous and steady force that cannot be shaken. Herculean strength, yet sometimes scientifically applied. Great success, but with strife and energy. Victory, preceded by apprehension and fear. Health good, and recovery not in doubt. Generous, questioning and curious; fond of external appearances: intractable, obstinate. ... (Strength, power, health, recovery from sickness).

Sagittarius III

A man like in colour to gold, or an idle man playing with a staff; and the signification of this is in following our own wills, and obstinacy in them, and in activeness for evil things, contentions, and horrible matters.

10 of WandsOppresion

Cruel and overbearing force and energy, but applied only to material and selfish ends. Sometimes shows failure in a matter, and the opposition too strong to be controlled; arising from the person's too great selfishness at the beginning. Ill-will, levity, lying, malice, slander, envy, obstinacy; swiftness in evil and deceit, if ill dignified. Also generosity, disinterestedness and self-sacrifice, when well dignified. ... (Cruelty, malice, revenge, injustice).

Capricorn I A woman, and a man carrying full bags; and the signification of these is for to go forth and to rejoyce [rejoice], to gain and to lose with weakness and baseness:

2 of PentaclesHarmonious Change

The harmony of change, alternation of gain and loss; weakness and strength; everchanging occupation; wandering, discontented with any fixed condition of things; now elated, then melancholy; industrious, yet unreliable; fortunate through prudence of management, yet sometimes unaccountably foolish; alternatively talkative and suspicious. Kind, yet wavering and inconsistent. Fortunate in journeying. Argumentative. ... (Pleasant change, visit to friends).

Capricorn II Two women, and a man looking towards a Bird flying in the Air; and the signification of these is for the requiring those things which cannot be done, and for the searching after those things which cannot be known:

3 of PentaclesMaterial Works

Working and constructive force, building up, creation, erection; realization and increase of material things; gain in commercial transactions, rank; increase of substance, influence, cleverness in business, selfishness. Commencement of matters to be established later. Narrow and prejudiced. Keen in matters of gain; sometimes given to seeking after impossibilities. ... (Business, paid employment, commercial transaction).

Capricorn III A woman chast [chaste] in body, and wise in her work, and a banker gathering his mony [money] together on the table; the signification of this is to govern in prudence, in covetousness of money, and in avarice.

4 of PentaclesEarthly Power

Assured material gain: success, rank, dominion, earthy power, completed but leading to nothing beyond. Prejudicial, covetous, suspicious, careful and orderly, but discontented. Little enterprise or originality. ... (Gain of money or influence: a present).

Aquarius I A prudent man, and a woman spinning; and the signification of these is in the thought and labour for gain, in poverty and baseness:

5 of SwordsDefeat

Contest finished and decided against the person; failure, defeat, anxiety, trouble, poverty, avarice, grieving after gain, laborious, unresting; loss and vileness of nature; malicious, slanderous, lying, spiteful and tale-bearing. A busybody and separator of friends, hating to see peace and love between others. Cruel, yet cowardly, thankless and unreliable. Clever and quick in thought and speech. Feelings of pity easily roused, but unenduring. ... (Defeat, loss, malice, spite, slander, evil-speaking).

Aquarius II A man with a long beard; and the signification of this belongeth to the understanding, meeknes, modesty, liberty and good maners:

6 of SwordsEarned Success

Success after anxiety and trouble; self-esteem, beauty, conceit, but sometimes modesty therewith; dominance, patience, labour, etc. ... (Labour, work, journey by water).

Aquarius III A black and angry man; and the signification of this is in expressing insolence; and impudence.

7 of SwordsUnstable Effort

Partial success. Yielding when victory is within grasp, as if the last reserves of strength were used up. Inclination to lose when on the point of gaining, through not continuing the effort. Love of abundance, fascinated by display, given to compliments, affronts and insolences, and to spy upon others. Inclined to betray confidences, not always intentionally. Rather vacillatory and unreliable. ... (Journey by land: in character untrustworthy).

Pisces I A man carrying burthens [burdens] on his shoulder, and well cloathed; it hath his significion in journeys, change of place, and in carefulness of getting wealth and cloaths:

8 of CupsAbandoned Success

Temporary success, but without further results. Thing thrown aside as soon as gained. Not lasting, even in the matter in hand. Indolence in success. Journeying from place to place. Misery and repining without cause. Seeking after riches. Instability. ... (Success abandoned; decline of interest).

Pisces II A woman of a good countenance, and well adorned; and the signification is to desire and put ones self on about high and great matters:

9 of CupsMaterial Happiness

Complete and perfect realization of pleasure and happiness, almost perfect; self-praise, vanity, conceit, much talking of self, yet kind and lovable, and may be self-denying therewith. High-minded, not easily satisfied with small and limited ideas. Apt to be maligned through too much self-assumption. A good and generous, but sometimes foolish nature. ... (Complete success, pleasure and happiness, wishes fulfilled).

Pisces III A man naked, or a youth, and nigh him a beautiful maide, whose head is adorned with flowers, and it hath his signification for rest, idleness, delight, fornication, and for imbracings of women.

10 of CupsPerfected Success

Permanent and lasting success and happiness, because inspired from above. Not so sensual as "Lord of Material Happiness," yet almost more truly happy. Pleasure, dissipation, debauchery, quietness, peacemaking. Kindness, pity, generosity, wantonness, waste, etc. ... (Matter settled: complete good fortune).

Decan Agrippa's Description of the Decan Card Book T Meaning of the Card

Aries I A black man, standing and cloathed in a white garment, girdled about, of a great body, with reddish eyes, and great strength, and like one that is angry; and this image signifieth and causeth boldness, fortitude, loftiness and shamelesness;

2 of WandsDominion

Strength, domination, harmony of rule and of justice. Boldness, courage, fierceness, shamelessness, revenge, resolution, generous, proud, sensitive, ambitious, refined, restless, turbulent, sagacious withal, yet unforgiving and obstinate.

Aries II A woman, outwardly cloathed with a red garment, and under it a white, spreading abroad over her feet, and this image causeth nobleness, height of a Kingdom, and greatness of dominion:

3 of WandsEstablished Strength

Established force, strength, realization of hope. Completion of labour. Success after struggle. Pride, nobility, wealth, power, conceit. Rude self-assumption and insolence. Generosity, obstinacy, etc.

Aries III Figure of a white man, pale, with reddish hair, and cloathed with a red garment, who carrying on the one hand a golden Bracelet, and holding forth a wooden staff, is restless, and like one in wrath, because he cannot perform that good he would. This image bestoweth wit, meekness, joy and beauty:

4 of WandsPerfected Work

Perfection or completion of a thing built up with trouble and labour. Rest after labour, subtlety, cleverness, beauty, mirth, success in completion. Reasoning faculty, conclusions drawn from previous knowledge. Unreadiness, unreliable and unsteady through over-anxiety and hurriedness of action. Graceful in manner, at times insincere, etc.

Taurus I A naked man, an Archer, Harvester or Husbandman, and goeth forth to sow, plough, build, people, and divide the earth, according to the rules of Geometry;

5 of PentaclesMaterial Trouble

Loss of money or position. Trouble about material things. Labour, toil, land cultivation; building, knowledge and acuteness of earthly things, poverty, carefulness, kindness; sometimes money regained after severe toil and labour. Unimaginative, harsh, stern, determined, obstinate.

Taurus II A naked man, holding in his hand a key; it giveth power, nobility, and dominion over people:

6 of PentaclesMaterial Success

Success and gain in material undertakings. Power, influence, rank, nobility, rule over the people. Fortunate, successful, liberal and just. If ill dignified, may be purse-proud, insolent from excess, or prodigal.

Taurus III A man in whose hand is a Serpent, and a dart, and is the image of necessity and profit, and also of misery & slavery.

7 of PentaclesSuccess unfulfilled

Promises of success unfulfilled. Loss of apparently promising fortune. Hopes deceived and crushed. Disappointment, misery, slavery, necessity and baseness. A cultivator of land, and yet a loser thereby. Sometimes it denotes slight and isolated gains with no fruits resulting therefrom, and of no further account, though seeming to promise well.

Gemini I A man in whose hand is a rod, and he is, as it were, serving another; it granteth wisdom, and the knowledge of numbers and arts in which there is no profit:

8 of SwordsShortened Force

Too much force applied to small things: too much attention to detail at the expense of the principal and more important points. When ill dignified, these qualities produce malice, pettiness, and domineering characteristics. Patience in detail of study; great care in some things, counterbalanced by equal disorder in others. Impulsive; equally fond of giving or receiving money or presents; generous, clever, acute, selfish and without strong feeling of affection. Admires wisdom, yet applies it to small and unworthy objects.

Gemini II A man in whose hand is a Pipe, and another being bowed down, digging the earth: and they signifie infamous and dishonest agility, as that of Jesters and Juglers [jugglers]; it also signifies labours and painful searchings:

9 of SwordsDespair and Cruelty

Despair, cruelty, pitilessness, malice, suffering, want, loss, misery. Burden, oppression, labour, subtlety and craft, dishonesty, lying and slander. Yet also obedience, faithfulness, patience, unselfishness, etc. According to dignity.

Gemini III A man seeking for Arms, and a fool holding in the right hand a Bird, and in his left a pipe, and they are the significations of forgetfulness, wrath, boldness, jeasts [jests], scurrilities, and unprofitable words:

10 of SwordsRuin

Undisciplined, warring force, complete disruption and failure. Ruin of all plans and projects. Disdain, insolence and impertinence, yet mirth and jollity therewith. A marplot, loving to overthrow the happiness of others; a repeater of things; given to much unprofitable speech, and of many words. Yet clever, eloquent, etc., according to dignity.

Cancer I A young Virgin, adorned with fine cloathes [clothes], and having a Crown on her head; it giveth acuteness of senses, subtilty of wit, and the love of men:

2 of CupsLove

Harmony of masculine and feminine united. Harmony, pleasure, mirth, subtlety: but if ill dignified --- folly, dissipation, waste, silly actions.

Cancer II A man cloathed in comely apparrel, or a man and woman sitting at the table and playing; it bestoweth riches, mirth, gladness, and the love of women:

3 of CupsAbundance

Abundance, plenty, success, pleasure, sensuality, passive success, good luck and fortune; love, gladness, kindness, liberality.

Cancer III A man a Hunter with his lance and horne, bringing out dogs for to hunt; the signification of this is the contention of men, the pursuing of those who fly, the hunting and possessing of things by arms and brawlings.

4 of CupsBlended Pleasure

Success or pleasure approaching their end. A stationary period in happiness, which may, or may not, continue. It does not mean love and marriage so much as the previous symbol. It is too passive a symbol to represent perfectly complete happiness. Swiftness, hunting and pursuing. Acquisition by contention: injustice sometimes; some drawbacks to pleasure implied.

Leo I A man riding on a Lion; it signifieth boldness, violence, cruelty, wickedness, lust and labours to be sustained.

5 of WandsStrife

Violent strife and boldness, rashness, cruelty, violence, lust, desire, prodigality and generosity; depending on whether the card is well or ill dignified.

Leo II With hands lifted up, and a man on whose head is a Crown; he hath the appearance of an angry man, and one that threatneth, having in his right hand a Sword drawn out of the scabbard, & in his left a buckler; it hath signification upon hidden contentions, and unknown victories, & upon base men, and upon the occasions of quarrels and battels [battles]:

6 of WandsVictory

Victory after strife: Love: pleasure gained by labour: carefulness, sociability and avoiding of strife, yet victory therein: also insolence, and pride of riches and success, etc. The whole dependent on the dignity.

Leo III A young man in whose hand is a Whip, and a man very sad, and of an ill aspect; they signifie love and society, and the loss of ones right for avoiding strife.

7 of WandsValour

Possible victory, depending on the energy and courage exercised; valour; opposition, obstacles and difficulties, yet courage to meet them; quarrelling, ignorance, pretence, and wrangling, and threatening; also victory in small and unimportant things: and influence upon subordinates.

Virgo I A good maide, and a man casting seeds; it signifieth getting of wealth, ordering of diet, plowing, sowing, and peopling;

8 of PentaclesPrudence

Over-careful in small things at the expense of great: "Penny wise and pound foolish": gain of ready money in small sums; mean; avaricious; industrious; cultivation of land; hoarding, lacking in enterprise.

Virgo II A black man cloathed with a skin, and a man having a bush of hair, holding a bag; they signifie gain, scraping together of wealth and covetousness.

9 of PentaclesMaterial Gain

Complete realization of material gain, good, riches; inheritance; covetous; treasuring of goods; and sometimes theft and knavery.

Virgo III A white woman and deaf, or an old man leaning on a staff; the signification of this is to shew weakness, infirmity, loss of members, destruction of trees, and depopulation of lands.

10 of PentaclesWealth

Completion of material gain and fortune; but nothing beyond: as it were, at the very pinnacle of success. Old age, slothfulness; great wealth, yet sometimes loss in part; heaviness; dullness of mind, yet clever and prosperous in money transactions.

Libra I An angry man, in whose hand is a Pipe, and the form of a man reading in a book; the operation of this is in justifying and helping the miserable and weak against the powerful and wicked:

2 of SwordsPeace restored

Contradictory characters in the same nature, strength through suffering; pleasure after pain. Sacrifice and trouble, yet strength arising therefrom, ... as though the pain itself had brought forth beauty. Arrangement, peace restored; truce; truth and untruth; sorrow and sympathy. Aid to the weak; arrangement; justice, unselfishness; also a tendency to repetition of affronts on being pardoned; injury when meaning well; given to petitions; also a want of tact, and asking question of little moment; talkative.

Libra II Two men furious and wrathful and a man in a comely garment, sitting in a chair; and the signification of these is to shew indignation against the evil, and quietness and security of life with plenty of good things.

3 of SwordsSorrow

Disruption, interruption, separation, quarrelling; sowing of discord and strife, mischief-making, sorrow and tears; yet mirth in Platonic pleasures; singing, faithfulness in promises, honesty in money transactions, selfish and dissipated, yet sometimes generous: deceitful in words and repetitions; ... (Unhappiness, sorrow, and tears).

Libra III A violent man holding a bow, and before him a naked man, and also another man holding bread in one hand, and a cup of wine in the other; the signification of these is to shew wicked lusts, singings, sports and gluttony.

4 of SwordsRest from Strife

Rest from sorrow; yet after and through it. Peace from and after war. Relaxation of anxiety. Quietness, rest, ease and plenty, yet after struggle. Goods of this life; abundance; ... (Convalescence, recovery from sickness; change for the better).

Scorpio I A woman of good face and habit, and two men striking her; the operations of these are for comliness, beauty, and for strifes, treacheries, deceits, detractations, and perditions;

5 of CupsLoss in Pleasure

Death, or end of pleasure: disappointment, sorrow and loss in those things from which pleasure is expected. Sadness, treachery, deceit; ill-will, detraction; charity and kindness ill requited; all kinds of anxieties and troubles from unsuspected and unexpected sources. ... (Disappointment in love, marriage broken off, unkindness of a friend; loss of friendship).

Scorpio II A man naked, and a woman naked, and a man sitting on the earth, and before him two dogs biting one another; and their operation is for impudence, deceit, and false dealing, and for to lend mischief and strife amongst men;

6 of CupsPleasure

Commencement of steady increase, gain and pleasure; but commencement only. Also affront, detection, knowledge, and in some instances contention and strife arising from unwarranted self-assertion and vanity. Sometimes thankless and presumptuous; sometimes amiable and patient. ... (Beginning of wish, happiness, success, or enjoyment)

Scorpio III A man bowed downward upon his knees, and a woman striking him with a staff, and it is the signification of drunkenness, fornication, wrath, violence, and strife.

7 of CupsIllusionary Success

Possible victory, but neutralized by the supineness of the person: illusionary success, deception in the moment of apparent victory. Lying, error, promises unfulfilled. Drunkenness, wrath, vanity. Lust, fornication, violence against women, selfish dissipation, deception in love and friendship. Often success gained, but not followed up. ... (Lying, promises unfulfilled; illusion, deception, error; slight success at outset, not retained).

Sagittarius I A man armed with a coat of male [mail], and holding a naked sword in his hand; the operation of this is for boldness, malice, and liberty:

8 of WandsSwiftness

Too much force applied too suddenly. Very rapid rush, but quickly passed and expended. Violent, but not lasting. Swiftness, rapidity, courage, boldness, confidence, freedom, warfare, violence; love of open air, field-sports, gardens and meadows. Generous, subtle, eloquent, yet somewhat untrustworthy; rapacious, insolent, oppressive. Theft and robbery. ... (Hasty communications and messages; swiftness).

Sagittarius II A woman weeping, and covered with cloathes; the operation of this is for sadness and fear of his own body.

9 of WandsGreat Strength

Tremendous and steady force that cannot be shaken. Herculean strength, yet sometimes scientifically applied. Great success, but with strife and energy. Victory, preceded by apprehension and fear. Health good, and recovery not in doubt. Generous, questioning and curious; fond of external appearances: intractable, obstinate. ... (Strength, power, health, recovery from sickness).

Sagittarius III

A man like in colour to gold, or an idle man playing with a staff; and the signification of this is in following our own wills, and obstinacy in them, and in activeness for evil things, contentions, and horrible matters.

10 of WandsOppresion

Cruel and overbearing force and energy, but applied only to material and selfish ends. Sometimes shows failure in a matter, and the opposition too strong to be controlled; arising from the person's too great selfishness at the beginning. Ill-will, levity, lying, malice, slander, envy, obstinacy; swiftness in evil and deceit, if ill dignified. Also generosity, disinterestedness and self-sacrifice, when well dignified. ... (Cruelty, malice, revenge, injustice).

Capricorn I A woman, and a man carrying full bags; and the signification of these is for to go forth and to rejoyce [rejoice], to gain and to lose with weakness and baseness:

2 of PentaclesHarmonious Change

The harmony of change, alternation of gain and loss; weakness and strength; everchanging occupation; wandering, discontented with any fixed condition of things; now elated, then melancholy; industrious, yet unreliable; fortunate through prudence of management, yet sometimes unaccountably foolish; alternatively talkative and suspicious. Kind, yet wavering and inconsistent. Fortunate in journeying. Argumentative. ... (Pleasant change, visit to friends).

Capricorn II Two women, and a man looking towards a Bird flying in the Air; and the signification of these is for the requiring those things which cannot be done, and for the searching after those things which cannot be known:

3 of PentaclesMaterial Works

Working and constructive force, building up, creation, erection; realization and increase of material things; gain in commercial transactions, rank; increase of substance, influence, cleverness in business, selfishness. Commencement of matters to be established later. Narrow and prejudiced. Keen in matters of gain; sometimes given to seeking after impossibilities. ... (Business, paid employment, commercial transaction).

Capricorn III A woman chast [chaste] in body, and wise in her work, and a banker gathering his mony [money] together on the table; the signification of this is to govern in prudence, in covetousness of money, and in avarice.

4 of PentaclesEarthly Power

Assured material gain: success, rank, dominion, earthy power, completed but leading to nothing beyond. Prejudicial, covetous, suspicious, careful and orderly, but discontented. Little enterprise or originality. ... (Gain of money or influence: a present).

Aquarius I A prudent man, and a woman spinning; and the signification of these is in the thought and labour for gain, in poverty and baseness:

5 of SwordsDefeat

Contest finished and decided against the person; failure, defeat, anxiety, trouble, poverty, avarice, grieving after gain, laborious, unresting; loss and vileness of nature; malicious, slanderous, lying, spiteful and tale-bearing. A busybody and separator of friends, hating to see peace and love between others. Cruel, yet cowardly, thankless and unreliable. Clever and quick in thought and speech. Feelings of pity easily roused, but unenduring. ... (Defeat, loss, malice, spite, slander, evil-speaking).

Aquarius II A man with a long beard; and the signification of this belongeth to the understanding, meeknes, modesty, liberty and good maners:

6 of SwordsEarned Success

Success after anxiety and trouble; self-esteem, beauty, conceit, but sometimes modesty therewith; dominance, patience, labour, etc. ... (Labour, work, journey by water).

Aquarius III A black and angry man; and the signification of this is in expressing insolence; and impudence.

7 of SwordsUnstable Effort

Partial success. Yielding when victory is within grasp, as if the last reserves of strength were used up. Inclination to lose when on the point of gaining, through not continuing the effort. Love of abundance, fascinated by display, given to compliments, affronts and insolences, and to spy upon others. Inclined to betray confidences, not always intentionally. Rather vacillatory and unreliable. ... (Journey by land: in character untrustworthy).

Pisces I A man carrying burthens [burdens] on his shoulder, and well cloathed; it hath his significion in journeys, change of place, and in carefulness of getting wealth and cloaths:

8 of CupsAbandoned Success

Temporary success, but without further results. Thing thrown aside as soon as gained. Not lasting, even in the matter in hand. Indolence in success. Journeying from place to place. Misery and repining without cause. Seeking after riches. Instability. ... (Success abandoned; decline of interest).

Pisces II A woman of a good countenance, and well adorned; and the signification is to desire and put ones self on about high and great matters:

9 of CupsMaterial Happiness

Complete and perfect realization of pleasure and happiness, almost perfect; self-praise, vanity, conceit, much talking of self, yet kind and lovable, and may be self-denying therewith. High-minded, not easily satisfied with small and limited ideas. Apt to be maligned through too much self-assumption. A good and generous, but sometimes foolish nature. ... (Complete success, pleasure and happiness, wishes fulfilled).

Pisces III A man naked, or a youth, and nigh him a beautiful maide, whose head is adorned with flowers, and it hath his signification for rest, idleness, delight, fornication, and for imbracings of women.

10 of CupsPerfected Success

Permanent and lasting success and happiness, because inspired from above. Not so sensual as "Lord of Material Happiness," yet almost more truly happy. Pleasure, dissipation, debauchery, quietness, peacemaking. Kindness, pity, generosity, wantonness, waste, etc. ... (Matter settled: complete good fortune).

Decan Agrippa's Description of the Decan Card Book T Meaning of the Card

Aries I A black man, standing and cloathed in a white garment, girdled about, of a great body, with reddish eyes, and great strength, and like one that is angry; and this image signifieth and causeth boldness, fortitude, loftiness and shamelesness;

2 of WandsDominion

Strength, domination, harmony of rule and of justice. Boldness, courage, fierceness, shamelessness, revenge, resolution, generous, proud, sensitive, ambitious, refined, restless, turbulent, sagacious withal, yet unforgiving and obstinate.

Aries II A woman, outwardly cloathed with a red garment, and under it a white, spreading abroad over her feet, and this image causeth nobleness, height of a Kingdom, and greatness of dominion:

3 of WandsEstablished Strength

Established force, strength, realization of hope. Completion of labour. Success after struggle. Pride, nobility, wealth, power, conceit. Rude self-assumption and insolence. Generosity, obstinacy, etc.

Aries III Figure of a white man, pale, with reddish hair, and cloathed with a red garment, who carrying on the one hand a golden Bracelet, and holding forth a wooden staff, is restless, and like one in wrath, because he cannot perform that good he would. This image bestoweth wit, meekness, joy and beauty:

4 of WandsPerfected Work

Perfection or completion of a thing built up with trouble and labour. Rest after labour, subtlety, cleverness, beauty, mirth, success in completion. Reasoning faculty, conclusions drawn from previous knowledge. Unreadiness, unreliable and unsteady through over-anxiety and hurriedness of action. Graceful in manner, at times insincere, etc.

Taurus I A naked man, an Archer, Harvester or Husbandman, and goeth forth to sow, plough, build, people, and divide the earth, according to the rules of Geometry;

5 of PentaclesMaterial Trouble

Loss of money or position. Trouble about material things. Labour, toil, land cultivation; building, knowledge and acuteness of earthly things, poverty, carefulness, kindness; sometimes money regained after severe toil and labour. Unimaginative, harsh, stern, determined, obstinate.

Taurus II A naked man, holding in his hand a key; it giveth power, nobility, and dominion over people:

6 of PentaclesMaterial Success

Success and gain in material undertakings. Power, influence, rank, nobility, rule over the people. Fortunate, successful, liberal and just. If ill dignified, may be purse-proud, insolent from excess, or prodigal.

Taurus III A man in whose hand is a Serpent, and a dart, and is the image of necessity and profit, and also of misery & slavery.

7 of PentaclesSuccess unfulfilled

Promises of success unfulfilled. Loss of apparently promising fortune. Hopes deceived and crushed. Disappointment, misery, slavery, necessity and baseness. A cultivator of land, and yet a loser thereby. Sometimes it denotes slight and isolated gains with no fruits resulting therefrom, and of no further account, though seeming to promise well.

Gemini I A man in whose hand is a rod, and he is, as it were, serving another; it granteth wisdom, and the knowledge of numbers and arts in which there is no profit:

8 of SwordsShortened Force

Too much force applied to small things: too much attention to detail at the expense of the principal and more important points. When ill dignified, these qualities produce malice, pettiness, and domineering characteristics. Patience in detail of study; great care in some things, counterbalanced by equal disorder in others. Impulsive; equally fond of giving or receiving money or presents; generous, clever, acute, selfish and without strong feeling of affection. Admires wisdom, yet applies it to small and unworthy objects.

Gemini II A man in whose hand is a Pipe, and another being bowed down, digging the earth: and they signifie infamous and dishonest agility, as that of Jesters and Juglers [jugglers]; it also signifies labours and painful searchings:

9 of SwordsDespair and Cruelty

Despair, cruelty, pitilessness, malice, suffering, want, loss, misery. Burden, oppression, labour, subtlety and craft, dishonesty, lying and slander. Yet also obedience, faithfulness, patience, unselfishness, etc. According to dignity.

Gemini III A man seeking for Arms, and a fool holding in the right hand a Bird, and in his left a pipe, and they are the significations of forgetfulness, wrath, boldness, jeasts [jests], scurrilities, and unprofitable words:

10 of SwordsRuin

Undisciplined, warring force, complete disruption and failure. Ruin of all plans and projects. Disdain, insolence and impertinence, yet mirth and jollity therewith. A marplot, loving to overthrow the happiness of others; a repeater of things; given to much unprofitable speech, and of many words. Yet clever, eloquent, etc., according to dignity.

Cancer I A young Virgin, adorned with fine cloathes [clothes], and having a Crown on her head; it giveth acuteness of senses, subtilty of wit, and the love of men:

2 of CupsLove

Harmony of masculine and feminine united. Harmony, pleasure, mirth, subtlety: but if ill dignified --- folly, dissipation, waste, silly actions.

Cancer II A man cloathed in comely apparrel, or a man and woman sitting at the table and playing; it bestoweth riches, mirth, gladness, and the love of women:

3 of CupsAbundance

Abundance, plenty, success, pleasure, sensuality, passive success, good luck and fortune; love, gladness, kindness, liberality.

Cancer III A man a Hunter with his lance and horne, bringing out dogs for to hunt; the signification of this is the contention of men, the pursuing of those who fly, the hunting and possessing of things by arms and brawlings.

4 of CupsBlended Pleasure

Success or pleasure approaching their end. A stationary period in happiness, which may, or may not, continue. It does not mean love and marriage so much as the previous symbol. It is too passive a symbol to represent perfectly complete happiness. Swiftness, hunting and pursuing. Acquisition by contention: injustice sometimes; some drawbacks to pleasure implied.

Leo I A man riding on a Lion; it signifieth boldness, violence, cruelty, wickedness, lust and labours to be sustained.

5 of WandsStrife

Violent strife and boldness, rashness, cruelty, violence, lust, desire, prodigality and generosity; depending on whether the card is well or ill dignified.

Leo II With hands lifted up, and a man on whose head is a Crown; he hath the appearance of an angry man, and one that threatneth, having in his right hand a Sword drawn out of the scabbard, & in his left a buckler; it hath signification upon hidden contentions, and unknown victories, & upon base men, and upon the occasions of quarrels and battels [battles]:

6 of WandsVictory

Victory after strife: Love: pleasure gained by labour: carefulness, sociability and avoiding of strife, yet victory therein: also insolence, and pride of riches and success, etc. The whole dependent on the dignity.

Leo III A young man in whose hand is a Whip, and a man very sad, and of an ill aspect; they signifie love and society, and the loss of ones right for avoiding strife.

7 of WandsValour

Possible victory, depending on the energy and courage exercised; valour; opposition, obstacles and difficulties, yet courage to meet them; quarrelling, ignorance, pretence, and wrangling, and threatening; also victory in small and unimportant things: and influence upon subordinates.

Virgo I A good maide, and a man casting seeds; it signifieth getting of wealth, ordering of diet, plowing, sowing, and peopling;

8 of PentaclesPrudence

Over-careful in small things at the expense of great: "Penny wise and pound foolish": gain of ready money in small sums; mean; avaricious; industrious; cultivation of land; hoarding, lacking in enterprise.

Virgo II A black man cloathed with a skin, and a man having a bush of hair, holding a bag; they signifie gain, scraping together of wealth and covetousness.

9 of PentaclesMaterial Gain

Complete realization of material gain, good, riches; inheritance; covetous; treasuring of goods; and sometimes theft and knavery.

Virgo III A white woman and deaf, or an old man leaning on a staff; the signification of this is to shew weakness, infirmity, loss of members, destruction of trees, and depopulation of lands.

10 of PentaclesWealth

Completion of material gain and fortune; but nothing beyond: as it were, at the very pinnacle of success. Old age, slothfulness; great wealth, yet sometimes loss in part; heaviness; dullness of mind, yet clever and prosperous in money transactions.

Libra I An angry man, in whose hand is a Pipe, and the form of a man reading in a book; the operation of this is in justifying and helping the miserable and weak against the powerful and wicked:

2 of SwordsPeace restored

Contradictory characters in the same nature, strength through suffering; pleasure after pain. Sacrifice and trouble, yet strength arising therefrom, ... as though the pain itself had brought forth beauty. Arrangement, peace restored; truce; truth and untruth; sorrow and sympathy. Aid to the weak; arrangement; justice, unselfishness; also a tendency to repetition of affronts on being pardoned; injury when meaning well; given to petitions; also a want of tact, and asking question of little moment; talkative.

Libra II Two men furious and wrathful and a man in a comely garment, sitting in a chair; and the signification of these is to shew indignation against the evil, and quietness and security of life with plenty of good things.

3 of SwordsSorrow

Disruption, interruption, separation, quarrelling; sowing of discord and strife, mischief-making, sorrow and tears; yet mirth in Platonic pleasures; singing, faithfulness in promises, honesty in money transactions, selfish and dissipated, yet sometimes generous: deceitful in words and repetitions; ... (Unhappiness, sorrow, and tears).

Libra III A violent man holding a bow, and before him a naked man, and also another man holding bread in one hand, and a cup of wine in the other; the signification of these is to shew wicked lusts, singings, sports and gluttony.

4 of SwordsRest from Strife

Rest from sorrow; yet after and through it. Peace from and after war. Relaxation of anxiety. Quietness, rest, ease and plenty, yet after struggle. Goods of this life; abundance; ... (Convalescence, recovery from sickness; change for the better).

Scorpio I A woman of good face and habit, and two men striking her; the operations of these are for comliness, beauty, and for strifes, treacheries, deceits, detractations, and perditions;

5 of CupsLoss in Pleasure

Death, or end of pleasure: disappointment, sorrow and loss in those things from which pleasure is expected. Sadness, treachery, deceit; ill-will, detraction; charity and kindness ill requited; all kinds of anxieties and troubles from unsuspected and unexpected sources. ... (Disappointment in love, marriage broken off, unkindness of a friend; loss of friendship).

Scorpio II A man naked, and a woman naked, and a man sitting on the earth, and before him two dogs biting one another; and their operation is for impudence, deceit, and false dealing, and for to lend mischief and strife amongst men;

6 of CupsPleasure

Commencement of steady increase, gain and pleasure; but commencement only. Also affront, detection, knowledge, and in some instances contention and strife arising from unwarranted self-assertion and vanity. Sometimes thankless and presumptuous; sometimes amiable and patient. ... (Beginning of wish, happiness, success, or enjoyment)

Scorpio III A man bowed downward upon his knees, and a woman striking him with a staff, and it is the signification of drunkenness, fornication, wrath, violence, and strife.

7 of CupsIllusionary Success

Possible victory, but neutralized by the supineness of the person: illusionary success, deception in the moment of apparent victory. Lying, error, promises unfulfilled. Drunkenness, wrath, vanity. Lust, fornication, violence against women, selfish dissipation, deception in love and friendship. Often success gained, but not followed up. ... (Lying, promises unfulfilled; illusion, deception, error; slight success at outset, not retained).

Sagittarius I A man armed with a coat of male [mail], and holding a naked sword in his hand; the operation of this is for boldness, malice, and liberty:

8 of WandsSwiftness

Too much force applied too suddenly. Very rapid rush, but quickly passed and expended. Violent, but not lasting. Swiftness, rapidity, courage, boldness, confidence, freedom, warfare, violence; love of open air, field-sports, gardens and meadows. Generous, subtle, eloquent, yet somewhat untrustworthy; rapacious, insolent, oppressive. Theft and robbery. ... (Hasty communications and messages; swiftness).

Sagittarius II A woman weeping, and covered with cloathes; the operation of this is for sadness and fear of his own body.

9 of WandsGreat Strength

Tremendous and steady force that cannot be shaken. Herculean strength, yet sometimes scientifically applied. Great success, but with strife and energy. Victory, preceded by apprehension and fear. Health good, and recovery not in doubt. Generous, questioning and curious; fond of external appearances: intractable, obstinate. ... (Strength, power, health, recovery from sickness).

Sagittarius III

A man like in colour to gold, or an idle man playing with a staff; and the signification of this is in following our own wills, and obstinacy in them, and in activeness for evil things, contentions, and horrible matters.

10 of WandsOppresion

Cruel and overbearing force and energy, but applied only to material and selfish ends. Sometimes shows failure in a matter, and the opposition too strong to be controlled; arising from the person's too great selfishness at the beginning. Ill-will, levity, lying, malice, slander, envy, obstinacy; swiftness in evil and deceit, if ill dignified. Also generosity, disinterestedness and self-sacrifice, when well dignified. ... (Cruelty, malice, revenge, injustice).

Capricorn I A woman, and a man carrying full bags; and the signification of these is for to go forth and to rejoyce [rejoice], to gain and to lose with weakness and baseness:

2 of PentaclesHarmonious Change

The harmony of change, alternation of gain and loss; weakness and strength; everchanging occupation; wandering, discontented with any fixed condition of things; now elated, then melancholy; industrious, yet unreliable; fortunate through prudence of management, yet sometimes unaccountably foolish; alternatively talkative and suspicious. Kind, yet wavering and inconsistent. Fortunate in journeying. Argumentative. ... (Pleasant change, visit to friends).

Capricorn II Two women, and a man looking towards a Bird flying in the Air; and the signification of these is for the requiring those things which cannot be done, and for the searching after those things which cannot be known:

3 of PentaclesMaterial Works

Working and constructive force, building up, creation, erection; realization and increase of material things; gain in commercial transactions, rank; increase of substance, influence, cleverness in business, selfishness. Commencement of matters to be established later. Narrow and prejudiced. Keen in matters of gain; sometimes given to seeking after impossibilities. ... (Business, paid employment, commercial transaction).

Capricorn III A woman chast [chaste] in body, and wise in her work, and a banker gathering his mony [money] together on the table; the signification of this is to govern in prudence, in covetousness of money, and in avarice.

4 of PentaclesEarthly Power

Assured material gain: success, rank, dominion, earthy power, completed but leading to nothing beyond. Prejudicial, covetous, suspicious, careful and orderly, but discontented. Little enterprise or originality. ... (Gain of money or influence: a present).

Aquarius I A prudent man, and a woman spinning; and the signification of these is in the thought and labour for gain, in poverty and baseness:

5 of SwordsDefeat

Contest finished and decided against the person; failure, defeat, anxiety, trouble, poverty, avarice, grieving after gain, laborious, unresting; loss and vileness of nature; malicious, slanderous, lying, spiteful and tale-bearing. A busybody and separator of friends, hating to see peace and love between others. Cruel, yet cowardly, thankless and unreliable. Clever and quick in thought and speech. Feelings of pity easily roused, but unenduring. ... (Defeat, loss, malice, spite, slander, evil-speaking).

Aquarius II A man with a long beard; and the signification of this belongeth to the understanding, meeknes, modesty, liberty and good maners:

6 of SwordsEarned Success

Success after anxiety and trouble; self-esteem, beauty, conceit, but sometimes modesty therewith; dominance, patience, labour, etc. ... (Labour, work, journey by water).

Aquarius III A black and angry man; and the signification of this is in expressing insolence; and impudence.

7 of SwordsUnstable Effort

Partial success. Yielding when victory is within grasp, as if the last reserves of strength were used up. Inclination to lose when on the point of gaining, through not continuing the effort. Love of abundance, fascinated by display, given to compliments, affronts and insolences, and to spy upon others. Inclined to betray confidences, not always intentionally. Rather vacillatory and unreliable. ... (Journey by land: in character untrustworthy).

Pisces I A man carrying burthens [burdens] on his shoulder, and well cloathed; it hath his significion in journeys, change of place, and in carefulness of getting wealth and cloaths:

8 of CupsAbandoned Success

Temporary success, but without further results. Thing thrown aside as soon as gained. Not lasting, even in the matter in hand. Indolence in success. Journeying from place to place. Misery and repining without cause. Seeking after riches. Instability. ... (Success abandoned; decline of interest).

Pisces II A woman of a good countenance, and well adorned; and the signification is to desire and put ones self on about high and great matters:

9 of CupsMaterial Happiness

Complete and perfect realization of pleasure and happiness, almost perfect; self-praise, vanity, conceit, much talking of self, yet kind and lovable, and may be self-denying therewith. High-minded, not easily satisfied with small and limited ideas. Apt to be maligned through too much self-assumption. A good and generous, but sometimes foolish nature. ... (Complete success, pleasure and happiness, wishes fulfilled).

Pisces III A man naked, or a youth, and nigh him a beautiful maide, whose head is adorned with flowers, and it hath his signification for rest, idleness, delight, fornication, and for imbracings of women.

10 of CupsPerfected Success

Permanent and lasting success and happiness, because inspired from above. Not so sensual as "Lord of Material Happiness," yet almost more truly happy. Pleasure, dissipation, debauchery, quietness, peacemaking. Kindness, pity, generosity, wantonness, waste, etc. ... (Matter settled: complete good fortune).

Thanks Kwaw for assisting in the comparison.

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