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DG30 Crusade By Dan Hass

The situation is coming to a head in the rivalry between Odill and its surrounding communities. With both sides nearly evenly matched, the heroes give the edge to Odill’s opposition. But as the most influential city in the area and the seat of the Inquisition, Odill’s position gives it an

option with dramatic consequences. A D&D 5th edition adventure for 1-8 7th level characters. The fifth and final episode in the Villages of Odill Arc.

1 DG30 Crusade By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Contents Adventure Summary .............................................................................................................. 2

Preparing the Adventure ........................................................................................................ 2

Running the Adventure .......................................................................................................... 2

Adventure Background .......................................................................................................... 2

Adventure Outline .................................................................................................................. 3

Starting the Adventure ........................................................................................................... 4

Encounter 1: Alliance Leaders ............................................................................................... 5

Encounter 2: The Crusade .................................................................................................... 6

Encounter 3: Guernon the Powerful ...................................................................................... 7

Encounter 4: Cult of Asmodeus ............................................................................................. 8

Encounter 5: Church of Mask ................................................................................................ 9

Concluding the Adventure ....................................................................................................10

Appendix 1: DM Maps ..........................................................................................................11

Crusader Camp ................................................................................................................11

Mask Ambush ...................................................................................................................12

Cult Area ...........................................................................................................................13

Thanks to the many people who have helped me make this possible. Here are some who contributed in special ways.

Editing Jeremy Esch

Cover Art Fernando Olmedo (his work)

Sponsor The War Store

Sponsor Eric Mills

2 DG30 Crusade By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Adventure Summary Crusade is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition adventure designed for 1-8 7th level characters. It requires a Player’s Handbook (PHB), a Monster Manual (MM), and a Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG).

While the encounters include scaling for 1-8 characters, parties of 1 or 2 PCs and 7 or 8 PCs are fringe circumstances that may play oddly. Specifically, parties of 1-2 are highly susceptible to a single bad die roll, and 7-8 can slow play dramatically. Ideally a party will be 3-6 PCs.

It is set in the Dimgaard Campaign Setting (the Dimgaard Campaign Guide is a free pdf available at, but could be set in other campaigns where there is a corrupt city ripe for overthrow. The Digital copies of the encounter maps are available here.

Preparing the Adventure It is always a good idea for the DM to read through an adventure before running it. Crusade is no different. There are some rather complex encounters that will benefit if the DM spends a few minutes deciding how she will play them. Crusade can be run with a lot of interaction between the PCs and NPCs depending on the inclinations of the PCs and DM. The module deliberately gives just enough information about NPCs to move the plot along, leaving a lot of room for a DM to individualize these to her campaign. It makes things smoother if the DM spends a few minutes deciding how she will deliver the NPCs’ interactions. Some DMs revel in the opportunity to assume the personas of multiple NPCs over the course of a session, others prefer a summary approach. The decision is a matter of style and showmanship. Similarly, many players look forward to opportunities to interact “in character” and other prefer to summarize. Neither approach is “correct”; both are valid ways to collaboratively build a story, but the DM should try to anticipate her players’ preferences (and decide her own) and prepare accordingly.

The Odill Campaign Guide campaign guide can be found here, and the organizations and NPCs influence Crusade.

A battlemat or dungeon tiles may be helpful, but not necessary.

Running the Adventure The encounters in Crusade attempt to challenge PCs in different ways besides only combat. The combat encounters are expected to be hard (DMG p.81), but additionally there are encounters to test the PCs ability to deal with diplomatic situations and pose difficult questions about their character’s morals.

Modification “Exploits” Technically each encounter uses a medium XP budget per the encounter building guidelines. And for many parties a medium encounter may turn out to meet the definition of hard as PCs may be built for roleplaying and the party may not have optimized their tactics.

Modifications have been made to the creatures which do not increase the calculated CR of the creature but do increase the challenge of the creature. These are denoted with a 1. The DM should gauge the effectiveness of the party and decide which of these to use (keeping in mind the definition of hard encounters).

Awarding XP The XP listed with each encounter reflects the XP of the creatures listed which make a “medium” encounter. However, the encounters with the enhancements to the creatures likely is a “Hard” encounter. If the DM is tracking XP (instead of using milestone advancement), then considering that “wide” 7th level is, the DM should consider awarding 50% more XP than that listed in the tables which would correspond to the XP for a hard encounter rather than a medium encounter.

Adventure Background There are several villages in the vicinity of Odill. Odill could not survive without the

3 DG30 Crusade By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

support of these villages. They provide almost all the food, and much of the crafted goods in the Odill economy. These are summarized in the Odill Campaign Guide. Each has its own economic, social, and cultural factors.

Many have only marginal loyalties to Odill (although all have a significant economic interest). And with some influence they could be organized to bring pressure on Odill to reform. When Prince Rainaldus assumed the thrown and Odill began its slow descent into decadence, those among the nobility who resented the corruption and had the means left Odill, and many of those established communities within a few miles of Odill. These became havens for those seeking relief from the harsh existence in Odill, and while some are vassal states of the corrupt officials and organizations of Odill, many are quite noble in their pursuits and tolerate Odill’s corruption only because they have no recourse.

Earl Terrowin, of Greenville, has organized eleven of the villages into an alliance aimed at reforming the corruption in Odill. Over the past weeks, they have participated in a slave revolt at one of the major agricultural communities, and executed a raid that freed the Trithereons and Tythians who were interned with the Cult of Asmodeus. Now they are executing an economic campaign that is crippling Odill.

Pushed to the brink, Prince Priogrim, with the help of Tholy the Divine and Archbishop Yvonus, has called for a crusade to restore order by replacing the nobles leading the insurrection. While, Tholy the Divine and Archbishop Yvonus are known to be corrupt, they are still the primary authorities of the One True Faith in the region, and the authority of the office – even with them as the office holders – is quite significant.

Within days, over a hundred crusaders have answered the call. These early responders are, for the most part, ambitious, landless nobles wanting to take control of a fief with the One True Faith

validating the takeover. These crusaders are little more than bandit leaders. Most are the sons of nobles, but were passed over for inheritance – some because their father found them unworthy, and some because of circumstance of birth (several older brothers or illegitimacy).

There are two exceptions, Guernon the Powerful, and a contingent from the Cult of Asmodeus.

Guernon is driven and dedicated to the One True Faith. He has found that his greatest service is as a rapid responder to crises. He is maintained by loot. He has a small army of dedicated followers that travels with him. Many are commoners that Guernon has rescued from some sort of desperate circumstance and given them a greater purpose.

Asmodeus & The One True Faith Many lawful evil deities such as Hextor and Bane established orders within the One True Faith when it was a young belief system. Asmodeus, however, decided that it was not worth his attention, and did not establish an Order. Now, with centuries of tradition to overcome, it is much harder to establish an order within the One True Faith. And because it operates only as a cult, the followers of Asmosdeus are hindered within Dimgaard. The hierarchy of Asmodeus is working to become a legitimate Order, and believes Odill is the key.

The Cult of Asmodeus has provided a contingent of devils to contribute to the crusade. In return, Tholy and Yvonus have agreed that if the crusade is successful, they will recognize the Order of Asmodeus as a legitimate order of the One True Faith, opening the way for the Cult to expand across Dimgaard.

The crusaders have sprawled across a large field to the east of Odill.

The crusade has panicked the nobles of the alliance.

Adventure Outline Crusade presents the circumstances of the Priogrim/Tholy/Yvonus crusade and asks

4 DG30 Crusade By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

the PCs to respond. The primary question is: Can the PCs tip the scales so that the alliance can survive the crusade?

Earl Tarrowin delivers news of the crusade and assembles the nobles of the alliance to try to develop a response. The first challenge is holding the alliance together: Can the PCs persuade the alliance to remain united?

The crusaders’ details and the effect on Odill are given, so the DM can respond to

PCs’ actions. Will the PCs develop a unique strategy?

Guernon, the most influential crusader in the group, is presented. Can the PCs neutralize Guenon?

The Cult of Asmodeus has negotiated an arrangement to be recognized as an order of the One True Faith. Can the PCs neutralize the Cult’s contingent?

Agents from the Church of Mask are shadowing the PCs for an opportunity to collect the bounty. Will the PCs survive?

The sequence of events may vary depending on the PCs’ actions.

Starting the Adventure The PCs should have recently completed DG29 Allies in Trouble. The DM may grant them downtime. If so the villages around Odill should be sufficient to resupply the PCs and provide whatever consumables the DM wants to give the PCs access to.

PCs’ Resources Managing the PCs’ access to extraordinary equipment is another tool to modulate the difficulty of the encounters. If PCs are underpowered, the villages can contribute potions and scrolls to increase their effectiveness. Stronger parties may not need this type of support.

When the downtime is resolved, read or paraphrase:

Earl Tarrowin has summoned you to his manor. He is clearly concerned. “I don’t know if you’ve heard. Tholy has managed to get the One True Faith to declare the alliance a heretical rebellion. Priogrim and Tholy have announced a crusade against the alliance. The first crusaders have already arrived.

“With territory as rich as the alliance’s villages, there will be hundreds of them in a matter of days. While we were almost evenly matched against Odill’s forces, with hundreds of crusaders joining Odill’s side, there is no way we can mount a defense. Frankly, we are at a loss for options.

“I have assembled the nobles of the alliance to try to devise a strategy.”

How Crusades Work Implementing a crusade begins when there is a situation that a recognized authority figure (Priogrim in this case) cannot handle without help from surrounding nobles.

The authority figure appeals to the hierarchy of the One True Faith to declare the offending entity a heretic. This allows the authority figure to guarantee that any crusade activity will be sanctioned.

While some nobles will send a force out of a sense of duty to the One True Faith, most are looking to seize territory or raid the treasure of the offender.

Crusaders are often hard to handle. They rarely have goals that completely align with the authority that called the crusade. Usually the force is an assortment of landless nobles with entourages of little more than thugs and often have a history of rivalry. Crusaders are never allowed to enter communities for fear they will ignore the legitimate target and wantonly raid whatever treasure appears easiest to acquire.

While crusades are often quite effective in eliminating the original threat, there are also usually unwanted after effects. Crusades can break down into civil wars as participants engage in feuds over property and loot.

If the combat is protracted, there can be large numbers of refugees, and the interruption in economic activity usually results in a regional recession.

A crusade is usually the last resort of a desperate regime.

5 DG30 Crusade By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Encounter 1: Alliance Leaders

Map. None

Encounter background. The leaders from the eleven communities that form the alliance have gathered at Earl Tarrowin’s manor.

Alliance Leadership

Community Leader

Greenville Earl Tarrowin

Wolfdell Chairman Azais

Delver’s Dale Thane Galodan

Vallaki Burgher Harbaugh

Ginstaadt Baron Norgath

Darnagal Graf Jager

Ferryhill Sir Reder

Noldrun Furst Fauerwerker

Sandpoint Margrave Denzel

Berem Lord Tenwill

Albridge Lord Teague

Normally, when the nobles from eleven villages and their closest advisors gather in a great hall, it would be a ribald affair, but that is not the case today. All eleven village leaders sit in somber silence contemplating their options.

Running the encounter. All the leaders have been delivered ultimatums from Priogrim. If they do not present themselves to Priogrim’s court ready to accept an oath of fealty, each will be considered a traitor.

Without PC intervention in the next few days (any interventions should at least be hard – DC20), the following events occur.

Chairman Azais disappears - simply flees. His replacement, Chairman Calmais agrees to a feudal arrangement with Priorgim that allows Wolfdell to avoid violence.

Thane Galodan disappears – flees to the safety of a distant dwarven community. Elder Morgrun, next in line, agrees to become Priogrim’s vassal.

Burgher Harbaugh negotiates a feudal arrangement with Odill that allows Vallaki to provide support, but avoid violence.

Graf Jager disappears with his family – his brother-in-law has a remote fief where

Jager (and family) can hide. His seneschal agrees to fealty when Jager returns at the end of violence.

Baron Norgath joins the crusade – with shaky loyalty because of reliance on slavery, Ginstaadt abandons the alliance when faced with the crusade.

Sir Reder joins the crusade – with shaky loyalty due to reliance on slavery, Ferryhill abandons the alliance.

Lord Tenwill joins the crusade – with shake loyalty because of reliance on slavery, Berem abandons the alliance.

Everyone present is familiar with crusades, and they have pretty good intelligence on the composition of the crusader force. Sometimes a crusade can be thwarted in the initial stages. Some things that have caused crusades to crumble: an easier target within reasonable striking distance; dissention among the factions which almost always have historic rivalries; loss of a key member (such as Guernon); lack of resources (food or water); some severe obstacle (either natural or tactical).

The PCs should be encouraged to devise a strategy for dealing with the crusade. They might use Stealth to investigate the crusaders, Deception to spread some sort of false information, or Persuasion to convince elements to abandon the crusade (such as the Cult of Asmodeus’ contingent), delaying the crusade while Pastor Okama (DG28 Peasant Revolt) tries to counter the crusade’s declaration by appealing to Cardinal Shizhe’E, etc. This is limited only by the PCs’ imagination and DM’s ability to handle the scheme.

Concluding the encounter. At some point it should be clear that the key to any plan is going to be removing Guernon from the scene.

PCs’ Actions Encounter 2 presents information that can be used to judge the elements of the PCs’ strategy– sow descent among crusaders, infiltrate Odill, etc.

6 DG30 Crusade By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Encounter 2: The Crusade

Map. Crusader camp (Appendix 1)

Encounter background. The crusaders number about 120 (not including Guernon’s party). The crusade is waiting for a couple of key contingents (Goffridus the Lionhearted and Rauffe the bear). This is not a placed encounter. It is presented to allow the PCs a variety of actions that the DM can judge fairly.

Roleplaying A good tactic for encouraging roleplaying is for the DM to decide how difficult it will be for a particular plan to achieve the results (and possible side effects), then reward good roleplaying by adjusting the difficulty.

For example, the PCs may decide to try to convince a cell to abandon the crusade by planting the rumor that there is a peasant result in their home village. So there is likely a DC15 Investigation, or History check needed to get the details for the rumor, and then a DC20 or DC25 Deception check to plant the rumor. If the PCs demonstrate some good roleplaying interacting with the NPCs, the DM may allow them to roll with advantage, or lower the DC.

Several camps spread across a large, mostly open area. It looks like the distance between camps would allow them to aid each other within a minute or so.

Guernon’s camp has four other lesser camps between it and the border of the area.

Running the encounter. At some point,

the DM and PCs may need details on the

crusade. The crusade is organized into

cells around a powerful central figure

(Veteran or Knight). The central figure will

have an entourage composed of scouts,

spies, and thugs. Sometimes the central

figure also has a warhorse.

If combat with the PCs ensue, the cells will respond to aid each other. Guernon will arrive with his force in round 10. After that, a new cell arrives every 10 rounds until all

120 crusaders (not including Guernon’s force) have become involved or the PCs have successfully fled.

Allies At this point, the PCs should have a variety of relationships with NPCs and organizations they can call on to draw off the four intervening lesser crusaders and allow the PCs direct access to Guernon.

The Olidamarrans, the Trithereons, Pastor Okama (and the escaped slaves), Wulxan and the Order of Metal, Kristoff and his zombies, Cobru and his blights each would have a force capable of drawing off a crusader cell long enough for the PCs to attack. Whether or not they would be willing to provide aid is the product of previous adventures, and the PCs’ roleplaying.

Odill’s Reaction To make sure the crusaders target the villages and not Odill, each gate into Odill is heavily guarded, and no one wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying a significant weapon are allowed to enter. The crusader cells can also be used as guards barring entrance to Odill.

Scaling the encounter. The size of the cells varies with the number of PCs. First determine the central figure by rolling 1d6.

1-3: Knight; 4-6 Veteran.

For each PC beyond the first PC, roll 1d6 twice, and for parties with 6+ PCs add two extra rolls. For example, for a party of 4, the DM would roll six times; and for a party of 7 the DM would roll 14 times.

1-2:Scout; 3: Spy; 4-5: Thug; 6: Warhorse

Knight. MM p.347 Scout. MM p.349 Spy. MM p.349 Thug. MM p.350 Veteran. MM p.350 Warhorse. MM p.340

Concluding the encounter. It will depend on the circumstances as to the consequences.

7 DG30 Crusade By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Encounter 3: Guernon the Powerful

Map. Crusader Camp (Appendix 1)

Encounter background. Guenon the Powerful is a crusader. He has no interest in property. He will take control of a fief, only to auction it off to another crusader. He is greatly respected among other nobles, and is viewed as the most capable crusader in the group to date.

A well-ordered camp surrounds the banner of Guernon the Powerful.

Running the encounter. Guenon will leave the crusade if offered territory which he can turn a profit on. He is not anxious to take the field until they have a strong force, however, he is easily provoked.

Scaling the encounter. Guernon’s force varies with the number of PCs. All are under effect of darkvision, and longstrider.

# Crusaders XP

1 Guernon 700

2 Guernon, Warhorse, Acolyte, Owl, Commoner


3 Guernon, Warhorse, 2 Acolyte, 2 Owl, Scout,

3 Commoner



Guernon, Warhorse, 2 Acolyte, 2 Owl, 3 Scout,

5 Commoner


6 Guernon, Warhorse, 4 Acolyte, 4 Owl, 10 Scout, 14 Commoner


7 Guernon, Warhorse, 5 Acolyte, 5 Owl, 12 Scout,

17 Commoner


8 Guernon, Warhorse, 6 Acolyte, 6 Owl, 15 Scout, 21 Commoner


Acolyte. MM p.342. Owl advanced familiar 1Hit Points 27 (6d8) 1Saving Throws Con +2, Wis +4 1Gear 3 scrolls of cure wounds, scroll of dispel magic, scroll of lesser restoration

Owl. MM p.333. Familiar of acolyte 1Damage Immunities fire, force, piercing

Scout. MM p.349 1Armor Class 14 (Studded leather) 1Hit Points 33 (6d8+6) 1Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +3

Innate Spellcasting. The scout can cast the following spells 3/day requiring no material component: alarm, darkvision, goodberry, longstrider

Commoner. MM p.345 Actions

Plant Shield. The commoner and any creature immediately behind the commoner have total cover from one direction.

Warhorse. MM p.340 Armor Class 18 (plate barding) 1Hit Points 32 (5d10+5) 1Speed 70 ft. 1Saving Throws Str +6, Con +3 1Damage Immunities piercing (special barding) 1Mobile. Per PHB p.168

Guernon (Knight). MM p.347 1Hit Points 57 (8d8+21) 1Damage Immunity piercing (special armor) 1Condition Immunities surprised 1Legendary Resistance (1/Day). As a lich MM p.202 1Mounted Combatant. Per PHB p.168 1Pommel Strike. As a bonus action, a creature Guernon can see within 5 ft. must succeed on a DC15 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for one round. 1Practiced Quaff. As a bonus action, Guernon uses a potion.

Gear. 5 potions of extra healing.


1Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit; reach 5 ft.; one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) slashing damage and target must succeed on a DC13 Dexterity saving throw or lose the use of an arm until the target receives healing equal to the damage done.


1Hellish Rebuke (4/day). Guernon casts a 4th level hellish rebuke.

1Legendary Actions (3)

Inspire Mount. For one round, Guernon’s mount adds a 1d4 leadership die to attack rolls and saving throws.

Sooth Mount. Guernon’s mount heals 14 (4d4+4) hp.

Spur Mount. Guernon’s mount moves up to half its speed

Tactics Each acolyte and scout has a shield bearer. Acolytes cast bless to affect Guernon, his mount, and the scouts. They then use their familiars to heal.

Concluding the encounter. If Guernon is removed from the crusade, the other crusaders will be intimidated by that fact.

If the PCs defeat Guernon in combat, the crusaders will rush to defend/avenge Guernon.(see Encounter 1 sidebar). The waves arrive every 2d6 rounds

Guernon Not only does Guernon command respect because of his martial skills, but he also cultivates good will among the crusaders by having is scouts circulate to distribute extra goodberries or cast darkvision to make night watches more effective.

8 DG30 Crusade By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Encounter 4: Cult of Asmodeus

Map. Cult Area (Appendix 1)

Encounter background. The Cult of Asmodeus have an arrangement with Tholy and Yvonus that if the crusade is successful, and the Cult’s contingent participate fully, they will recognize the Order of Asmodeus as a part of the One True Faith.

The crusaders are noticeably avoiding a stand of trees with significant undergrowth. Occasionally, there is motion in the foliage indicating that something is moving about.

Combat? The devils are bound to serve Asmodeus, and prone to violence, but devils are also known for their cunning and willingness to negotiate. If the PCs are clever, they may find an angle that prevents the devils from participating in the crusade without a violent outcome.

Running the encounter. The devils in the contingent are currently enthusiastic about the upcoming campaign. They are evil, arrogant, and don’t fear death here (since they simply return to the lower planes). They expect the combat to be easy. If the devils are attacked, it likely won’t provoke the nearby crusaders to come to their defense.

The only people who come to see the devils are members of the Cult who periodically check on them. So it may be some time before anyone knows this group has been eliminated.

Serving Asmodeus These devils know how important it is to Asmodeus to establish an Order within the One True Faith. For them to give up the crusade, they would have to be convinced that there is an alternate course of action that results in being recognized by the One True Faith. There is nothing more important to their cult at the moment than achieving that goal, and every member of the Cult knows this fact.

Scaling the encounter. The contingent varies with the number of PCs.

# Devils XP

1 Bearded Devil 700

2 Bearded Devil, Imp 900

3 2 Bearded Devil, Imp 1,600

4 2 Bearded Devil, 3 Imp 2,000

5 3 Bearded Devil, 3 Imp 2,700

6 3 Bearded Devil, 5 Imp 3,100

7 4 Bearded Devil, 5 Imp 3,800

8 4 Bearded Devil, 6 Imp 4,000

Bearded Devil. MM p.70 1Armor Class 14 (natural armor) 1Hit Points 65 (10d8+20) 1Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. 1Condition Immunities poisoned, surprised 1Flyby. As owl (MM p.333) 1Hilt Strike. As a bonus action, creature the devil can see within 10 ft. must succeed on a DC15 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for one round.

Hold Breath. As lizardfolk (MM p.204) 1Gear. Bead of night, dust of sneezing and choking


1Hamstring. When a creature comes within 10 ft. of the devil, the devil can make a glaive attack. On a hit, it deals no damage, but the target’s speed is reduced to 0 until its next turn. 1Hellish Rebuke (3/day). The devil casts a 3rd level hellish rebuke.

Imp. MM p.76 1Hit Points 17 (5d4+5) 1Condition Immunities poisoned, surprised 1Saving Throws Wis +3, Cha +4 1Practiced Spellcaster. As a bonus action, the imp casts minor illusion.

Gear 2 potion of extra healing


1Fuselage (3/day). The imp casts magic missile.


1Counterspell (3/day). The imp casts counterspell.

Concluding the encounter. If the PCs engage the devils in combat, they almost certainly receive the Enmity of the Asmodeus.

If the PCs have not yet dealt with the agents of Mask (Encounter 5), and spent considerable resources in defeating the devils, the agents will use the opportunity to set their ambush.

9 DG30 Crusade By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Encounter 5: Church of Mask

Map. Mask Ambush (Appendix 1).

Encounter background. The Church of Mask would like to collect the bounty for the PCs.

Running the encounter. The assassins know that the PCs outclass them, but think that by combining traps with an attack, they can overcome the PCs. They have a clairvoyance sensor (from a scroll) watching the approach. They have used Nolzur’s Marvelous Pigments to draw a pit trap and then draw a camouflaged tarp to cover it. They have some restrained giant boars that are acclimated to the underbrush.

If the PCs are wandering towards the pit trap, the assassins will wait for it to trigger and then release the giant boars. If the PCs appear to not be heading towards the pit (note that fast moving creatures suffer a -5 to their passive ability checks), the assassins will release the boars to try to force them into pit.

When the issue of the boars is resolved, the Mask agents leave their hiding place and attack after one round.

Pit Trap Mechanical Trap 60 ft. deep pit with sheer walls with an oily sheen, covered with a camouflaged tarp. DC20 passive Perception to notice when 10 ft. from the trap. Otherwise the lead PCs falls taking 21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage.

Rampaging Giant Boars Creature trap Restrained giant boars (MM p.323) accustomed to the underbrush are released to attack the PCs. One per PC.

Giant Boar. MM p.323 Skills Stealth +4, Survival +2

Forest Acclimated. The difficult terrain of forest undergrowth does not cost the boar any extra movement. 1Lick Wounds (5/day). As a bonus action, the boar can heal 8 (1d10+3) hit points.

Scaling the encounter. The number of agents vary with the number of PCs. There is one bandit captain for each PC, and for parties of 6+ there is an additional one. Bandit Captain. MM p.344

1Hit Points 70 (10d8+25) (5 from aid) 1Speed 40 ft. (10 ft. from longstrider) 1Skills Athletics +4, Animal Handling +4, Acrobatics +7, Deceptions +4, Stealth +7

1Attack Item. The captain can use one of his weapon attacks from multiattack against an item in possession of his target. If the attack hits, instead of dealing damage to the target, it deals damage to an item worn or possessed by the target (such as a strap attached to an item). 1Innate Spellcasting. The captain can cast the following spells 3/day requiring no spell components: locate person, longstrider, pass without trace. 1Leg Sweep. As a bonus action, a creature the captain can see within 5 ft. must succeed on a DC19 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or be rendered prone. 1Gear. Bead of force, potion of extra healing.


1Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) slashing damage and target must succeed on a DC15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or drop an item or weapon it is holding of the captain’s choice.


1Counterspell (2/day). The captain casts counterspell.

Concluding the encounter. This is the Church of Mask’s best talent in Odill. If the PCs escape them or defeat them, the guild will have to scramble to find replacements.

Mask Agent

10 DG30 Crusade By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Concluding the Adventure If the PCs manage to thwart the crusade, they have achieved a great tremendous victory. Prince Priogrim is out of options. He cannot feed and equip his city without the cooperation of the villages. He is forced to recognize the alliance as a sort of parliament, and implement large-scale reforms

The PCs should be rewarded handsomely, and Odill is down a path to recovery. Further, Tholy and Yvonus realize that they are in big trouble. Yvonus is merely corrupt, and can be redeemed. But Tholy is clearly an oath-breaker. He will know that he is in a desperate and precarious position.

But if the crusade continues unabated, the alliance is crushed. The nobles are replaced with pliable crusaders. The PCs are branded outlaws and subject to arrest by the Inquisition wherever they travel as long as Tholy and Yvonus hold power.

Treasure Treasure (both wealth and magical) is deliberately not mentioned during the adventure. The amount of treasure is a defining trait for a DM’s campaign (“High wealth”/”Low wealth”; “High magic”/”Low magic”). If the DM wants a campaign of gritty realism where the PCs are struggling in a dark world, she should keep wealth low. If she wants a campaign with PCs tossing gems around and building monuments, she should add generous treasure.

Players like magic items, but it is very easy to “blow up” a campaign by providing too many magic items.

PCs with a lot of treasure are going to have more resources and it will require more difficult encounters to challenge them. This can lead to an escalation. That being said, the PCs faced some difficult encounters and rewards appropriately aligned to the DM’s

campaign should be given. The DMG Chapter 7 has the guidelines for determining treasure. Alternately, this site does an excellent job of quickly generating treasure.

Magic Items in Dimgaard One of the defining characteristics of the Dimgaard campaign is how magic items are treated. While relatively mundane magic items like common and uncommon potions, +1 weapons, low level spell scrolls, and pearl of power are crafted according to the DMG’s guidelines, every magic item of greater significance requires the sacrifice of a sentient creature with a relevant trait to complete the crafting. A creature sacrificed in this way has its life force transferred into the item, and it cannot be returned to life as long as the magic item exists. Further, when the life force imbues the magic item, the item is magically infused with the story of the creature’s life. The item will take on the name of the sacrificed creature, and a synopsis of the creature’s life will either be magically inscribed, or will be emitted as a soft whisper when held near the ear. This explains why dragonborn and other exotic creatures are rare in Dimgaard.

Crafting is sometimes used as a method of execution for the most vile of criminals, but almost always after an agreement between a civil authority and the One True Faith that the criminal warrants such a drastic fate. There are some crafters who operate outside the authority structure who would be willing to complete crafting without the expected sanctioning.

The process for getting authorization regarding a captured creature and finding the necessary crafter is left to DM discretion. This can be a matter of simple dice rolling, a roleplaying opportunity, or a side adventure.

11 DG30 Crusade By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Appendix 1: DM Maps

Crusader Camp

1 square = 5 ft.

12 DG30 Crusade By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Mask Ambush

1. Foliage: difficult terrain. Lightly obscured through 10 ft. Past 10 ft. is heavily obscured. 2. Tree: Same as foliage, but any creature in this terrain also has half cover. 3. Pit Trap.

13 DG30 Crusade By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Cult Area

1. Foliage: difficult terrain. Lightly obscured through 10 ft. Past 10 ft. is heavily obscured. 2. Tree: Same as foliage, but any creature in this terrain also has half cover.