Creature land

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Creature land. By: Nick Smarch Jimmy Kirby and Tommy Beaudet. Directions Through the story there will sometimes be choices to choose your own path the story will unravel through your choices so pick carefully. WAKE UP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Creature land

Creature land

By: Nick Smarch Jimmy Kirby and Tommy Beaudet


Through the story there will sometimes be choices to choose your own path the story will unravel through your choices so pick carefully

WAKE UPYou wake up and feel the ground violently shaking. You turn to your left and find that a gianormis dinosaur is walking towards you he picks you up and starts flying it is such a long trip and you are so tired and week you fall asleep

wake up 2

when you wake up you find your self surrounded by taradactales they start to nip at your skin you notice that just a few feet away is a volcano you get up sprint to the opening and jump but you don’t hit the fiery liquid below a pink dinosaur flies you into a cave you can either stay in the cave or fly with him

Fly on the dinosaurs back Stay in the cave

STAY IN THE CAVEYou decide to stay in the cave besides you don’t want to take another chance he fly's away after you refuse you see a rock and walk over and sit down you hear a loud grounding noise on the other side you see a small door open you look in it looks like a tiny room but you could scale the side of the cave

Scale the cave wall Go in the small room

Ride on The Dragons Back

You decide to ride on his back he fly's you up into the clouds and you slowly slip out of his claws you fall and fall but when you hit the ground it doesn't heart you

look around and you see big hairy cave men surrounding you. You can either introduce your self

our run away

Run awayIntroduce yourself

Go trough the door

• You decide to go into the small little opening when your body gets n you can barley move the door slams shut and you suffocate in the room


Scale The Wall

• You slowly start to scale the cave wall there is a big rumble and a big boulder falls down and hits you in the head and you fall in


Introduce Yourself

• You stand up and start to say your name but they quickly grab you and tie you to a big post and carry you to there village and drop you into a big pot and cook you but don’t worry your TASTY!!!!


Run away

• You decide to run away you run faster then the wind up ahead you see a house but you don’t know to stay on the path it sounds like they lost you but you don’t want to look back

Go into the house Stay on the path

Stay on the path

• You decide to keep running down the path you run faster and faster down the path it sounds like you lost them but you don’t want to look back when you get to a clearing you see a odd looking human but it looks like a horse at the same time you walk up to her and she doesn't seem to notice you

Walk Away try to get her attention

Go in the house

• You run into the house as soon as you set foot in the house you fall through the trap door and you feel slimy snakes on you and they eat you



• The Nameless Forest for inspiration• for pics• for


Walk away

How dare you walk away from me without saying hi!!! She yells at you she runs at you and tramples you breaking all you bones you better think about being polite next time and with a chuckling laugh you die

Try to get her attention

• You say hi and she says hi back you ask her what this place is she says it is another world where creatures can live in piece How do I get out of here you ask Well there is only one way to get out to slay the purple dragon but wait that’s the dragon who saved you but it’s the only way out so you have to do it you grab the sword


Slay the dragon• You walk up to the volcano and you get up to

the top but where to find the dragon you don’t know at first you just look around but then a purple dragon sores out of the volcano and fly's at you and knocks you down and your sword rolls down the hill he flys straight at you and you quickly grab the sword and just swing it and you feel it make contact then you just wirl and swirl and end up back up in your room
