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Transcript of Creativity

November 2011

Copyright © 2010 By People Building. All right reserved. Unauthorised copying is prohibited by law. Registered company no 6969239


Hello People! We’re getting ready for the last few events of the year. The last master practitioner training begins on Saturday and we have one more NLP4Kids training before the year is out. Plus we sneaked in an extra NLP4Kids free event on 12th November in London. (If you’d like to find out more visit We also had a really successful NLP diploma training. We introduced 11 lucky people to our first 2 days of NLP Practitioner Training. We’ll be booking another one of these events into the diary for the early part of next year. I also had some great news about 2 weeks ago and it was completely unexpected. My mother got in touch to say a package had arrived at her house which was addressed to me. When I went there and opened it up, it was 2 books both written in Russian. I didn’t recognise the books at all although the compliments slip inside was from my publisher. This just confused me even more! Then I saw that one of the books (the paperback one) had a picture of a cigarette on it and I thought perhaps it was a book by my Russian rival! I looked at the name of the author and something looked vaguely familiar…Джемма Бейли. I realised it was my book in Russian – a hard back and paper back version. It's very, very odd and surreal to see my name in Russian on a book! And I've no idea how well it may have translated. I have to say that getting my book printed in Russian wasn't on the list of things to do before I die but it's pretty cool all the same! If you hop over to and type in “Creating Trance and Hypnosis Scripts” and you will see it there with it’s very odd book cover!

Gemma Gemma Bailey D.Hyp M.NLP Certified Trainer of NLP & Hypnotherapy Founder of People Building Ltd.

Download the People Building Podcast Follow me, I’m going somewhere amazing! Put my face in your book

Copyright © 2010 By People Building. All right reserved. Unauthorised copying is prohibited by law. Registered company no 6969239



Relax now and allow your mind to become open and impressionable to my words and suggestions which are all going to assist you in activating that most creative part of your personality. And it’s important to gently engage in activities that allow you to evolve as a person. To express yourself, in your own unique and wonderful ways. Because no matter what you do, no one else in the world will do it in exactly the same way as you do. You’re an individual and you use your imagination now to whole heartedly demonstrate your personality in artistic and electrifying ways. As a sensory being, your senses fully support you in exploring the world around you and to hear, into your awareness the many options available for tuning into creative opportunities. Colour, contrast, sound, pitch, aromas, sweetness, feeling texture. You are continuously scanning the world around you to pick up on the creative information, even when you do not realise you are doing it all the time. With your senses at full attention, your creative unconscious mind easily finds ideas to construct into imaginative things and experiences. You can trust your mind to do its good work for you. To present you with opportunities, to express and exhibit your inner self, your inner brilliance. And perhaps too, you will have already noticed how your motivation is increasing. That feeling of wanting to get started and experience your ideas in full flow. That your senses are at work with your imagination to give you some insight into how it will be to have achieved this for yourself. That feeling of wanting to get on and do something is just like an itch that you can’t scratch. It keeps fizzing away in the corner of your mind until you get on with it. Then, when you will get on and do whatever that most creative thing is that you want to do, it is consuming of you. You are at one with it, in the flow of creation with each other. Like the instrument with the song, with energy in your body. You are it and it is you and something new and beautiful will occur now that your magical work is in motion. And I do not know if you will see that creativity or hear it of smell it or taste it but I know you will feel yourself in the flow of those wonderful ideas and harmony, which continue to arrive, even now, ready for you to have full access to them and that never ending supply of inspiration in just the twinkle of an eye later on. You trust yourself and your own ideas and because of this you are much more comfortable in allowing creativity to arrive. You can relax knowing it is always with you, sometimes needing to be gently encouraged by the ways in which you live your life and the places and people with whom you chose to spend your time and energy. And at other times, when you must respond to its calls for action, it is flowing through you and around you like an invisible energy or aura, waiting to be put to work.

Copyright © 2010 By People Building. All right reserved. Unauthorised copying is prohibited by law. Registered company no 6969239


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A Hypnosis Script Dissected

Copyright © 2010 By People Building. All right reserved. Unauthorised copying is prohibited by law. Registered company no 6969239


NLP Uncovered

The NLP Communication Model: The External Event What it is: The external event a thing that happens in the outside world. You could refer to it as “life.” However, the external event isn’t the same as the way we think about life, because the information from the external event goes through several processes before being presented in the mind. Why it works: The information from the outside world (life/the external event) is taken into your brain in only 5 ways. You either hear it, see it, taste it, touch it or smell it. Those are the only ways of getting the information from outside your head, to inside your head. This tells us that not only are you a sensory being, but that at this moment in time, any “bad things that appear to be happening in life, are not due to life itself. Life is only presenting sensory information. It’s how you think about it that makes the information good/bad. An example of it in action: As your nervous system processes the information, there is around 2 millions bits bombarding the system but you can only focus on and process a tiny fraction of that. This means that you do not have access to all of the information from the external event. Lets say 2 people go to a concert together. The both saw the same acts from almost the same angle. They experienced the same weather climates whilst they were there, they could even have been wearing the same clothes. Yet they might have picked up on different details from the external event and deleted different information from the 2 million bits that were available to them both. Although they both witnessed the same external event, their internal events that represented the external events may have been very different. How to use it: Remember the NLP Presupposition “Respect other people’s model of the world,” well this is what that saying refers to. We need to remember that although we might all experience the same external event, the way we represent it internally will be very different to the next person. It can also be helpful sometimes to strip back our judgements and generalisations that we may be making about the external event, so that we have a closer experience to the truth, without putting our own ideas/past experiences into the mix so much. Being aware that the external event is the pure form and that our thinking distorts it can help us to be on the look-out for a cleaner reality.