Creative Writing Prompts 1 300

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Transcript of Creative Writing Prompts 1 300

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1.If you could change one event in your life, what would it be and why? Do you think the present would be different?

2.Would you ever buy a drink for a desperate, homeless alcoholic? Why or why not?

3.What is your biggest achievement? What made it so important to you?

4.If you were a superhero, what would be your kryptonite and why?

5.If you won the lottery, what would you do on the first day you got your money? Why?

6.If you could learn one musical instrument, what would it be and why?

7.Would you turn in a family member if they had committed a murder? Why or why not?

8.If you could have your ideal job, what would it be and why? How would your working day go?

9.Imagine you were given a free wish, but you had to wish something for somebody else. What would you wish, for who, and why?

10. If you could have one day repeat over and over again for the rest of your life, which day would it be and why?

11. What if you were only allowed to receive one type of gift (such as books, computer games, clothes) for Christmas

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for the rest of your life? What would you choose and why?

12. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? What would you do with it?

13. What if scientists found that an asteroid was going to destroy the planet in one month? What would you do with your last month of life?

14. If you were a type of sauce, which sauce would you be and why?

15. Imagine you get robbed at knifepoint and then the thief gets hit by a car. The car speeds off, nobody else is around, and he is in extreme pain but not dead; do you help the thief and why?

16. If you were a two-dimensional shape, what shape would you be and why?

17. If you could smash one thing in your house with no repercussions, what would it be and why?

18. If you could spend 24 hours locked in a room with any person throughout history, who would it be and why?

19. What is the worst thing you’ve ever done in your life? Why was it so bad?

20. If you could freeze time whenever you wanted, what would you do and why?

21. If you were a drink, which drink would you be and why?

22. If you could change or invent one law that had to be

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implemented across the world, what would it be and why? Do you think it would make life better?

23. Imagine that you could choose one type of weather for the rest of your life. What would you choose and how would it affect your life?

24. Who is the wisest person you have ever met, and why?

25. If you could be attractive and stupid or intelligent and ugly, which would you prefer? Why?

26. If you had to listen to the same song ten times every day or never listen to music at all, which would you choose? If you chose the song, which would it be?

27. Imagine you found evidence that humans were created as an experiment by an ancient alien race. Would you tell the rest of the world, and why?

28. If you could make one animal extinct, which would it be and why? Do you think the world would be better?

29. If you were allowed to erase one book from existence, in the past, present or future, which would it be and why?

30. Imagine you could program a robot to perform one day-to-day task for you for the rest of your life. What task would it be any why?

31. If you could choose between having no emotions or no capacity for logical thought, which would you prefer? How would your life change?

32. If you were a god, from any mythology, which one

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would you be and why?

33. If your husband or wife told you that you had to get a divorce if you didn’t stop seeing your best friend, what would you do and why?

34. If you could only stay in contact with one of your friends, who would it be and why?

35. What if you were offered a choice between a short life with a peaceful death and a long life with a horrific death? Which would you choose and why?

36. If you were a cartoon character, who would you be and why?

37. Imagine you were able to instantly master any academic subject, which subject would it be? Would you change career as a result?

38. If you were bitten by a vampire, would you live with the blood-lust or ask somebody to kill you before you turned? Describe what your day-to-day life would be like as a vampire.

39. If you had one chance to showcase any talent of yours live on TV, which talent would it be and why? Do you think people would be impressed?

40. If you could have a personal portrait done by any artist throughout history, who would you choose and why? What do you think the picture would look like?

41. If you were a song, what type of song would you be and why? If you can’t define it by genre, tempo or mood, describe

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it in any way you can.

42. Imagine that a new, deadly disease is infecting humans; you only have one vaccine, but aren’t infected yourself. The vaccine is for an elderly relative, but on the way home you see a child you’ve never met who also has the disease, what would you do?

43. If you could make up a new rule for any sport, what would it be and why? Would the sport be better as a result?

44. If you could buy one person anything for Christmas, regardless of cost, what would you get them and why? Who would you choose to receive the gift?

45. If you could be locked in any shop for a night, and you couldn’t get in trouble for anything you did, what type of shop would you choose? What would you do?

46. Invent your own ultimate chair. Describe it and what any special parts would do.

47. What is your worst habit? Has it ever got you in trouble?

48. Invent a new religion. Describe the God, if it has one (or many) and what the key beliefs are.

49. If you were a character from any book, who would you be and why?

50. If you could become a ghost after you die, who would you haunt and why? What would you do to them if you could

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manipulate real-world objects like a poltergeist?

51. If you were a member of the opposite gender, what would you look like? Would your personality be any different?

52. Invent a new medical condition and describe a person suffering from it. What would the major symptoms be?

53. What is the most unlikely coincidence you’ve ever experienced? What makes it so unlikely?

54. If you could change the length of a day, would you lengthen it or shorten it? How would the world change as a result?

55. If your favourite thing in the world was outlawed, how would you cope? Would there be a black market, and would you use it?

56. If the dead start to rise and try to eat the living, what would you do? How would you survive, and who would you rescue?

57. Describe your most prized possession and how you got it. What makes it so special to you?

58. Who is your favourite person in the world? What sets them apart from everybody else?

59. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Do you think this name suits your personality more than your current name?

60. If you could read people’s thoughts, what would you do and why? Whose thoughts would you want to read most,

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and why?

61. Think of a promise you’ve broken. What happened and how did you feel?

62. If you could immigrate to any country, which country would you choose and why? Would your life change as a result?

63. If you saw someone being bullied, would you do anything about it? If so, how would you help them?

64. If you were a film character, which character would you be and why? Is the character similar to you?

65. Imagine your country was involved in an unjust war and were drafting people. Would you fight, and would your mind change if anyone who refused went to prison?

66. Think of the worst nightmare you’ve ever had. What happened and why was it so terrifying?

67. Imagine you are stranded on a desert island, what would you use to create a rudimentary escape raft? Describe your completed raft.

68. What if a convicted murderer moved onto your street after serving time in prison? How would you make sure your family were safe?

69. If you could change the sun, what would you do to it? How would your changes impact life on earth?

70. Imagine you were allowed to kiss anybody on earth, who would you choose and why? How would you feel

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71. If you only had one date with your ideal partner, what would you do? How would you convince them to be with you?

72. If you could change the name of any country, which country would it be and why? What name would you give it?

73. If you were a multi-billionaire, would you do anything charitable with your money? How would it change the world?

74. If you ran into your childhood bully as an adult, what would you do? If you would confront them, what would you do or say?

75. If you were forbidden from entering one continent, but you could choose which one, which would you choose and why?

76. What if the world was on the brink of nuclear war, with two major superpowers antagonizing each other to make the first move? If you were given a chance to speak to both major players, what would you say to them?

77. Imagine you saw somebody burning your country’s flag? Would you want revenge and if so how would you get it?

78. If you were on death row, and were granted one last meal, what would you eat? Why would you choose that particular meal?

79. If you saw somebody selling a valuable antique for $10, would you buy it off them or tell them, and why? What

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would happen?

80. I m a g i n e some unusual pancakes. What makes them so unusual and how do you think they would taste?

81. If you could start your own farm, what would you farm and why? What would set your farm apart from all of the others doing the same thing?

82. If you could add one food to Christmas dinner, what would it be and why? Would the dinner be better as a result?

83. If you heard a voice, and it told you it was

God, would you do what it said and why? What if it asked you to kill a sinner?

84. I m a g i n e you were starving in a city with no money. Describe how you would find food, and if you’d beg, what would you say to people?

85. W h a t if the world’s continents were all joined together again? Would r e l a t i o n s h i p s between world powers change, and how?

86. If you were a piece of jewellery, what kind would you be and why? Would

you be expensive?

87. If you could visit any planet in our solar system, which would it be and why? Would you prefer to live there, if you could fill the air with oxygen?

88. What if somebody offered you one million dollars to betray a friend? Would you do it, and if so, how would you explain your actions to them?

89. I n v e n t a new musical i n s t r u m e n t . Describe the sound it makes and what sort of band it would it be in.

90. If there was a single world

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currency, what would it be called and what would it look like? How would people take to it?

91. If you could talk to any animal, which animal would it be and why? What would the animal have to say?

92. If an inanimate object of your choice was granted life, what would it do? Describe it coming to life and what would happen afterwards.

93. If you could choose one fictional character to be your best friend in real life, which character would it be? What would you do together?

94. What if the world were under threat of an alien attack? How would you convince the aliens that humans were worth saving?

95. If someone was repeatedly pushing your head and making an annoying noise, how would you get them to stop? Would your frustration get the better of you?

96. If somebody told you that something amazing was going to happen in half an hour, how would you pass the time? What if you had no idea what it was?

97. What if you could give someone the ultimate birthday? What would you do with them and where would you go?

98. If there were aliens, what would they look like? Describe them and how they would act.

99. If you couldn’t get somebody’s attention, no matter what you did, what would you do? Describe your ultimate,

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attention-grabbing stunt.

100. If you could ask one question to your biggest hero, what would it be? How would he or she respond?

101. Describe the biggest disappointment in your life. What made it so disappointing?

102. If you were away from home for more than a year, what would be the first thing you did when you got back? What would you miss most about your house?

103. If you could speak any language, which language would it be and what would you do with it? Would you visit some countries to use your new skills?

104. What if you could write your own horoscope? What would it say?

105. If you were a card from a deck of cards, which suit would you be and why? Would you be a face card or a number, and why?

106. If you had an animal spirit guide, which animal would it be? Why does that animal represent your inner self?

107. If you could disobey one law for one day, which law would it be and what would you do?

108. Imagine that your friend wins the lottery, then the next week wins a school or workplace raffle, then heaps everything together and puts it on red at roulette. Would you want him or her to win or lose, and why?

109. If you could cross-breed to different animals, which

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two animals would you breed and what would be the result? Describe the resulting creature.

110. If you could choose two of your favourite television programmes to have a crossover episode (where characters from one go into another), which programs would you choose? What would happen?

111. Imagine what would happen if you put two most different people you know into a room together, with nobody else. Describe the encounter.

112. If people went to different time periods on holiday instead of different countries, which time period would you visit? What would you do for your two week visit to that time?

113. Imagine you had an identical twin that was given up to a foster family when you were both born. Describe your twin and how he or she would be different from you.

114. Invent your own word. Define your new word and describe a scene in which it would be used.

115. What if you knew that something awful was going to happen to you in two hours, but were confined to an empty room? What would you do, and what would be going through your mind?

116. Imagine you are presenting an invention to somebody who is tells you it is useless, and not even worth the raw materials. How would you defend the invention you worked so hard to create?

117. If you could go back to a moment in your life and make somebody feel the emotions you felt, what moment would

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you visit and who would you make feel the emotions? Would understanding how you felt change the person’s actions?

118. What if you had to mindlessly follow your compulsions, without thinking about the consequences? What would a day in your life be like?

119. If you were a robot, what would your main function be? Would you be useful to humans, and how?

120. If you could turn one computer game into reality, which game would it be and why? What would the world be like?

121. Invent a new form of government and describe how it works. Do you think it would be better or worse than democracy?

122. Imagine that everything you touch turns to gold. How would you go about your everyday life, or if you couldn’t, why not?

123. Invent a new super-car. Describe it, and how it is superior to all other cars on the road.

124. Describe the funniest thing that one of your family members has ever done. What sets it apart from anything else?

125. If you could forbid anybody from giving one type of Christmas present, what would it be? How would Christmas be different if nobody could get that type of gift?

126. If you could invent your own tax, what would you tax?

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How would the world change if your tax was put in place?

127. If you were involved in a medieval battle, what would your weapon of choice be? Describe how you’d use it to your advantage.

128. What if you had the power to remove one vegetable from existence? Which vegetable would you get rid of and why?

129. If you could steal from any person, who would you steal from and why? Would you feel guilty about it?

130. Imagine a world with no concept of kindness. How would you demonstrate kindness and why it was important to a person in that world?

131. Invent your own wonder of the world. Describe the wonder and its history.

132. What if you were only allowed to have one possession in the world, aside from clothes? What would your possession be and how would you cope with only it?

133. What if you found out that your family were actually child-thieves who stole you from your real parents? What would you say to your real family, and would you look for your real family?

134. If you were a wizard, what spells would you cast on people you know? How would they change under the influence of your magic?

135. Invent a new type of hat. Describe it and the sort of

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person who would wear it.

136. If you could remove one scar from your body, which would it be? How did you get it and would you feel better without it?

137. If you could magically change your personality, what would you change? Would you be a better person as a result?

138. If you could have one talent, what would it be? How would you make use of your talent?

139. Imagine that heaven is an endless party with the people you love. Describe the party and what happens when you get there.

140. What if you had unlimited money to decorate your house? Describe your completed house.

141. If you won the lottery, would you stop working for the rest of your life? Why or why not?

142. Imagine that your mother starting dating a man who you didn’t trust, but made her happy. Would you warn her about him, and how would you go about it?

143. If you had to fight a mythological creature, which one would you choose and why?

144. Imagine you are on a long voyage at sea and the crew is losing morale. What would you do to cheer everybody up, and how would they react?

145. If your brain was transplanted into a member of the opposite gender’s body, what would be the first thing you did

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and why?

146. Imagine the most disgusting meal you can. What is on it and why is it so disgusting?

147. Think of one of the most uncomfortable moment of your life. What happened and why was it so uncomfortable?

148. If you were famous, what lies would tabloids write about you? Would you sue them for libel?

149. If you were a professional sports star, who would you be and why? What similarities do you have to them?

150. If you were planning to rob a bank, how would you do it? Describe your plan and how you would get away with it?

151. If you could swap lives with any person in the world, who would it be? What would they think about your life?

152. Invent a new genre of music and explain its defining features. Describe a successful artist or band in your genre.

153. Imagine a future in which all wars are fought by giant robots. Describe the most successful battle robot and why it is so powerful.

154. If you were the lead character in a tragedy, what would your fatal character flaw be? How would it lead to your demise?

155. If souls existed, would you sell yours to for 50 million dollars? Would it be worth living a soul-less life if you could provide for the people you love?

156. Imagine you are at a meditation retreat and are sitting

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down for your final session. Describe your surroundings and how you’ve come to appreciate their calming influence.

157. Imagine that a stranger has just driven a car into your house. Describe the scene you find when you get home and how you react.

158. Imagine you visit somebody’s house for the first time and block up their toilet. Describe how you feel, how you would explain it to them, and how they would react.

159. Invent a new animal. What does it look like and what would the meat taste like?

160. Imagine you are around at a friend’s house and he or she has just started arguing with their partner. Describe the scene and how you would try to lighten the mood.

161. Imagine the most despicable person that could possibly exist. Describe them and what makes them so horrible.

162. Imagine the kindest person that could possibly exist. Describe them and what makes them so kind.

163. Invent a monster and describe what it looks like. Where does it live, and does it attack people?

164. If you were a chef, what would be your signature dish and why?

165. Describe the kindest thing anybody has ever done for you and how it made you feel. Did you repay them?

166. Describe the worst thing anybody has ever done to

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you and how it made you feel. Did you ever forgive them?

167. What if you had been born in a different country? Which country would you have been born in and would you be any different as a result?

168. Imagine you visit a fortune teller and she tells you that a tall, broad-shouldered man is going to kill you before you get home. What would happen on your way home, and would you be suspicious of anyone matching the description?

169. Imagine you are sat in a room with blank walls, nothing inside it, and nobody else is with you. What do you do to entertain yourself?

170. Imagine you are walking home from work or school and you notice a trap door on the floor which you’ve never seen before. What do you do, and if you go inside, what do you find?

171. If your mother received a death threat from an unknown person but the police couldn’t help, what would you do? What would you do if she wanted to go out, alone, at night?

172. If you could magically force someone to love you, would you? What would your relationship be like and would you feel guilty?

173. Invent a new form of public transport. How would it work and what advantages would it have over existing methods?

174. Imagine a day with so much snow that nobody can go

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to work. Describe your day at home with all of your family.

175. Imagine you’re an inter-stellar explorer landing on a new, strange planet. Describe the scenery and what happens when you arrive.

176. Think of a bad situation you have experienced which you had no power to change. What happened and how did you feel?

177. Think of a time when you have been especially proud of yourself. What had you done and why were you so proud?

178. Think of the saddest you’ve ever been. What made you sad and how did you deal with it?

179. Imagine you woke up with no memories. Describe what would happen on that day.

180. What if nobody you knew could remember you? How would you try to remind them who you were and how would people react?

181. What if you had no arms? How would you go through your day-to-day life?

182. What if you were born completely paralysed? Who would look after you, and what would your life be like?

183. Describe a day in the life of a blind person. How would the world seem different if you didn’t have the sense of sight?

184. Imagine you woke up one day and found that you were deaf. What sounds would you miss the most?

185. What if there was no colour in the world? Describe

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a table full of colour-less items and how you differentiate between them.

186. What if you could step into somebody’s dreams and watch them like a film? Whose dreams would you invade and what would you see?

187. Think of a present you received that you didn’t like. How did you react, and did the person suspect you didn’t like it?

188. Think of the best present you’ve ever given somebody. Describe their reaction when they peeled back the wrapping paper.

189. Think of a time when you have forgotten somebody’s birthday. How did you feel and what did you do about it?

190. Think of the most thoughtful gift you’ve ever received. What was it and what made it so thoughtful?

191. Describe the most insecure person you know and what makes them so insecure.

192. Think about the happiest person you have ever met. Who is it and what makes you think they are the happiest person you’ve met?

193. Think of the most miserable person you have ever met. Devise a plan to cheer them up, even if it’s just for a short time.

194. Think of a time when you’ve found out that people have been talking about you. What did they say about you

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and how did it make you feel?

195. Think of a time when someone has told you a lie. What was the lie and how did you find out the truth?

196. What if somebody told you a lie that you already knew was a lie? How would you confront them?

197. Think of an embarrassing confession you’ve made to somebody. Who did you tell and how did they react?

198. Describe the worst thing you’ve ever done and got away with. How did not being punished make you feel?

199. Think of a lie you’ve told that nobody has even found out. What was the lie and what were you covering up?

200. Imagine a character that a compulsive liar, or entirely incapable of telling the truth. What is an average day in his or her life like?

201. If you could start your own cult, what kind of cult would it be? Describe the key beliefs of the cult and what they would do.

202. Imagine being the first explorer to enter an ancient Egyptian tomb. Describe what happens, how you feel and what treasures you find.

203. If you saw a woman being mugged in the street by people bigger and stronger than you, what would you do? Describe the scene and explain your actions.

204. Imagine you are placed in control of a button and told not to press it. Describe your actions and thoughts, and if

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you press it, describe what the button does.

205. Imagine you are about to undertake a long car journey. Describe the things you would take for the journey and why you would bring them?

206. Imagine you’ve invented a magic potion. What would the potion do and why would people want to take it?

207. Think about your closest friend or group of friends. What interests do you share and how are your personalities the same?

208. Describe your perfect evening. What would you do and who would be there?

209. If there was no such thing as work or money, and you always had food, how would you spend your days?

210. What is the worst job you could imagine doing and why? How would you feel in your day to day life?

211. Invent a mundane and repetitive task and imagine what somebody who was doing it would be thinking.

212. Think of an original and unusual use for wood and explain it. Would it be functional or strictly for recreation?

213. If people invented robots and they learnt how to create other robots, what would they make? How would they differ from human-made robots?

214. Imagine you are God, and are deciding what the human body would look like. Describe your redesigned version of the human body and why it would be better than the original

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human body.

215. Imagine you are a circus performer about to be fired from a cannon. Describe the scene leading up to the fuse being lit and how you are feeling.

216. If you could become invisible for one hour, but never again, what would you do? Explain why you chose to do it over other possibilities.

217. If you were rewarded for somebody else’s work, what would you do? Would you confess or keep the glory for yourself, and why?

218. If you could only talk to one person for the rest of your life, who would you choose and why? Would you ever run out of things to say?

219. Describe your perfect garden and what would be in it. Explain why you have chosen those specific features.

220. If you could only eat one vegetable for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?

221. Think about the worst punishment you’ve ever received. What did you do and did you deserve it?

222. Imagine if humans were the only animal on planet earth. How would the world be different?

223. Invent a new use for magnets. Describe how you would use them and how it would make your life easier.

224. Think about the longest traffic jam you’ve ever been in. Describe how you felt when you were stuck and then when you

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finally got moving again.

225. Imagine the most mundane item you can think of, and then imagine that it is your most prized possession. Describe what makes it so special.

226. If you could redesign the way we measure time, what would you change? Would your new system be better or worse than the current one?

227. Choose a number and decide that it has special significance. Explain why this number is important.

228. Imagine that you could see electricity flowing through wires and powering devices. Choose an electronic device and describe someone using it.

229. Think about a person you wish you’d have spent more time with. Why do you wish you spent more time with them and why didn’t you?

230. Invent a new method of producing light, using real or imaginary materials, and explain why it would revolutionise the world.

231. Think about the time in your life when you felt the most free. Describe what you we doing and why you felt so free.

232. Imagine you are trapped in a locked cage with a single guard watching over you with a key. How would you escape?

233. Think about the first time you ever fell in love. Who did you fall in love with and what happened?

234. Think about something you have to do that you hate. How

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do you think your life would be better if you didn’t have to do it?

235. If you could swap your collection of knowledge for some anybody else’s (past or present), who would you swap with and why? How would you use your new knowledge?

236. Invent a new dance. Describe it and the type of music it would be suited to.

237. Think about the most physically exhausted you have ever been. Why were you so tired, and what did you do?

238. What is the most reckless thing you’ve ever done? What happened and why was it so reckless?

239. If you could watch any historical event actually happen without interfering with it in any way, what would you watch? How do you think it might differ from the accepted account?

240. Think of the most awkward conversation you’ve ever had. Who was it with and why was it so awkward?

241. If you could put a person into the body of an animal, who would you put in which animal and why?

242. Invent a fictional character to replace Santa Claus. Describe your character and what he or she would do different.

243. Reinvent yourself as a pirate. Describe your pirate character and in average day in his or her life.

244. Think about the time you’ve most needed to wee but had to hold it in. How did you feel when you were holding it in and how relieved were you when you finally got to go?

245. If you were a main character in a film, what would be

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your perfect sidekick be like? How would they complement your personality?

246. Invent a new type of toilet. Describe it and how it would improve on ordinary toilets?

247. Think about the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen. Describe it and how it made you feel.

248. Think about a time when you have been completely lost. How did you get lost, how did you feel and how did you eventually find your way?

249. Imagine that you were insane. Describe your insane self performing a day to day task, such as going to the shops for milk.

250. Think about the first time you went on a plane. Describe how you felt during take-off and landing.

251. Describe the worst injury you’ve ever had. Describe what happened and how you felt afterwards.

252. Invent your own sport. What is the aim of the game and what are the rules?

253. What if you had premonitions about the future and they turned out to be correct? What would you do when you had another one; what would it be about and would you try and prevent it?

254. Think about your earliest memory. Describe it and any feelings or thoughts you can remember?

255. Think about the most effort you’ve put into doing something and not got what you wanted. What were you trying

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to accomplish and how did you feel when you failed?

256. Think about a time when somebody has communicated something to you without using words. What did he or she do, and how did you understand it?

257. Think about the biggest surprise in your life. What happened and why did it shock you so much?

258. What is your least favourite day of the week? What makes it worse than other fdays in the week?

259. What is your favourite day of the week? How would you typically spend that day?

260. What is your favourite season? What is it about the season that makes it your favourite?

261. What is your least favourite season? What is it about the season that annoys or upsets you most?

262. Think of an event in your life that you missed. What were you doing instead and how did you feel when you missed it?

263. Think of a time when a friend has been there for you. What had happened to you and how did your friend cheer you up?

264. Invent a new viral video. What would happen in it and why would it be so popular?

265. Invent a new day of the year to celebrate. What day would it be and how would people celebrate it?

266. Imagine the next step in human evolution. What will

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happen and how will it have been influenced by our lifestyles.

267. Think of something kind you could do for somebody that you’ve never met. What would you do and how would they react?

268. What is the worst thing you’ve ever done to a stranger? What happened and how did you feel afterwards?

269. If you could remove one genre of computer game from existence, what would it be and why?

270. Think about the loneliest you’ve ever been. Describe where you were and why you were so lonely.

271. Invent your own afterlife. What would happen to good people and what would happen to bad people?

272. Think about the scariest moment of your life. Describe what happened and why you were so scared.

273. Describe the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen.

274. Invent a new fashion trend. What would it be and what type of people would take to it?

275. Invent a futuristic method of travelling from one place to another. How would it work and what would it be like to use?

276. How would you describe the feeling of love to an alien with no experience of it? Do you think it would be possible, and if not, why not?

277. Imagine a world in which everybody was an alcoholic. How would society function, and would it be a world you wanted

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to live in?

278. If you could master any physical skill, what would it be? How would you use your ability?

279. If you were only allowed to drink one drink for the rest of your life, what would it be? Would you ever get bored of it, and if not, why not?

280. Describe the most competitive person you know. Why are they so competitive?

281. Think about the most disgusting thing you’ve ever seen. Describe it and how you felt when you saw it.

282. If you were a supervillian, how would you try to take over the world?

283. Invent a new mobile phone application. What would it do and why would people use it?

284. Think about the most pressure you’ve been under to do something correctly. How did you feel under pressure and did you succeed?

285. Think about the busiest day of your life. Why were you so busy and what did you do when you were finally finished?

286. What is the longest journey you’ve ever been on? Where were you going and why?

287. If you could outlaw one genre of music, what would it be and why?

288. If your past self could see you now, what would he or she

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have to say? Would your past self be surprised?

289. Describe what you want your life to be like in 15 years time. Do you think it will come true and why?

290. What if you could see through walls? Describe what you would see when you looked into an average home?

291. If you were a sitcom character, what would be your catch phrase? Describe a scene in which your sitcom character uses the catch phrase?

292. Imagine if the earth’s gravity was considerably weaker, so you could bound around like you were on the moon? Describe your journey to work or school.

293. Imagine if people were able to run ten times as fast and jump ten times as high. Choose a sport and describe the highlights of a game.

294. Choose a famous artist and imagine a world designed by them. Describe the world and any notable features.

295. Invent a world currency and name it. Describe your money and what the most common denominations look like.

296. Think about the most physical pain you’ve ever caused anybody. What happened and how did you feel afterwards?

297. Think about the most emotional pain you’ve ever caused anybody. What did you do and how did you feel afterwards?

298. Invent a new toy. Describe it and why kids would want to play with it.

299. Imagine you were about to have an arranged marriage to

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a person you’ve never met before. Describe the person and how you feel when you first see them.

300. What if you could skydive in any location you wanted? Describe the feeling of hurtling towards the ground and what you can see.

Imagine you were able to instantly master any academic subject, which subject would it be? Would you change career as a result?

Imagine you found evidence that humans were created as an experiment by an ancient alien race. Would you tell the rest of the world, and why?

If you could talk to any animal, which animal would it be and why? What would the animal have to say?

What if scientists found that an asteroid was going to destroy the planet in one month? What would you do with your last month of life?

If you could be attractive and stupid or intelligent and ugly, which would you prefer? Why?

Do you have a baby brother or sister, cousin or neighbor? What do you think the baby girl or boy thinks

about all day?

Think of a present you received that you didn’t like. How did you react, and did the person suspect you didn’t like


Write a short story titled “The Talking Banana”

What if somebody offered you one million dollars to betray a friend?

Would you do it, and if so, how would you explain your actions to them?

What if you could give someone the ultimate birthday? What would you do with them and where would you go?

Describe a day in the life of a blind person. How would the world seem different if you didn’t have the sense

of sight?

If you ran into your childhood bully as an adult, what would you do? If you would confront them, what would you

do or say?

Think about the busiest day of your life. Why were you so busy and what did you do when you were finally


If you wanted to fly, would you choose to be a butterfly, bat, or eagle?


Invent a new super-car. Describe it, and how it is superior to all other cars on the road.

If you were a cartoon character, who would you be and why?

Imagine you are a chef. What type of restaurant would you open and


Imagine that you could choose one type of weather for the rest of your life. What would you choose and how

would it affect your life?

What if you had been born in a different country? Which country would you have been born in and would you be any

different as a result?

Finish this sentence and elaborate, “If cows could be milked for anything else other than milk, I would have them


If you could make one animal extinct, which would it be and why? Do you think the world would be better?

Invent a new dance. Describe it and the type of music it would be suited


Imagine you woke up one day and found that you were deaf. What sounds would you miss the most?

Imagine coming home and finding a dragon in your house. What would you do? Would you keep it? What would

you feed it?

Think of the most recent, weirdest dream you’ve had. Make that dream

into a story.

What if you could step into somebody’s dreams and watch them like a film? Whose dreams would you invade and what would you see?

If you were a drink, which drink would you be and why?

Imagine being the first explorer to enter an ancient Egyptian tomb.

Describe what happens, how you feel and what treasures you find.

What would you do if you had an elephant as a pet? What about an


If you could emigrate to any country, which country would you choose and why? Would your life change as a


Think about the most physically exhausted you have ever been. Why were you so tired, and what did you


Imagine you saw somebody burning your country’s flag? Would you want revenge and if so how would you get


Think of a time when you have forgotten somebody’s birthday.

How did you feel and what did you do about it?

Think about the time in your life when you felt the most free. Describe what you we doing and why you felt so free.

If you could freeze time whenever you wanted,

what would you do and why?

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? (think college, job, city) How

about 50?

Imagine that everything you touch turns to gold. How would you go about your everyday life, or if you couldn’t,

why not?

Think of a time when you’ve found out that people have been talking about you. What did they say about you and how did it make you feel?

Describe what grass is like without using the word ‘green’.

Think about the happiest person you have ever met. Who is it and what makes you think they are the happiest person you’ve met?

Finish and expand on this sentence, “I was going to finish my homework, but…”

Be creative as possible!

Imagine you work for an ice cream company. What flavor would you invent and what creative name would you give


If you could be an insect for a day, what kind would you be?


Imagine being stranded on a deserted island. What would

you miss most?

How much do you think the most expensive piece of jewelry in the world cost? What do you think that

jewelry looks like?

What is the worst job you could imagine doing and why? How would you feel in your day to day life?

Imagine you were allowed to kiss anybody on earth, who would you choose and why? How would you feel


If you could speak any language, which language would it be and what would you do with it? Would you visit some countries to use your new skills?

If you could change or invent one law that had to be implemented across the world, what would it be and why? Do you

think it would make life better?

Think of a time when someone has told you a lie. What was the lie and how did you find out the truth?

Write a fake news story with the headline, “Man Eats 20 Light Bulbs,

and Asks for More”

If you could spend 24 hours locked in a room with any person throughout history, who would it be and why?

Think about the first time you ever fell in love. Who did you fall in love with

and what happened?

Invent a new use for magnets. Describe how you would use them and how it would make your life easier.

If you were a multi-billionaire, would you do anything charitable with your money? How would it change the


Think of the most miserable person you have ever met. Devise a plan to cheer them up, even if it’s just for a

short time.

Were you afraid of monsters under your bed when you were younger? If so, what did you imagine?

If you had to listen to the same song ten times every day or never listen to music at all, which would you choose? If you chose the song, which would it be?

If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Do you think this name suits your personality more

than your current name?

What if there was no colour in the world? Describe a table full of colour-less items and how you differentiate between them.

Have you ever been to the ocean? What was it like? What was your favorite and least favorite thing about

the ocean?

How old do you think the oldest person living is? What advice could he or she offer you?

Think about the first time you went on a plane. Describe how you felt during

take-off and landing.

Think of a time when you have been especially proud of yourself. What had you done and why were you so


Think of Santa’s reindeer, and come up with all new, modern names for them.

Explain your choices.

Imagine you get robbed at knifepoint and then the thief gets hit by a car. The car

speeds off, nobody else is around, and he is in extreme pain but not dead; do you help

the thief and why?

Think of the saddest you’ve ever been. What made you sad and how did you deal with it?

Invent a fictional character to replace Santa Claus. Describe your character and what he or she would do different.

Think about the scariest moment of your life. Describe what happened and

why you were so scared.

If you were a two-dimensional shape, what shape would you

be and why?

If you could smash one thing in your house with no repercus-sions, what would it be and why?

What is your favorite smell, and why? What memories does it bring


If you were a song, what type of song would you be and why? If you can’t define it by genre, tempo or mood, describe it in any way you can.

Why do you think spiders scare so many people? How do you think spiders feel about this?

Come up with a fable about why squirrels have such furry tails.

Think about the biggest surprise in your life. What happened and why did

it shock you so much?

Have you ever wanted to be taller or shorter? Why? How would that change your daily routine?

If you could read people’s thoughts, what would you do and why? Whose thoughts would you want to read most,

and why?

Imagine you visit somebody’s house for the first time and block up their toilet. Describe how you feel, how you would explain it to them, and how they would react.

Think about the longest traffic jam you’ve ever been in. Describe how you felt when you were stuck and then when you finally got moving again.

Write a story from the viewpoint of a turkey the day before


If you were bitten by a vampire, would you live with the blood-lust or ask somebody to kill you before you turned? Describe what your day-to-day life would be like as a vampire.

What if you could see through walls? Describe what you would see when you looked into an average home?

Who is the wisest person you have ever met, and why?

What is the worst thing you’ve ever done in your life? Why was it so bad?

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