Creating Population Pyramids

Post on 31-May-2015

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Transcript of Creating Population Pyramids

Choose where to save it, then click open

Click age, hold shift, click 100+, ctrl+c

Click in F2, ctrl+v

Copy the formula, and paste it in all the boxes in column g (through 24)

Delete contents of F, G, and H 3

Enter =-D:D/C3 in G4, don’t forget the negative

You should end up with this

Do the same for column H, with a different formula=E:E/C3, no negative

You should end up with this

F2 hold shift, H2 Ctrl+x

Ctrl+v in F3

Copy age column again, paste in L3

Enter formula =100*(G:G), copy down

Enter formula 100*(H:H), copy down

Select block I3-K24, create clustered bar graph

Right click on x axis, axis options, format as shown

Make this change in the number tab, hit add, then close

Right click on y axis, axis options, format as shown, close

Right click on a bar, format data series, make these changes, close

Add x axis label

Add y axis title

Add chart title
