creating citizens for the future: compassionate, curious ...

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creating citizens for the future: compassionate, curious and strong.

Respect Responsibility Kindness Growth

Dear Parents and Carers,

It is hard to believe that we are already in Week 9! Although this term has included an extended period of

remote learning, as a school community we have banded together to make the most of this time. We would

like to thank every single member of our community for your positivity, strength and teamwork.

Yesterday, the 9th of September was R U OK? Day. Although we recognise the importance of checking in with

people close to us on this day, checking in with our loved ones is something we should do all year round. This

year the message is: Are they really OK? Ask them today. Do you know how the people in your world are really

going? Life's ups and downs happen to all of us, so chances are someone you know might be struggling. Your

genuine support can make a difference whatever they are facing, big or small. So, don’t wait until someone’s

visibly distressed or in crisis. Make a moment meaningful and ask them how they’re really going. Are they

really OK? Ask them today. Your conversation could change a life. Below is a simple guide to asking R U OK?


STEPtember is a fun and inclusive virtual event that challenges you to walk, swim, ride, wheel or spin your way

to 10,000 steps per day during the month of September – all while helping to improve the lives of children and

adults who live with cerebral palsy. We have a TRPS STEPtember page. If you would like to join us for the

challenge you can register at It costs $25 to register and you can register as

part of the Tarneit Rise team, which is called Tarneit Rise Primary. If you are not feeling that athletic, you may

decide to donate to our school page by clicking “Donate” and then typing “Tarneit Rise Primary” as the


Translating important information

We hope that you have noticed on our Facebook page important information for Grade 3 and 5 parents that

was translated into several different languages. This is something we are hoping to continue to do to help

keep our community informed and connected. We hope to add to the list of languages soon. Thank you to

our wonderful interpreters.



With lockdown extended it’s easy to lose sight of the ‘good’

things in life, so as a school community we are making a bit of an

effort to think positively and be optimistic. A daily gratitude

practice has been shown to significantly increase your happiness

— and your physical health. Practising gratitude improves sleep,

boosts immunity and decreases the risk of disease. To

acknowledge this, we have created a gratitude fence along

Rifflebird Drive at the front of the school. If you are walking by,

you can add a ribbon to a fence, writing on it what you are

grateful for. Let’s fill the fence with happiness!

Some other wellbeing resources

For kids

For Families


Enrolments must be finalised by this week. If you have a child starting school next year, or know someone who

does, please collect an enrolment form from the front office and return it at your earliest convenience. You can

also access an enrolment form from our school website. Our school has a very strict school zone and this can

be found at We are only able to accept children who reside in our zone,

or siblings of children already enrolled.

Student Voice

A reminder that you can get a sneak preview of the amazing school song that our student leaders and Mr Max

have composed. Listen below to Mr Max, Miss Andrew, Ms Popczyk and the school choir singing the school



Every minute still counts during remote learning

Teachers are working very hard to ensure they plan quality learning experiences for children during remote

and flexible learning. It is just as important as ever for children to engage in the learning on Google Classroom

so that they continue to grow in their learning. By attending their small group sessions, 1:1 conferences and

whole class conferences, children are getting to experience live teaching, as well as maintaining the

connection with their teacher and classmates.

If you are having any difficulties with supporting your child/ren to engage with their learning on Google

Classroom, we are here to help. Please email your child’s year level email with their full name and grade and a

member of staff will be able to help you. - Prep - Grade 1 - Grade 2 - Grade 3 - Grade 4 - Grade 5 - Grade 6.

Finally, a reminder that school finishes early next Friday 17th September (2.30pm)

Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you at school again soon!

Nadia, Sarah, Missy and Gemma


Dear Prep Families,

It has been another fabulous fortnight of remote learning. The Prep team wish to thank you all for your

continued dedication to your child’s education. Prep students continue to engage with tasks on the Google

Classroom and attend conferences which we understand is not possible for our little learners without your


Special Events

Don’t forget to upload a video of your entry to the Tarneit Rise Primary Talent Quest. Entries must be

submitted by Friday 10th September.

Get involved in the TRPS Community Kitchen and master some new recipes in Lockdown. Last week Ms Bettio

opened with Rosemary Toffee Strawberries with Mascarpone Dipping Sauce. YUM! Please check compass and

the Google Classroom for up coming announcements about our next Community Kitchen session.

What have we been learning?

Maths: In week 8, we concluded our learning of time with days of the week. Prep students learnt the order

of the days and identified significant events that happen on each day such as when we have our specialist

lessons and what we like to do on the weekends. In Week 9, the Preps began the next topic of our

measurement unit – length. Students will be learning the protocols of how to measure the length of objects



Reading: We have been learning to share our thoughts and ideas about texts, sharing our likes and dislikes

about characters and events that occur in the books we read. Prep students have also been using the word

‘because’ to share their opinions. This fortnight our students have become experts at identifying Imaginative

texts by thinking about the characters and settings and whether they are real or make believe. The students

continue to work hard on their fluency, making their reading sound like talking.

MSL: We continue to enhance our sound knowledge by learning digraphs. This is when two letters make one

sound. Our new digraphs are; magic e ‘u_e’, ‘ng’, ‘nk’ and ‘oo’. The students continue to decode and encode

with these digraphs to extend their reading and writing horizons.

Writing: We have continued our focus on handwriting and forming letters correctly when we are writing heart

words and encoding words. It can be a challenge to form our letters correctly when we are busy word

stretching and finger spelling but with practise, we will get our letters correct every time!

Respectful Relationships: In Respectful Relationships we have been learning about being strong and gentle. Prep

students learnt the meanings of strong and gentle and examples of times in life where we demonstrate these.

We also learnt that boys and girls and men and woman can be both strong and gentle.

PLC Prep

Guess the Teacher!

Can you guess who this Prep Teacher is?

My favourite colour is red.

I love reading and going for walks with my dog Hendricks.

I was not born in Australia.

Who am I, can you guess?


Hello Grade One Families!

Can you believe that we are already in the second last week of term 3? PLC 1 teachers would like to celebrate

the way that students and their families have continued to persevere and have engaged in remote learning.

What have we been learning?


In MSL, we have continued learning about the ‘Gentle Cindy’ rule for the soft sounds of g (says /j/) and c

(says /s/). We have learnt that these sounds are use when a g or c is followed by e, i and sometimes y.


In Reading, we have been learning about making connections to personal experiences and other texts while

explaining our book.


In Writing, we have been practicing our handwriting on dotted thirds to help us form letters and have them a

consistent size. We have also been using our ‘5 Star Writing’ to write sentences using our heart words.


In Maths, we have been learning about shapes. We went on a shape hunt in our house to see how shapes are

all around us! We have been learning about the features of shapes including sides and edges.


Drawing Competition

During week 8, we ran a year 1 competition to draw something that they love about Tarneit Rise. Mr Oliver

had lots of fabulous entries to choose from in each class. Here are our winners:

Thank you to everyone who entered a drawing. Everyone put in an amazing effort.

We are looking forward to seeing all the amazing videos of your talents as well. Make sure you submit it by

Friday so that you can be in the running to win some AMAZING prizes!

Have a wonderful week everyone!



The grade 2 team would like to congratulate our students and families for completing such a challenging term.

Our grade 2s have shown such dedication to their learning and have continued to be such happy learners, we

couldn’t be prouder of each and every one of you.

What have we been learning?


In Reading, the students looked through various books on EPIC, Raz Kids and their own personal collection to

identify the structure of imaginative texts and language features. The students did a great job at identifying

features such as text structure, similes, point of view, onomatopoeia, personification and dialogue.


In Writing, the students have been working on writing paragraphs that include a topic sentence, supporting

sentences and a concluding sentence, they experimented using transition words like ‘on the other hand,

such as, therefore’ to enhance their paragraphs. Students have also been working on practising their

pre-writing skills, they did this by creating characters focussing on their traits and recognising their favourite

parts of stories to create seeds for their own writing. Students listened to familiar texts such as, ‘Pig the Pug’

and ‘The day the crayons quit’ to write a different version by using the same characters but changing the

setting, problem and solution. Students will spend week 10 working through the Writing Process to plan,

draft, revise, edit and publish their own narrative.



In Numeracy, we have learnt about units of measurement, focusing on length and area. The students used

informal units of measurement (such as paper clips, pencils, cotton buds etc.) to measure and compare the

length of different objects around them. The students focused on using the same informal unit to accurately

measure and identify the order of length from longest to shortest. Students learnt about the area of objects

(the space inside an object or shape). The students were given various shapes and counted how many

squares were in each shape. The students enjoyed this unit a lot and it was great to see some fantastic

work. The remainder of term 3 students will be looking at chance, using vocabulary such as impossible, un-

likely, even chance, likely and certain to determine the chance of something happening.

End of Term Celebrations

For our end of term celebrations, the Grade 2’s will be enjoying a disco for their final WebEx meeting. The

grade 2 team are beyond proud of the efforts of the students and want to celebrate and enjoy some fun


The grade 2 team would like to say a big thank you to all you wonderful families. We couldn’t have achieved

what we have this term if it weren’t for the adults and older siblings at home helping our learners grow and

succeed. Your resilience through this tough term has not gone unnoticed and we thank you for your contin-

Friendly reminders:

Please encourage your child to read every night and record it in their reading journal as part of our take

home reading program. We love to celebrate their reading milestones and cannot wait to check the

reading journals once we return back onsite



Reading Over the last couple of weeks, students have been asking and answering questions as they read. This week, we are looking at sharing what we have learned from non-fiction texts. Students will be completing a KWLS chart. This chart gets students to share and record what they know, what they are wondering, what they have learned and what they still want to know. This is a great opportunity for students to share their prior knowledge on a topic and then share what they have learned after reading a text. Students have also had the opportunity to explore and ask questions about different countries and their cultures as part of civics and citizenship. Writing During remote learning, we have started the new topic of explanation which is a non-fiction writing piece explaining how or why things occur. For example, how are rainbows made, or why do we need trees. Students have been guided through this topic with teacher videos in stages. We have researched, planned, drafted, revised, and edited together. Students have been creating paragraphs and using topic-specific vocabulary in their writing. Maths Over the last two weeks, Grade 3s have been exploring the topic of money and learning about adding money and how much change they would get when purchasing items. For the next two weeks we are beginning to look at chance and looking at outcomes from chance experiments such as tossing a coin, rolling a dice, or picking a particular colour out of a skittles packet. Students will be developing their language of chance and probability as well as exploring the chance of events occurring and recording their answers. Respectful Relationships In our whole class WebEx meetings, we have been exploring problems and coming up with solutions to solve these problems. Students shared a list of trusted people who they can talk to if they are having problems, as well as having discussions on what they would do in different scenarios. This is a great opportunity for students to learn that there can be different ways to solve a problem and that sometimes you need to recognise and deal with how you are feeling first before choosing an appropriate solution. PLC 3


The reading focus has been to make connections with and between texts. These include text to text, text to self, and text to world connections. Students have been using thinking stems to share their connections and to elaborate on their ideas. Making connections is helpful for expanding comprehension of texts. In the next couple of weeks, students are going to be comparing texts from different time periods, looking at vocabulary, imagery, and layout.


In Writing, students have been working on Informative Texts. So far throughout this unit, students have written about animals, school, and Rubik’s cubes. Students have learnt that information reports use the third person and present tense. Students have also applied their learning of grammatical structures from Term 1 by practising writing paragraphs that include noun and verb groups and phrases. Students will continue to work on Information Reports for the remainder of the term, using them as a tool to share their learning about aspects of Australia’s history.

In Mathematics, students have been exploring how to solve worded problems using the CUBES strategy. CUBES is a problem-solving strategy that can be used to break down the problem and find the equations. Students practised identifying the key math words that helped them to know which operation to use - addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. Some students even worked on solving worded problems that involved multiple steps and multiple operations.

In Respectful Relationships, students have been exploring ways to manage stress. Students have explored what it means when someone says “I’m stressed” and some strategies they can use to manage their own stress. A strategy we explored last week was the ‘Ice to Water’ muscle relaxation. This is when a person clenches their muscles so they are tight and hard like a block of ice, then they let go and imagine their muscles melting into a soft pool. During this, the person thinks about how they feel and what their muscles are doing.




Over the past week, we have been impressed by the resilience and dedication to learning students have shown during remote and flexible learning. We would like to thank everyone for their hard work and for being so versatile with continually changing learning experiences. We have been enjoying having higher participation in ‘Click and Connect’ conferences as it gives students the opportunity to engage with their peers and teacher, fostering their social wellbeing. Please encourage your child to attend these sessions if they are not.


In Reading, we have continued to read our serial text ‘Tuck Everlasting’ and explored the concept of immortality. ‘Tuck Everlasting’ has students contemplate the idea of immortality and question: Can there be life, if there is no death? Also, considering the complexity and necessity of the life cycle. Students follow the mysterious Man in the Yellow Suit as he searches for Winnie Foster and the Tuck family.



Over the past two weeks, students have been looking at data, including how to pose and refine questions and

interpret plot data on graphs. It has been amazing to see how many students have been able to connect the

subject of data to real world events, especially with the state of the world right now. More than ever, we have

updated statistics that are regularly on the television or news outlets during this pandemic.


In wellbeing this week, we went to the beach! Students posed for a photo and uploaded it to our beach party

background. Check out this cool dude!

Economics and Business

In Economics and Business this week, students continued creating their own goods or services by making

business cards. Students will be presenting their goods or service to their classmates at the end of term.


Students recently finished the fantasy writing unit and published their fantasy story full of magic, fantasy creatures and the creation of a fantasy world. This week students revisited sentence structure to help improve their writing and develop their writing skills.


Possible brain breaks to complete after work

going for a bike ride

playing with siblings

decorating/making a study spot

eating food and drinking plenty of water

completing crafts

playing sport e.g. basketball

playing an instrument

drawing a character

helping around the house

messaging a friend and checking in with them

going for a walk

practising mindful breathing

reading a book

playing a board game

doing some drawing/ colouring

cooking/baking something

stretching/ doing yoga

playing with pets

having some family time

playing a card game

Brain Breaks

When sitting in front of a screen for extended periods of time, it is important for children to take breaks and

stretch their legs to avoid headaches and eye strain. A brain break is an activity that students can complete

in between tasks. Students in 5/6 G shared some of their favourite brain breaks that help them relax and get

away from their screen for a while.


Grade Five/Six work submission celebrations

Well done Hana of 5/6B for writing such an engaging fantasy story. This is only page 1 of the

many magical pages Hana wrote..

Nesta from 5\6G has also done a fantastic job confirming and modifying her predictions for our

class novel, and using passages from the text to back it up. Well done Nesta!

What do you predict will happen in this chapter?

I predict that Mae will shoot Mr Sus because he was taking one of her favourite children away (no offense

Miles and Jesse) and she didn’t want Mr Sus to get away with ruining people’s lives by not ever dying.

Confirm: She shot him like a hunter in open season, smack dab on the back of the head.

PLC 5/6


Dear students, parents and families.

As term 3 comes to a close, we would just like to acknowledge the amazing effort of our students and their families. We are really lucky to have a great school community! The quality of work we are receiving has been awesome and we have been so impressed. Fingers crossed we are back at school soon. Well done Tarneit risers!

Exercising at home on the holidays:

It is important to stay active and fit. We have provided a number of activities and ideas for exercising at home. Remember exercise is awesome and has both physical and mental benefits to our body.

Just dance- fun way to get up and moving. Copy the dance moves you see on the screen. Here is a link to the ghostbusters video but there are more just search just dance on Youtube. Yoga for kids- Copy the yoga exercises you see on the screen. Great way to stay active and practice mindfulness. Youtube has lots of content from cosmic yoga. Here is a link to one of their videos but they have plenty of good ones

Fitness battle- Copy the fitness exercises you see on the screen. Another great resource on Youtube. There are quite a few fitness battles including pokemon and Mario. Here is a link to one of the videos but there are heaps more on Youtube

Go noodle- has some fitness videos please follow the link Use the search tool and type sport which will give you some options. Copy the fitness exercises you see on the screen.

Trick shots- we have included some dude perfect videos from Youtube into our online content. They specialise in trick shots. Students can create their own trick shots. Here is a link to one of their videos

Invent a tag game- Invent a tag game and play it with someone else. Think of some of the tag games you have played at school like scarecrow tag, octopus and toilet tag for inspiration. Get creative and have fun!

Minute to win it- Find an object like a ball, a rolled up pair of socks or a rolled up piece of paper. Choose a

target like a laundry basket or a bucket. Set up a target in front of you at a distance which is challenging. See how many times you can throw your object into the target within a minute.

Create your own obstacle course- Create an outdoor obstacle course using objects in your backyard. Try

to incorporate skills or fitness activities into the course like 5 push-ups or catch a tennis ball 5 times. Time yourself and others (if possible). Can you beat your best time? Example- 10 sit ups, jump on the trampoline 10 times, run and touch the back fence and shoot the ball in the basketball ring 3 times.


Prep-2 Curriculum - Sequence

At school, our Prep-2 children have begun the Gymnastics unit within their Scope & Sequence. The science behind the gymnastics unit is based in two places. First, muscular development, by developing the strength and movement of students legs, core and upper body we improve students ability to perform more advanced movements. The second part of the science is the vestibular system, located in your ear. The vestibular system is responsible for your balance and awareness of space. Look at the image and even discuss it with your child and then click on the video link to learn more.

Create your own fitness circuit- choose six different exercises and complete each exercise for 30 seconds. Repeat circuit 2-3 times. Increase time to make it more difficult. E.g. push ups, squats, lunges, sit ups etc. Create your own game- Using whatever equipment you have at home create a new game or activity. Design the rules and playing area. If possible try to play the game or activity with your family. You can use the rules from other sports but try to get creative. Your game might simply be a combination of two games e.g. cricket and baseball or soccer and basketball. What's your game called?

How the Inner Ear Balance System Works - Labyrinth Semicircular Canals

Grade 3-6 - Sequence

The Grade 3-6 Students have commenced a unit on Net/Wall games. The most basic of Net/Wall games is Downball/4-Square, which can be played with two players and a DIY court or a full 4-Square Downball space. Have a look at the image below to see how you can create your own Downball game at home. The poster underneath has more information about the types of games and strategies/tactics behind Net/Wall games.


Expressions of interest for Sports Clubs/Events

If you are interested in helping out at any of the sporting events this year can you please contact Mr. Marley, Mr Wilson or Mr Firman via the school email with your expression of interest and availability. YOU MUST HAVE a Working With Children Check that is affiliated to Tarneit Rise Primary School. Previous Working with Children’s Checks from other schools/organisations are legally no longer accepted.

Alternatively, if you would like to hire the school space – Netball Courts, Basketball Court/Gym or Soccer pitch please contact the school. Any coaches in our school community network who would like to run sports clinics require public liability insurance and a working with children’s check. This is subject to restrictions and we will contact applicants when restrictions allow.

Stay safe and active everyone,


Mr. Marley, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Firman and Mr. Barker


First off the whole STEM team would love to say thank you to our students and their parents, carers, and

guardians for all their hard work during this difficult time and for trying to beat the deadline time.

In prep, students are learning about the five food groups which are fruits, vegetables, grain, protein and dairy. Last week the preps looked at fruit and vegetables.

Grade 1 students are investigating what plants and animals give us. They will soon learn what their needs

are to live a healthy and happy life. Students are learning how to join materials together to make

something creative.


Grade 2 students are learning to draw a clear and accurate diagram of their workspace at home or


Grade 3 students are looking at different dietary requirements which included researching a meal plan

(breakfast, lunch, and dinner) for someone who is a vegetarian.

Grade 4 students are learning about different systems that keep shoes on your feet such as laces coming

undone in slow-mo, cool lacing styles, velcro, and a zipper.


5/6 students have built a mini-golf course where they had to think creatively about using all different sorts of


School holidays are just around the corner! We would like to also wish everyone to stay safe and healthy.



Wominjeka Artists Greetings to all of you and to your families supporting you. We miss having you in the classroom with us, but we are so proud of you for all the creative, thoughtful, inspiring and inspired work you have submitted to us over the last few weeks. Remember, so long as you follow the success criteria, YOU are the artist and your work reflects YOU. For our younger artists who haven’t really had much chance to say it together out loud, “EVERYTHING IN MY BRAIN AND EVERYTHING IN MY HEART GOES INTO MY ART!!!” For our older artists, your art reflects your identity and gives the observer a snapshot of who you are as a person, an artist and a creative. We’re looking forward to seeing the art that comes in next week. Have a great holiday all and we will see you as soon as we are allowed. Check out the art below form Prep K! Ms. Popczyk and Mrs. Taylor


Hello to all from Performing Arts! As we come to the end of another term of remote learning, Miss Andrew and Mr Max would like to acknowledge the extraordinary effort and creativity displayed by students and their families both at home and onsite when engaging with our lessons this term. We know it hasn’t always been easy, but it has been heart-warming and inspiring seeing the fantastic performing arts work you have made. Well done! We hope that our activities have brightened your weeks as much as they have brightened ours!

Foundation students are finishing off their first term of Performing Arts with singing, movement, and copying activities. They are practising how to follow movement instructions, using their lovely loud singing voices when they sing, and dancing in safe and fun ways. Well done preps!

Grade 1 & 2 students have been learning about elements of music called dynamics and tempo. Students have been exploring these elements by singing some of their favourite songs, and their video submissions have been wonderful!

Grade 3, 4, 5 & 6 students have been continuing to develop their composition and music theory through interactive online activities. These have included using online music making platforms and interactive videos. Students have had the opportunity to tailor their learning and have displayed fantastic initiative and creativity.

There is great excitement about our school song! Thank you to all those who attended yesterday’s Webex learning session, watch this space for info about similar sessions to come.

Click the link below to watch our school song:

Stay safe,

Miss Andrew & Mr Max


This week, students participated in R U OK? Day. R U OK? Day inspires people to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation. Students took part in conversations about asking others if the are OK following the steps in the four steps. Students also participated in a range of activities from the R U OK? Day grid.