Cr teachers

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Cr teachers

CR TeachersThey make a difference


“Thank you SO MUCH for all your hard work and support. I

can't say enough about the efforts you and the NCVPS CR

teachers in general give to help these kids stay on track and

be successful. Please know how much you are appreciated!”

“Credit Recovery teachers are awesome; these teachers go

above and beyond to help the students.”

“Thank you for being there for me and taking everything I didn’t get, taught me how to

believe in myself.”

Thank you so much again. I appreciate having you as my teacher! If possible, when I finish my courses (if it not too much to ask) could you come to my graduation? If not I'll

make sure to post pictures & send a thank you card.

I wanted to say thanks for being a great teacher for this credit recovery course, and I hope to see ya soon.

• “Thank You so much for all you did for T… She really did work hard. I'm so happy she is finished. I did what I could for her & glad it helped. You deserve the credit. Thanks again.”

- W

• “I want to thank you so very much for all of your time and effort you put into G over this summer. It has made the world of difference in him knowing you would not let him ‘slip or slide by,’ and that you actually do care if he can do the work. I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate your calls and emails. You are what I remember as a child -- teachers being, caring, concerned, not afraid to get involved, and personable. You realize students are all different and have variable needs, and have used the methods that seem to work.”

“You are a great online teacher, and I

wish all teachers were like you that keep parents up to date all the time.”

“Thank you for your assistance and

persistence over the past few months. You have

been wonderful to work with and I appreciate all

that you have done to ensure M’s success in the

US History course. “

“Thank you for being consistent with

calling me and my mom to keep me in check. I owe you a

thank you..good job to you.”

“Thank you for being such a great teacher

this summer. You have been awesome! I’ve learned more math than I did before..

• “She’s really enjoyed this class and I’m very thankful that she had you for a teacher. All I can say is that I hope future students will continue to be blessed by having you.”

• Thank you so much. You are the greatest. I know that GOD will truly bless your life for what you have done. Most teachers have always let him down but you kept on in there with him and he said Sunday, I cannot believe I am done with US History. I couldn’t have done it without the teacher.”

I'm really excited that I finished the course! … I just wanted to tell you thank you so much for giving me a chance to re-do my Geometry over this summer. At some points it was really stressful, but I feel like I finally did something good for myself for once.

“Thank you for all of your mentoring. You are excellent and your availability is exceptional. I know you love your profession and, most importantly, your students. We appreciate it. You have been a great inspiration for J to succeed.”

This gave me a second chance, and I can't express how thankful I am. Thank you so much for everything.

• “I just wanted to take a minute and say thank you. From the conversations we have had, our e-mail exchanges and notes you have sent C, I can tell you are a very dedicated teacher. Taking time out of your summer to help kids that are trying to get caught up is commendable.”

• “Thank you so much for all of your efforts to help W. You have been WONDERFUL! I was skeptical of how this would work but you have been great in seeing him through and keeping us in touch with his progress. W isvery proud that he finished... and we are proud of him too!:)”

“Thank you for caring and taking time to be there and actually talk to me. It makes a big difference.“

“Just a quick thank you again for being so patient and encouraging with S. It means the world to him. He told me yesterday he has never had a teacher help him so much or be so kind to him. There is a lot to that, especially when he hasn’t actually met you face to face!”

“She’s really enjoyed this class and I’m very thankful that she had you for a teacher. All I can say is that I hope future students will continue to be blessed by having you.”

“I honestly appreciate all of the encouragement, the phone calls, and the checking in. I love the quote that you included (‘Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves.’), and I will be sure to copy it and remember it! Thanks for all of your help.”

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