CPCCCA3019A Erect and dismantle formwork to suspended ......Kit CPCCCCA3019A NVR Standard 15.5 1 006...

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Transcript of CPCCCA3019A Erect and dismantle formwork to suspended ......Kit CPCCCCA3019A NVR Standard 15.5 1 006...

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CPCCCA3019A Erect and dismantle formwork to suspended slabs,

columns, beams and walls

Student Learning Resource Student Name ______________________________________________

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Student Information Purpose: The purpose of this learning package is to help you understand the technical and theoretical knowledge and associated skills of your selected trade area. This package contains a number of learning and associated documents for this unit of competency. Please read all parts of this package to ensure that you complete and manage the process correctly. These assessment tools address the mandatory requirements of the unit of competency including, evidence requirements, range statements and the required skills and knowledge to achieve the learning outcomes indicated in the document. Performance criteria are described below. The contents of this unit will contain some or all of the following as required:


1. Plan and prepare 1.1.Work instructions and operational details are obtained using relevant information, confirmed and applied for planning and preparation purposes.

1.2.Safety (WOHS) requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies. 1.3.Signage and barricade requirements are identified and implemented. 1.4.Tools, plant and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job,

checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5.Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and specifications and quality

requirements. 1.6.Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely

handled and located ready for use. 1.7.Environmental requirements are identified for the project in accordance with

environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied.

2. Erect formwork.

2.1. Work area is cleared and surface prepared for safe erection of formwork for suspended slabs, piers and shutters.

2.2. Formwork is set out to requirements of plans and specifications. 2.3. Formwork is assembled to plans, specifications and class of surface finish, with support system set to

correct height level and line. 2.4. Bracing of formwork is placed according to support plans and specifications to maintain rigidity and

stability. 2.5. Formwork support system is sequentially erected according to initial set out to job specifications. 2.6. Formwork shutters and/or edge boxing is constructed to designed form requirements and specified

dimensions. 2.7. Block-outs and cast-in services are installed to specified locations. 2.8. Debris, sawdust and other waste materials are removed from completed formwork in accordance with

waste management policy for the site. 2.9. Release agent is applied to formwork face to manufacturer specifications where specified.

3. Strip formwork. 3.1. Formwork and bracing/strutting support are removed sequentially and safely. 3.2. Timber components are de-nailed, cleaned and stored or stacked safely for reuse or removal from site. 3.3. Steel components are cleaned, oiled and stored or stacked to manufacturers' maintenance

recommendations. 3.4. Damaged formwork components are safely discarded after stripping.

4. Clean up. 4.1. Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation, regulations, codes of practice and job specification.

4.2. Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturer recommendations and standard work practices.

UNIT DESCRIPTOR CPCCCA3019A Erect and dismantle formwork to suspended slabs, columns, beams and walls. This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to erect and dismantle formwork to suspended slabs, columns, beams and walls to contain concrete in above ground construction. It includes timber, metal or prefabricated formwork of modular or in situ design.

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ASSESSMENT Overall Assessment Requirements The instructional outcomes required at the completion of this training are satisfactory for each form of evidence resulting in competent. If you do not achieve the required outcomes of competent, for this assessment you will be required to re sit a supplementary examination within a reasonable time of the original examination date. To achieve successful completion of this unit you should achieve a minimum of 3 forms of assessment. Below are some of the forms of evidence that can be used. 1. Written Assessment 2. Third party reports (usually by your employer or supervisor) 3. Workshop/ On Site Activity (generally referred to as “Practical Assessment”) 4. Logbook Evidence (a record of the tasks you carry out for each unit) Theory Examination During the period of this learning you will be required to complete a written theory examination to establish the level of understanding of technical content. Self Checks Self-checks are to be completed on pages provided when requested by your trainer. These exercises are used mainly as a learning tool; they may form part of your overall assessment if deemed necessary by your Trainer. Verbal Questions Verbal questions may be used and recorded to establish your level of knowledge of the competencies of this learning package. Practical Observation / Assessment Practical may be assessed in either of the following formats: -

1. Practical observations will be undertaken in the workplace. Where the assessor observes the student completing a task in the workplace the observation will be recorded in the observation checklist.

2. Where a student is not able to undertake an activity in the workplace a simulated practical activity will be setup by the assessor. (Refer to the practical exercises outlined in this Student Learning Resource.) The observation checklist will be used to record the student’s performances.

Where a student undertakes an activity in the workplace and the trainer is not able to be present the employer / supervisor will confirm the activity on the Third Party Report. The student and employer / supervisor will provide photographic evidence of the activity with an explanation of the task undertaken. The assessor will contact the student by phone or face to face to question the student about the activity to confirm the students understanding and skills. The outcome of this contact will be recorded in the Practical Assessment.

Log Book or Training Record Book

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It is the responsibility and requirement for the learner to complete the training record based on the on-the-job and structured training tasks received by the employer or Supervising Registered Training Organisation (SRTO) or as indicated in the training plan, which may be produced to the employer and SRTO at reasonable intervals of not more than 3 months. Log Book evidence from your employer and other forms of evidence relating to this unit of competency will contribute to the outcome of this learning package. If the required activity is not part of your employer’s scope of activity you will be required to complete the skill learning process within a simulated environment. Logbook evidence must reflect the “Elements” shown for this unit. Results A statement of Attainment may be printed for this unit if required, but in general your achievement of this unit will be recorded and presented to you on completion of the entire qualification. Your certificate will record all the units you have completed. RPL and Acceleration Recognition of prior learning is available to all students. This provides an opportunity for being credited for previous learning. Acceleration provides an opportunity to reduce the allocated learning hours for this unit of competency. There is a separate RPL kit for this process. Methodology This unit may be provided as a separate learning instruction or provided with other units of competency in a practical or theoretical learning experience. Due care Every care has been taken to ensure that the information in this learning guide is correct, but trainers are advised to check the currency and the relevance of the content to their own training package. Copyright protects this publication. Except for purpose permitted by the Copyright Act 1968, reproduction, adaptation, electronic storage and communication to the public is prohibited without prior written permission. Pre-requisites Pre-requisite units: CPCCOHS2001A Apply OHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry. CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry (White Card). Feedback to the learner The trainer will provide feedback to the learner on the progress of assessment.

This learning package is intended for use by those completing the Competency Unit – CPCCCA3019A Erect and dismantle formwork to suspended slabs, columns, beams and walls as part of the Basic Stream Skills within the Building Construction Skills Stream of the National Competency Framework

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Plan and prepare Regulatory and Legislative Requirements Regulatory and legislation requirements applicable to this unit of competency are found in: ! Work Health and Safety Act 2011 ! Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 ! Environmental Protection Act (1994) You should make yourself familiar with and apply any regulatory and legislative requirements to your relevant work area.

Australian Standards Standards are published documents setting out specifications and procedures designed to ensure products, services and systems are safe, reliable and consistently perform the way they were intended to. They establish a common language, which defines quality and safety criteria. Standards can be guidance documents including: • Australian Standards®; • International Standards and Joint Standards; • Codes; • Specifications; • Handbooks; and • Guidelines. These documents are practical and don’t set impossible goals. They are based on sound industrial, scientific and consumer experience and are constantly reviewed to ensure they keep pace with new technologies. They cover everything from consumer products and services, construction, engineering, business, information technology, human services to energy and water utilities, the environment and much more. The Building Code of Australia The Building Code of Australia (BCA) is Volumes One (all other classes) and Two (classes 1 and 10) of the National Construction Code (NCC). The BCA is produced and maintained by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) on behalf of the Australian Government and State and Territory Governments. The BCA has been given the status of building regulation by all States and Territories.

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The goal of the BCA is to enable the achievement of nationally consistent, minimum necessary standards of relevant safety (including structural safety and safety from fire), health, amenity and sustainability objectives efficiently.

This goal is applied so:

• There is a rigorously tested rationale for the regulation; • The regulation generates benefits to society greater than the costs (that is, net benefits); • The competitive effects of the regulation have been considered and the regulation is no

more restrictive than necessary in the public interest; and • There is no regulatory or non-regulatory alternative that would generate higher net

benefits. Policy Policies are clear, simple statements of how your organisation intends to conduct its services, actions or business. They provide a set of guiding principles to help with decision-making. Policies don't need to be long or complicated – a couple of sentences may be all you need for each policy area.

Work Instructions Before commencing any job, you will need to receive specific work instructions. These are often presented to employees in the form of a Works Order. The instructions may vary according to the size of the task or project and there may even be some circumstances where no work instructions are given e.g. emergencies. Obtain, confirm and apply work instructions for the allotted task. Work instructions may include: - Verbal or written and graphical instructions, signage, work

schedules/plans/specifications, work bulletins, charts and hand drawings, memos, safety data sheets (SDS) and diagrams or sketches.

- Plans and specifications. - Quality requirements, including dimensions, tolerances, standards of work and material

standards. - Safe work procedures related to the operation of small plant and equipment on

construction sites. - Manufacturers Specifications are written instructions, which outline the installation,

maintenance and safe use of the manufacturer’s product.

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Example of a house plan

Job Safety Analysis or Safe Work Method Statement All safety requirements for the tasks you have been asked to do should be written down in the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) or Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) for the job. Read this carefully and ask questions of your supervisor if these requirements are not clear to you, so that you will correctly follow all safety requirements for the task. Furthermore detail regarding any site safety requirements should be detailed in your organisation’s Site Safety Management Plans. Example of a Safe Work Method Statement is at Appendix A.

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Safe Working Procedures/Safe Operating Procedures

Many organisations standardise the way in which they carry out a task, or operate machinery to ensure it is done to achieve a quality product and maintain safety. Previously discussed in this manual is a safe work method statement, this is a form of Safe Working Procedure. Another form is a Safe Operating Procedure (SOP), which is often a standardised way of operating an item of plant or equipment. An example SOP for the operation of a compound mitre saw is shown following.

Products and services Products and services to be provided are developed, checked and for availability and suitability for the job to be carried out. This to be established through the client / project manager and those tasked with performing the task(s). This may include but not limed to: • Supervisors • Tradespeople • Specialists • Delivery people transported materials

Communication The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others clearly and unambiguously. Doing this involves effort from both the sender of the message and the receiver. And it's a process that can be fraught with error, with messages often misinterpreted by the recipient. When this isn't detected, it can cause tremendous confusion, wasted effort and missed opportunity.

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In fact, communication is only successful when both the sender and the receiver understand the same information as a result of the communication. By successfully getting your message across, you convey your thoughts and ideas effectively. When not successful, the thoughts and ideas that you convey do not necessarily reflect your own, causing a communications breakdown and creating roadblocks that stand in the way of your goals – both personally and professionally.

Methods of communication Common forms of communication are verbal, non verbal, body language, signage such as hand signals, hand held radios and mobile phones.

On a building site verbal face to face communication is the most common and effective. However, if colleagues are a distance away from you or noise is an issue, hand held radios or mobile phones can assist greatly. Further, if other workers such as crane drivers are required to work on site hand signals are an efficient form of communication.



In relation to hand signals and mobile phones the following tasks can be conducted safety

and efficiently.

• To guide crane operators when moving timber on site.

• Moving truck / vehicles on and off site

Mobile phones can be used on site for a range of work related tasks such as:

• To make calculations for materials or equipment

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• To take photographic evidence of work for a range of purposes

• To communicate over long distances by talk or text.

Teamwork What is teamwork? Teams are groups of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose and hold themselves mutually accountable for its achievement. Ideally, they develop a distinct identity and work together in a coordinated and mutually supportive way to fulfill their goal or purpose. Task effectiveness is the extent to which the team is successful in achieving its task-related objectives. Shared goals are most likely to be achieved through working together and pooling experience and expertise. Successful teams are characterised by a team spirit based around trust, mutual respect, helpfulness and friendliness.

Benefits of successful teams • Improvements in participants' confidence, attitudes, motivation and personal satisfaction • greater clarity in expressing ideas through group discussion

• better understanding by individuals of the nature of their contribution and of the needs of other team members

• more efficient use of resources – especially time

• greater optimism – by focusing on positive outcomes and putting less weight on problems

• a wider range of ideas rather than individuals working in isolation

• more effective responses to changes – improved trust and communication help a team to adapt to new circumstances.

Potential drawbacks of teamwork So-called 'group think' can occur when a team is lulled into a false sense of satisfaction and loses its critical edge. Team members can waste time and energy in disputes and some members may opt out of the process – 'social loafing' – leaving others to do all the work. This can occur particularly when people feel they are dispensable. Reporting and Record Keeping

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Make sure you record any action you have taken and talk to your supervisor and WHS officer about the control strategies in place. Reports and records include: • Risk assessment reports • Incident reports • Job safety analysis (JSA) • Safe work methods (SMWS) • Workplace procedures

Keeping records is important as they can help ensure that any risk management activities are traceable. Records also provide a basis for improving methods and tools in the risk management process as well as improving the overall process. Sufficient Lighting To ensure work is carried out in a safe manner and access and egress to the work area is safe, operators must ensure that sufficient lighting is available and positioned appropriately. This includes entry / exit points. Ensure that if work is to continue during hours of darkness sufficient lighting is set up prior to conditions declining. If sufficient lighting is not available all work must cease immediately.

Hazardous substances Workplace hazardous chemicals are substances, mixtures and articles used in the workplace that can be classified according to their health and physicochemical hazards. Health hazards are hazards like skin irritants, carcinogens or respiratory sensitizers that have an adverse effect on a worker’s health as a result of direct contact with or exposure to the chemical, usually through inhalation, skin contact or ingestion. Physicochemical hazards generally result from the physical or chemical properties, like flammable, corrosive, oxidising or explosive substances

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The manufacturer or importer of a substance is responsible for determining whether or not it is hazardous. We can identify if a substance is hazardous by referring to the hazard statement on the first page of the safety data sheet. Hazardous substances are to be used, handled and stored in conjunction with manufacturer’s instructions.

Safety Data Sheets The hazards of chemicals cannot usually be identified by their name since they often have a trade name, giving no information about how to work with them safely. The information for the safe handling and storage of chemicals comes from the document that generally accompanies the product, known as the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

The SDS will give information about the make-up of the substance, how to store it, first aid instructions and how to clean up spills or fires. There is a great deal of useful information on a SDS, which will assist in managing the chemical

The other source of information is the label, with very strict legislative requirements for the information that must be included. There are specific risk and safety phrases that form part of the label, and these phrases assist in managing chemicals and training employees.

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Environment The environmental impact of chemicals and other materials is diverse. Traditional painting materials and processes can have harmful effects on the environment, including those from the use of lead and other additives. Measures can be taken to reduce environmental impact, including accurately estimating paint quantities so that wastage is minimized, use of paints, coatings, painting accessories and techniques that are environmentally preferred. All jobs should be facilitated in accordance with the environmental plan with all regulatory obligations adhered to. Paints and other associated materials should always be disposed of appropriately in accordance with EPA guideline. Environmental protection is everyone’s responsibility and environmental protection regulations must be followed at all times.

Signage and barriers Control of access and egress to and from the worksite is imperative for the operational actives and for of all safety concerned. Signage and barriers are available in numerous, types, sizes and colour. To select the most appropriate signage and barriers for the task consultation should be carried out with the supervisor. In addition, there will be various acts, regulations, and code of practice that will need to be adhered to. Furthermore, there may be various permits and or licences required to perform at the site. Highlighted below are some of Signage and barriers types available:

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Plant Under the WHS Act 2011 a PCBU has a primary duty of care to provide information, training, instruction or supervision that is necessary to protect all persons from risks to their health and safety arising from work carried out as part of the conduct of the business or undertaking. In relation to information, training and instruction for plant; the WHS Qld Plant Code of Practice (2005) states that: Workers who are likely to be exposed to plant risks and anyone supervising these workers should be trained and provided with information and instruction on: • The nature of the hazards and risks associated with the plant and systems of work. • The need for, and correct use and maintenance of control measures. • Operation of plant and the procedures for safe use of the plant.

• Emergency procedures in case of a plant malfunction or other incident. Generators and air compressors are typical plant utilised by trades people.

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Introduction Forms are a temporary structure that are required to carry loads and pressures from freshly placed concrete as well as construction loads; materials, equipment and workmen. For the safety of workmen and structure, formwork must be designed and constructed to be substantial enough to carry all of these loads without fear of collapse or excessive deflection. Accuracy in design and construction is very important, so that the desired size, shape, position and finish of the concrete structure are obtained.

Requirements of good form work The guiding principles for the building of good formwork should be: 1. Quality depends upon a number of variables.

a) Accuracy – the size, shape, position and alignment of the structure will depend upon the accuracy with which the forms are built.

b) Rigid – forms must be adequately braced and tied so as to prevent movement or bulging during the placement of concrete.

c) Tightness – of joints to prevent the leakage of mortar, otherwise “honey combing” may eventuate.

d) Quality – of form material used for the surface finish. e) Ties should be placed at specified intervals. Greater attention should be given to ties

at the bottom of form, because of the greater pressure.

Honey combing is due to poor formwork. Creating tight joints in formwork is important.

2. Safety a) Strength – forms must be sufficiently strong enough to withstand all the previously mentioned loads. b) Sound – material used to construct the forms must not only be of correct size but they must be of good quality and duration for the job.

3. Economy This requires the formwork to be: f) Simple – designed to erect and dismantle in the correct sequence. g) Easily handled – panels not too heavy to handle by either people power or equipment

available. h) Reusable – formwork intended for reuse must be removable without damaging it and

with ease. Most formwork should be able to be reused about seven times.

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Terms and definitions

1. Formwork The temporary structure, which supports the fresh concrete, until it has gained sufficient strength to stand-alone.

2. Sole plate A piece of timber placed on the ground to distribute the force over a greater area. Also used on concrete floor, so that wedges can be adjusted with less friction.

3. Folding wedge Used as a pair, each being wedge shaped timber tapering 1:12. They are placed “top” to “tail” so that the outside faces are parallel to each other. By adjusting their relative positions, the distance between the parallel faces is altered. This makes them useful for adjustment during erection, easing and striking formwork.

4. Braces Diagonal members used to prevent lateral movement of a structure.

5. Bearers Horizontal members supporting joists.

6. Cleats Pieces of timber nailed across joints to give strength.

7. Runners Horizontal members used to hold either horizontal or vertical members in the correct position.

8. Soffit The underneath lining of lintels, or beams, or floors.

9. Decking The sheeting to a soffit form.

10. Sheeting The part of a vertical form, which is in contact with the concrete.

11. Spreader A short piece of timber or other material to hold the form faces for walls or beams at the correct spacing.

12. Form tie A device for holding the opposing faces of wall, beam, or other forms at the correct distance apart, against the force of fresh concrete. Some combine the role of spreader also.

13. Waling A long, usually horizontal, member acting as a beam, used in conjunction with form ties and standards, to support and resist movement of forms.

14. Standard A vertical or near vertical supporting member.

15. Studs A vertical or horizontal stiffener to the back of the form sheeting.

16. Bar chair A metal, plastic or concrete article used to support reinforcing steel at the required position. When used in walls, they must be wired to reinforcement to prevent dislodgement during vibration of the concrete.

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17. Fillet The triangular section placed in the internal corners of forms, so as to give a chamfer on the finished member.

18. Wire ties Used to secure reinforcing members to one another.

19. Stirrups These are of light steel rods (R6-R10) wrapped around the reinforcing rods in a beam, forming a “U” shape.

20. Ligatures Of similar material as stirrups but forming a rectangle or square. As with stirrups the purpose is two fold: 1. To hold the longitudinal bars in position 2. To overcome shear stress in the beam

21. Adjustable shores A shore whose length may be varied when shore the is in position

22. Bolt Sleeve P.V.C. cylinder designed to create a hole in concrete structures through which a bolt can pass without touching the walls of the hole.

23. Climbing formwork For vertical structures, able to pour section of structure: then when concrete is set the formwork can be lifted vertically and another section poured without having to strip the formwork.

24. Column clamp Holds column forms tightly together against the force of the plastic concrete. Clamps may be timber or steel. Clamp should be closer together at the base because of the greater pressure.

25. Plastic concrete Concrete in the unset form (wet concrete)

26. Cone A cone shaped piece of wood, rubber or P.V.C., which is placed over the ends of form ties.

27. Cover In reinforced concrete cover is the minimum distance between the outside any reinforcement embedded in the structure. Cover will differ according with where it is used and for what purpose. Cover prevents the reinforcement from rusting and also from chemical attack and fire.

28. Double headed nail (duplex nail)

A round nail, which has a second head, formed in the shank just below the head struck by the hammer. The projecting head is for easy withdrawal.

29. Vibrator (immersion) Inserted into the wet concrete in order to achieve compaction and eliminate voids in the concrete.

30. Panel (shutter) A prefabricated form of limited size, designed for repeated re-use in the forming of concrete.

31. Release agent A substance applied to the form face, which prevents adhesion of the concrete to the form. Too much may discolour the concrete.

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32. Corner blocks Triangular shaped in section and used to form chamfers on the concrete structure.

33. Striking (stripping) The removal of all temporary formwork, after the specified curing time.

34. Dead load The permanent loading on a structure, imposing definite fixed strains upon it. Consists of the weight of the structure and the load carried by it.

35. Live load A moving load of variable force acting on the structure – workmen during construction – inhabitants of building.

36. Pressures depends on

• Height of structural formwork

• Rate of pour

• Placement of concrete

• Compaction

• Workability

• Temperature (setting times) Form ties should be closer together at the base, because of increased pressure. Form ties are specifically designed to resist pressures and hold forms together.

37. Tolerance Is the allowable variation either plus or minus from a stated dimension. All formwork shall be constructed so that the finished concrete is within the required tolerance as per AS3610 - 1995

Plastic bar chair Wire bar chair

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Column formwork Column clamps

Stirrups as seen above and below are used to reinforce beams. They are used in conjunction with rio bar and are tied together.

Column clamps. Staggered slots provide infinite adjustments. Wedge connections lead to rapid erection and stripping times.

Formatubes above are square and rectangle concrete column forms are robust and lightweight tubing, which is perfect for pouring concrete into. Also feature columns two part moulds are available and can be used over and over for consistancy.

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Formwork Bracing Braces of suitable size timbers or metal appliances must be used to stiffen formwork by securing to pegs in ground or other firm supports. Bracing is important with regards to formwork as there are many forces affecting the formwork. These forces include sliding, uplift, overturing and sideways movement.

Nailing Use the minimum of nailing necessary to keep the shuttering and other formwork in position. The nails are only means of location and do not add to the structural strength. The duplex nail is especially designed for formwork with two head making for ease of removal.

Duplex Nails –easy removal without damage to formwork.

Corners Formwork at corners should be shaped with chamfers to avoid the formation of sharp edges on the concrete that are easily chipped or broken.

Angle joints All joints at internal angles must be made in such a way as to allow for easy striping without damaging the concrete. The use of triangular corners fillets an/or foam plastic at corners will make stripping simpler.

Two types of chamfer strips or chamfer edges Polythene strips

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Joints All joints in concrete formwork must be watertight, to prevent wastage and the formation of ‘fins’ which are unsightly as well as time consuming to remove.

Vertical joints Vertical joints should be made on studs. Where they are not made on the stud, the adjoining shutters or panels should be lined up carefully so as to make inconspicuous joints.

Horizontal joints Horizontal joints may be backed up by infilling or by nailing strips over the joints to prevent leakage and so provide a smooth joint. Where a fin-free surface required the shutter joints are taped with a tin pressure sensitive plastic tape.

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Spreaders – spacers These are lengths of concrete, wood, metal or patent tie-spreaders, placed between the faces of the shuttering to keep them separated to the required thickness of concrete. Pre-cast concrete spreaders have a hole through them to take the tie and thus hold the spreader in position as well as allow easy removal of the tie. The concrete spreader is left in the concrete. Wood spreaders are placed on top of the ties to protect the ties as well as to stop the spreader from falling. They must be removed as the concrete reaches them because:

1. They absorb water and swell 2. They are difficult to remove from set concrete. 3. They disfigure the surface finish. 4. They allow water to penetrate through set concrete.

Metal spreaders may be lengths of pipe fitted over the ties. Their advantage is that they can be of any size and be located in positions where permanent bolts or ducts are required through the set concrete.

Plastic spacer

Spacer assembly

Bolts Bolts with washers and nuts, or rods with patent grip fasteners pass through the formwork and between double walings, or between a walling and adjacent packing. Bolts, which are to be withdrawn after use, must be straight and well greased or fitted with sleeves. Exposed threads will need protection to enable easy removal of nuts. Bolts need to be tightened from both sides to enable the easy removal of shutters. They could also be difficult to remove from thick concrete. The filling of the holes left in the concrete will be visible if the concrete is not rendered.

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Ties Formwork is tied together with wire, bolts or patent devices, spaced to suit the strength of the tie, the weight of the concrete and the strength of the walings. If ties are not used, the formwork depends on the external braces and struts to hold it together.

Patent ties Patent ties are manufactured in a variety of lengths, shapes and sizes to meet the requirements of different situations. The most satisfactory tie is the one that is adjustable in length and leaves no metal closer than 35mm from the surface. Ties with a device to act as a spreader are not always suitable because they leave blemishes on the concrete surface. Ties should be completely removable or be broken off below the surface of the concrete with the minimum of damage to the surface. Factors to be considered in the choice of form ties are:

• Cost • Possible reuse • Speed and ease of placing and removal • Effect on appearance of finished work • Adaptability to types of forms used

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Typical formwork for walls

Lintels In brick or concrete buildings concrete lintels may be used over door and window openings. These are usually poured on-site, which is poured in the situation they will always occupy. Sometimes when there are many of the same design and the structure is suitable, pre-cast, that is poured and cured in another position or site, then lifted into position are used.

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Lintel formwork This consists of three pieces in contact with the concrete: the soffit and the lintel (beam) sides. One method of construction is to use 19mm thick formply with 75 x 25 thick softwood cleats on the sides at spaced to suit the braces, which are nailed to the runners. If the concrete beam is to be cement rendered on the sides, al allowance must be made so that the cast beam or lintel is behind the face of the brickwork to allow for the rendering. If the soffit is to be rendered, cleats are placed under the soffit formwork to rest on the cross head. The top surface of the soffit board is raised the required amount above the top at the brick jamb. The use of the cleat, lowers the position of the cross head and will allow the side formwork to sit on the cross head and cover the top edge of the jamb where the concrete lintel will rest.

Formwork for lintel over doorway Formwork

Beams and large lintels With the increase in opening size, comes the necessity to use a member of deeper section. This causes greater mass to the beam, which will have to be supported by the formwork, until curing has occurred. Several methods of formwork are popular:

1. A stronger version of that used on lintels 2. Use of two props to support bearer – joists, soffit formwork. All timber 3. Use of unit type scaffold to support timber bearer – joists etc. 4. Use of manufactured units (Mill Frame) (Acrow) (S.G.B) (Kwik Form)

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Beams shown above in bedroom

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Patent metal formwork

Adjustable props used to hold weight of concrete

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Propped timber formwork

Concrete floors There are two distinct methods of supporting the formwork for concrete beams and floors.

1. Propped formwork – resting on props from the floor below. 2. Suspended formwork – used where U beams form the principal members of a floor

system, from which the formwork is suspended, by metal hangers. Again when forming up floor formwork the forces affecting the forms are sliding, uplift, overturning and sideways movement. Below are a number of different concrete floor systems that can be constructed. They will use similar methods of support.

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Formwork carried on steel beams

Composite construction – in this type, the U beams support the ribbed galvanised steel, which acts as a decking for the wet concrete, and later forms the ceiling to the room below.

Figure 1: Composite slab structural floor decking

Inspections A. Inspections during construction of the form should have the aim of checking all significant details as the work progresses. This also includes a watch on the quality of materials used. B. Before the pour commences inspection of the completed form must be carried out. To help with the inspection the following check list may be followed:

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Foundations Soil capacity - Compaction

- When wet on the surface Sole plates and ledgers - Size

- Continuity - Stability - Fixed to props - Punching through slabs

Support systems

Quality - Misalignment - Missing parts

Manufacturers directions

Lateral ties - Slenderness ratio

Top of props

Fixed to bearers Eccentric loads - Due to misalignment

- “U” heads - Due to bent prop

Tying into bracing

Soffit systems

Materials - Adequate size - Quality check for faults - All joints taped

Floor centres - Eccentric loading - Mid-span point loadings

Beam Hanger - Tight fit to U.B. - Eccentricity due to pouring sequence

Edge problems Overhanging forms - Tie downs Edge beams - Propping

- Tie downs Edge Forms Thrust on adjacent works

All joints taped

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Proprietary systems - Manufactures directions Prop systems - Typing top and bottom

- Tube ties - Diagonal tube 30° to 60° - Adequate number of tube sets - At start of pour - At edge (?)

Release agent All contact surfaces covered (none on reinforcing)

C. Faults in materials and design are not always obvious to visual inspections and may only become obvious when the materials are under load. These loads may include impact loads due to machinery or poor work methods. Some of the faults found in concrete include cracking, honeycombing, surface scaling and blistering. There are other faults and further reading can be found regarding these faults. For this reason a careful watch must be kept while the concrete is being placed. The Standard Association of Australia - SAA Formwork Code calls for “formwatchers” to continuously inspect the formwork during the pour. These “formwatchers can then call attention to signs of possible failure such as excessive deflection as shown by deflection indicators. Rapid action can then be taken to install extra supports and thus avoid failure of the form.

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Formwork faults cause concrete faults

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Adjustable steel prop

Stirrup head

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Fork head

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Patent formwork both above and below

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Timber guard rail details are shown above

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Tie down details

Stripping of formwork With the reshoring system the formwork is made of conventional soffit forms of ply, joists bearers and props. When the slab has been poured and has reached an adequate strength the reshores are placed up to the underside of the form ply in positions near the props of the formwork. Care is taken to place the prop onto a ply sheet, which is not the same one above the formwork prop. The location of the formwork props should then be marked on the floor. The formwork system can now be striped out leaving the slab supported on the reshores. All that remains now is to remove the ply sheets that are on top of the reshores. With reshoring a mistake in placing a reshore can have considerable structural consequences. Also there is the chance of both a form prop and a reshore being loosened during stripping. The area above, being with support, will at least deflect excessively and may even fail. Reshoring requires close and continuous supervision. In multi story work where formwork for subsequent floors rests on the floor being stripped it is imperative that no stripping work be done while a pour is in progress, on an upper floor, or for two days thereafter dependent on the engineer’s instructions. Some other developments of reshoring are also done sometimes. These are Partial Reshoring and Total Reshoring. Partial Reshoring involves the complete removal of a 2m to 3m wide strips of formwork and then propping up to the slab with reshores immediately afterwards before doing the next strip. Once again, the time at which the slab can be considered to safety span this distance will be determined by the loading and the strength of the concrete.

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Cleaning Any concrete adhering to the forms must be removed before reuse of the forms. The sooner it is removed the easier it will be and less damage sustained by the forms. Different means are used on the various materials. Materials Means Steel forms Metal scraper Plywood forms H/W timber wedge Sawn timber Metal scraper or bass brush Class reinforced plastic Bass brush

Use metal scraper to clean up excess Timber wedges

Preparation for storage To prevent steel forms rusting during prolonged storage it is advisable to coat them with a thin film of oil of a type, which is not injurious to concrete. If sump oil is used, it will need to be removed before the forms are reused for columns, which are to be cement rendered or “off-form” finish will result due to staining.

Storage If the forms are to be reused at a later time it is important that they are:

1. Stacked to prevent distortion 2. Stacked to prevent rising dampness 3. Protected from heat, wind and rain 4. Protection of contact surfaces particularly with “off-form” forms.

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Ordering On projects requiring great quantities of units of “Patent Formwork” it is the usual practice to have sub-contractors supply and erect all formwork. These subcontractors work in association with suppliers of the “Patent Formwork”, who employ a Scheduler to design, take-off, and arrange delivery at the appropriate stage of the project. On smaller projects it is the responsibility of the foreman to design in accordance with A.S.A 1509, take-off materials, and arrange delivery. To lessen the chance of error when taking-off, it is advisable to make a detailed scale drawing of the completed concrete members and supporting formwork.

Conclusion If care and attention to the job at hand is maintained throughout the period of construction, the resulting members will be true to shape, line, position and finish as required by the plans and specification. Correct preparation and storage of used forms will allow them to be used with confidence and ensures maximum reuse. Formwork for columns One of the oldest methods of building column forms is with boards running vertically and cleated together to make a panel. Panels are made up in such a manner so that the end panels overlap the side panels. The end panels are made wider than column size to allow for sheathing thickness on the side panels, and the cleat ends are flush with the panel edge. The width of the side panels is the same as the column width, but the cleats are allowed to project on each side so that they overlap with the end forms when the panels are assembled. Cleats on side and end panels should be set at the same height so that the placing of column clamps will not be hampered. The entire column form assembly is held together with some type of yoke or column clamp. Plywood and timber column forms Most job built column forms are made with plywood sheathing, with vertical stiffeners placed at the edges and at intermediate locations as required by the form plans.

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Column joints Should have filler tape where the sheeting meets one another. This filler tape compresses when the column clamps are tightened, which in turn prevents the leakage of mortar, thus a better finished corner. The leakage of mortar may result in a “honey combing effect”. This honeycombing can wreck the finish and affect the job and grade of finish required.

Cardboard column These forms have a set of problems that are exclusively theirs. The cardboard tubes when seated on a wet surface, say the top of a footing covered with water, absorb water up the inner part of the cardboard by the action of capillary attraction. As the other surfaces are sealed this water absorption is not visible. But the structural integrity of the cardboard has been destroyed. When the column is poured the concrete pressure bursts the form at the base and collapse failure results. Other main problems of the cardboard column form came from the difficulties of maintaining line and plumb. As stated in the manufactures’ brochures, the form tubes require bracing at certain stated intervals that relate to the size. To attach these braces timber yoke frames must be fixed to the circular forms. Unless correctly done, the absence of bracing will cause bows in the columns, or poor yoke construction will distort the column forms out of round. The result is service failure. The Spirex System uses a patented P.V.C. profile, which is spirally bound and combines high strength and lightness. Bracing methods are similar to those used for cardboard columns. Stripping only requires breaking a lock and walk around the column to unwind the tube.

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Cardboard columns small Cardboard columns large

Other options are PVC profiles and Aluminium prefabbed profiles that are easy to erect and strip apart. No release oil is necessary.

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Steel columns This is a fast efficient method of forming columns and usually gives the smoothest finish. There are many different types of steel columns forms, each with different requirements for construction. However, the basic construction and erection procedures are similar (Information should be available at the supplier).


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Clamp spacings As pressure is proportional in depth, the spacing of column clamps must be less towards the bottom of the column to counteract the increased pressure. Hydrostatic pressure is exerted on the forms. Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure exerted by a fluid at equilibrium at a given point within the fluid, due to the force of gravity. Hydrostatic pressure increases in proportion to depth measured from the surface because of the increasing weight of fluid exerting downwards force from above. Every cubic metre of concrete weights 2.4 tonne. The basis of form design is the maximum pressure developed while placing the concrete in the form and the rate at which it is done and the temperature at the time of placement. The column must be fixed well to the bottom, as the weight of the concrete will try to lift the column formwork up and spill concrete out the bottom.

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As can be seen above the spacing of the clamps is important, and should be done correctly.

Erection of columns Column forms must be accurately located. Many times the columns location will be given by the intersection of centre lines. These lines are impossible to see after the forms are positioned and they are difficult to see after the reinforced steel is in place. There are the following procedures that should be followed in erecting column forms.

1. Secure a template to the floor or footing the size of the column (outside dimensions) in the desired position (concrete kicker may also be used).

2. Place three (3) sides of the form or layout against the base. 3. Erect braces from one side to support column form. 4. Erect fourth side of the form and lightly nail at top to hold in position. 5. Adjust braces to plumb column form in all directions. 6. Install column clamps from top down at the correct spacing. 7. Tighten clamps gradually until all are equal and tight. 8. Check braces again and add extra supports if necessary.

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Timber formwork for walls Timber formwork for walls may be of two types:

1. Fixed shuttering – permanent throughout the pouring and setting of the concrete. 2. Sliding shuttering – (slip forms). These are designed to slide either vertically or

horizontally in a continuous movement. The direction of movement is controlled by either the concrete, which is just set, or by external guides. Hydraulic jacks move formwork in the required direction at the required speed.

The construction timber formwork should be done on the floor (or in a horizontal position) and then lifted into its desired vertical position. One method of constructing timber walls forms is as follows:

1. Layout timber frame members, top and bottom plates and studs (100 x 50) in the desired panel size – as specified or to suit the availability of a crane to lift them into position.

2. Nail plywood sheeting to frame and turn panel over. 3. Fix walers, single or double, to the frame by coach screws, etc. The height of the wall,

thickness of the wall and the rate of pour would govern member size. 4. On large forms provision must be made for lifting of the forms into position, such as

removable I hooks. 5. It is recommended that plywood (when used) should be fixed with the grain of the

outermost veneers in the direction of the major stress.

Note: As concrete can only safely fall from a certain height it may be necessary to cut “windows” in the wall forms at a required height so that a progressive pour may be obtained.

Erection of wall formwork After wall forms have been constructed in the horizontal position and side of the wall form is lifted into position. This position may be to a line on the floor or a runner plate fixed to the floor. This form is then plumbed, levelled and braced.

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At this stage provision must be made for any window or door opening desired in the complete concrete wall. The procedure is as follows:

1. Setout the opening on the wall that is in position. 2. Nail a suitable size frame around the opening, allowing for the thickness of plyform. 3. Construct a plyform box around the frame. 4. Build a second frame and nail into position on the side of the plyform box. 5. Form or brace opening using timber and folding wedges for ease of stripping. 6. Place the wall reinforcement into the specified position. 7. Erect outside form and tie together, keeping ties closer together at the bottom of the

wall. Many builders place ties at the same maximum spacing required at the bottom of the wall over the complete wall area. This allows any form panel to be used in any straight position any way up. Care should be taken when tightening ties, because if one tie is fixed tighter than the others it may snap when concrete is being placed. An alternative method of forming opening in concrete walls is by the placement of polystyrene blocks the same size as the desired opening and same thickness as the wall in the correct position.

Walersspanbetweenwallties Verticalwalerformwork Load paths for vertical waler forms

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Note:All formwork should be constructed so as to allow for easiness of stripping. When wall forms are to be lifted vertically, to allow for a higher pour, allowances should be made for the top row of ties to have sleeves that remain in the cast concrete. This enables a horizontal member to be bolted either side of the wall, thus forming a ledge and kicker on which the lifted formwork can sit and be positioned.

Correct installation of filler tape

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Vertical studs and horizontal walers

Horizontal studs and vertical walers

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When the form is made with horizontal studs and vertical walers, as shown in above diagram then the plywood is used most efficiently. This type of form is also more suitable for the larger gang forms now common on sites that have adequate lifting devices for example cranes. The direct connection between the horizontal members and plywood made rigid, efficient form that can be readily moved on double slinging points without buckling. The vertical span of the plywood also gives a situation similar to the column, where the spans of the plywood can be increased towards the top by widening the stud spacing. This results in a simpler, more economical form.

Placement of reinforcement The structural positioning and shapes or reinforcement are not the job of a carpenter. His job is to accurately interrupt and follow plans and specifications of reinforcement shape and position as supplied by the designer.

Clipfast spacers Used to space column

reinforcement Fast wheels for light

reinforcing applications

Fixing of reinforcement Precautions must be taken to assure that reinforcing steels are not displaced after fixing by workers, formwork or the placement of concrete. To ensure correct “cover” to the reinforcement bars spacers are used to hold the reinforcement a fixed distance from the forms. There are many different types of spacer’s available made from a range of different materials. The “specified cover” is essential to protect the reinforcing steel from rusting, chemical attack and fire. Reinforcement cover differs according to where and for what purpose it is to be used. As can be seen cover is gained from the use of many different types of spacers.

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Pile cage spacers are used in large column construction and small bore pilling

Concrete cover Structural members Cover in mm Conditions 1 2 3 4 Columns of all types 40 50 75 Walls (including retaining walls)

20 30 65

Condition 1 Concrete deposited in forms and not be exposed to the weather, ground water or fresh water, or any combination of these. Condition 2 Concrete deposited in forms but later exposed to weather, ground water, fresh water etc. Condition 3 Concrete deposited directly in contact with the ground. Condition 4 Concrete to be exposed to corrosive vapours, corrosive ground water, seawater or sea spray. Reinforcements main function is to hold the concrete structure rigid against tension and shear stresses. As concrete is high in compressive strength and low in tensile stress and reinforcement is high in tensile stress and low in compressive strength they compensate one another. As columns and walls are vertically loaded they may deflect in any direction depending on the load distribution. This means that while one side is in tension the opposite side is in compression. Reinforcing steel is placed on all sides near the outer face to ensure that adequate tensile stress is maintained.

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Stripping times The time of the removal of the forms is generally specified by the designer in the contract document (specification) or made subject to his approval, because of the danger to the structure if forms are stripped prematurely. Forms can usually be safely stripped when the concrete has developed approximately 2/3 of its 28 day strength. However, the earliest possible removal for forms is desirable for the following reasons:

1. To allow the reuse of forms 2. In hot weather – to permit curing to begin 3. To allow any surface repairs to be carried out while the concrete is still “green” and

favourable to good bonding.

Recommended minimum stripping times 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Member type Member Effective

span m Minimum stripping time (days) for average air temperature during period prior to stripping.

21°C & over 10 - 21°C 5 - 10°C Under 5°C

Vertical and


Wall, column, beam side

- 2 2 5 7

Vertical and


Wall, column or load bearing structure

- 5 6 7 9

Note This table is based on superimposed construction loads not exceeding 1.0kPa.

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As soon as possible after stripping the formwork it should be cleaned and oiled, care must be taken not to damage the face of the forms. If the concrete is allowed to dry hard on the forms its removal becomes much more difficult and the chance of damaging the forms greater. The forms are then ready for reuse if necessary or may be stored correctly in a safe place until they are required again.

Some deficiencies which can lead to form failures are 1. Premature removal of props. 2. Inadequate bracing. 3. Failure to control the rate of placing concrete in deep forms. 4. Failure to check framework throughout the pour for any abnormal deflections. 5. Embankment failure from which the forms are braced 6. Incorrect interpretations of formwork drawings. 7. Accuracy in workmanship. 8. Joints in members and sheeting not staggered. 9. Not enough tie bolts or column clamps or placed at incorrect distances. 10. Too great an angle of bracing, resulting in forms lifting up vertically 11. Sharp drop in temperature during pouring of concrete causing the setting time to be

considerably lengthened. In this case pouring should be slowed down to prevent a build-up of lateral pressure from overloading the forms.

Calculation of materials When calculating the materials necessary for a particular formwork requirement attention should be given to the following.

1. Are the forms going to be reused?

The more times forms can be reused the cost of the concrete structure progressively becomes less.

2. Care must be taken to fulfil the design requirements, such as size and placement of members and concrete.

3. Cost of consumable materials such as, tie bolts, release agents, bolts etc. 4. Keep structural system uncomplicated so that the formwork may be simple and

economical to erect and dismantle. 5. Quality of surface finish required. If the surface of the concrete must be smooth and

free of blemishes, the use of a very high-grade material would be necessary, for the surface in contact with the concrete.

On the next page are examples and exercises of formwork material calculations

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Example Calculate:

1. The timber formwork 2. The concrete required

For a reinforced concrete wall 24 meters in length, 2400 metres high and .200 m thick to the specification below.

Specification 1. The sheathing to be 2400mm x 1200mm x 20mm formply 2. The studs shall be 100mm x 50mm softwood, placed vertically and at 400mm centres. 3. The walers shall be double of 150mm x 50mm softwood at a maximum spacing of

900mm centres. The top of the wall and the bottom walers shall be fixed to the existing concrete floor.

4. All tie bolts, fixing bolts, pegs, release agents, nails etc. have been accounted for

Calculation Part 1 - Formply sheeting for one side of wall (A) Total length wall

Single sheet length= Number sheets in length


=10 sheet in length








Total number of sheets required for one side = No. of sheets long x No. of sheets high = 10 x 2

Total = 20 sheets each side = 40 sheets for 2 sides

Part 2 – Vertical studs

( )

( )






×+= sidesspacingsStud


Total = 124 studs 2400 long

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Part 3 – Walers (horizontal)

= Height of wall – 300 = 2.400 – 300 position of top waler = 2.100

Maximum centres 900 does not divide equally into 2.100 = 2100 ÷ .700

= 3 spacings + 1 = 4 single walers x 2 (double) x 2 (two sides) = 16 walers 24.00 in length

Total = 384 lineal metres + waste Part 4 – Concrete Volume of concrete = length of wall x height x thick = 24.00 x 2.400 x 0.200

Total = 11.52 cubic metres 20 M.P.A

Exercise 2 Using the same specification and member sizes calculate the amount of timber formwork and the volume of concrete necessary to form and put a reinforced concrete wall 31.200 in length x 3.600 high and .300 thick.

Concrete calculation of columns Example: 20 columns 300 x 300 x 2.7 high Formula = height x width x width = 2.700 x 0.300 x 0.300 x 20 columns Total = 4.86 cubic metres * Remember to set out the same way and work carefully. If you order too much material or concrete you will have to pay for them, store them and reuse on another job. If you over order to much concrete you will have to put it somewhere as supplier will not take it away. You can lose a lot of money and time trying to get rid of excess concrete. Part 1 - Formply sheeting for one side of wall –then x 2 Part 2 – Vertical studs Part 3 – Walers (horizontal) Part 4 – Concrete

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Question 1?] What may happen if concrete is allowed to “flow” in a wall __________________________________________________________________________________


Question 2 State three (3) characteristics of concrete that affect formwork construction? __________________________________________________________________________________


Question 3 Give the reason why “windows” are sometimes used in formwork construction? __________________________________________________________________________________


Question 4 State four (4) factors that may lead to formwork failure? __________________________________________________________________________________


Question 5 Why are formwork members and tie bolts positioned closer together at the bottom of concrete wall construction? __________________________________________________________________________________


Question 6 Why should concrete be distributed evenly when placing it in a form? __________________________________________________________________________________


Question 7 How can column formwork be kept plumb? __________________________________________________________________________________


Self Checks

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Question 8 What is a release agent and what purpose does it serve? __________________________________________________________________________________


Question 9 What is the main purpose for using double walers in preference to single walers? __________________________________________________________________________________


Question 10 Why is it incorrect to drop concrete from a great height into forms?



Question 11 What is a “specification”?



Question 12 What duty does a tie bolt perform?



Question 13 What is a yoke and was is it used for? __________________________________________________________________________________


Question 14 Sketch a concrete wall form and name the members employed. __________________________________________________________________________________


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Kit CPCCCCA3019A NVR Standard 15.5 1 006 Erect and dismantle formwork to suspended slabs columns, beams & walls 09/08/2017 Page 59 of 70

Question 15 Sketch a column showing the spacings of the column clamp or (yokes) __________________________________________________________________________________


Question 16 Reinforcement is usually used in concrete walls and columns. Does this use of reinforcement

affect the formwork in any way, and if so how?



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Question 17 Give three (3) reasons for compacting concrete in forms. __________________________________________________________________________________


Question 18 How can formwork assist in the curing of concrete?



Question 19 Why is it important that the cement/water paste does not escape through gaps in formwork?



Question 20 What tool should only be used for cleaning ply-faced forms?



Question 21 Stability of formwork is important when erecting formwork. Name three of the four forces that have to be resisted when preparing formwork for floors. __________________________________________________________________________________


Question 22 Stability of formwork is important when erecting formwork. Name three of the four forces that have to be resisted when preparing formwork for floors.




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Question 22 Describe the procedure for stripping and back propping of a concrete floor formwork.



Question 23 In describing the requirements for formwork, state the various loads that will be applied to concrete formwork




Question 24 Name these two types of heads for holding up formwork overhead.

Name ______________________________ Name ___________________________ Question 25 When storing forms for later use, what elements of the weather are the forms being protected from. List three below. 1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

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Question 26 When constructing wall formwork there are a number of items needed. Using the illustration below list the items.

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ _________________

Question 27 Why is it important to have a clean site with regards to formwork and the concrete finish? Formwork _________________________________________________ Concrete finish _____________________________________________ Question 8 If formwork is damaged during use what do you do with it? _____________________________________________________

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Practical activity is to set out and form up the formwork for six columns, seven beams and two suspended slabs. Some of which has been shown below. Redraw also with hidden detail lines in correct place. Besides a Plan drawing also show an Elevation drawing for the construction project.

300 3300 300 3300 300 Column widths are 300mm x 300mm and height is 2400mm Beam widths are 175mm and depth is 250mm Suspended slab is 150mm thick. Between column measurements are 3300mm x 3300mm. (No stairs as they are not part of this competency).

Practical Exercise 1

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Student must develop a cutting list and full material list, for the above project. The material list must include all sheeting material, bearers, joists, props, frames and jacks. The total volume of concrete required for the job and needed for ordering. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Practical Exercise 2

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Complete the Job Safety Analysis on one of the last pages for the practical activity given to you. Create a JSA for the building the formwork for a small concrete construction given above in Practical Exercise 1. There are six columns, seven beams and two suspended slabs. The work location is on-site. Write in some of the hazards below before attempting JSA as a team.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Conclusion This learning package has combined the theoretical and practical components required for the competency unit CPCCCA3019A Erect and dismantle formwork to suspended slabs, columns, beams and walls Having successfully completed the requirements of this competency unit you now understand the correct methods for building formwork in your carpentry trade field and different situations in which they may be used. In addition, you have applied the knowledge and skills in a number of real life situations.

You can expect to apply your knowledge and skills again and again on a range of construction sites both for new homes and in existing building renovations.

Practical Exercise 3

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Student Name: Student Signature:

Project: Trainers Name:

Location: Date: Accepted: Yes " No "

Procedure - List of steps in doing a Job on a site.

Possible Hazards – What things can happen or go wrong, also what hidden dangers are there on this Job Site?


Safety Control – How can I stop or minimize these things happening or going wrong or injuries occurring?


Signature Trainer / Site Leader_____________________________________ Signature Building Supervisor________________________________

Job Safety Analysis – 1 Copy to be handed in for each unit

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Consequence Likelihood

1 2 3 4 5






A (Almost Certain)

11 16 20 23 25

B (Likely)

7 12 17 21 24

C (Possible)

4 8 13 18 22

D (Unlikely)

2 5 9 14 19

E (Rare)

1 3 6 10 15

Low Medium High Extreme


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Case study Consider the following case study and help Bob Brown, Brian and Billy Baffia (fictitious characters) understand why it is so important to identify hazards and their potential harmful outcome. Bob, Brian and Billy work for a building company and have to erect formwork for a number of columns and beams. There are also two suspended slabs that need formwork to be built. They have all the timber and formply ready for the job. Billy has brought in some old props and scaffold that he had lying under the house and thinks he has enough to do the job. Near the end of building the formwork for the beams one of the old props breaks and some of the formwork collapse onto Bob’s leg and breaks it. There is bone sticking out the side of Bob’s leg. Complete the incident notification form on the next page. Take it to the next level and provide a written solution to the situation. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Practical Exercise 4

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Type Title Standard Issue Version Ref Release date Kit CPCCCCA3019A NVR Standard 15.5 1 006 Erect and dismantle formwork to suspended slabs columns, beams & walls 09/08/2017 Page 70 of 70