cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · Web viewcapital and nationality) Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Perú Bolivia...

Post on 14-Mar-2020

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Transcript of cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · Web viewcapital and nationality) Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Perú Bolivia...

Los países hispanosNombre



México y Centroamérica (give the capital and nationality)



El Salvador



Costa Rica


El Caribe (give the capital and nationality)


La República Dominicana

Puerto Rico

Suramérica (give the capital and nationality)










Europa y Á frica (give the capitals) España

Guinea Ecuatorial

Los países hispanosLabel and color (only the Spanish-speaking countries) the continents, countries and their capitals.

México y la América

Suramérica/América del Sur

México y la América México y la América México y la América México y la América México y la América México y la América México y la América México y la América

Suramérica/América del SurSuramérica/América del SurSuramérica/América del SurSuramérica/América del SurSuramérica/América del SurSuramérica/América del SurSuramérica/América del SurSuramérica/América del Sur

Los países hispanosSILLY SENTENCES (pneumonic device)

You are to create silly sentences to memorize the names and locations of the Spanish-speaking countries we are learning in class. The first letter of each country is going to be the first letter of the English word in each sentence.

Here’s an example of how I learned the order of the 9 planets in our solar system:

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas


1. Cuba C

2. Dominican Republic D

3. Puerto Rico P

4. Mexico M

5. Guatemala G

6. El Salvador E

7. Honduras H

8. Nicaragua N

9. Costa Rica C

10. Panama P

Rewrite your sentence here and on your map

México y la América México y la América México y la América México y la América México y la América México y la América México y la América México y la América México y la América

Los países hispanos

SILLY SENTENCES (pneumonic device)You are to create silly sentences to memorize the names and locations of the Spanish-speaking countries we are learning in class. The first letter of each country is going to be the first letter of the English word in each sentence.

Here’s an example of how I learned the order of the 9 planets in our solar system:

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas


1. Venezuela V

2. Colombia C

3. Ecuador E

4. Peru P

5. Bolivia B

6. Chile C

7. Paraguay P

8. Uruguay U

9. Argentina A

Rewrite your sentence here and on your map

Los países hispanos

¿De dónde son?Each person listed below lives in a Spanish-Speaking country. The country’s name begins with the same letter(s) as the person’s name. Tell where each person is from.

MODELO: Carmen Carmen es de Cuba.Eliseo Santos Eliseo Santos es de El Salvador

1. E stela

2. P ablo

3. R osario Domínguez

4. H éctor

5. G uillermo

Suramérica/América del SurSuramérica/América del SurSuramérica/América del SurSuramérica/América del SurSuramérica/América del SurSuramérica/América del SurSuramérica/América del SurSuramérica/América del SurSuramérica/América del Sur

Los países hispanos6. M arisela

7. B árbara

8. P atricia

9. C onsuelo Ruiz

10.V erónica

11.A licia

12.C arlota

13.N ardo

14.P edro Rosas

15.Ch avi

16.P aula

17.Ú rsula

Las direcciones (Addresses)

Los países hispanosLa agenda (Address book):

The Young people who are listed in the address book have something in common: they each live in the capital city of a Spanish-speaking country. On the map below, write the name of the country and the first name of the person who lives in its capital city.

Los países hispanos