Coy Diet Patient Brochure

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Transcript of Coy Diet Patient Brochure

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Last actualisation May 2007

Brochure for patients

Dear patient,

You have been diagnosed with a cancer disease and you decided to change your diet in

compliance with the TKTL1 nutritional therapy in addition to traditional therapies. We

encourage you to do so – since experience has shown us that it is always positive to be

active and to do something for oneself and against the cancer.

The present brochure will explain the exact procedure for the change in diet to you. We

advise you to quite consistently follow the recommendations and daily plans so that the

hoped-for success can be reached.

At the beginning, we will explain to you on which observations and discoveries the

TKTL1 nutritional therapy according to Dr. Coy is based. For your better understanding,

we will describe the relevant metabolic functions, explain which biochemical reactionstake place in tumour cells and which chances there are in an interaction of nutrition and

conservative treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

In doing so, we wish to inform you as a patient so that you get the necessary knowledge

in order to be able to assess what TKTL1 nutritional therapy means for you. As an in-

formed patient, you can better use scientific advances for you and you are able to make

decisions yourself and to act according to them.

We would like to be sure to point out that the TKTL1 nutritional therapy does not yet

form part of the recommendations of nutritional science.

The approach is specifically aimed at the metabolism of aggressive cancer cells or me-

tastases showing TKTL1 enzyme activity. The change in diet can be recommended:

- when there are aggressive, invasive tumours with metastases

- when the test of a biopsy or tissue sample for the enzyme TKTL1 is positive

We will be glad to provide you with a list of laboratories where your tumour can be

examined by means of a test for TKTL1 enzyme activity.

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Full of hope, we accompany and support you in the fight against cancer. You are not

alone, you have a large number of allies!

Best wishes for a favourable course of your disease,



Heidelberger Landstr. 190

64297 Darmstadt


Phone: ++49-6151-950 55 50

Fax: ++49-6151-950 55 51

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When the diagnosis is cancer – what does that mean?

Cancer is a disease that, according to the present level of knowledge, is caused by mu-

tations in genes. These mutations concern genes that control growth and dying off of

body cells. Malfunctioning of these mutated genes results in cancer cells growing un-

controllably and no longer dying off. A single mutation, however, is not enough to cause

cancer. Mutations in various genes are necessary in order to cause uncontrolled

growth. So cancer is not a single-stage process, but a multi-stage process.

Uncontrolled growth of cancer cells, however, is not necessarily dangerous to life.

Primary tumour

At first, the cancer cells growing uncontrollably form a cell cluster that becomes larger

and larger and forms the primary tumour. While growing, the primary tumour drives out

healthy cells and, so to say, pushes them aside. Some primary tumours keep this

growth behaviour and, so to say, grow as encapsulated tumours. This type of primary

tumours is not very malignant since it does not decompose the surrounding tissue and

does not form daughter colonies (metastases).

Invasive Tumours

Certain mutations, however, cause these tumours, that grow locally restricted to a cer-

tain area, to destroy the surrounding healthy tissue by dissolving the cell-cell contacts of

healthy cells (degeneration of the matrix) and by provoking a suicide program in the sur-

rounding healthy cells (programmed cell death - apoptosis). This is how the cancer be-

comes invasive (it invades healthy tissue) and gets the opportunity to spread fast.

Secondary tumour

A striking feature of malignant tumours is their metastasising. Individual cells come off

the tumour and migrate into neighbouring tissues. They can spread in the entire body

through the bloodstream and there again invade other tissues at various places and

form secondary tumours. From the medical point of view, the development of invasive,

metastasising tumours actually is the serious stage in a cancer disease. These tumours

are very dangerous since there is currently no effective therapy against spreading can-

cer and metastases.

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As invasive, spreading tumours may develop from some of the non-invasive, not

spreading tumours, it is of great importance to detect tumour diseases as early as pos-

sible. When a tumour disease is detected early, cancer can be cured very successfullythrough a treatment such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgical removal of a not

spreading tumour.

Not all tumour cells are the same

In 1924 already, German Nobel Prize winner Prof. Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg found out

that certain cancer cells do not gain energy in the normal way – this is by “glucose burn-

ing” – even if there is enough oxygen for burning. Warburg explained this phenomenonby the fact that the cell’s power plants (mitochondria) are deactivated. He could not ex-

plain, however, why cancer cells “change over” to fermentation of glucose.

Under normal circumstances, our body cells are prepared for burning dextrose (glu-

cose). Decomposition of sugar to water and carbon dioxide for energy production takes

place mainly using oxygen and thus constitutes a combustion reaction (in chemical

terms “oxidation”).

Fermentation of glucose to lactic acid normally is known as alternate reaction taking

place when oxygen supply is insufficient: When you do a lot of sports without being able

to place enough oxygen at the muscle’s disposal through breathing (insufficient training

condition), the muscle cell changes over to fermentation.

Certain cancer cells, however, carry out fermentation of glucose even when they have

enough oxygen at their disposal.

Warburg effect finally cleared up

The discovery of the TKTL1 enzyme by the German cancer researcher Dr. Johannes F.

Coy now explained the biomolecular and biochemical fundamentals of the Warburg ef-


The enzyme TKTL1 (=transketolase-like 1) allows fermentation of glucose. Through the

activation of the TKTL1 enzyme in cancer cells, these cells are able to gain energy out

of glucose even if there is not enough oxygen available for burning glucose. That is how

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energy can be produced without the cell’s power plants – the mitochondria.

If the cell has enough glucose at its disposal, the cell is able to produce sufficient en-

ergy and to reproduce constantly through cell divisions thanks to the enzyme TKTL1.

Large amounts of lactic acid are produced during this process.

What are the tumour cells’ advantages of gaining energy through fer-


The metabolic changes in energy production out of fermentation of glucose provide the

cancer cells with selective advantages:

- The lactic acid (lactate) produced during the fermentation of glucose causes de-

struction of the surrounding tissue. This allows the tumour cells to invade the sur-

rounding tissue and to metastasise.

- The deactivation of the mitochondria in cancer cells results in resistances (cells

are insensitive) to a large number of chemotherapeutics.

- The dependence of these cancer cells on oxygen decreases drastically. They

survive inadequate supply of oxygen as well (hypoxia).

- Cancer cells in hypoxic regions (of limited oxygen) become more insensitive to

radiation therapy.

These changes in the metabolism, however, also have disadvantages for the cancer


- They depend on the supply of glucose since only glucose can be used as source

of energy for fermentation. Fructose (fruit sugar) cannot be used directly for en-

ergy production.

- At the same time, fat burning is interrupted in such cancer cells. In terms of bio-

chemistry, this is called inhibition of ß oxidation. Therefore, these cells cannot

use oils or fats as source of energy any more.

The TKTL1 nutritional therapy pursues the strategy of using these disadvantages for

combating the cancer cell. The absolute dependence on glucose supply and the inability

of exploiting oils or fats constitutes the Achilles’ heel of this type of cancer cell. The

TKTL1 nutritional therapy takes advantage of this Achilles’ heel for the patient’s sake.

The diet is changed specifically in order to supply healthy cells with sufficient energy,

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whereas TKTL1-positive cancer cells are isolated from energy supply.

TKTL1 nutritional therapy according to Dr. Coy

The famous Greek physician Hippocrates already said more than 2000 years ago: “Let

food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food”

It has been beyond doubt for a long time now that food plays a very decisive role in

preservation of human health on the one hand and in the development of diseases on

the other hand. Nutrition scientists, however, are discussing vehemently which diet is

the right one for the human being. It becomes clearer and clearer that that there are

genetic and biochemical differences between the individuals which result in the fact that

one person tolerates well a particular foodstuff, whereas it causes problems for some-one else. In addition, a certain type of nutrition may be wholesome during a certain

stage, whereas it makes you ill during another stage of life.

To be able to better understand such phenomena, you have to know how food and its

components (carbohydrates, proteins and fats/oils) are digested in the human body.

Thanks to the discovery of the pathway of the TKTL1 sugar metabolism, we can now

understand for the first time the particular manner in which sugar (glucose) is dissimi-

lated and digested. This trailblazing discovery forms the basis of the TKTL1 nutritional

therapy. The TKTL1 metabolic pathway is not active in every tissue of the human body,

but only in very special tissues such as for example in the nerves, the retina and the

vascular cells. It there protects these cells against the detrimental effects of excessive

glucose concentration.

The activation of the TKTL1 sugar metabolism in tumour cells explains for the first time

why tumour cells do not burn glucose, but ferment it even if there is actually enoughoxygen available for burning. The activation of sugar fermentation allows them to grow,

to invade neighbouring healthy tissues and to develop metastases (secondary tumours)

even in case of low oxygen concentration. Moreover, these glucose-fermenting tumour

cells are resistant to a large number of chemotherapeutics and are more insensitive to

radiation therapy. This constitutes a serious problem in the therapy of tumour diseases.

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Generally, there are two types of cancer cells:

a) cancer cells that burn glucose

b) cancer cells that ferment glucose

Cancer cells that ferment glucose through the activation of the TKTL1 sugar metabolism

instead of burning it need extremely much glucose compared to glucose-burning cells

(20 – 30 times more). In addition, glucose-fermenting cancer cells are generally no

longer able to burn fats and oils. The large quantity of required glucose and the inability

of extracting energy out of fats or oils make these cancer cells vulnerable. The TKTL1

nutritional therapy is based on the newly discovered specific features of TKTL1-positive

cancer cells.

Glucose is a simple sugar and component of double sugars such as table sugar (cane

sugar, crystallised sugar, saccharose) and milk sugar (lactose); in addition, glucose also

is the basic element of polysaccharides such as starch. Some basic foodstuffs have a

high content of carbohydrates such as starch, that release glucose very fast during di-

gestion. These foodstuffs include bread, noodles, rice and potatoes. The glucose re-

leased during digestion in the intestine is absorbed through the intestinal mucosa and

delivered into the blood very quickly. Since a quick rise in the blood sugar level is very

dangerous, the pancreas spills out the hormone insulin. Insulin docks to the cell wall

and causes glucose to be actively taken up from the blood into the cells and the blood

sugar level thus to be normalised. Insulin prevents the damage involved in excessively

high blood sugar levels by means of this mechanism.

If, on the contrary, the blood sugar level falls below a certain value, the hormone gluca-

gone is spilled out which releases glucose from the glycogen stores and delivers it into

the blood.

These mechanisms ensure a relatively constant glucose concentration in the


If, however, the glycogen stores are empty, glucose will be made from amino acids, the

components of the proteins. Glucose can never be made of oils or fats. This means that

it is possible not to eat any carbohydrates or glucose, if you take sufficient quantities of

protein. The sufficient supply of proteins ensures a sufficient blood sugar level. A diet

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only consisting of oils or fats is not possible. This would result in death.

In a diet that hardly contains any glucose or glucose-releasing carbohydrates and

shows a high content of oils/fats, the glucose present in the food and the quantity of

glucose made of protein is enough in order to ensure the necessary blood sugar level.In this case, however, the energy supply of the cells cannot be permanently ensured by

glucose. The same situation occurs when a person is deliberately fasting or is starving

due to lack of food. A regular supply of foodstuffs is a rather young achievement. During

World War II, a large part of the population starved. If the human body was not adapted

to such a situation, it would inevitably die. Therefore, the human body is adapted to this

situation very well. If the content of glucose or glucose-releasing carbohydrates in the

food decreases below a threshold value (approximately 70 g), most of the cells will

change over to another supply of energy. In this case, glucose no longer is the cell’s

principal source of energy.

To be able to use the stored energy reserves in the form of fat reserves very rich in en-

ergy, most of the cells start to exploit ketone bodies, that are then the organism’s source

of energy. By means of this changeover, the cells are able to live on the decomposition

products created in the breakdown of fats. In this case, the cell’s principal source of en-

ergy no longer is glucose, but the ketone bodies. Glucose is used for special purposes

only. By the way, the heart always does this. It lives on these ketone bodies even in

times of best glucose supply. This explains the fact why it is extremely rarely affected by

cancer (heart cancer) and metastases are hardly ever developed there. The change-

over to ketone bodies as main source of energy is a process for which the human body

is prepared and that even is the normal condition in some tissues.

By means of the TKTL1 nutritional therapy, you can gently change your body over to the

use of ketone bodies as source of energy. At the same time, you are supplied with suffi-

cient nutrients and sources of energy.

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The quick rise in the blood sugar level is avoided; hardly any insulin is released


After the changeover to the TKTL1 nutritional therapy, hardly any insulin is released

anymore. That is why blood glucose can no longer be taken up by the tissue cells. Dueto the limitation of the glucose supply, they only have the possibility to change over to

ketone bodies (metabolic products that are formed during extraction of energy from fat)

as source of energy.

This changeover is not possible in TKTL1-positive cells since ß oxidation is blocked

there. They cannot change over to burning ketone bodies, fats or oils like healthy cells

can do. This is how TKTL1 cells are cut off from glucose supply without release of insu-


Dependence on glucose as sole source of energy constitutes the “Achilles’ heel” of this

special type of cancer cell. Without energy supply or production, no cell is able to repro-

duce, not even a cancer cell.


Even if glucose concentration in the blood remains constant, the glucose supply of the cell can be influenced decisively through a change in diet according to the TKTL1 nutri- 

tional therapy.

The TKTL1-positive tumour cell is cut off from energy supply.

TKTL1 nutritional therapy may complete chemo- and radiotherapy in

an ideal way

Even if a tumour tests positively for TKTL1, there are two different types of tumour cells

in the tumour in most cases: TKTL1- positive and TKTL1- negative cells in varying per-

centage. They differ in their form of energy production. Whereas the burning cells cover

their energy requirement through the respiratory chain of the mitochondria, for which

they need oxygen, fermenting cells have become completely independent of this me-

tabolism. Therapy strategies against mitochondria (power plants of the cell) or enzymes

of the respiratory chain have no effect on these cells.

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There is evidence suggesting that TKTL1-positive cells are insensitive to a large num-

ber of chemotherapeutic agents. If this is the case, chemotherapy may offer a selective

advantage to TKTL1-positive cells.

They are better supplied with glucose after the therapy - when TKTL1-positive cellshave been combated effectively - and again have more space for spreading out. This is

how, in the course of the disease, the ratio between TKTL1-negative and TKTL1-

positive cells shifts, which might explain why the response rates of chemotherapeutics

worsen in the further course and the tumour-free period shortens. The prospects of re-

covery worsen.

Therefore, TKTL1 nutritional therapy should always be applied parallel to chemotherapy

if TKTL1-positive cells can be detected in tumour tissue.

It is similar with radiotherapy. It is a generally known fact that the effect of radiotherapy

is clearly smaller in hypoxic (not adequately supplied with oxygen) and hyperacid tissue.

In the TKTL1 metabolic pathway, however, the cancer cell produces large amounts of

lactic acid that form a proper acid protection around the tumour. The change in diet ac-

cording to Dr. Coy de-acidifies the surroundings of the tumour through various mecha-

nisms so that the effectiveness of radiotherapy can also be increased.

Cancer cachexia – does the changed metabolic state of TKTL1-

positive cells explain the phenomenon of cancer cachexia? 

The term of cancer cachexia describes the severe loss of weight and the emaciation of

the body due to a cancer disease. In Germany for example, more than 20% of the pa-

tients do not die of the tumour itself, but from the emaciation accompanying the tumour


As we see it, there are two reasons for it:  

Cancer therapy often is associated with loss of appetite, disorders of the liver function

and vomiting. As a rule, this results in a drastic loss of weight.

The changed metabolic state, however, can also play a very decisive role. TKTL1-

positive cells take up 20-30 times more glucose than healthy cells. This is how they en-

sure that they get the energy they need, and the healthy cells do not get enough of it.

Since the tumour does not burn the glucose using oxygen, but produces lactic acid inthe fermentation process, the tumour patient permanently has to transform the lactic

acid produced by the tumour cells into glucose in the liver, which requires a consider-

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able amount of energy. This is a considerable strain on a cancer patient’s body.

In addition, many patients develop a dislike for meat and fat, but a craving for sweets

and carbohydrates – which exactly corresponds to the needs of the cancer cells. The

sugar and carbohydrates supplied, however, no longer are of benefit to the organism,since the glucose absorption of the TKTL1-positive cancer cells is 20-30 times higher

than the one of healthy cells. At the end, so much energy is consumed that it is possible

that the cancer patient dies of starvation or of the consequences of the changed me-

tabolism (e.g. hyperacidity).

The TAVARLIN® assortment contains foodstuffs rich in energy that cannot be used by

TKTL1-positive cells. This energy will then be at the disposal of the healthy cells and

may prevent the threatening loss of weight.

Cancer and sport:

Scientists have been aware of the influence of exercise on the development as well as

on the course of cancer diseases for a long time. Already 20 years ago, specific studies

confirmed that persons doing a lot of sports had a reduced risk of dying of the cancer

disease. In the meantime, a large number of epidemiologic studies have been published

that confirm the connection between physical activity and cancer. At the end of 2002,

the American Journal of Nutrition gave a review of 170 relevant studies all of which

showed a decrease of the cancer risk in persons doing a lot of sports.

The discovery of the TKTL1 metabolism gives a conclusive explanation for this fact as

well. By doing sports, more glucose is consumed and the glycogen stores are emptied.

At the same time, the blood sugar level remains low, the metabolism is stimulated, less

insulin is used for the metabolisation of the carbohydrates taken in.

So, in terms of biochemistry, sport has an effect similar to the effect of a change in diet

according to the TKTL1 nutritional therapy.

And so, sport and TKTL1 nutritional therapy complement one another in an ideal way

and we can only encourage you to do sports if your disease allows you to do so. Your

exercise should focus on steady endurance training and you should avoid short-term

strain. Cycling, rowing and walking as well as long walks and much more are suitable.

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The TAVARLIN ®  food assortment

The TAVARLIN ®  food assortment contains functional foodstuffs that are suitable for car-

rying out a TKTL1 nutritional therapy. These foodstuffs have been developed specifi-

cally to meet the requirements of the TKTL1 nutritional therapy. They make it possiblefor you to comfortably carry out the therapy and ensure at the same time that the organ-

ism is sufficiently supplied with energy, vitamins and trace elements.

It is very important that in particular the TAVARLIN oils and the lactate drink contain

components that have an inhibiting effect on the TKTL1 sugar metabolism. Mouse

experiments at the University of Würzburg (Germany) showed that the change in diet

according to Dr. Coy inhibits TKTL1-positive human cancer cells.

Details on the products

We would like to present the products to you in four categories – according to their role

in the change in diet according to Dr. Coy:

A) Products that inhibit the TKTL1 metabolism

Two mixtures of vegetable oil: TAVARLIN ®  Oil basis and TAVARLIN

 ®  Oil addition. 

Both vegetable oils are selected mixtures of vegetable oils and extracts of vegetable oils

that are specifically adapted to the TKTL1 metabolism. They contain bioactive sub-

stances and a high content of omega-3 fatty acids. There is more and more evidence

indicating that they have a life-prolonging effect for some types of tumours.

Both vegetable oil mixtures are high in energy and permit the supply energy to healthy

cells without TKTL1-positive tumour cells where fat burning is blocked being able to use

these oils for their energy supply. Both oils are intended for use for cold dishes and

must not be heated.

TAVARLIN ® Oil basis is particularly suitable for salad dressings, TAVARLIN ® Oil addi-

tion can also be stirred e.g. into curd.

It is also important to consume fermented dairy products having a low content of milk

sugar and a high oil/fat content. The assortment includes a TAVARLIN ®  lactate drink 

made of yoghurt, selected vegetable oils and cream. This drink is intended as snack

between meals. Lactic-acid bacteria are added to the milk in order to produce fermenteddairy products such as yoghurt.

In the TAVARLIN ® Lactate Drink, the bacteria have used nearly all the milk sugar, also

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called “lactose”, and transformed it into lactic acid (lactate). Therefore the remaining

content of carbohydrates is very low – in contrast to traditional yoghurt where the fer-

mentation process is interrupted earlier for reasons of taste. Especially fruit yoghurts are

sweetened additionally using sugar and often contain more than 10 g carbohy-

drates/100 g.

The high content of dextrorotatory lactic acid in the TAVARLIN ® Lactate Drink has been

used successfully for a rather long period in biological cancer defence for de-acidifying

the tissue (RMS drops) and presumably leads to end-product inhibition of the TKTL1


B) Guaranteeing the energy metabolism of the healthy cells

High-quality TAVARLIN ® protein powder serves as source of essential amino acids

and additional source of energy. It prevents the transformation of the body’s own amino

acids into glucose in case of a diet low in carbohydrates. 

C) Products high in omega-3 fatty acids and low in carbohydrates

The TAVARLIN ® Protein Bread is a wholemeal sourdough bread where a part

of the glucose-releasing starch has already been decomposed to lactic acid

thanks to bacterial fermentation of starch. The flour content of the protein bread

has been clearly reduced by adding rice flakes, bran and milk protein and the

protein content has been increased considerably. In addition, the protein bread is

very rich in dietary fibres. 100 g of the protein bread only contain 14.1 g carbohy-

drates, that is only approximately a third of the quantity of carbohydrates con-

tained in a traditional wholemeal bread. In addition, 2.2 g omega-3 fatty acids are


TAVARLIN ®  hemp nuts are included in shelled form. They are used for addi-

tionally increasing the oil content in the daily food intake. They, too, contain an

ideal combination of omega-3 fatty acids that are very important in terms of nutri-

tional physiology as well as all eight essential amino acids which the human body

cannot produce itself and therefore have to be supplied through food. The body

can use these elements for example to produce immunoglobulins that are indis-

pensable to defence against infections.

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Meat and sausage: Feeding and way of life of livestock have great influence on

quality, composition and taste of the meat. The content of omega-3 fatty acids is

considerably higher in free-range animals not fed with grain than in other ani-mals. If you have the opportunity, always buy high-quality meat from free-range

animals as often as possible.

We offer TAVARLIN ®  salami and sausage made of the meat of buffaloes from

the Swabian Mountains. The meat of the buffaloes from the Swabian Mountains

excels by a pleasant, discreet gamey taste, contains 40% less cholesterol and

27% less fat than beef, has a high content of protein and vitamins (rich in vitamin

A and B12) and is high in omega-3 fatty acids. The high-quality buffalo meat has

been processed into salami and sausage without addition of sugar or glutamate.

Caution! For reasons of taste, traditional sorts of salami contain large quantities

of added sugar (10-15%). Sugar is added to many sorts of sausages and cold

cuts as well in order to drown the taste of the table salt added for reasons of

preservation. By eating these sausages, you would consume hidden sugar and

put the success of the TKTL1 nutritional therapy at risk. 

D) Complementary products

Basic foodstuffs naturally high in carbohydrates such as noodles as well as foodstuffs of

taste appeal such as cake, jam and sweets have been produced using far less carbo-

hydrates or using sugar substitutes.

TAVARLIN ®  protein noodles contain considerably less flour than traditional noodles.

They mainly consist of whey and soybean protein as well as wheat gluten and dietary

fibres. They only have 21 g carbohydrates / 100 g instead of 75 g carbohydrates / 100 gof usual noodles.

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The TAVARLIN nutritional approach in catchwords:

• Strongly limited supply of glucose and carbohydrates

(= diet with approx. 60 - 70 g carbohydrates per day)

• Diet rich in oils and proteins including a new combination of vegetable oils and


• Use of specifically developed foodstuffs containing valuable vegetable oils, poly-

unsaturated fatty acids and proteins

• Supply of foodstuffs of low glycemic index that only cause a slight rise in the blood

sugar and reduced insulin release. Grape or cane sugar has been replaced by

other sugars or sweeteners.

• Five meals a day, including two snacks in the form of a lactate drink

• Use of dairy products strongly fermented by lactic acid

• Consumption of high-quality meat produced from grazing animals not receiving


• Completion of the foodstuffs offered in the nutritional approach through fresh food-

stuffs that can be chosen freely from a list of allowed products (green, yellow, or-ange list)


Please only use the products included in the TAVARLIN ® assortment and do not buy

alternative products in the supermarket. The daily plans are designed in a way so that

the allowed maximum supply of carbohydrates is achieved using the TAVARLIN ® 


ucts only. The consumption of other basic food (bread and noodles) and sweets (jam,

chocolate, cake, chocolate hazelnut spread) would quickly exceed the daily allowed

amount of carbohydrates by far and the change in diet would miss its goals and com-

promise the therapy.

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Further dietary recommendations for your everyday life

• TAVARLIN ® oils are intended for cold dishes. We recommend high-quality rape-

seed oil for frying.

• You can use butter or diet margarine (without hardened trans fats) as spread.

• Vegetables and lettuce ideally complete fish and meat in the TKTL1 nutritional

therapy. However, please only use the foodstuffs listed in the “Green list”.

• Of course, fruit is rich in vitamins and tasty, but it has to be considered critically on

account of the usually high contents of glucose and fructose. Several sorts of fruit

are listed in the “Yellow and orange list”. They are stated with indications of quan-

tity. Please only use the sorts of fruit included in this list and only up to the maxi-

mum quantity and when stated in the daily plan. Please leave canned fruit in the

shelf since they always contain added sugar. Bananas, dates, figs, kaki, raisins

and sultanas are a no-no. Please abstain from dried fruit since sugar is contained

in concentrated form here (see “Red list”)

Recommendations on fluid supply

Try to drink about two litres of fluid a day. Prefer water, herbal infusions or green tea

(unsweetened or with sweetener).

Please do not add milk to your coffee (because of the milk sugar contained), but use


If you prefer fruit juices mixed with water, please make sure to use a mixing ratio of 1:10

(1 part of juice and 9 parts of water) so that you do not take in too much sugar. If youuse juice, please do not use any fruit drinks, but only 100 % pure fruit juices.

Soft drinks rich in sugar such as coke and fizzy drinks are completely unsuited.

You should do without beer as well. You may have a glass of diet beer (< 1 g KH / 100

ml) that you can round off by adding a small dash of sugar-free juices.

Red wine (dry) has to be judged positively on account of the secondary plant sub-

stances having a cell-protecting effect and is included in the diet plan.

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On account of the energy content, milk and milkshakes are already not considered to be

drinks, but foodstuffs, and have to be avoided because of the (milk) sugar contained.

The TAVARLIN ® diet plan for TKTL1 nutritional therapy

The diet plan covers a period of two weeks. Five meals a day are planned. Lunch and

dinner may be interchanged. You will find in all four colour codes in the daily plans.

These codes have the following meaning:


The foodstuffs marked in green can be used in TKTL1 nutritional therapy and are con-

sidered to be harmless. They can be replaced by other foodstuffs included in the “Green

list” as you like. These foodstuffs are not limited in quantity (exception: you will find indi-cations of quantity in the list for nuts!). You can use these foodstuffs for eating your fill

and enjoying.

Edged in red: 

The foodstuffs edged in red are foodstuffs that imperatively have to be consumed in the

context of the nutritional therapy. These are usually TAVARLIN ® products fulfilling a

special function regarding the TKTL1 metabolism. A red edge marks for example the

foodstuffs TAVARLIN ® Oil basis and curd. This combination is important for guarantee-

ing the supply with TAVARLIN ® Oil basis.


The yellow and orange lists include sorts of fruit and vegetables that may be used in

limited quantities during the diet. Fruit/vegetables included in the “orange list” should

only be eaten when stated in the daily plan. Reason: These foodstuffs cause an ele-

vated release of glucose / insulin than the foodstuffs included in the „yellow list“.

Light blue : 

All foodstuffs having a light blue background are included in the TAVARLIN ®  food as-

sortment. Protein noodles, sausage, cocoa biscuits, cocoa spread and strawberry jam

are not edged. These foodstuffs are not absolutely necessary for the success of the nu-

tritional therapy. We offer these foodstuffs since they highly simplify the realisation of

the nutritional therapy. Experience gained up to now shows that it is difficult for a large

number of persons affected to do without e. g. noodles.

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Regarding the TAVARLIN ® products, please stick to the quantities indicated in the daily

plans. These products partly contain carbohydrates, that are, however, clearly reduced

compared to normally available foodstuffs. When larger quantities are eaten (e.g. four

slices of bread instead of two), however, you run the risk of exceeding the daily quantity

of carbohydrates allowed. The same applies to the protein noodles.

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Green list 

Meat Fish Ve etables Lettuce Dair roducts

Beef Eel Cauliflower Endive Cream

Veal Trout Green beans Butterhead lettuce CurdLamb Shark Broccoli Lamb’s lettuce Sour cream

Pork Halibut Auber ines Iceber lettuce Buttermilk

Herrin ** Sauerkraut Watercress

Sausa es and cold cuts Cod Chinese cabba e Chicor E s

Raw ham Carp Fennel Romaine lettuce Hen’s egg

Cooked ham Wild salmon** Slicing cucumber Rocket

Traditional st le sausa e Mackerel** Kale Fats + oils

Salami* Ocean erch Red cabba e Mushrooms Butter

Sardine White cabbage Meadow mushrooms Linseed oilPoultr Haddock Savoy cabbage Chanterelles Rapeseed oil

Duck Plaice Kohlrabi Ce s Hem seed oil

Goose Swordfish Cress Shiitake Animal fat

Chicken Sole Celer

Ostrich meat Tuna** Pumpkin Nuts + seeds Cheese

Turke Zander Leek No restriction: Full-fat cheese

Chard Linseed Camembert

Game Crustaceans Parsle Po seed Edam /Gouda

Hare Shrimp Red radishes Sesame Emmental

Deer meat Lobster Brussels sprouts Parmesan

Rabbit Cra fish Olives Portion corres . to Ro uefort

Venison As ara us 5 carboh drates: Hard cheese

Wild boar Mollusks Spinach 50 g peanuts Hand cheese

Oysters Tomatoes 140 g Brazil nuts Goat’s cheese

  Mussels Chicor 60 ine nuts Shee ’s cheese

S uid, unbreaded Cour ettes 45 hazelnuts Mascar one

Onions 100 coconut Miscellaneous

  Lentils 120 g almonds Stevia, steviol l c.

Avocado 45 walnuts Tofu

Garlic 35 macadamia

Black salsif

* Be careful with sausages and cold cuts: For prolonging the shelf life, they are often salted and

then sugared in order to improve the taste.

** Foodstuffs marked with two asterisks are particularly valuable and should be preferred to the

other foodstuffs of the group, if possible.

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Yellow list

(raw, unsugared products!)

NamePortion containing 5 g


Strawberries 80 g

Bilberries 55 g

Raspberries 90 g

Redcurrants 65 g

Gooseberries 60 g

Cranberries 100 g

The products included in the yellow list can be consumed in addition from time to time

in the corresponding quantities, if you leave out carbohydrates/sugar stated elsewhere

in the daily plan.

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Be careful: 

Foodstuffs included in the orange list

should only be eaten, when stated in the

daily plan. The quantities indicated must

not be exceeded in a meal.

Orange list

(raw, unsugared products!)

NamePortion containing 5 g


Honeydew melons 80 g

Grapes 30 g

Kiwi 45 g

Ananas 80 g

Beetroot, cooked 85 g

Water melon 60 g

Mango 35 g

Papaya 200 g

Grapefruit 60 g

Carrots, raw 85 g

Mandarins 45 g

Peaches 55 g

Apples 40 g

Plums 45 g

Apricots 55 g

Oranges 50 g

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Red list

Amaranth Maize Drinks

Bananas Jam and marmeladeAlcohol (exception 1 glass

of red wine)

Beans, white Farinaceous food Beer

Prezels Noodles Vegetable juices

Rolls Quinoa Pomegranate

Bread Rice Liqueur

Buckwheat Raisins Fruit juices, undiluted

Crisps Salt sticks, biscuits Spirits

Dates Chocolate Milk


(breadcrumb coating!)

Figs Syrup

Ready-to-serve meals Sauces, thickened

Biscuits and pastry Soups, thickened

Cereal products Sweets

Pomegranate Tortilla

Honey Dry fruits

Potatoes White bread

Chickpeas Sugar


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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast

125 g curd coffee / green tea 125 g curd

100 g TAVARLIN ®  

protein bread 125 g curd

4 tsp. TAVARLIN ®  

Oil basis




4 tsp. TAVARLIN ® 

Oil basis

100 g TAVARLIN ®  

buffalo sausage

1 tbsp. TAVARLIN ®  

hemp nuts

dill 50 g sour cream egg

4 tsp. TAVARLIN ® 

Oil basis

80g smoked



red radishes slicing cucumber





Snack Snack Snack Snack Snack


Lactate drink


Lactate drink


Lactate drink


Lactate drink


Lactate drink

Lunch Lunch  Lunch  Lunch  Lunch 

rib of pork salmon steak

(marinated) beef

roast beef goulash lamb (pork) loin

sauerkraut broccoli red cabbage broccoli green beans

50 -100 g



70 g TAVARLIN ® 

protein noodles

50 -100 g


cake bacon

Snack Snack Snack Snack


Lactate drink


Lactate drink


Lactate drink


Lactate drink


Lactate drink

Dinner Dinner  Dinner  Dinner  Dinner 

100 g TAVARLIN ®  

protein bread 125 g curd

100 g TAVARLIN ®  

protein bread 125 g curd fried goat’s cheese


1 tbsp. TAVARLIN ®  

hemp nuts

100 g TAVARLIN ® 

buffalo sausage

4 tsp. TAVARLIN ®  

Oil basis tomatoes

2 eggs, slicing


4 tsp. TAVARLIN ®  

Oil basis 1 egg 80 g smoked salmon chillis

70 g blue cheese 1 tbsp. peanuts 1 tomato dill

1 glass of red wine 1 glass of red wine 1 glass of red wine 1 glass of red wine 1 glass of red wine

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Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast

50 g TAVARLIN ®  

protein bread 125 g curd coffee / green tea 125 g curd

50 g TAVARLIN ® 

protein bread


4 tsp. TAVARLIN ®  

Oil basis 

50 - 100 g


nut cake

4 tsp. TAVARLIN ® 

Oil basis  butter

2 tsp. TAVARLIN ®  

cocoa spread

1 tbsp. TAVARLIN ® 

hemp nuts







2 tsp. TAVARLIN ®  

strawberry jam

50 g TAVARLIN ®  

buffalo salami

Snack Snack Snack Snack Snack


Lacate drink 


Lactate drink 


Lactate drink 


Lactate drink 


Lactate drink 

Lunch  Lunch  Lunch  Lunch  Lunch 

rump steak sole fillet unbreaded cutlet pork goulash rump steak

spinach green salad mushrooms broccoli green salad

70 g TAVARLIN®  

protein noodles rocket salad lettuce

50-100 g TAVARLIN®  

nut cake Rocket salad

50 - 100 g

TAVARLIN® nut cake

slicing cucumber,

tomato courgettes mushrooms

50 - 100 g TAVARLIN® 

nut cake

50 - 100 g TAVARLIN® 

nut cake

Snack Snack Snack Snack Snack

TAVARLIN®  Lactate


TAVARLIN®  Lactate


TAVARLIN®  Lactate


TAVARLIN®  Lactate


TAVARLIN®  Lactate


Dinner  Dinner  Dinner  Dinner  Dinner 

125 g curd

100 g TAVARLIN®  

protein bread 125 g curd

100 g TAVARLIN® 

protein bread 125 g curd

4 tsp. TAVARLIN® Oil

basis butter

4 tsp. TAVARLIN® Oil

basis  butter

4 tsp. TAVARLIN® Oil


80 g smoked salmon


buffalo salami

1 tbsp. TAVARLIN® 

hemp nuts

2 tsp. TAVARLIN® 

cocoa spread

1 tbsp. TAVARLIN® 

hemp nuts


slicing cucumber

1 egg fried shrimps

50 g TAVARLIN®  

buffalo salami fried shrimps

1 glass of red wine 1 glass of red wine 1 glass of red wine 1 glass of red wine 1 glass of red wine

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Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14

Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast

125 g curd

100 g TAVARLIN® 

protein bread 125 g curd

50 g TAVARLIN® protein


1 tbsp. TAVARLIN® 

hemp nuts butter

4 tsp. TAVARLIN® oil

basis butter

4 tsp. TAVARLIN® oil


50 g buffalo

TAVARLIN® salami

1 tbsp. TAVARLIN® 

hemp nuts

2 tsp. TAVARLIN® 

strawberry jam

slicing cucumber,

tomato half of an avocado

50 - 100 g TAVARLIN® 

nut cake

Snack Snack Snack Snack

Lactate drink  Lactate drink  Lactate drink  Lactate drink 

Lunch  Lunch  Lunch  Lunch 

lamb (pork) loin salmon steak duck breast beef tenderloin

green beans broccoli green salad green salad



protein noodles rocket, chanterelles rocket salad

50 – 100 g TAVARLIN® 

nut cake

50 - 100 g

TAVARLIN®nut cake fruit  fruit mushrooms, tomatoes

50 - 100 g

TAVARLIN®nut cake

Snack Snack Snack









Dinner  Dinner  Dinner  Dinner 

herrings in brine 125 g curd

100 g TAVARLIN® 

protein bread 125 g curd

100 g TAVARLIN® 

protein bread

4 tsp. TAVARLIN® Oil

basis butter

4 tsp. TAVARLIN® Oil



1 tbsp. TAVARLIN® 

hemp nuts


spread dill

fried shrimps

TAVARLIN® buffalo

salami 80 g smoked salmon

1 glass of red wine 1 glass of red wine 1 glass of red wine 1 glass of red wine

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  Preparation of the snack


½ cup of TAVARLIN ® Lactate Drink

2.5 tsp. TAVARLIN ® protein powder ( = 10 g)

2 tsp. TAVARLIN® Oil addition (= 8 g)

Each snack is made up of the ingredients mentioned above.

The lactate drink forms the basis. Ideally, you pour it into a measuring cup or shaker of

a capacity of at least 500 ml so that you can easily add the other ingredients, the protein

powder as well as the oil using a hand blender or immersion blender. We recommend

using an immersion blender since shaking alone will not result in an ideal consistency

and creaminess.

Patients who have already lost a considerable amount of body weight may use 3.5 tsp.

of protein powder for each snack for regaining weight.

You can also add allowed fruit and vegetables in order to improve the taste.

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Preparation of the nut cake


TAVARLIN ® Nut Cake Mix

6 eggs

150 g butter

100 ml cream

100 g TAVARLIN ® hemp nuts, shelled

Put the cake mix into a large bowl and add one after the other butter, eggs, cream andhemp nuts. The butter should have room temperature so that it can be mixed well. Mix

all ingredients well using a mixer. Slightly grease a baking tin and dredge it with nut

flour, fill the mixed dough in it. A springform would be ideal.

Bake the cake in the preheated convection oven for approx. 40 min. at 175°C.

The finished cake weighs approx. 700 g. We recommend you freeze the cake in por-

tions so that you have a fresh piece of cake every day. We included nine portions in thedaily plans.

100 g of cake contain not more than 3.0 g carbohydrates. You can also round off the

cake by adding a mixture of mascarpone and cream and some raspberries.

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Questions and answers on the TKTL1 nutritional therapy

1. When does it make sense to change my diet according to Dr. Coy's TKTL1


We recommend a consistent change in diet (60 to 70 g carbohydrates / day) in case of

clinical findings of an aggressive, invasive tumour or metastases. The same applies to

TKTL1 test results of tissue samples or biopsies and as accompanying therapy in addi-

tion to scheduled chemotherapies or radiotherapies. In this case, a reduced formation of

lactic acid in the tumour tissue may improve the baseline situation for the therapy.

2. How long does this nutritional approach have to be followed?

There is no general answer to this question. At first, a period of three months is consid-

ered to be a guiding value. Ideally, the application period of the strict nutritional therapy

is made conditional on the development of the tumour. After three months, we recom-

mend you continue to stick to a diet moderately low in carbohydrates and use the core

products (oils and lactate drink). Depending on the clinical course, we recommend you

stick again to the strict nutritional therapy of approximately 60-70 g carbohydrates per


3. What happens when the diet is interruped?

An interruption does not mean that the success is put at risk automatically. It is impor-

tant, however, that the recommendations are then stuck to very consistently again. A

permanent interruption and the regular consumption of not allowed foodstuffs will surely

not result in success.

4. What happens in case of not allowed excess intake of carbohydrates / sugars?

An excessive quantity of sugar supplies the tumour with the energy required to continue

to grow. The so-called PET procedure for the detection of aggressively fermenting tu-

mours shows that sugar and/or carbohydrates taken in accumulate in tumour cells. This

phenomenon can be visualised by marking the sugar taken in.

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5. How can the patient check that the approach is applied correctly and/or the al-

lowed quantities of sugar are not exceeded?

The safest approach consists in sticking consistently to the quantities stated in the reci-

pes and only replacing foodstuffs by other foodstuffs the content of carbohydrates ofwhich is identical or lower.

According to our assessment, it is better to follow the TKTL1 nutritional approach very

consistently for a rather short period of time than less consistently for a long period of


When your body uses fats and no longer carbohydrates to produce the main part of its

required energy, products of fat breakdown (ketone bodies) can be detected both in theblood circulation and in the urine.

6. Are the costs refundable, does a health insurance bear the costs? 

Currently, the costs are not refundable yet.

7. Are there already data available regarding a prolonged survival time for pa-

tients suffering from cancer?

There are more and more progress reports stating a positive effect of the nutritional

therapy according to Dr. Coy.

8. Are there different effects of food in case of different forms of cancer?

Approx. 30 different tumours have been tested for TKTL1 activity and the TKTL1 fer-

mentative metabolism has been identified in all of them. It does not seem to be a phe-

nomenon that occurs in some types of cancer only, but a general phenomenon

Not every tumour of a type of cancer, however, has the TKTL1 metabolism. Therefore,

Coy's nutritional therapy does only make sense when TKTL1-positive tumour cells have

been detected. These are the only cell forms to ferment glucose, and the burning of

fatty acids is deactivated in these cells. If no TKTL1-positive cells are detected in the

tumour, a therapeutic effect of Coy’s diet cannot be expected.

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9. Have clinical studies been carried out?

There is a large number of progress reports stating positive results associated with this

diet. Even if the positive results are documented by physicians, they do not constitute

clinical studies. Clinical studies require standardised and controlled conditions for prov-ing efficacy in a sufficiently large number of patients including a control group. It is only

then that therapies obtain the status “scientifically established”. These studies are start-

ing in several clinics so that the first results are expected for the near future.

10. What happens in and with the body when the diet is changed to the TAVAR-

LIN® approach?

When the diet is changed from a mixed diet rich in carbohydrates to a diet low in sugar,the body may react with indisposition. You might have symptoms such as circulatory

disorders, lack of concentration, tiredness, constipation or headache during the first

days. These signs, however, generally disappear when the TAVARLIN® nutritional

therapy is continued. After their organism has successfully changed over to ketone bod-

ies as source of energy, most of the persons concerned report that they feel very good


11. Is the approach suitable for vegetarians as well?

It is more difficult for vegetarians to perform Coy’s nutritional therapy. Since one of the

main nutrient groups (carbohydrates) is already strongly limited here, doing without

animal products would also clearly restrict the possibilities of protein intake. Since the

change in diet aims at an increased consumption of meat and fish we advise the per-

sons concerned to at least eat regularly fish if possible.

12. What do I have to bear in mind in case of existing allergies and food incom-


The TKTL1 nutritional therapy does not require a stricter compliance with existing aller-

gies and incompatibilities than required in a usual diet.

13. Which drinks are allowed?

Mineral water, coffee and tea and infusions without sugar are allowed. Fruit juicesmixed with water may be drunk in a mixing ratio of nine parts of water and one part of

fruit juice (100 % fruit juices only). Red wine is even recommended on account of the

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bioactive substances in the grapes and is an element of the daily plans. A glass of diet

beer of < 1 g KH / 100 ml is possible as well.

14. Are fruit juices and fizzy drinks containing sugar allowed?

Drinks containing sugar and pure fruit juices should be avoided. For giving some flavour

to mineral water, a mixing ratio of fruit juice and water of 1 plus 9 is possible.

15. Are sweets strictly forbidden?

Conventional sweets – no matter whether bought in the supermarket or the health food

store – are absolutely forbidden. The food package contains cocoa biscuits, a cocoa

spread and strawberry jam, which you may eat. When eating these sweets, please stick

to the quantities indicated in the daily plans. These quantities are calculated in a way so

that not more than 70 g of carbohydrates are taken in daily.

16. Is the supply with vitamins and minerals secured in the low-carbohydrate


If you stick to the given diet plans, the supply will be secured. These plans have been

examined regarding the content of all essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

17. What effect does sport have on the diet?

Sport may contribute much to the success of the nutritional therapy. Carbohydrates

taken in can be dissimilated faster through sports and glycogen stores can be emptied.

This is how regular sport may maintain glucose concentration in the body at a low level,

reduce the insulin requirement and so support Coy’s nutritional approach. It has been

shown generally that sport has positive effects on the immune system and has a posi-

tive effect on the course of the disease in cancer patients.

18. Is it absolutely necessary to consume the lactate drinks as snacks?

Yes, they are an essential element of Coy’s diet since lactate is of particular significance

in the therapy. In addition, cancer patients have to prevent the imminent risk of losing

weight. Therefore, the snack also is of great importance regarding the sufficient supply

of nutrients. The lactate drink is enriched with cream and oils and so is rich in calories.

In addition, essential amino acids that are essential for a smooth metabolic function are

supplied through the TAVARLIN protein powder.

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19. Is it absolutely required to eat the warm main meal at lunchtime?

The main meal can be eaten in the evening as well. It is also possible to eat another

warm meal in the evening.

20. What may I eat when I am out or at work?

Restaurants offer a large number of dishes that can be eaten within the scope of the

TKTL1 nutritional therapy. Salad/vegetables with fish or meat are particularly suitable.

21. Do I have to take additional vitamin preparations?

Generally, we recommend no isolated intake of large-dose vitamin preparations since

vitamin C, E and B1 may have unfavourable effects on the TKTL1 metabolism.