Course in ANSYS - Aalborg · ANSYS...

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Transcript of Course in ANSYS - Aalborg · ANSYS...

Course in ANSYS


Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example0241 2Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Plate with a hole

E = 210000N/mm2

n = 0.3a = 200mmb = 100mmt = 10mmr = 10mms = 100N/mm2

Objective:Determine the maximum stress in the x-direction for point A and display the deformation figureTasks:How should this be modelled?Compare results with results obtained from norm calculations?Topics:Element type, Real constants, modeling, mapped mesh, plot results, output graphics, path operations


Example - titleUtility Menu > File > Change Jobname/jobname, Example0241 Command line entry


Enter: Example0241

Utility Menu > File > Change Title/title, Plate with a hole

Enter: Plate with a hole

Example0241 3Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Areas RectanglePreprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Rectangle > By DimensionsCreate an area given by X=(0,100) and Y=(0,50)

Enter 0 orleave empty

Example0241 4Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Enter 100

Enter 50Enter 0 orleave emptyPress OK

Note: Keypoints (4 kp’s) and lines(4 lines) are automatically generated(also numbered automatically)

Example – Areas Rectangle

Example0241 5Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Areas CirclePreprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Circle > Solid CircleCreate an area given by (X,Y)=(0, 0) and Radius=10

Example0241 6Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Enter 10

Press OKNote: Keypoints (4 kp’s) and lines(4 lines) are automatically generated(also numbered automatically)

Example - Area

Example0241 7Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example0241 8Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example - OperatePreprocessor > Modeling > Operate > Booleans > Subtract > AreasCreate the final area by subtracting the circular area from the rectangular area

Note: Bottom left corner of ANSYS GUI

Press OK

Select the rectangular area and press OK

Note: Bottom left corner of ANSYS GUI

Select the circular area

Example – Areas

Example0241 9Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example - Numbering

Example0241 10Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Switch on Keypoint, Line, and Area Numbers

Example - List Menu

List Keypoint, Lines, and Areas

Example0241 11Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example - Plot Menu

Plot Keypoint, Lines, and Areas

Example0241 12Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Element TypePreprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete

Press Add

Example0241 13Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example - Element TypePreprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete

Example0241 14Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Press Options

Press Help to learn more about theelement.

Select Plane strs w/thk

Example – Real ConstantsPreprocessor > Real Constants > Add

Place the cursoron the relevantelement andpress OK

Example0241 15Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example - Real ConstantsPreprocessor > Real Constants > Add

Press OK

Press Closeto finish


Enter 10

Example0241 16Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example - Material PropertiesPreprocessor > Material Props > Material Models

Double Clickto step in thematerial tree

Example0241 17Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example - Material Properties

Example0241 18Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material ModelsEnter 210000Modulus of elasticity

Enter 0.3Poisson’s ratio

Click hereto Close

Press OK

Example - MeshingPreprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Lines > Picked Lines

Example0241 19Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Select/PickLines tospecifymesh sizefor

Pick the twolongest lines

Press OK when finish with selection

See next page

Example – Mesh Size

3 Element subdivisions

5 Element subdivisions

6 Element subdivisions

Example0241 20Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Concatenate Lines

Example0241 21Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Select L2 and L3 to create a topologically foursidedgeometryPress OK

Example - MeshingPreprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Areas > Mapped > 3 or 4 sided

Example0241 22Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Select individual areasto be meshed

Select all areas definedto be meshed

NB: It is often necessary to “Clear” the model forexample if Element Type or model geometry is to be changed

Example – Mapped Mesh

Example0241 23Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Analysis Type

Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis

File > Write DB log fileEnter “example0241.lgw”

Example0241 24Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Define LoadsSolution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On Lines

Select UY to fix the plate in the y-direction

Select the bottom straight line

Press OK

Example0241 25Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Define LoadsSolution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On Lines

Select UX to fix the plate in the x-direction

Select the left straight line

Press OK

Example0241 26Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Define LoadsSolution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Pressure > On lines

Select the right straight line

Enter -100

Press OK to finish

Example0241 27Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Note: Pressure acts normal and inward to a surface

Example - Save

Display of Analysis model

Save the model

Example0241 28Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example - SolveSolution > Solve > Current LS

Example0241 29Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Press OK

Example - SolvePress Close

Press hereto Close

Example0241 30Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example - PostProcessingGeneral Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed Shape

Select “Def+undeformed”and Press OK

Example0241 31Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example - PostProcessing

Read Maximum displacement: DMX

Example0241 32Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Contour PlotGeneral Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Nodal Sol

Select Stress

Select SX for stresses in x-direction

Example0241 33Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Contour Plot

Example0241 34Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Select - Entities

See next page for selection

Example0241 35Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Select Nodes

Select the indicated nodes

Note: the selection order is important –start from the hole

Example0241 36Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS Enter OK when finished

Example – List Results

Example0241 37Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Select Stress, SCOMP

Press OK

Example – List Results

Example0241 38Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example - Plot - Nodes

Plot Nodes

Only 6 FE nodes are displayed – the same nodes as selected previously

Example0241 39Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Select - Entities

Select Pick All

Example0241 40Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example - Plot - Nodes

Plot Nodes

Example0241 41Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example - Plot - Nodes

Example0241 42Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example0241 43Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Define Path

See next page for selection

Example – Define Path - By Nodes

Select the indicated nodes

Note: the selection order is important –start from the hole

Example0241 44Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS Enter OK when finished

Example – Define Path - By Nodes

Enter an appropiate name, e.g. SX

Enter OK

Example0241 45Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example0241 46Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Map onto Path

Select Stress, SX

Press OK

Example0241 47Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Plot Path on Graph

Select SX

Press OK

Example – Plot Path on Graph

Example0241 48Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Example – Comments/Questions

• Change the element type to a second order element type and rerun?

• The “example0241.lgw” can be edited in “Notepad”

• Will the shape or the number of elements affect the solution?

• Determine the shear stress in the lines of symmetry?

Example0241 49Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

File menu

Example0241 50Computational Mechanics, AAU, EsbjergANSYS

Clears (zeros out) the database stored in memory. Clearing the database has the same effect as leaving and reentering the ANSYS program, but does not require you to exit.

You can include commands to be executed when the program starts up in the start71.ans file.