Course book evaluation

Post on 27-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Course book evaluation

Course Book Evaluation: Course Book Package

Ananda Lupita Sari (100221404955)

Cadar Syifa Arumbi (100221404972)

Course Book Package Refer to:any integrated package of material with the course book in the centre because course book seldom stand alone.

1. The Make-up of the Course Book PackageConcern:• The whole learning package:- How it is made up?- How the different parts related to one another?

A course book consists of……At least:• Teacher’s book provide detail

information• Students’ book way to contact

the studentsAlso add:• Work book extra exercise

(especially writing)• Cassette/soft file usually for

listening or sort.

In the teacher’s book

• ideas of bringing the different parts of course book package together

• suggestion on how also when the various component were best used. Look at the chart which

shows the progression of each component in the


Example of make-up some courses in the course book…Course Component and OrganizationFlying colors is a classroom-based course which will take adult and young adult beginners to intermediate level in three stages. The course components at each stage are:

students’ BookWorkbookTeacher’s BookClass CassetteLanguage Study Cassette

Check list of the make-up course book

What are the component which make up the total course?- students’ book- teacher’s book- workbook or activity book- tests- additional reading material- additional listening material

- cassette for listening- cassette for pronunciation- video – CALL (Computer Assistant Language Learning) materials- other componentsHow well do the different parts relate to the whole? Is there an overall guide to using the package? Is there cross-referencing between the different parts?Which parts are essential and which are optional?Do any parts of the package require particular equipment, such as a language laboratory, listening centre or video player?

2. The Organization of Course Books

Concern:• The amount of continuity within the material

and routes through the materials available for the learner.

What is needed in organizing

a course book…Recycling materialsGeneral courseStraightforward route

(conventional, beginning-to-end)

Yet, sometimes flexibility

is needed to vary and develop the

design of syllabus.Degree of sophistication:

Students will contributes to the design of their own syllabuses

Example: (pp. 29-30)The Sourcebook by Shepherd and Cox (1991)

- No linear route and separated in 3 sections (grammar, vocabulary, and skills)

- Content: self-service basis


NOT FOR:Students with lack of confidence and

inexperienced Teachers

Checklist for the organization of course books

Is the organization right for learners and teachers? (the clarity of layouts)How is continuity maintained in the materials?Is there adequate recycling and revision? What techniques are used?How is earlier learning developed or refined in later sections of the section?What route is the learner expected to take through the materials? Is there one predetermined route, or are alternatives/optional routes given?

Are there reference sections? If so, are there pointers to them in the main text? Are they well integrated?Is there an index of language items?Is there a list of new vocabulary? If so, does it show where each is first introduced?Is the material suitable for use in a self-study mode? Does it have a key to exercise?If it is a new course, are all components published and available? If it is not yet complete, will the next levels be ready when you need them?How about the visuals and the supported materials? Are they available?

Visuals• Showing

attractiveness• Having acceptable

style (photographs, drawings)

• Giving contribution toward understanding

• Performing integrated art of teaching materials

Supported Materials

• Providing materials in appropriate levels

• Having authenticity• Delivering

materials using computer/web-based to support the main materials

REMEMBER!• All the different parts of course book

package should truly work together and to support students’ learning.

• The course book package should be practical and efficient

Thank you for

your attention amigos….

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