County of Davidson

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Transcript of County of Davidson

Tuesday, November 12, 2019 Page 1 of 12

Minutes of the Regular Board of Commissioners Meeting

Davidson County, North Carolina

Tuesday, November 12, 2019 Commissioners’ Meeting Room 6:00 PM County of Davidson

PRESENT Commissioners: Chairman Don Truell, Vice-Chairman Steve Shell, Zak Crotts, Chris Elliott, Fred McClure, Karen Watford and Todd Yates. OTHERS PRESENT County Manager Zeb Hanner, County Attorney Chuck Frye, Assistant County Manager Casey Smith, Clerk to the Board Debbie Harris, Assistant County Manager Jason Martin, IT Director Joel Hartley, Planning and Zoning Director Guy Cornman, Parks and Recreation Director Thomas Marshburn, Health Director Lillian Koontz, Senior Services Director Thessia Everhart-Roberts, Emergency Services Director Larry James, Tax Administrator Jerry Ward, Inspections Director Tod Hancock, Human Resources Director Kathy Cashion, Finance Director Jane Kiker, Sheriff Richie Simmons, Fire Marshal Danny Ward, Deputy DSS Director Scott Craver, Sheriff Major Scott Craven, Sheriff Lieutenant DeDe Sprinkle, Sheriff Captain Corey Mann, Deputy Fire Marshal Jacob Thompson, Assistant Inspections Director Beau Chollett, Central Permitting Supervisor Jennifer Goble, Zoning Officer II Lee Crook, Zoning Officer I Travis Swain, Zoning Officer I Josh Tussey, Benefits Coordinator Lisa Cooper, Budget Analyst Tim Maness, Linda Cline (USI), Becca Shusler (USI), Justin Nifong, Greg Loflin, Cecil York, James Thompson, Russell Bendell, Kara Cody, Ronnie McCalla, Skip Chamberlain, David Weatherly, Sandy McCalla, Diane Sullivan, Chris Faircloth, Barney W. Hill and Lexington Dispatch Reporter Ben Coley.


Chairman Truell called the Meeting to order.


The invocation and Pledge of Allegiance were led by Vice-Chairman Shell.


Dianne Sullivan of the Thomasville Chamber was recognized as being at the Meeting representing the Council of Chambers. Mr. Smith introduced Jason Martin, the new Assistant County Manager. Mr. Hanner introduced Budget Analyst Tim Maness, who was not a new face to the County, as he had been with DavidsonWorks for over 10 years.


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The Chairman noted the need to register if interested in speaking at Public Address.


The Chairman reported that due to the number of Public Hearings, he was asking that they be moved to follow Deliberation. Ms. Harris had asked that “Call for Public Hearings - Ambulance Franchise Applications - LifeStar Emergency Services, LLC & Providence Transportation, Inc.” be added to the Consent Agenda as Agenda Item 8.L. Commissioner Elliott had requested that “Discussion on Armored Vehicle and Other Equipment for Sheriff’s Office” be added as Agenda Item 9.E. Jon Myers had asked that Agenda Item 9.B. “Elections Equipment Update” be removed from the Agenda. The requested financial information had not come in. By a vote of 7-0 as follows, the Amended agenda was adopted, with the Public Hearings being moved to follow Deliberation, “Call for Public Hearings - Ambulance Franchise Applications - LifeStar Emergency Services, LLC & Providence Transportation, Inc.” being added to the Consent Agenda as Agenda Item 8.L., “Discussion on Armored Vehicle and Other Equipment for Sheriff’s Office” being added as Agenda Item 9.E., and Agenda Item 9.B. “Elections Equipment Update” being removed. VOTING Motion by: McClure, Fred Second by: Elliott, Chris Commissioners YES NO ABSTAIN RECUSE Don W. Truell Steve Shell Zak Crotts Chris Elliott Fred McClure Karen Watford Todd Yates



Kirk Thacker requested additional funds for the Animal Shelter. He spoke regarding breeders and the County not having any laws dealing with breeders. He felt addressing breeding would decrease euthanasia rates. Barney W. Hill spoke regarding the Budget Amendments, noting that six of them were PBB requests. He requested that the Board deny these requests. A copy of Mr. Hill’s remarks is included with the original Minutes.


A. Approval of Consent Agenda

There were no Items pulled for discussion.

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By a vote of 7-0 as follows, the Consent Agenda was approved, including Agenda Item 8.L., “Call for Public Hearings - Ambulance Franchise Applications - LifeStar Emergency Services, LLC & Providence Transportation, Inc.” VOTING

Motion by: McClure, Fred Second by: Elliott, Chris Commissioners YES NO ABSTAIN RECUSE Don W. Truell Steve Shell Zak Crotts Chris Elliott Fred McClure Karen Watford Todd Yates


B. Budget Amendments - Assistant County Manager

C. Approval of Minutes - October 22, 2019 Board of Commissioners' Meeting

D. Tax Report of Refunds

E. Reappointment to Jury Commission

F. Approval of Agreement for the Provision of Service Provider Based Aging Services

for Senior Services for FY 2019-2020

G. Second Reading - Non-Emergency Ambulance Ordinance Revisions

H. Item to Set for Public Hearing - Rezoning Request by Christopher Thomas Scarlett

to Rezone 1.42 Acres in Emmons Township from RS to RM-1

I. Request by Parks and Recreation to Add 9-Hole Disc Golf Course at Boones Cave


J. Declare Items Surplus

K. Approval of Revised Personnel Resolution

L. Call for Public Hearings - Ambulance Franchise Applications - LifeStar Emergency Services, LLC & Providence Transportation, Inc.


A. Presentation by USI Regarding Proposed Changes to Wellness Program

Mr. Smith reported that Ms. Shusler had recently come to speak to the Wellness Committee and was at the Meeting to speak regarding some trends USI has seen. Ms. Shusler spoke regarding observations she had made and what could be done to make improvements. She felt we were missing the diagnostic moments with doctors. The long-term proposal was spoken on. The Benefits Committee and ISE had a vendor they wanted to put in place to help manage diabetes, and the targeted program was spoken on. Costs of the program were reported on. Mr. Smith stated that if the request was approved, Staff would work with UCI to implement the new program before the end of the year. Biometric screenings will need to be completed again to get numbers, and this would

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be charged against the Insurance Fund. Mr. Frye asked whether the request would also be to approve the contract, to which Mr. Smith reported it would. Ms. Shusler reported employee‘s health screenings are included in their insurance plans, and she felt this would lead to better relationships between employees and their personal care physicians. By a vote of 7-0 as follows, the Board approved the request to implement the diabetes program to the Wellness Plan and authorized execution of any documents necessary to implement the change. VOTING

Motion by: Crotts, Zak Second by: McClure, Fred Commissioners YES NO ABSTAIN RECUSE Don W. Truell Steve Shell Zak Crotts Chris Elliott Fred McClure Karen Watford Todd Yates


9.B. Elections Equipment Replacement Cost Update

This Item was removed from the Agenda at its adoption.

C. Continued Discussion on Inspections Update

Mr. Smith asked Mr. Hancock, Ms. Goble and Mr. Chollett to come to the podium. He then spoke regarding the increase in inspections, and the fact that they continue to climb. Options for the Board were to continue to add staff or to move away from same-day inspections, to mimic Rowan County. A change to this method would regulate “per day” inspections. Mr. Hancock noted the request was to add a management/IT piece which would be for route optimization, which would work with GIS information to group inspection requests, and allow for route planning. Inspections was currently piloting the program to ensure that it would work. When asked who is using the software, Ms. Goble reported there are several cities and counties using the software for routing optimization. This program will allow the day’s inspections to be fed to the Inspectors’ laptops, so they will not need to come to the office each morning, and will be able to immediately start inspections each day. Mr. Smith noted the change would not happen immediately, as it would take 60 to 90 days to implement the software and to market the change to contractors. Upon a suggestion by the Vice-Chairman that Inspections get information regarding rule changes out to the contractors, Mr. Smith felt we could build a database and do that, and also get it out to the Homebuilders Association. Upon inquiry by Commissioner Elliott as to whether the software was Inspections specific or general, Mr. Hancock reported it was GIS based, general routing software. Mr. Smith reported he would like to be able to look at specialized software at some point, to improve Inspections’ services, but this software was very expensive, and they were trying to make the current software work for as long as possible. There would be a day in the future when he would be back with a request for new software for the Department. By a vote of 7-0 as follows, the Board approved Option 3 (Rowan County Method) and the purchase of the routing software. VOTING

Motion by: McClure, Fred

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Second by: Watford, Karen Commissioners YES NO ABSTAIN RECUSE Don W. Truell Steve Shell Zak Crotts Chris Elliott Fred McClure Karen Watford Todd Yates


D. Authorizing Resolution and Call for Public Hearing - Courthouse Renovations Project

Mr. Smith reported this was the first step in the borrowing process, with the actual borrowing anticipated for mid-January. The numbers included were estimates, and included the schools’ piece and the Courthouse renovations. The Board was being asked to adopt the Resolution, call for a Public Hearing on December 10, 2019 and approve the Budget Amendment that matches the estimate. This would also set the Bond Counsel and Financial Advisor. By a vote of 7-0 as follows, the Board adopted the Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Davidson, North Carolina Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a County Installment Financing Obligation and Providing for Certain Other Related Matters Thereto, for the Courthouse Renovations Project and School HVACs / Roofs / Fire Equipment Upgrades Projects, for a not to exceed amount of $32M (4.57% “average coupon rate for a 20-year term). Further, the authorizing resolution approved the use of Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP as Bond Counsel and Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated as underwriters for the debt sale (Engagement Letters Attached), and sets a public hearing for December 10, 2019 at 6:00 pm. The Board also approved amending the existing Courthouse Renovations Project budget to accurately reflect the amount of debt proceeds that will be used based on the authorization resolution.


Motion by: Shell, Steve Second by: Watford, Karen Commissioners YES NO ABSTAIN RECUSE Don W. Truell Steve Shell Zak Crotts Chris Elliott Fred McClure Karen Watford Todd Yates


E. Discussion on Armored Vehicle and Other Equipment for Sheriff’s Office

Commissioner Elliott reported he had a conversation with the Sheriff after the November 7 th Informational Meeting regarding the recent officer involved shootings. The Sheriff had some items he would like to bring before the Board. Sheriff Simmons reported on the November 6 th barricade incident wherein a Deputy was shot. The Sheriff’s Office (SO) was unable to get into the compound at the scene. They have a 1986 model armored vehicle that is on loan from the Department of Defense that has a max speed of 35 miles per hour and holds a max of two people. The lack of speed for the vehicle created a delay in getting it to the scene. There was another standoff near Montgomery County the following day, and it took 70 minutes to get the armored vehicle to the scene. The Sheriff has found a vehicle that will run 75 miles per hour, is 4-wheel drive capable and will hold 12 people. It is a refurbished vehicle with a new motor and transmission. It was on hold awaiting the outcome of this discussion. Other equipment they found they needed were rifles, because most

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of the officers at the first event mentioned were dealing with the subject with their pistols. The SO was 46 rifles short. Also, the SO is equipped with Level 2 vests, which will stop pistol rounds, but not rifle rounds. There have been 8 requests for the armored vehicle since the Sheriff took over in December, and the Sheriff indicated he wanted to be able to protect his officers and the citizens. EMS has rifle-compatible vests, and they were able to rescue the officer in one of their trucks during the November 6th event. The cost for the vehicle is $196,670. A picture of the vehicle was shown, and it was reported that it comes with a battering ram. Mr. Smith reported the County will not have a full payment on the borrowing during this fiscal year, and monies for these requests could come out of the funds that will not be used. Commissioner Yates inquired into available forfeiture funds, to which the Sheriff reported approximately $410,000, but he was hoping to buy body cameras and a couple of other things with those funds. The Commissioner felt that the SO should pay for half of the request out of its forfeiture funds. Commissioner McClure questioned priorities, to which the Sheriff felt these requests were priorities, along with the body cameras, with the four officer involved shootings that had happened since he took office. Upon suggestion by the Chairman that hard numbers be brought back before the Board, to which Mr. Smith reported the figure for the vehicle was a hard vehicle. Should the Board elect to proceed with the County paying for half of the request for the vehicle, rifles and vests, its half would be approximately $125,000. By a vote of 6-1 as follows, the Board authorized the purchase of the armored vehicle, rifles and vests as requested, with the County paying $125,000 of the purchase price, with the remaining funds coming from the SO’s forfeiture funds. VOTING

Motion by: Yates, Todd Second by: McClure, Fred Commissioners YES NO ABSTAIN RECUSE Don W. Truell Steve Shell Zak Crotts Chris Elliott Fred McClure Karen Watford Todd Yates




A. Request for No-Wake Zone

The Chairman declared the Public Hearing open. Commissioner Crotts reported he had conferred with the County Attorney and felt he had a conflict because he has property listed for the President of the Rivers Edge Place Homeowners Association (HOA) . Mr. Frye felt there was a potential conflict, and the Commissioner asked that he be excused from voting. Upon motion by Commissioner McClure and second by Commissioner Yates, the Board voted 7-0 to excuse Commissioner Crotts from voting. Mr. Hanner reported there had been a request from Cecil York, the President of the Rivers Edge HOA for a No Wake Zone. The Division of Wildlife had investigated and felt the request may be warranted. The procedure was explained. Cecil York reported he had been in his residence since 2004 and felt there were serious safety issues in the area. The HOA has had to have pier work performed due to damage created by

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the wakes. CUBE Hydro requires them to carry a $.5 Million insurance policy because it is considered a commercial pier. He noted that property can be replaced, but lives cannot. James Thompson spoke regarding issues he has had with boats speeding near the docks. There are 16 slips in the dock and he felt the jet skis, ski boats and wake boats were creating issues in the area. The repairs to the docks create assessments to the homeowners. Russell Bendell reported he owned property across from the condos, at the tip of the proposed No Wake Zone circle. He felt there was a serious issue. He had children, and when the family was in the water they stay behind the pier to stay safe. He was in favor of the request. Commissioner McClure spoke regarding the No Wake Zone already in existence at the Holloways Church Road bridge and felt the two zones would meet. Barney W. Hill questioned who had filled out the Matrix and spoke regarding sections contradicting each other and the requirements for granting a No Wake Zone. He questioned why the request was being considered by the Board. Kara Cody felt that even in the back of the adjacent cove they experience a great deal of waves because of the traffic in the arm. She felt boating etiquette is no longer being followed, resulting in dangerous situations for residents in the area. There are no seawalls in some areas and there is severe erosion occurring because of the wave issues. She was in support of the request. Ronnie McCalla reported he was a 45-year resident and although he was concerned regarding safety, he felt everything came down to common sense. He did not feel granting the request would be fair to those who lived across the lake, because it would force traffic to the other side. Commissioner Yates noted that was one of the concerns before the Board; it would create many requests, and where would they stop? Skip Chamberlain reported he dealt with a lot of wakes and has also had repair issues with his dock. He felt it was a common-sense issue. He had installed balls/buoys in his area pursuant to allowance by CUBE. He felt allowing the No Wake Zone would create more issues in the area and requested that it not be granted. David Weatherly felt there was plenty of room for boating, but the issue was how close the boats were coming to the docks. He felt that Wildlife indicating the request was viable was enough for the Board to approve. He felt because it was a commercial dock put it in a different light than a private dock. Commissioner Elliott noted one key thing had been spoken on, that society was different than it was years ago, and felt the issue was enforcement of rules already on the books. James Thompson spoke regarding the balls put out by Mr. Chamberlain being illegal pursuant to Wildlife Resources. Mr. Chamberlain reported he had asked the Sheriff’s Patrol and Wildlife Officers in the area who had told him what he had done was permissible. Mr. Bendell spoke regarding existing No Wake Zones and compliance with the markers that are there. He felt the buoys would protect lives. Commissioner Yates pointed out that everyone who lives on the lake has the same issues, but felt No Wake Zones were not the answer; that it was part of living on the lake. Sandy McCalla asked for more Sheriff’s patrols on the lake, feeling No Wake Zones were not the answer.

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Chris Faircloth noted that Wildlife had said it was viable, not recommended, and did not feel the No Wake Zone would work because it would not be heeded. The current laws state that boaters cannot come within 50 feet of a dock. He felt we needed more enforcement, not more No Wake Zones. There being no one else to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. There was discussion by the Board on the No Wake Zone procedures, the contents of the Matrix and the original email from Wildlife Resources. By a vote of 7-0 as follows, the Board denied the request based on the evaluation from Wildlife Resources and the Statutes on the issuance of No Wake Zones. VOTING

Motion by: McClure, Fred Second by: Yates, Todd


Don W. Truell Steve Shell Zak Crotts Chris Elliott Fred McClure Karen Watford Todd Yates



B. Rezoning Request by Cory Albright in Lexington Township Containing .49 acre from RC to HC

Mr. Cornman reported this had been a request by Cory Albright to rezone 49 acres more or less in Lexington Township, Tax Map 321, Lot 32. The property is located on the north side of Arnold Road approximately 200 feet west of the Old US Highway intersection (134 Arnold Road). Rezoning was requested to change from that of RC, Rural Commercial District, to that of HC, Highway Commercial District. Planning Staff had been contacted by the Applicant who reported he had not authorized filing of the Application. Mr. Cornman had received a Notice of Withdrawal signed by Mr. Albright. With the Withdrawal, Mr. Albright would be able to refile in the future. There was no action taken by the Board on this Item.

C. Rezoning Request by Tim Neeves in Thomasville Township Containing 1 acre from RC to CU-CS

Mr. Cornman reported this was a request by Tim Neeves to rezone property in Thomasville Township, Tax Map 315, Lot 112 containing 1 acre more or less. The property is located on the west side of Scenic Way directly south of the Midway School Road Intersection (375 Scenic Way). Rezoning was requested to change from that of RC, Rural Commercial District, to that of CU-CS, Conditional Use Community Shopping District. This was a quasi-judicial request. The Applicant was not present, and there was no one present on behalf of the Applicant. The Applicant had not withdrawn the Application and failed to appear to present his case. Mr. Frye informed the Board that if the Application was dismissed, this matter would not be considered by the Board for at least one year. By a vote of 7-0 as follows, the Application was dismissed for failure of the Applicant to be present.

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Motion by: Yates, Todd Second by: Elliott, Chris


E Don W. Truell Steve Shell Zak Crotts Chris Elliott Fred McClure Karen Watford Todd Yates


D. Rezoning Request by Winston-Salem Storage, LLC in Arcadia Township Containing 1.03 acres from RS/RA-3 to HC

Mr. Cornman reported this was a request by Winston-Salem Storage, LLC to rezone 1.03 acres more or less in Arcadia Township, Tax Map 6A, Lot 27A. The property is located on the south side of Union Grove Road approximately 260 feet east of the N NC Highway 150 intersection (3387 Union Grove Road). Rezoning was requested to change from that of RS, Low Intensity Residential District and RA-3, Rural Agricultural District, to that of HC, Highway Commercial District. It was the recommendation of the Planning Board on October 15, 2019 to recommend approval of the request by a vote of 5-0. The property was shown on a slide (PowerPoint slides included with the original Minutes). The Chairman declared the Public Hearing open. Mr. Nifong reported he owned Winston-Salem Storage and the property immediately to the west. They have acquired property to the east to expand the facility, because they are at capacity. Barney W. Hill reported that Planning Staff had cited Policies 5.4 and 5.7 of the Land Development Plan in support of the request, but the Resolution on Statement of Consistency cited only Policy 5.4, and he asked whether it was an oversight. He felt the area supported the request and asked that it be approved. A copy of Mr. Hill’s remarks is included with the original Minutes. There being no one else to speak, the Chairman closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Cornman reported Staff was recommending approval of the request based on it being reasonable and consistent with the Land Development Plan of the area. Policies 5.4 and 5.7 support the request. The area is growing and the property is contiguous to existing HC. By a vote of 7-0 as follows, the Board rezoned 1.03 acres more or less in Arcadia Township, Tax Map 6A, Lot 27A located on the south side of Union Grove Road approximately 260 feet east of the N NC Highway 150 intersection (3387 Union Grove Road), from that of RS, Low Intensity Residential District and RA-3, Rural Agricultural District, to that of HC, Highway Commercial District. The Board also adopted the Resolution on Statement of Consistency, with the revision that Policy 5.7 be included in the recommendation. VOTING

Motion by: Yates, Todd Second by: McClure, Fred

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E Don W. Truell Steve Shell Zak Crotts Chris Elliott Fred McClure Karen Watford Todd Yates


E. Rezoning Request by Ferrell Loflin Properties, LLC in Jackson Hill Township Containing 28.55 acres from CU-LI to CU-LI (Amend Conditions)

The Chairman declared the Public Hearing open. Mr. Cornman reported this was a request by Ferrell Loflin Properties to amend conditions on property zoned CU-LI, Conditional Use Limited Industrial District. The property is located on the north side of Cranford Road approximately 260 feet east of the Skeen Road intersection, and is further described as Jackson Hill Township, Tax Map 10, Lot 5 containing 28.55 acres more or less and located at the address 1379 Cranford Road. Mr. Cornman reminded the Board that this was a quasi-judicial matter. The Chairman swore in Guy Cornman, Josh Tussey and Greg Loflin. Barney W. Hill was affirmed by Ms. Harris. Mr. Loflin reported Ferrell Loflin Properties is the entity that owns all of the real estate holdings. The property was shown on a slide. He has an engine shop where they build engines, and the Assistant County Manager brought to their attention that the Company had not applied for approval for the use. The Company rebuilds racing engines and does dyno work and in-house tuning. Mr. Cornman had told the Company that it needed to add this portion of the property to the existing Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Cornman reported Planning Staff had been working with Mr. Loflin since 1994, and have been able to accommodate the property uses through the years. He wanted to correct the use by getting the building and area zoned LI and amend the uses for automotive machining. Barney W. Hill spoke regarding a typo in the Planning Board recommendation and requested that the Application be approved. A copy of Mr. Hill’s remarks is included with the original Minutes. There being no one else to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Mr. Cornman reported Staff felt the rezoning request was proper as it was already part of the ongoing fabrication business. Policies 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.7 all lend support to the request. Staff recommended approval. By a vote of 7-0 as follows, the Board rezoned property located on the north side of Cranford Road approximately 260 feet east of the Skeen Road intersection, and further described as Jackson Hill Township, Tax Map 10, Lot 5 containing 28.55 acres more or less and located at the address 1379 Cranford Road to CU-LI. VOTING

Motion by: Crotts, Zak Second by: Elliott, Chris Commissioners YES NO ABSTAIN RECUSE Don W. Truell Steve Shell Zak Crotts Chris Elliott


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Fred McClure Karen Watford Todd Yates


E.1. Conditional Use Permit

Mr. Cornman reported the conditions had remained mainly the same, with the exception that tract number 5 be used for automotive machining. He read through the conditions. By a vote of 7-0 as follows, the Board adopted the following conditions for the Conditional Use Permit.

Conditions for 1379 Cranford Road (Loflin Fabrication)

1. A portion of the tract identified as Tax Parcel 100100000005 will be used for Automotive Machining, including the use of a dyno.

2. The remainder of said tract will be used for a Metal Fabrication and Machine Shop. 3. Establishment of an outside storage area for finished product and recycling materials. 4. Screening to be used along part of the southern property line and western property line to

obstruct the view of said storage area. 5. Scrap metal storage to be located so as not to be visible from Cranford Road. 6. Commercial NCDOT Driveway permit to be obtained to locate a driveway for truck traffic on

the western portion of said property. 7. A berm of 8 feet in height is to be constructed from a point just east of the existing truck exit

on the western property line within 90 days, weather permitting. VOTING

Motion by: Yates, Todd Second by: Shell, Steve Commissioners YES NO ABSTAIN RECUSE Don W. Truell Steve Shell Zak Crotts Chris Elliott Fred McClure Karen Watford Todd Yates



By a vote of 7-0 as follows, the Meeting was adjourned. VOTING

Motion by: Elliott, Chris Second by: Shell, Steve Commissioners YES NO ABSTAIN RECUSE

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Don W. Truell Steve Shell Zak Crotts Chris Elliott Fred McClure Karen Watford Todd Yates


Deborah J. Harris Clerk to the Board

Don Truell, Chairman Davidson County

Board of Commissioners