COTTAGE CHEESE - Home | MSU Libraries

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R ecipesfor MEATLESS MEALS' • ‘Ds& ctcnoi O n * n SALAD COMBINATIONS



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Cottage CheeseLoaf 1 c cottage cheese 2 eggs

1 c chopped,cooked 1 tbsp choppedcarrots

1 c ground peanuts1 c bread crumbs2 tbsp fat

parsleya little onion juice]/2 tsp mustard y*—1 tsp salt

P reparati on: P u t cheese through sieve. Beat eggs lightly and combine all ingredients. Pack the mixture well in a greased loaf pan. Bake in a m oderate oven (350° F.) until well set. T urn out on a p la tter and serve with tom ato sauce (see next recipe) and sprinkle chopped green pepper over the top. Serves six.

Tomato Sauce

P re parati on: Cook tom ato with seasonings for tw enty m inutes. Strain and add soda. M ake a white sauce with the flour, bu tte r and milk. Stir the hot tom ato sauce into it. Serve im m ediately.

1 c tomato 1 slice onion 1 stalk celery bay leaf 1 tsp salt

y i tsp soda 2 tbsp flour 2 tbsp butter 1 c milk


JPuiicbeMi caul SuJ veK dukeò.

lb egg noodles \ x/2 c cottage cheese 5 tbsp melted butter 3 eggs, beaten

slightly y i c sugar

y i c raisins 1 tbsp cornstarch 1 tsp cinnamon salt6 almonds, cut fine

Baked Noodles with

Cottage Cheese

Preparation: Drop noodles into about three quarts of boiling salted water, and boil for twenty minutes. Then place in colander, pour cold water over them and allow to drain. Put cheese thru sieve. Combine remaining ingredients with cheese. Put layer of noodles into a well-greased pudding dish, then layer of well-beaten cheese mixture, then noodles and then cheese until all is used. Be sure top layer is noodles; pour three tbsps. of melted butter over all. Bake in a hot oven until nicely browned.

New Orleans n Pancakes4 eggs y i c flour

1 c cottage cheese 1 tbsp sugar 1 c sour cream y i tsp salt

Preparation: Beat the eggs. Add the cottage cheese and soup cream and beat together. Add remaining ingredients. Beat until thicker than cream. Pour on skillet greased with butter. Serve with jelly or preserves.


JluLtclkem- awl DidierSpanish Souffle

2 tbsp butter 4 tbsp flour 1 c milk 4 eggs

1 c tomato pulp 3 c cottage cheese 1 tbsp onion juice ]/2 tsp salt

P reparatio n: Melt butter, add flour and when well blended, add milk slowly, stirring constantly. Let cook one minute. Remove from fire and beat in one egg yolk at a time. Add tomato pulp, cot­tage cheese, onion juice and salt. Mix well. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into cheese mix­ture. Pour into well-greased baking dish and bake in a hot oven (425 °F.) twenty to twenty-five minutes, until set. Serves six.

Cottage Cheese Potato Cakes

y i c cottage cheese 1 c mashed potatoes, 1 tbsp cream in which seasoned with salt

dissolve y i tsp and parsleybaking soda 1 egg yolk, beaten

2 tbsp bread crumbs slightly

P reparatio n: Mix ingredients. Mold into cakes, roll in corn flour and brown in butter.


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12 slices bread 1 can condensed1 c cottage cheese tomato soup6 tbsp butter y i tsp salt

Cottage Cheese Temptation

1 large green pepper y i tsp pepper

P reparatio n: Trim the crusts from the bread slices. Spread six slices with the cottage cheese and cover with the remaining slices. Place three tbsp. of butter in a skillet and when melted and hot, brown the sandwiches on both sides in it. Remove to a platter and keep hot. Melt one tbsp. of butter in the same frying pan and add the green pepper, seeded and chopped fine. Cook un­til green pepper is tender. Add condensed tomato soup, salt and pepper and pour over the toast. Sprinkle top with cottage cheese and serve hot. Serves six.


P reparatio n: Separate eggs. To beaten yolks add milk, pimento, salt and cottage cheese. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Cook in skillet with one tbsp. butter; brown on top in oven. Serve hot.

2 eggs 2 tbsp milk 2 tbsp ground

)/2 tsp salt 2 tbsp creamed

Creamed Cottage Cheese

Omeletcottage cheese


Cottage Cheese Sausage 1 c cottage cheese

1 c bread crumbs2 tbsp butter y i c chopped

1 tbsp milk Yi tsp soda 1 tbsp onion,

chopped finepeanuts

Y tsp pwd sageY tsp thyme


P reparatio n: Cook the onion in the fat until tender. Dissolve the soda in the milk and work it into the cheese. Mix all of the dry ingredients with the bread crumbs. Mix onion with the cheese and add bread crumbs. Form into cakes, roll in bread crumbs, and fry in deep fat.

Cottage CheeseBalls 1 c cottage cheese Y, tsp Worcester-

^ 3 c dry rye bread shire Saucecrumbs, grated 1 egg



P reparatio n: Beat egg, add other ingredients, form into balls, and fry in deep fat to a golden brown.

ÎMJtAdieaiA, awL Su^iei l)L¿Áe¿

Cottage Cheese and Egg Loaf

3 c cottage cheese4 hard cooked

1 tsp salt buttered bread

eggs crumbs

P reparatio n: Season cottage cheese with salt and onion juice, chives or any other desired seasoning. Pack one cup of cheese into a buttered loaf pan; on this place a layer of the eggs sliced lengthwise, seasoning the eggs. Repeat until in­gredients are used. Cover top with buttered bread crumbs, place in a hot oven (450°F.) about twenty minutes or until heated through.

P reparatio n: Heat the milk, onion, butter and mashed potatoes to the boiling point; then add cottage cheese, season to taste and serve at once. Serves four.

Cottage Cheese Potato Soup

1 pt milk1 onion chopped fine 1 tbsp butter

\}4 c mashedpotatoes

\}4 c cottage cheese


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Cottage Cheese Baked Potatoes

6 baked potatoes 6 tbsp butter 1 c cottage cheese chopped parsley

P reparatio n: Bake potatoes until mealy. Split lengthwise, remove centers, whip lightly with butter and a little cream. Season with salt and pepper and add cottage cheese. Mix together lightly with a fork. Refill potato shells and sprin­kle with finely chopped parsley. Serve at once.

Cottage Cheese and Celery

P reparatio n: Wash crisp celery and separate each stalk. Fill celery stalks with cheese mixture and cut in 3-inch lengths. Garnish with parsley and serve as a relish or salad.

2 c cottage cheese 2 tsp minced capers 1 tbsp pickled beets,

tsp salt2 tbsp minced olives French dressing to

chopped 1 bunch celery

moisten cheese

ÎjAMckeoiA. íW Su^ieA. didizi.

2 c cottage cheese 1 tbsp flour 1 c cooked or

2 eggs1 c corn mealsaltpepper

Cottage Cheese Croquettes

canned peas

P reparatio n: Season cottage cheese with salt and pepper and mix with the flour. Add eggs slightly beaten and lastly, the peas. Mold into the shape of croquettes, dip into egg, slightly beaten, and roll in corn meal. Fry in hot fat. Serve with a cream sauce. If desired 1 c chopped carrots and 1 onion chopped fine may be sub­stituted for the peas.

P reparatio n: Boil eggs hard; cut in half length­wise. Remove the yolks and mash them. Add cot-, tage cheese, pimiento, chopped nuts, the celery and season to taste. If too thick, thin with cream. Refill the egg whites. Garnish platter with parsley.

Cottage Cheese Filled Eggs

6 eggs^ 3 c cottage cheese few chopped walnuts a little celery

chopped fine black pepper pinch salt

1 small pimiento,


lu w À a u i aw l SuuitfieK Didkei.

Cottage Cheese Toast 2 c stewed tomatoes

1 tsp grated onion Yz tsp salt pepper2 tbsp flour

4 tbsp cold water 1 c cottage cheese 6 slices of toast 6 slices of bacon parsley.

P reparatio n: Scald the tomato which has been put through a sieve. Add onion, salt, pepper and thicken with the flour and water which have been rubbed smoothly together into a paste. Cook un­til thick, add cottage cheese and serve at once over slices of toasted bread. Garnish with crisp bacon and parsley.

Celery Stuffed with

Cottage Cheese\Y c cottage cheese 2 tbsp cream Y tsp salt paprika

2 tsp onion juice Y c finely chopped

green pepper celery


P reparatio n: Combine all ingredients except celery. Clean celery stalks and All cavity with mixture. Cut in 3-inch pieces and serve.

V-cuthiu. muL Cooked-lA c sifted bread

crumbs, rolled % c melted butter rind and juice of 1

lemon 3 tbsp flour 1 c sugar

2 eggs2 c cottage cheese ]/2 c milk macel/2 c heavy cream,


Cottage Cheese Custard Cake

P reparatio n: Mix bread crumbs, c sugar and melted butter together and line buttered baking dish. Beat the yolks of the eggs, and cream with y i c sugar, add juice and grated rind of lemon, % tsp salt, cottage cheese and flour blended with the milk. Mix all thoroughly and put through a sieve. Add whipped cream, a dash of mace, mix lightly and fold in egg whites beaten stiff. Pour into crumb-lined baking dish. Sprinkle top with chopped almonds or walnuts. Set in a pan of hot water, and bake in a slow oven (300° F.) for one hour or until set. Serve cold with whipped cream or crushed berries.

3 eggs c sugar

1 c cottage cheese2 c milk

1 c wet shredded cocoanut

1 tsp nutmeg

Cocoanut Cottage Cheese


P reparatio n: Line a deep pie plate with pie crust. Beat eggs slightly, mix with sugar, cheese put through a sieve, milk, cocoanut and nut­meg. Pour into a pastry lined plate and bake as a custard pie in a slow oven.


SaladComfriHolioHs1. Avocado, maraschino cherry, romaine, lime

juice.2. Cantaloupe, peach, pear, dates.3. Honey dew melon with lemon juice, and

ketchup mayonnaise.4. Pineapple, maraschino cherries, dates, walnuts.5. Pineapple, tomatoes, nuts.6. Pineapple, peaches.7. Pineapple, oranges, dates.8. Strawberries, whipped cream mayonnaise.9. Strawberries, oranges and nuts.

10. Blackberries, apples, celery, almonds.11. Cranberries, apples, oranges.12. Apples, nuts.13. Canned pear rolled in ginger snap or maca­

roon crumbs, raisins, nuts.14. Pears, nuts.15. Peaches, green pepper, pimiento.16. Peaches, celery, salted almonds.17. Fresh or preserved figs.18. Cherries, walnuts or pecans, green pepper.

with, Cottage Cheese19. Prunes stuffed with peanut butter, sweet

pickle relish and cream.20. Prunes and lettuce.21. Raisins, dates, nuts, with orange juice.22. Olives, nuts.23. Tomato, almonds.24. Tomato, peas.25. Chives, tomato, endive.26. Cucumber, green onions, lettuce.27. Cucumber, green pepper, celery, chives, and

radishes.28. Cabbage, celery, apples.29. Celery, carrot, lettuce.30. Parsley, nuts, green pepper.31. Hard cooked eggs, salad greens.32. Bacon strips, lettuce.33. Preserved ginger, nuts.34. Dill pickle, onion juice, pimiento.35. Capers, pickled beets, celery, olives.36. Bermuda onion, pimiento, lettuce.37. Dried beef, horseradish, chopped green olives.

/Wue<i caxd Cooked ÜeàoeïULemon

Cottage Cheese Cake

c butter 4 eggs1 tsp lemon juice

and grated rind 1 lemon

2 c cottage cheese

y i c sugar y i c pastry flour y i c cream 3 tbsp fine bread


P reparatio n: Cream butter. Add sugar and cream again. Add unbeaten egg yolks, one at a time, beating after each addition. Add lemon juice and rind. Put the cheese through a sieve and add to flour and cream. Add cheese mixture to the butter mixture and combine thoroughly. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold in. Pour into a deep buttered baking pan dusted with bread crumbs. Bake at 325° F. for about \}4 hours or until firm to the touch. Serve with whipped cream.

Cottage CheeseTorte X c butter6 eggs

2 c cottage cheese 1 c sugar y i c almonds

1 tsp flour 1 tsp vanilla or 1

lemon juice and grated rind

P reparatio n: Cream butter with yolks of eggs and sugar. Add chopped nuts, cottage cheese put through a sieve, flour, flavoring and stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into a buttered, cru mb-lined torte pan and bake at 350° F. 'until firm.

Pa ììm m . oW Cooked dei^JU


3 c cottage cheese 1 c currants H c sugar y i c sweet milk or


P reparatio n: Put cheese through sieve and add milk. Mix well. Add well beaten eggs. Add salt and cinnamon to sugar and add to the cheese mixture. Add currants. Pour in pie shells. Bake at 425° F. for ten minutes, then at 375° F. until custard is set.

2 eggsX tsp cinnamon

tsp salt2 pie tins lined with

rich pastry

Cottage cneese Cake

6 large apples 1 tbsp water 3 tbsp cottage cheese 1 egg white

1 tsp sugar 1 tsp melted butter 1 tsp flour vanilla to suit taste

Baked Apples with

Cottage Cheese

P reparatio n: Wash, dry and core the apples. Scoop out the centers, set in baking dish with a tbsp. of water. Put the cheese through a sieve and mix with the well-beaten egg white. Add sugar, butter, flour and flavoring. Stuff hollow centers of apples with this mixture and bake in oven until apples are done.


Pashies awL Cooked.Cottage Cheese

Custard2 c milk 4 tbsp sugar pinch salt

3 eggs2 c cottage cheese flavoring as desired

P reparatio n: Scald milk, add sugar and salt, then slowly pour over the slightly beaten eggs. Put cottage cheese through a sieve and add to this mixture. Add flavoring. Pour into a but­tered dish, set in a pan of hot water and bake in a moderate oven (350° F.) until custard is firm. If custard is baked too rapidly or too long, in­gredients may separate.

SpicedCottage Cheese 1 c cottage cheesePudding 2 eggs, separated

° 1 c milkY tsp salt y i tsp cinnamon

Yi c sugarY c seeded raisinsY tsp cloves2 slices stale bread


P reparatio n: Cut bread into cubes and line buttered baking dish. Cream the cottage cheese with the sugar and spices, add milk, beaten egg yolks and raisins, and pour over the bread. Bake in a moderate oven (350° F.) as you do a custard. When set, make a meringue of egg whites beaten stiff with 2 tbsp. sugar and brown in the oven.


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1 y i c cottage cheese2 eggs1 c milk 4 tbsp sugar

pinch salt 1 tsp vanilla y i c canned pie


Cottage Cheese Cherry Pie

P reparatio n: Put cottage cheese through the ricer, add the yolks of the eggs well beaten, milk, sugar, salt, vanilla and chopped cherries, and beat thoroughly. Add the beaten whites of the eggs, mix lightly and pour into unbaked pie shell. Bake in a hot oven (450° F.) for ten minutes. Reduce heat to 325° F. for remainder of baking.

pie pastry 2 eggs

c cottage cheese y£ c sugar y i tsp salt y£ c cream

P reparatio n: Beat eggs slightly, add cottage cheese, sugar, salt, cream and lemon rind. Line a pie plate with the pastry dough, put in the apples and sprinkle over with the mixture of sugar, nut­meg and cinnamon. Pour the cheese mixture on top. Bake in a hot oven (425° F.) for ten min­utes, then 350° F. for twenty-five minutes.

1 tsp grated lemon rind

sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon

\y* c very thinly sliced raw apples

DutchCottage Cheese



PxiòtùeA ouul Codeed deààehtà

Cottage Cheese Pumpkin Pie

2 c canned pumpkin3 eggs1K c milk 1 c cottage cheese

tsp salt y i c sugar 1 tsp ginger]/2 tsp cinnamon

P r ep arati on : Beat eggs, add milk, cottage cheese, pumpkin and salt. Mix spices with sugar and stir into the custard. Pour into an unbaked pie shell and bake in a hot oven (450° F.) for ten minutes. Reduce heat to 325° F. and finish baking until custard is set.

Cottage Cheese Butter Cookies

P reparati on : Cream butter, add cheese and cream again. Sift flour and sugar and add to mix­ture, kneading well. Place in refrigerator over night. Roll very thin, cut and brush over with mixture of beaten egg and milk. Sprinkle with nuts and a little granulated sugar. Bake in 400° F. oven until golden brown.

1 c butter % c dry cottage

cheese 4 tbsp flour

1% c flour1 egg1 tbsp milk chopped almonds


PxiòiMe omL daolced DeuehJU

Cottage Cheese Fruit Tarts

l/2 c cottage cheese y$ tsp salt % c butter chopped candied1 c flour fruit

P rep ar at i on : Cream the butter, add the cheese and blend well. Mix in the sifted salt and flour and work until a stiff dough is formed. Chill. Roll out the cheese pastry on a floured board, cutting it in squares or triangles. Place a spoonful of chopped candied fruits in the center of each piece and fold over to form a tart. Bake in a hot oven (450° F.) for fifteen to twenty minutes.

1 c cottage cheese c graham cracker

crumbs 4 tbsp sugar

2 tbsp orange juice % c dates, cut in

quarters% c candied cherries,

cut in half

Cottage Cheese Fruit Roll

P reparati on : Pour orange juice over cut fruit and let it stand while preparing other ingredi­ents. Add sugar, cottage cheese and crumbs to the fruit and mix well. Cover a plate with graham cracker crumbs, rolled fine. Place the mixture on this plate, knead lightly and shape into a long roll, having crumbs enough to give it a bark-like effect. Chill, cut in thick slices and serve with whipped cream.


f.hatm . SüíacU avuL Ve¿¿e\U

Wild Rose Cottage Cheese

Ring 1 can tomato soup 1 tbsp chopped onion ^ 3 c cottage cheese 1 tbsp gelatin

1 c mayonnaise % c chopped celery 1 green pepper 12 ripe olives

P reparatio n: Put onion in soup and heat to the boiling point, add cheese and stir until smooth. Soften the gelatin for five minutes in c of cold water in a bowl. Add the hot mixture to the gela­tin and stir until it is well dissolved. Cool. When it has thickened slightly, add mayonnaise and celery. Cut the green pepper and olives into strips and line the bottom of a ring mold with them. Pour mixture into mold and chill. Serve on lettuce. Very delicious with nut bread.

Cottage Cheese Ring

for Fruit Salad 2 tbsp granulated gelatin

K c cold water 4 c cottage cheese

P reparatio n: Add gelatin to cold water and let stand five minutes, then dissolve by placing over hot water. Cool and stir into the cottage cheese which has been put through a sieve. Pack into an oiled ring mold and chill until firm, then un­mold and serve with fruit salad heaped in the center.


T.h&iei*. ScJlouU and d e b iti.

2 c cottage cheese y c cooked salad

2 c fresh fruit, cut fine

Frozen Fruit Salad with

Cottage Cheesedressing

1 tbsp gelatin1 c heavy cream,


P reparatio n: Soak gelatin in a little cold water and dissolve by setting cup in hot water. Whip cream, combine with cheese put through a sieve, and salad dressing. Line deep freezing pans with this mixture and fill center with fruit. Any com­bination of quartered strawberries, raspberries, bananas or pineapple is delicious. Cover with the salad mixture and freeze for two or three hours. Serve slices on lettuce with a whipped cream dressing.

P reparatio n: Rub inside of bowl with garlic. Chop the green pepper and radishes fine and mash the egg yolk. Mix together and add the cottage cheese, salt, paprika, lemon juice and buttermilk. Pour over hearts of lettuce or any green salad.

1 clove garlic K green pepper2 radishes2 hard-boiled egg

x/ t c buttermilk Y* tsp paprika 6 tbsp cottage cheese 1 tsp salt3 tbsp lemon juice

Cottage Cheese Salad Dressing



î.K&zen Salads and DestetásSea-Foam Salad

ofCottage Cheese

1 small can crushed 1 pkg lime gelatin pineapple 2 c cottage cheese

P reparatio n: To one small can of crushed pine­apple add enough water to make 1 Yi cups. Heat and pour over the contents of a package of lime gelatin, and stir until dissolved. Cool until syrupy, then fold in 2 cups of drained cottage cheese. Pour into a loaf mold and chill. Slice and serve on lettuce topped with mayonnaise or a fruit salad dressing.

Cottage Cheese

P reparatio n: Dissolve gelatin in boiling water and add to cottage cheese. Beat until light and fluffy, season with salt and pepper and add olives, celery, nuts and green pepper. Place in a pan on ice to harden, slice and serve with fruit salad.

Brick2 c cottage cheese 1 tbsp gelatin Yt c boiling water salt

pepper2 tbsp each of

chopped olives, celery, nuts, green pepper


7-<hxvze*t Salads omL deàò&ità

FrozenCottage Cheese

Supreme2 c cottage cheese 1 c chopped nuts 1 c heavy cream

c maple syrup IK c diced


P reparatio n: Blend all the ingredients together and pour at once into a refrigerator freezing tray. Freeze for two or three hours. May be used as a salad or dessert.

FrozenCottage Cheese Maple Pudding

2 c cottage cheese c maple syrup4 bananas, diced 1 c heavy cream,1 c dates, quartered whipped

P reparatio n: Blend all the ingredients together and pour into refrigerator freezing tray. Freeze for two or three hours.


too** REAL FOOD (m. Money

OUR creamed Cottage Cheese is probably the world’s greatest food bargain. Any

meat you can buy costs a great deal more per pound . . . some meats twice as much. Yet Cot­tage Cheese has morz food value per pound than any meat.

Food “value” is the percentage of body-build­ing and energy-renewing elements in a food. Cot­tage Cheese stands higher than any meat . . . think of that! And think how much less it costs per pound!

When you serve any of these Cottage Cheese Surprises at luncheon or supper as a substitute for meat, you are giving your family a real treat in many ways. Not merely saving money. Not merely serving higher value food. You are giving them food that’s easier to digest, more com­pletely digestible, and so deliciously appetizing they’ll ask for more.

The dessert recipes are decidedly worth trying and easily prepared. Our Cottage Cheese adds a flavor that will be appreciated, and again the economy is apparent, especially compared with any desserts equally satisfying. But don’t over­look ease of digestion; you’re sure of that with Cottage Cheese.