CORRUPTION AND CRIME COMMISSION ... October...DUGGAN: Yeah that’s shit I didn’t do anything...

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Transcript of CORRUPTION AND CRIME COMMISSION ... October...DUGGAN: Yeah that’s shit I didn’t do anything...

30/10/15 DUGGAN, N.P.D. XN 1 (Public Examination)

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30/10/15 DUGGAN, N.P.D. XN 2 (Public Examination)

THE COMMISSIONER: Mr Duggan, before you are examined, I would ask you again to take the oath or affirmation. DUGGAN, NICHOLAS PETER DALE sworn: THE COMMISSIONER: Mr Duggan, you have read and understood the notice to witnesses that you have signed?---Yeah. Thank you. I will ask Mr Troy to examine you on my behalf. TROY, MR: Thank you, sir. Mr Duggan, if I can ask you some questions about the start of the year. I think you were in the process of trying to get an R-E-class licence for a motorbike. Is that right? ---Yeah. If you got an R-E-class licence, it would enable you to ride a motorbike up to a certain capacity?---Yeah. Did you take a test in order to get such a licence?---I did take a test, yes. You did?---Yeah. Can you remember now when it was that you took the test? ---I can’t remember, I think it was this year, the start of this year sometime. Where was it that you went to take the test?---I think it was around Midland somewhere. Did you go on your own or with anyone else?---I went there by myself. Did you go there in the morning or the afternoon?---I can’t remember. Have you taken any other motorcycle or driving tests this year?---No. Did you take any tests last year?---I don’t think so. At the start of this year, was it something quite important to you to be able to pass a test so that you could ride a motorbike?---I guess so. You don’t really want to fail, I guess, do you? No, and you were pleased when you did pass?---Yeah. We are now in October and we’re looking back at what happened at the start of the year. Doing the best you can, can you remember now whether it was in the morning or the

afternoon that you took the test?---No. So you went out to Midland on your own. Did you go there on a bike or drive?---I drove there.

30/10/15 DUGGAN, N.P.D. XN 3 (Public Examination)

You drove? In a car?---Yeah. When you got there, were you provided with a bike?---Yeah, I was given a bike. What type of bike was it?---Well, I wouldn’t have a clue. A road bike. A road bike?---Yeah. Do you know what make it was?---No, I wouldn’t have a clue. Or what size it was? You were provided the bike by the person that was going to test you. Is that right?---Yes. Where did you go to meet the person who was going to test you?---I can’t remember the address. It was in Midland somewhere. That’s all I remember. Sorry, it was - - -?---In Midland somewhere. What was it, an official business premises, or someone’s house?---It was like a little office building. That’s all I can really remember about the place. Had you been told where to go to?---Yes. Did you have some piece of paper, for example, that told you where it was that you had to report?---I can’t remember. But it was obviously the case that you didn’t just drive to Midland and just drive around at random. At that time at least, you knew where you were going?---I knew where I was going, but I can’t remember how I knew. I just – I don’t remember too much about doing the test, to tell you the truth. Nor indeed can you remember what type of building it was that you went to?---No. Do you remember at least if you went inside the building to speak to somebody?---I can’t remember. What do you remember about the person who tested you? ---I don’t even remember the person, to tell you the truth. Did you speak to the person who tested you for any length of time before you took the test?---I think I talked to him for a couple of minutes or something about what we were going to do. That was it. Do you remember if the person was male or female?---Male.

Did that person have a motorbike?---Yeah, during the test. During your test?---Yeah.

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Did he follow you around?---Yes. And you drove around Midland?---Yeah. For how long?---About 30 minutes or something. Did he tell you what to do during the course of the test? ---Yeah. At the end of the test, what did he say to you?---I’d passed. Did he give you a form?---I can’t remember. You got some paperwork, did you?---I would’ve, I assume. Did you ever look at the paperwork which you were given? ---Pardon. Did you ever look at the paperwork that you were given? ---I can’t remember. Have you ever been to a place called Dowerin?---I don’t know. Do you know a person called Paul Phillips?---Yeah, I used to work for him. Did you work with him in February of this year?---I don’t think so, no. It wasn’t long ago I worked for him. It wasn’t?---It wasn’t long ago that I worked for him. Did you know him in February of this year?---I don’t think so. Were a member of the same motorcycle group as him?---Yeah. Are you a nominee of the same motorcycle group as him? ---Yeah. Are you a nominee of the Rebels motorcycle group?---Yes. Did you know that he was a member of the Rebels motorcycle group?---Not at the time. Did you ever find out that Mr Phillips at about the same time as you took the test had also passed a test with the same assessor?---No. Did you see Mr Phillips in Midland on the occasion that you went to Midland?---No.

Can I ask you to be shown please document 0186. It will just come up on the screen in just a moment, Mr Duggan. This is a motorcycle on-road assessment score sheet for 6 February of 2015, as we can see. If we just scroll down it a little bit, it has your name on it, I think. Can you

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see that?---Yeah. And also your signature?---Yeah. The assessor’s name is given as Greg, and you can see that it says that you passed the R-E-class. Do you see that? ---Yeah. Do you remember, now having been shown it, whether you would have been given a copy of this document?---I can’t even remember this form, but that is my writing, my signature. We will just go up the page to the top of the page. You can see that the site is said to be Dowerin?---Yeah. Did you ever see a document that suggested that, rather than take the test in Midland, you had actually taken it in Dowerin?---I don’t even remember the form. So you never saw a reference to Dowerin on any form - - -? ---Not that I can recall, no. That can be taken off. Did you ever find out, Mr Duggan, that in addition to you, other people that you knew had been passed by this same assessor that you say passed you in Midland?---No. Did you ever discuss with anyone the fact that they had also taken a test with the same assessor?---No. I ask that call – just before I do that, do you know a person called Alex Veronesi, do you?---Yeah. I will ask that call 3465 is played. Start of TI transcript, call number 3465:

DUGGAN: Don’t sign it mate, don’t sign it. Because

like what happens if you don’t sign it? You

know what I mean? Make them, make them cost

them as much money as possible. You know

what I mean?

VERONESI: But how, how can they prove us wrong Bro

like oh how can they prove us wrong they’ve

got no proof.

DUGGAN: Yeah that’s shit I didn’t do anything wrong.

I went and did my fucken test man. I went

and did my test. I passed it. Fuck ‘em.

VERONESI: We all did man. We all did. Uhm what I


30/10/15 DUGGAN, N.P.D. XN 6 (Public Examination)

VERONESI: was callin’ for was can you let the other

boys know? You know who (indistinct)

DUGGAN: Yeah, yeah they, they already know.

VERONESI: Oh do they?


VERONESI: I don’t think (indistinct) they

DUGGAN: I told them ‘cos I’ve been getting letters

I’ve, well I don’t know if they, I’m pretty

sure they did their test before ours, a

while before that’s why.


DUGGAN: I got to let, I’ll have, I’ll have another

talk with them tonight though but yeah.

VERONESI: They don’t think that I fucken said anything

do they?

DUGGAN: Nah. Nah.

VERONESI: You sure?

DUGGAN: Yeah, yeah one of them thinks maybe ‘cos we

were talkin’ shit on the phone you know what

I mean when they’re, they’re fucked. Our

phones are all fucked.

VERONESI: Oh yep, yep.

DUGGAN: That could be why.

VERONESI: Yeah, yeah oh well fuck everyone from the

past year and a half is getting done.

DUGGAN: Oh really?

VERONESI: Yeah even my brother.

DUGGAN: Fuck. In my letter it said something about


VERONESI: What do you mean?

DUGGAN: Everybody, it says something about everybody

that was done in uhm got a licence during

30/10/15 DUGGAN, N.P.D. XN 7 (Public Examination)

February period or some shit will be getting


End of TI transcript. TROY, MR: Just go back up to the top of the page please. Mr Duggan, that’s a conversation that you had with Alex Veronesi?---Yeah. On 24 July?---Yeah. Do you remember speaking with Mr Veronesi on that day?---I don‘t remember the date or nothing, but I know him, yes. Do you remember this conversation or not?---I don’t really remember the conversation. If we just scroll down a little bit please, we can see there that Mr Veronesi asks you, can you let the other boys know, and say, “They already know”. Do you remember now what you meant by saying, “They already know”?---I can’t even remember what I mean, but it looks like a lot of people were getting done, so let them know they were going to be losing licences. THE COMMISSIONER: Who were the other boys?---People in the club. TROY, MR: Had you received a letter at this stage to tell you that your licence had been revoked or something of that ilk?---I’ve been told I’d be receiving one of these. I haven’t actually seen one myself. Yes, thank you. That can be taken off the screen. In February of this year, did you buy a motorbike?---I’m not sure what date I bought it but I bought a bike this year or the end of last year or something. And at some stage this year, was it issued with a defect notice?---Yes. Was that because it was apparently too loud?---Apparently too loud, yes, but it wasn’t. A defect notice was issued by a police officer?---Yes. And you understood that the way it worked was there would be a certain period in which you had to get whatever fault there was sorted?---Yes. Or you wouldn’t be able to ride the bike?---Yeah. Just to put a date it, I will just show a document to you, Mr Duggan, which is 0175. This is a defect notice which is 7 May. We can see it relates to a Harley and you are the driver, it seems. You see your name?---Yeah.

30/10/15 DUGGAN, N.P.D. XN 8 (Public Examination)

Thanks, and we will just scroll down and there’s a reference to the need to comply with emission controls and, as I say, you are prohibited, according to this notice, from using the vehicle after 1600 hours on 17 May?---Yeah. Until the criteria set out overleaf is met. So we will just scroll up to the top of the page. This is a defect notice that was issued on 7 May and you have got 10 days to deal with what is said to be wrong with your bike. Is that the position?---Yep. So what did you do to try to get something done to the bike so as to get the defect notice removed?---Well, I got someone to do it for me, because I didn’t have a clue. I’d never had a yellow sticker before, so someone I knew – I can’t remember who – took – got it done for me and then I just gave him the money for it. Was that person Alex Veronesi?---I can’t remember who it was, as I said last time I was here. You were without your bike for what, a period of a couple of days, presumably, whilst it was worked on?---I can’t remember. I think so, yeah. But you remember obviously getting a defect notice?---Yeah. You remember, obviously, that there came a stage where work was done that caused the defect to be removed?---Yeah. Because you were able to ride the bike again and you remember, don’t you, a period where you didn’t have the bike for a couple of days whilst it was being worked on? ---I can’t remember. I’d be guessing but - I can’t remember if was a week or a day. I wouldn’t have a clue. I’d be guessing. But there was a period?---There was, yeah. And did you have a number of conversations with Alex Veronesi about him organising someone to take the bike and get the work done on it that would cause it - - -?---I don’t know. - - - to have the defect notice examined?---I can’t remember. I mean, the person that you gave the Harley to was obviously someone that you knew?---Yeah. It was a bike that you had only recently bought?---Yeah.

Yes?---Well, I trust a fair few people, so - - - I’m sure but I’m just wondering who is this particular person?---I can’t remember. I just got some to help me

30/10/15 DUGGAN, N.P.D. XN 9 (Public Examination)

sort it out. It was five months ago. I don’t even remember last week. I would ask that call 1400, one-four-zero-zero, is played, please. Start of TI transcript, call number 1400: VERONESI: Hello. DUGGAN: Yo. VERONESI: Who’s this? DUGGAN: Nic. VERONESI: Eh? DUGGAN: Duggan. VERONESI: Oh what’s goin’ on? DUGGAN: Oh fuck all man. What’re you doin’? VERONESI: Fuck all, just had a wank. DUGGAN: (laughs) You’re fucked. VERONESI: I know …… DUGGAN: I keep forgotting to call you eh and VERONESI: Yeah, you always forget to call me you cunt. DUGGAN: Yeah well you, I’m even further away now eh. VERONESI: Huh? DUGGAN: I’m down in Clarkson now. VERONESI: Whoa. DUGGAN: Yeah. VERONESI: Fuck that. Uhm, I’m, I’m, I’m seeing that

uhm bloke tonight. DUGGAN: Oh yeah, sick cunt. VERONESI: Yeah. I’ll let you know what he says

alright? DUGGAN: Yeah mad Alex, I gotta take some, it’s, it’s

all good like, I’ve, I’ve changed them over. Like it’s all good. I’ve actually changed them already.

VERONESI: Oh everything’s all done?

30/10/15 DUGGAN, N.P.D. XN 10 (Public Examination)

DUGGAN: It’s, yeah it’s just the exhaust which is

all I should need to do. VERONESI: Oh okay then. DUGGAN: So it should be fine now, I VERONESI: Yeah well just don’t DUGGAN: I just don’t even know where to take it. VERONESI: Yeah well I’m seeing him, I’m going to his

workshop soon so I’ll ask him. DUGGAN: Actually find out if I even need to bake it

bro, that’s be sick if I didn’t. It’s expired eh.

VERONESI: Yeah but you might need to take it so you

might need to take it so he can examine it. DUGGAN: Oh yeah yeah yeah. VERONESI: ‘Cos it, it’s illegal not to do it that way,

you know what I mean? DUGGAN: Yeah yeah yeah. Alright. VERONESI: Uhm now DUGGAN: Is it far away? VERONESI: Uhm DUGGAN: ‘Cos I’ll prob VERONESI: Bassendean. DUGGAN: I’ll probably just ride there or VERONESI: Uhm, you can get an extension. DUGGAN: Yeah? VERONESI: Or you can get a permit. DUGGAN: Oh yeah yeah yeah. Actually someone was

saying that. VERONESI: Uhm, I’ll ask him, I’ll ask him when I go

there in about a half hour, forty, alright and I’ll give you a ring back.

DUGGAN: Yeah sweet. Cheers bro. VERONESI: Alright. See ya.

30/10/15 DUGGAN, N.P.D. XN 11 (Public Examination)

DUGGAN: I’ll see ya. End of TI transcript TROY, MR: Mr Duggan, that’s a conversation between you and Alex Veronesi?---Yeah. And we can see that it happens on 28 May of this year. Was that a conversation with Alex Veronesi about your bike? ---Yeah. Now that you’ve listened to that, do you remember the conversation?---I don’t remember the conversation, no, but I understand it. You don’t dispute, obviously, this was you speaking with Alex Veronesi?---Yes, it was me. But you don’t remember it. Do you remember Mr Veronesi said to you during this conversation - towards the top of page 2 or at the top of page 2 he says, “I’m seeing that bloke tonight”? Do you remember him saying that to you? ---I don’t even remember the conversation. That can be taken off. I ask that call 1423 is played. Start of TI transcript, call number 1423: DUGGAN: What’s goin’ on? VERONESI: Hey, who’s this? DUGGAN: Duggan. VERONESI: Oh, what’s goin’ on? DUGGAN: Save my number cunt. VERONESI: Nah, fuck ya. DUGGAN: (laughs) Oh what are you up to? VERONESI: Fuck all. Uhm, spoke to that bloke, was

talkin’, talkin’ to the bloke today about usually one-fifty to two-fifty.

DUGGAN: Oh yeah. And it’s just gotta go up there. VERONESI: Yeah, drive it to Bassendean, uhm, your,

your bike’s not unregistered, is it, just got some stickers that’s expired, yeah?

DUGGAN: Yeah, the sticker’s just expired, yeah. VERONESI: Yeah, one-fifty to two-fifty and he can

bypass, if you want to put your old parts on he’ll bypass that and shit.

30/10/15 DUGGAN, N.P.D. XN 12 (Public Examination)

DUGGAN: True. VERONESI: Yeah. DUGGAN: Okay man I might do that then eh. I can get

a permit to ride up there eh. VERONESI: Yeah. Oh no, if it’s from and to, if it’s

from and to a mechanic’s shop you should be right.

DUGGAN: Oh yeah sick. I might do that’d be sick

bro. VERONESI: Yeah. DUGGAN: These pipes are fucked on it bro, sounds

hell bad man. VERONESI: Yeah …… DUGGAN: Like it sounds like a moped cross dirt bike

bro. VERONESI: Yeah …… thought. DUGGAN: It’s probably ’cos of the tuner but eh ’cos

it’s not tuned to these pipes or something. VERONESI: Yeah, uhm, yeah but he’s gunna call me, he’s

gunna call me today some time to let me know, alright?

DUGGAN: Yeah let us know today ’cos uhm, I’ve

probably just quit the job I’m working at and so while I’ve got some money I wanna get my bike done so I can fucken ride to work, get a new job.

VERONESI: Yeah, alright. I’ll let you know when he

calls me alright? DUGGAN: Alright, sick cunt, cheers bro. Save this

number. I don’t have the other one any more.

VERONESI: Alright, no worries. DUGGAN: Alright, cheers bro. See ya. End of TI transcript TROY, MR: Mr Duggan, again is that a conversation between you and Alex Veronesi?---Yep. On 23 May?---Yes. Having now listened to that, do you remember any of that

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conversation?---I don’t remember the conversation. You don’t remember it. Do you have any idea what it was you were talking about in that conversation?---Sounds like my bike could be fine with the original parts still on it. And the bike is the Harley?---Yes. As you have listened now to two conversations, does it appear to you that it was Alex Veronesi who was the person who organised for your bike to be fixed?---It sounds like it, yes. I’ll just ask that call 1437 is played please. Start of TI transcript, call number 1437: DUGGAN: Yo. VERONESI: What’s goin’ on? DUGGAN: Oh fuck all. About to go to the bottle-o

bro. What are you up to? VERONESI: Oh fuck all. Eh uhm, messaged back uhm,

Tuesday night. DUGGAN: Er, I got club. VERONESI: Yeah. You’re gunna have to drop your bike

off tomorrow, I’ll have to take it down there.

DUGGAN: Oh yeah. What, where is it? VERONESI: Bassendean, like two minutes from my house. DUGGAN: Oh, near yours anyway. Oh yeah. VERONESI: Eh? DUGGAN: Uhm, yeah nah that’s all good. Uhm, what,

could I take it, what’s on it, the handlebars to you or, and

VERONESI: Yeah. Give it to me the way it is. DUGGAN: Yeah alright. Yeah sweet. Alright I’ll,

I’ll try and bring it up uhm, mm, probably Monday night.

VERONESI: If you, if you can DUGGAN: After work. VERONESI: If you can bring it tonight so DUGGAN: Oh I won’t be able to tonight man.

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VERONESI: You can’t tonight? DUGGAN: Nah. VERONESI: Why not? DUGGAN: Uhm, I’m with, you know, tattoo Lukey …… VERONESI: Yeah. DUGGAN: We’re about to go get some drinks and

there’s no way I’ll be driving. VERONESI: Whereabouts is it, in Clarkson now? DUGGAN: Yeah bro. What, is there any way I can take

what’s just on the handlebar to you and then VERONESI: No. DUGGAN: sort of, nah. VERONESI: Sorry we can’t, I can’t do that. DUGGAN: Oh, yeah. Er, nah, it’s all good. How

much? Did he say or VERONESI: Uhm, I’m just, I’m just wait, I’m just

waiting on the price now for him to message me back.

DUGGAN: Oh yeah cheers. VERONESI: And then just give me the cash for the bike

and I’ll get it done and I’ll just pick it up.

DUGGAN: Uhm, what, can I bring it up tomorrow after

work or VERONESI: Yeah whenever. I can come and pick it up if

you want. DUGGAN: Oh that’d be, that’d be alright eh if you

want. Come up for a few drinks or something anyway.

VERONESI: What I’m gunna, I’m gunna come up for a few

drinks and fucken ride, ride back, am I? DUGGAN: Oh, oh yeah (laughs). VERONESI: I can probably pick it up in the van. I’ll

put it in the van. DUGGAN: What, is that alright? How you gunna get it

in the back?

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VERONESI: I got a tail lift in the back. DUGGAN: Hey? VERONESI: I’ve got a tail lift in the van. DUGGAN: True? VERONESI: Yeah …… up. DUGGAN: That’s sweet. VERONESI: If not I’ll just ride it back ’cos I can

ride to the mechanics and shit. DUGGAN: Yeah, yeah do that if you want. VERONESI: Alright. I’ll try and move to yours

tonight. DUGGAN: …… just, just don’t stop. VERONESI: Yeah, if I fucken get there tonight I’ll

get, in time I’ll get the bike. If not, get the ….. after tomorrow alright?

DUGGAN: Yeah sweet bro. Oh just let us know bro. VERONESI: Alright I’ll DUGGAN: …… VERONESI: I’ll message you when I get the price

alright? DUGGAN: Alright cheers bro. VERONESI: Alright see ya. DUGGAN: Alright see ya. End of TI transcript TROY, MR: Mr Duggan, again that’s a conversation between you and Alex Veronesi?---Yeah. Is it a conversation that you remember?---No. No? It’s a conversation that occurred on 24 May. On page 1 when Mr Veronesi at the bottom of the page said to you, “Give it to me the way it is,” that’s obviously a reference to your bike, would you agree?---Yeah.

Did you understand when he obviously said that to you, give it, that is, the bike, to him the way it is, did you understand what he was referring to?---I’m guessing give – give him the bike how it is.

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Without needing to have any work done to it?---Yeah, because it should be fine. Thank you. I’ll ask that call 1453 is played. Start of TI transcript, call number 1453: DUGGAN: What’re you up to bro? VERONESI: Workin’. DUGGAN: True. I just got fucken back from work eh. VERONESI: Fucken …… DUGGAN: Fucken my wrist is fucked bro eh. VERONESI: From what? DUGGAN: Some kinda ’cos it, someone reckoned it’s

’cos from a cold, it could be arthritis sort of thing you know.

VERONESI: …… all day man. DUGGAN: Hey? VERONESI: Playing with your wrist all day bro. DUGGAN: (laughs) Last night, I went for a ride

yesterday with Lukey in the morning. It was freezing, and we went for a ride last night and when I got back it was a bit sore and now, like I went to work with it and bro now it’s fucked bro.

VERONESI: Fucken hell. DUGGAN: Yeah. Uhm, what’s the go tonight? VERONESI: Well, drop your bike off. DUGGAN: What, get it done tomorrow or somethin’? VERONESI: Gets done tomorrow night. DUGGAN: Oh yeah, uhm. VERONESI: I’m going to ride it to him tomorrow

afternoon. DUGGAN: Oh yeah. I’m just trying to think how to

get it up there, uhm. VERONESI: Ride it. DUGGAN: Yeah nah, I, I was thinking that my wrist is

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a bit fucked but I can’t really, I can’t move my fucken wrist back far it’s all swollen and shit. I thought it was broken bro but I didn’t do anything. That’s why I was spinnin’ out. .

VERONESI: What, is it left or right? DUGGAN: Hey? VERONESI: Left wrist or right wrist? DUGGAN: My right wrist bro. VERONESI: Oh, uhm. DUGGAN: It, it’s got, like this morning it wasn’t

that bad man but now it’s swollen as fuck ’cos I been workin’, I can’t move it fuck all bro.

VERONESI: Maybe rub, rub some Deep Heat on it. You

need to get the bike to mine bro so I can bring it to the mechanic.

DUGGAN: Yeah yeah yeah. I can’t even remember how

to get to yours eh. VERONESI: Tell Izzy to fucken follow you then, put it

in her phone. DUGGAN: Hey? VERONESI: Tell Izzy to follow you there. DUGGAN: Yeah yeah yeah yeah. I might even get

someone else to fucken ride it. VERONESI: Hey? DUGGAN: I’ll, I might even get someone else to ride

it there and I’ll just drive. VERONESI: Who? DUGGAN: I dunno yet. Might get Lukey or something

to do it. VERONESI: Yeah. Alright. I’ll, I’ll give you the

address where, where, where I’m gunna be anyway. I’m gunna be down the road from my house. That’s where I’m gunna put it.

DUGGAN: Oh okay cool. Alright sweet. I’ll, I’ll

let you know uhm when, when I sort something out anyway.

VERONESI: Yeah, just make sure you drop it off tonight

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bro otherwise DUGGAN: Yeah I will, yeah I will. VERONESI: And drop the cash off as well. DUGGAN: Yeah nah nah, I will, I’ll definitely drop

it off by tonight. VERONESI: Alright then, let me know. DUGGAN: Yeah sick cunt, cheers bro. VERONESI: Alright, see ya, bye. DUGGAN: See ya. End of TI transcript TROY, MR: Again another conversation between yourself and Mr Veronesi?---Yeah. Do you remember it?---No. It was 25 May it seems and it appears that Mr Veronesi is telling you to drop your bike off that night and that it would be done the following night. Is that right?---I think that’s what it said, yeah. Then the final call that I’ll play, Mr Duggan, is call 1507. Start of TI transcript, call number 1507: VERONESI: Hello. DUGGAN: Hey bro. VERONESI: What’s goin’ on? DUGGAN: Oh fuck all. What’s happenin’? VERONESI: Fuck all. Bike’s done. DUGGAN: Oh yeah sick uhm, uhm what pick it up

tomorrow or something or what? VERONESI: Uhm, you’ve gotta wait for the paperwork to

go through. DUGGAN: Yeah. VERONESI: Earliest tomorrow arvo and latest Thursday

morning you get the paperwork ‘cos you get paperwork for it.

DUGGAN: Oh yeah, sweet as, yeah. Well, I got the

day off tomorrow so

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VERONESI: Alright. He’ll probably let me DUGGAN: maybe …… VERONESI: He’ll let me know tomorrow about 12 lunch

time DUGGAN: Yeah. VERONESI: if, if you can pick it up. If not worst

case Thursday. DUGGAN: Yeah sweet as, that’s all good. VERONESI: But the bike’s in a locked garage and shit,

all cameras and shit and all that. DUGGAN: Yeah. VERONESI: So it’s all safe. DUGGAN: Oh yeah, sick cunt, cheers. VERONESI: I’m just letting you know that the bike’s

done. DUGGAN: Hey? VERONESI: I’m just letting you know that it’s all

done, just waiting on paperwork yet. DUGGAN: Alright, sick cunt. Cheers bro, legend. VERONESI: Alright I’ll let you know when I get the

paperwork. DUGGAN: Alright, sweet man. I’ll talk to you then. VERONESI: Alright see ya. DUGGAN: …… End of TI transcript TROY, MR: That again, Mr Duggan, is a conversation between yourself and Mr Veronesi?---Yes. That’s 26 May. Do you remember the conversation?---No. Is there any particular reason why you don’t remember any of these conversations with Mr Veronesi?---I don’t know. I used to drink a lot back then. I don’t really drink too

much anymore, but back then I used to drink a fair bit. Do you have any idea what the paperwork Mr Veronesi referred to was?---I’m assuming something to do with my yellow sticker.

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So the paperwork that’s necessary to show that it has been examined?---I’m guessing so, yes. So as to remove the yellow sticker?---It’s passed, yeah. Did you in due course have to pay whatever the cost was for this process to Alex Veronesi?---I would of, yes. In cash?---It would have been cash, yes. Do you remember how much it was or not?---No, I can’t remember. Do you have any idea who it was that actually did the work?---No. Have you ever heard of somebody called Leigh Martin?---No. Troy Petriboni?---No. Troy Pintabona?---No. This call which we looked at which explains that the bike is done on 26 May, was it about that time that you got the bike back or can you not remember?---I can’t remember. You can’t remember?---No. Thank you, commissioner. Those are all the questions for the witness. THE COMMISSIONER: Thank you, Mr Duggan. You’re free to go.

(THE WITNESS WITHDREW) TROY, MR: Sir, there are no more witnesses to be called today; just one matter, however. You will recall of course that Allan Jenner gave evidence on Wednesday morning and referred to a witness statement or had a witness statement before him. That has been allocated a bar code and out of a sense of completion it’s probably prudent that it is formally produced. It is bar-coded with four digits that concludes with 1279, so I produce that if I may. THE COMMISSIONER: Very well. TROY, MR: Thank you for that. Sir, as you know that concludes the hearings that will occur this week and the matter will in due course be adjourned to resume on Monday, 9 November. The examinations will resume on that day and it is expected and anticipated that they will occupy the rest of that week, so there will be five more days of

examinations with other witnesses to be called. The adjournment which will now occur between now and then will no doubt provide an opportunity for some witnesses to reflect upon the evidence they have given before the commission this week. I can indicate that the commission

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will consider following other avenues of inquiries as part of this ongoing investigation and I repeat the invitation that I extended at the end of my opening remarks on Wednesday, that if there is anyone with information that is relevant to the lines of inquiry who can come forward and assist, that would continue to be welcomed by the commission. THE COMMISSIONER: Thank you, Mr Troy. We will adjourn this matter until 10 am on Monday week.