Correllian Times Emagazine - Samhain

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  • 8/2/2019 Correllian Times Emagazine - Samhain



  • 8/2/2019 Correllian Times Emagazine - Samhain


    Pagan Parenting Psychic Games

    Subm itted by: M ysticalCeCe Dragonfly

    Children often have excellent natural psychic

    abilities although they are not usually fine-tuned.

    Playing psychic games with your children can helpthe both of you strengthen your psychic abilities.

    Here are a few you may wish to try:


    you need: deck of regular playing cards.

    Shuffle the cards well. Select one card at a time and

    hold it up facing you. For beginners, have your child

    try to determine just the color of the card. As theyadvance, they may be able to visualize the actualcard- it's suit and value.

    To make sure the child is focusing on visualizing thecard, don't look at it yourself until they have made a

    guess at what it is. You may inadvertently send the

    mental picture to them.


    you need: paper, something to draw with.

    Have your child sit down and clear their head of allthoughts. Tell them you are going to think of

    something and that you are going to try and send the

    image to them. Tell your child to draw on the paperwhatever pops into their head. See how it relates to

    what you were projecting.

    *** This is a great game to do in reverse. Have your

    child try to send the image to you.


    you need: an object belonging to your child.(Preferably something they often play with or use).

    Hide the object somewhere in your home. Tell yourchild what you hid and in what room (for beginners).

    Let the child try to sense where it is- be careful

    Pagan Parenting Psychic Games

    not to project to them its location. Help them out by

    telling them if they are getting "hot" or "cold" asthey search for it.


    Younger children may have more difficulty with



    you need: small objects belonging to yourself, other

    family members or your child's friends.

    Have your child hold the object in their dominant

    hand. Tell them to close their eyes and feel theenergy coming off the object. Ask them to tell you

    how the object makes them feel. What other things

    do they sense from it? See if what they say matchesup with the personality and experiences of the

    person who owns it.


    many things about our past, present and future are

    represented in our dreams. Psychic visions oftenoccur during slumber since the conscious mind is at

    rest and not interfering with the sub-conscious.

    You need: journal and pen.

    Upon waking, have your child think about any

    dreams or visions they remember having. While it isfresh in their mind, have them write it down in their

    dream journal. Have them include how it made them

    feel, any sounds they heard, textures or temperature

    they felt.

    Both of you can analyze the dream for meanings.This is a great way to unlock the secrets of yoursubconscious. Have your child look for recurrent

    themes. I have a friend who knows that every time

    water is in her dream, it is a sign of some emotionalissue. Try to pinpoint what symbols mean what in

    your child's dreams.

  • 8/2/2019 Correllian Times Emagazine - Samhain


    Samhain Lore & History

    Submitted by: MysticalCeCe Dragonfly

    Samhain is pronounced sowen, soween, saw-win,saw-vane or sahven, but not sam-hayne.

    Other names for Samhain include Samhuin,Samain, Saman, Oidhche Shamhna, Hallowe'en,

    Halloween, Hallows, Hallowtide, Shadow Fest,Allantide, Third Harvest, Harvest Home,Geimredh, Day of the Dead (Feile na Marbh),

    Feast of the Dead, Spirit Night, Candle Night,

    November Eve, Nutcrack Night, Ancestor Night

    and Apple Fest, Oche Shamhna, All Hallow's Eve,Hallontide, Old Hallomas, Hallowmass,

    Martinmas, Martinmass, Shadowfest, Nos Calan

    Gaeaf, and All Soul's Day.

    October 31 is when many pagans and most witches

    celebrate the Greater Sabbat commonly calledHalloween or Samhain (a corruption of 'Sainfuin-

    sain meaning summer and fuin meaning ending). It

    is a cross quarter day, situated between Autumn

    Equinox and Winter Solstice. Astrologically,Samhain marks the rising of the Pleiades.

    November 1 is the actual date of Samhain but like

    other Celtic derived festivals it is celebrated on itseve. November 1 is New Year's Day for witches,

    as it was for the Babylonians

    The ancient festival of Samhain was held in honorof the Sun God's death and transition to the dark

    lands of the Underworld where he then resided asLord of Death. This was the time that the old

    Celtic peoples came to terms with death and

    pondered on their own meeting with the Dark

    Lord. This day is considered the highest holy dayof most witches. Samhain (Summer's End), is the

    best-known, or most widely used Celtic name for

    this holiday.

    Another day that is thought to be derived fromSanhain is All Soul's Day. This is actually aChristian holiday that was first celebrated in 993

    A.D. Originally the Romans celebrated their

    Ferralia, in February. They visited the graves of

    their relatives to offer up prayers and sacrifices

    were made at bonfires. In trying to

    Samhain Lore & History

    convert the 'heathens" of the time the Church

    decided to change the date of this festival toNovember the second and changed its name to All

    Souls Day.

    This major festival has several aspects. It is

    considered the third (meat) harvest, New Year'sEve, the Day of the Dead (the dead are honored asthey were by the ancient Celts & Egyptians and

    even now in Mexico) and a night that the veil

    between the physical and spiritual worlds is

    thinnest. It is thought that divination is easier andmore powerful, the fairy folk create mischief on

    this night, and that our lost loved ones are nearer to

    us (and thus easier to contact) for this reason. Onereason to contact those who have passed on would

    be to strengthen our karmic ties to them in order to

    be assured we will incarnate in our next life withthem.

    Rituals on this night generally include

    remembering and honoring our loved ones and ourancestors. We may also celebrate reincarnation and

    another tradition is called the "dumb supper". This

    entails that while we feast on all the wonderfulitems available at the last harvest we set a place or

    for our departed family members. You might set

    photos or other mementos upon the table and tell

    stories or jokes and remember wonderful timesshared by you and those who have passed on to

    their next great adventure.

    It is not unusual to ask your ancestors' spirits to aid

    and assist you in whichever form/s of divination

    you prefer to use. Some of most common andoldest forms of scrying used are tarot, fire or

    flame, and mirror. You might also try a dark bowl

    or cauldron filled with liquid, crystals, pendulums,runes, or reading tea leaves. Guided meditations or

    astral travel for the purpose of past life regressionand/or for the purpose of knowing or learningsomething specific from one's ancestors, are very

    successful on this night.

    Also on this night we note the absence the Sun (thegod), who will be reborn at Winter Solstice as the

    Child of Promise. The Crone is

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    Samhain Lore & History

    called upon for comfort; the dying God is

    mourned. The Sun God's power is at it'sweakest, and the Moon Goddess' power is at it's

    strongest. (remember this when doing any

    magickal working on this night or even at thistime of year)

    Some other traditions and customs include:

    Today's trick or treating may come from several

    places and traditions of old. An old Irish peasant

    practice called for going door to door to collectmoney, bread cake, cheese, eggs, butter, nuts,

    apples, etc., in preparation for the festival of St.

    Columb Kill. The custom seems to haveoriginated not with the Irish Celts, but with a


    European custom called souling. Another oldtradition that may be connected to this new one

    was the begging for soul cakes made out of

    square pieces of bread with currants. The more

    soul cakes the beggars would receive, the moreprayers they would promise to say on behalf of

    the dead relatives of the donors. At the time, it

    was believed that the deadremained in limbo for a time after death, and that

    prayer, even by strangers, could expedite a soul's

    passage to heaven. Other's might also beg

    offerings in exchange for prayers for one's self-particularly in exchange for promises of

    prosperity or protection against bad luck.

    Since this is the New Year many find it valuable

    to become introspective, and "soul-search." It is

    a good idea to consider what we have done bothin actions and deeds over the previous year and

    what we might like to change or accomplish in

    the New Year.

    Some Wiccan Samhain rituals include thepractices of writing down on paper all of thenegative things about yourself, or in your life,

    that you'd like to banish, and then burning them

    in a cauldron.

    It is a tradition for some to leave a plate of food

    outside the home of the souls of the dead. A

    candle placed in the window guides

    Samhain Lore & History

    them to the lands of eternal summer, and burying

    apples in the hard-packed earth "feeds" the passedones on their journey.

    Ancient customs, superstitions and traditions:

    In Ireland the festival was known as Samhein, orLa Samon, the Feast of the Sun and peoplegathered at the ritual centers of the tribes, for

    Samhain was the principal calendar feast of the


    Celtic tradition says that all those who die each

    year must wait till Samhain before crossing into

    the spirit world where they will begin their newlives.

    The Irish and the Scots have the ancient custom ofburning black taper candles in all of their windows

    for protection against evil or malignant spirits.

    They also place plates of food and vessels of

    beverage outside their homes, usually by the frontand back doors, to "appease" wandering spirits in

    the hopes of preventing malicious acts by those


    In the country year, Samhain marked the first day

    of winter, when the

    herders led the cattle and sheep down from theirsummer hillside pastures to

    the shelter of stable and byre.

    Late October was the nut harvest for the ancient

    Celts, and also the time for slaughtering those

    animals that were needed for the survival of thepeople who raised them or who might not make it

    through the harsh winter. It was a time to begin

    salting winter's supply of meat. By this time, theharvest fruits, vegetables, and grains had already

    been put away for winter storage.

    The Celts extinguished their fires in their homes

    on Samhain so that all the Celtic tribes could

    relight their fires from the Druidic fire that was

    kept burning in the Middle of Ireland, at Usinach,(Gahagan). In Ireland and Scotland, the custom of

    extinguishing one's home fire and relighting it

    from the festival bonfire has continued into

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    Samhain Lore & History

    In some parts of modern Scotland, young people

    still celebrate by building bonfires on hilltopsand high ground, and then dance around the

    flames. The fire is known as Hallowe'en bleeze,

    and custom once included digging a circulartrench around the fire to symbolize the sun

    The Druids were supposed to believe that theLord of Death gathered all the spirits of the dead

    who had been made to enter the bodies of

    animals as punishment for their sins and

    redistributed them, on Hallowe 'en, the last dayof the Celtic year. It was also believed that the

    spirits of the dead came back to their old haunts

    at this time. Fires were lit to guide them homeand to frighten away evil spirits.

    In Ireland the greatest assembly was the 'Feast ofTara,' focusing on the royal seat of the High

    King as the heart of the sacred land, the point of

    conception for the New Year. In every household

    throughout the country, hearth-fires wereextinguished. All waited for the Druids to light

    the new fire of the year --not at Tara, but at

    Tlachtga, a hill twelve miles to the north-west. Itmarked the burial-place of Tlachtga, daughter of

    the great druid Mogh Ruith, who may once have

    been a goddess in her own right in a former age.

    At one time, as recorded in Glenlyon in 1882,

    every house lit its own bonfire in front of thedoor. Bracken or heather torches were lit from

    this fire and the family walked in procession --

    headed by the father, mother, and each child in

    order of age plus any other relatives living there -three times sunwise around the house, carrying

    this torch in their right hand, to protect the house

    and family, including the livestock, from the evileye, illness or death. After this they threw the

    torches into a heap and started a bonfire aroundwhich they danced. Queen Victoria took part inthis ceremony at Balmoral.

    A farmer sometimes accompanied by his herds

    would circle the boundaries of each field toensure prosperity for the oncoming year. This

    was a throwback to the calendar of the Druids

    who considered that Samhain was the first day ofthe New Year.

    Samhain Lore & History

    An old Belgian Samhain custom was to prepare

    special "Cakes of the Dead" (small white cakes orcookies). A cake was eaten for each spirit honored

    with the belief that the more cakes you ate, the more

    the dead would bless you!

    Stones were buried in the ashes of the fire. These weremarked, as on other occasions, so that they could be

    identified by their owners. When the fire was moored

    the stones were examined for omens.

    In many parts of England, it was believed that the

    ghosts of all persons who were destined to die in the

    coming year could be seen walking through thegraveyards at midnight on Samhain.

    Many of the ghosts that people thought they saw weresaid to be evil. For protection, jack-o-lanterns with

    hideous candle-lit faces were carved out of pumpkins

    and carried as lanterns to scare away the malevolent


    Sweethearts placed a pair of nuts on the fire. If they

    burned quietly they would have a happy marriage butif they sparked it would be a fiery one.

    Of all the turning points of the Celtic year, the gods

    drew near to Earth at Samhain, so many sacrifices andgifts were offered up in thanksgiving for the harvest.

    Personal prayers in the form of objects symbolizingthe wishes of supplicants or ailments to be healed were

    cast into the fire, and at the end of the ceremonies,

    brands were lit from the great fire of Tara to re-kindle

    all the home fires of the tribe, as at Beltane. As theyreceived the flame that marked this time of

    beginnings, people surely felt a sense of

    the kindling of new dreams, projects and hopes for theyear to come.

    After the bonfires had burned out the ashes weresprinkled over the fields to protect them during the

    winter months and, of course, they also improved the

    soil at the same time.

    It is said that lighting a new orange candle at midnight

    on Samhain and allowing it to burn until sunrise will

    bring one good luck, however according to

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    Samhain Lore & History

    an old legend, bad luck will befall those who bake

    bread on this day or journey after sunset.

    Another old Samhain custom was to light a fire on

    the household hearth which would burncontinuously until the first day of the following


    Huge bonfires were also lit on the hilltops at sunset

    in honor of the old Gods and Goddesses, and to

    guide the souls of the dead home to their kin.

    It is said that if you go to a crossroads at

    Halloween and listen to the wind, you will

    learn all the most important things that will befallyou during the next twelve months.

    It was on Samhain that the Celtic Druids talliedtheir livestock and mated their ewes for the coming


    Many people in various parts of the world considerit to be extremely unlucky to look at their

    reflection in a mirror by candlelight on Samhain.

    Many people also believe that mirrors are the

    gateways to the other worlds, and cover mirrors

    with black cloths to keep the gateway closed.

    A burning candle placed inside a hollowed out

    pumpkin or jack-o-lantern on Samhain works tokeep evil spirits and demons at bay.

    For good luck, burn black and orange candles on

    Samhain. Black and Orange are the traditionalcolors of Samhain and Halloween. On this day

    their magickal vibrations are at their peak.

    If a candle should suddenly go out by itself on

    Samhain, as thought being blown out by wind orby breath, this is said to be a sign that a ghost hascome to call.

    Always burn new candles at Samhain to ensure the

    best of luck.

    Likewise, it's s not a good idea to burn Samhain

    candles at any other time of the year. To do so

    Samhain Lore & History

    may cause you to experience bad luck and/or

    strange happenings over which you will have nocontrol.

    Gazing into the flame of a candle on Samhain willenable you to peer into the future.

    It is believed that if a person lights a new orange-colored candle at midnight on Samhain and lets it

    burn until the sun rises, he or she will be the

    recipient of good luck. However, according to an

    old legend from Europe, any person who bakesbread or journeys after sunset on Samhain

    (Halloween) runs the risk of conjuring forth bad

    luck in great abundance.

    And last but not least some Samhain Moon Lore:

    If the moon is new on Samhain, this indicates that

    the coming year will be fertile ground for new

    beginnings to take place, such as the start of a new

    project, a new career, or even a new way ofthinking. For those desiring children, a new moon

    at Samhain is a lucky omen, indicating a new birth

    within a year's time.

    If the moon is waxing on Samhain, this indicates

    good luck throughout the coming year. It also

    indicates growth and an increase of all things thatare positive nature.

    If the moon is full on Samhain, this ensures that

    the powers of all forms of magick and divination

    practiced on this night will be at their greatest. A

    secret wish made at midnight will be realizedwithin the coming year. Do not be surprised if an

    experienced of a psychic nature awaits you in the

    very near future.

    If the moon is waning on Samhain, this can be anomen of either good or bad consequences. It canindicate the elimination of such things as bad

    habits, unhealthy relationships and obstacles

    within the coming year. Or it can point to a

    decrease (such as in one's health) or a loss of somekind soon to take place.

    If the moon is in the dark phase on Samhain, this isbelieved to be a very negative omen. Exercise

    extreme caution in all of your endeavors within the

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    Calendulapatchouli leaves


    Bay Leaf

    Oak LeafTarragon

    2 drops Cinnamon Oil


    Samhain Lore & History

    next twelve months, and it wouldn't hurt to protectyourself by wearing or carrying any type of amulet


    talisman designed to ward off bad luck andmisfortune.

    Samhain Oil and IncenseSubmitted By: MysticalCeCe Dragonfly

    Protection Oil

    1 dram olive oil

    1 dram Patchouli oil

    1 tsp. broken pieces of Mandrake Root1 dram Cinnamon Oil

    3 heaping tsp. coarse sea salt ground very fine1 dram Myrrh Oil

    In a clean metal bowl, mix the olive oil, sea salt, and

    mandrake root. Mix thoroughly with a woodenspoon. Transfer the mixture to a clean sterilized jar.

    Using a dropper, add the essential oils. Swirl the

    essential oils into the base oil/salt/mandrake mixture,

    don't stir. Gently rotate the oil clockwise. Store theoil away from heat, light and moisture in an airtight

    glass bottle.



    Calendulapatchouli leaves


    Bay Leaf

    Samhain Oil and Incense

    Oak LeafTarragon

    2 drops Cinnamon Oil


    Place ingredients in a bowl . The Cinnamon Oil is

    a resin used to bond the ingredients and retainscent. Burn in a safe dish or other burner on aninstant light charcoal briquette.


    1 Part Powdered Allspice

    1 Part Ground Black Pepper2 Parts Clove Powder

    1 Part Myrrh (small resin chunks)

    12 Parts lightly crushed Rose Petals



    1 Part crushed Mugwort Leaves

    1 Part Frankincense Tears (small resin chunks)

    1 Part Myrrh Resin (small chunks)2 Parts crushed Rosemary Leaves


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    Hekate is perhaps one of the most well known

    Goddesses today. She is most commonly associated

    with the Crone aspect of the triple Goddess. In the

    Greek pantheon she completed this trilogy (withPersephone and Demeter forming the rest of the

    triad). Hekate was the daughter of Titans, Perses

    and Asteria. In later times her parentage was givenas Zeus and Hera. The Greeks called her The Hag

    of the Dead. She was also called the most lovely

    one, a title of the Moon.

    Hekate dwelled in the Underworld but had power

    elsewhere. She was a

    Goddess of the Moon, of the Underworld, and ofmagick. Also she was considered the protectress of

    flocks and sailors.

    The owl was her messenger and the willow was her

    tree. She also rode a chariot pulled by dragons.

    Hekate was also considered the Goddess ofcrossroads. She belonged to the class of torch

    bearing deities and was conceived as carrying a

    burning torch to suit the belief that she was thenocturnal Goddess of the Moon and a huntress who

    knew her way into the realm of Spirits. She was

    depicted wearing a gleaming head dress of stars. All

    the secret powers of Nature were at her commandand she had control over birth, life, and death.

    Because of her power in the three areas of nature,heaven and earth, she was represented as a tripleform. She was called the Triple Goddess; The Three

    Phased Moon. She was also depicted as three

    female figures or as one with three animal heads; ahorse, dog, and bear. All wild animals were sacred

    to her.

    Hecates main areas of power were Goddess in theworld of the dead, of night and darkness, Mistress of

    all the witchcraft and black arts. We must remember

    that before Christianity the underworld was not theevil place it is considered to be today. Then, it was

    considered the resting place of the dead.

    During the middle ages, Hekate became known as

    Queen of the Ghost world, or Queen of Witches.

    She especially seemed to be evil by


    Catholic authorities who said the people most

    dangerous to the faith were precisely those whom

    Hekate patronized: the midwives. Her ancientthreefold power was copied by priestly writers

    who reassigned it to their own deity. The threefold

    power of Christ, namely in Heaven, in Earth, andin Hell.

    Hekate was looked upon as a Goddess of fertility,whose torch was carried over freshly sown fields

    to symbolize the fertilizing power of Moonlight.

    In womens agricultural mysteries, her trinity took

    form as Kore, the green corn, Persephone, the ripeear, and Hekate, the harvested corn.

    In later times Hekate took on the form of a pillarcalled Hekterion. One state shows her with three

    heads and six arms bearing three torches and three

    sacred emblems; a key, rope, and dagger. With thekey to the underworld, Hekate unlocks the secrets

    of the occult mysteries and knowledge of afterlife.

    The rope symbolizes the umbilical cord of rebirth

    and renewal. The Dagger or Athame is a symbolof ritual power. Hekate was the protectress of far

    off places, roads, and byways. At night during the

    dark moon, Hekate could be seen walking the roadof Greece with her howling dogs and torches.

    Statues of her stood at crossroads where the

    traveler faced three choices. Food offerings calledHekates Supper were left there late at night on

    the eve of the full moon. The person leaving the

    food walked away without looking back for they

    were afraid to confront the Goddess face to face.This was a way of honoring the Threefold Goddess

    where one could look three ways at once.

    Hekate was accompanied by her dogs, Hermes,

    and her priestesses, Circe and Medea who it is said

    in some historical tellings were Hekates

    daughters. Her dog was her sacred animal and hadbeen offered to her as a sacrifice. The appearance

    of black howling dogs at night meant that Hekatewas near and their barking was the announcing of

    her approach.

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    GODDESS OF THE SABBAT HEKATEHekate and her dogs are said to journey over thegraves of the dead in search for souls of the departed

    and to carry them to refuge in the underworld. She

    also enjoyed the company of the Furies. The Furieswere, in Greek mythology, three terrifying snake-

    haired winged goddesses. Each had a name; Alecto,

    Megaera, and Tisiphone and they mercilesslypunished wrongdoing, especially if committed

    within families. Such offences were of insult,

    disobedience, or violence to a mother.

    Many find that when they are first contacted by

    Hekate and since she is associated with being yet

    another facet of the Goddesses of death, they areoften frightened and concerned by this. Yet, these

    Goddesses come to us to teach us a valuable lesson

    in that all things must end but also all things mustbegin again. Hekate shows us how the Wheel

    continues to turn and death is simply a means to

    rebirth once more.

    By: Silver Spiritwolf

    A Passage of Time

    The day comes and goes as the Sun shines before the

    Moon shows. As the lady rises and the cloak of the

    night encompasses me. I make my self ready for theVail of the fairies to be place and I speak to the land

    that the Dragon may be awake. For I am one with

    the land. My heart races and pounds in my chest asmy hoofs kick up the dust. Feeling the wind through

    gleaming light of the Lady. There, There he stands

    the Lord of the Forest...The Kin of the Land.

    A Passage of Time

    Staring down at young Stag with life's breathsteaming from his nostrils. The Glint of the Lady in

    his eyes and the Wisdom of the Lord upon his

    breath. Everything falls silent, save for the pounding...can you hear it...the

    drums...the beat...the rhythm of the land...the pulse

    of the Divine...

    Then the silence is broken like the sound of thunder.

    The young stag charges the Lord of the forest. The

    muscles ripple on the King Stag as hooves pitch intothe soil. His head lowers with the respect of what is

    to come. It as if the Land and the Mist have

    paused...held breath if you will.

    CLACK!!! The clash of the two stag's antlers as

    they greet one another. The force of their meeting

    sends both bodies up to the watchful Lady. Legskick and antlers lockedthe Strength of the young

    struggles with the skill of wisdom of the old. Blood,mud, sweet, and the smells of emotions. Locked in a

    struggle and a Ancient Rite. Although this will last

    but moments to them it will last a life time. Each

    fraction of minute is years, years that in part wisdomto the young stag, that it will learn. For at this very

    moment both are a live and youngLiving, Feeling

    and Connecting to all of which is Sacred. For it isthat moment when all existence is speeding by in

    which you pausetake a breathand Live of thatwhich no other can give.

    The sounds begin to flow once again. As the King

    lies upon the ground, Breath is shallow and hisliquid life returns to the Land. This is the moment

    that the young stag has waited for. Happy with his

    victory, but sadden as he now realizes his fate. Forwisdom and knowledge has just been passed. The

    young has become older and wiser, lowers his head

    with the respect of his gift received. For now he

    knows that a part of his self has passed.

    Both have just lived and both have just died. Nowthey both live again, with a new vigor he has taken

    his place as the King Stag. What is a King with out

    his Queen and now knowing his fate he must secure

    his immortality. He climbs up the winding spiralpath and old forgotten mountain. There of upon the

    top he finds a meadow radiating with the light of the

    Lady. It is there that he sees and finds his Queen.

    By: Rev. Ambros Thorn

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    The Black Locust Tree

    Groton, Connecticut

    Where she split from the EarthHer splinters up close Her leafy grandeur, once vertical, nowhorizontal

    She now sleeps in pieces in the peace of the

    woodswhere she is home.

    Elizabeth Bull, photographer

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    Spiral Light Witan Shrine Heads WestBy Elizabeth Bull

    In the very early morning hours on Thursday, August 30, 2007, 5 members of Spiral Light Witan

    Shrine were packing and decorating two SUVs for the great trek to Rossville, Illinois for Lustration ofthe Living.

    On the windshield of both SUVs read Goddess Bless and both were adorned with several Correllian

    and Wiccan symbols including the Correllium, Spiral Light Witan Shrines sigil, and representations ofthe Goddess and God. These cars traveled approximately 22 hours through 7 states decorated like this!Once we arrived Illinois, we headed to our hotel in Champaign and then attended activities starting on

    the 31st. We attended Rev. Jacqueline DeGraafs class on Life Passage Rituals and visited with friends

    at Hesychia House.It was a great time of meeting Correllian family and friends.

    As for Lustration itself, we had 2 members attain 2nd

    Degree, Rev. Alyssa Maxon and Rev. Robert

    deMaille, and 1 member, Brandi, dedicated to First Degree studies. In addition, Elizabeth Bull offeredher services as Interpreter for the Deaf for the Lustration ritual itself. A great time was had by all!

    The Correllian Cruiser Our new 2nd Degrees with

    Lord Don and Lady Krystel

    The Screaming Pagans Elizabeth and Lady Krystel

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    Spiral Light Witan Shrine Heads West

    Spiral Light Witan Shrine members Spiral Lights 3D Sigil

    enjoying breakfast at Bob Evans inChampaign

    On a personal note, it was a great pleasure and honor to meet and cook with my First

    Degree Mentor, Rev. Christina Dunn, whos Temple was deemed Full Temple status on thisLustration weekend.

    See you next year at Lustration 2008!

  • 8/2/2019 Correllian Times Emagazine - Samhain



    OBSIDIANBy: Silverspiritwolf

    COLOR: Generally Black

    Truth Stone attuned to Root Chakra

    Stone of Scorpio

    RULED BY: Being a black stone it is ruled by


    ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Capricorn, for in the

    mystery of the darkest night the glory of night

    emerges. Capricorn represents the need forcrossing over the bridge of darkness in order to

    reach the radiation of the Great White Light. The

    conquest of the demons of the self is the goal.

    KEYWORDS: Vigor, strength, stamina,steadfastness, permanence, tenacity, firmness,

    durability, courage, and self control.

    SOBRIETY STONES: 12 Steps of AlcoholicsAnonymous Addiction and Recovery

    4TH STEP STONE: Obsidian helps with the ability

    to see ourselves as we truly are and goes one step

    further. It symbolizes the cosmic night and themysteries of incarnation, a process that many in

    recovery go through in an effort to change theirlives for the better.


    STEP STONE: Obsidian is a very good stone

    for those who feel they have gotten stuck or arestagnant in their own personal growth. It is an

    ego buster and reveals the truth about ourselves

    in a none too gentle manner. Obsidian cutsthrough all our defenses and exposes us naked to

    ourselves. For those of you who thought or think

    that sobriety is getting dull, that Obsidian will jolt

    you into reality!!!!

    A stone that was probably one of the first to be

    used for arrowheads and knives, Obsidian isvolcanic lava cooled quickly. It is a natural glass

    and a stone of protection and well as typifying the

    feminine. Obsidian is a stone of honesty, truth,and sincerity as well as passive, and all concealing.



    Obsidian can help reach into your subconscious to

    assist in reclaiming yourself as well as helping youto find or rediscover yourself through forgotten

    abilities within yourself. It is considered the seed

    ground of infinity as well as the unmanifested andthe unchartered. An old tao teaching states,

    Darkness within Darkness is the Gate to all


    Obsidians mirror like surface reveals its special

    ability to act as a mirror. It will assist you in seeing

    your own flaws honestly. Giving us courage to passbeyond all sight and sound and into the darkness,

    Obsidian is a stone of highest truths which are

    revealed once we do pass beyond and it precedes thelight of the eternal, the void.

    Obsidian helps to prevent negative energies fromaffecting you as well as to help keep your thoughts

    from turning negative; such as beating yourself up,

    and is also a very grounding stone. Its forceful doseof cutting reality can be softened if necessary for shy

    or timid people by combining it with Aventurine,

    Rose Quartz, and Chryssocolla. Another alternative

    is Snowflake Obsidian which has many of the sameproperties but a softer touch.

    Green Obsidian is particularly useful to findingrelease from people who try to draw you into their

    personal crises. It redirects the pulling, draining

    energy to the unlimited field of White Light andgives them access to their own healing without

    drawing energy from you.

    Do a lot of people come to you for assistance?Wearing Green Obsidian will give you an immediate

    sense of lightness and freedom and it will redirect

    these energies away from you.

    It has been known that people in a 12 Step program

    use it or can use it as a powerful tool of change as itaids their desire to alter behavior, change harmful

    communication patterns or over come obsessions.

    This stone is also known as a good 4th

    step stone as itprompts us to Continue to take Inventory.

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    Other uses of Obsidian are:

    Careers: Entrepreneurs, Inventors

    Physical: Relieves pain, circulation. Its

    energies can help those hands and feet that seem tobe constantly cold.

    Being ruled by Saturn in its higher form, it denotesthe mysterious, working within, formless,

    unperceived and unseen.

    Herb of the MonthBy: Rhonda

    (Ocimum basilicum)

    Common Names: Witches herb, Sweet Basil,Alabahaca, St. Josephs Wort,

    Astrological association: Scorpio Planet: Mars

    Basil is a heat loving annual that serves a

    multitude of purposes and is a Must Have for

    any serious herbalist. Basil comes in severaldifferent varieties. Some of which are Dwarf

    Basil, Red Basil, Anise Basil, Cinnamon and

    Lemon Basil, and a few others. It is very easy togrow. Ive got some beautiful Red Basil that came

    from starts I found sprouting in my own yard!!

    A few other neat things Basil does is to keep theair clean and germ-free and it deters flies and


    Magical Properties/Influences: The conscious

    mind The flower essence integrates sexuality andspiritualism. Basil is an extremely versatile herb

    used to cleanse and protect. It is used in spells for

    New Beginnings and Self Initiation, and carried toenhance courage; protection; peace and happiness.

    To clear your mind in order to make sound

    decisions, crush a few leaves and sniff them.

    Youll immediately feel more clear-headed andconfident about decision-making.

    Herb of the Month

    Basil is also used in spells to attract money, makefriends, excel in school or on the job, and in

    prophetic dreaming.

    Medicinal Properties: Basil contains several

    volatile oils, in addition to tannins, which aid incombating indigestion, fatigue, and depression. Itspungent taste initiates the production of saliva. It

    improves the appetite and aids in the flow of bile.

    Basil stimulates the cilia in the nasal passages,

    which in turn, clears the nose of bacteria, allergensand mucus. Basil Tea is great for relieving

    inflammation caused by irritated kidneys and liver.

    You can also make Basil wine, which aids indigestion. As an essential oil, Basil helps clear

    sluggish, congested skin; stops headaches, and keeps

    the sinuses clear.

    Basil has antibacterial properties as well. Drying

    the leaves strengthens the essential oils of the plant.Basil snuff is made by crushing the dried leaves to a

    fine powder to sniff like you would snuff. This is

    supposed to be good for any type of respiratory


    Culinary Uses: Its hard to imagine a more

    pleasant aroma than homemade spaghetti with fresh

    garlic and basil. Basil complements tomatoes, rice,beans, soups, pasta and mozzarella cheese. You can

    save Basil by storing the fresh leaves (wrapped inpaper towels, then in plastic bags and refrigerating it;

    or by pureeing the leaves and saving in ice trays in

    the freezer. You can also dry the basil and store at

    room temperature in a dark place. It will stay freshdried for about 1 year.

    Basil is 1ston the list as one of the Six Great

    Culinary Herbs in Llewellyns 2003 HerbalAlmanac, Alchemy in the Kitchen, by Johnathan

    Keyes. Mr. Keyes offers an in-depth study guide forkitchen alchemy. In 1597 he quotes John Gerardswritings: The smell of basil is good for the heart

    and for the head, that the seede cureth the infirmities

    of the heart, taketh away sorrowfulnesse whichcometh of melancholy, and maketh a man merry and


    May all of you have a Blessed Samhain

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    9 8 7 2 1 4 3 5 6

    5 1 4 6 7 3 2 9 82 3 6 5 9 8 1 7 4

    6 2 5 7 8 1 4 3 9

    7 4 1 9 3 2 8 6 53 9 8 4 6 5 7 1 2

    1 5 3 8 4 9 6 2 7

    4 6 2 3 5 7 9 8 1

    8 7 9 1 2 6 5 4 3

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    1. The Correllian Tradition have two each year one for the Dead and one for the


    3 What aspect of the Goddess do we look to on Samhain5. A time when millions of people were being persecuted, tortured and killed because the

    countries thought they were witches is called the ___________ __________

    7. The seventh sign of the zodiac is____________9. Pagans call Halloween what

    11. There are ________ Major Arcana in most tarot decks

    13. The top of a Witchs hat is _____________________15. The Oak King rules from midwinter to _____________

    17. The very first card in tarot deck is 0 which is the _______

    19. To do a banishing spell you would probably use the moon when it is_______

    21. The 7 colors of the 7 main chakras are red, orange, yellow, green,blue,

    1 2 4


    3 6

    208 21



    7 26


    18 19 14

    15 22

    24 11 16






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    indigo and ________________

    23. One incense to drive away negativity is _______25. Most people will call them ___________ because they do spells

    27. Maiden, Mother, Crone is usually referred to as the____Goddess


    2. A snake that keeps its tail in his mouth is called___________

    4. Children dress in costumes and go house to house hollering _________ __ _________

    6. There are 4 months that there no Sabbats in July, January, April and _________

    8. Many call leaving your body ______________ ____________10. We all have one ________________ ________________

    12. The ninth sign of the zodiac is_________

    14. When the Athame is put into the Chalice it is called the_________ __

    16. There is a board with numbers and alphabet on it, it can conjure spirits, a lot ofpeople find this __________ ________evil

    18. Do as ye will but ________ ________

    20. How many Sabbats are there

    22. Many people sit in a yoga position to _______________24. A day when Pagans get together to show their goods, have an open ritual, many

    people come and buy the goods, they are all over the country it is called___________ ___________ Day

    26. ________ is a nature-based religion found in various countries throughout the world

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    H aunted Salem M ass H aunted Salem M ass H aunted Salem M ass H aunted Salem M ass

    Salems Founder

    Gallows Hill

    Giles & Martha Corey Markers

    Salem Wax Museum

    The Joshua Ward House

    Salem Witch Museum

    Haunted Salem MassNow is the time of Samhain, the time when we

    celebrate the summers end and turn towards the

    Dark half of the year. Now marks the time ofnew beginnings, of divination, and of honoring

    our ancestors. To honor this time, let us journey

    to the birthplace of Americas most terrifying

    instance of religious persecution. Journey

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    Haunted Salem Masswith me to the place where fact and fiction clash inan intricacy of mystery as we explore the ghosts of

    Salem Massachusetts!

    In 1692, Salem suffered under an unconscionable

    and wicked form of manipulation brought about bya clique of juvenile girls. The girls, reportedlyvarying in age from nine to twenty-five, cast

    allegations of witchcraft against both friends and

    foes alike.

    In January 1692, Betty Parris and Abigail

    Williams began acting eccentrically. They would

    experience convulsions and utter horrendousblasphemies. In February, when Dr. William

    Griggs examined the two girls, he could form no

    definite conclusion as to what was ailing them. Asa result, he diagnosed the girls as having been

    bewitched. Before long, more girls in the village,

    including Ann Putnam Jr. and Elizabeth Hubbard,started demonstrating the bizarre symptoms as

    well. The girls blamed three local women of

    having bewitched them after a questionable and

    controversial interrogation conducted by ReverendParris (Betty Parris father); Tituba Indian (a slave

    belonging to Reverend Parris), Sarah Osborne, and

    Sarah Good. In March of 1692, the three

    implicated women were interrogated by CourtMagistrates John Hawthorne and Jonathan Corwin.

    Out of sheer terror, Tituba confessed. In turn,Tituba implicated other local members of the

    community who she said had been making deals

    with the devil. Tituba also validated the

    allegations against Good and Osborne. All threewomen were imprisoned for the crime of

    witchcraft. However, the imprisonment did not

    relieve the girls of their afflictions. They thenaccused Martha Cory of having bewitched them.

    She was interrogated and imprisoned on March 21.Also in March, Ann Putnam Sr. beganexperiencing the maladies and both her and her

    daughter Ann Putnam Jr. accused Rebecca Nurse

    of witchcraft. Nurse was imprisoned on March 24.Sarah Goods four-year-old daughter, Dorcas

    Good was also accused and imprisoned for

    witchcraft. By the end of April, twenty-three more

    locals are are found guilty of witchcraft

    Haunted Salem Mass

    and imprisoned including: George Burroughs,Bridget Bishop, Giles Cory, John and Elizabeth

    Proctor, and Mary and Phillip English. By the

    end of May an additional thirty-nine people areimprisoned. At the beginning of June, Bridget

    Bishop was tried, condemned, and became thefirst person to be hanged on Gallows Hill. OnJune 19, Good, Nurse, Susannah Martin,

    Elizabeth Howe, and Sarah Wildes joined

    Bridget Bishop in her fate. Exactly one month

    later on July 19, John Proctor, John Willard,George Jacobs, and Martha Carrier were also

    hanged. In August, ten more people were

    condemned to death. Nine of them were hangedon September 22, 1692. Giles Cory was crushed

    to death after denying a trial and refusing to

    confess. One hundred and fifty people werewrongfully imprisoned. The infamous witch

    trials came to an end on October 29, 1692, after

    Governor Phips received a letter criticizing thetrials and dissolved the court of Oyer and

    Terminer (a court set up specifically for trying

    people for witchcraft).

    One of Salems most recognized Witch Trial

    victims was Giles Corey. In order to elicit a plea

    from Corey, Sheriff Corwin ordered the placing

    of boards across his body. Heavy stones werethen piled upon Coreys body to force a plea of

    guilty or innocent. Legend has it that as stonescontinued to be piled on the boards covering

    Corey, he refused to plea and would only say

    more weight! Summoning his last breath, it is

    reported that Corey cursed Damn you Sheriff! Icurse you and Salem! It is noted today that

    every last Sheriff from Corwin to the present,

    has passed away while in office or has beenforced into early retirement as the result of a

    heart or blood condition. Corwin himself passedaway in 1696 of a heart attack. What is knowntoday as The Curse of Giles Corey was not just

    aimed at the Sheriff however, but at the entire

    village of Salem. It has been reported that eachtime Salem has witnessed a major tragedy, the

    ghost of Giles Corey was seen shortly before.

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    Haunted Salem MassAlso in Salem, reports of strange phenomena

    occurring on Gallows Hill are commonplace. This

    is attributed to the many souls that werewrongfully put to death there.

    The Hawthorne Hotel's elevator is believed to behaunted as well as the 6th floor is. It is reportedthat a double murder over a lovers quarrel

    occurred there. Could spots can be felt and

    chandeliers sway silently where no breezes canreach them.

    The Joshua Ward House is reported to be hauntedby Sheriff Corwin himself. Located on

    Washington Street, the Joshua Ward House was

    built in the mid 18th century on the foundation

    Sheriff George Corwin's old home. This spot wasalso the site of Corwin's grave as he was buried for

    a time in the cellar of his home. Corwin was

    known as The Strangler as his interrogationtechniques included tying the accuseds necks to

    their ankles until the blood ran from their noses.

    Visitors to the home report experiencing chokingor suffocating sensations while in the building.

    Additionally, a picture being taken of an employee

    sports the image of a woman in a long gray coatwith dark, unkempt hair and her arms held stiffly

    by her sides. One room in particular is the sourceof much paranormal activity. The door is locked

    nightly only to have the room found in themorning with objects spread out across the floor,

    wastebaskets upside down, and lamp shades

    crooked. The candle holders have been foundupside down on the mantle while the candles

    themselves found on the floor bent into s shapes.

    Visit Saint Mary's Cemetery and you might hear

    strange noises or witness a strange white light

    rushing past.

    The Salem Hospital is reportedly haunted by the

    ghost of a woman that died in childbirth there and

    haunts the hallways searching for the child shenever came to hold and love.

    Additionally, the Salem Jail is reported to behaunted by the specters of civil war prisoners who

    were held there.

    Haunted Salem Mass

    It is reported that three roommates were found

    murdered at Salem State College in the 1970s.

    There are accounts of beds being shaken in themiddle of the night and loud banging on the

    walls that can only be heard in that room. Also,

    the spirit of a boy named Tommy is said tohaunt the main stage auditorium. Tommy isallegedly the ghost of a boy that snuck into the

    area above the auditorium and fell through a hole

    in the ceiling in the 1970's. Tommy is reported tobe a mischievous specter - making noises,

    moving things, and playing pranks on the

    students, professors, and maintenance personnel.

    Danvers Hospital is located on what used to be

    the home of Jonathan Hathorne, one of the most

    fanatical judges during the Witch Trial era. Thisenormous red-brick antiquated building has had

    numerous names during the past 129 years. The

    building has long been closed to the public savefor some guided tours due to its rotting hallways

    and deserted tunnels underneath the grounds.

    Footsteps have been reported in the second storyhallways when nobody is upstairs. Doors open

    and close by themselves and lights flicker on and

    off. In the attic, an apparition of an older womanhas been seen angrily scowling at guests.

    Across town is docked the Grampus.

    Originally named the Can-Do, this ghost shipwas initially captained by Frank Quirk. During

    the Blizzard of 1978 when a Coast Guard boat

    became lost, Captain Quirk and his crewvolunteered to embark on a rescue mission. It is

    reported that their last transmission stated that

    the boat was profoundly damaged by a roguewave and that Captain Quirk was gravely

    injured. The bodies of Captain Quirk and his

    crew were found washed up on nearby beaches.One body was reportedly discovered in theengine room when the boat was salvaged.

    Conversations are now reported coming from the

    bow when there is no one aboard the vessel. Thefishermen in nearby towns have made it clear

    that they do not want the Grampus sailing in

    their waters!

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    Haunted Salem MassLocated approximately six miles east of the

    mainland is one of Salem's most haunted regions,

    Baker's Island. This relatively secluded area boastsmarshlands which encase the ponds close to the

    middle of the island. Legend has it that a visitor to

    the island disappeared in these marshes over 100years ago. Her white clad figure can still be seenfrantically searching the paths that connect the

    cottages to one another across the island. Another

    specter common to the island is said to be theghost of Naomi Colyer. Naomi reportedly swam

    out from the island each morning to purchase fresh

    lobsters from the nearby lobster boats. One Augustday, Naomis body was found floating in the sea

    devoid of all life. Witnesses have reported hearing

    clanking sounds which are followed by a shadow

    that places Naomis milk can directly under thewater pump. An unseen hand is said to maneuver

    the pump handle.

    One of Salem's most famous hauntings is that of

    the Lyceum Restaurant. Lyceum Restaurant is

    reported to have been built on the site of BridgetBishop's apple orchard. Bridget Bishop was the

    first person to be executed during the Salem Witch

    Trials in 1692. Her presence is reported to havebeen felt in the restaurant by the employees. The

    aroma of apples has also been reported driftingthroughout the restaurant at unlikely times.

    Salem, Massachusetts is undeniably home to a

    world of haunting mysteries! Pay close attention to

    the murmuring carried on the breezes and you justmay hear the cry of those innocent victims

    condemned to die centuries ago.

    Pleasant Journeys,

    Rev. Azriel

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