Core Democratic Principles and Super heroes What is a principle ?

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Core Democratic Principles and Super heroes What is a principle ?

Core Democratic Principlesand Super heroes

What is a principle ?

The pledge

I pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America.

For which it stands,

One Nation,

Under God,


With liberty,

And Justice,

For all.

What is a principle?

founding principles

• These are ideas and goals that the United States has said we should use to make choices and to use to help guide our State and National Governments & Schools etc.

• Each citizen should also use these Principles in our daily activities.

• Seeking and promoting what’s best for everyone, not just one individual.

• Also known as “Popular Sovereignty”

• The idea: “All for one and one for all!”

Principle 1: the common good

Give an example on how the Pledge

of Allegiance demonstrates the principle of “The Common Good.” What is your favorite superhero?

Spiderman: Fighting for the common good“Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility." This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Spider-man.”

Examples of common good

• Being honest with those you deal with.

• Our nation is founded on the concept of law and ethics. (The concept of right and wrong.)

• “Indivisible”

Principle 2: truth

Define the “American


I'm here to fight for truth, and justice, and the American way.

• Everyone has the right to be treated fairly.

• Americans believe that there is “Justice for All”

• Our legal system is designed to protect people through a system of checks and balances.

• Everyone has a fair chance.

Principle 3: justice

In what way can we honor

justice?“We're seeking justice, Alfred.

How can that ever be a mistake?”

• A feeling of love, pride, and devotion to country.

• To “Pledge Allegiance”

• To the Flag

• United States of America

• To the Republic

• For which it stands

Principle 4: patriotism

What does America

stand for?

“I’m loyal to nothing…except the dream.”

• All have access to the American Dream.

• Legal, political, social, economic equality.

• Everyone has a chance to be successful on the team.

• Everyone is part of “One Nation”

Principle 5: equality

What does it mean to be part of one

Nation?“If we work together you won’t

have to be strong enough.”

• All have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

• The Constitution provides a Bill of Rights.

• Everyone is part of a team that sacrifices for the success and happiness of others.

• “Liberty and justice for all”

Principle 6: individual rights

What are some rights

that are given to us?

“Take a good look. This is what a man looks like who

embraces his destiny.”

• Americans believe in supporting the different cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

• Every belief should be something permissible and desirable for the country.

• “One nation under God, Indivisible.”

Principle 7: diversity

Why are your beliefs important to our country?

“We live in an age of darkness, a world full of fear, hate and

intolerance. But in every age there are those who fight against it.”

VillainsVillains are frequently characters who undermine the Core Democratic Principles. Give an example

When it comes to

citizenship are you a hero or a villain?

7 Core Democratic Principles which one is most important ?

Are there any we could get rid of w/o hurting our country ?

Other American valuesBesides the 7 Core Democratic Principles, there are other values that we promote as a school and as a nation. They include:







Create your superhero• Must represent ONE of the 7 core democratic principles

• Full color with a lot of creativity!

• Must come up with a name for your superhero

• Show which value it represents