Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople

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Transcript of Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople

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The Planet Buyer

by Cordwainer Smith

(First part of Norstrilia Original)


a science-fiction novel by CORDWAINER !ITH "o# Te$%

&y o'n t#(e 'ife% 'it) love


A PYRA!ID BOO*-P(blis)e$+ Octobe# ,./

A s)o#te# ve#sion of t)is boo0 a11ea#e$ in 2ala3y cience fiction fo# A1#il%

,./% (n$e# t)e title4 5T)e Boy W)o Bo(6)t Ol$ Ea#t)5

Co1y#i6)t% 7 ,./ by Co#$'aine# &it)

All Ri6)ts Rese#ve$

P#inte$ in t)e Unite$ tates of A&e#icaPYRA!ID BOO* a#e 1(blis)e$ by Py#a&i$ P(blications% Inc8 /// !a$ison

Aven(e% Ne'

Yo#0% N8 Y8 ,99::% U88A8

Table of Contents


CHAPTER ONE4 At t)e 2ate of t)e 2a#$en of Deat)


CHAPTER THREE4 An6e# of t)e Onsec0 

CHAPTER "OUR4 T)e Ol$ B#o0en T#eas(#es in t)e 2a1 CHAPTER "I;E4 T)e

<(a##el at t)e Dinne# Table CHAPTER I=4 T)e Palace of t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t

CHAPTER E;EN4 T)e Eye U1on t)e 1a##o' CHAPTER EI2HT4 "OE !oney%

AD !oney CHAPTER NINE4 T#a1s% "o#t(nes an$ Watc)e#s CHAPTER TEN4 T)e

 Nea#by E3ile

CHAPTER ELE;EN4 Hos1itality an$ Ent#a1&ent

CHAPTER TWEL;E4 T)e Hi6) 0y "lyin6

EPILO2UE AND CODA T)e&e an$ P#olo6(e

to#y% 1lace an$ ti&e>t)ese a#e t)e essentials8


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T)e sto#y is si&1le8 T)e#e 'as a boy ')o bo(6)t t)e 1lanet Ea#t)8 We 0no'

t)at% to o(# cost8 It only )a11ene$ once% an$ 'e )ave ta0en 1ains t)at it 'ill neve# 

)a11en a6ain8 He ca&e to Ea#t)% 6ot ')at )e 'ante$% an$ 6ot a'ay alive% in a se#ies of 

ve#y #e&a#0able a$vent(#es8 T)at?s t)e sto#y8


T)e 1lace@ T)at?s Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia8 W)at ot)e# 1lace co(l$ it be@ W)e#e else

$o t)e fa#&e#s 1ay ten &illion c#e$its fo# a )an$0e#c)ief% five fo# a bottle of bee#@

W)e#e else $o 1eo1le lea$ 1eacef(l lives% (nto(c)e$ by &ilita#is&% on a 'o#l$ ')ic)

is booby-t#a11e$ 'it) $eat) an$ t)in6s 'o#se t)an $eat)@ Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia )as

st#oon>t)e santacla#a $#(6>an$ &o#e t)an a t)o(san$ ot)e# 1lanets cla&o# fo# it8 B(t

yo( can 6et st#oon only f#o& No#st#ilia>t)at?s ')at t)ey call it% fo# s)o#t>beca(se it is

a vi#(s ')ic) 6#o's on eno#&o(s% &iss)a1en s)ee18 T)e s)ee1 'e#e ta0en f#o& Ea#t)

to sta#t a 1asto#al syste& t)ey en$e$ (1 as t)e 6#eatest of i&a6inable t#eas(#es8 T)e

si&1le fa#&e#s beca&e si&1le billionai#es% b(t t)ey 0e1t t)ei# fa#&in6 'ays8 T)ey

sta#te$ to(6) an$ t)ey 6ot to(6)e#8 Peo1le 6et 1#etty &ean if yo( #ob t)e& an$ )(#tt)e& fo# al&ost t)#ee t)o(san$ yea#s8 T)ey 6et obstinate8 T)ey avoi$ st#an6e#s% e3ce1t

fo# sen$in6 o(t s1ies an$ a ve#y occasional to(#ist8 T)ey $on?t &ess 'it) ot)e# 1eo1le%

an$ t)ey?#e $eat)% $eat) insi$e o(t an$ t(#ne$ ove# t'ice% if yo( &ess 'it) t)e&8

T)en one of t)ei# 0i$s s)o'e$ (1 on Ea#t) an$ bo(6)t it8 T)e ')ole 1lace% loc0%

stoc0 an$ (n$e#1eo1le8

T)at 'as a #eal e&ba##ass&ent fo# Ea#t)8 An$ fo# No#st#ilia% too8

If it )a$ been t)e t'o 6ove#n&ents% No#st#ilia 'o(l$ )ave collecte$ all t)e eye-

teet) on ea#t) an$ sol$ t)e& bac0 at co&1o(n$ inte#est8 T)at?s t)e 'ay No#st#ilians $o

 b(siness8 O# t)ey &i6)t )ave sai$% 50i1 it% cobbe#8 Yo( can 0ee1 yo(# 'et ol$ ball8

We?ve 6ot a nice $#y 'o#l$ of o(# o'n85 T)at?s t)e te&1e# t)ey )ave8 Un1#e$ictable8

B(t a 0i$ )a$ bo(6)t Ea#t)% an$ it 'as )is8

Le6ally )e )a$ t)e #i6)t to 1(&1 (1 t)e (nset Ocean% s)oot it into s1ace% an$

sell 'ate# all ove# t)e in)abite$ 6ala3y8

He $i$n?t8

He 'ante$ so&et)in6 else8

T)e Ea#t) a(t)o#ities t)o(6)t it 'as 6i#ls% so t)ey t#ie$ to t)#o' 6i#ls at )i& of 

all s)a1es% sies% s&ells an$ a6es> all t)e 'ay f#o& yo(n6 la$ies of 6oo$ fa&ily $o'n

to $o6-$e#ive$ (n$e#6i#ls ')o s&elle$ of #o&ance all t)e ti&e% e3ce1t fo# t)e fi#st five&in(tes afte# t)ey )a$ )a$ )ot antise1tic s)o'e#s8 B(t )e $i$n?t 'ant 6i#ls8 He 'ante$

 1osta6e sta&1s8

T)at baffle$ bot) Ea#t) an$ No#st#ilia8 T)e No#st#ilians a#e a )a#$ 1eo1le f#o& a

)a#s) 1lanet% an$ t)ey t)in0 )i6)ly of 1#o1e#ty8 W)y s)o(l$n?t t)ey@ T)ey )ave

&ost of it8 A sto#y li0e t)is co(l$ only )ave sta#te$ in No#st#ilia8

W)at?s No#st#ilia li0e@

o&ebo$y once sin6son6e$ it (1% li0e t)is4

52#ay lay t)e lan$% o)8 2#ay 6#ass f#o& s0y to s0y8 Not nea# t)e 'ei#% $ea#8 Not

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a &o(ntain% lo' o# )i6)>only )ills an$ 6#ay 6#ay8 Watc) t)e $a11le$ $i&1le$

t'in0les bloo&in6 on t)e sta# ba#8

5T)at is No#st#ilia8

5All t)e &($$y 6l(bbe#y is 6one>all t)e 1ove#ty% t)e 'aitin6 an$ t)e 1ain8

Peo1le fo(6)t t)ei# 'ay a'ay% t)ei# 'ay a'ay f#o& &onst#o(s fo#&s8 Peo1le fo(6)t fo# )an$s an$ noses% eyes an$ feet% &an an$ 'o&an8 T)ey 6ot it all bac0 a6ain8 Bac0 t)ey

ca&e f#o& $ayli6)t ni6)t&a#es% cent(#ies ')en &onst#o(s &en% s(c0in6 t)e 'ate# 

a#o(n$ t)e 1ools% $#ea&e$ of bein6 &en a6ain8 T)ey fo(n$ it8 !en t)ey 'e#e a6ain%

a6ain% fa# a'ay f#o& a )o##i$ ')en8

5T)e s)ee1% 1oo# beasties% $i$ not &a0e it8 O(t of t)ei# sic0ness t)ey $istille$

i&&o#tality fo# &an8 W)o says #esea#c) co(l$ $o it@ Resea#c)% bes&i#c)F It 'as a

 1(#e acci$ent8 &ac0 (1 an acci$ent% &an% an$ yo(?ve 6ot it &a$e8

5Bei6e-b#o'n s)ee1 lie on bl(e-6#ay 6#ass ')ile t)e clo($s #(s) 1ast% lo'

ove#)ea$% li0e i#on 1i1es ceilin6in6 t)e 'o#l$8

5Ta0e yo(# 1ic0 of sic0 s)ee1% &an% it?s t)e sic0 t)at 1ays8 neee &e a 1lanet%

&an% o# co(6) &e (1 a s1ot of life-fo#eve#8 If it?s ba#&y t)e#e% ')e#e t)e no$$ies an$

t#olls li0e yo( live% it?s too #i6)t )e#e8

5T)at?s t)e boo0% boy8

5If yo( )aven?t seen it% yo( )aven?t seen No#st#ilia8 If yo( $i$ see it% yo( 'o(l$n?t

 believe it8 If yo( 6ot t)e#e% yo( 'o(l$n?t 6et off alive8

5!ot)e# Hilton?s litt(l 0ittons 'ait fo# yo( $o'n t)e#e8 Little 1ets t)ey a#e% little

little little 1ets8 C(te little t)in6s% t)ey say8 Don?t yo( believe it8 No &an eve# sa'

t)e& an$ 'al0e$ a'ay alive8 Yo( 'on?t eit)e#8 T)at?s t)e final $as)% flas)8 T)at?s t)e

(tte# clobbe#% cobbe#8

5C)a#ts call t)e 1lace Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia85 We can s(11ose t)at t)at is ')at it is



Ti&e4 fi#st cent(#y of t)e Re$iscove#y of !an8 W)en C?&ell live$8

Abo(t t)e ti&e t)ey 1olis)e$ off )ayol% li0e 'i1in6 an a11le on t)e sleeve8

Lon6 $ee1 into o(# o'n ti&e8 "ifteen t)o(san$ yea#s afte# t)e bo&bs 'ent (1

an$ t)e boo& ca&e $o'n on Ol$% Ol$ Ea#t)8

Recent% see@G

W)at )a11ens in t)e sto#y@ Rea$ it8

W)o?s t)e#e@

It sta#ts 'it) Ro$ !cBan>')o )a$ t)e #eal na&e of Ro$e#ic0 "#e$e#ic0 

Ronal$ A#nol$ Willia& !acA#t)(# !cBan8 B(t yo( can?t tell a sto#y if yo( call t)e

&ain 1e#son by a na&e as lon6 as Ro$e#ic0 "#e$e#ic0 Ronal$ A#nol$ Willia&

!acA#t)(# !cBan8 Yo( )ave to $o ')at )is nei6)bo#s $i$>call )i& Ro$ !cBan8

T)e ol$ la$ies al'ays sai$% 5Ro$ !cBan t)e )(n$#e$ an$ fifty-fi#st+5 an$ t)en

si6)e$8 "l(#1 a s(i#t at t)e&% f#ien$s8 We $on?t nee$ n(&be#s8 We 0no' )is fa&ily 'as

$istin6(is)e$8 We 0no' t)e 1oo# 0i$ 'as bo#n to t#o(bles8

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W)y s)o(l$n?t )e )ave t#o(bles@

He 'as bo#n to in)e#it t)e tation of Doo&8 He al&ost faile$ t)e 2a#$en of 


T)e Onsec0 'as afte# )i&8

His fat)e# )a$ $ie$ o(t in t)e $i#ty 1a#t of s1ace% ')e#e 1eo1le neve# fin$ nice

clean $eat)s8 W)en )e 6ot in t#o(ble% )e t#(ste$ )is co&1(te#8

T)e co&1(te# 6a&ble$% an$ it 'on Ea#t)8 He 'ent to Ea#t)8

T)at 'as )isto#y itself>t)at an$ C?&ell besi$e )i&8 At lon6% lon6 last )e 6ot )is

#i6)ts an$ )e ca&e )o&e8 T)at?s t)e sto#y8 E3ce1t fo# t)e $etails8

T)ey follo'8

CHAPTER ONE4 At t)e 2ate of t)e 2a#$en of Deat)

Ro$ !cBan face$ t)e $ay of $ays8 He 0ne' ')at it 'as all abo(t% b(t )e co(l$

not #eally feel it8 He 'on$e#e$ if t)ey )a$ t#an(ilie$ )i& 'it) )alf-#efine$ st#oon% a

 1#o$(ct so #a#e an$ 1#ecio(s t)at it 'as neve#% neve# sol$ off-1lanet8He 0ne' t)at by ni6)tfall )e 'o(l$ be la(6)in6 an$ 6i66lin6 an$ $#oolin6

in one of t)e Dyin6 Roo&s% ')e#e t)e (nfit 'e#e 1(t a'ay to t)in o(t t)e )(&an

 b#ee$% o# else )e 'o(l$ stan$ fo#t) as t)e ol$est lan$)ol$e# on t)e 1lanet% C)ief Hei# to

t)e tation of Doo&8 T)e fa#& )a$ been salva6e$ by )is 6#eat:-6#an$fat)e# ')o )a$

 bo(6)t an ice-aste#oi$% c#as)e$ it into t)e fa#& ove# t)e violent obections of )is

nei6)bo#s% an$ lea#ne$ cleve# t#ic0s 'it) a#tesian 'ells ')ic) 0e1t )is 6#ass 6#o'in6

')ile t)e nei6)bo#s? fiel$s t(#ne$ f#o& 6#ay-6#een to blo'in6 $(st8 T)e !cBans )a$

0e1t t)e sa#castic ol$ na&e fo# t)ei# fa#&in6 station% t)e tation of Doo&8

By ni6)t% Ro$ 0ne'% t)e station 'o(l$ be )is8

O# )e 'o(l$ be $yin6% 6i66lin6 )is 'ay to $eat) in t)e 0illin6 1lace ')e#e

 1eo1le la(6)e$ an$ 6#inne$ an$ #ollic0e$ abo(t ')ile t)ey $ie$8

He fo(n$ )i&self )(&&in6 a bit of a #)y&e t)at )a$ al'ays been a 1a#t of 

t)e t#a$ition of 

Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia4

We 0ill to live% an$ $ie to 6#o'> T)at?s t)e 'ay t)e 'o#l$ &(st 6oF

He?$ been ta(6)t% bone-$ee1% t)at )is o'n 'o#l$ 'as a ve#y s1ecial 'o#l$> 

envie$% love$% )ate$ an$ $#ea$e$ ac#oss t)e 6ala3y8 He 0ne' t)at )e 'as 1a#t of a ve#y

s1ecial 1eo1le8 Ot)e# #aces an$ 0in$s of &en fa#&e$ c#o1s% o# #aise$ foo$% o# $esi6ne$

&ac)ines% an$ &an(fact(#e$ 'ea1ons8 No#st#ilians $i$ none of t)ese t)in6s8 "#o& t)ei# $#y fiel$s% t)ei# s1a#se 'ells% t)ei# eno#&o(s sic0 s)ee1% t)ey #efine$ i&&o#tality itself8

An$ sol$ it fo# a )i6)% )i6) 1#ice8

Ro$ !cBan 'al0e$ a little 'ay into t)e ya#$8 His )o&e lay be)in$ )i&8 It 'as a

lo6 cabin b(ilt o(t of Dai&oni bea&s>bea&s (nc(ttable% (nc)an6eable% soli$ beyon$

all e31ectations of soli$ity8 T)ey )a$ been 1(#c)ase$ as a &atc)e$ set t)i#ty-o$$

 1lanet-)o1s a'ay an$ b#o(6)t to Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia by 1)otosails8 T)e cabin 'as a

fo#t ')ic) co(l$ 'it)stan$ even &ao# 'ea1ons% b(t it 'as still a cabin% si&1le insi$e

an$ 'it) a f#ont ya#$ of sc(ffe$ $(st8 T)e last #e$ bit of $a'n 'as ')itenin6 into $ay8

Ro$ 0ne' t)at )e co(l$ not 6o fa#8

He co(l$ )ea# t)e 'o&en o(t be)in$ t)e )o(se% t)e 0ins'o&en ')o )a$ co&e

to ba#be# an$ 6#oo& )i& fo# t)e t#i(&1)>o# t)e ot)e#8

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T)ey neve# 0ne' )o' &(c) )e 0ne'8 Beca(se of )is affliction% t)ey )a$ t)o(6)t

a#o(n$ )i& fo# yea#s% co(ntin6 on )is tele1at)ic $eafness to be constant8 T#o(ble 'as% it

'asn?t lots of ti&es )e )ea#$ t)in6s ')ic) nobo$y inten$e$ )i& to )ea#8 He even

#e&e&be#e$ t)e sa$ little 1oe& t)ey )a$ abo(t t)e yo(n6 1eo1le ')o faile$ to 1ass t)e

test fo# one #eason o# anot)e# an$ )a$ to 6o to t)e Dyin6 Ho(se instea$ of co&in6 fo#t)as No#st#ilian citiens an$ f(lly #eco6nie$ s(bects of He#- !aesty-t)e-<(een8

No#st#ilians )a$ not )a$ a #eal (een fo# so&e fifteen t)o(san$ yea#s% b(t t)ey 'e#e

st#on6 on t#a$ition an$ $i$ not let &e#e facts bo66le t)e&8 Ho' $i$ t)e little 1oe& #(n%

5T)is is t)e )o(se of t)e lon6 a6o+ 5@ In its o'n 6loo&y 'ay it 'as c)ee#f(l8

He e#ase$ )is o'n foot1#int f#o& t)e $(st an$ s($$enly )e #e&e&be#e$ t)e

')ole t)in68 He c)ante$ it softly to )i&self4

T)is is t)e )o(se of t)e lon6 a6o%

W)e#e t)e ol$ ones &(#&(# an en$less 'oe% W)e#e t)e 1ain of ti&e is an act(al

 1ain% At t)e 2ate of t)e 2a#$en of Deat)

An$ t)in6s once 0no'n al'ays co&e a6ain8 O(t in t)e 6a#$en of $eat)% o(# 


Have taste$ t)e valiant taste of fea#% Wit) &(sc(la# a#& an$ #ec0less ton6(e%

T)ey )ave 'on% an$ lost% an$ esca1e$ (s )e#e8 T)is is t)e )o(se of t)e lon6 a6o8

T)ose ')o $ie yo(n6 $o not ente# )e#e% T)ose livin6 on 0no' t)at )ell is nea#%

T)e ol$ ones ')o s(ffe# )ave 'ille$ it so8 O(t in t)e 6a#$en of $eat)% t)e ol$

Loo0 'it) a'e on t)e yo(n6 an$ bol$8

It 'as all #i6)t to say t)at t)ey loo0e$ 'it) a'e at t)e yo(n6 an$ bol$% b(t )e

)a$n?t &et a 1e#son yet ')o $i$ not 1#efe# life to $eat)8 He?$ )ea#$ abo(t 1eo1le ')oc)ose $eat)>of co(#se )e )a$>')o )a$n?t@ B(t t)e e31e#ience 'as t)i#$-)an$% fo(#t)-

)an$% fift)-)an$8

He 0ne' t)at so&e 1eo1le )a$ sai$ of )i& t)at )e 'o(l$ be bette# off $ea$% (st

 beca(se )e )a$ neve# lea#ne$ to co&&(nicate tele1at)ically an$ )a$ to (se ol$ s1o0en

'o#$s li0e o(t'o#l$e#s o# ba#ba#ians8

Ro$ )i&self ce#tainly $i$n?t t)in0 )e 'o(l$ be bette# $ea$8

In$ee$% )e so&eti&es loo0e$ at no#&al 1eo1le an$ 'on$e#e$ )o' t)ey

&ana6e$ to 6o t)#o(6) life 'it) t)e constant silly c)atte# of ot)e# 1eo1le?s t)o(6)ts

#(nnin6 t)#o(6) t)ei# &in$s8 In t)e ti&es t)at )is &in$ lifte$% so t)at )e co(l$5)ie#5 fo# a ')ile% )e 0ne' t)at )(n$#e$s o# t)o(san$s of &in$s #attle$ in on )i&

'it) (nbea#able cla#ity )e co(l$ even 5)ie#5 t)e &in$s t)at t)o(6)t t)ey )a$ t)ei# 

tele1at)ic s)iel$s (18 T)en% in a little ')ile% t)e &e#cif(l clo($ of )is )an$ica1

ca&e $o'n on )is &in$ a6ain an$ )e )a$ a $ee1 (ni(e 1#ivacy ')ic) eve#ybo$y on

Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia s)o(l$ )ave envie$8

His co&1(te# )a$ sai$ to )i& once% 5T)e 'o#$s )ie# an$ s1ie0 a#e co##(1tions

of t)e 'o#$s )ea# an$ s1ea08 T)ey a#e al'ays 1#ono(nce$ in t)e secon$ #isin6 tone of 

voice% as t)o(6) yo( 'e#e as0in6 a (estion (n$e# t)e 1#ess(#e of a&(se&ent an$

ala#&% if yo( say t)e 'o#$s 'it) yo(# voice8

T)ey #efe# only to tele1at)ic co&&(nications bet'een 1e#sons o# bet'een 1e#sons an$ (n$e#1eo1le85

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5W)at a#e (n$e#1eo1le@5 )e )a$ as0e$8

5Ani&als &o$ifie$ to s1ea0% to (n$e#stan$% an$ (s(ally to loo0 li0e &en8 T)ey

$iffe# f#o& ce#eb#ocente#e$ #obots in t)at t)e #obots a#e b(ilt a#o(n$ an act(al ani&al

&in$% b(t a#e &ec)anical an$ elect#onic #elays% ')ile (n$e#1eo1le a#e co&1ose$

enti#ely of Ea#t)-$e#ive$ livin6 tiss(e85

5W)y )aven?t I eve# seen one@5

5T)ey a#e not allo'e$ on No#st#ilia at all% (nless t)ey a#e in t)e se#vice of t)e

$efense establis)&ents of t)e Co&&on'ealt)85

5W)y a#e 'e calle$ a Co&&on'ealt)% ')en all t)e ot)e# 1laces a#e calle$

'o#l$s o# 1lanets@5

5Beca(se yo( 1eo1le a#e s(bects of t)e <(een of En6lan$85 5W)o is t)e <(een

of En6lan$@5

5)e 'as an Ea#t) #(le# in t)e !ost Ancient Days% &o#e t)an fifteen t)o(san$

yea#s a6o85 5W)e#e is s)e no'@55I sai$%5 sai$ t)e co&1(te#% 5t)at it 'as fifteen t)o(san$ yea#s a6o85

5I 0no' it%5 Ro$ )a$ insiste$% 5b(t if t)e#e )asn?t been any <(een of En6lan$ fo# 

fifteen t)o(san$ yea#s% )o' can 'e be )e# s(bects@5

5I 0no' t)e ans'e# in )(&an 'o#$s%5 t)e #e1ly )a$ been f#o& t)e f#ien$ly #e$

&ac)ine% 5b(t since it &a0es no sense to &e% I s)all )ave to (ote it to yo( as 1eo1le

tol$ it to &e8 ?)e bloo$y 'ell &i6)t t(#n (1 one of t)ese $ays8 W)o 0no's@ T)is is

Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia o(t )e#e a&on6 t)e sta#s an$ 'e can $as)e$ 'ell 'ait fo# o(# o'n

<(een8? )e &i6)t )ave been off on a t#i1 ')en Ol$ Ea#t) 'ent so(#85 T)e co&1(te# 

)a$ cl(c0e$ a fe' ti&es in its o$$ ancient voice an$ )a$ t)en sai$ )o1ef(lly% in its

toneless voice% 5Co(l$ yo( #estate t)at so t)at I co(l$ 1#o6#a& it as 1a#t of &y


5It $oesn?t &ean &(c) to &e8 Ne3t ti&e I can )ie# ot)e# &in$s t)in0in6 I?ll t#y to

 1ic0 it o(t of so&ebo$y else?s )ea$85

T)at )a$ been abo(t a yea# a6o% an$ Ro$ )a$ neve# #(n ac#oss t)e ans'e#8 Last

ni6)t )e )a$ as0e$ t)e co&1(te# a &o#e (#6ent (estion4

5Will I $ie to&o##o'@5

5<(estion i##elevant8 No ans'e# available85 5Co&1(te#F5 )e )a$ s)o(te$% 5yo(

0no' I love yo(85 5Yo( say so85

5I sta#te$ yo(# )isto#ical asse&bly (1 afte# #e1ai#in6 yo(% ')en t)at 1a#t )a$ been t)in0less fo# )(n$#e$s of yea#s85


5I c#a'le$ $o'n into t)is cave an$ fo(n$ t)e 1e#sonal cont#ols% ')e#e

6#eat,/-6#an$fat)e# )a$ left t)e& ')en t)ey beca&e obsolete85


5I?& 6oin6 to $ie to&o##o' an$ yo( 'on?t even be so##y85 5I $i$ not say t)at%5

sai$ t)e co&1(te#8

5Don?t yo( ca#e@5

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5I 'as not 1#o6#a&&e$ fo# e&otion8 ince yo( yo(#self #e1ai#e$ &e% Ro$% yo(

o(6)t to 0no' t)at I a& t)e only all-&ec)anical co&1(te# f(nctionin6 in t)is 1a#t of t)e

6ala3y8 I a& s(#e t)at if I )a$ e&otions I 'o(l$ be ve#y so##y in$ee$8 It is an

e3t#e&e 1#obability% since yo( a#e &y only co&1anion8 B(t I $o not )ave e&otions8 I

)ave n(&be#s% facts% lan6(a6e% an$ &e&o#y>t)at is all85

5W)at is t)e 1#obability% t)en% t)at I 'ill $ie to&o##o' in t)e 2i66le Roo&@5

5T)at is not t)e #i6)t na&e8 It is t)e Dyin6 Ho(se85

5All #i6)t% t)en% t)e Dyin6 Ho(se85

5T)e ($6&ent on yo( 'ill be a conte&1o#a#y )(&an ($6&ent base$ (1on

e&otions8 ince I

$o not 0no' t)e in$ivi$(als conce#ne$% I cannot &a0e a 1#e$iction of any val(e

at all85 5W)at $o yo( t)in0 is 6oin6 to )a11en to &e% co&1(te#@5

5I $o not #eally t)in0% I #es1on$8 I )ave no in1(t on t)at to1ic85

5Do yo( 0no' anyt)in6 at all abo(t &y life an$ $eat) to&o##o'@ I 0no' I

can?t s1ie0 'it) &y &in$% b(t I )ave to &a0e so(n$s 'it) &y &o(t) instea$8 W)ys)o(l$ t)ey 0ill &e fo# t)at@5

5I $o not 0no' t)e 1eo1le conce#ne$ an$ t)e#efo#e I $o not 0no' t)e #easons%5

t)e co&1(te# )a$ #e1lie$% 5b(t I 0no' t)e )isto#y of Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia $o'n to

yo(# 6#eat,/-6#an$fat)e#?s ti&e85

5Tell &e t)at% t)en%5 Ro$ )a$ sai$8 He )a$ s(atte$ in t)e cave ')ic) )e

)a$ $iscove#e$% listenin6 to t)e fo#6otten set of co&1(te# cont#ols ')ic) )e )a$

#e1ai#e$% an$ )a$ )ea#$ a6ain t)e sto#y of Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia as )is 6#eat,/-

6#an$fat)e# )a$ (n$e#stoo$ it8 t#i11e$ of 1e#sonal na&es an$ act(al $ates% it 'as a

si&1le sto#y8

T)is &o#nin6 )is life )(n6 on it8

 No#st#ilia )a$ to t)in o(t its 1eo1le if it 'e#e 6oin6 to 0ee1 its Ol$ Ol$ Ea#t)

c)a#acte# an$ be anot)e# A(st#alia% o(t a&on6 t)e sta#s8 Ot)e#'ise t)e fiel$s 'o(l$ fill

(1% t)e $ese#ts t(#n into a1a#t&ent )o(ses% t)e s)ee1 $ie in cella#s (n$e# en$less 0ennels

fo# c#o'$e$ an$ (seless 1eo1le8 No Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian 'ante$ t)at to )a11en% ')en

)e co(l$ 0ee1 c)a#acte#% i&&o#tality% an$ 'ealt)

 >in t)at 1a#tic(la# o#$e# of i&1o#tance8 It 'o(l$ be cont#a#y to t)e te&1e#a&ent

of No#st#ilia8

T)e si&1le c)a#acte# of No#st#ilia 'as i&&(table>as i&&(table as anyt)in6

o(t a&on6 t)e sta#s8 T)is ancient Co&&on'ealt) 'as t)e only )(&an instit(tion ol$e# t)an t)e Inst#(&entality8

T)e sto#y 'as si&1le% t)e 'ay t)e co&1(te#?s clea# lon6-ci#c(ite$ b#ain )a$

so#te$ it o(t8 Ta0e a fa#&e# c(lt(#e st#ai6)t off Ol$ Ol$ Ea#t)>!an)o&e itself8

P(t t)e c(lt(#e on a #e&ote 1lanet8

To(c) it 'it) 1#os1e#ity an$ bli6)t it 'it) $#o(6)t8

Teac) it sic0ness% $efo#&ity% )a#$i)oo$8 !a0e it lea#n 1ove#ty so ba$ t)at &en

sol$ one c)il$ to b(y anot)e# c)il$ t)e $#in0 of 'ate# ')ic) 'o(l$ 6ive it an e3t#a

$ay of life ')ile t)e $#ills ')i##e$ $ee1 into t)e $#y #oc0% loo0in6 fo# 'etness8

Teac) t)at c(lt(#e t)#ift% &e$icine% sc)ola#s)i1% 1ain% s(#vival8

2ive t)ose 1eo1le t)e lessons of 1ove#ty% 'a#% 6#ief% 6#ee$% &a6nani&ity%

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 8/185

 1iety% )o1e an$ $es1ai# by t(#n8

Let t)e c(lt(#e s(#vive8

(#vive $isease% $efo#&ity% $es1ai#% $esolation% aban$on&ent8 T)en 6ive it t)e

)a11iest acci$ent in t)e )isto#y of ti&e8

O(t of s)ee1-sic0ness ca&e infinite #ic)es% t)e santacla#a $#(6 o# 5st#oon5

')ic) 1#olon6e$ )(&an life in$efinitely8

P#olon6e$ it>b(t 'it) (ee# si$e-effects% so t)at &ost No#st#ilians 1#efe##e$ to

$ie in a t)o(san$ yea#s o# so8

 No#st#ilia 'as conv(lse$ by t)e $iscove#y8 o 'as eve#y ot)e# in)abite$ 'o#l$8

B(t t)e $#(6 co(l$ not be synt)esie$% 1a#allele$% $(1licate$8 It 'as so&et)in6

')ic) co(l$ be obtaine$ only f#o& t)e sic0 s)ee1 on t)e Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian 1lains8

Robbe#s an$ 6ove#n&ents t#ie$ to steal t)e $#(68 No' an$ t)en t)ey s(ccee$e$%

lon6 a6o% b(t t)ey )a$n?t &a$e it since t)e ti&e of Ro$?s 6#eat,-6#an$fat)e#8T)ey )a$ t#ie$ to steal t)e sic0 s)ee18

eve#al )a$ been ta0en off t)e 1lanet8 T)e "o(#t) Battle of Ne' Alice% in

')ic) )alf t)e &enfol0 of No#st#ilia )a$ $ie$ beatin6 off t)e B#i6)t E&1i#e% )a$ le$ to

t)e loss of t'o of t)e sic0 s)ee1>one fe&ale an$ one &ale8 T)e B#i6)t E&1i#e

t)o(6)t it )a$ 'on8 It )a$n?t8 T)e s)ee1 6ot 'ell% 1#o$(ce$ )ealt)y la&bs% e3($e$ no

&o#e st#oon% an$ $ie$8 T)e B#i6)t E&1i#e )a$ 1ai$ fo(# battle fleets fo# a col$bo3 f(ll

of &(tton8 T)e &ono1oly #e&aine$ in No#st#ilia8

T)e No#st#ilians e31o#te$ t)e santacla#a $#(6% an$ t)ey 1(t t)e e31o#t on a

syste&atic basis8 T)ey ac)ieve$ al&ost infinite #ic)es8

T)e 1oo#est &an on No#st#ilia 'as al'ays #ic)e# t)an t)e #ic)est &an any')e#e

else% e&1e#o#s an$ con(e#o#s incl($e$8 Eve#y fa#& )an$ ea#ne$ at least a )(n$#e$

Ea#t) &e6ac#e$its a $ay>&eas(#e$ in #eal &oney on Ol$ Ea#t)% not in 1a1e# ')ic) )a$

to t#avel at a stee1 a#bit#a6e8

B(t t)e No#st#ilians &a$e t)ei# c)oice4 t)e c)oice> To #e&ain t)e&selves8

T)ey ta3e$ t)e&selves bac0 into si&1licity8

L(3(#y 6oo$s 6ot a ta3 of :9%999%999J8 "o# t)e 1#ice of fifty 1alaces on

Oly&1ia% yo( co(l$ i&1o#t a )an$0e#c)ief into No#st#ilia8 A 1ai# of s)oes% lan$e$% cost

t)e 1#ice of a )(n$#e$ yac)ts in o#bit8 All &ac)ines 'e#e 1#o)ibite$% e3ce1t fo# $efense

an$ t)e $#(6-6at)e#in68 Un$e#1eo1le 'e#e neve# &a$e on No#st#ilia% an$ i&1o#te$ only by t)e $efense a(t)o#ity fo# to1 sec#et #easons8 Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia #e&aine$ si&1le%

 1ionee#% fie#ce% o1en8

!any fa&ilies e&i6#ate$ to enoy t)ei# 'ealt) t)ey co(l$ not #et(#n8

B(t t)e 1o1(lation 1#oble& #e&aine$% even 'it) t)e ta3ation an$ si&1licity an$

)a#$ 'o#08 C(tbac0% t)en>c(t bac0 1eo1le if yo( &(st8

B(t )o'% ')o&% ')e#e@ Bi#t) cont#ol>beastly8 te#iliation>in)(&an%

(n&anly% (nB#itis)8 T)is last 'as an ancient 'o#$ &eanin6 5ve#y ba$ in$ee$85

By fa&ilies% t)en8 Let t)e fa&ilies )ave t)e c)il$#en8 Let t)e Co&&on'ealt)

test t)e& at si3teen8 If t)ey #an (n$e# t)e stan$a#$s% sen$ t)e& to a )a11y% )a11y $eat)8

B(t ')at abo(t t)e fa&ilies@ Yo( can?t 'i1e a fa&ily o(t% not in a

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conse#vative fa#&e# society% ')en t)e nei6)bo#s a#e fol0 ')o )ave fo(6)t an$ $ie$

 besi$e yo( fo# a )(n$#e$ 6ene#ations8 T)e R(le of E3ce1tions ca&e8 Any fa&ily ')ic)

#eac)e$ t)e en$ of its line co(l$ )ave t)e last s(#vivin6 )ei# #e1#ocesse$>(1 to fo(# 

ti&es8 If )e faile$% it 'as t)e Dyin6 Ho(se% an$ a $esi6nate$ a$o1te$ )ei# f#o& anot)e# 

fa&ily too0 ove# t)e na&e an$ t)e estate8

Ot)e#'ise t)ei# s(#vivo#s 'o(l$ )ave 6one on% in t)is cent(#y a $oen% in t)at

cent(#y t'enty8 oon No#st#ilia 'o(l$ )ave been $ivi$e$ into t'o classes% t)e so(n$

ones an$ a 1#ivile6e$ class of 

)e#e$ita#y f#ea0s8 T)is t)ey co(l$ not stan$% not ')ile t)e s1ace a#o(n$ t)e&

stan0 of $an6e#% not ')en &en a )(n$#e$ 'o#l$s a'ay $#ea&e$ an$ $ie$ ')ile t)in0in6

of )o' to #ob t)e st#oon8 T)ey )a$ to be fi6)te#s an$ c)ose not to be sol$ie#s o# 

e&1e#o#s8 T)e#efo#e t)ey )a$ to be fit% ale#t% )ealt)y% cleve#% si&1le an$ &o#al8 T)ey

)a$ to be bette# t)an any 1ossible ene&y o# any 1ossible co&bination of ene&ies8

T)ey &a$e it8

Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia beca&e t)e to(6)est% b#i6)test% si&1lest 'o#l$ in t)e 6ala3y8

One by one% 'it)o(t 'ea1ons% No#st#ilians co(l$ to(# t)e ot)e# 'o#l$ an$ 0ill al&ost

anyt)in6 ')ic) attac0e$ t)e&8 2ove#n&ents fea#e$ t)e&8 O#$ina#y 1eo1le )ate$ t)e&

o# 'o#s)i11e$ t)e&8 Off-'o#l$ &en eye$ t)ei# 'o&en (ee#ly8 T)e Inst#(&entality left

t)e& alone% o# $efen$e$ t)e& 'it)o(t lettin6 t)e No#st#ilians 0no' t)ey )a$ been

$efen$e$8 As in t)e case of Ra(&so6% ')o b#o(6)t )is ')ole 'o#l$ to a $eat) of 

cance# an$ volcanoes% beca(se t)e 2ol$en )i1 st#(c0 once8

 No#st#ilian &ot)e#s lea#ne$ to stan$ by 'it) $#y eyes ')en t)ei# c)il$#en%

(ne31ecte$ly $#(66e$ if t)ey faile$ t)e tests% $#oole$ 'it) 1leas(#e an$ 'ent 6i66lin6

a'ay to t)ei# $eat)s8

T)e s1ace an$ s(bs1ace a#o(n$ No#st#ilia beca&e stic0y% s1a#0y 'it) t)e

&(lti1licity of t)ei# $efenses8 Bi6 o(t$oo#sy &en saile$ tiny fi6)tin6 c#aft a#o(n$ t)e

a11#oac)es to Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia8 W)en 1eo1le &et t)e& in o(t1o#ts% t)ey al'ays

t)o(6)t t)at No#st#ilians loo0e$ si&1le t)e loo0s 'e#e a sna#e an$ a $el(sion8 T)e

 No#st#ilians )a$ been con$itione$ by t)o(san$s of yea#s of (n1#ovo0e$ attac08 T)ey

loo0e$ as si&1le as s)ee1 b(t t)ei# &in$s 'e#e as s(btle as se#1ents8

An$ no'>Ro$ !cBan8

T)e last )ei#% t)e ve#y last )ei#% of t)ei# 1#o($est ol$ fa&ily )a$ been fo(n$ a

)alf-f#ea08 He 'as no#&al eno(6) by Ea#t) stan$a#$s% b(t by No#st#ilian &eas(#e )e

'as ina$e(ate8 He 'as a ba$% ba$ tele1at)8 He co(l$ not be co(nte$ on to )ie#8!ost of t)e ti&e ot)e# 1eo1le co(l$ not t#ans&it into )is &in$ at all t)ey co(l$ not

even #ea$ it8 All t)ey 6ot 'as a fie#y b(bble an$ a $(ll f( of &eanin6less s(b-

se&e&es% f#actions of t)o(6)t ')ic) a$$e$ (1 to less t)an not)in68 An$ on s1ie0in6% )e

'as 'o#se8 He co(l$ not tal0 'it) )is &in$ at all8 No' an$ t)en )e t#ans&itte$8 W)en

)e $i$% t)e nei6)bo#s #an fo# cove#8 If it 'as an6e#% a bloo$y sc#ea&in6 #oa# al&ost

 blotte$ o(t t)ei# conscio(snesses 'it) a #a6e as soli$ an$ #e$ as &eat )an6in6 in a

sla(6)te#)o(se8 If )e 'as )a11y% it 'as 'o#se8 His )a11iness% ')ic) )e t#ans&itte$

'it)o(t 0no'in6 it% )a$ t)e $ist#activeness of a s1ee$-sa' c(ttin6 into $ia&on$-6#aine$

#oc08 His )a11iness $#ille$ into 1eo1le 'it) an initial sense of 1leas(#e% follo'e$ #a1i$ly

 by ac(te $isco&fo#t an$ t)e s($$en 'is) t)at all t)ei# o'n teet) 'o(l$ fall o(t4 t)e teet)

)a$ t(#ne$ into s1(&in6 ')i#ls of #a'% (n(alifie$ $isco&fo#t8

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T)ey $i$ not 0no' )is bi66est 1e#sonal sec#et8 T)ey s(s1ecte$ t)at )e co(l$

)ie# no' an$ t)en 'it)o(t bein6 able to cont#ol it8 T)ey $i$ not 0no' t)at ')en )e $i$

)ie#% )e co(l$ )ie# eve#yt)in6 fo# &iles a#o(n$ 'it) &ic#osco1ic $etail an$

telesco1ic #an6e8 His tele1at)ic inta0e% ')en it $i$ 'o#0% 'ent #i6)t t)#o(6) ot)e# 

 1eo1le?s &in$-s)iel$s as t)o(6) t)ey $i$ not e3ist8 If so&e of t)e 'o&en in t)e fa#&s

a#o(n$ t)e tation of Doo& 0ne' ')at )e )a$ acci$entally 1ee1e$ o(t of t)ei# &in$s%t)ey 'o(l$ )ave bl(s)e$ t)e #est of t)ei# lives8 As a #es(lt% Ro$ !cBan )a$ a f#i6)tf(l

a&o(nt of (nso#te$ 0no'le$6e ')ic) $i$ not (ite fit to6et)e#8

P#evio(s co&&ittees )a$ neit)e# a'a#$e$ )i& t)e tation of Doo& no# sent )i&

off to t)e 6i66le $eat)8 T)ey )a$ a11#eciate$ )is intelli6ence% )is (ic0 'it% )is

eno#&o(s 1)ysical st#en6t)8 B(t t)ey #e&aine$ 'o##ie$ abo(t )is tele1at)ic )an$ica18

T)#ee ti&es befo#e )e )a$ been ($6e$8 T)#ee ti&es8

An$ t)#ee ti&es ($6&ent )a$ been s(s1en$e$8 T)ey )a$ c)osen t)e lesse# 

c#(elty an$ )a$ sent )i& not to $eat)% b(t to a ne' baby)oo$ an$ a f#es)

(1b#in6in6% )o1in6 t)at t)e tele1at)ic ca1acity of )is &in$ 'o(l$ nat(#ally soa# (1 to

t)e No#st#ilian no#&al8 T)ey )a$ (n$e#esti&ate$ )i&8

He 0ne' it8

T)an0s to t)e eaves$#o11in6 ')ic) )e co(l$ not cont#ol% )e (n$e#stoo$ bits

an$ 1ieces of ')at 'as )a11enin6% even t)o(6) nobo$y )a$ eve# tol$ )i& t)e

#ational ')ys an$ )o's of t)e 1#ocess8

It 'as a 6loo&y b(t co&1ose$ bi6 boy ')o 6ave t)e $(st of )is o'n f#ont

ya#$ one last (seless 0ic0% ')o t(#ne$ bac0 into t)e cabin% 'al0in6 #i6)t t)#o(6) to

t)e &ain #oo& to t)e #ea# $oo# an$ t)e bac0 ya#$% an$ ')o 6#eete$ )is 0ins'o&en

 1olitely eno(6) as t)ey% )i$in6 t)ei# ac)in6 )ea#ts% 1#e1a#e$ to $#ess )i& (1 fo# )is

t#ial8 T)ey $i$ not 'ant t)e c)il$ to be (1set% even t)o(6) )e 'as as bi6 as a &an an$

s)o'e$ &o#e co&1os(#e t)an $i$ &ost a$(lt &en8 T)ey 'ante$ to )i$e t)e fea#f(l t#(t)

f#o& )i&8 Ho' co(l$ t)ey )el1 it@

He al#ea$y 0ne'8

B(t )e 1#eten$e$ )e $i$n?t8

Co#$ially eno(6)% (st sca#e$ eno(6) b(t not too &(c)% )e sai$4

5W)at )o% a(ntieF Hello% co(sin8 !o#nin6% !a#ibel8 He#e?s yo(# s)ee18 C(##y

)i& (1 an$ t#i& )i& fo# t)e livestoc0 co&1etition8 Do I 6et a #in6 in &y nose o# a bo'

#ibbon a#o(n$ &y nec0@5One o# t'o of t)e yo(n6 ones la(6)e$% b(t )is ol$est 5a(nt5>act(ally a

fo(#t) co(sin% &a##ie$ into anot)e# fa&ily>1ointe$ se#io(sly an$ cal&ly at a c)ai# in

t)e ya#$ an$ sai$4 5Do sit $o'n% Ro$e#ic08 T)is is a se#io(s occasion an$ 'e (s(ally $o

not tal0 ')ile 1#e1a#ations a#e 6oin6 on85

)e bit )e# lo'e# li1 an$ t)en s)e a$$e$% not as t)o(6) s)e 'ante$ to

f#i6)ten )i& b(t beca(se s)e 'ante$ to i&1#ess )i&4

5T)e ;ice-c)ai#&an 'ill be )e#e to$ay85

5T)e ;ice-c)ai#&an5 'as t)e )ea$ of t)e 6ove#n&ent t)e#e )a$ been no

C)ai#&an of t)e Te&1o#a#y Co&&on'ealt) 2ove#n&ent fo# so&e t)o(san$s of yea#s8 No#st#ilians $i$ not li0e 1os) an$ t)ey t)o(6)t t)at 5vice-c)ai#&an5 'as )i6) eno(6)

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fo# any one &an to 6o8 Besi$es% it 0e1t t)e off'o#l$e#s 6(essin68

Ro$ 'as not i&1#esse$8 He )a$ seen t)e &an8 It 'as in one of )is #a#e &o&ents

of b#oa$ )ie#in6% an$ )e fo(n$ t)at t)e &in$ of t)e ;ice-c)ai#&an 'as f(ll of n(&be#s

an$ )o#ses% t)e #es(lts of eve#y )o#se #ace fo# t)#ee )(n$#e$ an$ t'enty yea#s% an$ t)e

 1#oection fo#'a#$ of si3 1#obable )o#se #aces in t)e ne3t t'o yea#s8

5Yes% a(ntie%5 )e sai$8

5Don?t b#ay all t)e ti&e to$ay8 Yo( $on?t )ave to (se yo(# voice fo# little

t)in6s li0e sayin6 yes8 K(st no$ yo(# )ea$8 It 'ill &a0e a &(c) bette# i&1#ession85

He sta#te$ to ans'e#% b(t 6(l1e$ an$ no$$e$ instea$8 )e san0 t)e co&b into )is

t)ic0 yello' )ai#8

Anot)e# one of t)e 'o&en% al&ost a 6i#l% b#o(6)t (1 a s&all table an$ a basin8

He co(l$ tell f#o& )e# e31#ession t)at s)e 'as s1ie0in6 to )i&% b(t t)is 'as one of t)e

ti&es in ')ic) )e co(l$ not )ie# at all8

T)e a(nt 6ave )is )ai# a 1a#tic(la#ly fie#ce t(6 (st as t)e 6i#l too0 )is )an$8 He$i$ not 0no' ')at s)e &eant to $o8 He yan0e$ )is )an$ bac08

T)e basin fell off t)e s&all table8 Only t)en $i$ )e #ealie t)at it 'as &e#ely

soa1y 'ate# fo# a &anic(#e8

5I a& so##y%5 )e sai$ even to )i&% )is voice so(n$e$ li0e a b#ay8 "o# a &o&ent

)e felt t)e fie#ce #(s) of )(&iliation an$ self-)ate8

T)ey s)o(l$ 0ill &e% )e t)o(6)t+ By t)e ti&e t)e s(n 6oes $o'n I?ll be in t)e

2i66le Roo&% la(6)in6 an$ la(6)in6 befo#e t)e &e$icine &a0es &y b#ains boil a'ay8

He )a$ #e1#oac)e$ )i&self8

T)e t'o 'o&en )a$ sai$ not)in68 T)e a(nt )a$ 'al0e$ a'ay to 6et so&e

s)a&1oo% an$ t)e 6i#l 'as #et(#nin6 'it) a 1itc)e#% to #efill t)e basin8

He loo0e$ $i#ectly into )e# eyes% an$ s)e into )is8

5I 'ant yo(%5 s)e sai$% ve#y clea#ly% ve#y (ietly% an$ 'it) a s&ile ')ic) see&e$

ine31licable to )i&8

5W)at fo#@5 sai$ )e% e(ally (ietly8

5K(st yo(%5 s)e sai$8 5I 'ant yo( fo# &yself8 Yo(?#e 6oin6 to live85

5Yo(?#e Lavinia% &y co(sin%5 sai$ )e% as t)o(6) $iscove#in6 it fo# t)e fi#st ti&e85)-)-)%5 sai$ t)e 6i#l8 5)e?s co&in6 bac085

W)en t)e 6i#l )a$ settle$ $o'n to 6ettin6 )is fin6e#nails #eally clean% an$ t)e

a(nt )a$ #(bbe$ so&et)in6 li0e s)ee1-$i1 into )is )ai#% Ro$ be6an to feel )a11y8 His

&oo$ c)an6e$ f#o& t)e in$iffe#ence ')ic) )e )a$ been 1#eten$in6 to )i&self8 It

 beca&e a #eal in$iffe#ence to )is fate% an easy acce1tance of t)e 6#ay s0y above )i&%

t)e $(ll #ollin6 ea#t) belo'8 He )a$ a fea#>a little tiny fea#% so s&all t)at it &i6)t )ave

see&e$ to be a &i$6et 1et in a &iniat(#e ca6e>#(nnin6 a#o(n$ t)e insi$e of )is

t)in0in68 It 'as not t)e fea# t)at )e 'o(l$ $ie4 so&e)o' )e s($$enly acce1te$ )is

c)ances an$ #e&e&be#e$ )o' &any ot)e# 1eo1le )a$ )a$ to ta0e t)e sa&e 1lay 'it)

fo#t(ne8 T)is little fea# 'as so&et)in6 else% t)e $#ea$ t)at )e &i6)t not be)ave )i&self 

 1#o1e#ly if t)ey $i$ tell )i& to $ie8

B(t t)en% )e t)o(6)t% I $on?t )ave to 'o##y8 Ne6ative is neve# a 'o#$>(st a

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)y1o$e#&ic% so t)at t)e fi#st ba$ ne's t)e victi& )as is )is o'n e3cite$% )a11y la(6)8

Wit) t)is f(nny 1eace of &in$% )is )ie#in6 s($$enly lifte$8

He co(l$ not see t)e 2a#$en of Deat)% b(t )e co(l$ loo0 into t)e &in$s ten$in6

it it 'as a )(6e van )i$$en (st beyon$ t)e ne3t #oll of )ills% ')e#e t)ey (se$ to 0ee1

Ol$ Billy% t)e ,%99-ton #a&8 He co(l$ )ea# t)e clatte# of voices in t)e little to'nei6)teen 0ilo&ete#s a'ay8 An$ )e co(l$ loo0 #i6)t into Lavinia?s &in$8

It 'as a 1ict(#e of )i&self8 B(t ')at a 1ict(#eF o 6#o'n% so )an$so&e% so

 b#ave-loo0in68 He )a$ sc)oole$ )i&self not to &ove ')en )e co(l$ )ie#% so t)at ot)e# 

 1eo1le 'o(l$ not #ealie t)at )is #a#e tele1at)ic 6ift )a$ co&e bac0 to )i&8

A(ntie 'as s1ea0in6 to Lavinia 'it)o(t noisy 'o#$s% 5We?ll see t)is 1#etty boy

in )is coffin toni6)t85

Lavinia t)o(6)t #i6)t bac0% 'it)o(t a1olo6y% 5No% 'e 'on?t85

Ro$ sat i&1assive in )is c)ai#8 T)e t'o 'o&en% t)ei# faces 6#ave an$ silent%

'ent on s1ie0in6 t)e a#6(&ent at eac) ot)e# 'it) t)ei# &in$s8

5Ho' 'o(l$ yo( 0no'>yo(?#e not ve#y ol$@5 s1ie0e$ a(ntie8

5He )as t)e ol$est station in all of Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia8 He )as one of t)e ve#y

ol$est na&es8 He is>5 an$ even in s1ie0in6 )e# t)o(6)ts cl(tte#e$ (1% li0e a sta&&e# 

 >5)e is a ve#y nice boy an$ )e is 6oin6 to be a 'on$e#f(l &an85

5!a#0 &y t)o(6)t%5 s1ie0e$ t)e a(ntie a6ain% 5I?& tellin6 yo( t)at 'e?ll see )i&

in )is coffin toni6)t an$ t)at by &i$ni6)t )e?ll be in )is coffin-#i$e to t)e Lon6 Way


Lavinia (&1e$ to )e# feet8 )e al&ost 0noc0e$ ove# t)e basin of 'ate# a secon$

ti&e8 )e &ove$ )e# t)#oat an$ &o(t) to s1ea0 'o#$s b(t s)e (st c#oa0e$%

5o##y% Ro$8 o##y85

Ro$ !cBan% )is face 6(a#$e$% 6ave a 1leasant% st(1i$ little no$% as t)o(6) )e

)a$ no i$ea of ')at t)ey )a$ been s1ie0in6 to eac) ot)e#8

)e t(#ne$ an$ #an% s)o(t-s1ie0in6 t)e lo($ t)o(6)t at a(ntie% 52et so&ebo$y

else to $o )is )an$s8 Yo(?#e )ea#tless% )o1eless8 2et so&ebo$y else to $o yo(# co#1se-

'as)in6 fo# yo(8 Not &e8 Not &e85

5W)at?s t)e &atte# 'it) )e#@5 sai$ Ro$ to t)e a(ntie% (st as t)o(6) )e $i$ not


5)e?s (st $iffic(lt% t)at?s all8 K(st $iffic(lt8 Ne#ves% I s(11ose%5 s)e a$$e$ in

)e# c#oa0in6 s1o0en 'o#$s8 )e co(l$ not tal0 ve#y 'ell% since all )e# fa&ily an$

f#ien$s co(l$ s1ie0 an$ )ie# 'it) 1#ivacy an$ 6#ace8 5We 'e#e s1ie0in6 'it) eac) ot)e# 

abo(t ')at yo( 'o(l$ be $oin6 to&o##o'85

5W)e#e?s a 1#iest% a(ntie@5 sai$ Ro$8 5A ')at@5

5A 1#iest% li0e t)e ol$ 1oe& )as% in t)e #o(6)% #o(6) $ays befo#e o(# 1eo1le

fo(n$ t)is 1lanet an$ 6ot o(# s)ee1 settle$ $o'n8 Eve#ybo$y 0no's it4

He#e is t)e 1lace ')e#e t)e 1#iest 'ent &a$% Ove# t)e#e &y &ot)e# b(#ne$%

I cannot s)o' yo( t)e )o(se 'e )a$%

We lost t)at slo1e ')e#e t)e &o(ntain t(#ne$8

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T)e#e?s &o#e to it% b(t t)at?s t)e 1a#t I #e&e&be#8 Isn?t a 1#iest a s1ecialist in )o'

to $ie@ Do 'e )ave any a#o(n$ )e#e@5

He 'atc)e$ )e# &in$ as s)e lie$ to )i&8 As )e )a$ s1o0en% )e )a$ a 1e#fectly

clea# 1ict(#e of one of t)ei# &o#e $istant nei6)bo#s% a &an na&e$ Tollive#% ')o )a$ a

ve#y 6entle &anne# b(t )e# 'o#$s 'e#e not abo(t Tollive# at all8

5o&e t)in6s a#e &en?s b(siness%5 s)e sai$% ca'in6 )e# 'o#$s8 5Any)o'% t)at

son6 isn?t abo(t

 No#st#ilia at all8 It?s abo(t Pa#a$ise ;II an$ ')y 'e left it8 I $i$n?t 0no' yo(

0ne' it85 In )e# &in$ )e #ea$% 5T)at boy 0no's too &(c)85

5T)an0s% a(ntie%5 sai$ )e &ee0ly8

5Co&e alon6 fo# t)e #inse%5 sai$ s)e8 5We?#e (sin6 an a'f(l lot of #eal 'ate# on

yo( to$ay85

He follo'e$ )e# an$ )e felt &o#e 0in$ly to'a#$ )e# ')en )e sa' )e# t)in0%

Lavinia )a$ t)e #i6)t feelin6s b(t s)e $#e' t)e '#on6 concl(sion8 He?s 6oin6 to be $ea$toni6)t8

T)at 'as too &(c)8

Ro$ )esitate$ fo# a &o&ent% te&1e#in6 t)e c)o#$s of )is o$$ly-att(ne$ &in$8

T)en )e let o(t a t#e&en$o(s )o'l of tele1at)ic oy% (st to bot)e# t)e lot of t)e&8 It

$i$8 T)ey all sto11e$ still8 T)en t)ey sta#e$ at )i&8

In 'o#$s t)e a(ntie sai$% 5W)at 'as t)at@5 5W)at@5 sai$ )e% innocently8

5T)at noise yo( s1ie0e$8 It 'asn?t &eanin685

5K(st so#t of a sneee% I s(11ose8 I $i$n?t 0no' I $i$ it85 Dee1 $o'n

insi$e )i&self )e c)(c0le$8 He &i6)t be on )is 'ay to t)e Hoo)oo 2a#$en% b(t )e'o(l$ f#itte# t)ei# f#is0ies fo# t)e& ')ile )e $i$ it8

It 'as a $as)e$ silly 'ay to $ie% )e t)o(6)t all to )i&self8 An$ t)en a st#an6e%

c#ay% )a11y i$ea ca&e to )i&4

Pe#)a1s t)ey can?t 0ill &e8 Pe#)a1s I )ave 1o'e#s8 Po'e#s of &y o'n8

Well% 'e?ll soon eno(6) fin$ o(t8


Ro$ 'al0e$ ac#oss t)e $(sty lot% too0 t)#ee ste1s (1 t)e fol$in6 stai#case ')ic)

)a$ been let $o'n f#o& t)e si$e of t)e t#aile# van% 0noc0e$ on t)e $oo# once as )e )a$

 been inst#(cte$ to $o% )a$ a 6#een li6)t flas) in )is face% o1ene$ t)e $oo#% an$ ente#e$8

It 'as a 6a#$en8

T)e &oist% s'eet% scent-la$en ai# 'as li0e a na#cotic8 T)e#e 'e#e b#i6)t 6#een

 1lants in 1#of(sion8 T)e li6)ts 'e#e clea# b(t not b#i6)t t)ei# ceilin6 6ave t)e effect of 

a 1enet#atin6 bl(e% bl(e s0y8 He loo0e$ a#o(n$8 It 'as a co1y of Ol$ Ol$ Ea#t)8 T)e

6#o't)s on t)e 6#een 1lants 'e#e #oses )e #e&e&be#e$ 1ict(#es ')ic) )is co&1(te# 

)a$ s)o'e$ )i&8 T)e 1ict(#es )a$ not 6otten ac#oss t)e i$ea t)at t)ey s&elle$ nice at

t)e sa&e ti&e t)at t)ey loo0e$ nice8 He 'on$e#e$ if t)ey $i$ t)at all t)e ti&e% an$

t)en #e&e&be#e$ t)e 'et ai#4 'et ai# al'ays )ol$s s&ells bette# t)an $#y ai# $oes8 At

last% al&ost s)yly% )e loo0e$ (1 at t)e t)#ee ($6es8

Wit) #eal sta#tle&ent% )e sa' t)at one of t)e& 'as not a No#st#ilian at all% b(t

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t)e local co&&issione# of t)e Inst#(&entality% t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y>a t)in &an 'it) a

s)a#1% in(i#in6 face8 T)e ot)e# t'o 'e#e Ol$ Ta66a#t an$ Ko)n Beasley8 He 0ne'

t)e&% b(t not 'ell8

5Welco&e%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% s1ea0in6 in t)e f(nnin6 sin6son6 of a &an



5T)an0 yo(%5 sai$ Ro$8

5Yo( a#e Ro$e#ic0 "#e$e#ic0 Ronal$ A#nol$ Willia& !acA#t)(# !cBan% t)e

one )(n$#e$ an$ fifty-fi#st@5 sai$ Ta66a#t% 0no'in6 1e#fectly 'ell t)at Ro$ 'as t)at


Lo#$ love-a-$(c0 an$ l(c0y &eF t)o(6)t Ro$% I?ve 6ot &y )ie#in6% even in t)is

 1laceF 5Yes%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8

T)e#e 'as silence8

T)e ot)e# t'o ($6es loo0e$ at t)e !an)o&e &an t)e st#an6e# loo0e$ at Ro$Ro$ sta#e$% an$ t)en be6an to feel sic0 at t)e botto& of )is sto&ac)8

"o# t)e fi#st ti&e in )is life% )e )a$ &et so&ebo$y ')o co(l$ 1enet#ate )is

 1ec(lia# 1e#ce1t(al abilities8

At last )e t)o(6)t% 5I (n$e#stan$85

T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y loo0e$ s)a#1ly an$ i&1atiently at )i&% as t)o(6) 'aitin6 fo# 

a #es1onse to t)at sin6le 'o#$ 5yes85

Ro$ )a$ al#ea$y ans'e#e$>tele1at)ically8

At last Ol$ Ta66a#t b#o0e t)e silence4 5A#en?t yo( 6oin6 to tal0@ I as0e$ yo(

yo(# na&e85

T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y )el$ (1 )is )an$ in a 6est(#e fo# 1atience it 'as not a

6est(#e ')ic) Ro$ )a$ eve# seen befo#e% b(t )e (n$e#stoo$ it i&&e$iately8

He t)o(6)t tele1at)ically at Ro$% 5Yo( a#e 'atc)in6 &y t)o(6)ts85 5In$ee$ I

a&%5 t)o(6)t Ro$% bac0 at )i&8

T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y cla11e$ a )an$ to )is fo#e)ea$8 5Yo( a#e )(#tin6 &e8 Di$ yo(

t)in0 yo( sai$ so&et)in6@5

Wit) )is voice Ro$ sai$% 5I tol$ yo( t)at I 'as #ea$in6 yo(# &in$85

T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y t(#ne$ to t)e ot)e# t'o &en an$ s1ie0e$ to t)e&4 5Di$ eit)e# of yo( )ie# ')at )e t#ie$ to s1ie0@5


5No85 T)ey bot) t)o(6)t bac0 at )i&8 5K(st noise% lo($ noise85

5He is a b#oa$ban$e# li0e &yself8 An$ I )ave been $is6#ace$ fo# it8 Yo( 0no'

t)at I a& t)e only Lo#$ of t)e Inst#(&entality ')o )as been $e6#a$e$ f#o& t)e stat(s of 

Lo#$ to t)at of Co&&issione#>5

5Yes%5 t)ey s1ie0e$8

5Yo( 0no' t)at t)ey co(l$ not c(#e &e of s)o(tin6 an$ s(66este$ I $ie@5 5No%5t)ey ans'e#e$8

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5Yo( 0no' t)at t)e Inst#(&entality t)o(6)t I co(l$ not bot)e# yo( )e#e an$ sent

&e to yo(# 1lanet on t)is &ise#able ob% (st to 6et &e o(t of t)e 'ay@5

5Yes%5 t)ey ans'e#e$8

5T)en% ')at $o yo( 'ant to $o abo(t )i&@ Don?t t#y to fool )i&8 He 0no's

all abo(t t)is 1lace al#ea$y85 T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y 6lance$ (ic0ly% sy&1at)etically (1 atRo$% 6ivin6 )i& a little 1)anto& s&ile of enco(#a6e&ent8 5Do yo( 'ant to 0ill )i&@ To

e3ile )i&@ To t(#n )i& loose@5

T)e ot)e# t'o &en f(sse$ a#o(n$ in t)ei# &in$s8 Ro$ co(l$ see t)at t)ey 'e#e

t#o(ble$ at t)e i$ea )e co(l$ 'atc) t)e& t)in0in6% ')en t)ey )a$ t)o(6)t )i& a

tele1at)ic $eaf-&(te t)ey also #esiste$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y?s (n&anne#ly 1#eci1itation of 

t)e $ecision8 Ro$ al&ost felt t)at )e 'as s'i&&in6 in t)e t)ic0 'et ai#% 'it) t)e s&ell

of #oses cloyin6 )is nost#ils so &(c) t)at )e 'o(l$ neve# s&ell anyt)in6 b(t #oses

a6ain% ')en )e beca&e a'a#e of a &assive conscio(sness ve#y nea# )i&>a fift) 1e#son

in t)e #oo&% ')o& )e )a$ not notice$ at all befo#e8

It 'as an ea#t) sol$ie#% co&1lete 'it) (nifo#&8 T)e sol$ie# 'as )an$so&e% e#ect%tall% fo#&al 'it) a #i6i$ &ilita#y $eco#(&8 He 'as% f(#t)e#&o#e% not )(&an an$ )e )a$

a st#an6e 'ea1on in )is left )an$8

5W)at is t)at@5 s1ie0e$ Ro$ to t)e Ea#t)&an8 T)e &an sa' )is face% not t)e


5An (n$e#&an8 A sna0e&an8 T)e only one on t)is 1lanet8 He 'ill ca##y yo( o(t

of )e#e if t)e $ecision 6oes a6ainst yo(85

Beasley c(t in% al&ost an6#ily8 5He#e% c(t it o(t8 T)is is a )ea#in6% not a

 blosso&in6 tea-1a#ty8 Don?t cl(tte# all t)at f(tt into t)e ai#8 *ee1 it fo#&al85

5Yo( 'ant a fo#&al )ea#in6@5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 5A fo#&al )ea#in6 fo# 

a &an ')o 0no's eve#yt)in6 t)at all of (s a#e t)in0in6@ It?s foolis)85

5In Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia% 'e al'ays )ave fo#&al )ea#in6%5 sai$ Ol$ Ta66a#t8

Wit) an ac(teness of insi6)t bo#n of )is o'n 1e#sonal $an6e#% Ro$ sa' Ta66a#t all ove# 

a6ain fo# t)e fi#st ti&e>a ca#e'o#n 1oo# ol$ &an% ')o )a$ 'o#0e$ a 1oo# fa#& )a#$

fo# a t)o(san$ yea#s a fa#&e#% li0e )is ancesto#s befo#e )i& a &an #ic) only in t)e

&illions of &e6ac#e$its ')ic) )e 'o(l$ neve# ta0e ti&e to s1en$ a &an of t)e soil%

)ono#able% ca#ef(l% fo#&al% #i6)teo(s% an$ ve#y (st8 (c) &en $i$ not yiel$ to

innovation% eve#8 T)ey fo(6)t c)an6e8

5Have t)e )ea#in6 t)en%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% 5)ave t)e )ea#in6 if it is yo(# c(sto&% &y &iste# an$ o'ne# Ta66a#t% &y &iste# an$ o'ne# Beasley85

T)e No#st#ilians% a11ease$% bo'e$ t)ei# )ea$s b#iefly8

Al&ost s)yly% Beasley loo0e$ ove# at t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 5i# an$ Co&&issione#%

'ill yo( say t)e 'o#$s@ T)e 6oo$ ol$ 'o#$s8 T)e ones t)at 'ill )el1 (s to fin$ o(# $(ty

an$ to $o it85

Ro$ sa' a (ic0 fla#e of #e$ an6e# 6o t)#o(6) t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y?s &in$ as t)e

Ea#t) co&&issione# t)o(6)t fie#cely to )i&self% 5W)y all t)is f(ss abo(t 0illin6 one

 1oo# boy@ Let )i& 6o% yo( $(ll cl(tts% o# 0ill )i&85 B(t t)e Ea#t)&an )a$ not

$i#ecte$ t)e t)o(6)ts o(t'a#$ an$ t)e t'o No#st#ilians 'e#e (na'a#e of )is 1#ivatevie' of t)e&8

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On t)e o(tsi$e% t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y #e&aine$ cal&8 He (se$ )is voice% as

 No#st#ilians $i$ on occasion of 6#eat ce#e&ony4

5We a#e )e#e to )ea# a &an85

5We a#e )e#e to )ea# )i&%5 t)ey #es1on$e$8

5We a#e not to ($6e o# to 0ill% t)o(6) t)is &ay follo'%5 sai$ )e8 5T)o(6) t)is

&ay follo'%5 t)ey #es1on$e$8

5An$ ')e#e% on Ol$ Ol$ Ea#t)% $oes &an co&e f#o&@5

T)ey 0ne' t)e ans'e# by #ote an$ sai$ it )eavily to6et)e#4 5T)is is t)e 'ay it

'as on Ol$ Ol$

Ea#t)% an$ t)is is t)e 'ay it s)all be a&on6 t)e sta#s% no &atte# )o' fa# 'e &en

&ay 'an$e#4

5T)e see$ of ')eat is 1lante$ in $a#0% &oist ea#t) t)e see$ of &an in $a#0%

&oist fles)8 T)e see$ of ')eat fi6)ts (1'a#$ to ai#% s(n an$ s1ace t)e stal0% leaves%

 blosso& an$ 6#ain flo(#is) (n$e# t)e o1en 6la#e of )eaven8 T)e see$ of &an 6#o's int)e salty 1#ivate ocean of t)e 'o&b% t)e sea-$a#0ness #e&e&be#e$ by t)e bo$ies of )is

#ace8 T)e )a#vest of ')eat is collecte$ by t)e )an$s of &en t)e )a#vest of &en is

collecte$ by t)e ten$e#ness of ete#nity85

5An$ ')at $oes t)is &ean@5 c)ante$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8

5To loo0 'it) &e#cy% to $eci$e 'it) &e#cy% to 0ill 'it) &e#cy% b(t to &a0e

t)e )a#vest of &an st#on6 an$ t#(e an$ 6oo$% t)e 'ay t)at t)e )a#vest of ')eat stoo$

)i6) an$ 1#o($ on Ol$ Ol$ Ea#t)85

5An$ ')o is )e#e@5 )e as0e$8

T)ey bot) #ecite$ Ro$?s f(ll na&e8

W)en t)ey )a$ finis)e$% t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y t(#ne$ to Ro$ an$ sai$% 5I a& abo(t

to (tte# t)e ce#e&onial 'o#$s% b(t I 1#o&ise yo( t)at yo( 'ill not be s(#1#ise$% no

&atte# ')at )a11ens8 Ta0e it easy% t)e#efo#e easy% easy85 Ro$ 'as 'atc)in6 t)e

Ea#t)&an?s &in$ an$ t)e &in$ of t)e t'o No#st#ilians8 He co(l$ see t)at Beasley an$

Ta66a#t 'e#e bef($$le$ 'it) t)e #it(al of t)e 'o#$s% t)e 'etness an$ scent of t)e ai#%

an$ t)e false bl(e s0y in t)e to1 of t)e van t)ey $i$ not 0no' ')at t)ey 'e#e 6oin6

to $o8 B(t Ro$ co(l$ also see a s)a#1% 0een t#i(&1)ant t)o(6)t fo#&in6 in t)e

 botto& of t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y?s &in$% I?ll 6et t)is boy offF He al&ost s&ile$% $es1ite t)e

 1#esence of t)e sna0e &an 'it) t)e #i6i$ s&ile an$ t)e i&&ovable 6la#in6 eyes

stan$in6 (st t)#ee 1aces besi$e )i& an$ a little to )is #ea#% so t)at Ro$ co(l$ only loo0 at )i& t)#o(6) t)e co#ne# of )is eye8

5!iste#s an$ o'ne#sF5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 5!iste# c)ai#&anF5 t)ey


5)all I info#& t)e &an ')o is bein6 )ea#$@5 5Info#& )i&F5 t)ey c)ante$8

5Ro$e#ic0 "#e$e#ic0 Ronal$ A#nol$ Willia& !acA#t)(# !cBan to t)e one

)(n$#e$ an$ fifty-


5Yes si#%5 sai$ Ro$8

5Hei#-in-t#(st of t)e tation of Doo&F5 5T)at?s &e%5 sai$ Ro$8

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 17/185

5Hea# )i&F5 sai$ t)e ot)e# t'o8

5Yo( )ave not co&e )e#e% c)il$ an$ citien Ro$e#ic0% fo# (s to ($6e yo( o# to

 1(nis) yo(8 If t)ese t)in6s a#e to be $one% t)ey &(st be $one in anot)e# 1lace o# ti&e%

an$ t)ey &(st be $one by &en ot)e# t)an o(#selves8 T)e only conce#n befo#e t)is boa#$

is t)e follo'in64 s)o(l$ yo( o# s)o(l$ yo( not be allo'e$ to leave t)is #oo& safe an$f#ee an$ 'ell% ta0in6 into no acco(nt yo(# innocence o# 6(ilt of &atte#s ')ic) &i6)t be

$eci$e$ else')e#e% b(t )avin6 #e6a#$ only fo# t)e s(#vival an$ t)e safety an$ t)e

'elfa#e of t)is 6iven 1lanet@ We a#e not 1(nis)in6 an$ 'e a#e not ($6in6% b(t 'e a#e

$eci$in6% an$ ')at 'e a#e $eci$in6 is yo(# life8 Do yo( (n$e#stan$@ Do yo( a6#ee@5

Ro$ no$$e$ &(tely% $#in0in6 in t)e 'et-#ose-scente$ ai# an$ stillin6 )is s($$en

t)i#st 'it) t)e $a&1ness of t)e at&os1)e#e8 If t)in6s 'ent '#on6 no'% t)ey $i$ not

)ave ve#y fa# to 6o8 Not fa# to 6o% not 'it) t)e &otionless sna0e-&an stan$in6 (st

 beyon$ )is #eac)8 He t#ie$ to loo0 at t)e sna0e- b#ain b(t 6ot not)in6 o(t of it e3ce1t fo# 

an (ne31ecte$ 6litte# of #eco6nition an$ $efiance8

T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y 'ent on% Ta66a#t an$ Beasley )an6in6 on )is 'o#$s ast)o(6) t)ey )a$ neve# )ea#$ t)e& befo#e8

5C)il$ an$ citien% yo( 0no' t)e #(les8 We a#e not to fin$ yo( '#on6 o# #i6)t8

 No c#i&e is ($6e$ )e#e% no offense8 Neit)e# is innocence8 We a#e only ($6in6 t)e

sin6le (estion8 )o(l$ yo( live o# s)o(l$ yo( not@ Do yo( (n$e#stan$@ Do yo( a6#ee@5

ai$ Ro$% 5Yes% si#85

5An$ )o' stan$ yo(% c)il$ an$ citien@5 5W)at $o yo( &ean@5

5T)is boa#$ is as0in6 yo(8 W)at is yo(# o1inion@ )o(l$ yo( live o# s)o(l$ yo(

not@5 5I?$ li0e to%5 sai$ Ro$% 5b(t I?& ti#e$ of all t)ese c)il$)oo$s85

5T)at is not ')at t)e boa#$ is as0in6 yo(% c)il$ an$ citien%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$Re$la$y8 5We a#e as0in6 yo(% ')at $o yo( t)in0@ )o(l$ yo( live o# s)o(l$ yo( not


5Yo( 'ant &e to ($6e &yself@5

5T)at?s it% boy%5 sai$ Beasley% 5yo( 0no' t)e #(les8 Tell t)e&% boy8 I sai$ 'e

co(l$ co(nt on


T)e s)a#1 f#ien$ly nei6)bo#ly face (ne31ecte$ly too0 on 6#eat i&1o#tance

fo# Ro$8 He

loo0e$ at Beasley as t)o(6) )e )a$ neve# seen t)e &an befo#e8 T)is &an 'as

t#yin6 to ($6e )i&% Ro$ an$ )e% Ro$% )a$ to )el1 $eci$e on ')at 'as to be $one 'it)

)i&self8 T)e &e$icine f#o& t)e sna0e-&an an$ t)e 6i66le-6i66le $eat)>o# a 'al0 o(t

into f#ee$o&8 Ro$ sta#te$ to s1ea0 an$ c)ec0e$ )i&self )e 'as to s1ea0 fo# Ol$ No#t)

A(st#alia8 Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia 'as a to(6) 'o#l$% 1#o($ of its to(6) &en8 No 'on$e# 

t)e boa#$ 6ave )i& a to(6) $ecision8 Ro$ &a$e (1 )is &in$ an$ )e s1o0e clea#ly an$


5I?$ say no8 Do not let &e live8 I $on?t fit8 I can?t s1ie0 an$ )ie#8 Nobo$y

0no's ')at &y c)il$#en 'o(l$ be li0e% b(t t)e o$$s a#e a6ainst t)e&8 E3ce1t fo# onet)in6+5

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5An$ ')at% c)il$ an$ citien% is t)at@5 as0e$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% ')ile Beasley

an$ Ta66a#t 'atc)e$ as t)o(6) t)ey 'e#e sta#in6 at t)e last five &ete#s of a )o#se #ace8

5Loo0 at &e ca#ef(lly% citiens an$ &e&be#s of t)e boa#$%5 sai$ Ro$%

fin$in6 t)at in t)is &ilie( it 'as easy to fall into a ce#e&onio(s 'ay of tal0in68

5Loo0 at &e ca#ef(lly an$ $o not consi$e# &y o'n )a11iness% beca(se yo( a#e not

allo'e$% by la'% to ($6e t)at any)o'8 Loo0 at &y talent> t)e 'ay I can )ie#% t)e bi6

t)(n$e#sto#& 'ay I can s1ie085 Ro$ 6at)e#e$ )is &in$ fo# a final 6a&ble an$ as )is li1s

6ot t)#o(6) tal0in6% )e s1at )is ')ole &in$ at t)e&4 >an6e#-an6e#% #a6e-#e$%



 >noise% stenc)% 6la#e% #o(6)ness% so(#ness an$ )ate )ate )ate%

 >all t)e an3iety of a bitte# $ay%

 >c#(tts% ')el1s% 1(1sFIt all 1o(#e$ o(t at once8 T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y t(#ne$ 1ale an$ co&1#esse$ )is li1s%

Ol$ Ta66a#t 1(t )is )an$s ove# )is face% Beasley loo0e$ be'il$e#e$ an$ na(seate$8

Beasley t)en sta#te$ to belc) as cal& $escen$e$ on t)e #oo&8

In a sli6)tly s)a0y voice% t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y as0e$4

5An$ ')at 'as t)at s(11ose$ to s)o'% c)il$ an$ citien@5 5In 6#o'n-(1 fo#&%

si#% co(l$ it be a (sef(l 'ea1on@5

T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y loo0e$ at t)e ot)e# t'o8 T)ey tal0e$ 'it) t)e tiny

e31#essions on t)ei# faces if t)ey 'e#e s1ie0in6% Ro$ co(l$ not #ea$ it8 T)is last effo#t

)a$ cost )i& all tele1at)ic in1(t8

5Let?s 6o on%5 sai$ Ta66a#t8

5A#e yo( #ea$y@5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y to Ro$8 5Yes% si#%5 sai$ Ro$8

5I contin(e%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 5If yo( (n$e#stan$ yo(# o'n case as 'e

see it% 'e s)all 1#ocee$ to &a0e a $ecision an$% (1on &a0in6 t)e $ecision% to 0ill yo(

i&&e$iately o# to set yo( f#ee no less i&&e$iately8 )o(l$ t)e latte# 1#ove t)e case% 'e

s)all also 1#esent yo( 'it) a s&all b(t 1#ecio(s 6ift% so as to #e'a#$ yo( fo# t)e

co(#tesy ')ic) yo( 'ill )ave s)o'n t)is boa#$% fo# 'it)o(t co(#tesy t)e#e co(l$ be

no 1#o1e# )ea#in6% 'it)o(t t)e )ea#in6 no a11#o1#iate $ecision% an$ 'it)o(t an

a11#o1#iate $ecision t)e#e co(l$ be neit)e# (stice no# safety in t)e yea#s to co&e8 Do

yo( (n$e#stan$@ Do yo( a6#ee@55I s(11ose so%5 sai$ Ro$8

5Do yo( #eally (n$e#stan$@ Do yo( #eally a6#ee@ It is yo(# life ')ic) 'e a#e

tal0in6 abo(t%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8

5Cove# (s%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8

Ro$ sta#te$ to as0 )o' ')en )e (n$e#stoo$ t)at t)e co&&an$ 'as not $i#ecte$

at )i& in t)e


T)e sna0e-&an )a$ co&e to life an$ 'as b#eat)in6 )eavily8 He s1o0e in clea# 

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ol$ 'o#$s% 'it)

an o$$ $#o11in6 ca$ence in eac) syllable4 5Hi6)% &y lo#$% o# (tte# &a3i&(&@5

"o# ans'e#% t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y 1ointe$ )is #i6)t a#& st#ai6)t (1 'it) t)e in$e3

fin6e# st#ai6)t at t)e ceilin68 T)e sna0e-&an )isse$ an$ 6at)e#e$ )is e&otions fo# an

attac08 Ro$ felt )is s0in 6o 6oose-1i&1ly all ove#% t)en )e felt t)e )ai# on t)e bac0 of )isnec0 #ise% finally )e felt not)in6 b(t an (nbea#able ale#tness8 If t)ese 'e#e t)e t)o(6)ts

')ic) t)e sna0e-&an 'as sen$in6 o(t of t)e t#aile# van% no 1asse#by co(l$ 1ossibly

eaves$#o1 on t)e $ecision8 T)e sta#tlin6 1#ess(#e of #a' &enace 'o(l$ ta0e ca#e of t)at


T)e t)#ee &e&be#s of t)e boa#$ )el$ )an$s an$ see&e$ to be aslee18

T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y o1ene$ )is eyes an$ s)oo0 )is )ea$% al&ost i&1e#ce1tibly% at

t)e sna0e- sol$ie#8

T)e feelin6 of sna0e-t)#eat 'ent off8 T)e sol$ie# #et(#ne$ to )is i&&obile

 1osition% eyes fo#'a#$8 T)e &e&be#s of t)e boa#$ sl(&1e$ ove# t)ei# table8 T)ey $i$not see& to be able o# #ea$y to s1ea08 T)ey loo0e$ o(t of b#eat)8 At last Ta66a#t

$#a66e$ )i&self to )is feet% 6as1in6 )is &essa6e to Ro$4

5T)e#e?s t)e $oo#% boy8 2o8 Yo(?#e a citien8 "#ee85

Ro$ sta#te$ to t)an0 )i& b(t t)e ol$ &an )el$ (1 )is #i6)t )an$4

5Don?t t)an0 &e8 D(ty8 B(t #e&e&be#>not one 'o#$% eve#8 Not one 'o#$%

eve#% abo(t t)is )ea#in68 2o alon685

Ro$ 1l(n6e$ fo# t)e $oo#% l(#c)e$ t)#o(6)% an$ 'as in )is o'n ya#$8 "#ee8 "o# a

&o&ent )e stoo$ in t)e ya#$% st(nne$8

T)e $ea# 6#ay s0y of Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia #olle$ lo' ove#)ea$ t)is 'as nolon6e# t)e ee#ie li6)t of Ol$ Ea#t)% ')e#e t)e )eavens 'e#e s(11ose$ to s)ine

 1e#1et(ally bl(e8 He sneee$ as t)e $#y ai# ca(6)t t)e tiss(e of )is nost#ils8 He felt )is

clot)in6 c)ill as t)e &oist(#e eva1o#ate$ o(t of it )e $i$ not t)in0 ')et)e# it 'as t)e

'etness of t)e t#aile#-van o# )is o'n s'eat ')ic) )a$ &a$e )is s)i#t so 'et8 T)e#e

'e#e a lot of 1eo1le t)e#e% an$ a lot of li6)t8 An$ t)e s&ell of #oses 'as as fa# a'ay as

anot)e# life &i6)t be8

Lavinia stoo$ nea# )i&% 'ee1in68

He sta#te$ to t(#n to )e#% ')en a collective 6as1 f#o& t)e c#o'$ ca(se$ )i& to

t(#n a#o(n$8 T)e sna0e-&an )a$ co&e o(t of t)e van8 It 'as (st an ol$ t)eate#-van% )e

#ealie$ at last% t)e0in$ ')ic) )e )i&self )a$ ente#e$ a )(n$#e$ ti&es8 His ea#t) (nifo#&

loo0e$ li0e t)e ac&e of 'ealt) an$ $eca$ence a&on6 t)e $(sty cove#alls of t)e &en

an$ t)e 1o1lin $#esses of t)e 'o&en8 His 6#een co&1le3ion loo0e$ b#i6)t a&on6 t)e

tanne$ faces of t)e No#st#ilians8 He sal(te$ Ro$8

Ro$ $i$ not #et(#n t)e sal(te8 He (st sta#e$8

Pe#)a1s t)ey )a$ c)an6e$ t)ei# &in$s an$ )a$ sent t)e 6i66le of $eat) afte# )i&8

T)e sol$ie# )el$ o(t )is )an$8 T)e#e 'as a 'allet of ')at see&e$ to be leat)e#%

finely c)ase$% of off'o#l$ &an(fact(#e8

Ro$ sta&&e#e$% 5It?s not &ine85

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5It> is> not> yo(#s%5 sai$ t)e sna0e-&an% 5b(t> it> is> t)e> 6ift> 

')ic)> t)e> 

 1eo1le> 1#o&ise$> yo(> insi$e8>Ta0e> it> beca(se> I> a&>too> $#y

 > o(t> )e#e85

Ro$ too0 it an$ st(ffe$ it in )is 1oc0et8 W)at $i$ a 1#esent &atte# ')en t)ey )a$

6iven )i& life% eyes% $ayli6)t% t)e 'in$ itself@

T)e sna0e-sol$ie# 'atc)e$ 'it) flic0e#in6 eyes8 He &a$e no co&&ent% b(t )e

sal(te$ an$ 'ent stiffly bac0 to t)e van8 At t)e $oo# )e t(#ne$ an$ loo0e$ ove# t)e

c#o'$ as t)o(6) )e 'e#e a11#aisin6 t)e easiest 'ay to 0ill t)e& all8 He sai$ not)in6%

t)#eatene$ not)in68 He o1ene$ t)e $oo# an$ 1(t )i&self into t)e van8 T)e#e 'as no si6n

of ')o t)e )(&an in)abitants of t)e van &i6)t be8 T)e#e &(st be% t)o(6)t Ro$% so&e

'ay of 6ettin6 t)e& in an$ o(t of t)e 2a#$en of Deat) ve#y sec#etly an$ ve#y

(ietly% beca(se )e )a$ live$ a#o(n$ t)e nei6)bo#)oo$ a lon6 ti&e an$ )a$ neve# )a$

t)e faintest i$ea t)at )is o'n nei6)bo#s &i6)t sit on a boa#$8

T)e 1eo1le 'e#e f(nny8 T)ey stoo$ (ietly in t)e ya#$% 'aitin6 fo# )i& to&a0e t)e fi#st


He t(#ne$ stiffly an$ loo0e$ a#o(n$ &o#e $elibe#ately8

W)y% it 'as )is nei6)bo#s an$ 0infol0% all of t)e&>!cBans% !acA#t)(#s%


c)&i$ts% even t)e an$e#sF

He lifte$ )is )an$ in 6#eetin6 to all of t)e&8 Pan$e&oni(& b#o0e loose8

T)ey #(s)e$ to'a#$ )i&8 T)e 'o&en 0isse$ )i&% t)e &en 1atte$ )i& on t)e

 bac0 an$ s)oo0 )is )an$% t)e s&all c)il$#en be6an a 1i1in6 little son6 abo(t t)e

tation of Doo&8 He )a$ beco&e t)e cente# of a &ob ')ic) le$ )i& to )is o'n


!any of t)e 1eo1le )a$ be6(n to c#y8

He 'on$e#e$ ')y8 Al&ost i&&e$iately% )e (n$e#stoo$> T)ey li0e$ )i&8

"o# (nfat)o&able 1eo1le #easons% &i3e$-(1 non-lo6ical )(&an #easons t)ey )a$

'is)e$ )i& 'ell8 Even t)e a(ntie ')o )a$ 1#e$icte$ a coffin fo# )i& 'as snivelin6

'it)o(t s)a&e% (sin6 a co#ne# of )e# a1#on to 'i1e )e# eyes an$ nose8

He )a$ 6otten ti#e$ of 1eo1le% bein6 a f#ea0 )i&self% b(t in t)is &o&ent

of t#ial t)ei# 6oo$ness% t)o(6) ca1#icio(s% flo'e$ ove# )i& li0e a 6#eat 'ave8 He let

t)e& sit )i& $o'n in )is o'n 0itc)en8 A&on6 t)e babble% t)e 'ee1s% t)e la(6)te#% t)e

)ea#ty an$ falsely c)ee#f(l #elief% )e )ea#$ a sin6le f(6(e bein6 #e1eate$ a6ain an$

a6ain4 t)ey li0e$ )i&8 He )a$ co&e bac0 f#o& $eat)4 )e 'as t)ei# Ro$ !cBan8

Wit)o(t li(o#% it &a$e )i& $#(n08 5I can?t stan$ it%5 )e s)o(te$% 5I li0e yo(

all so $as)e$ bloo&e$ c#(ttin6 &(c) t)at I co(l$ beat t)e senti&ental b#ains o(t of t)e

')ole c#oo0 lot of yo(+5

5Isn?t t)at a s'eet s1eec)@5 &(#&(#e$ an ol$ fa#& 'ife nea#by8 A 1olice&an% inf(ll (nifo#&% a6#ee$8

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T)e 1a#ty )a$ sta#te$8 It laste$ t)#ee f(ll $ays% an$ ')en it 'as ove# t)e#e 'as

not a $#y eye o# a f(ll bottle on t)e ')ole tation of Doo&8

"#o& ti&e to ti&e )e clea#e$ (1 eno(6) to enoy )is &i#ac(lo(s 6ift of )ie#in68

He loo0e$ t)#o(6) all t)ei# &in$s ')ile t)ey c)atte$ an$ san6 an$ $#an0 an$ ate an$

'e#e as )a11y as La##y t)e#e 'as not one of t)e& ')o )a$ co&e alon6 vainly8 T)ey

'e#e t#(ly #eoicin68 T)ey love$ )i&8 T)ey 'is)e$ )i& 'ell8 He )a$ )is $o(bts abo(t

)o' lon6 t)at 0in$ of love 'o(l$ last% b(t )e enoye$ it ')ile it laste$8

Lavinia staye$ o(t of )is 'ay t)e fi#st $ay on t)e secon$ an$ t)i#$ $ays s)e 'as

6one8 T)ey 6ave )i& #eal No#st#ilian bee# to $#in0% ')ic) t)ey )a$ b#o(6)t (1 to ,9

 1#oof by t)e si&1le a$$ition of #a' s1i#its8 Wit) t)is% )e fo#6ot t)e 2a#$en of Deat)% t)e

s'eet 'et s&ells% t)e 1#ecise off-'o#l$ voice of t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% t)e 1#etentio(s bl(e

s0y in t)e ceilin68

He loo0e$ in t)ei# &in$s an$ ove# an$ ove# a6ain )e sa' t)e sa&e t)in6%

5Yo(?#e o(# boy8 Yo( &a$e it8 Yo(?#e alive8 2oo$ l(c0% Ro$% 6oo$ l(c0 to yo(%

fello'8 We $i$n?t )ave to see yo( sta66e# off% 6i66lin6 an$ )a11y% to t)e )o(se t)at yo('o(l$ $ie in85

Ha$ )e &a$e it% t)o(6)t Ro$% o# 'as it c)ance ')ic) )a$ $one it fo# )i&@

CHAPTER THREE4 An6e# of t)e Onsec0 

By t)e en$ of t)e 'ee0% t)e celeb#ation 'as ove#8 T)e asso#te$ a(nts an$ co(sins

)a$ 6one bac0 to t)ei# fa#&s8 T)e tation of Doo& 'as (iet% an$ Ro$ s1ent t)e

&o#nin6 &a0in6 s(#e t)at t)e fiel$)an$s )a$ not ne6lecte$ t)e s)ee1 too &(c)

$(#in6 t)e 1#olon6e$ 1a#ty8 He fo(n$ t)at Daisy% a yo(n6 99-ton e'e% )a$ not been

t(#ne$ fo# t'o $ays an$ )a$ to be #elanolinie$ on )e# 6#o(n$ si$e befo#e ea#t) can0e# 

set in t)en% )e $iscove#e$ t)at t)e n(t#ient t(bes fo# Tanne#% )is

,999-ton #a&% )a$ beco&e a&&e$ an$ t)at t)e 1oo# s)ee1 'as 6ettin6 a ba$case of e$e&a in )is 6i6antic le6s8 Ot)e#'ise t)in6s 'e#e (iet8 Even ')en )e sa'

Beasley?s #e$ 1ony tet)e#e$ in )is o'n ya#$% )e )a$ no 1#e&onition of t#o(ble8

He 'ent c)ee#f(lly into t)e )o(se% 6#eetin6 Beasley 'it) an i##eve#ent 5Have a

$#in0 on &e% !iste# an$ O'ne# BeasleyF O)% yo( )ave one al#ea$yF Have t)e ne3t one

t)en% si#F5

5T)an0s fo# t)e $#in0% la$% b(t I ca&e to see yo(8 On b(siness85 5Yes si#%5 sai$

Ro$% 5yo(?#e one of &y t#(stees% a#en?t yo(@5

5T)at I a&%5 sai$ Beasley% 5b(t yo(?#e in t#o(ble% la$8 Real t#o(ble85

Ro$ s&ile$ at )i& evenly an$ cal&ly8 He 0ne' t)at t)e ol$e# &an )a$ to &a0e a bi6 effo#t to tal0 'it) )is voice instea$ of (st s1ie0in6 'it) )is &in$ )e a11#eciate$

t)e fact t)at Beasley )a$ co&e to )i& 1e#sonally% instea$ of tal0in6 to t)e ot)e# t#(stees

abo(t )i&8 It 'as a si6n t)at )e% Ro$ )a$ 1asse$ )is o#$eal8 Wit) 6en(ine co&1os(#e%

Ro$ $ecla#e$4

5I?ve been t)in0in6% si#% t)is 'ee0% t)at I?$ 6otten o(t of t#o(ble85 5W)at $o yo(

&ean% O'ne# !cBan@5

5Yo( #e&e&be#+5 Ro$ $i$ not $a#e &ention t)e 2a#$en of Deat)% no# )is

&e&o#y t)at

Beasley )a$ been one of t)e sec#et boa#$ ')o )a$ 1asse$ )i& as bein6 fit to live8

Beasley too0 t)e c(e8 5o&e t)in6s 'e $on?t &ention% la$% an$ I see t)at yo(

)ave been 'ell ta(6)t85

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He sto11e$ t)e#e an$ sta#e$ at Ro$ 'it) t)e e31#ession of a &an loo0in6 at

an (nfa&ilia# co#1se befo#e t(#nin6 it ove# to i$entify it8 Ro$ beca&e (neasy 'it) t)e


5it% la$% sit $o'n%5 sai$ Beasley% co&&an$in6 Ro$ in )is o'n )o(se8

Ro$ sat $o'n on t)e benc)% since Beasley occ(1ie$ t)e only c)ai#>Ro$?s

6#an$fat)e#?s )(6e ca#ve$ off-'o#l$ t)#one8 He sat8 He $i$ not li0e bein6 o#$e#e$ abo(t%

 b(t )e 'as s(#e t)at Beasley &eant )i& 'ell an$ 'as 1#obably st#aine$ by t)e

(nfa&ilia# effo#t of tal0in6 'it) )is t)#oat an$ &o(t)8

Beasley loo0e$ at )i& a6ain 'it) t)at 1ec(lia# e31#ession% a &i3t(#e of 

sy&1at)y an$ $istaste8

52et (1 a6ain% la$% an$ loo0 #o(n$ yo(# )o(se to see if t)e#e?s anybo$y abo(t85

5T)e#e isn?t%5 sai$ Ro$8 5!y a(nt Do#is left afte# I 'as clea#e$% t)e 'o#0'o&an

Eleano# bo##o'e$ a ca#t an$ 'ent off to &a#0et% an$ I )ave only t'o station )an$s8

T)ey?#e bot) o(t #einfectin6 Baby8 )e #an lo' on )e# santacla#a co(nt85

 No#&ally% t)e 'ealt)-1#o$(cin6 sic0nesses of t)ei# 6i6antic )alf-1a#alye$

s)ee1 'o(l$ )ave en6#osse$ t)e f(ll attention of any t'o No#st#ilian fa#&e#s% 'it)o(t

#es1ect to $iffe#ences in a6e an$ 6#a$e8

T)is ti&e% no8

Beasley )a$ so&et)in6 se#io(s an$ (n1leasant on )is &in$8 He loo0e$ so 1#(ney

an$ (n(iet t)at Ro$ felt a #eal sy&1at)y fo# t)e &an8

Beasley #e1eate$% 52o )ave a loo0% any)o'85

Ro$ $i$ not a#6(e8 D(tif(lly )e 'ent o(t t)e bac0 $oo#% loo0e$ a#o(n$ t)e so(t)si$e of t)e )o(se% sa' no one% 'al0e$ a#o(n$ t)e )o(se on t)e no#t) si$e% sa' no

one t)e#e eit)e#% an$ #e- ente#e$ t)e )o(se f#o& t)e f#ont $oo#8 Beasley )a$ not sti##e$%

e3ce1t to 1o(# a little &o#e bitte# ale f#o& )is bottle to )is 6lass8 Ro$ &et )is eyes8

Wit)o(t anot)e# 'o#$% Ro$ sat $o'n8 If t)e &an 'as se#io(sly conce#ne$ abo(t )i&

')ic) Ro$ t)o(6)t )e 'as% an$ if t)e &an 'as #easonably intelli6ent ')ic) Ro$

0ne' )e 'as% t)e co&&(nication 'as 'o#t) 'aitin6 fo# an$ listenin6 to8 Ro$ 'as

still s(staine$ by t)e 1leasant feelin6 t)at )is nei6)bo#s li0e$ )i&% a feelin6 ')ic) )a$

co&e 1lainly to t)e s(#face of t)ei# )onest No#st#ilian faces ')en )e 'al0e$ bac0 into

)is o'n bac0 ya#$ f#o& t)e van of t)e 2a#$en of Deat)8

Beasley sai$% as t)o(6) )e 'e#e s1ea0in6 of an (nfa&ilia# foo$ o# a #a#e$#in08 5Boy% t)is tal0in6 )as so&e a$vanta6es8 If a &an $oesn?t 1(t )is ea# into it% )e

can?t (st 1ic0 it (1 'it) )is &in$% can )e% no'@5

Ro$ t)o(6)t fo# a &o&ent8 Can$i$ly )e s1o0e% 5I?& too yo(n6 to 0no' fo# s(#e%

 b(t I neve# )ea#$ of so&ebo$y 1ic0in6 (1 s1o0en 'o#$s by )ie#in6 t)e& 'it) )is

&in$8 It see&s to be one o# t)e ot)e#8 Yo( neve# tal0 ')ile yo( a#e s1ie0in6% $o yo(@5

Beasley no$$e$8 5T)at?s it% t)en8 I )ave so&et)in6 to tell yo( ')ic) I s)o(l$n?t

tell yo(% an$ yet I )ave 6ot to tell yo(% so if I 0ee1 &y voice bloo&in6 lo'% nobo$y

else 'ill 1ic0 it (1% 'ill t)ey@5

Ro$ no$$e$8 5W)at is it% si#@ Is t)e#e so&et)in6 '#on6 'it) t)e title to &y 1#o1e#ty@5

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Beasley too0 a $#in0 b(t 0e1t sta#in6 at Ro$ ove# t)e to1 of t)e &(6 ')ile )e

$#an0% 5Yo(?ve 6ot t#o(ble t)e#e too% la$% b(t even t)o(6) it?s ba$% it?s so&et)in6 I can

tal0 ove# 'it) yo( an$ 'it) t)e ot)e# t#(stees8 T)is is &o#e 1e#sonal% in a 'ay8 An$


5Please% si#F W)at is it@5 c#ie$ Ro$% al&ost e3as1e#ate$ by all t)is &ystification8

5T)e Onsec0 is afte# yo(85

5W)at?s an Onsec0@5 sai$ Ro$% 5I )ave neve# )ea#$ of it85

5It?s not an it%5 sai$ Beasley 6loo&ily% 5it?s a )i&8 Onsec0% yo( 0no'% t)e c)a1 in

t)e Co&&on'ealt) 6ove#n&ent8 T)e &an ')o 0ee1s t)e boo0s fo# t)e ;ice-

c)ai#&an8 It 'as Hon8 ec8% &eanin6 Hono#a#y ec#eta#y o# so&et)in6 else 1#e)isto#ic%

')en 'e fi#st ca&e to t)is 1lanet% b(t by no' eve#ybo$y (st says Onsec0 an$ '#ites it

 (st t)e 'ay it so(n$s8 He 0no's t)at )e can?t #eve#se yo(# )ea#in6 in t)e 2a#$en of 


5Nobo$y co(l$%5 c#ie$ Ro$% 5it?s neve# been $one eve#ybo$y 0no's t)at85 5T)ey

&ay 0no' it% b(t t)e#e?s civil t#ial855Ho' can t)ey 6ive &e a civil t#ial ')en I )aven?t )a$ ti&e to c)an6e@ Yo(

yo(#self 0no'


5Neve#% la$$ie% neve# say ')at Beasley 0no's o# $oesn?t 0no'8 K(st say ')at

yo( t)in085

Even in 1#ivate% bet'een (st t)e t'o of t)e&% Beasley $i$ not 'ant to

violate t)e f(n$a&ental sec#ecy of t)e )ea#in6 in t)e 2a#$en of Deat)8

5I?& (st 6oin6 to say% !iste# an$ O'ne# Beasley%5 sai$ Ro$ ve#y )eate$ly% 5t)at

a civil t#ial fo# 6ene#al inco&1etence is so&et)in6 ')ic) is a11lie$ to an o'ne# only

afte# t)e nei6)bo#s )ave been co&1lainin6 fo# a lon6 ti&e abo(t )i&8 T)ey )aven?t)a$ t)e ti&e o# t)e #i6)t to co&1lain abo(t &e% )ave t)ey no'@5

Beasley 0e1t )is )an$ on t)e )an$le of )is &(68 T)e (se of s1o0en 'o#$s ti#e$

)i&8 A c#o'n of s'eat be6an to s)o' a#o(n$ t)e to1 of )is fo#e)ea$8

5(11ose% la$%5 sai$ )e ve#y sole&nly% 5t)at I 0ne' t)#o(6) 1#o1e# c)annels

so&et)in6 abo(t )o' yo( 'e#e ($6e$ in t)at van>t)e#eF I?ve sai$ it% &e t)at s)o(l$n?t

)ave>an$ s(11ose t)at I 0ne' t)e Onsec0 )ate$ a fo#ei6n 6entle&an t)at &i6)t )ave

 been in a van li0e t)at>5

5T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y@5 ')is1e#e$ Ro$% s)oc0e$ at last by t)e fact t)at Beasley

fo#ce$ )i&self to tal0 abo(t t)e (n&entionable8

5Aye%5 no$$e$ Beasley% )is )onest face close to b#ea0in6 into tea#s% 5an$

s(11ose t)at I 0ne' t)at t)e Onsec0 0ne' yo( an$ felt t)e #(le 'as '#on6% all '#on6%

t)at yo( 'e#e a f#ea0 ')o 'o(l$ )(#t all No#st#ilia% ')at 'o(l$ I $o@5

5I $on?t 0no'%5 sai$ Ro$8 5Tell &e% 1e#)a1s@5

5Neve#%5 sai$ Beasley8 5I?& an )onest &an8 2et &e anot)e# $#in085

Ro$ 'al0e$ ove# to t)e c(1boa#$% b#o(6)t o(t anot)e# bottle of bitte# ale%

'on$e#in6 ')e#e o# ')en He &i6)t )ave 0no'n t)e Onsec08 He )a$ neve# )a$ &(c) of 

anyt)in6 to $o 'it) 6ove#n&ent )is fa&ily>fi#st )is 6#an$fat)e#% ')ile )e live$% an$

t)en )is a(nts an$ co(sins>)a$ ta0en ca#e of all t)e official 1a1e#s an$ 1e#&its an$


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Beasley $#an0 $ee1ly of t)e ale8 52oo$ ale% t)is8 Ha#$ 'o#0% tal0in6% even

t)o(6) it?s a fine 'ay to 0ee1 a sec#et% if yo(?#e 1#etty s(#e nobo$y can 1ee1 o(# &in$s85

5I $on?t 0no' )i&%5 sai$ Ro$8

5W)o@5 as0e$ Beasley% &o&enta#ily off )is t#ail of t)o(6)t8

5T)e Onsec08 I $on?t 0no' any Onsec08 I?ve neve# been to Ne' Canbe##a8 I?ve

neve# seen an official% no% no# an off'o#l$e# neit)e#% not (ntil I &et t)at fo#ei6n

6entle&an 'e 'e#e tal0in6 abo(t8 Ho' can t)e Onsec0 0no' &e if I $on?t 0no' )i&@5

5B(t yo( $i$% la$$ie8 He 'asn?t Onsec0 t)en85

5"o# s)ee1?s sa0e% si#%5 sai$ Ro$% 5tell &e ')o it isF5

5Neve# (se t)e Lo#$?s na&e (nless yo( a#e tal0in6 to t)e Lo#$%5 sai$ Beasley

6l(&ly8 5I?& so##y% si#8 I a1olo6ie8 W)o 'as it@5

5Ho(6aton y&e to t)e-)(n$#e$-an$-fo#ty-nint)%5 sai$ Beasley8 5We )ave no

nei6)bo# of t)at na&e% si#855No% 'e $on?t%5 sai$ Beasley )oa#sely% as t)o(6) )e )a$ co&e to t)e en$ of )is

#oa$ in i&1a#tin6 sec#ets8

Ro$ sta#e$ at )i&% still 1(le$8

In t)e fa#% fa# $istance% 'ay beyon$ Pillo' Hills% )is 6iant s)ee1 baa?$8 T)at

 1#obably &eant t)at Ho11e# 'as )oistin6 )e# into a ne' 1osition on )e# 1latfo#&% so

t)at s)e co(l$ #eac) f#es) 6#ass8

Beasley b#o(6)t )is face close to Ro$?s8 He ')is1e#e$% an$ it 'as f(nny to see

t)e )as) a no#&al &an &a$e o(t of ')is1e#in6 ')en )e )a$n?t even tal0e$ 'it) )is

voice fo# )alf a yea#8

His 'o#$s )a$ a lo'% $i#ty tone to t)e&% as t)o(6) )e 'e#e 6oin6 to tell Ro$ an

e3t#e&ely filt)y sto#y o# as0 )i& so&e 1e#sonal an$ &ost i&1#o1e# (estion8

5Yo(# life% la$$ie%5 )e 6as1e$% 5I 0no' yo(?ve )a$ a #(& one8 I )ate to as0 yo(%

 b(t I &(st8 Ho' &(c) $o yo( 0no' of yo(# o'n life@5

5O)% t)at%5 sai$ Ro$ easily% 5t)at8 I $on?t &in$ bein6 as0e$ t)at% even if it is a

little '#on6-o8 I )ave )a$ fo(# c)il$)oo$s% e#o to si3teen eac) ti&e8 !y fa&ily 0e1t

)o1in6 t)at I 'o(l$ 6#o' (1 to s1ie0 an$ )ie# li0e eve#ybo$y else% b(t I (st staye$ &e8

Of co(#se% I 'asn?t a #eal baby on t)e t)#ee ti&es t)ey sta#te$ &e ove#% (st so#t of an

e$(cate$ i$iot t)e sie of a boy si3teen85

5T)at?s it% la$8 B(t can yo( #e&e&be# t)e&% t)ose ot)e# lives@5

5Bits an$ 1ieces% si#% Pieces an$ bits8 It $i$n?t )ol$ to6et)e#>5 He c)ec0e$

)i&self an$ 6as1e$% 5Ho(6)ton y&eF Ho(6)ton y&eF Ol$ Hot an$ i&1le8 Of 

co(#se I 0no' )i&8 T)e one- s)ot boy8 I 0ne' )i& in &y fi#st 1#e11e#% in &y fi#st

c)il$)oo$8 We 'e#e 1#etty 6oo$ f#ien$s% b(t 'e )ate$ eac) ot)e# any)o'8 I 'as a f#ea0 

an$ )e 'as too8 I co(l$n?t s1ie0 o# )ie#% an$ )e co(l$n?t ta0e st#oon8 T)at &eant t)at I

'o(l$ neve# 6et t)#o(6) t)e 2a#$en of Deat)> (st t)e 6i66le #oo& an$ fine o'ne#?s

coffin fo# &e8 An$ )i& >)e 'as 'o#se8 He 'o(l$ (st 6et an Ol$ Ea#t) lifeti&e> a

)(n$#e$ an$ si3ty yea#s o# so an$ t)en blotto8 He &(st be an ol$is) &an no'8 Poo# 

c)a1F Ho' $i$ )e 6et to be Onsec0@ W)at 1o'e# $oes an Onsec0 )ave@5

5No' yo( )ave it% la$$ie8 He says )e?s yo(# f#ien$ an$ t)at )e )ates to $o it%

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 b(t )e?s 6ot to see to it t)at yo( a#e 0ille$8 "o# t)e 6oo$ of No#st#ilia8 He says it?s )is

$(ty8 He 6ot to be Onsec0 

 beca(se )e 'as al'ays a'in6 abo(t )is $(ty an$ 1eo1le 'e#e a little so##y fo# 

)i& beca(se )e 'as 6oin6 to $ie so soon% (st one Ol$ Ea#t) lifeti&e 'it) all t)e st#oon

in t)e (nive#se 1#o$(ce$ a#o(n$ )is feet an$ )i& (nable to ta0e it>5

5T)ey neve# c(#e$ )i&% t)en@5

5Neve#%5 sai$ Beasley8 5He?s an ol$ &an no'% an$ bitte#8 An$ )e?s s'o#n to see

yo( $ie85 5Can )e $o it@ Bein6 Onsec0% I &ean85

5He &i6)t8 He )ates t)at fo#ei6n 6entle&an 'e 'e#e tal0in6 abo(t beca(se

t)at off'o#l$e# tol$ )i& )e 'as a 1#ovincial fool8 He )ates yo( beca(se yo( 'ill live

an$ )e 'ill not8 W)at 'as it yo( calle$ )i& in sc)ool@5

5Ol$ Hot an$ i&1le8 A boy?s o0e on )is na&e85

5He?s not )ot an$ )e?s not si&1le8 He?s col$ an$ co&1licate$ an$ c#(el an$

(n)a11y8 If 'e $i$n?t all of (s t)in0 t)at )e 'as 6oin6 to $ie in a little ')ile% ten o# a)(n$#e$ yea#s o# so% 'e &i6)t vote )i& into a 6i66le #oo& o(#selves8 "o# &ise#y an$

inco&1etence8 B(t )e is Onsec0 an$ )e?s afte# yo(8 I?ve sai$ it no'8 I s)o(l$n?t )ave8

B(t ')en I sa' t)at sly col$ face tal0in6 abo(t yo( an$ t#yin6 to $ecla#e yo(# boa#$

inco&1etent #i6)t ')ile yo(% la$$ie% 'e#e )avin6 an )onest bin6e 'it) yo(# fa&ily an$

nei6)bo#s at )avin6 6otten t)#o(6) at last>')en I sa' t)at ')ite sly face c#ee1in6

a#o(n$ ')e#e yo( co(l$n?t even see )i& fo# a fai# fi6)t>t)en I sai$ to &yself% Ro$

!cBan &ay not be a &an officially% b(t t)e 1oo# clo$$in6 c#(tt )as 1ai$ t)e f(ll 1#ice

fo# bein6 a &an% so I?ve tol$ yo(8 I &ay )ave ta0en a c)ance% an$ I &ay )ave )(#t &y

)ono#85 Beasley si6)e$8 His )onest #e$ face 'as t#o(ble$ in$ee$8 5I &ay )ave )(#t

&y )ono#% an$ t)at?s a so#e t)in6 )e#e in No#st#ilia ')e#e a &an can live as lon6 as

)e 'ants8 B(t I?& 6la$ I $i$8 Besi$es% &y t)#oat is so#e 'it) all t)is tal0in68 2et &e

anot)e# bottle of bitte# ale% la$% befo#e I 6o an$ 6et &y )o#se85

Wo#$lessly Ro$ 6ot )i& t)e ale% an$ 1o(#e$ it fo# )i& 'it) a 1leasant no$8

Beasley% (nincline$ to $o any &o#e tal0in6% si11e$ at t)e ale8 Pe#)a1s%

t)o(6)t Ro$% )e is )ie#in6 a#o(n$ ca#ef(lly to see if t)e#e )ave been any )(&an

&in$s nea#by ')ic) &i6)t )ave 1ic0e$ (1 t)e tele1at)ic lea0a6e f#o& t)e


As Beasley )an$e$ bac0 t)e &(6 an$ sta#te$ to leave 'it) a 'o#$less

nei6)bo#ly no$% Ro$ co(l$ not #est#ain )i&self f#o& as0in6 one last (estion% ')ic)

)e s1o0e in a )isse$ ')is1e#8 Beasley )a$ 6otten )is &in$ so fa# off t)e s(bect of so(n$ tal0 t)at )e &e#ely sta#e$ at Ro$8 Pe#)a1s% Ro$ t)o(6)t% )e is as0in6 &e to s1ie0 

 1lainly beca(se )e )as fo#6otten t)at I cannot s1ie0 at all8 T)at 'as t)e case% beca(se

Beasley c#oa0e$ in a ve#y )oa#se voice4

5W)at is it% la$@ Don?t &a0e &e tal0 &(c)8 !y voice is sc#atc)in6 &e an$ &y

)ono# is so#e 'it)in &e85

5W)at s)o(l$ I $o% si#@ W)at s)o(l$ I $o@5

5!iste# an$ O'ne# !cBan% t)at?s yo(# 1#oble&8 I?& not yo(8 I 'o(l$n?t 0no'85

5B(t ')at 'o(l$ yo( $o% si#@ (11ose yo( 'e#e &e85

Beasley?s bl(e eyes loo0e$ ove# at Pillo' Hill fo# a &o&ent% abst#acte$ly8 52etoff1lanet8 2et off8 2o a'ay8 "o# a )(n$#e$ yea#s o# so8 T)en t)at &an>)i&>)e?ll be

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$ea$ in $(e ti&e an$ yo( can co&e bac0% f#es) as a ne'-blosso&e$ t'in0le85

5B(t )o'% si#@ Ho' can I $o it@5

Beasley 1atte$ )i& on )is s)o(l$e#% 6ave )i& a b#oa$ 'o#$less s&ile% 1(t )is

foot in )is sti##(1% s1#an6 into )is sa$$le% an$ loo0e$ $o'n at Ro$8

5I 'o(l$n?t 0no'% nei6)bo#8 B(t 6oo$ l(c0 to yo(% (st t)e sa&e8 I?ve $one

&o#e t)an I

s)o(l$8 2oo$-bye85

He sla11e$ )is )o#se 6ently 'it) )is o1en )an$ t#otte$ o(t of t)e ya#$8 At t)e

e$6e of t)e ya#$ t)e c)an6e$ to a cante#8

Ro$ stoo$ in )is o'n $oo#'ay% (tte#ly alone8

CHAPTER "OUR4 T)e Ol$ B#o0en T#eas(#es in t)e 2a1

Afte# Beasley left% Ro$ lo1e$ &ise#ably a#o(n$ )is fa#&8 He &isse$ )is

6#an$fat)e#% ')o )a$ been livin6 $(#in6 )is fi#st t)#ee c)il$)oo$s b(t ')o )a$ $ie$')ile Ro$ 'as 6oin6 t)#o(6) a fo(#t) si&(late$ infancy in an atte&1t to c(#e )is

tele1at)ic )an$ica18 He even &isse$ )is A(nt !a#6ot% ')o )a$ vol(nta#ily 6one into

Wit)$#a'al at t)e a6e of nine )(n$#e$ an$ t'o8 T)e#e 'e#e 1lenty of co(sins an$

0ins&en f#o& ')o& )e co(l$ as0 a$vice t)e#e 'e#e t)e t'o )an$s on t)e fa#& t)e#e

'as even t)e c)ance t)at )e co(l$ 6o see !ot)e# Hitton )e#self% beca(se s)e )a$

once been% &a##ie$ to one of )is 6#eat,,-(ncles8 B(t t)is ti&e )e $i$ not 'ant

co&1anions)i18 T)e#e 'as not)in6 )e co(l$ $o 'it) 1eo1le8 T)e Onsec0 'as 1eo1le

too>i&a6ine 5ol$ )ot an$ si&1le5 beco&in6 a 1o'e# in t)e )an$F Ro$ 0ne' t)at t)is

'as )is o'n fi6)t8

His o'n8

W)at )a$ eve# been )is o'n befo#e@

 Not even )is life8 He co(l$ #e&e&be# bits abo(t t)e $iffe#ent boy)oo$s )e?$ )a$8

He even )a$ va6(e (nco&fo#table 6li&1ses of seasons of 1ain>t)e ti&es t)ey )a$ sent

)i& bac0 to baby)oo$ ')ile leavin6 )i& la#6e8 T)at )a$n?t been )is c)oice8 T)e ol$

&an )a$ o#$e#e$ it o# t)e ;ice- c)ai#&an )a$ a11#ove$ it o# A(nt !a#6ot )a$ be66e$

fo# it8 Nobo$y )a$ as0e$ )i& &(c)% e3ce1t to say% 5Yo( 'ill a6#ee+5

He )a$ a6#ee$8

He )a$ been 6oo$>so 6oo$ t)at )e )ate$ t)e& all at ti&es an$ 'on$e#e$ if 

t)ey 0ne' )e )ate$ t)e&8 T)e )ate neve# laste$% beca(se t)e #eal 1eo1le involve$'e#e too 'ell-&eanin6% too 0in$% too a&bitio(s fo# )is o'n sa0e8 He )a$ to love t)e&


T#yin6 to t)in0 t)ese t)in6s ove#% )e lo1e$ a#o(n$ )is estate on foot8

T)e bi6 s)ee1 lay on t)ei# 1latfo#&s% fo#eve# sic0% fo#eve# 6i6antic8 Pe#)a1s

so&e of t)e& #e&e&be#e$ ')en t)ey )a$ been la&bs% f#ee to #(n t)#o(6) t)e

s1a#se 6#ass% f#ee to 1(s) t)ei# )ea$s t)#o(6) t)e 1liofil& cove#s of t)e canals an$ to

)el1 t)e&selves to 'ate# ')en t)ey 'ante$ to $#in08 No' t)ey 'ei6)e$ )(n$#e$s of 

tons an$ 'e#e fe$ by fee$in6 &ac)ines% 'atc)e$ by 6(a#$ &ac)ines% c)ec0e$ by

a(to&atic $octo#s8 T)ey 'e#e fe$ an$ 'ate#e$ a little t)#o(6) t)e &o(t) only beca(se

 1asto#al e31e#ience s)o'e$ t)at t)ey staye$ fatte# an$ live$ lon6e# if a se&blance of 

no#&ality 'as left to t)e&8

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His a(nt Do#is% ')o 0e1t )o(se fo# )i&% 'as still a'ay8

His 'o#0'o&an Eleano#% ')o& )e 1ai$ an ann(al s(& la#6e# t)an &any

 1lanets 1ai$ fo# t)ei# enti#e a#&e$ fo#ces% )a$ $elaye$ )e# ti&e at &a#0et8

T)e t'o s)ee1)an$s% Bill an$ Ho11e#% 'e#e still o(t8 An$ )e $i$ not 'ant to tal0 

to t)e&% any)o'8

He 'is)e$ t)at )e co(l$ see t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% t)at st#an6e off'o#l$ &an

')o& )e )a$ &et in t)e 2a#$en of Deat)8 T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y (st loo0e$ as t)o(6) )e

0ne' &o#e t)in6s t)an No#st#ilians $i$% as t)o(6) )e ca&e f#o& s)a#1e#% c#(ele#% 'ise# 

societies t)an &ost 1eo1le in Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia )a$ eve# seen8

B(t yo( can?t as0 fo# a Lo#$8 Pa#tic(la#ly not ')en yo( )ave &et )i& only in a

sec#et )ea#in68 Ro$ )a$ 6otten to t)e final li&its of )is o'n lan$8

H(&1)#ey?s La's(it lay beyon$> a b#oa$ st#i1 of 1oo# lan$% co&1letely

(nten$e$% t)e b(il$in6-)i6) #ibs of lon6-$ea$ s)ee1-s0eletons &a0in6 'ei#$ s)a$o's as

t)e s(n be6an to set8 T)e H(&1)#ey fa&ily )a$ been la'in6 ove# t)at lan$ fo# )(n$#e$s of yea#s8 !ean')ile it lay 'aste e3ce1t fo# t)e fe' a(t)o#ie$ 1(blic

ani&als ')ic) t)e Co&&on'ealt) 'as allo'e$ to 1(t on any lan$% 1(blic o# 1#ivate8

Ro$ 0ne' t)at f#ee$o& 'as only t'o ste1s a'ay8

All )e )a$ to $o 'as to ste1 ove# t)e line an$ s)o(t 'it) )is &in$ fo# 1eo1le8

He co(l$ $o t)at even t)o(6) )e co(l$ not #eally s1ie08 A tele1at)ic 6a#ble of ala#&

'o(l$ b#in6 t)e o#bitin6 6(a#$s $o'n to )i& in seven o# ei6)t &in(tes8 T)en )e 'o(l$

nee$ only to say4

5I s'ea# off title8 I 6ive (1 &iste#s)i1 an$ o'ne#s)i18 I $e&an$ &y livin6 f#o&

t)eCo&&on'ealt)8 Watc) &e% 1eo1le% ')ile I #e1eat85

T)#ee #e1etitions of t)is 'o(l$ &a0e )i& an Official Pa(1e#% 'it) not a ca#e left

 >no &eetin6s% no lan$ to ten$% no acco(ntin6 to $o% not)in6 b(t to 'an$e# a#o(n$ Ol$

 No#t) A(st#alia 1ic0in6 (1 any ob )e 'ante$ an$ (ittin6 it ')eneve# )e 'ante$8 It

'as a 6oo$ life% a f#ee life% t)e best t)e Co&&on'ealt) co(l$ offe# to s(atte#s an$

o'ne#s ')o ot)e#'ise live$ lon6 cent(#ies of ca#e% #es1onsibility% an$ )ono#8 It 'as a

fine life> 

B(t no !cBan )a$ eve# ta0en it% not even a co(sin8 No# co(l$ )e8

He 'ent bac0 to t)e )o(se% &ise#able8 He listene$ to Eleano# tal0in6 'it) Billan$ Ho11e# ')ile $inne# 'as se#ve$>a )(6e 1late of boile$ &(tton% 1otatoes% )a#$-

 boile$ e66s% tation-b#e'e$ bee# o(t of t)e 0e68 T)e#e 'e#e 1lanets% )e 0ne'% ')e#e

 1eo1le neve# taste$ s(c) foo$ f#o& bi#t) to $eat)8 T)e#e t)ey live$ on i&1#e6nate$

 1asteboa#$ ')ic) 'as salva6e$ f#o& t)e lat#ines% #ei&1#e6nate$ 'it) n(t#ients an$

vita&ins% $eo$o#ie$ an$ ste#ilie$% an$ iss(e$ a6ain t)e ne3t $ay8 He 0ne' it 'as a

fine $inne#% b(t )e $i$ not ca#e8 Ho' co(l$ )e tal0 abo(t t)e Onsec0 to t)ese 1eo1le@

T)ei# faces still 6lo'e$ 'it) 1leas(#e at )is )avin6 co&e o(t t)e #i6)t si$e of t)e

2a#$en of Deat)8 T)ey t)o(6)t )e 'as l(c0y to be alive% even &o#e l(c0y to be t)e

&ost )ono#e$ )ei# on t)e ')ole 1lanet8 Doo& 'as a 6oo$ 1lace% even if it 'asn?t t)e


Ri6)t in t)e &i$$le of $inne# )e #e&e&be#e$ t)e 6ift t)e sna0e-sol$ie# )a$ 6iven

)i&8 He )a$ 1(t it on t)e to1 s)elf of )is be$#oo& 'all an$ 'it) t)e 1a#ty an$

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Beasley?s visit% )e )a$ neve# o1ene$ it8

He bolte$ $o'n )is foo$ an$ &(tte#e$% 5I?ll be bac085 T)e 'allet 'as t)e#e% in

)is be$#oo&8 T)e case 'as bea(tif(l8 He too0 it% o1ene$ it8

Insi$e t)e#e 'as a flat &etal $isc8 A tic0et@

W)e#e to@

He t(#ne$ it t)is 'ay an$ t)at8 It )a$ been tele1at)ically en6#ave$ an$ 'as

 1#obably s)o(tin6 its enti#e itine#a#y into )is &in$% b(t )e co(l$ not )ie# it8

He )el$ it close to t)e oil la&18 o&eti&es $iscs li0e t)is )a$ ol$-'#itin6 on

t)e&% ')ic) at least s)o'e$ t)e 6ene#al li&its8 It 'o(l$ be a 1#ivate o#nit)o1te# (1 to

!enies La0e at t)e best% o# an ai#b(s fa#e to Ne' !elbo(#ne an$ #et(#n8 He ca(6)t

t)e s)een of ol$ '#itin68 One &o#e tilt% an6le$ to t)e li6)t% an$ )e )a$ it8 5!an)o&e

an$ #et(#n85


Lo#$ )ave &e#cy% t)at 'as Ol$ Ea#t) itselfF

5B(t t)en%5 t)o(6)t Ro$% 5I?$ be #(nnin6 a'ay f#o& t)e Onsec0% an$ I?$ live

t)e #est of &y life 'it) all &y f#ien$s 0no'in6 I )a$ #(n a'ay f#o& Ol$ Hot an$

i&1le8 I can?t8 o&e)o' I?ve 6ot to beat Ho(6)ton y&e8 In )is o'n 'ay8 An$ &y

o'n 'ay85

He 'ent bac0 to t)e table% $#o11e$ t)e #est of t)e $inne# into )is sto&ac) as

t)o(6) it 'e#e s)ee1-foo$ 1ellets% an$ 'ent to )is be$#oo& ea#ly8

"o# t)e fi#st ti&e in )is life% )e sle1t ba$ly8

An$ o(t of t)e ba$ slee1% t)e ans'e# ca&e4 5As0 Ha&let85

Ha&let 'as not even a &an8 He 'as (st a tal0in6 1ict(#e in a cave% b(t )e 'as

'ise% )e 'as f#o& Ol$ Ea#t) Itself% an$ )e )a$ no f#ien$s to ')o& to 6ive Ro$?s sec#ets8

Wit) t)is i$ea% Ro$ t(#ne$ on )is slee1in6 s)elf an$ 'ent into a $ee1 slee18

In t)e &o#nin6 )is a(nt Do#is 'as still not bac0% so )e tol$ t)e 'o#0'o&an

Eleano#% 5I?ll be 6one all $ay8 Don?t loo0 fo# &e o# 'o##y abo(t &e85

5W)at abo(t yo(# l(nc)% &iste# an$ o'ne#@ Yo( can?t #(n a#o(n$ t)e station

'it) no t(c0e#85 5W#a1 so&e (1% t)en85

5W)e#e?#e yo( 6oin6% &iste# an$ o'ne#% si#% if yo( can tell &e@5 T)e#e 'as

an (n1leasant sea#c)in6 e$6e in )e# voice% as t)o(6)>bein6 t)e only a$(lt 'o&an 1#esent>s)e )a$ to c)ec0 on )i& as t)o(6) )e 'e#e still a c)il$8 He $i$n?t li0e it% b(t

)e #e1lie$ 'it) a f#an0 eno(6) ai#4

5I?& not leavin6 t)e station8 K(st #a&blin6 a#o(n$8 I nee$ to t)in085

!o#e 0in$ly s)e sai$% 5Yo( t)in0% t)en% Ro$8 K(st 6o #i6)t a)ea$ an$ t)in08 If 

yo( as0 &e% yo( o(6)t to 6o live 'it) a fa&ily>5

5I 0no' ')at yo(?ve sai$%5 )e inte##(1te$ )e#8 5I?& not &a0in6 any bi6

$ecisions to$ay% Eleano#8 K(st #a&blin6 an$ t)in0in685

5All #i6)t t)en% &iste# an$ o'ne#8 Ra&ble a#o(n$ an$ 'o##y abo(t t)e 6#o(n$

yo(?#e 'al0in6 on8 It?s yo( t)at 6et t)e 'o##ies fo# it8 I?& 6la$ &y $a$$y too0 t)e

official 1a(1e# 'o#$s8 We (se$ to be #ic)85 Une31ecte$ly s)e b#i6)tene$ an$ la(6)e$

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at )e#self% 5No' t)at% yo(?ve )ea#$ t)at too% Ro$8 He#e?s yo(# foo$8 Do yo( )ave yo(# 


5I?ll steal f#o& t)e s)ee1%5 )e sai$ i##eve#ently8 )e 0ne' )e 'as o0in6 an$ s)e

'ave$ )i& a f#ien$ly 6oo$-bye8

T)e ol$% ol$ 6a1 'as to t)e #ea# of t)e )o(se% so )e left by t)e f#ont8 He 'ante$to 6o t)e lon6 '#on6 'ay a#o(n$% so t)at neit)e# )(&an eyes no# )(&an &in$s 'o(l$

st(&ble on t)e sec#et )e )a$ fo(n$ fifty-si3 yea#s befo#e% t)e fi#st ti&e )e 'as ei6)t

yea#s ol$8 T)#o(6) all t)e 1ain an$ t)e t#o(bles )e )a$ #e&e&be#e$ t)is one vivi$

 b#i6)t sec#et>t)e $ee1 cave f(ll of #(ine$ an$ 1#o)ibite$ t#eas(#es8 To t)ese )e &(st


T)e s(n 'as )i6) in t)e s0y% s1#ea$in6 its 1atc) of b#i6)te# 6#ay above t)e 6#ay

clo($s% ')en )e sli$ into ')at loo0e$ li0e a $#y i##i6ation $itc)8

He 'al0e$ a fe' ste1s alon6 t)e $itc)8 T)en )e sto11e$ an$ listene$ ca#ef(lly%

ve#y ca#ef(lly8 T)e#e 'as no so(n$ e3ce1t fo# t)e sno#in6 of a yo(n6 )(n$#e$-ton #a& a

&ile o# so a'ay8 Ro$ t)en sta#e$ a#o(n$8In t)e fa# $istance% a 1olice o#nit)o1te# soa#e$ as lay as a sate$ )a'08 Ro$ t#ie$

$es1e#ately &(c) to )ie#8

He )ie#e$ not)in6 'it) )is &in$% b(t 'it) )is ea#s )e )ea#$ t)e slo' )eavy

 1(lsin6 of )is o'n bloo$ 1o(n$in6 t)#o(6) )is )ea$8

He too0 a c)ance8

T)e t#a1 $oo# 'as t)e#e% (st insi$e t)e e$6e of t)e c(lve#t8

He lifte$ it an$% leavin6 it o1en% $ove in confi$ently as a s'i&&e# 0nifin6

)is 'ay into a fa&ilia# 1ool8

He 0ne' )is 'ay8

His clot)es #i11e$ a little% b(t t)e 'ei6)t of )is bo$y $#a66e$ )i& 1ast t)e

na##o'ness of t)e $oo#f#a&e8

His )an$s #eac)e$ o(t an$ li0e t)e )an$s of an ac#obat t)ey ca(6)t t)e inne# ba#8

T)e $oo# be)in$ sna11e$ s)(t8

Ho' f#i6)tenin6 t)is )a$ been ')en )e 'as little an$ t#ie$ t)e t#i1 fo# t)e fi#st

ti&eF He )a$ let )i&self $o'n 'it) a #o1e an$ a to#c)% neve# #ealiin6 t)e i&1o#tance

of t)e t#a1 $oo# at t)e e$6e of t)e c(lve#tF

 No' it 'as easy8

Wit) a t)($% )e lan$e$ on )is feet8 T)e b#i6)t ol$ ille6al li6)ts 'ent on8 T)e

$e)(&i$ifie# be6an to 1(##% lest t)e 'etness of )is b#eat) s1oil t)e t#eas(#es in t)e #oo&8

T)e#e 'e#e $#a&a-c(bes by t)e sco#e% 'it) t'o $iffe#ent sies of 1#oecto#s8

T)e#e 'e#e )ea1s of clot)in6% fo# bot) &en an$ 'o&en% left ove# f#o& fo#6otten a6es8

In a c)est% in t)e co#ne#% t)e#e 'as even a s&all &ac)ine f#o& befo#e t)e A6e of 1ace%

a c#($e b(t bea(tif(l &ec)anical c)#ono6#a1)% co&1letely 'it)o(t #esonance

co&1ensation% an$ t)e ancient na&e 5Kae6e# Le Co(lt#e5 '#itten ac#oss its face8 It still

0e1t ea#t) ti&e afte# fifteen t)o(san$ yea#s8

Ro$ sat $o'n in an (tte#ly i&1e#&issible c)ai#>one ')ic) see&e$ to be aco&1le3 of 1illo's b(ilt on an inte#loc0in6 f#a&e8 T)e to(c) eno(6) 'as a &e$icine

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fo# )is 'o##ies8 One c)ai# le6 'as b#o0en% b(t t)at 'as t)e 'ay )is 6#an$fat)e# to-

t)e-nineteent) )a$ violate$ t)e Clean 'ee18

T)e Clean 'ee1 )a$ been Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia?s last 1olitical c#isis% &any

cent(#ies befo#e% ')en t)e last (n$e#-1eo1le 'e#e )(nte$ $o'n an$ $#iven off t)e

 1lanet an$ ')en all $a&a6in6 l(3(#ies )a$ to be t(#ne$ in to t)e Co&&on'ealt)

a(t)o#ities% to be #e1(#c)ase$ by t)ei# o'ne#s only at a #eval(ation t'enty t)o(san$

ti&es )i6)e# t)an t)ei# assesse$ 'o#t)8 It 'as t)e final effo#t to 0ee1 No#st#ilians

si&1le% )ealt)y an$ 'ell8 Eve#y citien )a$ to s'ea# t)at )e )a$ t(#ne$ in eve#y sin6le

ite&% an$ t)e oat) )a$ been ta0en 'it) t)o(san$s of tele1at)s 'atc)in68 It 'as a

testi&ony to t)e )i6) &ental 1o'e# an$ a$e1t $eceitf(lness of 6#an$fat)e# to-t)e-

nineteent) t)at Ro$ !cBan C=== )a$ inflicte$ only sy&bolic b#ea0a6e on )is

favo#ite t#eas(#es% so&e of ')ic) 'e#e not even in t)e cate6o#ies allo'e$ fo# 

#e1(#c)ase% li0e off'o#l$ $#a&a-c(bes% an$ )a$ been able to )i$e )is t)in6s in an

(ni&1o#tant co#ne# of )is fiel$s>)i$e t)e& so 'ell t)at neit)e# #obbe#s no# 1olice )a$

t)o(6)t of t)e& fo# t)e )(n$#e$s of yea#s t)at follo'e$8

Ro$ 1ic0e$ (1 )is favo#ite4 Ha&let% by Willia& )a0es1ea#e8 Wit)o(t a vie'e#%t)e c(be 'as $esi6ne$ to act ')en to(c)e$ by a t#(e )(&an bein68 T)e to1 of t)e c(be

 beca&e a little sta6e% t)e acto#s a11ea#e$ as b#i6)t &iniat(#es s1ea0in6 Ancient In6lis)%

a lan6(a6e ve#y close to Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian% an$ t)e tele1at)ic co&&enta#y% c(e$ to

t)e Ol$ Co&&on Ton6(e% #o(n$e$ o(t t)e sto#y8 ince Ro$ 'as not $e1en$ably

tele1at)ic% )e )a$ lea#ne$ a 6#eat $eal of t)e Ancient In6lis) by t#yin6 to (n$e#stan$

t)e $#a&a 'it)o(t co&&enta#y8 He $i$ not li0e ')at )e fi#st sa' an$ )e s)oo0 t)e c(be

(ntil t)e 1lay a11#oac)e$ its en$8 At last )e )ea#$ t)e $ea# )i6) fa&ilia# voice s1ea0in6

in Ha&let?s last scene4

I a& $ea$% Ho#atio8 W#etc)e$ (een% a$ie(F Yo( t)at loo0 1ale an$ t#e&ble at

t)is c)ance8 T)at a#e b(t &(tes o# a($ience to t)is act8Ha$ I b(t ti&e> as t)is fell se#6eant% $eat)% Is st#ict in )is a##est> OF I co(l$

tell yo(> 

B(t let it be% Ho#atio% I a& $ea$8

Ro$ s)oo0 t)e c(be ve#y 6ently an$ t)e scene s1e$ $o'n a fe' lines8

Ha&let 'as still tal0in64

+ ')at a 'o(n$e$ na&e%

T)in6s stan$in6 t)(s (n0no'n% s)all live be)in$ &e8 If t)o( $i$st eve# )ol$ &e

in t)y )ea#t%Absent t)ee f#o& felicity a ')ile%

An$ in t)is )a#s) 'o#l$ $#a' t)y b#eat) in 1ain

To tell &y sto#y8

Ro$ 1(t $o'n t)e c(be ve#y 6ently8 T)e b#i6)t little fi6(#es $isa11ea#e$8 T)e

#oo& 'as silent8

B(t )e )a$ t)e ans'e# an$ it 'as 'is$o&8 An$ 'is$o&% coeval 'it) &an%

co&es (nanno(nce$% (nbi$$en% an$ (n'elco&e into eve#y life Ro$ fo(n$ t)at )e )a$

$iscove#e$ t)e ans'e# to a basic 1#oble&8

B(t not )is o'n 1#oble&8 T)e ans'e# 'as Ho(6)ton y&e% ol$ Hot an$ i&1le8It 'as t)e Hon8 ec8 ')o 'as al#ea$y $yin6 of a 'o(n$e$ na&e8 Hence t)e

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 1e#sec(tion8 It 'as t)e Onsec0 ')o )a$ t)e 5fell se#6eant% $eat)5 actin6 st#ictly in )is

a##est% even if t)e a##est 'e#e only a fe' $eca$es off instea$ of a fe' &in(tes8 He% Ro$

!cBan% 'as to live )is ol$ ac(aintance 'as to $ie an$ t)e $yin6>o)% t)e $yin6%

al'ays% al'aysF>co(l$ not )el1 #esentin6 t)e s(#vivo#s% even if t)ey 'e#e love$ ones%

at least fo# a little bit8

Hence t)e Onsec08 B(t ')at of )i&self@

Ro$ b#(s)e$ a 1ile of 1#iceless% ille6al &an(sc#i1ts o(t of t)e 'ay an$ 1ic0e$ (1

a s&all boo0 &a#0e$ Reconstit(te$ Late In6lis) Lan6(a6e ;e#se8 At eac) 1a6e% as it 'as

o1ene$% a yo(n6 &an o# 'o&an seven centi&ete#s )i6) stoo$ (1 b#i6)tly on t)e 1a6e

an$ #ecite$ t)e te3t8 Ro$ #(ffle$ t)e 1a6es of t)e ol$ boo0 so t)at t)e little fi6(#es

a11ea#e$ an$ t#e&ble$ an$ fle$ li0e 'ea0 fla&es seen on a b#i6)t $ay8 One ca(6)t )is

eye an$ )e sto11e$ t)e 1a6e at &i$-1oe&8 T)e fi6(#e 'as sayin64

T)e c)allen6e )ol$s% I cannot no' #et#act T)e boast I &a$e to t)at #elentless

co(#t% T)e )ostile (stice of &y self-conte&1t8

If no' t)e o#$eal is 1#e1a#e$% &y act

!(st soon be s)o'n8 I 1#ay t)at it is s)o#t% An$ neve# $#ea& t)at I s)all be


He 6lance$ at t)e foot of t)e 1a6e an$ sa' t)e na&e% Casi&i# Cole6#ove8 Of 

co(#se% )e )a$ seen t)at na&e befo#e8 An ol$ 1oet>a 6oo$ one8 B(t ')at $i$ t)e 'o#$s

&ean to )i&% Ro$ !cBan% sittin6 in a )i$$en )ole 'it)in t)e li&its of )is o'n lan$@ He

'as a !iste# an$ O'ne#% in all e3ce1t final title% an$ )e 'as #(nnin6 f#o& an ene&y )e

co(l$ not $efine8

5T)e )ostile (stice of &y self-conte&1t+5

T)at 'as t)e 0ey of itF He )a$ not #(n f#o& t)e Onsec08 He )a$ #(n f#o&

)i&self8 He too0 (stice itself as )ostile beca(se it co##es1on$e$ 'it) )is si3ty-o$$yea#s of boy)oo$% )is en$less $isa11oint&ent% )is co&1liance 'it) t)in6s ')ic)

'o(l$ neve#% till all 'o#l$s b(#ne$% be co&1lie$

'it)8 Ho' co(l$ )e )ie# an$ s1ie0 li0e ot)e# 1eo1le if so&e')e#e a $o&inant

feat(#e )a$ t(#ne$ #ecessive@ Ha$n?t #eal (stice al#ea$y vin$icate$ )i& an$ clea#e$


It 'as )i&self ')o 'as c#(el8

Ot)e# 1eo1le 'e#e 0in$8 )#e'$ness &a$e )i& a$$ 5so&eti&es85

He )a$ ta0en )is o'n inne# sense of t#o(ble an$ )a$ &a$e it fit t)e o(tsi$e'o#l$% li0e t)e &o#bi$ little 1oe& )e )a$ #ea$ a lon6 ti&e a6o8 It 'as so&e')e#e #i6)t

in t)is #oo&% an$ ')en )e )a$ fi#st #ea$ it% )e felt t)at t)e lon6-$ea$ '#ite# )a$ 1(t it

$o'n fo# )i&self alone8 B(t it 'asn?t #eally so8 Ot)e# 1eo1le )a$ )a$ t)ei# t#o(bles too

an$ t)e 1oe& )a$ e31#esse$ so&et)in6 ol$e# t)an Ro$ !cBan8 It 'ent4

T)e ')eels of fate a#e s1innin6 a#o(n$8 Bet'een t)e& t)e so(ls of &en a#e

6#o(n$ T)e Ol$ B#o0en T#eas(#es in t)e 2a1

W)o st#ive fo# t)#oats to &a0e so&e so(n$

Of 1#otest o(t of t)e &a$ 1#ofo(n$

T#a1 of t)e 6o$&ac)ineF

52o$&ac)ine%5 t)o(6)t Ro$% 5no' t)at?s a cl(e8 I?ve 6ot t)e only all-&ec)anical

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co&1(te# on t)is 1lanet8 I?ll 1lay it on t)e st#oon c#o1% 'in all o# lose all85

T)e boy stoo$ (1 in t)e fo#bi$$en #oo&8

5"i6)t it is%5 )e sai$ to t)e c(bes on t)e floo#% 5an$ a 6oo$ t)an0s to yo(%

6#an$fat)e#-to-t)e- nineteent)8 Yo( &et t)e la' an$ $i$ not lose8 An$ no' it is &y t(#n

to be Ro$ !cBan85

He t(#ne$ an$ s)o(te$ to )i&self% 5To ea#t)F5

T)e call e&ba##asse$ )i&8 He felt (nseen eyes sta#in6 at )i&8 He al&ost

 bl(s)e$ an$ 'o(l$ )ave )ate$ )i&self if )e )a$8

He stoo$ on t)e to1 of a t#eas(#e c)est t(#ne$ on its si$e8 T'o &o#e 6ol$ coins%

'o#t)less as &oney b(t 1#iceless as c(#ios% fell noiselessly on t)e t)ic0 ol$ #(6s8 He

t)o(6)t a 6oo$-bye a6ain to )is sec#et #oo& an$ )e (&1e$ (1'a#$ fo# t)e ba#8 He

ca(6)t it% c)inne$ )i&self% #aise$ )i&self )i6)e#% s'(n6 a le6 on it b(t not ove# it% 6ot

)is ot)e# foot on t)e ba#% an$ t)en% ve#y ca#ef(lly b(t 'it) t)e 1o'e# of all )is &(scles%

 1(s)e$ )i&self into t)e blac0 o1enin6 above8 T)e li6)ts s($$enly 'ent off% t)e$e)(&i$ifie# )(&&e$ lo($e#% an$ t)e $ayli6)t $ale$ )i& as t)e t#a1 $oo#% to(c)e$%

fl(n6 itself o1en8

He t)#(st )is )ea$ into t)e c(lve#t8 T)e $ayli6)t see&e$ $ee1 6#ay afte# t)e

 b#illiance of t)e t#eas(#e #oo&8

All silent% All clea#8 He #olle$ into t)e $itc)8

T)e $oo#% 'it) silence an$ 1o'e#% close$ itself be)in$ )i&8 He 'as neve# to

0no' it% b(t it )a$ been c(e$ to t)e 6enetic co$e of t)e $escen$ants of Ro$ !cBan8

Ha$ any ot)e# 1e#son to(c)e$ it% it 'o(l$ )ave 'it)stoo$ t)e& fo# a lon6 ti&e>al&ost


Yo( see% it 'as not #eally )is $oo#8 He 'as its boy8

5T)is lan$ )as &a$e &e%5 sai$ Ro$ alo($% as )e cla&be#e$ o(t of t)e $itc)

an$ loo0e$ a#o(n$8 T)e yo(n6 #a& )a$ a11a#ently 'a0ene$ )is sno#in6 )a$ sto11e$

an$ ove# t)e (iet )ill t)e#e ca&e t)e so(n$ of )is 1antin68 T)i#sty a6ainF T)e

tation of Doo& 'as not so #ic) t)at it co(l$ affo#$ (nli&ite$ 'ate# to its 6iant

s)ee18 T)ey live$ all #i6)t8 He 'o(l$ )ave as0e$ t)e t#(stees to sell even t)e s)ee1

fo# 'ate#% if a #eal $#o(6)t set in8 B(t neve# t)e lan$8

 Neve# t)e lan$8

 No lan$ fo# sale8

It $i$n?t even #eally belon6 to )i&4 )e belon6e$ to it>t)e #ollin6 $#y fiel$s% t)e

cove#e$ #ive#s an$ canals% t)e sly catc)&ents ')ic) ca(6)t eve#y $#o1 ')ic) &i6)t

ot)e#'ise )ave 6one to )is nei6)bo#s8 T)at 'as t)e 1asto#al b(siness> its 1#o$(ct

i&&o#tality an$ its 1#ice 'ate#8 T)e Co&&on'ealt) co(l$ )ave floo$e$ t)e 1lanet an$

co(l$ )ave c#eate$ s&all oceans% 'it) t)e financial #eso(#ces it )a$ at co&&an$% b(t t)e

 1lanet an$ t)e 1eo1le 'e#e #e6a#$e$ as one ecolo6ical entity8 Ol$ A(st#alia>t)at

fab(lo(s continent of ol$ Ea#t) no' cove#e$ by t)e #(ins of t)e aban$one$ C)inesian

city-'o#l$ of Nanbien>)a$ in its 1#i&e been b#oa$% $#y% o1en% bea(tif(l t)e 1lanet of 

Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia% by t)e $ea$ 'ei6)t of its o'n t#a$ition% )a$ to #e&ain t)e sa&e8

I&a6ine t#ees8 I&a6ine leaves>ve6etation $#o11in6 (neaten to t)e 6#o(n$8

I&a6ine 'ate# 1o(#in6 by t)e t)o(san$s of tons% no one 6#eetin6 it 'it) tea#s of #elief 

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o# )a11y la(6)te#F I&a6ine Ea#t)8 Ol$ Ea#t)8 !an)o&e itself8 Ro$ )a$ t#ie$ to t)in0 of 

a ')ole 1lanet in)abite$ by Ha&lets% $#enc)e$ 'it) &(sic an$ 1oet#y% 0nee-$ee1 in

 bloo$ an$ $#a&a8 It 'as (ni&a6inable% #eally% t)o(6) )e )a$ t#ie$ to t)in0 it t)#o(6)8

Li0e a c)ill% a $#ill% a t)#ill c(ttin6 into )is ve#y ne#ves )e t)o(6)t4 I&a6ine Ea#t)


W)at te##ifyin6 bea(tif(l t)in6s t)ey &(st beF De$icate$ to ancient an$

co##(1tive a#ts% s(##o(n$e$ by t)e obects ')ic) No#st#ilia )a$ fo#bi$$en lon6 a6o%

sti&(late$ by e31e#iences ')ic) t)e ve#y la' of )is o'n 'o#l$ )a$ e31(n6e$ f#o& t)e

 boo0sF He 'o(l$ &eet t)e& )e co(l$n?t )el1 it ')at% ')at 'o(l$ )e $o ')en )e &et a

6en(ine Ea#t) 'o&an@

He 'o(l$ )ave to as0 )is co&1(te#% even t)o(6) t)e nei6)bo#s la(6)e$ at )i&

fo# )avin6 t)e only 1(#e co&1(te# left on t)e 1lanet8

T)ey $i$n?t 0no' ')at 6#an$fat)e# to-t)e-nineteent) )a$ $one8 He )a$ ta(6)t

t)e co&1(te# to lie8 It sto#e$ all t)e fo#bi$$en t)in6s ')ic) t)e La' of t)e Clean

'ee1 )a$ b#(s)e$ o(t of No#st#ilian e31e#ience8 It co(l$ lie li0e a t#oo1e#8 Ro$'on$e#e$ ')et)e# 5a t#oo1e#5 &i6)t be so&e a#c)aic Ea#t) official ')o $i$ not)in6 b(t

tell t)e (nt#(t)% $ay in an$ $ay o(t% fo# )is livin68 B(t t)e co&1(te# (s(ally $i$ not lie to


If 6#an$fat)e#, )a$ be)ave$ as sa(cily an$ (nconventionally 'it) t)e

co&1(te# as )e )a$ 'it) eve#yt)in6 else% t)at 1a#tic(la# co&1(te# 'o(l$ 0no' all

abo(t 'o&en8 Even t)in6s ')ic) t)ey $i$ not t)e&selves 0no'>o# 'is) to 0no'8

2oo$ co&1(te#F t)o(6)t Ro$ as )e t#otte$ a#o(n$ t)e lon6% lon6 fiel$s to )is

)o(se8 Eleano# 'o(l$ )ave t)e t(c0e# on8 Do#is &i6)t be bac08 Bill an$ Ho11e# 'o(l$

 be an6#y if t)ey )a$ to 'ait fo# t)e &iste# befo#e t)ey ate8 To s1ee$ (1 )is t#i1% )e

)ea$e$ st#ai6)t fo# t)e little cliff be)in$ t)e )o(se% )o1in6 no one 'o(l$ see )i& (&1$o'n it8 He 'as &(c) st#on6e# t)an &ost of t)e &en )e 0ne'% b(t )e 'as an3io(s% fo# 

so&e 1#ivate ine31#essible #eason% fo# t)e& not to 0no' it8

T)e #o(te 'as clea#8 He fo(n$ t)e cliff8 No obse#ve#s8

He $#o11e$ ove# it% feet fi#st% )is )eels 0ic0in6 (1 t)e sc#ee as )e tobo66ane$

t)#o(6) loose #oc0 to t)e foot of t)e slo1e8

An$ a(nt Do#is 'as t)e#e8

5W)e#e )ave yo( been@5 sai$ s)e8 5Wal0in6% &(&%5 sai$ )e8

)e 6ave )i& a (iical loo0% b(t 0ne' bette# t)an to as0 &o#e8 Tal0in6 al'aysf(sse$ )e#% any)o'8 )e )ate$ t)e so(n$ of )e# o'n voice% ')ic) s)e consi$e#e$ &(c)

too )i6)8 T)e &atte# 1asse$8

Insi$e t)e )o(se% t)ey ate8 Beyon$ t)e $oo# an$ t)e oil la&1% a 6#ay 'o#l$

 beca&e &oonless% sta#less% blac08 T)is 'as ni6)t% )is o'n ni6)t8

CHAPTER "I;E4 T)e <(a##el at t)e Dinne# Table

At t)e en$ of t)e &eal )e 'aite$ fo# Do#is to say 6#ace to t)e <(een8 )e $i$%

 b(t (n$e# )e# t)ic0 eyeb#o's )e# eyes e31#esse$ so&et)in6% ot)e# t)an t)an0s8

5Yo(?#e 6oin6 o(t%5 s)e sai$ #i6)t afte# t)e 1#aye#8 It 'as an acc(sation% not a


T)e t'o )i#e$ &en loo0e$ at )i& 'it) (iet $o(bt8 A 'ee0 a6o )e )a$ been a

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 boy8 No' )e 'as t)e sa&e 1e#son% b(t le6ally a &an8

Wo#0'o&an Eleano# loo0e$ at )i& too8 )e s&ile$ (nobt#(sively to )e#self8

)e 'as on )is si$e ')eneve# any ot)e# 1e#son ca&e into t)e 1ict(#e ')en t)ey 'e#e

alone% s)e na66e$ )i& as &(c) as s)e $a#e$8 )e )a$ 0no'n )is 1a#ents befo#e t)ey

'ent off 'o#l$ fo# a lon6-ove#$(e )oney&oon an$ 'e#e c)e'e$ into &olec(les by a

 battle bet'een #ai$e#s an$ 1olice8 T)at 6ave )e# a 1#o1#ieta#y feelin6 abo(t )i&8

He t#ie$ to s1ie0 to Do#is 'it) )is &in$% (st to see if it 'o(l$ 'o#08

It $i$n?t8 T)e t'o &en bo(n$e$ f#o& t)ei# seats an$ #an fo# t)e ya#$% Eleano# sat

in )e# c)ai# )ol$in6 ti6)t to t)e table b(t sayin6 not)in6% an$ a(nt Do#is sc#eec)e$ so

lo($ t)at )e co(l$ not &a0e o(t t)e 'o#$s8

He 0ne' s)e &eant 5to1 itF5 so )e $i$% an$ loo0e$ at )e# f#ien$lily8 T)at sta#te$

a fi6)t8

<(a##els 'e#e co&&on in No#st#ilian life% beca(se t)e "at)e#s )a$ ta(6)t t)at

t)ey 'e#e t)e#a1e(tic8 C)il$#en co(l$ (a##el (ntil a$(lts tol$ t)e& to sto1% f#ee&en

co(l$ (a##el as lon6 as &iste#s 'e#e not involve$% &iste#s co(l$ (a##el as lon6 as ano'ne# 'as not 1#esent% an$ o'ne#s co(l$ (a##el if% at t)e ve#y en$% t)ey 'e#e 'illin6

to fi6)t it o(t8 No one co(l$ (a##el in t)e 1#esence of an off'o#l$e#% no# $(#in6 an

ale#t% no# 'it) a &e&be# of t)e $efense o# 1olice on active $(ty8

Ro$ !cBan 'as a &iste# an$ o'ne#% b(t )e 'as (n$e# t#(stees)i1 )e 'as a

&an% b(t )e )a$ not been 6iven clea# 1a1e#s )e 'as a )an$ica11e$ 1e#son8 T)e #(les

6ot all &i3e$ (18

W)en Ho11e# ca&e bac0 to t)e table )e &(tte#e$% 5Do t)at a6ain% la$$ie% an$

I?ll clo(t yo( one t)at yo( 'on?t fo#6etF5 Consi$e#in6 )o' #a#ely )e (se$ )is voice% it

'as a bea(tif(l &an?s voice

 >#esonant% ba#itone% f(ll-bo$ie$% )ea#ty an$ since#e in t)e 'ay t)e in$ivi$(al

'o#$s ca&e o(t8

Bill $i$n?t say a 'o#$% b(t f#o& t)e conto#tions of )is face Ro$ 6at)e#e$ t)at )e

'as s1ie0in6 to t)e ot)e#s at a 6#eat #ate an$ 'o#0in6 off )is 6#ievance t)at 'ay8

5If yo(?#e s1ie0in6 abo(t &e% Bill%5 sai$ Ro$ 'it) a to(c) of a##o6ance

')ic) )e $i$ not #eally feel% 5yo(?ll $o &e t)e 1leas(#e of (sin6 'o#$s o# yo(?ll 6et off 

&y lan$F5

W)en Bill s1o0e% )is voice 'as as #(sty as an ol$ &ac)ine8 5I?ll )ave yo( 0no'%

yo( cl(tty little 1o&&y% t)at I )ave &o#e &oney in &y na&e on i$ney ?C)an6e

t)an yo( an$ yo(# ')ole 6l(bby lan$ a#e 'o#t)8 Don?t yo( tell &e t'ice to 6et off t)elan$% yo( silly )alf of a &iste#% o# I 'ill 6et8 o s)(t (1F5

Ro$ felt )is sto&ac) 0not 'it) an6e#8 His an6e# beca&e fie#ce# ')en )e felt

Eleano#?s #est#ainin6 )an$ on )is a#&8 He $i$n?t 'ant anot)e# 1e#son% not one &o#e

$a&ne$ (seless no#&al 1e#son% to tell )i& ')at to $o abo(t s1ie0in6 an$ )ie#in68 A(nt

Do#is? face 'as still )i$$en in )e# a1#on s)e )a$ esca1e$% as s)e al'ays $i$% into


K(st as )e 'as abo(t to s1ea0 a6ain% 1e#)a1s to lose Bill f#o& t)e fa#& fo#eve#%

)is &in$ lifte$ in t)e &yste#io(s 'ay t)at it $i$ so&eti&es )e co(l$ )ie# fo# &iles8 T)e

 1eo1le a#o(n$ )i& $i$ not notice t)e $iffe#ence8 He sa' t)e 1#o($ #a6e of Bill% 'it) )is&oney in t)e i$ney E3c)an6e% bi66e# t)an &any station o'ne#s )a$% 'aitin6 )is ti&e

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to b(y bac0 on t)e lan$ ')ic) )is fat)e# )a$ left )e sa' t)e )onest annoyance of 

Ho11e# an$ 'as a little abas)e$ to see t)at Ho11e# 'as 'atc)in6 )i& 1#o($ly an$ 'it)

a&(se$ affection in Eleano# )e sa' not)in6 b(t 'o#$less 'o##y% a fea# t)at s)e &i6)t

lose )i& as s)e )a$ lost so &any )o&es fo# )nnn)nnn-)nn $&&&&&% a (ee# 

&eanin6less #efe#ence ')ic) )a$ a s)a1e in )e# &in$% b(t too0 no fo#& in )is an$ in

a(nt Do#is )e ca(6)t )e# inne# voice callin6% 5Ro$% Ro$% Ro$% co&e bac0F T)is &ay be yo(# boy an$ I?& a !cBan to t)e $eat)% b(t I?ll neve# 0no' ')at to $o 'it) a

c#i11le li0e )i&85

Bill 'as still 'aitin6 fo# )i& to ans'e# ')en anot)e# t)o(6)t ca&e into )is

&in$4 5Yo( fool>6o to yo(# co&1(te#F5

5W)o sai$ t)at@5 )e t)o(6)t% not t#yin6 to s1ie0 a6ain% b(t (st t)in0in6 it 'it)

)is &in$8 5Yo(# co&1(te#%5 sai$ t)e fa#a'ay t)in0voice8

5Yo( can?t s1ie0%5 sai$ Ro$% 5yo(?#e a 1(#e &ac)ine 'it) not an ani&al b#ain in


5W)en yo( call &e% Ro$e#ic0 "#e$e#ic0 Ronal$ A#nol$ Willia& !acA#t)(# 

!cBan to-t)e- )(n$#e$-an$-fifty-fi#st% I can s1ie0 ac#oss s1ace itself8 I?& c(e$ to yo(an$ yo( s)o(te$ (st no' 'it) yo(# s1ie0&in$8 I can feel yo( )ie#in6 &e85

5B(t>5 sai$ Ro$ in 'o#$s8

5Ta0e it easy% la$%5 sai$ Bill% #i6)t in t)e #oo& 'it) )i&8 5Ta0e it easy8 I $i$n?t

&ean it85 5Yo(?#e )avin6 one of yo(# s1ells%5 sai$ A(nt Do#is% e&e#6in6 #e$-nose$

f#o& be)in$ )e# 


Ro$ stoo$ (18

ai$ )e to all of t)e&% 5I?& so##y8 I?& 6oin6 o(t fo# a bit8 O(t into t)e ni6)t85

5Yo(?#e 6oin6 to t)at bloo$y co&1(te#%5 sai$ Bill85Don?t 6o% !iste# !cBan%5 sai$ Ho11e#% 5$on?t let (s an6e# yo( into 6oin68 It?s

 ba$ eno(6) bein6 a#o(n$ t)at co&1(te# in $ayli6)t% b(t at ni6)t it &(st be )o##ible85

5Ho' 'o(l$ yo( 0no'@5 #eto#te$ Ro$% 5Yo(?ve neve# been t)e#e at ni6)t8 An$ I

)ave8 Lots of ti&es+5

5T)e#e a#e $ea$ 1eo1le in it%5 sai$ Ho11e#8 5It?s an ol$ 'a# co&1(te#8 Yo(# 

fa&ily s)o(l$ neve# )ave bo(6)t it in t)e fi#st 1lace8 It $oesn?t belon6 on a fa#&8 A

t)in6 li0e t)at s)o(l$ be )(n6 o(t in s1ace an$ o#bite$85

5All #i6)t% Eleano#%5 sai$ Ro$% 5yo( tell &e ')at to $o8 Eve#ybo$y else )as%5

)e a$$e$ 'it) t)e last bit of )is #e&ainin6 an6e#% as )is )ie#in6 close$ $o'n an$ )e sa't)e (s(al o1a(e faces a#o(n$ )i&8

5It?s no (se% Ro$8 2o alon6 to yo(# co&1(te#8 Yo(?ve 6ot a st#an6e life an$

yo(?#e t)e one ')o 'ill live it% !iste# !cBan% an$ not t)ese ot)e# 1eo1le a#o(n$ )e#e85

He# 'o#$s &a$e sense8

He stoo$ (18 5I?& so##y%5 sai$ )e% a6ain% in lie( of 6oo$bye8

He stoo$ in t)e $oo#'ay% )esitant8 He 'o(l$ )ave li0e$ to say 6oo$-bye in a

 bette# 'ay% b(t )e $i$ not 0no' )o' to e31#ess it8 Any)o'% )e co(l$n?t s1ie0% not so

t)ey co(l$ )ie# it 'it) t)ei# &in$s s1ea0in6 'it) a voice 'as so c#($e% so flat fo# t)e

fine little t)in6s t)at nee$e$ e31#ession in life8 T)ey loo0e$ at )i&% an$ )e at t)e&8

5N6a))F5 sai$ )e% in a #a' c#y of self-$e#ision an$ fon$ $is6(st8

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T)ei# e31#ession s)o'e$ t)at t)ey )a$ 6otten )is &eanin6% t)o(6) t)e 'o#$

ca##ie$ not)in6 'it) it8 Bill no$$e$% Ho11e# loo0e$ f#ien$ly an$ a little 'o##ie$% A(nt

Do#is sto11e$ snivelin6 an$ be6an to st#etc) o(t one )an$% only to sto1 it in &i$-

6est(#e% an$ Eleano# sat i&&obile at t)e table% (1set by 'o#$less t#o(bles of )e# o'n8

He t(#ne$8

T)e c(be of la&1li6)t% t)e cabin #oo&% 'as be)in$ )i& a)ea$ t)e $a#0ness of 

all No#st#ilian ni6)ts% e3ce1t fo# t)e 'ei#$ #a#e ti&es t)at t)ey 'e#e c(t (1 by t#ace#ies

of li6)tness8 He sta#te$ off fo# a )o(se ')ic) only a fe' b(t )e co(l$ see% an$

')ic) none b(t )e co(l$ ente#8 It 'as a fo#6otten% invisible te&1le it )o(se$ t)e

!acA#t)(# fa&ily co&1(te#% to ')ic) t)e ol$e# !cBan co&1(te# 'as lin0e$ an$ it

'as calle$ t)e Palace of t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t8

CHAPTER I=4 T)e Palace of t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t

Ro$ lo1e$ ac#oss t)e #ollin6 lan$% )is lan$8

Ot)e# No#st#ilians% tele1at)ically no#&al% 'o(l$ )ave ta0en fi3es by )ie#in6 t)e'o#$s in nea#by )o(ses8 Ro$ co(l$ not 'al0 by tele1at)y% so )e ')istle$ to )i&self in

an o$$ off-0ey% 'it) lots of flats8 T)e ec)oes ca&e bac0 to )is (nconscio(s &in$

t)#o(6) t)e ove#$evelo1e$ ea#-)ea#in6 ')ic) )e )a$ 'o#0e$ o(t to co&1ensate fo# not

 bein6 able to )ie# 'it) )is &in$8 He sense$ a slo1e a)ea$ of )i&% an$ o66e$ (1 it )e

avoi$e$ a cl(&1 of b#(s) )e )ea#$ )is yo(n6est #a&% 'eet Willia&% sno#in6 t)e

6i6antic sno#e of a santacla#a-infecte$ s)ee1 t'o )ills ove#8

oon )e 'o(l$ see it8

T)e Palace of t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t8

T)e &ost (seless b(il$in6 in all Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia8

oli$e# t)an steel an$ yet invisible to no#&al eyes e3ce1t fo# its 6)ostly o(tline

t#ace$ in t)e $(st ')ic) )a$ fallen li6)tly on it8

T)e Palace )a$ #eally been a 1alace once% on *)(f( II% ')ic) #otate$ 'it) one

 1ole al'ays facin6 its sta#8 T)e 1eo1le t)e#e )a$ &a$e fo#t(nes ')ic) at one ti&e

'e#e co&1a#e$ 'it) t)e 'ealt) of Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia8 T)ey )a$ $iscove#e$ t)e

"(##y !o(ntains% #an6e afte# #an6e of al1ine confi6(#ations on ')ic) a tenacio(s

non-Ea#t) lic)en )a$ 6#o'n8 T)e lic)en 'as sil0y% s)i&&e#in6% 'a#&% st#on6% an$

 bea(tif(l beyon$ belief8 T)e 1eo1le 6aine$ t)ei# 'ealt) by c(ttin6 it ca#ef(lly f#o& t)e

&o(ntains so t)at it 'o(l$ #e6#o' an$ sellin6 it to t)e #ic)e# 'o#l$s% ')e#e a l(3(#y

fab#ic co(l$ be sol$ at fab(lo(s 1#ices8 T)ey )a$ even )a$ t'o 6ove#n&ents on*)(f( II% one of t)e $ay-$'ellin6 1eo1le ')o $i$ &ost of t)e t#a$in6 an$ b#o0e#in6%

since t)e )ot s(nli6)t &a$e t)ei# c#o1 of lic)en 1oo#% an$ t)e ot)e# fo# t)e ni6)t-

$'elle#s% ')o #an6e$ $ee1 into t)e f#i6i$ a#eas in sea#c) of st(nte$ lic)en>fine%

tenacio(s an$ $elicately bea(tif(l8

T)e Dai&oni )a$ co&e to *)(f( II% (st as t)ey ca&e to &any ot)e# 1lanets%

incl($in6 Ol$ Ea#t)% !an)o&e itself8 T)ey )a$ co&e o(t of no')e#e an$ t)ey 'ent

 bac0 to t)e sa&e 1lace8 o&e 1eo1le t)o(6)t t)at t)ey 'e#e )(&an bein6s ')o )a$

accli&ate$ t)e&selves to live in t)e s(bs1ace ')ic) 1lanofo#&in6 involve$ ot)e#s

t)o(6)t t)at t)ey )a$ an a#tificial 1lanet on t)e insi$e of ')ic) t)ey live$ still

ot)e#s t)o(6)t t)at t)ey )a$ solve$ t)e (&1 o(t of o(# 6ala3y a fe' insiste$ t)at t)e#e'e#e no s(c) t)in6s as Dai&oni8 T)is last 1osition 'as )a#$ to &aintain% beca(se

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t)e Dai&oni 1ai$ in a#c)itect(#e of a ve#y s1ectac(la# 0in$ >b(il$in6s ')ic) #esiste$

co##osion% e#osion% a6e% )eat% col$% st#ess an$ 'ea1ons8 On Ea#t) itself% Ea#t)1o#t 'as

t)ei# bi66est 'on$e#>a so#t of 'ine-6lass t'enty-five 0ilo&ete#s )i6)% 'it) an

eno#&o(s #oc0et-fiel$ b(ilt into t)e to1 of it8 On No#st#ilia t)ey )a$ left not)in6

 1e#)a1s t)ey )a$ not even 'ante$ to &eet t)e Ol$ No#t) A(st#alians% ')o )a$ a

#e1(tation fo# bein6 #o(6) an$ 6#(ff 'it) st#an6e#s ')o ca&e to t)ei# o'n )o&e 1lanet8It 'as evi$ent t)at t)e Dai&oni )a$ solve$ t)e 1#oble& of i&&o#tality on t)ei# o'n

te#&s an$ in t)ei# o'n 'ay t)ey 'e#e bi66e# t)an &ost of t)e #aces of &an0in$%

(nifo#& in sie% )ei6)t an$ bea(ty t)ey bo#e no si6n of yo(t) o# a6e t)ey s)o'e$ no

v(lne#ability to sic0ness t)ey s1o0e 'it) &ellifl(ent 6#avity an$ t)ey 1(#c)ase$

t#eas(#es fo# t)ei# o'n i&&e$iate collective (se% not fo# #et#a$e o# 1#ofit8 T)ey )a$

neve# t#ie$ to 6et st#oon o# t)e #a' santacla#a vi#(s f#o& ')ic) it

'as #efine$% even t)o(6) t)e Dai&oni t#a$in6 s)i1s )a$ 1asse$ t)e t#ac0s of 

a#&e$ an$ convoye$ Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian f#ei6)t fleets8 T)e#e 'as even one

 1ict(#e ')ic) s)o'e$ t)e t'o #aces &eetin6 eac) ot)e# in t)e c)ief 1o#t of Oly&1ia%

t)e 1lanet of t)e blin$ #eceive#s4 No#st#ilians tall% o(ts1o0en% lively% c#($e an$i&&ensely #ic) Dai&oni e(ally #ic)% #ese#ve$% bea(tif(l% 1olis)e$ an$ 1ale8 T)e#e

'as a'e an$ 'it) a'e% #esent&ent on t)e 1a#t of t)e No#st#ilians to'a#$ t)e Dai&oni

t)e#e 'as ele6ance an$ con$escension on t)e 1a#t of t)e Dai&oni to'a#$ eve#yone

else% incl($in6 t)e No#st#ilians8 T)e &eetin6 )a$ been no s(ccess at all8 T)e No#st#ilians

'e#e not (se$ to &eetin6 1eo1le ')o $i$ not ca#e abo(t i&&o#tality% even at a 1enny a

 b(s)el t)e Dai&oni 'e#e $is$ainf(l to'a#$ a #ace ')ic) not only $i$ not a11#eciate

a#c)itect(#e% b(t ')ic) t#ie$ to 0ee1 a#c)itects off its 1lanet% e3ce1t fo# $efense

 1(#1oses% an$ ')ic) $esi#e$ to lea$ a #o(6)% si&1le% 1asto#al life to t)e en$ of ti&e8

T)(s it 'as not (ntil t)e Dai&oni )a$ left% neve# to #et(#n% t)at t)e No#st#ilians #ealie$

t)at t)ey )a$ 1asse$ (1 so&e of t)e 6#eatest ba#6ains of all ti&e>t)e 'on$e#f(l

 b(il$in6s ')ic) t)e Dai&oni so 6ene#o(sly scatte#e$ ove# t)e 1lanets ')ic) t)ey )a$visite$ fo# t#a$e o# fo# visits8 On *)(f( II% t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t )a$ b#o(6)t o(t an

ancient boo0 an$ )a$ sai$4 5I 'ant t)at85

T)e Dai&oni% ')o )a$ a neat eye fo# 1#o1o#tions an$ fi6(#es% sai$% 5We )ave

t)at 1ict(#e on o(# 'o#l$ too8 It is an Ancient Ea#t) b(il$in68 It 'as once calle$ t)e

6#eat te&1le of Diana of t)e E1)esians% b(t it fell even befo#e t)e a6e of s1ace be6an85

5T)at?s ')at I 'ant%5 sai$ t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t8 5Easy eno(6)%5 sai$ one of t)e

Dai&oni% all of ')o& loo0e$ li0e 1#inces8 5We?ll #(n it (1 fo# yo( by to&o##o' ni6)t85

5Hol$ on%5 sai$ t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t8 5I $on?t 'ant t)e ')ole t)in68 K(st t)e

f#ont>to $eco#ate &y 1alace8 I )ave a 1e#fectly 6oo$ 1alace all #i6)t% an$ &y $efensesa#e b(ilt #i6)t into it85

5If yo( let (s b(il$ yo( a )o(se%5 sai$ one of t)e Dai&oni 6ently% 5yo(

'o(l$ neve# nee$ $efenses% eve#8 K(st a #obot to close t)e 'in$o's a6ainst &e6aton


5Yo(?#e 6oo$ a#c)itects% 6entle&en%5 sai$ t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t% s&ac0in6 )is

li1s ove# t)e &o$el city t)ey )a$ s)o'n )i&% 5b(t I?ll stic0 'it) t)e $efenses I 0no'8 o

I (st 'ant yo(# f#ont8 Li0e t)at 1ict(#e8 "(#t)e#&o#e% I 'ant it invisible85

T)e Dai&oni la1se$ bac0 into t)ei# lan6(a6e% ')ic) so(n$e$ as t)o(6) it

'e#e of Ea#t) o#i6in% b(t ')ic) )as neve# been $eci1)e#e$ f#o& t)e fe' #eco#$in6s of t)ei# visits ')ic) s(#vive$8

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5All #i6)t%5 sai$ one of t)e&% 5invisible it is8 Yo( still 'ant t)e 6#eat te&1le

of Diana at

E1)es(s on Ol$ Ea#t)@5

5Yes%5 sai$ t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t8

5W)y>if yo( can?t see it@5 sai$ t)e Dai&oni8

5T)at?s t)e t)i#$ s1ecification% 6entle&en8 I 'ant it so t)at I can see it% an$

&y )ei#s% b(t nobo$y else85

5If it?s soli$ b(t invisible% eve#ybo$y is 6oin6 to see it ')en yo(# fine sno' )its


5I?ll ta0e ca#e of t)at%5 sai$ t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t8 5I?ll 1ay ')at 'e 'e#e

tal0in6 abo(t> fo#ty t)o(san$ select 1ieces of "(##y !o(ntain "(#8 B(t yo( &a0e t)at

 1alace invisible to eve#ybo$y e3ce1t &e% an$ &y )ei#s85

5We?#e a#c)itects% not &a6iciansF5 sai$ t)e Dai&oni 'it) t)e lon6est cloa0% ')o

&i6)t )ave been t)e lea$e#8

5T)at?s ')at I 'ant85

T)e Dai&oni 6abble$ a&on6 t)e&selves% $isc(ssin6 so&e tec)nical 1#oble&8

"inally one of t)e& ca&e ove# to t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t an$ sai$4

5I?& t)e s)i1?s s(#6eon8 !ay I e3a&ine yo(@5

5W)y@5 sai$ t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t8

5To see if 'e can 1ossibly fit t)e b(il$in6 to yo(8 Ot)e#'ise 'e can?t even 6(ess

at t)e s1ecifications 'e nee$85

52o a)ea$%5 sai$ t)e 2ove#no#8 5E3a&ine &e85

5He#e@ No'@5 sai$ t)e Dai&oni $octo#8 5Wo(l$n?t yo( 1#efe# a (iet 1lace o# a

 1#ivate #oo&@ O# yo( can co&e aboa#$ o(# s)i1@ T)at 'o(l$ be ve#y convenient85

5"o# yo(%5 sai$ t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t8 5Not fo# &e8 He#e &y &en )ave 6(ns

t#aine$ on yo(8 Yo( 'o(l$ neve# 6et bac0 to yo(# s)i1 alive if yo( t#ie$ to #ob &e of 

&y "(##y !o(ntain "(#s o# 0i$na1 &e so t)at yo( co(l$ t#a$e &e bac0 fo# &y

t#eas(#es8 Yo( e3a&ine &e )e#e an$ no' o# not at all85

5Yo( a#e a #o(6)% to(6) &an% 2ove#no#%5 sai$ anot)e# one of t)e ele6ant

Dai&oni8 5Pe#)a1s yo( )a$ bette# tell yo(# 6(a#$s t)at yo( a#e as0in6 (s to e3a&ineyo(8 Ot)e#'ise t)ey &i6)t 6et e3cite$ 'it) (s an$ 1e#sons &i6)t beco&e $a&a6e$%5

sai$ t)e Dai&oni 'it) a faint con$escen$in6 s&ile8

52o a)ea$% fo#ei6ne#s%5 sai$ t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t8 5!y &en )ave been

listenin6 to eve#yt)in6 t)#o(6) t)e &ic#o1)one in &y to1 b(tton85

He #e6#ette$ )is 'o#$s t'o secon$s late#% b(t it 'as al#ea$y too late8 "o(# 

Dai&oni )a$ 1ic0e$ )i& (1 an$ s1(n )i& so $eftly t)at t)e 6(a#$s neve# (n$e#stoo$

)o' t)ei# 2ove#no# lost all )is clot)es in a t#ice8 One of t)e Dai&oni &(st )ave

st(nne$ )i& o# )y1notie$ )i& )e co(l$ not c#y o(t8 In$ee$% afte#'a#$% )e co(l$ not

even #e&e&be# &(c) of ')at t)ey $i$8

T)e 6(a#$s t)e&selves )a$ 6as1e$ ')en t)ey sa' t)e Dai&oni 1(ll en$less

nee$les o(t of t)ei# boss?s eyeballs 'it)o(t )avin6 notice$ t)e nee$les 6o in8 T)ey )a$

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lifte$ t)ei# 'ea1ons ')en t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t t(#ne$ a violent fl(o#escent 6#een in

colo#% only to 6a1e% '#it)e an$ vo&it ')en t)e Dai&oni 1o(#e$ eno#&o(s bottles of 

&e$icine into )i&8 In less t)an )alf an )o(# t)ey stoo$ bac08

T)e 2ove#no#% na0e$ an$ blotc)e$% sat on t)e 6#o(n$ an$ vo&ite$8

One of t)e Dai&oni sai$ (ietly to t)e 6(a#$s% 5He?s not )(#t% b(t )e an$ )is)ei#s 'ill see 1a#t of t)e (lt#aviolet ban$ fo# &any 6ene#ations to co&e8 P(t )i& to be$

fo# t)e ni6)t8 He 'ill feel all #i6)t by &o#nin68 An$% by t)e 'ay% 0ee1 eve#ybo$y a'ay

f#o& t)e f#ont of t)e 1alace toni6)t8 We?#e 1(ttin6 in t)e b(il$in6 ')ic) )e as0e$ fo#8

T)e 6#eat te&1le of Diana of t)e E1)esians85

T)e senio# 6(a#$ office# s1o0e (1% 5We can?t ta0e t)e 6(a#$s off t)e

 1alace8 T)at?s o(# $efense )ea$(a#te#s an$ no one% not even t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t%

)as t)e #i6)t to st#i1 it ba#e of sent#ies8 T)e Day Peo1le &i6)t attac0 (s a6ain85

T)e Dai&oni s1o0es&an s&ile$ 6ently4 5!a0e a 6oo$ note of t)ei# na&es%

t)en% an$ as0 t)e& fo# t)ei# last 'o#$s8 We s)all not fi6)t t)e&% office#% b(t if t)ey a#e

in t)e 'ay of o(# 'o#0 toni6)t% 'e s)all b(il$ t)e& #i6)t into t)e ne' 1alace8 T)ei# 'i$o's an$ c)il$#en can a$&i#e t)e& as stat(es to&o##o'85

T)e 6(a#$s office# loo0e$ $o'n at )is c)ief% ')o no' lay flat on t)e 6#o(n$

'it) )is )ea$ in )is )an$s% co(6)in6 o(t t)e 'o#$s% 5Leave>&e>aloneF5 T)e office# 

loo0e$ bac0 at t)e cool% aloof Dai&oni s1o0es&an8 He sai$% 5I?ll $o ')at I can% si#85

T)e te&1le of E1)es(s 'as t)e#e in t)e &o#nin68

T)e col(&ns 'e#e t)e Do#ic col(&ns of ancient ea#t) t)e f#iee 'as a

&aste# of 6o$s% vota#ies an$ )o#ses t)e b(il$in6 'as e3(isite in its 1#o1o#tions8

T)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t co(l$ see it8 His follo'e#s co(l$ not8

T)e fo#ty t)o(san$ len6t)s of "(##y !o(ntain "(# 'e#e 1ai$8 T)e Dai&oni left8

T)e 2ove#no# $ie$% an$ )e )a$ )ei#s ')o co(l$ see t)e b(il$in6 too8 It 'as

visible only in t)e (lt#aviolet an$ o#$ina#y &en be)el$ it on *)(f( II only ')en t)e

 1o'$e#y )a#$ sno' o(tline$ it in a 1a#tic(la#ly )a#s) sto#&8

B(t no' it belon6e$ to Ro$ !cBan an$ it 'as on Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia% not on

*)(f( II any


Ho' )a$ t)at )a11ene$@

W)o 'o(l$ 'ant to b(y an invisible te&1le% any)o'@

Willia& t)e Wil$ 'o(l$% t)at?s ')o8 Wil$ Willia& !acA#t)(#% ')o

$eli6)te$% annoye$%

$is6#ace$ an$ a&(se$ ')ole 6ene#ations of No#st#ilians 'it) )is fantastic

 1#an0s% )is 6i6antic ')i&s% )is 'o#l$-6i#$lin6 ca1#ices8

Willia& !acA#t)(# 'as a 6#an$fat)e# to-t)e-t'enty-secon$ in a &at#ilineal line

to Ro$ !cBan8 He )a$ been a &an in )is ti&e% a #eal &an8 Ha11y as La##y% $#(n0 

'it) 'it ')en $ea$ sobe#% sobe# 'it) c)a#& ')en $ea$ $#(n08 He co(l$ tal0 t)e le6soff a s)ee1 ')en )e 1(t )is &in$ on it )e co(l$ tal0 t)e la's off t)e Co&&on'ealt)8

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He $i$8

He )a$8

T)e Co&&on'ealt) )a$ been 1(#c)asin6 all t)e Dai&oni )o(ses it co(l$ fin$%

(sin6 t)e& as $efense o(t1osts8 P#etty little ;icto#ian cotta6es 'e#e sent into o#bit as

fa#-#an6e fo#ts8 T)eate#s 'e#e bo(6)t on ot)e# 'o#l$s an$ $#a66e$ t)#o(6) s1ace to Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia% ')e#e t)ey beca&e bo&b s)elte#s o# vete#ina#y cente#s fo# t)e

fo#eve#-sic0% 'ealt)-1#o$(cin6 s)ee18 Nobo$y co(l$ ta0e a Dai&oni b(il$in6 a1a#t%

once it )a$ been b(ilt% so t)e only t)in6 to $o 'as to c(t t)e b(il$in6 loose f#o& its non-

Dai&oni fo(n$ation% lift it by #oc0ets o# 1lanofo#&% an$ t)en 'a#1 it t)#o(6) s1ace to

t)e ne' location8 T)e No#st#ilians $i$ not )ave to 'o##y abo(t lan$in6 t)e& t)ey

 (st $#o11e$ t)e&8 It $i$n?t )(#t t)e b(il$in6s any8 o&eti&es si&1le Dai&oni

 b(il$in6s ca&e a1a#t% beca(se t)e Dai&oni )a$ been as0e$ to &a0e t)e& $e&o(ntable%

 b(t ')en t)ey 'e#e soli$% t)ey staye$ soli$8

Wil$ Willia& )ea#$ abo(t t)e te&1le8 *)(f( II 'as a #(in8 T)e lic)en )a$

6otten a 1lant infection an$ )a$ $ie$ off8 T)e fe' *)(f(ans ')o 'e#e left 'e#e be66a#s% as0in6 t)e Inst#(&entality fo# #ef(6ee stat(s an$ e&i6#ation8 T)e

Co&&on'ealt) )a$ bo(6)t t)ei# little b(il$in6s% b(t even t)e Co&&on'ealt) of Ol$

 No#t) A(st#alia $i$ not 0no' ')at to $o 'it) an invisible an$ s(#1assin6ly bea(tif(l

2#ee0 te&1le8

Wil$ Willia& visite$ it8 He sobe#ly ins1ecte$ it% in co&1lete visibility% by

(sin6 sni1e# eyes set into t)e (lt#aviolet8 He 1e#s(a$e$ t)e 6ove#n&ent to let )i& s1en$

)alf of )is i&&ense fo#t(ne 1(ttin6 it into a valley (st ne3t to t)e tation of Doo&8

T)en% )avin6 enoye$ it a little ')ile% )e fell an$ b#o0e )is nec0 ')ile 6lo#io(sly

$#(n0 an$ )is inconsolable $a(6)te# )a$ &a##ie$ a )an$so&e an$ 1#actical !cBan8

An$ no' it belon6e$ to Ro$ !cBan8 An$ )o(se$ )is co&1(te#8 His o'nco&1(te#8

He co(l$ s1ea0 to it at t)e e3tension ')ic) #eac)e$ into t)e 6a1 of )i$$en

t#eas(#es8 He tal0e$ to it% ot)e# ti&es% at t)e tal01oint in t)e fiel$% ')e#e t)e 1olis)e$

#e$-an$-blac0 &etal of t)e ol$ co&1(te# 'as #e1#o$(ce$ in e3(isite &iniat(#e8 O# )e

co(l$ co&e to t)is st#an6e b(il$in6% t)e Palace of t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t% an$ stan$

as t)e 'o#s)i1e#s of Diana )a$ once stoo$% c#yin6% 52#eat is Diana of t)e

E1)esiansF5 W)en )e ca&e in t)is 'ay% )e )a$ t)e f(ll console in f#ont of )i&%

a(to&atically (nloc0e$ by )is 1#esence% (st as )is 6#an$fat)e# )a$ s)o'e$ )i&% t)#ee

c)il$)oo$s befo#e% ')en t)e ol$ !cBan still )a$ )i6) )o1es t)at Ro$ 'o(l$ t(#n into a

no#&al Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian boy8 T)e 6#an$fat)e#% (sin6 )is 1e#sonal co$e in t(#n%)a$ (nloc0e$ t)e access cont#ols an$ )a$ invite$ t)e co&1(te# to &a0e its o'n

fool1#oof #eco#$in6 of Ro$% so t)at Ro$e#ic0 

"#e$e#ic0 Ronal$ A#nol$ Willia& !acA#t)(# !cBan CLI 'o(l$ be fo#eve# 

0no'n to t)e &ac)ine% no &atte# ')at a6e )e attaine$% no &atte# )o' &ai&e$ o# 

$is6(ise$ )e &i6)t be% no &atte# )o' sic0 o# fo#lo#n )e &i6)t #et(#n to t)e &ac)ine of 

)is fo#efat)e#s8 T)e ol$ &an $i$ not even as0 t)e &ac)ine )o' t)e i$entification 'as

obtaine$8 He t#(ste$ t)e co&1(te#8

Ro$ cli&be$ t)e ste1s of t)e Palace8 T)e col(&ns stoo$ 'it) t)ei# ancient

ca#vin6% b#i6)t in )is secon$ si6)t )e neve# (ite 0ne' )o' )e co(l$ see 'it) t)e

(lt#aviolet% since )e notice$ no $iffe#ence bet'een )i&self an$ ot)e# 1eo1le in t)e

&atte# of eyesi6)t e3ce1t t)at )e &o#e often 6ot )ea$ac)es f#o& s(staine$ o1en #(ns on

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 41/185

clean-clo($y $ays8 At a ti&e li0e t)is% t)e effect 'as s1ectac(la#8 It 'as )is ti&e% )is

te&1le% )is o'n 1lace8 He co(l$ see% in t)e #eflecte$ li6)t f#o& t)e Palace% t)at &any of 

)is co(sins &(st )ave been o(t to see t)e Palace $(#in6 t)e ni6)ts8 T)ey too co(l$ see

it% as it 'as a fa&ily in)e#itance to be able to 'atc) t)e invisible te&1le ')ic)

one?s f#ien$s co(l$ not see b(t t)ey $i$ not )ave access8

He alone )a$ t)at8

5Co&1(te#%5 )e c#ie$% 5a$&it &e85

5!essa6e (nnecessa#y%5 sai$ t)e co&1(te#8 5Yo( a#e al'ays clea# to ente#85 T)e

voice 'as a &ale No#st#ilian voice% 'it) a to(c) of t)e t)eat#ical in it8 Ro$ 'as neve# 

(ite s(#e t)at it 'as t)e voice of )is o'n ancesto# ')en c)allen6e$ $i#ectly as to

')ose voice it 'as (sin6% t)e &ac)ine )a$ tol$ )i&% 5In1(t on t)at to1ic )as been

e#ase$ in &e8 I $o not 0no'8 Histo#ical evi$ence s(66ests t)at it 'as &ale%

conte&1o#a#y 'it) &y installation )e#e% an$ 1ast &i$$le a6e ')en co$e$ by &e85

Ro$ 'o(l$ )ave felt lively an$ s&a#t e3ce1t fo# t)e feelin6s of a'e ')ic) t)e

Palace of t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t% stan$in6 b#i6)t an$ visible (n$e# t)e $a#0 clo($s of  No#st#ilia% )a$ (1on )i&8 He 'ante$ to say so&et)in6 li6)t-)ea#te$ b(t at fi#st )e co(l$

only &(tte#% 5He#e I a&85

5Obse#ve$ an$ #es1ecte$%5 state$ t)e co&1(te#-voice8 5If I 'e#e a 1e#son I

'o(l$ say

?con6#at(lations% since yo( a#e alive8? As a co&1(te# I )ave no o1inion on t)e

s(bect8 I note t)e fact85

5W)at $o I $o no'@5 sai$ Ro$8

5<(estion too 6ene#al%5 sai$ t)e co&1(te#8 5Do yo( 'ant a $#in0 of 'ate# o# a

#est-#oo&@ I can tell yo( ')e#e t)ose a#e8 Do yo( 'is) to 1lay c)ess 'it) &e@ I s)all'in (st as &any 6a&es as yo( tell &e to85

5)(t (1% yo( foolF5 c#ie$ Ro$8 5T)at?s not ')at I &ean85

5Co&1(te#s a#e fools only if t)ey &alf(nction8 I a& not &alf(nctionin68 T)e

#efe#ence to &e as a fool is t)e#efo#e non#efe#ential an$ I s)all e31(n6e it f#o& &y

&e&o#y syste&8 Re1eat t)e (estion% 1lease85

5W)at $o I $o 'it) &y life@5

5Yo( 'ill 'o#0% yo( 'ill &a##y% yo( 'ill be t)e fat)e# of Ro$ !cBan t)e

)(n$#e$ an$ fifty- secon$ an$ seve#al ot)e# c)il$#en% yo( 'ill $ie% yo(# bo$y 'ill be

sent into t)e en$less o#bit 'it) 6#eat )ono#8 Yo( 'ill $o t)is 'ell85

5(11ose I b#ea0 &y nec0 t)is ve#y ni6)t@5 a#6(e$ Ro$8 5T)en yo( 'o(l$

 be '#on6% 'o(l$n?t yo(@5

5I 'o(l$ be '#on6% b(t I still )ave t)e 1#obabilities 'it) &e85 5W)at $o I $o

abo(t t)e Onsec0@5


Ro$ )a$ to tell t)e sto#y seve#al ti&es befo#e t)e co&1(te# (n$e#stoo$ it8

5I $o not%5 sai$ t)e co&1(te#% 5fin$ &yself e(i11e$ 'it) $ata conce#nin6

t)is one &an ')o& yo( so conf(sin6ly all($e to as Ho(6)ton y&e so&eti&es an$ as?Ol$ Hot an$ i&1le? at ot)e# ti&es8 His 1e#sonal )isto#y is (n0no'n to &e8 T)e o$$s

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a6ainst yo(# 0illin6 )i& (n$etecte$ a#e ,,%M, to one a6ainst effectiveness% beca(se

too &any 1eo1le 0no' yo( an$ 0no' ')at yo( loo0 li0e8 I &(st let yo( solve yo(# 

o'n 1#oble& conce#nin6 t)e Hon8 ec85

5Don?t yo( )ave any i$eas@5 5I )ave ans'e#s% not i$eas85

52ive &e a 1iece of f#(it ca0e an$ a 6lass of f#es) &il0 t)en85

5It 'ill cost yo( t'elve c#e$its an$ by 'al0in6 to yo(# cabin yo( can 6et t)ese

t)in6s f#ee8 Ot)e#'ise I 'ill )ave to b(y t)e& f#o& E&e#6ency Cent#al85

5I sai$ 6et t)e&%5 sai$ Ro$8

T)e &ac)ine ')i##e$8 E3t#a li6)ts a11ea#e$ on t)e console8 5E&e#6ency Cent#al

)as a(t)o#ie$ &y o'n (se of s)elte#e$ s(11lies8 Yo( 'ill 1ay fo# t)e #e1lace&ent

to&o##o'85 A $oo# o1ene$8 A t#ay sli$ o(t% 'it) a l(scio(s 1iece of f#(itca0e an$ a 6lass

of foa&in6 f#es) &il08

Ro$ sat on t)e ste1s of )is o'n 1alace an$ ate8

Conve#sationally% )e sai$ to t)e co&1(te#% 5Yo( &(st 0no' ')at to $o abo(tOl$ Hot an$ i&1le8 It?s a te##ible t)in6 fo# &e to 6o t)#o(6) t)e 2a#$en of Deat) an$

t)en )ave a $(ll tool li0e t)at 1este# t)e life o(t of &e85

5He cannot 1este# t)e life o(t of yo(8 Yo( a#e too st#on685 5Reco6nie an i$io&%

yo( silly assF5 sai$ Ro$8

T)e &ac)ine 1a(se$8 5I$io& i$entifie$8 Co##ection &a$e8 A1olo6ies a#e

)e#e'it) 6iven to yo(% C)il$ !cBan85

5Anot)e# &ista0e8 I?& not C)il$ !cBan any &o#e8 I?& !iste# an$ O'ne# 


5I 'ill c)ec0 cent#al%5 sai$ t)e co&1(te#8 T)e#e 'as anot)e# lon6 1a(se as t)eli6)ts $ance$8 "inally t)e co&1(te# ans'e#e$8 5Yo(# stat(s is &i3e$8 Yo( a#e bot)8 In

an e&e#6ency yo( a#e al#ea$y t)e !iste# an$ O'ne# of t)e tation of Doo&%

incl($in6 &e8 Wit)o(t an e&e#6ency% yo( a#e still C)il$ !cBan (ntil yo(# t#(stees

#elease t)e 1a1e#s to $o it85

5W)en 'ill t)ey $o t)at@5

5;ol(nta#y action8 H(&an8 Ti&in6 (nce#tain8 In fo(# o# five $ays% it 'o(l$

see&8 W)en t)ey #elease yo(% t)e Hon8 ec8 'ill )ave t)e le6al #i6)t to &ove fo# yo(# 

a##est as an inco&1etent an$ $an6e#o(s o'ne#8 "#o& yo(# 1oint of vie'% it 'ill be ve#y


5An$ ')at $o yo( t)in0@5 sai$ Ro$8

5I s)all t)in0 t)at it is a $ist(#bin6 facto#8 I s1ea0 t)e t#(t) to yo(85 5An$ t)at is


5All%5 sai$ t)e co&1(te#8

5Yo( can?t sto1 t)e Hon8 ec8@5

5Not 'it)o(t sto11in6 eve#ybo$y else85

5W)at $o yo( t)in0 1eo1le a#e% any)o'@ Loo0 )e#e% co&1(te#% yo( )ave been

tal0in6 to 1eo1le fo# )(n$#e$s an$ )(n$#e$s of yea#s8 Yo( 0no' o(# na&es8 Yo( 0no'

&y fa&ily8 Don?t yo( 0no' anyt)in6 abo(t (s@ Can?t yo( )el1 &e@ W)at $o yo( t)in0 Ia&@5

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5W)ic) (estion fi#st@5 sai$ t)e co&1(te#8

Ro$ an6#ily t)#e' t)e e&1ty 1late an$ 6lass on t)e floo# of t)e te&1le8 Robot

a#&s flic0e$ o(t an$ 1(lle$ t)e& into t)e t#as) bin8 He sta#e$ at t)e ol$ 1olis)e$ &etal

of t)e co&1(te#8 It o(6)t to be 1olis)e$8 He )a$ s1ent )(n$#e$s of )o(#s 1olis)in6 its

case% all si3ty-si3 1anels of it% (st beca(se t)e &ac)ine 'as so&et)in6 ')ic) )e co(l$love8

5Don?t yo( 0no' &e@ Don?t yo( 0no' ')at I a&@5

5Yo( a#e Ro$ !cBan t)e-)(n$#e$-an$-fifty-fi#st8 1ecifically% yo( a#e a s1inal

col(&n 'it) a s&all bone bo3 at one en$% t)e )ea$% an$ 'it) #e1#o$(ctive e(i1&ent at

t)e ot)e# en$8 Insi$e t)e bone bo3 yo( )ave a s&all 1o#tion of &ate#ial ')ic)

#ese&bles stiff% bloo$y la#$8 Wit) t)at yo( t)in0>yo( t)in0 bette# t)an I $o% even

t)o(6) I )ave ove# five )(n$#e$ &illion syna1tic connections8 Yo( a#e a 'on$e#f(l

obect% Ro$ !cBan8 I can (n$e#stan$ ')at yo( a#e &a$e of8 I cannot s)a#e yo(# 

)(&an% ani&al si$e of life85

5B(t yo( 0no' I?& in $an6e#85 5I 0no' it85

5W)at $i$ yo( say% a ')ile bac0% abo(t not bein6 able to sto1 Ol$ Hot an$

i&1le 'it)o(t sto11in6 eve#ybo$y else too@ Co(l$ yo( sto1 eve#ybo$y else@5

5Pe#&ission #e(este$ to co##ect e##o#8 I co(l$ not sto1 eve#yone8 If I t#ie$ to (se

violence% t)e 'a# co&1(te#s at Co&&on'ealt) Defense 'o(l$ $est#oy &e befo#e I even

sta#te$ 1#o6#a&&in6 &y o'n actions85

5Yo(?#e 1a#tly a 'a# co&1(te#85

5A$&itte$ly%5 sai$ t)e (n'ea#ie$ (n)(##ie$ voice of t)e co&1(te#% 5b(t t)e

Co&&on'ealt) &a$e &e safe befo#e t)ey let yo(# fo#efat)e#s )ave &e85

5W)at can yo( $o@5

5Ro$ !cBan t)e-)(n$#e$-an$-fo#tiet) tol$ &e to tell no one% eve#85 5I ove##i$e8


5It?s not eno(6) to $o t)at8 Yo(# 6#eat-6#an$fat)e# )as a 'a#nin6 to ')ic) yo(

&(st listen85 52o a)ea$%5 sai$ Ro$8

T)e#e 'as a silence% an$ Ro$ t)o(6)t t)at t)e &ac)ine 'as sea#c)in6

t)#o(6) ancient a#c)ives fo# a $#a&a-c(be8 He stoo$ on t)e 1e#istyle of t)e Palace of 

t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t an$ t#ie$ to see t)e No#st#ilian clo($s c#a'lin6 ac#oss t)e s0y

nea# ove#)ea$ it felt li0e t)at 0in$ of ni6)t8 B(t it 'as ve#y $a#0 a'ay f#o& t)e

ill(&inate$ te&1le 1o#c) an$ )e co(l$ see not)in685Do yo( still co&&an$@5 as0e$ t)e co&1(te#8 5I $i$n?t )ea# any 'a#nin6%5 sai$


5He s1ie0e$ it f#o& a &e&o#y c(be85 5Di$ yo( )ie# it@5

5I 'as not co$e$ to it8 It 'as )(&an-to-)(&an% !cBan fa&ily only85 5T)en%5

sai$ Ro$% 5I ove##i$e it85

5Ove##i$$en%5 sai$ t)e co&1(te#8 5W)at can I $o to sto1 eve#ybo$yF5

5Yo( can ban0#(1t No#st#ilia te&1o#a#ily% b(y Ol$ Ea#t) Itself% an$ t)en

ne6otiate on )(&an te#&s fo# anyt)in6 yo( 'ant85

5O)% lo#$F5 sai$ Ro$% 5yo(?ve 6one lo6ical a6ain% co&1(te#F T)is is one of yo(# 

as-if sit(ations85

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T)e co&1(te# voice $i$ not c)an6e its tone8 It co(l$ not8 T)e se(ence of t)e

'o#$s )el$ a #e1#oac)% )o'eve#8 5T)is is not an i&a6ina#y sit(ation8 I a& a 'a# 

co&1(te#% an$ I 'as $esi6ne$ to incl($e econo&ic 'a#fa#e8 If yo( $i$ e3actly ')at I

tol$ yo( to $o% yo( co(l$ ta0e ove# all Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia by le6al &eans85

5Ho' lon6 'o(l$ 'e nee$@ T'o )(n$#e$ yea#s@ Ol$ Hot an$ i&1le 'o(l$

)ave &e in &y 6#ave by t)en85

T)e co&1(te# co(l$ not la(6)% b(t it co(l$ 1a(se8 It 1a(se$8 5I )ave (st

c)ec0e$ t)e ti&e on t)e Ne' !elbo(#ne E3c)an6e8 T)e ?C)an6e si6nal says t)ey 'ill

o1en in seventeen &in(tes8 I 'ill nee$ fo(# )o(#s fo# yo(# voice to say ')at it &(st8

T)at &eans yo( 'ill nee$ fo(# )o(#s an$ seventeen &in(tes% 6ive o# ta0e five &in(tes85

5W)at &a0es yo( t)in0 yo( can $o it@5

5I a& a 1(#e co&1(te#% obsolete &o$el8 All t)e ot)e#s )ave ani&al b#ains b(ilt

into t)e&% to allo' fo# e##o#8 I $o not8 "(#t)e#&o#e% yo(# 6#eat,:-6#an$fat)e# )oo0e$ &e

into t)e $efense net85

5Di$n?t t)e Co&&on'ealt) c(t yo( o(t@5

5I a& t)e only co&1(te# ')ic) 'as b(ilt to tell lies% e3ce1t to t)e fa&ilies of 

!acA#t)(# an$ !cBan8 I lie$ to t)e Co&&on'ealt) ')en t)ey c)ec0e$ on ')at I 'as

6ettin68 I a& obli6e$ to tell t)e t#(t) only to yo( an$ to yo(# $esi6nate$ $escen$ants85

5I 0no' t)at% b(t ')at $oes it )ave to $o 'it) it@5

5I 1#e$ict &y o'n s1ace 'eat)e#% a)ea$ of t)e Co&&on'ealt)85 T)e accent 'as

not in t)e 1leasant% even-tone$ voice Ro$ )i&self be6an to believe it8

5Yo(?ve t#ie$ t)is o(t@5

5I )ave 'a#-6a&e$ it &o#e t)an a )(n$#e$ &illion ti&es8 I )a$ not)in6 else

to $o ')ile I

'aite$ fo# yo(85

5Yo( neve# faile$@5

5I faile$ &ost of t)e ti&e% ')en I fi#st be6an8 B(t I )ave not faile$ a 'a#-6a&e

f#o& #eal $ata fo# t)e last t)o(san$ yea#s85

5W)at 'o(l$ )a11en if yo( faile$ no'@5

5Yo( 'o(l$ be $is6#ace$ an$ ban0#(1t8 I 'o(l$ be sol$ an$ $isasse&ble$85 5Is

t)at all@5 sai$ Ro$ c)ee#f(lly85Yes%5 sai$ t)e co&1(te#8

5I co(l$ sto1 Ol$ Hot an$ i&1le if I o'ne$ Ol$ Ea#t) Itself8 Let?s 6o85 5I $o not

6o any')e#e%5 sai$ t)e co&1(te#8

5I &ean% let?s sta#t85

5Yo( &ean% to b(y Ea#t)% as 'e $isc(sse$@5

5W)at else@5 yelle$ Ro$8 5W)at else )ave 'e been tal0in6 abo(t@5

5Yo( &(st )ave so&e so(1% )ot so(1 an$ a t#an(ilie# fi#st8 I cannot 'o#0 at

o1ti&(& if I

)ave a )(&an bein6 ')o 6ets e3cite$85 5All #i6)t%5 sai$ Ro$85Yo( &(st a(t)o#ie &e to b(y t)e&85 5I a(t)o#ie yo(85

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5T)at 'ill be t)#ee c#e$its85

5In t)e na&e of t)e seven )ealt)y s)ee1% ')at $oes it &atte#@ Ho' &(c) 'ill

Ea#t) cost@5 5even t)o(san$ &illion &illion &e6ac#e$its85

5De$(ct t)#ee c#e$its fo# t)e so(1 an$ t)e 1ill t)en%5 s)o(te$ Ro$% 5if it 'on?t

s1oil yo(# calc(lations85

5De$(cte$%5 sai$ t)e co&1(te#8 T)e t#ay 'it) t)e so(1 a11ea#e$% a ')ite 1ill

 besi$e it8 5No' let?s b(y Ea#t)%5 sai$ Ro$8

5D#in0 yo(# so(1 an$ ta0e yo(# 1ill fi#st%5 sai$ t)e co&1(te#8 Ro$ 6(l1e$ $o'n

)is so(1% 'as)in6 t)e 1ill $o'n 'it) it8 5No'% let?s 6o% cobbe#85

5Re1eat afte# &e%5 sai$ t)e co&1(te#% 5I )e#e'it) &o#t6a6e t)e ')ole bo$y of 

t)e sai$ s)ee1 'eet Willia& fo# t)e s(& of five )(n$#e$ t)o(san$ c#e$its to t)e Ne'

!elbo(#ne E3c)an6e on t)e o1en boa#$+5

Ro$ #e1eate$ it8 An$ #e1eate$ it8

T)e )o(#s beca&e a ni6)t&a#e of #e1etition8

T)e co&1(te# lo'e#e$ )is voice to a lo' &(#&(#% al&ost a ')is1e#8 W)en Ro$

st(&ble$ in t)e &essa6es% t)e co&1(te# 1#o&1te$ )i& an$ co##ecte$ )i&8

"o#'a#$ 1(#c)ase+ sell s)o#t+ o1tion to b(y+ 1#e-e&1tive &a#6in+ offe# to

sell+ offe# te&1o#a#ily #ese#ve$+ fi#st collate#al+ secon$ collate#al+ $e1osit to

$#a'in6 acco(nt+ conve#t to "OE c#e$its 8 8 )ol$ in AD c#e$its+ t'elve t)o(san$

tons of st#oon+ &o#t6a6e fo#'a#$+ 1#o&ise to b(y+ 1#o&ise to sell+ )ol$+

&a#6in+ collate#al 6(a#antee$ by 1#evio(s $e1osit+ 1#o&ise to 1ay a6ainst t)e

 1le$6e$ lan$+ 6(a#anto#+ !cBan lan$+ !acA#t)(# lan$+ t)is co&1(te# itself+

con$itional le6ality+ b(y+ sell+ 6(a#antee+ 1le$6e+ 'it))ol$+ offe# 

confi#&e$+ offe# cancele$+ fo(# t)o(san$ &illion &e6ac#e$its+ #ate acce1te$+ #ate

#ef(se$+ fo#'a#$ 1(#c)ase+ $e1osit a6ainst inte#est+ collate#al 1#evio(sly

 1le$6e$+ con$itional a11#eciation+ 6(a#antee+ acce1t title+ #ef(se $elive#y+ sola# 

'eat)e#+ b(y+ sell+ 1le$6e+ 'it)$#a' f#o& &a#0et+ 'it)$#a' f#o& sale+ not

available+no collections no'888 $e1en$ent on #a$iation+ co#ne# &a#0et+ b(y+

 b(y+ b(y+ b(y+ b(y+ fi#& title+ #econfi#& title+ t#ansactions co&1lete$888

#eo1en+ #e6iste#+ #e#e6iste#+ confi#& at Ea#t) cent#al+ &essa6e fees+ fifteen

t)o(san$ &e6ac#e$its8888

Ro$?s voice beca&e a ')is1e#% b(t t)e co&1(te# 'as sti#e% t)e co&1(te# 'as

(nti#in6% t)e co&1(te# ans'e#e$ all (estions f#o& t)e o(tsi$e8

!any ti&es Ro$ an$ t)e co&1(te# bot) )a$ to listen to tele1at)ic 'a#nin6s b(ilt into t)e &a#0ets co&&(nications net8 T)e co&1(te# 'as c(t o(t an$ Ro$ co(l$

not )ie# t)e&8 T)e 'a#nin6s 'ent (n)ea#$8

+ b(y+ sell+ )ol$+ confi#&+ $e1osit+ conve#t+ 6(a#antee+

a#bit#a6e+ &essa6e888 Co&&on'ealt) ta3888 co&&ission+ b(y+ sell+ b(y+ b(y+

 b(y+ b(y+ $e1osit titleF $e1osit titleF $e1osit titleF

T)e 1#ocess of b(yin6 Ea#t) )a$ be6(n8

By t)e ti&e t)at t)e fi#st 1#etty 1a#ts of silve#-6#ay $a'n )a$ be6(n% it 'as

$one8 Ro$ 'as $iy 'it) fati6(e an$ conf(sion8

52o )o&e an$ slee1%5 sai$ t)e co&1(te#8 5W)en 1eo1le fin$ o(t ')at yo()ave $one 'it) &e% &any of t)e& 'ill 1#obably be e3cite$ an$ 'ill 'is) to tal0 to

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yo( at 6#eat len6t)8 I s(66est yo( say not)in685

CHAPTER E;EN4 T)e Eye U1on t)e 1a##o'

D#(n0 'it) fati6(e% Ro$ st(&ble$ ac#oss )is o'n lan$ bac0 to )is cabin8 He

co(l$ not believe t)at anyt)in6 )a$ )a11ene$8

If t)e Palace of t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t> If t)e Palace > 

If t)e co&1(te# s1o0e t)e t#(t)% )e 'as al#ea$y t)e 'ealt)iest )(&an bein6

')o )a$ eve# live$8 He )a$ 6a&ble$ an$ 'on% not fo# a fe' tons of st#oon o# a 1lanet

o# t'o% b(t c#e$its eno(6) to s)a0e t)e Co&&on'ealt) to its fo(n$ation8 He o'ne$ t)e

Ea#t)% on t)e syste& t)at any ove#$e1osit co(l$ be calle$ $(e at a ce#tain ve#y )i6)

&a#6in8 He o'ne$ 1lanets% co(nt#ies% &ines% 1alaces% 1#isons% 1olice-syste&s% fleets%

 bo#$e#-6(a#$s% #esta(#ants% 1)a#&ace(ticals% te3tiles% ni6)t cl(bs% t#eas(#es% #oyalties%

licenses% s)ee1% lan$% st#oon% &o#e s)ee1% &o#e lan$% &o#e st#oon8 He )a$ 'on8

Only in Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia co(l$ a &an )ave $one t)is 'it)o(t bein6 besie6e$

 by sol$ie#s% #e1o#te#s% 6(a#$s% 1olice% investi6ato#s% ta3-collecto#s% fo#t(ne-see0e#s%

$octo#s% 1(blicity )o(n$s% t)e sic0% t)e in(isitive% t)e co&1assionate% t)e an6#y%

Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia 0e1t cal&8

P#ivacy% si&1licity% f#(6ality > t)ese vi#t(es )a$ ca##ie$ t)e& t)#o(6) t)e )ell-

'o#l$ of Pa#a$ise ;II% ')e#e t)e &o(ntains ate 1eo1le% t)e volcanoes 1oisone$ s)ee1%

t)e $eli#io(s o3y6en &a$e &en #ave 'it) bliss as t)ey 1#ance$ into t)ei# o'n

$eat)s8 T)e No#st#ilians )a$ s(#vive$ &any t)in6s% incl($in6 sic0ness an$ $efo#&ity8

If Ro$ !cBan )a$ ca(se$ a financial c#isis% t)e#e 'e#e no ne's1a1e#s to 1#int it% no

vie'bo3es to #e1o#t it% not)in6 to e3cite t)e 1eo1le8 T)e Co&&on'ealt) a(t)o#ities

'o(l$ 1ic0 t)e c#isis o(t of t)ei# 5in5 bas0ets so&eti&e afte# t(c0e# an$ tea t)e ne3t

&o#nin6% an$ by afte#noon )e% )is c#isis an$ t)e co&1(te# 'o(l$ be in t)e 5o(t5

 bas0ets8 If t)e $eal )a$ 'o#0e$% t)e ')ole t)in6 'o(l$ be 1ai$ off )onestly an$

lite#ally8 If t)e $eal )a$ not 'o#0e$ o(t t)e 'ay t)at co&1(te# )a$ sai$% )is lan$s

'o(l$ be (1 fo# a(ction an$ )e )i&self 'o(l$ be le$ 6ently a'ay8

B(t t)at?s ')at t)e Onsec0 'as 6oin6 to $o to )i& any'ay>Ol$ Hot an$

i&1le% a ti#in6 $'a#f-life$ &an% $#iven by t)e boy)oo$ )at#e$ of &any lon6 yea#s a6oF

Ro$ sto11e$ fo# a &in(te8 A#o(n$ )i& st#etc)e$ t)e #ollin6 1lains of )is o'n

lan$8 "a# a)ea$% to )is left% t)e#e 6lea&e$ t)e 6lassy 'o#& of a #ive#-cove#% t)e )(&1e$

lon6 ba##el-li0e line ')ic) 0e1t t)e 1#ecio(s 'ate# f#o& eva1o#atin6>t)at too 'as )is8

!aybe8 Afte# t)e ni6)t no' 1asse$8

He t)o(6)t of flin6in6 )i&self to t)e 6#o(n$ an$ slee1in6 #i6)t t)e#e8 He )a$

$one it befo#e8 B(t not t)is &o#nin68

 Not ')en )e &i6)t be t)e 1e#son )e &i6)t be>t)e &an ')o &a$e t)e 'o#l$s

#eel 'it) )is 'ealt)8

T)e co&1(te# )a$ sta#te$ easy8 He co(l$ not ta0e cont#ol of )is 1#o1e#ty e3ce1t

fo# an e&e#6ency8 T)e co&1(te# )a$ &a$e )i& c#eate t)e e&e#6ency by sellin6 )is

ne3t t)#ee yea#s? 1#o$(ction of santacla#a at t)e &a#0et 1#ice8 T)at 'as a se#io(s

eno(6) e&e#6ency f#o& any 1asto#alist to be in $ee1 s(#e t#o(ble8

"#o& t)at t)e #est )a$ follo'e$8 Ro$ sat $o'n8

He 'as not t#yin6 to #e&e&be#8 T)e #e&e&be#in6 'as c#o'$in6 into )is&in$8 He 'ante$ (st to 6et )is b#eat)% to 6et on )o&e% to slee18

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A t#ee 'as nea# )i&% 'it) a t)e#&ostatically cont#olle$ cove# ')ic) $o&e$ it in

')eneve# t)e 'in$s 'e#e too st#on6 o# too $#y% an$ an (n$e#6#o(n$ s1#in0le# ')ic)

0e1t it alive ')en s(#face &oist(#e 'as not s(fficient8 It 'as one of t)e ol$ !acA#t)(# 

e3t#ava6ances ')ic) )is !cBan ancesto# )a$ in)e#ite$ an$ )a$ a$$e$ to t)e tation of 

Doo&8 It 'as a &o$ifie$ Ea#t) oa0% ve#y bi6% a f(ll t)i#teen &ete#s )i6)8 Ro$ 'as 1#o($of it alt)o(6) )e $i$ not li0e it &(c)% b(t )e )a$ #elatives ')o 'e#e obsesse$ by it an$

'o(l$ &a0e a t)#ee-)o(# #i$e (st to sit in t)e s)a$e>$i& an$ $iff(se as it 'as>of a

6en(ine t#ee f#o& Ea#t)8

W)en )e loo0e$ at t)e t#ee% a violent noise assaile$ )i&8 !a$ f#antic la(6)te#8

La(6)te# beyon$ all o0es8 La(6)te# sic0 'il$ $#(n0 $iy8

He sta#te$ to be an6#y an$ 'as t)en 1(le$8 W)o co(l$ be la(6)in6 at )i&

al#ea$y@ As a &atte# of nea#e# fact% ')o co(l$ be t#es1assin6 on )is lan$@ Any)o'%

')at 'as t)e#e to la(6) abo(t@

All No#st#ilians 0no' t)at )(&o# 'as 51leas(#able co##i6ible &alf(nction85

It 'as in t)e Boo0 of R)eto#ic ')ic) t)ei# A11ointe$ Relatives )a$ to 6et t)e&t)#o(6) if t)ey 'e#e even to (alify fo# t)e tests of t)e 2a#$en of Deat)8 T)e#e

'e#e no sc)ools% no classes% no teac)e#s% no lib#a#ies e3ce1t fo# 1#ivate ones8 T)e#e

'e#e (st t)e seven libe#al a#ts% t)e si3 1#actical sciences% an$ t)e five collections of 

 1olice an$ $efense st($ies8 1ecialists 'e#e t#aine$ off-'o#l$% b(t t)ey 'e#e t#aine$

only f#o& a&on6 t)e s(#vivo#s of t)e 2a#$en% an$ nobo$y co(l$ 6et as fa# as t)e

2a#$en (nless t)e s1onso#s>')o sta0e$ t)ei# lives alon6 'it) t)at of t)e st($ent%

so fa# as t)e (estion of a1tness 'as conce#ne$>6(a#antee$ t)at t)e ent#ant 0ne' t)e

ei6)teen 0in$s of No#st#ilian 0no'le$6e8 T)e Boo0 of R)eto#ic ca&e secon$% #i6)t afte# 

t)e Boo0 of )ee1 an$ N(&be#s% so t)at all No#st#ilians 0ne' ')y t)ey la(6)e$ an$

')at t)e#e 'as to la(6) abo(t8

B(t t)is la(6)te#F

Aa6)% ')o co(l$ it be@

A sic0 &an@ I&1ossible8 Hostile )all(cinations b#o(6)t on by t)e Hon8 ec8

in )is o'n

Onsec0is) 'ay 'it) (n(s(al tele1at)ic 1o'e#s@ ca#cely8

Ro$ be6an to la(6) )i&self8

It 'as so&e')at #a#e an$ bea(tif(l% a 0oo0ab(##a bi#$% t)e sa&e 0in$ of bi#$

')ic) )a$ la(6)e$ in O#i6inal A(st#alia on Ol$ Ol$ Ea#t)8 A ve#y fe' )a$ #eac)e$

t)is ne' 1lanet an$ t)ey )a$ not &(lti1lie$ 'ell% even t)o(6) t)e No#st#ilians#es1ecte$ t)e& an$ love$ t)e& an$ 'is)e$ t)e& )ealt)8

2oo$ l(c0 ca&e 'it) t)ei# 'il$ bi#$is) la(6)te#8 A &an co(l$ feel )e )a$ a fine

$ay a)ea$8 L(c0y in love% t)(&b in an ene&y?s eye% ne' ale in t)e f#i$6e% o# a

#($$y 6oo$ c)ance on t)e &a#0et8

La(6)% bi#$% la(6)F t)o(6)t Ro$8

Pe#)a1s t)e bi#$ (n$e#stoo$ )i&8 T)e la(6)te# inc#ease$ an$ #eac)e$ &anic%

)ila#io(s 1#o1o#tions8 T)e bi#$ so(n$e$ as t)o(6) it 'as 'atc)in6 t)e &ost co&ical

 bi#$-co&e$y ')ic) any bi#$-a($ience )a$ eve# been invite$ to% as t)o(6) t)e bi#$-

 o0es 'e#e si$e-s1littin6% conv(lsive% 6(t1o11in6% (nbelievable% #acy% $a#in6% an$ove#')el&in68 T)e bi#$-la(6)te# beca&e )yste#ical an$ a note of fea#% of 'a#nin6 c#e1t

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 48/185


Ro$ ste11e$ to'a#$ t)e t#ee8

In all t)is ti&e )e )a$ not seen t)e 0oo0ab(##a8

He s(inte$ into t)e t#ee% 1ee#in6 a6ainst t)e b#i6)te# si$e of t)e s0y ')ic)s)o'e$ t)at &o#nin6 )a$ a##ive$ 'ell8

To )i&% t)e t#ee 'as blin$in6ly 6#een% since it 0e1t &ost of its ea#t) colo#% not

t(#nin6 bei6e o# 6#ay as t)e ea#t) 6#asses )a$ $one ')en t)ey )a$ been a$a1te$ an$

 1lante$ in No#st#ilian soil8

To be s(#e% t)e bi#$ 'as t)e#e% a tiny slen$e# la(6)in6 i&1($ent s)a1e8 ($$enly

t)e bi#$ ca'e$4 t)is 'as no la(6)8

ta#tle$% Ro$ ste11e$ bac0 an$ sta#te$ to loo0 a#o(n$ fo# $an6e#8 T)e ste1 save$

)is life8

T)e s0y ')istle$ at )i&% t)e 'in$ )it )i&% a $a#0 s)a1e s)ot 1ast )i& 'it) t)e

s1ee$ of a 1#oectile an$ 'as 6one8 As it levele$ o(t (st above t)e 6#o(n$% Ro$ sa'')at it 'as8

A &a$ s1a##o'8

1a##o's )a$ #eac)e$ t'enty 0ilos? 'ei6)t% 'it) st#ai6)t s'o#$-li0e bea0s

al&ost a &ete# in len6t)8 !ost of t)e ti&e t)e Co&&on'ealt) left t)e& alone% beca(se

t)ey 1#eye$ on t)e 6iant lice% t)e sie of footballs% ')ic) )a$ 6#o'n 'it) t)e sic0 

s)ee18 No' an$ t)en one 'ent &a$ an$ attac0e$ 1eo1le8

Ro$ t(#ne$% 'atc)in6 t)e s1a##o' as it 'al0e$ a#o(n$% abo(t a )(n$#e$ &ete#s


o&e &a$ s1a##o's% it 'as #(&o#e$% 'e#e not &a$ at all% b(t 'e#e ta&e

s1a##o's sent on evil &issions of #even6e o# $eat) by No#st#ilian &en ')ose &in$s

)a$ been t'iste$ into c#i&e8 T)is 'as #a#e% t)is 'as c#i&e% b(t t)is 'as 1ossible8

Co(l$ t)e Onsec0 al#ea$y be attac0in6@

Ro$ sla11e$ )is belt fo# 'ea1ons as t)e s1a##o' too0 to t)e ai# a6ain% fla11in6

(1'a#$ 'it) t)e 1#etense of innocence8 He )a$ not)in6 e3ce1t )is belt-li6)t an$ a

caniste#8 T)is 'o(l$ not )ol$ o(t lon6 (nless so&ebo$y ca&e alon68 W)at co(l$ a

ti#e$ &an $o% (sin6 ba#e )an$s% a6ainst a s'o#$ ')ic) b(#st t)#o(6) t)e ai# 'it) a

&ono&aniac bi#$-b#ain be)in$ it@

Ro$ b#ace$ )i&self fo# t)e bi#$?s ne3t 1o'e#-$ive% )ol$in6 t)e caniste# li0e as)iel$8 T)e caniste# 'as not &(c) of a s)iel$8

Do'n ca&e t)e bi#$% 1#ece$e$ by t)e ')istle of ai# a6ainst its )ea$ an$ bea08

Ro$ 'atc)e$ fo# t)e eyes an$ ')en )e sa' t)e&% )e (&1e$8

T)e $(st #oa#e$ (1 as t)e 6iant s1a##o' t'iste$ its s1ea#-li0e bea0 o(t of t)e line

of t)e 6#o(n$% o1ene$ its 'in6s% beat t)e ai# a6ainst 6#avity% ca(6)t itself centi&ete#s

f#o& t)e s(#face an$ fla11e$ a'ay 'it) 1o'e#f(l st#o0es Ro$ stoo$ an$ 'atc)e$

(ietly% 6la$ t)at )e )a$ esca1e$8

His left a#& 'as 'et8

Rain 'as so #a#e in t)e No#st#ilian 1lains t)at )e $i$ not see )o' )e co(l$)ave 6otten 'et8 He 6lance$ $o'n i$ly8

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Bloo$ it 'as% an$ )is o'n8

T)e 0ill-bi#$ )a$ &isse$ )i& 'it) its bea0 b(t )a$ to(c)e$ )i& 'it) t)e

#ao#-li0e 'in6- feat)e#s% ')ic) )a$ &(tate$ into 'ea1ons bot) t)e #)ac)is an$ t)e

vane in t)e la#6e feat)e#s 'e#e t#e&en$o(sly #einfo#ce$% 'it) t)e $evelo1&ent of a

 bitte#ly s)a#1 )y1o#)ac)is in t)e case of t)e 'in6-ti1s8 T)e bi#$ )a$ c(t )i& so fast )e

)a$ not felt it o# notice$ it8

Li0e any 6oo$ No#st#ilian% )e t)o(6)t in te#&s of fi#st ai$8

T)e flo' of bloo$ 'as not ve#y #a1i$8 )o(l$ )e t#y to tie (1 )is a#& fi#st o# to

)i$e f#o& t)e ne3t $ivin6 attac0@

T)e bi#$ ans'e#e$ )is (estion fo# )i&8 T)e o&ino(s ')istle so(n$e$ a6ain8

Ro$ fl(n6 )i&self alon6 t)e 6#o(n$% t#yin6 to 6et to t)e base of t)e t#ee t#(n0%

')e#e t)e bi#$ co(l$ not $ive on )i&8

T)e bi#$% &a0in6 a se#io(s &ental &ista0e% t)o(6)t it )a$ $isable$ )i&8

Wit) a fl(tte# of 'in6s it lan$e$ cal&ly% stoo$ on its feet% an$ coc0e$ its )ea$ toloo0 )i& ove#8 W)en t)e bi#$ &ove$ its )ea$% t)e s'o#$-bea0 6lea&e$ evilly in t)e

'ea0 s(ns)ine8

Ro$ #eac)e$ t)e t#ee an$ sta#te$ to lift )i&self (1 by seiin6 t)e t#(n08 Doin6

t)is% )e al&ost lost )is life8

He )a$ fo#6otten )o' fast t)e s1a##o's co(l$ #(n on t)e 6#o(n$8

In one secon$% t)e bi#$ 'as stan$in6% co&ical an$ evil% st($yin6 )i& 'it) its

s)a#1% b#i6)t eyes t)e ne3t secon$% t)e 0nife-bea0 'as into )i&% (st belo' t)e bony

 1a#t of t)e s)o(l$e#8

He felt t)e ee#ie 'et 1(ll of t)e bea0 bein6 $#a'n o(t of )is bo$y% t)e ac)e in )iss(#1#ise$ fles) ')ic) 'o(l$ 1#ece$e t)e 6#i11in6 1ain8 He )it at t)e bi#$ 'it) )is belt-

li6)t8 He &isse$8

By no' )e 'as 'ea0ene$ f#o& )is t'o 'o(n$s8 T)e a#& 'as still $#i11in6

 bloo$ stea$ily an$ )e felt )is s)i#t 6et 'et as bloo$ 1o(#e$ o(t of )is s)o(l$e#8

T)e bi#$% bac0in6 off% 'as a6ain st($yin6 )i& by coc0in6 its )ea$8 Ro$ t#ie$

to 6(ess )is c)ances8 One s(a#e blo' f#o& )is )an$% an$ t)e bi#$ 'as $ea$8 T)e bi#$

)a$ t)o(6)t )i& $isable$% b(t no' )e #eally 'as 1a#tially $isable$8

If )is blo' $i$ not lan$+ sco#e one !iste# fo# t)e bi#$% &a#0 a c#e$it fo# t)e

Hon8 ec8% 6iveOl$ Hot an$ i&1le t)e victo#yF

By no' Ro$ )a$ not t)e least $o(bt t)at Ho(6)ton y&e 'as be)in$ t)e attac08

T)e bi#$ #(s)e$8

Ro$ fo#6ot to fi6)t t)e 'ay )e )a$ 1lanne$8

He 0ic0e$ instea$ an$ ca(6)t t)e bi#$ #i6)t in its )eavy% coa#se bo$y8 It felt li0e

a ve#y bi6 football fille$ 'it) san$8

T)e 0ic0 )(#t )is foot b(t t)e bi#$ 'as fl(n6 a 6oo$ si3 o# seven &ete#s a'ay8

Ro$ #(s)e$ be)in$ t)e t#ee an$ loo0e$ bac0 at t)e bi#$8

T)e bloo$ 'as 1(lsin6 fast o(t of )is s)o(l$e# at t)is 1oint

T)e 0ill-bi#$ )a$ 6otten to )is feet an$ 'as 'al0in6 fi#&ly an$ sec(#ely a#o(n$

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t)e t#ee8 One of t)e 'in6s t#aile$ a little t)e 0ic0 see&e$ to )ave )(#t a 'in6% b(t not

t)e le6s o# t)at )o##ibly st#on6 nec08

Once a6ain t)e bi#$ coc0e$ its co&ical )ea$8 It 'as )is o'n bloo$ ')ic)

$#i11e$ f#o& t)e lon6 bea0% no' #e$% ')ic) )a$ 6lea&e$ silve# 6#ay at t)e be6innin6 of 

t)e fi6)t8 Ro$ 'is)e$ )e )a$ st($ie$ &o#e abo(t t)ese bi#$s8 He )a$ neve# been t)is

close to a &(tate$ s1a##o' befo#e an$ )e )a$ no i$ea of )o' to fi6)t one8 All )e

)a$ 0no'n 'as t)at t)ey attac0e$ 1eo1le on ve#y #a#e occasions an$ t)at so&eti&es

t)e 1eo1le $ie$ in t)e enco(nte#s8

He t#ie$ to s1ie0% to let o(t a sc#ea& ')ic) 'o(l$ b#in6 t)e nei6)bo#)oo$

an$ t)e 1olice flyin6 an$ #(nnin6 to'a#$ )i&8 He fo(n$ )e )a$ no tele1at)y at all% not

')en )e )a$ to concent#ate )is ')ole &in$ an$ attention on t)e bi#$% 0no'in6 t)at its

ve#y ne3t &ove co(l$ b#in6 )i& i##et#ievable $eat)8 T)is 'as no te&1o#a#y $eat) 'it)

t)e #esc(e s(a$s nea#by8 T)e#e 'as no one in t)e nei6)bo#)oo$% no one at all%

e3ce1t fo# t)e e3cite$ an$ sy&1at)etic 0oo0ab(##as )a)a-in6 &a$ly in t)e t#ee above8

He s)o(te$ at t)e bi#$% )o1in6 to f#i6)ten it8

T)e 0ill-bi#$ 1ai$ )i& no &o#e attention t)an if it )a$ been a $eaf #e1tile8

T)e foolis) )ea$ ti11e$ t)is 'ay an$ t)at8 T)e little b#i6)t eyes 'atc)e$ )i&8

T)e #e$ s'o#$- bea0% #a1i$ly t(#nin6 b#o'n in t)e $#y ai#% 1#obe$ abst#act

$i&ensions fo# a 'ay to )is b#ain o# )ea#t8 Ro$ even 'on$e#e$ )o' t)e bi#$ solve$

its 1#oble&s in soli$ 6eo&et#y>t)e an6le of a11#oac)% t)e line of t)#(st% t)e &ove&ent

of t)e bea0% t)e 'ei6)t an$ $i#ection of t)e fleein6 obect


He (&1e$ bac0 a fe' centi&ete#s% inten$in6 to loo0 at t)e bi#$ f#o& t)e

ot)e# si$e of t)e t#ee-t#(n08

T)e#e 'as a )iss in t)e ai#% li0e t)e )el1less )iss of a 6entle little sna0e8

T)e bi#$% ')en )e sa' it% loo0e$ o$$>s($$enly it see&e$ to )ave t'o bea0s8

Ro$ &a#vele$8

He $i$ not #eally (n$e#stan$ ')at 'as )a11enin6 (ntil t)e bi#$ leane$ ove# 

s($$enly% fell on its si$e% an$ lay>1lainly $ea$>on t)e $#y cool 6#o(n$8 T)e eyes

'e#e still o1en b(t t)ey loo0e$ blan0 t)e bi#$?s bo$y t'itc)e$ a little8 T)e 'in6s

o1ene$ o(t in a $yin6 s1as&8 One of t)e 'in6s al&ost st#(c0 t)e t#(n0 of t)e t#ee% b(t

t)e t#ee-6(a#$in6-$evice #aise$ a 1lastic s)aft to 'a#$ off t)e blo' a 1ity t)e $evice )a$

not been $esi6ne$ as a 1eo1le-6(a#$ as 'ell8

Only t)en $i$ Ro$ see t)at t)e secon$ 5bea05 'as no bea0 at all% b(t a avelin%

its 1oint bitin6 cleanly an$ ti6)tly #i6)t t)#o(6) t)e bi#$?s s0(ll into its b#ain8

 No 'on$e# t)e bi#$ )a$ $#o11e$ $ea$ (ic0lyF

As Ro$ loo0e$ a#o(n$ to see ')o )is #esc(e# &i6)t be% t)e 6#o(n$ #ose (1 an$

st#(c0 )i&8 He )a$ fallen8

T)e loss of bloo$ 'as faste# t)an )e )a$ allo'e$ fo#8

He loo0e$ a#o(n$% al&ost li0e a c)il$ in )is be'il$e#&ent an$ $iiness8

T)e#e 'as a s)i&&e# of t(#(oise an$ t)e 6i#l Lavinia 'as stan$in6 ove# 

)i&8 )e )a$ a &e$ical 1ac0 o1en an$ 'as s1#ayin6 )is 'o(n$s 'it) c#y1to$e#&> t)e livin6 ban$a6e ')ic) 'as so e31ensive t)at only on No#st#ilia% t)e e31o#te# of 

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t#oon% co(l$ it be ca##ie$ a#o(n$ in e&e#6ency cans8

5*ee1 (iet%5 s)e sai$ 'it) )e# voice% 50ee1 (iet% Ro$8 We?ve 6ot to sto1 t)e

 bloo$ fi#st of all8 Lan$s of &e#cy% b(t yo(?#e a c#as)in6 &essF5

5W)o+@5 sai$ Ro$ 'ea0ly8

5T)e Hon8 ec8%5 sai$ s)e i&&e$iately8

5Yo( 0no'@5 )e as0e$% a&ae$ t)at s)e s)o(l$ (n$e#stan$ eve#yt)in6 so

ve#y (ic0ly in$ee$8

5Don?t tal0% an$ I?ll tell yo(85 )e )a$ ta0en )e# fiel$-0nife an$ 'as c(ttin6 t)e

stic0y s)i#t off )i&% so t)at s)e co(l$ tilt t)e bottle an$ s1#ay #i6)t into t)e 'o(n$8 5I

 (st s(s1ecte$ yo( 'e#e in t#o(ble% ')en Bill #o$e by t)e )o(se an$ sai$ so&et)in6

c#ay% t)at yo( )a$ bo(6)t )alf t)e 6ala3y by 6a&blin6 all ni6)t 'it) a c#ay &ac)ine

')ic) 1ai$ off8 I $i$ not 0no' ')e#e yo( 'e#e% b(t I t)o(6)t t)at yo( &i6)t be in t)at

ol$ te&1le of yo(#s t)at t)e #est of t)e& can?t see8 I $i$n?t 0no' ')at 0in$ of $an6e# to

loo0 fo#% so I b#o(6)t t)is85 )e sla11e$ )e# )i18 Ro$?s eyes 'i$ene$8 )e )a$ stolen)e# fat)e#?s one-0iloton 6#ena$e% ')ic) 'as to be #e&ove$ f#o& its #ac0 only in t)e

event of an off-'o#l$ attac08 )e ans'e#e$ )is (estion befo#e )e as0e$ )e#8 5It?s

all #i6)t8 I &a$e a $(&&y to ta0e its 1lace befo#e I to(c)e$ it8 T)en% as I too0 it o(t%

t)e Defense &onito# ca&e on an$ I (st e31laine$ t)at I )a$ )it it 'it) &y ne' b#oo&%

')ic) 'as lon6e# t)an (s(al8 Do yo( t)in0 I

'o(l$ let Ol$ Hot an$ i&1le 0ill yo(% Ro$% 'it)o(t a fi6)t f#o& &e@ I?&

yo(# co(sin% yo(# 0it) an$ 0in8 As a &atte# of fact% I?& n(&be# t'elve afte# yo( ')en

it co&es to in)e#itin6 Doo& an$ all t)e 'on$e#f(l t)in6s t)e#e a#e on t)is station85

Ro$ sai$% 52ive &e 'ate#85 He s(s1ecte$ s)e 'as c)atte#in6 to 0ee1 )is

attention off ')at s)e 'as $oin6 to )is s)o(l$e# an$ a#&8 T)e a#& 6lo'e$ once ')en

s)e s1#aye$ t)e c#y1to$e#& on it t)en it settle$ $o'n to &e#e ac)in68 T)e s)o(l$e# 

)a$ e31lo$e$ f#o& ti&e to ti&e as s)e 1#obe$ it8 )e t)#(st a $ia6nostic nee$le into it

an$ 'as #ea$in6 t)e tiny b#i6)t 1ict(#e on t)e en$ of t)e nee$le8 He 0ne' it )a$ bot)

anal6esics an$ antise1tics as 'ell as an (lt#a&iniat(#e$ = #ay% b(t )e $i$ not t)in0 t)at

anyone 'o(l$ be 'illin6 to (se it (nai$e$ in t)e fiel$8

)e ans'e#e$ t)is (estion% too befo#e )e as0e$ it8 )e 'as a ve#y 1e#ce1tive


5We $on?t 0no' ')at t)e Onsec0 is 6oin6 to $o ne3t8 He &ay )ave co##(1te$

 1eo1le as 'ell as ani&als8 I $on?t $a#e call fo# )el1% not (ntil yo( )ave yo(# f#ien$sa#o(n$ yo(8 Ce#tainly not% if yo( )ave bo(6)t )alf t)e 'o#l$s85

Ro$ $#a66e$ o(t t)e 'o#$s8 He see&e$ s)o#t of b#eat)8 5Ho' $i$ yo( 0no' it

'as )i&@5

5I sa' )is face>I )ie#e$ it ')en I loo0e$ in t)e bi#$?s o'n b#ain8 I co(l$

see Ho(6)ton y&e% tal0in6 to t)e bi#$ in so&e 0in$ of an o$$ 'ay% an$ I co(l$ see

yo(# $ea$ bo$y t)#o(6) t)e bi#$?s eyes% an$ I co(l$ feel a bi6 'ave of love an$

a11#oval% )a11iness an$ #e'a#$% 6oin6 t)#o(6) t)e bi#$ ')en t)e ob 'as to )ave been

finis)e$8 I t)in0 t)at &an is evil% evilF5

5Yo( 0no' )i&% yo(#self@5

5W)at 6i#l a#o(n$ )e#e $oesn?t@ He?s a nasty &an8 He )a$ a boy)oo$ t)at 'as all

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#otten f#o& t)e ti&e t)at )e #ealie$ )e 'as a s)o#t-life#8 He )as neve# 6otten ove# it8

o&e 1eo1le a#e so##y fo# )i& an$ $on?t &in$ )is 6ettin6 t)e ob of Hon8 ec8 If I?$ &y

'ay% I?$ )ave sent )i& to t)e 2i66le Roo& lon6 a6oF5 Lavinia?s face 'as set in

 1#($is) )ate% an e31#ession so (nli0e )e#self% ')o (s(ally 'as b#i6)t an$ 6ay% t)at

Ro$ 'on$e#e$ ')at $ee1 bitte#ness &i6)t )ave been sti##e$ 'it)in )e#8

5W)y $o yo( )ate )i&@5 5"o# ')at )e $i$85

5W)at $i$ )e $o@5

5He loo0e$ at &e%5 s)e sai$% 5)e loo0e$ at &e in a 'ay t)at no 6i#l can li0e8

T)en )e c#a'le$ all ove# &y &in$% t#yin6 to s)o' &e all t)e silly% $i#ty% (seless t)in6s

)e 'ante$ to $o85

5B(t )e $i$n?t $o anyt)in6>@5 sai$ Ro$8

5Yes% )e $i$%5 s)e sna11e$8 5Not 'it) )is )an$s8 I co(l$ )ave #e1o#te$ )i&8 I

'o(l$ )ave8 It?s ')at )e $i$ 'it) )is &in$% t)e t)in6s )e s1ie0e$ to &e85

5Yo( can #e1o#t t)ose% too%5 sai$ Ro$% ve#y ti#e$ of tal0in6% b(t neve#t)eless&yste#io(sly elate$ to $iscove# t)at )e 'as not t)e only ene&y ')ic) t)e Onsec0 )a$

&a$e8 5Not ')at )e $i$% I co(l$n?t%5 sai$ Lavinia% )e# face set in an6e#% b(t $issolvin6

into 6#ief8 2#ief 'as ten$e#e#% softe#% b(t $ee1e# an$ &o#e #eal t)an an6e#8 "o# t)e fi#st

ti&e Ro$ sense$ a feelin6 of conce#n abo(t Lavinia8 W)at &i6)t be '#on6 'it) )e#@

)e loo0e$ 1ast )i& an$ s1o0e to t)e o1en fiel$s an$ t)e bi6 $ea$ bi#$8

5Ho(6)ton y&e 'as t)e 'o#st &an I?ve eve# 0no'n8 I )o1e )e $ies8 He neve# 6ot

ove# t)at #otten boy)oo$ of )is8 T)e ol$ sic0 boy is t)e ene&y of t)e &an8 We?ll neve# 

0no' ')at )e &i6)t )ave been8 An$ if yo( )a$n?t been so '#a11e$ (1 in yo(# o'n

t#o(bles% !iste# Ro$ to-t)e-)(n$#e$-an$-fifty-fi#st% yo(?$ )ave #e&e&be#e$ ')o I


5W)o a#e yo(@5 sai$ Ro$% nat(#ally8 5I?& t)e "at)e#?s Da(6)te#85

5o ')at@5 sai$ Ro$8 5All 6i#ls a#e85

5T)en yo( neve# )ave fo(n$ o(t abo(t &e8 I?& t)e "at)e#?s Da(6)te# f#o&

?T)e "at)e#?s

Da(6)te#?s on68? 5 5Neve# )ea#$ it85

)e loo0e$ at )i& an$ )e# eyes 'e#e close to tea#s8 5Listen% t)en% an$ I?ll sin6 it

to yo( no'8 An$ it?s t#(e% t#(e% t#(e4

Yo( $o not 0no' ')at t)e 'o#l$ is li0e% An$ I )o1e t)at yo( neve# 'ill8

!y )ea#t 'as once &(c) f(ll of )o1e% B(t no' it is ve#y still8!y 'ife 'ent &a$8

)e 'as &y love an$ 'o#e &y #in6

W)en bot) of (s 'e#e yo(n68

)e bo#e &y babes% b(t t)en% b(t t)en+ An$ no' t)e#e isn?t anyt)in68

!y 'ife 'ent &a$8

 No' s)e lives in anot)e# 1lace%

Half sic0% )alf 'ell% an$ neve# yo(n68 I a& )e# $#ea$% ')o 'as )e# love% Eac) of 

(s )as anot)e# face8!y 'ife 'ent &a$8

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Yo( $o not 0no' ')at t)e 'o#l$ is li0e% Wa# is neve# t)e 'o#st of it8

T)e sta#s 'it)in yo(# eyes can $#o1% T)e li6)tnin6 in yo(# b#ain can st#i0e8 !y

'ife 'ent &a$8

5An$ I see yo( )ave )ea#$ it% too%5 s)e si6)e$8 5K(st as &y fat)e# '#ote it8

Abo(t &y &ot)e#8 !y o'n &ot)e#85

5O)% Lavinia%5 sai$ Ro$% 5I?& so##y8 I neve# t)o(6)t it 'as yo(8 An$ yo( &y

o'n co(sin only t)#ee o# fo(# ti&es #e&ove$8 B(t Lavinia% t)e#e?s so&et)in6 '#on68

Ho' can yo(# &ot)e# be &a$ if s)e 'as loo0in6 fine at &y )o(se last 'ee0@5

5)e 'as neve# &a$%5 sai$ Lavinia8 5!y fat)e# 'as8 He &a$e (1 t)at c#(el son6

abo(t &y &ot)e# so t)at t)e nei6)bo#s co&1laine$8 He )a$ )is c)oice of t)e 2i66le

Roo& to $ie in% o# t)e sic0 1lace% to be i&&o#tal an$ insane8 He?s t)e#e no'8 An$ t)e

Onsec0% t)e Onsec0 t)#eatene$ to b#in6 )i& bac0 to o(# o'n nei6)bo#)oo$ if I $i$n?t $o

')at )e as0e$8 Do yo( t)in0 I co(l$ fo#6ive t)at@ Eve#@ Afte# 1eo1le )ave s(n6 t)at

)atef(l son6 at &e eve# since I 'as a baby@ Do yo( 'on$e# t)at I 0no' it &yself@5

Ro$ no$$e$8Lavinia?s t#o(bles i&1#esse$ )i&% b(t )e )a$ t#o(bles of )is o'n8

T)e s(n 'as neve# )ot on No#st#ilia% b(t )e s($$enly felt t)i#sty an$ )ot8 He

'ante$ to slee1% b(t )e 'on$e#e$ abo(t t)e $an6e#s ')ic) s(##o(n$e$ )i&8

)e 0nelt besi$e )i&8

5Close yo(# eyes a bit% Ro$8 I 'ill s1ie0 ve#y (ietly an$ &aybe nobo$y 'ill

notice it e3ce1t yo(# station )an$s% Bill an$ Ho11e#8 W)en t)ey co&e 'e?ll )i$e o(t fo# 

t)e $ay an$ toni6)t 'e can 6o bac0 to yo(# co&1(te# an$ )i$e8 I?ll tell t)e& to b#in6


)e )esitate$% 5An$ Ro$@5 5Yes@5 )e sai$8

5"o#6ive &e85 5"o# ')at@5

5"o# &y t#o(bles%5 s)e sai$ cont#itely8

5No' yo( )ave &o#e t#o(bles8 !e%5 )e sai$8 5Let?s not bla&e o(#selves% b(t fo# 

s)ee1?s sa0e% 6i#l% let &e slee185

He $#ifte$ off to slee1 as s)e sat besi$e )i&% ')istlin6 a lo($ clea# t(ne 'it)

lon6% lon6 notes ')ic) neve# a$$e$ (18 He 0ne' so&e 1eo1le% (s(ally 'o&en% $i$ t)at

')en t)ey t#ie$ to concent#ate on t)ei# tele1at)ic s1ie0in68

Once )e 6lance$ (1 at )e# befo#e )e finally sle1t8 He notice$ t)at )e# eyes'e#e a $ee1% st#an6e bl(e8 Li0e t)e &a$ 'il$ fa#a'ay s0ies of Ol$ Ea#t) Itself8

He sle1t% an$ in )is slee1 )e 0ne' t)at )e 'as bein6 ca##ie$+

T)e )an$s ')ic) ca##ie$ )i& felt f#ien$ly% t)o(6)% an$ )e c(#le$ )i&self bac0 

into $ee1% $ee1e# $#ea&less slee18

CHAPTER EI2HT4 "OE !oney% AD !oney

W)en Ro$ finally a'a0ene$% it 'as to feel )is s)o(l$e# ti6)tly bo(n$ an$ )is

a#& t)#obbin68 He )a$ fo(6)t 'a0in6 (1 beca(se t)e 1ain )a$ inc#ease$ as )is &in$

&ove$ to'a#$ conscio(sness% b(t t)e 1ain an$ t)e &(#&(# of voices ca(se$ )i& to

co&e all t)e 'ay to t)e )a#$ b#i6)t s(#face of conscio(sness8

T)e &(#&(# of voices@

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T)e#e 'as no 1lace on all Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia ')e#e voices &(#&(#e$8

Peo1le sat a#o(n$ an$ s1ie0e$ to eac) ot)e# an$ )ie#e$ t)e ans'e#s 'it)o(t t)e clatte# 

of vocal co#$s8 Tele1at)y &a$e fo# b#illiant an$ (ic0 conve#sation% t)e 1a#tici1ants

$a#tin6 t)ei# t)o(6)ts t)is 'ay an$ t)at% soa#in6 'it) t)ei# s)iel$s so as to 1#o$(ce t)e

effect of a confi$ential ')is1e#8

B(t )e#e t)e#e 'e#e voices8 ;oices8 !any voices8 Not 1ossible8

An$ t)e s&ell 'as '#on68 T)e ai# 'as 'et>l(3(#io(sly% e3t#ava6antly 'et%

li0e a &ise# t#yin6 to catc) a #ainsto#& in )is cabinF

It 'as al&ost li0e t)e van of t)e 2a#$en of Deat)8

K(st as )e 'o0e% )e #eco6nie$ Lavinia sin6in6 an o$$ little son68 It 'as

one ')ic) Ro$ 0ne'% beca(se it )a$ a s)a#1 catc)y% 1oi6nant little &elo$y to it ')ic)

so(n$e$ li0e not)in6 on t)is 'o#l$8 )e 'as sin6in6% an$ it so(n$e$ li0e one of t)e

'ei#$ sa$nesses ')ic) )is 1eo1le )a$ b#o(6)t f#o& t)ei# )o##ible 6#o(1-e31e#ience

on t)e aban$one$ 1lanet of Pa#a$ise ;II4Is t)e#e anybo$y )e#e o# is eve#ybo$y $ea$ at t)e 6#ay 6#een bl(e blac0 la0e@

T)e s0y 'as bl(e an$ no' it is #e$

ove# ol$ tall 6#een b#o'n t#ees8

T)e )o(se 'as bi6 b(t no' it loo0s s&all at t)e 6#ay 6#een bl(e blac0 la0e

An$ t)e 6i#l t)at I 0ne' isn?t t)e#e any &o#e at t)e ol$ flat $a#0 to#n 1lace8

His eyes o1ene$ an$ it 'as in$ee$ Lavinia ')o& )e sa' at t)e e$6e of vision8

T)is 'as no )o(se8 It 'as a bo3% a )os1ital% a 1#ison% a s)i1% a cave o# a fo#t8 T)e

f(#nis)in6s 'e#e &ac)ine$ an$ l(3(#io(s8 T)e li6)t 'as a#tificial an$ al&ost t)e colo# 

of 1eac)es8 A st#an6e )(& in t)e bac06#o(n$ so(n$e$ li0e alien en6ines $is1ensin6 1o'e# fo# 1(#1oses ')ic) No#st#ilian la' neve# 1e#&itte$ to 1#ivate 1e#sons8 T)e Lo#$

Re$la$y leane$ ove# Ro$ t)e fantastic &an b#o0e into son6 )i&self% c)antin64

Li6)t a lante#n> Li6)t a lante#n> Li6)t a lante#n% He#e 'e co&eF

W)en )e sa' t)e obvio(s si6ns of Ro$?s 1e#1le3ity% )e b(#st into a la(6)8

5T)at?s t)e ol$est son6 yo( eve# )ea#$% &y boy8 It?s 1#e-1ace an$ it (se$ to be

calle$ ?6ene#al (a#te#s? ')en s)i1s li0e bi6 i#on )o(ses floate$ on t)e 'ate#s of ea#t)

an$ fo(6)t eac) ot)e#8 We?ve been 'aitin6 fo# yo( to 'a0e (185

5Wate#%5 sai$ Ro$% 51lease 6ive &e 'ate#8 W)y a#e yo( tal0in6@5

5Wate#F5 c#ie$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y to so&eone be)in$ )i&8 His s)a#1 t)in face'as ali6)t 'it) e3cite&ent as )e t(#ne$ bac0 to Ro$8 5An$ 'e?#e tal0in6 beca(se I )ave

&y b(e# on8 If 1eo1le 'ant to tal0 to eac) ot)e#% t)ey olly 'ell bette# (se t)ei# voices

in t)is s)i185

5)i1@5 sai$ Ro$% #eac)in6 fo# t)e &(6 of col$% col$ 'ate# ')ic) a )an$ )a$

#eac)e$ o(t to


5T)is is &y s)i1% !iste# an$ O'ne# Ro$ !cBan to-t)e-)(n$#e$-an$-fifty-fi#stF

An ea#t) s)i18

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I 1(lle$ it o(t of o#bit an$ 6#o(n$e$ it 'it) t)e 1e#&ission of t)e

Co&&on'ealt)8 T)ey $on?t 0no' yo(?#e on it% yet8 T)ey can?t fin$ o(t #i6)t no'

 beca(se &y H(&anoi$-#obot B#ain'ave De1)asin6 Device is on8 Nobo$y can t)in0 in

o# o(t t)#o(6) t)at% an$ anybo$y ')o t#ies tele1at)y on t)is boat is 6oin6 to 6et )i&self 

a )ea$ac)e )e#e85

5W)y yo(@5 sai$ Ro$8 5W)at fo#@5

5In $(e ti&e%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 5Let &e int#o$(ce yo( fi#st8 Yo( 0no'

t)ese 1eo1le85 He 'ave$ at a 6#o(18 Lavinia sat 'it) )is )an$s% Bill an$ Ho11e#% 'it)

)is 'o#0'o&an Eleano#% 'it) )is a(nt Do#is8 T)ey loo0e$ o$$% sittin6 on t)e lo'% soft%

l(3(#io(s ea#t) f(#nit(#e8 T)ey 'e#e all si11in6 so&e ea#t) $#in0 of a colo# ')ic) Ro$

)a$ neve# seen befo#e8 T)ei# e31#essions 'e#e $ive#se4 Bill loo0e$ t#(c(lent% Ho11e# 

loo0e$ 6#ee$y% A(nt Do#is loo0e$ (tte#ly e&ba##asse$ an$ Lavinia loo0e$ as t)o(6)

s)e 'e#e enoyin6 )e#self8

5An$ t)en )e#e+5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 T)e &an )e 1ointe$ to &i6)t not )ave

 been a &an8 He 'as t)e No#st#ilian ty1e all #i6)t% b(t )e 'as a 6iant% of t)e 0in$ ')ic)'e#e al'ays 0ille$ in t)e 2a#$en of Deat)8

5At yo(# se#vice%5 sai$ t)e 6iant% ')o 'as al&ost t)#ee &ete#s tall an$ ')o )a$

to 'atc) )is )ea$% lest it )it t)e ceilin68 5I a& Donal$ D(&f#ie Ho#$e#n Ant)ony

2a#'oo$ 2aines Went'o#t) to t)e fo(#teent) 6ene#ation% !iste# an$ O'ne# !cBan8 A

&ilita#y s(#6eon% at yo(# se#vice% si#F5

5B(t t)is is 1#ivate8 (#6eons a#en?t allo'e$ to 'o#0 fo# anybo$y b(t


5I a& on loan to t)e Ea#t) 2ove#n&ent%5 sai$ Went'o#t)% t)e 6iant% )is face in a

 b#oa$ 6#in8

5An$ I%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% 5a& bot) t)e Inst#(&entality an$ t)e Ea#t)

2ove#n&ent fo# $i1lo&atic 1(#1oses8 I bo##o'e$ )i&8 He?s (n$e# Ea#t) #(les8 Yo( 'ill

 be 'ell in t'o o# t)#ee )o(#s85

T)e $octo#% Went'o#t)% loo0e$ at )is )an$ as t)o(6) )e sa' a c)#ono6#a1)

t)e#e4 5T'o )o(#s an$ seventeen &in(tes &o#e85

5Let it be%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% 5)e#e?s o(# last 6(est85

A s)o#t an6#y &an stoo$ (1 an$ ca&e ove#8 He 6la#e$ o(t at Ro$ an$ )el$ fo#t)

an an6#y )an$4 5Ko)n "is)e# to-t)e-)(n$#e$t)8 Yo( 0no' &e85

5Do I@5 sai$ Ro$% not i&1olitely8 He 'as (st $ae$8 5tation of t)e 2oo$ "#es)

Koey%5 sai$ "is)e#8

5I )aven?t been t)e#e%5 sai$ Ro$% 5b(t I?ve )ea#$ of it85

5Yo( nee$n?t )ave%5 sna11e$ t)e an6#y "is)e#8 5I &et yo( at yo(# 6#an$fat)e#?s85

5O)% yes% !iste# an$ O'ne# "is)e#%5 sai$ Ro$% not #eally #e&e&be#in6 anyt)in6

at all% b(t 'on$e#in6 ')y t)e s)o#t #e$-face$ &an 'as so an6#y 'it) )i&8

5Yo( $on?t 0no' ')o I a&@5 sai$ "is)e#8 5I )an$le t)e boo0s an$ t)e c#e$its fo# 

t)e 6ove#n&ent85

5Won$e#f(l 'o#0%5 sai$ Ro$8 5I?& s(#e it?s co&1licate$8 Co(l$ I )ave so&et)in6to eat@5

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T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y inte##(1te$4 5Wo(l$ yo( li0e "#enc) 1)easant 'it)

C)inesian sa(ce stee1e$ in t)e t)ieves? 'ine f#o& ;iola i$e#ea@ It 'o(l$ only cost

yo( si3 t)o(san$ tons of #efine$ 6ol$% o#bite$ nea# ea#t)% if I o#$e#e$ it sent to yo( by

s1ecial co(#ie#85

"o# so&e ine31licable #eason t)e enti#e #oo& )o'le$ 'it) la(6)te#8 T)e &en 1(t

t)ei# 6lasses $o'n so as not to s1ill t)e&8 Ho11e# seie$ t)e o11o#t(nity to #efill )is

o'n 6lass8 A(nt Do#is loo0e$ )ila#io(s an$ sec#etly 1#o($% as t)o(6) s)e )e#self )a$

lai$ a $ia&on$ e66 o# $one so&e e(al &a#vel8 Only Lavinia% t)o(6) la(6)in6%

&ana6e$ to loo0 sy&1at)etically at Ro$ to &a0e s(#e t)at )e $i$ not feel &oc0e$8 T)e

Lo#$ Re$la$y la(6)e$ as lo($ly as t)e #est an$ even t)e s)o#t% an6#y Ko)n "is)e# 

allo'e$ )i&self a 'an s&ile% ')ile )ol$in6 o(t )is )an$ fo# a #efill on )is $#in08 An

ani&al% a little one ')ic) loo0e$ ve#y &(c) li0e an e3t#e&ely s&all 1e#son% lifte$ (1

t)e bottle an$ fille$ t)e 6lass fo# )i& Ro$ s(s1ecte$ t)at it 'as a 5&on0ey5 f#o& Ol$

Ol$ Ea#t)% f#o& t)e sto#ies )e )a$ )ea#$8

Ro$ $i$n?t even say% 5W)at?s t)e o0e@5 t)o(6) )e #ealie$ 1lainly t)at )e 'as

)i&self in t)e &i$$le of it8 He (st s&ile$ 'ea0ly bac0 at t)e&% feelin6 t)e )(n6e# 6#o''it)in )i&8

5!y #obot is coo0in6 yo( an Ea#t) $is)8 "#enc) toast 'it) &a1le sy#(18 Yo(

co(l$ live ten t)o(san$ yea#s on t)is 1lanet an$ neve# 6et it8 Ro$% $on?t yo( 0no' ')y

'e?#e la(6)in6@ Don?t yo( 0no' ')at yo(?ve $one@5

5T)e Onsec0 t#ie$ to 0ill &e% I t)in0%5 sai$ Ro$8

Lavinia cla11e$ )e# )an$ to )e# &o(t)% b(t it 'as too late8

5o t)at?s ')o it 'as%5 sai$ t)e $octo#% Went'o#t)% 'it) a voice as 6i6antic as

)i&self8 5B(t yo( 'o(l$n?t la(6) at &e fo# t)at>5 Ro$ sta#te$ to say8 T)en )e sto11e$

)i&self8 An a'f(l t)o(6)t )a$ co&e to )i&8

5Yo( &ean% it #eally 'o#0e$>t)at st(ff 'it) &y fa&ily?s ol$ co&1(te#@5

T)e la(6)te# b#o0e o(t a6ain8 It 'as 0in$ la(6)te#% b(t it 'as al'ays t)e la(6)te# 

of a 1easant 1eo1le% $#iven by bo#e$o&% ')o 6#eet t)e (nfa&ilia# 'it) attac0 o# 'it)


5Yo( $i$ it%5 sai$ Ho11e#8 5Yo(?ve bo(6)t a billion 'o#l$s85

Ko)n "is)e# sna11e$ at )i&% 5Let?s not e3a66e#ate8 He?s 6otten abo(t one

 1oint si3 st#oon yea#s8 Yo( co(l$n?t b(y any billion 'o#l$s fo# t)at8 In t)e fi#st 1lace%

t)e#e a#en?t a billion settle$ 'o#l$s% not even a &illion8 In t)e secon$ 1lace t)e#e a#en?t&any 'o#l$s fo# sale8 I $o(bt t)at )e co(l$ b(y t)i#ty o# fo#ty85

T)e little ani&al% 1#o&1te$ by so&e i&1e#ce1tible si6n f#o& t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y%

'ent o(t of t)e #oo& an$ #et(#ne$ 'it) a t#ay8 T)e o$o# f#o& t)e t#ay &a$e all t)e

 1eo1le in t)e #oo& sniff a11#eciatively8 T)e foo$ 'as (nfa&ilia#% b(t it co&bine$

 1(n6ency an$ s'eetness8 T)e &on0ey fitte$ t)e t#ay into an a#tf(lly conceale$ slot at

t)e )ea$ of Ro$?s co(c)% too0 off an i&a6ina#y &on0ey ca1% sal(te$% an$ 'ent bac0 to

)is o'n bas0et be)in$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y?s c)ai#8

T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y no$$e$% 52o a)ea$ an$ eat% boy8 It?s on &e85

5T)at?s an o$$ si6)t% I &(st say%5 sai$ t)e )(6e $octo# Went'o#t)8 5T)e#e?s t)e

#ic)est &an in &any 'o#l$s% an$ )e )asn?t t)e 1#ice of a ne' 1ai# of ove#alls85

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 57/185

5W)at?s o$$ abo(t t)at@ We?ve al'ays c)a#6e$ an i&1o#t fee of t'enty &illion

 1e# cent of t)e o#bit 1#ice of 6oo$s%5 sna11e$ an6#y Ko)n "is)e#8 5Have yo( eve# 

#ealie$ ')at ot)e# 1eo1le )ave s'(n6 into o#bit a#o(n$ o(# s(n% (st 'aitin6 fo# (s to

c)an6e o(# &in$s so t)ey co(l$ sell (s )alf t)e #(bbis) in t)e (nive#se@ T)is 'o(l$

 be 0nee-$ee1 in (n0 if 'e eve# $#o11e$ o(# ta#iff8 I?& s(#1#ise$ at yo(% Docto#%

fo#6ettin6 t)e f(n$a&ental #(les of Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia85

5He?s not co&1lainin6%5 sai$ a(nt Do#is% ')o& t)e $#in0 )a$ &a$e

lo(acio(s8 5He?s (st t)in0in68 We all t)in085

5Of co(#se 'e all t)in08 O# $ay$#ea&8 o&e of (s leave an$ 6o off1lanet to be

#ic) 1eo1le on ot)e# 'o#l$s8 A fe' of (s even &ana6e to 6et bac0 )e#e on seve#e

 1#obation ')en 'e #ealie ')at t)e off'o#l$s a#e li0e8 I?& (st sayin6%5 sai$ t)e $octo#%

5t)at Ro$?s sit(ation 'o(l$ be ve#y f(nny to eve#ybo$y e3ce1t (s No#st#ilians8 We?#e all

#ic) 'it) t)e st#oon i&1o#ts% b(t 'e 0e1t o(#selves 1oo# in o#$e# to s(#vive85

5W)o?s 1oo#@5 sna11e$ t)e fiel$)an$ Ho11e#% a11a#ently to(c)e$ at a sensitive

 1oint8 5I can &atc) yo( 'it) &e6a-c#e$its% Doc% any ti&e yo( ca#e to 6a&ble8 O# I?ll&eet yo( 'it) t)#o'in6 0nives% if yo( 'ant t)e& bette#8 I?& as 6oo$ as t)e ne3t &anF5

5T)at?s e3actly ')at I &ean%5 sai$ Ko)n "is)e#8 5Ho11e# )e#e can a#6(e 'it)

anybo$y on t)e 1lanet8 We?#e still e(als% 'e?#e still f#ee% 'e?#e not t)e victi&s of o(# 

o'n 'ealt)> t)at?s No#st#ilia fo# yo(F5

Ro$ loo0e$ (1 f#o& )is foo$ an$ sai$% 5!iste# an$ O'ne# ec#eta#y "is)e#% yo(

tal0 a'f(lly 'ell fo# so&ebo$y ')o is not a f#ea0 li0e &e8 Ho' $o yo( $o it@5

"is)e# sta#te$ loo0in6 an6#y a6ain% t)o(6) )e 'as not #eally an6#y4 5Do yo(

t)in0 t)at financial #eco#$s can be $ictate$ tele1at)ically@ I?& s1en$in6 cent(#ies o(t of 

&y life% (st $ictatin6 into &y blaste$ &ic#o1)one8 Yeste#$ay I s1ent &ost of t)e $ay

$ictatin6 t)e &ess ')ic) yo( )ave &a$e of t)e Co&&on'ealt)?s &oney fo# t)e ne3t

ei6)t yea#s8 An$ yo( 0no' ')at I?& 6oin6 to $o at t)e ne3t &eetin6 of t)e

Co&&on'ealt) Co(ncil@5

5W)at@5 sai$ Ro$8

5I?& 6oin6 to &ove t)e con$e&nation of t)at co&1(te# of yo(#s8 It?s too 6oo$ to

 be in 1#ivate )an$s85

5Yo( can?t $o t)atF5 s)#ie0e$ a(nt Do#is% so&e')at &ello'e$ by t)e ea#t)

 beve#a6e s)e 'as $#in0in6% 5it?s !acA#t)(# an$ !cBan fa&ily 1#o1e#ty85

5Yo( can 0ee1 t)e te&1le%5 sai$ "is)e# 'it) a sno#t% 5b(t no bloo$y fa&ily is6oin6 to o(t6(ess t)e ')ole 1lanet a6ain8 Do yo( 0no' t)at boy sittin6 t)e#e )as fo(# 

&e6a-c#e$its on Ea#t) at t)is &o&ent@5

Bill )icc(11e$% 5I 6ot &o#e t)an t)at &yself85 "is)e# sna#le$ at )i&% 5On ea#t)@

"OE &oney@5 A silence )it t)e #oo&8

5"OE &oney8 "o(# &e6ac#e$its@ He can b(y Ol$ A(st#alia an$ s)i1 it o(t )e#e

to (sF5 Bill sobe#e$ fast8

ai$ Lavinia &il$ly% 5W)at?s "oe &oney@5

5Do yo( 0no'% !iste# an$ O'ne# !cBan@5 sai$ "is)e#% in a 1e#e&1to#y

tone8 5Yo( )a$ bette# 0no'% beca(se yo( )ave &o#e of it t)an any &an )as eve# )a$ befo#e85

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5I $on?t 'ant to tal0 abo(t &oney%5 sai$ Ro$8 5I 'ant to fin$ o(t ')at t)e

Onsec0 is (1 to85 5Don?t 'o##y abo(t )i&F5 la(6)e$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% 1#ancin6 to

)is feet an$ 1ointin6 at

)i&self 'it) a $#a&atic fo#efin6e#8 5As t)e #e1#esentative of Ea#t)% I file$ si3

)(n$#e$ an$ ei6)ty- five la's(its a6ainst )i& si&(ltaneo(sly% in t)e na&e of yo(# 

Ea#t) $ebto#s% ')o fea# t)at so&e )a#& &i6)t befall yo(+5

5Do t)ey #eally@5 sai$ Ro$8 5Al#ea$y@5

5Of co(#se not8 All t)ey 0no' is yo(# na&e an$ t)e fact t)at yo( bo(6)t t)e&

o(t8 B(t t)ey 'o(l$ 'o##y if t)ey $i$ 0no'% so as yo(# a6ent I tie$ (1 t)e Hon8 ec8

Ho(6)ton y&e 'it) &o#e la' cases t)an t)is 1lanet )as eve# seen befo#e85

T)e bi6 $octo# c)(c0le$8 5Das)e$ cleve# of yo(% &y lo#$ an$ &iste#8 Yo( 0no'

(s No#st#ilians 1#etty 'ell% I &(st say8 If 'e c)a#6e a &an 'it) &(#$e#% 'e?#e so

f#ee$o&-&in$e$ t)at )e )as ti&e to co&&it a fe' &o#e befo#e bein6 t#ie$ fo# t)e fi#st

one8 B(t civil s(itsF Hot s)ee1F He?ll neve# 6et o(t of t)ose% as lon6 as )e lives85

5Is )e Onsec0in6 any &o#e@5 sai$ Ro$8 5W)at $o yo( &ean@5 as0e$ "is)e#85Does )e still )ave )is ob>Onsec0@5

5O)% yes%5 sai$ "is)e#% 5b(t 'e 1(t )i& on t'o )(n$#e$ yea#s? leave an$ )e )as

only abo(t a )(n$#e$ an$ t'enty yea#s to live% 1oo# fello'8 !ost of t)at ti&e )e 'ill

 be $efen$in6 )i&self in civil s(its85

Ro$ finally e3)ale$8 He )a$ finis)e$ t)e foo$8 T)e s&all 1olis)e$ #oo& 'it) its

&ac)ine$ ele6ance% t)e 'et ai#% t)e b#ay of voices all ove# t)e 1lace>t)ese &a$e )i&

feel $#ea&li0e8 He#e 6#o'n &en 'e#e stan$in6% tal0in6 as t)o(6) )e #eally $i$ o'n

Ol$ Ea#t)8 T)ey 'e#e conce#ne$ 'it) )is affai#s% not beca(se )e 'as Ro$e#ic0 

"#e$e#ic0 Ronal$ A#nol$ Willia& !acA#t)(# !cBan t)e )(n$#e$-an$-fifty-fi#st% b(t

 beca(se )e 'as Ro$% a boy a&on6 t)e& ')o )a$ st(&ble$ (1on $an6e# an$ fo#t(ne8He loo0e$ a#o(n$ t)e #oo&8 T)e conve#sations )a$ acci$entally sto11e$8 T)ey 'e#e

loo0in6 at )i&% an$ )e sa' in t)ei# faces so&et)in6 ')ic) )e )a$ seen befo#e8 W)at

'as it@ It 'as not love8 It 'as a #a1t attentiveness% co&bine$ 'it) a so#t of 1leas(#able

an$ in$(l6ent inte#est8 He t)en #ealie$ ')at t)e loo0s si6nifie$8

T)ey 'e#e 6ivin6 )i& t)e a$o#ation ')ic) t)ey (s(ally #ese#ve$ only fo# c#ic0et

 1laye#s% tennis 1laye#s% an$ 6#eat t#ac0 1e#fo#&e#s>li0e t)at fab(lo(s Ho10ins Ha#vey

fello' ')o )a$ 6one off'o#l$ an$ )a$ 'on a '#estlin6 &atc) 'it) a 5)eavy &an5 f#o&

We#el$ c)e&e#in68 He 'as not (st Ro$ any &o#e8 He 'as t)ei# boy8

As t)ei# boy% )e s&ile$ at t)e& va6(ely an$ felt li0e c#yin68

T)e b#eat)lessness b#o0e ')en t)e la#6e $octo#% !iste# an$ O'ne# Went'o#t)%

t)#e' in t)e sta#0 co&&ent4 5Ti&e to tell )i&% !iste# an$ O'ne# "is)e#8 He 'on?t )ave

)is 1#o1e#ty lon6 if 'e $on?t 6et &ovin68 No% no# )is life% eit)e#85

Lavinia (&1e$ (1 an$ c#ie$ o(t% 5Yo( can?t 0ill Ro$>5

Docto# Went'o#t) sto11e$ )e#4 5it $o'n8 We?#e not 6oin6 to 0ill )i&8 An$ yo(

t)e#e% sto1 actin6 foolis)F We?#e )is f#ien$s )e#e85

Ro$ follo'e$ t)e line of t)e $octo#?s 6lance an$ sa' t)at Ho11e# )a$ sna0e$ )is

)an$ bac0 to t)e bi6 0nife )e 'o#e in )is belt8 He 'as 6ettin6 #ea$y to fi6)t anyone ')o

attac0e$ Ro$8

5it% sit $o'n% all of yo(% 1lease%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% s1ea0in6 so&e')at

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 59/185

f(ssily 'it) )is sin6son6 Ea#t) accent8 5I?& )ost )e#e8 it $o'n8 Nobo$y?s 0illin6 Ro$

toni6)t8 Docto#% yo( ta0e &y table8 it $o'n yo(#self8 Yo( 'ill sto1 t)#eatenin6 &y

ceilin6 o# yo(# )ea$8 Yo(% &a?a& an$ o'ne#%5 sai$ )e to a(nt Do#is% 5&ove ove# 

t)e#e to t)at ot)e# c)ai#8 No' 'e can all see t)e $octo#85

5Can?t 'e 'ait@5 as0e$ Ro$8 5I nee$ to slee18 A#e yo( 6oin6 to as0 &e to

&a0e $ecisions no'@ I?& not (1 to $ecisions% not afte# ')at I?ve (st been t)#o(6)8 All

ni6)t 'it) t)e co&1(te#8 T)e lon6 'al08 T)e bi#$ f#o& t)e Onsec0>5

5Yo(?ll )ave no $ecisions to &a0e if yo( $on?t &a0e t)e& toni6)t%5 sai$ t)e

$octo# fi#&ly an$ 1leasantly8 5Yo(?ll be a $ea$ &an85

5W)o?s 6oin6 to 0ill &e@5 as0e$ Ro$8

5Anybo$y ')o 'ants &oney8 O# 'ants 1o'e#8 O# ')o 'o(l$ li0e (nli&ite$

life8 O# ')o nee$s t)ese t)in6s to 6et so&et)in6 else8 Reven6e8 A 'o&an8 An

obsession8 A $#(68 Yo(?#e not (st a 1e#son no'% Ro$8 Yo(?#e No#st#ilia inca#nate8 Yo(?#e

!iste# !oney )i&selfF Don?t as0 ')o?$ 0ill yo(F As0 ')o 'o(l$n?t@ We 'o(l$n?t+ I

t)in08 B(t $on?t te&1t (s85

5Ho' &(c) &oney )ave I 6ot@5 sai$ Ro$8

An6#y Ko)n "is)e# c(t in4 5o &(c) t)at t)e co&1(te#s a#e clotte$ (1% (st

co(ntin6 it8 Abo(t one an$ a )alf st#oon yea#s8 Pe#)a1s t)#ee )(n$#e$ yea#s of Ol$

Ea#t)?s total inco&e8 Yo( sent &o#e Instant !essa6es last ni6)t t)an t)e

Co&&on'ealt) 6ove#n&ent itself )as sent in t)e last t'elve yea#s8 T)ese &essa6es a#e

e31ensive8 One 0iloc#e$it in "OE &oney85

5I as0e$ a lon6 ti&e a6o ')at t)is ?foe &oney? 'as%5 sai$ Lavinia% 5an$

nobo$y )as 6ot a#o(n$ to tellin6 &e85

T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y too0 t)e &i$$le of t)e floo#8 He stoo$ t)e#e 'it) a stance

')ic) none of t)e Ol$ No#t) A(st#alians )a$ eve# seen befo#e8 It 'as act(ally t)e

 1ost(#e of a &aste# of ce#e&onies o1enin6 t)e evenin6 at a la#6e ni6)t cl(b% b(t to

 1eo1le ')o )a$ neve# seen t)ose 1a#tic(la# 6est(#es )is &ove&ents 'e#e ee#ie% self-

e31lanato#y an$ (ee#ly bea(tif(l8

5La$ies an$ 6entle&en%5 )e sai$% (sin6 a 1)#ase ')ic) &ost of t)e& )a$ only

#ea$ in boo0s% 5I 'ill se#ve $#in0s ')ile t)e ot)e#s s1ea08 I 'ill as0 eac) in t(#n8

Docto#% 'ill yo( be 6oo$ eno(6) to 'ait ')ile t)e financial sec#eta#y s1ea0s@5

5I s)o(l$ t)in0%5 sai$ t)e $octo# i##itably% 5t)at t)e la$ 'o(l$ be 'antin6 to t)in0 

ove# )is c)oice8 Does )e 'ant &e to c(t )i& in t'o% )e#e% toni6)t% o# $oesn?t )e@ Is)o(l$ t)in0 t)at 'o(l$ ta0e 1#io#ity% 'o(l$n?t yo(@5

5La$ies an$ 6entle&en%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% 5t)e !iste# an$ Docto# 

Went'o#t) )as a ve#y 6oo$ 1oint in$ee$8 B(t t)e#e is no sense in as0in6 Ro$ abo(t

 bein6 c(t in t'o (nless )e 0no's ')y8 !iste# "inancial ec#eta#y% 'ill yo( tell (s all

')at )a11ene$ last ni6)t@5

Ko)n "is)e# stoo$ (18 He 'as so c)(bby t)at it $i$ not &atte#8 His b#o'n%

s(s1icio(s% intelli6ent eyes loo0e$ ove# t)e lot of t)e&8

5T)e#e a#e as &any 0in$s of &oney as t)e#e a#e 'o#l$s 'it) 1eo1le on t)e&8

We )e#e on No#st#ilia $on?t ca##y t)e to0ens a#o(n$% b(t in so&e 1laces t)ey )ave bits

of 1a1e# o# &etal ')ic) t)ey (se to 0ee1 co(nt8 We tal0 o(# &oney into t)e cent#al

co&1(te#s ')ic) even o(t all o(# t#ansactions fo# (s8 No' ')at 'o(l$ )a11en if I

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'ante$ a 1ai# of s)oes@5

 Nobo$y ans'e#e$8 He $i$n?t e31ect t)e& to8 5I 'o(l$%5 )e 'ent on% 56o to a

s)o1% loo0 in t)e sc#een at t)e s)oes ')ic) t)e off'o#l$ &e#c)ants 0ee1 in o#bit8 I

'o(l$ 1ic0 o(t t)e s)oes I 'ante$8 W)at?s a 6oo$ 1#ice fo# a 1ai# of s)oes in o#bit@5

Ho11e# 'as 6ettin6 ti#e$ of t)ese t)eo#etical (estions so )e ans'e#e$ 1#o&1tly%

5i3 bob85

5T)at?s #i6)t8 i3 &inic#e$its85

5B(t t)at?s o#bit &oney8 Yo(?#e leavin6 o(t t)e ta#iff%5 sai$ Ho11e#8 5E3actly8

An$ ')at?s t)e ta#iff@5 as0e$ Ko)n "is)e#% sna11in68

Ho11e# sna11e$ bac0% 5T'o )(n$#e$ t)o(san$ ti&es% ')at yo( bloo$y fools

al'ays &a0e it in t)e Co&&on'ealt) co(ncil85

5Ho11e#% can yo( b(y s)oes@5 sai$ "is)e#8

5Of co(#se I canF5 T)e station )an$ loo0e$ belli6e#ent a6ain b(t t)e Lo#$

Re$la$y 'as fillin6 )is 6lass8 He sniffe$ t)e a#o&a% cal&e$ $o'n an$ sai$% 5All #i6)t%')at?s yo(# 1oint@5

5T)e 1oint is t)at t)e &oney in o#bit is AD &oney> fo# sec(#e% A fo# an$% D

fo# $elive#e$8 T)at?s any 0in$ of 6oo$ &oney 'it) bac0in6 be)in$ it8 t#oon is t)e best

 bac0in6 t)e#e is% b(t 6ol$ is all #i6)t% #a#e &etals% fine &an(fact(#es% an$ so on8 T)at?s

 (st t)e &oney off t)e 1lanet% in t)e )an$s of t)e #eci1ient8 No' )o' &any ti&es

'o(l$ a s)i1 )ave to )o1 to 6et to Ol$ Ol$ Ea#t) Itself@5

5"ifty o# si3ty%5 sai$ a(nt Do#is (ne31ecte$ly8 5Even I 0no' t)at85 5An$ )o'

&any s)i1s 6et t)#o(6)@5

5T)ey all $o%5 sai$ s)e8

5O)% no%5 c#ie$ seve#al of t)e &en in (nison8

5Abo(t one s)i1 is lost eve#y si3ty o# ei6)ty t#i1s% $e1en$in6 on t)e sola# 

'eat)e#% on t)e s0ills of t)e 1inli6)te#s% an$ 6o-ca1tains% on t)e lan$in6 acci$ents8 Di$

any of yo( eve# see a #eally ol$ ca1tain@5

5Yes%5 sai$ Ho11e# 'it) 6loo&y )(&o#% 5a $ea$ one in )is coffin85

5o if yo( )ave so&et)in6 yo( 'ant to 6et to Ea#t)% yo( )ave to 1ay yo(# s)a#e

of t)e costly s)i1s% yo(# s)a#e of t)e 6o-ca1tain?s 'a6es an$ t)e fees of )is staff% yo(# 

s)a#e of t)e ins(#ance fo# t)ei# fa&ilies8 Do yo( 0no' ')at it co(l$ cost to 6et t)is

c)ai# bac0 to ea#t)@5 sai$ "is)e#85T)#ee )(n$#e$ ti&es t)e cost of t)e c)ai#%5 sai$ Docto# Went'o#t)8 5!i6)ty

close8 It?s t'o )(n$#e$ an$ ei6)ty-seven ti&es85

5Ho' $o yo( 0no' so &(c0in6 &(c)@5 sai$ Bill% s1ea0in6 (18 5An$ ')y

'aste o(# ti&e 'it) all t)is c#(ttin6 6l(bb@5

5Watc) yo(# lan6(a6e% &an%5 sai$ Ko)n "is)e#8 5T)e#e a#e so&e &(c0in6 la$ies

 1#esent8 I?& tellin6 yo( t)is beca(se 'e )ave to 6et Ro$ off to Ea#t) toni6)t% if )e 'ants

to be alive an$ #ic)>5

5T)at?s ')at yo( sayF5 c#ie$ Bill8 5Let )i& 6o to )is )o(se8 We can loa$ (1 on

little bo&bs an$ )ol$ (1 a6ainst anybo$y ')o co(l$ 6et t)#o(6) t)e No#st#ilian

$efenses8 W)at a#e 'e 1ayin6 t)ese &(c0in6 ta3es fo#% if it?s not fo# t)e li0es of yo( to

&a0e s(#e 'e?#e safe@ )(t (1% &an% an$ let?s ta0e t)e boy )o&e8 Co&e alon6% Ho11e#85

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T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y lea1e$ to t)e &i$$le of )is o'n floo#8 He 'as no

 1#ancin6 Ea#t)&an 1(ttin6 on a s)o'8 He 'as t)e ol$ Inst#(&entality itself%

s(#vivin6 'it) #a' 'ea1ons an$ #a' b#ains8 In )is )an$ )e )el$ so&et)in6 ')ic)

none of t)e& co(l$ see clea#ly8

5!(#$e#%5 )e sai$% 5'ill be $one t)is &o&ent if anybo$y &oves8 I 'ill co&&it

it8 I 'ill% 1eo1le8 !ove% an$ t#y &e8 An$ if I $o co&&it &(#$e#% I 'ill a##est &yself%

)ol$ a t#ial% an$ ac(it &yself8 I )ave st#an6e 1o'e#s% 1eo1le8 Don?t &a0e &e (se t)e&8

Don?t even &a0e &e s)o' t)e&85 T)e s)i&&e#in6 t)in6 in )is )an$ $isa11ea#e$8

5!iste# an$ Docto# Went'o#t)% yo( a#e (n$e# &y co&&an$% by loan8 Ot)e# 1eo1le%

yo( a#e &y 6(ests8 Be 'a#ne$8 Don?t to(c) t)at boy8 T)is is Ea#t) te##ito#y% t)is cabin

'e?#e in85 He stoo$ a little to one si$e an$ loo0e$ at t)e& b#i6)tly o(t of )is st#an6e

Ea#t) eyes8

Ho11e# $elibe#ately s1at on t)e floo#8 5I s(11ose I 'o(l$ be a 1($$le of 

&(c0in6 6l(e if I

)el1e$ ol$ Bill@5

5o&et)in6 li0e it%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 5Want to t#y@5 T)e t)in6s t)at 'e#e

)a#$ to see 'e#e no' in eac) of )is )an$s8 His eyes $a#te$ bet'een Bill an$ Ho11e#8

5)(t (1% Ho11e#8 Well ta0e Ro$ if )e tells (s to 6o8 B(t if )e $oesn?t>it

c#($$in6 'ell $oesn?t &atte#8 E)% !iste# an$ O'ne# !cBan@5

Ro$ loo0e$ a#o(n$ fo# )is 6#an$fat)e#% $ea$ lon6 a6o4 t)en )e 0ne' t)ey 'e#e

loo0in6 at )i& instea$8

To#n bet'een slee1iness an$ an3iety )e ans'e#e$% 5I $on?t 'ant to 6o no'%

fello's8 T)an0 yo( fo# stan$in6 by8 2o on% !iste# ec#eta#y% 'it) t)e "oe &oney an$

t)e a$ &oney85

T)e 'ea1ons $isa11ea#e$ f#o& t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y?s )an$s8

5I $on?t li0e Ea#t) 'ea1ons%5 sai$ Ho11e#% s1ea0in6 ve#y lo($ly an$ 1lainly to

no one at all% 5an$ I $on?t li0e Ea#t) 1eo1le8 T)ey?#e $(ty8 T)e#e?s not)in6 in t)e& t)at?s

6oo$ )onest c#oo085

5Have a $#in0% la$s%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y 'it) a $e&oc#atic )ea#tiness ')ic)

'as so false t)at t)e 'o#0'o&an Eleano#% silent all t)e evenin6% let o(t one 'il$ ca' of 

a la(6)% li0e a 0oo0ab(##a be6innin6 to ')oo1 in a t#ee8 He loo0e$ at )e# s)a#1ly%

 1ic0e$ (1 )is se#vin6 (6% an$ no$$e$ to t)e financial sec#eta#y% Ko)n "is)e#% t)at )e

s)o(l$ #es(&e s1ea0in68

"is)e# 'as fl(ste#e$8 He obvio(sly $i$ not li0e t)is Ea#t) 1#actice of (ic0 

t)#eats an$ 'ea1ons in$oo#s% b(t t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y>$is6#ace$ an$ #e&ote f#o& Ol$

Ea#t) as )e 'as> 'as neve#t)eless t)e acc#e$ite$ $i1lo&at of t)e Inst#(&entality% an$

even Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia $i$ not 1(s) t)e Inst#(&entality too fa#8 T)e#e 'e#e t)in6s

s(11ose$ abo(t 'o#l$s ')ic) )a$ $one so8

obe#ly an$ )(ffily )e 'ent on%

5T)e#e?s not &(c) to it8 If t)e &oney is $isco(nte$ t)i#ty-t)#ee an$ one t)i#$ 1e# 

cent 1e# t#i1 an$ if it is fifty-five t#i1s to 6et to Ol$ Ea#t)% it ta0es a )ea1 of &oney to

 1ay (1 in o#bit #i6)t )e#e befo#e yo( )ave a &inic#e$it on ea#t)8 o&eti&es t)e o$$sa#e bette#8 Yo(# Co&&on'ealt) 6ove#n&ent 'aits fo# &ont)s an$ yea#s to 6et a #eally

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 62/185

favo#able #ate of e3c)an6e an$ of co(#se 'e sen$ o(# f#ei6)t by a#&e$ sails)i1s% ')ic)

$on?t 6o belo' t)e s(#face of s1ace at all8 T)ey (st ta0e )(n$#e$s o# t)o(san$s of yea#s

to 6et t)e#e% ')ile o(# c#(ise#s $a#t in an$ o(t a#o(n$ t)e&% (st to &a0e s(#e t)at

nobo$y #obs t)e& in t#ansit8 T)e#e a#e t)in6s abo(t No#st#ilian #obots ')ic) none of 

yo( 0no'% an$ ')ic) not even t)e Inst#(&entality 0no's5>)e $a#te$ a (ic0 loo0 

at t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% ')o sai$ not)in6 to t)is% an$ 'ent on>5')ic) &a0e it 'ell'o#t) ')ile not to &(c0 a#o(n$ 'it) one of o(# 1e#is)in6 s)i1s8 We $on?t 6et #obbe$

&(c)8 An$ 'e )ave ot)e# t)in6s t)at a#e even 'o#se t)an !ot)e# Hitton an$ )e# litt(l

0ittons8 B(t t)e &oney an$ t)e st#oon ')ic) finally #eac)es Ol$ Ea#t) is "OE &oney8

"% O% E8 " is fo# "#ee% O is fo# On% E is fo# Ea#t)85 "%O%E> f#ee on Ea#t)8 T)at?s t)e

 best 0in$ of &oney t)e#e is% #i6)t on Ol$ Ol$ Ea#t) Itself8 An$ Ea#t) )as t)e final

e3c)an6e co&1(te#8 O# )a$ it85

5Ha$ it@5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8

5It b#o0e $o'n last ni6)t8 Ro$ b#o0e it8 Ove#loa$85 5I&1ossibleF5 c#ie$ Re$la$y8

5I?ll c)ec085

He 'ent to t)e 'all% 1(lle$ $o'n a $es08 A console% inc#e$ibly &iniat(#e%

6lea&e$ o(t at t)e&8 In less t)an t)#ee secon$s it 6lo'e$8 Re$la$y s1o0e into it% )is

voice as clea# an$ col$ as t)e ice t)ey )a$ all )ea#$ abo(t4

5P#io#ity8 Inst#(&entality8 )o#t of Wa#8 Instant8 Instant Re$la$y callin68

Ea#t)1o#t85 5Confi#&e$%5 sai$ a No#st#ilian voice% 5confi#&e$ an$ c)a#6e$85

5Ea#t)1o#t%5 sai$ t)e console in a ')istlin6 ')is1e# ')ic) fille$ t)e #oo&8

5Re$la$y - inst#(&entality - official - cent1(te# - all - #i6)t-(estion - ca#6o

- a11#ove$ - (estion - o(t85

5Cent1(te# - all - #i6)t - ca#6o - a11#ove$ - o(t%5 sai$ t)e ')is1e# an$ fell silent8

T)e 1eo1le in t)e #oo& )a$ seen an i&&ense fo#t(ne s(an$e#e$8 Even by

 No#st#ilian stan$a#$s% t)e faste#-t)an-li6)t &essa6es 'e#e t)in6s ')ic) a fa&ily &i6)t

not (se t'ice in a t)o(san$ yea#s8 T)ey loo0e$ at Re$la$y as t)o(6) )e 'e#e an

evil-'o#0e# 'it) st#an6e 1o'e#s8 Ea#t)?s 1#o&1t ans'e# to t)e s0inny &an &a$e t)e&

all #e&e&be# t)at t)o(6) Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia 1#o$(ce$ t)e 'ealt)% Ea#t) still

$ist#ib(te$ &(c) of it an$ t)at t)e s(1e#6ove#n&ent of t)e Inst#(&entality #eac)e$ into

fa# 1laces ')e#e no No#st#ilian 'o(l$ even 'is) to vent(#e8

T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y s1o0e &il$ly% 5T)e cent#al co&1(te# see&s to be 6oin6

a6ain% if yo(# 6ove#n&ent 'is)es to cons(lt it8 T)e ?ca#6o? is t)is boy )e#e85

5Yo(?ve tol$ Ea#t) abo(t &e@5 sai$ Ro$8 5W)y not@ We 'ant to 6et yo( t)e#e

alive85 5B(t &essa6e sec(#ity>@5 sai$ t)e $octo#8

5I )ave #efe#ences ')ic) no o(tsi$e &in$ 'ill 0no'%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8

5"inis) (1% !iste# "inancial ec#eta#y8 Tell t)e yo(n6 &an ')at )e )as on Ea#t)85

5Yo(# co&1(te# o(tco&1(te$ t)e 6ove#n&ent%5 sai$ Ko)n "is)e# to-t)e-

)(n$#e$t)% 5an$ it &o#t6a6e$ all yo(# lan$s% all yo(# s)ee1% all yo(# t#a$in6 #i6)ts% all

yo(# fa&ily t#eas(#es% t)e #i6)t to t)e !acA#t)(# na&e% t)e #i6)t to t)e !cBan na&e%

an$ itself8 T)en it bo(6)t f(t(#es8 Of co(#se% it $i$n?t $o it8 Yo( $i$% Ro$ !cBan85

ta#tle$ into f(ll a'a0eness% Ro$ fo(n$ )is #i6)t )an$ (1 at )is &o(t)% so

s(#1#ise$ 'as )e8 5I

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5T)en yo( bo(6)t f(t(#es in st#oon% b(t yo( offe#e$ t)e& fo# sale8 Yo( )el$

 bac0 t)e sales%

s)iftin6 titles an$ c)an6in6 1#ices% so t)at not even t)e cent#al co&1(te# 0ne'')at yo( 'e#e $oin68 Yo( bo(6)t al&ost all of t)e ei6)t) yea# f#o& no'% &ost of t)e

sevent) yea# f#o& no'% an$ so&e of t)e si3t)8 Yo( &o#t6a6e$ eac) 1(#c)ase as yo(

'ent alon6% in o#$e# to b(y &o#e8 T)en yo( s($$enly to#e t)e &a#0et 'i$e o1en by

offe#in6 fantastic ba#6ains% t#a$in6 t)e si3-yea# #i6)ts fo# sevent)-yea# an$ ei6)t)-yea#8

Yo(# co&1(te# &a$e s(c) lavis) (se of Instant !essa6es t)at t)e Co&&on'ealt)

$efense office )a$ 1eo1le b(in6 a#o(n$ in t)e &i$$le of t)e ni6)t8 By t)e ti&e t)ey

fi6(#e$ o(t ')at &i6)t )a11en% it )a$ )a11ene$8 Yo( #e6iste#e$ a &ono1oly of t'o

yea#?s e31o#t% fa# beyon$ t)e 1#e$icte$ a&o(nt8 T)e 6ove#n&ent #(s)e$ fo# a 'eat)e# 

#eco&1(tation% b(t ')ile t)ey 'e#e $oin6 t)at yo( 'e#e #e6iste#in6 yo(# )ol$in6s on

Ea#t) an$ #e&o#t6a6in6 t)e& in "OE &oney8 Wit) t)e "OE &oney yo( be6an to b(y

(1 all t)e i&1o#ts a#o(n$ Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia% an$ ')en t)e 6ove#n&ent finally$ecla#e$ an e&e#6ency% yo( )a$ sec(#e$ final title to one an$ a )alf st#oon yea#s an$

to &o#e &e6ac#e$its% "OE &oney &e6ac#e$its% t)an t)e Ea#t) co&1(te#s co(l$

)an$le8 Yo(?#e t)e #ic)est &an t)at eve# 'as8 O# eve# 'ill be8 We c)an6e$ all t)e #(les

t)is &o#nin6 an$ I &yself si6ne$ a ne' t#eaty 'it) t)e Ea#t) a(t)o#ities% #atifie$ by t)e

Inst#(&entality8 !ean')ile% yo(?#e t)e #ic)est of t)e #ic) &en ')o eve# live$ on t)is

'o#l$ an$ yo(?#e also #ic) eno(6) to b(y all of Ol$ Ea#t)8 In fact% yo( )ave 1(t in a

#ese#vation to b(y it% (nless t)e Inst#(&entality o(tbi$s yo(85

5W)y s)o(l$ 'e@5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 5Let )i& )ave it8 We?ll 'atc) ')at

)e $oes 'it) t)e Ea#t) afte# )e b(ys it% an$ if it is so&et)in6 ba$% 'e 'ill 0ill )i&85

5Yo(?$ 0ill &e% Lo#$ Re$la$y@5 sai$ Ro$8 5I t)o(6)t yo( 'e#e savin6 &e@5

5Bot)%5 sai$ t)e $octo#% stan$in6 (18 5T)e Co&&on'ealt) 6ove#n&ent )as not

t#ie$ to ta0e yo(# 1#o1e#ty a'ay f#o& yo(% t)o(6) t)ey )ave t)ei# $o(bts as to ')at

yo( 'ill $o 'it) Ea#t) if yo( $o b(y it8 T)ey a#e not 6oin6 to let yo( stay on t)is

 1lanet an$ en$an6e# it by bein6 t)e #ic)est 0i$na1 victi& ')o eve# live$8 To&o##o'

t)ey 'ill st#i1 yo( of yo(# 1#o1e#ty% (nless yo( 'ant to ta0e a c)ance on #(nnin6 fo# it8

Ea#t) 6ove#n&ent is t)e sa&e 'ay8 If yo( can fi6(#e o(t yo(# o'n $efenses% yo( can

co&e on in8 Of co(#se t)e 1olice 'ill 1#otect yo(% b(t 'o(l$ t)at be eno(6)@ I?& a

$octo#% an$ I?& )e#e to s)i1 yo( o(t if yo( 'ant to 6o85

5An$ I?& an office# of 6ove#n&ent% an$ I 'ill a##est yo( if yo( $o not 6o%5 sai$Ko)n "is)e#8 5An$ I #e1#esent t)e Inst#(&entality% ')ic) $oes not $ecla#e its 1olicy to

anyone% least of all

to o(tsi$e#s8 B(t it is &y 1e#sonal 1olicy%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% )ol$in6

o(t )is )an$s an$ t'istin6 )is t)(&bs in a &eanin6less% 6#otes(e% b(t so&e)o'

ve#y t)#eatenin6 'ay% 5to see t)at t)is boy 6ets a safe t#i1 to Ea#t) an$ a fai# $eal ')en

)e co&es bac0 )e#eF5

5Yo(?ll 1#otect )i& all t)e 'ayF5 c#ie$ Lavinia% loo0in6 ve#y )a11y8 5All t)e

'ay8 As fa# as I can8 As lon6 as I live85

5T)at?s 1#etty lon6%5 &(tte#e$ Ho11e#% 5conceite$ little 1o&&y coc0a)oo185

5Watc) yo(# lan6(a6e% Ho11e#%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 5Ro$@5

5Yes% si#@5

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 64/185

5Yo(# ans'e#@5 T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y 'as 1e#e&1to#y8 5I?& 6oin6%5 sai$ Ro$8

5W)at on Ea#t) $o yo( 'ant@5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y ce#e&onio(sly8 5A

6en(ine Ca1e t#ian6le85

5A ')at@5 c#ie$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 5A Ca1e t#ian6le8 A 1osta6e sta&185

5W)at?s 1osta6e@5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% #eally 1(le$8 5Pay&ents on

&essa6es855B(t yo( $o t)at 'it) t)(&b1#ints o# eye1#intsF5 5No%5 sai$ Ro$% 5I &ean 1a1e# 


5Pa1e# &essa6es@5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% loo0in6 as t)o(6) so&eone )a$

&entione$ 6#ass battles)i1s% )ai#less s)ee1% soli$ cast-i#on 'o&en% o# so&et)in6 else

e(ally i&1#obable8 5Pa1e# &essa6es@5 )e #e1eate$% an$ t)en )e la(6)e$% (ite

c)a#&in6ly8 5O)F5 )e sai$% 'it) a tone of sec#et $iscove#y8 5Yo( &ean anti(ities+@5

5Of co(#se%5 sai$ Ro$8 5Even befo#e 1ace itself85

5Ea#t) )as a lot of anti(ities% an$ I a& s(#e yo( 'ill be 'elco&e to st($y t)e&

o# to collect t)e&8 T)at 'ill be 1e#fectly all #i6)t8 K(st $on?t $o any of t)e '#on6 t)in6s%

o# yo( 'ill be in #eal t#o(ble85

5W)at a#e t)e '#on6 t)in6s@5 sai$ Ro$8

5B(yin6 #eal 1eo1le% o# t#yin6 to8 )i11in6 #eli6ion f#o& one 1lanet to anot)e#8

&(66lin6 (n$e#1eo1le85

5W)at?s #eli6ion@5 sai$ Ro$8

5Late#% late#%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 5Yo(?ll lea#n eve#yt)in6 late#8 Docto#% yo(

ta0e ove#85 Went'o#t) stoo$ ve#y ca#ef(lly so t)at )is )ea$ $i$ not to(c) t)e ceilin68

He )a$ to ben$ )is

nec0 a little8 5We )ave t'o bo3es% Ro$85

W)en )e s1o0e% t)e $oo# ')i##e$ in its t#ac0s an$ s)o'e$ t)e& a s&all #oo&

 beyon$8 T)e#e 'as a la#6e bo3 li0e a coffin an$ a ve#y s&all bo3% li0e t)e 0in$ t)at

'o&en )ave a#o(n$ t)e )o(se to 0ee1 a sin6le 1a#ty-6oin6 bonnet in8

5T)e#e 'ill be c#i&inals% an$ 'il$ 6ove#n&ents% an$ cons1i#ato#s% an$

a$vent(#e#s% an$ (st 1lain 6oo$ 1eo1le 6one '#on6 at t)e t)o(6)t of yo(# 'ealt)> 

t)e#e 'ill be all t)ese 'aitin6 fo# yo( to 0i$na1 yo( o# #ob o# even 0ill yo(>5

5W)y 0ill &e@5

5To i&1e#sonate yo( an$ to t#y to 6et yo(# &oney%5 sai$ t)e $octo#8 5No' loo08

T)is is yo(# bi6 c)oice8 If yo( ta0e t)e bi6 bo3% 'e can 1(t yo( in a sails)i1 convoy an$yo( 'ill 6et t)e#e in seve#al )(n$#e$ o# t)o(san$ yea#s8 B(t yo( 'ill 6et t)e#e% ninety-

nine 1oint ninety-nine 1e#cent8 O# 'e can sen$ t)e bi6 bo3 on t)e #e6(la# 

 1lanofo#&in6 s)i1s% an$ so&ebo$y 'ill steal yo(8 O# 'e sc(n yo( $o'n an$ 1(t yo(

in t)e little bo385

5T)at little bo3@5 c#ie$ Ro$8

5c(nne$8 Yo(?ve sc(nne$ s)ee1% )aven?t yo(@5

5I?ve )ea#$ of it8 B(t a &an% no8 De)y$#ate &y bo$y% 1ic0le &y )ea$% an$ f#eee

t)e ')ole &(c0in6 &ess@5 c#ie$ Ro$8

5T)at?s it8 Too bloo$y #i6)tF5 c#ie$ t)e $octo# c)ee#f(lly8 5T)at?ll 6ive yo( a #ealc)ance of 6ettin6 t)e#e alive85

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5B(t ')o?ll 1(t &e to6et)e#@ I?$ nee$ &y o'n $octo#>@5 His voice (ave#e$ at

t)e (nnat(#alness of t)e #is0% not at t)e &e#e c)anciness an$ $an6e# of it8

5He#e%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% 5is yo(# $octo#% al#ea$y t#aine$85

5I a& at yo(# se#vice%5 sai$ t)e little Ea#t)-ani&al% t)e ?&on0ey%? 'it) a

s&all bo' to t)e asse&ble$ co&1any8 5!y na&e is A?6ent(# an$ I )ave beencon$itione$ as a 1)ysician% a s(#6eon an$ a ba#be#85

T)e 'o&en )a$ 6as1e$8 Ho11e# an$ Bill sta#e$ at t)e little ani&al in )o##o#8

5Yo(?#e an (n$e#1e#sonF5 yelle$ Ho11e#8 5We?ve neve# let t)e c#(ttin6 t)in6s

loose on


5I?& not an (n$e#1e#son8 I?& an ani&al8 Con$itione$ to>5 T)e &on0ey

 (&1e$8 Ho11e#?s )eavy 0nife t'an6e$ li0e a &(sical inst#(&ent as it cl(n6 to t)e

softe# steel of t)e 'all8 Ho11e#?s ot)e# )an$ )el$ a lon6 t)in 0nife% #ea$y to #eac)

Re$la$y?s )ea#t8T)e left )an$ of t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y flas)e$ st#ai6)t fo#'a#$8 o&et)in6 in )is

)an$ 6lo'e$ silently% te##ibly8 T)e#e 'as a )iss in t)e ai#8

W)e#e Ho11e# )a$ been% a clo($ of oily t)ic0 s&o0e% stin0in6 of b(#nin6 &eat%

coile$ slo'ly to'a#$ t)e ventilato#s8 Ho11e#?s clot)in6 an$ 1e#sonal belon6in6s%

incl($in6 one false toot)% lay on t)e c)ai# in ')ic) )e )a$ been sittin68 T)ey 'e#e

(n$a&a6e$8 His $#in0 stoo$ on t)e floo# besi$e t)e c)ai#% fo#eve# to #e&ain (nfinis)e$8

T)e $octo#?s eyes 6lea&e$ as )e sta#e$ st#an6ely at Re$la$y8 5Note$ an$

#e1o#te$ to t)e Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian Navy85

5I?ll #e1o#t it too%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% 5as t)e (se of 'ea1ons on $i1lo&atic


5Neve# &in$%5 sai$ Ko)n "is)e# to-t)e-)(n$#e$t)% not an6#y at all% b(t (st 1ale

an$ loo0in6 a little ill8 ;iolence $i$ not f#i6)ten )i&% b(t $ecision $i$8 5Let?s 6et on

'it) it8 W)ic) bo3% bi6 o# little% boy@5

T)e 'o#0'o&an Eleano# stoo$ (18 )e )a$ sai$ not)in6% b(t no' s)e

$o&inate$ t)e scene8 5Ta0e )i& in t)e#e% 6i#ls%5 s)e sai$% 5an$ 'as) )i& li0e yo(

'o(l$ fo# t)e 2a#$en of Deat)8 I?ll 'as) &yself in t)e#e8 Yo( see%5 s)e a$$e$% 5I?ve

al'ays 'ante$ to see t)e bl(e s0ies on ea#t)% an$ 'ante$ to s'i& in a )o(se t)at #an

a#o(n$ on t)e bi6% bi6 'ate#s8 I?ll ta0e yo(# bi6 bo3% Ro$% an$ if I 6et t)#o(6) alive% yo(

'ill o'e &e so&e t#eats on Ea#t)8 Yo( ta0e t)e little bo3% Ro$$y% ta0e t)e little bo38An$ t)at little tiny $octo# 'it) t)e f(# on )i&8 Ro$% I t#(st )i&85 Ro$ stoo$ (18

Eve#ybo$y 'as loo0in6 at )i& an$ at Eleano#8 5Yo( a6#ee@5 sai$ t)e Lo#$

Re$la$y8 He no$$e$8

5Yo( a6#ee to be sc(nne$ an$ 1(t in t)e little bo3 fo# instant s)i1&ent to Ea#t)@5

He no$$e$ a6ain8

5Yo( 'ill 1ay all t)e e3t#a e31enses@5 He no$$e$ a6ain8

T)e $octo# sai$% 5Yo( a(t)o#ie &e to c(t yo( (1 an$ #e$(ce yo( $o'n% in t)e

)o1e t)at yo( &ay be #econstit(te$ on Ea#t)@5

Ro$ no$$e$ to )i&% too8

5)a0in6 yo(# )ea$ isn?t eno(6)%5 sai$ t)e $octo#8 5Yo( )ave to a6#ee fo# t)e

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#eco#$85 5I a6#ee%5 sai$ Ro$ (ietly8

A(nt Do#is an$ Lavinia ca&e fo#'a#$ to lea$ )i& into t)e $#essin6 #oo& an$

s)o'e# #oo&8 K(st as t)ey #eac)e$ fo# )is a#&s% t)e $octo# 1atte$ Ro$ on t)e bac0 

'it) a (ic0 st#an6e &otion8 Ro$ (&1e$ a little8

5Dee1 )y1notic%5 sai$ t)e $octo#8 5Yo( can &ana6e )is bo$y all #i6)t% b(t t)e

ne3t 'o#$s )e (tte#s 'ill be sai$% l(c0 'illin6% on Ol$ Ol$ Ea#t) Itself85

T)e 'o&en 'e#e 'i$e-eye$ b(t t)ey le$ Ro$ fo#'a#$ to be cleane$ fo# t)e

o1e#ations an$ t)e voya6e8

T)e $octo# t(#ne$ to t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y an$ to Ko)n "is)e#% t)e financial

sec#eta#y8 5A 6oo$ ni6)t?s 'o#0%5 )e sai$8 5Pity abo(t t)at &an% t)o(6)85

Bill sat still% f#oen 'it) 6#ief in )is c)ai#% sta#in6 at Ho11e#?s e&1ty clot)in6 in

t)e c)ai# ne3t to )i&8

T)e console tin0le$% 5T'elve )o(#s% 2#een'ic) !ean Ti&e8 No a$ve#se

'eat)e# #e1o#ts f#o& t)e c)annel coast o# f#o& !eeya !eefla o# Ea#t)1o#t b(il$in68

All?s 'ellF5

T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y se#ve$ $#in0s to t)e &iste#s8 He $i$ not even offe# one to Bill8

It 'o(l$ )ave been of no (se% at t)is 1oint8

"#o& beyon$ t)e $oo#% ')e#e t)ey 'e#e cleanin6 t)e bo$y% clot)es an$ )ai# 

of t)e $ee1ly )y1notie$ Ro$% Lavinia an$ a(nt Do#is (nconscio(sly #eve#te$ to t)e

ce#e&ony of t)e 2a#$en of Deat) an$ lifte$ t)ei# voices in a so#t of 1lainson6 c)ant4

O(t in t)e 2a#$en of Deat)% o(# yo(n6 Have taste$ t)e valiant taste of fea#8 Wit)

&(sc(la# a#& an$ #ec0less ton6(e%

T)ey )ave 'on% an$ lost% an$ esca1e$ (s )e#e8

T)e t)#ee &en listene$ fo# a fe' &o&ents% attentively8 "#o& t)e ot)e# 

'as)#oo& t)e#e ca&e t)e so(n$s of t)e 'o#0'o&an Eleano#% 'as)in6 )e#self% alone

an$ (natten$e$% fo# a lon6 voya6e an$ a 1ossible $eat)8

T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y )eave$ a si6)% 5Have a $#in0% Bill8 Ho11e# b#o(6)t it on

)i&self85 Bill #ef(se$ to s1ea0 to t)e& b(t )e )el$ fo#t) )is 6lass8

T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y fille$ t)at an$ t)e ot)e#s8 He t(#ne$ to Ko)n "is)e#-to-t)e-

)(n$#e$t) an$ sai$% 5Yo(?#e s)i11in6 )i&@5

5W)o@5 5T)e boy85

5I t)o(6)t so85

5Bette# not%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 5Yo( &ean>$an6e#@5

5T)at?s only )alf t)e 'o#$ fo# it%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 5Yo( can?t 1ossibly

 1lan to offloa$ )i& at Ea#t)1o#t8 P(t )i& into a 6oo$ &e$ical station8 T)e#e?s an ol$

one% still 6oo$% on !a#s% if t)ey )aven?t close$ it $o'n8 I 0no' Ea#t)8 Half t)e 1eo1le

of Ea#t) 'ill be 'aitin6 to 6#eet )i& an$ t)e ot)e# )alf 'ill be 'aitin6 to #ob )i&85

5Yo( #e1#esent t)e Ea#t) 6ove#n&ent% i# an$ Co&&issione#%5 sai$ Ko)n "is)e#%

5t)at?s a #(& 'ay to tal0 abo(t yo(# o'n 1eo1le85

5T)ey a#e not t)at 'ay all t)e ti&e%5 la(6)e$ Re$la$y8 5K(st ')en t)ey?#e in

)eat8 e3 )asn?t a c)ance to co&1a#e 'it) &oney ')en it co&es to t)e )(&an #ace on

Ea#t)8 T)ey all t)in0 t)at t)ey 'ant 1o'e# an$ f#ee$o& an$ si3 ot)e# i&1ossible t)in6s8I?& not s1ea0in6 fo# t)e Ea#t) 6ove#n&ent ')en I say t)is8 K(st fo# &yself85

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5If 'e $on?t s)i1 )i&% ')o 'ill@5 $e&an$e$ "is)e#8 5T)e Inst#(&entality85

5T)e Inst#(&entality@ Yo( $on?t con$(ct co&&e#ce8 Ho' can yo(@5

5We $on?t con$(ct co&&e#ce% b(t 'e $o &eet e&e#6encies8 I can fla6 $o'n

a lon6-(&1 c#(ise# an$ )e?ll be t)e#e &ont)s befo#e anybo$y e31ects )i&85

5T)ose a#e 'a#s)i1s8 Yo( can?t (se one fo# 1assen6e#sF5 5Can?t I@5 sai$ t)e Lo#$Re$la$y% 'it) a s&ile8

5T)e Inst#(&entality 'o(l$@5 sai$ "is)e#% 'it) a 1(le$ s&ile8 5T)e cost

'o(l$ be t#e&en$o(s8 Ho' 'ill yo( 1ay fo# it@ It?$ be )a#$ to (stify85

5He 'ill 1ay fo# it8 1ecial $onation f#o& )i& fo# s1ecial se#vice8 One

&e6ac#e$it fo# t)e


T)e financial sec#eta#y ')istle$8 5T)at?s a fea#f(l 1#ice fo# a sin6le t#i18

Yo(?$ 'ant AD

&oney an$ not s(#face &oney% I s(11ose@5 5No8 "OE &oney85

5Hot b(tte#e$ &oonbea&s% &anF T)at?s a t)o(san$ ti&es t)e &ost e31ensive

t#i1 t)at any 1e#son )as eve# )a$85

T)e bi6 $octo# )a$ been listenin6 to t)e t'o of t)e&8 5!iste# an$ O'ne# 

"is)e#%5 )e sai$% 5I

#eco&&en$ it85

5Yo(@5 c#ie$ Ko)n "is)e# an6#ily8 5Yo(?#e a No#st#ilian an$ yo( 'ant to #ob t)is

 1oo# boy@5

5Poo# boy@5 sno#te$ t)e $octo#8 5It?s not t)at8 T)e t#i1?s no 6oo$ if )e?s not alive8

O(# f#ien$ )e#e is e3t#ava6ant% b(t )is i$eas a#e so(n$8 I s(66est one a&en$&ent85

5W)at?s t)at@5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y (ic0ly8

5One an$ a )alf &e6ac#e$its fo# t)e #o(n$ t#i1>if )e is 'ell an$ alive an$

'it) t)e sa&e 1e#sonality% a1a#t f#o& nat(#al ca(ses8 B(t note t)is8 One 0iloc#e$it only

if yo( $elive# )i& on Ea#t) $ea$85

Ko)n "is)e# #(bbe$ )is c)in8 His s(s1icio(s eyes loo0e$ $o'n at Re$la$y% ')o

)a$ ta0en a seat% an$ (1 at t)e $octo#% ')ose )ea$ 'as still b(&1in6 t)e ceilin68

A voice be)in$ )i& s1o0e4 5Ta0e it% !iste# "inancial ec#eta#y8 T)e boy 'on?t(se &oney if )e?s $ea$8 Yo( can?t fi6)t t)e Inst#(&entality% yo( can?t be #easonable 'it)

t)e Inst#(&entality% an$ yo( can?t b(y t)e Inst#(&entality8 Wit) ')at t)ey?ve been

ta0in6 off (s all t)ese t)o(san$s of yea#s% t)ey?ve 6ot &o#e st#oon t)an 'e $o8 Hi$$en

a'ay so&e')e#e8 Yo(% t)e#eF5 sai$ Bill #($ely to t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% 5$o yo( )ave any

i$ea ')at t)e Inst#(&entality is 'o#t)@5

T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y c#ease$ )is b#o'8 5Neve# t)o(6)t of it8 I s(11ose it &(st )ave

a li&it8 B(t I

neve# t)o(6)t of it8 We $o )ave acco(ntants% t)o(6)85

5ee%5 sai$ Bill8 5Even t)e Inst#(&entality 'o(l$ )ate to lose &oney8 Ta0e t)e

$octo#?s bi$% Re$la$y8 Ta0e )i& (1 on it% "is)e#85 His (se of t)ei# s(#na&es 'as an

e3t#e&e incivility% b(t t)e t'o &en 'e#e convince$8

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5I?ll $o it%5 sai$ Re$la$y8 5It?s a'f(lly close to '#itin6 ins(#ance% ')ic) 'e a#e

not c)a#te#e$ to $o8 I?ll '#ite it in as )is e&e#6ency cla(se85

5I?ll ta0e it%5 sai$ Ko)n "is)e#8 5It?s to be t)o(san$s of yea#s (ntil anot)e# 

 No#st#ilian financial sec#eta#y 1ays &oney fo# a tic0et li0e t)is% b(t it?s 'o#t) it>to )i&8

I?ll s(a#e it in )is acco(nts8 To o(# 1lanet85

5I?ll 'itness it%5 sai$ t)e $octo#8

5No% yo( 'on?t%5 sai$ Bill sava6ely8 5T)e boy )as one f#ien$ )e#e8 T)at?s &e8 Let

&e $o it5 T)ey sta#e$ at )i&% all t)#ee8

He sta#e$ bac08

He b#o0e8 5i#s an$ !iste#s% 1lease let &e be t)e 'itness85

T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y no$$e$ an$ o1ene$ t)e console8 He an$ Ko)n "is)e# s1o0e

t)e cont#act into it8 At t)e en$ Bill s)o(te$ )is f(ll na&e as 'itness8

T)e t'o 'o&en b#o(6)t Ro$ !cBan% &ot)e#-na0e$% into t)e #oo&8 He 'asi&&ac(lately clean an$ )e sta#e$ a)ea$ as t)o(6) )e 'e#e in an en$less $#ea&8

5T)at?s t)e o1e#atin6 #oo&%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 5I?ll s1#ay (s all 'it)

antise1tic% if yo( $on?t &in$85

5Of co(#se%5 sai$ t)e $octo#8 5Yo( &(st85

5Yo(?#e 6oin6 to c(t )i& (1 an$ boil )i& $o'n>)e#e an$ no'@5 c#ie$ a(nt


5He#e an$ no'%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% 5if t)e $octo# a11#oves8 T)e soone# 

)e 6oes t)e bette# c)ance )e )as of co&in6 t)#o(6) t)e ')ole t)in6 alive85

5I consent%5 sai$ t)e $octo#8 5I a11#ove85

He sta#te$ to ta0e Ro$ by t)e )an$% lea$in6 )i& to'a#$ t)e #oo& 'it) t)e lon6

coffin an$ t)e s&all bo38 At so&e si6n f#o& Re$la$y% t)e 'alls )a$ o1ene$ (1 to

s)o' a co&1lete s(#6ical t)eate#8

5Wait a &o&ent%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 5Ta0e yo(# collea6(e85

5Of co(#se%5 sai$ t)e $octo#8

T)e &on0ey )a$ (&1e$ o(t of )is bas0et ')en )e )ea#$ )is na&e &entione$8

To6et)e#% t)e 6iant an$ t)e &on0ey le$ Ron into t)e little 6lea&in6 #oo&8 T)eyclose$ t)e $oo# be)in$ t)e&8

T)e ones ')o 'e#e left be)in$ sat $o'n ne#vo(sly8

5!iste# an$ O'ne# Re$la$y%5 sai$ Bill% 5since I?& stayin6% co(l$ I )ave so&e

&o#e of t)at $#in0@5

5Of co(#se% i# an$ !iste#%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% not )avin6 any i$ea of ')at

Bill?s title &i6)t be8

T)e#e 'e#e no sc#ea&s f#o& Ro$% no t)($s% no 1#otest8 T)e#e 'as t)e cloyin6

s'eet )o##o# of (n0no'n &e$icines c#ee1in6 t)#o(6) t)e ai#vents8 T)e t'o 'o&en

sai$ not)in6 as t)e 6#o(1 of 1eo1le sat a#o(n$8 Eleano#% '#a11e$ in an eno#&o(sto'el% ca&e an$ sat 'it) t)e&8 In t)e secon$ )o(# of t)e o1e#ations on Ro$% Lavinia

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 be6an sobbin68 )e co(l$n?t )el1 it8

CHAPTER NINE4 T#a1s% "o#t(nes an$ Watc)e#s

We all 0no' t)at no co&&(nications syste&s a#e lea0-1#oof8 Even insi$e t)e

fa#-#eac)in6 co&&(nications 1atte#ns of t)e Inst#(&entality% t)e#e 'e#e soft s1ots%

#otten 1oints% 6a##(lo(s &en8 T)e !acA#t)(#-!cBan co&1(te#% s)elte#e$ in t)e Palaceof t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t% )a$ )a$ ti&e to 'o#0 o(t abst#act econo&ics an$ 'eat)e# 

 1atte#ns% b(t t)e co&1(te# )a$ not taste$ )(&an love o# )(&an 'ic0e$ness8 All t)e

&essa6es conce#nin6 Ro$?s s1ec(lation in t)e fo#'a#$ santacla#a c#o1 an$ st#oon e31o#t

)a$ been sent in t)e clea#8 It 'as no 'on$e# t)at on &any 'o#l$s% 1eo1le sa' Ro$ as a

c)ance% an o11o#t(nity% a victi&% a benefacto#% o# an ene&y8 "o# 'e all 0no' t)e ol$


L(c0 is )ot an$ 1eo1le f(nny% Eve#ybo$y?s fon$ of &oney8

Lose a c)ance an$ sell yo(# &ot)e#% Win t)e 1ot an$ b(y anot)e#8

Ot)e# 1eo1le fall an$ c#as)4 Yo( &ay 6et t)e ton of cas)F

It a11lie$ in t)is case too8 Peo1le #an )ot an$ col$ 'it) t)e ne's8 On Ea#t)% sa&e$ay% 'it)in Ea#t)1o#t Itself 

Co&&issione# Tea$#in0e# ta11e$ )is teet) 'it) a 1encil8 "o(# &e6ac#e$its "OE

&oney al#ea$y an$ &o#e% &(c) &o#e to co&e8

Tea$#in0e# live$ in a feve# of 1e#1et(al )(&iliation8 He )a$ c)osen it8 It 'as

calle$ 5t)e )ono#able $is6#ace5 an$ it a11lie$ to e3-Lo#$s of t)e Inst#(&entality ')o

c)ose lon6 life instea$ of se#vice an$ )ono#8 He 'as a t)o(san$&o#e#% &eanin6 t)at )e

)a$ t#a$e$ )is ca#ee#% )is #e1(tation% an$ )is a(t)o#ity fo# a lon6 life of one t)o(san$ o# 

&o#e yea#s8 T)e Inst#(&entality )a$ lea#ne$% lon6 a6o% t)at t)e best 'ay to 1#otect its

&e&be#s f#o& te&1tation 'as to te&1t t)e& itself8 By offe#in6 5)ono#able $is6#ace5

an$ lo'% sec(#e obs 'it)in t)e Inst#(&entality to t)ose Lo#$s ')o &i6)t be te&1te$ to

t#a$e lon6 life fo# t)ei# sec#ets% it 0e1t its o'n 1otential $efecto#s8 Tea$#in0e# 'as one

of t)ese8

He sa' t)e ne's an$ )e 'as a s0ille$ 'ise &an8 He co(l$ not $o anyt)in6 to t)e

Inst#(&entality 'it) &oney% b(t &oney 'o#0e$ 'on$e#s on Ea#t)8 He co(l$ b(y a

&o$ic(& of )ono#8 Pe#)a1s )e co(l$ even )ave t)e #eco#$s falsifie$ an$ 6et &a##ie$

a6ain8 He fl(s)e$ sli6)tly% even afte# )(n$#e$s of yea#s% ')en )e #e&e&be#e$ )is fi#st

'ife blain6 at )i& ')en s)e sa' )is 1etition fo# lon6 life an$ )ono#able $is6#ace4 52o

a)ea$ an$ live% yo( fool8 Live an$ 'atc) &e $ie

'it)o(t yo(% insi$e t)e $ecent fo(# )(n$#e$ yea#s ')ic) eve#ybo$y )as% if t)ey

'o#0 fo# it an$ 'ant it8 Watc) yo(# c)il$#en $ie% 'atc) yo(# f#ien$s $ie% 'atc) all yo(# )obbies an$ i$eas 6et o(t of $ate8 2o alon6% yo( )o##ible little &an% an$ let &e $ie li0e a

)(&an bein6F5

A fe' &e6ac#e$its co(l$ )el1 t)at8

Tea$#in0e# 'as in c)a#6e of inco&in6 visito#s8 His (n$e#&an% t)e cattle-$e#ive$

B?$an0% 'as c(sto$ian of t)e scaven6e# s1i$e#s>)alf-ta&e one-ton insects ')ic) stoo$

 by fo# e&e#6ency 'o#0 if t)e se#vices of t)e to'e# faile$8 He 'o(l$n?t nee$ to )ave t)is

 No#st#ilian &e#c)ant ve#y lon6> (st lon6 eno(6) fo# a #eco#$e$ o#$e# an$ a s)o#t


Pe#)a1s not8 If t)e Inst#(&entality ca(6)t )i&% it 'o(l$ be $#ea&-1(nis)&ents%t)in6s 'o#se t)an )ayol itself8

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Pe#)a1s yes8 If )e s(ccee$e$% )e 'o(l$ esca1e a nea# i&&o#tality of bo#e$o&

an$ co(l$ )ave a fe' $eca$es of (icy f(n instea$8

He ta11e$ )is teet) a6ain8

5Do not)in6% Tea$#in0e#%5 )e sai$ to )i&self% 5b(t t)in0% t)in0% t)in08 T)ose

s1i$e#s loo0 as t)o(6) t)ey &i6)t )ave 1ossibilities85

On ;iola i$e#ea% at t)e Co(ncil of t)e 2(il$ of T)ieves

5P(t t'o conve#te$ 1olice c#(ise#s in o#bit a#o(n$ t)e s(n8 !a#0 t)e& fo# 

c)a#te# o# sale% so t)at 'e 'on?t #(n into t)e 1olice8

5P(t an a6ent into eve#y line# ')ic) is Ea#t)bo(n$ 'it)in t)e ti&e state$8

5Re&e&be#% 'e $on?t 'ant t)e &an8 K(st )is l(66a6e8 He?s s(#e to be ca##yin6 a

)alf-ton o# so of st#oon8 Wit) t)at 0in$ of fo#t(ne% )e co(l$ 1ay off all t)e $ebts 'e

6at)e#e$ 'it) t)at Boa#t b(siness8 "(nny 'e neve# )ea#$ f#o& Boa#t8 Not)in68

5P(t t)#ee senio# t)ieves in Ea#t)1o#t itself8 !a0e s(#e t)at t)ey )ave fa0est#oon% $il(te$ $o'n to abo(t one-t)o(san$t)% so t)at t)ey can 'o#0 t)e l(66a6e s'itc)

if t)ey )ave t)e c)ance+

5I 0no' all t)is costs &oney% b(t yo( )ave to s1en$ &oney to 6et it8 A6#ee$%

6entle&en of t)e la#cenical a#ts@5

T)e#e 'as a c)o#(s of a6#ee&ent a#o(n$ t)e table% e3ce1t fo# one ol$% 'ise t)ief 

')o sai$% 5Yo( 0no' &y vie's85

5Yes%5 sai$ t)e c)ai#&an% 'it) toneless 1olite )at#e$% 5'e 0no' yo(# vie's8

Rob co#1ses8 Clean o(t '#ec0s8 Beco&e )(&an )yenas instea$ of )(&an 'olves85

Wit) (ne31ecte$ )(&o# t)e ol$ &an sai$% 5C#($ely 1(t b(t co##ect>an$ safe#855Do 'e nee$ to vote@5 sai$ t)e c)ai#&an% loo0in6 a#o(n$ t)e table8

T)e#e 'as a c)o#(s of noes8

5Ca##ie$% t)en%5 sai$ t)e 1#esi$in6 c)ief8 5Hit )a#$% an$ )it fo# t)e s&all

ta#6et% not t)e bi6


Ten 0ilo&ete#s belo' t)e s(#face of t)e Ea#t)

5He is co&in6% fat)e#F He is co&in685

5W)o is co&in6@5 sai$ t)e voice% li0e a 6#eat $#(& #eso(n$in68

E?la&elanie sai$ it as t)o(6) it 'e#e a 1#aye#4 5T)e blesse$ one% t)e

a11ointe$ one% t)e

6(a#anto# of o(# 1eo1le% t)e ne' &essen6e# on ')o& t)e #obot% #at an$ Co1t

a6#ee$8 Wit) &oney )e is co&in6% to )el1 (s% to save (s% to o1en to (s t)e li6)t of $ay

an$ t)e va(lts of )eaven85

5Yo( a#e blas1)e&o(s%5 sai$ t)e E-tele0eli8

T)e 6i#l fell into a )(s)8 )e not only #es1ecte$ )e# fat)e#8 )e 'o#s)i1e$ )i& as)e# 1e#sonal #eli6io(s lea$e#8 His 6#eat eyes blae$ as t)o(6) t)ey co(l$ see t)#o(6)

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t)o(san$s of &ete#s of $i#t an$ #oc0 an$ still see beyon$ into t)e $ee1 of s1ace8 Pe#)a1s

)e co(l$ see t)at fa#+ Even )is o'n 1eo1le 'e#e neve# s(#e of t)e li&its of )is 1o'e#8

His ')ite face an$ ')ite feat)e#s 6ave )is 1enet#atin6 eyes a &i#ac(lo(sly 1ie#cin6


Cal&ly% #at)e# 0in$lily% )e a$$e$% 5!y $a#lin6% yo( a#e '#on68 We si&1ly $o

not 0no' ')o t)is &an !cBan #eally is85

5Co(l$n?t it be '#itten@5 s)e 1lea$e$8 5Co(l$n?t it be 1#o&ise$@ T)at?s t)e

$i#ection of 1ace f#o& ')ic) t)e #obot% t)e #at an$ t)e Co1t sent bac0 o(# ve#y s1ecial

&essa6e% ?"#o& t)e (tte#&ost $ee1s one s)all co&e% b#in6in6 (nco(ntable t#eas(#e an$

a s(#e $elive#y8? o it &i6)t be no'F !i6)tn?t it@5

5!y $ea#%5 )e #es1on$e$% 5yo( still )ave a c#($e i$ea of #eal t#eas(#e if yo(

t)in0 it is &eas(#e$ in &e6ac#e$its8 2o #ea$ T)e c#a1 of t)e Boo0% t)en t)in0% an$

t)en tell &e ')at yo( )ave t)o(6)t8 B(t &ean')ile>no &o#e c)atte#8 We &(st not

e3cite o(# 1oo# o11#esse$ 1eo1le85

T)e te&1o#a#y Co(ncil of t)e Co&&on'ealt) of Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia

5All t)e #iff#aff of all t)e 'o#l$s8 T)ey?#e all 6oin6 to &a0e a #(n fo# t)at silly

 boy of o(#s85 5Ri6)t85

5If )e stays )e#e% t)ey?ll co&e )e#e85 5Ri6)t85

5Let?s let )i& 6o to Ea#t)8 I )ave a feelin6 t)at little #ascal Re$la$y 'ill

s&(66le )i& o(t toni6)t an$ save (s t)e t#o(ble85


5Afte# a ')ile it 'ill be all #i6)t fo# )i& to co&e bac08 He 'on?t s1oil o(# 

)e#e$ita#y $efense of loo0in6 st(1i$8 I?& af#ai$ )e?s b#i6)t b(t by Ea#t) stan$a#$s )e?s

 (st a yo0el85


5)o(l$ 'e sen$ alon6 t'enty o# t)i#ty &o#e Ro$ !cBans an$ 6et t)e attac0e#s

#eally lo(se$



5W)y not% i# an$ O'ne#@5

5Beca(se it 'o(l$ loo0 cleve#8 We #ely on neve# loo0in6 cleve#8 I )ave t)e ne3t best ans'e#85 5W)at?s t)at@5

5(66est to all t)e #eally #(& 'o#l$s 'e 0no' t)at a 6oo$ i&1e#sonato# co(l$

 1(t )is )an$s

on t)e !cBan &oney8 !a0e t)e s(66estion so t)at t)ey 'o(l$ not 0no' t)at 'e

)a$ o#i6inate$ it8 T)e sta#lanes 'ill be f(ll of Ro$ !cBans% co&1lete 'it) 1)ony

 No#st#ilian accents% fo# t)e ne3t co(1le of )(n$#e$ yea#s8 An$ no one 'ill s(s1ect t)at

'e 'ill set t)e& (1 to it8 t(1i$?s t)e 'o#$% &ate% st(1i$8 If t)ey eve# t)in0 'e?#e

cleve#% 'e?#e in fo# itF5 T)e s1ea0e# si6)e$4 5Ho' $o t)e bloo$y fools s(11ose o(# 

fo#efat)e#s 6ot off Pa#a$ise ;II if t)ey 'e#en?t cleve#@ Ho' can t)ey t)in0 'e?$ )ol$

t)is s)a#1 little &ono1oly fo# t)o(san$s of yea#s@ T)ey?#e st(1i$ not to t)in0 abo(t it%

 b(t let?s not &a0e t)e& t)in08 Ri6)t@5

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CHAPTER TEN4 T)e Nea#by E3ile

Ro$ a'o0e 'it) a st#an6e feelin6 of 'ell-bein68 In a co#ne# of )is &in$ t)e#e

'e#e &e&o#ies of 1an$e&oni(&>0nives% bloo$% &e$icine% a &on0ey 'o#0in6 ass(#6eon8 R(& $#ea&sF He 6lance$ a#o(n$ an$ i&&e$iately t#ie$ to (&1 o(t of be$8

T)e ')ole 'o#l$ 'as on fi#eF

B#i6)t blain6 intole#able fi#e% li0e a blo'to#c)8

B(t t)e be$ )el$ )i&8 He #ealie$ t)at a loose co&fo#table ac0et en$e$ in ta1es

an$ t)at t)e ta1es 'e#e anc)o#e$ in so&e 'ay to t)e be$8

5Eleano#F5 )e s)o(te$% 5Co&e )e#e85

He #e&e&be#e$ t)e &a$ bi#$ attac0in6 )i&% Lavinia t#ans1o#tin6 )i& to t)e

cabin of t)e s)a#1 Ea#t)&an% Lo#$ Re$la$y8 He #e&e&be#e$ &e$icines an$ f(ss8 B(tt)is> ')at 'as t)is@

W)en t)e $oo# o1ene$% &o#e of t)e intole#able li6)t 1o(#e$ in8 It 'as as t)o(6)

eve#y clo($ )a$ been st#i11e$ f#o& t)e s0y of Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia% leavin6 only t)e

 blain6 )eavens an$ t)e fie#y s(n8 T)e#e 'e#e 1eo1le ')o )a$ seen t)at )a11en% ')en

t)e 'eat)e# &ac)ines occasionally b#o0e $o'n an$ let a )(##icane c(t a )ole in t)e

clo($s% b(t it )a$ ce#tainly not )a11ene$ in )is ti&e% o# in )is 6#an$fat)e#?s ti&e8

T)e &an ')o ente#e$ 'as 1leasant% b(t )e 'as no No#st#ilian8 His s)o(l$e#s

'e#e sli6)t% )e $i$ not loo0 as t)o(6) )e co(l$ lift a co'% an$ )is face )a$ been 'as)e$

so lon6 an$ so stea$ily t)at it loo0e$ li0e a baby?s face8 He )a$ an o$$ &e$ical-loo0in6

s(it on% all ')ite% an$ )is face co&bine$ t)e s&ile an$ t)e #ea$y 1#ofessional sy&1at)yof a 6oo$ 1)ysician8

5We?#e feelin6 bette#% I see%5 sai$ )e8

5W)e#e on ea#t) a& I@5 as0e$ Ro$8 5In a satellite8 It feels o$$85 5Yo(?#e not on

Ea#t)% &an85

5I 0no' I?& not8 I?ve neve# been t)e#e8 W)e#e?s t)is 1lace@5

5!a#s8 T)e Ol$ ta# tation8 I?& Keanac(es ;o&act85 Ro$ &(&ble$ t)e na&e

so ba$ly t)at t)e ot)e# &an )a$ to s1ell it o(t fo# )i&8 W)en t)at 'as st#ai6)tene$ o(t%

Ro$ ca&e bac0 to t)e s(bect8

5W)e#e?s !a#s@ Can yo( (ntie &e@ W)en?s t)at li6)t 6oin6 to 6o off@5

5I?ll (ntie yo( #i6)t no'%5 sai$ Docto# ;o&act% 5b(t stay in be$ an$ ta0e it easy

(ntil 'e?ve 6iven yo( so&e foo$ an$ ta0en so&e tests8 T)e li6)t>t)at?s s(ns)ine8 I?$

say it?s abo(t seven )o(#s% local ti&e% befo#e it 6oes off8 T)is is late &o#nin68 Don?t yo(

0no' ')at !a#s is@ It?s a 1lanet85

5Ne' !a#s% yo( &ean%5 sai$ Ro$ 1#o($ly% 5t)e one 'it) t)e eno#&o(s s)o1s

an$ t)e oolo6ical 6a#$ens85

5T)e only s)o1s 'e )ave )e#e a#e t)e cafete#ia an$ t)e P=8 Ne' !a#s@ I?ve

)ea#$ of t)at 1lace so&e')e#e8 It $oes )ave bi6 s)o1s an$ so&e 0in$ of an ani&al

s)o'8 Ele1)ants yo( can )ol$ in yo(# )an$8 T)ey?ve 6ot t)ose too8 T)is isn?t t)at 1laceat all8 Wait a sec% I?ll #oll yo(# be$ to t)e 'in$o'85

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Ro$ loo0e$ ea6e#ly o(t of t)e 'in$o'8 It 'as f#i6)tenin68 A na0e$% $a#0 s0y $i$

not )ave a clo($ in si6)t8 A fe' )oles s)o'e$ in it )e#e an$ t)e#e8 T)ey al&ost loo0e$

li0e t)e 5sta#s5 ')ic) 1eo1le sa' ')en t)ey 'e#e in s1aces)i1 t#ansit f#o& one

clo($y 1lanet to anot)e#8 Do&inatin6 eve#yt)in6 'as a sin6le e31losive )o##ible li6)t%

')ic) )(n6 )i6) an$ stea$y in t)e s0y 'it)o(t eve# 6oin6 off8 He fo(n$ )i&self 

c#in6in6 fo# t)e e31losion% b(t )e co(l$ tell% f#o& t)e 1ost(#e of t)e $octo# ne3t to )i&%t)at t)e $octo# 'as not in t)e least af#ai$ of t)at c)#onic )y$#o6en bo&b% ')ateve# it

&i6)t t(#n o(t to be8

*ee1in6 )is voice level an$ t#yin6 not to so(n$ li0e a boy )e sai$% 5W)at?s t)at@5

5T)e s(n85

5Don?t coo0 &y boo0% &ate8 2ive &e t)e st#ai6)t t#(t)8 Eve#ybo$y calls )is sta# 

a s(n8 W)at?s t)is one@5

5T)e s(n8 T)e o#i6inal s(n8 T)e s(n of Ol$ Ea#t) Itself8

K(st as t)is is 1lain !a#s8 Not even Ol$ !a#s8 Ce#tainly not Ne' !a#s8 T)isEa#t)?s nei6)bo#85

5T)at t)in6 neve# 6oes off% 6oes (1>boo&F>o# 6oes $o'n@5

5T)e s(n% yo( &ean@5 sai$ $octo# ;o&act8 5No% I s)o(l$ t)in0 not8 I s(11ose it

loo0e$ t)at 'ay to yo(# ancesto#s an$ &ine )alf a &illion yea#s a6o% ')en 'e 'e#e

all #(nnin6 a#o(n$ na0e$ on Ea#t)85 T)e $octo# b(sie$ )i&self as )e tal0e$8 He

c)o11e$ t)e ai# 'it) a st#an6e-loo0in6 little 0ey% an$ t)e ta1es fell loose8 T)e &ittens

$#o11e$ off Ro$?s )an$s8 Ro$ loo0e$ at )is o'n )an$s in t)e intense li6)t an$ sa' t)at

t)ey see&e$ st#an6e8 T)ey loo0e$ s&oot) an$ na0e$ an$ clean% li0e t)e $octo#?s o'n

)an$s8 Wei#$ &e&o#ies be6an to co&e bac0 to )i&% b(t )is )an$ica1 abo(t

s1ie0in6 an$ )ie#in6 tele1at)ically )a$ &a$e )i& ca(tio(s an$ sensitive% so )e $i$ not

6ive )i&self a'ay8

5If t)is is Ol$ !a#s% ')at a#e yo( $oin6% tal0in6 t)e Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian

lan6(a6e to &e@ I t)o(6)t &y 1eo1le 'e#e t)e only ones in t)e (nive#se ')o still s1o0e

Ancient In6lis)85 He s)ifte$ 1#o($ly b(t cl(&sily ove# to t)e Ol$ Co&&on Ton6(e4

5Yo( see% t)e A11ointe$ Ones of &y fa&ily ta(6)t &e t)is lan6(a6e as 'ell8 I?ve neve# 

 been off'o#l$ befo#e85

5I s1ea0 yo(# lan6(a6e%5 sai$ t)e $octo#% 5beca(se I lea#ne$ it8 I lea#ne$ it

 beca(se yo( 1ai$ &e% ve#y 6ene#o(sly% to lea#n it8 In t)e &ont)s t)at 'e )ave been

#easse&blin6 yo(% it?s co&e in )an$y8 We (st let $o'n t)e 1o#tal of &e&o#y an$i$entity to$ay% b(t I?ve tal0e$ to yo( fo# )(n$#e$s of )o(#s al#ea$y85

Ro$ t#ie$ to s1ea08

He co(l$ not (tte# a 'o#$8 His t)#oat 'as $#y an$ )e 'as af#ai$ t)at )e &i6)t

t)#o' (1 )is foo$>if )e )a$ eaten any8

T)e $octo# 1(t a f#ien$ly )an$ on )is a#&8 5Easy% !iste# an$ O'ne# !cBan%

easy no'8 We all $o t)at ')en 'e co&e o(t85

Ro$ c#oa0e$% 5I?ve been $ea$@ Dea$8 !e@5

5Not e3actly $ea$%5 sai$ t)e $octo#% 5b(t close to it85 5T)e bo3>t)at little bo3F5

c#ie$ Ro$8

5W)at little bo3@5

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5Please% Docto#>t)e one I ca&e in@5

5T)at bo3 'asn?t so little%5 sai$ Docto# ;o&act8 He s(a#e$ )is )an$s in t)e ai# 

an$ &a$e a s)a1e abo(t t)e sie of t)e little la$ies? bonnet-bo3 ')ic) Ro$ )a$ seen

in t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y?s 1#ivate o1e#atin6 #oo&8 5It 'as t)is bi68 Yo(# )ea$ 'as f(ll

nat(#al sie8 T)at?s ')y it?s been so easy an$ so s(ccessf(l to b#in6 yo( bac0 tono#&ality in s(c) a )(##y85

5An$ Eleano#@5

5Yo(# co&1anion@ )e &a$e it% too8 Nobo$y inte#ce1te$ t)e s)i185

5Yo( &ean t)e #est is t#(e% too8 I?& still t)e #ic)est &an in t)e (nive#se@ An$ I?&

6one% 6one f#o& )o&e@5 Ro$ 'o(l$ )ave li0e$ to beat t)e be$s1#ea$% b(t $i$ not8

5I a& 6la$%5 sai$ Docto# ;o&act% 5to see yo( e31#ess so &(c) feelin6 abo(t

yo(# sit(ation8 Yo( s)o'e$ a 6#eat $eal ')en yo( 'e#e (n$e# t)e se$atives an$

)y1notics% b(t I 'as be6innin6 to 'on$e# )o' 'e co(l$ )el1 yo( #ealie yo(# t#(e

 1osition ')en yo( ca&e bac0% as yo( )ave% to

no#&al life8 "o#6ive &e fo# tal0in6 t)is 'ay8 I so(n$ li0e a &e$ical o(#nal8 It?s

)a#$ to be f#ien$s 'it) a 1atient% even ')en one #eally li0es )i&+5

;o&act 'as a s&all &an% a f(ll )ea$ s)o#te# t)an Ro$ )i&self% b(t so 6#acef(lly

 1#o1o#tione$ t)at )e $i$ not loo0 st(nte$ o# little8 His face 'as t)in% 'it) a &o1 of 

(n6ove#nable blac0 )ai# ')ic) fell in all $i#ections8 A&on6 No#st#ilians% t)is fas)ion

'o(l$ )ave been $ee&e$ eccent#ic to ($6e by t)e fact t)at ot)e# Ea#t)&en let t)ei# 

)ai# 6#o' 'il$ an$ lon6% it &(st )ave been an Ea#t) fas)ion8 Ro$ fo(n$ it foolis) b(t

not #e1(lsive8

It 'as not ;o&act?s a11ea#ance ')ic) ca(se$ t)e i&1#ession8 It 'as t)e

 1e#sonality ')ic) tin6le$ o(t of eve#y 1o#e8 ;o&act co(l$ beco&e cal& ')en )e

0ne'% f#o& )is &e$ical 'is$o&% t)at 0in$ness an$ t#an(ility 'e#e in o#$e#% b(t t)ese

(alities 'e#e not (s(al to )i&8 He 'as vivacio(s% &oo$y% lively% tal0ative to an

e3t#e&e% b(t )e 'as sensitive eno(6) to t)e 1e#son to ')o& )e 'as tal0in64 )e neve# 

 beca&e a bo#e8 Even a&on6 No#st#ilian 'o&en% Ro$ )a$ neve# seen a 1e#son ')o

e31#esse$ so &(c) so fl(ently8 W)en ;o&act tal0e$% )is )an$s 'e#e in constant &otion

 >o(tlinin6% $esc#ibin6% cla#ifyin6 t)e 1oints ')ic) )e $esc#ibe$8 W)en )e tal0e$ )e

s&ile$% sco'le$% #aise$ )is eyeb#o's in (estionin6% sta#e$ 'it) a&ae&ent% loo0e$

asi$e in 'on$e#8 Ro$ 'as (se$ to t)e si6)t of t'o No#st#ilians )avin6 a lon6 tele1at)ic

conve#sation% s1ie0in6 an$ )ie#in6 one anot)e# as t)ei# bo$ies #e1ose$% co&fo#tablean$ i&&obile% ')ile t)ei# &in$s 'o#0e$ $i#ectly on one anot)e#8 To $o all t)is 'it)

t)e s1ea0in6 voice>t)at% to a No#st#ilian% 'as a &a#vel to )ea# an$ be)ol$8 T)e#e 'as

so&et)in6 6#acef(l an$ 1leasant abo(t t)e ani&ation of t)is Ea#t) $octo# ')ic) stoo$

in co&1lete cont#ast to t)e (ic0 $an6e#o(s $ecisiveness of t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 Ro$

 be6an to t)in0 t)at if Ea#t) 'e#e f(ll of 1eo1le% all of t)e& li0e ;o&act% it &(st be a

$eli6)tf(l b(t conf(sin6 1lace8 ;o&act once )inte$ t)at )is fa&ily 'as (n(s(al% so t)at

even in t)e lon6 'ea#y yea#s of 1e#fection% ')en eve#yone else )a$ n(&be#s% t)ey 0e1t

t)ei# fa&ily na&e sec#et b(t #e&e&be#e$8

One afte#noon ;o&act s(66este$ t)at t)ey 'al0 ac#oss t)e !a#tian 1lain a fe'

0ilo&ete#s to t)e #(ins of t)e fi#st )(&an settle&ent on !a#s8 5We )ave to tal0%5 sai$ )e%

5b(t it is easy eno(6) to tal0 t)#o(6) t)ese soft )el&ets8 T)e e3e#cise 'ill $o yo( 6oo$8

Yo(?#e yo(n6 an$ yo( 'ill ta0e a lot of con$itionin685

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Ro$ a6#ee$8

"#ien$s t)ey beca&e in t)e ens(in6 $ays8

Ro$ fo(n$ t)at t)e $octo# 'as by no &eans as yo(n6 as )e loo0e$% (st ten yea#s

o# so ol$e# t)an )i&self8 T)e $octo# 'as a )(n$#e$ an$ ten yea#s ol$% an$ )a$ 6one

t)#o(6) )is fi#st #e(venation (st ten yea#s befo#e8 He )a$ t'o &o#e an$ t)en $eat)%

at t)e a6e of fo(# )(n$#e$% if t)e 1#esent sc)e$(le 'e#e 0e1t fo# !a#s8

5Yo( &ay t)in0% !iste# !cBan% t)at yo( a#e an (1set% 'il$ ty1e yo(#self8 I can

 1#o&ise yo(% yo(n6 b(c0o% t)at Ol$ Ea#t) is s(c) a )a11y &ess t)ese $ays t)at

t)ey 'ill neve# notice yo(8 Haven?t yo( )ea#$ abo(t t)e Re$iscove#y of !an@5

Ro$ )esitate$8 He )a$ 1ai$ no attention to t)e ne's )i&self% b(t )e $i$ not 'ant

to $isc#e$it )is )o&e 1lanet by &a0in6 it see& &o#e i6no#ant t)an it #eally 'as8

5o&et)in6 abo(t lan6(a6e% 'asn?t it@ An$ len6t) of life% too@ I neve# 1ai$ &(c)

attention to off1lanet ne's% (nless it 'as tec)nical inventions o# bi6 battles8 I t)in0 

so&e 1eo1le in Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia )ave a 0een inte#est in Ol$ Ea#t) Itself8 W)at 'asit% any)o'@5

5T)e Inst#(&entality finally too0 on a bi6 1lan8 Ea#t) )a$ no $an6e#s% no )o1es%

no #e'a#$s% no f(t(#e e3ce1t en$lessness8 Eve#ybo$y stoo$ a t)o(san$-to-one c)ance of 

livin6 t)e fo(# )(n$#e$ yea#s ')ic) 'as allotte$ fo# 1e#sons ')o ea#ne$ t)e f(ll 1e#io$

 by 0ee1in6 b(sy>5

5W)y $i$n?t eve#ybo$y $o it@5 inte##(1te$ Ro$8 5T)e Inst#(&entality too0 ca#e

of t)e s)o#ties in a ve#y fai# 'ay8 It offe#e$ t)e& 'on$e#f(lly $elicio(s an$ e3citin6

vices ')en t)ey 6ot to be abo(t seventy8 T)in6s t)at co&bine$ elect#onics% $#(6s an$

se3 in t)e s(bective &in$8 Anybo$y

')o $i$n?t )ave a lot of 'o#0 to $o en$e$ (1 6ettin6 ?t)e blissf(ls? an$

event(ally $ie$ of s)ee# f(n8 W)o 'ants to ta0e ti&e fo# &e#e )(n$#e$-yea#s? #ene'als

')en t)ey can )ave five o# si3 t)o(san$ yea#s of o#6ies an$ a$vent(#es eve#y sin6le


5o(n$s )o##ible to &e%5 sai$ Ro$8 5We )ave o(# 2i66le Roo&s% b(t 1eo1le $ie

in t)e& #i6)t a'ay8 T)ey $on?t &ess a#o(n$% $yin6 a&on6 t)ei# nei6)bo#s8 T)in0 of 

t)e a'f(l inte#action yo( &(st 6et 'it) t)e no#&als85

Docto# ;o&act?s face clo($e$ ove# 'it) an6e# an$ 6#ief8 He t(#ne$ a'ay an$

loo0e$ ove# t)e en$less !a#tian 1lains8 Dea# bl(e Ea#t) )(n6 f#ien$lily in t)e s0y8 He

loo0e$ (1 at t)e sta# of Ea#t) as t)o(6) )e )ate$ it an$ )e sai$ to Ro$% )is face stillt(#ne$ a'ay4

5Yo( &ay )ave a 1oint t)e#e% !iste# !cBan8 !y &ot)e# 'as a s)o#tie an$ afte# 

s)e 6ave (1% &y fat)e# 'ent too8 An$ I?& a no#&al8 I $on?t s(11ose I?ll 6et ove# ')at it

$i$ to &e8 T)ey 'e#en?t &y #eal 1a#ents% of co(#se>t)e#e 'as not)in6 t)at $i#ty in

&y fa&ily>b(t t)ey 'e#e &y final a$o1te#s8 I?ve al'ays t)o(6)t t)at yo( Ol$ No#t)

A(st#alians 'e#e c#ay% #ic) ba#ba#ians fo# 0illin6 off yo(# teena6e#s if t)ey $i$n?t (&1

eno(6) o# so&et)in6 c#($e li0e t)at% b(t I?ll a$&it t)at yo(?#e clean ba#ba#ians8 Yo(

$on?t &a0e yo(#selves live 'it) t)e s'eet sic0 stin0 of $eat) insi$e yo(# o'n


5W)at?s an a1a#t&ent@5 5W)at 'e live in85

5Yo( &ean a )o(se%5 sai$ Ro$8

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5No% an a1a#t&ent is a 1a#t of a )o(se8 T'o )(n$#e$ t)o(san$ of t)e&

so&eti&es &a0e (1 one bi6 )o(se85

5Yo( &ean%5 sai$ Ro$% 5t)e#e a#e t'o )(n$#e$ t)o(san$ fa&ilies all in one

eno#&o(s livin6 #oo&@ T)e #oo& &(st be 0ilo&ete#s lon6F5

5No% no% noF5 sai$ t)e $octo#% la(6)in6 a little8 5Eac) a1a#t&ent )as a se1a#ate

livin6 #oo& 'it) slee1 sections t)at co&e o(t of t)e 'alls% an eatin6 section% a

'as)#oo& fo# yo(#self an$ yo(# visito#s t)at &i6)t co&e to )ave a bat) 'it) yo(% a

6a#$en #oo&% a st($y #oo&% an$ a 1e#sonality #oo&85

5W)at?s a 1e#sonality #oo&@5

5T)at%5 sai$ t)e $octo#% 5is a little #oo& ')e#e 'e $o t)in6s t)at 'e $on?t 'ant

o(# o'n fa&ilies to 'atc)85

5We call t)at a bat)#oo&%5 sai$ Ro$8

T)e $octo# sto11e$ in t)ei# 'al08 5T)at?s ')at &a0es it so )a#$ to e31lain toyo( ')at Ea#t) is $oin68 Yo(?#e fossils% t)at?s ')at yo( a#e8 Yo(?ve )a$ t)e ol$

lan6(a6e of In6lis)% yo( 0ee1 yo(# fa&ily syste& an$ yo(# na&es% yo(?ve )a$ (nli&ite$


5Not (nli&ite$%5 sai$ Ro$% 5(st lon68 We )ave to 'o#0 fo# it an$ 1ay fo# it 'it)


T)e $octo# loo0e$ so##y8 5I $i$n?t &ean to c#iticie yo(8 Yo(?#e $iffe#ent8 ;e#y

$iffe#ent f#o& ')at Ea#t) )as been8 Yo( 'o(l$ )ave fo(n$ Ea#t) in)(&an8 T)ose

a1a#t&ents 'e 'e#e tal0in6 abo(t% fo# e3a&1le8 T'o-t)i#$s of t)e& e&1ty8

Un$e#1eo1le &ovin6 into t)e base&ents8 Reco#$s lost obs fo#6otten8 If 'e $i$n?t

&a0e s(c) 6oo$ #obots% eve#yt)in6 'o(l$ )ave fallen to 1ieces at t)e sa&e ti&e85 Heloo0e$ at Ro$?s face8 5I can see yo( $on?t (n$e#stan$ &e8 Let?s ta0e a 1#actical case8

Can yo( i&a6ine 0illin6 &e@5

5No%5 sai$ Ro$% 5I li0e yo(85

5I $on?t &ean t)at8 Not t)e #eal (s8 (11ose yo( $i$n?t 0no' ')o I 'as an$ yo(

fo(n$ &e int#($in6 on yo(# s)ee1 o# stealin6 yo(# st#oon85


5Yo( co(l$n?t steal &y st#oon8 !y 6ove#n&ent 1#ocesses it fo# &e an$ yo(

co(l$n?t 6et nea# 

5All #i6)t% all #i6)t% not st#oon8 K(st s(11ose I ca&e f#o& off yo(# 1lanet

'it)o(t a 1e#&it8

Ho' 'o(l$ yo( 0ill &e@5

5I 'o(l$n?t 0ill yo(8 I?$ #e1o#t it to t)e 1olice85 5(11ose I $#e' a 'ea1on on


5T)en%5 sai$ Ro$% 5yo(?$ 6et yo(# nec0 b#o0en8 O# a 0nife in yo(# )ea#t8 O# a

&inibo&b so&e')e#e nea# yo(85

5T)e#eF5 sai$ t)e $octo#% 'it) a b#oa$ 6#in8 5T)e#e ')at@5 sai$ Ro$8

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5Yo( 0no' )o' to 0ill 1eo1le% s)o(l$ t)e nee$ a#ise85

5All citiens 0no' )o'%5 sai$ Ro$% 5b(t t)at $oesn?t &ean t)ey $o it8 We?#e not

 b(s)')ac0in6 eac) ot)e# all t)e ti&e% t)e 'ay I )ea#$ so&e Ea#t)1eo1le t)o(6)t 'e


5P#ecisely%5 sai$ ;o&act8 5An$ t)at?s ')at t)e Inst#(&entality is t#yin6 to $o fo# all &an0in$ to$ay8 To &a0e life $an6e#o(s eno(6) an$ inte#estin6 eno(6) to be #eal

a6ain8 We )ave $iseases% $an6e#s% fi6)ts% c)ances8 It?s been 'on$e#f(l85

Ro$ loo0e$ bac0 at t)e 6#o(1 of s)e$s t)ey )a$ left8 5I $on?t see any si6ns of it

)e#e on !a#s85 5T)is is a &ilita#y establis)&ent8 It?s been left o(t of t)e Re$iscove#y of 

!an (ntil t)e effects

)ave been st($ie$ bette#8 We?#e still livin6 1e#fect lives of fo(# )(n$#e$ yea#s

)e#e on !a#s8 No $an6e#% no c)an6e% no #is085

5Ho' $o yo( )ave a na&e% t)en@5

5!y fat)e# 6ave it to &e8 He 'as an official He#o of t)e "#ontie# Wo#l$s ')o

ca&e )o&e an$ $ie$ a s)o#tie8 T)e Inst#(&entality let 1eo1le li0e t)at )ave na&es befo#e t)ey 6ave t)e 1#ivile6e to eve#ybo$y85

5W)at a#e yo( $oin6 )e#e@5

5Wo#0in685 T)e $octo# sta#te$ to #es(&e t)ei# 'al08 Ro$ $i$ not feel &(c) a'e

of )i&8 He 'as s(c) a s)a&elessly tal0ative 1e#son% t)e 'ay &ost Ea#t)&en see&e$ to

 be% t)at it 'as )a#$ not to be at ease 'it) )i&8 Ro$ too0 ;o&act?s a#&% 6ently8 5T)e#e?s

&o#e to it>5

5Yo( 0no' it%5 sai$ ;o&act8 5Yo( )ave 6oo$ 1e#ce1tions8 )o(l$ I tell yo(@5

5W)y not@5 sai$ Ro$8

5Yo(?#e &y 1atient8 It &i6)t not be fai# to yo(85

52o a)ea$%5 sai$ Ro$% 5yo( o(6)t to 0no' I?& to(6)85 5I?& a c#i&inal%5 sai$ t)e


5B(t yo(?#e alive%5 sai$ Ro$8 5In &y 'o#l$ 'e 0ill c#i&inals o# 'e sen$ t)e&


5I?& off1lanet%5 sai$ ;o&act8 5T)is isn?t &y 'o#l$8 "o# &ost of (s )e#e on

!a#s% t)is is a 1#ison% not a )o&e85

5W)at $i$ yo( $o@5

5It?s too a'f(l+5 sai$ t)e Docto#8 5I?& as)a&e$ of it &yself8 T)ey )ave

sentence$ &e to con$itional con$itional85

Ro$ loo0e$ at )i& (ic0ly8 !o&enta#ily )e 'on$e#e$ ')et)e# )e &i6)t be

t)e victi& of so&e o(t#a6eo(s $ea$1an o0e8 T)e $octo# 'as se#io(s )is face e31#esse$

 be'il$e#&ent an$ 6#ief8

5I #evolte$%5 sai$ t)e $octo#% 5'it)o(t 0no'in6 it8 Peo1le can say anyt)in6

t)ey 'ant on ea#t)% an$ t)ey can 1#int (1 to t'enty co1ies of anyt)in6 t)ey nee$ to

 1#int% b(t beyon$ t)at it?s &ass co&&(nications8 A6ainst t)e la'8 W)en t)e

Re$iscove#y of !an ca&e% t)ey 6ave &e t)e 1anis) lan6(a6e to 'o#0 on8 I (se$ a

lot of #esea#c) to 6et o(t La P#ensa% Ko0es% $ialo6(es% i&a6ina#y a$ve#tise&ents%

#e1o#ts of ')at )a$ )a11ene$ in t)e ancient 'o#l$8 B(t t)en I 6ot a b#i6)t i$ea8 I'ent $o'n to Ea#t)1o#t an$ 6ot t)e ne's f#o& inco&in6 s)i1s8 W)at 'as )a11enin6

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)e#e8 W)at 'as )a11enin6 t)e#e8 Yo( )ave no i$ea% Ro$% )o' inte#estin6 &an0in$

isF An$ t)e t)in6s 'e $o+ so st#an6e% so co&ical% so 1itiable8 T)e ne's even

co&es in on &ac)ines% all &a#0e$ ?official (se only85 I $is#e6a#$e$ t)at an$ I 1#inte$

(1 one iss(e 'it) not)in6 b(t t#(t) in it

 >a #eal iss(e% all facts8

5I 1#inte$ #eal ne's8

5Ro$% t)e #oof fell in8 All 1e#sons ')o )a$ been #econ$itione$ fo# 1anis)

'e#e 6iven stability tests8 I 'as as0e$% $i$ I 0no' t)e la'@ Ce#tainly% sai$ I% I 0ne' t)e

la'8 No &ass co&&(nications e3ce1t 'it)in 6ove#n&ent8 Ne's is t)e &ot)e# of 

o1inion% o1inion t)e ca(se of &ass $el(sion% $el(sion t)e so(#ce of 'a#8 T)e la'

'as 1lain an$ I t)o(6)t it $i$ not &atte#8 I t)o(6)t it 'as (st an ol$ la'8

5I 'as '#on6% Ro$% '#on68 T)ey $i$ not c)a#6e &e 'it) violatin6 t)e ne's

la's8 T)ey c)a#6e$ &e 'it) #evolt> a6ainst t)e Inst#(&entality8 T)ey sentence$ &e

to $eat)% i&&e$iately8 T)en t)ey &a$e it con$itional% con$itional on &y 6oin6 off-

 1lanet an$ be)avin6 'ell8 W)en I 6ot )e#e% t)ey &a$e it $o(ble con$itional8 If &y act)as no ba$ #es(lts8 B(t I can?t fin$ o(t8 I can 6o bac0 to Ea#t) any ti&e8 T)at 1a#t is

no t#o(ble8 If t)ey t)in0 &y &is$ee$ still )as effect% t)ey 'ill 6ive &e t)e $#ea&

 1(nis)&ents o# sen$ &e off to t)at a'f(l 1lanet so&e')e#e8 If t)ey t)in0 it $oesn?t

&atte#% t)ey 'ill #esto#e &y citiens)i1 'it) a la(6)8 B(t t)ey $on?t 0no' t)e 'o#st

of it8 !y (n$e#&an lea#ne$ 1anis) an$ t)e (n$e#1eo1le a#e 0ee1in6 t)e ne's1a1e# 

6oin6 ve#y sec#etly8 I can?t even i&a6ine ')at t)ey 'ill $o to &e if t)ey eve# fin$ o(t

')at )as 6one '#on6 an$ 0no' t)at it 'as &e ')o sta#te$ it all8 Do yo( t)in0 I?&

'#on6% Ro$@5

Ro$ sta#e$ at )i&8 He 'as not (se$ to ($6in6 a$(lts% 1a#tic(la#ly not at t)ei# 

o'n #e(est8 In Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia% 1eo1le 0e1t t)ei# $istance8 T)e#e 'e#e fittin6 'ays

fo# $oin6 eve#yt)in6% an$ one of t)e &ost fittin6 t)in6s 'as to $eal only 'it) 1eo1le of 

yo(# o'n a6e 6#o(18

He t#ie$ to be fai#% to t)in0 in an a$(lt 'ay% an$ )e sai$% 5Of co(#se I t)in0 

yo(?#e '#on6% !iste# an$ Docto# ;o&act8 B(t yo(?#e not ve#y '#on68 None of (s s)o(l$

t#ifle 'it) 'a#85

;o&act seie$ Ro$?s a#&8 T)e 6est(#e 'as )yste#ical% al&ost (6ly8 5Ro$%5 )e

')is1e#e$% ve#y (#6ently% 5yo(?#e #ic)8 Yo( co&e f#o& an i&1o#tant fa&ily8 Co(l$ yo(

6et &e into Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia@5

5W)y not@5 sai$ Ro$8 5I can 1ay fo# all t)e visito#s I 'ant85

5No% Ro$% I $on?t &ean t)at8 As an i&&i6#ant85 It 'as Ro$?s t(#n to beco&e

tense8 5I&&i6#ant@5 )e sai$8 5T)e 1enalty fo# i&&i6#ation is $eat)8 We?#e 0illin6 o(# 

o'n 1eo1le #i6)t no'% (st to 0ee1 t)e 1o1(lation $o'n8 Ho' $o yo( t)in0 'e co(l$ let

o(tsi$e#s settle 'it) (s@ An$ t)e st#oon8 W)at abo(t t)at@5

5Neve# &in$% Ro$%5 sai$ ;o&act8 5I 'on?t bot)e# yo( a6ain8 I 'on?t &ention it

a6ain8 It?s a 'ea#y t)in6% to live &any yea#s 'it) $eat) #ea$y to o1en t)e ne3t $oo#% #in6

t)e ne3t bell% be on t)e ne3t 1a6e of t)e &essa6e file8 I )aven?t &a##ie$8 Ho' co(l$ I@5

Wit) a ')i&sical t(#n of )is vivacio(s &in$ an$ face% )e 'as oft on a c)ee#f(l t#ac08 5I

)ave a &e$icine% Ro$% a &e$icine fo# $octo#s% even fo# #ebels8 Do yo( 0no' ')at it is@5

5A t#an(ilie#@5 Ro$ 'as still s)oc0e$ at t)e in$ecency of anyone &entionin6i&&i6#ation to a No#st#ilian8 He co(l$ not t)in0 st#ai6)t8

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5Wo#0%5 sai$ t)e little $octo#% 5t)at?s &y &e$icine85

5Wo#0 is al'ays 6oo$%5 sai$ Ro$% feelin6 1o&1o(s at t)e 6ene#aliation8 T)e

&a6ic )a$ 6one o(t of t)e afte#noon8

T)e $octo# felt it too8 He si6)e$8 5I?ll s)o' yo( t)e ol$ s)e$s ')ic) &en

f#o& Ea#t) fi#st b(ilt8 An$ t)en I?ll 6o to 'o#08 Do yo( 0no' ')at &y &ain 'o#0 is@5

5No%5 sai$ Ro$% 1olitely8

5Yo(%5 sai$ $octo# ;o&act% 'it) one of )is sa$-6ay &isc)ievo(s s&iles8

5Yo(?#e 'ell% b(t

I?ve 6ot to &a0e yo( &o#e t)an 'ell8 I?ve 6ot to &a0e yo( 0ill-1#oof85 T)ey )a$

#eac)e$ t)e s)e$s8

T)e #(ins &i6)t be ol$% b(t t)ey 'e#e not ve#y i&1#essive8 T)ey loo0e$

so&et)in6 li0e t)e )o&es on t)e &o#e &o$est stations bac0 on No#st#ilia8

On t)ei# 'ay bac0 Ro$ sai$% ve#y cas(ally% 5W)at a#e yo( 6oin6 to $o to &e% si# 

an$ $octo#@5 5Anyt)in6 yo( 'ant%5 sai$ ;o&act li6)tly85Really% no'8 W)at@5

5Well%5 sai$ ;o&act% 5t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y sent alon6 a ')ole c(be of s(66estions8

*ee1 yo(# 1e#sonality8 *ee1 yo(# #etinal an$ b#ain i&a6es8 C)an6e yo(# a11ea#ance8

C)an6e yo(# 'o#0'o&an into a yo(n6 &an ')o loo0s (st li0e yo(# $esc#i1tion85

5Yo( can?t $o t)at to Eleano#8 )e?s a citien85

5Not )e#e% not on !a#s% s)e isn?t8 )e?s yo(# ba66a6e85 5B(t )e# le6al #i6)tsF5

5T)is is !a#s% Ro$% b(t it?s Ea#t) te##ito#y8 Un$e# Ea#t) la'8 Un$e# t)e $i#ect

cont#ol of t)e Inst#(&entality8 We can $o t)ese t)in6s all #i6)t8 T)e )a#$ t)in6 is t)is8

Wo(l$ yo( consent to 1assin6 fo# an (n$e#&an@5

5I neve# sa' one8 Ho' 'o(l$ I 0no'@5 sai$ Ro$8 5Co(l$ yo( stan$ t)e s)a&e of 


Ro$ la(6)e$% by 'ay of an ans'e#8

;o&act si6)e$8 5Yo(?#e f(nny 1eo1le% yo( No#st#ilians8 I?$ #at)e# $ie t)an be

&ista0en fo# an (n$e#&an8 T)e $is6#ace of it% t)e conte&1tF B(t t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y

sai$ t)at yo( co(l$ 'al0 into Ea#t) as f#ee as a b#eee if 'e &a$e yo( 1ass fo# a cat-

&an8 I &i6)t as 'ell tell yo(% Ro$8 Yo(# 'ife is al#ea$y )e#e85

Ro$ sto11e$ 'al0in68 5!y 'ife@ I )ave no 'ife85

5Yo(# cat-'ife%5 sai$ t)e $octo#8 5Of co(#se it isn?t #eal &a##ia6e8 Un$e#1eo1lea#en?t allo'e$ to )ave it8 B(t t)ey )ave a co&1anion ')ic) loo0s so&et)in6 li0e

&a##ia6e an$ 'e so&eti&es sli1 an$ call t)e& )(sban$ an$ 'ife8 T)e Inst#(&entality

)as al#ea$y sent a cat-6i#l o(t to be yo(# ?'ife8? )e?ll t#avel bac0 to Ea#t) 'it) yo( f#o&

!a#s% Yo(?ll (st be a 1ai# of l(c0y cats ')o?ve been $oin6 $ances an$ ac#obatics fo# t)e

 bo#e$ station 1e#sonnel )e#e85

5An$ Eleano#@5

5I s(11ose so&ebo$y 'ill 0ill )e#% t)in0in6 it?s yo(8 T)at?s ')at yo( b#o(6)t )e# 

fo#% isn?t it@ A#en?t yo( #ic) eno(6)@5

5No% no% no%5 sai$ Ro$% 5nobo$y is t)at #ic)8 We )ave to t)in0 of so&et)in6else85

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T)ey s1ent t)e enti#e 'al0 bac0 &a0in6 ne' 1lans ')ic) 'o(l$ 1#otect

Eleano# an$ Ro$


As t)ey ente#e$ t)e s)e$1o#t an$ too0 off t)ei# )el&ets% Ro$ sai$% 5T)is 'ife of 

&ine% ')en can I see )e#@5

5Yo( 'on?t ove#loo0 )e#%5 sai$ ;o&act8 5)e?s as 'il$ as fi#e an$ t'ice as

 bea(tif(l85 5Does s)e )ave a na&e@5

5Of co(#se s)e $oes%5 sai$ t)e $octo#8 5T)ey all $o85 5W)at is it% t)en@5


CHAPTER ELE;EN4 Hos1itality an$ Ent#a1&ent

Peo1le 'aite$% )e#e an$ t)e#e8 If t)e#e )a$ been 'o#l$-'i$e ne's cove#a6e% t)e

 1o1(lation 'o(l$ )ave conve#6e$ on Ea#t)1o#t 'it) c(#iosity% 1assion% o# 6#ee$8 B(t

ne's )a$ been fo#bi$$en lon6 befo#e5% 1eo1le co(l$ 0no' only 0no' t)e t)in6s

')ic) conce#ne$ t)e& 1e#sonally t)e cente#s of Ea#t) #e&aine$ (n$ist(#be$8 He#ean$ t)e#e% as Ro$ &a$e )is t#i1 f#o& !a#s to Ea#t)% t)e#e 'e#e antici1ations of t)e

event8 Ove#-all% t)e 'o#l$ of Ol$ Ol$ Ea#t) #e&aine$ (iet% e3ce1t fo# t)e 1e#ennial

 b(bble of its in'a#$ 1#oble&s8

On Ea#t)% t)e $ay of Ro$?s fli6)t% 'it)in Ea#t)1o#t itself 

5T)ey s)(t &e o(t of t)e &eetin6 t)is &o#nin6% ')en I?& in c)a#6e of visito#s8

T)at &eans t)at so&et)in6 is in t)e ai#%5 sai$ Co&&issione# Tea$#in0e# to )is

(n$e#&an% B?$an08

B?$an0% e31ectin6 a $(ll $ay% )a$ been c)e'in6 )is c($ ')ile sittin6 on )is

stool in t)e co#ne#8 He 0ne' fa# &o#e abo(t t)e case t)an $i$ )is &aste#% an$ )e

)a$ lea#ne$ )is a$$itional info#&ation f#o& t)e sec#et so(#ces of t)e (n$e#-1eo1le% b(t

)e 'as #esolve$ to bet#ay not)in6% to e31#ess not)in68 Hastily )e s'allo'e$ )is c($ an$

sai$% in )is #eass(#in6% cal& b(ll voice4

5T)e#e &i6)t be so&e ot)e# #eason% si# an$ &aste#8 If t)ey 'e#e consi$e#in6 a

 1#o&otion fo# yo(% t)ey 'o(l$ leave yo( o(t of t)e &eetin68 Yo( ce#tainly $ese#ve a

 1#o&otion% si# an$ &aste#85

5A#e t)e s1i$e#s #ea$y@5 as0e$ Tea$#in0e# c#ossly8

5W)o can tell t)e &in$ of a 6iant s1i$e#@5 sai$ B?$an0 cal&ly8 5I tal0e$ to t)e

fo#e&an-s1i$e# fo# t)#ee )o(#s yeste#$ay 'it) si6n lan6(a6e8 He 'ants t'elve cases of 

 bee#8 I tol$ )i& I 'o(l$ 6ive )i& &o#e>)e co(l$ )ave ten8 T)e 1oo# $evil can?tco(nt% t)o(6) )e t)in0s )e can% so )e 'as 1lease$ at )avin6 o(t-ba#6aine$ &e8 T)ey

'ill ta0e t)e 1e#son yo( $esi6nate to t)e stee1le of Ea#t)1o#t an$ t)ey 'ill )i$e t)at

 1e#son so t)at t)e )(&an bein6 cannot be fo(n$ fo# &any )o(#s8 W)en I a11ea# 'it)

t)e cases of bee#% t)ey 'ill 6ive &e t)e 1e#son8 I 'ill t)en (&1 o(t of a 'in$o'%

)ol$in6 t)e 1e#son in &y a#&s8 T)e#e a#e so fe' 1eo1le ')o 6o $o'n t)e o(tsi$e of 

Ea#t)1o#t t)at t)ey &ay not notice &e at all8 I 'ill ta0e t)e 1e#son to t)e #(ine$

 1alace $i#ectly (n$e# Al1)a Ral1)a Bo(leva#$% t)e one ')ic) yo( s)o'e$ &e% si# an$

&aste#% an$ t)e#e I 'ill 0ee1 t)e 1e#son in 6oo$ o#$e# (ntil yo( co&e an$ $o t)e t)in6s

')ic) yo( )ave to $o85

Tea$#in0e# loo0e$ ac#oss t)e #oo&8 T)e bi6% flo#i$% )an$so&e face 'as soe3as1e#atin6ly cal& t)at it annoye$ )i&8 Tea$#in0e# )a$ )ea#$ t)at b(ll-&en% beca(se

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of t)ei# cattle o#i6in% 'e#e so&eti&es s(bect to fits of (ncont#ollable f#antic #a6e% b(t

)e )a$ neve# seen t)e least si6n of any s(c) 1)eno&enon in B?$an08

He sna11e$% 5A#en?t yo( 'o##ie$@5

5W)y s)o(l$ I 'o##y% si# an$ &aste#@ Yo( a#e $oin6 t)e 'o##yin6 fo# bot) of 

(s85 52o f#y yo(#selfF55T)at is not an o1e#ational inst#(ction%5 sai$ B?$an08 5I s(66est t)at t)e &aste# 

eat so&et)in68 T)at 'ill cal& )is ne#ves8 Not)in6 at all &ay )a11en to$ay% an$ it is

ve#y )a#$ fo# t#(e &en to 'ait fo# not)in6 at all8 I )ave seen &any of t)e& 6et (1set85

Tea$#in0e# 6#itte$ )is teet) at t)is e3t#e&e #easonableness8 Neve#t)eless% )e too0 

a $e)y$#ate$ banana o(t of )is $es0 $#a'e# an$ be6an c)e'in6 on it8

He loo0e$ s)a#1ly ac#oss at B?$an08 5Do yo( 'ant one of t)ese t)in6s@5

B?$an0 sli$ off )is c)ai# 'it) s(#1#isin6ly s&oot) a6ility )e 'as at t)e $es0% )is

eno#&o(s )a&-sie$ )an$ )el$ o(t% befo#e )e sai$% 5Yes% in$ee$% si#8 I love bananas85

Tea$#in0e# 6ave )i& one an$ t)en sai$% f#etf(lly% 5A#e yo( s(#e of t)e fact yo(

neve# &et t)e

Lo#$ Re$la$y@5

5(#e as any (n$e#&an can be%5 sai$ B?$an0% &(nc)in6 t)e banana8 5We neve# 

#eally 0no' ')at )as been 1(t into o(# o#i6inal con$itionin6% o# ')o 1(t it t)e#e8 We?#e

infe#io# an$ 'e?#e not s(11ose$ to 0no'8 It is fo#bi$$en even to in(i#e85

5o yo( a$&it t)at yo( &i6)t be a s1y o# a6ent of t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y@5 5I &i6)t

 be% si#% b(t I $o not feel li0e it85

5Do yo( 0no' ')o Re$la$y is@5

5Yo( )ave tol$ &e% si#% t)at )e is t)e &ost $an6e#o(s )(&an bein6 in t)e ')ole6ala3y85 5T)at?s #i6)t%5 sai$ Tea$#in0e#% 5an$ if I a& #(nnin6 into so&et)in6 ')ic) t)e

Lo#$ Re$la$y

)as set (1% I &i6)t as 'ell c(t (1 &y t)#oat befo#e I sta#t85

5It 'o(l$ be si&1le#% si#%5 sai$ B?$an0% 5not to 0i$na1 t)is Ro$ !cBan at all8

T)at is t)e only ele&ent of $an6e#8 If yo( $i$ not)in6% t)in6s 'o(l$ 6o on as t)ey

al'ays )ave 6one on>(ietly% cal&ly85

5T)at?s t)e )o##o# an$ an3iety of itF T)ey $o al'ays 6o on8 Don?t yo( t)in0 I

'ant to 6et o(t of )e#e% to taste 1o'e# an$ f#ee$o& a6ain@5

5Yo( &ay so% si#%5 sai$ B?$an0% )o1in6 t)at Tea$#in0e# 'o(l$ offe# )i& one&o#e of t)ose $elicio(s $#ie$ bananas8

Tea$#in0e#% $ist#acte$% $i$ not8

He (st 'al0e$ (1 an$ $o'n )is #oo&% $es1e#ate 'it) t)e to#&ent of )o1e%

$an6e# an$ $elay8 Antec)a&be# of t)e Bell an$ Ban0 

T)e La$y Ko)anna 2na$e 'as t)e#e fi#st8 )e 'as clean% 'ell-$#esse$% ale#t8 T)e

Lo#$ Kestocost% ')o follo'e$ )e# in% 'on$e#e$ if s)e )a$ any 1e#sonal life at all8 It 'as

 ba$ &anne#s% a&on6 t)e C)iefs of t)e Inst#(&entality% to in(i#e into anot)e# C)iefs

 1e#sonal affai#s% even t)o(6) t)e co&1lete 1e#sonal )isto#ies of eac) of t)e&% 0e1t (1 to

t)e $ay an$ &in(te% 'as #eco#$e$ in t)e co&1(te# cabinet in t)e co#ne#8 Kestocost

0ne'% beca(se )e )a$ 1ee1e$ at )is o'n #eco#$% (sin6 anot)e# C)iefs na&e% (st sot)at )e co(l$ see ')et)e# seve#al &ino# ille6alities of )is )a$ been #eco#$e$ t)ey )a$

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 been% all e3ce1t fo# t)e bi66est one>)is $eal 'it) t)e cat-6i#l C?&ell>')ic) )e )a$

s(ccessf(lly 0e1t off t)e #eco#$in6 sc#eens8 T)e #eco#$ si&1ly s)o'e$ )i& )avin6 a

na1 at t)e ti&e8 If t)e La$y Ko)anna )a$ any sec#ets% s)e 0e1t t)e& 'ell8

5!y si# an$ collea6(e%5 sai$ s)e% 5I s(s1ect yo( of s)ee# in(isitiveness>a

vice &ost co&&only att#ib(te$ to 'o&en85

5W)en 'e 6et as ol$ as t)is% &y la$y% t)e $iffe#ences in c)a#acte# bet'een &en

an$ 'o&en beco&e i&1e#ce1tible8 If% in$ee$% t)ey eve# e3iste$ in t)e fi#st 1lace8 Yo(

an$ I a#e b#i6)t 1eo1le an$ 'e eac) )ave a 6oo$ nose fo# $an6e# o# $ist(#bance8

Isn?t it li0ely 'e 'o(l$ bot) loo0 (1 so&ebo$y 'it) t)e i&1ossible na&e of Ro$e#ic0 

"#e$e#ic0 Ronal$ A#nol$ Willia& !acA#t)(# !cBan to t)e )(n$#e$-an$-fifty-fi#st

6ene#ation8 ee>I &e&o#ie$ all of itF Don?t yo( t)in0 t)at 'as #at)e# cleve# of &e@5

5Rat)e#%5 sai$ s)e% in a tone ')ic) i&1lie$ s)e $i$n?t8

5I?& e31ectin6 )i& t)is &o#nin685

5Yo( a#e@5 s)e as0e$% on a #isin6 note ')ic) i&1lie$ t)at t)e#e 'asso&et)in6 i&1#o1e# abo(t )is 0no'le$6e8 5T)e#e?s not)in6 abo(t it in t)e &essa6es85

5T)at?s it%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Kestocost% s&ilin6% 5I a##an6e$ fo# !a#s sola# #a$iation

to be ca##ie$ t'o e3t#a $eci&als (ntil )e left8 T)is &o#nin6 it?s bac0 $o'n to t)#ee

$eci&als8 T)at &eans )e?s co&in68 Cleve# of &e% isn?t it@5

5Too cleve#%5 s)e sai$8 5W)y as0 &e@5 I neve# t)o(6)t yo( val(e$ &y o1inion8

Any)o'% ')y a#e yo( ta0in6 all t)ese 1ains 'it) t)e case@ W)y $on?t yo( (st s)i1

)i& o(t so fa# t)at it 'o(l$ ta0e )i& a lon6 lifeti&e% even 'it) st#oon% to 6et bac0 )e#e


He loo0e$ at )e# evenly (ntil s)e fl(s)e$8 He sai$ not)in68

5!y>&y co&&ent 'as i&1#o1e#% I s(11ose85 s)e sta&&e#e$8 5Yo( an$

yo(# sense of (stice8 Yo(?#e al'ays 1(ttin6 t)e #est of (s in t)e '#on685

5I $i$n?t &ean to%5 )e sai$ &il$ly% 5beca(se I a& (st t)in0in6 of Ea#t)8 Di$

yo( 0no' )e o'ns t)is to'e#@5

5Ea#t)1o#t@5 s)e c#ie$8 5I&1ossible85

5Not at all%5 sai$ Kestocost8 5I &yself sol$ it to )is a6ent ten $ays a6o8 "o# fo#ty

&e6ac#e$its "OE &oney8 T)at?s &o#e t)an 'e )a11en to )ave on Ea#t) #i6)t no'8

W)en )e $e1osite$ it% 'e be6an 1ayin6 )i& -1e#cent-a-yea# inte#est8 An$ t)at 'asn?t

all )e bo(6)t f#o& &e8 I sol$ )i& t)at ocean too% #i6)t t)e#e% t)e one t)e ancients calle$Atlantic8 An$ I sol$ )i& t)#ee )(n$#e$ t)o(san$ att#active (n$e#-'o&en t#aine$ in

va#io(s tas0s% to6et)e# 'it) t)e $o'e# #i6)ts of seven )(n$#e$ )(&an 'o&en of 

a11#o1#iate a6es85

5Yo( &ean yo( $i$ all t)is to save t)e Ea#t) t#eas(#y t)#ee &e6ac#e$its a yea#@5

5Wo(l$n?t yo(@ Re&e&be#% t)is is "OE &oney85 )e 1(#se$ )e# li1s8 T)en s)e

 b(#st into a s&ile8 5I neve# sa' anyone else li0e yo(% &y Lo#$ Kestocost8 Yo(?#e t)e

fai#est &an I eve# 0ne' an$ yet yo( neve# fo#6et a little bit &o#e in t)e 'ay of 


5T)at?s not t)e en$ of it%5 sai$ )e 'it) a ve#y c#afty% 1lease$ s&ile8 5Di$ yo(#ea$ A&en$e$ Reve#siona#y c)e$(le seven )(n$#e$ an$ eleven>nineteen> 

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t)i#teen P ')ic) yo( yo(#self vote$ fo# eleven $ays a6o@5

5I loo0e$ at it%5 s)e sai$ $efensively8 5We all $i$8 It 'as so&et)in6 to $o 'it)

Ea#t) f(n$s an$ Inst#(&entality f(n$s8 T)e Ea#t) #e1#esentative $i$n?t co&1lain8 We all

 1asse$ it beca(se 'e t#(ste$ yo(85

5Do yo( 0no' ')at it &eans@5

5"#an0ly% not at all8 Does it )ave anyt)in6 to $o 'it) t)is #ic) ol$ &an% !cBan@5

5Don?t be s(#e%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Kestocost% 5t)at )e?s ol$8 He &i6)t be yo(n68

Any)o'% t)e ta3 sc)e$(le #aises ta3es on 0iloc#e$its ve#y sli6)tly8 !e6ac#e$it ta3es

a#e $ivi$e$ evenly bet'een Ea#t) an$ t)e Inst#(&entality% 1#ovi$e$ t)at t)e o'ne# is

not 1e#sonally o1e#atin6 t)e 1#o1e#ty8 It co&es to one 1e# cent a &ont)8 T)at?s t)e

ve#y s&all ty1e in t)e footnote at t)e botto& of t)e sevent) 1a6e of #ates85

5Yo(>yo( &ean>5 s)e 6as1e$ 'it) la(6)te#% 5t)at by sellin6 t)e 1oo# &an

t)e Ea#t) yo( a#e not only c(ttin6 )i& o(t of t)#ee 1e#cent inte#est a yea#% b(t yo(?#e

c)a#6in6 )i& t'elve 1e#cent ta3es8 Blesse$ #oc0ets% &an% yo(?#e 'ei#$8 I love yo(8Yo(?#e t)e cleve#est% &ost #i$ic(lo(s 1e#son 'e eve# )a$ as a C)ief of t)e

Inst#(&entalityF5 "#o& t)e La$y Ko)anna 2na$e% t)is 'as l(#i$ lan6(a6e in$ee$8

Kestocost $i$ not 0no' ')et)e# to be offen$e$ o# 1lease$8

ince s)e 'as in a #a#e 6oo$ )(&o#% )e $a#e$ to &ention )is )alf-sec#et 1#oect

to )e#4

5Do yo( t)in0% &y la$y% t)at if 'e )ave all t)is (ne31ecte$ c#e$it% 'e co(l$

'aste a little of o(# st#oon i&1o#ts@5

He# la(6) sto11e$8 5On ')at@5 s)e sai$ s)a#1ly8 5On t)e (n$e#1eo1le8 "o# t)e

 best of t)e&855O)% no8 O)% noF Not fo# t)e ani&als% ')ile t)e#e a#e still 1eo1le ')o s(ffe#8

Yo(?#e &a$ to t)in0 of it% &y lo#$85

5I?& &a$%5 )e sai$8 5I?& &a$ all #i6)t8 !a$>fo# (stice8

An$ t)is st#i0es &e as si&1le (stice8 I?& not as0in6 fo# e(al #i6)ts8 !e#ely fo# 

a little &o#e (stice fo# t)e&85

5T)ey?#e (n$e#1eo1le%5 s)e sai$ blan0ly8 5T)ey?#e ani&als5>as t)o(6) t)is

co&&ent settle$ t)e &atte# alto6et)e#8

5Yo( neve# )ea#$% $i$ yo(% &y La$y% of t)e $o6 na&e$ Koan@5 His (estion )el$

a 'ealt) of all(sion8

)e sa' no $e1t) to it% sai$ flatly 5No%5 an$ 'ent bac0 to st($yin6 t)e a6en$a

fo# t)e $ay8 Ten 0ilo&ete#s belo' t)e s(#face of t)e Ea#t)

T)e ol$ en6ines t(#ne$ li0e ti$es8 T)e s&ell of )ot oil 'as on t)e&8 Do'n )e#e

t)e#e 'e#e no l(3(#ies8 Life an$ fles) 'e#e c)ea1e# t)an t#ansisto#s besi$es% t)ey )a$

&(c) less #a$iation to be $etecte$8 In t)e 6#oanin6 $e1t)s% t)e )i$$en an$ fo#6otten

(n$e#1eo1le live$8 T)ey t)o(6)t t)ei# c)ief% t)e E-tele0eli% to be &a6ical8 o&eti&es

)e t)o(6)t so )i&self8

His ')ite )an$so&e face sta#in6 li0e a &a#ble b(st of i&&o#tality% )is

c#(&1le$ 'in6s )(66e$ close to )i& in fati6(e% )e calle$ to )is fi#st-e66 c)il$% t)e 6i#l


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5He co&es% &y $a#lin685

5T)at one% fat)e#@ T)e 1#o&ise$ one85 5T)e #ic) one85

He# eyes 'i$ene$8 )e 'as )is $a(6)te#% b(t s)e $i$ not al'ays (n$e#stan$ )is

 1o'e#s8 5Ho' $o yo( 0no'% fat)e#@5

5If I tell yo( t)e t#(t)% 'ill yo( a6#ee to let &e e#ase it f#o& yo(# &in$ #i6)ta'ay% so t)e#e 'ill be no $an6e# of bet#ayal@5

5Of co(#se% fat)e#85

5No%5 sai$ t)e &a#ble-face$ bi#$-&an% 5yo( &(st say t)e #i6)t 'o#$s+ 5

5I 1#o&ise% fat)e#% t)at if yo( fill &y )ea#t 'it) t)e t#(t)% an$ if &y oy at t)e

t#(t) is f(ll% t)at I 'ill yiel$ to yo( &y &in$% &y ')ole &in$ 'it)o(t fea#% )o1e% o# 

#ese#vation% an$ t)at I 'ill as0 yo( to ta0e f#o& &y &in$ ')ateve# t#(t) o# 1a#ts of t)e

t#(t) &i6)t )(#t o(# 0in$ of 1eo1le% in t)e na&e of t)e "i#st "o#6otten One% in t)e

 Na&e of t)e econ$ "o#6otten One% in t)e Na&e of t)e T)i#$ "o#6otten One% an$ fo# 

t)e sa0e of D?oan ')o& 'e all love an$ #e&e&be#F5He stoo$8 He 'as a tall &an8 His le6s en$e$ in t)e eno#&o(s feet of a bi#$% 'it)

')ite talons s)i&&e#in6 li0e &ot)e# of 1ea#l8 His )(&anoi$ )an$s stoo$ fo#t) f#o& t)e

 oints of )is 'in6s 'it) t)e& )e e3ten$e$ t)e 1#e)isto#ic 6est(#e of blessin6 ove# )e# 

)ea$% ')ile )e c)ante$ t)e t#(t) in a #in6in6 )y1notic voice4

5Let t)e t#(t) be yo(#s% &y $a(6)te#% t)at yo( &ay be ')ole an$ )a11y 'it) t)e

t#(t)8 *no'in6 t)e t#(t)% &y $a(6)te#% 0no' f#ee$o& an$ t)e #i6)t to fo#6etF

5T)e c)il$% &y c)il$% ')o 'as yo(# b#ot)e#% t)e little boy yo( love$+5

5Yee0asooseF5 s)e sai$% )e# voice t#ance-li0e an$ c)il$is)8

5E?i0as(s% ')o& yo( #e&e&be#% 'as c)an6e$ by &e% )is fat)e#% into t)e fo#& of 

a s&all a1e- &an% so t)at t)e t#(e 1eo1le &istoo0 )i& fo# an ani&al% not an

(n$e#1e#son8 T)ey t#aine$ )i& as a s(#6eon an$ sent )i& to t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 He ca&e

'it) t)is yo(n6 &an !cBan to !a#s% ')e#e )e &et C?&ell% ')o& I #eco&&en$e$ to

t)e Lo#$ Kestocost fo# confi$ential e##an$s8 T)ey a#e co&in6 bac0 'it) t)is &an to$ay8

He )as al#ea$y bo(6)t t)e Ea#t)% o# &ost of it8 Pe#)a1s )e 'ill $o (s 6oo$8 Do yo(

0no' ')at yo( s)o(l$ 0no'% &y $a(6)te#@5

5Tell &e% fat)e#% tell &e8 Ho' $o yo( 0no'@5

5Re&e&be# t)e t#(t)% 6i#l% an$ t)en lose itF T)e &essa6es co&e f#o& !a#s8 We

cannot to(c) t)e Bi6 Blin0 o# t)e &essa6e-co$in6 &ac)ines% b(t eac) #eco#$e# )as )iso'n style8 By a s)ift in t)e 1ace of )is 'o#0% a f#ien$ can #elay &oo$s% e&otions% i$eas%

an$ so&eti&es na&es8 T)ey )ave sent &e 'o#$s li0e ?#ic)es% &on0ey% s&all% cat% 6i#l%

eve#yt)in6% 6oo$? by t)e 1itc) an$ s1ee$ of t)ei# #eco#$in68 T)e )(&an &essa6es ca##y

o(#s an$ no c#y1to6#a1)e# in 'o#l$ can fin$ t)e&8

5No' yo( 0no'% an$ yo( 'ill no' no' no' no' fo#6etF5 He #aise$ )is )an$s


E-la&elanie loo0e$ at )i& no#&ally 'it) a )a11y s&ile4 5It?s so s'eet an$

f(nny% $a$$y% b(t I

0no' I?ve (st fo#6otten so&et)in6 6oo$ an$ 'on$e#f(lF5 Ce#e&onially )e sai$%

5Do not fo#6et Koan85 "o#&ally s)e #es1on$e$% 5I s)all neve# fo#6et Koan85 CHAPTER TWEL;E4 T)e Hi6) 0y "lyin6

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Ro$ 'al0e$ to t)e e$6e of t)e little 1a#08 T)is 'as (tte#ly (nli0e any s)i1 )e )a$

eve# seen o# )ea#$ abo(t in No#st#ilia8 T)e#e 'as no noise% no c#a&1in6% no si6n of 

'ea1ons >(st a 1#etty little cabin ')ic) )o(se$ t)e cont#ols% t)e 2o-Ca1tain% t)e

Pinli6)te#s% an$ t)e to1-Ca1tain% an$ t)en a st#etc) of inc#e$ible 6#een 6#ass8 He )a$

'al0e$ on t)is 6#ass f#o& t)e $(sty 6#o(n$ of !a#s8 T)e#e 'as a 1(## an$ a ')is1e#8 A

false bl(e s0y% ve#y bea(tif(l% cove#e$ )i& li0e a cano1y8

He felt st#an6e8 He )a$ ')is0e#s li0e a cat% fo#ty centi&ete#s lon6% 6#o'in6 o(t

of )is (11e# li1% abo(t t'elve ')is0e#s to eac) si$e8 T)e $octo# )a$ colo#e$ )is eyes

'it) b#i6)t 6#een i#ises8 His ea#s #eac)e$ (1 to a 1oint8 He loo0e$ li0e a cat-&an an$ )e

'o#e t)e 1#ofessional clot)in6 of an ac#obat C?&ell $i$ too8

He )a$ not 6otten ove# C?&ell8

)e &a$e eve#y 'o&an in Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia loo0 li0e a sac0 of la#$8 )e 'as

lean% li&be#% s&oot)% &enacin6 an$ bea(tif(l s)e 'as soft to t)e to(c)% )a#$ in )e# 

&otions% (ic0% ale#t% an$ c($$leso&e8 He# #e$ )ai# blae$ 'it) t)e sil0iness of ani&al

fi#e8 )e s1o0e 'it) a so1#ano ')ic) tin0le$ li0e 'il$ bells8 He# ancesto#s an$ancest#esses )a$ been b#e$ to 1#o$(ce t)e &ost se$(ctive 6i#l on Ea#t)8 T)e tas0 )a$

s(ccee$e$8 Even in #e1ose% s)e 'as vol(1t(o(s8 He# 'i$e )i1s an$ s)a#1 eyes invite$

t)e &asc(line 1assions8 He# cat-li0e $an6e#o(sness c)allen6e$ eve#y &an ')o& s)e

&et8 T)e t#(e &en ')o loo0e$ at )e# 0ne' t)at s)e 'as a cat% an$ still co(l$ not 0ee1

t)ei# eyes off )e#8 H(&an 'o&en t#eate$ )e# as t)o(6) s)e 'e#e so&et)in6

$is6#acef(l8 )e t#avele$ as an ac#obat% b(t s)e )a$ al#ea$y tol$ Ro$ !cBan

confi$entially t)at s)e 'as by 1#ofession a 56i#ly6i#l%5 a fe&ale ani&al% s)a1e$ an$

t#aine$ li0e a 1e#son to se#ve as )ostess to off-'o#l$ visito#s% #e(i#e$ by la' an$

c(sto& to invite t)ei# love% ')ile 1#o&ise$ t)e 1enalty of $eat) if s)e acce1te$ it8

Ro$ li0e$ )e#% t)o(6) )e )a$ been 1ainf(lly s)y 'it) )e# at fi#st8 T)e#e 'as no

si$e to )e#% no 1os)% no s'an08 Once s)e 6ot $o'n to b(siness% )e# inc#e$ible bo$y

fa$e$ 1a#t'ay into t)e bac06#o(n$% t)o(6) 'it) t)e si$es of )is eyes )e co(l$ neve# 

(ite fo#6et it% an$ it 'as )e# &in$% )e# intelli6ence% )e# )(&o# an$ 6oo$ )(&o#% ')ic)

ca##ie$ t)e& ac#oss t)e )o(#s an$ $ays t)ey s1ent to6et)e#8 He fo(n$ )i&self t#yin6 to

i&1#ess )e# t)at )e 'as a 6#o'n &an% only to $iscove# 

t)at in t)e s1ontaneo(s% since#e affections of )e# (ic0 cat-)ea#t% s)e $i$ not

ca#e in t)e least ')at )is stat(s 'as8 He 'as si&1ly )e# 1a#tne# an$ t)ey )a$ 'o#0 to

$o to6et)e#8 It 'as )is ob to stay alive an$ it 'as )e# ob to 0ee1 )i& alive8

T)e $octo# ;o&act )a$ tol$ )i& not to s1ea0 to t)e ot)e# 1assen6e#s% not to say

anyt)in6 to eac) ot)e#% an$ to call fo# silence if any of t)e& s1o0e8

T)e#e 'e#e ten ot)e# 1assen6e#s ')o sta#e$ at one anot)e# in (nco&fo#table

a&ae&ent8 Ten in n(&be#% t)ey 'e#e8 All ten of t)e& 'e#e Ro$ !cBan8

Ten i$entifie$ Ro$e#ic0 "#e$e#ic0 Ronal$ A#nol$ Willia& !acA#t)(# 

!cBans to-t)e-one- )(n$#e$-an$-fifty-fi#st% all e3actly ali0e8 A1a#t f#o& C?&ell

)e#self an$ t)e little &on0ey-$octo#% A?6ent(#% t)e only 1e#son on t)e s)i1 ')o 'as not

Ro$ !cBan 'as Ro$ !cBan )i&self8 He )a$ beco&e t)e cat-&an8 T)e ot)e#s see&e$%

eac) by )i&self% to be 1e#s(a$e$ t)at )e alone 'as Ro$ !cBan an$ t)at t)e ot)e# nine

'e#e 1a#o$ies8 T)ey 'atc)e$ eac) ot)e# 'it) a &i3t(#e of 6loo& an$ s(s1icion &i3e$

'it) a&(se&ent% (st as t)e #eal Ro$ !cBan 'o(l$ )ave $one% )a$ )e been in t)ei# 

 1lace8 5One of t)e&%5 sai$ Docto# ;o&act in 1a#tin6% 5is yo(# co&1anion Eleano# f#o&

 No#st#ilia8 T)e ot)e# nine a#e &o(se-1o'e#e$ #obots8 T)ey?#e all co1ie$ f#o& yo(8

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2oo$% e)@5 He co(l$ not conceal )is 1#ofessional satisfaction8

An$ no' t)ey 'e#e all abo(t to see Ea#t) to6et)e#8

C?&ell too0 Ro$ to t)e e$6e of t)e little 'o#l$ an$ sai$ 6ently% 5I 'ant to sin6

T)e To'e# on6? to yo(% (st befo#e 'e s)(t $o'n on t)e to1 of Ea#t)1o#t85 An$ in

)e# 'on$e#f(l voice s)e san6 t)e little ol$ son64

An$ o)F &y love% fo# yo(8 Hi6) bi#$s c#yin6% an$ a Hi6) s0y flyin6% an$ a Hi6)

'in$ $#ivin6% an$ a Hi6) )ea#t st#ivin6% an$ a Hi6) b#ave 1lace fo# yo(F

Ro$ felt a little f(nny% stan$in6 t)e#e% loo0in6 at not)in6% b(t )e also felt

 1leasant 'it) t)e 6i#l?s )ea$ a6ainst )is s)o(l$e# an$ )is a#& enfol$in6 )e#8 )e see&e$

not only to nee$ )i&% b(t to t#(st )i& ve#y $ee1ly8 )e $i$ not feel a$(lt>not self-

i&1o#tant an$ f(ll of (ne31laine$ b(siness8 )e 'as &e#ely a 6i#l% an$ fo# t)e ti&e )is

6i#l8 It 'as 1leasant an$ it 6ave )i& a st#an6e fo#etaste of t)e f(t(#e8

T)e $ay &i6)t co&e ')en )e 'o(l$ )ave a 1e#&anent 6i#l of )is o'n% facin6

not a $ay% b(t life% not a $an6e#% b(t $estiny8 He )o1e$ t)at )e co(l$ be as #ela3e$ an$

fon$ 'it) t)at f(t(#e 6i#l as )e 'as 'it) C?&ell8

C?&ell s(eee$ )is )an$% as t)o(6) in 'a#nin68

He t(#ne$ to loo0 at )e#% b(t s)e sta#e$ a)ea$ an$ no$$e$ 'it) )e# c)in8 5*ee1

'atc)in6%5 s)e sai$% 5st#ai6)t a)ea$8 Ea#t)85

He loo0e$ bac0 at t)e blan0 a#tificial s0y of t)e s)i1?s fo#ce-fiel$8 It 'as a

&onotono(s b(t 1leasant bl(e% conveyin6 $e1t)s ')ic) 'e#e not #eally t)e#e8

T)e c)an6e 'as so fast t)at )e 'on$e#e$ ')et)e# )e )a$ #eally seen it8 In one

&o&ent t)e clea# flat bl(e8

T)en t)e false s0y s1las)e$ a1a#t as t)o(6) it )a$ lite#ally been slas)e$

into eno#&o(s #ibbons% #ibbons in t)ei# t(#n beco&in6 bl(e s1ots an$ $isa11ea#in68

Anot)e# bl(e s0y 'as t)e#e>Ea#t)?s8 !an)o&e8

Ro$ b#eat)e$ $ee1ly8 It 'as )a#$ to believe8 T)e s0y itself 'as not so $iffe#ent

f#o& t)e false 5s0y5 ')ic) )a$ s(##o(n$e$ t)e s)i1 on its t#i1 f#o& !a#s% b(t t)e#e 'as

an aliveness an$ 'etness to it% (nli0e any ot)e# s0y )e )a$ eve# )ea#$ abo(t8

It 'as not t)e si6)t of t)e Ea#t) ')ic) s(#1#ise$ )i&> it 'as t)e s&ell8 He

s($$enly #ealie$ t)at Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia &(st s&ell $(ll% flat% $(sty to Ea#t)&en8

T)is Ea#t) ai# s&elle$ alive8 T)e#e 'e#e t)e o$o#s of 1lants% of 'ate#% of t)in6s

')ic) )e co(l$ not even 6(ess8 T)e ai# 'as co$e$ 'it) a &illion yea#s of &e&o#y8 In

t)is ai# )is 1eo1le )a$ s'(& to &an)oo$% befo#e t)ey con(e#e$ t)e sta#s8 T)e 'etness'as not t)e c)e#is)e$ $a&1 of one of )is cove#e$ canals8 It 'as 'il$ f#ee &oist(#e

')ic) ca&e la$en 'it) t)e in$ications of t)in6s livin6% $yin6% s1#a'lin6% s(i#&in6%

lovin6 'it) an ab(n$ance ')ic) no No#st#ilian co(l$ (n$e#stan$8 No 'on$e# t)e

$esc#i1tions of Ea#t) )a$ al'ays see&e$ fie#ce an$ e3a66e#ate$F W)at 'as st#oon t)at

&en 'o(l$ 1ay 'ate# fo# it>'ate#% t)e 6ive# an$ ca##ie# of life8 T)is 'as )is )o&e% no

&atte# )o' &any 6ene#ations )is 1eo1le )a$ live$ in t)e t'iste$ )ells of Pa#a$ise ;II

o# a&on6 t)e $#y t#eas(#es of Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia8 He too0 a $ee1 b#eat)% feelin6 t)e

 1las&a of ea#t) 1o(# into )i&% t)e (ic0 effl(vi(& ')ic) )a$ &a$e &an8 He s&elle$

Ea#t) a6ain>it 'o(l$ ta0e a lon6 lifeti&e% even 'it) st#oon% befo#e a &an co(l$

(n$e#stan$ all t)ese o$o#s ')ic) ca&e all t)e 'ay (1 to t)e s)i1% ')ic) )ove#e$% as

 1lanofo#&in6 s)i1s (s(ally $i$ not% t'enty-o$$ 0ilo&ete#s above t)e s(#face of t)e 1lanet8

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T)e#e 'as so&et)in6 st#an6e in t)is ai#% so&et)in6 s'eet-clea# to t)e nost#ils%

#ef#es)in6 to t)e s1i#it8 One 6#eat bea(tif(l o$o# ove##o$e all t)e ot)e#s8 W)at co(l$ it


He sniffe$ an$ t)en sai$% ve#y clea#ly% to )i&self% 5altF5 C?&ell #e&in$e$ )i&

t)at )e 'as besi$e )e#8

5Do yo( li0e it% C?#o$@5

5Yes% yes% it?s bette# t)an>5 Wo#$s faile$ )i&8 He loo0e$ at )e#8 He# ea6e#%

 1#etty% co&#a$ely s&ile &a$e )i& feel t)at s)e 'as s)a#in6 eve#y &illi6#a& of )is

$eli6)t8 5B(t ')y%5 )e as0e$% 5$o yo( 'aste salt on t)e ai#@ W)at 6oo$ $oes it $o@5


5Yes>in t)e ai#8 o #ic)% so 'et% so salty8 Is it to clean t)e s)i1 so&e 'ay t)at I

$o not (n$e#stan$@5

5)i1@ We?#e not on t)e s)i1% C?#o$8 T)is is t)e lan$in6 #oof of Ea#t)1o#t85 He

6as1e$8 No s)i1@ T)e#e 'as not a &o(ntain on Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia &o#e t)an si3

0ilo&ete#s above !2L>&ean 6#o(n$ level>an$ t)ese &o(ntains 'e#e all s&oot)%

'o#n% ol$% fol$e$ by i&&ense eons of 'in$ into a 6entle blan0etin6 t)at cove#e$ )is

')ole )o&e 'o#l$8

He loo0e$ a#o(n$8

T)e 1latfo#& 'as abo(t t'o )(n$#e$ &ete#s lon6 by one )(n$#e$ 'i$e8

T)e ten 5Ro$ !cBans5 'e#e tal0in6 to so&e &en in (nifo#&8 "a# at t)e ot)e# 

si$e a stee1le #ose into eye-catc)in6 )ei6)t>1e#)a1s a ')ole )alf-0ilo&ete#8 He loo0e$


T)e#e it 'as>Ol$ Ol$ Ea#t)8

T)e t#eas(#e of 'ate# #eac)e$ befo#e )is ve#y eyes>'ate# by t)e &illions of 

tons% eno(6) to fee$ a 6ala3y of s)ee1% to 'as) an infinity of &en8 T)e 'ate# 'as

 b#o0en by a fe' islan$s on t)e fa# )o#ion to t)e #i6)t8

5Hes1e#i$es%5 sai$ C?&ell% follo'in6 t)e $i#ection of )is 6ae8 5T)ey ca&e (1

f#o& t)e sea ')en t)e Dai&oni b(ilt t)is fo# (s8 "o# 1eo1le% I &ean8 I s)o(l$n?t say ?(s?85

He $i$ not notice t)e co##ection8 He sta#e$ at t)e sea8 Little s1ec0s 'e#e &ovin6

in it% ve#y slo'ly8

He 1ointe$ at one of t)e& 'it) )is fin6e# an$ as0e$ C?&ell% 5A#e t)ose

'et)o(ses@5 5W)at $i$ yo( call t)e&@5

5Ho(ses ')ic) a#e 'et8 Ho(ses ')ic) sit on 'ate#8 A#e t)ose so&e of t)e&@5

5)i1s%5 s)e sai$% not s1oilin6 )is f(n 'it) a $i#ect cont#a$iction8 5Yes% t)ose a#e

s)i1s85 5)i1s@5 )e c#ie$8 5Yo(?$ neve# 6et one of t)ose into s1ace8 W)y call t)e& s)i1s


;e#y 6ently C?&ell e31laine$% 5Peo1le )a$ s)i1s fo# 'ate# befo#e t)ey )a$ s)i1s

fo# s1ace8 I

t)in0 t)e Ol$ Co&&on Ton6(e ta0es t)e 'o#$ fo# s1ace vessel f#o& t)e t)in6s

yo( a#e loo0in6 at85 5I 'ant to see a city%5 sai$ Ro$% 5)o' &e a city85

5It 'on?t loo0 li0e &(c) f#o& )e#e8 We?#e too )i6) (18 Not)in6 loo0s li0e &(c)

f#o& t)e to1 of Ea#t)1o#t8 B(t I can s)o' yo(% any)o'8 Co&e ove# )e#e% $ea#85 W)en

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t)ey 'al0e$ a'ay f#o& t)e e$6e% Ro$ #ealie$ t)at t)e little &on0ey 'as still 'it)

t)e&8 5W)at a#e yo( $oin6 )e#e 'it) (s@5 as0e$ Ro$% not (n0in$ly8

T)e &on0ey?s 1#e1oste#o(s little face '#in0le$ into a 0no'in6 s&ile8 T)e face

'as t)e sa&e as it )a$ been befo#e% b(t t)e e31#ession 'as $iffe#ent>&o#e ass(#e$%

&o#e clea#% &o#e 1(#1osive t)an eve# befo#e8 T)e#e 'as even )(&o# an$ co#$iality in

t)e &on0ey?s voice8

5We ani&als a#e 'aitin6 fo# t)e 1eo1le to finis) t)ei# ent#ance85

We ani&als@ t)o(6)t Ro$8 He #e&e&be#e$ )is f(##y )ea$% )is 1ointe$ ea#s% )is

cat-')is0e#s8 No 'on$e# )e felt at ease 'it) t)is 6i#l an$ s)e 'it) )i&8

T)e ten Ro$ !cBans 'e#e 'al0in6 $o'n a #a&1% so t)at t)e floo# see&e$ to be

s'allo'in6 t)e& slo'ly f#o& t)e feet (18 T)ey 'e#e 'al0in6 in sin6le file% so t)at t)e

)ea$ of t)e lea$in6 one see&e$ to sit bo$iless on t)e floo#% ')ile t)e last one in line )a$

lost not)in6 &o#e t)an )is feet8 It 'as o$$ in$ee$8

Ro$ loo0e$ at C?&ell an$ A?6ent(# an$ as0e$ t)e& f#an0ly% 5W)en 1eo1le )aves(c) a 'i$e% 'et% bea(tif(l 'o#l$% all f(ll of life% ')y s)o(l$ t)ey 0ill &e@5

A?6ent(# s)oo0 )is &on0ey )ea$ sa$ly% as t)o(6) )e 0ne' f(ll 'ell% b(t fo(n$

t)e tellin6 of it ine31#essibly 'ea#iso&e an$ sa$8

C?&ell ans'e#e$% 5Yo( a#e ')o yo( a#e8 Yo( )ol$ i&&ense 1o'e#8 Do yo(

0no' t)at t)is to'e# is yo(#s@5

5!ineF5 )e c#ie$8

5Yo(?ve bo(6)t it% o# so&ebo$y bo(6)t it fo# yo(8 !ost of t)at 'ate# is yo(#s%

too8 W)en yo( )ave t)in6s t)at bi6% 1eo1le as0 yo( fo# t)in6s8 O# t)ey ta0e t)e&

f#o& yo(8 Ea#t) is a bea(tif(l 1lace% b(t I t)in0 it is a $an6e#o(s 1lace% too% fo# off'o#l$e#s li0e yo( ')o a#e (se$ to (st one 'ay of life8 Yo( )ave not ca(se$ all t)e

c#i&e an$ &eanness in t)e 'o#l$% b(t it?s been slee1in6 an$ no' 'a0es (1 fo# yo(85

5W)y fo# &e@5

5Beca(se%5 sai$ A?6ent(#% 5yo(?#e t)e #ic)est 1e#son ')o )as eve# to(c)e$ t)is

 1lanet8 Yo( o'n &ost of it al#ea$y8 !illions of )(&an lives $e1en$ on yo(# t)o(6)ts

an$ yo(# $ecisions85

T)ey )a$ #eac)e$ t)e o11osite si$e of t)e to1 1latfo#&8 He#e% on t)e lan$ si$e%

t)e #ive#s 'e#e all lea0in6 ba$ly8 !ost of t)e lan$ 'as cove#e$ 'it) stea&-clo($s%

s(c) as t)ey sa' on No#st#ilia

')en a cove#e$ canal b(#st o(t of its cove#in68 T)ese clo($s #e1#esente$

incalc(lable t#eas(#es of #ain8 He sa' t)at t)ey 1a#te$ at t)e foot of t)e to'e#8

5Weat)e# &ac)ines%5 sai$ C?&ell8 5T)e cities a#e all cove#e$ 'it) 'eat)e# 

&ac)ines8 Don?t yo( )ave 'eat)e# &ac)ines in Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia@5

5Of co(#se 'e $o%5 sai$ Ro$% 5b(t 'e $on?t 'aste 'ate# by lettin6 it float a#o(n$

in t)e o1en ai# li0e t)at8 It?s 1#etty% t)o(6)8 I 6(ess t)e e3t#ava6ance of it &a0es &e feel

c#itical8 Don?t yo( ea#t) 1eo1le )ave anyt)in6 bette# to $o 'it) yo(# 'ate# t)an to leave

it lyin6 on t)e 6#o(n$ o# )avin6 it float ove# o1en lan$@5

5We?#e not Ea#t) 1eo1le%5 sai$ C?&ell8 5We?#e (n$e#-1eo1le8 I?& a cat-1e#son an$

)e?s &a$e f#o& a1es8 Don?t call (s 1eo1le8 It?s not $ecent85

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5"($6eF5 sai$ Ro$8 5I 'as (st as0in6 a (estion abo(t Ea#t)% not 1este#in6 yo(# 

feelin6s ')en>5

He sto11e$ s)o#t8

T)ey all t)#ee s1(n a#o(n$8

O(t of t)e #a&1 t)e#e ca&e so&et)in6 li0e a &o'in6 &ac)ine8 A )(&an

voice% a &an?s voice% sc#ea&e$ f#o& 'it)in it% e31#essin6 #a6e an$ fea#8

Ro$ sta#te$ to &ove fo#'a#$8 C?&ell sta#te$ to &ove fo#'a#$8

C?&ell )el$ )is a#&% $#a66in6 bac0 'it) all )e# 'ei6)t8 5NoF Ro$% noF NoF5

A?6ent(# slo'e$ )i& $o'n bette# by (&1in6 into )is face% so t)at Ro$ s($$enly

sa' not)in6 b(t a (nive#se of b#o'n belly-f(# an$ felt tiny )an$s 6#i11in6 )is )ai# an$

 1(llin6 it8 He sto11e$ an$ #eac)e$ fo# t)e &on0ey8 A?6ent(# antici1ate$ )i& an$

$#o11e$ to t)e 6#o(n$ befo#e Ro$ co(l$ )it )i&8

T)e &ac)ine 'as #acin6 (1 t)e o(tsi$e of t)e stee1le an$ al&ost $isa11ea#in6

into t)e s0y above8 T)e voice )a$ beco&e t)in8

Ro$ loo0e$ at C?&ell% 5All #i6)t8 W)at 'as it@ W)at?s )a11enin6@5 5T)at?s a

s1i$e#% a 6iant s1i$e#8 It?s 0i$na1in6 o# 0illin6 Ro$ !cBan85 5!e@5 0eene$ Ro$8 5It?$

 bette# not to(c) &e8 I?ll tea# it a1a#t85

5)-)-)F5 sai$ C?&ell8 5<(ietF5 sai$ t)e &on0ey8

5Don?t ?s)-)-)? &e an$ $on?t ?(iet? &e%5 sai$ Ro$8 5I?& not 6oin6 to let t)at

 1oo# bli6)te# s(ffe# on &y acco(nt8 Tell t)at t)in6 to co&e $o'n8 W)at is it% any)o'%

t)is s1i$e#@ A #obot@5

5No%5 sai$ C?&ell% 5an insect85

Ro$ 'as na##o'in6 )is eyes% 'atc)in6 t)e &o'in6 &ac)ine ')ic) )(n6 on t)eo(tsi$e of t)e to'e#8 He co(l$ ba#ely see t)e &an 'it)in its 6#i18 W)en C?&ell sai$

5insect%5 it t#i66e#e$ so&et)in6 in )is &in$8 Hate8 Rev(lsion8 Resistance to $i#t8

Insects on Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia 'e#e s&all% se#ially n(&be#e$ an$ license$8 Even at

t)at% )e felt t)e& to be )is )e#e$ita#y ene&ies8 o&ebo$y )a$ tol$ )i& t)at Ea#t)

insects )a$ $one te##ible t)in6s to t)e No#st#ilians ')en t)ey live$ on Pa#a$ise ;II8

Ro$ yelle$ at t)e s1i$e#% &a0in6 )is voice as lo($ as 1ossible% 5Yo(>co&e> 


T)e filt)y t)in6 on t)e to'e# (ive#e$ 'it) s)ee# s&(6ness an$ see&e$ to b#in6

its &ac)ine- li0e le6s close# to6et)e#% settlin6 $o'n to be co&fo#table8Ro$ fo#6ot )e 'as s(11ose$ to be a cat8 He 6as1e$ fo# ai#8 Ea#t) ai# 'as 'et% b(t

t)in8 He close$ )is eyes fo# a &o&ent o# t'o8 He t)o(6)t )ate% )ate% )ate fo# t)e insect8

T)en )e s)#ie0e$ tele1at)ically% lo($e# t)an )e )a$ eve# s)#ie0e$ at )o&e4

)ate-s1it-s1it-vo&itF $i#t% $i#t% $i#t% e31lo$eF



stin0% colla1se% 1(t#efy% $isa11ea#F


T)e fie#ce #e$ #oa# of )is ina#tic(late s1ie0in6 )(#t even )i&8 He sa' t)e little

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&on0ey fall to t)e 6#o(n$ in a $ea$ faint8 C?&ell 'as 1ale an$ loo0e$ as t)o(6) s)e

&i6)t t)#o' (1 )e# foo$8

He loo0e$ a'ay f#o& t)e& an$ (1 at t)e 5s1i$e#85 Ha$ )e #eac)e$ it@ He )a$8

lo'ly% slo'ly% t)e lon6 le6s &ove$ o(t in s1as&% #eleasin6 t)e &an% ')ose

 bo$y flas)e$ $o'n'a#$8 Ro$?s eyes follo'e$ t)e &ove&ent of 5Ro$ !cBan5 an$ )ec#in6e$ ')en a 'et c#(nc) let )i& 0no' t)at t)e $(1licate of )is o'n bo$y )a$ been

s1las)e$ all ove# t)e )a#$ $ec0 of t)e to'e#% a )(n$#e$ &ete#s a'ay8 He 6lance$ bac0 

(1 at t)e 5s1i$e#85 It sc#a&ble$ fo# 1(#c)ase on t)e to'e# an$ t)en ca#t')eele$

$o'n'a#$8 It too )it t)e $ec0 )a#$ an$ lay t)e#e $yin6% its le6s t'itc)in6 as its

 1e#sonality sli11e$ into its 1#ivate% eve#lastin6 ni6)t8

Ro$ 6as1e$8 5Eleano#8 O)% &aybe t)at?s Eleano#F5 His voice 'aile$8 He sta#te$

to #(n to t)e facsi&ile of )is )(&an bo$y% fo#6ettin6 t)at )e 'as a cat-&an8

C?&ell?s voice 'as as s)a#1 as a )o'l% t)o(6) lo' in tone8 5)(t (1F )(t (1F

tan$ stillF Close yo(# &in$F )(t (1F We?#e $ea$ if yo( $on?t s)(t (1F5

He sto11e$% sta#e$ at )e# st(1i$ly8 T)en )e sa' s)e 'as in &o#tal ea#nest8 He

co&1lie$8 He sto11e$ &ovin68 He $i$ not t#y to tal08 He ca11e$ )is &in$% closin6

)i&self a6ainst tele1at)y (ntil )is b#ainbo3 be6an to ac)e8 T)e little &on0ey% A?6ent(#%

'as c#a'lin6 (1 off t)e floo#% loo0in6 s)a0en an$ sic08 C?&ell 'as still 1ale8

!en ca&e #(nnin6 (1 t)e #a&1% sa' t)e& an$ )ea$e$ to'a#$ t)e&8 T)e#e 'as

t)e beat of 'in6s in t)e ai#8

An eno#&o(s bi#$>no% it 'as an o#nit)o1te#>lan$e$ 'it) its cla's sc#atc)in6

t)e $ec08 A

(nifo#&e$ &an (&1e$ o(t an$ c#ie$% 5W)e#e is )e@5 5He (&1e$ ove#F5 C?&ell


T)e &an sta#te$ to follo' t)e $i#ection of )e# 6est(#e an$ t)en c(t s)a#1ly bac0 

to )e#%

5"oolF5 )e sai$8 5Peo1le can?t (&1 off )e#e8 T)e ba##ie# 'o(l$ )ol$ s)i1s in

 1lace8 W)at $i$ yo( see@5

C?&ell 'as a 6oo$ act#ess8 )e 1#eten$e$ to be 6ettin6 ove# s)oc0 an$ 6as1in6

fo# 'o#$s8 T)e (nifo#&e$ &an loo0e$ at )e# )a(6)tily8

5Cats%5 )e sai$% 5an$ a &on0ey8 W)at a#e yo( $oin6 )e#e@ W)o a#e yo(@5

5Na&e C?&ell% 1#ofession% 6i#ly6i#l% Ea#t)1o#t staff% co&&an$e$ by

Co&&issione# Tea$#in0e#8 T)is>boyf#ien$% no stat(s% na&e C?#o$e#ic0% cas)ie# in ni6)t ban0 $o'n belo'8 Hi&@5 )e no$$e$ at A?6ent(#8 5I $on?t 0no' &(c) abo(t )i&85

5Na&e A?6ent(#8 P#ofession% s(11le&enta#y s(#6eon8 tat(s% ani&al8 I?& not an

(n$e#1e#son8 K(st an ani&al8 I ca&e in on t)e s)i1 f#o& !a#s 'it) t)e $ea$ &an t)e#e

an$ so&e ot)e# t#(e &en ')o loo0e$ li0e )i&% an$ t)ey 'ent $o'n fi#st>5

5)(t (1%5 sai$ t)e (nifo#&e$ &an8 He t(#ne$ to t)e a11#oac)in6 &en an$ sai$%

5Hono#e$ s(bc)ief% e#6eant GM #e1o#tin68 T)e (se# of t)e tele1at)ic 'ea1on )as

$isa11ea#e$8 T)e only t)in6s )e#e a#e t)ese t'o cat-1eo1le% not ve#y b#i6)t% an$ a s&all

&on0ey8 T)ey can tal08 T)e 6i#l says s)e sa' so&ebo$y 6et off t)e to'e#85

T)e s(bc)ief 'as a tall #e$)ea$ 'it) a (nifo#& even )an$so&e# t)an t)ese#6eant?s8 He sna11e$ at C?&ell% 5Ho' $i$ )e $o it@5

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Ro$ 0ne' C?&ell 'ell eno(6) by no' to #eco6nie t)e a#tf(lness of )e# 

 beco&in6 conf(se$% fe&inine an$ inco)e#ent>in a11ea#ance8 Act(ally% s)e 'as in f(ll

cont#ol of t)e sit(ation8 ai$ s)e% babblin64

5He (&1e$% I t)in08 I $on?t 0no' )o'85

5T)at?s i&1ossible%5 sai$ t)e s(bc)ief8 5Di$ yo( see ')e#e )e 'ent@5 )e ba#0e$ at Ro$


Ro$ 6as1e$ at t)e s($$enness of t)e (estion>besi$es% C?&ell )a$ tol$ )i& to

0ee1 (iet8 Bet'een t)ese t'o 1e#e&1to#ies% )e sai$% 5E#>a)>o)>yo( see>5

T)e little &on0ey-s(#6eon inte##(1te$ $#ily% 5i# an$ &aste# s(bc)ief% t)at cat-

&an is not ve#y b#i6)t8 I $o not t)in0 yo( 'ill 6et &(c) o(t of )i&8 Han$so&e% b(t

st(1i$8 t#ictly b#ee$in6 stoc0 


Ro$ 6a66e$ an$ t(#ne$ a little #e$ at t)ese #e&a#0s% b(t )e co(l$ tell f#o& t)e)oo$e$ (ic0 6la#e ')ic) C?&ell s)ot )i& t)at s)e 'ante$ )i& to 6o on bein6 (iet8

)e c(t in8 5I $i$ notice one t)in6% &aste#8 It &i6)t &atte#85

5By t)e Bell an$ Ban0% ani&alF Tell &e%5 c#ie$ t)e s(b-c)ief8 5to1 $eci$in6

')at I o(6)t to 0no'F5

5T)e st#an6e &an?s s0in 'as li6)tly tin6e$ 'it) bl(e85

T)e s(bc)ief too0 a ste1 bac08 His sol$ie#s an$ t)e se#6eant sta#e$ at )i&8 In a

se#io(s% $i#ect 'ay )e sai$ to C?&ell% 5A#e yo( s(#e@5

5No% &y &aste#8 I (st t)o(6)t so85

5Yo( sa' (st one@5 ba#0e$ t)e s(bc)ief8

Ro$% ove#actin6 t)e st(1i$ity% )el$ (1 fo(# fin6e#s8

5T)at i$iot%5 c#ie$ t)e s(bc)ief% 5t)in0s )e sa' fo(# of t)e&8 Can )e co(nt@5 )e

as0e$ C?&ell8 C?&ell loo0e$ at Ro$ as t)o(6) )e 'e#e a )an$so&e beast 'it) not a

 b#ain in )is )ea$8 Ro$

loo0e$ bac0 at )e#% $elibe#ately lettin6 )i&self feel st(1i$8 T)is 'as so&et)in6

')ic) )e $i$ ve#y 'ell% since by neit)e# )ie#in6 no# s1ie0in6 at )o&e% )e )a$ )a$ to sit

t)#o(6) inte#&inable )o(#s of ot)e# 1eo1le?s conve#sation ')en )e 'as little% neve# 

6ettin6 t)e faintest i$ea of ')at it 'as all abo(t8 He )a$ $iscove#e$ ve#y ea#ly t)at if 

)e sat still an$ loo0e$ st(1i$% 1eo1le $i$ not bot)e# )i& by t#yin6 to b#in6 )i& into t)econve#sation% t(#nin6 t)ei# voices on an$ b#ayin6 at )i& as t)o(6) )e 'e#e $eaf8 He

t#ie$ to si&(late t)e fa&ilia# ol$ 1ost(#e an$ 'as #at)e# 1lease$ t)at )e co(l$ &a0e

s(c) a 6oo$ s)o'in6 'it) C?&ell 'atc)in6 )i&8 Even ')en s)e 'as se#io(s% fi6)tin6

fo# t)ei# f#ee$o& an$ 1layin6 6i#l all at once% )e# co#ona of blain6 )ai# &a$e )e# s)ine

fo#t) li0e t)e s(n of 

Ea#t) itself a&on6 all t)ese 1eo1le on t)e 1latfo#&% )e# bea(ty an$ )e# 

intelli6ence &a$e )e# stan$ o(t>cat t)o(6) s)e 'as8 Ro$ 'as not at all s(#1#ise$ t)at

)e 'as ove#loo0e$% 'it) s(c) a vivi$ 1e#sonality ne3t to )i& )e (st 'is)e$ t)at )e

co(l$ be ove#loo0e$ a little &o#e% so t)at )e co(l$ 'an$e# ove# i$ly an$ see ')et)e# 

t)e bo$y 'as Eleano#?s o# one of t)e #obot?s8 If Eleano# )a$ al#ea$y $ie$ fo# )i&% in)e# fi#st fe' &in(tes of t)e bi6 t#eat of seein6 Ea#t)% )e felt t)at )e 'o(l$ neve# fo#6ive

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)i&self as lon6 as )e live$8

T)e tal0 abo(t t)e bl(e &en a&(se$ )i& $ee1ly8 T)ey e3iste$ in No#st#ilian

fol0lo#e% as a #ace of fa#a'ay &a6icians ')o% t)#o(6) science o# )y1notis&% co(l$

#en$e# t)e&selves invisible to ot)e# &en ')eneve# t)ey 'is)e$8 Ro$ )a$ neve# 

tal0e$ 'it) an Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian sec(#ity office# abo(t t)e 1#oble& of 6(a#$in6

t)e st#oon t#eas(#e f#o& attac0s by invisible &en% b(t )e 6at)e#e$% f#o& t)e 'ay

 1eo1le tol$ sto#ies of bl(e &en% t)at t)ey )a$ eit)e# faile$ to s)o' (1 in No#st#ilia o# 

t)at t)e No#st#ilian a(t)o#ities $i$ not ta0e t)e& ve#y se#io(sly8 He 'as a&ae$ t)at

t)e ea#t) 1eo1le $i$ not b#in6 in a co(1le of fi#st-class tele1at)s an$ )ave t)e& s'ee1

t)e $ec0 of t)e to'e# fo# eve#y livin6 t)in6% b(t to ($6e by t)e c)atte# of voices t)at

'as 6oin6 on% an$ t)e 1ee#in6 'it) eyes ')ic) occ(##e$% Ea#t) 1eo1le )a$ fai#ly 'ea0 

senses an$ $i$ not 6et t)in6s $one 1#o&1tly an$ efficiently8

T)e (estion abo(t Eleano# 'as ans'e#e$ fo# )i&8 One of t)e sol$ie#s oine$ t)e

6#o(1% 'aite$ afte# sal(tin6% an$ 'as finally allo'e$ to inte##(1t C?&ell?s an$

A?6ent(#?s en$less 6(essin6 as to )o' &any bl(e &en t)e#e &i6)t )ave been on t)e

to'e#% if t)e#e )a$ been any at all8 T)e s(bc)ief no$$e$ at t)e sol$ie#% ')o sai$% 5Be6to #e1o#t% si# an$ s(bc)ief% t)e bo$y is not a bo$y8 It is (st a #obot ')ic) loo0s li0e a


T)e $ay b#i6)tene$ i&&eas(#ably 'it)in Ro$?s )ea#t8 Eleano# 'as safe%

so&e')e#e f(#t)e# $o'n in t)is i&&ense to'e#8

T)e co&&ent see&e$ to $eci$e t)e yo(n6 office#8 52et a s'ee1in6 &ac)ine an$

a loo0in6 $o6%5 )e co&&an$e$ t)e se#6eant% 5an$ see to it t)at t)is ')ole a#ea is

s'e1t an$ loo0e$ $o'n to t)e last s(a#e &illi&ete#85

5It is $one%5 sai$ t)e sol$ie#8

Ro$ t)o(6)t t)is an o$$ #e&a#0% beca(se not)in6 at all )a$ been $one yet8

T)e s(bc)ief iss(e$ anot)e# co&&an$4 5T(#n on t)e 0ill-s1otte#s befo#e 'e

6o $o'n t)e #a&18 Any i$entity ')ic) is not 1e#fectly clea# &(st be 0ille$

a(to&atically by t)e scannin6 $evice8 Incl($in6 (s%5 )e a$$e$ to )is &en8 5We $on?t

'ant any bl(e &en 'al0in6 #i6)t $o'n into t)e to'e# a&on6 (s85

C?&ell s($$enly an$ #at)e# bol$ly ste11e$ (1 to t)e office# an$ ')is1e#e$ in )is

ea#8 His eyes #olle$ as )e listene$% )e bl(s)e$ a little% an$ t)en )e c)an6e$ )is o#$e#s4

5Cancel t)e 0ill-s1otte#s8 I 'ant t)is ')ole s(a$ to stan$ bo$y-to-bo$y8 I?& so##y%

&en% b(t yo(?#e 6oin6 to )ave to to(c) t)ese (n$e#1eo1le fo# seve#al &in(tes8 I 'ant

t)e& to stan$ so close to (s t)at 'e can be s(#e t)e#e is nobo$y e3t#a snea0in6 into o(# 6#o(185

C?&ell late# tol$ Ro$ t)at s)e )a$ confesse$ to t)e yo(n6 office# t)at s)e &i6)t

 be a &i3e$ ty1e% 1a#t )(&an an$ 1a#t ani&al% an$ t)at s)e 'as t)e s1ecial 6i#ly6i#l of 

t'o Off-ea#t) &a6nates of t)e Inst#(&entality8 )e sai$ s)e t)o(6)t t)at s)e )a$ a

$efinite i$entity b(t 'as not s(#e% an$ t)at t)e 0ill-s1otte#s &i6)t $est#oy )e# if s)e $i$

not yiel$ a co##ect i&a6e as s)e 'ent 1ast t)e&8 T)ey 'o(l$% s)e tol$ Ro$ late#% )ave

ca(6)t any (n$e#&an 1assin6 as a &an% o# any &an 1assin6 as an (n$e#&an% an$

'o(l$ )ave 0ille$ t)e victi& by intensifyin6 t)e &a6netic lay-o(t of )is o'n o#6anic

 bo$y8 T)ese &ac)ines 'e#e $an6e#o(s t)in6s to 1ass% since t)ey occasionally 0ille$

no#&al% le6iti&ate 1eo1le an$ (n$e#1eo1le ')o &e#ely faile$ to 1#ovi$e a clea# foc(s8

T)e office# too0 t)e left fo#'a#$ co#ne# of t)e livin6 #ectan6le of 1eo1le an$

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(n$e#1eo1le8 T)ey fo#&e$ ti6)t #an0s8 Ro$ felt t)e t'o sol$ie#s ne3t to )i& s)($$e# 

as t)ey ca&e into contact

'it) )is 5cat5 bo$y8 T)ey 0e1t t)ei# faces ave#te$ f#o& )i& as t)o(6) )e s&elle$

 ba$ fo# t)e&8 Ro$ sai$ not)in6 )e (st loo0e$ fo#'a#$ an$ 0e1t )is i&1#ession

 1leasantly st(1i$8

W)at follo'e$ ne3t 'as s(#1#isin68 T)e &en 'al0e$ in a st#an6e 'ay% all of 

t)e& &ovin6 t)ei# left le6s in (nison% an$ t)en t)ei# #i6)t le6s8 A?6ent(# co(l$ not

 1ossibly $o t)is% so 'it) a no$ of t)e se#6eant?s a11#oval% C?&ell 1ic0e$ )i& (1 an$

ca##ie$ )i& close to )e# boso&8 ($$enly% 'ea1ons fla#e$8

T)ese% t)o(6)t Ro$% &(st be co(sins of t)e 'ea1ons ')ic) t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y

ca##ie$ a fe' 'ee0s a6o% ')en )e lan$e$ )is s)i1 on &y 1#o1e#ty8 He #e&e&be#e$

Ho11e#% )is 0nife (ive#in6 li0e t)e )ea$ of a sna0e% t)#eatenin6 t)e life of t)e Lo#$

Re$la$y an$ )e #e&e&be#e$ t)e s($$en silent b(#st% t)e blac0 oily s&o0e% an$ t)e

6loo&y Bill loo0in6 at t)e c)ai# ')e#e )is 1al )a$ e3iste$ a &o&ent a6o8

T)ese 'ea1ons s)o'e$ a little li6)t% (st a little% b(t t)ei# fo#ce 'as bet#aye$ by

t)e b(in6 of t)e floo# an$ t)e a6itation of t)e $(st8

5Close in% &enF Ri6)t (1 to yo(# o'n feetF Don?t let a bl(e &an t)#o(6)F5

s)o(te$ t)e s(bc)ief8

T)e &en co&1lie$8

T)e ai# be6an to s&ell f(nny an$ b(#ne$8

T)e #a&1 'as clea# of life e3ce1t fo# t)ei# o'n8 W)en t)e #a&1 s'(n6 a#o(n$ a

co#ne#% Ro$ 6as1e$8

T)is 'as t)e &ost eno#&o(s #oo& )e )a$ eve# seen8 It cove#e$ t)e enti#e to1 of Ea#t)1o#t8 He co(l$ not even be6in to 6(ess )o' &any )ecta#es it 'as% b(t a s&all fa#&

co(l$ )ave been acco&&o$ate$ on it8 T)e#e 'e#e fe' 1eo1le t)e#e8 T)e &en b#o0e

#an0s at a co&&an$ of t)e s(bc)ief8 T)e office# 6la#e$ at t)e cat-&an Ro$% t)e cat-6i#l

C?&ell an$ t)e a1e A?6ent(#4

5Yo( stan$ #i6)t ')e#e yo( a#e till I co&e bac0F5 T)ey stoo$% sayin6 not)in68

C?&ell an$ A?6ent(# too0 t)e 1lace fo# 6#ante$8

Ro$ sta#e$ as t)o(6) )e 'o(l$ $#in0 (1 t)e 'o#l$ 'it) )is eyes8 In t)is one

eno#&o(s #oo&% t)e#e 'as &o#e anti(ity an$ 'ealt) t)an all Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia

 1ossesse$8 C(#tains of an inc#e$ibly #ic) &ate#ial s)i&&e#e$ $o'n f#o& t)e t)i#ty-

&ete# ceilin6 so&e of t)e& see&e$ to be $i#ty an$ in ba$ #e1ai#% b(t a sin6le one of t)e&% afte# 1ayin6 t)e :9%999%999J i&1o#t $(ty% 'o(l$ cost &o#e t)an any Ol$ No#t)

A(st#alian co(l$ affo#$ to 1ay8 T)e#e 'e#e c)ai#s an$ tables )e#e an$ t)e#e% so&e of 

t)e& 6oo$ eno(6) to $ese#ve a 1lace in t)e !(se(& of !an on Ne' !a#s8 He#e

t)ey 'e#e &e#ely (se$8 T)e 1eo1le $i$ not see& any t)e )a11ie# fo# )avin6 all t)is

'ealt) a#o(n$ t)e&8 "o# t)e fi#st ti&e% Ro$ 6ot a 6li&1se of ')at s1a#tan self-i&1ose$

 1ove#ty )a$ $one to &a0e life 'o#t)')ile at )o&e8 His 1eo1le $i$ not )ave &(c)%

')en t)ey co(l$ )ave c)a#te#e$ en$less a#6osies of t#eas(#e% inbo(n$ f#o& all 'o#l$s to

t)ei# o'n 1lanet% in e3c)an6e fo# t)e life- 1#olon6in6 st#oon8 B(t if t)ey )a$ been

)ea1e$ 'it) t#eas(#e t)ey 'o(l$ )ave a11#eciate$ not)in6 an$ 'o(l$ )ave en$e$ (1

 1ossessin6 not)in68 He t)o(6)t of )is o'n little collection of )i$$en anti(ities8 He#e

on Ea#t) it 'o(l$ not )ave fille$ a $(stbin% b(t in t)e tation of Doo& it co(l$ affo#$

)i& connoisse(#s)i1 as lon6 as )e live$8

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T)e t)o(6)t of )is )o&e &a$e )i& 'on$e# ')at Ol$ Hot an$ i&1le% t)e

Hon8 ec8% &i6)t be $oin6 'it) )is a$ve#sa#y on Ea#t)8 5It?s a lon6% lon6 'ay to #eac)

)e#el5 )e t)o(6)t to )i&self8

C?&ell $#e' )is attention by 1l(c0in6 at )is a#&8

5Hol$ &e%5 co&&an$e$ s)e% 5beca(se I a& af#ai$ I &i6)t fall $o'n an$

Yee0asoose is not st#on6 eno(6) to )ol$ &e85

Ro$ 'on$e#e$ ')o Yee0asoose &i6)t be% ')en only t)e little &on0ey

A?6ent(# 'as 'it) t)e& )e also 'on$e#e$ ')y C?&ell s)o(l$ nee$ to be )el$8

 No#st#ilian $isci1line )a$ ta(6)t )i& not to (estion o#$e#s in an e&e#6ency8 He )el$


)e s($$enly sl(&1e$ as t)o(6) s)e )a$ fainte$ o# )a$ 6one to slee18 He )el$

)e# 'it) one a#& an$ 'it) )is f#ee )an$ )e ti11e$ )e# )ea$ a6ainst )is s)o(l$e# so t)at

s)e 'o(l$ loo0 as t)o(6) s)e 'e#e 'ea#y an$ affectionate% not (nconscio(s8 It 'as

 1leasant to )ol$ )e# little fe&ale bo$y% ')ic) felt f#a6ile an$ $elicate beyon$ belief8He# )ai#% $isa##aye$ an$ 'in$-blo'n% still ca##ie$ t)e s&ell of t)e salty sea ai# ')ic)

)a$ so s(#1#ise$ )i& an )o(# a6o8 )e )e#self% )e t)o(6)t% 'as t)e 6#eatest t#eas(#e of 

Ea#t) ')ic) )e )a$ yet seen8 B(t s(11ose )e $i$ )ave )e#@ W)at co(l$ )e $o 'it) )e# 

in Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia@ Un$e#1eo1le 'e#e co&1letely fo#bi$$en% e3ce1t fo# &ilita#y

(ses (n$e# t)e e3cl(sive cont#ol of t)e Co&&on'ealt) 6ove#n&ent8 He co(l$ not

i&a6ine C?&ell $i#ectin6 a &o'in6 &ac)ine as s)e 'al0e$ ac#oss a 6iant s)ee1%

s)ea#in6 it8 T)e i$ea of )e# sittin6 (1 all ni6)t 'it) a lonely o# f#i6)tene$ s)ee1-

&onste# 'as itself #i$ic(lo(s8 )e 'as a 1lay6i#l% an o#na&ent in )(&an fo#& fo# s(c)

as )e#% t)e#e 'as no 1lace (n$e# t)e co&fo#table 6#ay s0ies of )o&e8 He# bea(ty

'o(l$ fa$e in t)e $#y ai# )e# int#icate &in$ 'o(l$ t(#n so(# 'it) t)e 'ea#y

en$lessness of a fa#& c(lt(#e4 1#o1e#ty% #es1onsibility% $efense% self-#eliance% sob#iety8

 Ne' !elbo(#ne 'o(l$ loo0 li0e a collection of #($e s)ac0s to )e#8

He #ealie$ t)at )is feet 'e#e 6ettin6 col$8 U1 on t)e $ec0 t)ey )a$ )a$ s(nli6)t

to 0ee1 t)e& 'a#&% even t)o(6) t)e c)ill salty 'et ai# of Ea#t)?s &a#velo(s 5seas5 'as

 blo'in6 a6ainst t)e&8 He#e% insi$e% it 'as &e#ely )i6) an$ col$% ')ile still 'et )e )a$

neve# enco(nte#e$ 'et col$ befo#e% an$ it 'as a st#an6ely (nco&fo#table e31e#ience8

C?&ell ca&e to an$ s)oo0 )e#self to 'a0ef(lness (st as t)ey sa' t)e office# 

'al0in6 to'a#$ t)e& f#o& t)e ot)e# en$ of t)e i&&ense #oo&8

Late#% s)e tol$ )i& ')at s)e )a$ e31e#ience$ ')en s)e la1se$ into


"i#st% s)e )a$ )a$ a call ')ic) s)e co(l$ not e31lain8 T)is )a$ &a$e )e# 'a#n

Ro$8 5Yee0asoose5 'as% of co(#se E-i0as(s% t)e #eal na&e of t)e 5&on0ey5 ')ic) )e

calle$ A?6ent(#8

T)en% as s)e felt )e#self s'i&&in6 a'ay into )alf-slee1 'it) Ro$?s st#on6 a#&

a#o(n$ )e#% s)e )a$ )ea#$ t#(&1ets 1layin6% (st t'o o# t)#ee of t)e&% 1layin6 $iffe#ent

 1a#ts to t)e sa&e int#icate% lovely 1iece of &(sic% so&eti&es in solos% so&eti&es

to6et)e#8 If a )(&an o# #obot tele1at) )a$ 1ee1e$ )e# &in$ ')ile s)e listene$ to t)e

&(sic% t)e i&1#ession 'o(l$ )ave been t)at of a 1e#ce1tive c?6i#l ')o )a$ lin0e$

)e#self 'it) one of t)e &any tele1at)ic ente#tain&ent c)annels ')ic) fille$ t)e s1ace of 

Ea#t) Itself8

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Last% t)e#e ca&e t)e &essa6es8 T)ey 'e#e not enco$e$ in t)e &(sic in any

'ay ')ateve#8 T)e &(sic ca(se$ t)e i&a6es to fo#& in )e# &in$ beca(se s)e 'as

C?&ell% )e#self% (ni(e% in$ivi$(al8 Pa#tic(la# f(6(es% o# even in$ivi$(al notes #eac)e$

into )e# &e&o#y an$ e&otions% ca(sin6 )e# &in$ to b#in6 (1 ol$% )alf-fo#6otten

associations8 "i#st s)e t)o(6)t of 5Hi6) bi#$s flyin6+5 as in t)e son6 ')ic) s)e )a$

s(n6 to Ro$8 T)en s)e sa' eyes% 1ie#cin6 eyes ')ic) blae$ 'it) 0no'le$6e ')ile t)eystaye$ &oist 'it) )(&ility8 T)en s)e s&elle$ t)e st#an6e o$o#s of Do'n$ee1-

$o'n$ee1% t)e 'o#0-city ')e#e t)e (n$e#1eo1le &aintaine$ t)e civiliation on t)e

s(#face an$ ')e#e so&e ille6al (n$e#1eo1le l(#0e$% ove#loo0e$ by t)e a(t)o#ity of &an8

"inally s)e sa' Ro$ )i&self% st#i$in6 off t)e $ec0 'it) )is lo1in6 No#st#ilian 'al08 It

a$$e$ (1 si&1ly8 )e 'as to b#in6 Ro$ to t)e fo#6otten% fo#lo#n% fo#bi$$en c)a&be#s of 

t)e Na&eless One% an$ to $o so 1#o&1tly8 T)e &(sic in )e# )ea$ sto11e$% an$ s)e 'o0e

(18 T)e office# a##ive$8

He loo0e$ at t)e& in(isitively an$ an6#ily8 5T)is ')ole b(siness is f(nny8 T)e

actin6 Co&&issione# $oes not believe t)at t)e#e a#e any bl(e &en8 We?ve all )ea#$ of 

t)e&8 An$ yet 'e 0no' so&ebo$y set off a tele1at)ic e&otion-bo&b8 T)at #a6eFHalf t)e 1eo1le in t)is #oo& fell $o'n ')en it 'ent off8 T)ose 'ea1ons a#e

co&1letely 1#o)ibite$ fo# (se insi$e t)e Ea#t)?s at&os1)e#e85

He coc0e$ )is )ea$ at t)e&8

C?&ell #e&aine$ 1#($ently silent% Ro$ 1#actice$ loo0in6 t)o#o(6)ly st(1i$% an$

A?6ent(# loo0e$ li0e a b#i6)t% )el1less little &on0ey8

5"(nnie# still%5 sai$ t)e office#8 5T)e Actin6 Co&&issione# 6ot o#$e#s to let yo(

6o8 He 6ot t)e& ')ile )e 'as c)e'in6 &e o(t8 Ho' $oes anybo$y 0no' t)at yo(

(n$e#1eo1le a#e )e#e@ W)o a#e yo(% any)o'@5

He loo0e$ at t)e& 'it) c(#iosity fo# a &in(te% b(t t)en t)e c(#iosity fa$e$ 'it)

t)e 1#ess(#e of )is lifelon6 )abits8

He sna11e$% 5W)o ca#es@ 2et alon68 2et o(t8 Yo(?#e (n$e#1eo1le an$ yo(?#e

not allo'e$ to stan$ in t)is #oo&% any)o'85

He t(#ne$ )is bac0 on t)e& an$ 'al0e$ a'ay8

5W)e#e a#e 'e 6oin6@5 ')is1e#e$ Ro$% )o1in6 C?&ell 'o(l$ say t)at )e co(l$

6o $o'n to t)e s(#face an$ see Ol$ Ea#t) Itself8

5Do'n to t)e botto& of t)e 'o#l$% an$ t)en>5 )e bit )e# li18 5+ an$ t)en%

&(c) f(#t)e# $o'n8 I )ave inst#(ctions855Can?t I ta0e an )o(# an$ loo0 at Ea#t)@5 as0e$ Ro$8 5Yo( stay 'it) &e% of 


5W)en $eat) is (&1in6 a#o(n$ (s li0e 'il$ s1a#0s@ Of co(#se not8 Co&e alon6%

Ro$8 Yo(?ll 6et yo(# f#ee$o& so&e ti&e soon% if so&ebo$y $oesn?t 0ill yo( fi#st8

Yee0asoose% yo( lea$ t)e 'ayF5

T)ey 'al0e$ only a fe' ste1s% t)en sto11e$ s)o#t8 He sto11e$ s)o#t8

T)ey all t)#ee s1(n a#o(n$8

A &an face$ t)e&>a tall &an% cla$ in fo#&al 6a#&ents% )is face 6lea&in6 'it)

intelli6ence% co(#a6e% 'is$o& an$ a ve#y s1ecial 0in$ of ele6ance8

5I a& 1#oectin6%5 sai$ )e8

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5Yo( 0no' &e%5 )e sai$ to C?&ell8 5!y lo#$ KestocostF5

5Yo( 'ill slee1%5 )e co&&an$e$ A?6ent(#% an$ t)e little &on0ey c#(&1le$ into a

)ea1 of f(# on t)e $ec0 of t)e to'e#8

5I a& t)e Lo#$ Kestocost% one of t)e Inst#(&entality%5 sai$ t)e st#an6e &an%

5an$ I a& 6oin6 to s1ea0 to yo( at ve#y )i6) s1ee$8 It 'ill see& li0e &any &in(tes% b(t it 'ill only ta0e secon$s8 It is necessa#y fo# yo( to 0no' yo(# fate85

5Yo( &ean &y f(t(#e@5 sai$ Ro$ !cBan8 5I t)o(6)t t)at yo(% o# so&ebo$y else%

)a$ it all a##an6e$85

5We can $is1ose% b(t 'e cannot a##an6e8 I )ave tal0e$ to t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y8 I

)ave 1lans fo# yo(8 Pe#)a1s t)ey 'ill 'o#0 o(t85

A sli6)t f#o'nin6 s&ile c#osse$ t)e face of t)e $istin6(is)e$ &an8 Wit) )is left

)an$ )e 'a#ne$ C?&ell to $o not)in68 T)e bea(tif(l cat-6i#l sta#te$ to ste1 fo#'a#$

an$ t)en obeye$ t)e i&1e#io(s 6est(#e% sto11e$% an$ &e#ely 'atc)e$8

T)e Lo#$ Kestocost $#o11e$ to one 0nee8 He bo'e$ 1#o($ly an$ f#eely% 'it))is )ea$ )el$ )i6) an$ )is face tilte$ (1'a#$ ')ile )e sta#e$ $i#ectly at Ro$ !cBan8

till 0neelin6% )e sai$ ce#e&onio(sly% 5o&e $ay% yo(n6 &an% yo( 'ill

(n$e#stan$ ')at yo( a#e no' seein68 T)e Lo#$ Kestocost% ')ic) is &yself% )as bo'e$ to

no &an o# 'o&an since t)e $ay of )is initiation8 T)at 'as &o#e ti&e a6o t)an I li0e to

#e&e&be#8 B(t I bo' f#eely to t)e &an ')o )as bo(6)t Ea#t)8 I offe# yo( &y f#ien$s)i1

an$ &y )el18 I offe# bot) of t)ese 'it)o(t &ental #ese#vation8 No' I stan$ (1 an$ I

6#eet yo( as &y yo(n6e# co&#a$e85

He stoo$ e#ect an$ #eac)e$ fo# Ro$?s )an$8 Ro$ s)oo0 )an$s 'it) )i&% still


5Yo( )ave seen t)e 'o#0 of so&e of t)e 1eo1le ')o 'ant yo( $ea$8 I )ave

)a$ a )an$ in 6ettin6 yo( t)#o(6) t)at an$ I &i6)t tell yo( t)at t)e &an ')o sent

t)e s1i$e# 'ill #e6#et ve#y $ee1ly an$ ve#y lon6 t)at )e $i$ it8 Ot)e# 1eo1le 'ill t#y to

)(nt yo( $o'n fo# ')at yo( )ave $one o# fo# ')at yo( a#e8 I a& 'illin6 fo# yo( to

save so&e of yo(# 1#o1e#ty an$ all of yo(# life8 Yo( 'ill )ave e31e#iences ')ic) yo(

'ill t#eas(#e>if yo( live t)#o(6) t)e&8

5Yo( )ave no c)ance at all 'it)o(t &e8 I?ll co##ect t)at8 Yo( )ave one c)ance in

ten t)o(san$ of co&in6 o(t alive8

5Wit) &e% if yo( obey &e t)#o(6) C?&ell% yo(# c)ances a#e ve#y 6oo$ in$ee$8!o#e t)an one t)o(san$ to one in yo(# favo#8 Yo( 'ill live>5

5B(t &y &oneyF5 Ro$ s1ie0e$ 'il$ly 'it)o(t 0no'in6 t)at )e $i$ it8

5Yo(# &oney is on Ea#t)8 It is Ea#t)%5 s&ile$ t)e 'ise% 1o'e#f(l ol$ official8

5It is bein6 ta3e$ at eno#&o(s #ates8 T)is is yo(# fate% yo(n6 &an8 Re&e&be# it% an$

 be #ea$y to obey it8 W)en I lift &y )an$% #e1eat afte# &e8 Do yo( (n$e#stan$@5

Ro$ no$$e$8 He 'as not af#ai$% e3actly% b(t so&e (n0no'n co#e 'it)in )i& )a$

 be6(n to #a$iate ani&al te##o#8 He 'as not af#ai$ of ')at &i6)t )a11en to )i&self )e

'as af#ai$ of t)e st#an6e% 'il$ fie#ceness of it all8 He )a$ neve# 0no'n t)at &an o# boy

co(l$ be so (tte#ly alone8

T)e loneliness of t)e o1en o(tbac0 at )o&e 'as 1)ysical8 T)is loneliness

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)a$ &illions of 1eo1le a#o(n$ )i&8 He felt t)e 1ast c#o'$in6 (1 as t)o(6) it 'e#e

alive in its o'n #i6)t8 T)e cat- 6i#l besi$e )i& co&fo#te$ )i& a little )e )a$ &et )e# 

t)#o(6) Docto# ;o&act to ;o&act )e )a$ been sent by Re$la$y an$ Re$la$y 0ne' )is

o'n $ea# )o&e8 T)e lin0a6e 'as t)e#e% t)o(6) it 'as #e&ote8

In f#ont of )i& t)e#e 'as no lin0a6e at all8

He stoo$% in )is o'n &in$% on a 1#eci1ice of t)e 1#esent% sta#in6 $o'n at t)e

co&1le3 ine31licable i&&ensity of Ea#t)?s 1ast8 T)is 'as t)e 1lace t)at all 1eo1le

'e#e f#o&8 In t)ose oceans t)ey )a$ c#a'le$ in t)e sli&e f#o& t)ose salt% #ic) seas

t)ey )a$ cli&be$ to t)at lan$ fa# belo' )i& on t)at lan$ t)ey )a$ c)an6e$ f#o&

ani&als into &en befo#e t)ey )a$ seie$ t)e sta#s8 T)is 'as )o&e itself% t)e )o&e of all

&en% an$ it co(l$ s'allo' )i& (18

T)e 'o#$-t)o(6)ts ca&e fast o(t of t)e Lo#$ Kestocost?s &in$% $i#ectly into )is

o'n8 It 'as as t)o(6) Kestocost )a$ fo(n$ so&e 'ay a#o(n$ )is i&1e$i&ent an$ )a$

t)en $is#e6a#$e$ it8

5T)is is Ol$ Ea#t) Itself% f#o& ')ic) yo( 'e#e b#e$ an$ to ')ic) all &en #et(#nin t)ei# t)o(6)ts if not in t)ei# bo$ies8 T)is is still t)e #ic)est of t)e 'o#l$s% t)o(6) its

'ealt) is &eas(#e$ in t#eas(#es an$ &e&o#ies% not in st#oon8

5!any &en )ave t#ie$ to #(le t)is 'o#l$8 A ve#y fe' )ave $one it fo# a little

')ile85 Une31ecte$ly% t)e Lo#$ Kestocost lifte$ )is #i6)t )an$8 Wit)o(t 0no'in6 ')y

)e $i$ it% Ro$

#e1eate$ t)e last sentence8

5A ve#y fe' &en )ave 6ove#ne$ t)e 'o#l$ fo# a little ')ile85 5T)e

Inst#(&entality )as &a$e t)at i&1ossible85

T)e #i6)t )an$ 'as still in t)e co&&an$in6 5(15 1osition% so Ro$ #e1eate$% 5T)e

Inst#(&entality )as &a$e t)at i&1ossible85

5An$ no' yo(% Ro$ !cBan of Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia% a#e t)e fi#st to o'n it85 T)e

)an$ 'as still #aise$8

5An$ no' I% Ro$ !cBan% of Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia% a& t)e fi#st to o'n it85 T)e

)an$ $#o11e$% b(t t)e Lo#$ s1ie0e$ on8

52o fo#'a#$% t)en% 'it) $eat) a#o(n$ yo(8 52o fo#'a#$% t)en% to yo(# )ea#t?s


52o fo#'a#$% 'it) t)e love yo( 'ill 'in an$ lose8

52o fo#'a#$% to t)e 'o#l$% an$ to t)at ot)e# 'o#l$ (n$e# t)e 'o#l$8 52o fo#'a#$%

to 'il$ a$vent(#es an$ a safe #et(#n85Be 'atc)f(l of C?&ell8 )e 'ill be &y eyes (1on yo(% &y a#& a#o(n$ yo(# 

s)o(l$e#s% &y a(t)o#ity (1on yo(# 1e#son b(t 6o8

52o85 U1 'ent t)e )an$8 52o+5 sai$ Ro$8

T)e Lo#$ vanis)e$8

C?&ell 1l(c0e$ at )is sleeve8 5Yo(# t#i1 is ove#% &y )(sban$8 No' 'e ta0e Ea#t)

itself85 oftly an$ (ic0ly t)ey #an to t)e ste1s ')ic) 'ent to (ni&a6inable Ea#t) belo'

t)e&8 Ro$ !cBan )a$ co&e to t)e f(lfil&ent of )is c)ance an$ )is in)e#itance8


Ho' Ro$ !cBan CLI too0 )is c)ance an$ enoye$ )is in)e#itance is% of co(#se%

i&1licit in all t)at )e )a$ $one an$ )a$ been $one to )i& (1 to )is &eetin6 'it) t)e

Lo#$ Kestocost8 T)e $etails of )o' it all 'o#0e$ o(t a#e $o(btless fascinatin6 an$ 'ill

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$o(btless be tol$ late#% b(t t)e #eason fo# t)is c)#onicle en$s no' t)at t)e 1laye#s )ave

&a$e t)e &oves t)at 'ill $ete#&ine t)e o(tco&e8

One 1iece #e&ains to be #e&ove$ f#o& t)e boa#$ fi#st% t)o(6)8 Ol$ No#t)

A(st#alia% A$&8 Offices of t)e Co&&on'ealt)

5Yo(% fo#&e# Hon8 ec8 of t)is 6ove#n&ent% a#e c)a#6e$ 'it) 6oin6 o(tsi$e t)e

li&its of yo(# Onsec0is) $(ties an$ of atte&1tin6 to co&&it &ay)e& o# &(#$e# (1on

t)e 1e#son of one of He# Absent !aesty?s s(bects% t)e sai$ s(bect bein6 Ro$e#ic0 

"#e$e#ic0 Ronal$ A#nol$ Willia& !acA#t)(# !cBan to t)e one-)(n$#e$-an$-fifty-fi#st

6ene#ation an$ yo( a#e f(#t)e# c)a#6e$ 'it) t)e ab(se of an official inst#(&ent of t)is

Co&&on'ealt) 6ove#n&ent in $esi6nin6 an$ enco&1assin6 t)e sai$ (nla'f(l 1(#1ose%

to 'it% one &(tate$ s1a##o'% se#ial n(&be# 9,/M% s1ecialty n(&be# ::G:G%

'ei6)in6 fo#ty-one 0ilo6#a&s an$ )avin6 a &oneta#y val(e of .G &inic#e$its8 W)at

say yo(@5

Ho(6)ton y&e C=LI= b(#ie$ )is face in )is )an$s an$ sobbe$8 T)e P#e$iction

!ac)ine at t)e Abba Din6o

Kestocost 'as t)e only Lo#$ of t)e Inst#(&entality ')o )a$ bot)e#e$ to 1(tt)#o(6) a $i#ect line to t)e 1#e$iction &ac)ine at t)e Abba Din6o% )alf'ay (1 t)e

i&&ense col(&n ')ic) s(11o#te$ Ea#t)1o#t8 !ost of t)e ti&e t)e &ac)ine $i$ not 'o#0 

at all &(c) of t)e #est 'as (nintelli6ible% b(t Kestocost li0e$ t#yin6 it any)o'8

T)e ni6)t of Ro$?s a##ival )e as0e$% 5W)at is )a11enin6 in t)e 'o#l$@5 ai$ t)e

&ac)ine% 5W)at@ W)at@ Be clea#85

5Has anyt)in6 sta#te$ )a11enin6 in t)e 'o#l$ to$ay@5 s)o(te$ Kestocost8

T)e#e 'as a lon6 $elay8 Kestocost t)o(6)t of $isconnectin6% b(t finally t)e

&ac)ine s1o0e% in t)e accents of a6es 1ast% 5T)is-&ac)ine is col$% col$8 T)is-&ac)ine is

ol$% ol$8 It is )a#$ to tell8 It is )a#$ to 0no'8 B(t so&et)in6 )as be6(n to )a11en8o&et)in6 st#an6e% li0e t)e fi#st fe' $#o1s of an i&&ense #ainsto#&% li0e t)e tiny 6lo'

of an a11#oac)in6 co&et8 C)an6e is co&in6 to t)is 'o#l$8 It is not c)an6e ')ic)

'ea1ons can sto18 T)is c)an6e ')is1e#s in li0e a fo#6otten $#ea&8 !aybe it 'ill be

6oo$8 C)an6e% c)an6e+ at t)e cente# of it all% t)e#e is a boy8 One boy8 T)is-&ac)ine

cannot see )i&+5

T)e#e 'as a lon6 silence8 Kestocost finally 0ne' t)at t)e &ac)ine )a$ not)in6

&o#e to say8 He c(t t)e connection8 An$ t)en% ve#y $ee1ly% )e si6)e$8

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The Underpeople

by Cordwainer Smith

(Seond part of Norstrilia Original)

The Underpeople

by Cordwainer Smith






"i#st 1#intin6% Nove&be#% ,. T)is boo0 is fiction8 No #ese&blance is inten$e$

 bet'een any c)a#acte# )e#ein an$ any 1e#son% livin6 o# $ea$ any s(c) #ese&blance is

 1(#ely coinci$ental8 Co1y#i6)t ,. by 2enevieve Lineba#6e# PYRA!ID BOO* a#e

 1(blis)e$ by Py#a&i$ P(blications% Inc8 /// !a$ison Aven(e% Ne' Yo#0% Ne' Yo#0 

,99::% U88A8


YOU !AY HA;E EEN t)e &(sical 1lay ')ic) 'as '#itten abo(t t)e

conf#ontation of Ro$ !cBan% t)e boy ')o )a$ bo(6)t Ea#t)% an$ t)e La$y Ko)anna

2na$e% 1#o($est an$ &ost self- 'ille$ of all t)e Lo#$s of t)e Inst#(&entality8 It 'as

not a ve#y lon6 1lay8 In$ee$% a&on6 t)e &any 1lays an$ balla$s t)at 'e#e co&1ose$

abo(t Ro$e#ic0 "#e$e#ic0 Ronal$ A#nol$ Willia& !acA#t)(# !cBan t)e )(n$#e$ an$

fifty-fi#st% t)is s)o#t $#a&a 'as c)a#acte#ie$ by econo&y of fo#&% (n$e#state&ent of 

t)e $#a&atic ele&ents an$ t)e 6ene#o(s (se of &(sic8 Peo1le #e&e&be#e$ t)e &(siceven ')en t)ey fo#6ot ')ic) 1lay it ca&e f#o&8 T)en t)e Inst#(&entality ste11e$ in

an$ o#$e#e$ t)at t)e 1lay be 'it)$#a'n% 6#a$(ally an$ i&1e#ce1tibly% on t)e 6#o(n$ t)at

t)e &(sic 'as licentio(s8 Unfo#t(nately% it 'as8 Ol$ &(sic f#o& t)e "i#st 1ace A6e )as

a #eal ten$ency to co##(1t 1eo1le of o(# o'n ti&e8 Yo( can?t 1ic0 so&et)in6 o(t of a

)alf-&yt)ical 1lace li0e ancient 5Ne' Yo#05 an$ t(#n it loose 'it)o(t 1eo1le 6ettin6

ve#y (ee# i$eas in$ee$8

T)is is t)e 'ay it )a11ene$8

Hans6eo#6 Wa6ne# 'as one of t)e fi#st &(sicians to be i&1#inte$ 'it) t)e

Doyc) lan6(a6e% so&eti&es calle$ 2e#&an o# Te(t% ')en t)e Re$iscove#y of !an

 be6an b#in6in6 t)e 1#e-R(in c(lt(#es bac0 into t)e 'o#l$8

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Hans6eo#6 Wa6ne# )a$ a neat eye fo# t)e $#a&atic8 W)en t)e sto#y of Ro$

!cBan be6an to lea0 o(t% soon afte# !cBan 'ent bac0 to )is )o&e 1lanet of Ol$ No#t)

A(st#alia% Wa6ne# #ef(se$ to consi$e# t)e obvio(s scenes4 t)e boy 6a&blin6 fo# Ea#t)

on )is $#y% fa#a'ay 1lanet% an$ 'innin6 &ost of t)e available &oney in t)e (nive#se

t)e boy 'al0in6 on !a#s t)e boy &eetin6 )is 5'ife%5 C?&ell% &ost bea(tif(l of t)e

cat-'o&en ')o se#ve$ as t)e 6i#ly6i#l )ostesses fo# Ea#t) t)e boy fi6)tin6 A&a#alfo# t)e life of one of t)e& t)e &yste#y of t)e De1a#t&ent to#e of Hea#ts? Desi#es an$

')at befell Ro$ t)e#e o# even t)e te##ifyin6 te#&inal scene 'it) t)e E-tele0eli8 Wa6ne# 

$i$ not even 'ant t)e $#a&atic scene in ')ic) Ro$?s co&1anion% )is 'o#0'o&an

Eleano#% 1a#te$ f#o& )i& on Ea#t)1o#t to'e# soon afte# C?&ell )a$ s(n6 )e# o'n

fa&o(s little to'e# son6 to Ro$4

An$ o)F &y love% fo# yo(8 Hi6) bi#$s c#yin6% an$ a Hi6) s0y flyin6% an$ a Hi6)

'in$ $#ivin6% an$ a Hi6) )ea#t st#ivin6% an$ a Hi6) b#ave 1lace fo# yo(F

Wa6ne#% 'it) t)e instinct of a #eal a#tist% too0 t)e &eetin6 in t)e &(sic #oo&


In t)e !(sic Roo&4 A !eetin6 'it) t)e Past

T)e 1assen6e# $#o1s)aft f#o& Ea#t)1o#t 'as li0e an ancient elevato# s)aft%

e3ce1t fo# t)e fact t)at if an act(al ancient )a$ seen it% )e 'o(l$ )ave been s(#1#ise$8

It 'as ten &iles $ee1% o# &o#e it?s )a#$ to fi6(#e o(t e3actly ')at &iles 'e#e% b(t t)ey

'e#e &(c) lon6e# t)an 0ilo&ete#s% an$ it )a$ no elevato#s8 T)e s)aft 'as o#na&entally

ill(&inate$8 T)e#e 'e#e si6ns fo# info#&ation% f#e(ent sto1s fo# #ef#es)&ent% an$

c(#io(s si6)ts to be seen8 T)is 'as fo# 1eo1le only8 Peo1le 1(t on &a6netic belts%

ste11e$ into t)e s)aft% an$ 'e#e ca##ie$ (1 o# $o'n at t)e #ate of abo(t t'enty &ete#s a

&in(te% $e1en$in6 on ')ic) s)aft t)ey )a$ 6otten into s)afts al'ays ca&e in 1ai#s% an

(1 s)aft an$ a $o'n s)aft8

By cont#ast% t)e f#ei6)t s)aft )a$ no si6ns% no #ef#es)&ents% an$ no a&enities8

T)e $o'n s1ee$ 'as consi$e#ably faste#8 "#ei6)t #ose o# fell% tie$ to &a6netic belts

(n$e#1eo1le an$ #obots 'o#e t)e belts% (nless t)ey fo#6ot t)e& an$ s'iftly beca&e

 bloo$y 1(l1 o# &as)e$ &ac)ine#y fa# belo'8 T)e f#ei6)t s)aft% li0e t)e 1assen6e# s)aft%

$i$ )ave 'a#nin6 in bot) t)e (1 an$ t)e $o'n s)aft% beca(se if 1eo1le 6ot loose f#o&

t)ei# belts% t)ey ')istle$ $o'n'a#$ to t)ei# $eat)s8 Eac) set of s)afts )a$ inte#ce1to# 

nets% bot) fo# savin6 fallin6 1e#sons o# obects% an$ to 1#otect t)e ot)e# 1assen6e#s

 belo'% b(t t)e nets $i$ not 'o#0 too 'ell8

Wa6ne#?s $#a&a )as an initial scene s)o'in6 Ro$ !cBan an$ C?&ell 1a(sin6 at

t)e to1 of t)e f#ei6)t $#o1s)aft8 )e is ca##yin6 t)e s&all &on0ey-s(#6eon A?6ent(#%')o )as 6one to slee1% bone- 'ea#y afte# t)e t#i18 Ro$ !cBan% stan$in6 a f(ll )ea$

talle# t)an &ost cat-&en% is e31ost(latin6 'it) 6est(#es &o#e coa#se an$ &o#e #eal t)an

any c?&an eve# (se$8 His bi6 b(s) of yello' )ai# )a$ been &a$e cat-li0e befo#e )e

lan$e$ on ea#t) an$ t)e lon6 s1a#se ')is0e#s of )is cat-&o(stac)e t'itc)e$ o$$ly

in$ee$ as )e e31laine$ )is e&1)atic $esi#es 'it) fo#t)#i6)t Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian


Afte# a s)o#t $evelo1&ent of t)e scene% Wa6ne# )as bot) of t)e& sin6in6

t)e ly#ic #ef#ain% 5Ea#t) is &ine% b(t ')at 6oo$ $oes it $o &e@5 f#o& Ro$% an$

5Ea#t) is yo(#s b(t be 1atient% &y love5 f#o& C?&ell8 A to(c) of co&e$y is 1#ovi$e$

 by C?&ell?s t#yin6 to 6et a &a6netic )a#ness on Ro$ ')ile )e s(i#&s8 T)e scene en$s

'it) t)e t'o of t)e& ste11in6 ove# t)e e$6e of t)e $#o1-s)aft ')ic) loo0s botto&lesson t)ei# lon6% lon6 $#o1 $o'n to t)e s(#face of t)e Ea#t)8

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We 0no' t)at t)e t'o of t)e& $#o11e$ easily8 T)e only $iffic(lty 'as

ca(se$ by Ro$?s ten$ency to tal0 too &(c) ')en )e% t)e #ic)est &an in t)e 'o#l$%

'as s(11ose$ to be t#avellin6 in t)e $is6(ise of a 1oo#% si&1le cat-&an8 To#n bet'een

i##itation an$ love% C?&ell s'itc)e$ bet'een )(&o#in6 )i& an$ s)(s)in6 )i&8

C#isis ca&e an$ Hans6eo#6 Wa6ne# catc)es it in )is 1lay ')en Ro$ )ea#$ t)eso(n$ of (nbelievable &(sic8

It 'as li0e no &(sic )e )a$ eve# )ea#$ befo#e8 5W)at?s t)at@5 )e c#ie$ to C?&ell8

5!(sic%5 sai$ s)e% soot)in6ly8

He $i$ not call )e# a fool% b(t )e 6#o'le$ in annoyance an$ #eac)e$ ove# to

seie a #(n6 of t)e en$less e&e#6ency la$$e# ')ic) follo'e$ t)e $#o1s)aft $o'n8 He

cli&be$ a $oen #(n6s (1'a#$ an$ 1ee#e$ into a 1itc)-blac0 late#al co##i$o# ')ic)

le$% a11a#ently% to no')e#e b(t f#o& ')ic) st#an6e fie#ce bea(tif(l &(sic 'as

ce#tainly co&in68 He )a$ cli&be$ a6ainst t)e 6entle t)#obbin6 1(ll of t)e &a6netic

 belt an$ )e b#eat)e$ )eavily 'it) t)e $o(ble e3e#tion8 C?&ell )a$ $#o11e$ anot)e# 

ten &ete#s befo#e s)e sa' ')at )e 'as $oin68 Wea#ily% b(t 'it) no

'o#$ of co&1laint% s)e cli&be$ (1 t)e la$$e# to )i&% ca##yin6 )e# o'n 'ei6)t%

t)at of t)e slee1in6 &on0ey-s(#6eon ')o& s)e )a$ tosse$ ove# )e# s)o(l$e#% an$ t)e

 1(ll of )e# o'n belt as 'ell8 W)en )e# )ea$ #eac)e$ t)e level of Ro$?s feet% )e ste11e$

ca#ef(lly off t)e la$$e# an$ too0 t'o ve#y 6in6e#ly ste1s into t)e $a#0 late#al co##i$o#8

T)e &(sic 'as clea# to bot) of t)e&8

T)#obbin6% beaten st#in6s &a$e t)e lovely so(n$s8

)e sense$ )is in(i#y t)o(6) s)e co(l$ not see )is face in t)e $a#08 5T)at

inst#(&ent - it?s a 1iano8 T)ey?ve sta#te$ &a0in6 t)e& a6ain85 Ro$ 1(t )is )an$ on )e# a#& to (iet )e#8 5Listen% I t)in0 )e?s sin6in685

"(ll-bo$ie$ an$ f(ll-note$ t)e &(sic of t)e 1iano an$ a &an?s teno# voice ca&e

clea#ly an$ f(lly at t)e& f#o& t)e co##i$o#% )i$$en by t)e $a#0ness b(t not so(n$in6 too

fa# a'ay4

I6no#aba yo8

I $i$n?t (se$ to 0no' it8 I6no#aba yo8

I $i$n?t (se$ to s)o' it

t)at I love$ yo(% love$ yo( so8 I love yo( an$ I love yo(%

Hoy y &aana8T)e#e?s not)in6 else in life fo# &e% Hoy y &aana8

Yo( love &e 'il$ an$ (se &e (1% Hoy y &aana8

Was I )a11ie# o# sa$$e# ')en I $i$n?t even 0no' yo(@ I6no#aba yo%

I co(l$n?t even s)o' yo(8

T)e voice t#aile$ a'ay8 T)e#e 'e#e a fe' flo(#is)es of beaten st#in6s% as t)o(6)

t)e 1laye# 'e#e t#yin6 to 6et t)e a##an6e&ent (st #i6)t8

5Pa#t of t)at is Ancient In6lis)%5 sai$ Ro$% 5b(t I neve# )ea#$ t)e ot)e# 

lan6(a6e befo#e8 An$ I

ce#tainly neve# )ea#$ t)at 0in$ of a &elo$y% any')e#e85

5I 0no' &ost of t)e &(sic ')ic) is 1laye$ on Ea#t)%5 ')is1e#e$ C?&ell% 5an$

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I neve# )ea#$ anyt)in6 li0e t)at befo#e8 Co&e on% Ro$8 Let?s 6o on $o'n t)e s)aft8

W)en 'e 6et to a safe 1lace% I 'ill sen$ &essen6e#s bac0 to fin$ o(t ')at is 6oin6 on in

t)is 1a#t of Ea#t)1o#t to'e#85

5No%5 sai$ Ro$% 5I?& 6oin6 in85

5Yo( can?t% Ro$8 Yo( can?t8 It &i6)t #(in eve#yt)in68 T)e $is6(ise% Lo#$Kestocost?s 1lans% yo(# safety85

5I bo(6)t t)is 'o#l$%5 sai$ Ro$% 5an$ I?& a #($$y fool if I can?t even as0 fo# a

 1iece of &(sic8 I?& 6oin6 in85

5Ro$%5 s)e c#ie$8

5to1 &e%5 )e sai$% c#($ely% an$ 'al0e$ bol$ly $o'n t)e co##i$o# into t)e $a#0%

 (st as t)o(6) t)e#e &i6)t be no t#a1 $oo#s o# elect#ic sc#eens8 C?&ell follo'e$ )i&%

ca#ef(lly an$ #el(ctantly8

T)e co##i$o# blae$ #e$ 'it) lette#s of 'a#nin64 *EEP OUT NO PEOPLE ALLOWED INTRU!ENTALITY WOR* - ECRET

A #eco#$e$ voice s)o(te$ at t)e&% 52o a'ayF 2o a'ayF No #obots8 No

(n$e#1eo1le8 No #eal 1e#sons8 Lo#$s of t)e Inst#(&entality% 6et in$ivi$(al clea#ance

 befo#e yo( ente# )e#e8 ec#et 'o#08 2o a'ayF 2o a'ayF No #obots8 No (n$e#1eo1le%5

an$ so on% in a s(staine$ i##itatin6 s)o(t8

Ro$ i6no#e$ t)e voice even t)o(6) C?&ell 'as 1l(c0in6 at )is sleeve8

T)e #e$ 'a#nin6 li6)ts )a$ #eveale$ t)e o(tline of a $oo# 'it) a $oo#0nob8

He too0 t)e $oo#0nob% t'iste$ it8 It 'as loc0e$8 T)e $oo# itself $i$ not see& to

 be of steel o# Dai&oni &ate#ial8 Pe#)a1s it 'as even 'oo$% ')ic) 'as &(c) too

 1#ecio(s on Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia to be (se$ fo# anyt)in6 as c)ea1 as a co&&on $oo#4

t)e No#st#ilians (se$ 1lastics $e#ive$ f#o& s)ee1-bones8

Ro$ s)o(te$% 5O1en (1% insi$e8 O1en (185

52o a'ay%5 sai$ a &il$% 1leasant voice f#o& beyon$ t)e $oo#% so nea# t)at it

sta#tle$ t)e&8 T)e voice 'as so nea# an$ t)e $oo# so f#a6ile t)at Ro$ 'as te&1te$8

He ste11e$ bac0 (ntil )e 'as ne3t to C?&ell8 He 'as so##y ')en )e )ea#$ )e# 

si6) 'it) #elief - a11a#ently at t)e t)o(6)t t)at )e )a$ )ee$e$ t)e 'a#nin6 an$ 'as

6oin6 to 6o bac0 to t)e $#o1s)aft8

Instea$% )e (se$ a fi6)tin6 t#ic0 ')ic) )e )a$ lea#ne$ at )o&e8 He (&1e$ 'it)

t)e f(ll fo#ce of )is bo$y at t)e $oo#% st#i0in6 t)e $oo# (st above t)e 0nob 'it) bot) )isfeet an$ 1(ttin6 )is )an$s belo' )i& so as to c(s)ion t)e fall of )is bo$y a6ainst t)e


Res(lts 'e#e sta#tlin64

T)e $oo# yiel$e$ so easily t)at Ro$ 1l(n6e$ on t)#o(6) into a b#i6)t s(n-lit

#oo&% lan$e$ on a ca#1et an$ sli$ 'it) t)e ca#1et (ntil )is feet% fi#&ly b(t 6ently% 'e#e

sto11e$ by a la#6e bea(tif(l (1#i6)t 'oo$en bo3% ele6antly 1olis)e$% ')ic) see&e$ to

)ave a #($i&enta#y console8 A &i$$le- a6e$ 6entle&an% s)o'in6 6#eat s(#1#ise% (&1e$

o(t of )is 'ay8 Blin0in6 a6ainst t)e b#i6)tness of t)e li6)t% C?&ell an$ A?6ent(# 

follo'e$ Ro$ into t)e #oo&8

T)ei# sta#tle$ )ost s1o0e4

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 103/185

5Yo(?#e (n$e#1eo1leF Do yo( 'ant to $ie@ o&ebo$y 'ill 0ill yo( fo# t)is8

 Not I% of co(#se8 W)at $o yo( 'ant )e#e@5

Ro$ b#o(6)t )i&self to )is feet 'it) all t)e $i6nity ')ic) )e co(l$ co&&an$8

5!y na&e is Ro$ !cBan%5 sai$ )e% 5an$ I ta0e f(ll #es1onsibility fo# ')at )as

)a11ene$8 I a& t)e ne' o'ne# of t)is 1lanet Ea#t)% an$ I 'ant to )ea# so&e &o#e of t)at&(sic yo( 'e#e &a0in685

5I6no#aba yo8 T)at 1anis) bo1@ W)at b(siness is it of yo(#s% cat-&an@ T)at is

sec#et 'o#0 fo# t)e Inst#(&entality8 An$ all yo( a#e 6oin6 to $o is to $ie ')en t)e #obot

 1olice a##ive85

C?&ell s1o0e (18 He# voice )a$ a cal& (#6ency to it% ')ic) co(l$ not be

i6no#e$ by anyone8 ai$ s)e% 5Yo( )ave a connection 'it) t)e Cent#al Co&1(te#@5

5Of co(#se%5 sai$ t)e &an% 5all 1#otecte$ offices $o85 5Yo( a#e not a 1e#son@5

5Of co(#se not% cat-'o&an8 I a& t)e $o6-&an D?i6o an$ I a& t)e &(sical

)isto#ian assi6ne$ to 'o#0 in t)is office85

5I a& C?&ell%5 sai$ s)e flatly8

T)e $o6-&an 'as sta#tle$ b(t ')en )e s1o0e% )is voice 'as ve#y a6#eeable4 5I

0no' ')o yo( a#e8 Anyt)in6 )e#e is at yo(# se#vice% C?&ell85

5Yo(# connection@5 s)e $e&an$e$8

He no$$e$ )is )ea$ at one si$e of t)e #oo&8 )e sa' t)e s1ea0e# in t)e 'all8

A?6ent(# sat slee1ily on t)e floo#% ')ile Ro$ )a$ 1#o$(ce$ one sin6le clea# note by

 1(s)in6 one of t)e 0eys of t)e bea(tif(l bi6 (1#i6)t bo38

C?&ell calle$% 5Ro$% co&e )e#e85

5Ri6)t )o%5 )e sai$% co&in6 ove# to t)e s1ea0e#8

5Listen8 Yo(# life &ay be in $an6e#% Ro$8 I?ll call Cent#al Co&1(te# an$ I

'ant yo( to asse#t yo(# a(t)o#ity ove# t)is #oo& an$ t)is 'o#08 De&an$ to )ea# t)e

&(sic t)at yo( 'ant8 Tell t)e Cent#al Co&1(te# t)e t#(t)8 T)at &ay 0ee1 t)e #obot

 1olice f#o& co&in6 in an$ 0illin6 yo( befo#e t)ey fin$ t)at yo( a#e not #eally a cat-


5He isn?t a cat-&an88885 &(#&(#e$ D?i6o in 'on$e#&ent f#o& t)e si$e8

5)-)%5 sai$ C?&ell to Di6o8 To Ro$ s)e sai$% 51ea0 no'8 Establis) yo(# 


5Cent1(te#%5 sai$ Ro$% 5ta0e t)is na&e $o'n8 Ro$e#ic0 "#e$e#ic0 Ronal$

A#nol$ Willia&

!acA#t)(# !cBan t)e )(n$#e$ an$ fifty-fi#st f#o& Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia8 2ot it@5


5Do I o'n yo(% Cent1(te#@5 5Re1eat8 Re1eat85

5Cent1(te#% )ave I bo(6)t yo(@5

5A11a#ently i&1ossible% b(t t)is-&ac)ine 'ill c)ec08 No% yo( )ave not bo(6)t

t)is- &ac)ine85 5Can yo( tell ')e#e I a&% Cent1(te#@5

5Rest#icte$ 'o#0#oo& of t)e Inst#(&entality85 5Do I o'n Ea#t)1o#t@5


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5Do I o'n t)is #oo& too@5 5Affi#&ative85

5I a& in it85

5Re-state t)e inst#(ction8 T)is-&ac)ine cannot &a0e yo(# state&ent


5I )ave ta0en t)is #oo& f#o& t)e Inst#(&entality an$ I 'ill #et(#n it to t)e

Lo#$s of t)e

Inst#(&entality ')en I see fit85

5T)at is not 1ossible8 T)e #oo& belon6s to t)e Inst#(&entality85

5An$ I%5 sai$ Ro$% 5ove##i$e t)e Inst#(&entality8 Tell t)e& to 0ee1 o(t till I a&


5T)e inst#(ction is i&1ossible8 T)is-&ac)ine )as #eco#$s t)at yo( o'n

Ea#t)1o#t% an$ t)at t)e Inst#(&entality sol$ yo( all of it% incl($in6 t)e #oo& yo( a#e in8

T)e#efo#e t)e #oo& is yo(#s8 T)is- &ac)ine also )as a basic 1#o6#a&&e$ co&&an$t)at t)e Inst#(&entality cannot be ove##i$$en8 T)is-&ac)ine &(st a11eal to )i6)e# 

a(t)o#ity8 T)e #obot 1olice 'ill be 'a#ne$ a'ay f#o& yo(# 1e#son (ntil t)is-&ac)ine

)as been #e-co$e$ o# #eaffi#&e$ by )i6)e# a(t)o#ity85 Clic0 'ent t)e s1ea0e#% an$ t)e

Cent#al Co&1(te# itself b#o0e t)e connection8

5Yo(?#e in fo# it%5 sai$ C?&ell8 He# 6#een eyes% ')ic) co(l$ loo0 fie#ce at ti&es%

scanne$ )i& 'it) soft in$(l6ence4 Ro$ co(l$ see t)at s)e 'as ve#y 1#o($ of )i&% an$

)e 'as not alto6et)e# s(#e of t)e #eason8 He# 'a#nin6 'as o&ino(s% b(t )e# 

e31#ession bet#aye$ no fea#% only a ne'-fo(n$ Confi$ence t)at )e 'o(l$ see t)e&


A?6ent(# s1o0e f#o& t)e floo# to D?i6o4 5Do yo( )ave any cocoan(t% #aisins%s)elle$ n(ts% o# 1inea11le% $o6-&an@5

5"o#6ive )i&% collea6(e D?i6o% if )e?s #($e% b(t )e?s ve#y ti#e$ an$ ve#y )(n6#y85

5It?s all #i6)t%5 sai$ D?i6o8 5I )ave none of t)ose t)in6s% t)o(6) I )ave so&e

e3cellent #a' live# an$ an asso#t&ent of bones in &y col$-bo38 !y &aste#% a Lo#$%

)as left a 1ot of cocoa ')ic) I co(l$ 'a#& (1 fo# yo(% ani&al8 Wo(l$ yo( li0e t)at@5

5Anyt)in6% anyt)in6%5 sai$ A?6ent(# c)ee#f(lly8

5No' I?ve seen eve#yt)in6%5 $ecla#e$ D?i6o 'it) a s1ecies of $es1e#ate

co&1os(#e as )e 1(t t)e cocoa on to 'a#& it (18 5!y sec#et #oo& is attac0e$% t)e

fa&o(s C?&ell )e#self 1ays &e a visit% a cat-&an 6ives o#$e#s to t)e Cent#al Co&1(te#%an$ I )ave to fee$ an ani&al in &y 'o#0s)o18 It?s not often t)at t)is so#t of t)in6

)a11ens% is it% &a$a&e C?&ell@5

5We ca&e in )e#e%5 sai$ C?&ell 6#acef(lly an$ (ic0ly% 5beca(se t)is f#ien$ of 

&ine insiste$ on )ea#in6 yo(# &(sic85

5Yo( li0e it%5 s&ile$ D?i6o8 5I li0e it &yself8 It?s sec#et &(sic an$ I?& not s(#e

t)at it 'ill eve# be clea#e$ fo# (se8 !y &aste#% t)e Lo#$ In6inta(% 'ante$ &e to fin$ t)e

last son6 eve# s(n6 in Ne' Yo#085

5T)at 'as a city% 'asn?t it@5

5T)e bi66est city on t)is continent8 W)en Ne' Yo#0 'as $est#oye$% t)e#e 'e#e

va#io(s 1#i&itive elect#onic stations t#ans&ittin6% so&e sen$in6 1ict(#es an$ ot)e#s

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#elayin6 (st 'o#$s an$ &(sic8 T)e sea#c)-#obots o(t in s1ace )ave been #eco#$in6 all

t)e salva6eable &essa6es f#o& in t)at 1e#io$ of t)e "i#st Doo&% an$ I t)in0 t)at I

)ave na##o'e$ t)e c)oice $o'n to t)#ee son6s8 Yo( )ea#$ I6no#aba Yo - t)at 'as

In6lis) an$ 1anis) &i3e$% in t)e style calle$ bo18 I?& not s(#e of t)e ne3t one% beca(se

I )ave &ost of t)e &elo$y% b(t fo# t)e 'o#$s% only t)e #ef#ain )as co&e t)#o(6)8 I 6ot

&y )el1e#% a $o6-6i#l% to sin6 t)e 1a#t ')ile I 1laye$ t)e 1iano% an$ I s1oole$ it (st last'ee08 Wo(l$ yo( li0e to )ea# it@5

5T)at?s ')at I b(#st in fo#%5 sai$ Ro$ c)ee#f(lly8

T)e &(sician D?i6o #este$ )is )an$ a6ainst a blan0 1a#t of t)e 'all an$ sai$%

5"o#ty-seven% 1lease85

T)e #oo& 'as i&&e$iately fille$ 'it) t)e 'il$ catc)y &(sic of t)e 51iano%5

e31e#tly 1laye$8 T)e 1a#tic(la#ly &(sical &elo$y 'as (ic0% sta#tlin6% a&(sin6 an$

'itty in its (se of a t(ne8 By No#st#ilian stan$a#$s% t)at son6 'o(l$ be con$e&ne$

as lascivio(s% t)o(6)t Ro$ - b(t t)en% t)at 'asn?t Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia8 It 'as ')at

Ancient Ea#t) san6 as Ea#t) $ie$ t)e fi#st of a )(n$#e$ $eat)s8

Afte# a 1#eli&ina#y la-la-la la-a-a-la a 'o&an?s voice ca&e on an$ san6 t)e

catc)y #ef#ain t)#ee ti&es in a #o' in 1e#fectly accente$ Ancient In6lis)% (st as Ro$

)a$ )ea#$ it s1o0en by t)e tal0in6 boo0s in )is fa&ily?s sto#e#oo& of )i$$en t#eas(#es4

Only 2o$ can &a0e a t#ee%

B(t yo( can &a0e a 6i#l li0e &eF

5It?s a&(sin6% b(t t)e#e?s not &(c) to it%5 sai$ Ro$8 5W)at?s t)e t)i#$ one@5

5T)at?s a 1e#io$ 1iece% ante$atin6 t)e fall of Ne' Yo#08 I t)in0 it &ay )ave )a$

so&et)in6 to $o 'it) a collective ente#tain&ent ')ic) t)ey calle$ a s(a#e $ance o# aco(nt#y $ance8 I can?t i&a6ine ')y8 O# it &ay )ave been so&et)in6 t#anslate$ f#o&

anot)e# lan6(a6e an$ anot)e# c(lt(#e into t)e (sa6e of t)e !(#0ins85

5T)ey?#e t)e ones ')o )a$ Ne' Yo#0@5 as0e$ Ro$8 5T)e sa&e%5 sai$ D?i6o8

5T)e sa&e ones ')o b(ilt t)ose s1ectac(la# s(#face #oa$s t)at 1eo1le see

eve#yti&e t)ey loo0 $o'n on Ea#t) f#o& nea#by s1ace@5

5T)at?s #i6)t%5 s&ile$ D?i6o8 5T)ey 'e#e a 'il$% 6ifte$% 'anton 1eo1le8 Do yo(

'ant to )ea# t)e t)i#$ son6@5

5I?ll 1lay t)at an$ sin6 it fo# yo( &yself8 I (st finis)e$ a##an6in6 it &yself85 He

sat at t)e 1iano% 1laye$ a fe' ba#s% an$ t)en san64Rin6 a bell

an$ cla1F cla1F in6 1ell &ell an$ ta1F ta1F

T)e 'is)in6 'ell 'ill &iss% &iss8 H(6 an$ tell

an$ 0iss% 0iss8

Ro$ si6)e$% 5I still li0e t)e one I )ea#$ o(tsi$e yo(# $oo#85

D?i6o s&ile$ )is f(ll-face$% clean-s)aven s&ile8 Ro$ 'on$e#e$ t)at a $o6 co(l$

 be &a$e into so 1e#fect a co1y of a &an8 E3ce1t fo# )is in$oo# 1allo#% D?i6o loo0e$

as 'ell-s)a1e$ an$ as 'ell- s1o0en as any &an t)at Ro$ )a$ eve# seen8

5W)at yo( )ea#$ o(t t)e#e%5 sai$ D?i6o% 5'as a s1ool of &y o'n voice8 Wo(l$yo( li0e to )ea# &y assistant sin6 it@ )e is a ve#y talente$ 6i#l8 )e can sin6 eit)e# 

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cont#alto o# so1#ano85

5o1#ano%5 sai$ A?6ent(# 1#o&1tly an$ (ne31ecte$ly8 D?i6o sta#e$ at )i& 'it)

astonis)&ent an$ #e1#oac)% b(t since t)e ot)e#s $i$ not obect% )e sai$%

5o1#ano it is% t)en%5 an$ )e &(tte#e$ (n$e# )is b#eat)% 5"o# a tal0in6 ani&al%

yo(?ve 6ot a fantastic e$(cation85D?i6o calle$ to t)e 'all% 5T)i#ty one% t)i#$ ve#sion%5 an$ t)en sai$ to )is 6(ests%

5Do sit $o'n8888 I6no#aba Yo be6an to 1o(# f#o& t)e s1ea0e#s 'it) its f(ll%

)y1notic vol(&e% ca##ie$ by a

'o&an?s s1len$i$ voice8

Conf#ontation an$ a Half C)allen6e

T)is is t)e cli&a3 of Hans6eo#6 Wa6ne#?s &(sical $#a&a8 T)e fo(# of t)e& sat

listenin6 to t)e &(sic4 A?6ent(# on t)e floo#% $#iftin6 off to slee1 a6ain t)e t'o cat-

 1eo1le% C?&ell #e$- )ai#e$ an$ Ro$ yello'-)ai#e$% sta#in6 at not)in6 an$ 6ivin6 t)ei# 

f(ll attention to t)e &(sic t)e )ost% D?i6o% sittin6 'it) a )alf-s&ile on )is face an$

'atc)in6 )is 6(ests8 Wa6ne# co&bines t)e t)#ill of ille6al ancient &(sic 'it) so&e $eftco&1osition of )is o'n8

His 'oo$'in$s #e1#esent t)e soft #(stlin6 in t)e co##i$o#8 A (ic0 li6)t fl(##y of 

$#(&s in$icates t)e ne' a##ivals4

A tall% 1itiless intelli6ent 'o&an 'it) a vivi$ly $#a&atic blac0 an$ ')ite

$#ess of t)e &ost conse#vative c(t i&a6inable% acco&1anie$ by t'o )i6)-#an0in6 #obot

sol$ie#s% bot) of t)e& 'it) t)ei# bo$ies 'as)e$ in silve# an$ 6ol$% t)ei# s'i&&in6

eyes ta0in6 in all co#ne#s of t)e #oo& at once% t)ei# )eavy 'i#e1oints alea$y b(in6

'it) 1otential $eat)8

5I%5 sai$ s)e% 5a& t)e La$y Ko)anna 2na$e8 Yo( a#e Di6o% t)e &(sical )isto#ian8

I )ave )ea#$ yo(# 'o#0 -5

Ro$ stoo$ (1 an$ inte##(1te$ )e#8 T)o(6) s)e 'as tall% )e 'as seve#al

centi&ete#s talle#8 5I%5 sai$ )e% in a 1e#fectly co&1ose$ co1y of )e# o'n &anne#% 5a&

Ro$ !cBan% t)e o'ne# of t)is #oo&8 Yo( can sit $o'n% &a?a& an$ la$y% if yo( 'is)8

Yo(# #obots can sit $o'n too% if t)ey enoy it85

"o# a &e&o#able &o&ent t)e t'o conf#onte$ anot)e#4 t)e tall% blac0-)ai#e$

'o&an an$ t)e tall yello'-)ai#e$ yo(t) in cat $is6(ise8 T)is 'as no &eetin6 of 

in$ivi$(als - it 'as a conf#ontation of syste&s% t)e t#aine$ 1o'e# of t)e Inst#(&entality

a6ainst t)e $isci1line$ in- b#e$ fo#ce of t)e Ol$ No#t) A(st#alians8

T)e 'o&an yiel$e$% a little8

5Yo(?#e a (ic0 yo(n6 &an8 Yo(# na&e is Ro$ !cBan an$ yo( )ave bo(6)t

Ea#t)8 W)y $i$ yo( $o it@5

5Do sit $o'n%5 sai$ Ro$ fi#&ly an$ )os1itably8 5It?s a lon6 sto#y an$ I 'o(l$ not

'ant to ti#e a la$y -5

Ko)anna 2na$e sna11e$% 5Don?t 'o##y abo(t &y bein6 a la$y8 I?& one of 

t)e Lo#$s of t)e

Inst#(&entality8 An$ &a0e yo(# sto#y s)o#t85

5Please sit% &a?a& an$ la$y8 An$ &a0e yo(# #obots co&fo#table85 T)e#e 'as alittle &o#e co&&an$ t)an co(#tesy in )is voice% b(t t)e#e 'as not)in6 at ')ic) s)e

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co(l$ ta0e o1en offense8

5I?ve neve# )a$ an (n$e#1e#son &a0e &e sit $o'n befo#e%5 s)e 6#(&ble$% ta0in6

a )assoc0 an$ sittin6 bolt (1#i6)t on it8 5Lie(tenant% ca1tain% bot) of yo(% 6o in t)e )all8

As a &atte# of fact% c(t all o(tsi$e connections 'it) t)is #oo&% b(t #eco#$ t)e scene

yo(#selves% so t)at I 'ill )ave &y o'n #eco#$ of it85

T)e t'o #obots t(#ne$ off t)ei# 'i#e1oints8 T)ey 'al0e$ $eftly a#o(n$ t)e #oo&%

to(c)in6 t)e 'alls li6)tly )e#e an$ t)e#e8 T)e bette#-o#na&ente$ one sai$%

5Clea# an$ sec(#e% &y la$y85

)e $i$ not t)an0 t)e&8 )e (st no$$e$ at t)e b#o0en $oo#8 T)ey 'al0e$

o(t into t)e $a#0 co##i$o#8

T)e La$y Ko)anna 2na$e loo0e$ at C?&ell% 5An$ yo( a#e C?&ell8 I?ve seen

yo( befo#e8 As a &atte# of fact% I )ave seen yo( seve#al ti&es% al&ost al'ays ')en

t)e#e 'as t#o(ble8 A#e yo( one of o(# confi$ential a6ents@ Yo( al'ays co&e o(t

innocent% no &atte# ')at )a11ens855No% &a?a&8 I?& (st a 6i#ly6i#l8 I 'o#0 at Ea#t)1o#t% 'elco&in6 off'o#l$

visito#s an$ 0ee1in6 t)e& )a11y85

5I?& not s(#e I t#(st t)at 'o#$ ?(st%? 5 sai$ t)e La$y Ko)anna 2na$e8 5W)o 1(t

yo( on t)e ob t)is ti&e@5

5T)e Lo#$ Kestocost%5 sai$ C?&ell% a little 'o##ie$8

5Kestocost@5 #e1eate$ t)e La$y Ko)anna 2na$e8 5If t)at?s t)e case% it?s #eally none

of &y b(siness8 Don?t b#ea0 into t)in6s any &o#e% &iste# !cBan% 'it)o(t as0in6 t)e

Lo#$ Kestocost to a##an6e it fi#st8 Ol$ Ea#t) is no citien-co&&on'ealt) li0e Ol$ No#t)

A(st#alia8 Often 'e 0ill fi#st an$ as0 late#8 I?$ li0e to )ea# yo(# si$e of yo(# sto#y befo#eI leave% no' t)at I a& )e#e8 Ho' ol$ a#e yo(@5

5C)#onolo6ically% I a& abo(t si3ty-five yea#s ol$8 B(t I )ave 6one bac0 t)#o(6)

a si3teen yea# cycle fo(# ti&es% so t)at biolo6ically I a& si3teen85

5A#e yo( a &an@5

5Ce#tainly8 T)is cat st(ff is (st a $is6(ise85

5No% I &ean a#e yo( a 6#o'n &an% acco#$in6 to t)e )o##ible c(sto&s of yo(# 

)o&e 1lanet@5 5Citien8 Citien% 'e call it8 Yes% I 1asse$ t)e 2a#$en of Deat)85

5W)y $i$ yo( b(y Ea#t)@5 5To esca1e% &a?a& an$ la$y85

5Esca1e ')at@ I t)o(6)t t)at No#st#ilia 1#otecte$ eve#y sin6le one of )e#  1eo1le% once t)ey 1asse$ t)at a'f(l s(#vival test85

5Us(ally% yes8 It (st )a11ene$ t)at I )a$ only one ene&y% an$ )e 'as

Onsec0 of t)e ')ole

Co&&on'ealt) a$&inist#ation85 5Onsec0@ We $on?t )ave t)at 'o#$85

5Hono#a#y ec#eta#y8 T)e &an ')o #(ns t)e #o(tine a$&in8 fo# He# Absent

!aesty t)e <(een85

5I?ve )ea#$ of t)at c(sto& of yo(#s8 W)y $i$ )e )ate yo(@5

5We 'e#e bot) $etectives% a lon6 ti&e a6o8 I 'as - a& - tele1at)ically $eaf an$

$(&b8 !ostly8 Can?t s1ie0 o# )ie#% )ave to #ely on t)e ol$ s1o0en 'o#$s% li0e o(tlan$e#s

o# ba#ba#ians8 He 'as a s)o#t-life#% ')o co(l$ not ta0e st#oon% t)e $#(6 ')ic) -5

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5I 0no' all abo(t st#oon%5 sai$ s)e% 5t)e i&&o#tality $#(68 As a &atte# of fact%

&y veins a#e f(ll of it #i6)t no'8 I a& nea# &y si3 )(n$#e$t) bi#t)$ay85

5Con6#at(lations% &a?a& an$ la$y85 5Neve# &in$8 W)at )a11ene$@5

5W)en I 0ne' )e 'as afte# &e% I 'ent to &y fa&ily?s co&1(te#8 It?s all

&ec)anical% not a sin6le ani&al b#ain o# ani&al #elay in it85

5I $i$n?t 0no' t)e#e 'as one left85 5I &yself #e1ai#e$ it%5 sai$ Ro$8

In t)is 1a#t of Hans6eo#6 Wa6ne#?s &(sical $#a&a abo(t Ro$% t)e &(sic 'ea#s a

little t)in beca(se )e lets Ro$ an$ t)e La$y Ko)anna 2na$e s1ea0 in no#&al voices%

(sin6 )is &(sic only as an acco&1ani&ent8 No' an$ t)en )e lets t)e s1otli6)t $#ift

ac#oss t)e cal& face an$ st#on6 to#so of D?i6o t)e &(sicolo6ist ')en t)at )a11ens% )e

 b#in6s in a f(6(e o# t'o f#o& I6no#aba Yo8 Ot)e#'ise t)e &(sic fo# t)is 1a#t of t)e

s)o' is #at)e# $(ll8

5If yo( 'e#en?t so #ic)%5 sai$ t)e La$y Ko)anna 2na$e% 5I?$ li0e to b(y t)at

&ac)ine of yo(#s fo# o(# Ea#t)1o#t &(se(&85

5It?s not fo# sale% &a?a& an$ la$y% not at any 1#ice85 5I can i&a6ine t)at8 W)at

$i$ it $o@5

5It o(tco&1(te$ t)e Co&&on'ealt) an$ I beca&e t)e #ic)est &an in t)e


5o yo( #an a'ay a6ain8 "i#st yo( #an beca(se yo( 'e#e 1e#sec(te$8 T)en yo(

#an beca(se yo( 'e#e #ic)8 W)en $i$ yo( 6et )e#e@5


5W)e#e )ave yo( been bet'een t)e ti&e yo( left No#st#ilia an$ to$ay@5 5!a#s%

&a?a& an$ la$y85

5Do yo( )ave to 0ee1 (sin6 t)at $o(ble title on &e@5

5Yes% &a?a& an$ la$y8 It?s o(# c(sto&8 We $on?t c)an6e o(# c(sto&s &(c)85

T)e La$y Ko)anna 2na$e b(#st into a f#ien$ly la(6) - )e# fi#st since t)ei# 

enco(nte#4 5All #i6)t8 W)at?s yo(#s@5

5W)at?s &y ')at@5

5Yo(# $o(ble title8 Yo( )ave one% $on?t yo(@5

It 'as Ro$?s t(#n to loo0 (nco&fo#table8 5It?s ?&iste# an$ o'ne#%? &a?a& an$

la$y% b(t yo( $on?t )ave to (se it all t)e ti&e8 Afte# all% t)is is Ea#t)85

5B(t yo( o'n it85

5All #i6)t% yo( 'in% &a?a&85

5Ho' a#e yo(# 1a#ents% &iste# an$ o'ne# !cBan@5

His face clo($e$ ove#8 5Dea$85 5Ho'@5

5T)ei# s)i1 'ent &il0y ')ile 1lanofo#&in6 t)#o(6) s1ace-t'o85 5Do yo( love


5Yes% &a?a&% &y se#vant Eleano#85 5W)e#e is s)e@5

5o&e')e#e in t)is to'e#% &a?a&85 5W)at?s s)e $oin6@5

5P#eten$in6 to be &e% &a?a&% ')ile I 1#eten$ to be a cat-&an8 T)ey c)an6e$ )e# into a yo(n6 &an ')en t)ey sc(nne$ &e $o'n an$ t)en &a$e &e loo0 li0e an

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5c(nne$@ Yo( 'e#e sc(nne$8 "#oen% $e)y$#ate$% c(t (1% bo3e$8 Yo(@ W)o $i$

it@5 5T)at &on0ey-$octo# t)e#e%5 sai$ Ro$% 6est(#in6 at A?6ent(# on t)e floo#8

T)e La$y Ko)anna 2na$e calle$ $i#ectly to A?6ent(#% 5Yo(% t)e#e% &on0ey% 'a0e

(1F He% tal0s% $oesn?t )e@5

A?6ent(# let one eye (ive# o1en fo# a (ic0 6lance at t)e La$y Ko)anna 2na$e8

Wit)in secon$s )e 'as sno#in6 in $ee1 slee18

T)e La$y Ko)anna 2na$e sta#e$ at A?6ent(#8 )e b#(s)e$ t)e ai# 'it) t)e #i6)t

)an$ to 0ee1 t)e ot)e#s silent8 )e even &a$e a &otion ove# A?6ent(# 'it) bot) )an$s8

T)e &on0ey $i$ not sti# o# 'a0en8

5I $on?t li0e t)is%5 s)e sai$8 5I $on?t li0e t)is one bit8 T)at bein6 loo0s li0e an

ani&al% b(t I can?t tell ')et)e# it is an (n$e#1e#son o# a )(&an bein68 It 'ent to slee1 at

&e8 I (st t)#e' t)e ')ole tele1at)ic fo#ce of t)e Inst#(&entality at it% an$ it staye$

aslee18 T)at?s neve# )a11ene$ to &e befo#e85

C?&ell sai$% ve#y softly% 5He 'as sent o(t to No#st#ilia at t)e #e(est of t)e Lo#$

Re$la$y85 5Re$la$y@ Re$la$y@5 sai$ t)e La$y Ko)anna 2na$e8 5He?s still 'o#0in6@5

5Yes% &a?a&%5 sai$ Ro$8

5Re$la$y at one en$ an$ Kestocost at t)e ot)e#F Yo( co(l$n?t fin$ t'o &o#e

'ei#$os - &o#e 1e#sonalities% I &ean - in t)e ')ole Inst#(&entality to &atc) t)at 1ai#8

Yo(?#e in 6oo$ )an$s% yo(n6 &an8 An$ ')at $o yo( 'ant o(t of all t)is@5

5A loo0 at Ea#t)% a bit of a$vent(#e% &y life% an$ &ost of &y fo#t(ne% &a?a& an$


)e al&ost loo0e$ as t)o(6) s)e 'o(l$ lose )e# $i6nity an$ ')istle in

astonis)&ent8 5Yo(?#e not as0in6 &(c)% a#e yo(@ Not &(c) by )alfF5

5I?ll 'in%5 sai$ Ro$% 5I?ll 'in all #i6)t8 T)e No#st#ilian 'ay85 5W)at?s t)at@5

He t(#ne$ se#io(s8 5Neve# 1lan too fa# a)ea$8 2o f#o& one i&&e$iate sit(ation

to t)e ot)e#8 Neve# &a0e a $ecision if yo( can 1(t t)e $ecision on so&ebo$y else an$

still 'in fo# yo(#self8 An$ &ost of all -5

5!ost of all@5 as0e$ t)e La$y Ko)anna 2na$e softly8

5!ost of all% neve# 6et ca(6)t 'innin68 K(st 'in% b(t $on?t let it s)o'85

5Yo(?#e all #i6)t%5 s)e la(6)e$% stan$in6 (18 5Yo( $on?t nee$ &y 1#otection8

An$ yo( a#en?t 6oin6 to 6et &y 1(nis)&ent8 I?$ )ate to tac0le yo(% yo(n6 as yo( a#e8Wit) t)ose co&1anions yo( )ave% yo(?#e 1#actically an a#&y8 T)at 6i#l of yo(#s% C?&ell


5Yes% &a?a&%5 sai$ C?&ell8

5)e neve# 6ets ca(6)t8 At anyt)in685 T)e La$y s&ile$8 )e 'ent on4 5An$ t)at

t)in6 on t)e floo#% t)at so-calle$ &on0ey8 I can?t &a0e it tal08 I can?t even tell

')at it is8 Yo(?#e in 6oo$ co&1any% yo(n6 &an8 I?ll s1ea0 to t)e Lo#$ Kestocost

so&eti&e8 Do yo( s)a0e )an$s@5

Ro$ 1olitely )el$ o(t )is #i6)t )an$8

)e sto11e$ )i& 'it) a 'ave8 5I 'as bein6 f#ien$ly8 Is )an$s)a0in6 a c(sto&

on No#st#ilia% &iste# an$ o'ne# !cBan - a c(sto& even bet'een &en an$ 'o&en@5

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5In$ee$ it is% &a?a& an$ la$y85 T)ey s)oo0 )an$s co#$ially8

5Don?t ta0e too &(c) of Ea#t) )o&e 'it) yo( ')en yo( leave%5 s)e calle$ to

)i& as s)e ente#e$ t)e $a#0 co##i$o#% s(&&one$ )e# #obots an$ $#o11e$ $o'n t)e s)aft8

D?i6o sai$% 5Co&e bac0 if yo( 'is)% &iste# an$ o'ne# !cBan8 Call on &e to

co&e o(t any ti&e% &a$a& C?&ell8 2oo$bye% &on0ey85

5T)an0s%5 sai$ A?6ent(#% 'i$e-a'a0e8 5Let?s 6o eat85


ROD !CBAN% DI2UIED as a cat% floate$ $o'n t)e $#o1s)aft to t)e

st#an6est enco(nte# ')ic) co(l$ )ave befallen any &an of )is e1oc)8 C?&ell floate$

$o'n besi$e )i&8 )e clenc)e$ )e# s0i#t bet'een )e# 0nees% so t)at it 'o(l$ not

co&&it i&&o$esties8 A?6ent(#% )is &on0ey )an$ li6)tly on C?&ell?s s)o(l$e#% love$

)e# soft #e$ )ai# as it stoo$ an$ &ove$ 'it) t)e (1$#aft ')ic) t)ey t)e&selves

c#eate$ )e loo0e$ fo#'a#$ to beco&in6 E-i0as(s a6ain an$ )e a$&i#e$ C?&ell $ee1ly%

 b(t love bet'een t)e $iffe#ent st#ains of (n$e#1eo1le 'as necessa#ily 1latonic8P)ysiolo6ically t)ey co(l$ not b#ee$ o(tsi$e t)ei# o'n stoc0 an$ e&otionally t)ey

fo(n$ it )a#$ to &es) $ee1ly 'it) t)e e&1)atic nee$s of anot)e# fo#& of life% )o'eve# 

#elate$ it &i6)t be8 E-i0as(s t)e#efo#e ve#y t#(ly an$ $ee1ly 'ante$ C?&ell fo# )is

f#ien$% an$ not)in6 &o#e8

W)ile t)ey &ove$ $o'n'a#$ in #elative 1eace% ot)e# 1eo1le 'e#e conce#ne$

abo(t t)e& on va#io(s 'o#l$s8

T)e Cabin of t)e tation of Doo&% t)e sa&e $ay

5A(nt Do#is% )e?s $ea$% )e?s $ea$% )e?s $ea$8 I feel it85

5Nonsense% Lavinia8 He &ay be in t#o(ble an$ 'e &i6)t not 0no'8 B(t 'it) all

t)at &oney% t)e 6ove#n&ent o# t)e Inst#(&entality 'o(l$ (se t)e Bi6 Blin0 to sen$

'o#$ of t)e c)an6e in stat(s of t)is 1#o1e#ty8 I $on?t &ean to so(n$ col$-)ea#te$% 6i#l%

 b(t ')en t)e#e is t)is &(c) 1#o1e#ty at sta0e% 1eo1le act #a1i$ly85

5He is so $ea$85

Do#is 'as not one to $isco(nt t)e tele1at)ic a#ts8 )e #e&e&be#e$ )o' t)e

A(st#alians )a$ 6otten off t)e inca#nate f(#y of Pa#a$ise ;II8 )e 'ent ove# to t)e

c(1boa#$ an$ too0 f#o& it a st#an6ely tinte$ a#8 5Do yo( 0no' ')at t)is is@5 sai$ s)e

to Lavinia8

T)e 6i#l fo#ce$ a s&ile 1ast )e# $es1e#ate in'a#$ feelin6s8 5Yes%5 s)e sai$8 5Eve# since I 'as no bi66e# t)an a &ini-ele1)ant% 1eo1le% )ave tol$ &e% t)at a# 'as ?$o not

to(c)8? 5

52oo$ 6i#l% t)en% if yo( )aven?t to(c)e$ itF5 sai$ A(nt Do#is $#ily8 5It?s a

&i3t(#e of st#oon an$

Pa#a$ise ;II )oney85

5Honey@5 c#ie$ Lavinia8 5I t)o(6)t no one eve# 'ent bac0 to t)at )o##ible 1lace85

5o&e $o%5 sai$ Lavinia8 5It see&s% t)at so&e Ea#t) fo#&s )ave ta0en ove# an$

a#e still livin6 t)e#e8 Incl($in6 bees8 T)e )oney )as 1o'e#s on t)e )(&an &in$8 It is a

st#on6 )y1notic8 We &i3 it 'it) st#oon to &a0e s(#e it is safe85

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A(nt Do#is 1(t a s&all s1oon into t)e a#% lifte$% s1(n t)e s1oon to 1ic0 (1 t)e

t)#ea$s of )eavy )oney% an$ )an$e$ t)e s1oon to Lavinia8 5He#e%5 sai$ s)e% 5ta0e t)is

an$ lic0 it off8 'allo' it all $o'n85

Lavinia )esitate$ an$ t)en obeye$8 W)en t)e s1oon 'as clean s)e lic0e$ )e# li1s

an$ )an$e$ t)e clean s1oon bac0 to A(nt Do#is% ')o 1(t it asi$e fo# 'as)in6 (18

A(nt Do#is ve#y ce#e&onially 1(t t)e a# bac0 on t)e )i6) s)elf of t)e

c(1boa#$% loc0e$ t)e c(1boa#$% an$ 1(t t)e 0ey in t)e 1oc0et of )e# a1#on8

5Let?s sit o(tsi$e%5 sai$ s)e to Layinia8 5W)en?s it 6oin6 to )a11en@5

5W)en?s ')at 6oin6 to )a11en@5

5T)e t#ance - t)e visions - ')ateve# t)is st(ff b#in6s on@5

Do#is la(6)e$ )e# 'ea#y #ational la(6)8 5O)% t)atF o&eti&es not)in6 at all

)a11ens8 In any event% it 'on?t )(#t yo(% 6i#l8 Let?s sit on t)e benc)8 I?ll tell yo( if yo(

sta#t loo0in6 st#an6e to &e85

T)ey sat on t)e benc)% $oin6 not)in68 T'o 1olice o#nit)o1te#s% flyin6 (st (n$e# t)e fo#eve#- 6#ay clo($s% (ietly 'atc)e$ t)e tation of Doo&8 T)ey )a$ been $oin6

t)is eve# since Ro$?s co&1(te# s)o'e$ )i& )o' to 'in all t)at &oney - t)e fo#t(ne 'as

still 1ilin6 (1% al&ost faste# t)an it co(l$ be co&1(te$8 T)e bi#$-en6ines 'e#e lay

an$ bea(tif(l as t)ey fle'8 T)e o1e#ato#s )a$ sync)#onie$ t)e fla11in6 of t)e t'o

sets of 'in6s% so t)at t)ey loo0e$ li0e #(0)s $oin6 a ballet8 T)e effect ca(6)t t)e eyes

of bot) Lavinia an$ A(nt Do#is8

Lavinia s($$enly s1o0e in a clea#% s)a#1% $e&an$in6 voice% (ite (nli0e )e# 

(s(al tone4 5It?s all &ine% isn?t it@5

Do#is b#eat)e$ softly% 5W)at% &y $ea#@5

5T)e tation of Doo&8 I?& one of t)e )ei#esses% any)o'% a#en?t I@5 Lavinia

 1(#se$ )e# li1s in a 1#o($ 1#i& s&(6 s&ile ')ic) 'o(l$ )ave )(&iliate$ )e# if s)e )a$

 been in )e# #i6)t &in$8

A(nt Do#is sai$ not)in68 )e no$$e$ silently8

5If I &a##y Ro$ I?ll be &iss(s an$ o'ne# !cBan% t)e #ic)est 'o&an ')o eve# 

live$8 B(t if I $o &a##y )i&% )e?ll )ate &e% beca(se )e?ll t)in0 it?s fo# )is &oney an$ )is

 1o'e#8 B(t I?ve love$ Ro$% love$ )i& s1ecially beca(se )e co(l$n?t )ie# o# s1ie08 I?ve

al'ays 0no'n t)at )e 'o(l$ nee$ &e so&e$ay% not li0e &y Da$$y sin6in6 )is c#ay

sa$ 1#o($ son6s fo#eve# an$ eve#F B(t )o' can I &a##y )i& no' 888 @5

W)is1e#e$ Do#is% ve#y 6ently% ve#y insin(atin6ly4 5Loo0 fo# Ro$% &y $ea#8 Loo0 

fo# Ro$ in t)at 1a#t of yo(# &in$ ')ic) t)o(6)t )e 'as $ea$8 Loo0 fo# Ro$% Lavinia%

loo0 fo# Ro$85

Lavinia la(6)e$ )a11ily% an$ it 'as t)e la(6) of a s&all c)il$8

)e sta#e$ at )e# feet% at t)e s0y% at Do#is - loo0in6 #i6)t t)#o(6) )e#8

He# eyes see&e$ to clea#8 W)en s)e s1o0e% it 'as in )e# no#&al a$(lt voice4

5I see Ro$8 o&eone )as c)an6e$ )i& into a cat-&an% (st li0e t)e 1ict(#es

'e?ve seen of (n$e#1eo1le8 An$ t)e#e?s a 6i#l 'it) )i& - a 6i#l% Do#is - an$ I can?t be

 ealo(s of )i& bein6 'it) )e#8 )e is t)e &ost bea(tif(l t)in6 t)at eve# live$ on any'o#l$8 Yo( o(6)t to see )e# )ai#% Do#is8 Yo( o(6)t to see )e# )ai#8 It is li0e a b(s)el of 

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 bea(tif(l fi#e8 Is t)at Ro$@ I $on?t

0no'8 I can?t tell8 I can?t see85 )e sat on t)e% benc)% loo0in6 st#ai6)t at Do#is

an$ seein6 not)in6% b(t 'ee1in6 co1io(sly8

At t)e beac) of !eeva !eefla% Ea#t)% t)e sa&e $ay

5"at)e#% yo( can?t be )e#e8 Yo( neve# co&e )e#eF5

5B(t I )ave%5 sai$ Lo#$ Willia& Not-f#o&-)e#e8 5An$ it?s i&1o#tant85

5I&1o#tant@5 la(6)e$ R(t)8 5T)en it?s not &e8 I?& not i&1o#tant8 Yo(# 'o#0 (1

t)e#e is85 )e loo0e$ to'a#$ t)e #i& of t)e Ea#t)1o#t% ')ic) floate$% $istinct an$

ci#c(la#% beyon$ t)e c#ests of so&e fa#a'ay clo($s8

T)e ove#-$#esse$ lo#$ s(atte$ incon6#(o(sly on t)e san$8

5Listen% 6i#l%5 sai$ )e slo'ly an$ e&1)atically% 5I?ve neve# as0e$ &(c) of yo(

 b(t I a& as0in6 no'85

5Yes% fat)e#%5 s)e sai$% a little f#i6)tene$ by t)is totally (nacc(sto&e$ ai# - )e# 

fat)e# 'as (s(ally 1layf(lly cas(al 'it) )e#% an$ e(ally (s(ally fo#6ot )e# ten secon$s

afte# )e 6ot t)#o(6) tal0in6 to )e#8

5R(t)% yo( 0no' 'e a#e Ol$ No#t) A(st#alians@5

5We?#e #ic)% if t)at?s ')at yo( &ean8 Not t)at it &atte#s% t)e 'ay t)in6s 6o85 5I?&

not tal0in6 abo(t #ic)es no'% I?& tal0in6 abo(t )o&e% an$ I &ean itF5 5Ho&e@ We neve# 

)a$ a )o&e% fat)e#85

5No#st#iliaF5 )e sna#le$ at )e#8

5I neve# sa' it% fat)e#8 No# $i$ yo(8 No# yo(# fat)e#8 No# 6#eat-6#an$1a8 W)at

a#e yo( tal0in6 abo(t@5

5We can 6o )o&e a6ainF5

5"at)e#% ')at?s )a11ene$@ Have yo( lost yo(# &in$@ Yo(?ve al'ays tol$ &e

t)at o(# fa&ily bo(6)t o(t an$ co(l$ neve# 6o bac08 W)at?s )a11ene$ no'@ Have t)ey

c)an6e$ t)e #(les@ I?& not even s(#e I 'ant to 6o t)e#e% any)o'8 No 'ate#% no

 beac)es% no cities8 K(st a $#y $(ll 1lanet 'it) sic0 s)ee1 an$ a lot of i&&o#tal fa#&e#s

')o 6o a#o(n$ a#&e$ to t)e teet)F5

5R(t)% yo( can ta0e (s bac0F5

)e (&1e$ to )e# feet an$ sla11e$ t)e san$ off )e# botto&8 )e 'as a littletalle# t)an )e# fat)e# t)o(6) )e 'as an e3t#e&ely )an$so&e% a#istoc#atic-loo0in6

&an% s)e 'as an even &o#e $istinctive 1e#son8 It 'o(l$ be obvio(s to anyone t)at s)e

'o(l$ neve# lac0 fo# s(ito#s o# 1(#s(e#s8

5All #i6)t% fat)e#8 Yo( al'ays )ave sc)e&es8 Us(ally it?s anti(e &oney8 T)is

ti&e I?& &i3e$ (1 'it) it so&e)o'% o# yo( 'o(l$n?t be )e#e8 "at)e#% (st ')at $o yo(

'ant &e to $o@5

5To &a##y8 To &a##y t)e #ic)est &an ')o )as eve# been 0no'n in t)e (nive#se85

5Is t)at all@5 s)e la(6)e$8 5Of co(#se I?ll &a##y )i&8 I?ve neve# &a##ie$ an off-

'o#l$e# befo#e8 Have yo( &a$e a $ate 'it) )i&@5

5Yo( $on?t (n$e#stan$% R(t)8 T)is isn?t Ea#t) &a##ia6e8 In No#st#ilian la' an$

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c(sto& yo( &a##y only one &an% yo( &a##y only once% an$ yo( stay &a##ie$ to )i& fo# 

as lon6 as yo( live85

A clo($ 1asse$ ove# t)e s(n8 T)e beac) beca&e coole#8 )e loo0e$ at )e# fat)e# 

'it) a f(nny &i3t(#e of sy&1at)y% conte&1t% an$ c(#iosty8

5T)at%5 s)e sai$% 5is a cat of anot)e# b#ee$8 I?ll )ave to see )i& fi#st8885

Antec)a&be# of t)e Bell an$ Ban0% Ea#t)1o#t% t)e sa&e $ay

A bea#-'o&an% co&1lete 'it) sta#c)e$ ca1 an$ n(#se?s (nifo#&% 1(s)e$ t)e

')eel c)ai# of t)e Lo#$ C#($elta into t)e #oo&8 Kestocost loo0e$ (1 f#o& t)e sit(ation

s)o's ')ic) )e )a$ been 'atc)in68 W)en )e sa' ')o it 'as% )e offe#e$ C#($elta a

$ee1 bo' in$ee$8 T)e bea#- 'o&an% fl(ste#e$ by t)is fa&o(s 1lace an$ all t)e 6#eat

$i6nita#ies ')o& s)e 'as &eetin6% s1o0e (1 in a sin6(la#ly )i6) voice% be66in64

5!y lo#$ an$ &aste# C#($elta% &ay I leave yo( )e#e@5

5Yes8 2o8 I 'ill call fo# yo( late#8 2o to t)e bat)#oo& on yo(# 'ay o(t8 It?s on

t)e #i6)t85 5!y lo#$ -F5 s)e 6as1e$ 'it) e&ba##ass&ent85Yo( 'o(l$n?t )ave $a#e$ if I )a$n?t tol$ yo(8 I?ve been 'atc)in6 yo(# &in$ fo# 

t)e last )alf- )o(#8 No' 6o alon685

T)e bea#-'o&an fle$ 'it) a #(stle of )e# sta#c)e$ s0i#ts8

W)en C#($elta loo0e$ $i#ectly at )i&% Kestocost 6ave )i& a ve#y $ee1 bo'8 In

liftin6 )is eyes )e loo0e$ $i#ectly into t)e face of t)e ol$% ol$ &an an$ sai$% 'it)

so&et)in6 nea# 1#i$e in )is voice4

5till (1 to yo(# ol$ t#ic0s% &y Lo#$ an$ collea6(e C#($eltaF5

5An$ yo( to yo(#s% Kestocost8 Ho' a#e yo( 6oin6 to 6et t)at boy o(t of t)e

se'e#s@5 5W)at boy@ W)at se'e#s@55O(# se'e#s8 T)e boy yo( sol$ t)is to'e# to85

"o# once% Kestocost 'as flabbe#6aste$8 His a' $#o11e$8 T)en )e collecte$

)i&self an$ sai$% 5Yo(?#e a 0no'le$6eable &an% &y Lo#$ C#($elta85

5T)at I a&%5 sai$ C#($elta% 5an$ a t)o(san$ yea#s ol$e# t)an yo(% to boot8 T)at

'as &y #e'a#$ fo# co&in6 bac0 f#o& t)e Not)in6-at-all85

5I 0no' t)at% si#%5 Kestocost?s f(ll% 1leasant face $i$ not s)o' 'o##y% b(t )e

st($ie$ t)e ol$ &an ac#oss f#o& )i& 'it) e3t#e&e ca#e8 In )is 1#i&e% t)e Lo#$

C#($elta )a$ been t)e 6#eatest of t)e Lo#$s of t)e Inst#(&entality% a tele1at) of ')o&

t)e ot)e# lo#$s 'e#e al'ays a little af#ai$% beca(se )e 1ic0e$ &in$s so $eftly an$(ic0ly t)at )e 'as t)e best &ental 1ic01oc0et ')o )a$ eve# live$8 A st#on6

conse#vative% )e )a$ neve# o11ose$ a s1ecific 1olicy beca(se it #an co(nte# to )is

6ene#al a11etites8 He )a$% fo# e3a&1le% ca##ie$ t)e vote fo# t)e Re$iscove#y of !an by

co&in6 o(t of #eti#e&ent an$ ton6(e-las)in6 t)e ')ole Co(ncil into a co#ne# 'it)

)is ve)e&ent s(11o#t fo# #efo#&8 Kestocost )a$ neve# li0e$ )i& - ')o co(l$ li0e a

#a1ie# ton6(e% a &in$ of (nfat)o&able b#illiance% a col$ ol$ e6o ')ic) neit)e# offe#e$

no# as0e$ co&1anions)i1@ Kestocost 0ne' t)at if t)e ol$ &an )a$ ca(6)t on to t)e Ro$

!cBan a$vent(#e% )e &i6)t be on t)e t#ail of Kestocost?s ea#lie# $eal 'it) - no% no% noF

$on?t t)in0 it )e#e% not 'it) t)ose eyes 'atc)in68

5I 0no' abo(t t)at% too%5 sai$ t)e ol$% ol$ &an8 5W)at@5

5T)e sec#et yo( a#e t#yin6 &ost of all to )i$e85

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Kestocost stoo$ s(b&issive% 'aitin6 fo# t)e blo' to fall8

T)e ol$ &an la(6)e$8 !ost 1eo1le 'o(l$ )ave e31ecte$ a cac0le f#o& t)at

)an$so&e f#es) yo(n6 face 'it) t)e 'it)e#e$ s1i$e#y bo$y8 T)ey 'o(l$ )ave been

foole$8 T)e la(6) 'as f(ll- bo$ie$% 6en(ine an$ 'a#&8

5Re$la$y?s a fool%5 sai$ C#($elta8

5I t)in0 so too%5 sai$ Kestocost% 5 b(t ')at a#e yo(# #easons% &y lo#$ an$


5en$in6 t)at yo(n6 &an off )is o'n 1lanet ')en )e )as so &(c) 'ealt) an$ so

little e31e#ience85

Kestocost no$$e$% not 'antin6 to say anyt)in6 (ntil t)e ol$ &an )a$ &a$e

)is line of attac0 1lain8

5I li0e yo(# i$ea% )o'eve#%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ C#($elta8 5ell )i& t)e Ea#t) an$ t)en

ta3 )i& fo# it8 B(t ')at is yo(# (lti&ate ai&@ !a0in6 )i& E&1e#o# of t)e PlanetEa#t)% in t)e ol$ style@ !(#$e#in6 )i&@ D#ivin6 )i& &a$@ Havin6 t)e cat-6i#l of 

yo(#s se$(ce )i& an$ t)en sen$ )i& )o&e a ban0#(1t@ I a$&it I )ave t)o(6)t of all

t)ese too b(t I $i$n see )o' any of t)e& 'o(l$ fit in 'it) yo(# 1assion fo# (stice8 B(t

t)e#e?s one t)in6 yo( can?t $o% Kestocost8 Yo( can?t sell )i& t)e Planet Ea#t) an$ t)en

)ave )i& stay )e#e an$ &ana6e it8 He &i6)t 'ant to (se t)is to'e# fo# )is #esi$ence8

T)at 'o(l$ be too &(c)8 I a& too ol$ to &ove o(t8 An$ )e &(stn?t #oll (1 t)at ocean

o(t t)e#e an$ ta0e it )o&e fo# a so(veni#8 Yo(?ve all been ve#y cleve#% &y lo#$ - cleve# 

eno(6) to be fools8 Yo( )ave c#eate$ an (nnecessa#y c#isis8 W)at a#e yo( 6oin6 to 6et

o(t of it@5

Kestocost 1l(n6e$8 T)e ol$ &an &(st )ave 1ic0e$ )is o'n &in$8 No')e#e else

co(l$ )e )ave 1(t all t)e t)#ea$s of t)e case to6et)e#8 Kestocost $eci$e$ on t)e t#(t) an$

t)e ')ole t#(t)8 He sta#te$ 'it) t)e $ay t)at Bi6 Blin0 #an6 in t)e eno#&o(s

t#ansactions in st#oon f(t(#es% financial 6a&bles ')ic) soon #eac)e$ o(t of t)e

co&&o$ity &a#0ets of Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia an$ be6an to (nbalance t)e econo&y of all

t)e civilie$ 'o#l$s8 Di#ecte$ an$ calc(late$ by t)e ancient !cBan fa&ily co&1(te# 

')ic)% ')en as0e$ by its ne' &iste# an$ o'ne# )o' )e co(l$ esca1e t)e sic0 en&ity of 

 No#st#ilia?s Onsec0% )a$ ans'e#e$ t)at t)e only 'ay 'as to beco&e t)e #ic)est &an in

t)e Unive#se

- an$% in fo(# )o(#s% )a$ b#o(6)t it abo(t8 He (n#olle$ as &(c) as 'as

necessa#y of t)e t)#ea$ of Ro$ !cBan?s s'ift yet co&1le3 $is1atc) to Ol$ Ea#t)%

ove#seen by t)e $is6#ace$ Lo#$ Re$la$y - t)e $is6(ise as a cat-&an% an$ t)e nineRo$-$o(bles% t)e se#vant Eleano# an$ ei6)t #obots% to conf(se t)ieves% 0i$na11e#s%

an$ anyone else ')o &i6)t feel an (n')oleso&e inte#est in t)e 'ealt)iest &an of all


5Tell &e ')at yo( 1lan to $o%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ C#($elta8 5If I li0e it% I 'ill )el1

yo(8 If I $on?t li0e it% I 'ill )ave t)e ')ole sto#y befo#e a 1len(& of t)e co(ncil t)is

ve#y &o#nin6% an$ yo( 0no' t)at t)ey 'ill tea# yo(# b#i6)t i$ea to s)#e$s8 T)ey 'ill

 1#obably seie t)e boy?s 1#o1e#ty% sen$ )i& to a )os1ital% an$ )ave )i& co&e o(t

s1ea0in6 Bas(e as a fla&enco 1laye#8 Yo( 0no' as 'ell as I $o t)at t)e

Inst#(&entality is ve#y 6ene#o(s 'it) ot)e# 1eo1le?s 1#o1e#ty% b(t 1#etty #(t)less ')en

it co&es to any t)#eat $i#ecte$ a6ainst itself8 Alte# all% I 'as one of t)e &en ')o 'i1e$

o(t Ra(&so685

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Kestocost be6an to tal0 ve#y (ietly% ve#y cal&ly8 He s1o0e 'it) t)e ass(#ance of 

an acco(ntant ')o% boo0s in o#$e#% is e31lainin6 an int#icate 1oint to )is &ana6e#8 Ol$

)i&self% )e 'as a c)il$ co&1a#e$ to t)e anti(ity an$ 'is$o& of t)e Lo#$ C#($elta8

He 'ent into $etails% incl($in6 t)e (lti&ate $is1ositon of Ro$ !cBan8 He even s)a#e$

'it) t)e Lo#$ C#($elta )is sy&1at)ies fo# t)e (n$e#1eo1le an$ )is o'n ve#y sec#et% ve#y

(iet st#(66le to i&1#ove t)ei# 

 1osition8 T)e only t)in6 ')ic) )e $i$ not &ention 'as t)e E-tele0eli an$ t)e

co(nte#b#ain ')ic) t)e (n$e#1eo1le )a$ set (1 in Do'n$ee1-$o'n$ee18 If t)e ol$ &an

0ne' it% )e 0ne' it an$ Kestocost co(l$n?t sto1 )i&% b(t if )e $i$ not 0no' it% t)e#e 'as

no 1oint in tellin6 )i&8

T)e Lo#$ C#($elta $i$ not #es1on$ 'it) senile ent)(sias& o# c)il$is) la(6)te#8

He #eve#te$% not to )is c)il$)oo$ b(t to )is &at(#ity 'it) 6#eat $i6nity an$ fo#ce )e


5I a11#ove8 I (n$e#stan$8 Yo( )ave &y 1#o3y if yo( nee$ it8 Call t)at n(#se to

co&e an$ 6et &e8 I t)o(6)t yo( 'e#e a cleve# fool% Kestocost8 Yo( so&eti&es a#e8 T)isti&e yo( a#e s)o'in6 t)at yo( )ave a )ea#t as 'ell as a )ea$85

5An$ t)e e3-lo#$ Re$la$y@5 as0e$ Kestocost $efe#entially8

5Hi&@ Not)in68 Not)in68 Let )i& live )is life8 T)e Ol$ No#t) A(st#alians

&i6)t as 'ell c(t t)ei# 1olitical teet) on )i&85

T)e bea#-'o&an #(stle$ bac0 into t)e #oo&8 T)e Lo#$ C#($elta 'ave$ )is )an$8

Kestocost bo'e$ al&ost to t)e floo#% an$ t)e ')eelc)ai#% )eavy as a tan0% c#ea0e$ its 'ay

ac#oss t)e $oo#sill8

5T)at%5 sai$ Kestocost% 5co(l$ )ave been t#o(bleF5 He 'i1e$ )is b#o'8


ROD% C?!ELL AND A?2ENTUR )a$ )a$ to )ol$ t)e si$es of t)e s)aft seve#al

ti&es as t)e t#affic beca&e )eavy an$ la#6e loa$s% 6oin6 (1 o# $o'n% )a$ to 1ass eac)

ot)e# an$ t)e& too8 In one of t)ese 'aits C?&ell ca(6)t )e# b#eat) an$ sai$ so&et)in6

ve#y s'iftly to t)e little &on0ey8 Ro$% not )ee$in6 t)e&% ca(6)t not)in6 b(t t)e

s($$en ent)(sias& an$ )a11iness in )e# voice8 T)e &on0ey?s &(#&(#e$ ans'e# &a$e

)e# 1laintive an$ s)e insiste$4

5B(t% Yee0asoose% yo( &(stF Ro$?s ')ole life co(l$ $e1en$ on it8 Not (st

savin6 )is life no'% b(t )avin6 a bette# life fo# )(n$#e$s an$ )(n$#e$s of yea#s85

T)e &on0ey 'as c#oss8 5Don?t as0 &e to t)in0 ')en I a& )(n6#y8 T)is fast

&etabolis& an$ s&all bo$y (st isn?t eno(6) to s(11o#t #eal t)in0in685

5If it?s foo$ yo( 'ant% )ave so&e #aisins85 )e too0 a s(a#e of co&1#esse$

see$less #aisins o(t of one of )e# &atc)in6 ba6s8

A?6ent(# ate t)e& 6#ee$ily% b(t 6loo&ily8

Ro$?s attention $#ifte$ a'ay f#o& t)e& as )e sa' &a6nificent 6ol$en f(#nit(#e%

elabo#ately ca#ve$ an$ inlai$ 'it) a 1ea#lescent &ate#ial% bein6 1ilote$ (1 t)e

s)aft by a ')ole t#oo1 of tal0ative $o6-&en8 He as0e$ t)e& ')e#e t)e f(#nit(#e 'as

6oin68 W)en t)ey $i$ not ans'e# )ini% )e #e1eate$ )is (estion in a &o#e 1e#e&1to#ytone of voice% as befitte$ t)e #ic)est Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian in t)e (nive#se8 T)e tone of 

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$e&an$ b#o(6)t ans'e#s% b(t t)ey 'e#e not t)e ones )e 'as e31ectin68 5!eo'%5 sai$

one $o6-&an8 5)(t (1% cat% o# I?ll c)ase yo( (1 a t#ee85 5Not to yo(# )o(se% b(ste#8

E3actly ')at $o yo( t)in0 yo( a#e% 1eo1le@5 5Cats a#e al'ays nosy8 Loo0 at t)at

one85 T)e $o6-fo#e&an #ose into si6)t 'it) $i6nity an$ 0in$ness )e sai$ to Ro$% 5Cat-

fello'% if yo( feel li0e tal0in6% yo( &ay 6et &a#0e$ s(#1l(s8 Bette# 0ee1 (iet in t)e

 1(blic $#o1s)aftF5 Ro$ #ealie$ t)at to t)ese bein6s )e 'as one of t)e&% a cat &a$e intoa &an% an$ t)at t)e (n$e#1eo1le 'o#0&en ')o se#ve$ Ol$ Ea#t) )a$ been t#aine$ not to

c)atte# ')ile 'o#0in6 on t)e b(siness of !an8

He ca(6)t t)e tail of C?&ell?s (#6ent ')is1e# to A?6ent(#4 5888 an$ $on?t as0 )i&8

Tell )i&8 We?ll #is0 t)e 1eo1le one fo# a visit to t)e Cat&aste#F Tell )i&85

A?6ent(# 'as 1antin6 'it) a #a1i$ s)allo' b#eat)8 His eyes see&e$ to

 1#ot#($e f#o& t)ei# soc0ets an$ yet )e 'as loo0in6 at not)in68 He 6#oane$ as t)o(6)

'it) so&e in'a#$ effo#t8 At last )e lost )is 6#i1 on t)e 'all an$ 'o(l$ )ave floate$

slo'ly $o'n'a#$ if C?&ell )a$ not ca(6)t )i& an$ c($$le$ )i& li0e a baby8 C?&ell

')is1e#e$% ea6e#ly4

5Yo( #eac)e$ )i&@5

5Hi&%5 6as1e$ t)e little &on0ey8 5W)o@5 as0e$ Ro$8

5Aitc) eye%5 sai$ C?&ell8 5I?ll tell yo( late#85 Of A?6ent(# s)e as0e$% 5If yo( 6ot

)i&% ')at $i$ )e say@5

5He sai$% ?E-i0as(s% I $o not say no8 Yo( a#e &y son8 Ta0e t)e #is0 if yo(

t)in0 it 'ise8? An$ $on?t as0 &e no'% C?&ell8 Let &e t)in0 a little8 I )ave been all t)e

'ay to No#st#ilia an$ bac08 I?& still c#a&1e$ in t)is little bo$y8 Do 'e )ave to $o it

no'@ Ri6)t no'@ W)y can?t 'e 6o to )i&5 - an$ !6ent(# no$$e$ to'a#$ t)e $e1t)s

 belo' - 5an$ fin$ o(t ')at 'e 'ant Ro$ fo#% any)o'@ Ro$ is a &eans% not an en$8 W)o#eally 0no's ')at to $o 'it) )i&@5

5W)at a#e yo( tal0in6 abo(t@5 sai$ Ro$8

i&(ltaneo(sly C?&ell sna11e$% 5I 0no' ')at 'e a#e 6oin6 to $o 'it) )i&85

5W)at@5 sai$ t)e little &on0ey% ve#y ti#e$ a6ain8

5We?#e 6oin6 to let t)is boy 6o f#ee% an$ let )i& fin$ )a11iness% an$ if )e 'ants

to 6ive (s )is )el1% 'e 'ill ta0e it an$ be 6#atef(l8 B(t 'e a#e not 6oin6 to #ob )i&8 Not

6oin6 to )(#t )i&8 T)at 'o(l$ be a &ean% $i#ty 'ay to sta#t bein6 bette# c#eat(#es t)an

'e a#e8 If )e 0no's ')o )e is befo#e )e &eets )i&% t)ey can &a0e sense85 )e t(#ne$ to

Ro$ an$ sai$ 'it) &yste#io(s (#6ency4

5Don?t yo( 'ant to 0no' ')o yo( a#e@5

5I?& Ro$ !cBan to-t)e-)(n$#e$-an$-fifty-fi#st%5 sai$ )e 1#o&1tly8

5)e-)-)%5 sai$ s)e% 5no na&es )e#e8 I?& not tal0in6 abo(t na&es8 I?& tal0in6

abo(t t)e $ee1 insi$es of yo(8 Life itself as it flo's t)#o(6) yo(8 Do yo( )ave any i$ea

')o yo( a#e@5

5Yo(?#e 1layin6 6a&es%5 )e sai$8 5I 0no' 1e#fectly 'ell ')o I a&% an$ ')e#e I

live% an$ ')at I )ave8 I even 0no' t)at #i6)t no' I a& s(11ose$ to be a cat-&an na&e$

C?#o$e#ic08 W)at else is t)e#e to 0no'@5

5Yo( &enF5 s)e sobbe$ at )i&% 5Yo( &enF Even ')en yo(?#e 1eo1le% yo(?#e so$ense t)at yo( can?t (n$e#stan$ a si&1le (estion8 I?& not as0in6 yo( yo(# na&e o# 

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yo(# a$$#ess o# yo(# label o# yo(# 6#eat-6#an$fat)e#?s 1#o1e#ty8 I?& as0in6 abo(t yo(%

Ro$% t)e only yo( t)at 'ill eve# live% no &atte# )o' &any n(&be#s yo(# 6#an$sons

&ay 1(t afte# t)ei# na&es8 Yo(?#e not in t)e 'o#l$ (st to o'n a 1iece of 1#o1e#ty o# to

)an$le a s(#na&e 'it) a n(&be# afte# it8 Yo(?#e yo(8 T)e#e?s neve# been anot)e# yo(8

T)e#e 'ill neve# be anot)e# one% afte# yo(8 W)at $oes t)is ?yo(? 'ant@5

Ro$ 6lance$ $o'n at t)e 'alls of t)e t(nnel% ')ic) see&e$ to t(#n - o)% so fa# 

 belo' - ve#y 6ently to t)e No#t)8 He loo0e$ (1 at t)e little #)o&boi$s of li6)t cast on

t)e t(nnel 'alls by t)e lan$in6 $oo#s into t)e va#io(s levels of Ea#t)1o#t8 He felt )is

o'n 'ei6)t% a )alf-0ilo o# so% ta66in6 6ently at )is )an$ as )e )el$ to t)e #o(6)

s(#face of t)e ve#tical s)aft% s(11o#te$ by )is belt8 T)e belt itself felt (nco&fo#table

abo(t )is &i$$le afte# all% it 'as s(11o#tin6 &ost of )is 'ei6)t% an$ it s(eee$ )i&8

W)at $o I 'ant@ t)o(6)t )e8 W)o a& I t)at I s)o(l$ )ave a #i6)t to 'ant anyt)in6@ I a&

Ro$ !cBan CLI% t)e &iste# an$ o'ne# of t)e tation of Doo&8 B(t I?& also a 1oo# 

f#ea0 'it) ba$ tele1at)y ')o can?t even s1ie0 o# )ie# #i6)tly8

C?&ell 'as 'atc)in6 )i& as clinically as a s(#6eon% b(t )e co(l$ tell f#o& )e# 

e31#ession t)at s)e 'as not t#yin6 to 1ee1 )is &in$8

He fo(n$ )i&self s1ea0in6 al&ost as 'ea#ily as )a$ A?6ent(#% ')o 'as also

calle$ so&et)in6 li0e 5Yee0asoose%5 an$ ')o )a$ st#an6e 1o'e#s fo# a little &on0ey%

5I $on?t s(11ose I 'ant anyt)in6 &(c)% C?&ell% e3ce1t t)at I s)o(l$ li0e to s1ie0 

an$ )ie# co##ectly% li0e ot)e# 1eo1le on &y native 'o#l$85

)e loo0e$ at )i&% )e# e31#ession s)o'in6 intense sy&1at)y an$ t)e effo#t to

&a0e a $ecision8 A?6ent(# inte##(1te$ 'it) )is )i6) clea# &on0ey voice% 5ay t)at to &e%

si# an$ &aste#85

Ro$ #e1eate$% 5I $on?t #eally 'ant anyt)in68 I 'o(l$ li0e to s1ie0 an$ )ie# 

 beca(se ot)e# 1eo1le a#e f(ssin6 at &e abo(t it8 An$ I 'o(l$ li0e to 6et a Ca1e of 2oo$

Ho1e t'o1enny t#ian6(la# bl(e sta&1 ')ile I a& still on Ea#t)8 B(t t)at?s abo(t all8 I

6(ess t)e#e?s not)in6 I #eally 'ant85

T)e &on0ey close$ )is eyes an$ see&e$ to fall aslee1 a6ain4 Ro$ s(s1ecte$ it

'as so&e 0in$ of tele1at)ic t#ance8

C?&ell )oo0e$ A?6ent(# on an ol$ #o$ ')ic) 1#ot#($e$ f#o& t)e s(#face of t)e

s)aft8 ince )e 'ei6)e$ only a fe' 6#a&s% t)e#e 'as no 1(ll on t)e belt8 )e seie$

Ro$?s s)o(l$e# an$ 1(lle$ )i& ove# to )e#8

5Ro$% listenF Do yo( 'ant to 0no' ')o yo( a#e@5 5I $on?t 0no'%5 sai$ )e8 5I

&i6)t be &ise#able85 5Not if yo( 0no' ')o yo( a#eF5 s)e insiste$85I &i6)t not li0e &e%5 sai$ Ro$8 5Ot)e# 1eo1le $on?t an$ &y 1a#ents $ie$

to6et)e# ')en t)ei# s)i1 'ent &il0y o(t in s1ace8 I?& not no#&al85

5"o# 2o$?s sa0e% Ro$F5 s)e c#ie$8 5W)o@5 sai$ )e8

5"o#6ive &e% fat)e#%5 sai$ s)e% s1ea0in6 to no one in si6)t8

5I?ve )ea#$ t)at na&e befo#e% so&e')e#e%5 sai$ Ro$8 5B(t let?s 6et 6oin68 I 'ant

to 6et to t)is &yste#io(s 1lace yo( a#e ta0in6 &e an$ t)en I 'ant to fin$ o(t abo(t

Eleano#8 )e?s $is6(ise$ as &e% ta0in6 #is0s fo# &e% alon6 'it) ei6)t #obots8 It?s (1 to

&e to $o ')at I can fo# )e#8 Al'ays85

5B(t s)e?s yo(# se#vant%5 sai$ C?&ell8 5)e se#ves yo(8 Al&ost li0e bein6 an(n$e#1e#son% li0e &e85

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5)e?s a 1e#son%5 sai$ Ro$% st(bbo#nly8 5We )ave no (n$e#1eo1le in No#st#ilia%

e3ce1t fo# a fe' in 6ove#n&ent obs8 B(t s)e?s &y f#ien$85

5Do yo( 'ant to &a##y )e#@5

52#eat sic0 s)ee1% 6i#lF A#e yo( ba#&y@ NoF5 5Do yo( 'ant to &a##y anybo$y@5

5At si3teen@5 )e c#ie$8 5Any)o'% &y fa&ily 'ill a##an6e it85 T)e t)o(6)t of  1lain )onest $evote$ Lavinia c#osse$ )is &in$% an$ )e co(l$ not )el1 co&1a#in6 )e# 

to t)is 'il$ vol(1t(o(s c#eat(#e ')o floate$ besi$e )i& in t)e t(nnel as t)e t#affic

 1asse$ t)e& 6oin6 (1 an$ $o'n8 Wit) nea# 'ei6)tlessness% C?&ell?s )ai# floate$ li0e a

&a6ic flo'e# a#o(n$ )e# )ea$8 )e )a$ been b#(s)in6 it o(t of )e# eyes f#o& ti&e to

ti&e8 He sno#te$% 5Not Eleano#85

W)en )e sai$ t)is% anot)e# i$ea c#osse$ t)e &in$ of t)e bea(tif(l cat-6i#l8 5Yo(

0no' ')at I a&% Ro$%5 sai$ s)e% ve#y se#io(sly8

5A cat-6i#l f#o& t)e 1lanet Ea#t)8 Yo(?#e s(11ose$ to be &y 'ife85

5T)at?s #i6)t%5 s)e sai$% 'it) an o$$8 intonation in )e# voice8 5Be it% t)enF5

5W)at@5 sai$ Ro$8

5!y )(sban$%5 s)e sai$% )e# voice catc)in6 sli6)tly8 5Be &y )(sban$% if it 'ill

)el1 yo( to fin$ yo(85

)e stole a (ic0 6lance (1 an$ $o'n t)e s)aft% t)e#e 'as nobo$y nea#8

5Loo0% Ro$% loo0F5 )e s1#ea$ t)e o1enin6 of )e# $#ess $o'n an$ asi$e8 Even

'it) t)e 1oo# li6)t% to ')ic) )is eyes )a$ beco&e acc(sto&e$% )e co(l$ see t)e

fine t#ace#y of veins in )e# $elicate c)est an$ )e# yo(n6% 1ea#-s)a1e$ b#easts8 T)e

a(#eoles a#o(n$ t)e ni11les 'e#e a clea#% s'eet% innocent 1in0 t)e ni11les t)e&selves

'e#e as 1#etty as t'o 1ieces of can$y8 "o# a &o&ent t)e#e 'as 1leas(#e an$ t)en ate##ible e&ba##ass&ent ca&e ove# )i&8 He t(#ne$ )is face a'ay an$ felt )o##ibly self-

conscio(s8 W)at s)e )a$ $one 'as inte#estin6% b(t it 'asn?t nice8

W)en )e $a#e$ to 6lance at )e#% s)e 'as still st($yin6 )is face8

5I?& a 6i#ly6i#l% Ro$8 T)is is &y b(siness8 An$ yo(?#e a cat% 'it) all t)e

#i6)ts of a to&cat8 Nobo$y can tell t)e $iffe#ence% )e#e in t)is t(nnel8 Ro$% $o yo( 'ant

to $o anyt)in6@5

Ro$ 6(l1e$ an$ sai$ not)in68

)e s'e1t )e# clot)in6 bac0 inte# 1lace8 T)e st#an6e (#6ency left )e# voice8 5I

6(ess%5 s)e sai$% 5t)at t)at left &e a little b#eat)less8 I fin$ yo( 1#etty att#active% Ro$8 Ifin$ &yself t)in0in6% ?')at a 1ity )e is not a cat8? I?& ove# it no'85

Ro$ sai$ not)in68

A b(bble of la(6)te# ca&e into )e# voice% alon6 'it) so&et)in6 &ot)e#in6 an$

ten$e#% ')ic) t(66e$ at )is )ea#tst#in6s8 5Best of all% Ro$% I $i$n?t &ean it8 O# &aybe I

$i$8 I )a$ to 6ive yo( a c)ance befo#e I felt t)at I #eally 0ne' yo(8 Ro$% I?& one of 

t)e &ost bea(tif(l 6i#ls on Ol$ Ol$ Ea#t) Itself8 T)e Inst#(&entality (ses &e fo# 

t)at ve#y #eason8 We?ve t(#ne$ yo( into a cat an$ offe#e$ yo( &e% an$ yo( 'on?t

)ave &e8 Doesn?t t)at s(66est t)at yo( $on?t 0no' ')o yo( a#e@

5A#e yo( bac0 on t)at@5 sai$ Ro$8 5I 6(ess I (st $on?t (n$e#stan$ 6i#ls85

5Yo(?$ bette#% befo#e yo(?#e t)#o(6) 'it) Ea#t)%5 s)e sai$8 5Yo(# a6ents )ave

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 119/185

 bo(6)t a &illion of t)e& fo# yo(% o(t of all t)at st#oon &oney85

5Peo1le o# (n$e#1eo1le@5 5Bot)F5

5Let t)e& b(6 s)ee1F5 )e c#ie$8 5I )a$ no 1a#t in o#$e#in6 t)e&8 Co&e on% 6i#l8

T)is is no 1lace fo# a bo($oi# conve#sationF5

5W)e#e on ea#t) $i$ yo( lea#n t)at 'o#$@5 s)e la(6)e$8

5I #ea$ boo0s8 Lots of boo0s8 I &ay loo0 li0e a 1easant to yo( Ea#t) 1eo1le% b(t

I 0no' a lot of t)in6s85

5Do yo( t#(st &e% Ro$@5

He t)o(6)t of )e# i&&o$esty% ')ic) still left )i& a little b#eat)less8 T)e Ol$

 No#t) A(st#alian )(&o# #easse#te$ itself in )i&% as a c(lt(#al c)a#acte#istic an$ not

 (st as an in$ivi$(al one4 5I?ve seen a lot of yo(% C?&ell%5 sai$ )e 'it) a 6#in8 5I

s(11ose yo( $on?t )ave &any s(#1#ises left8 All #i6)t% I t#(st yo(8 T)en ')at@5

)e st($ie$ )i& closely8

5I?ll tell yo( ')at E-i0as(s an$ I 'e#e $isc(ssin685 5W)o@5

5Hi&85 )e no$$e$ at t)e little &on0ey8 5I t)o(6)t )is na&e 'as A?6ent(#85

5Li0e yo(#s is C?#o$F5 s)e sai$8

5He?s not a &on0ey@5 as0e$ Ro$8

)e loo0e$ a#o(n$ an$ lo'e#e$ )e# voice8 5He?s a bi#$%5 s)e sai$ sole&nly% 5an$

)e?s t)e secon$ &ost i&1o#tant bi#$ on Ea#t)85

5o ')at@5 sai$ Ro$8

5He?s in c)a#6e of yo(# $estiny% Ro$8 Yo(# life o# yo(# $eat)8 Ri6)t no'85

5I t)o(6)t%5 )e ')is1e#e$ bac0% 5t)at t)at 'as (1 to t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y an$

so&ebo$y na&e$

Kestocost on Ea#t)85

5Yo(?#e $ealin6 'it) ot)e# 1o'e#s% Ro$ - 1o'e#s ')ic) 0ee1 t)e&selves

sec#et8 T)ey 'ant to be f#ien$s 'it) yo(8 An$ I t)in0%5 s)e a$$e$ 'it) a co&1lete non

se(it(#% 5t)at 'e?$ bette# ta0e t)e #is0 an$ 6o85

He loo0e$ blan0 an$ s)e a$$e$% 5To t)e Cat&aste#85 5T)ey?ll $o so&et)in6 to

&e t)e#e85

5Yes%5 s)e sai$8 He# face 'as cal&% f#ien$ly% an$ even8 5Yo( 'ill $ie% &aybe -

 b(t not &(c) c)ance8 O# yo( &i6)t 6o &a$ - t)e#e?s al'ays t)e 1ossibility8 O# yo('ill fin$ all t)e t)in6s yo( 'ant - t)at?s t)e li0eliest of all8 I )ave been t)e#e% Ro$8 I

&yself )ave been t)e#e8 Don?t yo( t)in0 t)at I loo0 li0e a )a11y% b(sy 6i#l% ')en yo(

consi$e# t)at I?& #eally (st an ani&al 'it) a #at)e# lo'-$o'n ob@5

Ro$ st($ie$ )e#% 5Ho' ol$ a#e yo(@5 5T)i#ty ne3t yea#%5 s)e sai$% infle3ibly8

5"o# t)e fi#st ti&e@5

5"o# (s ani&al-1eo1le t)e#e is no secon$ ti&e% Ro$8 I t)o(6)t yo( 0ne' t)at85

He #et(#ne$ )e# 6ae8 5If yo( can ta0e it%5 sai$ )e% 5I can too8 Let?s 6o85

)e lifte$ A?6ent(# o# E-i0as(s% $e1en$in6 on ')ic) )e #eally 'as% off t)e 'all%

')e#e )e )a$ been slee1in6 li0e a &a#ionette bet'een 1lays8 He o1ene$ )is e3)a(ste$

little eyes an$ blin0e$ at )e#8

5Yo( )ave 6iven (s o(# o#$e#s%5 sai$ C?&ell8 5We a#e 6oin6 to t)e De1a#t&ent

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to#e85 5I )ave%5 )e sai$% c#ossly% co&in6 &(c) &o#e a'a0e8 5I $on?t #e&e&be# itF5

)e la(6)e$% 5K(st t)#o(6) &e% E-i0as(sF5

5T)at na&eF5 )e )isse$8 5Don?t 6et fool)a#$y8 Not in a 1(blic s)aft85 5All #i6)t%

A?6ent(#%5 s)e #es1on$e$% 5b(t $o yo( a11#ove@5

5Of t)e $ecision@5 )e no$$e$8

T)e little &on0ey loo0e$ at bot) of t)e&8 He s1o0e to Ro$8 5If s)e 6a&bles )e# 

life an$ yo(#s% not to &ention &ine - if s)e ta0es c)ances to &a0e yo( &(c)% &(c)

)a11ie#% a#e yo( 'illin6 to co&e alon6@5

Ro$ no$$e$ in silent a6#ee&ent8

5Let?s 6o% t)en%5 sai$ t)e &on0ey-s(#6eon8 5W)e#e a#e 'e 6oin6@5 as0e$ Ro$8

5Do'n into Ea#t)1o#t City8 A&on6 all t)e 1eo1le8 'a#&s an$ s'a#&s of 

t)e&%5 sai$ C?&ell% 5an$ yo( 'ill 6et to see t)e eve#y$ay life of Ea#t)% (st t)e 'ay

t)at yo( as0e$ at t)e to1 of t)e to'e#% an )o(# a6o85

5A yea# a6o% yo( &ean%5 sai$ Ro$8 5o &(c) )as )a11ene$F5 He t)o(6)t of )e# yo(n6 na0e$ b#easts an$ t)e i&1(lse ')ic) )a$ &a$e )e# s)o' t)e& to )i&% b(t t)e

t)o(6)t $i$ not &a0e )i& e3cite$ o# 6(ilty )e felt f#ien$ly% beca(se )e sense$ in t)ei# 

')ole #elations)i1 a f#ien$liness &(c) &o#e fe#vent t)an se3 itself8

5We a#e 6oin6 to a sto#e%5 sai$ t)e slee1y &on0ey8 5A co&&issa#y8 "o# t)in6s@

W)at fo#@5

5It )as a nice na&e%5 sai$ C?&ell% 5an$ it is #(n by a 'on$e#f(l 1e#son8 T)e

Cat&aste# )i&self8 "ive )(n$#e$ so&e yea#s ol$% an$ still allo'e$ to live by vi#t(e of 

t)e le6acy of t)e La$y 2o#o0e85

5Neve# )ea#$ of )e#%5 sai$ Ro$8 5W)at?s t)e na&e@5

5T)e De1a#t&ent to#e of Hea#ts? Desi#es%5 sai$ C?&ell an$ E-i0as(s


T)e t#i1 'as a vivi$% (ic0 $#ea&8 T)ey )a$ only a fe' )(n$#e$ &ete#s to

fall befo#e t)ey #eac)e$ 6#o(n$ level8

T)ey ca&e o(t on t)e 1eo1le-st#eet8 A #obot-1olice&an 'atc)e$ t)e& f#o& a


H(&an bein6s in t)e cost(&es of a )(n$#e$ )isto#ical 1e#io$s 'e#e 'al0in6

a#o(n$ in t)e 'a#&% 'et ai# of Ea#t)8 Ro$ co(l$ not s&ell as &(c) salt in t)e ai# as )e

)a$ s&elle$ at t)e to1 of t)e to'e#% b(t $o'n )e#e in t)e city it s&elle$ of &o#e 1eo1le t)an )e )a$ eve# even i&a6ine$ in one 1lace8 T)o(san$s of in$ivi$(als%

)(n$#e$s an$ t)o(san$s of $iffe#ent 0in$s of foo$s% t)e o$o#s of #obots% of (n$e#1eo1le

an$ of ot)e# t)in6s ')ic) see&e$ to be (n&o$ifie$ ani&als8

5T)is is t)e &ost inte#estin6 s&ellin6 1lace I )ave eve# been%5 sai$ )e to C?&ell8

)e 6lance$ at )i& i$ly8 5T)at?s nice8 Yo( can s&ell li0e a $o6-&an8 !ost of t)e

#eal 1eo1le I )ave 0no'n co(l$n?t s&ell t)ei# o'n feet8 Co&e on t)o(6)% C?#o$e#ic0 -

#e&e&be# ')o yo( a#eF If 'e?#e not ta66e$ an$ license$ fo# t)e s(#face% 'e?ll 6et

sto11e$ by t)at 1olice&an in one &in(te o# less85

)e ca##ie$ E-i0as(s an$ stee#e$ Ro$ 'it) a 1#ess(#e on )is elbo'8 T)ey ca&e

to a #a&1 ')ic) le$ to an (n$e#6#o(n$ 1assa6e% 'ell ill(&inate$8 !ac)ines% #obots an$

(n$e#1eo1le 'e#e )(##yin6 bac0 an$ fo#t) alon6 it% b(sy 'it) t)e co&&e#ce of Ea#t)8

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Ro$ 'o(l$ )ave been co&1letely lost if )e )a$ been 'it)o(t C?&ell8 T)o(6) )is

&i#ac(lo(s b#oa$-ban$ )ie#in6% ')ic) )a$ so often s(#1#ise$ )i& at )o&e% )a$ not

#et(#ne$ $(#in6 )is fe' )o(#s on Ol$ Ea#t)% )is ot)e# senses 6ave )i& a s(ffocatin6

a'a#eness of t)e )(6e n'nbe# of 

 1eo1le a#o(n$ )i& an$ above )i&8 He neve# #ealie$ t)at t)e#e 'e#e ti&es%

lon6 6one% ')en t)e cities of Ea#t) )a$ 1o1(lation ')ic) #eac)e$ t)e tens of &illions

to )i&% seve#al )(n$#e$ t)o(san$ 1eo1le% an$ a co&1a#able n(&be# of (n$e#1eo1le%

'as a c#o'$ al&ost beyon$ all &eas(#e8 T)e so(n$s an$ s&ells of (n$e#1eo1le 'e#e

s(btly $iffe#ent f#o& t)ose of 1eo1le so&e of t)e &ac)ines of Ea#t) 'e#e bi66e# an$

ol$e# t)an anyt)in6 ')ic) )e )a$ 1#evio(sly i&a6ine$ an$ above all% t)e ci#c(lation of 

'ate# in i&&ense vol(&es% &illions (1on &illions of 6allons% fo# t)e &(lti1le

 1(#1oses of Ea#t)1o#t - sanitation% coolin6% $#in0in6% in$(st#ial 1(#1oses - &a$e )i& feel

t)at )e 'as not a&on6 a fe' b(il$in6s% ')ic) )e 'o(l$ )ave calle$ a city in Ol$ No#t)

A(st#alia% b(t t)at )e )i&self )a$ beco&e a bloo$-cell t)#(stin6 t)#o(6) t)e ci#c(lato#y

syste& of so&e eno#&o(s co&1osite ani&al% t)e nat(#e of ')ic) )e i&1e#fectly(n$e#stoo$8 T)is city 'as alive 'it) a stic0y% 'et% co&1licate$ aliveness ')ic) )e )a$

)it)e#to not even i&a6ine$ to be 1ossible8 !ove&ent c)a#acte#ie$ it8 He s(s1ecte$

t)at t)e &ove&ent 'ent on by ni6)t an$ $ay% t)at t)e#e 'as no #eal cessation to it% t)at

t)e 6#eat 1(&1s t)#(st 'ate# t)#o(6) fee$e# 1i1es an$ $#ains ')et)e# 1eo1le 'e#e

a'a0e o# not% t)at t)e b#ains of t)is o#6aniation co(l$ be no one 1lace% b(t )a$ to

co&1#ise &any s(b-b#ains% eac) co&&itte$ an$ #es1onsible fo# its 1a#tic(la# tas0s8 No

'on$e# (n$e#1eo1le 'e#e nee$e$F It 'o(l$ be bo#e$o& an$ 1ain% even 'it)

 1e#fecte$ a(to&ation% to )ave eno(6) )(&an s(1e#viso#s to #econnect t)e va#io(s

syste&s if t)ey )a$ b#ea0$o'ns insi$e t)e&selves% o# at t)ei# inte#connections8 Ol$

 No#t) A(st#alia )a$ vitality% b(t it 'as t)e vitality of o1en fiel$s% fe' 1eo1le% i&&ense

'ealt)% an$ 1e#1et(al &ilita#y $an6e# t)is 'as t)e vitality of t)e cess1ool% of t)eco&1ost )ea1% b(t t)e #ottin6% bloo&in6% 6#o'in6 co&1onents 'e#e not 'aste &ate#ial

 b(t )(&an bein6s an$ nea#- )(&an bein6s8 No 'on$e# t)at )is fo#efat)e#s )a$ fle$ t)e

cities as t)ey )a$ been8 T)ey &(st )ave been soli$ 1la6(e to f#ee &en8 Even Ol$

O#i6inal A(st#alia% so&e')e#e )e#e on Ea#t)% )a$ lost its o1enness an$ f#ee$o& in

o#$e# to beco&e t)e sin6le 6iant city-co&1le3 of Nanbien8 It &(st% Ro$ t)o(6)t 'it)

)o##o#% )ave been a t)o(san$ ti&es t)e sie of t)is city of Ea#t)1o#t8 He 'as '#on6%

 beca(se it 'as ,G9%999 ti&es t)e sie of Ea#t)1o#t befo#e it $ie$8 Ea#t)1o#t )a$ only

abo(t t'o )(n$#e$ t)o(san$ 1e#&anent #esi$ents ')en Ro$ visite$ it% 'it) an

a$$itional n(&be# 'al0in6 in f#o& t)e nea#e# s(b(#bs% t)e o(te# s(b(#bs still bein6

#(ine$ an$ aban$one$% b(t A(st#alia - (n$e# t)e na&e of Aoo( Nanbien - )a$ #eac)e$

a 1o1(lation of t)i#ty billion befo#e it $ie$% an$ befo#e t)e Wil$ Ones an$ t)e!ensc)en6e# )a$ set to 'o#0 0illin6 oft t)e s(#vivo#s8

Ro$ 'as be'il$e#e$% b(t C?&ell 'as not8

)e )a$ 1(t A?6ent(# $o'n% ove# )is ')ine$ &on0ey-li0e 1#otest8 He t#otte$

(n'illin6ly besi$e t)e&8

Wit) t)e i&1($ent 0no'le$6eability of a t#(e city 6i#l% s)e )a$ le$ t)e& to a

c#oss-'al0 f#o& ')ic) a contin(o(s ')istlin6 #oa# ca&e fo#t)8 By '#itin6% by 1ict(#e%

an$ by lo($s1ea0e#% t)e 'a#nin6 syste& #e1eate$ *EEP O""8 "REI2HT ONLY%

DAN2ER8 *EEP O""8 )e )a$ snatc)e$ (1 E-i0as(sA?6ent(#% 6#abbe$ Ro$ by t)e

a#&% an$ (&1e$ 'it) t)e& on a se#ies of #a1i$ly &ovin6 ai#bo#ne 1latfo#&s8 Ro$%sta#tle$ by t)e s($$enness in ')ic) t)ey )a$ fo(n$ t)e t#ac0'ay% s)o(te$ to as0 ')at it

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 122/185


5"#ei6)t@ W)at?s t)at@5

5T)in6s8 Bo3es8 "oo$s8 T)is is t)e Cent#al t#ac0'ay8 No sense in 'al0in6 si3

0ilo&ete#s ')en 'e can 6et t)is8 Be #ea$y to (&1 off 'it) &e ')en I 6ive yo( t)e


5It feels $an6e#o(s%5 )e sai$8

5It isn?t%5 sai$ s)e% 5not if yo(?#e a cat85

Wit) t)is so&e')at e(ivocal #eass(#ance% s)e let t)e& #i$e8 A?6ent(# co(l$ not

ca#e less8 He c($$le$ )is )ea$ a6ainst )e# s)o(l$e#% '#a11e$ )is lon6 6ibbonli0e a#&s

a#o(n$ )e# (11e# a#& an$ 'ent so(n$ly to slee18

C?&ell no$$e$ at Ro$%

5oon no'F5 s)e calle$% ($6in6 t)ei# $istance by lan$&a#0s ')ic) )e fo(n$

&eanin6less8 T)e lan$in6 1oints )a$ flat% conc#ete-line$ a#eas ')e#e t)e in$ivi$(alflat ca#s #(s)in6 alon6 on t)ei# #ive# of ai#% co(l$ be s)(nte$ s($$enly to t)e si$e fo# 

loa$in6 o# (nloa$in68 Eac) of t)ese loa$in6 a#eas )a$ a n(&be#% b(t Ro$ )a$ not even

notice$ at ')at 1oint t)ey )a$ 6otten on8 T)e s&ells of t)e (n$e#6#o(n$ city c)an6e$

so &(c) as t)ey &ove$ f#o& one $ist#ict to anot)e# t)at )e 'as &o#e inte#este$ in o$o#s

t)an in t)e n(&be#s on t)e 1latfo#&s8

)e 1inc)e$ )is (11e# a#& ve#y s)a#1ly as a si6n t)at )e s)o(l$ 6et #ea$y8 T)ey


He sta66e#e$ ac#oss t)e 1latfo#& (ntil )e ca(6)t )i&self (1 a6ainst a la#6e

ve#tical c#ate &a#0e$ 5Al6on(in Pa1e# Wo#0s - C#e$it li1s% !iniat(#e - : &85 C?&ell

lan$e$ as 6#acef(lly as if s)e )a$ been actin6 a #e)ea#se$ 1iece of ac#obatics8 T)elittle &on0ey on )e# s)o(l$e# sta#e$ 'it) 'i$e b#i6)t eyes8

5T)is%5 sai$ t)e &on0ey A?6ent(#E-i0as(s% fancy an$ conte&1t(o(sly% 5is

')e#e all t)e 1eo1le 1lay at 'o#0in68 I?& ti#e$% I?& )(n6#y% an$ &y bo$y s(6a# is lo'85

He c(#be$ )i&self ti6)t a6ainst C?&ell?s s)o(l$e#% close$ )is eyes% an$ 'ent bac0 to


5He )as a 1oint%5 sai$ Ro$8 5Co(l$ 'e eat@5

C?&ell sta#te$ to no$ an$ t)en ca(6)t )e#self s)o#t - 5Yo(?#e a cat85

He no$$e$8 T)en )e 6#inne$8 5I?& )(n6#y% any)o'8 An$ I nee$ a san$bo385

5an$bo3@5 s)e as0e$ 1(le$85An a'ef%5 )e sai$ ve#y clea#ly% (sin6 t)e Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian te#&8 5A'ef@5

It 'as )is t(#n to 6et e&ba##asse$8 He sai$ it in f(ll4 5An ani&al 'aste

evac(ation facility85 5Yo( &ean a o)nny%5 s)e c#ie$8 )e t)o(6)t a &in(te an$ t)en

sai$% 5"ooey85

5W)at?s t)e &atte#@5 )e as0e$8

5Eac) 0in$ of (n$e#1eo1le )as to (se its o'n8 It?s $eat) if yo( $on?t (se one an$

it?s $eat) if yo( (se t)e '#on6 one8 T)e cat one is fo(# stations bac0 on t)is

(n$e#6#o(n$ t#ac0'ay8 O# 'e can 'al0 bac0 on t)e s(#face8 It 'o(l$ only be a )alf 


He sai$ so&et)in6 #($e to Ea#t)8 )e '#in0le$ )e# b#o'8

5All I sai$ 'as% ?Ea#t) is a la#6e )ealt)y s)ee18? T)at?s not so $i#ty85 He# 6oo$

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)(&o# #et(#ne$8 Befo#e s)e co(l$ as0 )i& anot)e# (estion )e )el$ (1 a fi#& )an$8 5I

a& not 6oin6 to 'aste a

)alf-)o(#8 Yo( 'ait )e#e85 He )a$ seen t)e (nive#sal si6n fo# 5!en?s #oo&5 at

t)e (11e# level of t)e 1latfo#&8 Befo#e s)e co(l$ sto1 )i& )e )a$ 6one into it8 )e

ca(6)t )e# )an$ (1 to )e# &o(t)% 0no'in6 t)at t)e #obot 1olice 'o(l$ 0ill )i& on

si6)t if t)ey fo(n$ )i& in t)e '#on6 1lace8 It 'o(l$ be s(c) a 6)astly o0e if t)e &an')o o'ne$ t)e ea#t) 'e#e to $ie in t)e '#on6 toilet88

As (ic0 as t)o(6)t s)e follo'e$ )i&% sto11in6 (st o(tsi$e t)e $oo# to t)e

5&en?s #oo&85 )e $a#e$ not 6o in s)e t#(ste$ t)at t)e 1lace 'as e&1ty ')en Ro$

ente#e$ it% beca(se s)e )a$ )ea#$ no boo& of a slo'% )eavy b(llet% none of t)e c#is1

 b(in6 of a b(#ne#8 Robots $i$ not (se toilets% so t)ey 'ent in only ')en t)ey 'e#e

investi6atin6 so&et)in68 )e 'as 1#e1a#e$ to $ist#act any &an livin6 if )e t#ie$ to ente# 

t)at toilet% by offe#in6 )i& t)e co&bination of an i&&e$iate se$(ction o# a

co&1li&enta#y an$ (n'ante$ &on0ey8

A?6ent(# )a$ a'a0ene$85Don?t bot)e#%5 )e sai$8 5I calle$ &y fat)e#8 Anyt)in6 a11#oac)in6 t)at $oo# 'ill

fall aslee185

An o#$ina#y &an% #at)e# ti#e$ an$ 'o##ie$-loo0in6% )ea$e$ fo# t)e &en?s #oo&8

C?&ell 'as 1#e1a#e$ to sto1 )i& at any cost% b(t s)e #e&e&be#e$ ')at A?6ent(#E-

i0as(s )a$ tol$ )e#% so s)e 'aite$8 T)e &an #eele$ as )e nea#e$ t)e&8 He sta#e$ at

t)e&% sa' t)at t)ey 'e#e (n$e#1eo1le% loo0e$ on t)#o(6) t)e& as t)o(6) t)ey 'e#e not

t)e#e8 He too0 t'o &o#e ste1s to'a#$ t)e $oo# an$ s($$enly #eac)e$ o(t )is )an$s as if 

)e 'e#e 6oin6 blin$8 He 'al0e$ into t)e 'all t'o &ete#s f#o& t)e $oo#% to(c)e$ it

fi#&ly an$ blin$ly 'it) )is )an$s% an$ c#(&1le$ 6ently to t)e floo#% ')e#e )e lay


5!y $a$?s 6oo$%5 sai$ A?6ent(#E-i0as(s8 5He (s(ally leaves #eal 1eo1le

alone% b(t ')en )e &(st 6et t)e&% )e 6ets t)e&8 He even 6ave t)at &an t)e $istinct

&e&o#y t)at )e &ista0enly too0 a slee1in6 1ill ')en )e 'as #eac)in6 fo# a 1ain-0ille#8

W)en t)e )(&an 'a0es (1% )e 'ill feel foolis) an$ 'ill tell no one of )is e31e#ience85

Ro$ ca&e o(t of t)e eve#-so-$an6e#o(s $oo#'ay8 He 6#inne$ at t)e&

 boyis)ly an$ $i$ not notice t)e c#(&1le$ &an lyin6 besi$e t)e 'all8 5T)at?s easie# t)an

t(#nin6 bac0% an$ nobo$y notice$ &e at all8 ee% I save$ yo( a lot of t#o(ble% C?&ellF5

He 'as so 1#o($ of )is fool)a#$y a$vent(#e t)at s)e $i$ not )ave t)e )ea#t to

 bla&e )i&8 He s&ile$ 'i$ely% )is cat-')is1e#s ti11in6 as )e $i$ so8 "o# a &o&ent% (sta &o&ent% s)e fo#6ot t)at )e 'as an i&1o#tant 1e#son an$ a #eal &an to boot4 )e 'as a

 boy% an$ &i6)ty li0e a cat% b(t all boy in )is satisfaction% )is 'anton b#ave#y% )is

 1assin6 )a11iness 'it) vain6lo#y8 "o# a secon$ o# t'o s)e love$ )i&8 T)en s)e

t)o(6)t of t)e te##ible )o(#s a)ea$% an$ of )o' )e 'o(l$ 6o )o&e% #ic) an$ sco#nf(l%

to )is all-1eo1le 1lanet8 T)e &o&ent of love 1asse$% b(t s)e still li0e$ )i& ve#y &(c)8

5Co&e alon6% yo(n6 fello'8 Yo( can eat8 Yo( a#e 6oin6 to eat cat foo$ since yo(


C?#o$e#ic0% b(t it?s not so ba$85

He f#o'ne$8 5W)at is it@ Do yo( )ave fis) )e#e@ I taste$ fis) one ti&e8 A

nei6)bo# bo(6)t one8 He t#a$e$ t'o )o#ses fo# it8 It 'as $elicio(s85

5He 'ants fis)%5 s)e c#ie$ to E-i0as(s8

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52ive )i& a ')ole t(na fo# )i&self%5 6#(&ble$ t)e &on0ey8 5!y bloo$ s(6a# is

still lo'8 I nee$ so&e 1inea11le85

C?&ell $i$ not a#6(e8 )e staye$ (n$e#6#o(n$ an$ le$ t)e& into a )all ')ic) )a$

a 1ict(#e of $o6s% cats% cattle% 1i6s% bea#s% an$ sna0es above t)e $oo# t)at in$icate$ t)e

0in$s of 1eo1le ')o 'o(l$ be se#ve$ t)e#e8 E-i0as(s sco'le$ at t)e si6n% b(t )e #o$eC?&ell?s s)o(l$e# in8

5T)is 6entle&an%5 sai$ C?&ell% s1ea0in6 1leasantly to an ol$ bea#-&an ')o 'as

sc#atc)in6 )is belly an$ s&o0in6 a 1i1e% all at t)e sa&e li&e% 5)as fo#6otten )is c#e$its85

5No foo$%5 sai$ t)e bea#-&an8 5R(les8 He can $#in0 'ate#% t)o(6)85

5I?ll 1ay fo# )i&%5 sai$ C?&ell8

T)e bea#-&an ya'ne$% 5A#e yo( s(#e t)at )e 'on?t 1ay yo( bac0@ If )e $oes%

t)at is 1#ivate t#a$in6 an$ it is 1(nis)e$ by $eat)85

5I 0no' t)e #(les%5 sai$ C?&ell8 5I?ve neve# been $isci1line$ yet85

T)e bea# loo0e$ ove# c#itically8 He too0 )is 1i1e o(t of )is &o(t) an$ ')istle$%

5No%5 sai$ )e% 5an$ I can see t)at yo( 'on?t be8 W)at a#e yo(% any)o'@ A &o$el@5

5A 6i#ly6i#l%5 sai$ C?&ell8

T)e bea#-&an lea1t f#o& )is stool 'it) astonis)in6 s1ee$8 5Cat-&a$a&eF5 )e

c#ie$% 5A t)o(san$ 1a#$ons8 Yo( can )ave anyt)in6 in t)e 1lace8 Yo( co&e f#o& t)e

to1 of Ea#t)1o#t@ Yo( 0no' t)e Lo#$s of t)e Inst#(&entality 1e#sonally@ Yo( 'o(l$

li0e a table #o1e$ off 'it) c(#tains@ O# s)o(l$ I (st t)#o' eve#ybo$y else o(t of )e#e

an$ #e1o#t to &y !an t)at 'e )ave a fa&o(s% bea(tif(l slave f#o& t)e )i6) 1laces@5

5Not)in6 t)at $#astic%5 sai$ C?&ell8 5K(st foo$85

5Wait a bit%5 sai$ A?6enta#-E-i0as(s% 5if yo(?#e offe#in6 s1ecials% I?ll )ave t'o

f#es) 1inea11les% a (a#te#-0ilo of 6#o(n$ f#es) cocon(t% an$ a tent) of a 0ilo of live

insect 6#(bs85

T)e bea#-&an )esitate$8 5I 'as offe#in6 t)in6s to t)e cat-la$y% ')o se#ves t)e

&i6)ty ones% not to yo(% &on0ey8 B(t if t)e la$y $esi#es it% I 'ill sen$ fo# t)ose t)in6s85

He 'aite$ fo# C?&ell?s no$% 6ot it% an$ 1(s)e$ a b(tton fo# a lo'-6#a$e #obot to co&e8

He t(#ne$ to Ro$ !cBan% 5An$ yo(% cat- 6entle&an% ')at 'o(l$ yo( li0e@5

Befo#e Ro$ so(l$ s1ea0% C?&ell sai$% 5He 'ants t'o sailfis) stea0s% f#enc) f#ie$

 1otatoes% Wal$o#f sala$% an o#$e# of ice c#ea& an$ a la#6e 6lass of o#an6e (ice85

T)e bea#-&an s)($$e#e$ visibly8 5I?ve been )e#e fo# yea#s an$ t)at is t)e &ost

)o##ible l(nc) I

eve# o#$e#e$ fo# a cat8 I t)in0 I?ll t#y it &yself85

C?&ell s&ile$ t)e s&ile ')ic) )a$ 6#ace$ a t)o(san$ 'elco&es8 5I?ll (st )el1

&yself f#o& t)e t)in6s yo( )ave on t)e co(nte#s8 I?& not f(ssy85

He sta#te$ to 1#otest% b(t s)e c(t )i& s)o#t 'it) a 6#acef(l b(t (n&ista0able

'ave of t)e )an$8 He 6ave (18

T)ey sat at a table8

A?6ent(#E-i0as(s 'aite$ fo# )is co&bination &on0ey an$ bi#$ l(nc)8 Ro$

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sa' an ol$ #obot $#esse$ in a 1#e)isto#ic t(3e$o ac0et% as0 a (estion of t)e bea#-

&an% leave one t#ay at t)e $oo#% an$ b#in6 anot)e# t#ay to )i&8 T)e #obot ')i11e$ off a

f#es)ly sta#c)e$ na10in8 T)e#e 'as t)e &ost bea(tif(l l(nc) ')ic) Ro$ !cBan )a$ eve# 

seen8 Even at a state ban(et% t)e Ol$ No#t) A(st#alians $i$ not fee$ t)ei# 6(ests li0e


K(st as t)ey 'e#e finis)in6% t)e bea#-cas)ie# ca&e to t)e table an$ as0e$%

5Yo(# na&e% Cat- &a$a&e@ I 'ill c)a#6e t)ese l(nc)es to t)e 6ove#n&ent85

5C?&ell% s(bect to t)e Lo#$ Kestocost% a C)ief of t)e Inst#(&entality85 T)e bea#?s

face )a$ been e1ilate$% so t)at t)ey co(l$ see )i& 1ale8

5C?&ell%5 )e ')is1e#e$8 5C?&ellF "o#6ive &e% &y la$y8 I )ave neve# seen yo(

 befo#e8 Yo( )ave blesse$ t)is 1lace8 Yo( )ave blesse$ &y life8 Yo( a#e t)e f#ien$ of all

(n$e#1eo1le8 2o in 1eace85

C?&ell 6ave )i& t)e bo' an$ s&ile ')ic) a #ei6nin6 e&1#ess &i6)t 6ive to an

active Lo#$ of t)e Inst#(&entality8 )e sta#te$ to 1ic0 (1 t)e &on0ey b(t )e sca&1e#e$

on a)ea$ of )e#8 Ro$ 'as 1(le$8 As t)e bea#-&an bo'e$ )i& o(t% )e as0e$4

5C?&ell8 Yo( a#e fa&o(s@5

5In a 'ay%5 s)e sai$8 5Only a&on6 t)e (n$e#1eo1le85 )e )(##ie$ t)e& bot)

to'a#$ a #a&18 T)ey #eac)e$ $ayli6)t at last% b(t even befo#e t)ey ca&e to t)e s(#face%

Ro$?s nose 'as assa(lte$ by a #iot of s&ells - foo$s f#yin6% ca0es ba0in6% li(o# 

s1illin6 its 1(n6ency on t)e ai#% 1e#f(&es fi6)tin6 'it) eac) ot)e# fo# attention% an$%

above all% t)e s&ell of ol$ t)in6s4 $(sty t#eas(#es% ol$ leat)e#s% ta1est#ies% t)e ec)o-

s&ells of 1eo1le ')o )a$ $ie$ a lon6 ti&e a6o8

C?&ell sto11e$ an$ 'atc)e$ )i&% 5Yo(?#e s&ellin6 t)in6s a6ain@ I &(st say% yo(

)ave a bette# nose t)an any )(&an bein6 I eve# &et befo#e8 Ho' $oes it s&ell to yo(@5

5Won$e#f(l%5 )e 6as1e$8 5Won$e#f(l8 Li0e all t)e t#eas(#es an$ te&1tations of 

t)e (nive#se s1ille$ o(t into one little 1lace85

5It?s (st t)e T)ieves? !a#0et of Pa#is85

5T)e#e a#e t)ieves on Ea#t)@ O1en ones% li0e ;iola i$e#ea@5

5O)% no%5 s)e la(6)e$8 5T)ey 'o(l$ $ie in a fe' $ays8 T)e Inst#(&entality

'o(l$ catc) t)e&8 T)ese a#e (st 1eo1le% 1layin68 T)e Re$iscove#y of !an fo(n$ so&e

ol$ instit(tions% an$ an o1en &a#0et 'as one of t)e&8 T)ey &a0e t)e #obots an$

(n$e#1eo1le fin$ t)in6s fo# t)e& an$ t)en t)ey 1#eten$ to be ancient% an$ &a0e

 ba#6ains 'it) eac) ot)e#8 O# t)ey coo0 foo$8 Not &any #eal 1eo1le eve# coo0 foo$ t)ese$ays8 It?s so f(nny t)at it tastes 6oo$ to t)e&8 T)ey all 1ic0 (1 &oney on t)ei# 'ay in8

T)ey )ave ba##els of it at t)e 6ate8 In t)e evenin6% o# ')en t)ey leave% t)ey (s(ally

t)#o' t)e &oney in t)e 6(tte#% even t)o(6) t)ey s)o(l$ #eally 1(t it bac0 in t)e ba##el8

It?s not &oney 'e (n$e#1eo1le co(l$ (se8 We 6o by n(&be#s an$ co&1(te# ca#$s%5 s)e

si6)e$8 5I co(l$ ce#tainly (se so&e of t)at e3t#a &oney85

5An$ (n$e#1eo1le li0e yo( - li0e (s -5 sai$ Ro$% 5')at $o 'e $o in t)e &a#0et@5

5Not)in6%5 s)e ')is1e#e$8 5Absol(tely not)in68 We can 'al0 t)#o(6) if 'e a#e

not too bi6 an$ not too s&all an$ not too $i#ty an$ not too s&elly8 An$ even if 'e a#e

all #i6)t% 'e &(st 'al0 #i6)t t)#o(6) 'it)o(t loo0in6 $i#ectly at t)e #eal 1eo1le an$

'it)o(t to(c)in6 anyt)in6 in t)e &a#0et@5

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5(11ose 'e $o@5 as0e$ Ro$ $efiantly8

5T)e #obot 1olice a#e t)e#e% 'it) o#$e#s to 0ill on si6)t ')en t)ey obse#ve an

inf#action8 Don?t yo( #ealie% C?#o$%5 s)e sobbe$ at )i&% 5t)at t)e#e a#e &illions of (s in

tan0s% 'ay belo' in Do'n$ee1-$o'n$ee1% #ea$y to be bo#n% to be t#aine$% to be sent (1

)e#e to se#ve !an@ We?#e not sca#ce at all% C?#o$% 'e?#e not sca#ce at allF5

5W)y a#e 'e 6oin6 t)#o(6) t)e &a#0et t)en@5

5It?s t)e only 'ay to t)e Cat&aste#?s sto#e8 We?ll be ta66e$8 Co&e alon685

W)e#e t)e #a&1 #eac)e$ t)e s(#face% fo(# b#i6)t-eye$ #obots% t)e bl(e ena&el

 bo$ies s)inin6 an$ t)ei# &il0y eyes 6lo'in6% stoo$ at t)e #ea$y8 T)ei# 'ea1ons )a$ an

(6ly b( to t)e& an$ 'e#e obvio(sly al#ea$y off t)e 5safety5 &a#08 C?&ell tal0e$ to

t)e& (ietly an$ s(b&issively8 W)en t)e #obot-se#6eant le$ )e# to a $es0% s)e sta#e$

into an inst#(&ent li0e binoc(la#s an$ blin0e$ ')en s)e too0 )e# eyes a'ay8 )e 1(t

)e# 1al& on a $es08 T)e i$entification 'as co&1lete$8 T)e #obot se#6eant )an$e$ )e# 

t)#ee b#i6)t $is0s% li0e sa(ce#s% eac) 'it) a c)ain attac)e$8 Wo#$lessly s)e )(n6

t)e& a#o(n$ )e# o'n nec0% Ro$?s nec0% an$ A?6ent(#?s8 T)e

#obots let t)e& 1ass8 T)ey 'al0e$ in $e&(#e sin6le file t)#o(6) t)e 1lace of 

 bea(tif(l si6)ts an$ s&ells8 Ro$ felt t)at )is eyes 'e#e 'et 'it) tea#s of #a6e8 5I?ll b(y

t)is 1lace%5 )e t)o(6)t to )i&self% 5if it?s t)e only t)in6 I?ll eve# b(y85

C?&ell )a$ sto11e$ 'al0in68 He loo0e$ (1% ve#y ca#ef(lly8

T)e#e 'as t)e si6n4 THE DEPART!ENT TORE O" HEART? DEIRE8

A $oo# o1ene$8 A 'ise ol$ cat-1e#son?s face loo0e$ o(t% sta#e$ at t)e&% sna11e$%

5No (n$e#1eo1leF5 an$ sla&&e$ t)e $oo#8 C?&ell #an6 t)e $oo#bell a secon$ ti&e8 T)e

face #ea11ea#e$% &o#e 1(le$ t)an an6#y8

5B(siness%5 s)e ')is1e#e$% 5of t)e Aitc) Eye85 T)e face% no$$e$ an$ sai$% 5In%

t)en8 <(ic0F5


ONCE INIDE% ROD REALIQED t)at t)e sto#e 'as as #ic) as t)e &a#0et8

T)e#e 'e#e no ot)e# c(sto&e#s8 Afte# t)e o(tsi$e so(n$s of &(sic% la(6)te#% f#yin6%

 boilin6% t)in6s fallin6% $is)es clatte#in6% 1eo1le a#6(in6% an$ t)e lo' (n$e#tone of t)e

eve#-#ea$y #obot 'ea1ons b(in6% t)e (ietness of t)e #oo& 'as itself a l(3(#y% li0e

ol$% )eavy velvet8 T)e s&ells 'e#e no less va#ie6ate$ t)an t)ose of t)e o(tsi$e% b(t t)ey

'e#e $iffe#ent% &o#e co&1licate$% an$ &any &o#e of t)e& 'e#e co&1letely


One s&ell )e 'as s(#e of4 fea#% )(&an fea#8 It )a$ been in t)is #oo& not lon6


5<(ic0%5 sai$ t)e ol$ cat-&an8 5I?& in t#o(ble if yo( $on?t 6et o(t soon8 W)at is

yo(# b(siness@5 5I?& C?&ell%5 sai$ C?&ell8

He no$$e$ 1leasantly% b(t s)o'e$ no si6n of #eco6nition8 5I fo#6et 1eo1le%5 )e

sai$8 5T)is is A?6ent(#85 )e in$icate$ t)e &on0ey8

T)e ol$ cat-&an $i$ not even loo0 at t)e ani&al8

C?&ell 1e#siste$% a note of t#i(&1) co&in6 into )e# voice4 5Yo( &ay )ave

)ea#$ of )i& (n$e# )is #eal na&e% E-i0as(s85

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T)e ol$ &an stoo$ t)e#e% blin0in6% as t)o(6) )e 'e#e% ta0in6 it in8 5Yee0asoose@

Wit) t)e lette# 


5T#ansfo#&e$%5 sai$ C?&ell ine3o#ably% 5fo# a t#i1 all t)e 'ay to Ol$ No#t)A(st#alia an$ bac085 5Is t)is t#(e@5 sai$ t)e ol$ &an to t)e &on0ey8

E-i0as(s sai$ cal&ly% 5I a& t)e son of Hi&% of ')o& yo( t)in085 T)e ol$ &an

$#o11e$ to )is 0nees% b(t $i$ so 'it) $i6nity4

5I sal(te yo(% E-i0as(s8 W)en yo( ne3t t)in0-'it) yo(# fat)e#% 6ive )i& &y

6#eetin6s an$ as0 

f#o& )i& )is blessin68 I a& C?'illia&% t)e Cat&aste#85 5Yo( a#e fa&o(s%5 sai$ E-

i0as(s t#an(illy8

5B(t yo( a#e still in $an6e#% &e#ely bein6 )e#e8 I )ave no license fo# 


C?&ell 1#o$(ce$ )e# t#(&18 5Cat&aste#% yo(# ne3t 6(est8 T)is is no c?&an8 He is

a t#(e &an% an off-'o#l$e#% an$ )e )as (st bo(6)t &ost of t)e 1lanet Ea#t)85

C?'illia& loo0e$ at Ro$ 'it) &o#e t)an o#$ina#y s)#e'$ness8 T)e#e 'as a to(c)

of 0in$ness in )is attit($e8 He 'as tall fo# a cat-&an fe' ani&al feat(#es 'e#e left to


 beca(se ol$ a6e% ')ic) #e$(ces #acial an$ se3(al cont#asts to &e#e &e&o#ies%

)a$ '#in0le$ )i& into a (nifo#& bei6e8 His )ai# 'as not ')ite% b(t bei6e too )is fe'

cat-')is0e#s loo0e$ ol$ an$ 'o#n8 He 'as 6a#be$ in a fantastic cost(&e ')ic) - Ro$

late# lea#ne$ - consiste$ of t)e co(#t #obes of one of t)e O#i6inal E&1e#o#s% a $ynasty

')ic) )a$ 1#evaile$ &o#e &any cent(#ies a&on6 t)e fa#t)e# sta#s8 A6e 'as (1on )i&%

 b(t 'is$o& 'as too t)e )abits of life% in )is case% )a$ been cleve#ness an$ 0in$ness%

t)e&selves (n(s(al in co&bination8 No' ve#y ol$% )e 'as #ea1in6 t)e )a#vest of )is

yea#s8 He )a$ $one 'ell 'it) t)e t)o(san$s (1on t)o(san$s of $ays be)in$ )i&% 'it)

t)e #es(lt t)at a6e )a$ b#o(6)t a c(#io(s oy into )is &anne#% as t)o(6) eac) e31e#ience

&eant one &o#e t#eat befo#e t)e lon6 blea0 $a#0 close$ in8 Ro$ felt )i&self att#acte$ to

t)is st#an6e c#eat(#e% ')o loo0e$ at )i& 'it) s(c) 1enet#atin6 an$ ve#y 1e#sonal

c(#iosity% an$ ')o &ana6e$ to $o so 'it)o(t 6ivin6 offense8

T)e Cat&aste# s1o0e in ve#y 1assable Nost#ilian4 5I 0no' ')at yo( a#e

t)in0in6% &iste# an$ o'ne# !cBan85

5Yo( can )ie# &e@5 c#ie$ Ro$8

5Not yo(# t)o(6)ts8 Yo(# face8 It #ea$s easily8 I a& s(#e t)at I can )el1 yo(85

5W)at &a0es yo( t)in0 I nee$ )el1@5

5All t)in6s nee$ )el1%5 sai$ t)e ol$ c?&an b#is0ly% 5b(t 'e &(st 6et #i$ of o(# 

ot)e# 6(ests fi#st8 W)e#e $o yo( 'ant to 6o% e3cellent one@ An$ yo(% Cat-&a$a&e@5

5Ho&e%5 sai$ E-i0as(s8 He 'as ti#e$ an$ c#oss a6ain8 Afte# s1ea0in6 b#(s(ely%

)e felt t)e nee$ to &a0e )is tone &o#e civil% 5T)is bo$y s(its &e ba$ly% cat&aste#85

5A#e yo( 6oo$ at fallin6@5 sai$ t)e Cat&aste#8 5"#ee fall@5

T)e &on0ey 6#inne$8 5Wit) t)is bo$y@ Of co(#se8 E3cellent8 I?& ti#e$ of it85

5"ine%5 sai$ t)e Cat&aste#% 5Yo( can $#o1 $o'n &y 'aste c)(te8 It falls ne3t to

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t)e fo#6otten 1alace ')e#e t)e 6#eat 'in6s beat a6ainst ti&e85

T)e Cat&aste# sto11e$ to one si$e of t)e #oo&8 Wit) only a no$ at C?!ell an$

Ro$% follo'e$ by a b#ief 5ee yo( late#%5 t)e &on0ey 'atc)e$ as t)e Cat&aste# o1ene$

a &an)ole cove#% lea1e$ t)#(stin6ly into t)e co&1lete blac0 $e1t) ')ic) a11ea#e$%

an$ 'as 6one8 T)e Cat&aste# #e1lace$ t)e cove# ca#ef(lly8

He t(#ne$ to C?&ell8

)e face$ )itn t#(c(lently% t)e $efiance of )e# 1ost(#e o$$ly at va#iance 'it) t)e

innocent vol(1t(o(sness of )e# yo(n6 fe&ale bo$y8 5I?& 6oin6 no')e#e85

5Yo(?ll $ie%5 sai$ t)e Cat&aste#8 5Can?t yo( )ea# t)ei# 'ea1ons b(in6 (st

o(tsi$e t)e $oo#@ Yo( 0no' ')at t)ey $o to (s (n$e#1eo1le8 Es1ecially to (s cats8 T)ey

(se (s% b(t $o t)ey t#(st (s@5

5I 0no' one ')o $oes88885 s)e sai$8 5T)e Lo#$ Kestocost co(l$ 1#otect &e% even

)e#e% (st as )e 1#otects yo(% fa# beyon$ yo(# li&it of yea#s85

5Don?t a#6(e it8 Yo( 'ill &a0e t#o(ble fo# )i& 'it) t)e ot)e# #eal 1eo1le8 He#e%6i#l% I 'ill 6ive yo( a t#ay to ca##y 'it) a $(&&y 1ac0a6e on it8 2o bac0 to t)e

(n$e#6#o(n$ an$ #est in t)e co&&issa#y of t)e bea#-&an8 I 'ill sen$ Ro$ to yo( ')en

'e a#e t)#o(6)85

5Yes%5 s)e sai$ )otly% 5b(t 'ill yo( sen$ )i& alive o# $ea$@5

T)e Cat&aste# #olle$ )is yello' eyes ove# Ro$8 5Alive%5 )e sai$8 5T)is one -

alive8 I )ave 1#e$icte$8 Di$ yo( eve# 0no' &e to be '#on6@ Co&e on% 6i#l% o(t t)e $oo# 

'it) yo(85

C?&ell let )e#self be )an$e$ a t#ay an$ a 1ac0a6e% ta0en see&in6ly at #an$o&8

As s)e left Ro$ t)o(6)t of )e# 'it) (ic0 $es1e#ate affection8 )e 'as )is closest lin0 

'it) ea#t)8 He t)o(6)t of )e# e3cite&ent an$ of )o' s)e )a$ ba#e$ )e# yo(n6 b#easts

to )i&% b(t no' t)e &e&o#y% instea$ of e3citin6 )i&% fille$ )i& 'it) ten$e# fon$ness

instea$8 He bl(#te$ o(t% 5C?&ell% 'ill yo( be all #i6)t@5

)e t(#ne$ a#o(n$ at t)e $oo# itself% loo0in6 all 'o&an an$ all cat8 He# #e$ 'il$

)ai# 6lea&e$ li0e a )ea#t)-fi#e a6ainst t)e o1en li6)t f#o& t)e $oo#'ay8 )e stoo$ e#ect%

as t)o(6) s)e 'e#e a citien of Ea#t) an$ not a &e#e (n$e#1e#son o# 6i#ly6i#l8 )e )el$

o(t )e# #i6)t )an$ clea#ly an$ co&&an$in6ly ')ile balancin6 t)e t#ay on )e# left )an$8

W)en )e s)oo0 )an$s 'it) )e#% Ro$ #ealie$ t)at )e# )an$ felt (tte#ly )(&an% b(t ve#y


Wit) sca#cely a b#ea0 in )e# voice s)e sai$% 5Ro$% 6oo$-bye8 I?& ta0in6 a c)ance

'it) yo(% b(t it?s t)e best c)ance I?ve eve# ta0en8 Yo( can t#(st t)e Cat&aste#% )e#e in

t)e $e1a#t&ent sto#e of )ea#ts? $esi#es8 He $oes st#an6e t)in6s% Ro$% b(t t)ey?#e 6oo$

st#an6e t)in6s85

He #elease$ )e# )an$ an$ s)e left8 C?'illia& close$ t)e $oo# be)in$ )e#8 T)e

#oo& beca&e )(s)e$8

5it $o'n fo# a &in(te ')ile I 6et t)in6s #ea$y8 O# loo0 a#o(n$ t)e #oo& if yo(

 1#efe#85 5i# Cat&aste# -5 sai$ Ro$8

5No title% 1lease8 I a& an (n$e#1e#son% &a$e o(t of cats8 Yo( &ay call &e


5C?'illia&% 1lease tell &e fi#st8 I &iss C?&ell8 I?& 'o##ie$ abo(t )e#8 A& I

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fallin6 in love 'it) )e#@ Is t)at ')at fallin6 in love &eans@5

5)e?s yo(# 'ife%5 sai$ t)e Cat&aste#8 5K(st te&1o#a#ily an$ (st in 1#etense% b(t

s)e?s still yo(# 'ife8 It?s Ea#t)li0e to 'o##y abo(t one?s &ate8 )e?s all #i6)t85

T)e ol$ c?&an $isa11ea#e$ be)in$ a $oo# ')ic) )a$ an o$$ si6n on it4 HATE

HALL8 Ro$ loo0e$ a#o(n$8T)e fi#st t)in6% t)e ve#y fi#st t)in6% ')ic) )e 'as a'a#e of 'as a $is1lay cabinet

f(ll of 1osta6e sta&1s8 It 'as &a$e of 6lass% b(t )e co(l$ see t)e soft bl(es an$ t)e

ini&itable 'a#& b#ic0 #e$s of )is Ca1e of 2oo$ Ho1e t#ian6(la# 1osta6e sta&1s8 He

)a$ co&e to ea#t) an$ t)e#e t)ey 'e#eF He 1ee#e$ t)#o(6) t)e 6lass at t)e&8 T)ey

'e#e even bette# t)an t)e ill(st#ations ')ic) )e )a$ sent bac0 on No#st#ilia8 T)ey )a$

t)e te&1e# of 6#eat a6e (1on t)e& an$ yet% so&e)o'% t)ey see&e$ to f#ei6)t 'it) t)e&

t)e love ')ic) &en% livin6 &en no' $ea$% )a$ 6iven t)e& fo# t)o(san$s an$

t)o(san$s of yea#s8 He loo0e$ a#o(n$% an$ sa' t)at t)e ')ole #oo& 'as f(ll of o$$

#ic)es8 T)e#e 'e#e ancient toys of all 1e#io$s% flyin6 toys% co1ies of &ac)ines% t)in6s

')ic) )e s(s1ecte$ 'e#e t#ains8 T)e#e 'as a t'o-sto#y closet of clot)in6% s)i&&e#in6

'it) e&b#oi$e#y an$ 6lea&in6 'it) 6ol$8 T)e#e 'as a bin of 'ea1ons% clean an$ ti$y-&o$els so ancient t)at )e co(l$ not 1ossibly 6(ess ')at t)ey )a$ been (se$ fo#% o# by

')o&8 Eve#y')e#e% t)e#e 'e#e b(c0ets of coins% (s(ally 6ol$ ones8 He 1ic0e$ (1 a

)an$f(l8 T)ey )a$ lan6(a6es )e co(l$ not even 6(ess at an$ t)ey s)o'e$ t)e 1#o($

i&1e#io(s faces of t)e ancient $ea$8 Anot)e# cabinet 'as one ')ic) )e 6lance$ at an$

t)en t(#ne$ a'ay f#o&% s)oc0e$ an$ yet in(istive4 it 'as fille$ 'it) in$ecent

so(veni#s an$ 1ict(#es f#o& a )(n$#e$ 1e#io$s of &en?s )isto#y% i&a6es% s0etc)es%

 1)oto6#a1)s% $olls an$ &o$els% all of t)e& 1o#t#ayin6 6#isly% co&ical% s'eet% f#ien$ly%

i&1#essive o# )o##ible ve#sions of t)e &any acts of love8 T)e ne3t section &a$e )i&

 1a(se (tte#ly8 W)o 'o(l$ )ave eve# 'ante$ t)ese t)in6s - W)i1s% 0nives% )oo$s% leat)e# 

co#sets@ He 1asse$ on% ve#y 1(le$8

T)e ne3t section sto11e$ )i& b#eat)less8 It 'as f(ll of ol$ boo0s% 6en(ine

ol$ boo0s8 T)e#e 'e#e a fe' f#a&e$ 1oe&s% '#itten ve#y o#nately8 One )a$ a sc#a1 of 

 1a1e# attac)e$ to it% #ea$in6 si&1ly% 5&y favo#ite85 Ro$ loo0e$ $o'n to see if )e co(l$

&a0e it o(t8 It 'as ancient En6lis) an$ t)e o$$ na&e 'as 5E8Q8C8 K($son% Ancient

A&e#ican% A8D8 ,:-,..85 Ro$ (n$e#stoo$ t)e 'o#$s of t)e 1oe&% b(t )e $i$ not

t)in0 t)at )e #eally 6ot t)e sense of it8 As )e #ea$ it% )e )a$ t)e i&1#ession t)at a ve#y

ol$ &an% li0e t)e Cat&aste#% &(st fin$ in it a 1oi6nancy ')ic) a yo(n6e# 1e#son 'o(l$


D#iftin6 on t)e ebbin6 ti$e8 lo' b(t s(#e I on'a#$ 6li$e - Di& t)e vista seen

 befo#e8 Useless no' to loo0 be)in$ - D#iftin6 on befo#e t)e 'in$ To'a#$ t)e (n0no'ns)o#e8 Co(ntin6 ti&e by tic0in6 cloc0% Waitin6 fo# t)e final s)oc0 - Waitin6 fo# t)e $a#0 

fo#eve# - O)% )o' slo' t)e &o&ents 6oF None b(t I% &esee&s% can 0no' Ho' close t)e

ti$eless #ive#F

Re$ s)oo0 )is )ea$ as if to 6et a'ay f#o& t)e cob'ebs of an i##ecove#able

t#a6e$y8 5!aybe%5 )e t)o(6)t to )i&self% 5t)at?s t)e 'ay 1eo1le felt abo(t $eat) ')en

t)ey $i$ not $ie on sc)e$(le% t)e 'ay &ost 'o#l$s )ave it% o# if t)ey $o not &eet $eat) a

fe' ti&es a)ea$ of ti&e% t)e 'ay 'e $o in No#st#ilia8 T)ey &(st )ave felt 1#etty stic0y

an$ (nce#tain85 Anot)e# t)o(6)t c#osse$ )is &in$ an$ )e 6as1e$ at t)e (tte# c#(elty of 

it8 5T)ey $i$ not even )ave Unselfin6 2#o(n$s t)at fa# bac0F Not t)at 'e nee$ t)e&

any &o#e% b(t i&a6ine (st sli$in6 into $eat)% )el1less% (seless% )o1eless8 T)an0 t)e

<(een 'e $on?t $o t)atF5

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He t)o(6)t of t)e <(een% ')o &ay )ave been $ea$ fo# &o#e t)an ten t)o(san$

yea#s% o# ')o &i6)t be lost in s1ace% t)e 'ay &any Ol$ No#t) A(st#alians believe$% an$

s(#e eno(6)F t)e#e 'as )e# 1ict(#e% 'it) t)e 'o#$s 5<(een Eliabet) II85 It 'as (st a

 b(st% b(t s)e 'as a 1#etty an$ intelli6ent-loo0in6 'o&an% 'it) so&et)in6 of a

 No#st#ilian loo0 to )e#8 )e loo0e$ s&a#t eno(6) to 0no' ')at to $o if one of )e# s)ee1

ca(6)t fi#e o# if )e# o'n c)il$ ca&e% blan0 an$ 6i66lin6% o(t of t)e t#avelin6 vans of t)e2a#$en of Deat)% as )e )i&self 'o(l$ )ave $one )a$ )e not 1asse$ t)e s(#vival test8

 Ne3t t)e#e 'e#e t'o 6lass f#a&es% neatly 'i1e$ f#ee of $(st8 T)ey )a$ &atc)e$

 1oe&s by so&eone ')o 'as liste$ as 5Ant)ony Bea#$en% Ancient A&e#ican A8D8 ,,-

,/85 T)e fi#st one see&e$ ve#y a11#o1#iate to t)is 1a#tic(la# 1lace% beca(se it 'as all

abo(t t)e ancient $esi#es ')ic) 1eo1le )a$ in t)ose $ays8 It #ea$4


Ti&e is b(#nin6 an$ t)e 'o#l$ on fi#e8 Tell &e% love% ')at yo( &ost $esi#e8 Tell

&e ')at yo(# )ea#t )as )i$$en8

Is it o1en o# - fo#bi$$en@

If fo#bi$$en% t)in0 of $ays

Racin6 1ast in a #oa#in6 )ae%

)oc0e$ an$ s)a0en by t)e blast of fi#e8888 Tell &e% love% ')at yo( &ost $esi#e8

Tell &e% love% ')at yo( &ost $esi#e8 Dainty foo$s an$ soft atti#e@

Ancient boo0s@ "antastic c)ess@

Wine-lit ni6)ts@ Love - &o#e% o# less@ No' is t)e only no' of o(# a6e8

To&o##o' to&o##o' 'ill )ol$ t)e sta6e8 Tell &e% love% ')at yo( &ost $esi#eF Ti&e is

 b(#nin6 an$ t)e 'o#l$ on fi#e8T)e ot)e# one &i6)t al&ost )ave been '#itten abo(t )is a##ival on Ea#t)% )is not

0no'in6 ')at co(l$ )a11en o# ')at s)o(l$ )a11en to )i& no'8

 NI2HT% AND THE *Y UN"A!ILIAR T)e sta#s of e31e#ience )ave le$ &e

ast#ay8 A 1atte#n of 1(#1ose 'as lost on &y 'ay8 W)e#e 'as I 6oin6@ Ho' can I say@

T)e sta#s of e31e#ience )ave le$ &e ast#ay8 T)e#e 'as a sli6)t so(n$8

Ro$ t(#ne$ a#o(n$ to face t)e Cat&aste#8

T)e ol$ &an 'as (nc)an6e$8 He still 'o#e t)e l(natic #obes of 6#an$e(#%

 b(t )is $i6nity s(#vive$ even t)is o(t# effect8

5Yo( li0e &y 1oe&s@ Yo( li0e &y t)in6s@ I li0e t)e& &yself8 !any &en co&ein )e#e% to ta0e t)in6s f#o& &e% b(t t)ey fin$ t)at title is veste$ in t)e Lo#$ Kestocost%

an$ t)ey &(st $o st#an6e t)in6s to obtain &y t#ifles85

5A#e all t)ese t)in6s 6en(ine@5 as0e$ Ro$% t)in0in6 t)at even Ol$ No#t)

A(st#alia co(l$ not b(y o(t t)is s)o1 if t)ey 'e#e8

5Ce#tainly not%5 sai$ t)e ol$ &an8 5!ost of t)e& a#e fo#6e#ies - 'on$e#f(l

fo#6e#ies8 T)e Inst#(&entality lets &e 6o to t)e #obot-1its ')e#e insane o# 'o#n-o(t

#obots a#e $est#oye$8 I can )ave &y 1ic0 of t)e& if t)ey a#e not $an6e#o(s8 I 1(t

t)e& to 'o#0 &a0in6 co1ies of anyt)in6 ')ic) I fin$ in t)e &(se(&s85

5T)ose Ca1e t#ian6les@5 sai$ Ro$8 5A#e t)ey #eal@5

5Ca1e t#ian6les@ Yo( &ean t)e lette# stic0e#s8 T)ey a#e 6en(ine% all #i6)t% b(t

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 131/185

t)ey a#e not &ine8 T)ose a#e on loan f#o& t)e Ea#t) !(se(& (ntil I can 6et t)e&


5I 'ill b(y t)e&%5 sai$ Ro$8

5Yo( 'ill not%5 sai$ t)e Cattnaste#8 5T)ey a#e not fo# sale85 5T)en I 'ill b(y

Ea#t) an$ yo( an$ t)e& too%5 sai$ Ro$8

5Ro$e#ic0 "#e$e#ic0 Ronal$ A#nol$ Willia& !acA#t)(# !cBan to-t)e-one-

)(n$#e$-an$- fifty- fi#st% yo( 'ill not85

5W)o a#e yo( to tell &e@5

5I )ave loo0e$ at one 1e#son an$ I )ave tal0e$ to t'o ot)e#s85 5All #i6)t%5 sai$

Ro$8 5W)o@5

5I loo0e$ at t)e ot)e# Ro$ !cBan% yo(# 'o#0'o&an Eleano#8 )e is a little

&i3e$ (1 abo(t )avin6 a yo(n6 &an?s bo$y% beca(se s)e is ve#y $#(n0 in t)e )o&e of 

t)e Lo#$ Willia& Not- f#o&- )e#e an$ a bea(tif(l yo(n6 'o&an na&e$ R(t) Not-f#o&-

)e#e is t#yin6 to &a0e Eleano# &a##y )e#8 )e )as no i$ea t)at s)e is $ealin6 'it)anot)e# 'o&an an$ Eleano#% in )e# co1y of yo(# 1#o1e# bo$y% is fin$in6 t)e e31e#ience

e3citin6% b(t te##ibly conf(sin68 No )a#& 'ill co&e of it% an$ yo(# Eleano# is 1e#fectly

safe8 Half t)e #ascals of Ea#t) )ave conve#6e$ on t)e Lo#$ Willia&?s )o(se% b(t )e )as a

')ole battalion f#o& t)e Defense "leet on loan a#o(n$ t)e 1lace% so not)in6 is 6oin6 to

)a11en% e3ce1t t)at Eleano# 'ill )ave a )ea$ac)e an$ R(t) 'ill )ave a $isa11oint&ent85

Ro$ s&ile$% 5Yo( co(l$n?t )ave tol$ &e anyt)in6 bette#8 W)o else $i$ yo( tal0 

to@5 5T)e Lo#$ Kestocost an$ Ko)n "is)e# to-t)e-)(n$#e$t)85

5!iste# an$ o'ne# "is)e#@ He?s )e#e@5

5He?s at )is )o&e8 tation of t)e 2oo$ "#es) Koey8 I as0e$ )i& if yo( co(l$

)ave yo(# )ea#t?s $esi#e8 Afte# a little ')ile% )e an$ so&ebo$y na&e$ $octo# Went'o#t)sai$ t)at t)e Co&&on'ealt) of Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia 'o(l$ a11#ove it85

5Ho' $i$ yo( eve# 1ay fo# s(c) a call@5 c#ie$ Ro$8 5T)ose t)in6s a#e f#i6)tf(lly


5I $i$n?t 1ay fo# it% &iste# an$ o'ne#8 Yo( $i$8 I c)a#6e$ it to yo(# acco(nt% by

t)e a(t)o#ity of yo(# t#(stee% t)e Lo#$ Kestocost8 He an$ )is fo#efat)e#s )ave been &y

 1at#ons fo# fo(# )(n$#e$ an$ t'enty-si3 yea#s85

5Yo(?ve 6ot yo(# ne#ve%5 sai$ Ro$% 5s1en$in6 &y &oney ')en I 'as #i6)t )e#e

an$ not even as0in6 &eF5

5Yo( a#e an a$(lt fo# so&e 1(#1oses an$ a &ino# fo# ot)e# 1(#1oses8 I a&offe#in6 yo( t)e s0ills ')ic) 0ee1 &e alive8 Do yo( t)in0 any o#$ina#y cat-&an 'o(l$

 be allo'e$ to live as lon6 as t)is@5

5No%5 sai$ Ro$8 52ive &e t)ose sta&1s an$ let &e 6o85

T)e Cat&aste# loo0e$ at )i& levelly8 Once a6ain t)e#e 'as t)e 1e#sonal loo0 on

)is face% ')ic) in No#st#ilia 'o(l$ )ave been ta0en as an (n1a#$onable aff#ont b(t

alon6 'it) t)e nosiness% t)e#e 'as an ai# of confi$ence an$ 0in$ness ')ic) 1(t Ro$ a

little in a'e of t)e &an% (n$e#1e#son t)o(6) )e 'as8 5Do yo( t)in0 t)at yo( co(l$ love

t)ese sta&1s ')en yo( 6et bac0 )o&e@ Co(l$ t)ey tal0 to yo(@ Co(l$ t)ey &a0e yo(

li0e yo(#self@ T)ose 1ieces of 1a1e# a#e not yo(# )ea#t?s $esi#e8 o&et)in6 else is85

5W)at@5 sai$ Ro$% t#(c(lently8

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5In a bit% I?ll e31lain8 "i#st% yo( cannot 0ill &e8 econ$% yo( cannot )(#t &e8

T)i#$% if I 0ill yo(% it 'ill be all fo# yo(# o'n 6oo$8 "o(#t)% if yo( 6et o(t of )e#e% yo(

'ill be a ve#y )a11y &an85

5A#e yo( ba#&y% &iste#@5% c#ie$ Ro$8 5I can 0noc0 yo( flat an$ 'al0 o(t t)at

$oo#8 I $on?t 0no' ')at yo( a#e tal0in6 abo(t85

5T#y it%5 sai$ t)e Cat&aste# levelly8

Ro$ loo0e$ at t)e tall 'it)e#e$ ol$ &an 'it) t)e b#i6)t eyes8 He loo0e$ at

t)e $oo#% a &e#e seven o# ei6)t &ete#s a'ay8 He $i$ not 'ant to t#y it8

5All #i6)t%5 )e conce$e$% 51lay yo(# 1itc)85

5I a& a clinical 1syc)olo6ist8 T)e only one on Ea#t) an$ 1#obably t)e only one

on any 1lanet8 I 6ot &y 0no'le$6e f#o& so&e ancient boo0s ')en I 'as a 0itten% bein6

c)an6e$ into a yo(n6 &an8 I c)an6e 1eo1le (st a little% little bit8 Yo( 0no' t)at t)e

Inst#(&entality )as s(#6eons an$ b#ain e31e#ts an$ all so#ts of $octo#s8 T)ey can $oal&ost anyt)in6 'it) 1e#sonality - anyt)in6 b(t t)e li6)t st(ff8888 T)at% I $o85

5I $on?t 6et it%5 sai$ Ro$8

5Wo(l$ yo( 6o to a b#ain s(#6eon to 6et a )ai#c(t@ Wo(l$ yo( nee$ a

$e#&atolo6ist to 6ive yo( a bat)@ Of co(#se not8 I $on?t $o )eavy 'o#08 I (st c)an6e

 1eo1le a little bit8 It &a0es t)e& )a11y8 If I can?t $o anyt)in6 'it) t)e&% I 6ive

so(veni#s f#o& t)is (n01ile o(t )e#e8 T)e #eal 'o#0 is in t)e#e8 T)at?s ')e#e yo(?#e

6oin6% 1#etty soon85 He no$$e$ )is )ea$ at t)e $oo# &a#0e$% HATE HALL8

Ro$ c#ie$ o(t% 5I?ve been ta0in6 o#$e#s f#o& one st#an6e# afte# anot)e#% all t)ese

lon6 'ee0s since &y co&1(te#s an$ I &a$e t)at &oneyF Can?t I eve# $o anyt)in6


T)e Cat&aste# loo0e$ at )i& 'it) sy&1at)y8 5None of (s can8 We &ay t)in0 

t)at 'e a#e f#ee8 O(# lives a#e &a$e fo# (s by t)e 1eo1le 'e )a11en to 0no'% t)e 1laces

'e )a11en to be% t)e obs o# )obbies ')ic) 'e )a11en to #(n ac#oss8 Will I be $ea$ a

yea# f#o& no'@ I $on?t 0no'8 Will yo( be bac0 in Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia a yea# f#o&

no'% still only seventeen% b(t #ic) an$ 'ise an$ on yo(# 'ay to )a11iness@ I $on?t

0no'8 Yo(?ve )a$ a #an of 6oo$ l(c08 Loo0 at it t)at 'ay8 It?s l(c08 An$ I?& 1a#t of t)e

l(c08 If yo( 6et 0ille$ )e#e% it 'ill not be &y $oin6 b(t (st t)e ove#st#ain of yo(# 

 bo$y a6ainst t)e $evices ')ic) t)e La$y 2o#o0e a11#ove$ a lon6 ti&e a6o - $evices

')ic) t)e Lo#$ Kestocost #e1o#ts to t)e (n$e#&an in t)e (nive#se ')o is entitle$ to

 1#ocess #eal 1eo1le in any 'ay ')ateve# 'it)o(t )avin6 $i#ect )(&an s(1e#vision8 All I$o is to $evelo1 1eo1le% li0e an Ancient !an $evelo1in6 a 1)oto6#a1) f#o& a 1iece of 

 1a1e# e31ose$ to $iffe#ent 6#a$es of li6)t8 I?& not a )i$$en ($6e% li0e yo(# &en in t)e

2a#$en of Deat)8 It?s 6oin6 to be yo( a6ainst yo(% 'it) &e (st )el1in6% an$ ')en yo(

co&e o(t yo(?#e 6oin6 to be a $iffe#ent yo( - t)e sa&e yo(% b(t a little bette# t)e#e% a

little &o#e fle3ible )e#e8 As a &atte# of fact% t)at cat-ty1e bo$y yo(?#e 'ea#in6 is 6oin6

to &a0e yo(# contest 'it) yo(#self a little )a#$e# fo# &e to &ana6e8 We?ll $o it% Ro$8

A#e yo( #ea$y@5

5Rea$y fo# ')at@5

5"o# t)e tests an$ c)an6es t)e#e85 T)e Cat&aste# no$$e$ at t)e $oo# &a#0e$

HATE HALL8 5I s(11ose so%5 sai$ Ro$8 5I $on?t )ave &(c) c)oice85

5No%5 sai$ t)e Catinaste#% sy&1at)etically an$ al&ost sa$ly% 5not at t)is 1oint%

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yo( $on?t8 If yo( 'al0 o(t t)at $oo#% yo(?#e an ille6al cat-&an% in i&&e$iate $an6e# 

of bein6 b(e$ $o'n by t)e #obot 1olice85

5Please%5 sai$ Ro$% 5'in o# fail% can I )ave one of t)ese Ca1e t#ian6les@5

T)e Cat&aste# s&ile$8 5I 1#o&ise yo( - if yo( 'ant one% yo( s)all )ave it85 He

'ave$ at t)e $oo#4 52o on in85

Ro$ 'as not a co'a#$% b(t it 'as 'it) feet an$ le6s of lea$ t)at )e 'al0e$ to t)e

$oo#8 It o1ene$ by itself8 He 'al0e$ in% stea$y b(t af#ai$8

T)e #oo& 'as $a#0 'it) a $a#0ness $ee1e# t)an &e#e blac08 It 'as t)e $a#0 of 

 blin$ness% t)e e31anse of c)ee0 ')e#e no eye )as eve# been8

T)e $oo# close$ be)in$ )i& an$ )e s'a& in t)e $a#0% so tan6ible )a$ t)e

$a#0ness beco&e8 He felt blin$8 He felt as t)o(6) )e )a$ neve# seen8

B(t )e co(l$ )ea#8

He )ea#$ )is o'n bloo$ 1(lsin6 t)#o(6) )is )ea$8He co(l$ s&ell - in$ee$% )e 'as 6oo$ at s&ellin68 An$ t)is ai# - t)is ai# - t)is ai# 

s&elle$ of t)e o1en ni6)t on t)e $#y 1lains of Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia8

T)e s&ell &a$e )i& feel little an$ af#ai$8 It #e&in$e$ )i& of )is #e1eate$

c)il$)oo$s% of t)e a#tificial $#o'nin6s in t)e labo#ato#ies ')e#e )e )a$ 6one to be

#ebo#n f#o& one c)il$)oo$ to anot)e#8

He #eac)e$ o(t )is )an$s8 Not)in68

He (&1e$ 6ently8 No ceilin68

Usin6 a fiel$s&an?s t#ic0 fa&ilia# fo# ti&es of $(st sto#&s% )e $#o11e$ li6)tly to

)is )an$s an$ feet8 He sc(ttle$ c#ab'ise on t'o feet an$ one )an$% (sin6 t)e ot)e# )an$as a s)iel$ to 1#otect )is face8 In a ve#y fe' &ete#s )e fo(n$ t)e 'all8 He follo'e$ t)e

'all a#o(n$8


T)is 'as t)e $oo#8 "ollo' a6ain8

Wit) &o#e confi$ence% )e &ove$ fast - a#o(n$% a#o(n$% a#o(n$8 He co(l$ not

tell ')et)e# t)e floo# 'as as1)alt o# so&e 0in$ of #o(6) 'o#n tile8

Doo# a6ain8

A voice s1ie0e$ to )i&8 1ie0e$F An$ )e )ea#$ it8

He loo0e$ (1'a#$ into t)e not)in6 ')ic) 'as blea0e# t)an blin$ness% al&oste31ectin6 to see t)e 'o#$s in lette#s of fi#e% so clea# )a$ t)ey been8

T)e voice 'as Nost#ilian an$ it sai$8 Ro$ !cBan is a &an% &an% &an8

B(t ')at is &an@

I&&e$iate 1e#c(ssion of c#ay% sa$ la(6)te#8

Ro$ neve# notice$ t)at )e #eve#te$ to t)e )abits of baby)oo$8 He sat flat on

)is #(&1% le6s s1#ea$ o(t in f#ont of )i& at a 9? an6le8 He 1(t )is )an$s a little

 be)in$ )i& an$ leane$ bac0% lettin6 t)e 'ei6)t of )is bo$y 1(s) )is s)o(l$e#s a little

 bit (1'a#$8 He 0ne' t)e i$eas t)at 'o(l$ follo' t)e 'o#$s% b(t )e neve# 0ne' ')y )e

so #ea$ily e31ecte$ t)e&8

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Li6)t fo#&e$ in t)e #oo&% as )e )a$ been s(#e it 'o(l$8 T)e i&a6es 'e#e little%

 b(t t)ey loo0e$ #eal8

!en an$ 'o&en an$ c)il$#en% c)il$#en an$ 'o&en an$ &en &a#c)e$ into )is

vision an$ o(t a6ain8

T)ey 'e#e not f#ea0s t)ey 'e#e not beasts t)ey 'e#e not alien &onst#osities

 be6otten in so&e o(tsi$e (nive#se t)ey 'e#e not #obots t)ey 'e#e not (n$e#1eo1le -

t)ey 'e#e all )o&inoi$s li0e )i&self% 0ins&en in t)e Ea#t)bo#n #aces of &en8

"i#st ca&e 1eo1le li0e Ol$ No#t) A(st#alians an$ Ea#t) 1eo1le% ve#y &(c) ali0e%

an$ bot) si&ila# to t)e ancient ty1es% e3ce1t t)at No#st#ilians 'e#e 1ale beneat) t)ei# 

tanne$ s0ins% bi66e#% an$ &o#e #ob(st8

T)en ca&e Dai&oni% ')ite-eye$ 1ale 6iants 'it) a &a6ical ass(#ance% ')ose

ve#y babies 'al0e$ as t)o(6) t)ey )a$ al#ea$y been 6iven ballet lessons8

T)en )eavy &en% fat)e#s% &ot)e#s% infants s'i&&in6 on t)e soli$ 6#o(n$

f#o& ')ic) t)ey 'o(l$ neve# a#ise8

T)en #ain&en f#o& A&aonas T#iste% t)ei# s0ins )an6in6 in eno#&o(s fol$s

a#o(n$ t)e&% so t)at t)ey loo0e$ li0e b(n$les of 'et #a6s '#a11e$ a#o(n$ &on0eys8

Blin$ &en f#o& Oly&1ia% sta#in6 fie#cely at t)e 'o#l$ t)#o(6) t)e #a$a#s

&o(nte$ on t)ei# fo#e)ea$s8

Bloate$ &onste#-&en f#o& aban$one$ 1lanets - 1eo1le as ba$ off as )is o'n

#ace )a$ been afte# esca1in6 f#o& Pa#a$ise ;II8

An$ still &o#e #aces8

Peo1le )e )a$ neve# )ea#$ of8 !en 'it) s)ells8

!en an$ 'o&en so t)in t)at t)ey loo0e$ li0e insects8

A #ace of s&ilin6% foolis) 6iants% lost in t)e i##e1a#able )ebe1)#enia of t)ei# 

'o#l$8 Ro$ )a$ t)e feelin6 t)at t)ey 'e#e s)e1)e#$e$ by a #ace of $evote$ $o6s% &o#e

intelli6ent t)an t)e&selves% ')o caole$ t)e& into b#ee$in6% be66e$ t)e& to eat% le$

t)e& to slee18 He sa' no $o6s% only t)e s&ilin6 (nfoc(se$ fools% b(t t)e feelin6 $o6%

6oo$ $o6F 'as so&e)o' ve#y nea#8

A f(nny little 1eo1le ')o 1#ance$ 'it) an in$efinable $efo#&ity of 6ait8

Wate#-1eo1le% t)e clean 'ate# of so&e (ni$entifie$ 'o#l$ 1(lsin6 t)#o(6) t)ei# 

6ills8 An$ t)en -

!o#e 1eo1le% still% b(t )ostile ones8 Li1stic0e$ )e#&a1)#o$ites 'it)eno#&o(s bea#$s an$ fl(tin6 voices8 Ca#cino&as ')ic) )a$ ta0en ove# &en8 2iants

#oote$ in t)e ea#t)8 H(&an bo$ies c#a'lin6 an$ 'ee1in6 as t)ey c#a'le$ t)#o(6) 'et

6#ass - conta&inate$ so&e)o' an$ loo0in6 fo# &o#e 1eo1le to infect8

Ro$ $i$ not 0no' it% b(t )e 6#o'le$8

He (&1e$ into a s(attin6 1osition an$ s'e1t )is )an$s ac#oss t)e #o(6) floo#%

loo0in6 fo# a 'ea1on8

T)ese 'e#e not &en - t)ey 'e#e ene&iesF

till t)ey ca&e8 Peo1le ')o )a$ lost eyes% o# ')o )a$ 6#o'n fi#e-#esistant%

t)e '#ec0s an$ #esi$(es of aban$one$ settle&ents an$ fo#6otten colonies8 T)e 'aste

an$ s1oila6e of t)e )(&an #ace8

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An$ t)en - Hi&8 Hi&self8

T)e c)il$ Ro$ !cBan8

An$ voices% No#st#ilian voices callin64 5He can?t )ie#8 He can?t s1ie08 He?s a

f#ea08 He?s a f#ea08 He can?t )ie#8 He can?t s1ie085

An$ anot)e# voice4 5His 1oo# 1a#entsF5

T)e c)il$ Ro$ $isa11ea#e$ an$ t)e#e 'e#e )is 1a#ents a6ain8 T'elve ti&es talle# 

t)an life% so )i6) t)at )e )a$ to 1ee# (1 into t)e blac0 abso#1tive ceilin6 to see t)e

(n$e#si$e of t)ei# faces8

T)e &ot)e# 'e1t8

T)e fat)e# so(n$e$ ste#n8

T)e fat)e# 'as sayin6% 5It?s no (se8 Do#is can 'atc) )i& ')ile 'e?#e 6one% b(t if 

)e isn?t any bette# 'e?ll t(#n )i& in85

T)e cal&% lovin6% )o##ible voice of t)e &an% 5Da#lin6% s1ie0 to )i& yo(#self8He?ll neve# )ie#8 Can t)at be a Ro$ !cBan@5

T)en t)e 'o&an?s voice% s'eet-1oisono(s an$ 'o#se t)an $eat)% sobbin6

a6#ee&ent 'it) )e# &an a6ainst )e# son8

5I $on?t 0no'% Ro$8 I $on?t 0no'8 K(st $on?t tell &e abo(t it85

He )a$ )ie#e$ t)e&% in one of )is &o&ents of 'il$ 1enet#atin6 )ie#in6 ')en

eve#yt)in6 tele1at)ic ca&e in 'it) sta#tlin6 cla#ity8 He )a$ )ie#e$ t)e& ')en )e 'as a


T)e #eal Ro$ in t)e $a#0 #oo&% let o(t a #oa# of fea#% $esolation% loneliness% #a6e%

)ate8 T)is 'as t)e tele1at)ic bo&b 'it) ')ic) )e )a$ so often sta#tle$ o# ala#&e$ t)e

nei6)bo#s% t)e &in$-s)oc0 'it) ')ic) )e )a$ 0ille$ t)e 6iant s1i$e# in t)e to'e# of 

Ea#t)1o#t fa# above )i&8

B(t t)is ti&e% t)e #oo& 'as close$8 His &in$ #oa#e$ bac0 at itself8

Ra6e% lo($ness% )ate% #a' noise 1o(#e$ into )i& f#o& t)e floo#% t)e ci#c(la# 'all%

t)e )i6) ceilin68

He c#in6e$ beneat) it an$ as )e c#in6e$% t)e sies of t)e i&a6es c)an6e$8 His

 1a#ents sat in c)ai#s% c)ai#s8 T)ey 'e#e little% little8 He 'as an al&i6)ty baby% so

eno#&o(s t)at )e co(l$ scoo1 t)e& (1 'it) )is #i6)t )an$8

He #eac)e$ to c#(s) t)e tiny loat)so&e 1a#ents ')o )a$ sai$% 5Let )i& $ie85 He#eac)e$ to c#(s) t)e&% b(t t)ey fa$e$ fi#st8

T)ei# faces t(#ne$ f#i6)tene$8 T)ey loo0e$ 'il$ly a#o(n$8 T)ei# c)ai#s

$issolve$% t)e fab#ic fallin6 to t)e floo# ')ic) in t(#n loo0e$ li0e sto#&-e#o$e$ clot)8

T)ey t(#ne$ fo# a last 0iss an$ )a$ no li1s8 T)ey #eac)e$ to )(6 eac) ot)e# an$ t)ei# 

a#&s fell off8 T)ei# s1ace-s)i1 )a$ 6one &il0y in &i$-t#i1% $issolvin6 into t#aceless

not)in68 An$ )e% )e% )e )i&self )a$ seen itF

T)e #a6e 'as follo'e$ by tea#s% by a 6(ilt too $ee1 fo# #e6#et% by a self-

acc(sation so #a' an$ 'et t)at it live$ li0e one &o#e o#6an insi$e )is livin6 bo$y8

He 'ante$ not)in68

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 No &oney% no st#oon% no tation of Doo&8 He 'ante$ no f#ien$s% no

co&1anions)i1% no 'elco&e% no )o(se% no foo$8 He 'ante$ no 'al0s% no solita#y

$iscove#ies in t)e fiel$% no f#ien$ly s)ee1% no t#eas(#es in t)e 6a1% no co&1(te#% no $ay%

no ni6)t% no life8

He 'ante$ not)in6% an$ )e co(l$ not (n$e#stan$ $eat)8

T)e eno#&o(s #oo& lost all li6)t% all so(n$% an$ )e $i$ not notice it8 His o'n

na0e$ life lay befo#e )i& li0e a f#es)ly $issecte$ ca$ave#8 It lay t)e#e an$ it &a$e no

sense8 T)e#e )a$ been &any Ro$e#ic0 "#e$e#ic0 Ronal$ A&ol$ Willia& !acA#t)(# 

!cBans% one )(n$#e$ an$ fifty of t)e& in a #o'% b(t )e - ,G,F ,G,F ,G,F - 'as not one

of t)e&% not a 6iant ')o )a$ '#estle$ t#eas(#e f#o& t)e sic0 ea#t) an$ )i$$en s(ns)ine

of t)e No#st#ilian 1lains8 It 'asn?t )is tele1at)ic $efo#&ity% )is s1ie0lessness% )is b#ain

$eafness to )ie#in68 It 'as )i&self% t)e 5!e- s(btile5 insi$e )i&% ')ic) 'as '#on6% all

'#on68 He 'as t)e baby 'o#t) 0illin6% ')o )a$ 0ille$ instea$8 He )a$ )ate$ &a&a an$

 1a1a fo# t)ei# 1#i$e an$ t)ei# )ate4 ')en )e )ate$ t)e&% t)ey c#(&1le$ an$ $ie$ o(t in

t)e &yste#y of s1ace% so t)at t)ey $i$ not even leave bo$ies to b(#y8

Ro$ stoo$ to )is feet8 His )an$s 'e#e 'et8 He to(c)e$ )is face an$ )e #ealie$

t)at )e )a$ been 'ee1in6 'it) )is face c(11e$ in )is )an$s8


T)e#e 'as so&et)in68

T)e#e 'as one t)in6 )e 'ante$8 He 'ante$ Ho(6)ton y&e - t)e Onsec0% t)e

&an ')o )a$ t#ie$ to 6et )i& con$e&ne$ to t)e 2a#$en of Deat)% ')o )a$ t#ie$ to 0ill

)i& o(t#i6)t% ')o )a$% in a 'ay% $#iven )i& to #ic)es an$ to Ol$ Ea#t) - not to )ate

)i&8 Ho(6)ton y&e co(l$ )ie# an$ s1ie0% b(t )e 'as a s)o#tie% livin6 'it) t)e

sic0ness of $eat) lyin6 bet'een )i&self an$ eve#y 6i#l% eve#y f#ien$% eve#y ob )e )a$

&et8 An$ )e% Ro$% )a$ &oc0e$ t)at &an% callin6 )i& Ol$ Hot an$ i&1le8 Ro$ &i6)t

 be 'o#t)less b(t )e 'as not as ba$ off as Ho(6)ton y&e% t)e Hon8 ec8 Ho(6)ton

y&e 'as at least t#yin6 to be a &an% to live )is &ise#able sc#a1 of life% an$ all Ro$ )a$

eve# $one 'as to fla(nt )is 'ealt) an$ nea#-i&&o#tality befo#e t)e 1oo# c#i11le ')o

)a$ (st one )(n$#e$ an$ si3ty yea#s to live8 Ro$ 'ante$ only one t)in6 - to 6et bac0 to

 No#t) A(st#alia in ti&e to )el1 Ho(6)ton y&e% to let Ho(6)ton y&e 0no' t)at t)e

6(ilt 'as )is% Ro$?s% an$ not y&e?s8 T)e Onsec0 )a$ a bit of a life an$ )e $ese#ve$

t)e best of it8

Ro$ stoo$ t)e#e% e31ectin6 not)in68 He )a$ fo#6iven )is last ene&y8

He )a$ fo#6iven )i&self8

T)e $oo# o1ene$ ve#y &atte#-of-factly an$ t)e#e stoo$ t)e Cat&aste#% a (iet

'ise s&ile (1on )is face8

5Yo( can co&e o(t no'% !iste# an$ O'ne# !cBan% an$ if t)e#e is anyt)in6 in

t)is o(te# #oo& ')ic) yo( 'ant% yo( &ay ce#tainly )ave it85

Ro$ 'al0e$ o(t slo'ly8 He )a$ no i$ea )o' lon6 )e )a$ been in HATE HALL8

W)en )e e&e#6e$% t)e $oo# close$ be)in$ )i&8

5No% t)an0s% cobbe#8 It?s &i6)ty f#ien$ly of yo(% b(t I $on?t nee$ anyt)in6

&(c)% an$ I?$ bette# be 6ettin6 bac0 to &y o'n 1lanet85

5Not)in6@5 sai$ t)e Cat&aste#% still s&ilin6 ve#y attentively an$ ve#y (ietly85I?$ li0e to )ie# an$ s1ie0% b(t it?s not ve#y i&1o#tant85

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5T)is is fo# yo(%5 sai$ t)e Cat&aste#8 5Yo( 1(t it in yo(# ea# an$ leave it

t)e#e8 If it itc)es o# 6ets $i#ty% yo( ta0e it o(t% 'as) it% an$ 1(t it bac0 in8 It?s not a #a#e

$evice% b(t a11a#ently yo( $on?t )ave t)e& on yo(# 1lanet85 He )el$ o(t an obect no

la#6e# t)an t)e 0e#nel of a 6#o(n$- n(t8

Ro$ too0 it absently an$ 'as #ea$y to 1(t it into )is 1oc0et% not into )is ea#%

')en )e sa' t)at t)e s&ilin6 attentive face 'as 'atc)in6% ve#y 6ently b(t ve#y ale#tly8

He 1(t t)e $evice into )is ea#8 It felt a little col$8

5I 'ill no'%5 sai$ t)e Cat&aste#% 5ta0e yo( to C?&ell% ')o 'ill lea$ yo( to yo(# 

f#ien$s in Do'n$ee1-$o'n$ee18 Yo( )a$ bette# ta0e t)is bl(e t'o-1enny Ca1e of 2oo$

Ho1e 1osta6e sta&1 'it) yo(8 I 'ill #e1o#t to Kestocost t)at it 'as lost ')ile I

atte&1te$ to co1y it8 T)at is sli6)tly t#(e% isn?t it@5

Ro$ sta#te$ to t)an0 )i& absent-&in$e$ly an$ t)en -

T)en% 'it) a t)#ill ')ic) sent 6oosefles) all ove# )is nec0% bac0 an$ a#&s% )e

#ealie$ t)at t)e Cat&aste# )a$ not &ove$ )is li1s in t)e sli6)test% )a$ not 1(s)e$ ai# 

t)#o(6) )is t)#oat% )a$ not $ist(#be$ t)e ai# 'it) t)e 1#ess(#e of noise8 T)e Cat&aste# )a$ s1ie0e$ to Ro$ an$ Ro$ )a$ )ie#e$ )i&8

T)in0in6 ve#y ca#ef(lly an$ ve#y clea#ly% b(t closin6 )is li1s an$ &a0in6 no

so(n$ ')ateve#% Ro$ t)o(6)t% Wo#t)y an$ 6#acio(s Cat&aste#% I t)an0 yo( fo# t)e

ancient t#eas(#e of t)e ol$ Ea#t) sta&18 I t)an0 yo( even &o#e fo# t)e )ie#in6-

s1ie0in6 $evice ')ic) I a& no' testin68 Will yo( 1lease e3ten$ yo(# #i6)t )an$ to

s)a0e )an$s 'it) &e% if yo( can act(ally )ie# &e no'@

T)e Cat&aste# ste11e$ fo#'a#$ an$ e3ten$e$ )is )an$8

!an an$ (n$e#&an% t)ey face$ eac) ot)e# 'it) a 0in$ness an$ 6#atit($e ')ic)

'as so 1oi6nant as to be ve#y close to 6#ief8

 Neit)e# of t)e& 'e1t8 Neit)e#8

T)ey s)oo0 )an$s 'it)o(t s1ea0in6 o# s1ie0in68


WHILE ROD !CBAN WA 6oin6 t)#o(6) )is 1#ivate o#$eal at t)e

De1a#t&ent to#e of 

Hea#ts? Desi#es% ot)e# 1eo1le contin(e$ to be conce#ne$ 'it) )i& an$ )is fate8

A C#i&e of P(blic O1inion

A &i$$le-a6e$ 'o&an% 'it) a $#ess ')ic) $i$ not s(it )e#% sat (ninvite$ at t)e

table of Pa(l% a #eal &an once ac(ainte$ 'it) C?&ell8

Pa(l 1ai$ no attention to )e#8 Eccent#icities 'e#e &(lti1lyin6 a&on6 1eo1le

t)ese $ays8 Bein6 &i$$le-a6e$ 'as a &atte# of taste% an$ &any )(&an bein6s% afte# 

t)e Re$iscove#y of !an% fo(n$ t)at if t)ey let t)e&selves beco&e i&1e#fect% it 'as a

&o#e co&fo#table 'ay to live t)an t)e ol$ 'ay - t)e ol$ 'ay consistin6 of a6in6

&in$s $'ellin6 in bo$ies con$e&ne$ to t)e 1e#1et(al 1e#fection of yo(t)8

5I )a$ fl(%5 sai$ t)e 'o&an8 5Have yo( eve# )a$ fl(@5 5No%5 sai$ Pa(l% not ve#y

&(c) inte#este$8

5A#e yo( #ea$in6 a ne's1a1e#@5 )e loo0e$ at )is ne's1a1e#% ')ic) )a$eve#yt)in6 e3ce1t ne's in it8

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 138/185

Pa(l% 'it) t)e 1a1e# in f#ont of )i&% a$&itte$ t)at )e 'as #ea$in6 it8

5Do yo( li0e coffee@5 sai$ t)e 'o&an% loo0in6 at Pa(l?s c(1 of f#es) coffee in

f#ont of )i&8 5W)y 'o(l$ I o#$e# it if I $i$n?t@5 sai$ Pa(l b#(s(ely% 'on$e#in6 )o'

t)e 'o&an )a$ eve# 

&ana6e$ to fin$ so (natt#active a &ate#ial fo# )e# $#ess8 It 'as yello' s(n-

flo'e#s on an off- #e$ bac06#o(n$8

T)e 'o&an 'as baffle$% b(t only fo# a &o&ent8

5I?& 'ea#in6 a 6i#$le%5 s)e sai$8 5T)ey (st ca&e on sale last 'ee08 T)ey?#e

ve#y% ve#y ancient% an$ ve#y a(t)entic8 No' t)at 1eo1le can be fat if t)ey 'ant to%

6i#$les a#e t)e #a6e8 T)ey )ave s1ats fo# &en% too% )ave yo( bo(6)t yo(# s1ats yet@5

5No%5 sai$ Pa(l% flatly% 'on$e#in6 if )e s)o(l$ leave )is coffee an$ ne's1a1e#8

5W)at a#e yo( 6oin6 to $o abo(t t)at &an@5

5W)at &an@5 sai$ Pa(l% 1olitely an$ 'ea#ily8 5T)e &an ')o?s bo(6)t t)e Ea#t)85

5Di$ )e@5 sai$ Pa(l8

5Of co(#se%5 sai$ t)e 'o&an8 5No' )e )as &o#e 1o'e# t)an t)e Inst#(&entality8

He co(l$ $o anyt)in6 )e 'ants8 He can 6ive (s anyt)in6 'e 'ant8 If )e 'ante$ to% )e

co(l$ 6ive &e a t)o(san$- yea# t#i1 a#o(n$ t)e (nive#se85

5A#e yo( an official@5 sai$ Pa(l s)a#1ly8 5No%5 sai$ t)e 'o&an% ta0en a little

abac08 5T)en )o' $o yo( 0no' t)ese t)in6s@5

5Eve#ybo$y 0no's t)e&8 Eve#ybo$y85 )e s1o0e fi#&ly an$ 1(#se$ )e# &o(t)

at t)e en$ of t)e sentence8

5W)at a#e yo( 6oin6 to $o abo(t t)is &an@ Rob )i&@ e$(ce )i&@5 Pa(l 'as

sa#$onic8 He )a$ an (n)a11y love affai# ')ic) )e still #e&e&be#e$% a cli&b to t)e

Abba-$in6o ove# Al1)a Ral1)a Bo(leva#$ ')ic) )e 'o(l$ neve# #e1eat% an$ ve#ylittle 1atience 'it) fools ')o )a$ neve# $a#e$ an$ neve# s(ffe#e$ anyt)in68

T)e 'o&an fl(s)e$ 'it) an6e#8 5We?#e all 6oin6 to )is )ostel at t'elve to$ay8

We?#e 6oin6 to s)o(t an$ s)o(t (ntil )e co&es o(t8 T)en 'e?#e 6oin6 to fo#& a line an$

&a0e )i& listen to ')at eac) one of (s 'ants85

Pa(l s1o0e s)a#1ly4 5W)o o#6anie$ t)is@5 5I $on?t 0no'8 o&ebo$y85

Pa(l s1o0e sole&nly8 5Yo(?#e a )(&an bein68 Yo( )ave been t#aine$8 W)at

is t)e T'elft)


T)e 'o&an t(#ne$ a little 1ale b(t s)e c)ante$% as if by #ote4 5?Any &an o# 'o&an ')o fin$s t)at )e o# s)e fo#&s an$ s)a#es an (na(t)o#ie$ o1inion 'it) a la#6e

n(&be# of ot)e# 1eo1le s)all #e1o#t i&&e$iately fo# t)e#a1y to t)e nea#est s(bc)ief8?

B(t t)at $oesn?t &ean &e@8885

5Yo(?ll be $ea$ o# sc#(bbe$ by toni6)t% &a$a&8 No' 6o a'ay an$ let &e #ea$

&y 1a1e#85

T)e 'o&an 6la#e$ at )i&% bet'een an6e# an$ tea#s8 2#a$(ally fea# ca&e ove# 

)e# feat(#es8 5Do yo( #eally t)in0 ')at I 'as sayin6 is (nla'f(l@5

5Co&1letely%5 sai$ Pa(l8

)e 1(t )e# 1($6y )an$s ove# )e# face an$ sobbe$8 5i#% si#% can yo( - can yo( 1lease )el1 &e fin$ a s(bc)ief@ I?& af#ai$ I $o nee$ )el18 B(t I?ve $#ea&e$ so &(c)%

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 139/185

I?ve )o1e$ so &(c) - a &an f#o& t)e sta#s8 B(t yo(?#e #i6)t% si#8 I $on?t 'ant to $ie o# 6et

 blan0e$ o(t8 i#% 1lease )el1 &eF5

!ove$ by bot) i&1atience an$ co&1assion% Pa(l left )is 1a1e# an$ )is coffee8

T)e #obot 'aite# )(##ie$ (1 to #e&in$ )i& t)at )e )a$ not 1ai$8 Pa(l 'al0e$ ove# to t)e

si$e'al0 ')e#e t)e#e 'e#e t'o ba##els f(ll of &oney fo# 1eo1le ')o 'is)e$ to 1lay t)e

6a&es of ancient civiliation8 He selecte$ t)e bi66est bill )e co(l$ see% 6ave it to t)e

'aite#% 'aite$ fo# )is c)an6e% 6ave t)e 'aite# a ti1% #eceive$ t)an0s% an$ t)#e' t)e

c)an6e% ')ic) 'as all coins% into t)e ba##el f(ll of &etal &oney8 T)e 'o&an )a$

'aite$ fo# )i& 1atiently% )e# blotc)e$ face sa$8

W)en )e offe#e$ )e# )is a#&% in t)e ol$-"#enc) &anne#% s)e too0 it8 T)ey

'al0e$ a )(n$#e$ &ete#s% &o#e o# less% to a 1(blic visi1)one8 )e )alf-c#ie$% )alf-

&(&ble$ as s)e 'al0e$ alon6 besi$e )i&% 'it) )e# (nco&fo#table% ancient s1i0e$-

)eel fe&inine s)oes4

5I (se$ to )ave fo(# )(n$#e$ yea#s8 I (se$ to be sli& an$ bea(tif(l8 I li0e$ to

&a0e love an$ I $i$n?t t)in0 ve#y &(c) abo(t t)in6s% beca(se I 'asn?t ve#y b#i6)t8 I )a$)a$ a lot of )(sban$s8 T)en t)is c)an6e ca&e alon6% an$ I felt (seless% an$ I $eci$e$ to

 be ')at I felt li0e - fat% an$

slo11y an$ &i$$le-a6e$ an$ bo#e$8 An$ I )ave s(ccee$e$ too &(c)% (st

t)e 'ay t'o of &y )(sban$s sai$8 An$ t)at &an f#o& t)e sta#s% )e )as all 1o'e#8 He

can c)an6e t)in6s85

Pa(l $i$ not ans'e# )e#% e3ce1t to no$ sy&1at)etically8

He stoo$ at t)e visi1)one (ntil a #obot a11ea#e$8 5A s(bc)ief%5 )e sai$8 5Any


T)e i&a6e bl(##e$ an$ t)e face of a ve#y yo(n6 &an a11ea#e$8 He sta#e$

ea#nestly an$ intently ')ile Pa(l #ecite$ )is n(&be#% 6#a$e% neonational assi6n&ent%

(a#te#s n(&be# an$ b(siness8 He )a$ to state t)e b(siness t'ice% 5C#i&inal 1(blic


T)e s(bc)ief sna11e$% not (n1leasantly% 5Co&e on in% t)en% an$ 'e?ll fi3 yo(


Pa(l 'as so annoye$ at t)e i$ea t)at )e 'o(l$ be s(s1ecte$ of c#i&inal 1(blic

o1inion% 5any o1inion s)a#e$ 'it) a la#6e n(&be# of ot)e# 1eo1le% ot)e# t)an &ate#ial

#elease$ an$ a11#ove$ by t)e Inst#(&entality an$ t)e Ea#t) 6ove#n&ent%5 t)at )e be6an

to s1ie0 )is 1#otest into t)e &ac)ine85;ocalie% &an an$ citienF T)ese &ac)ines $on?t ca##y tele1at)y85

W)en Pa(l 6ot t)#o(6) e31lainin6% t)e yo(n6ste# in (nifo#& loo0e$ at )i&

c#itically b(t 1leasantly% sayin6% 5Citien% yo(?ve fo#6otten so&et)in6 yo(#self85

5He@5 6as1e$ Pa(l8 5I?ve $one not)in68 T)is 'o&an (st sat $o'n besi$e &e an$

-5 5Citien%5 sai$ t)e s(bc)ief% 5')at is t)e last )alf of t)e "ift) R(le fo# All !en@5

Pa(l t)o(6)t a &o&ent an$ t)en ans'e#e$% 5T)e se#vices of eve#y 1e#son s)all

 be available% 'it)o(t $elay an$ 'it)o(t c)a#6e% to any ot)e# t#(e )(&an bein6 ')o

enco(nte#s $an6e# o# $ist#ess85 T)en )is o'n eyes 'i$ene$ an$ )e sai$% 5Yo( 'ant &e

to $o t)is &yself@5

5W)at $o yo( t)in0@5 sai$ t)e s(bc)ief8 5I can%5 sai$ Pa(l8

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 140/185

5Of co(#se%5 sai$ t)e s(bc)ief8 5Yo( a#e no#&al8 Yo( #e&e&be# t)e b#ain6#i1s85

Pa(l no$$e$8

T)e s(bc)ief 'ave$ at )i& an$ t)e i&a6e fa$e$ f#o& t)e sc#een8

T)e 'o&an )a$ seen it all8 )e% too% 'as 1#e1a#e$8 W)en Pa(l lifte$ )is )an$s

fo# t)e t#a$itional )y1notic 6est(#es% s)e loc0e$ )e# eyes (1on )is )an$s8 )e &a$e

t)e #es1onses as t)ey 'e#e nee$e$8 W)en )e )a$ b#ainsc#(bbe$ )e# #i6)t t)e#e in t)e

o1en st#eet% s)e s)a&ble$ off $o'n t)e 'al0'ay% not 0no'in6 ')y tea#s 1o(#e$ $o'n

)e# c)ee0s8 )e $i$ not #e&e&be# Pa(l at all8

"o# a &o&ent of c#ay ')i&sy% Pa(l t)o(6)t of 6oin6 ac#oss t)e city an$

)avin6 a loo0 at t)e 'on$e#f(l &an f#o& t)e sta#s8 He sta#e$ a#o(n$ absently% t)in0in68

His eye ca(6)t t)e )i6) t)#ea$ of Al1)a Ral1)a Bo(leva#$% soa#in6 (ns(11o#te$ ac#oss

t)e )eavens f#o& fa#a'ay 6#o(n$ to t)e &i$-)ei6)t of Ea#t)1o#t4 )e #e&e&be#e$

)i&self an$ )is o'n 1e#sonal t#o(bles8 He 'ent bac0 to )is ne's1a1e# an$ a f#es) c(1

of coffee% )el1in6 )i&self to &oney f#o& t)e ba##el% t)is ti&e% befo#e )e ente#e$ t)e


On a yac)t off !eeva !eefia

R(t) ya'ne$ as s)e sat (1 an$ loo0e$ at t)e ocean8 )e )a$ $one )e# best 'it)

t)e #ic) yo(n6 &an8

T)e false Ro$ !cBan% act(ally a #econst#(cte$ Eleano#% sai$ to )e#% 5T)is is #i6)t

nice85 R(t) s&ile$ lan6(i$ly an$ se$(ctively8 )e $i$ not 0no' ')y Eleano# la(6)e$

o(t lo($8

T)e Lo#$ Willia& Not-f#o&-)e#e ca&e (1 f#o& belo' t)e $ec08 He ca##ie$ t'o

silve# &(6s in )is )an$s8 T)ey 'e#e f#oste$8

5I a& 6la$%5 sai$ )e (nct(o(sly% 5t)at yo( yo(n6 1eo1le a#e )a11y8 T)ese a#e&int (le1s% a ve#y ancient $#in0 in$ee$85

He 'atc)e$ as Eleano# si11e$ )e#s an$ t)en s&ile$8 He s&ile$ too8 5Yo( li0e


Eleano# s&ile$ #i6)t bac0 at )i&8 5Beats 'as)in6 $is)es% it $oes@5 sai$ 5Ro$

!cBan5 eni6&atically8

T)e Lo#$ Willia& be6an to t)in0 t)at t)e #ic) yo(n6 &an 'as o$$ in$ee$8

Antec)a&be# of t)e Bell an$ Ban0 

T)e Lo#$ C#($elta co&&an$e$% 5en$ Kestocost )e#eF5 T)e Lo#$ Kestocost 'as

al#ea$y ente#in6 t)e #oo&8 5W)at?s )a11ene$ on t)at case of t)e yo(n6 &an@5 5Not)in6%

i# an$ enio#855T(s)8 Bos)8 Nonsense8 Rot85 T)e ol$ &an sno#te$8 5Not)in6 is so&et)in6 t)at

$oesn?t )a11en at all8 He )as to be so&e')e#e85

5T)e o#i6inal is 'it) t)e Cat&aste#% at t)e De1a#t&ent to#e85

5Is t)at safe@5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ C#($elta8 5He &i6)t 6et to be too s&a#t fo# (s to

&ana6e8 Yo(?#e 'o#0in6 so&e sc)e&e a6ain% Kestocost85

5Not)in6 b(t ')at I tol$ yo(% i# an$ enio#85

T)e ol$ &an f#o'ne$8 5T)at?s #i6)t8 Yo( $i$ tell &e8 P#ocee$8 B(t t)e ot)e#s@5


5T)e $ecoys@5

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T)e Lo#$ Kestocost la(6)e$ alo($8 5O(# collea6(e% t)e Lo#$ Willia&% )as al&ost

 bet#ot)e$ )is $a(6)te# to !iste# !cBan?s 'o#0&an% ')o is te&1o#a#ily a ?Ro$ !cBan?

)e#self8 All 1a#ties a#e )avin6 f(n 'it) no )a#& $one8 T)e #obots% t)e ei6)t s(#vivo#s%

a#e 6oin6 a#o(n$ Ea#t)1o#t city8 T)ey a#e enoyin6 t)e&selves as &(c) as #obots eve# 

$o8 C#o'$s a#e 6at)e#in6 an$ as0in6 fo# &i#acles8 P#etty )a#&less85

5An$ t)e Ea#t) econo&y@ Is it 6ettin6 o(t of balance@5

5I?ve set t)e co&1(te#s to 'o#0%5 sai$ t)e Lo#$ Kestocost% 5fin$in6 eve#y ta3

 1enalty t)at 'e eve# i&1ose$ on anybo$y8 We?#e seve#al &e6ac#e$its a)ea$85

5Yo(?#e not 6oin6 to #(in )i&@5 sai$ C#($elta8

5Not at all% i# an$ enio#%5 c#ie$ t)e Lo#$ Kestocost8 5I a& a 0in$ &an85

T)e ol$ &an 6ave )i& a lo' $i#ty s&ile8 5I?ve seen yo(# 0in$ness befo#e%

Kestocost% an$ I 'o(l$ #at)e# )ave a t)o(san$ 'o#l$s fo# an ene&y t)an )ave yo( be

&y f#ien$F Yo(?#e $evio(s% yo(?#e $an6e#o(s% an$ yo( a#e t#ic0y85

Kestocost% &(c) flatte#e$ by t)is co&&ent% sai$ fo#&ally% 5Yo( $o an )onest

official a 6#eat in(stice% si# an$ senio#85

T)e t'o &en (st s&ile$ at eac) ot)e#4 t)ey 0ne' eac) ot)e# 'ell8 Ten

0ilo&ete#s belo' t)e s(#face of t)e Ea#t)

T)e E-tele0eli stoo$ f#o& t)e lecte#n at ')ic) )e )a$ been 1#ayin68 Its $a(6)te# 

'as 'atc)in6 )i& i&&ovably f#o& t)e $oo#'ay8

He s1ie0e$ to )e#% W)at?s '#on6% &y 6i#l@

I sa' )is &in$% fat)e#% I sa' it fo# (st a &o&ent as )e left t)e Cat&aste#?s

 1lace8 He?s a #ic) yo(n6 &an f#o& t)e sta#s% )e?s a nice yo(n6 &an% )e )as bo(6)t

Ea#t)% b(t )e is not t)e &an of t)e P#o&ise8

Yo( e31ecte$ too &(c)% E-la&elanie% sai$ )e# fat)e#8

I e31ecte$ )o1e% s)e s1ie0e$ to )i&8 Is )o1e a c#i&e a&on6 (s

(n$e#1eo1le@ W)at Koan fo#esa'% ')at t)e Co1t 1#o&ise$ - ')e#e a#e t)ey% fat)e#@

)all 'e neve# see $ayli6)t o# 0no' f#ee$o&@

T#(e &en a#e not f#ee eit)e#% s1ie0e$ t)e E-tele0eli8 T)ey too )ave 6#ief% fea#%

 bi#t)% ol$ a6e% love% $eat)% s(ffe#in6 an$ t)e tools of t)ei# o'n #(in8 "#ee$o& is not

so&et)in6 ')ic) is 6oin6 to be 6iven (s by a 'on$e#f(l &an beyon$ t)e sta#s8 "#ee$o&

is ')at yo( $o% &y $ea#% an$ ')at I $o8 Deat) is a ve#y 1#ivate affai#% &y $a(6)te#% an$

life - ')en yo( 6et to it - is al&ost as 1#ivate8I 0no' fat)e#% s)e s1ie0e$8 I 0no'8 I 0no'8 I 0no'8 B(t )e $i$n?t8

Yo( &ay not 0no' it% &y $a#lin6% s1ie0e$ t)e 6#eat bi#$-&an% b(t lon6 befo#e

t)ese ne' 1eo1le b(ilt cities% t)e#e 'e#e ot)e#s in t)e Ea#t) - t)e ones ')o ca&e afte# 

t)e Ancient Wo#l$ fell8 T)ey 'ent fa# beyon$ t)e li&itations of t)e )(&an fo#&8 T)ey

con(e#e$ $eat)8 T)ey $i$ not )ave sic0ness8 T)ey $i$ not nee$ love8 T)ey so(6)t to

 be abst#actions lyin6 o(tsi$e of ti&e8 An$ t)ey $ie$% E-la&elanie - t)ey $ie$ te##ibly8

o&e beca&e &onste#s% 1#eyin6 on t)e #e&nants of t#(e &en fo# #easons ')ic)

o#$ina#y &en co(l$ not even be6in to (n$e#stan$8 Ot)e#s 'e#e li0e oyste#s% '#a11e$ (1

in t)ei# o'n saint)oo$8 T)ey )a$ all fo#6otten t)at )(&anness is itself i&1e#fection an$

co##(1tion% t)at ')at is 1e#fect is no lon6e# (n$e#stan$able8 We )ave t)e "#a6&ents of t)e Wo#$% an$ 'e a#e t#(e# to t)e $ee1 t#a$itions of 1eo1le t)an 1eo1le t)e&selves a#e%

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 b(t 'e &(st neve# be foolis) eno(6) to loo0 fo# 1e#fection in t)is life o# to co(nt on

o(# o'n 1o'e#s to &a0e (s #eally $iffe#ent f#o& ')at 'e a#e8 Yo( an$ I a#e ani&als%

$a#lin6% not even #eal 1eo1le% b(t 1eo1le $o not (n$e#stan$ t)e teac)in6 of Koan% t)at

')ateve# see&s )(&an is )(&an8 It is t)e 'o#$ ')ic) (ic0ens% not t)e s)a1e of t)e

 bloo$ o# t)e te3t(#e of fles) o# )ai# o# feat)e#s8 An$ t)e#e is t)at 1o'e# ')ic) yo(

an$ I $o not na&e% b(t ')ic) 'e love an$ c)e#is) beca(se 'e nee$ it &o#e t)an $ot)e 1eo1le on t)e s(#face8 2#eat beliefs al'ays co&e o(t of t)e se'e#s of cities% not

off t)e #oofto1s o# t)e i66(#ats8 "(#t)e#&o#e% 'e a#e $isca#$e$ ani&als% not (se$

ones8 All of (s $o'n )e#e a#e t)e #(bbis) ')ic) &an0in$ )as t)#o'n a'ay an$ )as

fo#6otten8 We )ave a 6#eat a$vanta6e in t)is% beca(se 'e 0no' f#o& t)e ve#y be6innin6

of o(# lives t)at 'e a#e 'o#t)less8 An$ ')y a#e 'e

'o#t)less@ Beca(se a )i6)e# stan$a#$ an$ a )i6)e# t#(t) says t)at 'e a#e - t)e

conventional la' an$ t)e (n'#itten c(sto&s of &an0in$8 B(t I feel love fo# yo(% &y

$a(6)te#% an$ yo( )ave love fo# &e8 We 0no' t)at eve#yt)in6 ')ic) loves )as a val(e

in itself% an$ t)at t)e#efo#e t)is 'o#t)lessness of (n$e#1eo1le is '#on68 We a#e fo#ce$ to

loo0 beyon$ t)e &in(te an$ t)e )o(# to t)e 1lace ')e#e no cloc0s 'o#0 an$ no $ay$a'ns8 T)e#e is a 'o#l$ o(tsi$e of ti&e% an$ it is to t)at ')ic) 'e a11eal8 I 0no' t)at

yo( )ave a love fo# t)e $evotional life% &y c)il$% an$ I co&&en$ yo( fo# it% b(t it

'o(l$ be a so##y fait) ')ic) 'aite$ fo# 1assin6 t#avele#s o# ')ic) believe$ t)at a

&i#acle o# t'o co(l$ set t)e nat(#e of t)in6s #i6)t an$ ')ole8 T)e 1eo1le on t)e s(#face

t)in0 t)ey )ave 6one beyon$ t)e ol$ 1#oble&s% beca(se t)ey $o not )ave b(il$in6s

')ic) t)ey call c)(#c)es o# te&1les% an$ t)ey $o not )ave 1#ofessional #eli6io(s &en

'it)in t)ei# co&&(nities8 B(t t)e )i6)e# 1o'e# an$ t)e la#6e 1#oble&s still 'ait fo# all

&en% ')et)e# &en li0e it o# not8 To$ay% t)e Believe#s a&on6 &an0in$ a#e a #i$ic(lo(s

)obby% tole#ate$ by t)e Inst#(&entality beca(se t)ey a#e (ni&1o#tant an$ 'ea0% b(t

&an0in$ )as &o&ents of eno#&o(s 1assion ')ic) 'ill co&e a6ain an$ in ')ic) 'e

'ill s)a#e8 o $on?t yo( 'ait fo# yo(# )e#o beyon$ t)e sta#s8 If yo( )ave a 6oo$$evotional life 'it)in yo(% it is al#ea$y )e#e% 'aitin6 to be 'ate#e$ by yo(# tea#s an$

 1lo(6)e$ (1 by yo(# )a#$% clea# t)o(6)ts8 An$ if yo( $on?t )ave a $evotional life% t)e#e

a#e 6oo$ lives o(tsi$e8

Loo0 at yo(# b#ot)e#% E-i0as(s% ')o is no' #es(&in6 )is no#&al s)a1e8 He let

&e 1(t )i& in ani&al fo#& an$ sen$ )i& o(t a&on6 t)e sta#s8 He too0 #is0s 'it)o(t

co&&ittin6 t)e i&1($ence of enoyin6 #is08 It is not necessa#y to $o yo(# $(ty oyf(lly

- (st to $o it8 No' )e )as )o&e$ to t)e ol$ lai# an$ I 0no' )e b#in6s (s 6oo$ l(c0 

in &any little t)in6s% 1e#)a1s in bi6 t)in6s8 Do yo( (n$e#stan$% &y $a(6)te#@

)e sai$ t)at s)e $i$% b(t t)e#e 'as still a 'il$ blan0 $isa11ointe$ loo0 in )e# eyes as s)e sai$ it8 A Police-1ost on t)e s(#face% nea# Ea#t)1o#t

5T)e #obot se#6eant says )e can $o no &o#e 'it)o(t violatin6 t)e #(le a6ainst

)(#tin6 )(&an bein6s85 T)e s(bc)ief loo0e$ at )is c)ief% lic0in6 )is c)o1s fo# a c)ance

to 6et o(t of t)e office an$ to 'an$e# a&on t)e ve3ations of t)e city8 He 'as ti#e$ of 

vie'sc#eens% co&1(te#s% b(ttons% ca#$s% an$ #o(tines8 He 'ante$ #a' life an$ )i6)


5W)ic) off-'o#l$e# is t)is@5

5Tosti6 A&a#al% f#o& t)e 1lanet of A&aonas T#iste8 He )as to stay 'et all t)e

ti&e8 He is (st a license$ t#a$e#% not an )ono#e$ 6(est of t)e Inst#(&entality8 He 'as

assi6ne$ a 6i#ly6i#l an$ no' )e t)in0s s)e belon6s to )i&855en$ t)e 6i#ly6i#l to )i&8 W)at is s)e% &o(se-$e#ive$@5

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5No% a c?6i#l8 He# na&e is C?&ell an$ s)e )as been #e(isitione$ by t)e Lo#$


5I 0no' all abo(t t)at%5 sai$ t)e c)ief% 'is)in6 t)at )e #eally $i$8 5)e?s no'

assi6ne$ to t)at

Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian ')o )as bo(6)t &ost of t)is 1lanet% Ea#t)85

5B(t t)is )o&inoi$ 'ants )e#% (st t)e sa&eF5 T)e s(bc)ief 'as (#6ent8

5He can?t )ave )e#% not if a Lo#$ of t)e Inst#(&entality inte##(1ts )is se#vices85

5He is t)#eatenin6 to fi6)t8 He says )e 'ill 0ill 1eo1le85

5H&&8 Is )e in a #oo&@5 5Yes% si# an$ c)ief85

5Wit) stan$a#$ o(tlets@5

5I?ll loo0% si#85 T)e s(bc)ief t'iste$ a 0nob an$ an elect#onic $esi6n a11ea#e$ on

t)e left- )an$ sc#een in f#ont of )i&8 5Yes% si#% t)at?s it85

5Let?s )ave a loo0 at )i&85

5He 6ot 1e#&ission% si#% to #(n t)e fi#e s1#in0le# syste& all t)e ti&e8 It see&s )e

co&es f#o& a #ain'o#l$85

5T#y% any)o'85

5Yes% si#85 T)e s(bc)ief ')istle$ a call to t)e boa#$8 T)e 1ict(#e $issolve$%

')i#le$ an$ #esolve$ itself into t)e i&a6e of a $a#0 #oo&8 T)e#e see&e$ to be a b(n$le

of 'et #a6s in one co#ne#% o(t of ')ic) a 'ell-s)a1e$ )(&an )an$ 1#ot#($e$8

5Nasty ty1e%5 sai$ t)e c)ief% 5an$ 1#obably 1oisono(s8 *noc0 )i& o(t fo# 

e3actly one )o(#8 We?ll be 6ettin6 o#$e#s &ean')ile85

On an Ea#t)-level st#eet (n$e# Ea#t)1o#t

T'o 6i#ls tal0in64

5888 an$ I 'ill tell yo( t)e bi66est sec#et in t)e ')ole 'o#l$% if yo( 'ill

neve#% neve# tell anyone85

5I?ll bet it?s not &(c) of a sec#et8 Yo( $on?t )ave to tell &e85 5I?ll neve# tell yo(%

t)en8 Neve#85

5(it yo(#self85

5Really% if yo( even s(s1ecte$ it% yo( 'o(l$ be &a$ 'it) c(#iosity85 5If yo(

'ant to tell &e% yo( can tell &e855B(t it?s a sec#et85

5All #i6)t% I?ll neve# tell anybo$y85

5T)at &an f#o& t)e sta#s8 He?s 6oin6 to &a##y &e85 5Yo(@ T)at?s #i$ic(lo(s85

5W)y is it so #i$ic(lo(s@ He?s bo(6)t &y $o'e# #i6)t al#ea$y85 5I 0no' it?s

#i$ic(lo(s8 T)e#e?s so&et)in6 '#on685

5I $on?t see ')y yo( s)o(l$ t)in0 )e $oesn?t li0e &e if )e )as al#ea$y bo(6)t &y

$o'e# #i6)ts85 5"oolF I 0no' it?s #i$ic(lo(s% beca(se )e )as bo(6)t &ine8

5Yo(#s@5 5Yes85

5Bot) of (s@5 5W)at fo#@5 5ea#c) &e85

5!aybe )e is 6oin6 to 1(t (s bot) in t)e sa&e )a#e&8 Wo(l$n?t t)at be


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5T)ey $on?t )ave )a#e&s in Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia8 All t)ey $o is live li0e 1#($is)

ol$ fa#&e#s an$ #aise st#oon an$ &(#$e# anybo$y at all t)at even 6ets nea# t)e&85

5T)at so(n$s ba$85 5Let?s 6o to t)e 1olice85

5Yo( 0no'% )e?s )(#t o(# feelin6s8 !aybe 'e can &a0e )i& 1ay e3t#a fo# b(yin6

o(# $o'e# #i6)ts if )e $oesn?t &ean to (se t)e&85

In f#ont of a caf

A &an% $#(n04

5I 'ill 6et $#(n0 eve#y ni6)t an$ I 'ill )ave &(sicians to 1lay &e to slee1 an$ I

'ill )ave all t)e &oney I nee$ an$ it 'on?t be t)at 1lay &oney o(t of a ba##el% b(t it 'ill

 be #eal &oney #e6iste#e$ in t)e co&1(te# an$ I 'ill &a0e eve#ybo$y $o ')at I say an$

I 0no' )e 'ill $o it fo# &e beca(se &y &ot)e# 'as na&e$ !acA#t)(# in )e# 6enetic

co$e befo#e eve#ybo$y 6ot n(&be#s an$ yo( )ave no call to la(6) at &e beca(se )is

na&e #eally is !acA#t)(# !cBan t)e elevent) an$ I a& 1#obably t)e closest f#ien$ an$

#elative )e )as on ea#t)88885


ROD !CBAN LE"T THE De1a#t&ent to#e of Hea#ts? Desi#es si&1ly%

)(&bly )e ca##ie$ a 1ac0a6e of boo0s% '#a11e$ in $(st1#oofin6 1a1e#% an$ )e loo0e$

li0e any ot)e# fi#st-class cat- &an &essen6e#8 T)e )(&an bein6s in t)e &a#0et 'e#e still

&a0in6 t)ei# (1#oa#% t)ei# s&ells of foo$s% s1ices% an$ o$$ obects% b(t )e 'al0e$ so

cal&ly an$ so st#ai6)tfo#'a#$ly t)#o(6) t)ei# scatte#e$ 6#o(1s t)at even t)e #obot

 1olice% 'ea1ons on t)e b(% 1ai$ no attention to )i&8

W)en )e )a$ co&e ac#oss t)e T)ieves? !a#0et% 6oin6 t)e ot)e# 'ay 'it)

C?&ell an$ A?6ent(#% )e )a$ been ill-at-ease8 As a !iste#-an$-O'ne# f#o& Ol$ No#t)A(st#alia% )e )a$ been co&1elle$ to 0ee1 )is e3te#nal $i6nity% b(t )e )a$ not felt ease

'it)in )is )ea#t8 T)ese 1eo1le 'e#e st#an6e% )is $estination )a$ been (nfa&ilia#% an$ t)e

 1#oble&s an$ 'ealt) an$ s(#vival lay )eavy (1on )i&8

 No'% it 'as all $iffe#ent8 Cat-&an )e &i6)t still be on t)e o(tsi$e% b(t on t)e

insi$e )e once a6ain felt )is 1#o1e# 1#i$e of )o&e an$ 1lanet8

An$ &o#e8

He felt cal&% $o'n to t)e ve#y ti1s of )is ne#ve en$in6s8

T)e )ie#in6-s1ie0in6 $evice s)o(l$ )ave ale#te$ )i&% e3cite$ )i&4 it $i$ not8

As )e 'al0e$ t)#o(6) t)e &a#0et% )e notice$ t)at ve#y fe' of t)e Ea#t) 1eo1le 'e#e

co&&(nicatin6 'it) one anot)e# tele1at)ically8 T)ey 1#efe##e$ to babble in t)ei# lo($

ai#bo#ne lan6(a6e% of ')ic) t)ey )a$ not one b(t &any 0in$s% 'it) t)e Ol$ Co&&on

Ton6(e se#vin6 as a #efe#ent fo# t)ose ')o )a$ been en$(e$ 'it) $iffe#ent 0in$s of 

ancient lan6(a6e by t)e 1#ocesses of t)e Re$iscove#y of !an8 He even )ea#$ Ancient

In6lis)% t)e <(een?s O'n Lan6(a6e% so(n$in6 #e&a#0ably close to )is o'n s1o0en

lan6(a6e of No#st#ilian8 T)ese t)in6s ca(se$ neit)e# sti&(lation no# e3cite&ent% not

even 1ity8 He )a$ )is o'n 1#oble&s% b(t t)ey 'e#e no lon6e# t)e 1#oble&s of 

'ealt) o# of s(#vival8 o&e)o' )e )a$ confi$ence t)at a )i$$en% f#ien$ly 1o'e# in t)e

(nive#se 'o(l$ ta0e ca#e of )i&% if )e too0 ca#e of ot)e#s8 He 'ante$ to 6et Eleano# o(t

of t#o(ble% to $ise&ba##ass t)e Hon8ec8% to see Lavinia% to #eass(#e Do#is% to say a 6oo$6oo$-bye to C?&ell% to 6et bac0 to )is s)ee1% to 1#otect )is co&1(te#% an$ to 0ee1 t)e

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Lo#$ Re$la$y a'ay f#o& )is ba$ )abit of 0illin6 ot)e# 1eo1le la'f(lly on too sli6)t an

occasion fo# &ansla(6)te#8

One of t)e #obot 1olice% a little &o#e 1e#ce1tive t)an t)e ot)e#s% 'atc)e$ t)is

cat-&an ')o 'al0e$ 'it) e3t#a-nat(#al ass(#ance t)#o(6) t)e c#o'$s of &en% b(t

5C?#o$e#ic05 $i$ not)in6 b(t ente# t)e &a#0et f#o& one si$e% t)#ea$ )is 'ay t)#o(6) it%

an$ leave at t)e ot)e# si$e% still ca##yin6 )is 1ac0a6e t)e #obot t(#ne$ a'ay4 )is

$#ea$f(l% &il0y eyes% al'ays #ea$y fo# $iso#$e# an$ $eat)% scanne$ t)e &a#0et-1lace

a6ain an$ a6ain 'it) fati6(e-f#ee vi6ilance8

Ro$ 'ent $o'n t)e #a&1 an$ t(#ne$ #i6)t8

T)e#e 'as t)e (n$e#1eo1le?s co&&issa#y 'it) t)e bea#-&an cas)ie#8 T)e cas)ie# 

#e&e&be#e$ )i&8

5It?s been a lon6 $ay% cat-si#% since I sa' yo(8 Wo(l$ yo( li0e anot)e# s1ecial

o#$e# of fis)@5 5W)e#e?s &y 6i#l@5 sai$ Ro$ bl(ntly8

5C?&ell@5 sai$ t)e bea#-cas)ie#8 5)e 'aite$ )e#e a lon6 ti&e% b(t t)en s)e 'enton an$ s)e left t)is &essa6e% ?Tell &y &an C?#o$ t)at )e s)o(l$ eat befo#e follo'in6 &e%

 b(t t)at ')en )e )as eaten )e can eit)e# follo' &e by 6oin6 to U1s)aft "o(#%

2#o(n$ Level% Hostel of t)e in6in6 Bi#$s% Roo& Nine% ')e#e I a& ta0in6 ca#e of an

off-'o#l$ visito#% o# )e can sen$ a #obot to &e an$ I 'ill co&e to )i&8? Don?t yo( t)in0%

cat-si#% t)at I?ve $one 'ell% #e&e&be#in6 so co&1licate$ a &essa6e@5 T)e bea#-&an

fl(s)e$ a little an$ t)e e$6e 'ent off )is 1#i$e as )e confesse$% fo# t)e sa0e of so&e

abst#act )onesty% 5Of co(#se% t)at a$$#ess 1a#t% I '#ote t)at $o'n8 It 'o(l$ be ve#y ba$

an$ ve#y conf(sin6 if I sent yo( to t)e '#on6 a$$#ess in 1eo1le?s co(nt#y8 o&ebo$y

&i6)t b(#n yo( $o'n if yo( ca&e into an (na(t)o#ie$ co##i$o#85

5"is)% t)en%5 sai$ Ro$8 5A fis) $inne#% 1lease85

He 'on$e#e$ ')y C?&ell% 'it) )is life in t)e balance% 'o(l$ 6o off to anot)e# 

visito#8 Even as )e t)o(6)t t)is% )e $etecte$ t)e &ean ealo(sy be)in$ it% an$ )e

confesse$ to )i&self t)at )e )a$ no i$ea of t)e te#&s% con$itions% o# )o(#s o# 'o#0 

#e(i#e$ in t)e 6i#ly6i#l b(siness8

He sat $(lly on t)e benc)% 'aitin6 fo# )is foo$8

T)e (1#oa# Of HATE HALL 'as still in )is &in$% t)e 1at)os of )is 1a#ents%

t)ose $yin6 $issolvin6 &ani0ins% 'as b#o(6)t 'it)in )is )ea#t% an$ )is bo$y t)#obbe$

'it) t)e fati6(e of t)e o#$eal8

I$ly )e as0e$ t)e bea#-cas)ie#% 5Ho' lon6 )as it been since I 'as )e#e@5T)e bea#-cas)ie# loo0e$ at t)e cloc0 on t)e 'all% 5Abo(t fo(#teen )o(#s% 'o#t)y


5Ho' lon6 is t)at in #eal ti&e@5 Ro$ 'as t#yin6 to co&1a#e No#st#ilian )o(#s

'it) Ea#t) )o(#s8 He t)o(6)t t)at Ea#t) )o(#s 'e#e one-sevent) s)o#te#% b(t )e 'as not


T)e bea#-&an 'as co&1letely baffle$% 5If yo( &ean 6alactic navi6ation ti&e%

$ea# 6(est% 'e neve# (se t)at $o'n )e#e any)o'8 A#e t)e#e any ot)e# 0in$s of ti&e@5

Ro$ #ealie$ )is &ista0e an$ t#ie$ to co##ect it8 5It $oesn?t &atte#8 I a& t)i#sty8

W)at is la'f(l fo# (n$e#1eo1le to $#in0@ I a& ti#e$ an$ t)i#sty% bot)% b(t I )ave no$esi#e to beco&e t)e least bit $#(n085

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 146/185

5ince yo( a#e a c?&an%5 sai$ t)e bea#-cas)ie#% 5I #eco&&en$ st#on6 blac0 

coffee &i3e$ 'it) s'eet ')i11e$ c#ea&85

5I )ave no &oney%5 sai$ Ro$8

5T)e fa&o(s cat-&a$a&e% C?&ell yo(# conso#t% )as 6(a#antee$ 1ay&ent fo# 

anyt)in6 at all t)at yo( o#$e#85

52o a)ea$% t)en85

T)e bea#-&an calle$ a #obot ove# an$ 6ave )i& t)e o#$e#s8

Ro$ sta#e$ at t)e 'all% 'on$e#in6 ')at )e 'as 6oin6 to $o 'it) t)is Ea#t) )e

)a$ bo(6)t8 He 'asn?t t)in0in6 ve#y )a#$% (st &(sin6 i$ly8 A voice c(t $i#ectly into )is

&in$8 He #ealie$ t)at t)e bea#-&an 'as s1ie0in6 to )i& an$ t)at )e co(l$ )ie# it8

5Yo( a#e not an (n$e#&an% si# an$ &aste#85

5W)at@5 s1ie0e$ Ro$8

5Yo( )ea#$ &e%5 sai$ t)e tele1at)ic voice8 5I a& not 6oin6 to #e1eat it8 If yo(

co&e in t)e si6n of t)e "is)% &ay blessin6s be (1on yo(85

5I $on?t 0no' t)at si6n%5 sai$ Ro$8

5T)en%5 s1ie0e$ t)e bea#-&an% 5no &atte# ')o yo( a#e% &ay yo( eat an$ $#in0 

in 1eace beca(se yo( a#e a f#ien$ of C?&ell an$ yo( a#e (n$e# t)e 1#otection of t)e One

W)o Lives in Do'n$ee185

5I $on?t 0no'%5 s1ie0e$ Ro$% 5I (st $on?t 0no'% b(t I t)an0 yo( fo# yo(# 

'elco&e% f#ien$85

5I $o not 6ive s(c) 'elco&es li6)tly%5 sai$ t)e bea#-&an% 5an$ o#$ina#ily I'o(l$ be #ea$y to #(n a'ay f#o& anyt)in6 as st#an6e an$ $an6e#o(s an$ (ne31laine$

as yo(#self% b(t yo( b#in6 'it) yo( t)e (ality of 1eace% ')ic) &a$e &e t)in0 t)at yo(

&i6)t t#avel in t)e fello's)i1 of t)e si6n of t)e "is)8 I )ave )ea#$ t)at in t)at si6n%

 1eo1le an$ (n$e#1eo1le #e&e&be# t)e blesse$ Koan an$ &in6le in co&1lete


5No%5 sai$ Ro$% 5no8 I t#avel alone85

His foo$ an$ $#in0 ca&e8 He cons(&e$ t)e& (ietly8 T)e bea#-cas)ie# )a$

6iven )i& a table an$ benc) fa# f#o& t)e se#vin6 tables an$ a'ay f#o& t)e ot)e# 

(n$e#1eo1le ')o $#o11e$ in% inte##(1tin6 t)ei# tal0s% eatin6 in a )(##y so t)at t)ey

co(l$ 6et bac0 in a )(##y8 He sa' one 'olf- &an% 'ea#in6 t)e insi6ne of A(3ilia#yPolice% ')o ca&e to t)e 'all% fo#ce$ )is i$entity- ca#$ into a slot% o1ene$ )is &o(t)%

 bolte$ $o'n five la#6e c)(n0s of #e$% #a' &eat an$ left t)e co&&issa#y% all in less t)an

one an$ one-)alf &in(tes8 Ro$ 'as a&ae$% b(t not i&1#esse$8 He )a$ too &(c) on )is


At t)e $es0 )e confi#&e$ t)e a$$#ess ')ic) C?&ell )a$ left% offe#e$ t)e bea#-

&an a )an$s)a0e% an$ 'ent alon6 to U1s)aft "o(#8 He still loo0e$ li0e a c?&an an$ )e

ca##ie$ )is 1ac0a6e ale#tly an$ )(&bly% as )e )a$ seen ot)e# (n$e#1eo1le be)ave in t)e

 1#esence of #eal 1e#sons8

He al&ost &et $eat) on t)e 'ay8 U1s)aft "o(# 'as one-$i#ectional an$ 'as

 1lainly &a#0e$% 5Peo1le Only85 Ro$ $i$ not li0e t)e loo0s of it% as lon6 as )e &ove$ in

a cat-&an bo$y% b(t )e $i$ not t)in0 t)at C?&ell 'o(l$ 6ive )i& $i#ections '#on6ly o# 

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li6)tly8 Late#% )e fo(n$ t)at s)e )a$ fo#6otten t)e 1)#ase% 51ecial b(siness (n$e# t)e

 1#otection of Kestocost% a C)ief of t)e Inst#(&entality%5 if )e 'e#e to be c)allen6e$ b(t

)e $i$ not 0no' t)e 1)#ase8

An a##o6ant )(&an &an% 'ea#in6 a billo'in6 #e$ cloa0% loo0e$ at )i& s)a#1ly as

)e too0 a belt% )oo0e$ it an$ ste11e$ into t)e s)aft8 W)en Ro$ ste11e$ f#ee% )e an$ t)e

&an 'e#e on a level8

Ro$ t#ie$ to loo0 li0e a )(&ble% &o$est &essen6e#% b(t t)e st#an6e voice 6#ate$

)is ea#s4 5K(st ')at $o yo( t)in0 yo( a#e $oin6@ T)is is a )(&an s)aft85

Ro$ 1#eten$e$ t)at )e $i$ not 0no' it 'as )i&self ')o& t)e #e$-cloa0e$ &an

'as a$$#essin68 He contin(e$ to float (ietly (1'a#$% )is &a6net-belt t(66in6

(nco&fo#tably at )is 'aist8

A 1ain in t)e #ibs &a$e )i& t(#n s($$enly% al&ost losin6 )is balance in t)e belt8

5Ani&alF5 c#ie$ t)e &an% 51ea0 (1 o# $ie85

till )ol$in6 )is 1ac0a6e of boo0s% Ro$ sai$ &il$ly% 5I?& on an e##an$ an$ I 'astol$ to 6o t)is 'ay85

T)e &an?s senseless )ostility 6ave calibe# to )is voice4 5An$ ')o tol$ yo(@5

5C?&ell%5 sai$ Ro$ absently8

T)e &an an$ )is co&1anions la(6)e$ at t)at% an$ fo# so&e #eason t)ei# 

la(6)te# )a$ no )(&o# in it% (st sava6e#y% c#(elty% an$ - 'ay $o'n (n$e#neat) -

so&et)in6 of fea#8 5Listen to t)at%5 sai$ t)e &an in a #e$ cloa0% 5one ani&al says

anot)e# ani&al tol$ it to $o so&et)in685 He ')i11e$ o(t a 0nife8

5W)at a#e yo( $oin6@5 c#ie$ Ro$8

5K(st c(ttin6 yo(# belt%5 sai$ t)e &an8 5T)e#e?s nobo$y at all belo' (s an$ yo(

'ill &a0e a nice #e$ blob at t)e botto& of t)e s)aft% cat-&an8 T)at o(6)t to teac) yo(

')ic) s)aft to (se85

T)e &an act(ally #eac)e$ ove# an$ seie$ Ro$?s belt8 He lifte$ t)e 0nife to slas)8

Ro$ beca&e f#i6)tene$ an$ an6#y8 His b#ain #an #e$8 He s1at t)o(6)ts at t)e& -

 1o&&yF s)o#tieF Ea#t)ie

#e$ $i#ty bl(e stin0in6 little &an% $ie% 1(0e% b(#st% blae% $ieF

It all ca&e o(t in a sin6le flas)% faste# t)an )e co(l$ cont#ol it8 T)e #e$-cloa0e$

&an t'iste$ o$$ly% as if in s1as&8 His t'o co&1anions t)#es)e$ in t)ei# belts8 T)ey

t(#ne$ slo'ly8

Hi6) above t)e&% t'o 'o&en be6an sc#ea&in68"(#t)e# (1 a &an 'as s)o(tin6% bot) 'it) )is voice an$ 'it) )is &in$% 5PoliceF

Hel1F PoliceF PoliceF B#ainbo&bF B#ainbo&bF Hel1F5

T)e efflo#t of )is tele1at)ic e31losion left Ro$ feelin6 $iso#iente$ an$ 'ea08 He

s)oo0 )is )ea$ an$ blin0e$ )is eyes8 He sta#te$ to 'i1e )is face% only to )it )i&self on

t)e a' 'it) t)e 1ac0a6e of boo0s% ')ic) )e still ca##ie$8 T)is a#o(se$ )i& a little8 He

loo0e$ at t)e t)#ee &en8 Re$-cloa0 'as $ea$% )is )ea$ at an o$$ an6le8 T)e ot)e# t'o

see&e$ to be $ea$8 One 'as floatin6 (1si$e $o'n% )is #(&1 1ointin6 (1&ost an$ t)e

t'o li&1 le6s s'in6in6 o(t at o$$ an6les t)e ot)e# 'as #i6)t-si$e (1 b(t )a$ sa66e$ in

)is belt8 All t)#ee of t)e& 0e1t &ovin6 a stea$y ten &ete#s a &in(te% #i6)t alon6 'it)


T)e#e 'e#e st#an6e so(n$s f#o& above8

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An eno#&o(s voice% fillin6 t)e s)aft 'it) its vol(&e% #oa#e$ $o'n4 5tay ')e#e

yo( a#e8 Police8 Police8 Police85

Ro$ 6lance$ at t)e bo$ies floatin6 (1'a#$8 A co##i$o# ca&e by8 He #eac)e$ fo# 

t)e 6#i1- ba#% &a$e it% an$ s'(n6 )i&self into t)e )o#iontal 1assa6e8 He sat $o'n

i&&e$iately% not 6ettin6 a'ay f#o& t)e (1s)aft8 He t)o(6)t s)a#1ly 'it) )is ne')ie#in68 E3cite$% f#antic &in$s beat all a#o(n$ )i&% loo0in6 fo# ene&ies% l(natics%

c#i&es% aliens% anyt)in6 st#an6e8

oftly )e be6an s1ie0in6 to t)e e&1ty co##i$o# an$ to )i&self% 5I a& a $(&b cat8

I a& t)e &essen6e# C?#o$8 I &(st ta0e t)e boo0s to t)e 6entle&an f#o& t)e sta#s8 I a& a

$(&b cat8 I $o not 0no' &(c)85

A #obot% 6lea&in6 'it) t)e o#na&ental bo$y-a#&o# of ol$ Ea#t)% lan$e$ at )is

c#oss-co##i$o#% loo0e$ at Ro$ an$ calle$ (1 t)e s)aft% 5!aste#% )e#e?s one8 A c?&an 'it)

a 1ac0a6e85

A yo(n6 s(bc)ief ca&e into vie'% feet fi#st as )e &ana6e$ to #i$e $o'n t)es)aft instea$ of 6oin6 (1 it8 He seie$ t)e ceilin6 of t)e t#ansve#se co##i$o#% 6ave

)i&self a 1(s) an$ once f#ee of t)e s)aft?s &a6netis& $#o11e$ )eavily on )is feet

 besi$e Ro$8 Ro$ )ie#e$ )i& t)in0in6% 5I?& 6oo$ at t)is8 I?& a 6oo$ tele1at)8 I clean

t)in6s (1 fast8 Loo0 at t)is $(&b cat85

Ro$ 'ent on concent#atin6% 5I?& a $(&b cat8 I )ave a 1ac0a6e to $elive#8 I?& a

$(&b cat85

T)e s(bc)ief loo0e$ $o'n at )i& sco#nf(lly8 Ro$ felt t)e ot)e#?s &in$ sli$e ove# 

)is o'n in t)e #o(6) e(ivalent of a sea#c)8 He #e&aine$ #ela3e$ an$ t#ie$ to feel

st(1i$ ')ile t)e ot)e# )ie#e$ )i&8 Ro$ sai$ not)in68 T)e s(bc)ief flas)e$ )is baton

ove# t)e 1ac0a6e% eyein6 t)e c#ystal 0nob at t)e en$8

5Boo0s%5 )e sno#te$8 Ron no$$e$8

5Yo(%5 sai$ t)e b#i6)t yo(n6 s(bc)ief% 5yo( see bo$ies@5

He s1o0e in a 1ainf(lly clea#% al&ost c)il$is) ve#sion of t)e Ol$ Co&&on

Ton6(e8 Ro$ )el$ (1 t)#ee fin6e#s an$ t)en 1ointe$ (1'a#$8

5Yo(% cat-&an% yo( feel t)e b#ainbo&bF5

Ro$% be6innin6 to enoy t)e 6a&e% t)#e' )is )ea$ bac0'a#$ an$ let o(t a cattis)

yo'l e31#essin6 1ain8 T)e s(bc)ief co(l$ not )el1 cla11in6 )is )an$s ove# )is ea#s8 He

sta#te$ to t(#n a'ay% 5I can see ')at yo( t)in0 of it% cat-fello'8 Yo(?#e 1#etty st(1i$%

a#en?t yo(@5

till t)in0in6 lo' $(ll t)o(6)ts as evenly as )e co(l$% Ro$ sai$ 1#o&1tly an$

&o$estly% 5!e s&a#t cat8 ;e#y )an$so&e too85

5Co&e alon6%5 sai$ t)e s(bc)ief to )is #obot% $is#e6a#$in6 Ro$ alto6et)e#8 Ro$

 1l(c0e$ at )is sleeve8

T)e s(bc)ief t(#ne$ bac08

;e#y )(&bly Ro$ sai$% 5i# an$ &aste#% ')ic) 'ay% Hostel of in6in6 Bi#$s%

Roo& Nine@5 5!ot)e# of 1oo$lesF5 c#ie$ t)e s(bc)ief8 5I?& on a &(#$e# case an$ t)is

$(&b cat as0s &e fo# 

$i#ections85 He 'as a $ecent yo(n6 &an an$ )e t)o(6)t fo# a &in(te8 5T)is 'ay

-5 sai$ )e% 1ointin6 (1 t)e (1s)aft - 5it?s t'enty &o#e &ete#s an$ t)en t)e t)i#$ st#eet

ove#8 B(t t)at?s ?1eo1le only8? It?s abo(t a 0ilo&ete# ove# to t)e ste1s fo# ani&als85 He

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stoo$% f#o'nin6% an$ t)en s'(n6 on one of )is #obots4 5W(s)?% yo( see t)is catF5

5Yes% &aste#% a cat-&an% ve#y )an$so&e85

5o yo( t)in0 )e?s )an$so&e% too8 He al#ea$y t)in0s so% so t)at &a0es it

(nani&o(s8 He &ay be )an$so&e% b(t )e?s $(&b8 W(s)?% ta0e t)is cat-&an to t)e

a$$#ess )e tells yo(8 Use t)e (1s)aft by &y a(t)o#ity8 Don?t 1(t a belt on )i&% (st )(6)i&85

Ro$ 'as i&&eas(#eably 6#atef(l t)at )e )a$ sli11e$ )is s)aftbelt off an$ left it

ne6li6ently on t)e #ac0 (st befo#e t)e #obot a##ive$8

T)e #obot seie$ )i& a#o(n$ t)e 'aist 'it) ')at 'as lite#ally a 6#i1 of i#on8

T)ey $i$ not 'ait fo# t)e slo' (1'a#$ &a6netic $#ive of t)e s)aft to lift t)e&8 T)e

#obot )a$ so&e 0in$ of a et in )is bac01ac0 an$ lifte$ Ro$ 'it) sic0enin6 s1ee$ to t)e

ne3t level8 He 1(s)e$ Ro$ into t)e co##i$o# an$ follo'e$ )i&8

5W)e#e $o yo( 6o@5 sai$ t)e #obot% ve#y 1lainly8

Ro$ concent#atin6 on feelin6 st(1i$ (st in case so&eone &i6)t still be t#yin6 to

)ie# )is &in$% sai$ slo'ly an$ st(&blin6ly% 5Hostel of t)e in6in6 Bi#$s% Roo& Nine85

T)e #obot sto11e$ still% as t)o(6) )e 'e#e co&&(nicatin6 tele1at)ically%

 b(t Ro$?s &in$% t)o(6) ale#t% co(l$ catc) not t)e faintest ')is1e# of tele1at)ic

co&&(nication8 5Hot b(tte#e$ s)ee1F5 t)o(6)t Ro$% 5)e?s (sin6 #a$io to c)ec0 t)e

a$$#ess 'it) )is )ea$(a#te#s #i6)t f#o& )e#eF5

W(s)? a11ea#e$ to be $oin6 (st t)at8 He ca&e to in a &o&ent8 T)ey e&e#6e$

(n$e# t)e s0y% fille$ 'it) Ea#t)?s o'n &oon% t)e loveliest t)in6 t)at Ro$ )a$ eve# seen8

He $i$ not $a#e to sto1 an$ enoy t)e scene#y% b(t )e t#otte$ lit)ely besi$e t)e #obot


T)ey ca&e $o'n a #oa$ 'it) )eavy% scente$ flo'e#s8 T)e 'et 'a#& ai# of 

Ea#t) s1#ea$ t)e s'eetness eve#y')e#e8

On t)ei# #i6)t t)e#e 'as a co(#tya#$ 'it) co1ies of ancient fo(ntains% a $inin6

s1ace no' co&1letely e&1ty of $ine#s% a #obot 'aite# in t)e co#ne#% an$ &any

in$ivi$(al #oo&s o1enin6 on t)e 1laa8

T)e #obot 1olice&an calle$ to t)e #obot 'aite#% 5W)e#e?s n(&be# nine@5

T)e 'aite# ans'e#e$ )i& 'it) a liftin6 of t)e )an$ an$ an o$$ t'ist of t)e '#ist%

t'ice #e1eate$% ')ic) t)e #obot-1olice&an see&e$ to (n$e#stan$ 1e#fectly 'ell8

5Co&e alon6%5 )e sai$ to Ro$% lea$in6 t)e 'ay to an o(tsi$e stai#'ay ')ic)

#eac)e$ (1 to an o(tsi$e balcony se#vin6 t)e secon$ sto#y of #oo&s8 One of t)e #oo&s

)a$ a 1lain n(&be# nine on it8

Ro$ 'as abo(t to tell t)e #obot 1olice&an t)at )e co(l$ see t)e n(&be# nine%

')en W(s)?% 'it) officio(s 0in$ness% too0 t)e $oo#0nob an$ fl(n6 it o1en 'it) a 6est(#e

of 'elco&e to Ro$8

T)e#e 'as t)e 6#eat co(6) of a )eavy 6(n an$ W(s)?% )is )ea$ blo'n al&ost

co&1letely off% clan0e$ &etallically to t)e i#on floo# of t)e balcony8 Ro$

instinctively (&1e$ fo# cove# an$ flattene$ )i&self a6ainst t)e 'all of t)e b(il$in68

A )an$so&e &an% 'ea#in6 ')at see&e$ to be a blac0 s(it% ca&e into t)e

$oo#'ay% a )eavy- calibe# 1olice 1istol in )is )an$8

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5O)% t)e#e yo( a#e%5 sai$ )e to Ro$% evenly eno(6)8 5Co&e on in85

Ro$ felt )is le6s 'o#0in6% felt )i&self 'al0in6 into t)e #oo& $es1ite t)e effo#t

of )is &in$ to #esist8 He sto11e$ 1#eten$in6 to be a $(&b cat8 He $#o11e$ t)e boo0s on

t)e 6#o(n$ an$ 'ent bac0 to t)in0in6 li0e )is no#&al Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian self% $es1ite

t)e cat bo$y8 It $i$ no 6oo$8 He 0e1t on 'al0in6 invol(nta#ily% an$ ente#e$ t)e #oo&8

As )e 1asse$ t)e &an )i&self% )e 'as conscio(s of a stic0y s'eet #otten s&ell%

li0e not)in6 )e )a$ eve# s&elle$ befo#e8 He also sa' t)at t)e &an% t)o(6) f(lly clot)e$%

'as so11in6 'et8

He ente#e$ t)e #oo&8 It 'as #ainin6 insi$e8

o&ebo$y )a$ a&&e$ t)e fi#e-s1#in0le# syste& so t)at a stea$y #ain fell f#o&

t)e ceilin6 to t)e floo#8

C?&ell stoo$ in t)e &i$$le of t)e #oo&% )e# 6lo#io(s #e$ )ai# a 'et st#in6y &o1

)an6in6 $o'n )e# s)o(l$e#s8 T)e#e 'as a loo0 of concent#ation an$ ala#& on )e# face85I5 sai$ t)e &an% 5a& Tosti6 A&a#al8 T)is 6i#l sai$ t)at )e# )(sban$ 'o(l$ co&e

'it) a 1olice&an8 I $i$ not t)in0 s)e 'as #i6)t8 B(t s)e 'as #i6)t8 Wit) t)e cat-)(sban$

t)e#e co&es a 1olice&an8 I s)oot t)e 1olice&an8 He is a #obot an$ I can 1ay t)e Ea#t)

6ove#n&ent fo# as &any #obots as I li0e8 Yo( a#e a cat8 I can 0ill yo( also% an$ 1ay t)e

c)a#6es on yo(8 B(t I a& a nice &an% an$ I 'ant to &a0e love 'it) yo(# little #e$ cat

ove# t)e#e% so I 'ill be 6ene#o(s an$ 1ay yo( so&et)in6 so t)at yo( can tell )e# s)e is

&ine an$ not yo(#s8 Do yo( (n$e#stan$ t)at% cat-&an@5

Ro$ fo(n$ )i&self #elease$ f#o& t)e (ne31laine$ &(sc(la# bon$s ')ic) )a$

)a&1e#e$ )is f#ee$o&8

5!y lo#$% &y &aste# f#o& afa#%5 )e sai$% 5C?&ell is an (n$e#1e#son8 It is t)e la'

)e#e t)at if an (n$e#1e#son an$ a 1e#son beco&e involve$ in love% t)e (n$e#1e#son $ies

an$ t)e )(&an 1e#son 6ets b#ainsc#(bbe$8 I a& s(#e% &y &aste#% t)at yo( 'o(l$ not

'ant to be b#ainsc#(bbe$ by t)e Ea#t) a(t)o#ities8 Let t)e 6i#l 6o8 I a6#ee t)at yo( can

 1ay fo# t)e #obot85

A&a#al 6li$e$ ac#oss t)e #oo&8 His face 'as 1ale% 1et(lant% )(&an% b(t Ro$ sa'

t)at t)e blac0 clot)es 'e#e not clot)es at all8

T)e 5clot)in65 'as &(co(s &e&b#anes% an e3tension of A&a#al?s livin6 s0in8

T)e 1ale face t(#ne$ even &o#e 1ale 'it) #a6e8

5Yo(?#e a bol$ cat-&an to tal0 li0e t)at8 !y bo$y is bi66e# t)an yo(#s% an$ it is 1oisono(s as 'ell8 We )ave )a$ to live )a#$ in t)e #ain of A&aonas T#iste% an$ 'e

)ave &ental an$ 1)ysical 1o'e#s ')ic) yo( )a$ bette# not $ist(#b8 If yo( 'ill not ta0e

 1ay&ent% 6o a'ay any)o'8 T)e 6i#l is &ine8 W)at )a11ens to )e# is &y b(siness8 If I

violate Ea#t) #e6(lations% I 'ill $est#oy t)e c?6i#l an$ 1ay fo# )e#8 2o a'ay% o# yo( $ie85

Ro$ s1o0e 'it) $elibe#ate cal& an$ 'it) calc(late$ #is08 5Citien% I 1lay no

6a&e8 I a& not a cat-&an b(t a s(bect of He# Absent !aesty t)e <(een% f#o& Ol$

 No#t) A(st#alia8 I 6ive yo( 'a#nin6 t)at it is a &an yo( face% an$ no &e#e ani&al8 Let

t)at 6i#l 6o85

C?&ell st#(66le$ as t)o(6) s)e 'e#e t#yin6 to s1ea0% b(t co(l$ not8

A&a#al la(6)e$% 5T)at?s a lie% ani&al% an$ a bol$ oneF I a$&i#e yo( fo# t#yin6 to

save yo(# &ate8 B(t s)e is &ine8 )e is a 6i#ly6i#l an$ t)e Inst#(&entality 6ave )e# to

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&e8 )e is &y 1leas(#e8 2o% bol$ catF Yo( a#e a 6oo$ lia#85

Ro$ too0 )is last c)ance8 5can &e if yo( 'ill85 He stoo$ )is 6#o(n$8

A&a#al?s &in$ #an ove# )is 1e#sonality li0e filt)y )an$s 1a'in6 na0e$ fles)8 Ro$

#ecoile$ at t)e $i#tiness an$ inti&acy of bein6 felt by s(c) a 1e#son?s t)o(6)ts% beca(se

)e co(l$ sense t)e 0in$s of 1leas(#e an$ c#(elty ')ic) A&a#al )a$ e31e#ience$8 He

stoo$ fi#&% cal&% s(#e% (st8 He 'as not 6oin6 to leave C?&ell 'it) t)is - t)is &onste# 

f#o& t)e sta#s% &an t)o(6) )e &i6)t be% of t)e ol$ t#(e )(&an stoc08

A&a#al la(6)e$8 5Yo(?#e a &an% all #i6)t8 A boy8 A fa#&e#8 An$ yo( cannot )ie# 

o# s1ie0 e3ce1t fo# t)e b(tton in yo(# ea#8 2et o(t% c)il$% befo#e I bo3 yo(# ea#sF5

Ro$ s1o0e4 5A&a#al% I )e#e'it) 1(t yo( in $an6e#85 A&a#al $i$ not #e1ly 'it)


His 1ea0e$ s)a#1 face 6#e' 1ale# an$ t)e fol$s of )is s0in $ilate$8 T)ey

(ive#e$% li0e t)e e$6es of 'et to#n balloons8 T)e #oo& be6an to fill 'it) a sic0enin6

s'eet stenc)% as t)o(6) it 'e#e a can$y s)o1 in ')ic) (nb(#ie$ bo$ies )a$ $ie$ 'ee0s

 befo#e8 T)e#e 'as a s&ell of vanilla% of s(6a#% of f#es) )ot coo0ies% of ba0e$ b#ea$% of c)ocolate boilin6 in t)e 1ot t)e#e 'as even a ')iff of st#oon8 B(t as A&a#al tense$

an$ s)oo0 o(t )is a(3ilia#y s0ins eac) s&ell t(#ne$ '#on6% into a ca#icat(#e an$

abo&ination of itself8 T)e co&1osite 'as )y1notic8 Ro$ 6lance$ at C?&ell8 )e )a$

t(#ne$ co&1letely ')ite8

T)at $eci$e$ )i&8

T)e cal& ')ic) )e )a$ fo(n$ 'it) t)e Cat&aste#% &i6)t be 6oo$% b(t t)e#e 'e#e

&o&ents fo# cal& an$ ot)e# &o&ents fo# an6e#8

Ro$ $elibe#ately c)ose an6e#8

He felt f(#y #isin6 in )i& as )ot an$ (ic0 an$ 6#ee$y as if it )a$ been love8 He

felt )is )ea#t 6o faste#% )is &(scles beco&e st#on6e#% )is &in$ clea#e#8 A&a#al

a11a#ently )a$ total confi$ence in )is o'n 1oisono(s an$ )y1notic 1o'e#s% beca(se )e

'as sta#in6 st#ai6)tfo#'a#$ as )is s0ins s'elle$ an$ 'ave$ in t)e ai# li0e 'et leaves

(n$e# 'ate#8 T)e stea$y $#ile f#o& t)e s1#in0le# 0e1t eve#yt)in6 1enet#atin6ly 'et8

Ro$ $is#e6a#$e$ t)is8 He 'elco&e$ f(#y8

Wit) )is ne' )ie#in6 $evice% )e foc(se$ on A&a#al?s &in$% an$ only on

A&a#al?s8 A&a#al sa' t)e &ove&ent of )is eyes an$ ')i11e$ a 0nife into vie'8

5!an o# cat% yo(?#e $yin6F5 sai$ A&a#al% )i&self )ot 'it) t)e e3cite&ent of )ate

an$ collision8 Ro$ t)en s1o0e% in )is 'o#st sc#ea& - beast% filt)% offal - s1ot% $i#t% vileness% 'et% nasty

$ie% $ie% $ieF

He 'as s(#e it 'as t)e lo($est c#y )e )a$ eve# 6iven8 T)e#e 'as no ec)o% no

effect8 A&a#al sta#e$ at )i&% t)e evil 0nife-1oint flic0e#in6 in )is )an$ li0e t)e fla&e

ato1 a can$le8

Ro$?s an6e# #eac)e$ a ne' )ei6)t8

He felt 1ain in )is &in$ ')en )e 'al0e$ fo#'a#$% c#a&1s in )is &(scles as )e

(se$ t)e&8 He felt a #eal fea# of t)e off-'o#l$ 1oison ')ic) t)is &an-c#eat(#e &i6)t

e3($e% b(t t)e t)o(6)t of C?&ell - cat o# no cat - alone 'it) A&a#al 'as eno(6) to

6ive )i& t)e #a6e of a beast an$ t)e st#en6t) of a &ac)ine8

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Only at t)e ve#y last &o&ent $i$ A&a#al #ealie Ro$ )a$ b#o0en loose8

Ro$ neve# co(l$ tell ')et)e# t)e tele1at)ic sc#ea& )a$ #eally )(#t t)e 'et-

'o#l$e# o# not% beca(se )e $i$ so&et)in6 ve#y si&1le8

He #eac)e$ 'it) all t)e s1ee$ of a No#st#ilian fa#&e#% snatc)e$ t)e 0nife f#o&

A&a#al?s )an$% #i11in6 fol$s of soft% stic0y s0in 'it) it% an$ t)en slas)e$ t)e ot)e# &an

f#o& clavicle to clavicle8

He (&1e$ bac0 in ti&e to avoi$ t)e s1(#t of bloo$8

T)e 5'et blac0 s(it5 colla1se$ as A&a#al $ie$ on t)e floo#8

Ro$ too0 t)e $ae$ C?&ell by t)e a#& an$ le$ )e# o(t of t)e #oo&8 T)e ai# on

t)e balcony 'as f#es)% b(t t)e &(#$e#-s&ell of A&aonas T#iste 'as still (1on )i&8 He

0ne' t)at )e 'o(l$ )ate )i&self fo# 'ee0s% (st f#o& t)e &e&o#y of t)at s&ell8

T)e#e 'e#e ')ole a#&ies of #obots an$ 1olice o(tsi$e8 T)e bo$y of W(s)? )a$

 been ta0en a'ay8 T)e#e 'as silence as t)ey e&e#6e$8T)en a clea#% civilie$% co&&an$in6 voice s1o0e f#o& t)e 1laa belo'% 5Is )e

$ea$@5 Ro$ no$$e$8

5"o#6ive &e fo# not co&in6 close#8 I a& t)e Lo#$ Kestocost8 I 0no' yo(%

C?#o$e#ic0% an$ I 0no' ')o yo( #eally a#e8 T)ese 1eo1le a#e all (n$e# &y o#$e#s8 Yo(

an$ t)e 6i#l can 'as) an$ #eclot)e yo(#selves in t)e #oo&s belo'8 T)en yo( can #(n a

ce#tain e##an$8 To&o##o'% at t)e secon$ )o(#% I 'ill see yo(85

Robots ca&e close to t)e& - a11a#ently #obots 'it) no sense of s&ell%

 beca(se t)e f(lso&e stenc) $i$ not bot)e# t)e& in t)e least8 Peo1le ste11e$ o(t of t)ei# 

'ay as t)ey 1asse$8

Ro$ 'as able to &(#&(#% 5C?&ell% a#e yo( all #i6)t@5

)e no$$e$ an$ s)e 6ave )i& a 'an s&ile8 T)en s)e fo#ce$ )e#self to s1ea08

5Yo( a#e b#ave% &iste# !cBan8 Yo( a#e even b#ave# t)an a cat85

T)e #obots se1a#ate$ t)e t'o of t)e&8 Wit)in &o&ents Ro$ fo(n$ little ')ite

&e$ical #obots ta0in6 )is clot)in6 off )i& 6ently% $eftly% an$ (ic0ly8 A )ot s)o'e#%

'it) a s&ell of &e$ication to it% 'as al#ea$y )issin6 in t)e bat)-stall8 Ro$ 'as ti#e$ of 

'etness% ti#e$ of all t)is 'ate# eve#y')e#e% ti#e$ of 'et t)in6s an$ co&1licate$

 1eo1le% b(t )e st(&ble$ into t)e s)o'e# 'it) 6#atit($e an$ )o1e8 He 'as still alive8

He )a$ (n0no'n f#ien$s8

An$ C?&ell8 C?&ell 'as safe85Is t)is%5 t)o(6)t Ro$% 5')at 1eo1le call love@5

T)e clean% stin6in6 ast#in6ency of t)e s)o'e# $#ove all t)o(6)ts f#o& )is &in$8

T'o of t)e little ')ite #obots )a$ follo'e$ )i& in8 He sat on a )ot% 'et 'oo$en benc)

an$ t)ey sc#(bbe$ )i& 'it) b#(s)es ')ic) felt as t)o(6) t)ey 'o(l$ #e&ove )is ve#y


Bit by bit% t)e te##ible o$o# fa$e$8


ROD !CBAN WA TOO 'ea#y to 1#otest ')en t)e little ')ite #obots'#a11e$ )i& in an eno#&o(s to'el an$ le$ )i& into ')at loo0e$ li0e an o1e#atin6

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A la#6e &an% 'it) a #e$-b#o'n s1a$e bea#$% ve#y (nco&&on on Ea#t) at t)is

ti&e% sai$% 5I a& Docto# ;o&act% t)e co(sin of t)e ot)e# Docto# ;o&act yo( &et on

!a#s8 I 0no' t)at yo( a#e not a cat% &iste# an$ o'ne# !cBan% an$ it is only &y

 b(siness to c)ec0 (1 on yo(8 !ay I@5

5C?&ell -5 be6an Ro$8

5)e is 1e#fectly all #i6)t8 We )ave 6iven )e# a se$ative an$ fo# t)e ti&e

 bein6 s)e is bein6 t#eate$ as t)o(6) s)e 'e#e a )(&an 'o&an8 Kestocost tol$ &e to

s(s1en$ t)e #(les in )e# case% an$ I $i$ so% b(t I t)in0 'e 'ill bot) )ave t#o(ble abo(t

t)e &atte# f#o& so&e of o(# collea6(es late# on85

5T#o(ble@5 sai$ Ro$8 5I?ll 1ay -5

5No% no% it?s not 1ay&ent8 It?s (st t)e #(le t)at $a&a6e$ (n$e#1eo1le s)o(l$ be

$est#oye$ an$ not 1(t in )os1itals8 !in$ yo(% I t#eat t)e& &yself no' an$ t)en% if I can

$o it on t)e sly8 B(t no' lets )ave a loo0 at yo(855W)y a#e 'e tal0in6@5 s1ie0e$ Ro$8 5Di$n?t yo( 0no' t)at I can )ie# no'@5

Instea$ of 6ettin6 a 1)ysical e3a&ination% Ro$ )a$ a 'on$e#f(l visit 'it) t)e

$octo#% in ')ic) t)ey $#an0 eno#&o(s 6lasses of a s'eet Ea#t) beve#a6e calle$ c)ai

 by t)e ancient Pa#oss0i ones8 Ro$ #ealie$ t)at bet'een Re$la$y% t)e ot)e# $octo# 

;o&act on !a#s% an$ t)e Lo#$ Kestocost on Ea#t)% )e )a$ been 'atc)e$ an$ 6(a#$e$ all

t)e 'ay t)#o(6)8 He fo(n$ t)at t)is $octo# ;o&act 'as a can$i$ate fo# a C)iefs)i1 of 

t)e Inst#(&entality% an$ )e lea#ne$ so&et)in6 of t)e st#an6e tests #e(i#e$ fo# t)at

office8 He even fo(n$ t)at t)e $octo# 0ne' &o#e t)an )e $i$ )i&self abo(t )is o'n

financial 1osition% an$ t)at t)e act(a#ial balances of Ea#t) 'e#e sa66in6 'it) t)e 'ei6)t

of )is 'ealt)% since t)e inc#ease in t)e 1#ice of st#oon &i6)t lea$ to s)o#te# lives8 T)e$octo# an$ )e en$e$ by $isc(ssin6 t)e (n$e#1eo1le )e fo(n$ t)at t)e $octo# )a$ (st as

vivi$ an a$&i#ation fo# C?&ell as )e )i&self $i$8

T)e evenin6 en$e$ ')en Ro$ sai$% 5I?& yo(n6% $octo# an$ si#% an$ I slee1 'ell%

 b(t I?& neve# 6oin6 to slee1 a6ain if yo( $on?t 6et t)at s&ell a'ay f#o& &e% I can s&ell

it insi$e &y nose85

T)e $octo# beca&e 1#ofessional8 He sai$% 5O1en yo(# &o(t) an$ b#eat)e #i6)t

into &y faceF5 Ro$ )esitate$ an$ t)en obeye$8

52#eat c#oo0e$ sta#sF5 sai$ t)e $octo#8 5I can s&ell it too8 T)e#e?s a little bit in

yo(# (11e# #es1i#ato#y syste&% 1e#)a1s a little even in yo(# l(n6s8 Do yo( nee$ yo(# 

sense of s&ell fo# t)e ne3t fe' $ays@5

Ro$ sai$ )e $i$ not8

5"ine%5 sai$ t)e $octo#8 5We can n(&b t)at section of t)e b#ain an$ $o it ve#y

6ently8 T)e#e?ll be no #esi$(al $a&a6e8 Yo( 'on?t s&ell anyt)in6 fo# ei6)t to ten $ays%

an$ by t)at ti&e t)e s&ell of A&a#al 'ill be 6one8 Inci$entally% yo( 'e#e c)a#6e$ 'it)

fi#st $e6#ee &(#$e#% t#ie$% an$ ac(itte$ - on t)e &atte# of Tosti6 A&a#al85

5Ho' co(l$ I be@5 sai$ Ro$8 5I 'asn?t even a##este$85

5T)e Inst#(&entality co&1(te#e$ it8 T)ey )a$ t)e ')ole scene on ta1e% since

A&a#al?s #oo& )as been (n$e# stea$y s(#veillance since yeste#$ay8 W)en )e 'a#ne$yo( t)at ')et)e# cat o# &an% yo( 'e#e $yin6% )e finis)e$ t)e case a6ainst )i&self8 T)at

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'as a $eat) t)#eat an$ yo(# ac(ittal 'as fo# self-$efense85

Ro$ )esitate$ an$ t)en bl(#te$ o(t t)e t#(t)% 5An$ t)e &en in t)e s)aft@5

5T)e Lo#$s Kestocost an$ C#($elta an$ I tal0e$ it ove#8 We $eci$e$ to let t)e

&atte# $#o18 It 0ee1s t)e 1olice lively if t)ey )ave a fe' (nsolve$ c#i&es )e#e an$

t)e#e8 No' lie $o'n% so I can 0ill off t)at s&ell85

Ro$ lay $o'n8 T)e $octo# 1(t )is )ea$ in a cla&1 an$ calle$ in #obot assistants8

T)e s&ell- 0illin6 1#ocess 0noc0e$ )i& o(t% an$ ')en )e 'a0ene$% it 'as in a $iffe#ent

 b(il$in68 He sat (1 in be$ an$ sa' t)e sea itself8 C?&ell 'as stan$in6 at t)e e$6e of t)e

'ate#8 He sniffe$8 He s&elle$ no salt% no 'et% no 'ate#% no A&a#al8 It 'as 'o#t) t)e


C?&ell ca&e to )i&8 5!y $ea#% &y ve#y $ea#% &y si# an$ &aste#% b(t &y ve#y

$ea#F Yo( c)ance$ yo(# life fo# &e last ni6)t85

5I?& a cat &yself%5 la(6)e$ Ro$8

He lea1e$ f#o& t)e be$ an$ #an o(t to t)e 'ate# &a#6in8 T)e i&&ensity of  bl(e 'ate# 'as inc#e$ible8 T)e ')ite 'aves 'e#e se1a#ate% $efinable &i#acles% eac)

one of t)e&8 He )a$ seen t)e enclose$ la0es of A(st#alia% b(t none of t)e& $i$ t)in6s

li0e t)is8

C?&ell )a$ t)e tact to stay silent till )e )a$ seen )is fill8 T)en s)e b#o0e t)e


5Yo( o'n Ea#t)8 Yo( )ave 'o#0 to $o8 Eit)e# yo( stay )e#e - an$ be6in

st($yin6 )o' to &ana6e yo(# 1#o1e#ty% o# yo( 6o so&e')e#e else8 Eit)e# 'ay%

so&et)in6 a little bit sa$ is 6oin6 to )a11en8 To$ay85

He loo0e$ at )e# se#io(sly% )is 1aa&as fla11in6 in t)e 'et 'in$ ')ic) )e

co(l$ no lon6e# s&ell8

5I?& #ea$y%5 )e sai$8 5W)at is it@5 5Yo( lose &e85

5Is t)at all@5 )e la(6)e$8

C?&ell loo0e$ ve#y )(#t8 )e st#etc)e$ )e# fin6e#s as t)o(6) s)e 'e#e a ne#vo(s

cat loo0in6 fo# so&et)in6 to cla'8

5I t)o(6)t -5 sai$ s)e% an$ sto11e$8 )e sta#te$ a6ain% 5I t)o(6)t -5 )e

sto11e$ a6ain8 )e t(#ne$ to loo0 at )i&% sta#in6 f(lly% t#(stin6ly into )is face8 5Yo(?#e

s(c) a yo(n6 &an% b(t yo( can $o anyt)in68 Even a&on6 &en yo( a#e fie#ce an$

$eci$e$8 Tell &e% si# an$ &aste#% ')at - ')at $o yo( 'is)@5

5Not)in6 &(c)%5 )e s&ile$ at )e#% 5e3ce1t t)at I a& b(yin6 yo( an$ ta0in6 yo(

)o&e8 We can?t 6o to No#st#ilia (nless t)e la' c)an6es% b(t 'e can 6o to Ne' !a#s8

T)ey $on?t )ave any #(les t)e#e% none ')ic) a fe' tons of st#oon 'on?t 6et c)an6e$8

C?&ell% I?ll stay cat8 Will yo( &a##y &e@5

)e sta#te$ la(6)in6 b(t t)e la(6)te# t(#ne$ into 'ee1in68 )e )(66e$ )i& an$

 b(#ie$ )e# face a6ainst )is c)est8 At last s)e 'i1e$ )e# tea#s off on )e# a#& an$ loo0e$

(1 at )i&4

5Poo# silly &eF Poo# silly yo(F Don?t yo( see it% &iste#% I a& a cat8 If I )a$

c)il$#en% t)ey 'o(l$ be cat-0ittens% eve#y one of t)e&% (nless I 'ent eve#y sin6le 'ee0 

to 6et t)e 6enetic co$e #ecycle$ so t)at t)ey 'o(l$ t(#n o(t (n$e#1eo1le8 Don?t yo(

0no' t)at yo( an$ I can neve#y &a##y - not 'it) any #eal )o1e@ Besi$es% Ro$% t)e#e is

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t)e ot)e# #(le8 Yo( an$ I cannot even see eac) ot)e# a6ain f#o& t)is s(nset on'a#$8

Ho' $o yo( t)in0 t)e Lo#$ Kestocost save$ &y life yeste#$ay@ Ho' $i$ )e 6et &e into

a )os1ital to be fl(s)e$ o(t of all t)ose A&a#al 1oisons@ Ho' $i$ )e b#ea0 al&ost all

t)e #(les of t)e boo0@5

T)e b#i6)tness )a$ 6one o(t of Ro$?s $ay8 5I $on?t 0no'%5 )e sai$ $(lly8

5By 1#o&isin6 t)e& I 'o(l$ $ie 1#o&1tly an$ obe$iently if t)e#e 'e#e any

&o#e i##e6(la#ities8 By sayin6 I 'as a nice ani&al8 A bi$$able one8 !y $eat) is )osta6e

fo# ')at yo( an$ I &(st $o8 It?s not a la'8 It?s so&et)in6 'o#se t)an a la' - it?s an

a6#ee&ent bet'een t)e Lo#$s of t)e Inst#(&entality85

5I see%5 sai$ )e% (n$e#stan$in6 t)e lo6ic of it% b(t )atin6 t)e c#(el Ea#t)

c(sto&s ')ic) 1(t

C?&ell an$ )i&self to6et)e#% only to tea# t)e& a1a#t8

5Let?s 'al0 $o'n t)e beac)% Ro$%5 s)e sai$8 5Unless yo( 'ant yo(# b#ea0fast

fi#st of all88885 5O)% no%5 )e sai$8 B#ea0fastF a fl(tty c#(11 fo# all t)e b#ea0fasts on Ea#t)F

)e 'al0e$ as t)o(6) s)e )a$ not a ca#e in t)e 'o#l$% b(t t)e#e 'as an(n$e#tone of &eanin6 to )e# 'al0 ')ic) 'a#ne$ Ro$ t)at s)e 'as (1 to so&et)in68

It )a11ene$8

"i#st% s)e 0isse$ )i&% 'it) a 0iss )e #e&e&be#e$ t)e #est of )is life8

T)en% befo#e )e co(l$ say a 'o#$% s)e s1ie0e$8 B(t )e# s1ie0in6 'as not 'o#$s

o# i$eas at all8 It 'as sin6in6 of a )i6) 'il$ 0in$8 It 'as t)e &(sic ')ic) 'ent alon6

'it) )e# ve#y o'n 1oe&% ')ic) s)e )a$ s(n6 to )i& ato1 Ea#t)1o#t4

An$ o)F &y love% fo# yo(8 Hi6) bi#$s c#yin6% an$ a Hi6) s0y flyin6% an$ a Hi6)

'in$ $#ivin6% an$ a Hi6) )ea#t st#ivin6% an$ a Hi6) b#ave 1lace fo# yo(F

B(t it 'as not t)ose 'o#$s% not t)ose i$eas% even t)o(6) t)ey see&e$ s(btly

$iffe#ent t)is ti&e8 )e 'as $oin6 so&et)in6 ')ic) t)e best tele1at)s of Ol$ No#t)

A(st#alia )a$ t#ie$ in vain fo# t)o(san$s of yea#s to acco&1lis) - s)e 'as t#ans&ittin6

t)e &at)e&atical an$ 1#o1o#tional essence of &(sic #i6)t o(t of )e# &in$% an$ s)e 'as

$oin6 it 'it) a cla#ity an$ fo#ce ')ic) 'o(l$ )ave been 'o#t)y of a 6#eat o#c)est#a8 T)e

5)i6) 'in$ $#ivin65 f(6(e 0e1t #ec(##in68

He t(#ne$ )is eyes a'ay f#o& )e# to see t)e astonis)in6 t)in6 ')ic) 'as

)a11enin6 all a#o(n$ t)e&8 T)e ai#% t)e 6#o(n$% t)e sea 'e#e all beco&in6 t)ic0 'it)

life8 "is) flas)e$ o(t of bl(e 'aves8 Bi#$s ci#cle$ by t)e &(ltit($e a#o(n$ t)e&8 T)e

 beac) 'as t)ic0 'it) little #(nnin6 bi#$s8 Do6s an$ #(nnin6 ani&als ')ic) )e )a$ neve# seen befo#e stoo$ #estlessly a#o(n$ C?&ell - )ecta#es of t)e&8

Ab#(1tly s)e sto11e$ )e# son68

Wit) ve#y )i6) vol(&e an$ cla#ity% s)e s1at co&&an$s in all $i#ections4 5T)in0 

of 1eo1le85

5T)in0 of t)is cat an$ &e #(nnin6 a'ay so&e')e#e85 5T)in0 of s)i1s85

5Loo0 fo# st#an6e#s85

5T)in0 of t)in6s in t)e s0y85

Ro$ 'as 6la$ )e $i$ not )ave )is b#oa$-ban$ )ie#in6 co&e on% as it

so&eti&es )a$ $one at )o&e8 He 'as s(#e )e 'o(l$ )ave 6one $iy 'it) t)e 1ict(#esan$ t)e cont#a$ictions of it all8

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)e )a$ 6#abbe$ )is s)o(l$e#s an$ 'as ')is1e#in6 fie#cely into )is ea#4

5Ro$% t)ey?ll cove# (s8 Please &a0e a t#i1 'it) &e% Ro$8 One last $an6e#o(s t#i18

 Not fo# yo(8 Not fo# &e8 Not even fo# &an0in$8 "o# life% Ro$8 T)e Aitc) Eye 'ants to

see yo(85

5W)o?s t)e Aitc) Eye@5

5He?ll tell yo( t)e sec#et if yo( see )i&%5 s)e )isse$8 5Do it fo# &e% t)en% if yo(

$on?t t#(st &y i$eas85

He s&ile$8 5"o# yo(% C?&ell% yes85

5Don?t even t)in0 t)en% till yo( 6et t)e#e8 Don?t even as0 (estions8 K(st co&e

alon68 !illions of lives $e1en$ on yo(% Ro$85

)e stoo$ (1 an$ san6 a6ain% b(t t)e ne' son6 )a$ no 6#ief in it% no an6(is)% no

'ei#$ 0eenin6 f#o& s1ecies to s1ecies8 It 'as as cool an$ 1#etty as a &(sic bo3% as

si&1le as an ass(#e$ an$ )a11y 6oo$-bye8

T)e ani&als vanis)e$ so #a1i$ly t)at it 'as )a#$ to believe t)at le6ions of t)e&

)a$ so #ecently been t)e#e8

5T)at%5 sai$ C?&ell% 5s)o(l$ #attle t)e tele1at)ic &onito#s fo# a ')ile8 T)ey a#e

not ve#y i&a6inative any)o'% an$ ')en t)ey 6et so&et)in6 li0e t)is t)ey '#ite (1

#e1o#ts abo(t it8 T)en t)ey can?t (n$e#stan$ t)ei# #e1o#ts an$ soone# o# late# one of 

t)e& as0s &e ')at I $i$8 I tell t)e& t)e t#(t)8 It?s si&1le85

5W)at a#e yo( 6oin6 to tell t)e& t)is ti&e@5 )e as0e$% as t)ey 'al0e$ bac0 to t)e

)o(se8 5T)at I )a$ so&et)in6 ')ic) I $i$ not 'ant t)e& to )ea#85

5T)ey 'on?t ta0e t)at85

5Of co(#se not% b(t t)ey 'ill s(s1ect &e of t#yin6 to be6 st#oon f#o& yo( to 6ive

to t)e (n$e#1eo1le85

5Do yo( 'ant so&e% C?&ell@5

5Of co(#se notF It?s ille6al an$ it 'o(l$ (st &a0e &e live lon6e# t)an &y

nat(#al life8 T)e

Cat&aste# is t)e only (n$e#1e#son ')o 6ets st#oon% an$ )e 6ets it by a s1ecial

vote of t)e Lo#$s85 T)ey )a$ #eac)e$ t)e )o(se8 C?&ell 1a(se$4

5Re&e&be#% 'e a#e t)e se#vants of t)e La$y "#ances O)8 )e 1#o&ise$ Kestocost

t)at s)e 'o(l$ o#$e# (s to $o anyt)in6 t)at I as0e$ )e# to $o8 o s)e?s 6oin6 to o#$e# (s

to )ave a 6oo$% )ea#ty b#ea0fast8 T)en s)e is 6oin6 to o#$e# (s to loo0 fo# so&et)in6 fa# (n$e# t)e s(#face of Ea#t)1o#t85

5)e is@ B(t ')y -5

5No (estions% Ro$85 T)e s&ile s)e 6ave )i& 'o(l$ )ave &elte$ a &on(&ent8

He felt 'ell8 He 'as a&(se$ an$ 1lease$ by t)e 1)ysical $eli6)t of )ie#in6 an$

s1ie0in6 'it) t)e occasional t#(e 1eo1le ')o 1asse$ by8 o&e (n$e#1eo1le co(l$ )ie# 

an$ s1ie0 b(t t)ey t#ie$ to conceal it% fo# fea# t)at t)ey 'o(l$ be #esente$8 He felt

st#on68 Losin6 C?&ell 'as a sa$ t)in6 to $o% b(t it 'as a ')ole $ay off )e be6an

$#ea&in6 of t)in6s t)at )e co(l$ $o fo# )e# ')en t)ey 1a#te$8 B(yin6 )e# t)e

se#vices of t)o(san$s of 1eo1le fo# t)e #est of )e# life@ 2ivin6 )e# e'el#y ')ic) 'o(l$

 be t)e envy of Ea#t) &an0in$@ Leasin6 )e# a 1#ivate 1lanofo#& yac)t@ He s(s1ecte$

t)ese &i6)t not be le6al% b(t t)ey 'e#e 1leasant to t)in0 abo(t8

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T)#ee )o(#s late#% )e )a$ no ti&e fo# 1leasant t)o(6)ts8 He 'as bone-'ea#y

a6ain8 T)ey )a$ flo'n into Ea#t)1o#t city 5on t)e o#$e#s of5 t)ei# )ostess% t)e la$y O)%

an$ t)ey )a$ sta#te$ 6oin6 $o'n8 "o#ty-five &in(tes of $#o11in6 )a$ &a$e )is sto&ac)

ve#y (easy8 He felt t)e ai# 6o 'a#& an$ stale an$ )e 'is)e$ $es1e#ately t)at )e )a$

not 6iven (1 )is sense of s&ell8

W)e#e t)e $#o1s)afts en$e$% t)e t(nnels an$ t)e elevato#s be6an8

Do'n t)ey 'ent% ')e#e inc#e$ibly ol$ &ac)ine#y s1(n slo'ly in a s1#ay of oil

 1e#fo#&in6 tas0s ')ic) only t)e 'il$est &in$ co(l$ 6(ess at8

In one #oo&% C?&ell )a$ sto11e$ an$ )a$ s)o(te$ at )i& ove# t)e noise of 

en6ines% 5T)at?s a 1(&185

It $i$ loo0 obvio(s8 H(6e t(#bines &ove$ 'ea#ily8 T)ey see&e$ to be

)oo0e$ (1 to an eno#&o(s stea& en6ine 1o'e#e$ by n(clea# f(el8 "ive o# si3

 b#i6)tly 1olis)e$ #obots eye$ t)e& s(s1icio(sly as t)ey 'al0e$ a#o(n$ t)e &ac)ine%

')ic) 'as at least ei6)ty &ete#s lon6 by fo#ty-five )i6)85An$ co&e )e#e88885 s)o(te$ C?&ell8

T)ey 'ent into anot)e# #oo&% e&1ty an$ clean an$ (iet e3ce1t fo# a #i6i$

col(&n of &ovin6 'ate# ')ic) s)ot f#o& floo# to ceilin6 'it) no evi$ence of 

&ac)ine#y at all8 An (n$e#&an% slo11ily fo#&e$ f#o& a #at bo$y% 6ot (1 f#o& )is

#oc0in6 c)ai# ')en t)ey ente#e$8 He bo'e$ to C?&ell as t)o(6) s)e 'e#e a 6#eat la$y

 b(t s)e 'ave$ )i& bac0 to )is c)ai#8

)e too0 Ro$ nea# t)e col(&n of 'ate# an$ 1ointe$ to a s)iny #in6 on t)e floo#8

5T)at?s t)e ot)e# 1(&18 T)ey $o t)e sa&e a&o(nt of 'o#085

5W)at is it@5 )e s)o(te$

5"o#ce-fiel$% I 6(ess8 I?& not an en6inee#85 T)ey 'ent on8

In a (iete# co##i$o# s)e e31laine$ t)at t)e 1(&1s 'e#e bot) of t)e& fo# t)e

se#vice of 'eat)e# cont#ol8 T)e ol$ one )a$ been #(nnin6 si3 o# seven t)o(san$ yea#s%

an$ s)o'e$ ve#y

little 'ea#8 W)en 1eo1le nee$e$ a s(11le&enta#y one% t)ey )a$ si&1ly 1#inte$ it

on 1lastic% set it in t)e floo#% an$ t(#ne$ it on 'it) a fe' a&1s8 T)e (n$e#&an 'as t)e#e

 (st to &a0e s(#e t)at not)in6 b#o0e $o'n o# 'ent c#itical8 5Can?t #eal 1eo1le $esi6n

t)in6s any &o#e@5 as0e$ Re$8 5Only if t)ey 'ant to8 !a0in6 t)e& 'ant to $o t)in6s is

t)e )a#$ 1a#t no'85 5Yo( &ean% t)ey $on?t 'ant to $o anyt)in6@5 5Not e3actly%5 sai$C?&ell% 5b(t t)ey fin$ t)at 'e a#e bette# t)an t)ey a#e at al&ost anyt)in68 Real 'o#0%

t)at is% not states&ans)i1 li0e #(nnin6 t)e Inst#(&entality an$ t)e Ea#t) 6ove#n&ent8

He#e an$ t)e#e a #eal )(&an bein6 6ets to 'o#0% an$ t)e#e a#e al'ays off'o#l$e#s li0e

yo( to sti&(late t)e& an$ c)allen6e t)e& 'it) ne' 1#oble&s8 B(t t)ey (se$ to )ave

sec(#e lives of fo(# )(n$#e$ yea#s% a co&&on lan6(a6e% an$ a stan$a#$ con$itionin68

T)ey 'e#e $yin6 off% (st by bein6 too 1e#fect8 One 'ay to 6et bette# 'o(l$ )ave

 been to 0ill off (s (n$e#1eo1le% b(t t)ey co(l$n?t $o t)at all t)e 'ay8 T)e#e 'as too

&(c) &essy 'o#0 to be $one t)at yo( co(l$n?t co(nt on #obots fo#8 Even t)e best

#obot% if )e?s a co&1(te# lin0e$ to t)e &in$ of a &o(se% 'ill $o fine #o(tine% b(t

(nless )e )as a ve#y co&1lete )(&an e$(cation% )e?s 6oin6 to &a0e so&e 'il$

 ($6&ents ')ic) 'on?t s(it ')at 1eo1le 'ant8 o t)ey nee$ (n$e#1eo1le8 I?& still cat(n$e#neat) it all% b(t even t)e cats ')ic) a#e (nc)an6e$ a#e 1#etty close #elatives of 

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)(&an bein6s8 T)ey &a0e t)e sa&e basic c)oices bet'een 1o'e# an$ bea(ty% bet'een

s(#vival an$ self-sac#ifice% bet'een co&&on sense an$ )i6) co(#a6e8 o t)e La$y Alice

!o#e 'o#0e$ o(t t)is 1lan fo# t)e Re$iscove#y of !an8 et (1 t)e Ancient Nations%

6ive eve#ybo$y an e3t#a c(lt(#e besi$es t)e ol$ one base$ on t)e Ol$ Co&&on

Ton6(e% let t)e& 6et &a$ at eac) ot)e#% #esto#e so&e $isease% so&e $an6e#% so&e

acci$ents% b(t ave#a6e it o(t so t)at not)in6 is #eally c)an6e$85 T)ey )a$ co&e to asto#e#oo&% t)e s)ee# sie of ')ic) &a$e Ro$ blin08 T)e 6#eat #ece1tion )all at t)e to1

of Ea#t)1o#t )a$ asto(n$e$ )i& t)is #oo& 'as t'ice t)e sie8 T)e #oo& 'as fille$

'it) e3t#e&ely ancient ca#6oes ')ic) )a$ not even been (n1ac0e$ f#o& t)ei# 

containe#s8 Ro$ co(l$ see t)at so&e 'e#e &a#0e$ o(tbo(n$ fo# 'o#l$s ')ic) no lon6e# 

e3iste$% o# ')ic) )a$ c)an6e$ t)ei# na&es ot)e#s 'e#e inbo(n$% b(t no one )a$

(n1ac0e$ t)e& fo# five t)o(san$ yea#s an$ &o#e8 5W)at?s all t)is st(ff@5 5)i11in68

Tec)nolo6ical c)an6e8 o&ebo$y '#ote it all off t)e co&1(te#s% so t)ey $i$n?t )ave

to t)in0 of it any &o#e8 T)is is t)e t)in6 ')ic) (n$e#1eo1le an$ #obots a#e sea#c)in6%

to s(11ly t)e ancient a#tifacts fo# t)e Re$iscove#y of !an8 One of o(# boys - #at stoc0%

'it) a )(&an I< of t)#ee )(n$#e$

- fo(n$ so&et)in6 &a#0e$ !(se Nationale8 It 'as t)e ')ole national !(se(&of t)e Re1(blic of !ali% ')ic) )a$ been 1(t insi$e a &o(ntain ')en t)e ancient 'a#s

 beca&e seve#e8 !ali a11a#ently 'as not a ve#y i&1o#tant ?nation%? as t)ey calle$ t)ose

6#o(1in6s% b(t it )a$ t)e sa&e lan6(a6e as "#ance% an$ 'e 'e#e able to s(11ly t)e #eal

&ate#ial 'it) al&ost eve#yt)in6 t)ey nee$e$ to #esto#e so&e 0in$ of a "#enc)

civiliation8 C)ina )as been )a#$8 T)e C)inesians s(#vive$ lon6e# t)an any ot)e# nation%

an$ t)ey $i$ t)ei# o'n 6#ave-#obbin6% so t)at 'e )ave fo(n$ it i&1ossible to

#econst#(ct C)ina befo#e t)e a6e of s1ace8 We can?t &o$ify 1eo1le into bein6

Ancient C)inese85 Ro$ sto11e$% t)(n$e#st#(c08 5Can I tal0 to yo( )e#e@5 C?&ell

listene$ 'it) a fa#a'ay loo0 on )e# face8 5Not )e#e8 I feel t)e ve#y 'ea0 s'ee1 of a

&onito# ac#oss &y &in$ no' an$ t)en8 In a co(1le of &in(tes yo( can8 Let?s )(##y

alon685 5I (st t)o(6)t%5 c#ie$ Ro$% 5of t)e &ost i&1o#tant (estion in all t)e 'o#l$sF5

5to1 t)in0in6 it% t)en%5 sai$ C?&ell% 5(ntil 'e co&e to a safe 1lace85

Instea$ of 6oin6 st#ai6)t on t)#o(6) t)e bi6 aisle bet'een t)e fo#6otten c#ates

an$ 1ac0a6es% s)e s(eee$ bet'een t'o c#ates an$ &a$e )e# 'ay to t)e e$6e of t)e bi6

(n$e#6#o(n$ sto#e#oo&8

5T)at 1ac0a6e%5 s)e sai$% 5is st#oon8 T)ey lost it8 We co(l$ )el1 o(#selves to it if 

'e 'ante$ to% b(t 'e?#e af#ai$ of it85

Ro$ loo0e$ at t)e na&es on t)e 1ac0a6e8 It )a$ been s)i11e$ by Ro$e#ic0 

"#e$e#ic0 Ronal$A#nol$ Willia& !acA#t)(# !cBan ==;I to A$a&inaby Po#t an$ #econsi6ne$

to Ea#t)1o#t8

5T)at?s one )(n$#e$ an$ t'enty-five 6ene#ations a6o% s)i11e$ f#o& t)e tation

of Doo&8 !y fa#&8 I t)in0 it t(#ns 1oison if yo( leave it fo# &o#e t)an t'o )(n$#e$

yea#s8 O(# o'n &ilita#y 1eo1le )ave so&e )o##ible (ses fo# it% ')en inva$e#s s)o' (1%

 b(t o#$ina#y No#st#ilians% ')en t)ey fin$ ol$ st#oon% al'ays t(#n it in to t)e

Co&&on'ealt)8 We?#e af#ai$ of it8 Not t)at 'e often lose it8 It?s too val(able an$ 'e?#e

too 6#ee$y% 'it) a t'enty &illion 1e# cent i&1o#t $(ty on eve#yt)in688885

C?&ell le$ on8 T)ey (ne31ecte$ly 1asse$ a tiny #obot% a la&1 fi3e$ to )is )ea$%

')o 'as seate$ bet'een t'o eno#&o(s 1iles of boo0s8 He 'as a11a#ently #ea$in6 t)e&one by one% beca(se )e )a$ besi$e )i& a 1ile of notes la#6e# in b(l0 t)an )e 'as8 He $i$

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not loo0 (1% no# $i$ t)ey inte##(1t )i&8

At t)e 'all% C?&ell sai$% 5No' $o e3actly ')at yo(?#e tol$8 ee t)e $(st alon6

t)e base of t)is c#ate@5

5I see it%5 sai$ Ro$8

5T)at &(st be left (n$ist(#be$8 No' 'atc)8 I?& 6oin6 to (&1 f#o& t)e to1 of 

t)is c#ate to t)e to1 of t)at one% 'it)o(t $ist(#bin6 t)e $(st8 T)en I 'ant yo( to (&1

t)e sa&e 'ay an$ 6o e3actly ')e#e I 1oint% 'it)o(t even t)in0in6 abo(t it% if yo( can

&ana6e8 I?ll follo'8 Don?t t#y to be 1olite o# c)ival#o(s% o# yo(?ll &ess (1 t)e ')ole


Ro$ no$$e$8

)e (&1e$ to a case a6ainst t)e 'all8 He# #e$ )ai# $i$ not fly be)in$ )e#%

 beca(se s)e )a$ tie$ it (1 in a t(#ban befo#e t)ey sta#te$ o(t% ')en s)e )a$ obtaine$

cove#alls fo# eac) of t)e& f#o& t)e #obot se#vants of t)e La$y "#ances O)8 T)ey

)a$ loo0e$ li0e an o#$ina#y co(1le of 'o#0in6 c?1eo1le8Eit)e# s)e 'as ve#y st#on6 o# t)e case 'as ve#y li6)t8 tan$in6 on t)e case% s)e

ti11e$ it ve#y $elicately% so t)at t)e 1atte#n of $(st a#o(n$ its base 'o(l$ be

(nc)an6e$% save fo# &ic#osco1ic e3a&ination8 A bl(e 6lo' ca&e f#o& beyon$ t)e

case8 Wit) an o$$% 1#actice$ t(#n of t)e '#ist s)e in$icate$ t)at Ro$ s)o(l$ (&1 f#o&

)is case to t)e ti11e$ one% an$ f#o& t)e#e into t)e a#ea - ')ateve# it &i6)t be - beyon$

t)e case8 It see&e$ easy fo# )i&% b(t )e 'on$e#e$ if s)e co(l$ s(11o#t bot) )is

'ei6)t an$ )e#s on t)e case8 He #e&e&be#e$ )e# o#$e# not to tal0 o# t)in08 He t#ie$ to

t)in0 of t)e sal&on stea0 )e )a$ eaten t)e $ay befo#e8 T)at s)o(l$ ce#tainly be a 6oo$

cat- t)o(6)t% if a &onito# s)o(l$ catc) )is &in$ at t)at &o&entF He (&1e$% teete#e$ on

t)e slantin6 to1 of t)e secon$ 1ac0in6 case% an$ sc#a&ble$ into a tiny $oo#'ay (st bi6

eno(6) fo# )i& to c#a'l t)#o(6)8 It 'as a11a#ently $esi6ne$ fo# cables% 1i1es an$

&aintenance% not fo# )abit(al )(&an (se4 it 'as too lo' to stan$ it8 He sc#a&ble$


T)e#e 'as a sla&8

C?&ell )a$ (&1e$ in afte# )i&% lettin6 t)e case fall bac0 into its ol$ an$

a11a#ently (n$ist(#be$ 1osition8

)e c#a'le$ (1 to )i&8 5*ee1 6oin6%5 s)e sai$8 5Can 'e tal0 )e#e@5

5Of co(#seF Do yo( 'ant to@ It?s not a ve#y sociable 1lace85

5T)at (estion% t)at bi6 (estion%5 sai$ Ro$8 5I?ve 6ot to as0 yo(8 Yo((n$e#1eo1le a#e ta0in6 c)a#6e of 1eo1le% if yo(?#e fi3in6 (1 t)ei# ne' c(lt(#es fo# t)e&%

yo(?#e 6ettin6 to be t)e &aste# of &enF5

5Yes%5 sai$ C?&ell% an$ let t)e e31losive affi#&ative )an6 in t)e ai# bet'een


He co(l$n?t t)in0 of anyt)in6 to say it 'as )is bi6 b#i6)t i$ea fo# t)e $ay% an$

t)e fact t)at s)e al#ea$y 0ne' (n$e#1eo1le 'e#e beco&in6 sec#et &aste#s - t)at 'as too


)e loo0e$ at )is f#ien$ly face an$ sai$% &o#e 6ently% 5We (n$e#1eo1le )ave

seen it co&in6 fo# a lon6 ti&e8 o&e of t)e )(&an 1eo1le $o% too8 Es1ecially t)e Lo#$Kestocost8 He?s no fool8 An$% Ro$% yo( fit in85

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5Not as a 1e#son8 As an econo&ic c)an6e8 As a so(#ce of (nallocate$ 1o'e#85

5Yo( &ean% C?&ell% yo(?#e afte# &e% too@ I can?t believe it8 I can #eco6nie a

 1est o# a n(isance o# a #obbe#8 Yo( $on?t see& li0e any of t)ese8 Yo(?#e 6oo$% all t)e

'ay t)#o(6)85 His voice falte#e$8 5I &eant it t)is &o#nin6% C?&ell% ')en I as0e$ yo( to&a##y &e85

T)e $elicacy of cat an$ t)e ten$e#ness of 'o&an co&bine$ in )e# voice as s)e

ans'e#e$% 5I 0no' yo( &eant it85 )e st#o0e$ a loc0 of )ai# a'ay f#o& )is fo#e)ea$% in

a ca#ess as #est#aine$ as any to(c) co(l$ be8 5B(t it?s not fo# (s8 An$ I?& not (sin6

yo( &yself% Ro$8 I 'ant not)in6 fo# &yself% b(t I 'ant a 6oo$ 'o#l$ fo# (n$e#1eo1le8

An$ fo# 1eo1le too8 "o# 1eo1le too8 We cats )ave love$ yo( 1eo1le lon6 befo#e 'e )a$

 b#ains8 We?ve been yo(# cats lon6e# t)an anyone can #e&e&be#8 Do yo( t)in0 o(# 

loyalty to t)e )(&an #ace 'o(l$ sto1 (st beca(se yo( c)an6e$ o(# s)a1es an$ a$$e$ a

lot of t)in0in6 1o'e#@ I love yo(% Ro$% b(t I love 1eo1le% too8 T)at?s ')y I?& ta0in6

yo( to t)e Aitc) Eye855Can yo( tell &e ')at t)at is - no'@5

)e la(6)e$8 5T)is 1lace is safe8 It?s t)e Holy Ins(#6ency8 T)e sec#et

6ove#n&ent of t)e (n$e#1eo1le8 T)is is a silly 1lace to tal0 abo(t it% Ro$8 Yo(?#e 6oin6

to &eet t)e )ea$ of it% #i6)t no'85

5All of t)e&@5 Ro$ 'as t)in0in6 of t)e C)iefs of t)e Inst#(&entality8

5It?s not a t)e&% it?s a )i&8 T)e E-tele0ali8 T)e bi#$ beneat) t)e 6#o(n$8 E-i0as(s

is one of )is sons85

5If t)e#e?s only one% )o' $i$ yo( c)oose )i&@ Is )e li0e t)e B#itis) <(een%

')o& 'e lost so lon6 a6o@5

C?&ell la(6)e$8 5We $i$ not c)oose )i&8 He 6#e' an$ no' )e lea$s (s8 Yo(

 1eo1le too0 an ea6le?s e66 an$ t#ie$ to &a0e it into a Dai&oni &an8 W)en t)e

e31e#i&ent faile$% yo( t)#e' t)e fet(s o(t8 It live$8 It?s )e8 It?ll be t)e st#on6est &in$

yo(?ve eve# &et8 Co&e on8 T)is is no 1lace to tal0% an$ 'e?#e still tal0in685

)e sta#te$ c#a'lin6 $o'n t)e )o#iontal s)aft% 'avin6 at Ro$ to follo' )e#8

He follo'e$8

As t)ey c#a'le$% )e calle$ to )e#% 5C?&ell% sto1 a &in(te85

)e sto11e$ (ntil )e ca(6)t (1 'it) )e#8 )e t)o(6)t )e &i6)t as0 fo# a 0iss% so

'o##ie$ an$ lonely $i$ )e loo08 )e 'as #ea$y to be 0isse$8 He s(#1#ise$ )e# by sayin6%


5I can?t s&ell% C?&ell8 Please% I?& so (se$ to s&ellin6 t)at I &iss it8 W)at $oes

t)is 1lace s&ell li0e@5

He# eyes 'i$ene$ an$ t)en s)e la(6)e$4 5It s&ells li0e (n$e#6#o(n$8 Elect#icity

 b(#nin6 t)e ai#8 Ani&als so&e')e#e fa# a'ay% a lot of $iffe#ent s&ells of t)e&8 T)e ol$%

ol$ s&ell of &an% al&ost 6one8 En6ine oil an$ ba$ e3)a(st8 It s&ells li0e a )ea$ac)e8 It

s&ells li0e silence% li0e t)in6s (nto(c)e$8 T)e#e% is t)at it@5

He no$$e$ an$ t)ey 'ent on8

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At t)e en$ of t)e )o#iontal C?&ell t(#ne$ an$ sai$% 5All &en $ie )e#e8 Co&e


Ro$ sta#te$ to follo' an$ t)en sto11e$% 5C?&ell% a#e yo( $iscoS#$inate$@

W)y s)o(l$ I $ie@ T)e#e?s no #eason to85?

He# la(6)te# 'as 1(#e )a11iness8 5illy C?#o$F Yo( a#e a cat% cat eno(6) to co&e')e#e no &an )as 1asse$ fo# cent(#ies8 Co&e on8 Watc) o(t fo# t)ose s0eletons8 T)ey?#e

a lot of t)e& a#o(n$ )e#e8 We )ate to 0ill #eal 1eo1le% b(t t)e#e a#e so&e% t)at 'e can?t

'a#n off in ti&e85

T)ey e&e#6e$ on a balcony% ove#loo0in6 an even &o#e eno#&o(s sto#e#oo&

t)an t)e one befo#e8 T)is )a$ t)o(san$s &o#e bo3es in it8 C?&ell 1ai$ no attention to

it8 )e 'ent to t)e en$ of t)e balcony an$ #ace$ $o'n a slen$e# steel la$$e#8

5!o#e (n0 f#o& t)e 1astF5 s)e sai$% antici1atin6 Ro$?s co&&ent8 5Peo1le )ave

fo#6otten it (1 above 'e &ess a#o(n$ in it85

T)o(6) )e co(l$ not s&ell t)e ai#% at t)is $e1t) it felt t)ic0% )eavy% i&&obile8C?&ell $i$ not slo' $o'n8 )e t)#ea$e$ )e# 'ay t)#o(6) t)e (n0 an$ t#eas(#es

on t)e floo# as t)o(6) s)e 'e#e an ac#obat8 On t)e fa# si$e of t)e ol$ #oo& s)e sto11e$8

5Ta0e one of t)ese%5 s)e co&&an$e$8

T)ey loo0e$ li0e eno#&o(s (&b#ellas8 He )a$ seen (&b#ellas in t)e 1ict(#es

')ic) )is co&1(te# )a$ s)o'e$ )i&8 T)ese see&e$ o$$ly la#6e% co&1a#e$ to t)e

ones in t)e 1ict(#es8 He loo0e$ a#o(n$ fo# #ain8 Afte# )is &e&o#ies of Tosti6 A&a#at

)e 'ante$ no &o#e in$oo# #ain8 C?&ell $i$ not (n$e#stan$ )is s(s1icions8

5T)e s)aft%5 s)e sai$% 5)as no &a6netic cont#ols% no (1$#aft of ai#8 It?s (st a

s)aft t'elve &ete#s in $ia&ete#8 T)ese a#e 1a#ac)(tes8 We (&1 into t)e s)aft 'it) t)e&

an$ t)en 'e float $o'n8 t#ai6)t $o'n8 "o(# 0ilo&ete#s8 It?s close to t)e !o)o85

ince )e $i$ not 1ic0 (1 one of t)e bi6 (&b#ellas% s)e )an$e$ )i& one8 It 'as

s(#1#isin6ly li6)t8 He blin0e$ at )e#8 5Ho' 'ill 'e eve# 6et o(t@5

5One of t)e bi#$-&en 'ill fly (s (1 t)e s)aft8 It?s )a#$ 'o#0% b(t t)ey can $o it8

Be s(#e to )oo0 t)at t)in6 to yo(# belt8 It?s a lon6 slo' ti&e fallin6% an$ 'e 'on?t be

able to tal08 An$ it?s te##ibly $a#0% too85

He co&1lie$8

)e o1ene$ a bi6 $oo#% beyon$ ')ic) t)e#e 'as t)e feel of not)in68 )e 6ave

)i& a 'ave% 1a#tially o1ene$ )e# 5(&b#ella5 ste11e$ ove# t)e e$6e of t)e $oo# an$vanis)e$8 He loo0e$ ove# t)e e$6e )i&self8 T)e#e 'as not)in6 to be seen8 Not)in6 of 

C?&ell% no so(n$ e3ce1t fo# t)e sli11a6e of ai# an$ an occasional &ec)anical ')is1e# of 

&etal a6ainst &etal8 He s(11ose$ t)at &(st be t)e #ib- ti1s of t)e (&b#ella to(c)in6 t)e

e$6e of t)e s)aft as s)e fell8

He si6)e$8 No#st#ilia 'as safe an$ (iet co&1a#e$ to t)is8 He o1ene$ )is

(&b#ella too8

Actin6 on an o$$ 1#e&onition% )e too0 )is little )ie#in6-s1ie0in6 s)ell o(t of )is

ea# an$ 1(t it ca#ef(lly in )is cove#all 1oc0et8

T)at act save$ )is life8


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ROD !CBAN RE!E!BERED fallin6 an$ fallin68 He s)o(te$ into t)e 'et

a$)esive $a#0ness% b(t t)e#e 'as no #e1ly8 He t)o(6)t of c(ttin6 )i&self loose

f#o& )is bi6 (&b#ella an$ lettin6 )i&self $#o1 to )is $eat) belo' )i&% b(t t)en )e

t)o(6)t of C?&ell an$ )e 0ne' t)at )is bo$y 'o(l$ fall (1on )e# li0e a bo&b8 He

'on$e#e$ abo(t )is $es1e#ation% b(t co(l$ not (n$e#stan$ it8 Only late# $i$ )e fin$ o(t

t)at )e 'as 1assin6 tele1at)ic s(ici$e sc#eens ')ic) t)e (n$e#1eo1le )a$ set (1%sc#eens fitte$ to t)e )(&an &in$% $esi6ne$ to $#e$6e filt) an$ $es1ai# f#o& t)e

 1aleoco#te3% t)e s&ell-bite-&ate se(ence of t)e nose-6(i$e$ ani&als ')o fi#st 'al0e$

Ea#t) b(t Ro$ 'as cat eno(6)% (st ba#ely cat eno(6)% an$ )e 'as also tele1at)ically

s(bno#&al% so t)at t)e sc#eens $i$ not $o to )i& ')at t)ey 'o(l$ )ave $one to any

no#&al &an of Ea#t) - $elive#e$ a t'iste$ $ea$ bo$y at t)e botto&8 No &an )a$ eve# 

6otten t)at fa#% b(t t)e (n$e#1eo1le #esolve$ t)at none eve# s)o(l$8 Ro$ t'iste$ in )is

)a#ness an$ at last )e fainte$8

He a'a0ene$ in a #elatively s&all #oo&% eno#&o(s by Ea#t) stan$a#$s% b(t still

&(c) s&alle# t)an t)e sto#e#oo&s ')ic) )e )a$ 1asse$ t)#o(6) on t)e 'ay $o'n8

T)e li6)ts 'e#e b#i6)t8

He s(s1ecte$ t)at t)e #oo& stan0% b(t )e co(l$ not 1#ove it 'it) )is s&ell 6one8

A &an 'as s1ea0in64 5T)e "o#bi$$en Wo#$ is neve# 6iven (nless t)e &an ')o

$oes not 0no' it 1lainly as0s fo# it85

T)e#e 'as a c)o#(s of voices si6)in6% 5We #e&e&be#8 We #e&e&be#8 We

#e&e&be# ')at 'e #e&e&be#85

T)e s1ea0e# 'as al&ost a 6iant% t)in an$ 1ale8 His face 'as t)e face of a $ea$

saint% 1ale% ')ite as alabaste#% 'it) 6lo'in6 eyes8 His bo$y 'as t)at of &an an$ bi#$

 bot)% &an f#o& t)e )i1s (1% e3ce1t t)at )(&an )an$s 6#e' o(t of t)e elbo's of 

eno#&o(s clean ')ite 'in6s8 "#o& t)e )i1s $o'n )is le6s 'e#e bi#$-le6s% en$in6 in a

)o#ny% al&ost t#ansl(cent bi#$-feet ')ic) stoo$ stea$ily on t)e 6#o(n$8

5I a& so##y% &iste# an$ o'ne# !cBan% t)at yo( too0 t)at #is08 I 'as

&isinfo#&e$8 Yo( a#e a 6oo$ cat on t)e o(tsi$e% b(t still co&1letely a )(&an &an on

t)e insi$e8 O(# safety $evices b#(ise$ yo(# &in$ an$ t)ey &i6)t )ave 0ille$ yo(85

Ro$ sta#e$ at t)e &an as )e st(&ble$ to )is feet8 He sa' t)at C?&ell 'as one of 

t)e 1eo1le )el1in6 )i&8 W)en )e 'as e#ect% so&eone )an$e$ )i& a bea0e# of ve#y

col$ 'ate#8 He $#an0 it t)i#stily8 It 'as )ot $o'n )e#e - )ot% st(ffy% an$ 'it) t)e feel of 

 bi6 en6ines nea#by8

5I%5 sai$ t)e 6#eat bi#$-&an% 5a& t)e E-tele0eli85 He 1#ono(nce$ it Ee-telly-0elly8 5Yo( a#e t)e fi#st )(&an bein6 to see &e in t)e fles)85

5Blesse$% blesse$% blesse$% fo(#fol$ blesse$ is t)e na&e of o(# lea$e#% o(# 

fat)e#% o(# b#ot)e#% o(# son t)e E-tele0eli%5 c)o#(se$ t)e (n$e#1eo1le8

Ro$ loo0e$ a#o(n$8 T)e#e 'as eve#y 0in$ of (n$e#1e#son i&a6inable )e#e%

incl($in6 seve#al t)at )e )a$ neve# even t)o(6)t of8 One 'as a )ea$ on a s)elf% 'it)

no a11a#ent bo$y8 W)en )e loo0e$% so&e')at s)oc0e$% $i#ectly at t)e )ea$% its face

s&ile$ an$ one eye close$ in a $elibe#ate 'in08 T)e E-tele0e) follo'e$ )is 6lance8

5Do not let (s s)oc0 yo(8 o&e of (s a#e no#&al% b(t &any of (s $o'n )e#e a#e t)e

$isca#$s of &en?s labo#ato#ies8 Yo( 0no' &y son85

A tall% ve#y 1ale yo(n6 &an 'it) no feat)e#s stoo$ (1 at t)is 1oint8 He 'as

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sta#0 na0e$ an$ co&1letely (ne&ba##asse$8 He )el$ o(t a f#ien$ly )an$ to Ro$8 Ro$

'as s(#e )e )a$ neve# seen t)e yo(n6 &an befo#e8 T)e yo(n6 &an sense$ Ro$?s


5Yo( ne' &e as A?6ent(#8 I a& t)e E-i0as(s85

5Blesse$% blesse$% t)#eefol$ blesse$ is t)e na&e of o(# lea$e#-to-be% t)eYee0asooseF5 c)ante$ t)e (n$e#1eo1le8

o&et)in6 abo(t t)e scene ca(6)t Ro$?s #o(6) No#st#ilian )(&o#8 He s1o0e to

t)e 6#eat (n$e#&an as )e 'o(l$ )ave s1o0en to anot)e# &iste#-an$-o'ne# bac0 )o&e%

f#ien$ly b(t bl(ntly8

52la$ yo( 'elco&e &e% si#F5

52la$% 6la$% 6la$ is t)e st#an6e# f#o& beyon$ t)e sta#sF5 san6 t)e c)o#(s8 5Can?t

yo( &a0e t)e& s)(t (1@5 as0e$ Ro$8

5?)(t (1% s)(t (1% s)(t (1%? says t)e st#an6e# f#o& t)e sta#sF5 c)o#(se$ t)e 6#o(18

T)e E-tele0eli $i$ not e3actly la(6)% b(t )is s&ile 'as not 1(#e benevolence85We can $is#e6a#$ t)e& an$ tal0% o# I can blan0 o(t yo(# &in$ eve#y ti&e t)ey

#e1eat ')at 'e say8 T)is is a so#t of co(#t ce#e&ony85

Ro$ 6lance$ a#o(n$8 5I?& in yo(# 1o'e# al#ea$y%5 sai$ )e% 5so it 'on?t

&atte# if yo( &ess a#o(n$ a little 'it) &y &in$8 Blan0 t)e& o(t85

T)e E-tele0eli sti##e$ t)e ai# in f#ont of )i& as t)o(6) )e 'e#e '#itin6 a

&at)e&atical e(ation 'it) )is fin6e# Ro$?s eyes follo'e$ t)e fin6e# an$ )e s($$enly

felt t)e #oo& )(s)8

5Co&e ove# )e#e an$ sit $o'n%5 sai$ t)e E-tele0eli8 Ro$ follo'e$8

5W)at $o yo( 'ant@5 )e as0e$ as )e follo'e$8

T)e E-tele0eli $i$ not even t(#n a#o(n$ to ans'e#8 He &e#ely s1o0e ')ile

'al0in6 a)ea$4 5Yo(# &oney% &iste# an$ o'ne# !cBan8 Al&ost all of yo(# &oney85

Ro$ sto11e$ 'al0in68 He )ea#$ )i&self la(6)in6 'il$ly8 5!oney@ Yo(@ He#e@

W)at co(l$ yo( 1ossibly $o 'it) it@5

5T)at%5 sai$ t)e E-tele0eli% 5is ')y yo( s)o(l$ sit $o'n85 5Do sit%5 sai$ C?&ell%

')o )a$ follo'e$8

Ro$ sat $o'n8

5We a#e af#ai$ t)at !an )i&self 'ill $ie an$ leave (s alone in t)e (nive#se8 We

nee$ !an% an$ t)e#e is still an i&&ensity of ti&e befo#e 'e all 1o(# into a co&&on

$estiny8 Peo1le )ave

al'ays ass(&e$ t)at t)e en$ of t)in6s is a#o(n$ t)e co#ne#% an$ 'e )ave t)e

 1#o&ise of t)e secon$ "o#bi$$en One t)at t)is 'ill be soon8 B(t it co(l$ be )(n$#e$s of 

t)o(san$s of yea#s% &aybe &illions8 Peo1le a#e scatte#e$% &iste# !cBan% so t)at no

'ea1on 'ill eve# 0ill t)e& all on all 1lanets% b(t no &atte# )o' scatte#e$ t)ey a#e%

t)ey still a#e )a(nte$ by t)e&selves8 T)ey #eac) a 1oint of $evelo1&ent an$ t)en t)ey


5Yes%5 sai$ Ro$% #eac)in6 fo# a ca#afe of 'ate# an$ )el1in6 )i&self to anot)e# 

$#in0% 5B(t it?s a lon6 'ay f#o& t)e 1)iloso1)y of t)e (nive#se $o'n to &y &oney8

We )ave 1lenty of ba#&y s'a#&y tal0 in Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia% b(t I neve# )ea#$ of anybo$y as0in6 fo# anot)e# citien?s &oney% #i6)t off t)e bat85

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T)e eyes of t)e E-tele0eli 6lo'e$ li0e col$ fi#e b(t Ro$ 0ne' t)at t)is 'as no

)y1nosis% no t#ic0 bein6 1laye$ (1on )i&self8 It 'as t)e s)ee# fo#ce of t)e 1e#sonality

 b(#nin6 o(t'a#$ f#o& t)e bi#$- &an8

5Listen ca#ef(lly% &iste# !cBan8 We a#e t)e c#eat(#es of &an8 Yo( a#e 6o$s to

(s8 Yo( )ave &a$e (s into 1eo1le ')o tal0% ')o 'o##y% ')o t)in0% ')o love% ')o

$ie8 !ost of o(# #aces 'e#e t)e f#ien$s of &an befo#e 'e beca&e (n$e#1eo1le - li0e

C?&ell8 Ho' &any cats )ave se#ve$ an$ love$ &an% an$ fo# )o' lon6@ Ho' &any

cattle )ave 'o#0e$ fo# &en% been eaten by &en% been &il0e$ by &en ac#oss t)e a6es%

an$ )ave still follo'e$ ')e#e &en 'ent% even to t)e sta#s@ An$ $o6s8 I $o not )ave

to tell yo( abo(t t)e love of $o6s fo# &en8 We call o(#selves t)e Holy

Ins(#6ency beca(se 'e a#e #ebels8 We a#e a 6ove#n&ent8 We a#e a 1o'e# al&ost as bi6

as t)e Inst#(&entality8 We love yo(% Ro$% not beca(se yo( a#e a #ic) No#st#ilian% b(t

 beca(se it is o(# fait) to love t)e &an0in$ ')ic) c#eate$ (s85

5T)is is a lon6 slo' 'ic0et fo# &y &oney%5 sai$ Ro$8 5Co&e to t)e 1oint% si#85

T)e E-tele0eli s&ile$ 'it) s'eetness an$ sa$ness8 Ro$ i&&e$iately 0ne' t)at it'as )is o'n $enseness ')ic) &a$e t)e bi#$-&an sa$ an$ 1atient8 "o# t)e ve#y fi#st ti&e

)e be6an to acce1t t)e feelin6 t)at t)is 1e#son &i6)t act(ally be t)e s(1e#io# of any

)(&an bein6 )e )a$ eve# &et8

5I?& so##y%5 sai$ Ro$8 5I )aven?t )a$ a &in(te to enoy &y &oney since I 6ot

it8 Peo1le )ave been tellin6 &e t)at eve#ybo$y is afte# it8 I?& be6innin6 to t)in0 t)at I

s)all $o not)in6 b(t #(n t)e #est of &y life8885

T)e E-tele0eli s&ile$ )a11ily% t)e 'ay a teac)e# s&iles ')en a st($ent )as

s($$enly t(#ne$ in a s1ectac(la# 1e#fo#&ance8 5Co##ect8 Yo( )ave lea#ne$ a lot f#o&

t)e Cat&aste#% an$ f#o& yo(# o'n self8 I a& offe#in6 yo( so&et)in6 &o#e - t)e c)ance

to $o eno#&o(s 6oo$8 Have yo( eve# )ea#$ of "o(n$ations@5

Ro$ f#o'ne$8 5T)e botto&s of b(il$in6s@5 5No8 Instit(tions8 "#o& t)e ve#y

ancient 1ast85 Ro$ s)oo0 )is )ea$8 He )a$n?t8

5If a 6ift 'as bi6 eno(6)% it en$(#e$ an$ 0e1t on 6ivin6% (ntil t)e c(lt(#e in

')ic) it 'as set )a$ fallen8 If yo( too0 &ost of yo(# &oney an$ 6ave it to so&e 6oo$%

'ise &en% it co(l$ be s1ent ove# an$ ove# a6ain to i&1#ove t)e #ace of &an8 We nee$

t)at8 Bette# &en 'ill 6ive (s bette# lives8 Do yo( t)in0 t)at 'e $on?t 0no' )o' 1ilots

an$ 1inli6)te#s )ave so&eti&es $ie$% savin6 t)ei# cats in s1ace@5

5O# )o' 1eo1le 0ill (n$e#1eo1le 'it)o(t a t)o(6)t@5 co(nte#e$ Ro$8 5O# 

)(&iliate t)e& 'it)o(t noticin6 t)at t)ey $o it@ It see&s to &e t)at yo( &(st )ave so&e

self-inte#est% si#85

5I $o8 o&e - b(t not as &(c) as yo( t)in08 !en a#e evil ')en t)ey a#e

f#i6)tene$ o# bo#e$8 T)ey a#e 6oo$ ')en t)ey a#e )a11y an$ b(sy8 I 'ant yo( to 6ive

yo(# &oney to 1#ovi$e 6a&es% s1o#ts% co&1etitions% s)o's% &(sic% an$ a c)ance fo# 

)onest )at#e$85

5Hat#e$@5 sai$ Ro$8 5I 'as be6innin6 to t)in0 t)at I )a$ fo(n$ a Believe# bi#$ 888

so&ebo$y ')o &o(t)e$ ol$ &a6ic85

5We?#e not en$in6 ti&e%5 sai$ t)e 6#eat &an-bi#$8 5We a#e (st alte#in6 t)e

&ate#ial con$itions of &an?s sit(ation fo# t)e 1#esent )isto#ical 1e#io$8 We 'ant to

stee# &an0in$ a'ay f#o& t#a6e$y an$ self-$efeat8 T)o(6) t)e cliffs c#(&ble% 'e 'ant

&an to #e&ain8 Do yo( 0no' 'inb(#ne@5

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5W)e#e is it@5 sai$ Ro$8

5It?s not a 1lace8 It?s a 1oet% befo#e t)e a6e of s1ace8 He '#ote t)is8 Listen4 Till t)e

slo' sea #ise an$ t)e s)ee# cliff c#(&ble%

Till te##ace an$ &ea$o' t)e $ee1 6(lfs $#in0%

Till t)e st#en6t) of t)e 'aves of t)e )i6) ti$es c#(&ble% T)e fiel$s t)at lessen%

t)e #oc0s t)at s)#in0%

He#e no' in )is t#i(&1) ')e#e all t)in6s falte#% t#etc)e$ o(t on t)e s1oils t)at

)is o'n )an$ s1#ea$% As a 6o$ self-slain on )is o'n st#an6e alta#%

Deat) lies $ea$8

Do yo( a6#ee 'it) t)at@5

5It so(n$s nice% b(t I $on?t (n$e#stan$ it%5 sai$ Ro$8 5Please% si#% I?& ti#e$e# t)an

I t)o(6)t8 An$ I )ave only t)is one $ay 'it) C?&ell8 Can I finis) t)e b(siness 'it) yo(

an$ )ave a little ti&e 'it) )e#@5

T)e 6#eat (n$e#&an lifte$ )is a#&s8 His 'in6s s1#ea$ li0e a cano1y ove# Ro$85o be itF5 )e sai$% an$ t)e 'o#$s #an6 o(t li0e a 6#eat son68

Ro$ co(l$ see t)e li1s of t)e (n$e#1eo1le c)o#(sin6% b(t )e $i$ not notice t)e

so(n$8 5I offe# yo( a tan6ible ba#6ain8 Tell &e if yo( fin$ I #ea$ yo(# &in$ co##ectly85

Ro$ no$$e$% so&e')at in a'e8

5Yo( 'ant yo(# &oney% b(t yo( $o not 'ant it8 Yo( 'ill 0ee1 one )(n$#e$

t)o(san$ c#e$its% ')ic) 'ill leave yo( t)e #ic)est &an in Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia fo# t)e

#est of a ve#y lon6 life8 T)e #est yo( 'ill 6ive to a fo(n$ation ')ic) 'ill teac) &en to

)ate easily an$ li6)tly% as in a 6a&e not sic0ly an$ 'ea#ily% as in )abit8 T)e t#(stees 'ill

 be Lo#$s of t)e Inst#(&entality ')o& I 0no'% s(c) as Kestocost% C#($elta% an$ La$y

Ko)anna 2na$e85

5An$ ')at $o I 6et@5

5Yo(# )ea#t?s $esi#e85 T)e bea(tif(l 'ise 1ale face sta#e$ $o'n at Ro$ li0e a

fat)e# see0in6 to fat)o& t)e 1(le&ent of )is o'n c)il$8 Ro$ 'as a little af#ai$ of 

t)e face% b(t )e confi$e$ in it% too8

5I 'ant too &(c)8 I can?t )ave it all85 5I?ll tell yo( ')at yo( 'ant8

5Yo( 'ant to be )o&e #i6)t no'% an$ all t)e t#o(ble $one 'it)8 I can set

yo( $o'n at t)e tation of Doo& in a sin6le lon6 (&18 Loo0 at t)e floo# - I )ave

yo(# boo0s an$ yo(# 1osta6e sta&1 ')ic) yo( left in A&a#al?s #oo&8 T)ey 6o too855B(t I 'ant to see Ea#t)85

5Co&e bac0% ')en yo( a#e ol$e# an$ 'ise#8 o&e $ay8 ee ')at yo(# &oney )as

$one85 5Well -5 sai$ Ro$8

5Yo( 'ant C?&ell85 T)e blan$ 'ise ')ite face s)o'e$ no e&ba##ass&ent% no

an6e#% no con$escension8 5Yo( s)all )ave )e#% in a lin0e$ $#ea&% )e# &in$ to yo(#s% fo# 

a )a11y s(bective ti&e of abo(t a t)o(san$ yea#s8 Yo( 'ill live t)#o(6) all t)e )a11y

t)in6s t)at yo( &i6)t )ave $one to6et)e# if yo( )a$ staye$ )e#e an$ beco&e a c?&an8

Yo( 'ill see yo(# 0itten- c)il$#en flo(#is)% 6#o' ol$% an$ $ie8 T)at 'ill ta0e abo(t one


5It?s (st a $#ea&y%5 sai$ Ro$8 5Yo( 'ant to ta0e &e6ac#e$its f#o& &e an$ 6ive&e a $#ea&yF5 5Wit) t'o &in$s@ T'o livin6% accele#ate$ &in$s% t)in0in6 into eac)

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ot)e#@ Have yo( eve# 

)ea#$ of t)at@5 5No%5 sai$ Ro$8

5Do yo( t#(st &e@5 sai$ t)e E-tele0eli8

Ro$ sta#e$ at t)e &an-bi#$ in(isitively an$ a 6#eat 'ei6)t fell f#o& )i&8

He $i$ t#(st t)is c#eat(#e &o#e t)an )e )a$ eve# t#(ste$ t)e fat)e# ')o $i$ not 'ant

)i&% t)e &ot)e# ')o 6ave )i& (1% t)e nei6)bo#s ')o loo0e$ at )i& an$ 'e#e 0in$8 He

si6)e$% 5I t#(st yo(85

5I also%5 a$$e$ t)e E-tele0eli% 5'ill ta0e ca#e of all t)e little inci$entals t)#o(6)

&y o'n net'o#0 an$ I 'ill leave t)e &e&o#y of t)e& in yo(# &in$8 If yo( t#(st &e t)at

s)o(l$ be eno(6)8 Yo( 6et )o&e% safe8 Yo( a#e 1#otecte$% off No#st#itia% into ')ic) I

#a#ely #eac)% fo# as lon6 as yo( live8 Yo( )ave a se1a#ate life #i6)t no' 'it) C?&ell an$

yo( 'ill #e&e&be# &ost of it8 In #et(#n% yo( 6o to t)e 'all an$ t#ansfe# yo(# fo#t(ne%

&in(s one-)alf &e6ac% to t)e "o(n$ation of Ro$ !cBan85

Ro$ $i$ not see t)at t)e (n$e#1eo1le t)#on6e$ a#o(n$ )i& li0e 'o#s)i1e#s8 He

)a$ to sto1 ')en a ve#y 1ale% tall 6i#l too0 )is )an$ an$ )el$ it to )e# c)ee08 5Yo( &aynot be t)e P#o&ise$ One% b(t yo( a#e a 6#eat an$ 6oo$ &an8 We can ta0e not)in6 f#o&

yo(8 We can only as08 T)at is t)e teac)in6 of Koan8 An$ yo( )ave 6iven85

5W)o a#e yo(@5 sai$ Ro$ in a f#i6)tene$ voice% t)in0in6 t)at s)e &i6)t be so&e

lost )(&an 6i#l ')o& t)e (n$e#1eo1le )a$ ab$(cte$ to t)e 6(ts of t)e Ea#t)8

5E-la&elanie% $a(6)te# of t)e E-tele0eli85

Ro$ sta#e$ at )e# an$ 'ent to t)e 'all8 He 1(s)e$ a #o(tine so#t of b(tton8 W)at

a 1lace to fin$ itF 5T)e Lo#$ Kestocost%5 )e calle$8 5!cBan s1ea0in68 No% yo( fool% I

o'n t)is syste&85

A )an$so&e% 1olis)e$ 1l(&1is) &an a11ea#e$ on t)e sc#een8 5If I 6(ess #i6)t%5sai$ t)e st#an6e &an% 5Yo( a#e t)e fi#st )(&an bein6 eve# to 6et into t)e $e1t)s8 Can I

se#ve yo(% &iste# an$ o'ne# !cBan@5

5Ta0e a note5 sai$ t)e E-tele0eli% o(t of si6)t of t)e &ac)ine% besi$e Ro$8 Ro$

#e1eate$ it8

T)e Lo#$ Kestocost calle$ 'itnesses at )is en$8

It 'as a lon6 $ictation% b(t at last t)e conveyance 'as finis)e$8 Only at one

 1oint $i$ Ro$ bal08 W)en t)ey t#ie$ to call it t)e !cBan "o(n$ation% )e% sai$% 5K(st call

it t)e One H(n$#e$ an$ "ifty "(n$85

5One H(n$#e$ an$ "ifty@5 as0e$ Kestocost8

5"o# &y fat)e#8 It?s )is n(&be# in o(# fa&ily8 I?& to-t)e-)(n$#e$-an$-fifty-fi#st8

He 'as befo#e &e8 Don?t e31lain t)e n(&be#8 K(st (se it85

5All clea#%5 sai$ Kestocost8 5No' 'e )ave to 6et nota#ies an$ official 'itnesses

to ve#i$icate o(# i&1#ints of yo(# eyes% )an$s an$ b#ain8 As0 t)e Pe#son 'it) yo( to

6ive yo( a &as0% so t)at t)e cat- &an face 'ill not (1set t)e 'itnesses8 W)e#e is t)is

&ac)ine yo( a#e (sin6 s(11ose$ to be locate$@ I 0no' 1e#fectly 'ell ')e#e I t)in0 it


5At t)e foot of Al1)a Ral1)a% in a fo#6otten &a#0et%5 sai$ t)e E-tele0eli8 5Yo(# 

se#vice&en 'ill fin$ it t)e#e to&o##o' ')en t)ey co&e to c)ec0 t)e a(t)enticity of t)e&ac)ine85 He still stoo$ o(t of line of si6)t of t)e &ac)ine% so t)at Kestocost co(l$ )ea# 

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)i& b(t not see )i&8

5I 0no' t)e voice%5 sai$ Kestocost8 5It co&es to &e as in a 6#eat $#ea&8 B(t I

s)all not as0 to see t)e face85

5Yo(# f#ien$ $o'n )e#e )as 6one ')e#e only (n$e#1eo1le 6o%5 sai$ t)e E-

tele0eli% 5an$ 'e a#e $is1osin6 of )is fate in &o#e 'ays t)an one% &y Lo#$% s(bect toyo(# 6#acio(s a11#oval85

5!y a11#oval $oes not see& to )ave been nee$e$ &(c)%5 sno#te$ Kestocost% 'it)

a little la(6)8 5I 'o(l$ li0e to tal0 to yo(8 Do yo( )ave any intelli6ent (n$e#1e#son nea# 


5I can call C?&ell8 )e?s al'ays so&e')e#e a#o(n$85 5T)is ti&e% &y Lo#$% yo(

cannot8 )e?s )e#e85

5T)e#e% 'it) yo(@ I neve# 0ne' s)e 'ent t)e#e85 T)e a&ae&ent s)o'e$ on

t)e face of t)e

Lo#$ Kestocost8

5)e is )e#e% neve#t)eless8 Do yo( )ave so&e ot)e# (n$e#1e#son@5

Ro$ felt li0e a $(&&y% stan$in6 in t)e visi1)one ')ile t)e t'o voices% (nseen

 by one anot)e#% tal0e$ 1ast )i&8 B(t )e felt% ve#y t#(ly% t)at t)ey bot) 'is)e$ )i& 'ell8

He 'as al&ost ne#vo(s in antici1ation of t)e st#an6e )a11iness ')ic) )a$ been offe#e$

to )i& an$ C?&ell% b(t )e 'as a #es1ectf(l eno(6) yo(n6 &an to 'ait (ntil t)e 6#eat

ones 6ot t)#o(6) t)ei# b(siness8

5Wait a &o&ent%5 sai$ Kestocost8

On t)e sc#een% in t)e $e1t)s% Ro$ co(l$ see t)e Lo#$ of t)e Inst#(&entality 'o#0 

t)e cont#ols of ot)e#% secon$a#y sc#eens8 A &o&ent late# Kestocost ans'e#e$4

5B?$an0 is )e#e8 He 'ill ente# t)e #oo& in a fe' &in(tes85

5T'enty &in(tes f#o& no'% &y si# an$ Lo#$% 'ill yo( )ol$ )an$s 'it) yo(# 

se#vant B?$an0 as yo( once $i$ 'it) C?&ell@ I )ave t)e 1#oble& of t)is yo(n6 &an an$

)is #et(#n8 T)e#e a#e t)in6s ')ic) yo( $o not 0no'% an$ I 'o(l$ #at)e# not 1(t t)e& on

t)e 'i#es85

Kestocost )esitate$ only fo# t)e sli6)test of &o&ents8 52oo$% t)en%5 )e la(6)e$8

5I &i6)t as 'ell be )an6e$ fo# a s)ee1 as fo# a la&b85

T)e E-tele0eli stoo$ asi$e8 o&eone )an$e$ Ro$ a &as0 ')ic) )i$ )is cat-

&an feat(#es an$ still left )is eyes an$ )an$s e31ose$8 T)e b#ain 1#int 'as 6otten

t)#o(6) t)e eyes8

T)e #eco#$in6s 'e#e &a$e8

Ro$ 'ent bac0 to t)e benc) an$ table8 He )el1e$ )i&self to anot)e# $#in0 of 

'ate# f#o& t)e ca#afe8 o&eone t)#e' a '#eat) of f#es) flo'e#s a#o(n$ )is

s)o(l$e#s8 "#es) flo'e#sF In s(c) a 1lace8888 He 'on$e#e$8 T)#ee #at)e# 1#etty

(n$e#6i#ls% t'o of t)e& of cat o#i6in an$ one of t)e& $e#ive$ f#o& $o6s% 'e#e

lea$in6 a f#es)ly $#esse$ C?&ell to'a#$ )i&8 )e 'o#e t)e si&1lest an$ &ost &o$est of 

all 1ossible ')ite $#esses8 He# 'aist 'as cinc)e$ by a b#oa$ 6ol$en belt8 )e la(6)e$%

sto11e$ la(6)in6 an$ t)en bl(s)e$ as t)ey le$ )e# to Ro$8

T'o seats 'e#e a##an6e$ on t)e benc)8 C(s)ions 'e#e $is1ose$ so t)at bot) of 

t)e& 'o(l$ be co&fo#table8 il0y &etallic ca1s% li0e t)e 1leas(#e ca1s (se$ in

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 168/185

s(#6e#ies% 'e#e fitte$ on t)ei# )ea$s8 Ro$ felt )is sense of s&ell e31lo$e 'it)in )is

 b#ain it ca&e alive #ic)ly an$ s($$enly8 He too0 C?&ell by t)e )an$ an$ be6an

'al0in6 t)#o(6) an i&&e&o#ial Ea#t) fo#est% 'it) a te&1le ol$e# t)an ti&e s)inin6 in

t)e clea# soft li6)t cast by Ea#t)?s ol$ &oon8 He 0ne' t)at )e 'as al#ea$y $#ea&in68

C?&ell ca(6)t )is t)o(6)t an$ sai$%

5Ro$% &y &aste# an$ love#% t)is is a $#ea&8 B(t I a& in it 'it) yo(88885

W)o can &eas(#e a t)o(san$ yea#s of )a11y $#ea&in6 - t)e t#avels% t)e )(nts%

t)e 1icnics% t)e visits to fo#6otten an$ e&1ty cities% t)e $iscove#y of bea(tif(l vie's an$

st#an6e 1laces@ An$ t)e love% an$ t)e s)a#in6% an$ t)e #e-#eflection of eve#yt)in6

'on$e#f(l an$ st#an6e by t'o se1a#ate% $istinct an$ (tte#ly )a#&onio(s 1e#sonalities8

C?&ell t)e c?6i#l an$ C?#o$e#ic0 t)e c?&an4 t)ey see&e$ )a11ily $oo&e$ to be 'it)

one anot)e#8 W)o can live ')ole cent(#ies of #eal bliss an$ t)en #e1o#t it in &in(tes@

W)o can tell t)e f(ll tale of s(c) #eal lives - )a11iness% (a##els% #econciliations%

 1#oble&s% sol(tions an$ al'ays s)a#in6% )a11iness% an$ &o#e s)a#in6@888

W)en t)ey a'a0ene$ Ro$ ve#y 6ently% t)ey let C?&ell slee1 on8 He loo0e$ $o'nat )i&self an$ e31ecte$ to fin$ )i&self ol$8 B(t )e 'as a yo(n6 &an still% in t)e $ee1

fo#6otten (n$e#6#o(n$ of t)e E-tele0eli% an$ )e co(l$ not even s&ell8 He #eac)e$ fo# t)e

t)o(san$ 'on$e#f(l yea#s as )e 'atc)e$ C?&ell% yo(n6 a6ain% lyin6 on t)e benc)% b(t

t)e $#ea&-yea#s )a$ sta#te$ fa$in6 even as )e #eac)e$ fo# t)e&8

Ro$ st(&ble$ on )is feet8 T)ey le$ )i& to a c)ai#8 T)e E-tele0eli sat in a$acent

c)ai#% at t)e sa&e table8 He see&e$ 'ea#y8

5!y &iste# an$ o'ne# !cBan% I &onito#e$ yo(# $#ea&s)a#in6% (st to &a0e s(#e

it staye$ in t)e #i6)t 6ene#al $i#ection8 I )o1e yo( a#e satisfie$85

Ro$ no$$e$% ve#y slo'ly% an$ #eac)e$ fo# t)e ca#afe of 'ate#% ')ic) so&eone

)a$ #efille$ ')ile )e sle1t8

5W)ile yo( sle1t% &iste# !cBan%5 sai$ t)e 6#eat E-!an% 5I )a$ a tele1at)ic

confe#ence% 'it) t)e Lo#$ Kestocost% ')o )as been yo(# f#ien$% even t)o(6) yo( $o not

0no' )i&8 Yo( )ave )ea#$ of t)e ne' a(to&atic 1lanofo#& s)i1s@5

5T)ey a#e e31e#i&ental%5 sai$ Ro$8

5o t)ey a#e%5 sai$ t)e E-tele0eli% 5b(t 1e#fectly safe8 An$ t)e best

?a(to&atic? ones a#e not a(to&atic at all8 T)ey )ave sna0e&en 1ilots8 !y 1ilots8 T)ey

can o(t1e#fo#& any 1ilots of t)e Inst#(&entality85

5Of co(#se%5 sai$ Ro$% 5beca(se t)ey a#e $ea$85

5No &o#e $ea$ t)an I%5 la(6)e$ t)e ')ite cal& bi#$ of t)e (n$e#6#o(n$8

5I 1(t t)e& in catale1tic t#ances% 'it) t)e )el1 of &y son t)e $octo# E-i0as(s%

')o& yo( fi#st 0ne' as t)e &on0ey-$octo# A?6ent(#8 On t)e s)i1s t)ey 'a0e (18

One of t)e& can ta0e yo( to No#st#ilia in a sin6le lon6 fast (&18 An$ &y son can

'o#0 on yo(# #i6)t )e#e8 We )ave a 6oo$ &e$ical 'o#0s)o1 in one of t)ose #oo&s8

Afte# all% it 'as )e ')o #esto#e$ yo( (n$e# t)e s(1e#vision of Docto# ;o&act on !a#s8

It 'ill see& li0e a sin6le ni6)t to yo(% t)o(6) it 'ill be seve#al $ays in obective ti&e8

If yo( say 6oo$-bye to &e no'% an$ if yo( a#e #ea$y to 6o% yo( 'ill 'a0e (1 in o#bit

 (st o(tsi$e t)e Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian s(bs1ace net8 I )ave no 'is) fo# one of &y

(n$e#1eo1le to tea# )i&self to 1ieces if )e &eets !ot)e# Hitton?s $#ea$f(l little 0ittens%')ateve# t)ey &ay be8 Do yo( )a11en to 0no'@5

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5I $on?t%5 sai$ Ro$ (ic0ly% 5an$ if I $i$% I co(l$n?t tell yo(8 It?s t)e <(een?s

sec#et85 5T)e <(een@5

5T)e Absent <(een8 We (se it to &ean t)e Co&&on'ealt) 6ove#n&ent8

Any)o'% &iste# bi#$% I can?t 6o no'8 I?ve 6ot to 6o bac0 (1 to t)e s(#face of Ea#t)8 I

'ant to say 6oo$-bye to t)e Cat&aste#8 An$ I?& not 6oin6 to leave t)is 1lanet an$

aban$on Eleano#8 An$ I 'ant &y sta&1 t)at t)e Cat&aste# 6ave &e8 An$ t)e boo0s8An$ &aybe I s)o(l$ #e1o#t abo(t t)e $eat) of Tosti6 A&a#al85

5Do yo( t#(st &e% &iste# an$ o'ne# !cBan@5 T)e ')ite 6iant #ose to )is feet

)is eyes s)one li0e fi#e8

T)e (n$e#1eo1le s1ontaneo(sly c)o#(se$% 5P(t yo(# t#(st in t)e oyf(l la'f(l%

 1(t yo(# t#(st in t)e a'f(l b#i6)t blan0 1o'e# of t)e (n$e#bi#$F5

5I?ve t#(ste$ yo( 'it) &y life an$ &y fo#t(ne% so fa#%5 sai$ Ro$% a little s(llenly%

5b(t yo(?#e not 6oin6 to &a0e &e leave Eleano# - no &atte# )o' &(c) I 'ant to 6et

)o&e8 An$ I )ave an ol$ ene&y at )o&e t)at I 'ant to )el18 Ho(6)ton y&e% t)e

Hon8ec8 T)e#e &i6)t be so&et)in6 on Ol$ Ea#t) ')ic) I co(l$ ta0e bac0 to )i&855I t)in0 yo( can t#(st &e a little f(#t)e#%5 sai$ t)e E-tele0eli8 5Wo(l$ it solve t)e

 1#oble& of t)e

Hon8ec8 if yo( 6ave )i& a $#ea&s)a#e 'it) so&eone )e love$% to &a0e (1 )is

)avin6 a s)o#t life@5 5I $on?t 0no'8 !aybe85

5I can%5 sai$ t)e &aste# of t)e (n$e#1eo1le% 5)ave )is 1#esc#i1tion &a$e (18 It

'ill )ave to be &i3e$ 'it) 1las&a f#o& )is bloo$ befo#e )e ta0es it8 It 'o(l$ be

6oo$ fo# abo(t t)#ee t)o(san$ yea#s of s(bective life8 We )ave neve# let t)is o(t of 

o(# o'n (n$e#city befo#e% b(t yo( a#e t)e "#ien$ of Ea#t)% an$ yo( s)all )ave it85

Ro$ t#ie$ to sta&&e# )is t)an0s% b(t )e &(&ble$ so&et)in6 abo(t Eleano# 

instea$4 )e (st co(l$n?t leave )e#8

T)e ')ite 6iant too0 Ro$ by t)e a#& an$ le$ )i& bac0 to t)e visi1)one% still

o$$ly o(t of 1lace in t)is fo#6otten #oo&% so fa# (n$e#6#o(n$8

5Yo( 0no'%5 sai$ t)e ')ite 6iant% 5t)at I 'ill not t#ic0 yo( 'it) false &essa6es

o# anyt)in6 li0e t)at@5

One loo0 at t)e st#on6% cal&% #ela3e$ face - a face so 1(#1osef(l t)at it )a$ no

f#etf(l o# i&&e$iate 1(#1ose - convince$ Ro$ t)at t)e#e 'as not)in6 to fea#8

5T(ne it% t)en%5 sai$ t)e E-tele0eli8 5If Eleano# 'ants to 6o )o&e 'e 'ill

a##an6e 'it) t)e

Inst#(&entality fo# )e# 1assa6e8 As fo# yo(% &y son E-i0as(s 'in c)an6e yo( bac0 as )e

c)an6e$ yo( ove#8 T)e#e is only one $etail8 Do yo( 'ant t)e face yo( o#i6inally

)a$ o# $o yo( 'ant it to #eflect t)e 'is$o& an$ e31e#ience I )ave seen yo( 6ain@5

5I?& not 1os)%5 sai$ Ro$8 5T)e sa&e ol$ face 'ill $o8 If I a& any 'ise#% &y

 1eo1le 'ill fin$ it o(t soon eno(6)85

52oo$8 He 'ill 6et #ea$y8 !ean')ile% t(#n on t)e visi1)one8 It is al#ea$y set to

sea#c) fo# yo(# fello'-citien85

Ro$ flic0e$ it on8 T)e#e 'as a be'il$e#in6 se#ies of flas)es an$ a 0alei$osco1ic$ale&ent of scenes befo#e t)e &ac)ine see&e$ to #ace alon6 t)e beac) at !eeya

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!eefia an$ sea#c)e$ o(t Eleano#8 T)is 'as a ve#y st#an6e sc#een in$ee$4 it )a$ no

visi1)one at t)e ot)e# en$8 He co(l$ see Eleano#% loo0in6 e3actly li0e )is No#st#ilian

self% b(t s)e co(l$ not obse#ve t)at s)e 'as bein6 seen8

T)e &ac)ine foc(se$ on Eleano#Ro$ !cBan?s face8 )e)e 'as tal0in6 to a

ve#y 1#etty 'o&an% o$$ly &i3e$ No#st#ilian an$ Ea#t)-li0e in a11ea#ance8

5R(t) Not-f#o&-)e#e%5 &(#&(#e$ t)e E-tele0eli% 5t)e $a(6)te# of t)e Lo#$

Willia& Not- f#o&- )e#e% a C)ief of t)e Inst#(&entality8 He 'ante$ )is $a(6)te# to

&a##y ?yo(? so t)at t)ey co(l$ #et(#n to No#st#ilia8 Loo0 at t)e $a(6)te#8 )e is annoye$

at ?yo(? #i6)t no'85

R(t) 'as sittin6 on t)e beac)% t'istin6 a'ay at )e# fin6e#s in ne#vo(sness an$

'o##y% b(t )e# fin6e#s an$ face s)o'e$ &o#e an6e# t)an $es1ai#8 )e 'as s1ea0in6 to

Eleano#% t)e ?Ro$ !cBan8?

5!y fat)e# (st tol$ &eF5 R(t) c#ie$ o(t8 5W)y% o) ')y $i$ yo( 6ive all

yo(# &oney fo# a "o(n$ation of so&e 0in$@ T)e Inst#(&entality (st tol$ )i&8 I (st

$on?t (n$e#stan$8 T)e#e?s no 1oint in (s 6ettin6 one of t)ose A(st#alian &a##ia6es no'-5

5(its &e%5 sai$ Eleano#Ro$ !cBan8

5(its yo(% $oes itF5 s)#ie0e$ R(t)8 5Afte# t)e a$vanta6es yo(?ve ta0en of &eF5

T)e false Ro$ !cBan &e#ely s&ile$ at )e# f#ien$lfiy an$ 0no'le$6eably8 T)e

#eal Ro$% 'atc)in6 t)e 1ict(#e ten 0ilo&ete#s belo'% t)o(6)t t)at Eleano# see&e$ to

)ave lea#ne$ a 6#eat $eal abo(t )o' to be a yo(n6 #ic) &an on Ea#t)8

R(t)?s face c)an6e$ s($$enly8 )e b#o0e f#o& an6e# to la(6)te#8 )e s)o'e$ )e# 

 be'il$e#&ent8 5I &(st a$&it%5 s)e sai$ )onestly% 5T)at I $i$n?t #eally 'ant to 6o bac0 

to t)e ol$ fa&ily )o&e in Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia8 T)e si&1le% )onest life% a little on t)e

st(1i$ si$e8 No oceans8 No cities8 K(st sic0% 6iant s)ee1 an$ 'o#l$s f(ll of &oney 'it)

not)in6 to s1en$ it on8 I li0e Ea#t) an$ I s(11ose I?& $eca$ent88885

Ro$Eleano# s&ile$ #i6)t bac0 at )e#8 5!aybe I?& $eca$ent too8 I?& not 1oo#8 I

can?t )el1 li0in6 yo(8 I $on?t 'ant to &a##y anybo$y8 B(t I )ave bi6 c#e$its )e#e% an$ I

enoy bein6 a yo(n6 &an -5

5I s)o(l$ say yo( $oF5 sai$ R(t)8 5W)at an o$$ t)in6 fo# yo( to sayF5

T)e false 5Ro$ !cBan5 6ave no si6n t)at )es)e note$ t)e inte##(1tion8 5I?ve

 (st abo(t $eci$e$ to stay )e#e an$ enoy t)in6s8 Eve#ybo$y?s #ic) in No#st#ilia% b(t ')at

6oo$ $oes it $o@ It )a$ 6otten 1#etty $(ll fo# &e% I can tell yo(% o# I 'o(l$n?t )ave ta0ent)e #is0 of co&in6 )e#e8 Yes8 I t)in0 I?ll stay8 I 0no' t)at Ro$ -5 Hes)e 6as1e$% 5Ro$

!acA#t)(#% I &ean% a so#t of #elative of &ine - Ro$ can 6et t)e ta3 ta0en off &y

 1e#sonal fo#t(ne so?t)at I can stay #i6)t )e#e85

5I 'ill% too%5 sai$ t)e #eal Ro$ !cBan% fa# belo' t)e s(#face of t)e Ea#t)8

5Yo(?#e 'elco&e )e#e% &y $ea#%5 sai$ R(t) Not-f#o&-)e#e to t)e false Ro$

!cBan8 Do'n belo'% t)e E-tele0eli 6est(#e$ at t)e sc#een8 5een eno(6)@5 )e sai$ to


5Eno(6)%5 sai$ Ro$% 5b(t &a0e s(#e t)at s)e 0no's I a& all #i6)t an$ t)at I a&

t#yin6 to ta0e ca#e of )e#8 Can yo( 6et in to(c) 'it) t)e Lo#$ Kestocost o# so&ebo$yan$ a##an6e fo# Eleano# to stay )e#e an$ 0ee1 )e# fo#t(ne@ Tell )e# to (se t)e na&e of 

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t)e o'ne#s of t)e tation of Doo&% b(t I $on?t t)in0 Ea#t)1eo1le 'ill notice t)e

$iffe#ence any)o'8 )e?ll 0no' it?s all #i6)t 'it) &e% an$ t)at?s all t)at &atte#s8 If s)e

#eally li0es it )e#e in a co1y of &y bo$y% &ay t)e 6#eat s)ee1 sit on )e#F5

5An o$$ blessin6%5 sai$ t)e E-tele0eli% 5b(t it can all be a##an6e$85

Ro$ &a$e no &ove to leave8 He )a$ t(#ne$ off t)e sc#een% b(t )e (st stoo$t)e#e8 5o&et)in6 else@5 sai$ t)e E-tele0eli8

5C?!ell%5 sai$ Ro$8

5)e?s all #i6)t%5 sai$ t)e lo#$ of t)e (n$e#'o#l$8 5)e e31ects not)in6 f#o& yo(8

)e?s a 6oo$ (n$e#1e#son85

5I 'ant to $o so&et)in6 fo# )e#85

5T)e#e is not)in6 s)e 'ants8 )e is )a11y8 Yo( $o not nee$ to &e$$le85

5)e 'on?t be a 6i#ly6i#l fo#eve#%5 Ro$ insiste$8 5Yo( (n$e#1eo1le 6et ol$8 I

$on?t 0no' )o' yo( &ana6e 'it)o(t st#oon85

5Neit)e# $o I%5 sai$ t)e E-tele0eli8 5I (st )a11en to )ave lon6 life8 B(t yo(?#e

#i6)t abo(t )e#8 )e 'ill a6e soon eno(6)% by yo(# 0in$ of ti&e85

?I?$ li0e to b(y t)e #esta(#ant fo# )e#% t)e one t)e bea#-&an )as% an$ let it

 beco&e a so#t of &eetin6 1lace o1en to 1eo1le an$ (n$e#1eo1le8 )e co(l$ 6ive it t)e

#o&antic an$ inte#estin6 to(c) so t)at it co(l$ be a s(ccess85

5A 'on$e#f(l i$ea8 A 1e#fect 1#oect fo# yo(# "o(n$ation%5 s&ile$ t)e E-

tele0eli8 5It s)all be $one85

5An$ t)e Cat&aste#@5 as0e$ Ro$8 5Is t)e#e anyt)in6 I can $o fo# )i&@5

5No% $o not conce#n yo(#self 'it) C?'illia&%5 sai$ t)e E-tele0eli8 5He is (n$e# t)e 1#otection of t)e Inst#(&entality an$ )e 0no's t)e si6n of t)e "is)85 T)e 6#eat

(n$e#&an 1a(se$ to 6ive Ro$ a c)ance to in(i#e ')at t)at si6n &i6)t be% b(t Ro$ $i$

not note t)e si6nificance of t)e 1a(se% so t)e bi#$-li0e 6iant 'ent on8 5C?'illia& )as

al#ea$y #eceive$ )is #e'a#$ in t)e 6oo$ c)an6e ')ic) )e )as &a$e in yo(# life8 No'% if 

yo( a#e #ea$y% 'e 'ill 1(t yo( to slee1% &y son E-i0as(s 'ill c)an6e yo( o(t of yo(# 

cat-bo$y an$ yo( 'ill 'a0e in o#bit a#o(n$ yo(# )o&e85

5C?&ell@ Can yo( 'a0e )e# (1 so I can say 6oo$bye afte# t)at t)o(san$ yea#s@5

T)e &aste# of t)e (n$e#'o#l$ too0 Ro$ 6ently by t)e a#& an$ 'al0e$ )i&

ac#oss t)e )(6e (n$e#6#o(n$ #oo&% tal0in6 as t)ey 'ent8 5Wo(l$ yo( 'ant to )ave

anot)e# 6oo$-bye% afte# t)at t)o(san$ yea#s s)e #e&e&be#s 'it) yo(% if yo( 'e#e s)e@Let )e# be8 It is 0in$e# t)is 'ay8 Yo( a#e )(&an8 Yo( can affo#$ to be #ic) 'it)

0in$ness8 It is one of t)e best t#aits ')ic) yo( )(&an 1eo1le )ave85

Ro$ sto11e$8 5Do yo( )ave a #eco#$e# of so&e 0in$% t)en@ )e 'elco&e$ &e to

Ea#t) 'it) a 'on$e#f(l little son6 abo(t ?)i6) bi#$s c#yin6? an$ I 'ant to leave one of 

o(# No#st#ilian son6s fo# )e#85

5in6 anyt)in6%5 sai$ t)e E-tele0eli% 5an$ t)e c)o#(s of &y atten$ants 'ill

#e&e&be# it as lon6 as t)ey live8 T)e ot)e#s 'o(l$ a11#eciate it% too85

Ro$ loo0e$ a#o(n$ at t)e (n$e#1eo1le ')o )a$ follo'e$ t)e&8 "o# a &o&ent

)e 'as e&ba##asse$ at sin6in6 to all of t)e&% b(t ')en )e sa' t)ei# 'a#&% a$o#in6

s&iles% )e 'as at ease 'it) t)e&8 5Re&e&be# t)is% t)en% an$ be s(#e to sin6 it to C?&ell

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fo# &e% ')en s)e a'a0ens85 He lifte$ )is voice a little an$ san64

R(n ')e#e t)e #a& is $ancin6% 1#ancin6F Listen ')e#e t)e e'e is 6#eetin6%

 bleatin68 R(s) ')e#e t)e la&bs a#e #(nnin6% f(nnin68 Watc) ')e#e t)e st#oon is

6#o'in6% flo'in68 ee )o' t)e &en a#e #ea1in6% )ea1in6 Wealt) fo# t)ei# 'o#l$F

Loo0% ')e#e t)e )ills a#e $i11in6% #i11in68 it ')e#e t)e ai# is $#yin6% f#yin68

2o ')e#e t)e clo($s a#e 1acin6% #acin6%

tan$ ')e#e t)e 'ealt) is 6lea&in6% tee&in68 )o(t to t)e to1 of t)e sin6in6%

#in6in6 No#st#ilian 1o'e# an$ 1#i$e8

T)e c)o#(s san6 it bac0 at )i& 'it) a 'ealt) an$ #ic)ness ')ic) )e )a$ neve# 

)ea#$ in t)e little son6 befo#e8

5An$ no'%5 sai$ t)e E-tele0eli% 5t)e blessin6 of t)e "i#st "o#bi$$en One be

(1on yo(85 T)e 6iant bo'e$ a little an$ 0isse$ Ro$ !cBan on t)e fo#e)ea$8 Ro$

t)o(6)t it st#an6e an$ sta#te$ to s1ea0% b(t t)e eyes 'e#e (1on )i&8

Eyes - li0e t'in fi#es8

"i#e - li0e f#ien$s)i1% li0e 'a#&t)% li0e a 'elco&e an$ a fa#e'ell8 Eyes - ')ic)

 beca&e a sin6le fi#e8

He a'a0ene$ only ')en )e 'as in o#bit a#o(n$ Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia8

T)e $escent 'as easy8 T)e s)i1 )a$ a vie'e#8 T)e sna0e-1ilot sai$ ve#y little8 He

 1(t Ro$ $o'n in t)e tation of Doo&% a fe' )(n$#e$ &ete#s f#o& )is o'n $oo#8 He left

t'o )eavy 1ac0a6es8 An Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian 1at#ol s)i1 )ove#e$ ove#)ea$ an$ t)e ai# 

)(&&e$ 'it) $an6e# ')ile No#st#ilian 1olice floate$ to t)e 6#o(n$ an$ &a$e s(#e t)at

no one besi$es Ro$ !cBan 6ot off8 T)e Ea#t) s)i1 ')is1e#e$ an$ 'as 6one8

5I?ll 6ive yo( a )an$% &iste#%5 sai$ one of t)e 1olice8 He cl(tc)e$ Ro$ 'it)

one% &ec)anical cla' of )is o#nit)o1te#% ca(6)t t)e t'o 1ac0a6es in t)e ot)e#% an$ fl(n6)is &ac)ine into t)e ai# 'it) a sin6le beat of t)e 6iant 'in6s8 T)ey coaste$ into t)e

ya#$% t)e 'in6s ti11e$ (1% Re$ an$ )is 1ac0a6es 'e#e $e1osite$ $eftly an$ t)e &ac)ine

fla11e$ a'ay in silence8

T)e#e 'as nobo$y t)e#e8 He 0ne' t)at A(nt Do#is 'o(l$ co&e soon8 An$

Lavinia8 LaviniaF He#e% no'% on t)is $ea# 1oo# $#y ea#t)% )e 0ne' )o' &(c) Lavinia

s(ite$ )i&8 No' )e co(l$ s1ie0% )e co(l$ )ie#F

It 'as st#an6e8 Yeste#$ay - o# 'as it yeste#$ay fo# it felt li0e yeste#$ay@ -

)e )a$ felt ve#y yo(n6 in$ee$8 An$ no'% since )is visit to t)e Cat&aste#% )e felt

so&e)o' 6#o'n (1% as if )e )a$ $iscove#e$ all )is 1e#sonal in6#o'n 1#oble&s an$ )a$left t)e& be)in$ on Ol$ Ea#t)8 He see&e$ to 0no' in )is $ee1est &in$ t)at C?&ell )a$

neve# been &o#e t)an nine-tent)s )is% an$ t)at t)e ot)e# tent) - t)e &ost val(able an$

 bea(tif(l an$ &ost sec#et tent) of )e# life - 'as fo#eve# 6iven to so&e ot)e# &an o# 

(n$e#&an ')o& )e 'o(l$ neve# 0no'8 He felt t)at C?&ell 'o(l$ neve# 6ive )e# )ea#t

a6ain8 An$ yet )e 0e1t fo# )e# a s1ecial 0in$ of ten$e#ness% ')ic) 'o(l$ neve# #ec(#8 It

'as not &a##ia6e ')ic) t)ey )a$ )a$% b(t it 'as 1(#e #o&ance8

B(t )e#e% )e#e 'aite$ )o&e itself% an$ love8 Lavinia 'as in it% $ea# Lavinia 'it)

)e# &a$ lost fat)e# an$ )e# 0in$ness to a Ro$ ')o )a$ not let &(c) 0in$ness into )is


($$enly% t)e 'o#$s of an ol$ 1oe& #ose (nbi$$en to )is &in$4 Eve#8 Neve#8"o#eve#8

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T)#ee 'o#l$s8 T)e leve# 

Of life (1on ti&e8 Eve#8 Neve#8 "o#eve#8

He s1ie0e$8 He s1ie0e$ ve#y lo($% 5LaviniaF5

Beyon$ t)e )ill t)e c#y ca&e bac0% #i6)t into )is &in$% 5Ro$% Ro$F O)% Ro$F

Ro$@5 5Yes%5 )e s1ie0e$8 5Don?t #(n8 I?& )o&e85He felt )e# &in$ co&in6 nea#% t)o(6) s)e &(st )ave been beyon$ one of t)e

nea#by )ills8 W)en )e to(c)e$ &in$s 'it) Lavinia% )e 0ne' t)at t)is 'as )e# 6#o(n$%

an$ )is too8 Not fo# t)e& t)e 'et 'on$e#s of Ea#t)% t)e 6ol$en-)ai#e$ bea(ties of 

C?&ell an$ Ea#t) 1eo1leF He 0ne' 'it)o(t $o(bt t)at Lavinia 'o(l$ love an$ #eco6nie

t)e ne' Ro$ as s)e )a$ love$ t)e ol$8

He 'aite$ ve#y (ietly an$ t)en )e la(6)e$ to )i&self (n$e# t)e 6#ay nea#by

f#ien$ly s0y of No#st#ilia8 He )a$ &o&enta#ily )a$ t)e c)il$is) i&1(lse to #(s) ac#oss

t)e )ills an$ to 0iss )is o'n co&1(te#8

He 'aite$ fo# Lavinia instea$8


Ten yea#s late#% t'o ea#t)-&en tal0in6

5Yo( $on?t believe all t)e &ala#0ey% $o yo(@5 5W)at?s ?&a#la#0ey?@5

5Isn?t t)at a bea(tif(l 'o#$@ It?s ancient8 A #obot $(6 it (18 It &eans #(bbis)%

)ooey% nonsense% 6ibbe#is)% 1)l(tt% i$le tal0 o# )all(cinations - in ot)e# 'o#$s% (st ')at

yo(?ve been sayin685

5Yo( &ean% abo(t a boy b(yin6 t)e 1lanet Ea#t)@5

5(#e8 He co(l$n?t $o it% not even 'it) No#st#ilian &oney8 T)e#e a#e too &any

#e6(lations8 It 'as (st an econo&ic a$(st&ent85

5W)at?s an ?econo&ic a$(st&ent?@5

5T)at?s anot)e# ancient 'o#$ I fo(n$8 It?s al&ost as 6oo$ as &ala#0ey8 It $oes

)ave so&e &eanin6% t)o(6)8 It &eans t)at t)e &aste#s #ea##an6e t)in6s by c)an6in6 t)e

vol(&e o# t)e flo' o# t)e title to 1#o1e#ty8 T)e Inst#(&entality 'ante$ to s)a0e $o'n

t)e Ea#t) 6ove#n&ent an$ 6et so&e &o#e f#ee c#e$its to 1lay a#o(n$ 'it)% so bet'een

t)e& t)ey invente$ an i&a6ina#y c)a#acte# na&e$ Ro$ !cBan8 T)en% t)ey )a$ )i& b(y

t)e Ea#t)8 T)en )e 6oes a'ay8 It $oesn?t &a0e sense8 No no#&al boy 'o(l$ )ave $one

t)at8 T)ey say )e )a$ one &illion 'o&en8 W)at $o yo( t)in0 a no#&al boy 'o(l$

$o if so&ebo$y 6ave )i& one &illion 'o&en@5

5Yo(?#e not 1#ovin6 anyt)in68 Any)o'% I sa' Ro$ !cBan &yself% t'o yea#sa6o85

5T)at?s t)e ot)e# one% not t)e one ')o is s(11ose$ to )ave bo(6)t Ea#t)8 T)at?s

 (st a #ic) i&&i6#ant ')o lives $o'n nea# !eeya !eefia8 I co(l$ tell yo( so&e t)in6s

abo(t )i&% too85

5B(t ')y s)o(l$n?t so&ebo$y b(y Ea#t) if )e co#ne#s t)e No#st#ilian st#oon


5W)o eve# co#ne#e$ it in t)e fi#st 1lace@ I tell yo(% Ro$ !cBan is (st an

invention8 Have yo( eve# seen a 1ict(#ebo3 of )i&@5


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5Di$ yo( eve# 0no' anybo$y ')o &et )i&@5

5I )ea#$ t)at t)e Lo#$ Kestocost 'as &i3e$ (1 in it% an$ t)at e31ensive

6i#ly6i#l W)at?s-)e#- na&e - yo( 0no' - t)e #e$)ea$ - C?&ell% 'as too85

5T)at?s ')at yo( )ea#$8 !ala#0ey% 1(#e 6en(ine ancient &ala#0ey8 T)e#e 'as no

s(c) boy% eve#8 It?s all 1#o1a6an$a85

5Yo(?#e al'ays t)at 'ay8 2#(&blin68 Do(btin68 I?& 6la$ I?& not yo(85

5Pal% t)at?s #eal% #eal #eci1#ocal8 ?Bette# $ea$ t)an 6(llible%? t)at?s &y &otto85 On a

 1lanofo#&in6 s)i1% o(tbo(n$ f#o& Ea#t)% also ten yea#s late#8

T)e to1-ca1tain% tal0in6 to a 1assen6e#% fe&ale4

5I?& 6la$ to see% &a?a&% t)at yo( $i$n?t b(y any of t)ose Ea#t) fas)ions8

Bac0 )o&e% t)e ai# 'o(l$ ta0e t)e& off yo( in )alf &in(te85

5I?& ol$-fas)ione$%5 s)e s&ile$8 T)en a t)o(6)t c#osse$ )e# &in$% an$ s)e

a$$e$ a (estion4 5Yo(?#e in t)e s1ace b(siness% si# an$ to1-ca1tain8 Di$ yo( eve# )ea# t)e sto#y of Ro$ !cBan@ I t)in0 it?s t)#illin685

5Yo( &ean% t)e boy ')o bo(6)t Ea#t)@5 5Yes%5 s)e 6as1e$8 5Is it t#(e@5

5Co&1letely t#(e%5 )e sai$% 5e3ce1t fo# one little $etail8 T)is ?Ro$ !cBan? 'asn?t

na&e$ t)at at all8 He 'asn?t a No#st#ilian8 He 'as a )o&inoi$ f#o& so&e ot)e# 

'o#l$% an$ )e 'as b(yin6 t)e Ea#t) 'it) 1i#ate &oney8 T)ey 'ante$ to 6et )is

c#e$its a'ay f#o& )i&% b(t )e &ay )ave been a Wet tin0e# f#o& A&aonas T#iste o# 

)e &ay )ave been one of t)ose little tiny &en% abo(t t)e sie of a 'aln(t% f#o& t)e oli$

Planet8 T)at?s ')y )e bo(6)t Ea#t) an$ left it so s($$enly8 Yo( see% &a?a& an$ $a&e%

no Ol$ No#t) A(st#alian eve# t)in0s abo(t anyt)in6 e3ce1t )is &oney8 T)ey even )ave

one of t)e ancient fo#&s of 6ove#n&ent still left on t)at 1lanet% an$ t)ey 'o(l$ neve# let

one of t)ei# o'n boys b(y Ea#t)8 T)ey?$ all sit a#o(n$ an$ tal0 )i& into 1(ttin6 it in a

savin6s acco(nt% instea$8 T)ey?#e clannis) 1eo1le8 T)at?s ')y I $on?t t)in0 it 'as a

 No#st#ilian at all85

T)e 'o&an?s eyes 'i$ene$8 5Yo(?#e s1oilin6 a lovely sto#y fo# &e% &iste# an$

to1- ca1tain85 5Don?t call &e ?&iste#%? &a?a&8 T)at?s a No#st#ilian title8 I?& (st a 1lain

?si#8? 5

T)ey bot) sta#e$ at t)e little i&a6ina#y 'ate#fall on t)e 'all8

Befo#e t)e to1-ca1tain 'ent bac0 to )is 'o#0% )e a$$e$% 5"o# &y &oney% it

&(st )ave been one of t)ose little tiny &en f#o& t)e oli$ Planet8 Only a fool li0e t)at

'o(l$ b(y t)e $o'e# #i6)ts to a &illion 'o&en8 We?#e bot) 6#o'n (1% &a?a&8 I as0 yo(% ')at 'o(l$ an itty-bitty &an f#o& t)e oli$ Planet $o 'it) one Ea#t) 'o&an% let

alone a &illion of t)e&@5

)e 6i66le$ an$ bl(s)e$ as t)e to1-ca1tain sta&1e$ t#i(&1)antly a'ay% )avin6

6otten in )is last &asc(line 'o#$8

E?la&elanie% t'o yea#s afte# Ea#t)

5"at)e#% 6ive &e )o1e85

T)e E-tele0eli 'as 6entle8 5I can 6ive yo( al&ost anyt)in6 f#o& t)is 'o#l$% b(t

yo( a#e tal0in6 abo(t t)e 'o#l$ of t)e si6n of t)e "is)% ')ic) none of (s cont#ols8 Yo(

)a$ bette# 6o bac0 into t)e eve#y$ay life of o(# cave#n an$ not s1en$ so &(c) ti&e onyo(# $evotional e3e#cises% if t)ey &a0e yo( (n)a11y85

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)e sta#e$ at )i&8 5It?s not t)at8 It?s not t)at at all8 It?s (st t)at I 0no' t)at t)e

#obot% t)e #at an$ t)e Co1t all a6#ee$ t)at t)e P#o&ise$ One 'o(l$ co&e )e#e to Ea#t)85

A $es1e#ate note ente#e$ )e# voice8 5"at)e#% co(l$ it )ave been Ro$ !cBan@5

5W)at $o yo( &ean@5

5Co(l$ )e )ave been t)e P#o&ise$ One% 'it)o(t &y 0no'in6 it@ Co(l$ )e )ave

co&e an$ 6one (st to test &y fait)@5

T)e bi#$-6iant #a#ely la(6)e$ )e )a$ neve# la(6)e$ at )is o'n $a(6)te# 

 befo#e8 B(t t)is 'as too abs(#$4 )e la(6)e$ at )e#% b(t a 'ise 1a#t of )is &in$ tol$ )i&

t)at t)e la(6)te#% t)o(6) c#(el no'% 'o(l$ be 6oo$ fo# )e# late# on8

5Ro$@ A 1#o&ise$ s1ea0e# of t)e t#(t)@ O)% no8 Ho - )o - )o8 Ro$ !cBan is one

of t)e nicest )(&an bein6s I eve# &et8 A 6oo$ yo(n6 &an% al&ost li0e a bi#$8 B(t )e?s

no &essen6e# f#o& ete#nity85

T)e $a(6)te# bo'e$ an$ t(#ne$ a'ay8

)e )a$ al#ea$y co&1ose$ a t#a6e$y abo(t )e#self% t)e &ista0en one% ')o )a$

&et 5t)e 1#ince of t)e 'o#$%5 ')o& t)e 'o#l$s a'aite$% an$ )a$ faile$ to 0no' )i&

 beca(se )e# fait) 'as too 'ea08 T)e st#ain of 'aitin6 fo# so&et)in6 t)at &i6)t )a11en

no' o# a &illion yea#s f#o& no' 'as too &(c)8 It 'as easie# to acce1t fail(#e an$ self-

#e1#oac) t)an to en$(#e t)e ti&eless to#&ent of (n$ate$ )o1e8

)e )a$ a little noo0 in t)e 'all ')e#e s)e s1ent &any of )e# 'aitin6 )o(#s8 )e

too0 o(t a little st#in6e$ inst#(&ent ')ic) )e# fat)e# )a$ &a$e fo# )e#8 It e&itte$

ancient% 'ee1in6 so(n$s% an$ s)e san6 )e# o'n little son6 to it% t)e son6 of E-la&elanie

')o 'as t#yin6 to 6ive (1 'aitin6 fo# Ro$ !cBan8

)e loo0e$ o(t into t)e #oo&8

A little 6i#l% 'ea#in6 not)in6 b(t 1anties% sta#e$ at )e# 'it) fi3e$ eyes8 E-

la&elanie loo0e$ bac0 at t)e c)il$8 It )a$ no e31#ession it (st sta#e$ at )e#8 )e

'on$e#e$ if it &i6)t be one of t)e t(#tle- c)il$#en ')o& )e# fat)e# )a$ #esc(e$ seve#al

yea#s ea#lie#8

)e loo0e$ a'ay f#o& t)e c)il$ an$ san6 )e# son6 any)o'4 Once a6ain% ac#oss

t)e yea#s%

I 'e1t fo# yo(8

I co(l$ not sto1 t)e bitte# tea#s

I 0e1t fo# yo(8

T)e )ea#t)stone of &y ea#ly life

Was s'e1t fo# yo(8

A $iffe#ent% &o$(late$ ti&e a'aits &e no'8

Yet t)e#e a#e &o&ents ')en t)e 1ast as0s ')y an$ )o'8

T)e f(t(#e &a#c)es &(c) too fast8 Allo'% allo' -

B(t no8 T)at?s all8 Ac#oss t)e yea#s

I 'e1t fo# yo(8

W)en s)e finis)e$% t)e t(#tle-c)il$ 'as still 'atc)in68 Al&ost an6#ily% E-la&elanie 1(t a'ay )e# little violin8

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W)at t)e t(#tle-c)il$ t)o(6)t% at t)e sa&e &o&ent

I 0no' a lot even if I $on?t feel li0e tal0in6 abo(t it an$ I 0no' t)at t)e &ost

'on$e#f(l #eal &an in all t)e 1lanets ca&e #i6)t $o'n )e#e into t)is bi6 #oo& an$

tal0e$ to t)ese 1eo1le beca(se )e is t)e &an t)at t)e lon6 silly 6i#l is sin6in6 abo(t

 beca(se s)e $oes not )ave )i& b(t ')y s)o(l$ s)e any)o' an$ I a& #eally t)e one ')o

is 6oin6 to 6et )i& beca(se I a& a t(#tle- c)il$ an$ I 'ill be #i6)t )e#e 'aitin6 ')en all

t)ese 1eo1le a#e $ea$ an$ 1(s)e$ $o'n into t)e $issol(tion vats an$ so&e$ay )e 'ill

co&e bac0 to ea#t) an$ I 'ill be all 6#o'n (1 an$ I 'ill be a t(#tle-'o&an% &o#e

 bea(tif(l t)an any )(&an 'o&an eve# 'as% an$ )e is 6oin6 to &a##y &e an$ ta0e

&e off to )is 1lanet an$ I 'ill al'ays be )a11y 'it) )i& beca(se I 'ill not a#6(e all

t)e ti&e% t)e 'ay t)at bi#$- 1eo1le an$ cat-1eo1le an$ $o6-1eo1le $o% so t)at ')en

Ro$ !cBan is &y )(sban$ an$ I #(s) $inne# o(t of t)e 'all fo# )i&% if )e t#ies to

a#6(e 'it) &e I 'ill (st be s)y an$ s'eet an$ I 'on?t say anyt)in6% not)in6 at all% to

)i& fo# one )(n$#e$ yea#s an$ fo# t'o )(n$#e$ yea#s% an$ nobo$y co(l$ 6et &a$ at a

 bea(tif(l t(#tle-'o&an ')o neve# tal0e$ bac08888T)e Co(ncil of t)e 2(il$ of T)ieves% (n$e# ;iola i$e#ea

T)e )e#al$ calle$% 5His a($acity% t)e C)ief of t)ieves% is 1lease$ to #e1o#t to

t)e Co(ncil of 


An ol$ &an stoo$% ve#y ce#e&onio(sly4 5Yo( b#in6 (s 'ealt)% si# an$ c)ief% 'e

t#(st - f#o& t)e 6(llible - f#o& t)e 'ea0 - f#o& t)e )ea#tless a&on6 &an0in$@5

T)e C)ief of T)ieves 1#oclai&e$% 5It is t)e &atte# of Ro$ !cBan85

A visible sti# 'ent t)#o(6) t)e Co(ncil8

T)e C)ief of T)ieves 'ent on% 'it) e(al fo#&ality4 5We neve# $i$ inte#ce1t

)i& in s1ace% t)o(6) 'e &onito#e$ eve#y ve)icle ')ic) ca&e o(t of t)e stic0y% s1a#0y

s1ace a#o(n$ No#st#ilia8 Nat(#ally% 'e $i$ not sen$ anyone $o'n to &eet !ot)e# 

Hitton?s Litt(l *ittons - &ay t)e &il$e'- &en fin$ t)e&F ')ateve# t)ose ?0ittons? &ay

 be8 T)e#e 'as a coffin 'it) a 'o&an in it an$ a s&all bo3 'it) a )ea$8 Neve# &in$8 He

6ot 1ast (s8 B(t ')en )e 6ot to Ea#t)% 'e ca(6)t fo(# of )i&85

5"o(#@5 6as1e$ one ol$ Co(ncilo#8

5Yes%5 sai$ t)e C)ief Of T)ieves8 5"o(# Ro$ !cBans8 T)e#e 'as a )(&an

one% too% b(t 'e co(l$ tell t)at one 'as a $ecoy8 It )a$ o#i6inally been a 'o&an an$

'as enoyin6 itself )(6ely afte# )avin6 been t#ansfo#&e$ into a yo(n6 &an8 o 'e 6otfo(# Ro$ !cBans8 All fo(# of t)e& 'e#e Ea#t) #obots% ve#y 'ell &a$e85

5Yo( stole t)e&@5 sai$ a Co(ncilo#8

5Of co(#se%5 sai$ t)e C)ief of T)ieves% t)in06 li0e a )(&an 'olf8 5An$ t)e

Ea#t) 6ove#n&ent &a$e no obection at all8 T)e Ea#t) 6ove#n&ent si&1ly sent (s a

 bill fo# t)e& ')en 'e t#ie$ to leave - so&et)in6 li0e one-fo(#t) &e6ac#e$it ?fo# t)e

(se of c(sto& $esi6ne$ #obots8? 5

5T)at?s a lo' )onest t#ic0F5 c#ie$ t)e C)ai#&an of t)e 2(il$ of T)ieves8 5W)at

$i$ yo( $o@5 His eyes sta#e$ 'i$e o1en an$ )is voice $#o11e$8 5Yo( $i$n?t t(#n )onest

an$ c)a#6e t)e bill to (s% $i$ yo(@ We?#e al#ea$y in $ebt to t)ose )onest #o6(esF5

T)e C)ief of T)ieves s(i#&e$ a little8 5Not (ite t)at ba$% yo(# t#ic0y

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)i6)nessesF I c)eate$ t)e

Ea#t) so&e% t)o(6) I fea# it &ay )ave bo#$e#e$ on )onesty% t)e 'ay I $i$ it85

5?W)at $i$ yo( $o@ Tell (s (ic0% &anF5

5ince I $i$ not 6et t)e #eal Ro$ !cBan% I too0 t)e #obots a1a#t an$ ta(6)t t)e&

)o' to be t)ieves8 T)ey stole eno(6) &oney to 1ay all t)e 1enalties an$ #eco(1 t)e

e31ense of t)e voya6e85

5Yo( s)o' a 1#ofit@5 c#ie$ a Co(ncilo#8

5"o#ty &inic#e$its%5 sai$ t)e C)ief of T)ieves8 5B(t t)e 'o#st is yet to co&e8

Yo( 0no' ')at

Ea#t) $oes to #eal t)ieves85

A s)($$e# 'ent t)#o(6) t)e #oo&8 T)ey all 0ne' abo(t Ea#t) #econ$itione#s

')ic) )a$ c)an6e$ bol$ t)ieves into $(ll )onest #o6(es8

5B(t% yo( see% si#s an$ )ono#e$ ones%5 t)e C)ief of T)ieves 'ent on%

a1olo6etically% 5t)e Ea#t) a(t)o#ities ca(6)t (s at t)at% too8 T)ey li0e$ t)e t)ief #obots8

T)ey &a$e 'on$e#f(l 1ic01oc0ets an$ t)ey 0e1t t)e 1eo1le sti##e$ (18 T)e #obots also6ave eve#t)in6 bac08 o%5 sai$ t)e C)ief of T)ieves% bl(s)in6% 5'e )ave a cont#act to

t(#n t'o t)o(san$ )(&anoi$ #obots into 1ic01oc0ets an$ snea0- t)ieves8 K(st to &a0e

life on Ea#t) &o#e f(n8 T)e #obots a#e o(t in o#bit% #i6)t no'85

5Yo( &ean%5 s)#ille$ t)e C)ai#&an% 5yo( si6ne$ an )onest cont#act@ Yo(% t)e

C)ief of 


T)e C)ief #eally bl(s)e$ an$ c)o0e$8 5W)at co(l$ I $o@ Besi$es% t)ey )a$ &e8 I

6ot 6oo$ te#&s% t)o(6)8 T'o )(n$#e$ an$ t'enty c#e$its fo# 1#ocessin6 eac) #obot into

a &aste# c)ief8 We can live 'ell on t)at fo# a ')ile85

"o# a lon6 ti&e t)e#e 'as $ea$ silence8

At last one of t)e ol$est T)ieves on t)e Co(ncil be6an to sob4 5I?& ol$8 I can?t

stan$ it8 T)e )o##o# of itF Us - (s $oin6 )onest 'o#0F5

5?We?#e at least teac)in6 t)e #obots )o' to be t)ieves%5 sai$ t)e C)ief of T)ieves%

sta#0ly8 No one co&&ente$ on t)at8

Even t)e )e#al$ )a$ to ste1 asi$e an$ blo' )is nose8 At !eeva !eefia% t'enty

yea#s afte# Ro$?s t#i1 )o&e

Ro$e#ic0 Hen#y !cBan% t)e fo#&e# Eleano#% )a$ beco&e only i&1e#ce1tibly

ol$e# 'it) t)e yea#s8 He )a$ sent a'ay )is favo#ite% t)e little $ance#% an$ )e 'on$e#e$

')y t)e Inst#(&entality% not even t)e Ea#t) 6ove#n&ent% )a$ sent )i& official 'a#nin6to 5stay 1eaceably in t)e $'ellin6 of t)e sai$ state$ 1e#son% t)e#e to a'ait an

e&1o'e#e$ envoy of t)is Inst#(&ent5 an$ to co&1ly 'it) o#$e#s s(bse(ently to be

iss(e$ by t)e envoy )e#einbefo#e in$icate$85

Ro$e#ic0 Hen#y !cBan #e&e&be#e$ t)e lon6 yea#s of vi#t(e% in$e1en$ence an$

$#($6e#y on No#st#ilia 'it) (nconceale$ loat)in68 He li0e$ bein6 a #ic)% 'il$ yo(n6

&an on Ea#t) eve# so &(c) bette# t)an bein6 a #es1ectable s1inste# (n$e# t)e 6#ay s0ies

of Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia8 W)en )e $#ea&e$% )e 'as so&eti&es Eleano# a6ain% an$ )e

so&eti&es )a$ lon6 &o#bi$ 1e#io$s in ')ic) )e 'as neit)e# Eleano# no# Ro$% b(t a

na&eless bein6 cast o(t f#o& so&e 'o#l$ o# ti&e of i##ecove#able enc)ant&ents8 In

t)ose 6loo&y 1e#io$s% ')ic) 'e#e fe' b(t

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ve#y intense% an$ (s(ally c(#e$ by 6ettin6 $#(n0 an$ stayin6 $#(n0 fo# a fe'

$ays% )e fo(n$ )i&self 'on$e#in6 ')o )e 'as8 W)at co(l$ )e be@ Was )e Eleano#%

t)e )onest 'o#0'o&an f#o& t)e tation of Doo&@ Was )e an a$o1tive co(sin of Ro$

!cBan% t)e &an ')o )a$ bo(6)t Ol$ Ea#t) Itself@ W)at 'as t)is self - t)is Ro$e#ic0 

Hen#y !cBan@ He &a(n$e#e$ abo(t it so &(c) to one of )is 6i#lf#ien$s% a caly1so

sin6e#% t)at s)e set )is o'n 'o#$s% bette# a##an6e$% to an ancient t(ne an$ san6 t)e& bac0 to )i&4

To be &e% is it #i6)t% is it 6oo$@

To 6o on% ')en t)e ot)e#s )ave stoo$ -

To t)e 6ate% t)#o(6) t)e $oo#% 1ast t)e 'all% Bet'een t)is an$ t)e not)in6-at-all8

It is col$% it is &e% in t)e o(t8

I a& t#(e% I a& &e% in t)e lone8

(c) silence leaves #oo& fo# no $o(bt8 It is b#i6)tness (nb#o0en by tone8

To be &e% it is st#an6e% it is t#(e8)all I lie@ To be t)e&% to )ave 1eace@ Will I 0no'% can I tell% ')en I?& t)#o(6)@

Do I sto1 ')en &y t#o(bles &(st cease@

If t)e 'all isn?t 6lass% isn?t t)e#e

If it?s #eal b(t co&1o(n$e$ of ai#% A& I lost if I 6o ')e#e I 6o

W)e#e I?& &e@ I a& yes8 A& I no@ To be &e% is it #i6)t% is it so@

Can I co(nt on &y b#ain% on &y eye@ Will I be yo( o# be )e# by an$ bye@

A#e t)ey t#(e% all t)ese t)in6s t)at I 0no'@ Yo( a#e &a$% in t)e 'all8 On t)e o(t%

I?& alone an$ as sane as t)e 6#ave8 Do I fall% $o I lose ')at I save@ A& I &e% if I

ec)o yo(# s)o(t@

I )ave 6one to a season of ti&e8888

O(t of t)o(6)t% o(t of life% o(t of #)y&e8 If I co&e to be yo(% $o I lose

T)e c)ance to be &e if I c)oose@

Ro$Eleano# )a$ &o&ents of $es1e#ation% an$ so&etines 'on$e#e$ if t)e

Ea#t) a(t)o#ities o# t)e Inst#(&entality 'o(l$ ta0e )i&)e# a'ay f#o& #econ$itionin68

T)e 'a#nin6 to$ay 'as fo#&al% fie#ce% se#ene in its i&1lacable self-ass(#ance8

A6ainst )is)e# bette# ($6&ent% Ro$e#ic0 Hen#y !cBan 1o(#e$ o(t a stiff $#in0 

an$ 'aite$ fo# t)e inevitable8

Destiny ca&e as t)#ee &en% all of t)e& st#an6e#s% b(t one 'ea#in6 t)e (nifo#&of an Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia co(ns(l8 W)en t)ey 6ot close% s)e #eco6nie$ t)e cons(l as

Lo#$ Willia& Not- f#o&-)e#e% 'it) ')ose $a(6)te# R(t) )es)e )a$ $is1o#te$ on t)ese

ve#y san$s &any yea#s befo#e8

T)e 6#eetin6s 'e#e 'ea#iso&ely lon6% b(t Ro$Eleano# )a$ lea#ne$% bot) on Ol$

 No#t) A(st#alia an$ )e#e on !an)o&e Ea#t)% neve# to $isco(nt ce#e&ony as t)e

salva6e# of $iffic(lt o# 1ainf(l occasions8 It 'as t)e Lo#$ Willia& Not-f#o&-)e#e ')o


5Hea# no'% Lo#$ Ro$e#ic0 Eleano#% t)e &essa6e of a 1len(& of t)e

Inst#(&entality% la'f(lly an$ fo#&ally asse&ble$% to 'it -

5T)at yo(% t)e Lo#$ Ro$e#ic0 Eleano# be 0no'n to be an$ be in$ee$ a C)ief of 

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Inst#(&entality (ntil t)e $ay of yo(# $eat) -

5T)at yo( )ave ea#ne$ t)is stat(s by s(#vival ca1acity% an$ t)at t)e st#an6e an$

$iffic(lt lives ')ic) yo( )ave al#ea$y le$ 'it) no t)o(6)t of s(ici$e )ave ea#ne$ yo( a

 1lace in o(# te##ible an$ $(tif(l #an0s -

5T)at in bein6 an$ beco&in6 t)e Lo#$ Ro$e#ic0 Eleano#% yo( s)all be &an o# 

'o&an% yo(n6 o# ol$% as t)e Inst#(&entality &ay o#$e# -

5T)at yo( ta0e 1o'e# to se#ve% t)at yo( se#ve to ta0e 1o'e#% t)at yo( co&e

'it) (s% t)at yo( loo0 not bac0'a#$% t)at yo( #e&e&be# to fo#6et% t)at yo( fo#6et ol$

#e&e&be#in6% t)at 'it)in t)e Inst#(&entality yo( a#e not a 1e#son% b(t a 1a#t of a 1e#son


5T)at yo( be &a$e 'elco&e to t)e ol$est se#vant of &an0in$% t)e

Inst#(&entality Itself85 Ro$e#ic0 Eleano# )a$ not a 'o#$ to say8

 Ne'ly a11ointe$ Lo#$s of t)e Inst#(&entality #a#ely )a$ anyt)in6 to say8 It 'as

t)e c(sto& of t)e Inst#(&entality to ta0e ne' a11ointees by s(#1#ise% afte# &in(tee3a&ination of t)ei# #eco#$s fo# intelli6ence% 'ill% vitality% an$ a6ain% vitality8

T)e Lo#$ Willia& 'as s&ilin6 as )e )el$ o(t )is )an$ an$ s1ea0in6 in off-

'o#l$ly )onest No#st#ilian tal0% 5Welco&e% co(sin f#o& t)e 6#ay #ic) clo($s8 Not &any

of o(# 1eo1le )ave eve# been c)osen8 Let &e 'elco&e yo(85

Ro$e#ic0 Eleano# too0 )is )an$8 T)e#e 'as still not)in6 to say8

T)e Palace of t)e 2ove#no# of Ni6)t% t'enty yea#s afte# Ro$?s #et(#n

5I t(#ne$ off t)e )(&an voice )o(#s a6o% Lavinia8 T(#ne$ it off8 We al'ays

6et a s)a#1e# #ea$in6 'it) t)e n(&be#s8 It $oesn?t )ave a cl(e on o(# boys8 I?ve been

ac#oss t)is console a )(n$#e$ ti&es8 Co&e alon6% ol$ 6i#l8 It?s no (se 1#e$ictin6 t)e

f(t(#e8 T)e f(t(#e is al#ea$y )e#e8 O(# boys 'ill be o(t of t)e van% one 'ay o# t)e

ot)e#% by t)e ti&e 'e 'al0 ove# t)e )ill an$ $o'n to t)e&85 He s1o0e 'it) )is voice%

as a little si6n of ten$e#ness bet'een t)e&8

Lavinia as0e$ ne#vo(sly% 5)o(l$n?t 'e ta0e an o#nit)o1te# an$ fly@5

5No% 6i#l%5 sai$ Ro$ ten$e#ly8 5W)at 'o(l$ o(# nei6)bo#s an$ 0ins&en t)in0 if 

t)ey sa' t)e 1a#ents flyin6 in li0e 'il$ off-'o#l$e#s o# a 1ai# of c#i&son 1o&&ies ')o

can?t 0ee1 a stea$y )ea$ ')en t)e#e?s a bit of blo'-(18 Afte# all% o(# bi6 6i#l Cas)eba

&a$e it t'o yea#s a6o% an$ )e# eyes 'e#en?t so 6oo$85

5)e?s a )o'le#% t)at one%5 sai$ Lavinia 'a#&ly8 5)e co(l$ fi6)t off a s1ace 1i#ate even bette# t)an yo( co(l$ befo#e yo( co(l$ s1ie085

T)ey 'al0e$ slo'ly (1 t)e )ill8

W)en t)ey c#osse$ t)e to1 of t)e )ill% t)ey 6ot t)e o&ino(s &elo$y co&in6 #i6)t

at t)e&4 O(t in t)e 6a#$en of $eat)% o(# yo(n6

Have taste$ t)e valiant taste of fea#8 Wit) &(scla# a#& an$ #ec0less ton6(e%

T)ey )ave 'on% an$ lost% an$ esca1e$ (s )e#e8

In one fo#& o# anot)e#% all Ol$ No#t) A(st#alians 0ne' t)at t(ne8 It 'as ')at

t)e ol$ 1eo1le )(&&e$ ')en t)e yo(n6 ones )a$ to 6o into t)e vans to be selecte$ o(t

fo# s(#vival o# nons(#vival8

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T)ey sa' t)e ($6es co&e o(t of t)e van8 T)e Hon8ec8 Ho(6)ton y&e 'as

t)e#e% )is face blan$ an$ )is ca#es e#ase$ by t)e s1ecial $#ea&lives ')ic) Ro$?s

&e$icine )a$ b#o(6)t f#o& t)e sec#et (n$e#6#o(n$ of Ea#t)8 T)e Lo#$ Re$la$y 'as

t)e#e% an$ Docto# Went'o#t)8

Lavinia sta#te$ to #(n $o'n)ill to'a#$ t)e 1eo1le% b(t Ro$ 6#abbe$ )e# a#& an$

sai$ 'it) #o(6) affection%

5tea$y on% ol$ 6i#l8 !cBans neve# #(n - f#o& not)in6% an$ to not)in6F5 )e

6(l1e$ b(t s)e oine$ 1ace 'it) )i&8

Peo1le be6an loo0in6 (1 at t)e& as t)ey a11#oac)e$8 Not)in6 'as to be tol$

f#o& t)e e31#essions8

It 'as t)e Lo#$ Re$la$y% (nconventional to t)e en$% ')o b#o0e t)e si6n to t)e&8

He )el$ (1 one fin6e#8

Only one8

I&&e$iately t)e#eafte# Ro$ an$ Lavinia sa' t)ei# t'ins8 Te$% t)e fai#e# one% sat

on a c)ai# ')ile Ol$ Bill t#ie$ to 6ive )i& a $#in08 Te$ 'o(l$n?t ta0e it8 He loo0e$ac#oss t)e lan$ as t)o(6) )e co(l$ not believe ')at )e sa'8 Ric)% t)e $a#0e# t'in%

stoo$ all alone8

All alone% an$ la(6)in68 La(6)in68

Ro$ !cBan an$ )is &iss(s 'al0e$ ac#oss t)e lan$ of Doo& to be civil to t)ei# 

nei6)bo#s8 T)is 'as in$ee$ ')at ine3o#able c(sto& co&&an$e$8 )e s(eee$ )is

)an$ a little ti6)te# )e )el$ )e# a#& a little &o#e fi#&ly8

Afte# a lon6 ti&e t)ey )a$ $one t)ei# fo#&al co(#tesies8 Ro$ 1(lle$ Te$ to )is

feet8 5H(llo% boy8 Yo( &a$e it8 Yo( 0no' ')o yo( a#e@5

!ec)anically t)e boy #ecite$% 5Ro$e#ic0 "#e$e#ic0 Ronal$ A#nol$ Willia&

!acA#t)(# !cBan to-t)e-)(n$#e$-an$-fifty-secon$% si# an$ fat)e#F5

T)en t)e boy b#o0e% fo# (st a &o&ent8 He 1ointe$ at Ric)% ')o 'as still

la(6)in6% off by )i&self% an$ t)en 1l(n6e$ fo# )is fat)e#?s )(64

5O% $a$F W)y &e@ W)y &e@5

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CO!"#$%N&! S'%T T& S$P&! OF '*TS (%ntrodution to

+The Best of Cordwainer Smith,)

In an obsc(#e an$ s)o#t-live$ &a6aine calle$ "antasy Boo0% t)e#e a11ea#e$

in ,G9 a sto#y calle$ 5canne#s Live in ;ain85

 No one )a$ eve# )ea#$ of t)e a(t)o#% Co#$'aine# &it)8 An$ it a11ea#e$ fo# a ti&e t)at )e 'o(l$ neve# be )ea#$ f#o& a6ain in t)e 'o#l$ of science fiction8

B(t 5canne#s Live in ;ain5 'as a sto#y t)at #ef(se$ to $ie% an$ its

#e1(blication in t'o ant)olo6ies enco(#a6e$ t)e el(sive &it) to be6in s(b&ittin6 to

ot)e# " &a#0ets8

To$ay% )e is #eco6nie$ as one of t)e &ost c#eative " '#ite#s of &o$e#n ti&es8

B(t% 1a#a$o3ically% )e is one of t)e least 0no'n o# (n$e#stoo$8 Until s)o#tly befo#e )is

$eat)% )is ve#y i$entity 'as a closely 6(a#$e$ sec#et8

 Not t)at D#8 Pa(l !y#on Ant)ony Lineba#6e# ,,-.. 'as as)a&e$ of 

science fiction8 He 'as 1#o($ of t)e fiel$% an$ )a$ even boaste$ once to t)e Balti&o#e

(n t)at " )a$ att#acte$ &o#e P)8D8?s t)an any ot)e# b#anc) of fiction8

B(t )e 'as a sensitive% e&otional '#ite#>an$ #el(ctant to beco&e involve$ 'it))is #ea$e#s>to be fo#ce$ to 5e31lain5 )i&self in a 'ay t)at &i6)t $est#oy t)e

s1ontaneity of )is 'o#08

Beyon$ t)at% )e 1#obably enoye$ bein6 a &an of &yste#y% as el(sive as so&e

of t)e all(sions in )is sto#ies8 &it) 'as a &yt)&a0e# in science fiction% an$ 1e#)a1s

it ta0es a so&e')at &yt)ical fi6(#e to c#eate t#(e &yt)s8

A ne' ac(aintance (ns(#e of t)e n(&be# of syllables in D#8 Lineba#6e#?s

na&e 'o(l$ be ans'e#e$ by a si6nificant 6est(#e to t)e t)#ee C)inese c)a#acte#s on )is

tie8 Only late# 'o(l$ )e lea#n t)e c)a#acte#s stoo$ fo# Lin Ba) Lo)% o# 5"o#est of 

Incan$escent Bliss5>t)e na&e 6iven )i& as 6o$son to (n Yat en% fo(n$e# of t)e

C)inese Re1(blic8

D#8 Lineba#6e#?s life 'as ce#tainly seve#al c(ts above t)e o#$ina#y8

At t)e a6e of seventeen% )e ne6otiate$ a silve# loan fo# C)ina on be)alf of )is

fat)e#>(n?s le6al a$viso# an$ one of t)e financie#s of t)e Revol(tion of ,,,8 He

late# beca&e a colonel in U88 A#&y Intelli6ence% $es1ite 1a#tial blin$ness an$

6ene#al ill )ealt)>)e once s)oc0e$ 6(ests at a $inne# 1a#ty by $o'nin6 a 5coc0tail5

of )y$#oc)lo#ic aci$ to ai$ )is $i6estion8

Alt)o(6) bo#n in !il'a(0ee>)is fat)e# 'ante$ to be s(#e t)at as a nat(#al-

 bo#n citien )is son 'o(l$ be eli6ible fo# t)e 1#esi$ency>Lineba#6e# s1ent )is

fo#&ative yea#s in Ka1an% C)ina% "#ance an$ 2e#&any8 By t)e ti&e )e 6#e' (1% )e

0ne' si3 lan6(a6es an$ )a$ beco&e inti&ate 'it) seve#al c(lt(#es% bot) O#iental an$Occi$ental8

He 'as only t'enty-t)#ee ')en )e ea#ne$ )is P)8D8 in 1olitical science at

Ko)ns Ho10ins Unive#sity% ')e#e )e 'as late# P#ofesso# of Asiatic 1olitics fo# &any

yea#s8 )o#tly t)e#eafte#% )e 6#a$(ate$ f#o& e$itin6 )is fat)e#?s boo0s to 1(blis)in6 )is

o'n )i6)ly #e6a#$e$ 'o#0s on "a# Easte#n affai#s8 W)en Wo#l$ Wa# II b#o0e o(t% )e

(se$ )is 1osition on t)e O1e#ations Plannin6 an$ Intelli6ence

Boa#$ to $#aft a set of (alifications fo# an intelli6ence o1e#ative in C)ina t)at

only )e co(l$ &eet-so off )e 'ent to C)(n60in6 as an A#&y lie(tenant8 By 'a#?s en$%

)e 'as a &ao#8

D#8 Lineba#6e# t(#ne$ )is 'a#ti&e e31e#iences into Psyc)olo6ical Wa#fa#e% still

#e6a#$e$ as t)e &ost a(t)o#itative te3t in t)e fiel$8 As a colonel% )e 'as a$viso# to t)eB#itis) fo#ces in !alaya an$ to t)e U8 8 Ei6)t) A#&y in *o#ea8 B(t t)is self-style$

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 182/185

5visito# to s&all 'a#s5 1asse$ (1 ;ietna&% feelin6 A&e#ican involve&ent t)e#e 'as a


T#avels a#o(n$ t)e 'o#l$ too0 )i& to A(st#alia% 2#eece% E6y1t an$ &any ot)e# 

co(nt#ies an$ )is e31e#tise 'as s(fficiently val(e$ t)at )e beca&e a lea$in6

&e&be# of t)e "o#ei6n Policy Association an$ an a$viso# to P#esi$ent *enne$y8

B(t even in c)il$)oo$% )is t)o(6)ts )a$ t(#ne$ to fiction-incl($in6 sciencefiction8 Li0e &any b($$in6 " '#ite#s% )e $iscove#e$ t)e 6en#e at an ea#ly a6e8 ince )e

'as livin6 in 2e#&any at t)e ti&e% )e a$$e$ to t)e fa&ilia# classics of ;e#ne% Wells%

Doyle an$ ot)e#s s(c) 'o#0s as Alf#e$ Doblin?s 2i6anten to )is list of favo#ites8

He 'as only fifteen ')en )is fi#st " sto#y% 5Wa# No8 i-<%5 'as 1(blis)e$8 B(t

(nfo#t(nately% no one see&s to #e&e&be# ')e#e8 Acco#$in6 to )is 'i$o'%

2enevieve% t)e sto#y 'as byline$ Ant)ony Bea#$en>a 1se($ony& late# (se$ fo# 

 1oet#y 1(blis)e$ in little &a6aines8 T'o e3a&1les of t)is 1oet#y a11ea# in No#st#ilia%

also 1(blis)e$ by Ballantine8

D(#in6 t)e ,9G% D#8 Lineba#6e# be6an 0ee1in6 a sec#et noteboo0>1a#t

 1e#sonal $ia#y% 1a#t sto#y i$eas8 T)en in ,M% )e be6an '#itin6 se#io(s sto#ies% &ostly

set in ancient o# &o$e#n C)ina% o# in conte&1o#a#y locales else')e#e8 None 'e#e eve# 

 1(blis)e$% b(t t)ei# #an6e>so&e (se t)e sa&e C)inese na##ative tec)ni(es t)at

late# t(#n (1 in " 'o#0s li0e 5T)e Dea$ La$y of Clo'n To'n5>is #e&a#0able8

W)ile bac0 in C)ina% )e too0 on t)e na&e "eli3 C8 "o##est>a 1(n on )is

C)inese na&e>fo# t'o  1syc)olo6ical novels &aile$ )o&e in install&ents an$

 1(blis)e$ afte# t)e 'a#8 Ria an$ Ca#ola 'e#e #e&a#0able novels fo# t)ei# fe&inine

vie'1oint an$ fo# t)e s(btle inte#1lay of c(lt(#al infl(ences be)in$ t)e inte#1lay of 

c)a#acte#8 Un$e# t)e na&e Ca#&ic)ael &it)% D#8 Lineba#6e# '#ote Ato&s0% a s1y

t)#ille# set in t)e oviet Union8

B(t )is ca#ee# in science fiction ca&e abo(t al&ost by acci$ent8 He &ay )aves(b&itte$ so&e sto#ies to A&ain6 ')ile still in C)ina $(#in6 t)e 'a# b(t if so%

not)in6 eve# ca&e of t)e&8 It 'as $(#in6 i$le )o(#s at t)e Penta6on afte# )is #et(#n

t)at )e t(#ne$ an i$ea t)at )a$ been bot)e#in6 )i& into 5canne#s Live in ;ain85

T)e sto#y 'as al&ost '#itten in vain% fo# it 'as #eecte$ by eve#y &ao# 

 1(blication in t)e fiel$8 "antasy Boo0% to ')ic) it 'as s(b&itte$ five yea#s late# as a last

#eso#t% $i$ not even 1ay fo# it8 Alt)o(6) )e )a$ '#itten anot)e# Co#$'aine# &it)

sto#y% 5Hi&self in Anac)#on5 #ecently a$a1te$ by )is 'i$o' fo# Ha#lan Ellison?s

ant)olo6y Last Dan6e#o(s ;isions in ,/.% )e &ay 'ell )ave $es1ai#e$ of any

#eco6nition in t)e 6en#e8

B(t t)e#e 'e#e #ea$e#s ')o too0 notice8 Neve# &in$ t)at "antasy Boo0 )a$

neve# befo#e 1(blis)e$ a 'o#t)')ile sto#y% neve# &in$ t)at t)e a(t)o# 'as a total(n0no'n8 5canne#s Live in ;ain5 6ot to t)e&8

5!a#tel 'as an6#y8 He $i$ not even a$(st )is bloo$ a'ay f#o& an6e# 888 5

It 'as &o#e t)an (st t)e bia##e sit(ation t)at att#acte$ attention>it 'as

t)e 'ay it 'as t#eate$8

"#o& t)e o1enin6 lines% #ea$e#s beca&e 1a#t of !a#tel?s (nive#se>a (nive#se

as #eal as o(# o'n% fo# all its st#an6eness8 T)ey 'e#e int#i6(e$% an$ no $o(bt &ystifie$8

W)at 'as t)is Inst#(&entality of !an0in$% ')ic) even t)e scanne#s )el$ in

a'e@ W)at 'e#e t)e Beasts an$ t)e &ans)onya66e#s an$ t)e Unfo#6iven@ One co(l$

sense t)ei# i&1o#tance to t)e )e#o% )(t beyon$ t)at-only 'on$e#8

&it) clea#ly 0ne' &o#e abo(t t)is (nive#se t)an )e let on>&o#e% in fact% t)an

)e eve# 'o(l$ let on8

His (nive#se )a$ been fo#&in6 in )is &in$ at least since t)e ti&e )e '#ote )is

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 183/185

fi#st 1(blis)e$ sto#y in ,:% an$ it too0 f(#t)e# s)a1e in )is sec#et noteboo0 $(#in6 t)e

,9s an$ ,/9s8

Al#ea$y in 5Wa# No8 i-<%5 )is 'i$o' #ecalls% )e )a$ &a$e #efe#ence to t)e

Inst#(&entality> t)at all-1o'e#f(l elite )ie#a#c)y t)at 'as to beco&e cent#al to t)e

Co#$'aine# &it) sto#ies t'enty yea#s an$ &o#e late#8 Even t)e 'o#$ &ay )ave )a$ fa# 

&o#e si6nificance t)an it 'o(l$ a11ea# at fi#st8 Lineba#6e# )a$ been #aise$ in a Hi6)C)(#c) E1isco1alian fa&ily>)is 6#an$fat)e# 'as a &iniste#>an$ 'as $evo(tly

#eli6io(s8 T)e 'o#$ 5inst#(&entality5 )as a $istinct #eli6io(s connotation% fo# in

Ro&an Cat)olic an$ E1isco1alian t)eolo6y t)e 1#iest 1e#fo#&in6 t)e sac#a&ents is

t)e 5inst#(&entality5 of 2o$ Hi&self8

At t)e ti&e )e '#ote 5Wa# No8 i-<%5 yo(n6 Lineba#6e# 'as also )avin6 a flin6

'it) Co&&(nis&>a ten$ency )is fat)e# event(ally c(#e$ by sen$in6 )i& on a t#i1

to t)e oviet Union fo# )is ei6)teent) bi#t)$ay8 B(t )e #e&aine$ st#(c0 by t)e sense of 

vocation an$ conviction of )isto#ical $estiny to ')ic) Co&&(nis& a11eale$8

In Co#$'aine# &it)?s e1ic of t)e f(t(#e% t)e Inst#(&entality of !an0in$ )as

t)e )all&a#0s of bot) a 1olitical elite an$ a 1#iest)oo$8 Its )e6e&ony is t)at% not of 

t)e 6alactic e&1i#e so ty1ical of less i&a6inative "% b(t of so&et)in6 fa# &o#e s(btle

an$ 1e#vasive>at once 1olitical an$ s1i#it(al8

Its lo#$s see t)e&selves not as &e#e 6ove#no#s o# b(#ea(c#ats o# 1oliticians%

 b(t as inst#(&ents of )(&an $estiny itself8

Lineba#6e#?s sense of #eli6ion inf(se$ )is 'o#0 in ot)e# 'ays% an$ not &e#ely

in #efe#ences to t)e Ol$ t#on6 Reli6ion an$ t)e Holy Ins(#6ency of No#st#ilia an$ ot)e# 

late 'o#0s8

T)e#e is% fo# e3a&1le% t)e e&1)asis on (asi-#eli6io(s #it(al>co&1a#e% fo# 

instance% t)e Co$e of t)e canne#s to t)e ayin6 of t)e La' in H8 28 Wells? T)e

Islan$ of D#8 !o#ea(8 "(#t)e#&o#e% t)e#e is t)e st#on6 sense of vocation e31#esse$ by

t)e scanne#s% sailo#s% 1inli6)te#s% 2o-ca1tains an$ t)e lo#$s t)e&selves>so&et)in6ve#y s1i#it(al% even if not e31#esse$ in #eli6io(s te#&s8

B(t Lineba#6e# 'as no &e#e C)#istian a1olo6ist ')o (se$ " as a ve)icle

fo# o#t)o$o3 #eli6io(s &essa6es li0e t)ose of% say% C8 8 Le'is8

He 'as also a social an$ 1syc)olo6ical t)in0e#% ')ose e31e#ience 'it) $ive#se

c(lt(#es 6ave )i& 1ec(lia# an$ see&in6ly cont#a$icto#y i$eas abo(t )(&an nat(#e an$


He co(l$% fo# e3a&1le% a$&i#e t)e sa&(#ai val(es of fantasy% co(#a6e an$

)ono#% an$ )e s)o'e$ )is a11#eciation of O#iental a#t an$ lite#at(#e in t)e f(#nis)in6

of )is )o&e an$ )is fiction8 Yet )e 'as so )o##ifie$ by t)e t#a$ition-bo(n$ fatalis& an$

in$iffe#ence to )(&an life )e fo(n$ in t)e O#ient t)at )e beca&e obsesse$ 'it) t)e

sanctity of life on any te#&s% as so&et)in6 too 1#ecio(s to sac#ifice to any conce1t of )ono# o# &o#ality>O#iental o# Occi$ental8

W)ile in *o#ea% Lineba#6e# &aste#&in$e$ t)e s(##en$e# of t)o(san$s of C)inese

t#oo1s ')o consi$e#e$ it s)a&ef(l to 6ive (1 t)ei# a#&s8 He $#afte$ leaflets

e31lainin6 )o' t)e sol$ie#s co(l$ co&e fo#'a#$ 'avin6 t)ei# 6(ns an$ s)o(tin6

C)inese 'o#$s li0e 5love%5 5vi#t(e5 an$ 5)(&anity5> 'o#$s t)at (st )a11ene$% ')en

 1#ono(nce$ in t)e #i6)t o#$e#% to so(n$ li0e 5I s(##en$e#5 in En6lis)8 He consi$e#e$

t)is see&in6ly cynical act to be t)e sin6le &ost 'o#t)')ile t)in6 )e )a$ $one in )is life8

Lineba#6e#?s attit($e is #eflecte$ in t)e a11a#ently cas(al &anne# in ')ic) &atte#s s(c)

as b#ain'as)in6 a#e t#eate$ in )is "8 "o# t)e H(nte# an$ Elaine at t)e en$ of 5T)e

Dea$ La$y of Clo'n To'n%5 t)at is a &o#e )(&ane% if less 5)ono#able5 fate t)an

$eat)8 T)#o(6)o(t t)e &it) canon% life is (s(ally 1lace$ befo#e )ono#% no &atte# 

)o' &(c) t)e O#iental co$es of )ono# an$ fo#&ality &ay 1e#&eate t)e )yb#i$ c(lt(#e

8/16/2019 Cordwainer Smith_The Planet Buyer & the Underpeople 184/185

of t)e f(t(#e8

Yet Lineba#6e# felt t)e#e 'as a &eanin6 to life beyon$ &e#e livin68 5T)e 2o$

)e )a$ fait) in )a$ to $o 'it) t)e so(l of &an an$ 'it) t)e (nfol$in6 of )isto#y an$

of t)e $estiny of all livin6 c#eat(#es%5 )is A(st#alian f#ien$ A#t)(# B(#ns once

#e&a#0e$% an$ it is t)is e31lo#ation of )(&an>an$ &o#e t)an )(&an>$estiny t)at

6ives &it)?s 'o#0 its (nity8Be)in$ t)e invente$ c(lt(#es% be)in$ t)e int#icacies of 1lot an$ t)e oy o# 

s(ffe#in6 of c)a#acte#s% t)e#e is &it) t)e 1)iloso1)e#% st#ivin6 in a &anne# a0in to

t)at of Teil)a#$ $e C)a#$in alt)o(6) t)e#e is no evi$ence of any $i#ect infl(ence to

#econcile science an$ #eli6ion% to c#eate a synt)esis of C)#istianity an$ evol(tion t)at

'ill s)e$ li6)t on t)e nat(#e of &an an$ t)e &eanin6 of )isto#y8

T)e sto#ies in t)is vol(&e% collecte$ in t)ei# 1#o1e# o#$e# fo# t)e fi#st ti&e% fo#&

 1a#t of a vast )isto#ical cycle ta0in6 1lace ove# so&e fifteen t)o(san$ yea#s8 T)ey a#e

 base$ on &ate#ial f#o& Lineba#6e#?s o#i6inal noteboo0 an$ a secon$ noteboo0> 

(nfo#t(nately lost>t)at )e be6an 0ee1in6 in t)e ,G9s as ne' 1#oble&s be6an to

conce#n )i&8

!an0in$ is still )a(nte$ by t)e Ancient Wa#s an$ t)e Da#0 A6e t)at follo'e$

as t)is vol(&e o1ens 'it) 5canne#s Live in ;ain85 Ot)e# sto#ies% one (n1(blis)e$%

)int at &illennia of )isto#ical stasis% $(#in6 ')ic) t)e t#(e &en so(6)t in)(&an

 1e#fection be)in$ t)e elect#onic 1ales of t)ei# cities% ')ile leavin6 t)e Wil$ to s(#vivo#s

of t)e Ancient Wo#l$>t)e Beasts% &ans)onya66e#s an$ Unfo#6iven8

Into t)is f(t(#e ca&e t)e ;o&ac)t siste#s% $a(6)te#s of a 2e#&an scientist ')o

 1lace$ t)e& in satellites in s(s1en$e$ ani&ation at t)e close of Wo#l$ Wa# II8

Ret(#nin6 to Ea#t) in t)e latte# $ays of t)e Da#0 A6e% t)ey b#in6 t)e 56ift of vitality5> 

a conce1t t)at see&s to )ave &eant to &it) ')at t)e 5life fo#ce5 &eant to Be#6son

an$ )a'>bac0 to &an0in$8 "o(n$e#s of t)e ;o&act fa&ily% t)ey #e1#esent a fo#ce

in )(&an nat(#e t)at can be eit)e# 6oo$ o# evil% b(t is 1e#)a1s (lti&ately beyon$eit)e#% an$ a necessa#y &eans fo# t)e 'o#0in6 o(t of )(&an $estiny t)#o(6) evol(tion8

T)e $(al nat(#e of t)e ;o&acts an$ t)e fo#ce t)ey #e1#esent is sy&bolie$ in t)e

o#i6in of t)ei# na&e4 5Ac)t5 is a 2e#&an 'o#$ 'it) a $o(ble &eanin64 51#osc#ibe$5 o# 

5fo#bi$$en5 an$ 5ca#e5 o# 5attention85 An$ t)e ;o&acts alte#nate as o(tla's an$

 benefacto#s t)#o(6)o(t t)e &it) e1ic8 B(t t)e 6ift of vitality sets a ne' cycle of )isto#y

in &otion>t)e )e#oic a6e of t)e scanne#s% 1inli6)te#s an$ 2o-ca1tains8 W)at stan$s

o(t in t)ese ea#ly sto#ies is t)e sta#0ness of t)e e&otional i&1act>t)e i&1act of 

st#an6e ne' e31e#iences an$ #elations)i1s% ')et)e# of t)e tele1at)ic sy&biosis of 

&en an$ 1a#tne#s in 5T)e 2a&e of Rat an$ D#a6on5 o# t)e 'o&an beco&e a

f(nctionin6 1a#t of )e# s1acec#aft in 5T)e La$y W)o aile$ T)e o(l85

o&e of Lineba#6e#?s o'n e31e#iences 'ent into )is 'o#08 Ca1tain Wo' 'ast)e na&e of one of )is cats at )is Was)in6ton )o&e ')en )e '#ote 5T)e 2a&e of 

Rat an$ D#a6on5 at a sin6le sittin6 one $ay in ,G/8 Cat !elanie 'as late# to ins1i#e

C?&ell% )e#oine of t)e (n$e#-1eo1le% ')o 'e#e c#eate$ by &en f#o& &e#e ani&als8

T)en% too% Lineba#6e#?s f#e(ent stays in )os1itals% $e1en$ent on &e$ical tec)nolo6y%

6ave )i& a feel fo# t)e lin0a6e of &an an$ &ac)ine8

B(t in 5T)e B(#nin6 of t)e B#ain%5 'e al#ea$y be6in to see si6ns of t)e Pleas(#e

Revol(tion% a t#en$ ')ic) Lineba#6e# $eteste$ in )is o'n ti&e an$ ')ic) )e sa' 1(ttin6

an en$ to t)e )e#oic a6e in )is i&a6ine$ f(t(#e8 Nea# i&&o#tality>t)an0s to t)e

santacla#a $#(6% o# st#oon% 6#o'n in No#st#ilia>&a0es life less $es1e#ate% b(t also less


Real e31e#ience 6ives 'ay to synt)etic e31e#ience in 52ol$en t)e )i1 Was> O)F O)F O)F5 as in 5T)e La$y W)o aile$ T)e o(l%5 ')ic) 'as also co-a(t)o#e$ by

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2enevieve Lineba#6e#% t)e )e#o see0s 1leas(#e $i#ectly f#o& an elect#ic c(##ent>an$

only an e1oc)-&a0in6 c#isis affo#$s )i& a c)ance to see t)at t)e#e is a bette# 'ay8

Un$e# t)e #(t)less benevolence of t)e Inst#(&entality% a blan$ Uto1ia ta0es

s)a1e8 !en a#e f#ee$ of t)e fea# of $eat)% t)e b(#$en o# labo#% t)e #is0s of t)e

(n0no'n>b(t $e1#ive$ of )o1e an$ f#ee$o&8 T)e (n$e#1eo1le% c#eate$ to $o t)e

labo# of &an0in$% a#e &o#e )(&an t)an t)ei# c#eato#s8 T)e 6ift of vitality% see&in6ly%)as been lost% an$ )isto#y co&e to a sto18

In t)ese sto#ies% it is t)e (n$e#1eo1le>an$ t)e &o#e enli6)tene$ lo#$s of t)e

Inst#(&entality ')o )ee$ t)e&>')o )ol$ t)e salvation of )(&anity in t)ei# )an$s8 In

5T)e Dea$ La$y of Clo'n To'n%5 t)e $es1ise$% ani&al-$e#ive$ 'o#0e#s an$ #obots

&(st teac) )(&ans t)e &eanin6 of )(&anity% in o#$e# to f#ee &an0in$ f#o& its

see&in6 e(1)o#ia8

Lo#$ Kestocost is ins1i#e$ by t)e &a#ty#$o& of t)e $o6-'o&an D?oan% an$

ant(na is t#ansfo#&e$ by t)e e31e#iences in 5Un$e# Ol$ Ea#t)5 into t)e La$y Alice

!o#e8 To6et)e#% t)ey beco&e t)e a#c)itects of t)e Re$iscove#y of !an>b#in6in6 bac0 

f#ee$o&% #is0% (nce#tainty an$ even evil8

Pa#allelin6 t)ese events a#e 6li&1ses of ot)e# 1a#ts of t)e (nive#se of t)e

Inst#(&entality8 In 5!ot)e# Hitton?s Litt(l *ittons%5 'e lea#n ')y Ol$ No#t) A(st#alia

is t)e &ost )eavily $efen$e$ 1lanet in t)e 6ala3y b(t ;iola i$e#ea is (st as st#an6e8

An$ ')e#e else in science fiction is t)e#e a 'o#l$ li0e 5A Planet Na&e$ )ayol%5

')e#e a $a#in6 conce1tion in biolo6ical en6inee#in6 is 'e$$e$ to a classic vision of