Copyright © 2018 – Joe Lo Fitness LLC. All rights are ......Pharmacology,” produced by the...

Post on 09-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Copyright © 2018 – Joe Lo Fitness LLC. All rights are ......Pharmacology,” produced by the...

Copyright © 2018 – Joe Lo Fitness LLC. All rights are reserved. You may not distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.Medical - Any application of the recommendations set forth in this e-book or in personal consultation by phone, email, in-person, or otherwise, is at the reader’s discretion and sole risk. The information offered is intended for people in good health. Anyone with medical problems of any nature should see a doctor before starting a diet or exercise program. Even if you have no known health problems, it is advisable to consult your doctor/s before making major changes in your lifestyle.Personal - We are not doctors, nor do we possess a degree in nutrition. The advice we give is based on years of practical application, dealing with the needs of our own health and physiques as well as the needs of others. Any recommendations we may make to you regarding diet, including, supplements and herbal or nutritional treatments must be discussed between you and your doctor/s.


All Rights Reserved


Ladies, we love to show off our legs. Whether we’re finally putting on our favorite skirt to accompany the spring’s first bloom of flowers or we’re throwing on a pair of exercise shorts and playing a fun summer soccer match with friends, it feels good to show off our legs. It’s comfortable. It’s refreshing. It’s stylish. But unfortunately, this isn’t all we feel when warm weather swirls into season and invites our legs to come out and play. For many women, showing off our legs can be uncomfortable. It creates insecurity more than it does confidence; stress more than stimulation.But why? Well, there can be several reasons for this, but the one I’m going to focus on today is one that affects millions of women worldwide, women of all ages. Varicose veins.




Varicose veins are those pesky, enlarged veins, typically appearing blue, purple or even skin colored that hover just under the surface of your legs.DO you know the ones? Maybe you’ve seen them on yourself, your mother or grandmother, or a friend. They’re bulgy, topsy-turvy and have a way of drawing attention to themselves, don’t they? But as we look into varicose veins and some remedies for them, it’s important to understand that varicose veins are commonplace among women. 41% of women 50 years old and better suffer from varicose veins. Though more mature women make up the demographic of those with varicose veins, this isn’t only a problem for your mom or the sweet lady at the retirement home. Women of all ages are impacted by this, and with rise of fashion trends like skinny jeans (which I’ll talk about soon) we may begin to see a rise in younger women struggling with varicose veins as well. Varicose veins are also largely influenced by genetics, meaning that many young women won’t have as great of an opportunity to prevent them, but they will have the opportunity to erase them by following the steps I lay out for you in this book!Statistically speaking, if both of your parents have the disease, your chances of developing varicose veins are 90%. If one of your parents


suffers from varicose veins, ladies you have a 35% greater chance of developing them than your brother does. Again, I don’t share those statistics with you to discourage you, but instead for you to breath a sigh of relief, knowing that many women share in the frustration of trying to find a solution to the problem, one that doesn’t end in hiding behind leggings and long dresses! As frustrating as varicose veins may be, I have some exciting news for you!You can get rid of them naturally! For the rest of this ebook, I want to share with you the secret to naturally erase those varicose veins. The root cause of varicose veins If we’re going to prevent and/or erase varicose veins we’ll need to go straight to the source of them. So let’s get to the root of the issue. Varicose veins are primarily caused by poor circulation, stemming from structural abnormalities in your veins. Of course we know that veins are the avenues through which blood travels throughout the body. For a variety of reasons these valves can become defective which leads


to backflow within your bloodstream. As a result, blood begins to pool in those areas where backflow occurs, leading to a breakdown of vessel walls and the manifestation of varicose veins as a result. So ultimately, varicose veins are signs of an issue under the surface, dealing with your circulation, which means that hiding your legs from others because of embarrassing veins doesn’t address the problem!If you want to show off your legs and be your healthiest self, you need to take care of the root of the problem: poor blood flow. So what steps can you take to improve blood flow in your body and get rid of those varicose veins in your legs?3 fruits that increase blood flowWell, as with many other imbalances, the foods you eat can make a huge impact in your circulatory health. Here are the top 3 foods I recommend to naturally get rid of varicose veins: Oranges: Oranges and other citrus fruits naturally improve circulation. In a diabetic study, scientists injected 24mg of vitamin C per minute for 10 minutes into 10 subjects. Vitamin C increased circulation in the forearm blood vessels of the


subjects by 36%. This study supports the theory that lack of nitric oxide is responsible for impaired vascular function. Also, fruits high in vitamin C are proven blood thinners, which reduce the risk of blood clots than can cause varicose veins, and even more serious conditions such as a heart attack or stroke. Vitamin C can also reduce the excess cholesterol from the blood, making it thinner in that way as well. Vitamin C found in oranges also strengthens capillary walls and prevents plaque build-up in your blood vessels, ensuring healthy circulation and keeping the risk of varicose veins at bay. So run to the market and get yourself some oranges because they’re simply one of the best foods you can eat for your health!Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate is a bittersweet treat that has plenty of benefits for your blood flow. Cocoa contains flavonoids, a natural ingredient that has been praised for its participation in circulatory health.Cocoa flavonoid antioxidants improve circulation by increasing the number of cells that promote blood vessel formation. Still, flavonoid is most effective when paired with exercise. According to a November 2012 issue of the “Journal of Cardiovascular


Pharmacology,” produced by the University of California San Francisco, when coupled with exercise, cocoa flavanol became 50% more effective in blood vessel formation. Also, a Harvard Health Publication demonstrated that a 3.5 ounce serv-ing of dark chocolate can rapidly improve the linings of arteries which keeps blood flowing smoothly, making blood pooling less likely, decreasing risk of varicose veins. Cayenne Pepper: This food is mostly used a seasoning, which makes it extremely versatile for you. Cayenne pepper is rich in both vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which we uncovered as benefits of cardiovascular health in the last two sections. This combination increases blood circulation in the body, reducing the risk of varicose veins and can also get rid of them naturally. Cayenne pepper also eases the pain of clogged and swollen veins. I recommend that you mix one teaspoon of Cayenne pepper with 8oz of warm water and drink it as such. Drink this mixture a few times a day as an invigorating tea to treat varicose veins naturally. Simply adding these 3 key foods to your diet will improve circulation throughout your body and as a result will keep varicose veins from forming and can also treat varicose veins if you have them already. But if we want to cover all aspects of prevention and recovery so that we


can confidently show off our legs, we need to take care not only about what we eat, but also what we wear. #1 wardrobe malfunction that causes varicose veins The #1 wardrobe malfunction that causes varicose veins is wearing clothes that are too tight!Think about it for a moment with me. If poor circulation is the main cause of varicose veins, then it only makes sense that clothes that cut off circulation contribute to the issue. When you wear pants that are too tight, your blood flow isn’t as free as it’s meant to be, which can cause pooling in your blood vessels, a contributor to varicose veins. The solution is pretty simple, though. You should wear pants that fit you comfortably. Instead of trying to squeeze into skinny jeans that are simply too skinny, find a pair of slim-fit jeans that fit you comfortably. When you make the switch from “too tight” to comfortable, you’ll contribute to your vascular health, which will, in turn, keep away those varicose veins. If you loosen up a bit during the colder months, you’ll be more ready to show off those legs when summer rolls around.


I hope at this point you’re encouraged with how easy it is to naturally get rid of and prevent varicose veins: Add the 3 key foods to your diet and wear comfortable clothes. Simple!Now, I want to give you another helpful tip when it comes to getting rid of those distracting varicose veins. Rhythms that increase blood flowThis one is in regard to both exercise and rest. For starters, don’t sit for too long. Maybe you have a desk job. Maybe you work from home and spend a lot of time on your laptop. Whatever the case may be, your legs need a break from sitting. They need some exercise from time to time to keep healthy circulation and prevent varicose veins. But don’t stand all day either! Excessive time on your feet can keep already existing varicose veins around longer.Just like with anything else, you need balance. Try to get some exercise in your day: Go for a walk, head to the gym,


chase your kids around. When you do decide to relax, try to elevate your legs. Because varicose veins are caused by improper circulation, kicking your feet up after long periods of walking or standing will make blood flow easier. Johns Hopkins Medicine recommends elevating your feet above the level of your heart 3-4 times a day for about 15 minutes at a time to help treat varicose veins that are already present. Basically the key to keeping varicose veins away is to keep an eye on circulation throughout the day. Don’t do too much for too long, and add some leg-elevation in your day and you’ll naturally prevent against and erase varicose veins. Snacks that improve blood flowWhen you’re working, chasing after kids, running errands, it’s easy to do two things: 1) Forget to eat 2) Eat junky foods. But there is a better way, a way that will improve blood flow and get rid of varicose veins!Have foods ready to snack on.Sunflower seeds: Sunflower seeds are filled with vitamin E.


Vitamin E has proven to be an important vitamin in circulation health, primarily as a fighting agent against blood clots.This will keep healthy circulation and prevent pooling that results in varicose veins. Goji berries: Goji berries are high in fiber. Fiber fights against varicose veins in a secondary way. Because frequent constipation can damage veins in your body, it’s important to have fiber in your diet, which keeps your digestive system regular, and in doing so prevents potential inhibitors of blood flow health, and as we’ve discussed, healthy blood flow keep varicose veins away. Almonds: Almonds are high in both vitamin E and fiber.So you can claim all of the benefits from sunflower seeds and Goji berries for almonds as well. Adding these snacks to your diet is beneficial nutritionally but also as a standard of choosing to eat healthy foods. Because women who are moderately overweight (25-29.9% BMI) have a 50% increased risk of developing varicose veins, choosing healthy snacks and a lifestyle of clean eating will be very beneficial to erase varicose veins and keep them away. Ladies, I want you to be confident about yourself because when you’re confident in yourself you’re free to be yourself.


I want you to enjoy wearing your favorite skirt, play around in your favorite shorts, and wear your new swimsuit without having a trace of hesitation. I’m sure that when you implement these steps you’ll find relief from those pesky varicose veins.Keep being your beautiful self!
