Copy the words and definitions into your binder..

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Transcript of Copy the words and definitions into your binder..

Theatre VocabularyCopy the words and definitions into your


1. Actor/Actress- A male or female person who performs a role in a play, work of theatre, or movie.

2. Blocking- The planning and working out of the movements of actors on stage.

3. Concentration -The ability of the actor/actress to be “in” character

4. Character -A personality or role an actor/actress re-creates.

5. Director -The person who oversees the entire process of staging a production.

Lesson 1 Vocabulary- Basics

6. Gesture- An expressive movement of the body or limbs.

7. Mime- An incident art form based on pantomime in which conventionalized gestures are used to express ideas rather than represent actions; also, a performer of mime.

8. Monologue- A long speech by a single character.

9. Pantomime- Acting without words through facial expression, gesture, and movement.

10. Theatre- To imitate or represent life in performance for other people; the performance of dramatic literature; drama; the place where dramatic performances take place.

Lesson 1 Vocabulary Continued

1. Articulation- the clear and precise pronunciation of words

2. Cue- a signal, either physical or verbal, that indicates something else is about to happen

3. Dialogue- the conversation between actors on stage

4. Projection- the act of using one’s voice to fill a performing space so that every member of the audience can hear him or her

5. Phrasing- how one divides his or her speeches into smaller parts to create emphasis of sounds and silences

Lesson 2 Vocabulary- Voice

6. pitch- how high or low one’s voice is

7. quality- whether one’s voice is shrill, nasal, raspy, breathy, or booming

8. Tempo- how fast or slow one speaks

9. Volume- how loud or soft one’s voice is

10. Inflection- the variety of one’s voice to express changing thoughts and emotions

Lesson 2 Continued

1. Stage- the areas where actors perform

2. Stage right- the right side of the stage from the perspective of the actor facing the audience

3. Stage left- the left side of the stage from the perspective of the actor facing the audience

4. Center stage- the center of the area defined as the stage

5. Upstage- the area away from the audience

Lesson 3 Vocabulary- Stage

6. Downstage- the area of the stage closest to the audience

7. Backstage- all the areas other than the acting space

8. Wings- the area immediately outside the scenery and unseen by the audience

9. Dressing rooms- private or semiprivate area where actors put on makeup, change clothes, and store their costumes for a show

10. Proscenium stage- a stage that is like a picture frame where the audience usually watches the action through a frame

Lesson 3 Continued