Copia de fauna de burgos

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of Copia de fauna de burgos

Burgos wildlife

Leonida Georgieva

White stork

The white stork is a common bird that we can see when spring begins. The storks build their nests in the towers of churches. It feeds on rodents, fish and other animals.Measuring 100 cm and placed between 3 and 4 eggs.


The deer are very beautiful animals that live in forests abundant bushes, poplars and huyedos. They feed on leaves, fruits, bark and leaves. They are mammals. Are between 90-140 cm in height and reach between 20.30 kg.


The chochin belongs to the family of birds. It's a bird measuring between 9-10 cm and weighs about 10 gr. She lives in brambles and builds its nest in bushes. It feeds on mosquito larvae.


The tawny owl is a bird that feeds on insects and small rodents and bird hunting. It measures 20 cm. It inhabits isolated trees in sparse woods, sometimes near inhabited areas.

Flying deer

It is an insect. It looks like a shiny black beetle . It feeds on plants and larvae and live in the woods. Their larvae live in the roots of old oaks, poplars and willows . His head has 2 large mandibles that resemble the antlers of the deer.


It is a mammal of elongated, flattened head and short legs. It feeds on rats, voles, young birds, mammals and eggs. It measures 20 cm, the tail is 5 cm. Lives in crevices of rocks, in hollow trees and underground galleries, which are feathered, herbs and leaves.


It is a mammal of short ears, long hind legs higher than the previous ball-shaped tail. It feeds on roots, berries, bark and vegetables . It measures 34-45 cm. It weighs 1-2 kg. He lives on gentle slopes with bushes, in easy to dig, and in nearby villages.


It is a mammal of round body covered with spines. His head is small and sharp peak . When you feel attacked into a ball. In winter hibernation. It feeds on invertebrates, snails, lizards and baby birds . He lives in the bushes and in holes in the ground .


It is a carnivorous mammal of the family of viverrids. The body is long and thin. At dusk, hunting rodents, birds and fruit eating. It measures 50-62 cm and weighs 1-2 kg. It lives in humid and shady forests of oak and oak, so skillfully climbs. \


It is a carnivorous mammal with a long body, long neck and long tail. His head is flattened. Excellent diver can remain under water 5 minutes. It feeds on fish, rats and amphibians. 55-80 cm measured. Inhabits high mountain rivers.


It's a beautiful mammal prodigious agility up and down the trees with great rapidity, and can go from tree to tree with great leaps up to 5 m. It feeds on fruits, nuts, pine nuts and acorns.


El murciélago común es un mamífero. Se alimentan de insectos. Durante el día permanecen ocultos formando numerosos grupos en las grietas de las paredes de las cuevas y desvanes.

Fauna y lora de Burgos