Cooperative Business Intro Power Point

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Cooperative Business Intro Power Point

  • 8/2/2019 Cooperative Business Intro Power Point


    Dispelling the Myths and Inspiring the Vision

  • 8/2/2019 Cooperative Business Intro Power Point


    >>> Increase public awareness about cooperatives and their contributions to socio-economic development>>> Promote the formation and growth of co-operatives among individuals andinstitutions to address common economic needs and for socio-economic


    >>> Encourage Governments and regulatory bodies to establish policies, laws andregulation conducive to co-operative formation and growth.

  • 8/2/2019 Cooperative Business Intro Power Point


    A Collective?MAYBE

    A group of entities that share, or are

    motivated by, at least one common issue

    or interest, or work together on a specific

    project(s) to achieve a common


    Not necessarily focused upon an

    economic benefit or saving (i.e. activists

    collective, sports team, hobby club)

  • 8/2/2019 Cooperative Business Intro Power Point


    A Collective?


    A Commune?MAYBE.

    An intentional community of people livingtogether, sharing common interests and

    values, property, possessions, resources,

    and, in some cases, work and income.

    A commune may be legally organized as a


  • 8/2/2019 Cooperative Business Intro Power Point


    A Collective?


    A Commune?


    Socialism? YES.

    Socialism is not a political system. It is an

    economic system for distributing goods

    and services.

    Can co-exist within a capitalist market or

    economy, and within a democratic political


    Based on the principle that the means of

    producing goods and providing services

    such as all factories and companies

    should be owned publicly and controlled

    and planned by a centralized organization

    rather than being controlled by members

    of a small class of wealthy people.

  • 8/2/2019 Cooperative Business Intro Power Point


    A Collective?


    A Commune?


    Socialism? Yes.Communism? NO.

    A political system that espouses socialism

    and puts its control into the hands of a few

    the government. Cannot co-exist in a

    capitalist market or economy.

    Based on the principle that the means of

    producing goods and providing services

    such as all factories and companies

    should be owned publicly and controlled

    and planned by a centralized organization

    rather than being controlled by members

    of a small class of wealthy people.

    No private capitol ownership, complete

    collective ownership of all capitol by the


  • 8/2/2019 Cooperative Business Intro Power Point


    A Collective?


    A Commune?


    Socialism? Yes.Communism? No.

    Legal Business Entity?YES.

    A corporation with perpetual life, limited

    liability, and controlled by a Board of

    Directors elected by its members.

    Has certain structural characteristics andguiding principles that set it apart from

    other corporations.

    The biggest difference being that a

    cooperative is member-oriented rather

    than investor-oriented.

  • 8/2/2019 Cooperative Business Intro Power Point


    A co-operative is an autonomous association of persons unitedvoluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and culturalneeds and aspirations through a jointly-owned anddemocratically-controlled enterprise.

    Operated according to values of

    o self-help,

    o self-responsibility,

    o democracy, equality,


    equity ando solidarity.

    Values are put into action through a set of 7 principles.

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    1st Principle: Voluntary and Open Membership2nd Principle: Democratic Member Control

    3rd Principle: Member Economic Participation

    4th Principle: Autonomy and Independence

    5th Principle: Education, Training, and Information

    6th Principle: Cooperation among Cooperatives

    7th Principle: Concern for Community

  • 8/2/2019 Cooperative Business Intro Power Point


    Beginning of the modern Cooperative movement coincides

    with period of industrial and agricultural revolutions.

    Period of invention ushered in factory production, and a

    reduction in home-based production as the mass

    production outpaced and undersold cottage industry


    Small farmers were driven from their land due to land

    estate enclosures and aggregation accompanying

    modernized cultivation and livestock grazing systems.

    Widespread poverty, unemployment, and general social

    deterioration followed in the wake.

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    The Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers


    ..Known for providing high quality, unadulterated goods.

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    Quality Co-op For-profit Run their business in trustworthy manner 76% 61%

    Have the best interests of customer in mind 74% 52%

    Committed to providing highest quality service 77% 64% Provide products that are of high value 75% 70%

    Can be counted on to meet customers need 79% 67%

    Offer fair, competitive prices 77% 70%

    National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA) and Consumer Federation of America (CFA)April 19, 2012

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    Worldwide, nearly one billion people are cooperativemember-owners and at least 100 million of them areemployed by co-ops.

    In America, around 30,000 cooperatives exist, with nearly900,000 members.

    93 million credit union member-owners control $920 billion

    in assets.

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    o Production

    o Marketing


  • 8/2/2019 Cooperative Business Intro Power Point



    o Finance

    o Utilities

    o Housing

    o Insurance


    o ~ 300 democratic workplaces in the United States, employing over

    3,500 people and generating over $400 million in annual revenues.

  • 8/2/2019 Cooperative Business Intro Power Point


    I. Identifying an opportunity

    II. Building consensus on potential for cooperative

    III. Developing trust among potential members

    IV. Securing member commitment

    V. Involving other stakeholders

    VI. Starting up the cooperative

  • 8/2/2019 Cooperative Business Intro Power Point


    The Evergreen Model

    United States Steelworkers and Mondragon

    National Cooperative Development Act of 2011