Coop 2.0-v1

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Coop 2.0-v1

04/13/2023 Kauai Electrcity Transformation

We pride ourselves on being good stewards of the land here on Kauai, and on being connected…

04/13/2023 Kauai Electricity Transformation

Perhaps only when the lights go out…

But are we truly connected to our energy use?

04/13/2023 Kauai Electricity Transformation

We all rely on it…

but how often do we really think about it?

04/13/2023 Kauai Electrcity Transformation

And are we connected to the impacts of our energy use?

04/13/2023 Kauai Electricity Transformation

We are making changes…

04/13/2023 Kauai Electricity Transformation

And we have a lot to be proud of…

04/13/2023 Kauai Electrcity Transformation

These changes have not been easy…

04/13/2023 Kauai Electrcity Transformation

The most important piece for a successful transformation is our community

04/13/2023 Kauai Electrcity Transformation

There is no doubt that we will achieve a clean energy future on Kauai…