Converting Your Informix 4GL Application to EGL Jin Zhang Software Development Manager IBM Informix...

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Transcript of Converting Your Informix 4GL Application to EGL Jin Zhang Software Development Manager IBM Informix...

Converting Your Informix Converting Your Informix 4GL Application to EGL4GL Application to EGL

Jin ZhangJin ZhangSoftware Development Software Development

Manager IBMManager IBM

Informix User Forum 2005 Moving Forward With Informix

Atlanta, Georgia December 8-9, 2005

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005

Agenda Rational Development Environment & EGL Overview

I4GL to EGL Conversion Utility

– Overview

– Conversion Process

– Post Conversion Steps

– Re-conversion, C-Interface, Reporting

– Deployment and Runtime

Demo: Converting I4GLDEMO to EGL

What Conversion Utility Cannot Do

Best Practices

Summary & Resources


IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation3 Atlanta, December 2005

Rational Developer Products

IBM Rational Developer Products

Eclipse Java Development Tools

Rational Web Developer

Rational Software Architect

Rational Application Developer





IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation4 Atlanta, December 2005


A language as easy as I4GL to use and perform s/w development.

Provides an industry standard IDE (Rational Application developer) for developing EGL, Java, Web and COBOL applications.

Provides an enriched set of the same capabilities.

– Text user interface (Graphical & Curses based).

– Calls to “C” functions.

– SQL (embedded, dynamic and more).

– Interactive debugging capability.

– Powerful reporting capability.

– Command line based application development.

– Data types (all of I4GL and some more in addition).

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation5 Atlanta, December 2005

EGL .....

In addition to the I4GL feature set, it provides

– Development and runtime capabilities for Windows platforms.

– More general programming capabilities.

– Web Application development and deployment.• Same business logic can be shared in both deployments.

– Multiple Database connectivity.• Uses JDBC and allows to connect to any DB.

– Service Oriented Architecture (Web Services).

– MQ Access.

– File I/O

– Provides for COBOL generation options (deployable in i-Series and z-Series).

– Calling out Java code from EGL.

– and more…

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation6 Atlanta, December 2005

What is the I4GL EGL Conversion Solution ? Transform

– Convert Informix 4GL logic to EGL– Use Conversion Utility (part of Rational Application Developer) to automate

conversion– Convert on a program-by-program basis

Enhance– Leverage IBM Rational Software Development Platform– Enhance, maintain, debug EGL business logic– Expose transformed EGL programs as Web Services – Create new User Interfaces for TUI, GUI, Web and Portal– Integrate with existing applications, middleware and databases– Re-generate to support new databases or middleware

Deploy– EGL deployed as a 100% Java/J2EE application for WebSphere– Automatic EGL to Java conversion and deployment– Supports Windows, Linux, AIX, Solaris and HP, iSeries, zOS CICS , Batch, IMS

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation7 Atlanta, December 2005

How is this going to be Done?

Using a wizard that comes as a plug-in to your environment.

– Directories can be mounted from current environments

• or files can be copied– GUI wizard to choose appropriate directories and files

– Output will be EGL files and an EGL conversion “project”

Command line conversion utility will run in current build environments

– Utility will require an input file describing conversion:

• Search directories • File names

Output will be EGL files (abc.4gl abc.egl)

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005

4GL modules



User Shared

Library (.so)

(Created from.4gl, .esql, .c)

4GL Runtime Library(



4GL Project

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005





Message Files(.properties)


User Shared Library (.so)

(from .esql, .c)JRE

EGL Shared Library


C- Interface Stack Library

Jasper Report(.jrxml)

Jasper Runtime Libraries

EGL Runtime Libraries

EGL Project

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005

Conversion Assumptions

I4GL code is “legal”

– it will compile with I4GL 7.32 compiler

– conversion will not “fix” invalid I4GL code

Multiple passes are required

Functions that can not be resolved during conversion are assumed to be C code functions

– if function is later found to be an I4GL function, re-conversion would be required

C code functions do not use undocumented I4GL internal functions

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005

Conversion Strategy

Goal is to convert an I4GL application to the equivalent EGL application that uses:– the same display device– the same database server– I4GL TUI applications will be converted to EGL TUI applications– Convertion is to be done on a program-by-program basis.

Conversion utility is provided:– as part of the IDE– also available from the command line

Separate conversion passes required for:– database metadata extraction– shared libraries (C code or combination of C and I4GL code)– I4GL source code

Automated conversion should convert most 4GL source code– but, some 4GL programs may require manual intervention

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005

Conversion Process

Conversion Project can take up to 3 steps

– Database Schema Extraction

– I4GL Shared Library Conversion

– I4GL Application Conversion

Conversion should take place in the order listed above

Shared Library may sometime require “reconversion”

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005

Conversion Artifacts

Configuration file– XML file generated from interaction with conversion wizard– contains required conversion project information

Manifest file– XML file generated during conversion of shared libraries– contains declaration and usage information about each of the functions (C and

I4GL) used in the shared library– used to resolve function declarations in dependent I4GL shared libraries– required for subsequent I4GL source code conversions

Log file– contains warnings and errors– status of each source file– summary of conversion

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation14 Atlanta, December 2005

Pre-conversion steps

Identify various components of the existing project that needs to be converted.

List all the source files under each component.

Organize your code into proper modules to make the conversion more modular.

Ensure that your I4GL code compiles with the 7.32 compiler.

Make sure that the database server is up and running.

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation15 Atlanta, December 2005

Conversion artifacts…

Conversion Configuration

4GL SourceInformix

4GL to EGL Conversion


EGL Source

EGL build descriptor

EGL Source

Database Schema Source

Manifest file

Conversion log

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation16 Atlanta, December 2005

Post Conversion

Needs to be done for each of the conversions.

Verify the log file for Warnings.

Refer the “readme.html” in EGL plug-in directory.

Refer “Readme<Version#>FGL.html” in Conversion Tool plug-in directory.

Refer the converted EGL source for “FIXME” and “TODO”

Open the new projects and fix any validation errors.

Set runtime environment necessary in one of the property files.

Right click on the project, select Properties– Associate a EGL build descriptor for the project– If needed, add JDBC jar files in “Java Build Path”

Select the project in the “Project Explorer”, right click for pop up menu and select “Generate” option

Java source is generated in “JavaSource” directory

Run the application.

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005


Needed only for shared library projects

Application conversion is the only place where all dependencies get resolved.

Manifest file is reconciled

Dependent Shared Library needs to be reconverted

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation18 Atlanta, December 2005

Integrating “C” code. At the time of application conversion, the conversion tool creates C code files like

function table map.

These files need to be compiled and linked with the EGL provided objects and shared libraries.

– Application.obj

– stack.dll, stack.lib

– There may be a requirement for using fglsys.h which can be located in EGL installation.

– Other header files may be required like locator.h, decimal.h, datetime.h, ifxtypes.h and int8.h.

Once done, make sure that the shared library is in one of the directories indicated by LD_LIBRARY_PATH and your PATH variable.

Download “Stack Library” and “application object file.”

Use “Native Function Table” generated.


Java runtime option to load shared library

“-D vgj.defaultI4GLNativeLibrary=<application shared library name>”

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005

Report Conversion

Report Business Logic gets converted into EGL

Report Presentation Logic gets converted into Jasper Reports

Jasper compilation built into RAD.

Third Party Reports designers can be used to enhance the reports

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation20 Atlanta, December 2005

Nature of Jasper Report

JasperReports is a Java Class library.

– Defines specifications for XML based report templates.

– Provides Java utility classes to compile, run and export reports.

Capabilities of Jasper report:

– Pre-defined templates for page layout.

– Can generate reports in multiple formats.• It is also extendable by custom exporter (such as EGL’s Plain Text Exporter)

– Can use external Java code for complex expression processing.

– Generates reports using complete result set.

– Supports Sub-Reports.

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation21 Atlanta, December 2005

4GL Report ConversionSeparation of Business logic and Presentation logic

4GL Report

Jasper XML Designs

EGL report handler or

Jasper scriptlet


Presentation logic

Business Logic


IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005

Deployment and Runtime

Create a JAR file for deployment.

Use EGL runtime libraries “fda.jar” and “fda6.jar” on target machine for runtime.

Can be found in “redist\EGLRuntimes” of your installation CD.

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005


Extract Stores7 Schema

Convert I4GLDemo programs

C-interface example

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005

What Conversion Utility Cannot Do

Cannot fix invalid 4GL code

Cannot convert C libraries

Cannot take the I4GL application to web

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation25 Atlanta, December 2005

User Experience - Internal

Converted our Product Tracking System (about 250 files, 70,000 lines of code)

– 175 4GL files– 74 form files– 1 message file.– 8 ESQL/C files– 7 C files

Effort took 4 weeks.

Actual conversion process less than 15 minutes.

Converted EGL (in lines of code was about the same about 85000 lines of code). Most of it were due to comments and leaving the original 4GL code intact (around comments).

The rest of the effort was to test each and every screen, identify certain behavior differences, enter bugs.

Most of the issues entered have already been fixed.

Tested other large scale customer applications in-house and have made it part of our regular “sanity” list.

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation26 Atlanta, December 2005

User Experience - External

Large Retailer in Europe

Major Automobile Manufacturer in US

Proof of Concepts in Asia Pacific (Double-byte)


IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005

Some Best Practices Using Conversion Utility

Read through the Conversion Utility Users’ Guide & Readme!

Break large I4GL application into logical projects before conversion

Getting comfortable with EGL and the IDE will speed things up

One-time conversion then move on to EGL!

Keep in mind that sometimes modifying the 4GL code may make the re-conversion easier.

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005

In Summary…

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation29 Atlanta, December 2005










C functions








C functionsText


I4GL to EGL Conversion

Typical I4GL Program … Becomes Typical EGL Program



IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation30 Atlanta, December 2005










C functions



PDF Output

HTML Output

XML Output



Use your I4GL Business

Logic in EGL Web Services

Use your I4GL Business Logic with Message Queues

Use your I4GL Business Logic

in whatever comes next!!!

Now What Can You Do With It …

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005


IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation32 Atlanta, December 2005

4GL/EGL Redbook

Free to download via (Search for 4GL to EGL RedBook)

printed copy orderable via

EGL Language Concepts

The Rational SDP environment

A simple EGL web application

4GL to EGL conversion

EGL and databases

Advanced EGL web rogramming

EGL and JasperReports

EGL Deployment (standalone and web)

EGL CUI applications

plus much more...

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation33 Atlanta, December 2005

EGL Zone on IBM DeveloperWorks

EGL Tutorials

EGL Documentation

EGL Code Examples

An active EGL Forum

plus more...

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005

Reference Conversion Utility User guide :


Conversion Utility README file : <RAD_HOME>/egl/eclipse/plugins/<version>/readme.html

Configuration file and DTD examples : <RAD_HOME>/egl/eclipse/plugins/<version>/etc/

Stack Library download site : February 2, 2005

EGL Help content : Use RAD menu, Help->Help Contents for EGL documentation

EGL Zone on developerWorks (with Tutorials and downloads) :

Jasper Reports:

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation Atlanta, December 2005

Upcoming Learning Events about RAD & EGL

IDUG 2006 NA Conference

– May 2006, Tempa, FL,

InfoBahn Events Worldwide

– Refer to for schedule detail Chat with Lab throughout the year

– Check with Anita McKeithen ( for final schedule

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation36 Atlanta, December 2005

IBM Software Group / Information Management

© 2005 IBM Corporation37 Atlanta, December 2005

Converting Your Informix Converting Your Informix 4GL Application to EGL4GL Application to EGL

Jin ZhangJin

Informix User Forum 2005 Moving Forward With Informix

Atlanta, Georgia December 8-9, 2005