Conventions of a stalker film

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Conventions of a stalker film

Conventions of a stalker film

Iconography • Dark lighting, main action seems to occur at night• Darkness adds tension• Settings include: graveyards, forests, attic etc

• Costumes usually wear dark clothing, black hoodie, masks

• Many props are used in this genre like knives, fake blood and other weapons


The main plot includes a psychologically disturbed villain who often stalks a woman because of their past.

Ends in a murder


There are many types of characters

The main character would often be the stalker and the victim – often a women

Other characters include extra women


The genre uses diegetic and non diegetic sounds. The sound is to build tension and bring mystery. Typical sounds; screams, shouting, crying etcSilence is the sound that builds the most tension and anxiety


The genre of staker uses a lot of techniques to show actions and emotions.Some techniques:• Close up – to show emotion • Low angle – shows power of villain over victim• handheld – To make it feel real• Point of view – Makes audience see what the

character is