Conventions of a music video a2

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Conventions of a music video a2




This shot here is the opening shot we see in Miley's video, the background is very bright and plain which brings the focus onto the close up shot of her face and her defined bright eyes and red lipstick.

Because the shot is a close up of miley’s face it makes the audience focus on the emotions on her face and the lyrics she is singing.

This is the second shot we see in the video.This a

medium close up.

The fact that she is holding a hammer behind her head could symbolise strength as the object is known as ‘masculine’ it is a contrast to representation of women known as being weak.

Direct address

This shot is a long shot, We see the surroundings she in which looks like an old building.

Because the wrecking ball and the wall is a dull grey colour and her outfit is very revealing and bright white it draws the audience attention on to her.

Because she is on top of on the wrecking ball this could symbolise to the audience the power she has during the video.

This is shot a mid shot.

The way miley’s is positioned in this shot makes her seem confident and in control.

Because she has no clothes she is seen as a sex object.

This is a long shot.

Although we can’t see miley’s face the shot almost represents her emotions as everything around her is broken.

Modern representation of women

Seen as a sex object


This is the opening shot we see in Sinead’s video.

This is a long shot which establishes the location

The lighting is set to indicate to the audience the weather and where the location is.

This shot is a close up

Also giving direct address to the


The black back ground defines her face and

draws attention to it

Almost in contrast to a sex object

Her eyes show her emotion

The shot is a mid shot

By her being centered in the middle again drawing the attention on her

The background is in contrast with what she is wearing so she

really stands out.

Wearing black symbolizes sadness/death

This is an establishing long shot

Close up shot

The fade and dissolve has really been thought about

Gives the effect of her


Direct addressAlmost like she is looking right through the audience.

Her makeup is also quite plan and dull


One of the first shots, which is a close up

She is giving direct address

She is very much Centre of attention although there is action going on in the back ground

Her hair and makeup are almost the same shade of colour

This is a mid shot

There is a lot going on in this shot although she isn't the only one in the shot it still very much focuses on her

They’re outfits are very wild which matches the location of the shot.

She is stood as if she is powerful and in control (independent women)

Long shot

The lightening is very dull and dark which contrasts with their costumes .

Several people are in the shot but again she is Centre on of the shot

Her dancing is very seductive

Seen as a sex object Long shot

which establishes the setting

Stance looks very powerful but contrasts because she has to big dogs almost guarding her.

Long shot

The background effect is almost blurred out

Her outfit is very wild and eye catching

Her body language represents her in a strong and powerful manner.

Establishing shot

Centre of the shot

Her body language almost contradicts what's going on behind her