Conventions of a film opening

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Conventions of a film opening

Conventions of a horror film opening- We first see the film institutions, this allows us to know who has made the film. The institutions may be edited to suit the genre of the film.

- Establishing shots are usually used to show the audience the setting and time for the audience.

- Audience can usually work out the genre of the film in the opening.

-Opening credits are shown so the audience can see the most important people who were involved in making the film. This would usually include: Writers, main actors, director and camera man. The title of the film is also shown and is edited (font, colour) to make the theme of the film.

- Non-diagetic music normally plays and this gives the audience a idea of the atmosphere of the film

-We are introduced to key characters and setting (usually 2 or 3 characters, including victim and villain). We are also usually introduced to the theme and we are given an idea of what is going to happen later in the film without too much given away (a victim is usually killed or attacked by villain).