Controversial Issues & Current Events: Radical Islam I

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Controversial Issues & Current Events: Radical Islam I

Controversial Issues&

Current Events

Thinking Biblically

Talking Persuasively

1 Peter 3:15; Colossians 4:5, 6

Thinking Biblically - Talking Persuasively

but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make

a defence to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence; 1 Peter 3:15

Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of

the opportunity. Let your speech always be with grace, as though

seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to

each person. Colossians 4:5, 6

Controversial Issues&

Current Events



M# 919-244-3375

What it isn’t


debate prep

source for “zingers”

in-depth study

evangelism training

What it is

Overview of critical issues

Overview of Biblical perspectives

Equip you to insert Biblical perspectives

into ongoing conversations

Stimulate you to study the scriptures

Our Society & Culture

“How do we honor the biblical view of

human sexuality (or any topic) when

interacting and engaging with someone

who does not share a Christian worldview –

who does not accept the Bible as an

authority on any issue?”~ Jim Daly


Focus on the Family

9-Week Schedule

Weeks 1-3Radical Islam

Weeks 4-6Homosexuality &

Same-Sex Marriage

Week 7 Pornography

Week 8 Human Trafficking

Week 9 Abortion

Each week Communication Principles

Conversation Techniques

Conversation Starters & Transitions Drills

Radical Islam I

June 2014

ISIS, ISIL, IS or Daesh

IS: The Islamic State اإلسالميةالدولة (ad-Dawlah l-ʾIslāmiyyah)

ISIS: Islamic State of Iraq & Syriaوالشامالعراقفياإلسالميةالدولة

ISIL: The Islamic State of Iraq & the Levantوالشامالعراقفياإلسالميةالدولة

Daesh, Daʿesh or DAIISHArabic acronym: داعش Dawlet-Islamiyah f'al-Iraq wa al-Sham

daesh = “tread underfoot” (a filthy pejorative) or “crush”

The LevantTurkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel,

The West Bank, Gaza, Egypt and Cyprus

ISIS, ISIL or IS claims to be a caliphate

A caliphate (Arabic: خالفة khilāfa, "succession"):

an Islamic state led by a supreme religious and

political leader known as a caliph – i.e.

"successor" – to Muhammad

The first Muslim empires are usually described as

"caliphates". A caliphate was sovereign over the

entire Muslim faithful, (the Ummah).

The caliph ruled over it using Islamic law (sharia).

Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

claims religious authority over all

Muslims across the world and

aspires to political control of the Muslim-

inhabited regions of the world beginning

with territory in the Levant

Groups pledging support

or allegiance to

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

World Map depicting countries where groups are

pledging support or allegiance to the Islamic State

What comments do you hear people

make about radical Islam or the

situation in the Middle East?

What do you think are the

attitudes behind their remarks?


you might hear…

Fundamentalists are the same the world

over - a bunch of ignorant bigots prone to


Islam is a religion of peace, ISIS doesn’t

represent most Muslims (next week)

America should get out &

let ‘em kill each other


Comments and questions to help you:

Redirect a conversation

Insert biblical perspectives

Introduce your testimony &

the Good News

The Caliphate – Transitions 1

I’m taking a seminar on Current Events and

I’ve learned some fascinating things.

Do you know what’s behind all the Arab

governments opposing ISIS?

The Caliphate – Transitions 2

The leader of ISIS has proclaimed that the

Islamic State is a caliphate and he is the

caliph. Caliph is an Arabic word that means


The leaders who came after Mohammed

were his successors. Like Mohammed, they

required all true Muslims to obey them as

both their religious and political leader.

The Caliphate – Transitions 3

Abu Bakr, the ISIS Caliph is claiming that all

Muslims and Muslim lands should obey him

and (as part of their religious duty) they are

to then conquer the rest of the world.

Have you ever heard that?

The Caliphate – Transitions 4

How does that hit you?

(Make you feel?

What do you think about that?)

I tell you it makes me (think, feel, believe…

________________________________________ )


What do I say next?

You can start using these transitions immediately.

Next? Ask yourself:

“What direction do I want to take this conversation?

What do I want this person to understand?

What do I want this person to do?”

over the next 8 weeks

You’ll learn:

two different types of immediate transitions

what comes next transitions

effective conversational techniques based on

sound Biblical doctrine.

Bible Study


Next Week

Radical Islam IIor

why “radical” Muslims aren’t so radical

Controversial Issues&

Current Events

Thinking Biblically - Talking Persuasively

1 Peter 3:15; Colossians 4:5, 6

M# 919-244-3375