Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of PHOTOCOPIERS ...€¦ · System Production and Overview ......

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Transcript of Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of PHOTOCOPIERS ...€¦ · System Production and Overview ......

City of Richmond Business and Financial Services Department Request for Quotation

Contract 3353Q


Bidders are requested to respond to this Quotation call as instructed subject to the provisions contained herein.

Name of Bidder:



Province: Postal Code:

Telephone No: Fax No.:


Contact Person:


City of Richmond 2 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre

Table of Contents

Cover Page ...................................................................................................................................... 1

Table of Contents............................................................................................................................ 2

Instructions to Bidders .................................................................................................................... 3

Quotation Form............................................................................................................................... 6

Schedule of Quantities and Prices................................................................................................... 7

List of Previous Contracts............................................................................................................. 13

System Production and Overview................................................................................................. 14

Specifications................................................................................................................................ 16

Environmental Terms and Conditions of Contract ....................................................................... 19

General Conditions of the Contract ..................................................................................GC1-GC3 Notice of No Bid

City of Richmond 3 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre


Instructions to Bidders

1. Sealed quotations, plainly marked on the envelope:


will be received at the Information Counter, Main Floor, Richmond City Hall, addressed to the Purchasing Section, 6911 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC, V6Y 2C1, until 12:00 noon, Local time:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

2. Quotations received in the office of the Purchasing Section after the above-mentioned time and date will be returned unopened.

3. Quotations must be submitted on the attached Forms and be authorized by a signing officer of the Bidder's company. The entire Request for Quotation must be returned to the City.

4. This Document with completed Forms will become part of the Contract Documents between the City and the successful Bidder.

5. The City reserves the right to accept all or any part of a quotation or to waive irregularities at their own discretion. The lowest or any quotation will not necessarily be accepted.

6. In accordance with the City’s Procurement Policy 3104, award of bids shall be based on:

(i) The lowest total cost of acquisition, (ii) Experience of the bidder, (iii) Bidder’s references of performance on previous similar contracts, (iv) The bidder’s financial resources, (v) Bidder’s capability of supervision, staffing and use of subcontractors, (vi) Bidder’s ability to meet City specifications and performance criteria, (vii) Any additional evaluation criteria stated in the contract document.

7. The City of Richmond estimates that this contract will be awarded within 4 weeks of the closing date. All bidders submitting Quotations for the Project will be advised as to the outcome. Please note that Bid results for those contracts posted on the City Web Site and/or BC Bid will be listed on BC Bid within two (2) weeks of the award of Contract.

8. Proprietary names, unless otherwise stated, are used solely to establish standards of materials and finish. Items of other manufacture may be accepted as equal to those specified, at the discretion of the City.

City of Richmond 4 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre

Instructions to Bidders (Cont’d) 9. Alternate Quotations will be considered and should be submitted under separate cover

and be marked "Alternate Quotation".

10. Prices, in Canadian currency, shall be shown for each unit specified and shall include all packing, crating, freight, cartage, shipping charges, cost of unloading supplies at destination, and all tariffs, taxes and duties.

11. Inquires during submission of Quotation should be directed as follows:

Purchasing Daianna Panni Telephone: 604-276-4270 Buyer I E-mail: Purchasing Section City of Richmond Technical Frank Sciberras Telephone: 604-276-4213 Supervisor, Mapping & Production Centre E-mail: Planning & Development Dept City of Richmond Morgan Muir Graphics Coordinator, Mapping & Production Centre Planning & Development Dept Telephone: 604-276-4346 City of Richmond E-mail:

12. Quotations may be withdrawn by written notice only, provided such notice is received at the office of the City’s Purchasing Section prior to the date / time set as the closing time for receiving Quotations.

13. Quotations shall be open for acceptance for 60 days following the submission closing date.

14. Each Bidder shall complete the “List of previous contracts”. It is the intention of the City not to award the contract to any Bidder who does not provide satisfactory evidence to perform the various works covered under this Contract. The Bidder must has sufficient capital and plant to execute the said works successfully, to the satisfaction of the City, and to complete and deliver said works as quoted in his Quotation.

15. Note: There will be a pre-bid meeting conducted on Wednesday, October, 22, 2008 at 10:30 am in room R.4001, located on the 4th floor, City Hall. Potential Bidders are asked to meet at Front of House (main floor), 6911 No 3 Road, Richmond, BC. The City strongly encourages all potential Bidders to attend this session. No other sessions will be organised or arranged for this project.

City of Richmond 5 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre

Instructions to Bidders (Cont’d) 16. Bidders are advised that submissions of quotes shall be in compliance to the Freedom of

Information and Privacy Act.

17. Any interpretation of, additions to, deletions from, or any other corrections to the Contract documents, will be issued as written addenda by the City of Richmond. It is the sole responsibility of the potential bidders to check with the City of Richmond’s Website and / or BC Bid to ensure that all available information has been received prior to submitting a bid.

18. The City, it’s agents and employees shall not be responsible for any information given by way of verbal communication.

19. Except as expressly and specifically permitted in these Instructions to Bidders, no bidder shall have any claim for any compensation of any kind whatsoever, as a result of participating in the RFQ, and by submitting a quotation each bidder shall be deemed to have agreed that it has no claim.

20. Enquiries on matters that affect the nature of this document will be conveyed to all parties receiving this document.

21. Award of this proposal is subject to final funding approval

City of Richmond 6 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre


Quotation Form

Purchasing Section City of Richmond 6911 No. 3 Road Richmond, BC V6Y 2C1 The undersigned Bidder, having carefully read and examined the Instructions to Bidders, Quotation Form, Schedule of Quantities and Prices, General Conditions of Contract, and Specifications, and having full knowledge of the work required, does hereby offer to provide all necessary materials in strict accordance with the Specifications and to do all therein called for on the terms and conditions and under the provisions therein set forth at the:

Option: 1 - LUMP SUM TOTAL QUOTED PRICE OF $____________________

Option: 2 - LUMP SUM TOTAL QUOTED PRICE OF $____________________


The above price includes and covers duties, Federal, (including G.S.T.), Provincial Taxes, handling and transportation charges, and all other charges incidental to and forming part of this Quotation.

Once awarded, the undersigned Bidder agrees to supply the whole of the materials within ________ weeks of acceptance.

Name of Bidder:


Telephone No:

Name, Signature, and Title of Signing Officer:



Web Address:

City of Richmond 7 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre


Schedule of Quantities and Prices OPTION 1 – Replaced Canon CLC5000 only TERM: 4 YEAR LEASE All Equipment is to be standard new equipment of the latest/most favourable model. No discontinued, reconditioned, refurbished, re-manufactured, floor or sample equipment will be considered. Should a bidder wish to propose such equipment as an alternate , the city will consider such alternate proposals under it’s own merits. The bidders shall include and allow for costs for any ancillary equipment materials, etc. required to complete the installation and commissioning of the proposed equipment, even if such equipment, materials, etc. are not specifically listed.

The City shall pay in Lawful money of Canada the amount shown for the following items subject to the conditions of the Contract Documents.


Copier 1- Model _______ * Maintenance/service Agreement ** Per copy charge

1 24 months $ ____/copy


$__________ $___________

Subtotal $_________________

Provincial Sales Tax $_________________

Goods and Services Tax $_________________

TOTAL QUOTED AMOUNT $_________________ (carried forward to Quotation Form)

City of Richmond 8 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre

* Maintenance/service agreement – cost should include: unlimited toner, parts, labour, and all repairs *Bidder’s are to hold their quoted price for the Maintenance/service agreement firm for the first two years (24 months) of this contract. *Maintenance/Service Agreement (year 2011/2012) $ _______/month *Response time from initiation of call to arrival at City Hall site on an as and when required basis shall be no greater than four hours. ** Per copy charge - Please outline any discounts below (e.i. 2nd year per copy charge discounted to, or after “x” number of copies, then per copy price is reduced to). ___________________________________________________________________________ Please list all attachments below: (included in price above or not): Copier 1 – Make/Model ________________ Item # Price or Inc _________________________ $ _____________ _________________________ $______________ _________________________ $______________ _________________________ $______________ _________________________ $______________ Please provide pricing below for all other related equipment required to operate equipment, not including paper and toner. i.e. staples, binding products Copier 1 – Make/Model Item Price _______________________ $____________ _______________________ $____________

City of Richmond 9 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre

OPTION 2 – Replace Canon CLC 5000, buy out Ikon CPP 8050’s lease and replace TERM: 4 YEAR LEASE All Equipment is to be standard new equipment of the latest/most favourable model. No discontinued, reconditioned, refurbished, re-manufactured, floor or sample equipment will be considered. Should a bidder wish to propose such equipment as an alternate , the city will consider such alternate proposals under it’s own merits. The bidders shall include and allow for costs for any ancillary equipment materials, etc. required to complete the installation and commissioning of the proposed equipment, even if such equipment, materials, etc. are not specifically listed. The two (2) photocopiers listed in the “Schedule of Quantities” must have the same engine, but can be different models. The City shall pay in Lawful money of Canada the amount shown for the following items subject to the conditions of the Contract Documents.


Copier 1- Model _______ Copier 2- Model _______ Deduct - Buy out of leased copiers/Printers A) Canon CLC 5000 Expires Dec 31, 2008 B) Ikon CPP 8050 (manufactured by Kinolta Minolta) Expires Dec 31, 2009 * Maintenance/service Agreement ** Per copy charge

1 1 24 months $ ____/copy


$__________ $__________ ($_________) ($_________) $___________

City of Richmond 10 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre

Subtotal $_________________

Provincial Sales Tax $_________________

Goods and Services Tax $_________________

TOTAL QUOTED AMOUNT $_________________ (carried forward to Quotation Form) * Maintenance/service agreement – cost should include: unlimited toner, parts, labour, and all repairs *Bidder’s are to hold their quoted price for the Maintenance/service agreement firm for the first two years (24 months) of this contract. *Maintenance/Service Agreement (year 2011/2012) $ _______/month *Response time from initiation of call to arrival at City Hall site on an as and when required basis shall be no greater than four hours. ** Per copy charge - Please outline any discounts below (e.i. 2nd year per copy charge discounted to, or after “x” number of copies, then per copy price is reduced to. ____________________________________________________________________________ Please list all attachments below: (included in price above or not): Copier 1 – Make/Model ________________ Item # Price or Inc _________________________ $ _____________ _________________________ $______________ _________________________ $______________ _________________________ $______________ _________________________ $______________

City of Richmond 11 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre

Copier 2 – Make/Model _________________ Item # Price _________________________ $ _____________ _________________________ $______________ _________________________ $______________ _________________________ $______________ _________________________ $______________ Please provide pricing below for all other related equipment required to operate equipment, not including paper and toner. i.e. staples, binding products Copier 1 – Make/Model Item Price _______________________ $____________ _______________________ $____________ Copier 2 – Make/Model Item Price _______________________ $____________ _______________________ $____________ Provide buyout cost for BOTH pieces of equipment below (include all taxes, handling and transportation charges and all other charges) Item #A Canon CLC 5000 $_________________ Conditions: __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Item # B Ikon CPP 8050 (manufactured by Kinolta Minolta) $ _________________ Conditions: __________________________________________________________________

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List of Previous Contracts

The Bidder has recently undertaken and completed the installations described following and authorizes the City of Richmond to inquire as to the nature of the equipment performance as well as bidders performance on these contracts. Bidder’s must include contacts which their firm has supplied, within the past 2 years, the equipment and services proposed herein.



Original / Actual SCHEDULE

Proposed / Actual




(If additional space is required, attach additional)

City of Richmond 13 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre


System& Production Overview

The City requires equipment capable of supporting the efficient and effective management of printing. The proposed system must be a complete solution which will include all equipment, hardware and software. Our current machines: Canon 5000 Digital Copier/Printer provides high quality printing/copying colour documents. Our second machine is an Ikon 8050 (manufactured by Kinolta Minolta). which is also a backup for our Canon Image Runner 7105 which is a B & W copier/printer. The City requires the proposed bidder to consider two options. To either replace the Canon 500 Digital Copier/Printer only or to buyout the two leases on the Canon 5000 Digital Copier/Printer and the Ikon 8050. Canon’s lease expires December 31, 2008 and the Ikon’s 8050 expires December 31, 2009. The City wishes to keep the Canon Image Runner 7105. We require a high quality volume, full colour solution copier, that will replace the Canon 5000 and/or the Ikon 8050, yet continue printing economical colour forms, brochures, and documents. (Approx. 10% toner coverage) These low toner coverage jobs make up about 90 % of our printing workload. The remaining 10% would be full colour posters, binder covers, and presentation material with approx. 50 % toner coverage. The proposed solution should have various options for finishing such as saddle stitching, folding, stapling and collation, and be able to act as back up for our Canon Image Runner 7105. The following is additional information that may be helpful: Copies made:

IKON CPP8050: Black/white: 4,000/month, Color: 44,300/month Canon CLC5000: Black/white: 375/month, Color: 7,700/month

Volume of hard copy to Production is 10 %, digital format 90 % Work load in the Production Centre is 50% PDF and 50% design software including both, but not limited to MS Word, Adobe Creative Suite 4 (CS4), and Corel Draw. The City requires the accommodation of the following year-to-year increases in volume added to the above volumes already:

• 10% per year (2009 - 2012) Approximate only Canon Image Runner 7105’s utilizes a FIERY RIP The offered replacement will be dependable, as outlined in this document, and offer the City an efficient and cost savings solution to their printing requirements.

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The City of Richmond has an Ethernet 10/100 TCP/IP based network using category five enhanced wiring. It’s a Window 2003, single domain, using private IP addresses that use NAT to access the internet. We currently use Windows 2003,Windows XP and print share to service most of the City printers. The proposed solution must be compatible with City’s network. Within the next few years, the City is considering upgrading to a Windows 2008 network with Windows Vista on the desktop. Production Centre has critical deadlines. Scheduling is an important issue. Over 75 % of the work has deadlines associated with a 3-4 day turnaround or less. The Council Agenda is being printed on the Image Runner 7105 (Black printer) and has a 24 hour deadline for completion. In Option II, one of the proposed equipment would be utilized as a back-up machine for the Image Runner. The City has no in-house off-set printing capabilities. Production Centre has seven (7) work stations at present and only one (1) command work stations (Post-rip editing capability) Production hours of printing typically are: Monday – Friday (8:15 am to 5:00pm) and 4 times per month work until 6 or 7 pm) .

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Option I : requires one copier/printer, that has the capabilities of, but not limited to:

Option II: requires two copiers/printers utilizing the same engine, that have the

capabilities of, but not limited to:

provide high-speed full colour printer

provide back up for the Canon Image Runner 7105

provide high speed black and white printer

receive documents in a digital and hard copy format

provide various finishing options including but not limited to, folding and binding with in-line finisher, including z folding for 11” x 17” format, saddle stitching and hole punching

provide post-rip editing

providing a system which can work with our a Canon Image Runner 7105 (includes fiery and print board controller) to automatically split the colour print to the colour copier, black print to image runner with insertion of pages back together).

provide minimum capacity of 3,500 sheets

provide various page sizes including up to 12” x 18”

accept a variety of paper weights from text weight to cover stock

compatible with the City’s network

offer an annual volume capacity of over 1,000,000 (one million) copies (black & white and colour)

must be equivalent to the existing Canon 5000 & 8050, with options, or better.

offer environmentally acceptable equipment as per attached information on the City’s Environmental Purchasing along with the Bidder’s questionnaire which must be submitted with proposal.

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provide the City with full-colour imaging systems offering special features and accessories such as large capacity cassettes, reduction, enlargement, collating and binding accessories. Throughout the contract, the City’s need for equipment accessories may vary from those required at the onset of the contract. Bidders shall address in their proposal how they intend to accommodate these changes. Unless stated otherwise, the supplier will be required to supply accessories to completely satisfy the City’s actual needs with no adjustment to the price quoted

allow for upgrades and downgrades to equipment over the lease period, at no extra cost to the City unless otherwise stated. Consumables offered in this proposal must comply with existing warranties/guarantees covered under the equipment proposed. If considered necessary, the City will require an in-house test period for equipment proposed.

Please also include with your submission:

information detailing training to be offered

footprint/dimensions of equipment proposed

product literature on equipment proposed including technical/performance specifications on all major component

power supply

Bidders shall also include a complete description of terms, scope, duration and the training, service, installation and technical support offered.

Bidders shall include literature on and the technical/performance specifications of all major components.

Bidders shall include a summary of bidder’s track record in the supply, installation and support of photocopiers of a similar size and scope as to that required by the City, preferably in a municipal or similar environment. A statement of understanding of the City’s functional and system requirements.

Bidders shall include implementation schedules proposed along with schedule for training personal as required.

Bidders shall include availability of options granted by bidder

All training shall be to the complete satisfaction of the City’s representative. Identify in your submission any restrictions or limitations that may apply to the level of training to be provided. All training will be conducted on-site at the City of Richmond facilities.

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Bidders must be able to provide complete copies of the operating and training manuals including master manuals and system documentation

The bidder will be required to supply copiers with the necessary features and accessories for the volume listed in the specifications. Special features and accessories such as large capacity paper decks, reduction, enlargement, collating, A.D.F., Autoduplexing, binding and punching accessories, will be supplied as needed and be included in the bid submitted. Throughout the lease, the city’s need for equipment accessories may vary from those required at onset of contract. Bidders shall address in their bids, how they intend to accommodate these changes. Unless stated otherwise, the supplier will be required to supply accessories to completely satisfy the City’s actual needs with no adjustment to the price quoted.

Any credits for unacceptable copies and those produced by the supplier’s service technicians shall be at the same price per copy as that accepted as a result of this quotation. Credits shall be issued for unacceptable copies with the next invoice submitted by the suppler.

The supplier must allow for upgrades and downgrades to equipment over the lease period, at no extra cost to the City unless otherwise stated.

As part of the evaluation process the proponent may be required to deliver and install at the City, in a designated area, the system proposed for trial purposes. This shall be done on a no-charge basis to the City with no obligation whatsoever. After the date of installation a 30 day trial period will be required.

If there are greater than five service calls on more than five different dates for the installed system within a two month period, the City may require that the copier be removed and replaced by a new copier of equal capability. Any such replacements shall be at no cost to the City.

A maintenance log shall be provided and maintained for the system installed. This log shall be retained at the installation location. The supplier shall be responsible maintaining the log with the following information:

• date and time of service request • date and time of service representative’s arrival • meter reading before and after service general description of the problem and corrective action, time service is completed.

Once contract awarded, the Production Centre would like the equipment installed and fully functional within 4 weeks.

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Technology Definition Document

The basic infrastructure of the City comprises the following: • Ethernet - Over various media, including fibre and UTP • TCP/IP – Version 4 only. Other network protocols such as IPX/SPX or NetBEUI are not

supported • Directory Services - MS Active Directory is the only supported directory service • RADIUS services will be available from Active Directory (internal access) or RSA (external

access) • E-mail - SMTP only supported; MS-Exchange 2003 is the current platform • HTML Services - Only the following platforms are supported: • Microsoft IIS 5.0 or 6.0 HTTP servers • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0 browsers • Databases - The following SQL platforms are supported: • Oracle - version 8.0.6 (no new systems or applications will be deployed with Oracle 8.0.6) • Oracle - version 8.1.7 (no new systems or applications will be deployed with Oracle 8.1.7) • Oracle – version 9.2.0 • Oracle – version 10.2.0 • SQL Server version 2000 • NOTE that no MS-Access applications will be installed where more than one user might require

access to the application. All databases should use either SQL Server or Oracle. • Geographic Information System - The following ESRI products are supported: • ArcGIS - version 9.1 • ArcView - version 9.1 • ArcInfo - version 9.1 • ArcSDE - version 9.1 • ArcIMS - version 9.0 • MAPObjects - version 3.2 • Client Computer Hardware - Only HP/Compaq Evo workstations are introduced to the network • Client Computer Operating Systems - The following Operating Systems are supported • Windows 2000 (no new systems or applications will be deployed with Windows NT) • Windows XP (laptop and tablet systems only) • Application vendors must indicate a date for full support of Windows Vista as client platform • Client Computer Office Applications – Only MS Office version 2000 is supported • MS Office is integrated to Hummingbird DM via the ODMA API. This integration is mandatory

for all client systems. • All applications installed must conform with the Microsoft “Designed for Windows XP

Application Specification” version 2.3 or later • All applications must run on Windows 2000 and Windows XP without requiring the end-user to

hold administrative credentials on the computer.

City of Richmond 19 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre

• VMWare virtual systems. All Intel client applications must be supported in a Virtual Machine environment.

• Server Computer Hardware - Only the following systems are supported: • Dell PowerEdge • Hewlett-Packard Series 9000 PA-RISC (HPUX) (database server only) • Hewlett-Packard Itanium (HPUX) (database server only) • Sun ultraSPARC (database servers only) • Sun x86 • VMWare virtual systems. All Intel server applications must be supported in a Virtual Machine

environment. • Server Computer Operating Systems - The following Operating Systems are supported • Windows 2003 • Windows 2000 (no new systems or applications will be deployed with Windows 2000) • Hewlett-Packard HPUX - version 11.0 (no new systems will be deployed with HPUX 11.0) • Hewlett-Packard HPUX – version 11.11 (PARISC) (database servers only) • Hewlett-Packard HPUX – version 11.23 (Itanium) (database servers only) • Sun Solaris - version 7,8 (no new systems or applications will be deployed with Solaris 7 or 8) • Sun Solaris - version 9 • Suse Enterprise Linux – version 9 (database servers only) • Security: • All access to the City's network is through a firewall. • Only the most commonly used ports (80, 8080) will be kept open on the firewall for general

outbound access • Incoming access is permitted to a DMZ server only • All Windows servers are rebooted weekly (early Tuesday morning) for the application of

security patches • All Unix and Linux servers are rebooted weekly (early Monday morning) • Remote access to the City's network is only acceptable through City-specified VPN client

(NetScreen-Remote) using RSA authentication tokens and IPSec encryption, to the City’s terminal server only. Access to specific servers is accomplished using DSView (KVM over IP) to the terminal server session.

• Modem access to the City's network will not be permitted • Applications • No server applications are to be started from the console, server applications must run as services

which run automatically at system boot time • Applications must support Canadian or ISO date formats (DD-MM-YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD) • Windows applications must support Microsoft Terminal Server deployment • Applications requiring hardware authorisation devices (“dongles”) will not be accepted in any

circumstance. FlexLM is an accepted tool for license management.

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Environmental Terms and Conditions of Contract

1.0 Environmental Policy Requirements

1.1 The City of Richmond’s Environmental Purchasing Policy

The City of Richmond’s Environmental Purchasing Policy states:

In order to increase the development and awareness of environmentally sound products and services, City of Richmond staff will review their contracts and tender specifications for goods and services, to ensure that wherever possible and economically feasible, specifications are amended to provide for consideration of environmental characteristics. Consideration may be given to those environmental products that are certified by an independent accredited organization.

The City of Richmond as a whole will endeavour to increase its use of products and services that are more responsible to the environment in the way they are made, used, transported, stored and packaged and disposed of. It is recognized that analysis is required in order to ensure that the products are made available at competitive prices, and that the environmental benefits provided by a product or service should not significantly affect the intended use of that product or service. 1.1.1 The City of Richmond reserves the right to request information from

bidders that will demonstrate compliance to this environmental purchasing policy.

1.1.2 Bidders are asked to supply information on environmentally preferable

products and services that meet all specifications and performance requirements.

1.1.3 Placing the City of Richmond in breach of its environmental policy or

environmental laws will result in the termination or suspension of an agreement, at the sole discretion of the City.

1.2 Environmental impacts in the life cycle of a product or service

1.2.1 Environmental purchasing involves considering the costs and

environmental consequences of a product or service in all stages of its life cycle, including raw materials acquisition, production, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, operation, maintenance, reuse and disposal.

1.2.2 Independent certification programs such as Environmental Choice as well

as an increasing number of manufacturers conduct life cycle assessments to answer the question, “What is the environmental burden of a product or service through all stages of its life cycle?” The City of Richmond is

City of Richmond 21 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre

interested in receiving, wherever available, life cycle information relevant to the products or services being considered.

1.3 Characteristics of environmentally preferable products

1.3.1 Environmentally preferable products and services have characteristics that

include but are not limited to the following:

- Reduce waste and make efficient use of resources, including energy - Are reusable or contain reusable parts - Are recyclable - Contain post-consumer recycled materials - Produce fewer polluting by-products and/or safety hazards during

manufacture, use or disposal, and - Have a long service life and/or can be economically and effectively

repaired or upgraded. - Are certified by an independent accredited organization such as the

Environmental Choice program

1.4 Packaging

1.4.1 As with products and services, the City of Richmond will endeavour to consider the environmental characteristics of a product’s packaging.

1.4.2 The City prefers that suppliers minimize the amount of packaging used on

products or that durable, long-lasting forms of reusable packaging be used. While packaging containing post-consumer recycled material or recyclable packaging is considered better than wasteful packaging, reduced or reusable packaging is preferred.

1.5 Environmental attributes of company

1.5.1 It is desirable that suppliers to the City of Richmond have an

environmental policy statement approved at the executive level and implemented across the company.

1.5.2 Suppliers who have pursued environmental certification such as ISO

14001 should include this information with their bid. The ISO 14000 Series is a set of international standards for voluntary environmental management for both private and public organizations. It is designed to promote environmental compliance, ensure a commitment to pollution prevention, and foster continual improvement of environmental performance through efficient environmental management.

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1.5.3 The City of Richmond strictly subscribes to an environmental policy that requires all suppliers to be in compliance with all environmental laws and regulations regarding the manufacture, processing, handling, provision, disposal and waste management of goods and services.

1.6 Environmental purchasing resources

1.6.1 The City of Richmond Environmental Purchasing Guide is available from

the City of Richmond Web site at:

City of Richmond 23 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre


2.1 Please complete this questionnaire. If more than one product or service is included in this contract, please use additional copies of the questionnaire as required, noting the products and services that are covered on each questionnaire:

2.2 The City of Richmond reserves the right to request additional information from

bidders in order to validate the accuracy of information provided and demonstrate compliance to the City’s environmental requirements.



Have studies of the environmental attributes of this product been completed (ie. lifecycle assessment)? If yes, please attach.

Does the product require Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)? If yes, please provide details and/or enclose applicable MSDS.

Does this product reduce waste and make efficient use of resources such as energy and raw materials throughout its life cycle? If yes, please explain.

Is this product reusable or contain reusable parts? If yes, provide details.

Is this product recyclable? If yes, provide details for local recycling, including whether the supplier will take back the product for recycling.

Does this product contain post-consumer recycled materials? If yes, specify percentage.

Does this product produce fewer polluting by-products and/or safety during its life cycle hazards than similar products? If yes, provide details.

Does this product have a long service life and/or can be economically and effectively repaired or upgraded? If yes, provide details.

Has the product been packaged using the least amount of packaging possible? If no, provide reasoning.

City of Richmond 24 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre



Is the packaging reusable or contain reusable parts? If yes, provide details.

Is the packaging recyclable? If yes, provide details for local recycling, including whether the supplier will take back the packaging for recycling.

Does the packaging material contain post-consumer recycled materials? If yes, specify percentage.

Does your company have an environmental policy statement approved at the executive level? If yes, attach.

Has your company implemented its environmental policy (ie. undertaking waste reduction or energy efficiency initiatives)? If yes, provide details

Does your company have certification (ie: ISO 14001 or equivalent)? If yes, provide documentation.

Does your company participate in voluntary environmental programs such as Energy Star, Green Seal, Environmental Choice or EnerGuide? If yes, provide details.

Has your company received any environmental violations within the past five years? If yes, provide detailed listing.

City of Richmond 25 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre



Proposals shall be evaluated to determine the best value offered to the City against conformance to the following criteria:

• Environmental attributes of products or services • Certifications of products or services, ie: The Environmental Choice Program,

Green Seal and Energy Star • Environmental attributes of packaging • Provision of bidder’s environmental policy and contents therein • Implementation of bidder’s environmental policy, eg. waste reduction or energy

efficiency initiatives • Certifications of bidder, ie: ISO 14001 Certified • Statements indicating compliance with all environmental laws and regulations • Completion of Bidders’ Environmental Questionnaire

Note: The evaluation criteria are deemed to be of equal value and will amount to 10% of the total Bid Evaluation Process.

City of Richmond GC 1 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre


General Conditions of the Contract

1. Definitions

The two parties to the contract/Purchase Order. are the Contractor and the City, defined as follows:

The Contractor: The successful bidder for the work upon receipt of a purchase order and/or written acceptance of his Quotation from the City.

The City: City of Richmond.

Acceptance of the City of Richmond Purchase Order deems acceptance of all conditions of the Supply and Delivery Contract.

2. Responsibility For Supplies

The Contractor shall be responsible for the supplies covered by this contract until they are delivered at the designated delivery point, regardless of the point of inspection; and the contractor shall bear all risks of loss or damage to rejected supplies after notice of rejection.

3. Inspection

All supplies shall be subject to inspection and test by and shall meet the approval of the Manager of Purchasing and Risk and his decision shall be final and binding upon all parties.

In case any supplies or lots of supplies are defective in material or workmanship otherwise not in conformity with the specifications of the contract, the Manager of Purchasing and Risk shall have the right either to reject them or to require their correction.

Acceptance or rejection of the supplies shall be made as promptly as practicable after delivery, but failure to inspect and accept or reject supplies shall not relieve the contractor from responsibility for such supplies as are not in accordance with the specifications.

4. Warranty

Unless otherwise specified, the contractor warrants that in the manufacture of the supplies only the best workmanship and materials have been employed and if, within a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the supplies by the City, such supplies or any portion thereof are found by the City to be defective or faulty due to

City of Richmond GC 2 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre General Conditions of the Contract (Cont’d)

imperfect or bad workmanship or material, the contractor agrees, to replace such defective supplies forthwith without expense to the City.

5. Payments

The contractor shall be paid within 30 Days after the submission by the contractor of properly prepared invoices to the Accounts Payable Section for supplies delivered and accepted or services rendered and accepted. However, the City may withhold an amount equal to two times the value of goods or services not provided by the Contractor from any amounts owing to the Contractor.

6. Indemnification and Insurance

The Contractor will indemnify, hold and save harmless the City from and against all claims, losses, damages, costs, actions and other proceedings, made, sustained, brought or prosecuted in manner, based upon, occasioned by attributable to any injury, including death, property damage, infringement or damage arising from any act or omission of the Contractor, his employees, officers, volunteers, servants or agents or persons from whom the Contractor has assumed responsibility in the performance or purported performance of this agreement.

7. Liens

The Contractor shall fully indemnify the City from and against any and all liability or expenses by way of legal costs or otherwise in respect of any claim which may be made for a lien or charge at law or inequity or to any claim or liability under the Builders Lien Act, or to any attachment for debt, garnishee process, or otherwise.

8. Patent Fees

The Contractor shall pay all royalties and licence fees and shall save the City harmless from loss on account of suits or claims of infringement of patents in the doing of the work.

9. Default

(a) The City may, by notice of default to the contractor, terminate the whole or any part of this contract if the contractor fails to make delivery of the supplies within the time specified, or to perform any other provisions of this contract.

(b) In the event the City terminates this contract in whole or in part as provided in clause (a) the City may procure supplies or services similar to those so terminated, and the contractor shall be liable to the City for any excess costs for such similar supplies or services.

City of Richmond GC 3 Contract 3353Q Supply and Delivery of Photocopiers/Printers for City of Richmond Production Centre General Conditions of the Contract (Cont’d)

(c) The contractor shall not be liable for any excess costs under clause (b) if failure to perform the contract arises by reason of strikes, lockouts, acts of God or acts of the City.

10. Taxes

Unless otherwise provided herein, the Contractor shall pay all government sales or excise taxes in force at the date of the Contract/Purchase Order, provided that any increase or decrease in such taxes shall increase or decrease the amount due under the Contract accordingly. Invoices must show the appropriate amounts for Goods and Services Taxes and Provincial Sales Taxes separately.

11. Laws

The laws of British Columbia shall govern the work.

12. Time

Time shall be the essence in this Contract.

13. Assignment

Neither party to the Contract shall assign the Contract without the written consent of the other.

14. Changes

The City may make changes to the Contract and time and value shall be adjusted accordingly, except for emergencies all changes shall be made by written order.

15. Notices

Any notice required to be given in this Contract shall be deemed to be duly given to the City if sent by registered mail addressed to the City's Purchasing and Risk Manager at "City Hall, 6911 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC V6Y 2C1" and to the Contractor if sent by registered mail addressed to the Contractor at the address set forth in the Quotation.

City of Richmond Business & Financial Services Department

Notice of No Bid

Note: Receipt of this completed form will assist us in calling for future bids. Please complete

and submit this form prior to the closing date and time as shown on the Request for Quotation/Proposal/Tender form. Please remember to include Quotation/Proposal/Tender No. at right.

Quotation/Proposal/Tender No.


A Quotation/Proposal/Tender is not being submitted for the following reason(s):

We do not manufacture/supply the required goods/services

Cannot obtain raw materials/goods in time to meet delivery requirements

We do not manufacture/supply to stated specifications Cannot meet delivery requirements

Specifications are not sufficiently defined Cannot quote/tender a firm price at this time

Insufficient information to prepare quote/proposal/tender Insufficient time to prepare quote/tender.

Quantity too small We are unable to competitively quote/tender at this time.

Quantity too large We do not have facilities to handle this requirement

Quantity beyond our production capacity Licensing restrictions (please explain)

Cannot meet packaging requirements Agreements with distributors/dealers do not permit us to sell directly.

Cannot handle due to present plant loading Other reasons or additional comments (please explain below)

I / We wish to quote / tender on similar goods / services in future

Yes No

Authorized Company Official – Signature and Title Date

Firm Name



Province Postal Code

This space for City of Richmond Comments

Telephone Number