Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing

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Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing

Transcript of Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing

  • 5/27/2018 Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing


    Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing Embarrassment

    A. Pengertian.Sebelum melihat Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing Embarrassment, mari kita lihat dulu

    pengertiannya. Embarrassment adalah bentuk noun (kata benda) dari kata kerja embarrass yangartinya memalukan atau kata sifat yang artinya malu. Their actions were very embarrassing (Tindakan-

    tindakan mereka sangat memalukan).

    Untuk mengekspresikannya, kita bisa menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan seperti:

    I was so embarrassed. I am embarrassed I feel ashamed Oh, My God Shame on me I dont feel comfortable I feel awkward Its my embarrassment to Thats a real embarrassment How embarrassing! It really makes me ashamed.

    B. Contoh

    Contoh 1:

    A : Hi, Sonia. I watched your concert last night. That was awesome. You can be a great pianist.

    B: Actually I wasnt that great.

    A: What are you talking about? You played it very well.

    B: Actually, I cant play piano.

    A : Why? I think your playing was great.

    B : It wasnt me. Its my twin sister, Sania.

    A : Really? I thought it was you. Im sorry. Thats fine.

    B: No. It really makes me ashamed.

    A : Thats all right. At least you can feel proud having such great sister.

    Contoh 2:

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    A : Today is my bad day

    B : Why? Whats wrong?

    A : I felt down from motorcycle in front of our school this morning.

    B : what? Are you O.K?

    A : I was fine, but I was so embarrassedbecause my pants was torn.

    B : You must be very ashamed.

    A : Yeah. I felt so ashamed to know that. I didnt feel convenient because there were some of our friends

    hanging out.

    Contoh 3:

    A : Hi B, what happens? You look nervous.

    B: Its nothing.

    A: Really? Your face tells me that something is going on.

    B: Yes, youre right. Actually Ive had an embarrassing experience.

    A: What is it?

    B: When I was on my way home, I saw a girl fallen in the middle of the street.

    A: What happened then?

    B : I helped her to get up.

    A: Thats great. So, why do you look so nervous?

    B: Yeah, it should be, but suddenly someone shouted cut.How embarrassing!The girl was in her


  • 5/27/2018 Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing


    Contoh Percakapan (Conversation): Expressing Promise

    A. Pengertian

    Expressing promise adalah ekspresi atau ungkapan yang biasa digunakan jika seseoarang mengucapkan

    janji baik pada dirinya sendiri maupun orang lain. Adapun ungkapan yang biasa digunakan adalah sebagai


    I promise you

    B. Contoh

    Contoh 1:

    A : Could you help me prepare for my presentation on Friday?

    B : I would love to help you prepare for your presentation.

    A : I hate to ask you to do something like that.

    B : This will not interfere with my work. I promise you that.

    A : When could we get together?

    B : I could easily give you some time tomorrow night.

    A : Would you like to meet at the coffee house next door?

    B : Yes, and could you write down anything you might be having trouble with?

    A : Ill come prepared.

    B : Goodbye until then. I promise youthat youll do well after we meet.

    Contoh 2:

    A : I need help preparing for my presentation on Friday.

    B : I could help you with that.

    A : Are you sure you have the time?B : I promise youthat I have the time to do this. If I didnt, I wouldnt offer to help.

    A : What would be the best time for you to help me?

    B : Tomorrow night would work for me.

    A : Should we just meet here?

    B : OK, and Ill bring some information that helped me with my presentation.

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    A : Ill see you then.

    B : See you tomorrow night.

    Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris: Expressing Sympathy

    (Simpati)Untuk membuat conversation (percakapan) yang mengekspresikan simpati, kita harus menggunakan

    kalimat-kalimat simpatik seperti:

    I am sorry to hear that (aku sedih mendengar hal itu); thatsawful(itu pasti sakit sekali); thatsghastly(itu mengerikan)dan masih banyak lagi ekspresi simpatik lainnya. untuk lebih jelasnya marilah kita simak beberapa contoh

    kalimat yang mengekspresikan perasaan simpatik.

    Contoh 1 :

    Gabriel: Hi John, how are you? long time we did not see since one year ago.

    John : Hi Gabriel. Im pretty okay. You look so fat now.

    Gabriel: Indeed, its because of my unhealthy lifestyle.

    John : By the way, what about Tim? He works in a office with you, doesnt he?

    Gabriel: Yes, but Tim has been having a lot of troubles lately. I think he might be getting a divorce.

    John : Imsorry to hear about Timsproblems. I hope things get better for him soon

    Contoh 2 :

    Royhan : Would you mind help me to lock the door please?

    Aliya : Not at all, where is the key.

    Royhan : Here you are.

    Aliya : Ok. auw.. (Aliyas screaming)

    Royhan : whats the matter?

    Aliya : I hurt my finger

    Royhan : Uh.. thatsawful.

    Contoh 3:

    Jack: Why are you in hurry Tina?

    Tina: I have to go to hospital now.

    Jack: Are you sick? you look okay.

    Tina: No, but my mother got an accident. A bus crashed her motor cycle on the way home.

    Jack: Uh, thatsghastly, I hope your mother will be okay soon.

    Tina: Okay, thanks.

  • 5/27/2018 Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing


    Contoh Percakapan (Conversation): Expressing GratitudeA. Pengertian.

    Gratitude adalah ucapan terima kasih sebagai ungkapan terhadap jasa atau bantuan orang lain terhadap


    B. Ungkapan Yang Biasa digunakan:

    1. Thank you very much.2. Thanks a lot3. I should like to express my gratitude for..4. I should like to express my appreciation for 5. Imreally obligated to you for 6. Imreally grateful to you for Untuk membalas ungkapan rasa terima kasih tersebut kita bisa menggunakan beberapa Ungkapan sepertiberikut:

    1. You are welcome2. Dontmention it3. Itsmy pleasure4. No problem5. Not at all6. Thatsalright.

    C. Contoh Dialog atau Percakapan Gratitude:

    Contoh 1:

    A: Its so hot here.

    B: Thats right, I feel so sultry. Its because the Air Conditioner is being repaired. its broken.

    A: Do you have a fan or something else to cool down.

    B: I dont have it. But Ill try to open the window, hope it will be better.

    A: Thank you very much.B: Not at all.

    Contoh 2:

    C : What can I do for you sir?

    D: I am looking for a pen with thick black ink.

    C: oh, we have some kind of pens you mean. Wait a minute, Ill take them for you.

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    D: O.k thanks a lot.

    C: Its my pleasure sir.

    Contoh 3:

    E: Oh my god, I will miss my flight if I am not rush to go to airport now.

    F: So, what are you waiting for?

    E: But my car is still being fixed in garage. I cant go by bus, thetime will not enough.

    F: If you dont mind, I can usher you to the airport by motorcycle.

    E: Actually, I am not accustomed to go by motorcycle, it will make my hair ruins. But I have no choice. Lets

    go then.

    F: Okay, do you have helmet?

    E: Yes, wait a minute, I am taking it. By the way, thank you very much for your kindness.

    F: Its my pleasure.

  • 5/27/2018 Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing


    Contoh Conversation: Percakapan Suggestion and Advice

    (saran)Percakapan bahasa Inggris yang bermaksud memberikan Advise (nasehat) atau Suggestion (saran) biasanya

    mengandung kalimat/frasa yang diantaranya:

    I think you should . . (menurut saya kamu sebaiknya) Why dont you . . . (kenapa kamu tidaksaja) Lets . . . (yuk kita) What about /How about ..? (gemana kalau) I suggest . (saya sarankan)Example 1:

    A: Should I buy the Porsche or the Ferrari? (baiknya/enaknya saya beli Porsche atau Ferrari?)

    B: I think you should buy the Ferrari. (Menurutku kamu baiknya beli Ferrari)

    A: Why is that? (Lha kenapa?)

    B: Because Id like to borrow it (Karena saya pengin meminjamnya.)

    Example 2:

    A: Why dont you give Daphne a call? (Kenapa kamu tidak telphon si Daphne?)

    B: Good idea. I havent seen her for awhile. (Ide yang bagus. Aku belum ketemu dia lumayan lama.)

    A: Maybe you should ask her out. (Mungkin sebaiknya kamu tanyakan saja sama dia)

    B: Hmmm. Ill think about it. (Hmmm. Boleh juga/ tak pikir2 dulu.)

  • 5/27/2018 Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing


    Contoh Dialog/Conversation Expressing AngerA. Pengertian

    Sebelum kita melihat Contoh Dialog/Conversation Expressing Anger, mari kita pahami dulu apa yang

    dimaksud dengan expressing anger. Anger adalah bentuk noun (kata benda) dari kata sifat Angry yang

    berarti marah. Berarti expressing anger adalah ungkapan marah.

    Memang ungkapan anger hampir sama dengan ungkapan annoyance (kesal). Perbedaannya kalau kesal

    belum tentu marah, tapi kalau marah pasti kesal dulu. Lalu bagaimana cara kita mengekspresikan perasaan

    marah kita dalam bahasa inggris?

    B. Ungkapan Anger

    Banyak ungkapan yang bisa digunakan untuk mengekspresikan rasa marah kita. Dari yang mulai bahasa

    yang halus sampai bahasa yang kasar. Berikut beberapa ungkapan marah:

    I am very angry/ I am absolutely livid/ I am peeved/ I am upset You deserve it! Stop it! / Enough! / Shut up! You are playing with fire! Get away from me! No way! / Over my dead body! / Hands off! Dont play innocent! / Dont play dumb! You are so disgusting! / You can go to hell! Dont bother me. Get up your nose / He got me spitting mad!C. Contoh Dialog/Conversation Expressing Anger

    Contoh pertama:

    A : Why do you look so sad?

    B : Alex promised me to date with me last night, but He didnt come.

    A : Yeah, I saw him with a girl in central park last night. I thought they were dating there.

    B : what?? But he said that he accompanied his mother shopping.

    A : He lied to you then.

    B : I am really upset. no more mercy for him. Its over.Contoh kedua:

    A : What are you doing Honey? you broke all these glasses.

    B : You got me spitting mad, I have been trusting you for along this time, but you betray me?

    A : How could you say like that? what is my false?

    B : You never told me that you have another house. You try to cheat me, ha?

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    A : Honey, dont be angry please. I can explain this misunderstanding, but you must calm down.

    B : Enough!I dont need your explanation. I want you to force me now.

    A : Shut up!why are you so selfish? you dont want to her my explanation is okay, but you must now, I

    bought that house is for your surprise at your birthday tomorrow.

    Contoh ketiga:

    A : Shit down, do you know why I ask you to meet me?

    B : No, sir.

    A : You have made a big mistake. And I am very angryfor that.

    B : But I dont know what my mistake is. Would you tell me sir?

    A : You pretend to dont understand ha? You have given away the company strategy secret to our business


    B : But, sir..

    A : Shut up!you dont have no right to talk, I have some many proofs. Now you are fired.

  • 5/27/2018 Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing


    Contoh Percakapan (Conversation): Expressing SurpriseA. Pendahuluan.

    Dialog atau percakapan expressing surprise ini sering terjadi dalam keseharian kita. Hal yang tidak kita

    sangka terjadi membuat kita terkejut dan diekspresikan dalam bentuk kata-kata atau kalimat. Berikut

    adalah beberapa ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa digunakan ketika kita terkejut:

    That is suprised ! What is suprised ! Oh, my god ! My goodness ! Oh God ! / Oh Boy ! / Oh No ! / Oh Dear ! Is that so? Really? I was totally clueless on this! You must be kidding me (joking)!This is how you express your face when you are surprised:

    B. Contoh Expressing Surprise.

    Contoh 1:

    A : Its hard for me to tell you the truth, but I think you should know what I saw yesterday.

    B : You make me curious, just tell me.
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    A : I saw John, your boy friend and a girl were having dinner in a romantic restaurant.

    B :Are you kidding? Thatsnot true.

    A : Listen, I know its hard for you to believe, but I saw them with my own eyes.

    B :Oh my god..He always tells me that there is no one in his heart but me.

    A : Oh.. came on. He is not only guy in this word. Take it easy.

    B : Hmm.. You alright, Besides, he is not handsome to be my boy friend.

    A : Youre right. Lets go to the class. The bell is ringing.

    Contoh 2:

    C : Do you know where John is now? I dont see him for three days.

    D : Dont you know that Johns got fever? he has been in International hospital for two days.

    C : You must be kidding me, thats impossible, I met him yesterday.

    D : Are you sure that some one you met is John? Because he has a twin brother, his name is Joni.

    C : Oh, Really?I never know it. Do you have a plan to visit John in hospital?

    D : Now, I am going to International hospital to visit him. Lets go together then.

    C : OK. May I get a free ride with you?

    D : Of course, why not.

    Contoh 3:

    E : Your hand is bleeding F, what happen with you?

    F : I was on my way home with my mother by my car, then a truck hit my car from behind.

    E : What? Oh, my god!is your mother ok?

    F : Her forehead hit dashboard of my car, but she is fine now, because I always bring balm oil in my first aid

    box. I have smeared with it.

    E : Then why you dont cure your wound to a doctor?

    F : This is no problem, the wound is not to bad. I just need iodine and bandage to cover.

    E : Wait a minute, Ill take for you.

    F : Okay, thanks a lot.

    E : Dont mention it.

  • 5/27/2018 Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing


    Contoh Percakapan (Conversation): Expressing DisbeliefA. Pengertian

    Expressing Disbelief adalah ungkapan yang menunjukkan ekspresi ketidak percayaan terhadap sesuatu.

    Untuk menunjukkannya kita dapat menggunakan ungkapan:

    You are kidding, Are you serious?, I find this hard to believe, No I dontbelieve it, You must be joking, dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya.B.Contoh Dialog Expressing Disbelief

    Contoh 1:

    Robert : I went to Lombok Island last month.

    Julie : Really, who did you go with?

    Robert : Only my girlfriend.Julie : Yourekidding. Your girlfriend went with you? Did anyone else go?

    Robert : No, just two of us. We had a great time. We climbed Rinjani Mountain. It was incredible.

    Julie : Let me get this straight. You and your girlfriend went alone to Lombok to hike Rinjani? What

    about her folks and your folks, did they know about this trip.

    Robert : Oh yeah. It was no problem.

    Julie : Seriously, I find this hard to believe. I know your parents, they wouldnt allow this.

    Robert : Honestly, it was no problem

    Julie : Wow, I wish my folks were that liberal and open minded.

    Contoh 2:

    Rina : I will never get married.

    Aliya : Really? why?

    Rina : I hate all men. They are all just same.

    Aliya : You must be kidding me. You said that you would get married next month.

    Rina : I did. But its all over now. My last fiance left me due to another girl.

    Aliya : Im sorry to hear that, but life goes on, you have to forget him and find another kind men.

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    Contoh Conversation: regret (penyesalan)A: Hi John..where were you last night? why didnt you come to my birthday party? (simple past tense)

    B: Im so sorry, I wish I could come to your birthday party, but my father had come (past perfect) to visit me

    before I went. So I couldnt go. did Jack come?

    A: yeah, but I he went home when we were singing together (past continous) because his mother was sick.

    B: I am so sorry to hear that. was the party cool?

    A: yes, we had been singing together for 3 hours on my backyards home when finally rain came fall down.

    B: well, next year I must come to your birthday party bro.

    A: Ok, I will be glad.


    Yang harus diingat dalam membuat percakapan yang menunjukkan adanya penyesalan adalah pernyataanpenyesalan menggunakan kalimat:

    1. If I had/hadntV3, Subject + would/wouldnt + haveV3.2. I wish I had V33. I regret having V3 / not having V3 (to have V3 / not to have V3)4. I ought to have V35. I regret that I V26. I should have V3

  • 5/27/2018 Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing


    Latihan Test TOEFL Online: Part 4

    Contoh Conversation: regret (penyesalan)

    Contoh Conversation: Offering Help (Menawarkan

    Pertolongan)Offering help atau menawarkan pertolongan, sudah pasti sering kita ucapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.Berikut adalah beberapa Contoh Conversation: Offering Help (Menawarkan Pertolongan):

    Example 1:

    A: Could I help you on your new project? (bisakah saya menolongmu pada proyek barumu?)

    B: I have a need for help with writing and with the computer work. Which would you prefer? (saya butuh

    bantuan nih untuk menulis dan juga dengan pekerjaan komputer. mana yang kamu pilih?)

    A: I want to help with both. (saya ingin membantu dua-duanya)

    B: That would be wonderful. Sometimes we will be working together and sometimes independently. Would

    that be OK? (wow, keren. Kadang kita akan bekerja bersama dan kadang sendiri-sendiri. gpp kan?)

    A: Most of the time that is what I prefer. (kalau saya sih pilih semuanya)

    B: We start on Monday. Can you be there? (kita mulai senin. bisakah kamu di sana?)

    A: I am not sure yet. (saya belum yakin juga)

    B: I need your background information before the meeting. (saya butuh informasi latarbelakangmu sebelum


    A: I will do that. (saya akan mengerjakannya)

    B: Ill enjoy working with you. Have a great day! (Saya akansenang bekerja dengananda. semoga harimu


    Example 2:

    A: Would you like me to help you on your new project?

    B: I would love the help! Would you prefer helping with the writing part or is programming more your thing?

    A: I would enjoy helping with the writing portion.

    B: Perfect! Youll be working alone on that portion. Do you like to work alone?

    A: That is OK sometimes.

    B: Our first meeting is next Monday. Could you meet with us at that time?

    A: No, I cant be there.

    B: Please send me your background information before the meeting so I can look at it.

    A: I can send that information to you.

    B: OK. I look forward to working with you. Enjoy your week!
  • 5/27/2018 Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing


    Contoh Conversation: Polite Request (Permintaan yang

    Sopan)Ada beberapa frasa yang biasa digunakan untuk meminta pertolongan orang lain dengan sopan:

    Please(bisa diletakkan di depan atau belakang kalimat permintaan) Could you please, Would You please, Would you mind. Khusus would you mind kata kerja setelahnya harus berupa Verb ing. Dan jawaban

    untuk menyanggupinya adalah NO, berbeda dengan yang 3 sebelumnya, kalau mau dimintai tolong

    jawabannya YES(kalau orang Germany bilang Sumuhun _^) dan kata kerjanya adalah Infinitive

    atau Verb1

    Can you. Ini adalah frasa yang paling kasar dibandingkan yang lainnya. Ini biasanya permintaan sopantapi agak marah. Misalnya kita kesel sama teman karena berisik: can you shut up please (tolonglah

    jangan berisik).

    Untuk lebih jelasnya, Cekidot ke contohnya langsung yuk:

    Guest:Instead of herbal tea, do you happen to have diarrhea drug?

    Staff:Im sorry maam, but herbal tea is all we have at the moment.

    Tamu: selain teh herbal, apakah Anda kebetulan memiliki Obat mencret?

    Staf: Maaf Bu, tapi hanya teh herbal kita miliki saat ini.

    Guest:Could I get some more weights added to this machine. This is no challenge at all.

    Staff:Ill get more weight right away. How much more?

    Tamu: Bisakah saya mendapatkan bobot lebih banyak ditambahkan ke mesin ini. Ini kurang berat sama


    Staf: saya akan menambahkankan yang lebih berat segera. Berapa banyak lagi?

    Guest:Could you fill out the form for me. I hurt my writing hand?

    Staff:Of course sir. First, how do you spell your family name?

    Tamu: Bisakah Anda mengisi formulir untuk saya. Tangan saya lagi sakit?

    Staf: Tentu saja pak. Pertama, bagaimana Anda mengeja nama keluarga Anda?

  • 5/27/2018 Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing


    Contoh Percakapan (Conversation): Relief/Perasaan LegaA. Pengertian

    Ketika kita memiliki masalah dan bisa menyelesaikannya, maka kita akan merasa lega. Dalam situasi lain,

    ketika kita merasa khawatir tentang sesuatu yang akan kita hadapi, dan kemudian kita bisa menghadapinya,

    kita juga akan merasa lega. Lega berarti mengurangi atau mengakhiri rasa sakit dan khawatir.

    Adapun teknik untuk mengungkapkan perasaan lega adalah dengan menggunakan beberapa ekspresi


    Thank goodnees! Thank heavens! What a relief! Im glad about! Its great relief!B. Contoh Dialog/ConversationContoh 1:

    Anne Grey! Dontyou know that our final exam mark has been announced?

    Grey What? Are you sure that it has been announced?

    Anne Of course. What happens?

    Grey It is because I did not do the test well and I am afraid that I will get D for this subject. O

    teacher has told me, if I dontpass this exam I will be kicked from this school.

    Anne Dontmake a joke, Grey! I think no one will kick you out from this school.

    Grey How can you know?

    Anne Because you get C!

    Grey Thank God!Thanks Anne!Anne Yourewelcome, Grey!

    Contoh 2:

    Royhan Hey guys , score list mathematics test is out, I have 79

    Aliya I have 83

    Happy What? I dontknow about that, what score do I have ?I afraid it is not complete

    Royhan Dont worry, you get 65, I see there

    Happy Thatsa relief, thanks Roy.

    Royhan ok, yourewelcome

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    Contoh Percakapan (Conversation): Expressing Like and

    DislikeEvans : Hi Nani. How are you?

    Nani : Fine, thanks. How was your Sunday morning?

    Evans : I spent my Sunday morning cooking with my wife.

    Nani : So you like cooking together? Thats great.

    Evans : What about your Sunday, then?

    Nani : Well, I love my children very much so I spend Sundays with them.

    Evans : Oh great. Im happy to hear that. Ilove my children too. But they enjoyspending their Sundays at

    their grandparents house.

    Nani : My children hate travelling. They dontlikegoing to their grandparentshouse because they have to

    spend 5 hours on the bus to get there.

    Evans : All right, Nani. Nice to bump into you. See you.

    Nani : Nice to see you too. See you later.

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    Contoh Conversation: Expressing Apology (Minta Maaf)A. Teknik Penulisan

    Expressing Apology adalah ungkapan untuk menyatakan permintaan maaf ketika kita melakukan sebuah


    Kalimat yang biasa digunakan adalah:

    Im so sorry Forgive me pleaseContoh 1:

    Student : Good Morning sir, I would like to borrow some of these books.

    Librarian : Your library card, please?

    Student : Oh my God, Im so sorry, I forgot to bring it.Librarian : So, you cant borrow this book.

    Contoh 2:

    Jane : You told me that you would fetch me at ten a.m, but you dont even come.

    John : Im so sorry, I was sick.

    Jane : but why you didnt tell me? you can call me or send me a sms.

    John : I do really sorry. well, I promise you that I will never do it anymore.

    Contoh 3:

    Raisa : You lied to me! you said that I was the one in your heart.

    Robert: You are indeed the only one in my heart.

    Raise : But yesterday I saw you with another girl in the mall.

    Robert: oh, I forget to tell you, she is my cousin. Forgive me please.

    Raisa : For sure?

    Robert: I swear, one day if we meet her I will introduce you to her.

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    Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris: Expressing Pride

    (Bangga)CONTOH 1:

    Happy I took our sonsbook report this morning. You know what? his rank is the first in hisclass.

    Rahmat For real?

    Happy Yes, of course. Look at this.

    Rahmat wow, I cantbelieve it. Where as, he was the twentieth rank last semester.

    Happy He has been studying hard for along this time.

    Rahmat yeah, I know that. Improud of him.

    CONTOH 2:

    Father Hi son, have you accomplished your home work?

    Son yes, I have. But now I have to help mum to clean the back yard.

    Father wow, you are indeed my great son. Imso proud of you.

    Son Thanks. Itsmy duty to help my parents as far as I can.

    CONTOH 3:

    John Good morning Jane. What are you doing?

    Jane Morning John. Imcleaning up our classroom.

    John Wow, youreso diligent. Improud of you.

    Jane Thanks. But I think itsevery one responsibility to take care of our environment.

    John Sure, but unfortunately a lot of people do not realize it.

    Jane Therefore, many people still throw away their trash every where.

    John Yes, thus I feel proud of every one who can be bothered to throw their trash away theyare very disciplined and help to keep the environment clean.

    Jane Okay, but would you stop talking now and help me clean the classroom, please

    John My pleasure.

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  • 5/27/2018 Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing


    Contoh Conversation: Granting Request (Mengabulkan

    Permintaan)Expressing Granting Request adalah sebuah ekspresi kalimat untuk mengabulkan permintaan orang lain

    yang biasanya diekspresikan dengan kata: Certainly, Alright, Illdo my best.

    GUEST: Hello.

    CONCIERGE*: Good day, Madam. How may I help you?

    GUEST: Would you be able to get me two tickets to a music concert in the area tonight?

    CONCIERGE: I will certainly do my best. What kind of music concert would you like to attend?

    GUEST: Classical or rap.

    CONCIERGE: Alright. I can get you tickets to the symphony tonight, if you dont mind sitting on the balcony

    level. Unfortunately, its too a bit too late to get tickets for tonights Lil Jon show. Its completely sold out.

    GUEST: Lil Jon is in town? Youre kidding. Are you sure you cant get me a pass? Ill pay extra.

    CONCIERGE: Well, hmm. Occasionally, concert tickets are held for the hospitality industry in case there is

    interest from VIPs. If you would like I can speak to my contact at the venue, and see if we can find you two

    held tickets although they would be quite expensive.

    GUEST: That would be wonderful. If not, I guess Ill take the symphony balcony tickets. Would you mind

    finding out for me tonights symphony program as well?

    CONCIERGE: Certainly. I will call your room within the next hour with some answers. What is your room


    GUEST: Im in 43.

    CONCIERGE: Thank you, Madam. I do hope that we can assist you.

    *) A consierge is usually the person at a hotel orguest house who is in charge of fulfilling special requests

    from guests, such as arranging luggage storage, tours or entertainment tickets

  • 5/27/2018 Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing


    Contoh Percakapan (Coversation): Expressing

    CongratulationA. Pengantar.

    Expressing Congratulation adalah merupakan ekspresi atau ungkapan kepada orang lain atas keberhasilan

    atau kesuksesan atau pencapaian akan suatu hasil yang memuaskan atau seperti yang diharapkan. Dalam

    bahasa Inggris kita bisa menggunakan beberapa ungkapan untuk mengucapkan selamat kepada orang lain.

    Di antaranya adalah:

    Congratulations. I congratulate on your .. (scholarship, graduation, promotion etc) Please accept my warm congratulations. Congratulation on your success. Happy (birthday, anniversary etc.)

    B. Contoh Percakapan Expressing Congratulations.

    Contoh 1:

    Being Promoted

    A :I havent told you what happened yet, have I? (aku belum memberitahumu apa yg telah terjadi kan?

    B :I havent heard anything. (Aku belum mendengar apapun)

    A : My boss offered me a promotion, and I took it. (bosku menawarkanku promosi, dan aku mengambilnya)

    B : Are you serious? (Serius?)

    A : Yes, I am really excited. (Iya, aku sangat senang)

    B : Thats great.Congratulations.(itu luar biasa. selamat)

    A : I appreciate that. (aku menghargainya)

    B : You have no idea how happy I am for you. ( kamu tidak tahu betapa aku ikut merasakan kebahagiaanmu)

    A : For real? (benarkah?)

    B : I believe you were the best choice for that promotion. I really do. (aku percaya kamu adalah pilihan terbaik

    untuk promosi itu. I sangat percaya itu)

    Contoh 2:

    Passing National Examination

    C: Hello B, have you read the announcement? (halo B, kamu sudah baca pengumuman belum?)

    D: What about? (Pengumuman apa?)

    C: I have just told by Erick via SMS that you had passed the national Examination. (Aku baru saja diberitahu

    Erick lewat sms kalau kamu sudah lulus UN)

  • 5/27/2018 Contoh Conversation or Dialogue Expressing


    D: Oh, really? (Benarkah?)

    C : Yes, you may read the SMS by your self, here you are. (Iya, kamu boleh baca sms nya sendiri, nih)

    D: Wow, Thank you very much for telling me. (Wow, makasih banyak sudah memberitahuku)

    C: Dont mention it.I congratulate on your graduation. (Sama-sama. Selamat atas kelulusannya)

    D: Thank you very much for saying so. (Terimakasih atas)

    C: You are welcome. So where will you continue your study? (Sama-sama. Jadi kamu mau melanjutkan study


    D: I still have no idea yet. (Aku masih belum tahu)

    Contoh 3:


    E: Hallo honey, I have just received your gift. Thank you very much. (halo cinta, aku baru saja menerima

    bingkisanmu. terima kasih ya..)

    F: You are welcome. (Sama-sama)

    E: By the way, why did you send me a gift. Do I forget a special moment? (Ngomong-omong, kenapa kamu

    mengirimku bingkisan?. Apakah aku lupa moment spesial?)

    F: This is your birth day honey. Today is 25th of March. (Ini kan hari ulang tahunmu, hari ini tanggal 25 Maret)

    E: Oh my dear, how could I forget my own birth day. Thank you so much honey. (O iya, bagaimana aku bisa

    lupa hari ulang tahunku sendiri. terima kasih banyak cinta..)

    F: Okay, happy birth day to you. (Oke, selamat ulang tahun..)

    E: Oh honey, you are so sweet. Thank you for your gift and your love. (Oh cinta.. kamu manis sekali. terima

    kasih untuk bingkisan dan cintamu)