Continuous Writing Outline

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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spm english

Transcript of Continuous Writing Outline

Continuous WritingWrite a story beginning with The teacher walked into the classroom. It was the first period..Remarks:The narrative essay should begin with the given lines. Although the lines give an impression of a very ordinary day in a classroom, try to bring your story to life by describing interesting incidents that happened during that day in school or even using the lines as a flashback to the past. Make sure your storyline is interesting.Suggested points: Introduction:The teacher walked into the class room - it was the first period - History class - Puan Rahmah- as she taught - loud scream - back of the class - everyone shocked - turned to the back- classmate - Nora ran out of the classroom hysterically - crying Body:(a) Puan Rahmah - stopped teaching asked the class to calm down - asked class monitor to control the class - while she went after Nora - Nora was sitting behind a bush - field - sobbing - Puan Rahmah asked why - comforted her - would not stop crying - decided to let her cry it out -many passers-by - staring(b) After half an hour - stopped crying -slowly - began to talk - parents - going through divorce - been quarrelling for many weeks - sometimes - abused her and siblings - she could not stand pressure- every day - stressed at home because of parents - stressed in school because of her dropping grades - could not take it -emotionally - let out in class - apologised to Puan Rahmah(c) Puan Rahmah - hugged understood did not blame her - suggested - visit her house - talk to her parents - Nora agreed- followed her home after school spoke to parents - parents did not realise - Nora badly affected - realised their mistake -promised to try to work things out (d) A week later - Nora was smiling - happy again - more cheerful - grades began to improve - thankful for Puan Rahmah's help - bought her a gift - Puan Rahmah -touched Conclusion:Puan Rahmah - glad to help - students - like her own children - one of the best teachers in the school

Continuous WritingSaving money for the futureRemarks:The topic is straightforward and many approaches can be used. You can reflect on how important it is to save money for the future, or even write about [someone who has a personal story (or your own story) on saving money for his or her future. Make sure you have sufficient examples to support your points.Suggested points: Introduction:Saving money for the future - extremely important - yet not many people do it - many reasons why we should save Body:(a) Firstly - as said - it is for the future -life is uncertain - saving money - avoid unexpected incidents - if not - borrow from others - unpleasant experience - for example, accidents, repair work at home, food prices hike, and more(b) Good habit - cultivate avoid overspending - spend on necessary things only - needs, not wants - for example, electronic gadgets - everyone has it nowadays - is it really necessary? - if not- save the money - for future use(c) The money saved can also be multiplied -if the amount is big enough - the money can be kept in a fixed deposit in a bank -higher interest rate - not only do not spend the money - get more money in return -great for investment - rainy days Conclusion:Saving money for the future - must be done -do not neglect - if not - regret - when time of trouble comes