Continuous Improvement in Academic...

Post on 26-May-2018

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Transcript of Continuous Improvement in Academic...

Using Assessment to Make

This workshop describes the assessment processes, schedules, cycles, workshops, reviews, strategic planning, and governance New Mexico State University Carlsbad uses to make continuous improvement in academic quality.

Continuous Improvement  in Academic Quality  

Ronald  Girmus,  Ph.D.    and  William  Finley  

About Us

•  Descrip(on  of  NMSU  Carlsbad  –  Small  [enroll.  ~  2000],  Rural  [pop.  ~  35K],    Hispanic-­‐Serving  [~  50%]  

Ins(tu(on  –  AQIP  Pathway  –  2015  Uncondi(onal  Reaffirma(on  of  Accredita(on    –  Mission:    The  mission  of  New  Mexico  State  University  Carlsbad  is  to  

provide  students  the  resources  necessary  for  them  to  fulfill  their  educa>onal  poten>al  so  that  they  may  help  meet  the  needs  of  their  community  as  well-­‐trained,  well-­‐educated,  and  produc>ve  ci>zens.  

•  Development  of  Con(nuous  Improvement  Process  –  HLC  Team  Workshops  

•  Assessment    team  workshops  •  AQIP  strategy  forums  

–  NM-­‐HEAR  [Higher  Ed.  Assessment  &  Reten(on]  Conferences  –  Networking  

•  Learning  from  other  ins(tu(ons’  successes  and  failures.  


•  Academic  Assessment  and  Con(nuous  Improvement  Process  at  New  Mexico  State  University  Carlsbad  

•  Basic  Tenets  for  Assessment  and  Con(nuous  Improvement  

•  Collabora(on  Council,  Strategic  Plan  and  KPI-­‐repor(ng  

=  Con(nuous  Improvement  Loop  Learning Outcomes

Program Reviews

Course Assessment (Dec.)

Program Assessment (April)

Course Assessment (May)

Assessment In-Service (Aug.)

Graduate Exit Exam (April)

Executive Assessment Retreat (July)

Assessment In-Service (Nov.)

Executive Assessment Day (March)

Institutional Research Data (Oct.)

Assessment In-Service (Apr.)

Learning Outcomes

•  Course,  Program  and  Ins(tu(onal  Levels  •  Course  Outcomes  

• Required  for  all  courses  each  semester  •  Program  Outcomes  

• Required  for  all  degree-­‐seeking  programs  •  Graduate  Outcomes  

• Over-­‐arching  outcomes  expected  of  each  gradua(ng  student.  

•  Measureable  •  Based  on  Bloom’s  Taxonomy  


Assessment In-Services

•  Build  Faculty  Involvement  in  Assessment  •  Have  Specific  Focus  •  Recent  Examples:  

•  Changing  the  Culture  of  Assessment  •  Developing  Faculty-­‐Driven  Assessment  Projects  

•  Harves(ng  Our  Success  •  Incorpora(ng  Program  Assessment  into  Program  Reviews  


Institutional Research Data

•  Surveys  •  Employee  Survey    •  Student  Engagement  Survey  

•  Ins(tu(onal  Research  data  Sets  [5-­‐yr]  •  Enrollment  trends,  demographics  •  Persistence  and  comple(on  rates  [overall  and  program  specific]  

•  Degree  produc(on  trends  •  Grade  distribu(ons  /  DFW  rates  •  Course  offerings  and  faculty  load  sta(s(cs   BACK

Course or Program Assessment

•  Needed  for  Con(nuous  Improvement:  •  Targets  • Measureable  Learning  Outcomes  •  Descrip(on  of  Assessment    •  Results    •  Analysis/Interpreta(on  of  Results  •  Course  Improvements  Based  on  Results  

•  Results  of  previous  proposed  course  improvements  and  implementa(ons  


Executive Assessment Day

•  Execu(ve  team  analyzes  program  reviews  and  ins(tu(onal  data.    Budgets  are  (ed  to  outcomes  assessment  and  aligned  with  strategic  planning  ini(a(ves  [tac(cal  and  strategic]  in  a  transparent  process.  

•  Requests  for  addi(onal  informa(on  are  generated.  

•  Priori(za(on  of  mul(ple  requests  with  limited  new  and  re-­‐alloca(on  of  funding.  


Executive Assessment Retreat •  Execu(ve  team  reviews  academic  and  

non-­‐academic  assessment  results  to  produce  annual  data-­‐driven  State  of  the  College  report  that  analyzes  performance  trends  and  ins(tu(onal  accomplishments.    The  report  demonstrates  (es  between  assessment,  improvement,  budge(ng,  decision-­‐making,  and  strategic  planning.  


Graduate Exit Exam •  Collegiate  Assessment  of  Academic  

Performance  •  Graduate  outcomes  aligned  with  different  sec(ons  of  test.  

•  Rotate  graduate  outcomes  to  be  assessed.  


(Academic) Program Reviews [APRs] •  Two  Versions  

•  Interim  –  Performed  Annually  •  Condensed.  Yearly  con(nuous  improvement.    

•  Three  Year  Review  •  Comprehensive  

•  Must  include  program  assessment  results.  •  Must  link  assessment  with  budge(ng.  

•  Template  Examples:  • What  are  the  planning  and  budge(ng  implica(ons  of  your  course  and  program  assessment  results?  

•  Itemize  any  improvements  obtained  from  your  Academic  Department’s  program  and  course  assessment  efforts.  


Basic  Tenets  for  Assessment  and  Con(nuous  Improvement  •  Leadership  

•  At  administra(ve  and  faculty  levels  •  Organiza(on  

•  Scheduled  events,  clear  deadlines  •  Communica(on  

•  Overdo  it.  •  Flexibility  

•  Allow  for  change  •  Autonomy  

•  Give  faculty  room  to  do  their  thing.  •  Documenta(on  

•  Track  improvement  effects  

Collaboration Council •  Established  and  charged  in  Dec.  2013  •  Provide  aggregated  repor(ng,  analysis,  and  narra(ve  to  Steering  Commijee  and  Execu(ve  team  based  on  input  from  the  standing,  governance  commijees,  assessment  ac(vi(es,  and  AQIP  ac(on  projects  

•  Representa(ves  elected  from  faculty  [2],  exempt  staff  [2],  non-­‐exempt  staff  [2],  students  [2],  and  IR/Assessment  officer  

Sample KPI-Reporting Form:


•  Implemented  in  July  2014  for  AMS  •  Collect  academic  and  non-­‐academic  assessment  ac(vi(es,  proposed  ini(a(ves,  and  budget  requests  

•  Academic  Units:  – Program  Reviews  [interim  and  full]  – Course  outcomes  [by  semester]  – Program  outcomes  [by  year]  – Curriculum  mapping  [Course  to  Program,  Course  to  Ins(tu(onal,  Course  to/from  Gen-­‐Ed]  

– Planning,  Budget-­‐requests,  and  analysis  – Co-­‐curricular  

Align Budgeting with Strategic Planning

Q & A

•  Final Comments and Suggestions •  Contact information:

– Dr. Ron Girmus: – Mr. Bill Finley: