Continuing Education at Home · online test. We do not accept tests for grading in this format. •...

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Transcript of Continuing Education at Home · online test. We do not accept tests for grading in this format. •...

Continuing Education at Home A Program o f Th e In s t i tu t e f or th e Stud y o f Hu man Knowled ge

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1. ______________ maintained that no amount of brain exercise or drilling in abstract rules of thought would

serve to make people smarter. a. Woodworth

b. McClelland

c. Thorndike

d. Murray

2. _______________ is/are a pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of information, and the

relationships among them.

a. Adapted design

b. Schema

c. Internal representation

d. Hebb assemblies

3. ____________ events makes clear the relevance of the principles to the solutions of particular problems,

and __________ events lets the principles actually be applied to the events.

a. framing; coding

b. systematizing; analyzing

c. organizing; conceiving

d. coding; framing

4. Which of the following are major insights about the way the mind works?

a. Our understanding of the world is a matter of inference and interpretation

b. The situations we find ourselves in affect our thoughts and determine our behaviors more than we realize

c. We are never not directly aware of the mental processes that produce our perceptions

d. All of the above

5. Conservation of matter is associated with what famous psychologist?

a. Clayton

b. Cavendish

c. Piaget

d. Vygotsky

6. _______________ is the dependent variable in the experiment John Bargh and colleagues conducted with

college students who had to make grammatical sentences out of a scramble of words.

a. The number of sentences correctly unscrambled

b. How rapidly the participants walked away from the lab

c. The number of candies consumed

d. The time spent unscrambling sentences with sexual content

7. Stereotypes ________________.

a. can be triggered by incidental facts that are irrelevant or misleading

b. can be mistaken in some or all aspects

c. can exert undue influence on our judgments about people

d. all of the above

8. ____________ is the term used by cognitive psychologists to explain the priming effect, which is the

observable phenomenon that a person is able to more quickly recall information about a subject once a

related concept has been introduced.

a. Spreading activation effects

b. Association networks

c. Spatial recognition

d. Cognitive units

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9. _______________ is/are (a) rule(s) of thumb that suggest a solution to a problem.

a. Heuristics

b. Speculative formation

c. Algorithms

d. Patterned thinking

10. The Linda problem _______________.

a. is associated with the psychologists Tversky and Kahneman

b. describes Linda as a feminist and bank teller

c. leans heavily on judgments of similarity

d. all of the above

11. The “hot hand” in basketball ______________.

a. represents a problem in our conception of randomness

b. is an error in thinking based on the representative heuristic

c. is an example of the availability heuristic

d. is an example of regression to the mean

12. _______________ is the failure to recognize the important of contexts and situations and the

overestimation of the role of personal dispositions

a. Situation blindness

b. Fundamental attribution error

c. Narcissistic preoccupation

d. Psychological inattention

13. The likelihood of a person offering help to another _____________.

a. is based on the helper’s acknowledgement that a problem exists

b. is based on the helper’s perception that the person who needs help will accept help when it is offered

c. is dependent on the presence of others

d. all of the above

14. In the Good Samaritan experiment, almost ______ of the seminarians offered help if they were not in a

rush; ______ offered help if they were late.

a. one half; 30%

b. three fourths; 20%

c. two thirds; 10%

d. one third; one half

15. The first social psychologist experiment was conducted by ______________.

a. Wilhelm Wundt

b. William James

c. Lev Vygotsky

d. Norman Triplett

16. __________ is the tendency of people to perform better when in the presence of others

a. Mirror image perception

b. Social facilitation effect

c. The reciprocity norm

d. Informational social influence

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17. Students who had been assigned a roommate who came to college with a history of substantial drinking


a. got grades a quarter of a point lower than students assigned a teetotaler

b. had no influence on them if they also had a history of substantial drinking

c. increased their intake of alcoholic beverages by 15% - 20% if they originally were a non-drinker

or a social drinker

d. all of the above

18. ______________ is an unconscious or involuntary bodily movement made in response to a thought or

idea rather than to a sensory stimulus.

a. Motor neuronal response

b. Affective simulation

c. Motor parody

d. Ideomotor mimicry

19. The main reason for differences in the attributions actors and observers make ___________.

a. is due to differences in self-serving bias

b. is that the context is always salient for the actor

c. is that the context is always salient for the observer

d. is due to differences in internal or external locus of control

20. In a study that the author and Timothy Wilson conducted to determine how people explain cognitive

processes, they found that most people _______________.

a. failed to be aware of the processes that went on in their heads

b. could offer valid reasons for their actions

c. offered reasons to explain their actions, even if they made up reasons on the spot

d. gave different responses when they were alone than when they were in a group

21. A halo effect occurs _____________.

a. following positive reinforcement

b. when people model themselves after a recognized leader or achievement

c. when knowing something about a person colors the judgments about the person

d. when there is an enhancement or diminishment of a perception or cognition as a result of successive

exposure to a stimulus of lesser or greater value in the same dimension.

22 _____________ is being influenced to believe something or do something in response to a stimulus

presented at such a low level of intensity that people can’t report whether they have seen


a. Supraliminal persuasion

b. Subliminal persuasion

c. Latent marketing

d. Influence marketing

23. Pawel Lewicki and coworkers ____________.

a. were the first to discover the cocktail party phenomenon

b. became famous with their tachistoscope research on “Mommy and I are one”

c. were associated with Pygmalion effect

d. found that the unconscious mind is very good at detecting many kinds of patterns

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24. According to the author, _______________.

a. we generally know why we think what we think

b. consciousness seems essential for identifying the elements of a problem

c. consciousness is necessary for checking and elaborating on conclusions reached by the unconscious mind

d. A and B

e. A and C

f. B and C

g. A, B, and C

25. _____________ is a suggestion about how to deal with choice.

a. Decision analysis

b. Expected value analysis

c. Payoff matrix

d. Pascal’s prescription

26. The steps in a cost benefit analysis include ______________.

a. selecting the form of measurement

b. predicting the outcome for each cost and benefit over the relevant time period

c. performing a sensitivity analysis

d. all of the above

27. ________________ is examining alternatives until a practical, attainable, and reasonable solution is

found, and stopping the search there instead of looking for the best-possible solution.

a. Solution sacrificing

b. Satisficing

c. Satisfying

d. Bounded rationality

28. According to the Food and Drug Administration (2010), a human life is worth ______________.

a. $7.9 million

b. $11.2 million

c. $1.3 million

d. $5.2 million

29. ______________ is an economic theory of consumption behavior which asserts that the best way to

measure consumer preferences is to observe their purchasing behavior.

a. Economic disparity

b. Itemized procurement

c. Revealed preferences

d. Authentic predilections

30. The pursuit of self-interest combined with everyone else’s pursuit of self-interest may result in


a. the tragedy of the commons

b. unbridled capitalism

c. negative externalities

d. rational egoism

31. ______________ is the cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered.

a. Unrecovered opportunity

b. Sunk costs

c. Spilt milk

d. Financial damage

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32. A good normative theory for how to make choices needs to take into consideration ____________.

a. issues of rationality

b. the extent to which we are capable of self-knowledge

c. the appropriate role of the unconscious

d. all of the above

33. _____________ is the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.

a. The road less travelled

b. Cost-benefit risk

c. Opportunity costs

d. Loss aversion

34. People ascribe more value to things merely because they own them. This is known as ______________.

a. economic egocentrism

b. cost-benefit bias

c. product overvaluation

d. the endowment effect

35. One reason offered to explain why 99% of Austrians permit the government to harvest their organs at

death while only 12% of Germans do is/are ___________.

a. government incentives to the family

b. the default option

c. massive education efforts geared to school aged children

d. all of the above

36. _________________ is the design of different ways in which choices can be presented to consumers, and

the impact of that presentation on consumer decision-making.

a. Strategic manipulation

b. The selection environment

c. Choice architecture

d. Translational decision making

37. ________ can do more to move people in the desired direction than promises of reward or threats of


a. Social influence

b. The effects of the availability heuristic

c. An optimistic attitude

d. An appeal to shared values

38. Children who were contracted to draw by receiving a Good Player Award ____________.

a. drew just as much as children who did not receive a reward

b. drew twice as much as children who did not receive a reward

c. drew four times as much as children who did not receive a reward

d. drew half as much as children who did not receive a reward

39. Which of the following statements are supported by the text?

a. Loss considerations tend to loom large relative to gain considerations

b. We hang on to the status quo for no other reason than that it’s the familiar way of things

c. Too many choices can confuse us, and make decisions worse

d. All of the above

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40. ______________ is a principle of probability according to which the frequencies of events with the same

likelihood of occurrence even out, given enough trials or instances. As the number of experiments

increases, the actual ratio of outcomes will converge on the theoretical, or expected, ratio of outcomes.

a. Regression to the mean

b. The law of large numbers

c. Ecological inference

d. Coverage probability

41. Predictions of graduate school performance based on a half-hour interview have been shown to correlate

_______ with performance ratings

a. less than .10

b. .27

c. .43

d. .66

42. _____________ is the tendency for people to place an undue emphasis on internal characteristics of the

agent (character or intention), rather than external factors, in explaining another person's behavior in a

given situation.

a. Disposition bias

b. Utility bias

c. Fundamental attribution error

d. Clustering illusion

43. Which of the following does not refer to the shape of normal distributions?

a. Leptokurtic

b. Platykurtic

c. Polykurtic

d. Kurtotic

44. __________ is the phenomena whereby patients exaggerate their symptoms in order to be eligible for

therapy but minimize their problems at the end of treatment.

a. The hello \ goodbye effect

b. Treatment paradox

c. Counterfactual habilitation

d. Transferential alteration

45. The ____________ is the statistical test that examines the probability that two proportions differ enough

to be confident that there is a genuine relationship.

a. t test for dependent variables

b. chi square

c. Mann-Whitney U test

d. Wilcoxen signed-rank test

46. Which of the following statements about validity are supported by the text?

a. There can be no validity without reliability

b. There can be very high reliability with no validity

c. Validity is typically measured by correlations

d. All of the above

47. Correlations ________________.

a. can be useful in predicting future behavior

b. are often indicative of causation

c. are sensitive to the representative heuristic

d. both a and c

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48. Multiple regression ______________.

a. has proven to have greater power than dual variable correlation

b. is a weak technique often leading to misleading results

c. is comparable to randomized controlled experiments

d. has been positively compared to “natural experiments”

49. The word HiPPO ______________.

a. is a euphuism for the HIPPA regulations

b. is another metaphor for “the elephant in the room”

c. is a derisive term for the “highest paid person’s opinion”

d. refers to a “high profile political operative”

50. The single most effective way to get someone to show up to vote is ______________.

a. a visit from a campaign worker just before Election Day

b. providing free transportation to the polls

c. personal contact via phone on election day

d. appointing the person to a citizen’s action committee

51. Telling prospective voters that they will be checked to see if they voted in an election ____________.

a. causes anger and resentment and tends to dampen voter’s enthusiasm

b. has no effect on voting behavior

c. increases the number of people who vote by as much as 2.5%

d. increases the number of people who vote by as much as 10%

52. Error variance is _________.

a. the proportion of variance that is unaccounted for

b. the portion of the variance in a set of scores that is due to extraneous variables and measurement.

c. an estimator measure of the average of the squares of the "errors", that is, the difference between

the estimator and what is estimated

d. an estimator of error between two datasets

53. __________ is/are variables that the researcher failed to control or eliminate, damaging the internal

validity of an experiment.

a. confounding variables

b. confounding bias

c. biased design

d. pseudo-experimental design

54. A(n) __________ allows a comparison between two (or among several) cases that are generally similar

but differ in some way that might be related to an outcome variable of interest.

a. natural experiment

b. independent measures design

c. repeated measures design

d. quasi-experimental design

55. Early exposure to bacteria ____________.

a. is positively correlated with several childhood diseases

b. provides children with natural immunity to infection

c. confers resistance to allergy as well as other autoimmune diseases

d. has no apparent health risks to children

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56. Research on the Head Start program has shown that ________________.

a. children’s health improved

b. IQ scores and academic success improved initially

c. cognitive gains lasted only a few years

d. all of the above

57. Which of the following statements regarding efforts to assist traumatized individuals following the events

of 9/11 are supported by the text?

a. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) has been effective in helping traumatized people

return to pre-morbid functioning

b. grief counseling has been essential in reducing anxiety and stress

c. writing about their innermost thoughts and feelings following the incident, in private, for four

nights in a row, had a substantial effect on relieving suffering from grief and stress

d. most professional efforts were effective as most individuals needed someone to listen effectively

and empathically

58. At-risk individuals exposed to programs such as Scared Straight _______________.

a. were less likely than other at-risk individuals who lacked exposure to this program to commit

felonies one year post exposure

b. were less likely than other at-risk individuals who lacked exposure to this program to commit

felonies one year post exposure but were as likely to commit violent crimes following the one year mark

c. were less likely than other at-risk individuals who lacked exposure to this program to commit felonies

at a 20 year post exposure follow-up.

d. were 13% more likely to commit crimes than individuals who were not exposed to the program

59. Multiple regression analysis ______________.

a. has been shown to be as effective as randomized experiments in producing statistically meaningful results

b. fails to identify all possible confounds

c. controls for variables that suffer from poor reliability or validity

d. fails to explain lagged correlations

60. The biggest potential confound in any epidemiological study is ________.

a. race

b. social class

c. age

d. socioeconomic status

61. There are a host of experimental studies showing that taking multivitamins __________.

a. improves the lifespan of men by two years, women by three years

b. reduces the onset of influenza

c. both a and b

d. does little or no good

62. The economists Rand Ghayad and William Dickens sent out 4800 fictitious applications for six hundred

job openings. This resulted _______________.

a. in the experimenters being arrested on federal charges for using the mail in the commission of

a crime (mail fraud)

b. in twice as many interviews for applicants who were short-term unemployed as long-term unemployed

c. in 30 percent more interviews for applicants who had relevant job experience

d. in 25 percent more interviews for applicants who were recent graduates with major concentrations in the area

being advertised

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63. Applicants with white-sounding names have as much as a ______ greater likelihood of being granted an

interview than applicants with black-sounding names.

a. 12%

b. 37%

c. 50%

d. 73%

64. MRA data suggest that family environment has ______ effect on children’s intellectual skills, while

natural experiments show that the effect of environment on intellectual skills is _______.

a. little; great

b. little; also of little effect

c. great; negligible

d. great; likewise great

65. The correlation between satisfaction with one’s marriage and satisfaction with one’s life in general


a. is .32

b. is greater when satisfaction with one’s life is asked first

c. is the same no matter which question is asked first

d. both a and b

66. Responses to questions about controversial topics such as the death penalty or abortion _____________.

a. are sensitive to the availability heuristic

b. are sensitive to the representative heuristic

c. are extremely context dependent and constructed on the fly

d. are sensitive to the social desirability bias

67. There was _____ correlation between a factor’s actual effect on mood based on daily ratings and

participants’ beliefs about the degree to which variations in the factor influenced variations in mood.

a. 0

b. .16

c. .26

d. .47

68. _____________ is a finding that is erroneous due to some unintended measurement error, often due to

intrusive human action.

a. Artifice

b. Artifact

c. Confounding variable

d. Social variance

69. The scientific method nearly always involves _____________.

a. dialectical reasoning

b. inductive reasoning

c. syllogism

d. formal logic

70. ___________ are abstract rules of reasoning that underlie much of thought.

a. Pragmatic reasoning schemas

b. Deontic reasoning

c. Contractual schemas

d. Deductive syllogistic representations

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71. The principle of change, principle of contradiction and principle of relationships _____________.

a. are the foundations of set theory

b. form the basis of Aristotelian logic

c. underlie Eastern dialecticism

d. are directly traceable to 19th century metaphysics

72. Principles of thought that are learned primarily after adolescence and typically don’t guarantee a single

correct answer but a range of plausible answers are _____________.

a. postformal operations

b. cognitive heuristics

c. conditional algorithms

d. prototypical schemas

73. Which of the following is not characteristic of Eastern thought?

a. Change

b. Contradiction

c. Uncertainty

d. Structure

74. According to the author, _______ thinking is crucial for scientific thought and _____ thinking is more

helpful for thinking about everyday problems.

a. logical; logical

b. dialectical; logical

c. logical; dialectical

d. dialectical; dialectical


75. According to Goldman, the discipline that fuses the theory of knowledge, cognitive psychology and

philosophy of science is _____________.

a. epistemics

b. practical ontology

c. epistemology

d. existential phenomenology

76. The injunction against complexity has come to be labelled ____________.

a. Vardy’s vicissitudes

b. Occam’s razor

c. Gordian’s knot


77. According to evolutionary psychologists, language is a clear example of ___________.

a. a cognitive heuristic

b. an innate schema

c. an instinct

d. a mental module

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78. _____________ is Kuhn’s ground-breaking idea pertaining to the methods of science.

a. Epistemic anarchism

b. Scientific realism

c. Paradigm shift

d. Falsifiability