Contents Location Plants Animals Climate Rainfalls Oil Medicinal Plants Oil (again) Gas.

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Contents Location Plants Animals Climate Rainfalls Oil Medicinal Plants Oil (again) Gas.


By: Raghad Al-Ansari 6E

Contents Location






Medicinal Plants

Oil (again)



Here are some major deserts around the world.



Plants. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. <>

Chain Fruit Cholla

Jumping Cholla

Pancake Prickly Pear Cactus

Jumping Cholla: From a distance the jumping cholla,, looks like a fuzzy, soft plant with many short, fuzzy branches looking like teddybear arms, growing from the top.

Chain Fruit Cholla: The chain fruit cholla looks as much like a tree in the desert as a cactus possibly can. It has a central trunk from which sprout many spiny "branches".

Pancake Prickly Pear Cactus: The prickly pear cactus is a widely used and versatile cactus. It can be used in many different ways such as foods, crops, etc..


"Desert Animals." Blue Planet Biomes. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. <>.

Armadillo LizardCoyote

Thorny Devil

Armadillo Lizard: The nostrils of the Armadillo Lizard are produced into little tubes. The tubes help the Armadillo Lizards smell for food or predators.

Coyote: The Coyote has a tan coat mixed with hairs of rusty brown and gray, and the ends of the hair may be black.

Thorny Devil: The strangest of lizards is the Thorny Devil. This is the only species in its genus.

ClimatesHot and Dry deserts-

Mostly: 43.5 to 49° C.

Rarely: 20 to 25° C.

Cold Deserts-

Mostly: -2 to 4° C

Rarely: 21 to 26° C

"The Brogue Inn » Thermometer." The Brogue Inn. Web. 25 Jan. 2012. <>.

Rain Falls Hot and Dry Deserts usually have very little

rainfall.. There is little rain in a desert, However, when it does rain, it pours!

Allen/BBC, © Timothy. "BBC - Human Planet - Deserts / Dogon Country, Mali by © Timothy Allen/BBC." BBC - Homepage. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. <>.


Oil may be found in Libyan Sahara Desert, Texas deserts and Arabian deserts because they hold one of the largest hydrocarbon reserves on earth

"Why Is Oil Usually Found in Deserts and Arctic Areas?: Scientific American." Science News, Articles and Information | Scientific American. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. <>.

"Crude Oil Prices & News |" Save On Home Heating Oil | Web. 25 Jan. 2012. <>.

Medicinal Plants

"Medicinal Plants in the Desert DesertUSA." Desert Biomes by DesertUSA. Web. 28 Jan. 2012. <>.

Pleurisy-root or Butterfly Weed.

The dried roots of the plant are added to teas to treat lung ailments (pleurisy) or winter illnesses.

Wild Licorice

The roots are ground up and added to teas as a support for the immune system.


Scientists has discovered that oil is formed from the rapid burial of dead Microoragainsim and the lack of oxygen prevent them from decomposition and reserve their hydrogen-carbon bonds which is vital ingredient in the formation of the oil. As a result of this, search for oil in different location in the world has been carried out.

Plants Plants contain a variety of chemical compounds that may benefit

the host plant. These compounds may protect the plant from herbivores, attract pollinators .

There are numerous ways in which these plants are prepared for use in humans. For example, roots, stems, leaves, flowers and berries may be used in their natural form or processed into capsules, powders, extracts, tinctures, creams or oil products.

The the treatment of injuries or illnesses with these products,—it is a $1.5 billion annual industry.

in the 1700’s, scientists has been trained, not only in anatomy and medical science, but also in botany. As part of this practice they identify and collect plants from the local area to make into a treatment for different illnesses. Fortunately, much of this information, collected over thousands of years from many different cultures, has been retained, both in print and in oral histories.

Oil Environment:

Damage can include pollution of water resources and pollution of the soil


The countries that had oil had became rich and the economics of these countries became dependent on oil production.


. Humans are effected by environmental pollution because it is damaging to vegetation, livestock, and to the health of the human body itself.

1991, February. "Oil Production and Environmental Damage." Page Has Moved. Web. 27 Jan. 2012. <>.

Gas Environment:

Natural gas is an extremely important source of energy for reducing pollution and maintaining a clean and healthy environment.


The countries that had gas had became rich, like Qatar, and the economics of these countries became dependent on gas production.


It made life easier as most of the electirical appliances work on natural gas like: Cooking, cars, heaters. They use gas to produce electricity. Web. 22 Jan. 2012. <>.

The End