Contents Introduction 2 Logging into an WebAssign...

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Transcript of Contents Introduction 2 Logging into an WebAssign...


JULY 2014

Student Brief User Guide

Contents 2 Introduction

Logging into an WebAssign Course 3 First Time Login 3

Returning User Login 6

Using Access Codes 7

9 Inside Your WebAssign Course Assignments: Homework and Quizzes 12

Additional Information about Assignments 13

Answering Questions 18 Using the MathPad 18 Using the Graphing Utility 19

Support 21

Document Revision History 22 Page 2

Introduction Welcome to WebAssign. Exclusively from Cengage Learning, WebAssign combines the exceptional Mathematics, Physics, and Astronomy content with the most powerful online homework solution. WebAssign engages you with immediate feedback, rich tutorial content and interactive eBooks helping you to develop a deeper conceptual understanding of your subject matter. Page 3

Logging into a WebAssign Course Whether you’re logging in for the first time or returning to your course, you begin at

First Time Login

In order to access WebAssign your instructor will provide you with a Class Key. The Class Key will allow you to self-register and create your own login. (Rather than a class key your instructor might provide you with a username, institution code, and an initial password. If so, go to Returning User Login.) To self-register using a Class Key, follow these steps:

SStteepp AAccttiioonn

1 At, click I Have a Class Key.

2 Enter the Class Key your instructor provided. Click Submit. Page 4

SStteepp AAccttiioonn

3 Verify Class Information. Click Yes, this is my class if the information is correct.

4 If you do not have a WebAssign account select I need to create a WebAssign account. Click Continue. Page 5

SStteepp AAccttiioonn

5 Enter a Username, then click Check Availability. Enter a Password, then re-enter your Password. Enter requested Student information. Then click Create My Account.

6 Review your information on the Account Created screen. This information will include your Username and Institution code. (Your Password is hidden.) Click Log in now to access your course material. Page 6

Returning User Login If you have an existing WebAssign account (or if your instructor has provided you with a Username, Institution Name, and Password), then go to and follow these steps:

1 On the Login page, enter your Username, Institution, and Password. Click Log In. *If you are logging in for the FIRST TIME using a Username, Institution, and Passwordsupplied by your instructor go on to Step 2a (you are in a single course) or 2b (you are inmultiple courses)

2a You will need to enter an access code to access your WebAssign course material. If you are enrolled in a single course you will be given the option of purchasing access online, entering an access code that was included with your book or purchased at your bookstore, or accepting a grace period. Please note: The grace period is for a limited time. In order to access your WebAssign material including assignments you will need to enter an access code within the time frame shown. Page 7

2b If you are enrolled in multiple WebAssign courses you will first select a specific course using the drop-down menu provided. Upon selecting the appropriate course you will be given the option of purchasing access online, entering an access code that was included with your book or purchased at your bookstore, or accepting a grace period. (See Step 2a above.) Please note: The grace period is for a limited time. In order to access your WebAssign material including assignments you will need to enter an access code within the time frame shown.

Using Access Codes An access code is not the same as a Class Key or a login password. An access code is good for one class only unless the textbook includes a two-term access

code. An access code is an alphanumeric code that is usually packaged with your textbook. It can

begin with 2 or 3 letters, followed by an alphanumeric code, or it can have a longer prefixsuch as Cengage-RMN followed by four sets of four characters.

If your textbook did not include an access code, you can buy one at your bookstore,, or from your personalized Home page by clicking the Purchase an accesscode online button. Page 8

To enter an access code follow these steps:

1 Select an option:

Please note: The grace period option (if provided) is for a limited time. In order to access your WebAssign material including assignments you will need to enter an access code within the time frame shown.

2a If you selected “purchase access online” then select the appropriate course material, read and agree to the License Agreement, and click Enter payment information. At this point you will be given options for payment.

2b If you selected “enter an access code . . .” then using the drop-down menu that appears select access code prefix that matches your code’s prefix. Then enter your access code in the field provided. Click Continue. Page 9

Inside Your WebAssign Course Once you’re in your WebAssign course, here’s how your homepage might look:

FFuunnccttiioonn LLooookkss lliikkee tthhiiss……

From your homepage you can access a variety of things, including your assignments, ebook, grades, and a personalized study plan.

Click the Help link at the top right to get Help anytime. My Options allows you to change your password, email address, and other personal settings.

This is where you access your Assignments. Click on the Assignment Name to access it. Page 10

FFuunnccttiioonn LLooookkss lliikkee tthhiiss……

Click on the book title to access your ebook.

The Calendar link provides you with a monthly calendar which includes assignments with due dates and times.

The Personalized Study Plan provides a set of practice exercises for each chapter of your current course. Page 11

FFuunnccttiioonn LLooookkss lliikkee tthhiiss…… The Grades link gives you access to the raw scores andgrades that your instructor posts. Page 12

Assignments: Homework, Quizzes, and Tests Your instructor will likely have created a variety of assignments for you to take during your course. Assignments might include homework, quizzes, or tests. Depending on the assignment you may have a limited number of answer submissions, a time limit, a restriction on tutorial links, and so on. The assignment instructions and parameters are determined by your instructor.

To get a quick summary of your assignments on the Homepage click the My Assignments link in the upper left menu bar, or click the Current Assignments link in the My Assignments module on the Home page. Page 13

Additional Information about Assignments

An assignment can display the following information:

Available date: The instructor can set a date to make the assignment available. Students cannottake the assignment before that date. [insert image]

Due date: The instructor can set a Due date.[insert image]

Once your assignments are displayed on your Home page, simply click the name of theassignment you’d like to begin.

If you have previously submitted an assignment, you will see your most recent responses, if yourinstructor allows this feature.

If you have already submitted the assignment, there will usually be a link to Review AllSubmissions on the page, if your instructor has allowed it.

When you click on an assignment name, your assignment will load. On the Assignment page arelinks to valuable information about your assignment’s score, submission options, and savingyour work in progress. Within each question, there might also be “enhanced” action links touseful tutorial material such as book content, videos, animations, active figures, simulations,and practice problems. The links available may vary from one assignment to another.

IMPORTANT: Your instructor has the ability to turn on/off many of the options describedbelow.

FFuunnccttiioonn LLooookkss lliikkee tthhiiss .. .. ..

Your current score, number of submissions allowed, how

your assignment is scored, and

other valuable information is

provided at the top of your assignment. Page 14

FFuunnccttiioonn LLooookkss lliikkee tthhiiss .. .. ..

You may attach notes to specific

exercises or contact your

teacher about an exercise.

Below each question you

may click Submit Answer if you’re ready

for your answer to be graded. If

you want to save your

answer but are not yet ready to

submit it you can click Save


If you are ready to submit your

entire assignment,

then click the Submit

Assignment button at the

end of the assignment.

If you are not ready to submit the assignment but wish to save

your work the click Save

Assignment Progress. Page 15

FFuunnccttiioonn LLooookkss lliikkee tthhiiss .. .. ..

If you need extra time to complete the assignment

then ask for an extension. Link found at end of


Various tutorial links may be

included with each homework


Access the corresponding ebook section using the Read

It button. Page 16

A video solution of a problem similar to your assigned one can be accessed with the Watch It button.

The Master It button provides you with a stepped, tutorial problem similar to the one you’ve been assigned. Page 17

If you would like online “live” tutoring help you can access it with the Chat About It button.

If you’d like to practice on a problem similar to the one assigned, click Practice Another Version.

A problem might include a video or simulation. Page 18

Answering Questions WebAssign uses a variety of question types that you’re probably already familiar with using such as multiple choice, true/false, free response, and so on. Always be sure to pay close attention to any instructions within the question regarding how you are supposed to submit your answers.

Numerical Answers There are a few key points to keep in mind when working on numerical questions:

Numbers can be entered in both scientific notation and numerical expressions, such asfractions.

WebAssign uses the standard scientific notation “E” or “e” for “times 10 raised to thepower.” (Note: both uppercase E and lowercase e are acceptable in WebAssign.) Forexample, 1e3 is the scientific notation for 1000.

Numerical answers may not contain commas ( , ) or equal signs ( = ). Numerical answers may only contain: Numbers, E or e for scientific notation,

Mathematical operators (+, -, *, /) Numerical answers within 1% of the actual answer are counted as correct, unless your

instructor chooses a different tolerance. This is to account for rounding errors incalculations. In general, enter three significant figures for numerical answers.

Numerical Answers with Units Some WebAssign questions require a number and a unit, and this is generally, although not always, indicated in the instructions in the question. You will know that a unit is expected when there is no unit after the answer box. When you are expected to enter units and do not, you will get an error message telling you that units are required

Numerical Answers with Significant Figures Some numerical questions require a specific number of significant figures (sig figs) in your answer. If a question checks sig figs, you will see a sig fig icon next to the answer box. If you enter the correct value with the wrong number of sig figs, you will not receive credit, but you will receive a hint that your number does not have the correct number of sig figs. The sig fig icon is also a link to the rules used for sig figs in WebAssign.

Using the MathPad or Calcpad In many math questions, WebAssign gives you a MathPad (or in the case of Calculus, a CalcPad). The MathPad (figure 1 below) provides easy input of math notation and symbols, even the more complicated ones. If your answer involves math notation or symbols, the MathPad will become available when you click the answer box.

Top Symbols: The buttons on the top are single input buttons for frequently usedoperations. Page 19

Word Buttons: When you click one of the word buttons Functions, Symbols, Relations,or Sets, you are given a drop-down menu with symbols or notation from which tochoose. For example, if you click the Sets button, you get set notation (figure 2 above).If you then click a right arrow button, additional symbols become available (figure 3above). To insert any available notation or symbol into your answer, simply click it.

Using the Graphing Utility The WebAssign Graphing Utility lets you graph one or more mathematical elements directly on a set of coordinate axes. Your graph is then scored automatically when you submit the assignment for grading. The Graphing Utility currently supports points, rays, segments, lines, circles, and parabolas. Inequalities can also be indicated by filling one or more areas. Page 20

Graphing Utility Interface Overview The middle of the Graphing Utility is the drawing area. It contains labeled coordinate axes, which may have different axis scales and extents, depending on the nature of the question you are working on. On the left side of Graphing Utility is the list of Tools that let you create graph objects and select objects to edit. The bottom of the Graphing Utility is the Object Properties Toolbar, which becomes active when you have a graph element selected. This toolbar shows you all the details about the selected graph object, and also lets you edit the object’s properties. On the right side of Graphing Utility is a list of Actions that lets you create fills and delete objects from your graph. Page 21


From the WebAssign application: 1. Click Help.2. From the help system, click > Customer Support.

Go to for 24/7 live chat! Call 800.354.9706 Mon. through Thurs. 8:30 AM to 9 PM EST and Fri. 8:30 AM to 6 PM EST

Go to

Call (800) 955-8275. Page 22

Document Revision History

DDaattee DDooccuummeenntt VVeerrssiioonn

DDeessccrriippttiioonn AAuutthhoorr//EEddiittoorr

6/29/2014 1 Initial Draft Gary Whalen

6/30/2014 1.1 Revised draft Guanglei Zhang

7/2/2014 1.2 Revised draft Gary Whalen

7/10/2014 1.2 Revised draft Greta Kleinert

7/10/2014 1.2 Revised draft Gary Whalen