Post on 01-Mar-2020

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Transcript of CONTENTS. GENERAL INDEX. - City of...










TRADES DIRECTORY- - 1947-2268.



PASTORAL - • lc-1720.

JUSTICES OF THE PEACE - • • 2112-2125•


ECCLESIASTICAL • • 2275-2278

EDUCATIONAL 2279.1284-










- 2211-2216



- 2317-2330,

- 2316



PAn IC Aborigines' Protection Board .. 2298 Admiralty Jurisdiction 2306 Agent-General for the State in Eng-

land.. .. 2296 Agricultural Colleges .. .. 2301 Agricultural Department .. 2301 Alphabetical Directory .. 1021-1945 Architect, Government .. 2303 Art Gallery .. 2301 Assignees—Official .. 2164 Associate,. Clerks of Arraigns.. 2300 Associations _ 1961 Asylums Department .. 2290 Attorney-General .. 96 s. 2304 Audit Department .. .. 2295 Australiau Museum .. .. 2901

Bankruptcy Department .. 2303 Banks .. 1988 Barracks and Ordnance Department

(Federal) 2289 Barristers .. 1970 Barristers' Admission Board.. .. 2307 Berthing Rates, etc. ......2311 Board of Health.. 2290 Board for Opening Tenders—Pub:1c

Works .. .. 2295 Botanic Gardens .. 2302 Bureau of Statistics . .. .. 2296

Cadet Office .. .. 2292 Cemeteries .. .. 2000 Census 2316 Central Pollee Court 2307 Certificated Conveyancers .. 2019 Chief Secretary .. 2295 City Streets Directory 1-164 Civil Departments ..- .. 2293 Claims o Grants of Land .. 2308 Clerks Of Patty Sessions .. 2307 Clubs 2006 Coal Fields and Coal Mines .. 2801 Coast Hospital 2296 Colleges .. 2231 Commissioners for Affidavits.. .. 2011 Commonwealth Offices 2292 Commonwealth Audit Office.. .. 2292 Commonwealth Invalid and old Age

Pensions, Maternity Bonus 2292 Commonwealth Ministry .. 2286 Commonwealth Parliament 2280 Commonwealth Prices Board .. 2292 Commonwealth Senate 2286 Commonwealth Weather Bureau .. 2292 Consuls 2016 Conveyancers 2019 Coroner's Court.. 2307 Court of Industrial Arbitration .. Crown Prosecutors 2300 Crown Solicitor 2304 Curator's Depart. (Supreme Court) 2305 Customs (Federal) 2288

Deeds Branch—Registrar-General .. 2305 Defence Department (Federal) .. 2288 Dental Board .. _ 2295 Departments (Government)—Set re-

spective names Department of Agriculture .. 2301

PAGH Department of Home Affairs (Ted.) 2287 Department of Military Board .. 2288 Department of Prisons.. 2307 Department of Trade and Customs

(Federal) 2288 Distilleries and Sugar Refineries

Department .. 2288 District Court Judges 2300 District Registrars .. 2203

Ecclesiastical 2197 Education Department .. 2275 Educational 2279 Electoral Office (Commonwealth) .. 2292 Electoral Office (State) .. 2290 Electric Telegraphs .. .. 2288 Engineers, Military 2290 English and Continental Manufac-

turers .,. 2285 Equity—Master in ,. 2300 European Manufacturers .. Executive Council (State) • • Executive Council (Federal),. Experimental Farms Explosives Department

Federal Government .. 2286 Federal High Court .. 2287 Finance and Trade—Treas. and Sec. 2288 Fire Brigades 2297 Firms' Pay-days .. 2317 Fisheries Department .. •• .. 2295 Forestry Branch .. .. 2302 Free Public Library • . .. 2301 Friendly Societies • • .. 2290

General Post Office (Federal) .. 2288 Geological Branch .. 2301 Governmental and Parliamentary .. 2293 Government Ambulance Corps .. 2301 Government Asylums 2296 Governmen t Printing Office .. 2299 Government Savings Bank 2800 Government Statistician 2296 Governor-General of the Common-

wealth .. 2286

Harbour Rates, etc. .. .. 2314 Harbour Trust .. .. 2300 Health Board ... 2296 Health and Medical Department .. 2296 High Commissioner for Australia in

Great Britain . .. 2287 ugh Court of Australia .. 2287 Hospitals.. . .. 2087 House of Representatives (Members) 2287

Immigration and Tourist Bureau .. 2295 Imperial Government Establish-

ments .. 2280 Imperial Pensions 2209 Incorporated Law Institute .. Industrial Court Industrial Registrar Infantry .. Inspector-General of Police .. Institutes Institutions Interest Calculator Invalid and Old Age Pension

PAUR Justices of the Peace.. .. 2112-2125

Labour and Industry Department .. 2307 Land Appeal Court 2308 Lands Titles Branch 2805 Law Institute .. 2307 Legal Directory—See Trades section

for Barristers, Solicitors, Official . Assignees, also Minister for Jim-

Moe Legislative Assembly.. .. 2294 Legislative Assembly—Officers of .. 2294 Legislative Council .. 2293 Legislative Council—Officers of 2294 Libraries.. 2130 Lunacy Department 2296 Lunatic Asylums—See Institutions 2100

Master in Equity 2306 Master in Lunacy .. 2290 Medical Practitioners .. .. 2143 Metropolitan Board of Water Supply

and Sewerage., 2304 Metropolitan Meat Industry Board 2295 Military Administration (Board) 224 Military Forces .. 2208 Mines—Secretary for 2301 Minister for Justice 2304 Ministerfor Education... 2300 Mitchell Library .. 2301 Municipal—See commencement of

City Streets and of.respeotive Suburbs -

Museum .. 2801 Musical Societies ,. 2271

National Art Gallery . 23 . 1 Naval Department (Commonwealth) 2292 Navigation Department .. 2202 Notaries Public.. 2162

.•• 2285 •. 2295 •. 2293 •• 2301 •• 2290

.. 2307

.. 2307 .. 2307 _ 2290 .. 2295 .. 2100 .. 2100 .. 2315 .. 2292

Observatory .. 2301 Official Assignees .. 2164 Officers of Legislative Council and

Assembly .. 2293 Officers of the Senate .. 2286 Officers of the House of Representa-

tives.. _ .. 2287 Officers administering the Govern-

ments of the Australasian States 2319 Ordnance Department .. .. 2290

Parliamentary .. 2280 Parliamentary Draftsmen .. .. 2305 . Parliamentary Library.. 2294 Parliamentary Reporting Staff—

HANsAnD .. 2294 Pastoral Directory . . 10-1720 Patents and Trade-marks Office .. 2288 Patent Attorneys. .. 2174 Paymaster of Expeditionary Forces 2290 Pay Days • . • • 2317 Pharmacy Board 2299 Police Inspector-General .. 2295 Postmaster-General .. .. 2288 Prisons Department .. 2807 Prothonotary 2300 Public Instruction .. .• .. 2300 Public Library .. .• .. 2301 Public Service Board .. .. 2308 Public Trust Office .. .6 _ 2252




PAGE Publics Works—Board for Opening

Tenders • .. 2295 Railways .. ; . 2299 Registrar-General 2305 Returned Soldiers' Employment

Bureau .. 2295 Royal Australian Navy (N.S.W. Di-

vision .. 2292 Royal Military College of Australia 2289 Royal Mint .. 2294

Secretary of Finance and Trade .. 2298 Secretary for Lands 2308 Secretary for Mines .. 2301 Secretary for Publics Works .. 2303 Shipping Masters .. 2299 Sooletles—Misoellaneo us .. 2217 Solicitors • .. 2218 Solicitors' Admission Board .. 2307 Sporting Associations.. .. 2271 Stamp Duties .. 2301 State Timber Yard and Banding

Works .. .. 2304 State Brick and Lime Works.. .. 2304

P AGE State Children's Department .. 2301 State Fisheries ... 2297 State Hospitals and Asylums for the

Infirm . 2290 State Labour Branch . 2308 State Penitentiary (Long Bay) .. 2307 State Trawling Industry 2297 State War Council 2296 Stock and Brands Brands .. 2302 Stores Supply Department ., 2300 Streets (City) Directory 1-164 Suburban 13Ierks of Petty Sessions . 2307 Suburban Directory 165-1019 Sugar Refineries Department .. 2288 Supreme Court .. .. 2305 Sydney District Court .. 2306 Sydney Harbour Trust .. 2300 Sydney Mint .. .. 2294 Sydney Technical College .. 2281

Taxation Department .. Technical Education Technological Museum Tender Board—Public Works

PAGE Theatres—See Places of Amusement 2180 Tonnage Rates, etc. .. 2314 Trade and Finance—Treasurer and

Secretary 2298 Trade and Customs (Federal) 2288 Trade Unions Registrar .. 2296 Trades Directory 1947 Tramways

*. .. 2299

Treasurer and Secretary for Finance and Trade .. 2298

Treasury.. *

. 2298 Trigonometrical Survey of the

Colony .. 2308

War Railway Council.. . 2289 Water Conservation and Irrigation •

Commission „, 2302 Water Police Court .. 2307 Weights and Measures 2296 Western Land Board .. 2309 Wharfage, Harbour, Transhipment,

Tonnage and Berthing Rates .. 2314

PAGE Abattoirs, Glebe Island, Balmain — 239 Abattoirs (New), Homebush Bay .. 836 Abattoirs rd, Pyrtnont .. .. 1 Abattoirs rd, Rozelle .. .. .. 239 Abbey st, Randwick .. .. .. 795 Abbotsford st, Kensington .. .. 795 Abbotsford par, Abbotsford .. .. 371 Abbotsford rd, Hoinebush .. ... 911 Abbott rd, Artarmon, Willoughby — 976 Abbott st, Granville .. .. .. 438 Abbott st, North Sydney .. .. 072 Abbott at, Rand wick — .. — 796 A'Beckett eve, Aslifield ... .. 189 A'Beckett at, Granville .. .. 438 Aberoorn at, Bexley .. .. .. 287 Aberoromble lane ,. .. .. 1 Abercrombie street .. .. .. 1 Abercrotithie st, Redfern .. .. 834 Abergeldie street, Petersham ... 718 Abernethy st, Middle Harbour, Manly 655 Abigail at. Hunter's Hill .. .. 460 Aboukir et, Rockdale .. .. •• 855 Abuklea rd, Eastwood.. .. •. 390 Abuklea rd, Epping _ _ •• 401 Acacia Avenue, Punchbowl .. .. 276 Acacia et, (Utley .. .. •. 467 Access rd, Sans Send, Rockdale •. 855 Ackland Way, Waterloo . • •• 929 Acton st, Durwood .. _ •• 307 Acton at, Redstone Park .. • • 323 Ada ave,Valtroonga .. .. • • 926 Ada lane .. .. .. . • 2 Ada laile; Erskineville.. •• 406 Ada at, Concord.. — .. 357 Ada at, Erskineville .. .. 406 Ada at, lIurstville _ .. .. 287 Ada at, Galley, hogaralt .. .. 482 Ada at (Neutral Bay), North Sydney

.. : 74: Ada st,Parramatta .. .. Ada at, Randwick .. .. • • 796 Ada Villas terrace, Erskineville

:: g: Adam at, Campsie • , • . Adam et, Granville .. .. 438 Adam at, Turramurra .. .. :: 920 Adderley at, Silverwater, Auburn • . 224 Adderley et, Lidootnbe •• 530 Adderton rd, Dttndas .. Addison eve, Concord :: g86: Addison aye, Roseville •• 880 Addison rd, Marrickville 570 Addison rd, Manly .. •• . 555 Addison et, Balmain _ — 240 Addison at, Kensington .. . , 700 Addleston Rowe. Merrylands .• 783 Adelaide par, Woollahra .. 997 Adelaide place .. _ • , 2 Adelaide place, Sorry Hills 2 Adelaide rd, Meadowbauk . • 884 Adelaide at _ _ .. 2 Adelaide at, Woollabra .. 907 Adolphus lane, Balmain 240 Adolphus at, Balmain . • 240 Adolphus at, Naremburn 970 Ady at, Hunter's Hill .. .. • . 489 Aeolus aye, ltyde .. .. 884 Mona at, Auburn .. 224 Agar st .. .. .. 2 Agar at east .. .. 2 Agar. at, Marrickville .. .. .. MI Agincourt rd, Eastwood 390 Agues st, Bankstown .. .• 276


PAG Albany at, Nord, Sydney .. 673 Albany at, St. Leonards, Lane Cove.. 500 Albany at, St. Leonards, Willoughby 970 Albemarle aye (Rose Bay), Woollahra 997 Albemarle at, Marrickville 572 Albetnarle at, Newtown .. 648 Albert avenue, Chatswood .. 970 Albert crescent, Croydon .. 307 Albert lane, Leichhardt 608 Albert parade, Ashfleld 180 Albert parade, Guildford .. .. 783 Albert rd, Auburn .. .. 225 Albert rd (Croydon park), O'bury .. 324 Albert rd, Homebuah 911 Albert rd, Strathfleld 911 Albert square, Paddington .. 718 Albert street .. .. 2 Albert at, Banksia 855 Albert at, (East Hills) „. _ 275 Albert at, Bexley .. .. 287 Albert at, Botany 301 Albert at (Belmore), Canterbury .. 324

.. 371

.. 406 60 •• 411

.. 884 .• .. 438

▪ 500 .. 783 .. 454 .. 508 .. 538

• .. 572 .. 843 .. 718 .. 742 .. 798 .. 835

240 .. 884 .. 900 .. 308 .. 940 .. 997 .. 2 .. 508 .. 176

2 •• 2

• .. 2 •• .. 176 • .. 606

.. 572

.. 718

.. 742

.. 768

.. 796

.. 240

.. 940

.. 401 • 912

.. 287-865 .. 835

622 3

_ 165 .. 855

Alexander at, Balmain Alexander at, Coogee 796 Alexander at, Manly 656 Alexander at, North Sydney .. 873 Alexander at, Paddington .. 718 Alexander at, Penshurat .. 482 Alexander at, Willoughby . 971 Alexandra par (Waitara), Hornsby.. 453 Alexandra par, Rockdale .. .. 855 Alexandra rd, Glebe .. .. 414

.. 2209 .. 2279 .. 2300

,.. 2295

Agnes at, Stmthfleld Agnes Cottages (see Rainford at) .. 2 Agnes terrace (see Rainford at) 2 Likens at, Pennant Hills 750

Ainsworth at, Lelehlutrdt 508 Aird at, Parratuatta 711 Albany rd, Petersham.. 758

Albert at, Drummoyne Albert at, Erskineville„. Albert at, Forest Lodge Albert at, Gladesville Albert et, Granville .. Albert at, Greenwich ... Albert at East, Guildford Albert at, Hornsby .. Albert at, Loiellhardt Albert st, Lidcombe Albert at, blarrickville Albert at, Newtown .. Albert at, Paddington.. Albert at, Pannunota Albert at, Randwiek Albert at, Redfern .. Albert st,Rozelle Albert at (off Regent at,) Ryde Albert at, St. Peters .. Albert at, Strathfleld Albert at, Waverley Albert at, Woollahra Alberta at Alberto at, Lelchhardt Albion lane, Annandale Albion lane, Sorry Hills Albion place .. Albion at .. Albion et, Annandale • . Albion at, Leichhardt.. Albion st,Marrickville Albion at, Paddington.. Albion st,Parramatta Albion at, Pennant Hills Albion at, Randwick Albion at, Rozello Albion at, Waverley Albuera rd. Epping • Albyn rd, Strathfleld • . Albyn at. Bexley Aldersou at, Redfern • Alexander aye, Mosman Alexander lane .. Alexander at • Alexander st, Alexandria Alexander st, A.rncliffe




Alexandra at, Concord • . ..PA3a9117

Alexandra et, Drumtnoyne 371 Alexandra at, Hunter's Hill 480 Alexandra at, Westmead 783 Alexandria avenue, Eastwood .. 390 Alexandria st, Arnelifre 855 Alfred rd, Forest Lodge .. • . 414 Alfred at, Annandale . • .. 177 Alfred at, Burwood 308 Alfred at, Canterbury .. .. • • 324 Alfred at, Circular Quay 3 Alfred at, Clarke's Pt., NYoolwich .. 461 Alfred at, Granville 438 Alfred et, Leichhardt 509 Alfred at, Marrickville 672 Alfred at, Mascot 611 Alfred at, North Sydney :. .. 873 Alfred at, Merrylands, Prospect .: 783 Alfred at, Parrantatta .. 742 • Alfred at, Rozelle .. 240 Alfred at, St. Peters .. 900 Alfred at, Sans Send 855 Alfred et, Waverley . • .. 010 Alfreda at, Coogee .• 798 Algernon at, Galley 482 Alice aye, Newtown .. 843 - Al ice at, Auburn .. .. 225 Alice at, North Bondi ... 941 Alice it, Drummoyne .. 371 Alice at (Lakentba), COnterbury 324 Alice at, Granville .. 438 Alice at, Newtown .. 643 Alice at, Oatley .. 482 Alice at, Parramaita 742 Alice at, Rozelle— .. 240 Alice at, Sans Bond • .. .. 482.856 Alice at, Turramurra .. 920 A Ilabone at (Ashtleldi, Canterbury.. 324 Allan's avenue, Man • .. 672 Allan at, Connord 357 Allan at, North Sydney .. 675 Allen lane (see Allen at) • 3 Allen's rd, Alexandria .. 185 Allen's rd, North Ryde 884 - Allen avenue, Delmore 324 Allen at (opp. 97 Stanley at) 3 Allen et, .Arnolitre .. 856 Allen at, Canterbury 324 &Hen at, Glebe

** 41 Allen at, Granville .. 4394 Allen at, Leichhardt 509 Allen at, Lblcombe 636 Allen at, Pyrmont Allen at, Wavorley

.. 941

Alleyne avenue, Seaforth, Manly 666 Alleyne st, Willoughby .. 971 Allison rd, Guildford.. 783 Allison rd, Itand wick 796 Allister at, Neutral Bay ... 675 Allum lane, Glebe 414 A Hum at, Bunkstown 275 Alma avenue, Merriokville • .. .. 572 Alma lane, Darlington .. 3767 Alma lane, South Randwick


Alma road, South Randwiok.. 797 Alma rd, Eastwood 390 • Alma st, Ash field • .. .. 189 Alma at, Darlin gton .. 367 Alma at, East Hills ..

Alma at, Paddington .. 462777815285 .-

Alma at, Hurstville Alma at, North Sydney '

Alma at, Parramatta 742 • • Alma at, Pymble .. 793 - Alma at east, Pyrmont Alma at west, Pyrmont 3 f• Altnora at, Brosnan ....„ 622

Alpha rd, LonguevIlle.. • .. 1100—.

ANTHONY' HOROERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, ON THE HISTORIC SLOPE OF BRICKFIELD HILL. 1934 Woo ALPHABETICAL. Woo Woo ALPHABETICAL. Wor 1935 Woods In TICS, Tingha st, Cho tswood Woods James, Waid's aye, II'ville Woods James, 59a Junior st, L'hardt

Woods Sydney, Clissold par, Campsie Woods T., 3 11 ems at, Glebe Woods T. J., 17 Wetherill at, L'hardt

Woodward C. E., agent Niagara Motors, 150 Sussex st 11'oodward C. S., wine bar, 9 Pitt at

Woodfindin T., Millett st, Hurstville Woogett .1., Edgbaston at, Penshilrst Wool; ley Rupert, 2 Constitution rel,

Woollaltra Post, Telegraph Mice, 99 Wool(lailleirean Sehool, Fort st

Woolnolugh J t. E., physician, Burwood rd and Redman par. Belmore Wooluough IV. 11., Mitchell at, Amen tie

Woods James, French's Forest rd,ly Woods James, off Edward rd, Nor-

Woods Theodore, Wilga at, Burwood Woods Thomas, 47 Wilton at Woodward Charles, 14 Thomas at,

Redfern Petersham Woolbrokers' Association—John Leach, Woollahra School of Arts and Institute, 80 Queen at Wool ridge Arthur, 3 1 A my st, Erskineville Wool ridge Robert, RatJan st, Mostpatt

manhurst Woods Thos., Northatn aye, B'Itstown Woodward Colin, Piper st, Leichbardt secretary, 56 l'itt at Woolridge Mrs. S., 25 Emmett st , N. Syd. Woods James, 21 Glentnore rd, Pad-

dington Woods James, Bellevue at, Par'matta Woods James E., Mount at, Coogee

Woods Thos., 21 National at, L'hardt Woods Thos., 68 Camden at, Newtown Woods Thomas, 38 Fitzroy at, N'town Woods Thomas, 28 Kent at, Newtown

Woodward Mrs. E., Bondi rd, Bondi Woodward Mrs. E., Belmont at,

Merrylands Woodward E. .7., 2 Bligh at, N'town

Wool Clamors' Association of N.S.W., tisk hug House, Rawson place

Wool Charles G., 21 Petersham at, Petersham

Wool%IlittainnlsyC., 8 Stapleton aye, N. Sydney Woolland painters, Bros., painrs, 66 Bolgrave at, Wcolland Arthur, 0.8.11, rd, Woollahra Woolland Ernest, 50 Birkley rd, Manly

Woolridge Mrs. NV., 43 Amy et, Ers'ville Woolridge William, 53 Awabit at, Il'inan Woolright Mrs. S. .1., 10 George at, S. Pet, Woolrych Miss F., 17 Nuivihie at, M'ville

Woods James P. F., Banks rd, !Politic Woods James R., Messiter at, Catebury Woods Miss Jane, Arthur a, Bexley Woods Mrs. Jane, Pittwater rd, North

Hyde Woods Jeremiah, Q.C.E. hotel, 36

Abercrombie at Woods John, artesian well-boring con-

tractor, 113 Pitt at Woods John, J. I'., "Iiilken," 25 Rosa-

lind at, Nth. Sydney. Telephone 1238 North

Woods John, 13 Little Mount at Woods John, Northcote rd, Bankstown Woods John, 10 Garden a ye, Glebe Woods John, 53 Grose at, Glebe Woods John, 6 Stanton at, Manly Woods John, Station at, Pymble Woods John, Daryl at, Sans Soul Woods John, IVillison rd, W. Kog'11 Woods John .1., Parramatta rd, B'wood Woods John R., 2 Swanson at,

Erskineville Woods John T., Mowbray rd west, Chatswood Woods Joseph, 23 Elliott at, BaImain Woods Joseph, High at, Mascot Woods Joseph, 57 Denison at, Waverley Woods Joseph, 88 Birrell at, Waverley Woods Joshua, Highfleld rd, Lindfield Woods Leslie, 3 Pleasant st, E'ville Woods Mrs. M., 40 Livingstone rd,

Marrickville Woods Miss M., 71 Northumberland

aye, Stanmore Woods Mrs. M. A., 200 Glebe Pt. rd,

Glebe Woods Mrs. M. 13., 135 Oleic Pt. rd,

Glebe Woods Mrs. Marion N., Devlin at,

Hyde Woods Mrs. Martha, Stewart at, Randwiek Woods Mrs. Mary, Rocky Point rd, Kogarah Woods Xi's. Mary Al 494 Elizabeth st Woods 'Michael, Kensington hotel, Bun-

nerong rd, Kensington Woods Michael, 26 Gillies ave, ll'fleld Woods Mrs., Rivers st, Bellevue Hill Woods Owen V., 29 Charles et, Forest Lodge Woods P. R., Taylor at, W. Kogarah Woods Patrick, Villier's ave, Penshurst Woods Percy, Beamish at. Catnpsie Woods Percy, 3 Kensington rd, Sum-

mer Hill Woods Percy, Ryan rd. Willoughby Woods Pierce P., Maids at, L'hardt Woods It. D., Robertson at, P'matta Woods Robert, 40 Edwin at, irmoyne Woods Robert, Crimea at, May's Hill Woods Robt. F., 6 Stanley aye, Armen Woods Roydon 11., Mel:main st, Wyllie Woods S. A., 47 Corunna rd, Stanmore Woods Samuel J., Irving at, P'matta Woods Sidney, 06 Cascade at, Padlon Woods Sydney, Clissold par, Campsie Woods Stanley, Bayview at, Bexley Woods Stephen, 19 Burlinson at Woods Stephen, 15 Botany at, Redfern

Woods Thomas, 17 Walter at, Pad'ton Woods Thos., Macquarie st, 1"matta Woods Thomas, Frances 111, Putney Woods Thomas, 129a Morehead at,

Red fern Woods Thomas, 10 Thurlow at, R'fern Woods Thos. A., Banks rd, U'dereli Ile Woods Thos. G'., 24 Brae st, Waverley Woods Thomas .1., Wentworth at, liar-

riH Park Woods Mrs. V., 13 Phoebe at, TI'main Woods W., 14 Atchison st, Nth. Sydney Woods W., off Unwin's Bridge rd,

UnderclIffe Woods W. A., Hodgson st, Randwicic Woods W. G., 253 Lawrence at, A'drin Woods W. J., Shaftesbury rd, 11'wood Woods W. J., Willis at, South Ken'ton Woods W. M., 183 Trafalgar at, An'dale WOODS W. RA NDLE, Consulting

Optician and Spectacle Maker. 28 VICTORIA MARKET BUILD- INGS, George at, Sydney. Tel. 7618 City. (Est. 10 years.)

Woods Walter, Nicholson at, Burwood 11'oods Walter, 31 Kingston rd, C'down Woods Walter, High et, Liverpool Woods William, 61 Wyndham at,

Alexandria Woods William, Moore at, Bexley Woods William, Shaftesbury rd, B'w'd Woods William, Harris st, Mascot Woods William, 96 Constitution rd,

Petersham Woods William, 48 Lander at. Redfern Woods William, Banks rd, Undereliffe Woods William, Gardyne st, Waverley Woods William E., 82 Camden at,

Newtown Woods William A., May st, Hornsby Woods William R., Killeen at, Auburn Woods Will T., Pitt at, Inmate Woodside Mrs. Jessie S., 83 Crown at Woodstock Arthur, 2 Mount at, A'field Woodthorpe 0., 95 St. John's rd,

Forest Lodge Woodvine Joseph, Nelson at, Chats. wood Woodward, Gibbins and Comino, oyster merchants, 150 Sussex st

Woodward A. Bentley, dentist, 90a Devonshire at

Woodward A., Kensington rd, Ken'ton Woodward A. II., 05 Cary at, L'hardt Woodward Miss, A.N.A., 46 Waters rd, Neutral Bay Woodward Albert, 85 Warren rd, Mar- rickville Woodward Alfred, Croydon a ye, E'field Woodward Alfred, 214 Edgeware rd. Newtown Woodward Andrew, 11 Bogen at, Sum-

mer Hill Woodward Mrs., Ann, 84 Phillip et, Balmain

Woodward Arthur, Albert at, Hornsby Woodward Arthur N., McKern st,

Campsie Woodward C., 18 St. George's cres,


Woodward E. P., Underwood rd,ilome- bush

IVoodward Edw., 21 13elgrave st Way. Woodward Ernest A., physician and

surgeon, Firth at, Arncliffe Woodward Mrs. F., 4 Hennessy at,

Croydon Woodward P., 46 Windsor rd, Walt= Woodward Francis J., 67 Avoca at,

Waverley Woodward Fred., Hoxton Park rd,

Liverpool Woodward G., Beauchamp at, Woodward Geo., 45 Phillip at, Innate Woodward George, Rawson rd, Bankst'n Woodward George, Kemp at, North

Granville Woodward Harold E., Waratah at,

Enfield Woodward Harry, Clarke rd, Woolwich Woodward Henry, Hunter st. Hornsby Woodward .1., 330 Unwin's Bridge rd,

St. Peters Woodward .1 0., 210 George at Woodward James, Pomeroy at, Wbush Woodward John, 06 Cleveland at Woodward John, 6 Wells at, An'tidale Woodward John, Realm at, Arneliffe Woodward John, 16 Jacques at, B'man Woodward John, 336 Unwin's Bridge

rd, St. Peters Woodward John, Boll at, Vaucluse Woodward John A., Rockleigh st, Bar.

wood Woodward John T., Neutral rd, Il'nsby Woodward Jonathan, Western cres,

Gladesville Woodward Mrs. L. 0., 49 Andreas as,

Petersham Woodward Miss M., 222 Military rd,

Neutral Bay Woodward Richard, 78 Cleveland at Woodward Richard, 7 Evans at,

Rozelle Woodward S., 11 Suffolk at, Padlott Woodward T., Hoxton Park rd, L'pool Woodward Thomas, 70 Erskineville ml, Erskineville Woodward Thomas W., Eaton at, Wil-

loughby Woodward W., Liverpool rd, Bankst'n Woodward W., 21 Lincoln at, S'more Woodward W. D., Carlotta at, Green-

wich Woodward W. II., Weldon at, Il'wood Woodward W. J., Liverpool rd,

Bankstown Woodward W. J., 31 Pitt at, Waterloo Wodward NV. N., Evaline at, Campsie Woodward W. S.. Botany rd, Mascot Woodward Wm. A., 13 Burt st, Rozle Woodward Wm. (I., Burns at, Campule Woodyatt Frank, 16 Rose at, Par ton Woodyatt G. R., 13 Rose st, Dar'ton NVoodyatt William, Mercury at, P'huret Woof John, 25 Hopewell at. Pad'ton Woof Richard, Cooper at, Dble. Bay Woof Thomas NV., Clyde at, Auburn Wooff II. A., locksmith, 14 Dailey at Woof! Harry, Regent at, Kogarah Woof! James, Etela at, Belmore Woof! Miss M., 83 Victoria at,

Woolaeott F., 30 Arthur at, L'hardt Wooland George, 65 Whistler at, Manly 'Woolard Frank, 48 l'rospeet rd, Sum-

mer 11111 Woolbrook Freezing Co., Ltd., 4 Bridge at

Wooleock Edwin, 143 Australia at, Cainperdown

Woolcock Mrs. Jane, 26 Mitchell at, Glebe Woolcock Mrs. M., 78 Northumberland aye, Stanmore Woolcock W., 209 Young at, An'dale Woolcott E. P., real estate and finan- cial agent, 14 Castlereagh at p.r., 67 North Steyne, Manly Woolcott Harry, 29 Waratab at, L'hardt Woolcott Mrs. L., 36 Shepherd at, Darlington Woolcott L. S., solicitor and com, for

affidavits, 113 Pitt at Wooleott V. B. Customs agent, 28 O'Connell at NVoolcott V. B., Plunket at, St.L'nards Wooleott W. C. Ifamplen ave, Neu-

tral Bay Woolcott W. S., 00 Ilolborrow at, Croydon Wooldridge Charles,63 Darley st, N'town Wooldridge Charles, Pennant Hills rd. Pennant Hills Woolridge F., 8 Boussole rd, Daceyville Wooldridge G. F., M.A., principal Wych. bury Preparatory School, Parra. matta rd, Burwood Wooldridge George E., Kent at, !Vitale Wooldridge Samuel, York at, N. Bondi Wooldridge William, 16 Union at Wooley Basil 0., Young at, Croydon Wooley F., 36 Burnett at, Redfern Wooley Roland, Smith at, Botany Wooly Thomas, Clyde st, C'ydon Park Woolf C. A., 5 Hardie at Woolf P., grocer, 431 Liverpool at Woolf Frank, 61 Carshalton at, Woolf Mrs. Henry, 15 Roslyn Gardens Woolf Henry, 23 Roslyn Gardens Woolf Hyman, Clifton rd, Randwick Woolf John, 17 McEllione place Woolf M., general dealer, 112-116 Bathurst at Woolf R., 193 Cleveland at, Redfern Woolf S., M.D., physician and surgeon, 193 Macquarie at Woolf Thomas, Wi.igand at, liankstown Woolfs Mrs. A., Carr at Coogee Woolf. Albert. Arthur at, Punchbowl Woolfe 0., 39 Malcolm at, ErsIdnevillo Woolf° Harold, Darling at, Emote Woolfe Henry, butcher, 650 George at Woolf° Henry, Abattoirs, Iromebush Bay Woolfe Thomas, Raymond at, Bankstown Woolford Frank, Martin at, Liolcombe Woolford Frank, 45 Smith st, Sum. Hill Woolford James, 130 Wardell rd, Dal. Ill Woolford Thos. N. Francis at, Woolfson Mrs. F. E., Sinclair at, Won-

stonecraft Woolfson It., 81 Walker at, Nth. Sydney Woolirer C., 75 St. David's mi. Haberfield Woollahrs Council Chambers—Charles Elis A. Vivian, J.P., town clerk, Ocean

- at, Woollahra

Woollen(' Isaac, 60 Belgrave at, Manly Woollard Allington, Stack at, Balmain Woollliairlid Mrs. M., Alexandra et, Hunter's Wooller Alfred, 475 Liverpool at Wooller J., 69 Pine st Wooller John, 23 Myrtle at Wooller W., 15 Codrington at, Darlington Wollerston W., Dunois at, Longueville Mullett A., 142 ttlenmore rd, Padlon Woollett Arthur, 180 Bridge rd, Glebe Woollett Frederick, 23 Cardigan at Glebe Vu oollett George W., Tanner a ye, Carlton Woollett M., 147 Bland at, ITabertield Woollett Oswald, School par, Mar'ville Woollett Percy, Rupert's walk, Hoiroyd Woolley Mrs. A., 71 Leichltardt at, IVav'y Woolley A. J., Silver at, Marrickville IVoolley A. T., 41 Whaling rd, Nth. Sydney Woolley Arthur, 68 Macpherson at, Way. Woolley C. le., -Frazer it, D111. 11111 Woolley C. It., 7 Susan at, Annandale Woolley 0. R., 22 Water at, Campertlown VI milky Chas., Kenyon's rd, 1101royd Woolley D. S., Wentworth rd, Burwood Woolley Mrs. IL, 76 Anglesea at, Bondi SVoolley E., Schwebel at, Marrickville Woolley E., Adelaide rd, Meadow bank Woolley Mrs. It., Union at, West Kogaralt Woolley Edward, Maxim at, Jtyde Woolley F. G , Stoddart at, Litketuba Woolley Frank, Rickards at, Auburn Woolley Isaac, Saunders lam. Woolley John, Lancelot at, Five Dock Woolley Joseph, 11 Allen at Woolley Joseph, 105 Simmons at, E'more Woolley Leslie, 28 Bourke at, Waverly Woolley Miss Ruby, 'Railway at, C'wood Woolley It., 162 N.S.H. rd, Double Bay Woolley It. J., Beaconsfield st, Bexley Woolley It. J., 671 Darling at, Itozelle Woolley Reginald, 89 Victoria at Woolley Robert J., 7 Day at, D'moyne Woolley Spencer, Princess a ye, Concord Woolley W., Cardigan rd, Iiankinown Woolley Wm., 22 Birrell at. Waverley Woolley William, 105 0.8.11 ml, IVtiverley Woolley William A., Paul at, Auburn Woolloomooloo Police Station, Riley at Worthing J. S., Harvard at, Cladesville Wooltner Rowland, 11 Wise at, Rozelle Wooliner Mrs. S., Blaxcell at, Graneille Woolmer Walter, Union st, W. Kogarah Woolmer William, 30 Fllnders at Woollier David, Sutherland rd, Beeeroft Woolnough Miss, Bent at, Lindfleld Woolnough Mrs. A., Rocky Point rd. Sans Solid Woolnough Miss A., 42 Oxford at, W'alira Woolnough Albert, Heydon at, Enfield Woolnough C., Bonanza par, Sans Soucl Wooluough C. E., Itimmington at Artarmon Woolnough Charles, 4 Milton at, Ashfleld Wooluough II., Hercules at, Cluttswood Woolnough II.. Rocky Pt. rd, Sans Sone! Woolnough H. A., agent, 449 Pitt at Woolnough H. B., 148 Addison rd, Manly Woolnough II. P., furniture tratnuf., etc., 69 Goulburn at Woolnough H. P., Regent at, Kogarah Woolnough Mrs. L., Hanover par, C'coril Wooluough Mrs. M., Pomona at, Pen. His Woolnough R., Rocky Point rd, Sans Soul

Woolsey William J. 18 Ferry rd, D'oyne NVoolaon Frank. 27 brosvenor at, Neut. B. Woolaton T. M. 222 Norton at, L'hardt NN oolston Vu' .A, Lenore at, Five Dock Wool you A., 96 Hargrave at, Paddington Woolven Claude, 14 Elizabeth st, Wool yen F., tailor, Rawson place Woolven Fretik., 4 Ormond at, Woolwich Dockyard, Woolwieli Woolwich (litanies I Co., 83 l'Itt st Woolwich Police Station, Elgin at

Post Telegraph Office, Woolwich o, wrch rd

1 Woolwich Piddle School, Woolwich rd Woon Henry J., 77 New Canterbury rd,

Petersham Wooner .1. W., 157 Francis at. Leieltharlit Woore Mrs. 11., 258 Walker at, N. Syd. Wooster Fertilizer Co., Ltd., Oltiordan

at, .Alexandria Wooster A. F., J.P., Ray rd, Epping Wooster James, Cover at, Auburn Wooster Jonathan, Wigrant at, P'matta Wooster Sidney 0., 423 Crown at Wooton Mrs. Annie, 201 Commonwealth at W01)101 1 Arthur, Ann at, Arucliffe wootten Alex., 13Iaxeell st, Granville Wootten Frederick, Princess at, Brighton-

le S Woot;etar il li'rederick, Hope at, Pymble Wm-Atm' liarvey F., Queen at, Ilurwood Wootten Mrs. K., 00 Moncur st, W'nhra Woopttearnk Sydney A., Floss at, Iliirlstone Wootton Thonms B 3 5 Morris at, Sum. H. Wootton Alfred, 24 Spicer st, Woollahra Wootton E. W., 8 Walter at, Padd'ton Wootton George, 26 Tintern rd, Ashfleld Wootton Harry, 33 Botany ml, Botany Wootton I90 Underwood at, Pful'ton Wootton L. J., Victor at, Cluttswood Wootton Mrs. Norman, Park par, Wavly Wootton Thomas, 41 Cambridge st, Roz. Wootton W..1., tea rooms, $79 Pitt at Worboys C. W., Warringa rd, N. Sydney Worboys Clive

' 107 Botany at, Waterloo

Worboys Davhi A., Durwood rd, Enfield Worboys Frederick W. 52 Surrey at. Worboys James, 83 Bellevue at Worboys Walter, 35 Pearce at, Double B. Worboys Walter J., 17 Frodbert at,

1.elchhardt Worby Reuben, Regent at, Kogarah Worcester Thomas It., Norfolk et. Epping Worden Richard, 47 Francis at, Manly Wordsworth E., Abbotsford rd, Irbusit Wordsworth Miss F.. 180 George at, Red Wordsworth F., 109 Church at. Newtown Wordsworth George T., 54 The Avenue, Stratlifield Wordsworth H., Rawson at, Punchbowl Wordsworth J. P., Doodson a ye, L'eombe Wordsworth R., Victoria ave. Chatswood Worger Mrs. C., 101 Green's rd W. orgmeorrHe H. W., 373 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Work I. L., dentist, 62 Enmore rd, En. WORKER (The) Newspaper, St. Andrew's place Workers' Educational Association of N.S.W., New Education Buildings, Bridge at Workman Mrs. K., 4 Church st, Padlon


1936 Wor Workman E. If., Chishohn at, Greenwich Workman E. W.. Railway at. Rockdale Workman II., 117 Itegent at, Newtown Workman Isaac T., Canterbury rd, Cant. Workman 11., 12 Carrington eve, S'fleld Workman Mrs. M.. 110 Rutliven at, It'wlek Workman Mrs. M. E., 125 Campbell at,

Newtown Worknian Mrs., Young at, Croydon Workman Walter, 61 Glover at, Mosman Workman William, 395 ICIng at. N'town Workman William, 67 Station at, N'town Workmen's Homes Building Co., 10 Bridge

street Worland Arthur, 007 Bourke at Worland Mrs. Bridget, 86 Glebe at, Globe Worland William, Alice at, Laker/Ma Worlds Blograph Co., 110b Bathurst at WORLD MARINE & GENERAL

INSURANCE CO.. LIMITED, OF LONDON—Edward Chapman and Co., Agents, Bond at

Woutn's NEWS (The)—Watkin Wynne, manager, 155-157 King at

World Printing House (The)—Itobert De,v Son and Co., 276 Clarence at

World Tourist and Passenger Traffic— Burns, Philp and Co., Ltd., agents, 9 Bridge at

Worley 11,28 King at, Newtown Worley John, 27 St. John's rd, Glebe Worley It.; 63 Ruthven at, Randwiek Worling William, 0.8.11. rd, Wordialira Wormal Hugh, 7 Magic at, Mostnan

WORMALO BROS. 110. Fire Appliance Manufacturers and Australasian ReprNentatives GRIN-NELL AUTOMATIC SPRINK-LERS. City 0 (flee, Royal Insurance Buildings, 16 Spring at. Tel. City 9039. Park Works, Young at, Waterloo. Tel. 713 Redfern. And at 31 Queen at, Melbourne.

Wormald and Browne, venetian blind makers, 22 Junction at, North Syd.

Worntaid A. E., 190 Denison at, Camp'd'n Wormaid Cuthbert, 92 Ebley at, Waseloy Wormald F. W., Powell at, Killara Wormaid G. P., 14 Linthorpe at, N'town Wormsld George, Dangar at, Lindfield Wormald H. J. C., 281 Liverpool rd.

Aslifield Wormald II. P. (Wormald Bros., Ltd.).

16 Spring at, Sydney. G.P.O. box 1578. Country address "Wyameta," Leura

Wormaid Belay, Helen at, Artarmon Wonnald Henry .E., 35 Rosalind at, N. S. Wonnald L D., (Wormuld Bros., Ltd.),

No. 7 Warwick Flats, Edg .elilf rd, Edgecliff. Tel., 1038 Edgeeliff

Wormald J. S., Palmer at, North Sydney Wormald John, Palmer at, North Sydney Wormald Mrs. M. A., 102 Falcon at,

North Sydney Wonnald William T., 8 Marrickville rd,

Sydenham WormallW., 14 Nicholson Bt, Bal main Worruesly Miss IC., 39 Moore at, D'inoyne Wormleaton E., 8 Golden Grove at,

Darlington Wormleaton J. W., Myatt at, Merryland; Wormlenton W., 70 Itosebill at, Redfern I'Vormley Alfred IL, 21 McCauley at,

Alexandria Wormley Edward, 13 Gibbons at, Auburn Worm" Alfred, Trafalgar par, Concord Worner Adrian, Cecilia st,13elmore




Worner Harold, 1 Alfred at, Waverley Worthington Charles, Botany at, R'wick Wray Samuel U., 46 Redfern at, Tiede/at Wright Mrs. Ada, 30 Carsitalton at, A'field Wright Eric, Darling at, Chatswood Worrier W.. 12 Kensin g ton rd, sum. Hill Worthington Mrs. K., 18 Warringall rd, Wray Thomas S., Queen st, Concord Wright Miss Agnes, IS Orpington at, Wright Ernest, 29 Oxford at Woriiiiiim W. W., 33 Dover rd, Rose Bay Mrsonan Wray W., Park at Arncliffe Asidield 1Vright Ernest, 21 Rowntree st, 13'main Wornham AV. W., N.S.H. rd, Rose Bay Worthington Edward, J.P., Allen's rd, Writy Waiter, Cumberland rd, Aub Wright Albert, Warner's a ye, Bondi Wright Ernest, 87 Meek's rd, 51arrick rill e Worobin Lazarus, Si. Paul's at, It' ick North Ryde Wray Walter NV.. Wm-Jidda at, W. Kogli Wright Albert, 83 Darghan at, Globe Wright Ernest, 68 William at, Redfern Woronora General Cemetery Trust, 18 worthing ton F., Neville at, Willoughby Wray William, 48 John at, Petersham Wright Albert, 25 Renwick at, Redfern Wright Ernest, Wentworth at, Rand wick

Bridge at Worthington G., 28 Thomas at. Wyllie Wray William, 129 Marriott at Redfern Wright Albert, 117 Pitt st, Waterloo Wright Eustace, 41 Robert at, St. Peters Worpell Henry, Anglesea at. Bondi Worthington 0., 16 Cooper at, Redfern Wren Bernard, 24 Robert at, Marrickville W'right Albert E., 135 Belmont at, Alex. Wright Mrs. F., 128 Julliett at, Wyllie Worrad Albert, Western eres., Worthington Miss II., 8 Musgrave at, Wren Charles, Beethoven at, 13ankstown Wright Albert E., 4 Euroka at, N. Sydney Wright Mrs. F., 551e King at, Newtown Worrad James, Slade at, Naremburn Mo4rnan Wren Charles J., Bonier at, Canterbury Wright Albert G., 215-217 Palmey at Wright P., 85 Wellington at, Waterloo Werra! J. J., 4 Golden Grove at, Dar'ton Worthington H. R., Albion at, Waverloy Wren Christopher. 322 Victoria at Wright Albert It., Ann at, Willoughby Wright Mrs. F. B., Beigrave et, Niar'villo Worral Joseph, Busby par, Waverley Worthington J., 07 Frederick at, Bt. Pet. Wren Chris., 235 Trafalgar at, Annandale Wright Alex., 8Inclair at, Wollstonecraft Wright .Nire. F. C., Oil Lavender at, N.S. Worral Richard, Busby par, Waverley Worthington J. II., 61 Fitzrey at Wren Mrs. Chaste, 7 Bucknell at, Newtown Wright Alfred, Mowbray rd, west, Chats- Wright Forbes, Parliament ter, Articlitfe NVorrall A. It., 10 Mitchell at, N. Sydney Worthington Mrs., 130 St. George's ems, Wren Mrs. Dora, 77 Shepherd at wood Wright Frank, Gerald at, Mardekville Wormli Ernest, Wanstead eve, Under- Drurnmoyne Wren Frederick, 70 Albion at, Annandale Wright Alfred, nonwlek at, Marriekville Wright Frank, 30 oriando a ye, Niosmall

cli ffe Worthington R., 47 Cambridge at, Enmore Wren Henry, Hampden ni, Lakemba Wright Alfred A., ‘VI111110 at, Durwood Wri g ht Frank, 32 Church at, Parramatta Worrall O., 70 Boundary at, Waverley Worthington T., 42 Regent et, Padlon Wren Hugh P., Minter at, Canterb . ry Wright Alfred E., Nicholson at, N. Syd. Wright Frank G., 02 Queen at, Woollahrn Worrall George, 101 Pitt at, Waterloo Worthington \V., Chiswick rd, B'kstown Wren Mrs. I., Minter at, Canterbury Wright Amos, Redd at, Drunimoyne Wright Frank &Jaw statioler,156 King et Worrell J., Penshurst at, Willoughby 11'orthington W., Balfour at, Carlton Wren Junin, 41 Albion at Wright Andrew, 95 Pyrtnont at Wri g ht Frederick, 40 Onerle , at Worrall J. F., 4$ Hastern eve, Ken'ton Worthington W. A., Market Ft. Rand wick Wren James, Consett at, Concord West Wright Andrew, 3 Norton at, Aslitteld Wright Frederick, 0 Corfu at Worrall J. T., Rossmore eve, Punchbowl Worthington William, 13 Nobbs at Wren James, Old Canterbury rd, P'sham Wright Andrew, 120 Camden at, N'town Wright Frederick, 21 Beatrice at, Auburn Worrall John, Meredith at, Home bush Worthy Mrs. E., 190 Wilson at, Newtown Wren Janice, 45 Seam at, Petersham Wright Arch., Railway eras., Sherwood Wright 'Frederick, Neridah at, Cnatswood Worrall johmItose at, Punchbowl Wortley Mrs. A., Bishop at, St. Peters Wren Joseph, Canterbury rd. Canterbury Wright Arthur, 11 Belvoir at Wright Frederick, 15 Rosa at, Facet Lou. Worrall Leonard, 33 Mount at Wortley F. J. Lucas rd, Burwood Wren Joseph, Di bbs at, Canterbury Wright Arthur, 73 Marray at • Wright Frederick, Chapel at, Keg/troll Worrall It., sec. Stonemasons' Union, Wortley 11 enry, Railway at, Rockdale Wren Louis, 1 Morehead at, Redfern Wright. Arthur, Railway era's, Banksia Wright Frederick, Darkly rd, Randwick

Trades Hall, Goulburn at Wortley Joseph T., Luc as rd, Burwood Wren Michael, J.P., 10 Martin rd Wright Arthur, Mowbray rd. west, Wright Fredk., 34 Edward at, Woolialtriz Worrall Ralph, M.D., surgeon, 183 Worwood I. J., J.P , second-hand shop Wren Mrs. S., 78 Wetherill at, Leichhardt Chatswood Wright Fredk, C., Church at, Ityde

Macquarie at; p.r., Birtley place, 136 King at, Newtown Wren Thomas, 85 Kepos at, Redfern Wright Arthur, Bolingbroke par, Manly Wright Fredk, E., 26 Meagher at Eliza-both Bay Woskl Michael, Veron a ye, Wenworthville Wren Thomas, 30 Young st, Redfern Wright Arthur, Mort'a rd, 5fortdale Wright Frederick W., 46 Missenden rd.

Worrall Robert, McKern at, Compete herspoon John, Gordon at, Eastwood Wren Thomas, 9 Wentworth at. Tempe Wright Arthur, Duffy lane, Thontleigh Campordown Worrall I'. II., Beimore rd, Dalrnorton Wotling James W., Great Noth. rd, A'ford Wren Timothy, Queen at, Concord Wright Arthur IT., architect, 79 Pitt at Wright Miss G., 40 Moore at, Bondi Worrall Thomas, Gibbes at, Rockdale Wotten Henry, Carrin gton rd, Ratalwick Wren Wm., 31 Little Arthur at, N. Syd. Wright Arthur J., Mill at, Lidcombe Wright G. F., 46 Warren rd, Mar' Ole Worrell W. A., marine surveyor, Challis Wotten Mrs. Percy, 412 Moore Park rd Wren William, Lipson ave. Witveriey Wright Augustus F., 167 William at Wright C. F., 18 Dillon at, P.aldington

House, Martin place Wotten Allan 0,, 237 Military rd, Bosnian Wren William L., Sharpe at, Belmont Wright Mrs. B., 26 Gardener's rd, Damp Wright G. S., 41 Ainsworth st, 11/1:trdt Worrall V. A., 35 Epping rd, Dorth. Bay Wotton Arthur, Norfolk at, Epping Wrench Charles, 39 Gladstone at, Stksille vine Wright G. W., 19 Catherine at, L'hardt Worrall Capt. William A., 3 Gerard et, Wotton Mrs. E., 8 Lodge at, For. Lodge Wrench George, Lancelot st, Five Dock Wright Mrs. B., Queensclifte, Manly Wright George, Church rd, Bankstown

Neutral Bay Wotten Mrs. F., 42 Reservoir st Wrench George R., 35 Queen at, A noun' Wright B. C.,18 Warren rd, Marriekville Wright George, Clifton aye, Durwood Worrel 13. G., 477 New Canterbury rd, Wutton Frederick, 100 Cowp3r st, Way'y Wrench Joel, Stanley at., Peakhurst Wright Benj., The Esplanade, Guildford Wright George, The Parade, Enfield

Dulwich Hill Wotton G. J., 55 Wellington at, Newtown Wrenford ilasil D., 0 DenIng at, D'moyno Wright Mrs. Bertha, 75 Heighway eve, Wright George, 99 Hereford at-, Globe Worrell A. E., 24 Grove et, Marrickville 1Votton H., 13 Bishop at, Marrickville Wreushaw Edwd. B., 4 James at, lrlahra Croydon Wright George, The Esplanade, Guildford Worrell Arthur, Barry eve, Mortdive Wotton James, West, at, Hurstville Wriao G., advertising agent, 26 Castle- Wright Bertram, 78 Allen at, Leichharilt Wrigat George, Kensington rd, Ken'ton World II Mrs. Louisa, 39 Campbell at, Glebe Wotton John, George at, Concord reagh at; p.r., "Wooloowin," Wright Mrs. C. Rutledge at, Eastwood Wright George, Locksley at, Killara Worrington Frank, 53 Derwent at, Glebe Wotton Robert, 54 Shamble at, Sum. Hill Dudley at.. Randwirk Wright C. E., Athol at, Will'ghby Wright George, Raglan at, Mosman Worsfold Alex., Forest rd, Antclitte Wott on NV., 1 Tnorby ave, Leichlianit Wrido George, 1.1umockburn Pt. Pymble Wright C. F.,110 St. 1111110es ml, Auburn Wright George, Gale rd, 8t11.11 and wick Worsley A. E., 177 Denison et, C'do wn Wotton W. E., 237 Military ril,Nloallan Wright Bros., boot retailers, 859 Wright C. II. P., 31 Marshall tit, rekville Wright George, 35 Cleveland at, Redfern Worsley Mrs. B., 16 Neville at, Maeville Wotton William J., Rockleigh at, B'w'd George at Wright 0. J.. 23. linuture rd, lillimore Wright George, Hernert at, Rockdale Worsley Mrs. F., Duntroon st, Burl. Pk Woulfe Rev. Father It. ( R.C.), Alice at, Wright and Bruce, Ltd., wool scourers, Wright Cat-thaw, Renwick st,111.'ckville Wrig ht George, off Brood at, Rosedale Worsicy F. W., 293 Addison rd, Nfar' vale Auburn 12 Spring at, and hot my rd, Botany Wright Cecil, Carilla at, Durwood 'Wri ght George, Gordon rat, St. Leonards Worsley G., 80 Kingselear rd, Alexandria Wragg It., 53 Holdsworth et, Woollahra Wright E. and Son, wireworkers and wire Wright Cecil, Edward at, Marriekville Wright George, Eastern rd, Turramurra Worsley J., 507 Parramatte rd, L'hardt Wragge A: May, hat manufacturers, 50 Oath weavers Cleveland at City Wright Cephas, at, Parlitatta Wright George E., 14 Inickland at Worsley Mrs. 3., 3 Hawkliurst st, 5I'ville Wentwortli ave Wright's "Eureka" gas stoves, 82 Pitt at Wright Charles, Palmerston at, Kogitrali Wright George E., 30 Kent at, Newtown Worley Jamas, 62 Birkley rd, Manly Wragge Fredk.,West Botany rd, Arn3lific Wright II. G., Ltd.. clothing uranufac. Wright Charles, John at, LIdcombe Wright George F., Evaline at, Campsie Worsley James 1'., 52 Doric) , at, Newtown Wragge Robert, 11 Benny at, Paddington turers, Richard et, Newtown Wright Charles, Wigram st, Parramatta Wright George K., Angelo at, Barwood WoI810Y S. J ,13rIghton at, Enfield Worsley Mrs. Sarah, Ada at, Parnunatta Worsloy Thomas, 20 Gipps at, D'moyne

Wragge William II., Sutherland rd, Beeerof t

Wraight A., Hurstville rd. Penshurst WRIGHT, HEATON AND CO.,

LTD., Contracting and General

Wright Charles, 3 Frederick at, Petersham Wright Charles, 8 Margaret at, Redfern Wright Charles, 17 Lawson at, Roselle

Wright George S., Meredith st,Bankstowis Wright George W., Balmoral :a ye, It'ditie Wright H., 201 Annaudale sr, Annandale

Worsley Wm., 110 Australia at, C'down Wraight Miss Mary, Amelia at, Mascot Carriers, Produce and General Mer- Wright Cl Irene° D., Wuntilla rd, Rose Wright IL, 32 Charles at. Erskineville Worsley William II., York at, Delmore WraPht V 04 Nilicaulay rd, Statimore chants, Forwarding, Shipping and Ba Wright II., Houston rd. 5th KPoteington Worsley William O.. Brighton et, Enfield Wraith W alter, Union at, Arncliffe Customs Agents—F. W. Browne W right Clive, Frederick et, Caropsie Wright H. G., 18 NS yndlium at, Alex. Worsnop B. J., 3 Clifton st, East B'tnain Wran James, 24 Sonde at, nacelle Managing Director, Head Office, 97 Wright Miss D. Neridah at, Chatswood WHOA H. I., 37 Kingeton rd, Cam'down WorswIck John, 115 Station at, N'town Wran Thome, 17 Ennis at, Balmain Pitt at Wright Mrs. D.;Parramatta rd, 11' bush Wright II. J., Homebush ems, Hoinebusiz Wort W. II. It., 402 King at, St. Peters Wray A. (4.. Sutherland rd, Beecn t Wright D., Doncaster eve, Kensington Wright H. J., 46 Wardell rd, Mar's ille Worters F. M., Spring st, A rneliffe Wray Alfred, Alexander par, Rockdale Wright and Lyto Misses, costumleres, Wright David, 30 Barton ave, Haborileld Wright H. It.. Bellamy at, Pennant Hills Worth A. B.. masseur, 120 The Strand Wray Nirs. Atone, Cumberland ri Auburn 409 Militaty rd, Mosman Wright David, 16 St. David's rd, Hab'f'id Wright H. W., Lea a ye, Abbotsford

and 233 Macquarie at Wray Mrs. Annie, Wellbank rd, Concord Wright Mrs. M. A. A; Son, grocers, 118 Wright David, Milieu et, Hunaville Wright Mrs. H. W., 06 Raglan et, rman. Worth A. B., j.P., 152 Upper Spit rd, Wray E., Ashley at, Waverley Blue's Pt. rd. North Sydney Wright David, 104 Alexander at, N. Syd. Wright Harold, King rd, Five Dock

Mostnan Wray Francis W., Queen's rd, Brighton- Wright Underhill, mantelpiece menu- Wright David, Regent at, Lidconibe Wright Harold, Gray at, Kogaralt Worth Albert E., 35 Brown st, Newtown le-Sands facturere. tIS Balm:tin rd, Leichlonit Wright E., Ward Cafe. Rawson place Wright H*.rold, 42 Warringa rd, N. Syd'y Worth C., 552 Marrickville rd, Dul. Hill Worth Charles T., 4 Ebley at, Waverley

Wray Frederick, Mitchell at, St. L'n'rds Wray Fredk., Alexandra par, Rockdale

Wright W. J. and Fox, costume manu- facturers, 498 Kent at

Wright Miss E., 73 D trlingiturst rd Wright Mrs. E. Railway at, Epping

Wright Harry, 77 Albert et, 31arrlekville Wright liaro, Gilwandra ril, N'tli Bondi

Worth Daniel, 234 Albany rd, Petersham Wray G. W., Gordon at, Burwood Wright William and Sons, produce and Wright E. E., 113 Read at, Waverie y Wright Harry E., 100 Commie rd, S'inore Worth Elijah, 103 Union et, Nth. Syd. Worth Frederick, Dunbar st, Vancluse

Wray George 1.., 90 Berry at St. l'eters Wray Gordon, 73 Kenos at, Redfern

fuel merchants, 90 King at, N'town Wright A., 12 Bourke ores, Dacevville

Wright E. H., 40 Holt's eve, Mosman Wright Mrs. E. M., 11 Stafford st, S'more

Wright Henry, medical practitioner,. Illawarra rd, Marrickville

Worth Mrs. H. V.,1/0 Rutliven at, It' wick Wray J. H., Victoria ave. Ch.ttswood Wright A., 12 Willoughby rd, g. Sydney Wright Edgar, Dolphin et, Cougeo Wright Henry, Lincoln at. Belutore . Worth James H., 20 High at, N. Sydney Wray J. T., 87 Alexander at, N. Sydney Wright A., 69 Tweedmouth ave, Itoseh'y Wrig ht Edgar, Andrew st, Little Coogee Wright Henry, 70 Darlington ml, Dar- Worth Peter, Lancelot at, Five Dock Wray John, High st, Concord Wright Mrs. A.. 23 Duxford at, Pad'ton Wright Edward, 22 Kensington at lington Worth T. R., 49 Brisbane at, Nth. Sydney Wray Joseph, Gordon rd, Chatswood Wright A. D., Norfolk at, Liverpool Wright Edward, 204 Johnston at, A'd Wright Henry, Kerr's rd, Lidcombe Worth William, Wallace at, Willoughby Wray Joseph, Humors rd, Marrickville Wright A. F., 113 Lawrence at, ANIria Wright Edward, Highgate at, Bexley Wright Henry, Pensiturst et, Ponsiturst Worth William J.. Albany at, St. Leopards Wray Joseph W., Ult tries st, Canterbury Wright A. G., Eatsern ave, Kensington t1 right Ldwad, Spring at, Clintswot Wright Henry, 28 Clarendon rel, gluon) Worthing Mrs. E., 244 Devonshire at Wray Capt. K. H. \V., D.8.0., Wright A. H., Ninth a ye, Compel° Wright Edward, 117 Commie rd, S'm Wright Henry, 40 Edmund at, Waveriey Worthington Pump Co., Ltd., 32 Clar- Hampden at, Ashfleld Wright A. H., 7 Addison rd, Manly Wright Edward, Connemarra at) W. Ko, Wright Henry J., 17 Smith at, Waterloo.

ence at Wray Mrs. Mary, Myrtle rd, Bankstown Wri g ht A. J. S.. Broad r South R'wick Wright Edward. Chiltern eve, W'ilhingliby Wright Herbert, Tantalion eve, An:alio Worthington Albert, Botany rd, Botany Wray Rennie, 16 Gerard at, Neutral Bay Wright A. M., Beresford rd. Rose Bay Wright Edwin W., Connemarra at, BexPy Wright Herbert, Dent at, Botany Worthington O., Forest rd, Harstville Wray Samuel, Whims at, Rockdale Wright Mrs. A. M., Hamilton et, Ro,e Bay Wright Enoch, 130 Arthur at, Nth Syd

1 Wright Herbert, May at, Lelchhardt



Wright Herbert G., Albert eras, Croydon Wright Ilerlwrt O., 7a Darling st, Glebe Wr y lit Herbert IL, Dennis at, W'right Ilerbert W., 61 Vole st, Dui. hi Ill Wright Horace, Park rd lliirstville Wright Horace C., Harriett at, Neut. Bay Wright Horace J., Edgar at, Auburn Wright Hugh, F.R.A.S., J.P., librarian,

Mitchell Library, Macquarie at; p.r. "Boombilla," Curl:obeli rd, Mosman

Wright Isaac, Hudson at, HurstvIlle Wright J., Mary et, Atrium' Wright .1., Avenin?, Brighton-le•Sands Wright .1., Evelyn st, Gm* welch 1Vright .1., itbattoirs, llornentish Bay Wright .1., 10 Thorne at. Paddington Wright J., Pennant Hills rd, Perm. Hills Wright J. A.,11Iorist, 374 George at Wright .1. A., 33 Fitzgerald at, Waverley Wright J. B., J.P., manager Prescott

Limited, 365-375 Sussex at; p.r., "Springfield," Upper Wycombe rd, Neutral Bay

Wrig ht .1. II., 'Willis at, SOL Kensington Wright .1. P., (Executors of) 79 Pit t at Wright J. W., Benaroon rd, Belmore Wright Jackson, T. H., J.P., "St.

Ronans," Edward at, Pymble Wri ght James, 55 Roslyn at Wright James, 27 Clayton at, Balmaln Wright James, O'Sullivan rd. Bellevue II. Wright James, :042 Botany rd, Botany Wright James, Emu at, Burwood Wright James, 12 Pile at, Dulwich 11111 Wright James, Edward at, Enfield Wright ,Tianes, II Burrell at, 11rakineville Wright James, 31 Chilies at, Ersk'ville Wright :lames, 2111 Albion at, Leichliarilt Wright James, 1511tose ter, Paddington Wright James, 71 Yule at, Petersham Wright James, 152 Wella at, Redfern Wright Jas., Houston nI, 8th. Kit ii' ton Wright Janice, 2 Cannon at, Statimore Wright James, Yardley live, Waitara Wright James A., 69 Cook rd Wrig ht James II., Condor st, iturwood Wright James L., 23 St. Millers rd,

Auburn Wright James R., Kogarah rd, Kogarah Wright Mrs. Jane, Oswald at, Campsie Wright Mrs. Jane, Bay at, Rockdale Wright John, 27 Wellington at Wright John, 6 Adolphus lane, Balinain Wright John, l3rancourt ave, Bankstown Wright John, 105 Edwin at, Croydon Wri g ht John, Robinson at, Croydon Wright John, Youn g at Croydon Wright John, 14 Myra rd, Dulwich Hill Wright John, Mitchell at, Enfield Wright John, 8 Flora at, Erskineville Wright John, Junction rd, Hornsby Wright John, Vine at, Hurstville Wright John, Carroll at, Kogarah Wright John, 8 Glen at, Marrickville ag ri ght John, 241 Wellington at. Newtown Wright John, 19 Lackey at, St. Peters Wright John, Robert st, Strathfield Wright John Patrick at, Willoughby Wright His Grace John Charles, M.A.,

D.D., the Archbishop of Sydney, and Primate, "Bishopscourt," Green Oaks ave, Darling Point

Wright John 0., Boundary 'at, Sherwood Wright John IL, 82 George at, Waterloo Wri ght Jobe H., O'Sullivali rd, It'vue H. Wright John H., Battery at, Little Coogoe Wright John IL, 108 Burrell at. Newtown Wright John H., Harley at., Sans Souci Wright John J., Augusta at, Homobush Wright John K., Evaline et, Campale Wright John S., Montague rd, Neut. Bay Wright John T., Young at, Concord Wright Joseph, 140 Mullens at, Balmain Wright Joseph, Rose at, Chatswood

Wright Jose ph, 37 Ashmore st, Ers'vtlle Wright joseph,42 Premier at, Marrickville Wright Joseph, 54 Duxford at, Pad'ton Wright Joseph, Penshurst at, Ponshurst Wright Joseph, 123 1Vilsoli at, Redfern Wright Joseph P., 7 Herbert at, N'town Nright Mrs Josephine, 4 I birdie at Wright Josiah 5 St. John's rd, Glebe Wright L., Victoria rut, Iteilevue II ill Wright Nlis•• L., 32 Blue's Pt. rd, S. Syal Wright L. C., Banksia at, Botany Wright le mead. Myers at, Beimore Wright Lewis, 25 Trafalgar at, Enmore Wri g ht Ideas J., 544 Cleveland at Wright Mrs. NI., 133 Ge age at, Crdown wriulit Mrs. M., 96 O'Connor st, Handl Wright 31, Oxford at, Epping Wright Mrs. M., 107 Marrickvillo rd.,

MarrickvIlle Wrioht Mrs. M., Coon a 'Own' rd, W'lirga Wright Mrs. 51.. Grantham at, uV. Kogsrah Wright Mrs. H. A., Khartoum aye,

Gordon right Mrs, NI. T., 145 Holte nom' at, N.

S Wright Malcolm, 20 Parsons at, Ronne Wright Mrs. Margaret, George at, C'cord Wright Mrs. Margaret, Cove at, Vaucluse

right Sirs. Mary, Clair at, Itelmore Wright Mrs. Mary, Sydney rd, Manly Wright Mrs. Mery A.,104 Short at, Irlien Wright Matthew A., 18 Queen at, Aslifleld Wright Mrs. Olive 31,532 Cie? eland at Wright Oliver E., 48 Lower Tupper at,

Marrickville Wright H., 146 Wells at, Newtown Wright P. F., 48 [MGM at. Leichltarilt Wright Paul, Varna at, Waverley Wright Percy. 43 Charles; at Wright Percy, John at, Granville Wri ght l'orcy A., Beatrice at, Ashileld Wright It. F., 18 Amherst at, N. Sydney Wright R. S., Lincoln at, Belmore Wright Raymond S., King rd, Five Dock Wright Reg., Jeffrey at, Canterbury Wright Reg., Robertson at, Greenwich Wright Reginald, Gorman at, Al'ville Wright Reginald, Omni at, Waitara Wright Richard, 31 Norton st..1111eld Wright Robert, 86 Itowntree at, Balmain Wright Robert, High at, Carlton Wright Robert, 280 Wardell rd, Dui. Hill Wright Robert, Bathurst at, Liverpool Wright Robert, 22 Smian at, Newtown Wright Robert, 154 Wells at, W. Redfern Wright S., confectioner, 210 Kirg at,

Newtown Wri g ht MIAs S., Trongate at, Granville Wright Mrs. S., 3 Morrell St Woollahra Wright. Sammi, coach and motor body

builders, 571-575 Harris at Wright Samuel, Chitties at, Canterbury Wright Samuel, Second ave, Lideombe Wright Sarah H., West End hotel, 12

Bathurst at Wright Sidney, 26 Sloane at, Sum. Hill Wright Stuart, Lavender aye, N. Sydney Wright Susan, Colin at, N Sydiiev Wright Sydney, 83 Julliett at, Mar'ville Wright '1'. 0., 60 Cambridge at, Stairmore Wright T. II.. 61 Conmusiore st, Newtown Wright Thomas, 196 Victoria at, Al'x'drla Wri ght Thos., 19 Myra rd. Dulwich Hill Wright Thomas, 113 Short at, Delman Wright Thomas, 40 Dulwich at, Dui. Hill Wright Thomas, 29 Todnisil a ye, K'ton Wright Thomas, 'Fargo it, Kogarali Wright Thomas, 18 Garners ave, M'ville Wright Thomas, 895 Illawarra rd, Wright Thomas, 18 Harley st, Newtown Wright Thomas, Rockdale et, Rockdale Wright Thomas, 92 Evans at, Rozelle Wright Thomas, Melton a ye, Hyde

Wright Thomas, 12 Bishop at, St l'eters Wright Thomas A.. oxford uVe, II' to Wright Thomas A • 29 Cox live, Waverley Wright Thos. J., Wellington at, Croydon Wright Thomas T., Victoria at, Wav'ley Wright Thomas W., 173 Botany rd, Bot'y Wright Thomas W., 76 O'CNannor st,

Haberfield Wright %V., 45 Parramatt is rd, An Wright NV., Cherch rd, Ban kstoWII Wright W., 13 Boulevard, Leichlianit Wri g ht W., 4 Denning at, Merrick ville Wright W., Cl O'Connell at, Newtown Wright W., 95 Otterman at, North Spiney Wright W., Railway par, South Gr'ville Wright W., Alice at, Turramurra Wright Mrs, W., 42 Denison at, Wavley Wri g ht W. C., S Grove at. Nbariekville Wright W. D., 16 George at, Pad'ton Wright W. E., Keating at, Lideombe Wright W. F., 74 Philip at, Alexandria Wright W. G., Bourke rd, Alexandria Wright W. J., 273 George at Wright W. J., 80 St. George's cres, Wylie Wright W. J., 34 Junction at, Forest

Lodge Wright W. J., Montgomery at, Kogarah Wright W. J., 60 Brighton at, Petersham Wright W..1., Broad ni, South Itandwick Wright W. S., 10 Edgerliffe rd, W'altri4 Wright NV. T., Fifth IlVe, Wright W. T., J.P., 1 Warren rd, SI'ville Wright Walter, 42 Albion at, Annandale Wright Walter, Duke it. Campde Wright William, 15 Ada lane Wright William, 11 Kirk lane Wright William, 6 Shepherd at Wright Willi on, Parliament ter, A'cliffe Wright William, 17 Loftus at, Ashfield M'right William, Si Queen at, Aub Wright William, Minter at, Canterbury Wright William, Ocean at, Kogarah Wright William, Cook rd, Marriek elite Wright William, 3 St. Elmo at, Mosman Wright William, 7 Copeland are, N'town W,ight William. E gan at, Newtown Wright William, 62 Margaret at, N'town Wright William, Berry's rd, St. Leonards Wright William, 7 Fitzgerald at, Way'y Wright William A., Sta.pifml at. Bondi Wright William A.. Moore at, Campaie Wright Win. A., Rhodes aye, Narmlfru Wright William A., Varna at, Wavorley Wright William E., 13 Goodlet at Wright William F., Russell at, G'rville Wright William G., NIcKern st, Campsie Wright William H., 34 Lord at, N. Syd. Wright William J., Bruce at, Ashtleld Wright William T., Bay at, Rockdale Wright Wilson C. D., 11 Pile st, Dul H. Wrighton Matilda, 73 Botany rd, \Venue WrIghton th'., 169 Devonshire at Wrightson Charles, Junction rd, Hornsby Wrightson Sohn, Lincoln at, Crimple Wrightson John, Godfrey at, Lakemba Wiightson Mrs. Percy, 37 noore Park rd Wrightson T., 15 Vanilla at, Newtown Wrightson Tom, Yerrick rd,Lakemba Wrigley Mrs. A.. 18 Hopewell at, Pad' ton Wrigley 13., grocer , Belmont rd, Mosman Wrigley Charles W., CHIT lane, N. 3ydney Wrigley Edward W., Napier et, Lidcombe Wrigley F., bootmaker, 241 Castlereaghnt Wrigley Mrs. Frederick, Earl at, Wndwick Wrigley G. 11, 22 Boulevard°, Lewisham Wrigley George A., 'Way at, Maeville Wrigley John P., 41 Polding at, D'ruoyne Wrigley Thomas, 20 Eton at, C'down Wrigley T., 154 Australia at, Camp'down Wrigley Thomas H., 265 Forties at Wrigley William, Waratah at, Enfield Wring Mrs. M. A., 25 Daphne rd, Botany Wring Emanuel, 21 Lodge at, For. Lodge Wring Milton, Manson rd, Concord





Manufa (differs of Metal i'cilings Shop Fronts and Show Cases, ete Head Office, Baptist at, Redfern Telephones 45S-459-1611, 698 Redrit Shop Front and Show Case Factory 15-49 George at, Redfern. Tel. 271 Redfern. alanaging Din-eters : E II. C., 0. and A. Wunderlich Secretary, A. Keegan. '1'lle Office and City Showroom. 56 l'itt at,, Telephone, City 3067. Sales man-ager. I'el. City 3966. Tile NI hart, Neutral Bay, Telephone NO. 988 North Sydney.

Wunderlich Alfred, "Stamford," 8 Lang rd, Centennial Park

Wunderlich Mrs. E., Bridge at, Epping Wunderlich E. II. C., "St, Omer," 3

Dailey at, Waverley Wunderlich Ernest, 3 Dailey at, Witv'ley Wunderly Joseph, US Phillip at, Milne& Warm S., laundr y , 557 Bourke at Wunsch Gregory, 86 Baptist at, Redfern

WURCKER MAX Importer of Musical Instruments and Ph1110 Material. Solo Agent for "Tho Patheplione" Talking Machines for N.S.W., Jobber in Edison Phonographs. Manufacturers of Sensitised Papers, Importer of Drawing and Tracing Papers and Cloths, and all Drawing Office Requisites, 99-101 York at. Telephone City 1685 (2 lines) eonneetasl with all departments

Math Charles, Forest rd, Peakhurat Wurtz J. L., Warren rd, NfarrickvIlle Wertz John, 69 Underwood at, Morton Wust Morris, 19 Frampton awe, Wed' Miss H. C., 47 Cecil at, Ashfield Wutke Yalta, 7 Stephen at, Paddington Wyatt Mrs. A., 27 Roslyn at Wyatt A. hi, Station at, Carlton Wyatt Alfred, High at, Canterbury Wyatt Alfred, 19 Hawkhurst at, Wyatt C. W., Waimea rd, Roseville Wyatt Daniel, Louisa at, Summer 11111 Wyatt Sirs. E., Lane Cove rd, Pymble Wyatt Mrs. E. D., 165 Blue's Point rd,

North Sydney Wyatt E. J., South par, Campsie Wyatt Edward N., Livingstone rd, be Wyatt Ernest, NVaratali at, Canterbury Wyatt Frank, 8 Albert at Wyatt G. II., 30 Kalgoorlie at, L'iliadt Wyatt George, KIngsland rd, Bexley Wyatt George, Little Church at, Ryde Wyatt Mrs. H., Mary at, Lideoliffie Wyatt Harry, 4 Gloucester at Wyatt Henry, hairdresser, 12 Kent at Wyatt Henry 11., Bowiner st, Bankala

\Vette Ni p% A g ims, 23 Elea Ilee at, Manly wy tie It. W., 200 A bercrombie sr,. Redfern Wylie Bertram, 27 Wedherill at, Croydon -vylie C., 5 McCauley at, Alexandria Wylie Charles A., Vairfowl at, Dui. 11111 Wylie D., Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby Wylie G. C., Salisbury rd, Stanmore Wylie G. M., 23 Spruson at, Neutral Bay Wylie II. A., baths, Beach at, Coogee Wylie !hairy A. Carr st, Coogee Wylie James, 1 Park aye, North Sydney Wylie James G., Norfolk at, Epping Wylie ,lames W., 21 Auburn ni, Auburn Wylie James W., Cumberland rd, a'hurn Wylie John, 43 Moodie at., Roza° Wylie John W., Bunnerong ni, Kent mu Wylie AL. Canterbtlry rd, Can terbil r.1' Wylie Nirs. H. 26 Queen at, Glebe Wylie Mrs. 31, 5(1 Morgan at Maeville Wylie It. L., 71 Renwick at, Marrickville Wylie Robert L., Blakesley at, Ch'wood

Writer Alexander, Wharf rd, Itydalmere Writer George, Wareemba at, A idiot srni Mixon Mrs. E.,65 Willoughby at, N.Syd Writhe' 3., baker, 65 Derwent at, Glebe Wroe Frederick, 6 Henson st, Sum. Hilll Wyatt John, 30 Parraween at, Neut. Bay Wruic It, hart Sheffield at, Auburn Wyatt John, 127 Brighton at, Pens sham Wroe Thomas, Kintore at, Dulwich 11111 Wyitt t Mrs. L. 11. 268 at, Itendi Wulf Hermann, stevedore, 04 Kent at Wyatt Mrs. Mary, Crown at Wulf J., Bayview at, North Sydney Wyatt Montague, principal of public Wulff Carl A., Caledonian at, Bexley school, Rocky Pt. rd, Sandringham Wulfing Sirs. Lydia, 72 Arthur at, N. Syd. Wyatt Richard, aleymott at, Itendwiek Wunder W. D., 38 Havelock at, D'inoyne Wyatt Robert, 13 Spring st, Baltnain Wunderlich A. and Co., fruiterers, 65 Wyatt Robert, Tunbridge at, It ..otany

Alfred at. North Sydney Wyat 1 nydney, 15 Bank at. Nt Ii. Sydney Wyatt Thomas, 20 Brereton ave. NI'ville

WUNDERLICH LTD. WyattaNIVI; , 107 New Canterbury rd, l'eter

Wyatt Ivor, Condamine at. Manly Wyatt J. F., Eglington at, Lidcombe Wyatt James, 9 Gerard at, Neut. Bay Wyatt James H., Canary rd, Canterbury

ycr ames, 45 Arthur at. North Splue3 Wver N , CO Wardell rd. Marrickvillc Wyer Michael, 17 Bourne at, Marrickville Wyer Patrick, Yerrick rd, Lakemba Wyers John NV., Gri (-nacre rd, %Vyetli Mrs. Ada, 93 Smith at. Sunr. 11111 Wyeth Mark, 50 Burren at, Erskineville Wyett Arthur J., Military rd, Vauchise Wyin Bolet, Pittwater rd, North Hyde Wyke Mrs. E., 30 Glerstein st, Waverley Wyke Mrs. M. S. 91 Denison rd, P'sham Wyke W. A., 51 Silver at, Marrickville Wyke William A., 603 New Canterbury r.1,

Petershain Wykos John, 247 Elizabeth at Wekes Mellen!, 5 Pyrieont at. Astitield Wyld Alfred, brush manufacturer, 2

Buckland at Wyld George 11., 9 Margaret st, Manly Wybl Miss J.. 32 Charlecot at, MaevIlle NVyld L. E., &famish at, Campale Vyld Mrs. b. J., 8 Bradley's Head rd, Nov.

Wyld Wilfred J., Carlton par. Cat 1ton Wyldash C. J., Shirley rd, Roseville IN yid° Donald. 9 Elliott st, Baltitain Wylde-Browne J. H. (The Colonial

Rubber Co., Ltd.), 7 Barrack at ; p.r.,"Tulagi," Centennial awe, Chats- wood. 'Phone J 1255

Wyley Alex., Hampden rd, Pennant Hills Wyley Mrs. 31., Albert awe, Chatawood Wylie and Lovegrove, farriers. Parra-

matta rd, Burwood

Wyatt W. E., 21 Gordon st, Lewisharn ' Wyatt William, 24 Tranmere at, D'Inoyno • Wyatt William J.P., 11 Anderton at, . Marrickville . Wylie I Leo. Victoria at, Waverley Wylie Thomas, 38 Hopewell at, ParPton , Wyborn Arthur, 'ravished: at, Enfield Wylie NV., Lane Cove rd, Turramurra

, Wyborn G., 89 Elizabeth at, Paddington Wy lie NV. J., 21 Bradley'a lid. rd, Mos, . !Wyborn Walter, Arden at, Waverley Wylie William, 30 Cook rd, Mardekville

Wyborn William A., ini • Pherson at, M s Wylie William, Wilson at, Mascot, Wybrow A. 13,72 Addison rd, Irekville Wylie William, 46 Calder rd, Redfern Wybrow Alva, 32 Affill.on rd, NI a rri'ville Wylie William, 162 Pitt at, Redfern Wybrow Alva, 54 rook ml, Merrick ville Wylie William, 8 Red Lion at, Rozelle Wyburd Alfred E., 11 Liverpool at, Wylie William P., Princess eve, Waterloo

Paddington Wylie William II., 9 John at, Ashfield IS yburd Frederick, 26 King at, Win yah W Y1 1 1 W 011 1 t1t Eo H igh A. Wyburd Mrs. M. L., 27 Gipps at, l'ad'ton Wyllie Mrs. Ada, 124 Riley at Wybunt Mrs. Sarah, 3 Benny at, Pairton Wyllie Alex. 51, Boyce ni, South Rand-Wyburn Bethel, 100 Mill Hill rd, Wavle)? wick Wych Arthur, Onsiow at, Granville Wyllie Alfred, Roberts st, Camperdown Wych Mra. Si. A., 53 I, itoh at, 1.'11 irdi Wyllie Andrew, 48 Edgeware ru Eintiore

spentieur,I.Iiiteariniiinanonats,t,LKI doegolitnril,th INVvy;1111itee jli.ivrid: InaLt,i(akt, IVycli aitt::;1(81;rd.tethlield. Wychbury Preparatory School—G. F. Wyliie James A., Ceellv at, Leieldiardt

Wooldridge, M.A., principal, Parra- Wyly L., Bonelong at, Neutral Bay matte rd, Burwood Wyly Reginald C., Reynolds at, Neut. B,

Wyche Fredk., Campbell at, 1.11t1i . Coope Wyly Robert F., manager and secretary Wyche Angustua, 841 Ryan at, Leif-Wier& Sydney Cricket Ground, Trustees' Wyche .101m, 16 Marshall at, Merrick Ville office, 24 Moore at ; p.r., "Kamila- Wyde Hoag William, 135 Gloucester at roi," 128 Addison rd Manly Wye Edward A., Chalyer at, Waveriey Wyman Charles, Bowden at, Granville Wyee Sawmills (13. Cook, manager). 19a Wyman Samuel George are, Lideornbe

Elizabeth at Wyman Walter J., 293 Forbes at, Wyer Arthur, 27 Dudley at, Paddington Wymark Frederick, 33 Booth at, Balmaln

Wyrnark Hubert, 3a Chubb at Itozelle Wymer Alfred, Edward at, Bondi Wymer G., Livingstone rd, Nfarrickville Wymer Mrs. S. A., Common at, Hurl. Pk. Wytnpeoste liIis rs enimay, 65 Constitution rd,

Wymess John, 66 Princes at Wynpd lfirors.minlI., 104 Constitution rd, ete

it iou ti and Carson, motor car painters, 77 Macquarie at

Wyndham Alvan, A nil at, Parra matte Wyndham Mrs. E., Perouss rd, Rand wick Wyndham Mrs. F. L., Darling at, C'wood Wyndham Mrs. Guy, 19 Lennon at, Sloe-

man Wyndham 11. 0., 90 Thorby ave. L'hardt Wyndham Harold E., 13 Augusta rd,

Wynldrh3alimilY Miss Linda, 80 Winter lane, North Sydney

Wyndham IL, Shaftesbury rd, Eastwood Wyndham Mrs. R., 61 Bangers a ye, Mos. Wyndham S. C., Baronia at, Kensington Wyndham S. c.. Oxford nil, Homehush Wyndham Mrs. T. B., 36 Gilpin at,

Camperdown Wyndoe David, 93 Hoit's awe, Mosman Wyndow Mrs. E., 40 Fotheringham at,

Marrickville Wyndow Thomas, 81 Darling at, Balmain Wyness Edwani 0., 9 Orley at. Waverley Wyness James, Maher at, Auburn Wynn Alfred, 48 Kent at


Yabsley Vernon, Boundary st, Cha tswood Yabsley W., 115 Rodiford at, Ers'ville Yaffe). Reuben. 13 Samuel at Yaffie Isaac, 70 Commonwealth at Yager Arthur W., Rutland at, Carlton Yager Charles, 1 Mitchell rd, Alexandria Yager Henry, 5 Surrey at, Waterloo Yahl John F., Koss at, Parramatta Yaldwyn %u it Burwood rd, Concord Yale T. IL, Kensington rd., Kensington Thula K., 7 Oxford at, Paddington rama K., 74 Cowper at, Waverley Yuma shit!), 413 Military rd, Whelan Yuma Thomas, 12 Waine at Yamazaki. agent, 117 l'itt at \a lout Mrs. Emily, 338 Cleveland st l'amoosky Max, 11 Coulton at, 13otalt YANGTSZE INSURANCE ASSO-

CIATION LTD. (THE) —11. S. P. Storey, controlling agent for lust ra-lia,501'llt st,Sydney. Tel. City 1971.

Yannlch Vincent, 18 Larkin at, C'down Yanz Frank, Bridge at, Homebush Yanz Louis, Palmerston rd, Hornsby Vapp Chas., Alfred at, Merrylands Tapp II. E., 09 station at, Petersham Yard Miss A., 43 JerFey rd. Paddington Yard Charlton T., Consett at, Dill. Hill Yard Edward, Frederick at, Sans Saud Yard F. F., 41 Albert at, Leichluirdt Yard George F., Wellington at, Ma-cot Yard Mrs. Sarsh, 19 Carlton at, Manly Yard Henry, Wazier st, Arnaffe Yard It. P., 11 Jersey rd, Woollahra Yard W. GI., Wellington at, Mascot Yard W. It., 83 Sta flord at, Paddington Yard Wm., 352a Oxford at, Paddington Yardley & Co., perfume inanurrs, 2741

Clarence at Yardley H , 57 Annandale at, Annandale N'aidley Hugh, alinter at, Canterbury Yardley R., 14 Junction st, Wool lahra Yardley It., Herring rd, Eastwood Varuold A. 11., 31.1., C. of E. Prepara-

tory School, Shadforth at, Mosman Yarnold Miss I. H., B.A., Grammar

School, 28 Bradley's Head rd. Mos, Yarnton James L. 128 Raglan at, M man Yarnton Mrs. S., 7 Hampden at. Ashfleid Yarrington A. J., 80 Percival rd, St'more Yarrington Rev. C. T. L., M.A., B.D

(C. of E.), Raglan at, Mosman Yarrington F. T., 66 Raymond rd, Neu-

tral Bay Yarrington .1., 62 Cameron at, Paddington Yarrington Rev. W. H., M.A., LL.B. (C.

of E).), 2 Milton ave, Mosman Yarroll Mrs. A., 116 Trafalgar at. A'dale Yarroll John, Milner rut, Guildford Yarroll Samuel, Water at, Lidcombe Yarroll W., 30 Maria at, Marrickville Yarrow and Co., grocers, 443 Parra-

matte rd, Leichhardt Yarrow F. J., 443 Parramatta rd, L'hardt Yarwood, Vane and Co., public accoun-

tants. 16 O'Connell at Yarwood Ernest L., Culloden rd, E'wood Yarwood Frank N., J.P., F.C.P.A.,

16 O'Connell at; p.r., "Waimea," Waimea ave, Woollahra

Vass Freezing Co., Ltd.. 70 Pitt at 1 [denten M 74 11 anti at, Woollahra YATES ARTHUR

Seed Merchanta. house and Office, Sydney. Also at and Manchester, farms at Exeter Auckland (N.Z.). 2860

& CO., LTD., Wholesale %Vero- 184-188 Sus sex at, Auckland, (N.Z.), England. Seed

(N.SAY.), and at Tel. City 8037 and

Yates, Mann and Hayes, pdnters, 80 Erskine at



Wynn Arthur, ISO Albion at, Annandale Wynn E., Ann at, Willoughby Wynn Edward, 14 Glerstein st, Waverley Wynn Ernest, Itoseoe at, Bondi Wynn Frederick F., 8 High st, Waverley Wy tut G. l'., ree nwich rd, Greenwich Wynn, j. T., Garfield at, Carlton Wynn Leslie, 03 Station at, Tempe Wynn Michael, 108 Denison at, C'down Wynn Perey A., Durwood rd. Minors, Wynn S. G., John at, Wayerley W y nn Walter, 25 Walker at, Waterloo Wynn William, 53 Upper l'Itt at, N. SYd Wynn William, Orate at, %hare Wynn William H., 11 Glebe at, Glebe Wynn William Ii., James at, Lideombe Wynn William W., 39 Laura at, Newtown W3nti -Klitglit T., 01 Westmoreland at,

Forest Lodge Wynne Bros., motor garage, 10-22 Shad-

forth at, Paddington Wynne Bros., motor experts, 278 Oxford

at, Woollahra Wynne Alfred J., Monmouth at, R'wick Wynne Mrs. B., 44 Mary at, Waterloo \V ynne Charle s, 4 Rosedale at, Persham Wynne Charles D., Addison at, Kens'ton Wynne George Watkln, Gladstone par,

Lindfield Wynne Mrs. H., Church at, Randwick Wynne H. 11., Avenue, Brighton-le-S'ds Wynne Herbert F., 165 George at, W'loo Wynne Herbert S., Victoria rd, 13ellovue

Hill, Rose Bay Wynne Mrs. Hope, music teacher, 338

George at Wynne Mrs. Mary, 61 Hereford at, Glebe Wynne Percy D., solicitor„ 28 Moore at 'ynne Reginald, Railway ems, Beeeroft Wynne Richard, Nelson at, Annandale Wynne Richd. IL, 31 Shepherd at, W y nne Robert A., Bream at, Coogee Wynne Timothy, 14 Ivy at, Redfern Wynne Victor, 365 N.S.H. rd, Double Bay Wynne W. R., 180 Etunore rd, Enmore wynne Walter. 10 Park ova, Ashfield Wynne Watkin, J.P., manager DAILY

TELEORMI Newspaper Co., LTD., and Tun Wows's Nines, 155-157 King at ; p.r.. "Chowringhee," Bon- Ae.lord a ye, Waverley

Wynne William, 12 Norton at, Glebe Wynne-Kirby F., Homer at, canterbury Wynnes 0. P., Bellevue rd, Double Bay

nter Alfred C.. Ocean at, Pensburst Wynter Mrs. K. M.. Shirley rd, Woreraft Wynyard George EL, 39 Park a ye, Drum-

meyne Wyong Park Racing Club (head office),

170 Pitt at Wyper William W., managing director

4 NIuston at, Mosman Wyre Thomas, 123 Wardell rd, Dui. Hill Wyse Mrs. A. M., Bishop's a ye, Randw'k Wysie Sydney. Govett at., Itandwick Wyssenback Paul. 27 Thurlow at, Redfern Wythes F. J., 30 Terrace rd, Mardekville Wythes G. H., William at. Hornsby Wytnes Mrs. Jane, 73a Wells at, Newtown Xyiito Pavings (Sydney Paving and

Flooring Co.). 228 Clarence street, and Cowper at, Globe,

Yabsley A. J.. Yabsley awe, Marrickville Yabsley A. J. R., solicitor, 77-79 Eliza-

beth at; p.r., 112 Victoria at, A'flold Yabsley Arthur, 54 Foster at, Leichhardt Yabsley Arthur H., Albyn rd, Strathfield Yabsley C. R., 74 Swanson st, Ersk'vllle Yabsiey Geo., Piper at, Leichhardt Yabsley George, 7 Cou l ton at, Rozelle Yabsley George, 28 Moodie at, Roselle Yabsley Henry, Argyle at, Parramatta "Yabsley L. W., O'Connell at, Parramatta Yabsley Percy, 14 Daniel st,Leichhardt

Yates P. B. IViachine Co., (U.S.A. and Canada)—W. G. Boormen, representa• tive, E. S. and A. Bank Buildings, 72A King at

Yates Mrs. A., 1 Fisher at, Petersham Yates A. C., 24 Brereton awe, MarrickvilIc Yates Rev. A inalle, (C. of E. t, 101 Military

ril, Mosman Yates Albert, alaroubra Bay rd, South

liandwick Yates Amos, Merrenburn awe, N'hurri Yates Arthur, Shaftesbury rd, Burwood Yates Arthur, 23 Arthur at, Leiehltardt Yates Arthur, Henrietta at, Waverley Yates Arthur, 40 Rawson at. Waverley Yates Mrs. B., Unwin's Bridge rd, Tempe Yates Benj., Di Spring:side, at, Rozelle Yates Mrs. C., High st, Willoughby Yates C. W., 40 Durham at, Stanniore Yates Clement 0., Lindsay at, Carnpsie Yates D., Pennant at, Parramatta Yutea 1). C., Orange at, Randwlek Yates E. J., Edinburgh rd, Marrickville Yates E. R., Stanley awe, 6losman Yates Edward, Vernon at, Strathlield Yates Edwin 11., 110 Bridge rd, Glebe Yates Edward S., 1 Victoria at, Redfern Yates Mrs. F., Bedford at, Ne wtown Yates F. T., D'Arey st, Parramatta Yates Frank, Croydon at, Lakemba Yates Fr dk., May at, Leichbardt Yates George, 02 Neville at, Marrickville Yates Geo., 30 Castlereagh at, Redfern Yates George A., 78 Brougham at Yates IL, Wieehmore at, Merrylanda Yates H.S., Now York at, Granville Yates Harold, manufacturers' agent, 285

Clarence at Yates Harold D., Wyalong at, Burwood Yates Harold P., Mount, at, Coogee Yates Harry, Wellington st, Mascot Yates J., 37 Halo rd, Mosmau Yates J., Annette st, Oatley Yates .1., Russell at, (Tetley Yates J. J., 23 Excelsior st, Leielthardt Yates James, 2 Newman at, Newtown Yates James, 00 Crown St Yates James, 30 Comber at, Paddington Yates James, 21 Wentworth at, Padlon Yates John, 137 Holterman at, S. Syd. Yates John, 38 Walker st, Redfern Yates John A., Harris at, Parrartatta Yates John 0., 117 Ernest at. N. Sydney Yates John T., Brighton at, Enfield Yates Joseph, 7 Liverpool at, Paddington Yates Joseph, 33 Morehead at, Redfern Yates Mrs. M. A., Phillip at, Parramatta Yates Mrs. M. J.. Albion at, Parramat tat Yates Maurice, 3 Corso, Manly Yates Richard, St. Paul's at, Randwiek Yates S., 60 Underwood at, Paddington Yates Sidney, 10 James at. North Sydney Yates Sidney, 84 Buckingham at Yates Mrs. T., Mount at, Coop° Yates T. IL, Willis at, S. Kensington Yates Thomas, 158 Gloucester at Yates Thomas. Queen Victoria at, Bexley Yates Tom, J.P., Lauff at, Rockdale Yates W., 7 Liverpool at, Paddington 1 Ace W. C., Wharf I'd, Mosman Yates W. J., 20 Barnsbury Grove, D. Hill Yates W. T., 28 Fulham at, Eninore Yates Walter, 4 Iris at Yates William, Gordon at, Moan= Yates Wm., Union at, Parramatta Yates William, 40 Weston rd, Rozelle Yates William H., J.P., 23 Bennett at,

Bondi Yates Wm. R., Rocky Pt. rd, Kogarali Yatman John, Grand par, Brighton-le-

Salida Yatman John W., Tramway at, Mascot Yauck William, 18 Winalow at, N. Syd. Yaw Miss M., 75 Abercrombie at, R'fern





Yeager's Wharf, of/ Bowman at Yeallaed MN. Jane R., 3 Park rui, St. Frs Yeaman F. A., Burrell at, ErskineviPe Yea man Francis, Station at, Arneliffe Yeaman John, 89 Julliett et, Marrickvillo YEAR BOOK OF AUSTRALIA

AND PUBLISHING CO. LTD. 22 Gouiburn at. (See Advt.)

Yeardyc A., 37 Crystal at, Petersham Yearwood Arthur, Young at, N th Bondi Yearwood Nurse, Butinerong rd, Ken 'ton Yeat Georee, Macpherson at, Ityde Yeates Mrs. Anne J., Itielonond a ye, Neut.

Bay Yeates H. M., 116 Union at, Erskineville Years Mrs. 1.. 71 Booth at, Annandale Yea , e; Mrs. M., 64 Jarrett at, Leichharlt Yeatman J., Llewellyn at, MarrIckville years Wns., no Ifolborrow at, Croydon Yebell F. O., 27 Barnsbury Grove, Dol. If. Whitey Mrs. 11, 43 South ave, L'hardt Yed woph E., tailor, 107 Regent at, R'fern Yedwoph Emanuel, 133 Pitt at, Redfern Yee David, 70 Arthur at, Yee F. H., Henley rd, Flemington Yee George, Carrington at, Concord Yee On Bros., cabinetmakers, 247

Castlereagh at Yeend A. E. newsagent, 8 Spit rd, Mos. Yeend Charles II., Warwick Castle hotel,

203 Darling at, Balmain Yeend 11. II., Alb' rt rd, Strathfleld Yuma James, 10 TavLitock st, D'moyno Yeend Janus 11., Garrong rd, Lakemba Veend U , atfaeletn at, South Kensington Yeend Richard, Mason at, Merrylands Yeend Mrs. S., Gore at, Arne:Mc Yeend Mrs. S., Howe at, Long Bay Yeghl Robert, Hayes rd, Neutral Bay Yeldham Bros., produce merchants, 73

Elizabeth at, Redfern Yeldham A. 11,22 Norfolk et, Padlon Yeldhain A. E., Morton at, Wolistonecraft Yeldham John, Macpherson at, Mosman Yeldham William, Arden at, N'tli Coop() Yeltiloon William, Bel more rd, nandwick Yeldon Arthur, Gordon at, Burwood Yelds James, 9 Denison at, Newtown Yelf & Atkinson, cablitetmakers, 268

Military rd, Neutral Bay Yelland C. R., Matson st, ArnclifTe Yelland John H., J.P., 2 Upper Bay

View at, McMahon's Point Yelland W. S., 4 Upper Bay View st, Nth.

Sydney Yemeni J., 100 Victoria st, Alexandria YENOKEN & CO.. PROPY. LTD.,

London, Melbourne and Sydney, Glass Merchants and Wanton, etc. Syd- ney address, George and Bond sta. Tel. City 10066

Youth. Estates Ltd.—W. Tarleton, secretary, 107 Pitt at

Yeny Louis, 7 Pelican at Yea .t Banks, butchers, 5 Herbert at,

Dulwich 11111 Vito J. L. and Co., hardware merchants,

6 Macquarie place Yet) Albert, Blackwood awe, 1:N1.H ill Yen Arthur, Dora at, Huratville Yeo Bert, Cantor at, Croydon Yeo Charles, Hercules at, Dulwich 11111 Yea Mrs. Edith, Arthur at, Carlton Yeo Edward, 14 Edwin at, Drimitnoyne Yeo George, 27 Orpington et, Aslifield You Horace, Kilmiilai rd, Auburn Yeo John, J.P., 220 Old Canterbury rd,

Summer Hill Yoo Sohn L., Tiloy at, North Sydney Yeo Richard, 2 Herbert at, Summer 11111 Yee Richard, 25 Nowranie at, Sum. Hill Yeo Richard F., 6 Ford at, Balmain

MONS' INDUSTRIAL ACT TIME SHEETS or COMBINED TIME, PAY AND WAGES BOOKS (Copy-right) for all Trades and Callings. These are the only ones which comply with the Art. Obtainable only front L. Elem., Industrial Act Expert, 14 Castlereagh street, Sydney. When asking price state class of business.

York James T., Cambridge at, Vaucluse York John T., 80 Evelelgh at, Redfern York Malcolm, 117 Mansfield at, Rozelle York S. W., Herbert at, Rockdale York Samuel, Botany at, Hurstville York T., 90 Newman at, Newtown York Thomas, 45 Wardell rd, York Mrs. W. A., Ray rd, Epping York W. T., 8 Goddard at, Erskineville York William, 22 Mort at, Batman York William, 30 Sydney at, ErskinevIlle York William, 44 Christie at: Oldie York William, 23 Stewart at, Glebe York William, 32 Edward at, Redfern Yorke Mrs. Alice, 137 King st, Newtown Yorke E.. Smith at, Granville Yorke Elwyn, Wycombe rd, Neut. Bay Yorke Ef nest, Jamieson at, Granville Yorke George It., Stanley at, Burwood Yorke john It., Cooper at, Paddington Yorko Walter, 2 Kroombit at, Petersham

Yorkshire Insurance Co., LTD.

Fire, Marine, Life Accident, Burglary, Employers' Liability, Fidelity Guar- ante; Live Stock, Plate Glass, Worker's Compensation, &e., 20 and 22 Bond at. Sydney. Telephone, City 8170. M. T. Sadler, J.P., Mana ger ; p.r., " Trelawnev," Bradley's Heart rd, Mosmati. (See Advt. Insurance

YosISw!deatinl.1). ,1 92- Willoughby rd, Nth. Syd. Youdale C. E. ,Clanwilliam at, Willoughby Youdale Mrs. E., 136 Military rd, 3losm. YOTIDALE JOHN B., Insurance

Agent, City Agent for Australian Mutual Provident Society, 70 Pitt at (2 doors from Hunter at). Tel., 7271 City. P.r., "Coniston," Or-mond at, Ashileid. U 1403

Youdan Thomas, Caledonian at, Bexley Youell Joseph, McCourt at, Lakernba You Foon Willie, Great North rd, You Feu, herbalist, 49 Old Foster st Youl Cecil J., 50 Newcastle st, Rose Bay Youl Ralph, 33 Wilberforce ave, Rose Bay Youle Mrs. j., 19 Corunna rd, Stanmore Youll J. 0 , Shirley rtl, Roseville Youll J. T., headmaster, Public School

Church at, St. Peters Youll John, 9 Durham at, Duhvich Hill Youll W. E., 109 Victoria at, Ashileld Youll William, Anderson at, Chatswood Young A. H. and E., a gents, Fairyincad

Sugar Co., Ltd., 72A K lu g st , Syd. Young and Archer, coachbuilders, Great

Northern rd, Gladesville Young Bros., picture framers, 37 Eliza- younbgethnertos.,

storekeepers, South at, YounGgractliCvoll.1,°159 Pitt at Young Co-op. Roller Flour Mill Co., Ltd.,

114a Pitt st Young's Customs and Baggage Agency,

5 Macquarie place Young H. Y. & Co.. grocers, 92 Oxford at Young & Mears, stoventakers, 80 Stnith at

Summer Hid


by adopting

John Sands' Card and Looseleaf Systems. Devised by a Trained Staff. They mean LESS LABOUR sad

a BETTER RECORD. Investigate at


Yeo Miss Ruby, 20a Alfred at, N. Sydney Yeoman Mrs. C., Australia at, C'down Yeoman Mrs. F. 51., 317 Alfred at, N. Syd. Yeoman Frederick T., 08 Devonshire at Yeoman James, 11 Watson at, Waverley Yeoman Samuel, 72 Botany at, Redfern Yeoman W. l'„ Raymond at, G rye liwich Yeoman Misses, iilaxland rye. Bellevue 11111 Yeomans Allan, 32 Ivy at, Darlington Yeomans Errol, 16 Paul's rd, Waterloo Yeomans It., solicitor, 14 Castlereagh at;

p.r., 78 Ocean lit, Woollahra Yeomans R. J., solicitor, 14 Castlereagh

at: p.r., "Tudor," 78 Ocean at, 1Voollahra

Yeomans W., 22 Durham at, Stanmore Yeomans W. IL, 5 Roberts at, Newtown Yerbury Mrs. E., 181 Regent at, Redfern Yerbury G. W., 183 Regent at, Redfern Yetnutn William H., Edward at, Bondi Yewdall H., Riverview eres, Mar'vlile Yewdall William, Mimosa at, Bexley Yewkoff teore, Jeffrey at, Canterbury Yinson Lee, merchant, 213 Thomas at Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd. — T.

Aizawa, agent, 117 Pitt at Yonel Shoten, importer and exporter, 119

York at Yook Charles, Kent at, Mascot Yook Mrs. Rose, 230 Grafton at east,

Woollalim Yook W. L., 100 Oxford at, Paddington

Yopp Murillo, Trafalgar par, Concord York Buildings Ltd., 7 Moore at York IT. & Co., Abattoirs, Homebusti Bay York H. II. & Co., hair factory, Sir

Joseph Banks at, Botany York and Kerr, Ltd., carriers, Arbitra-

tion at, and 70a Hereford et, For. L. York's Shirt Factors, 34 Wentworth awe York Mrs. A., 159 Windsor at, Paddington York Mrs. Annie, 57 London at, Eamon) York C. H., Hill at, Roseville York Charles, Grey et, Carlton York Charles, Great North rd, Five Dock York Charles, 101 Lane Cove rd, N. Svd. York Mrs. E., 4 Coronation awe, Maeville York Edward, Oak at, Parramatta York Ernest It.. Meadow crescent, Rytle York F., 817 King at, Tempo Yorrlfrs. F. A, musical instruments, 52

George at west York George, Ivanhoe at, Marrickville York George, Calder rd, Rydalmere York George, 100 Queen at, Woollahra York George H., 8 Bridge at, ErskinevIllo York Miss Grace, 409 Darling fit, Baltnain York Mrs. Henrietta, Rae at, Randwick York Henry, 70 Hereford at, Glebe York Henry T., 11 Reynolds at, Balmain York James A., Woniora rd, Hurstrille




YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION— William Oil- landers, B.A., general secretary, 328-325 Pitt at. (See Advt. opposite)

Young People's Scripture Union, 81 The Strand

Young Sidney II. and Co., hairdressers and tobacconists, 36 Castlereagh at

Young tt Short Misses, milliners, 350 George at

Young William Co., Ltd., hide mer-chants, Circular Quay

Young Women's Christian Association, 163 Castlereagh at A: 187 Liverpool st

Young A. R.D.S., dentist, 27 Myahgah rd, 5losnutn

Young A., 60 Wolseloy rd, Mosman Young A. A., 681 Illawnrra rd. Mitrr'villo Young Mrs. A. C., 112 Raglan st,Mosman Young A. E., Morwick at, Strathflold Young A. G.. 16 Anderson at, Alexandria Young Mrs. A. J., 79 Holden at, Ashfleld Young A. J., London ave. Haberfleid Young A. L., Allister at, Neutral Bay Young Albert, 26 Formosa at. Drummoyne Young Albert, Stnidmore at, Marrickville Young Albert, Manchester at, Morrylands Young Albert C., Robert at, Canterbury Young Alex, Asquith st, Auburn Young Alex., 120 Victoria rd, Maeville Young Alex., 58 Windsor at, Paddington Young Alexander, Marsden rd, Hyde Young Alexanler, 11 Regent at, Sum. Hill Young Ilex M.. 33 Frederick at. A41110111 Young Alfred, 95 George at, Erskineville Young Alfred, 109 IN'tille at, Leleithardt Young Alfred, 24 Farr at, Marrickvillo Young Alfred, 3 Bray at, North Sydney Young Alfred E., Cross at, Burwood Young Alf. G., solicitor, 14 Castlereagh at Young Alfred G., May at, AfarrickvIlte Young All K., Crinan at, Hurlstone Park Young Mrs. Alice, Hermann at, Kogarah Young Allan, Great Northern rd, Hyde Young Allen B., Want st,Burwood Young Andrew II., Bowden at, Meadow.

batik Young Angus J., 81 Rend at, Waverley Young Mrs. Annie, 61 11, ighway are,

Croydon Young Mrs. Annie, 84 Arthur Ft, Wyllie Young Mrs. Annie, 15 Bright at, M'ville Young Mrs. Annie S., 6 Milton a ye, Mos. Young Mrs. Annie, 2 Oxford at, Newtown Young Arnold, 54a Gloucester st Young Artlibr, 56 Arthur at Young Arthur, 85 Kingsclear rd, Alex-

andria Young Arthur, 16 Norton et, Glebe Young Arthur, Elizabeth place, Guildford Young Arthur, 57 Ifairlekville rd, Wyllie Young Arthur, King at, Mascot Young Arthta, 37 Albion at, Paddington Young Arthur, Harrow rd, Rockdalo Young Arthur, Tennyson rd, Tennyson Young Atthur, 21 Botany at, Waterloo Young Ar5h. E., 13 Wellington at, Bondi Young Arthur 14., Albert at, Gladesrille Young Arthtir L., J.P., Albert at, Belmore Young Athole M., Avenue, (Danville Young Auguat E., High at, Concord Young Miss B., Church at, Hyde Young Benj , 5 Broughton st, Nth. Sydney Young Bertram, 28 Lower Fort at Young Mf88 0.. Macquarie at, ChatswOod Young C. P., Alice et, Sans Sone' Young C. R., manager Govt. Savings

Bank of N.S.W. (branch), Belmore at, Arxicliffo

Young Charles, 26 Gloucester at Young Chas., 35 Lower Campbell at Young Chas., Wollongong rd, Armin Young Charles, 247 Norton at, Loichh'dt

Young G. IL, Chalder at, Marrickville Young G. II., 157 Military rd, Mosman Young G. J., Orchard rd, Chatswood Young GI. 0., 107 Darlington rd, Burton 'Young G. P., 73 Annandale at, An'dale Young G. W., 160 Denison rd, P'sham Young George, 111 Arthur at Young George, 21 Dixou at Yowls, George, liv. stables, 46 Harbour Young George, 146 Wyndham at, Alex-

andria Young George, 52 Botany rd, Botany Young George, 137 Botany rd, Botany Young George, 17 Woodstock at, Botany Young George, Marlowe at, Campsio Young George, 26 Sydney at, Young George, Crawford at, Lideombe Young George, 70 Lennox at, Newtown Young George, 9 Margaret at, Newtown Young George, 5 Humo at, North Sydney Young George, Boyce rd, Sth. &outwit:lc Young George, 2 Frenchman's rd, R'wlek Young Geor ge, 154 Edgeeliffe rd, irahra Young 0cor-e B., 17 Poplar at Young Geo Th., 31 Australia at, N'town Young Geor, 457 Ring at, Newtown Young George B., Farr at, Rockdale Young George F., Marinea at, Arncliffe Young George II., McDonald at, L'k'Inba Young George H., 42 Dowling at, Redfern Young George W., Mowbray rd, C'wood Youn g George NV., 124 Baptist at, Redfern Young Gordon, 74 Silver st, Marrickville Young Greer, 71 King at, St. Peters Young H. A., Neridah at, Chatswood Young II. A., 41 Starling at, Leiclidardt Young H. Chilton, manager Pastoral

Finance Association, Ltd., 23 Phillip st

Young H. F., 3 Wood at, Manly Young IT. F., 671 Illawarra rd, M'ekville Young H. L., 30 Leichhardt at, Wav'y Young II. 0., Orange at, ihrstrille Young II. P., 510 lialmain rd, Leichbardt Young II. T., 118 St. John's rti, Glenn Young Harold, 10 Loftus at, Ashanti! Young Harold. Orange at, Hurstrille Young Harold, MI Mi at, Oatley Young Harry, jeweller, 524 George at Young Harry, 146 Victoria at, Alex'drin. Young Harry, Terry at, Arnellffo Young Harry, 201 13otany rti, Waterloo Young Henry, Macquarie place, Mortdalo Young Henry, 205 Cleveland st, Redfern. Young Henry, Virgil at, Waverley Young Henry J., 54 Wilton at Young Henry J., Percy at, Bankstown Young Henry W., 2 Clarendon rd, S'more Young Herbert, 21 Piper at, Annandale Yoting Herbert, Helen et, Artartnon Young Hugh, 82 Queen at, Auburn Young Hugh, Dowel at, Chatewood Young Humphrey, 77 George at, Redfern Young Isaac, Virginia at, Granville Young .7., barrister, 174 Phillip at Young 3. 1 82 Beattie et, Balmain Young Mrs. J., 135 Enmore ril, Elmore Young J., Western rd, May's 11111 Young Miss .7., 77 Military rd. Mosman Young J., Broad rd, South Randwick Young Mrs. J., 5 Tenkle at, Summer Hill Young J., 209 Grafton at, East Wollahra Young J. A., butcher, 192 Harris at Young J. B. 3 Cardigan at, Auburn Young 3. E. P., Fifth a ye, Campsio Young J. 3., roprosontative HERALD AND

WEEKLY TIKES, Ltd. Weill), and THE WINNER (Melb.), 107 Castle-reagh at

Young 3. 3., 14 Broughton at, PaddIngt'n Young .1. N., 37 Elizabeth at Youni j. T., George's River rd, Blown Young J. W., 185 Rochford at, E'ville Young J. W., Avenue, Hurstrille

Young Charles, Boundary st, Itandwick Young Charles, Rainbow at, Randwick Young Charles, Wentworth at, Randwick Young Charles, 40 Botany at, Redfern Young Charles, 13 Portman at, Waterloo Young Charles D., Duke at, Camosie Young Charles F., Sharp at. Mascot Young Charles G., Dick at, Henley Young Charles J., 60 High at, N. Sydney Young Charles 31., .T.P., Wyuna rd, Rose

Bay Young Christopher, 22 Pine at, Manly Young Christopher R., Avoca at, It'ivick Young D. K., Junction at, Kogaralt Young David, 618 Bourke st Young David, 287 Nelson at, Annandale Young David, Beecroft rd, Beecroft Young David, North rd, Eastwood Young David, Hassan at, Parratnatta Young David, Beetle at, Rockdale Young Da-hl, 2 Money at, Rozelle Young David W., 80 Mount at, N. Syd. Young Mrs. 13., 37 Montague Ft. Balinain Young Mrs. E., 27 Stanton cii, Haberlield Young Mrs. E., Forest rd, Hurstville Young Mrs. E., Bruce at, 8th. Kensington Young Miss E., 681 Illawarrn rd, M'ville Young E. 52 Little Arthur at, N. Srilney Young Milt. E., Alpha rd, Willoughby Young Mrs. E. II., Francis at Artartnon Young E. J., Dep. Postmaster-General,

G.P.O., George at Young E. .1. ' Victorla rd, Roseville Young Mrs. E. M., 12 Henderson at, Bondi Young Edgar, 13 Norfolk at, Paddington Youn g Mrs. Mlle, 51 Arthur at, AMC ville Young Edwd., 174 51111tary rd, Ice tit. Bay Young Edward, 2 Lansdowne at, P'matta Young Edward II. K., manager Govt.

Savings Bank of N.S.W., 546 Mar- rickville rd, Dulwich Hill

Young Edwin G., Archer at, Chatswood Young Edwin 0., 87 Adelaide liar, \relive Young Mrs. Eliza, 0 Hordem par, Cr'don Young Enoch T., Solborne et, Burwood Young Ernest, Garfield at, Fire Dock Young Ernest, Vaughan at, Lidcombe Young Ernest, Young at, Neutral Bay Young Ernest A., Service ave, Young Ernest B., Cook at, Tempo Young Ernest W. ' 164 Crovdon Onion Young Mrs. Eva, 26 William at, Ptorton Young F., store, 322 Military rd, Mosman Young F. F., Chesterfield par, Waverley Young F. H., 117 Victoria et, Lewisham Young F. J., Alexandra st, West mead Young Mrs. F. 51., 120 Crown at Young F. 11., Sutherland rd, Chatswood Young F. W., Carruthers st, Penshurst Young Miss Florence, Sutherland ores,

Darling Point Young Francis. Senforth at, Bexley Young Francis, 5 McLaughlan place,

Paddington Young Frank, general manager Co-oper.

ative Wool - and Produce Co., Ltd., 3 Spring at; p.r., 231 Macquarie at City

Young Frank, 73 Watson at, Waverley Young Frederick, Emu at, Burwood Young Frederick, 12 Fred at, Leichhardt Young Fredk., 5 Charles at, Marrickville Young Fredk., 30 Seemlier 8% M'Vfile Young Fredk. C., Lane Cove rd, Pymble Young Frederick D , Villiers at, Bexley Young Frederick J., 907 Liverpool at Young Frederick R., 60 Railway at, Pet. Young Fredk. W., Rocky Pt. rd, Sans

Solid Young Mrs. G.. 10 HeIghway live, A'field Young G., 232 Oxford at, Woollahra Young G. E., J.P., 38a Beattie st, B'm'n Young G. F., Ring's Langley rd, Green.




Ay Street. For the Boy Ir For the Man


13-18 - 7/6 per annum 18-21 - 10/- 21 & ovor £1/1/0

GYMNASIUM (In addition to above

terms). 13-18 - 10/- per annum 18-21 - 17/6 21 & over £1/10/0

School Boys on Saturday Mornings.

10-11 - 7/6 per quarter Two of one Family 5/-


High School Boys Mon-day and Friday After-noons,' 17/6 per annum

Dining, Writing, Billiards, Reading, Smoking and Music Rooms.




Single Rooms, 10/- to 15/- per week

Double Rooms, 9/- per week

GOOD ROOMS Board Optional

Hot and Cold Baths

Electric Light Elevator

Athletic Clubs of all kinds


Young J. W., Burton at, North Sydney Young James, president, Kuringui Shire

Council, Gordon rd; Gordon Young Jamea. 4 BeIv& at Youhg James, 183 Nelson it, A tmandale Young James, Holden at, Aa!Meld Young James, 30 Helena at, Auburn Young James, 37 Bradford at, Ba!main Young James, Taylor at, Bankstown Young James, Washington at, Bexley Young James, Simpson at, Bondi Young James, Bay at, Botany Young James, Oxford at, Burwood Young James, Want at, Burwood Young James, Holden st.I'anterbury Young James, Douglas at, Dulwich Hill Young James, George's River rd, Enfield Young James, Waratah at, Haberfleld Young James, Prince Edward par, limit.

11111 Young James, 18 Prospect st, L'hardt Young James, 17 Jubilee at, Lewialuun Young James, 40 Sydenham rd Young James, 14 Raymond rd, Neut. By Young James, Clarke rd, Nth. Sydney Young James, 137 Windsor at, Pad to Young James, barrister, Eastern rd,

Torratnurra Young James, 85 Newland at, Waverley Young James, 184 Grafton at W'ahra Young James A., 3 Tasman at, Bondi Young James M., 11 Waimea awe, W'sthra Young James N., Hamill at, Eastwood Young John, 44 Stator at, Alexandria Young John, 35 Elliott at, Balmain Young John, Emu at, Burwood Young John, Burns at, Campsie Young John, Melbourne at. Concord Young John, 25 Albert at Erskineville Young Jo' rt. Sunnyalde at, Gladesvillu Young John, Noble at, Hurstville Young John, 14 St. John at, Lewisham Young John, 1 Leamington avo, N'town Young John, J.P., 43 Cobar at, P'sham Young John, 137 Cleveland at, Redfern Young John, Rosedale cres. Rosedale Young John, 13 High at, Roselle Young John, 21 Napoleon at, Roma) Young John, 17 Nelson at, Roselle You ng M rs . Jo hn , Chandos at, St. T,'n'ds Young John, Martin at, St. Leonards Young John, 127 Corunna rd, Stanmore Young John. 47 George at, ta'aterloo Young John A., Margaret st. Woolwich Young John D., William et, Granville Young John F., 31 Myrtle at, Leichhardt Young John IL, 08 Queen at, Ashfleld Young John .1., Murray at, Croydon Young John J., 151 Bridge rd, Glebe Young John 31., N.8.11. rd, Rose Bay Young John S., 41 Georgo at, Pad'ton Young Rev. Joseph (C. of E.), Pennant

Hills rd, Carlingford Youn g Joseph, Haannersmith at. Flem'ton Young Joseph H., 4 Parves at, Glebe Young Joseph J., 25 Day at, Drummoyne Young Joseph J. 62 Reno lek at, D'inyne Young King, Peri; rd, Five Doak Young Mrs. L., 644 Darling at, Rozelle Young L. C., Done at, Arncliffe Young L. R., 02 Crystal at, Petersham Young Leonard S. °boron at, Rind wick Young Lindsay 1i. Moseley at, Young Louis, 10 Sind at Young Louis, 176 N.S.H. rd, Double Buy Young Mrs. uarry rd, Ryde Young Mrs. 31.,

Lydia,dverside rd, Rosedale

Young M. B., Edgeeliffe rd, Woollahra Young Mrs. M, C., I Prospect at, L'hardt Young Mark II., manager, The Common-

wealth Bank of Australia, Pitt and Moore sta. Sydney ; p.r., "Tara," Beach at, Coogee

Young Martin, 78 Redmond at, L'hardt

Young Miss Mary, Market at, Randwick Young Mrs. May, 11 Lower Fort at Young Norman, 249 Young at, Young Norman, Chalder st, Marrickville Young Oliver, 83 Booth at, Annandale Young Oscar D., Necropolis, Lideombe Young Oscar D., 31 Spencer et, Sum. Hill Young Percy, 63 Prospect it, E'ville Young Percy, Greenacro rd, Hurstville Young Miss Priscilla, 406 Cleveland at Young Q., Pine rd, Fairfield Young It. C., accountant, The Public

Trust Office of N.S.W., 67 Castle- reagh at

Young It. l'., 277 Old Canterbury rd, Pet. Young It. 'W., medical practitioner,

148 Botany rd. Botany Young Mrs. It. W., Church st, Durwood Young G. C., Victoria at, Epping Young Richard, Graham at, Auburn Young Richard, 91 Rowntree at, Balmain Young Robert, 21 Flinders st Young Robert, 3 Therry at, Drommoyite Young Robert,' 61 Booth at, Balmain Young Robert, 4 Aruudelst, For. Lodge. Young liobert, Wiley's awe, Lakeinba Young Robert, 22 Parraweon at, Neu-

tral Bay Young Robert, 70 Lennox at, Newtown Young Robert, Ponshurst at, Pensiturst Young Robert, 34 Salisbury rd, Stanmore Young Robert A., 30 Goodsir at, Roselle Young Robert S., ave. Lakemba Young Robert M., South par, Campsie Young Robert W.,23 Louisa rd, B'main Young Ronald, 321 Military rd, 3fosman Young Russell Canberra at, Randwick Young Mrs. S. 70 Botany at, Redfern Young Samuel, Ascot at, Kensington Young Samuel, 80 William at, N. Sydney Young Samuel, Parramatta rd, Ityde Youn g Samuel C., 73 Young at, Redfern Young Mrs. Sarah, 101 Ebley at, Wavley Yoang Sidney, 34 Milton at, Nth. Alleld Young Sidney 0., Gilles at, Lakemba Yowl., SirtrE, Bestie at, Rockdale Young Simon, 45 Holt at Young Sydney, Ruston rd, Alexandria Young Sydney 11., Palmer at, N. Sydney Young T. J., 480 Illawarra rd, Young Theodore C., Clarke rd, Kogarali Young Thomas, Ileutrie at, A81131(.011 Young Thomas, Botany at, Hurstville Youn g Thomas, Wellington at, 13onill Young Thomas, Park at, Kogarah Young Thomas, Dougherty at, Mascot Young Thomas, Wilson at, 31mcot Young Thomas, 8 Winniest, Neut. Bay Young Thos., Commodore at, N. Sydney Young Thomas, Arcadia at, Penshurst Young Thomas, 175 Regent st, Redfern Young Thomas A., 152 Edgecliffo rd,

WOollahra Young Thomas F., 9 Short at, 13almain Young Thomas IL, 60 Newland at,

Waverly Young Thomas 0., 10 Castlereagh at Young Thomas P., 207 Croydon rd, C'don Young Thomas W ,32 Bradford at, R'noin Young Thomas W., 17 Goodsir st, Roselle Young Toni W., 70 Heighway ave, C'don Young Valentine, Coonanbarra rd, Walls

roonga Yonne Vincent, 4 Foucart st, Roselle Young Vincent, 40 Moodie at, Rozollo Young W., sea. School of Arts, Mount at,

North Sydney Young W shooting sal nan, 637a George

street Young W., tailor, 295 Elizabeth at Young W., 220 Pitt St Young W., Itookwood rd, Bankstown Young W., Bellevue at, Kogarah Yoang W., 66 Frampton ave. Young W., 55 Garner's a ye, Marrickville

Young W. A., 12 Fairmount st, Petersham Young W. B., 131 Bellevue at, N. Sydney Young W. D., branch mgr. Coin. Bank-

ing Co. of Sydney Ltd., 230 Mar- rickville rd, Marrlekville

Young W. 13., Perouse rd, Itandwiek Young W. F., 134 Campbell at, St. Peters Young W. H., 175 Belmont at, A'dria Young W. J., 35 Milton at, Nth. Asliffeld Young W. J., Parramatta rd, Concord Young Mrs. W. .1., 49 Holt's 0 ye, Bosnian Young W. J., 6 Wolseley rd, Point Piper Young W. J., 28 Cannon at, Stanmore Young, W. John, 365 Oxford at, Prol'tim Young W. R., 3.1'. Mowbray rd, C'woott Young W. It. N. Milson rd, Cremorne Young W. T., J.P.,4 Rawson st, Newtown Young W. \V., 77 Evans at, Roselle Young Walter, 45 Telford at, Glebe Young Walter, 19 Walker aye, Haberfield Young Walter, 6 Behnore at, Rozelle Young Walter A., Void's ave. 111'1.'01e Young William, 134 Commonwealth at Young William, 117 Flinders st Young Mrs. William, 160 Hinders et Youngl1William, 46 Reservoir at Young William, 25 Robert at, Ashfleld Young William, 50 Reynolds at, Balmain Young William, 45 Ocean at., North Bondi Young William, 49 Rochester st, (Mown Young William, Queen 4, Concord Young William, Lenthall at, Kensington Young William, 75 Warren rd, Young William, Donnelly rd, Nar'burn Young William, 19 Yaralla at, Newtown Young William, 57 Ormond at, Pad'ton Young William, 83 Uudorwood st, Pad-

dington Young William, 22 National at, Roselle Young William, Bridge rd, Strathfleld Young William, 15 Moonble at, Sum. Dill Young William, BIllyard aye, Wahroongn Young William, Prospect at, Waveriey Young William, 46 Wiley at, Waverly Young William, Small at, Woollahra Young William B., Garden at, Kogarah Young William C., Park rd, Hurstrille Young William C., 53 Merton st, Rozelle Young William H., J.P., Deputy Regis-

trar-General and Guardian of Minors, Prince Albert rd

Young William II., chemist, South at, Granville, and Guildford ril,

Young William 11., Royal hotel, Liverpool rd Enfield

Young William IL, Jamieson at, Granville Young William J., Kogarali rd, Raga rah Young William S., Sandringham rd, Sans

Souci Young William .1., jun., 22 Lewisham rd,

Dulwich Hill Young William 3., 31 Lawson at, Way'y Young William T., Layeock's rd, Floirst. Young William W., 144 Mullens at, Bid-

main Young-Shaw O.', 27 Enmore rd, Youngein Hugo, 64 Gloucester at Younger George Et. Son, Ltd., brewers,

Booth at, Annandale YOUNGER STOVES — G. Fletcher

at*Son, 48 and 50 Oxford at, Sydney. (See advt. opposite Stove Makers)

Younger Mrs. A., 248 Grafton at east' Woollahra

Younger Mrs. Annie, private hospital, ra Ridge at, North Sydney

Younger E. C., 60 Wolseley rd, 3losinan Younger Edgar L., Wyalong at, Burwood Younger G., 4 Seaview st, Ashfleld Younger II. J. T., dentist, 173 Oxford at,

IYaverley Younger Henry j. N.., 39 Fitzroy at, NS..

Younger Henry. West st, Five Dock Younger Herbert, 61 Prospect rd, Sum-

mer Hill Younger Herbert M., dentist, 183

Liverpool at Younger James, Mercury at, Penshurst Younger Mrs. K., 09 Eastern ave, Ken'il Younger 1'. M.. Nlyall at, Merrylauds Younger Walter L., dentist, Challis

House, Martin place Younger William. Bond at, Moron bra Younglausband Claud, 03 Alice at, N'town Younglinsband Mrs. J., 60 Cabramatta rd

3losinan Younghusband S., 3 Tavistock st, Drum-

alloys' 0 Youngliusband S. J., o# Edison at, Bel-

more Younghusband W., Connell'e Bay rd,

Hurstville Youngman and Kingsborough, drapers.

214 Enmore rd, Emnore Youngman C. W. S., Maloney at, Mascot Youngman Rev. E. (Meth.), Carlton par,

11 urstville Youngman 3liss E. W., School par. Wyllie Youngman Miss II., music teacher, 338

George at Youngman Miss R., Regent at, Kogarall Youngs A., 110 Day at, Leichhartit Youngs C. J., 27 Frazer at, Leichhardt Youngs George, 158 Francis at, L'hardt Youngs Harry, off Gordon rd, Gore 11111 Youngs Harry, 1112 Denison md, P'shiliu Youngson Mrs. L., 19 Percival rd,

Stanmore Youngsen lions. 27 Dunblane at, C'elown Yount° Benj., 23 George at, St. Peters Younie joules, 1 Bernsinuy Grove, Dul-

wich 11111 Yount(' Junies, 23 George st, St. Peters Youson Thomas, OS Unwin's Bridge rd,

St. Peters Yow James. Lennortz at, Enfield Yuen Tiy Tung Kee awl Co., merchants,

54-56 Campbell at Yuer George, ii Laura at, Newtown Yuile J. and Co., grocers, 23 Northman

berland rd, Auburn, and Granville Y Idle Aix. D., We-tern ml, Parrainetta Y idle Robert, Trongitte at, Granville

Yule John, Mills at, Carlton Yule John A., Willison nil, West Kogarali Yule Joseph R.. 73 Cabramatta rd, Mos. Yule Robert, Brickfleld at, Parramatta Yule Sidney, 20 Pearson at, Balanain Yule Thomas, Bricklield at, Parrarnatta Yule W. C., Gladstone at, Parrainatta Zahn', Mrs. B., Albion at, Pennant 111115 Zahiel Mrs. Mary E., Vinilera rd. E'wood Zshra 3Iria 13.. 149 Victoria ni, 31 'ville Zahra Frederick, Kingstone a ye, Mak° Zebra George, Moreton at, Concord Zak Joseph, 114 Campbell at, North

Sydney Zaloum N., 39 Elizabeth at, Waterloo Zam-Buk Manufacturing Co., 39 Pitt at Zaminett Joseph, 23:: Dowling at. Zan Vincent, Henley st, Drunatnoyne Zanardi P., wine shop, 242 Castlereagh at Zander W. and Co., corset manufacturers,

352 Kent at Zander Wilhelm, Wycombe rd, Sent. B'y Zani Joseph, Greenhill at, Croydon Zanz John. Cleveland at, Wahrooliga Zaph Ernest, Kiora rd, Double Bay Zara Vincent, Wattle at, 31ortditio Zarbane Milton, 21 Bent at, Paddington 'Larkin Morris, Bondi 0+1811 Stores, Ltd

336-346 Oxford at, Woollahra Zarkin Morris, Jaques ave. Bondi Zarkin N., Bunnerong rd, KCJIgillgton Zartman Edward, Parkes at, Rydo Zartinan Mrs. Nora, Jane at, Balmain Zertman Mrs. Norall, 9 Fawcett st, 13'main Zavel Slauhani M., 345 Oxford at, Pad'ton Zealand W. T. G., 26 High at, Rozelle Zealander Joseph, 6 Chapman st Zech Otto, 145 Booth at, Annandale Zech Otto, 99 Johnston at, Annandale Zeims Fredk., Parramatta rd, Concord Zeitberg Barnett, 44 Nickson at Zeitler C O., Archbold id, Roseville Zeller: George, Rocky l't. rd, Sans Sone' Zeltinger G. H., 36 Phillip st, Alexandria Zeitler and Hoyle, real estate agents,

Palace st, Petersham Zeitler A. G.

' Palace at, Petersham

&Mel' Miss Etta, 47 Dalton rd, Mosman Zeitsch Frank, Weston rd, Hurstvillo Zeitz Mrs. I., 22 Liberty at, Stanmore Zeller Bennett, Exchange hotel, 94 Beattie

at, Balmain Zelley John, Isis at, Wahroonga Zenner Henry, 3 Arthur st, Marrickville "Zenda," stage costumier, 374 George at Zentlion Ru pert, Henley rd. Flemington Zoplor Louis, Clarke rd, Kogarali Zeplin Jas., Kensington ni, Kensington Zercho's Business College Ltd. (Mel-

bourne) ; reg . ofPce, 169 Liverpool at Zervos Jerry, Willard saloon, 37 Park at Zevenbaoin John ik; f1o., brush mainitrs,

Gibbons at, Redfern Zglinicki Ernest, n'lleckett at, Granville Zglinski Eric, 80 Wellington at, Newtown Ziehlke A., Maery wide at, Chatswood Ziebell Edward C., 4 Gordon rd, Auburn Ziebell Terrance, Rickards at. Auburn Ziele W. Stewart, dental surgeon,

"Wyoming," 185 Macquarie at Zionan A, D., McIntyre at, Goraon %lemon II. M., 16 Orwell at Ziems Charles, 65 Northumberland are,

Stanmore Zigler A. Avenue, Canterbury Unlit Jolin„ 12 Euroka st, North Sydney Zihrul Waldemar, 30a Argyle place Zillanan Bev. Dr. J. hi. (C. of E.), 59

Abereromble at. Redfern Zimmer Berman, 120 Regent at, Redfern Zimmer John, caretaker, 67 Castlereagh

at Zimmerman Mrs. A., 46 Ronny at, Pad-


ZIONS' INDUSTRIAL ACT TIME SHEETS or COMBINED TIME, PAY AND WAGES BOOKS (Copy' right) for all Trades and Callings. These aro the only ones which comply with the Act. Obtainable only from L. 'Lions, Industrial Act Expert, 14 Castlereagh stmt., Sydney. When asking prices state class of business.

Zimmerman Carl, 384 Oxford at, Wool- lahra

Zimmerman Carl A., Birrell at, Bondi Zimmerman H. D., Villa at, Kogarah Zimmerman Seaview at, Wav'y Zinckgratf W. .1. 0., Monmouth at, It'w'k Ziticke Foster B., Napier at, Zink G. A. and Sons, tailors, 56 Oxford at Zink A. A., 111 Paddington at, Pad'ton Zink Frank W., 12 Wellington at, Bondi Zink Otto, Condor ist, Burwood Zink P.. 3 FOH)C8 at, Paddington Zions H. S., clothier, 6-8 Market at 'Lions I lorry ts., St. Paul's st, Randwick Zions Henry, 255 Oxford at, Paddington Zions L., publisher, 14 Castlereagh at Lions Louis, ' Aidersyde," 35 Flood at,

Bondi Zions Reuben, Victoria rd, Bellevue Hill %ions Rube, auctioneer, 250a Pitt at Zionzee H. .1., Charles at, Hyde Zionzee Henry J., Guinea st, West Eng, Zionzee Joseph, Bridge at, Drummoyno Zionzee Robert, Bridge st, Druinanoyne Ziyinack Mrs. 13., "Deno Hollow," 2

3losinan at, Muslim Zizelsberger Charles, Wolli Ck. rd, Waffle Zlotkowski F. W., 45;Palaco at, Ashfield Zlotkowski F. \V. S., surgeon, "Wyo-

ming," 175 31acquarie st ; p.r. "Lyplitt," 20 Wolseley rd, l't. Piper

Ziotkowski H. A., 60 George at, 3Iar'ville Zlotkowski I., 16 Aubrey at, Stanmore Zlotko .vski Igsnacy, North at, Mar vino

i Zoeller Sons, builders, Ada at, Con- cord

Zoeller August. Park rel, Hurstville Zoeller C., ['minium' it, Roselle Zoeller C., Burton at, Concord Zoeller C. H., Parratnatta rd, Burwood 'Lull A. S., 50 Relby at, Newtown ZOLLNER LIMITED, Galvanisers,

Tin and Galvanised Ironworkers, Tinsmiths, Bellows Makers, Black Iron Workers, Pump Makers, Brass, Copper, Zinc and Lead Workers, Gutter and Ridge Makers, Patent Galvanised Steel Pipe Sinkers, and General Manufacturers, 0.X.Y, Acetylene Welders, New and Second- hand Machinery, Engineers, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 Druitt st. Tel. 79 City

Zoological Gardens—A, S. Le Sonef, , sec., Tarouga Park, Hi; 'lieu

Zornkau William, 78 Louisa rd, Ilaltnain %Aber Charles, Promenade, Sans &mei Zsehille Sirs. Amy, Beresford nil, Rose 11 ty Zuber Joseph, 57 Buckland at, /Okla Zuber Martin, 22 Harwood at Zither Thomas It., Rose at, Aslitield Zucker Christian, 10 Chapman at, Sum-

mer Hill Zucker Ernest, 16 South at, Blarrickville Zucker Miss Lois, teacher of music and

singing, Ash at, off 338 George at Zucker Mrs. 31, 21 Spencer rd, Mosman ZTJTTION P.. S Ile Manufacturer Snow.

drop Cones and Wafers, 6811-697 King st, St. Peters, Tel. L 1493. (See Advt. Confectioners' Section)

Zuttion Peter, Nelch par, Beirwood

hill G. S. & Co. limited GENERAL MERCHANTS AND SHIP-


Manilla, Philippine Islands and (Yuill's Ltd.)

120 PENCHURCH ST., LONDON, E,0, Agents for :

Adelaide Steamship Co., Ltd. Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co,

of Hong Kong, Ltd. Butterfield and Swire (Hong Kong). Queensland Meat Export Co., LW, The Corrinaal-Balgownie Collieries, Ltd. TELS,—City 9520, 9521, 9522 & 9523.

YUILL G. S. & COMPANY, LTD. (AUSTRALIAN ORIENTAL LINE), Trading with 31anilla Hong Kong via Queensland Potts. OtHce, 6 Bridge St., Sydney. 'Phones, City pm, 9521, 9522 and 9523.

Yuill Alexonder, Wiggs' rd, Punchbowl Yuill John, King at, Ranthvick hull John T., Scabill at, Canterbury Yuill Mrs. N., 186 Walker at, Nth. Syd. Yule Alex., Lyons rd, Five Dock Yule Charles, 8 Johnston at, Dalmatia Yule Edward J., Ross at, Parramatta


The Australasian Corporation of Public Accountants.



OnAlti.Es MoRRIa, 1101.M Ns, Melbourne, Vie. GRORuic H y l,YRsTign MURPHY. Brisbane, WIRIPI. HON. TREASURER:

G Mum ItiAsom ALLARD, Sydney, N.S.W.

Brentnall Thomas, Melbourne, Vie. Brierley Arthur James, Sydney, N.S.W. Mackenzie Robert W. B., Melbourne, Vic, McGibbon Sinclair James, Perth, W.A. Smith Harold Edmund. Perth, W.A. Thomas Jabez Edwin, Adelaide, 13.A.

COUNCILLORS: Ware, William Lewes, Adelaide, S. A. Wilson Edwin Lionel, Melbourne, Vic. Wylie Allan, Carswell, Brisbane, Queensland Wise Henry Joshua, Hobart, Tae. Yarwood Frank Nelson, Sydney, N.S.W.

NEW SOUTH WALES-Yarwood ; Frank Nelson, Chairman Brierley ; Arthur James, Vic-Chairman Allard ; George Mason Allard ; Horace 'lately Perry; William Henry Rattray ; Allan Alexander Russell ; Harry Yewens Stirling ; Charles William Walker ; Charles Alfred be M. Slate Registrar : S. J. Carruthers, Stanway

House, 77 King Street, Sydney. QURCINLAND-

Inglis ; Alexander, Chairman Groom ; Roy Grime, Vice-Chairman Christie; John Hart ; Frederick MacDonnell Murphy ; George Sylvester Wylie ; Allan Carswell State Registrar : E. Austin Bell, London

Bank Chambers, Creek St., Brisbane,

Ware; William Lawes, Chairman Hamilton ; Albert Edwin, Vice-Chaimnan Gell ; Harry Diokaon Thomas; Julies Edwin State Registrar : J. Edwin Thomas, Caven-

dish Chambers, Grenfell St., Adelaide.


Wise ; Henry Joshua, Chairman Oreasey ; Gordon Leonard, Vice-Chairman Pay; Peter Inglis; Charles John Inglis ; W. Chisholm Wright ; Ernest Charles State Registrar : John Lord, A.M.P.

Chambers, Hobart.

VICTORIA- Brentnall ; Thomas, Chairman Morley ; Alban Cyril, Vice-Chairman Holmes ; Charles Afore!! Howden ; John McAlister Mainmasts ; Robert W. B. Smith ; Henry Windie Cloverdon Wilson ; Edwin Lionel Wootton; Horace Edgar State Revisit ar : Danvers Godden, Colonial

Mutual Chambers, 00 Market Street, Melbourne.

WasTERN AUSTRALIA — Weir; James L. B., Chairman Rankin; Alexander Donald, Vice-Chairman McGibbon; Sinclair James Pye ; Michael Edward Smith ; Harold Edmund Wylie ; Charles Augustus State Registrar : Fred. W. Withers, Com-

mercial Bank Chambers, 42 St. George's Terrace, Perth.

REGISTRAR: SAMUEL JAMES ataatrrintas, "Stanway House," 77 King Street, Sydney.



EXTRACTS FROM THE MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION. The objects for which the Corporation is established are, infer alio:— •

To support and protect the character, status and interests of the profession of Public Accountants in Australasia. To provide for and regulate the training of article pupils; to test by examination and otherwise the competence of such

pupils and other persons seeking to be enrolled as members of the Corporation. To represent generally the views and interests of the profession

' and to preserve and maintain its integrity by imposing

strict rules of conduct as a condition of membership, and by other moans promoting just and honourable practice In the conduct of business, and to suppress malpractice.

To afford the Federal. State, Dominion and Colonial Legislatures and Public Bodies and others, facilities for conferring with and ascertaining the views of persons engaged in the profession of Public Accountants as regards matters directly or indirectly affecting the same.


distinguished by the letters F.O.P.A., and If Associates, by the letters A.O.P.A.







AUSTRALASIAN CORPORATION OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS— S. J. Carruthers, P.O.P.A., Registrar, Stan Way House, 77 King et. (Members distinguished in this list thus e).

Baas 0. 11., 18 Bridge at *Barry E.C. J.. &C.P.A., 728 King at Barryinore G. W., 82 Pitt et Barton A. It., Hogan & Co., Woodstock

Chambers, 88 Pitt St 'Barton Aibt. E., F.LA.V., F.O.P.A., Public

Accountant and Business Systematist, Woodstock Chambers, 88 Pitt st

*Bartle Cecil, 67 Castlereagh st Bayley W. H.. 4 Bridge at Bender F., 114 Hunter at, tear Macquarie

St Biackett G., A.C.P.A., Rawson place eBlakeney Harold A., 350 George St *Bode George F. A., 70 Pitt at Boden J. A., F.1.I.A., 9 Moore Park rd Began R. Davis, A.I.A.V., Woodstock

Chambers, 88 Pitt at *Booth W. E., P.O.P.A., 360 George et *Borchard Albert, F.O.P.A., 928 Pitt at Bourke R. F., 196 Sussex st Bowes and Craig, 350 George at *Bowes J. E., F.O.P.A., 350 George St Bowler & Kerr, 17 Castlereagh St Bowler 13. V., 17 Castlereagh St Boyden and Co., 25 O'Connell et

BRAGG WALTER B., A.I.A.A., Incorporated Accountant and Auditor, Victoria Chambers, 83 Pitt at, Sydney. Flotation and Management of Com-panies. Telephone, City 3798.

• Brainwool F. W., 79 Pitt St Bremner T. W., F.F.A., A.I.A., Mutual

Life building, Martin place Ilrentnall F.S.107 Pitt it Brewer George, 114a Pitt St Brewster H. 0., 58 Margaret at

BRIERLEY & BRIERLEY (H. C. Brierley, P.I.A.V., P.F.I.A., P.O.P.A., Lionel C. Brierley, P.F.I.A., H. Cecil Brierley, A.1T.1.A.), Incorporated Public Accountants, Auditors, anti Arbitrators, Baking 'louse, near Central Railway station, Pitt it, Sydney. Cable, 'Brier," Sydney. Through Iteuter's—" Rivotasse," Ss ti-ny. Al, A DO, Western Union. ali'l Private Codes. Telephone, City 350. 351.

Brierley A, IL, F.P.I.A., Baking House, next Central Railway Station, Pitt St

*BRIERLEY F.I.A.Y., F.C. P.A. , 50 and 100 The Strand, George at

•BRIERLEY H. C., F.I.A.V., F.F.I.A., F.0 P.A., (BrIerley and Briefly), Baking House, next Central Railway Station, Pitt st

• Brierley II. Cecil, AP.I.A. (Brierley and Brierley), Baking House, next Central Hallway Station, Pitt at

Brlerley Lionel 0., P.P.I.A., Daking House, next Central Railway Station, Pitt st

Brigden H. J., Australasia Chambers, Martin place -

*Brook Gs-orge W., Ainrwillumball

Incorporated Accountan•ts and Auditors,

Belmont Building, IS Castlereagh St., sydasy.

Telephone city■

4008. ■11111111■ Brook' Edward Ernest, It'

Castlereagh et *Brown II. J., 2 Martin place *Brown Richard H., 89 Pitt at Bryant Alfred, 56 Pitt at Bubb E. R., Somerset House, 5 Moore at Burdekin L. W., P.S.A.A., 44 Castlereagh

St Bull J. and Co.. 14 Moore at *Burns Richard J., Mort st, Litligow *Bush John L., Wagga Wagga Busher S. E., As. A.A. (Eng.), 22 Bridge st Byatt A. H., A.I.A.V., 263 George at

CADOGAN W. H., STEWART AND CO., Public Accountants Builders' Exchange Chambers, 12 Castlereagh at. Tels., City 2927

Cadogan \VAL, P.I.LA., .T.P., 12 Castle-reagh at

*Campbell C. N., 16 O'Connell st Campbell Geo. S., A.1.1.A., 66 Elizabeth at Capella E. L., Rawson place Carden J. II., 114a Pitt at Carruthers, Parretti & Co. (S.J. Carruthers,

P.O.P.A., John Fermin, P.O.P.A.), Public Accountants awl Auditors, Stanway House, 77 King st. Tel., City 1468 and 1469

*Carruthers S. J., J.P., P.C.P.A., Stan- way House, 77 King at

Catehlove (I. H. L., F.I.A., P.P.A., 66 Pitt st

anthem H. W., 115 Pitt st *Chancellor If. IV., Moore at Chatfield It. P. and Co., 42 Hunter it CHRISTIE GEO. and COY, (Geo.

Christie, Allan Christie, A.LA.V., Consulting Accountants and Auditors, Mutual Life Building, 14 Martin place. Tel. City 8786. Cable ad-dress, " Consultant," Sydney. A.B.C.

.. Code, 5th Edition

ACCOUNTANTS. Note —The Members of The Australasian

Corporation of Public Accountants are distinguished by an asterisk thus'

Adatns Montague S., 3.50 George st Allard (II. B.), Way, and Hardie, 12-14

O'Connell at Allard Geo. Mason, P.O.P.A., Bull's Cham-

bers, 14 Moore et *Allard Horace Rawly, F.O.P.A., 14

O'Connell st Allen and Fyfe, 88 Pitt St *Allen Hector and Son, 16 Spring at Allen P. J., 681 Pitt et 'Allen William, 16 Spring st *Allison Robert R., 89 Pitt at Alsop IV., 33 Hunter et *Anderson If. W., P.C.P.A., 93 York st *Anderson T., 350 George St Archibald H S., 77 Elizabeth et Armitage and G erring. 82 Pitt at Arthur P. W., 20 Elizabeth st

ASSOCIATION OF ACCOUNT-ANTS OF AUSTRALIA (INCORPORATED) — Conrad Holley, Reg istrar, Eldon Chambers, 92b Pitt Street (see Advt. page 19521

Auld C. .1., l4 Castlereagh at *Austin Et nest N., 79 Pitt et

Edward Ernest Brooks, F.I.A.A. Norman Younger Deane, P.I.A.A.


Christie Allan, A.I.A.V., Mutual Life building, 14 Martin place

Christie Geo., F.1.A.V., Consulting Ac-countant, Mutual Life Buildin g, 14 Martin place

Clarke G. T. & Barry. 72b King st CLARKE GEORGE T., F.I.I.A.,

Incorporated Accountant, 1,0.0. F' Temple- Buildings, 140 Elizabeth St. Pole, City 4410 and North 848.

Clarke H. A., 681 Pitt at *Clarke W., 2 Bond et Coates E. E., F.I.A.A. (L. S. Drummond

and Co.), Equitable Buildings, 150 George st, Sydney, and City Bank Chambers, Hunter et, Newcastle

*Cocker J. IL, P.S.A.A., F.O.P.A., 928 Pitt st Cohen L. A., 117 Pitt at *Cohen L. F„ 93 York at 'Coleman A. C., 77 King st *Colyer Walter T. A.C.P.A., 56 Margaret at Cork G. It. L., 82 Pitt at Oorke F. H., 67 Castlereagh at Cornell J. E. and Co., 24 Moore st *Cowley Stephen P. M., 77 King at Cowper Harington B., J.P., A.I.A., 17 Bond

st *Craig Andrew H., 77 King st *Craig W., 350 George st *Crane H. Russell, P.O.P.A., 16 Spring at Crane Howard W., P.I.I.A., 107 Pitt st Cudlipp W. J., 6 Rowe at Cull= W. E., J.P., 79 Elizabeth et Cullen-Ward, 113 Pitt st *Cullen-Ward R., 113 Pitt at *Cullen-Ward IL A,. F.O.P.A., A.S.I.A.,

113 Pitt at *Cunningham Harry L., &C.P.A., 350

George s t *Cattle John, 79 Pitt at Darnley Charles E.. 928 Pitt st Dash A. F.,corner Pitt and Bond sts Dash Ralph B., corner Pitt and Bond eta Davis (Thomas), Elbeedy & Co„ Incor-

porated Accountants, Australasia chambers, Martin place


The Institute of Public Accountants OF AUSTRALASIA.

'Belmont Building, 15 Castlereagh St., Sydney 1916-1917. Telephone, City 4008.

President—H. W. CHAMBERS, Dalton House Pitt Street, Sydney. Iriee-President—BOLES It. RA1NSFORD, Equitable Building, 350 George Street, Sydney. ROIL Treasurer—L. W. BURDEKIN, Victoria Chambers, 44 Castlereagh Street, Sydney. Hon. Secretary—E, a BROOKS, Belmont Bundles', 15 Castlereagh Street, Sydney. Hon. Auditor—R. S. WICKHA M , Intercolonial Chambers Castlereagh Street, Sydney. Registrar—ROBT. D. REID, Belmont Building, 15 Castiereagh Street, Sydney.




The scheme of the examination for admission includes Preliminary, Intermediate (two sections) and Final (two sections). Copies of the Syllabus may be obtained on application at the Registered Office.

. ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS. Fun particulars of the qualifications, and mode of admission to the Institute may be obtained by application to the


Fellows .. £5 5s. Associates .. £3 3s. Fellows .. £2 . 2s. Ai sedates .. Lila. FELLOWS.

Johnson J., 13 Bridge at, Sydney Kirk It. N., 10 O'Connell at, Sydney Leah J., Cobar, N.S.W. Lewis G. S., Ocean House, Moore at, Sydney Linden C., Victoria st, Grafton Lindsay G. F., Shangal Moss Leopold, Woodstock Chambers. Pitt st, Sydney McKell Norman Alcorn, 64 Pitt st, Sydney Paton E. W., 120 Underwood at, Paddington, Sydney Puddicombe, W. I., c/o John Sands Ld., 374 George at, Syd. Ttainsford Boles R., 350 George at, Sydney Rudder V. V., AM P. Chambers, Pitt at, Sydney Rae J. D.. Bond st, Sydney Spear E. J. Homby, Wynyard at, Sydney Scott It. Bruce, Castlereagh House, Castlereagh at. Sydney Taylor Frank, Falmouth Chambers, Pitt et, Sydney Webb Alfred D., 113 Pitt at, Sydney

ASSOCIATES. Maitland A. E., 335 Pitt at, Sydney Matthew Fergus G., 14 Martin Place, Sydney Munro John P., B.A., Melbourne, Victoria Milne It. A., Temple Court, Elizabeth at, Sydney Mitehell R. J., 34 Margaret at, Petersham Musgrave R. A., Atlas Buildings, Spring at, Sydney McDonald H. L., 20 Hunter at, Sydney Outred W. E., 14 O'Connell at, Sydney Parker H. W., Kanieruka, via Bega, Parry J. N., Electric Light Corpn., Ltd., Margaret at

Balmain Parsons A. It., Hunter at, Betts Park, Gladesville Parsons F. W., 44 Castlereagh at, Sydney Phillips J. H., Hunter at, Newcastle Pringle A., Royal Exchange, 56 Pitt at, Sydney Rendell C. W., 16 Castlereagh at, Sydney Reid Robt. D., 18 Waverley st, Waverley Roberts A. It., Hopetoun st, Petersham, Sydney Robinson A. E., " Lilygrange," Nelson Bay road

Waverley Rodd J. L. 42 Bridge st Sydney Russell G. 'CL, Atlas Building, Spring at, Sydney Selma J. C., 04 Pitt at, Sydney (on active service) Sims A., 58 Pitt at, Sydney Snowball F. It.

' 70 Pitt at, Sydney

Strudwick T. A. 3 Spring at, Sydney Sharpe Harry , ;13 Pitt at, Sydney Swift J. II., income Tax Department, Sydney Symington II. T., Toowooniba, Queensland Tyler E. A., Atlas Building, Spring at, Sydney Tetley Ralph T., "Halloween," Eighth avenue, Campsie Thorburn S. N., "Glenhurn," Buller at, Artanuon Ward H. 31, Bohm& East, Sydney Waterhouse L. P., Bolton at, Newcastle Webb A. E., 70 Pitt at, Sydney Wolfenden L. H. E., 70 Pitt st, Sydney Watson L., Bundaherg Wickham It. S., Intercoloniffi House, Castlereagh st, Syd. Weeks P. A., "Cootiong," Denison st, Newtown.

Adams J. M., c/o Howard Smith and Co., Sydney Baass, 0. IL, 18 Bridge at., Sydney Brooks, E. B., Belmont Building, 15 Castlereagh at, Syd. Burdokin L. W., 44 Castlereagh at, Sydney Bragg W. B., 83 Pitt at, Sydney Carr T. P., 310 Sussex at, Sydney Chambers II. W., Dalton House, Pitt at, Sydney Clarke H. A., 681 Pitt at., Sydney Coates E. H., 350 George at, Sydney Deane N. Y., 15 Castlereagh at, Sydney

, Forster A., 7 MC11111011(1 Terrace, Domain, Sydney Noxell B. W., 17 Castlereagh at, Sydney Halborg W., 350 George at, Sydney Holder H. F., Colonial Bank Chambers, Sydney Herder T., 12 O'Connell at, Sydney HulTain E., Bond id, Newcastle

•Jamieson H. B., 263 George at, Sydney

Adams Montague, 350 George at, Sydney Allan A. E., ' Orthona," Cornier Street, Burwood Allworth L. E., Castlereagh House, Castlereagh street,

Sydney (on active service) 'Atteridge, j. T., c/o Thos. Davis Sheedy and Co., Martin

plane, Sydney •Breden It. P., Govt. Savings Bank, Moore st, Sydney Brodie E. M., Cabramatta rd. Mosman Burton IL T., Intercolonial douse, Castlereagh at, Sydney Byrne J. F., Federal Pastoral Shearing Co. LW. Sydney Burke A. C., National Bank of S. Francisco, California

. Calvert J. J., 2 O'Connell st, Sydney Campbell It., Moore at, Sydney Carrothers G. H.

' 130 George at, Sydney

Chidley E., c/o Miss B. Bowler, Darlitighurst rd, Dar. lingiturst (on active service)

Cohen L. A., 117 Pitt at, Sydney Cohen L. F., " Gletway," Arden at north, Randwick Compton F. G., West Maitland, N.S.W. Corkhill 0. E., Albert rd, Strathileld, Sydney Cowper H. B., 17 Bond at, Sydney Davis ,T. T., North Sydney Downes John R., Newcastle Forsyth W. S., Watson's Bay Forsyth W. E., "Leona," Welham st, Beeeroft Foxall C. E. 17 Castlereagh at., Sydney Gayfer 0. d, Income Tax Dept., Sydney Grace Fred A., c/o Messrs. Troup, Harwood and Co.,

King at, Sydney Gregory Oscar, 72 Phillip at, Sydney Hargreaves F. II. G., Town Hall, Ashfleld, Sydney Harris A. R., Mostuan, Sydney Henn A. B., State Timber Yards, Uhr's Point, Sydney Horbom IL A., A.M.P. Chambers, Pitt st, Sydney King Gem 0., Upper Avenue rid, Homan King Ralph IV., 80 Pitt at, Sydney Laing jag. G., c/o Messrs. Henry Bull & Co., York at, Syd. Loplastrier L., 04 Pitt at, Sydney Logan David, 25 O'Connell at, Sydney


(Incorporated 1894)- NEW SOUTH WALES DIVISION.

— Board of Advice

Henry Charles Brierley, F.F.I.A., President.

Albert E. Brierlev, Alfred G. H. Durham, F.F.I.A. E. J. Whitehead, A. F.I.A.

— New South Wales Office :

" Baking House," next Central Rail. Station, Pit t at.. Syd.

(H. Cecil Brierley, A.F.I.A., Secretary)




INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC AC-COUNTANTS OF AUSTRAL-ASIA—IL E. Brooks, F.I.A .A., hon. sec. ; Robert I). Reid, A.I.A.A., Regis-trar, Belmont Building, 15 Castlereagh at. Telephone City 4008. (See Advt. ACCOtIll tants' section)

Incorporated Institute of Accountants (Victoria), N.S.W. Branch—Allad Christie. A.I.A.V., secretary, 'Hutted Life Buildings, Martin place

"Jack Robert II., Lismore Jackson and Webster, 375 George at Jackson F. W. P.. 375 George at

HALBERG, PARSONS AND AN- 'Jackson T. IL, F.O.P.A., 681 Pitt at DERSON, Pnblic Accountants and Jamieson if. B. and Griffith, 263 George at Auditors, Equitable Buildin g, 350 Jamieson 11. B, F.I.A.A., 263 George at

1)889 GeorgeEL Telephones City 9888 and "Jelinneret E. S., Equitable buildings, ,8

George at "Jobson Alex., A.T.A., F.C.P.A., 24 Moore

at "Johnson E. L, F.O.P.A., George and

Wynyard sts Johnson, Edwards and Co., George and

IVynyard sts Johnson James, 17 Bridge at *Johnson Milton F., F.O.P.A.,

House, Martin place *Johnson Wilfrid E., F.O.P.A., Gibbs'

chambers, 7 Moore at *John stone L. A., 14 Martin place Jordan, Walker and Co,, 113 Pitt. at *Jordan F. C.. F.C.P.4 113 Pitt at Kelynack Eric S. & Higman, 350 George


KENT, BRIERLEY AND SULLY. (A. J.131 lerley, F.I.A..V..F.O.P.A., 13.11 . Sully, F.C.P.A., W. II. Dibley,A.C.P.A.) Public Accountants, Audit°, s, and Management of Companies, etc., 50•

mu d 100 The Strand, George at, Sydney Kerr T. W. A.I.A.V. 17 Ca stlereagh at *Kerr William 0.. A:C.P.A.. 725 King at Kerr William R. A.

: J.P., F.T.I.A.,

buildings, 110b Bathurst at Killingworth .T., Rawson place King and Kin g, 79 Pitt at *King John,13 Bond st 'King Ralph W.. A.I.A.A.. 86 Pitt at *Knight Arch. W., 113 Pitt at "Knight C. IV • 178 Castlereagh st • Larcombe James P., P.S.A.A. (13ng.,),'

F.C.P.A., 107 Pitt st • Larcombe W. F. A., 131 Pitt at 'Larkin S. V, 07 Castlereagh at Latter 0.11.. 77 Elisabeth at ' Lee Arthur S., Lord's place, Orange Legoe John R., Australasia Chambers,'

Martin place LEPLASTRIER L., A.I.A.A., Public

Ac muntant and Auditor, Dixson Buildings, 64 Pitt at, Sydney. Tel. City 1657

Lewis G. S., 24 Moore at HUGHES CHARLES, A.T.A.V., Pub- Lewis S. IL, 82 Pitt at

lie Accountant and Auditor, 4th Liggins William, 2 Blida° at floor 41 \Veldt= Buildings, 2; Bond Lindsay Colin D.A ,68 Hunter st • at. Telephone 266 City Little James, II:L., Sitley & Co., 107 Pitt,*

Hughes J. Sidney, 920 Pitt at Lloyd A. SE, 246a Pitt at Humphreys 0. A., (17 Castlereagh at Lord A. F.. and Co., 369 George st Humphreys George B.. 107 Pitt at • Lord A. F., 360 George at • Ilunger(ord C., F.C.P.A., Terry's chain- • Lorimer John A., Deniliquin

bens. 14 Castlereagh at, *Lumby F. II., 11 Moore at 'Hyde Abel, Challis House, Martin place Lush G. 1'., 88 Pitt at

Lyon J. IL. Aust. chambers, Martin place INSTITUTE OF INCORPORATED Lyons Claude II., J.P., 273 George at • •

ACCOUNTANTS OF N E W NInclIride W. T., A.I.A.V., 720 King at SOUTH WALES-11. II. Holden, *McColl J. G., A.0.1?.A., 379 Kent st • A.I.I.A., registrar, 121 Bathurst at. Macrimiald M. S., 4 Castlereag,li at S ydney. (see list of members page • Maefle 11. O.. F.C.P.A., Savings Batik 1950) I chambers, 11 Moore at. City 1065

• '

Accountants continued— °Davis J. W., A.C.P.A., Australasia cham-

bers. Martin place *Dean 0. It., 7 Moore at Deane Norman Younger, F.I.A.A., 15

Castlereagh at De Chatteaubourgh 31., 16 Bond at • DIBLEY W. H., A.C.P.A., 50 mid

lye The Strand, George at Dickinson and Weed, 273 George at Dickson David P., 64 Pitt at lihnond P. F. and Co., 17 Castlereagh at 'Dixon James M., 109 Pitt at Docker Keith B., 56 Hunter at 'Docker Wilfrid L. 50-58 lImiter at Dodd Miss A. M., Challis House, Martin pl Downes Herbert W., 79 Pitt at

Downes J. K, A.I.A.A., 350 George at

Frith T. B., 63 Pitt at •Fullwood Fred.. F.S.A.A. (England),

F.C.P.A., public accountant, 11-12 Foy's' chambers, 1 Item' at

s Fyfe D. P.,88 Pitt at Garland II. W., 3 Spring at George R. S., .1.1'., 24 Bond et Giles RIld Mad% 4 O'Connell at *Gibbons Henry J.. 16 Spring at *Giles E. IL, 4 O'Connell at "Giffillan D. II., 70 Pitt at "Gordon-Hume E , 113 Pitt at 'Gemini Raymond S , 7 Moore at Griffith S. W., 263 George at

Fell David and Co., Equitable building George at

'Fell David, F.C.P.A., Equitable building, George st

Firmau H. C., 77 Castlereagh at *Fisher W. G.. 50 The Strand Flack and Flack, 11 Moore at "Fletcher W. H., F.C.P.A., Equitable

building, George at - -Forsythe W., A.C.P.A., Austnilasia Cham-

bers, Martin place 'Forsythe William, Pell st, Tionworth 'Fox C. Cockburn, 273 George st Foxall and Foxall, 17 Castlereagh at Fossil C. E.., 17 Castlereagh at Foxall E. W., F.I.A.A.. 17 Castlereagh at Franckel Spencer & Co., itoysil Insurance

buildings, Pitt and Spring sta *Franckel Martin. Royal Insurance build-

ings, Pitt and Spring ate

Hall G. Watson, T. di G. B'higs, Elizabeth and Park sts

Hambridge Frank, 58 Pitt at Hargreaves F. 11. G., J.P., town clerk,

Liverpool ril, Ashfleld 'Harris E. A., F.C.P.A. 79 Pitt at • Ilarrison F. I. W., 15 Bent at *Harwood A. It., F.C.P.A., Stanway House,

77 King at *Ilastie It. L.. 7 Moore at • Ilayward C. II., O'Connel at Heath A. E. and Parkhill, 375 George at 'Heath A. E., 375 George at Helder II. F., 195 Pitt at Hemphill It. J. & Dued3ury 160 Pitt at *Hemphill It. J., A.C.P.A., 109 l'itt at Herborn H. A. 89 Pitt at Iterriott A. B .2 Martin place

•Ilerriett IV. M., 00 The Strand Heyward F. P., 8 Spring at • Hindinarsh L. R , 12-14 O'Connell at lIockings A. Thornton, 229 Ernest at, Nth

Sydney Hogg Samuel Nisbet, J.P., National

Mutual Life Buildings, Bond and Pitt sta.

'Holden E. A., 10 O'Connell at Holden II. H., A.1.I.A., 121 Bathurst at

p.r., " Vermont," Bennett at, Bondi Holt J.0., 17 Castlereagh at Herder Thomas, 12 O'Connell at

HORLEY AND HORLEY (Conrad F. llorley, F.A.I.A., F.I.I.A., Percy P. Henley, A.C.P.A.), Public Account-ants, Eldon Chambers, 92 Pitt at. Telephone, City 4930

Henley Conrad, F.A.I.A., ELLA., Eldon- Chambers, 92 Pitt st

orforley Percy F., A.C.P.A., Eldon Cham-bers, 92 Pitt at

*lionison 0. A., Ocean House, 24 Moore st • Iiewas C. D., 16 Spring at "Hudson A. W., =George at 'Hudson Leslie IV., 89 Pitt at

DRUMMOND L. S. AND CO., (E. E. Coates, F.I.A.A., H. L. Cunning-hain,A.C.P.A., J. It. Downes, A .1.A.A.) Incorporated Accountants, Equitable Buildings, 350 George at, Sydney, and City Bank Chambers, Hunter at, New-castle

Duesbury F. W., 109 Pitt at "Durham A. G. H.. F.F.I.A., F.C.P.A.,

12-14 O'Connell at Durham, King and Co. (A. 0.11. Durham,

F.F.I.A., F.C.PA.), 12-14 O'Connell at Eager F. W. A., 50 East Esplanade,

Manly Edwards Edward, P.O P.A., Wynyanl at Egging W. L., 369 George at

Eisey H. J. G., 4 Bridge at 'Ferran) John, F.C.P.A., Stanway House,

77 King at • Fay iell J. IL, 89 Pitt at


Institute of Incorporated Accountants of New South Wales,

121 BATHURST STREET, SYDNEY. Telephone City 2375. Founded April, 1908.

Council for year 1816-1917 :—President, Geo. T. Clarke ; Vice-Presidents, W. H. Cadogan and E. S. Kelynack ; Ron. Treasurer, NV: It. A. Kerr ; lion. Secretary, /I. C. Dreyer' lion. Auditor, Aid. W. J. Walker: Councillors, It. A. Dation, M. Green, S. W. Griffith, W. It. Harris, G. B. Humphreys, E. W. E. Jones, W. J. South ; Registrar, 11. H. Holden

ExaminatIons.—The examinations arc hold half-yearly, viz., June and December, comprising Preliminary, Intermediate Accountancy and Law, and Final Accountancy and Law. The Examination Fees are—Preliminary, 10/6 ; Inter-mediate (2 sections), 0/1/-, and Final (2 sections), L2/2/-. Candidates failing in any examination can sit again at Half Fe° (Preliminary excepted). Examinations held at country centres when desired. Copies of the syllabus. may be had on application to the Registrar.

Admission.—Admission to membership by examination is open to those who are employed in an Accountant's office, or in the emplo y of the Government, or of a Banker, Corporation, Public Body, or Limited Company, or Business, who shall pass tho examinations. Applications must be mad ° on forms provided by the Institute.

Admission Fees.—The fee for admission fur Associates is 0/2/ . ; for Fellows, £3/3/- Annual Subscriptions. — For Associates, 0/2/- ; for Fellows, 0/3/-.

Definition :—F.I.I.A. (Follow Instituto Incorporated Accountants)

A.I.I.A. (Associate Institute Incor-porated Accountants)

Almon E. It., A.I.I.A., (VS Bank, Moore at Adam John, A.I.I.A., Malakoff at,

Marrickvillo Allen Stanley, F.I.I.A., 32 Elizabeth at Anderson Wm., A.I.I.A., 127 York at Anderson A. T., A.I.I.A., 87 Pitt at Armstrong Thomas, A.M.A., J. tt A.

Brown, Newcastle Arnott G., A.I.I.A., G/S Bk Castlereagh at Bailey T. II., A.I.I.A., 341 Pitt at Ball W. T., F.I.I.A., 20 Castlereagh at /Barmy It. II., A.I.I.A., Wagga Wagga Baden J. A., F.I.I.A., 9 Moore Park rd, Bubb W.J., Burgoyno at, G'rdon Bull Victor, A.I.I.A., 80 Pitt at, Sydney Butler A. G., A.I.I.A., 09 Bathurst at Oadogan W. H., F.I.I.A., 12 Castlorgh at Callaghan J. B., A.I.I.A., 545 Kent at Campbell G. S., A.I.I.A., 60 Elizabeth at Carter S. A. C., A.I.I.A., 152 Pitt at Chandler R. T., A J.I.A., Park rd, M'villo Chapman II. E., A.I.I.A., Kent Brewery,

George at W Clarke G. T., F.I.I.A., 140 Elizabeth at Clarke R. 0., Park aye, 13utwood Connolly L., 112 King at Cook 3. W., junr., Baulkam Hills (Joao A. J., A.I.I.A., Singleton Crain° Edward C., A.I.I.A., Salisbury

rd, Stanmoro Crane II. W., F.I.I.A., 107 Pitt at. Crossman H., A.M.A., Bennett at.,

Neutral Bay Dalton It. A., F.I.LA., Sydney University Davidson R. J., A.I.I.A., Bannerman at,

Neutral Bay Deane C. R., A.I.I.A., Wollongong rd.,

Arncliffe Dimond P. F., A.I.I.A., 5 Moore at. Dougan Robert, F.I.I.A., Town Hall, Syd. Dreyer H. C.. A.I.I.A., 66 York at. Duosbury F. W., A.I.I.A., Yaralla Chas.,

Fitt st Hagar F. W. A., A.I.I.A., Manly Emblem R.. Al.I.A., Waggit Wagga Evans Rowland James, A.M.A., Railway

Sundt., Northern Territory, Darwin farleigh Hon. J. G., M.L.C., F.I.I.A.,

80 Clarence at, Finogan Patrick TIIMIMS, A.I.I.A.,

Challis ave. Potts Point Flecknoe P. J., A.I.I.A., British Aust

Tobacco Co., Kensington Foxall C. B.,A.I.I.A., 164 Pitt at, Sydney Garland II. W., F.I.I.A., 3 Spring at Gibbons H. V., A.I.I.A., Harrow rd,

Bexley Gibson H. J., A.I.I.A., Navigation Dept. Gibson T. P., A.I.I.A., Council Chambem,


MEMBERS: Gollan 3. E., A.I.I.A., 431 Kent at Green Melbourne, F.I.I.A., 341 Pitt at Greenwood 11., A.M.A., 406 Kent at Gregory C. S., F.I.1.A., Willoughby Griffith S. W., F.I.I.A., 263 Goo. at Griffiths J. W., A.I.I.A., 10 Spring at Gustafson 0. NV., A.I.I.A., 101 Pitt at Harris F. J., A.M.A., 87 Pitt at, Sydney Harris W. It., A.I.I.A., 249 Clarence at Harvey J. I., F.I.I.A., Coonabarabran Henderson D., A.I.I.A., Luke Avenue,

Burwood Hignian W. H., A.M.A., Equitable Bid. 11111 Win., A.I.I.A., Quinton rd, Manly Hilliard It. W., A.I.I.A., Queen at,

Croydon Hoare W. K., F.I.I.A., Flat at, N'th Syd. Hoiden H. H., A.I.I.A., 121 Bathurst at Holt J. 0., A.M.A., 17 Clastiergit at, Syd. Hopkins W. 0. C., A.I.I.A., Beach at,

Coogee Hopson N. II. D., A.I.I.A., Tho Boule-

vard, Petersham Harley C. F., F.I.I.A., 92 Pitt at Humphreys G. B., F.I.I.A., 107 Pitt at James W., A.I.I.A., 113 Pitt at, Sydney Johnson J. S., A.I.I.A., 546 Georgo at Jones E., A.I.I.A., 14 Wynyard lane Kennedy T. M., A.I.I.A., Murwillumbah Kennedy T., A.I.I.A., 341 Pitt at Kolynack E. 8., F.I.I.A., Equitable

Buildings, Gebrgo at Kent Alf. J., A.I.I.A., Govt. Printing

Office, Sydney Kerr W. R. A., F.I.I.A., 110 Bathurst at Koywortit F. L., A.M.A., 138 Alfred at,

North Sydney Larkins F. W., A.M.A., 97 Clarence at Lee L. W. L.,A.I.I.A., 173 Elisabeth at Legoe J. It., F.I.I.A., 2 Martin-place Lukey WK., F.I.I.A., Scone McCausland H. C., Crentorne

Point, North Sydney McCredie J., A.I.I.A., Lover Bros.,

Balinain Macdonald, L., A.I.I.A., Mount at, N. Syd Mackenzie H. M., F.I.I.A., Ans. Ohbrs.,

Martin Place 51anco F. S., A.I.I.A., 29 Bellevue at,

North Sydney Mason Carl, A.I.I.A., 805 George at Middleton F. E., A.I.I.A., 79 York st Milgato L. C., A.I.I.A., Herbert street,

Rockdale Minoguo W.I., A.I.I.A., Lachlan at, Hay Mitchell R. J., A.I.I.A., Bishop at,

Burwood Molten F. L., A.I.LA. 251a Pitt at Montague C. L., A.I.I.A., 32 York at Montgomery M., F.I.I.A., Katoomba Mulholland F. J., A.I.I.A., Orange Nicholls NV. H., A.M.A., 12 Castler'gh at Norris R. 8., A.I.I.A., Albion st, Burry H

Parkhill G. A., A.I.I.A., 375 George at Pilley C. E., A.I.I.A., Planthurst rd,

Kogaralt Polyblank II. G., A.I.I.A., 37 Gierstein

at, Wave day Priest Wm., A.I.I.A., Box 857 G.P.O. Purssey G. S., A.M.A., Abbotsford Ranciand C. 31., A.M.A., Frederick at,

Morewether Rawson 3. E. C., A.M.A., Town Hall Reid Robert, A.I.I.A., 11 Moore St Rinaldi J. W., A.I.I.A., Hunter's Hill Robson The Hon. W., M.L.C., F.I.I.A.,

164 Pitt at, Sydney Ross A. U., A.I.I.A., 124 Pitt at Ryan .1. W A.I.I.A., Pitt at, Singleton Sitwell S. A., A.M.A., 17 Castlereagh at Soldon E. N., A.I.I.A., Keaton avenue,

Mosinan Schwenck F. IV., A.M.A., Council Chas.,

Mosman Short Alfred, F.I.I.A., Forbes Sindel A. G., A.I.I.A., 338 Pitt at Smith C. A., A.I.I.A., Pitt at, Sydney Smith F. T. G., A.M.A., 322 Darling

at, Balmain Smith J. 0., A.I.I.A., 2 Harris at Soutar D. J., A.I.I.A., N.B. IBM Co.,

Collins st, Melbourne South Walter Jas, F.I.I.A., 28 Moore at Spedding J., A.M.A., 147 King at Stephens A. J., A.M.A., 47 Elizabeth at Teapo Wilkia, A.I.I.A a 14 Castleragh st Torry John Edgar, A.u.A., 12 Castle-

reagh at Thomas F.3., F.I.I.A., Church at, P'matta Thompson C.K.,A.I.I.A.,16 Evans at Way Thompson Herbert, A.I.I.A., 86 George at Tompkins P. L., A.I.I.A., 250 Glenmore

rd, Paddington Thornton E., A.I.I.A., 12 Barrack at Tidos W. J., A.I.I.A., Royal Chambers,

Castlereagh at Toogood S. R., A.I.I.A., Bourke Turner F. C., F.I.I.A.. 92 Pitt at Walker C. H., A.I.I.A., Hoskins Bldg,

Spring at Walker G. It., A.I.I.A., 121 Westbourne

at, Petersham Walker Aid. W. J., F.I.I.A., 110 Bat-

hurst at Walsh James, A.I.I.A., 6 Edgecliffe rd,

Woollahra Waring C. It., A.I.I.A., 300 George at Watts G. E., A.I.I.A., Cuiwulla Ombra. Whatley D. H., A.I.I.A., Nat'l Mutual

Chambers, Pitt at White A. E., A.I.I.A., Vista at, Mosman Wilson Henry Walker, A.M.A., Invorell Wonders H. G., A.I.I.A., 77 King at Wood K., A.M.A., 39 Hunter at Wynn W. W. E., A.M.A., East 5faitland Zeller J. C., A.I.I.A., 398 Pitt at


*Nelson Herbert B., F.O.P.A., J.P., 93 York at

'Nelson R. IV., Challis House, Martin pi Newmarch Alfred and Allison, A.M.P.

Society's Chambers, 89 Pitt at •Newtnarch Alfred, 89 Pitt st • Niblett F. D., Challis House, Martin pl Norton F. II. and Faviell, 89 i'itt at Norton F. II., 89 l'itt at Oaten Richard hI., 114a Pitt at Orford Fred, G., 111 Morgan at, Petersham Orr B. R., Challis House, Martin place Outred W. IL, 12-14 O'Connell at • Parker E. H., A.O.P.A., 12 O'Connell at • Parkill George A., 375 George at • Paton J. E. IL, 1 Macquarie place *Pearce L. A. W., Challis House, Moore at

PERRY &JOHNSON, Challis House, Martin place

*PERRY WILLIAM H., P.C.P.A., J.P., Challis House, Martin place

Peterson ,mid Ralph King, 86 Pitt st 'Peterson T. T., 86 Pitt at Plummer and Jefferson, 12 Elizabeth at 'Pratt Henry, 17 Castlereagh at *Pratt Thonms,17 Castlereagh at Pratt and Pratt, 17 Castlereagh at 'Preston-Stanley V.. Baking House,

Rawson place *Price Eric, 58 Young at Priastley, Larcombe and Morris, 107

Pitt at, and at Scott at, Newcastle *Priestley Herbert, P.S.A.A. (Eng.),

F.C.P.A., 107 Pitt st •Pring 1'. G., 360 George at Puekie L.V., J.P. 164 Pitt at • Puleford Frank E., 5 Moore at *Purser W. H., 433 Kent at !Whoa° W. T., 26 Castlereagh at Rae John D., F.I.A.A., 13 Bond at itainsford Boles It., F.I.I.A.. Equitable

building, 350 George at • Rattray A. A., 14 O'Connell at e itayment F. H., 10 Bligh at Read Charles H., 76 Pitt at • iteadford Max K„ 350 George at Reid Robert D., A.I.A.A., Atlas Building,

8 Spring at *Rattle Robert, 107 Pitt at Renton Thomas & Co., 8 Spring at Renton Thomas, 8 Sprin g at *Reynolds F. H., 273 George at *Richardson Neville W., 12 O'Connell at *Roberts J., F.C.P.A., 70 Pitt at Robertson (James), IL Russell Crane and

Co., Royal Insurance Buildings, Pitt and Spring ats

Robertson, Rudder and Co., 89 Pitt at Robson Hon. W., J.1'., M.L.O., 164 Pitt at Rooke and Springhall, 18 Bridge at hooka J. 51., J.P., 18 Bridge at *Roxburgh Gilbert II., Dean at. Albury Rudder V. V., A.I.A. A., 89 Pitt st . Rule John W., 93 York at Russell H. H. and Son, Hut. Life bldg.,

Martin place



Geo. Gray Russell, M.A. (Cantab),


8 SPRING ST., SYDNEY. Telephone, City 7627.

F. O. 1'. Russell. A.I.A.A.

RUSSELL GEORGE GRAY, M.A. (Cantab), A.I.A.A., Incorporated Ac-countant and Auditor. Atlas Build-ing, 8 Spring at, Syd. Tel. City 7627

*Russell H. E., F.O.P.A., Hut, Life bldg. 3lartin place

'Russell 11. Y., F.O.P.A., Hut. Life build-ing, Martin place

Saddington and Dixon, 109 Pitt at • Saddington Robert V., 109 Pitt at Sands and Brown, 89 Pitt et *Sands Raymond J., 89 Pitt at Scales E. II., 107 Pitt at Scandrett L. A., 4 Bridge at Scott It. Bruce, 26 Castlereagh at Seale Norman, 82 Pitt at *Sefton Douglas, Hunter at, Newcastle Selig P. B., 14 Castlereagh at Shadforth T. W., 12 Castlereagh st. Vol.

City 3697 *Shand Wm. C., 273 George at Sharpe Percy 0., J.P., 107 Pitt St *Shaw Thomas 0., High at; West Maitland •Sheedy E, P. 111., F.S.A.A. (Eng.),

F. C. P. A., Australasia Chambers, Martin place

Shenstone and Son, 113 Pitt at •Shenstone IV. H., A.O.P.A., 113 Pitt at •Shetliffe Ernest It., 16 O'Connell st •Sidey R. L., F.O.P.A., 107 Pitt at *Simpson James, A.O.P.A., A.S.A.A

(Eng,), Challis House, Martin place •Sivell Frederick, Ocean House, Moore at,

Telephone, City 4066 *Sky P. M., F.O.P.A., Macquarie chambers

12-14 Loftus at *Small William Beatimout, A.C.P.A., 79-

81 Pitt at Smith Frederick J. and Johnson, Gibbs'

Chambers, 7 Moore at *Smith (X F. Digby, 13 Bond at Smith E. S., 94 Pitt at *Smith Frederick J., F.C.P.A., Gibbs'

chambers, 7 Moore st *Smith Henry B., 16 O'Connell at Smith Rex 0., A.F.I.A., 187 Pitt at Smith S. T., F.O.P.A., 35 Rowe at Smith T. K., A.C.P.A., Australasia

Chambers, Martin place *Snelling P. F., 7 Moore at South W. J., 88 Moore at *Speer N. O., Stephen Court, Elizabeth at *Speirs J. McA., A.C.P.A., 76 Pitt at *Spencer Joseph A., Royal Insurance

Buildings, Pitt and Spring sts Starkey and Starkey, Empire Chambers,

93 York at *Starkey C. H., A.O.A., F.C.P.A., 93 York* *Starkey C. T., F.O.A., P.O.P.A., F.I.A.V.,

93 York at *Steel Eric, Pendennia chambers, George st *Stephenson J. H., J.1'., 99 Pitt at Stewart, Simpson and CO., Challis House,

Martin place *Stewart John, F.O.P.A., F.S.A.A. (Eng.),

Challis House, Martin place *Stewart N. B., Ocean House, Moore at *Stewart Robert A., 12 Castlereagh st *Slide William J., Moore at *Stirling 0. W., 64 Pitt at Strudwick T. A., J.P., 3 Spring St 'SULLY E. li., F.C.P.A., 50 and 100

The Strand, George at Swan, Irwin and Bartle, 07 Castlereagh st Sydney Accountancy College, Ocean House

7 Moore at *Tarlatan William, F.C.P.A., 107 Pitt at Tayier (Frank) & E. G. Hume, 113 Pitt at Tayier Frank, 113 Pitt et Taylor Edmund, 107 Pitt at Taylor, Harris and Small, 79 and 81 Pitt st *Taylor James, F.O.P.A., 79-81 Pitt se






Tel. City 843. SYDNEY.

•Mackisack H. W., 16 O'Connell at McLean Frank E., Hay at MacPhee J. C., 114a Pitt at *Maguire H. B., 24 Moore at Marks, McDonald & Witt, 26 Hunter at *Marks Fred. W., 26 Hunter at Martin James, 295 Elizabeth at Mason-Cox It. W., A.I.A.V., 14 Martin pl Matthew F. G., 14 Martin place Mayo-Moore H. W., 14 Castlereagh at

MERCHANTS' AND TRADERS' ASSOCIATION, LIMITED (The) —John Gibbs, Managing Director, Gibbs' Chambers, 7 Moore at, and at Newcastle (See advt. Country section)

• Middeton Yeiverton M., 7 Moore at

lilcisAcHcooluisne: NI I LtaEnSts: ASIOdNitollirs, CeOtc..: Pubic i Dui El 'al

Martin place

'Miles W. J., F.O.P.A., Challis Hausa, Martin place

Miller and Musgrave, 113 Pitt at 'Miller John, A.C.P.A., 113 Pitt at Miller William, 113 Pitt at Milne R. A., 81 Elizabeth at *Mina W. P., 926 Pitt at Minett John, 16 Hunter at ;Mitchell O. R., 70 Pitt at 'Mitchell Eric IL, 350 George at Modlin It. H., 14 Martin place *Moffat Alan L., 4 O'Connell at *Morris William T., F.S.A.A. (Bug.),

F.C.P.A., 107 Pitt at *Morrison R. R., 16 Spring st Moss Leo, F.I.A.A., 88 Pitt at


Public Accountant and Auditor, Atlas Buildings, Spring at, Sydney, and Bank Chambers, Manly. 'Telephones, City 291 and Manly 607

*Nathan Albert, F.O.P.A. 93 York at Nabob G. W., Princes et, Brighton-le-Bands



PUBLIC Accountant and Auditor.


Telephone, City 3297.

Macintosh W., 28 Castlereagh at • Macke,: J. G., National Mutual Buildings,

85 Pitt st • Mackey M. Donald, 89 Pitt at Mackenzie and Fraser, Australasia Cham.

bars, Martin place McKenzie H. M., A.I.A.A., Australasia

Chambers, Martin place *Mackenzie it. .1,, F.C.P.A., 12 O'Connell at


The Association of Accountants of Australia (Incorporated)

Eldon Chambers 92b Pitt Street, Sydney. Council 1916.17.

PRESIDENT: 0. A. GREATRex, F.A.I.A. VI0E-1'RENDENT8 : J. E. ItonDRTSoN, F.A.I.A., 3.1 k . AMWAY, F.A.I.A., W. F. GREoORY, P.A.I.A., L. F. ANNiver rt, F.A.I.A


TREASURER: GEO. M. MILLER, F.A.I.A. SECRETARY AND REGISTRAR : CONRAD F. Holum F.A.I.A., • Eldon Chambers, 02n Pitt Stteet, Sydney.

Astbury J. P., 201 Castlereagh at. Adams E., London Annivetti L. F., Clarence at. Bourke J. A., 84b Pitt st. Bryant A. W. A., 7 Moore St. Brentnall Goo., 82 Pitt at. Brackenreg G. S., York et. Booth J. Felix, 675 George at. Bowler B. V., 5 Moore at. Corbett T., 845 Pitt at. Cameron P. A., Audit Dapt., City Council Campbell A. E., 47 Elizabeth at. Cook J. W., Parramatta Croat D. W., Moore at. Dibloy W. F., Pyrmont Deane A. S., 360 Kent at. Daily Watkins D. W., Lewisham Easy E. A., 769 Harris at. Gregory W. F., 281 Pitt at. Greatrex C. A., York at. °rag It. T., Clarence at. Gardiner Chas., Goulburn Gaye A., Coonamble

Members: Gustafson 0. W., Hunter's Hill Hann W. S., 60 Margaret at. Heath Norman, Castlereagh at. 11111 J. 13., 383 Kent st. Humbly W. A., Bursmod Hinton II, F. M., George at. Holliday Chas. A., 60 Margaret at. Hodge B. E., O'Connell at. Harvey A., Bridge at. Harvey R. G.. Wellington, N.S.W. honey Conrad F., 025 Pitt at. Jarrett W. F., Foveaux M. Lawson G. W., 47 Elizabeth at. Lewis G., 105 Pitt at. Leo It., 49 Clarence at. Laverack R., 201 Pitt at. Levick S. 13., Hunter at. Meldrunt E. T. P., Castlereagh at. Miller U. M., 165 Pitt at. McMahon T. W., George at. Morgan W. S., Clarence st. Mathew A. R., Summer HIE Newell F. G., 40 Ring at.

O'Neill E. J., 211 Clarence at. Overell 1). IV., 206 Sussex at. Orford F. G., Petersham Parsons IV. C. A., 89 Castlereagh at. Robertson J. E., Moore at, Rodgers W. D., 388 Kent at. Ruwald It. P., Bridge st. Rockwell A. W., Suva, Fiji Roberts A. It., Petersham Sheehan J. T., 447 Sussex at. Shortiand H., Barrack at. Shortus M., Central square Steele R., Newcastle Sewell A. E., Forest Lodge Symons A. J., Athlone place Spencer A. G., North Sydney Thompson W., Burwood Thompson L. J., 227 Clarence at. Wills D. G., Clarence at. Waters E. It. G., Chatswood Ward E. J., Market at. Wall E. G., 100 Pitt at. Williams E. L., Annandale

Accountants continue

• Tay lor Kenneth, 330 George at Terry J. B., A.I.I.A.. 12 Castlereagh at Thomas F. J., J.P., 192a Church at, P'matta Thornton S. W., P.S.A.A., 118 Pitt at

Thompson Leslie B., 338 Pitt at •Titchen John H., Challis House, Martin

place ' Travis Geo. S., A.O.P.A., 12 Castle-

reagh at Trovitt L. L., 30 King at Troup, Harwood and Co.,77 King at *Troup A. II., P.O.P.A , 77 King at Turner and Thompson, 338 Pitt at 'Turtles Cecil, J.P.. 92b Pitt at *Turner G. P., 725 Kin g at *Turner J. Arthur, F.C.P.A., 1338 Pitt at *Twohill George, 375 George at Tyler E. A., 8 Sprier; at Upjohn Arthur, F.O.I.A., 163 Pitt at

tjtlier F,, 10 Spring at • Vane H. Dunstan, P.O.P.A., 16 O'Connell

St Vass J. A., 14 Martin pl Vidal It. 0., Australasia chambers, Martin

place Vigars and Sky, 12 .14 Loftus at • Vigars F. FL, P.C.P.A.. 12-14 Loftus at Waine 0. Scott and Mitehell, 79 Pitt at °Wain° 0. Scott, 79 Pitt at Walker and Kerr (Wm. J. Walker,F.LAA.,

Wm. It. A. Kerr, P.I.I.A.), Albert buildings, 110b Bathurst at. Tel. City 2565

'Walker 0.A. Le M., F.O.P.A... 115 Pitt at Walker Charles, 67 Castlereagh at Walker W. J., J.P.. P.I.I.A., 110 Bathurst at • Walmsley B. 0 , 81 Elizabeth at

*Watt L. P., 89 Pitt at

WATTS G. E., A.I.I.A.. S.0,I.S. Public Accountant, Cuiwulla Chinn- hers, 67 Castlersagh at, Sydney Telephone City 10258

'Waugh I. L., 89 Pitt at • Way F. H., 14 O'Connell at Weatherley H. G. G., 89 Pitt at Webb A. IS, 113 Pitt at *Webster M.G.. 375 George at Wedderburn J. T., 70 Hunter at Weston and Weston, 14 Castlereagh at Whatley Donald H., Bond and Pitt ate White Alfred S., A.I.A..V., A.F.I.A.. Inter-

colonial house, 4 Castlereagh at Wickham It. S. and Burton, 6 Castlereagh

at Wilkinson A. B.. 10 1311gh st ' Williams John S., 7 Moore at Willmott E. P., corner Grosvenor and

George sts Wilson, Rattmy and Danby, 12-14 O'Con-

nell at •Witnble A. J. R., 56 Hunter at Winder 3,2 Bridge at • Witt Charles V., 20 Hunter at 'Wood Eric I., 273 George at • Wolfenden E. S., 79 Pitt at *Woodman Clive E., 16 Spring at Woods Harrie T., Australasia chambers,

Martin place Yarwood, Vane and Co., 16 O'Connell at 'Yarwood F. N., J.P., F.O.P.A., 16

O'Connell at


New South Wales Division. COUNCIL:

President — Herbert Priestley, P.S.A.A. 107 Pitt at Seentary—Allan Rattray, F.S.A.A.,

14 O'Connell at Fred. Pullwond, F.S.A.A., Bond at John Stewart, P.S.A.A., Challis House,

Martin place Sheet, E. P. M.. Australasia Chambers,

Martin place OFFICE:



(14.5. W. Branch.) LOCAL COUNCIL:

Geo. Christie, F.I.A.V. (Chairman) A. E. Barton, F.I.A.V. Thomas Renton, F.I.A.V. Wilfred Alisop, A.I.A.V. R. W. Nelson, A.I.A.V. E. I. Wood, A.I.A.V. F. IL Norton, I. W. Kerr, A.I.A.V. Allan Christie (Local Secretary)

REGISTERED OFFICE: Mutual Life Building,

14 Martin Place, SYDNEY:


ACCOUNT SOOK MAKERS. See also Printers, Stationers and Book-

Binders. Andrew John and Co., 21 Phillip at Barrie G. E., 4 Dailey at 13atsou and Co., Limited, 99 Clarenee at


17 Castlereagh at Cunningham° F. and Co., Ltd., 427 Kent


Wholesale Stationers, Envelope and Account Book Makers. Warehouse and Factory, 299. 305 Su‘sex at, Syd. 'Phone City 6163 & 10215. (See Adver-tisement opposite Stationers, Whole. sale andManufacturing.)

Henderson James, 88 Clarence at Le Roy, Tracy N., Ltd., Newton lane Leigh S. '1'. and Ca, Ltd., Castlereagh

and aoulburn eta McCarron, Stewart and Co., LW., 22-26

Goulburn at Maclartly W. M., 34 Clarence at

PENFOLD W. C. AND CO., LTD., 183 Pitt at. Tel. City 7973, 7974

SANDS JOHN LTD., 374 George at— (See Advts.)

Smith W. E., Ltd., 22 .30 Bridge at Turner and Henderson, LW, 10-18 Hunter

at White Frederick W., 344 Kent at

ADJUSTERS. Dickson David P., 64 Pitt at Drinnan & Co., 117 Pitt at Lake & Co., Royal chant., 3 Castlereagh at Moses D., F.C.P.A,, 58 Pitt at Neill T. A., 24 Wild at Roberts Wynn, 1.3 Bond at Rooke and Springliall, 18 Bridge at Willis Capt. S., 14 Moore at



Osborne Company, 79 Pitt at


General Advertising Agency, Somerset House, 5 Moore at

Richardson•Stevens Co., 82 Pitt at [toffs, 47 Wentworth ave Smyth Arthur & Sons LW, 26-30 Jamieson

at Sovro Advertising Co., Station House,

Rawson place Standard Advertising and Publishing Co.,

545 George at Steed Arthur E., 14 Moore at Typewriter and Advertising Agency, 94

Pitt it Varley's Proprietary Ltd., 380 George at Weston Company, Ltd., corner Grosvenor

amid George at

WHITE ARTHUR N. Advertising Contractor. Interstate, Now Zealand and South African Press Representative, 316 George at, Sydney. (Opp. Messrs. Peapes and Co. Ltd.) Telephone, City 3963

Willmott C. H., corner Grosvenor and. George sts




COUNTRY PRESS CO-OPERATIVE CO. LTD., 176 .178 CASTLEREAOH ST. Tele, City 482, 6197 and 6988

T. M. SHLIMPIII111, Manager.


Jacobs F. J., A.I.A., School of Arts Commonwealth Cinematograph Advert. Pitt at I Co., ltd., 77 King at

Jason Alex., A.I.A , consulting actuary, Daniels Ltd. 88 Oxford at Ocean House 24 Moore at Davis J. P., 246a Pitt at

Kingsbury J. W., A.I.A., A.m.p. Society, Decent .loseph H., 17 Bridge at 87 Pitt at Globe Advertising Agency, 285 George at

Latham H., A.I.A., Actuary to Common- wealth Bank, King at

Miller it. D., F.F.A., actuary The ILL and C. Assurance Co., Ltd., Castle-reatth and Moore ate

Moore G. B., A.1.A.. The ILL. and C. As-surance Co., Ltd., Castlereagh and Moore eta

Moors E. M., M.A., F.I.A., consulting actuary, clo Sydney University

Pamlico W. H., A.I.A., A.M.P. Society, 87 Pitt at

Purves '1'. P., A.I.A., New York Life Insurance Co., 117 Pitt at

Snetblon A., F.I.A., A.M.P. Society, 87 1 AGENCY), 123 Pitt at Pitt at

Teece Richard, F.I.A., P.P.A., F.S.S., !lett J., Ltd., 70 Pitt at general manager and actuary, A.M.P. Maas and M/111S, Ltd., 67 Castlereagh at Society, 87 Pitt at Kingsford Smith arid Co, enamel signs,

Thodey Robert, P.I.A., m gr. Industrial 63 Pitt at Dept., A.M.P. Society, 87 Pitt at McKittriek Ltd., 545 George at

Trivett J. B., F.R.A.S., Government Millers Ltd., 64 Pitt at Statistician. Young at Multi Pictorial Advertising, Ltd.. Au:-

Vaughan II., F.I.A., The ILL. and 0. As . tradeoffs Chambers, Martin place surance Co., Ltd., Castlermgh and Moore ats

Wilkinson W.M., A.1.A., The 31.1, and C. I eavaanune lunti or emir. Assurance Co., Ltd., Castlereagh and Moore sts

Wolfenden E. S., A.I.A., 79 Pitt at

ACTUARIES. Actuarial Society of New South Wales—

AL C. Alder, A.I.A., hon. secretary and treasurer, Citizens' Chambers, Moore at

Alder M. 0., A.I.A., The H. L and C. As-surance Co., Ltd., Castlereagh and Moore sts

Benjamin S. 0., Adds., A.M.P. Society, 87 Pitt at

Bremner T. W., P.P.A., A.I.A., consulting actuary, Mutual Life buildings, Mar. tin place

Carment David. P.I.A., F.F.A., 4 Whaling nil, North Sydney

Catchlove C. II. L., F.I.A., F.F.A., 56 Pitt at

Day W. R., F.I.A., actuary consulting Australian Metropolitan Life Them, ance Co., Ltd., 30 Castlereagh at (THE WORLD'S PRESS

Diamond G. F., A.I.A., A.F.I.A., actuary, AGENCY), 123 Pitt at City Mutual Life:Assurance Society, Ltd.. Hunter and Bligh sts Mount W. J. F. (trading as Sidney Sync),

Dovey W. It., PI...A., Assurance & Thrift Angel place Association Co., Ltd., Primrose build- N.S.W. Country Press Co-operative Co., logs, 255a George at Ltd.—T. H. Shakespeare, manager,

Doyle A. J., A.I.A., Government Statis- 176.8 Castlereagh at. Tel'., City 4882 tician's office, Domain 6197-6988

Doyle J. P., A.1.A., The H. L. and 0. Reuter's Telegram Company, Limited— Assurance Co., Ltd., Castlereagh and General Advertising Agency, Somerset Moore sts House, 5 Moore street

Elliott Charles A.,F.I.A., assistant actuary, Rafts, 47 Wentworth aye A.M.P. Society, 87 Pitt at Weston Company, Ltd., corner Grosvenor

Gostelow C., A.I.A., City Mutual Life and George at Assurance Society Ltd., Hunter and Bligh sts

Harris F. J., A.I.A., A.M.P. Society, 87 Pitt st ADVERTISING AGENTS,

Hindrnarsh J., assistant secretary The Associated Press Advertising Co., 24 Bond M. L. and 0. Assurance Co., Ltd., at Castlereagh and Moore Its Austral Press and Advertising Ltd., 377 Wrlde G., 26 Castlereagh at

Sussex at






Hollander & a ovett,Ltd.,Grosvenor at Jenkins J. IL, 112a King at Kingsford, Smith and Co., 63 Pitt Maas and Maas Ltd., 67 Castlereagh et N.S.W. Country Press Co-operative Co,

Ltd. —T. M. Shakespeare, manager, 176 .g Castlereagh at. 'Fels., City 4882, 6197 ant16888

Pickup Advertising Go., 88 Royal Arcade Reuter's Telegre.rn Company, Limited—

General Advertising Agency, Somer- eet House, 5 Moore st

Roffs, 47 Wentworth ave Steele'e Advertising Service Ltd., 39 Pitt at Sync Sidney, Angel place, Pitt at White A. N.. 316 George at Wilde G., 25 Castlereagh at

ADVERTISING EXPERTS. Burke Walter, Challis Hone, Martin pinee Cowdrov H. M., 28 Moore at



Henderson, Cland and Co., 283 Clarence at Hosking Fred, 46 to 48 Royal Arcade Jenkins J. H., 112a King at Meyer, Bros., Ltd., Rawson place Mills S. A.. 1140 Pitt at National Electric Advertising Co., Ltd.,

Australasia Chambers. Martin place O'Brien Publicity Co., 24 Moore et Renter's Telegram Co.. Ltd., General Ad-

vertising Agency, Somerset House, 5 Moore at

Rolfe, 47 Wentworth ave Rogers W. R., 112a King et Smyth Arthur and Sons Ltd, 26-30 Jamie-

son at Variey's l'ropty Ltd, 380 George at Weston Co., Ltd., corner Grosvenor and

George sts


Aerators Limited, 40 Pitt st CAWSEY, MENCK & CO., Pro-

prietors and Manufacturers of the "New Century" Aerated Water Machinery and Soda Fountains, O.K.O. Brand of Cordials, C.M. Coffee Essence, Unicorn Brand Worcestershire Sauce. Quinol, etc. 447 Kent at, Sydney. Tel. City 4396 Head Office: St. Kilda rd, Melbourne

ECKERSLEY AND SONS, Manu-facturers OM Importers of Aerated Water Machinery. American Soda Fountains, Work Counters, ate. Office and Showrooms, 25a George st West (opposite Tooth's Brewery), Sydney. Tel., 811903

Goldstein and Co., 332 Kent at GOW WI11111111, jun., 11 Harrington st Harris W.11. and Co., 11 Hamilton at Lassetter F. and Co„ Ltd.. 403-421 Geo. at Lawrence Alfred and Co., 158 Clarence at

MAUR! BROS. AND THOMSON, LTD. Importers of every Glass of Aerated Water Machinery. New and Second. band in Stock. 123 to 131 Castle- reach at. Telephones, City 8685 to 8689

Nelson's Carbonating Co.., LTD.

Importers and Manufacturers of Soda Fountains, Carbonators, "Bor. den's" Malted Milk, and nil Supplie,. 219 George et, Sydney. Factory Harrington st. Tel. 906 City


Ginger Beer Makers. „ Mineral 1Valer Manufacturers

Cooma Spa Co., Ltd., 2 Little Hay at Crystal Fountain Co-op Cordial Co., 7 and

9 Alfred at, St. Peters Henfrey and Co., 50-52 Redfern at, Redfern Oertel C., 27 Renwick at, Alexandria ROWLANDS E. PROPTY., LTD.,

Manufacturers of Mineral and Aerated Waters, Cordials, Bitters, Liqueurs, &c., Burns and Little Hay ate, Dar-ling Harbour. Telephone City 316

Schweppe's Limited, 65-71 Foveaux st Sharpe Bros., Broughton et, Glebe Starkey's Ltd., Bridge rd, Stanmore Syphon Aerated Water Co., Ltd., 539

Elizabeth at Toohey's Ltd„ 300 Elizabeth at Tooth and Co. Ltd., 26 George st west

AGENTS. See also respectire headings under which

they trade. Abercromby Ralph, 380 George st Albion Stewart Co., 11 Macquarie place Ailerdice U. J., 82 Pitt at

ANDERSON LEI1JT. JIM. P. Theatrical and Show Agent, Symonds' Buildings, 194 Pitt at

Anglo-Continental Agency Co., 210 George at

Armco Australian Agency, 90 Liverpool St

Austin W. IL, 18 Barrack at Austral Agencies Ltd., a50 George at Australian Exclumee, 24 Castlereagh at Ayers and James Propty., Ltd., 19 York at BACKHOUSE AND GOYDER.

Mutual Life Buildings, 14 Martin pl 13alchin W., Ltd., Bond and Pitt ste

Barnett Leopold and Co.. 306 Pitt at Bernett William D., 46 Rlizabeth at Beldam Packing Agency (Australia) Ltd

(The), 5 Moore at Best J. and Son, 114a Pitt st Bewley 11, Angel place

BIRT AND CO., LTD., Agents for Federal Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., and Turnbull, Martin and Co's Shire Line of Steamers, N.Z. and African

S. Co., Ltd., Swedish South African Line of Steamers

' The Norwegian

A ustralian Line, 4 Bridge st, Sydney. Tel., City 2072 (4 lines)

Blumenthal August, Ltd., 8 Spring at Bonnier!! arid Co., 89a York st Boyd J., 56 Market st Bray Leslie, Ltd., Hamilton at Budget' A. II., 279 Clarence at British Agency Co., 543 George at Brooks Henry and Coy., merchants and

manufacturers' agents, Wynyard buildings, Wynyard square, Sydney. Tel. 7313 City

Brown It. Barr, 32 Elizabeth at Eryant Alfred, 56 Pitt at Burdekin A. S., 44 Castlereagh at Runts J. H. and Co., 173 l'itt at Burns, Philp and Co., Ltd., 10 Bridge st Cameron It. W. and Co., 24 Bond at Cameron John, I I4a Pitt at Central Agency Ltd., 213 Clarence at Chapman Edward and Co., 3 Bond et Chapman J. R., 117 Pitt et Cheethem R. B., Queen's court Clark E. M., J.P., 82 Alfred at, N. Syd. Clark W. S. 90 Liverpool at Clarke Charles and Son, 12-14 O'Connell at Olerke and Matheson, 156 King at Coates Herbert, 12 Castlereagh at Cook W. S. and Son, Ltd.. 44 York at Cotterill H. J., 545 George at Cowlishaw Bros., 5 Bulletin place Cowper and Williams, 256 Pitt at Cranston S., Si Moore et Croft and Co., 156 King st Crosby William and Co., 26-30 Clarence at Curlew's 0. P. and Co., 12 Castlereagh at Dalgety and Co., Limited, corner Bent

and O'Connell ate Danger, Gedie and Co., 9-13 Young et Delivers C.. 82 Pitt et D'Arcy A. E., 44 Castlereagh at Dawbarn E. A. end Co., 82 Pitt at Dawson anal Co., 70 Hunter at Dawson Mies V., Challis House Decent Joseph H. 17 Bridge et Dimond R. B. and Co., 10 Barrack at Direct Agencies (The). 60 York at Do Faur and Gerard, Ltd., 8 Spring at Dyson G., J.P., 4 Castlereagh at Edmondeon John and Co., 47 King at Faseett and Johnson, 233 Clarence at Faulkner John, 18 Bridge st Frazer and Best, Ltd., 24 Bond at. Tel.

City 8774. Sole Australasian Agents for Dodge and Seymour, Ltd., New York

Frossard Le yte and Co., 925 Pitt at Gaertner A. C., 158 Phillip st Wiest Capt. It. C., 19 Bridge at Gibbs, Bright and Co., 39 Pitt at Gibson, Battle and Co., Ltd. ,535 Kent at Gilbertson Henry, 451 Perrainatta rd,

Leichliardt Gill I'. 0.027 York st Goldritig E. A., 68i Pitt at Goldring 31., 279 George at Goldebrough, Mort and Co., Ltd., 1-3

Phillip et Gollin and Co. Prop., Ltd., Si) Clarence at Gommesen E. and Co.; oi1. 308 George at


ADVERTISING CONTRACTORS. Daniels Ltd., 68 Oxford st



Mace W. P., 82 Liverpool at Niellugh J. F., 76 Oxford at

• McKinney Alexander, 70 Pitt at Meekly Bros. and Bradley, 2 Hunter st McNamara Miss F., 64 Elizabeth at Madden Julian E., Chnnipion ni, Tennyson Malcolm, Preston & Co., 204 Clarence at Manufacturers' Agency, Ltd. (The), 69

York at Mark weld, SOO flUll Abel, Harrington at Martin George, 306 Kent at Medealf itobert Y., 109 l'itt at Merchants and Traders Agency Co., Raw-

son place Metropolitan and Bryauts Ltd., George

and Liverpool sts Middleton 1). De 82 Pitt at 1111111r A. D., 174 New Canterbury rd,

l'eterehani Moir James and Co., 58 'Margaret st Moreau H. & Co., 84 Pitt at Morton 13. K. Propty., Ltd., 85 Clarence at Moss Moses and Co., Wynyard lane Muston Arthur and Sons, 17 Bridge at Nelson Ivan, 15 Loftus at N.S.W. Country Press Co-operative Co

Ltd. -T. B. Shakespeare, liner/lager, 176.8 Castlereagh st. Tels., City 4882, 0197, and 088 cy Alfred, e Spring st

0.Grady B. J., 84 Henderson rd, A lex'dria Olsen Henry & Co. Pty. Ltd., 285a Geo. st Orr Robert, 82 Pitt st Page It. J. Mid Co., 109 Elizabeth at Pahnisano V. Il.,Itawson place raiser H. P., J.P., 595 George at Parker H. A. and Co. Pty'. Ltd., 234

Clarence st l'arkes George A.

' 56 Pitt it

Parsons II. J., 117 Pitt at PRI133 Clay E., 38 Pitt at PELLETIER MAURICE, Agent for

Ballande et 1118 of Bordeaux, Noumea and New Hebrides, also Compagnie Naval the l'Oceanie (Paris) ; GO York at

Plummer 13. G. and Co., 82 Pitt at Potter and Birks, Ltd., 15 Grosvenor at Prescott Limited, 365-375 Sussex at Price H. Lowell and Co., 89 Pitt at Polio G., 117 Pitt at Puleford T. Wills, Ltd., 175 Castlereagh at Quinan G. E., 18 Bridge st Itabone, Feez and Co., 26 Bond st Ramsey Charles, 19 Barrack at. Rankin W., Rawson place Rim,' J., 73 York at Read 3.0., 266 Pitt at Regan Julius and Co., 63 Pitt at Reid Alan H. and Co., 350 George at Rex John V., 82 Pitt at Ripley G. A., 56 Market at Ripper C. A., 82 Pitt at Rosenthal' 11., 387 George at Rudd and Hyman, 55 Pitt st Rudders' Ltd., 42 Pitt at Seller J. L.,18 Bridge at Sanderson John and Co., 45 Young at Savon Agency Co., 82 King at Scott, Henderson & Co., Ltd., 10 Loftus et Scrutton It. L. and Co., Ltd., 161 Clarence

st, Sydney. Sedgley A. B., 41 Carrington st Simonds It. J., 107 Castlereagh at Sinclair 11. Sr Co., 29 O'Connell at Sinclair H. A., 925 Pitt st Sinclair Robert S.. The Culwulla Block,

67 Castlereagh at Slade O. II. and Co., 304 Rent at Sluice Albert, 61 Market at Smith Robert A.. J.P., 76 Elizabeth at Speer A., 13 Bond st Stallumn & Scheirer, 256a George at Stevenson J. & Co., 82 Pitt at

Swift&Company Limited.

General, Chemical, and Wine and Spirit Merchants,

GEELONG HOUSE, 26-30 Clarence St.

Swiss Agencies Ltd., 38 York at Tarleton William, 107 Pittst Tatham B., 1 Bond st Tildesley A. H., J.I'., 552 Darling at, Toole J. E. and Co., 70 Hunter et Totten A. W., 33 Hunter St Waddington J. V., 226 Clarence at Warden J. G., 163 Pitt at Webendorfer Bros., Ltd., ROWSOO place White John G., 35 Pitt st Wildridge J. and Sinclair, Ltd., 82 Pitt st Williams and Co., 80 Bathurst st Willis T. and W., 56 Pitt at Willis John, 3 Bond at Wilmon Bros., Ltd., 56 Hunter st Wilson and Co., 1. I4a l'itt at Winter F. A., 94 Pitt at Wood Reuben, Hunter Home. 26 Hunter st Woodland and Co., 56 Market at Wooluough IL A., 449 Pitt at Wornuthi Bros., 16 Spring at Yuill G. S. and Co., Limited, 0 Bridge at

(THE WORLD'S PRESS AGENCY), 123 Pitt street

Greer H. and W. 247 Clarence st Grimley, Ltd., 283-265 Clarence at Guthridge N., Ltd., Equitable building,

350 George at and 10 George at, Camperdown

Haege H. and Co., 68i Pitt et Hagen Fred. Ltd., 64 King et Hannams Led., 134 Castlereagh at Hardie James and Co.

' Circular Quay

Harman George and Co., 124 Marion at, Leichliardt

Harris 1'. W. and Son, 17 Castlereagh at Harvey (Alfred) and Phillips, 40 Ruing at Ilattrick John, 63 Pitt st Hay Robert, 196 Sussex at Henderson George

' 213 Elizabeth at

Herbert H. J. and Co., Reiby lane Hockaday II., 64 Pitt st Holland and Sons, '28 O'Connell et Horne J.

' 3.1'., 1 Nigh et

_Houston William, 255a George at Howard and Co., 60 King it

HUTCHINSON St CO., LTD., Merch-ants, Sole Agents for Horlielee Mattel Milk. 26-30 Jamieson st, Sydney. Tel. City 4860

Hyanie Victor, 79 Pitt st Inder Percy, 9 Hamilton at International Agency Co, 38 Carrington

at Johnston J. Barre and Co. (Agency), Ltd.

20 Lot tins at Jones William R., 110b Bathurst et Josephson A. S., J.' ., 56 Elizabeth at Kaufman acn Agency, lotation House, Rawson p

Kerr Bros., Ltd., 375 George at Kershaw.Martin and Co., Ltd., 19 Bridge at King A. W. and Co., 35 Rowe at King 0. W. B. and F. W. liumphery, 129

Pitt at King and Morrison 50 York at Kodak (Atistralasi:) Ltd., 379 George at L. S. Agency, 44 Castlereagh at Laidloy William St Co., Ltd., 7 O'Connell at Laughland, Mackay and Co. (Australasia)

Ltd., 64 Pitt at, and 50 Lime st, London Laycook J., 127 King st Leake J. F. and Co., 82 Pitt at Lennon and Co.. 28 Castlereagh st Leplastrier Arthur and Co., Macquarie at Lewis and Cull, 316 Pitt at. Lewis E. II., 82 Pitt sr. Liebmann II. B., 321 Pitt st Linton Bros., 61 Market at Linton Reginald, 61 Market at LITTLE ROBERT AND CO.,

Castlereagh Chambers, 10 Castlereagh at. Telephones City 9136 (2 lines)

Lock and Co., 63 Pitt at Logue J., 181 Hay at Lord H. IL, Illa Pitt at McArthur Engineering Co. (Sydney), Ltd.,

13 Macquarie place McArthur Shipping and Agency Co , Ltd.,

15 Macquarie place MacDermott Henry, Angel place


BALLERUM AND CO., Engineent, Blacksmitheand General Ironworkers. All Station Requisites, liar Markers, Sheep and Cattle Troughing and Brands a Speciality. 193 and 195 Kent st, Sydney. 'Phone City 1505

Briscoe and Co., Ltd., 383-385 Kent St Clyde Engineering Company, Limited,

Clyde Works, Granville

FRIEND W. S. AND CO., 113 -115 York at, Sydney. Tel., City 9960 (6 lines). Agents for Champion Steel Blacksmiths' Blowers and Forges

Grant W. D. & Son, 245 Castlereagh at Hicks T. H., Ltd., High at, Mascot Hornsby It. and Sons, Ltd., 1 Barrack st International Harvester of Australia Pro-

prietary Co., Ltd., 37 Broadway, Glebe

KOERSTZ C., Wool Presses, Scouring Plant, Pumps, Qoartz Crushers, Stump Extractors, Abattoirs rd, Pyrniont

Lassetter F. and Co., Limited, 403-421 George st

Lowe Bros , 1.14a Johnston st,An'dale


Berghofer W. L., 726 King at Blacket A: Son, 5 Bond at Bolster James

' Durwood rd, Concord

Bond Albert, 131 Pitt at BOWEN EDWARD J., J.P., Record

Chambers, 77 Castlereagh at, City 3700. (See advt. opposite)

Brown 11. Neville, 94 Pitt at Buchanan S. II., 875 George at Redden H. R., 68 Pitt at Campbell James, 16 Enmore rd, Newtown Carnwell John, View at, MarrickvIlle Chambers and Powell, 25 0 •Oonnell at Clamp .1. Burnham, 23-25 O'Connell at Clarke Lindsay, 27.4 George at Clatwortlay Frank, SicMilian rd, Ar'mon Coates W. 11., Clifton a ye, Burwood Coles H. B., 3 Castlereagh at Collins Res. J., 3 Spring at Cook A. Stanton, 3 Spring at Cook R., Station at, Rockdale Copeman John J. and Lemont, 726 King at Cosh Thomas F., Royal Insurance build-

ing, Pitt and Spring ids Comm Frank and Son, 03 Pitt at Darling Thomas J., 8 Spring at Denning 0. 0., Rawson place Dennis U., thlion Bank chambers, Hunter

and Pitt ats Be Patron William, 11 Clifford at, M'man Dods R. S., A.R.I.11 A., Royal lusuranee

buildings, Pitt and Spring ate Drake William A., 14 Castlereagh et Dudley II. B. G., 3 Percival rd, Stanmore Dugdaie Oswald, b Moore at Dunstan John and Son, 61 Market at Durrell G. \V.

' 14 Castlereagh at

Ellis John S. E., 62 Junction at, N. S)41. Esplin Donald T., 107 Pitt at Evans Evan. Rawson place Fairfax 0. II., Downs rd, Kogarah Ford IL W., 62 Pitt at Fonnan Alfred A., P.R.V.I.A., 64 Pitt at


Queensland Offices, 18 Bridge St., Sydney.

Tel. City 183. Engineering, Building, Agricultural,. Mining and other Plans reproduced by the four processes—"Sepla " (copies from original drawings, tracings un-necessary), Blue Prints, Heliographic Print., and True to Scale Process. Plans reproduced—Tracings mute if required. Electric Light Printing a Speciality.

Garton F. A., Campbell at, Nth. Sydney Whiles J. AL, 114a Pitt at Gall:tan A. II. A., 353 N.S.H.rd, D. Bay Gcodclutp C. W., Liverpool rd, Enfield Graham Hedley V.. 35 Pitt at Grant George L., 14 Castlereagh at Gree . well Carlyle, 58 Pitt at Griffin Walter B., 10 Castlereagh at

HADLEY BYERA, N.S.W., Architect, Mutual Life Buildings, Martin place, Sydney. Tel. City 1720

Hale Alfred IL, 2 Hunter at

HALLIGAN & WILTON, Architects Equitable Building, George et. Tel., City 1259

Halloran E. Roland, J.P., F.I.A., Seaforth Middle Harbour

Halstead C. II , Forest rd, Hurstville

ANALYSTS. See also Chemists.

Bristow 0., A.I.M.M., 3 Bond at Byrn G. A., 10.1.41, F.O.S., itelby lane Dixon and Byrn, Relby lane Dixon A. J., F.I.C., F.0.13., Iteiby lane Dixon W. A., F.1.0., F.O.S., Reiby

DYE A. W. A., Inst., 31.31., Analyst, Assayer and Metallurgist, 225 Elizabeth at. (See Advt. Jeweller's .Section)

Molesworth F. H., F.O.S., P.0.5,82 Pitt at Radcliffe S. and Co., Reiby lane Turner Basil. 83 Pitt at Vale and Cameron, 3 Hamilta,41 at Wallas T. I., "Wyoming," Macquarie at


and Johnson, Ltd., Agents), 233 Clar-ence at, Sydney. Tel. City 6084. Cable address, "Plasters," Sydney .

ANVIL MAKERS. Lassetter F. and Co., Limited, 403-921

George at

ARBITRATORS. Allard (H. B.), Way and Hardie, 12-14

O'Connell at Brierley and Brierley, Daking House, next

Central Railway Station Ilrierley H. C., F.1.A.V., F.O.P.A.., 10

Disking House, next Central Rail. Stn. Carruthers. Farr= and Co., Stanway

House, 77 King st Carruthers S. J., F.O.P.A., Stanway

House, 77 King at Cohen. Ward, 113 Pitt at Davis (Thomas), Sheedy and Co., Austra-

lasia chambers, Martin place Fullwood Fred. F.S.A.A. (Eng.), F.O.P.A.,

No. 11-12 Foy's chambers, 1 Bond at Kent, Brierley, and Sully, 50 The Strand

LAWSON JAMES R., General Auctioneer and Valuator, 106-198 Castlereagh at. Tel. City 7956.—(See Advt. page 1497)

Miles W. J., F.C.P.A„ Challis Rona Martin place

Mills J. Y., 726 King at Starkey and Starkey, 93 York at Stewart, Simpson & Co., Challis House,

Martin place Vane Ilerbert D., 16 O'Connell at Ward It. A. Cullen, 113 Pitt at Ward Rex Cullen, 113 Pitt at Yarwood, Vane and Co., 16 O'Connell at Yarwood Frank N., 16 O'Connell st

ARCHITECTS. Alderson J.B., 261 Military rd, Mosumn

AWARDS FOR ALL BUILDING TRADES, in book form, complete up to date of sale, 08 pages, 3/0 posted. Also our "Wages-at-a-glance" Quick Ready Reckoner for all trades, 041. posted. Obtainable only from L. Vona, Industrial Act Expert, 14 Castlereagh at., Sydney

Barker A. R., 130 Sussex at Bates Albert H., 02b Pitt at

Agricultural lawleavnt Mater: cont.— McDonnell J., Carrington at, Granville McKay H. V., Mew at • Martin James and Co., Ltd., Concord W. MASSEY-HARRIS CO. LIMITED,

Machinery Merchants, 35 Broadway, George at west. Tel. M 1498

Meadowbauk Manufacturin g Co.— E. Trigg, general manager. Meadowbank

Mitchell and Co. Proprietary Ltd., 10.12-14 Bay at

Nicholson and Morrow —Dalgety and Co., Ltd., agents, Miller's Point

Ritchie Brothers, South parade, Auburn Ruston. Proctor and Co. (Lincoln, Eng-

land), 635 Kent st Smith James, Arbitration at

AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. See also Miscellaneous Companies.

Royal Agricultural Society of N.S.W.— H. SI. Bomar, J.P., secretary, Ocean House, Moore at

AMERICAN MACHINERY IMPORTERS. Gregory H. P. and Co., 79 Clarence at Lassetter F. & Co., Ltd., 403-121 George at Middows Brothers (Australia) Limited,

73 Clarence at


Manufacturers of Anhydrous, Liquid and Sulphate of Ammonia, Equitable Buildings, 850 George at, Sydney. Telephone City 7360. Works : Parra-matte rd, Clyde

Con sumers Anhydrous Ammonia Co., Ltd. —C. A. Luxton Loney, managing di-rector; Q. Devlin, secretary, Rqui table building, 350 George at

Co-operative Ammonia Co., Ltd., 32 Elizabeth at


Cortese P., 8 Bridge at Cowles end Dunn, 72 King at

FRIED W. S. AND CO., 113-HS York at. Tel. City 9060 (6 lines)

Gordon Cartridge Company, C. Bowes Thistlethwayte, agent, 35 Clarence at, Church Hill. Tel. City 4921

GRACE BROTHERS, The Model Store. Broadway, Glebe. (See Advt. opposite Drapers)

Holdsworth Maephenon and Co., 252 George at

HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS. LTD., SYDNEY. (See Headlines throughout DI ItKeTottv)

ICYNOCH LIMITED, Kynoch House 271 Clarence st. Telephone City 2331

Redfern Shot Factory, Phillip at, Redfern Thistlethwayte C. Bowes., arms and

ammunition merchant, 35 Clarence at, Church Hill. Tel. City 4921




Ercbitectz. Telephone City 9063.







5 MOORE STREET. Reproductions In Black and White on Whatman's or anykind of Draw- ing Paper, Linen or Satin g uaran-

teed true to scale.

Engineers' BLUE PRINTS a Speciality. All kinds of Hello work executed

day or night.

Telephone 1299 City.

Mutual Life of New York Building,


Tel. 480 City.

7 Bridge Street



Record Chambers,



Private Address :




ENGINEERS. Reinforced Concrete Specialists.

Sixth Floor, Atlas Buildings,



Tel. City 9970.


Telephone City 8700, ....■••■••••••••••

-Architects continued-- 'Shirley Oliver, 86 Pitt st Harmer II. 0., 114a Pitt st Hassell and Stockholm 3 Castlereagh st HENNESSY AND HENNESSY,

Architects, Norwieh Chambers, 58 Hunter st. Tn. City 7394

11111 .7. W., ;LP., 84 Elizabeth st 711111 J. W., George st, Permeate 'Hodgson P. W. & Som 14 Moore st Mantua Timothy, 79 l'itt st Ibbotson T. H., 173 Pitt et -Johnson Tedbar IL, 12 Castlereagh St •Jones U, Sydney 113 Pitt et JOSELAND HOWARD. Architect,

Royal Chambers. 3 Castlereagh st Sydney. Tel. City 8110

Justellus J. E., 49/) Castlereagh st Neesing G. S., 13 Pitt St :Keinmis and Backhouse, 9 Castlereagh st Kenun i s C. E , 9 Castlereagh st Kent. Redden awl Greenwell, 58 Pitt st -Kent Harry C., 58 Pitt st Kellwood and Jeanneret, 375 George st 'Kerr E. J., 251 George st Ket led J. A., 58 Pitt st lainan L. A., 761 Illawarra rd, 31' vine Laturock W., 2b Castlereagh st Lane NV., S Spring st Lanrisoll %V., RIMFOIll place Leggett Alfred, .17 Ridge st, Nth. Sydney Legg,o II. T., OP., 115 Trafalgar st, S'Inore Lewis 0. 11., 82 Pitt st Lindsay-Thompson 11„ 52-51 Syd. Arcade tount Rutledge, J.P., 369 George st Lyons L. E., 44 Good Hope st, Dorton lloCARTHY J. T, Architlet, Challis

House, Martin place, Sydney. Tel. No.2721 City ; p.r., "Revile," 45 Falcon st, North Sydney. Tel. 1503 North

NoCREDIE A. L. & ANDERSON, Consulting Engineers, 7 Bridge st, Sydney. City 9063. (See Card advt. preceding Page).

McKay Austin, 92b Pitt st McKinnon Gordon, 77 Elizabeth st Mansfield awl Son, 178 Castlereagh st MRIIS011 and Pickering. 33 Hunter et Marsh George A., 10 high et MARTIN TELFORD S.. Architect,

Max Swift's buildings, 284-280 Castle- result st. Tele phone 569 City (See advt. oppodte Business Colleges)

MARTYR B.C., J.P., Architect, Great Northern rd, (opp. Bay l'bre Ito/e1), Gladesville. Tel. 224 Hunter's Hill

Massey George, M.1.M.E.,Post Office cham-bers, 114a Pitt et

.31athison U. Howard, 10 !High tit Mead Harold If.

' 58 Corso, Manly

311(1k:ton T., 24 Bond et Mullett Rupert V. 79-81 Pitt st :Moorhouserrederick,A.R.I.B.A.,105 Pittst Morrow and De Putron, 7 Moore st Newman Alfred G., 82 Pitt st Newman Walter, 56 Hunter et Nixon William and Son, 163 Pitt st Oakden and Ballantyne, 107 Pitt st 'Oakley and Mplieton, 24 Bond st Oakley W. A., 24 Bqn41

'Orchard E. It., 684 Pitt st Parkes Varney, 3 Castlereagh st Peattie haute, 71 Baptist st Redfern Peddle J. and S. G. Thorp, 8 Spring st Phillips G. W., 113 Pitt St Pitt G. M., 15 Castlereagh st

Polin Arthur B., 118 Pitt st Power and Adam, Geo end Wynyard sts Pritchard Arthur F., 83 Pitt St Ramsay L. L., 113 l'itt et Rawlings Santee', Bellevue par, Irville Rena C., Marlowe st, Cumpsie REID JOHN AND SON, Architects,

Equitable Building, 350 George st Sydney. Tel. 1590 City

Reuss F. IL, 7t3 I'itt St Meilen Mark, 70 Hunter st Roberts George A., 76 Pitt st Robertson and Marks, 14 Martin place Robertson Louis S., 60 Castleretgli st Robertson R. II., 164 Pitt St ROSS H. E, AND ROWE, Equitable

Building, George st. Tel. 398 .1 and 3987 City

ROSS HERBERT E., Equit-able Building, George st. Tels. 3986 and 3987 City


Fit Your Office with

John Sands' Expansion Cabinets

Which can be added to as your business grows.




ETC., ETC. Investigate at


Rostron \V. A., 5 Moore st

ROWE H. RUSKIN, A.I.A., Equitable Building, George st. Tel. 3986 and 3987 City

Rowe It. It., Cowper st, Parramatta Rowe S. V.. 95 Q.V. Markets Sampson T. P., 2b Castlereagh st Saunders A. IL, 95 Elizabeth st Scott Ernest A. end Green, 115 Pitt st Shaw R. A., 82 Pitt st

SLATYER CHARLES H., F.I.A., _Architect, Equitable Building, 350 George st, Sydney. Tel. City 6989

Smith F. Trenchant, 88 Pitt st Somerville A. P. T., 273 George st

SPAIN, COSH AND DODS, Royal Insurance Building, Pitt and

• Spring sts. Spain Colonel A., J.P., Royal Insurance

builla tog, Pitt and Spring sts Spencer 3. II, 91 Pitt st Stansfeld J. Spencer, 14 Martin place

STONE & SIDDELEY, Ltd., Rein-forced Concrete Experts, Atlas Build-ings, 8 Spring et, Sydney. (See Card advt. preceding page)

Stone Edward G., 8 Spring st STONE JOHN JASPER, Consulting

Engineer and. Architect, Challis liouse, Mat tin place. Telephone, City 1827

Summerhayes 0. It., 19a Elizabeth st Thomas E. N., 99 l'itt st Thompson E. Lindsay*, 52-54 Sydney

Arcade Tidswell Thos , Cituull is UMW. , Martin pl. Trethewey J. F., English st, Kogarah Vennard E. N., 4 . 6 Castlereagh St Vernon and Vernon, 28 Moore St VICARS JAMES, M.E., F.I.A. (Syd-

ney ), Gold Medallist in Engineering and A rebitecture, Consulting Engineer and Architect, Challis House, Boffin place, Sydney. Telephone, 3010 City

Waller Richard, 76 Pitt st %Vara 1'. J., Newington r41, Merrick v ille Wardell and Denning, 56 lieut./ . IA %Verde)! H. E., 50 Hunter et Warden A. W., 104 Pitt st Waterhouse and Lake, 2 Hunter sit Williams Edwin, .1.P., 8 Erskineville rd

Newtown Wilshire Henry A. and Day, 3 Spring st Withers W. 11. North par, Catursie Woodward S. 26 limiter St Wright Arthur H., 79 Pitt st

ARCHITECTS (NAVAL). Banks and Green, 16 Spring st Barber A. C., 17a Pitt st Barr It. II, 5 Moore st - REEKS WALTER, Naval Architect

and Engin . er, Chamber of Commerce Building, George and Grosvenor Sts, Sydney. Telephone City 2776

1. 110111S011 James R: & Sons, 25 Pitt St Wildridge J: owl Sidelai r, Ltd., Vickery's

chambers, 82 Pitt st —(See advt. page 1910).

ART DEALERS. Aldenhoven W., 74 Hunter et Antique and Office Furniture Co., 350

George st Carter It. T., 279 George st Dav:d Lionel, 47,2 George st International Art Co., 15 Hunter et Turner and Henderson, Ltd., 16-18 Hunter

street Tyrrell's Ltd., 99 Costlereagh


ALTHOUSE & GEIGER 117 Bathurst st, rear of 584 George pt, Sydney. Interior Decorators, Sign and Banner Painters, Glass Silverers, Gliders, and Embossers, Grainers, Paperhangers, and House Painters. Competent Men sent to the Country. Tel. City 8105.

Chapman J. G. and Son, 10 Glen st, Bondi Crisp Bros., 134 Pitt st

JONES DAVID ) LTD. 819-359 corner George and Barrack Streets, opposite General Post Office.

, Telephone 6336 City (10 lines1




Lyon, Cottler and Co., McLaughliu ace Lyons awl rtfeEwen, 6 Loftus st SANDY JAMES and CO., Ltd.,

328-328 George st Wunderlich Limited, Baptist et. Redfern

town office and showrooms, 56 Pitt et"

ART FURNISHERS. Farmer and Co., Ltd., Victoria House, Pitt

Market and George sts Grace Bros., 1 to 11 Broadway, Glebe HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS.

LTD., Sydney — (See headlines throughout DIftEMitY)

JONES DAVID, LTD. 349-359 corner George and Barrack Streets, opposite General Post Office. Telephone 6336 City (16 lines)

ART GALLERIES, Aldenhoven IV., 74 Hunter st Bernard I). and Co., 387 George st National Art Gallery of N.S.IV.—Domain Royal Art Society of N.S.W., 76 Pitt st SANDS JOHN LTD„ 374 George St Turner & Henderson, Ltd., 16 Hunter st

ARTISTS. Alckin Miss Florence, 81 Elizabeth st Aitken Mrs. 0., 155 Church st, Parrainatta Allen Miss V. F. P. 2b Castlereagh st Andrews A, 212 d.S.H. rd, Double Bay Arts and Design Studio, II Moore st Ashton Julian It., 127 Q.V. Markets ; p.r.,

Fletcher ace, Bondi Australian School of Sketching, 63 Pitt st Baron H. J. A., 9 Castlereagh st Barrett A. W., French's rd, Willoughby Barrie Charles IL, 316 George St Beaver Miss If. J., Quinton rd, Manly Bedkober F. J., 39 Pitt st Beecroft H., 23 Itoslyintale ace, Woollahra Bishop Miss H., 14 Moore st Bodeen 111., Grosvenor and George sts Booker Frederick, 21 Tudor st Bostock 0., 132 Phillip St Bradwyn B. E. J. Holroyd Brock 0., 44 Castlereagh st Broderick Fred., 121 Bathurst at Broughton Glen, 100 King st Brown Miss M., 522 George at Burton and Elms, 295 Elizabeth st Cotter Norman, 56 Hunter st Chambers Miss E., 40 Hunter st Chnuncy Miss A., 110 Oxford st, Woorra Christie Miss N. 199 Q.V. Markets ChM —, 9 Hamilton et Olints Art Studios. 63 Grose st, C'down Clint Alfred, Woodward ace, Strathfield Coffey A., 168 Queen SC, Woollahro Coffey A. It., 177 Pitt St Coffey Alfred, Trelawney st, IVoollahrat Collingridge F. M., Parramatta rd, Ryde Collins Albert 11., 17 Bond at Collins Charles, J.P., 236 George st Cooper Miss A.. 2 Bridge st Coutts James, 7 Cromwell st, Leichhartit Craig Robert W., The Strand Croaker Miss 0. S., 41 Castlereagh at Crown Bromide Enlargement Co., 448

George st Onnten 3.0., 182 Pitt st Dakin Miss, 61 Sydney Arcade Doti/erne Mrs. L. G., Kidumn st, Randwick Daniel G. A., 30 Bathurst st Dattilo-Rubbo A., 9 lowest

Sands Mrs. Llewellyn, Regent st, Kogarah sandy James and Co., L' 'I., 376 George et Sansom Mrs. Entine, Ire King St Santen Cor Van, 283 Pitt st Satchel! C. W., 169 The Strand Scarofoni Anlunio, 121 Oxford st Scott Miss C. P., 40 Hunter et Scott Mrs. IL, 147 Auetralia st, C'down Searle Miss, 14 Moore et Smith Edward 31., 9 Queen Si, Woollahra Smith Mrs. N. D., 2 Bridge St Sparks Frank, 3 Alilmil et, North S, dney Stach A. G., 80 Bathurst st Stainforth AL. 56 Hunter et Sydney Art School, 127 Q.V. Markets Thomas Fred. ni141 Co., 71-73 Ftrand Thomas G. A., 228 Miller st, Nor, " Sydney- Thomas IV. J., J.P., 9 Hamilton at Tindall C. E. S., Gordon rd, Lindfleld Tooth 311es Sybil, 61 Market st Tregear 3liss 0., 14 Castlereagh st Turner II, W., 44 Castlereagh at Tyler John IV., 39 English st,Camperdown Valentine John, 52 Flinders at Watkins J. S., 31 Jamieson St Wentherley G., 164 Elswick st, Leichhardt. Maltz Harry, 18 Cotnber at, Paddington Will-Slade 3liss M., Ash st

ARTISTS (LITHOGRAPHIC). Bedkober F. J., 39 Pitt et Raynor F. W. and Co., 482 George st.

SANDS JOHN (LTD.) 374 George st

Tomei- & Henderson, Ltd., 16 . 18 Hunter St. Turner H. W., 44 Castlereagh at


Barnett, Leopold and Co., 306 Pitt St Grace Bros., 1 toll Broadway, Glebe

CROTH H. H. & CO.. 525 George at, Brickfleld Hill. Bulk. Stores, 5.4 Kent at. Telephones, City 8376 and 8377

Hosking Fred., 4641 .48 Royal Arcade Penfold W. C. and Co., 183 l'itt at

SANDS JOHN (LTD.) 374 George St

Sandy Jauuios and Co., Ltd., 326-328 George' street

Turner & Henderson, Ltd., 16-18 Hunter St.

ARTIFICIAL FLOWER MAKERS, Flower Manufacturing Co., 49 York st Frankford M., 91 Oxford et

Patetnan .1. II., 169 Castlereagh st Pearce C. C.. 16 limiter et Pirclum E., 89 Oxford et, Waverley Plesht Ernest, 66 Oxford St Plummer A. J., Northwood rd, Northwood. Podittore G., 14 National st, Leichhardt

eed ,T. II., 45 Clarence st Eden-Langley K., George and Grosvenor sts Roberti Miss C., 159 Lilydale st, Edwards G., Spencer st, Rose Bay Rodway Miss Florence 50 Hunter st Edwards Miss Mary M., 26 Jamieson st Rogers IV. T., 283 Meet Eland William, 812a George St liosebray A. E., 29 I111g,11 st Ellery V., King st, Mascot Russell Miss 31., 81 Elizabeth st Elliott F. .7., 34 Ormond st, Paddington St. George 1'. A., 221 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Emmy C. A.. 3 Bond st - Falconer Mrs. M., Cowper st, Granville Felton Miss Myra, 52 Good 'tweet, P'ton SANDS JOHN (LTD )

Ile %Kay E. T., 58 Elizabeth st Devereli W., I Bond st de Witt Mrs. F. A., 30 Simmons st,Entnore Douglas Miss J., 21 Fraser rd, Lewisham Bowman IV. J., 28 Moore st Ensue and Foley, 2 Bridge St It B. Studios, 278 George et



Date, • •

Subject . or Locality

John Sands Ltd. System Depot, 374 GEORGE STREET.

Special Systems Devised for Every Case.

Hudson Ides., Rawson place Hunt C. H., 44 Castlereagh St Imperial Art Co., 56 Margaret st Ireland Mrs. B., 166 King st J. & J. Ltd., 176 Castlereagh st Jackson Juts., 32 Junction st, North Syd. Jardine W., 28 Castlereagh St Kahn Arthur, 61 Market st Ker Miss 31., 2 13ond St Kimbell Miss Maud, 88 King et Kni g ht J. A., 5 Oxford et Newtown Laidlaw and Herds, 64 Union at Leicester Art Co., Rawson place LeonanhJ. IL, 121 Bathurst et Lister-Lister %V., Ash st,,ur 338 George st Lockie D'Carteret, 2 Bowman et, D'moyne Lorimer Vernon, Hamilton st McCarron, Stewart and Co., 22-26 Gout-

burn st Maclellan Miss Annette, 40 Hunter at Mason Miss, Ash St. oll 338 George st Miller Mks A. 14 Moore st Mornin Mrs. F., 2 Bond st Moore Miss N., 21 Sydney Arcade Morrow Miss A., 54 Elizabeth st Murray Alfred, 81 Hot ny rd, Waterloo Newman Miss A., 56 Hunter et Newman 0. E., 4 Halley St Oldfleld Misses, 76 Pftt at Olesen Miss M., 44 Castlereagh st

Ferry Toni, 121 Bathurst St 371 George st Poster 111111 Moppett, 220 Pitt st Gibbs Miss May, 18 Bridge st Gospel* Clarence T., 721) King st Grant Miss D., 44 Castlereagh at Hatinnon G. Hamilton, Mary st, Long'vi Ile Harris Miss 11., 18 Bridge et Harvey —, 11 Oxford St IlnYlles Sydney, 176 Bondi rd, Bondi flook 3Iiss 0., 47 Harbour at, Rosman Hopkins L., 136 Raglan st, 310eman Hoyts J. C., 141 Avenue rd, Memnon




,GROCOCK S. G. Specialist in Artificial Limbs, Orfila. ;medic Appliances, Trusses, etc., 80 limiter at. Tel. City 6351. , (See Advt. above)

Lear Fredrick, 13 Emmett st, N. Sydney

ART METAL WORKERS. Amos A., 121 Botany rd, Waterloo Barnett W. D., 134k Kent st

CASTLE J. AND SONS Art Metal Workers in Bronze, Brass and Wrought Iron, 32 King at, New-town. Tel. L1137

Ilphrsim and Meredith, 76•78 Myrtle st Glue Louis and Co., 75 Liverpool at Light P. F. and Co., 110 Sussex at

Ornamental Steel Mann- factoring Co., Ltd. Craftsmen in Ornamental Steel and other Metals, Intercolonial House, 4 Castlerea gh at, Sydney. Telephone City 1702. (See Advt. op, osite mune in Alphabetical section)

Richard Bros., 29 Angel at, Newtown SANDS JOHN LTD., 374 George rt Wunderlich Ltd., Baptist at, Redfern

town °nice and showrooms, 56 Pitt at

ART NEEDLEWORKERS. Bennett Mrs. C., 13.15 Sydney Arcade Hobbs Mrs Susan, 62 Cooper at Scars Miss E., Burwood rd, Burwood Steffanoni Madame, 266 Miller at, N. Syd.

ART PUBLISHERS. SANDS JOHN LTD., 374 George st Turner and Henderson, Ltd., 16 Hunter at

ARTISTS IN STAINED GLASS. Althouse and Geiger, 117 Bathurst at, rear

of 584 George at A.shwin F. and Co., 85 Commonwealth st Ashwin John and Co., 31 Dixon at Couldery W. and Co., 389 Pitt at Lyon, Cattier and Co., McLaughlin nye Lyons and McEwen, 6 Loftus at Sandy James and Co., Ltd., 326-328

George at Smith David, 32 Junction st, N'th Syd. Stone and Kinsey, 123 Reservoir st Sugarman S. It., North ter, Bankstown Tarrant F. J., 24 Taylor at


Office and Show Rooms, 326-328 George st. Branch, Hunter at west, Newcastle


ADAMS WILLIAM AND COM-PANY, LIMITED, 173 and 175 Clarence st, corner of King at. Tele-phones, 9180 and 9181 City

BELL'S ASBESTOS AUSTRA-LIAN AGENCY, LTD., Bell's Asbestos Non-Conducting Compo-sition and Asbestos Rope Lagging, 315 Kent at, Sydney, and at Melbourne and Fremantle. Tel., City 8235 ; P.O Box 1078

ROYLE AND CO., Australasian Representatives Dick's Asbestos Co., London, Royle's Chambers, 5, 7 and 9, Boad at, Sydney. (See Advt. Page 1738)

Sprod Charles and Co. Asbestos Boiler Covering Manufac-turers and Merchants, 24 Bond at. 'Phone 1814 Cisy. Works, Darling st, Glebe. 'Phone 11 1853




Are made to . the Best and Latest American Models.

All Legs are fitted with GROCOCK'S SPECIAL RUBBER FOOT In this the movements are so nearly those of the natural foot that the necessity of the ankle joint

is past.


S. G. GROCOCK Specialist in Artificial Limbs,

Orthopedic Appliances, Trusses, Belts, Hosiery, etc.

I80 HUNTER ST. Opposite Elizabeth St.

'Phone I SYDNEY. 'Phone City 6354. City 6354.




PANY, LIMITED, 173 and 175 Clarence st, corner of King at, Tele- phones, 0180 and 0181 City


Australian Representatives of the Beldam Packing and Rubber Co. Ltd. (London), Somerset House, 5 Moore at, Sydney. Stores, 37 Sussex st. Tel., City 8325. (See Advt. opposite Engineers Mechanical)

_BELL'S ASBESTOS AUSTR A-LIAN AGENCY LTD., Manu- facturers of all kinds of Asbestos Goods, 315 Kent at, Sydney, and at Melbourne and Fremantle. Tel. City 8235; P.O. Box 1078

DICK'S ASBESTOS CO., LONDON —Boyle and Co., Australasian Repre-sentatives, Boyle'. Ch unbent, 5, 7 and 9, Bond st, Sydney. (See Advt. Page 1738)'s Ltd., Manufacturer of Asbestos Material, A sbestos Cement, Fibrous Sheets and Slates, Phillip at, Cabarita

ROYLE AND CO., Australasian Representatives Dick's Asbestos Co., London, lloyle's Chambers, 11, 7 and 9, Bond st, Syd. (See Advt. Page 1738)

ASBESTOS MANUFACTURERS. Asbestos, Slate nild Sheet Manufucturing

Co., Ltd • Circalar Quay BELDAM PACKING AGENCY

(AUSTRALIA) LTD. (THE), Australian Representatives of the Beldam Packing and Rubber Co. Ltd (London), Somerset House, 5 Moore at,

• Sydney. Stores 37 Sussex at. Tel., City 8325. (See Advt. opposite Engineers Mechanical)

DICK'S ASBESTOS CO., LONDON —Hoyle and Co., Australasian Repre-sentatives, Royle's Chambers, 5, 7 and 9, Bond at, Sydney. (Sec Advt. Page 1738)

Indiarubber, Gattapercha, and Telegraph Works, Ltd., 279 George at

IVIACINTYRE EDWARD Asbestos Boiler and Steam Pipe Cover-ing Contractor, "Helldal', 239 Trafalgar at, Annandale

BOYLE AND CO., Australasian Re-presentative; Dick's Asbestos Co., London, Boyle'. Chambers, 5,7 and 9 Bond at, Sydney. (See Advt. Page 1738)

Spriggs Asbestolite Co., 338 Pitt at Sprod Charles and Co., 21 Bond at.; ‘vorks,

Darling st, Glebe *Sydney Asbestolite Co., 338a Pitt at

ASBESTOS PAINT IMPORTERS. Adams William and Company, LW., 173

and 175 Clarence at, corner of King at 'MOYLE AND CO., Australasian

Representatives Dick's Asbestos Co., London, Boyle's Chambers, 5, 7 and 9 Bond at., S yd. (See Advt. page 1738)


Federal Val-de-Travers Asphalts Co., Hudson at, Redfern

Neuchatel Asphalt Co., Ltd., 16 Spring at PATENT ASPHALTUM CO. OF

N.S.W.— Herbert A. Jones and B. NV. Mansel), Proprietors, 20 (foot of) Drnitt at Works, Gore's Bay, Green-wich. Telephone City 4677


BELL & FRAZER LTD. Asphalting, Stone. Cube ant Wood Block and Roofing Contractors, flay st, Darling Harbour. Telephones, City 6734 and \V 1981,1982, 1083, 1084. Sydney City Council Contractors

Best M., 107 Bridge rd, Glebe Boulden T. D., Burlington rd, Homebush Brown NV. and Sons, 11 Underwood at,

Paddington Craw and Sons,. Drake's lane, Ashfield Day John, 407k Kent at Dilworth G., 103 Miller St, North Sydney Duffy l'eter, 47 Marion at, Leichbardt English Esiward, 2 Union st,Balmain English William 31 ntzroy at Foran S. T., \Yes:thous:le st, Petersham Fretus J Forest rd, Hurstville Graham Wm., Lane Cove rd, N. Sydney Greenwood A., 11 Lodge at, Forest Lodge Gritlin'Timothy, 14 Glover at, Mosman Hansen Alfred 4 Allen at, Leichhardt Hansel! W. G., Evaline at, thimpsie Hourigan II. & Son, O.S.H. rd, Waverley Jago II. M., 12 Bruce at, Stanmore Kenny M., 140 Weston rd, Itozellc Lawler W. 11., 448 King at south, nown Miller C., 94 Spit rd. Mosman Min ray Richard, 70 Bliley at, Waverley Dylan John, 436 Darling at, Balmain Neuchatel Asphalt Co., 19 Spring at PATENT ASPHALTUM CO. OF

N.S.W.—llerbert A. Jones and B. W. Mansell, Proprietors, 20 Druitt st. Works, Gore's Bay, Greenwich. Telephone City 4677

Quigley P., 46 West at, North SYdlleS Smith C. & Sons, Elizabeth at East, Alield Smith George, Ill Liverpool rd, Ashfleld Stockbridge J. A., 8 Moamar at, W'ahra Tracy James, 146 Falcon at, Nth. Sydney Walton R. 0 , 8 Harnett a ye, Mar'ville Wemyss John, 15 Victoria st, Lewisham Westbrook W. H., 28 Albion st Westbrook W., J.P., 76 Allen st, L'hardt

ASSAYERS. Bristow C., 3 Bond at Byrn G. A., F.I.C.s F.C.S., Reiby ,cham-

bers, Reiby lane DIXON AND BYRN (A. J. Dixon,

F.I.C., P.C.S., and G. A Byrn, F.I.O., F.C.S.), Reiby chambers, Relby lane. Established 1873

Dixon A. J., F.I.Cs S., Reit)), cham- bers, Relby hrs.

Dixon W. A., F.I.C., F.C.S., Relby cham-bers, Reiby lane

DYE A. W. A. Inst., ALM., Analsst, Assayer and Metallurgist, 225 Elizabeth st. (See Advt. Jewellers' section)

Kopsch Chas. F. G. & Co., 8 Bridge at Oakes E. W. and Co • Washington at Orr and Welch, 80 Hunter at Radcliffe S. & Co., Heil's* Lane Roberts W. F., 109 l'itt at Smith John McGarvie, Holdsworth et,

NVoo:lalira Turner Basil, 83 Pitt st

Telephone : City 4074. Establislied 1886.


CHEMISTS, City Mart Building,

Hamilton St., Sydney. Top Floor (Take Lift).

Sp6cial Attent'on to Sampling Shipments of Ore.

Watt F. L., 3 Hamilton at

ASSOCIATIONS. Accident Underwriters' Association of

N.S.W.—F. W. Wilson, sec., 56 Pitt et Actors' Association of Australasia, 29

Elizabeth st' After Care Assn ; 350 George at Amalgamated tederated House and Ship

Painters, Paperhangers, and Decora- tors Employees Union of N.S.1V., Lee

Am:Igvealc litlilated Hotel and Caterers' Em-ployees' 51utual Benclit Association — Henry Norton, secretary, 24 Moore at

Amalgamated Journeymen Tailors' Asso- ciation of N.S.W., Trades' Hall, Gout- burn St

Amateur Fishermen s Association of N.S.W., Ltd., 240 Pitt at

Association of Accountants of Australia (Incorporated) Conseil F. Harley, F.A.I.A., sec and registrar, 92b Pitt at

Assurance and Thrift Association, Ltd.— W. R. Dovey, F.F.A.., A.I.A.. managing director, 255a George at

Australasian Association for the Advance- ment of Science, 5 Elizabeth St

Australasian 'Coal and Shale Employers' Federation, Rawson place

Australasian Corporation of Public Ac- countants—S. J. Carruthei es, J.P., F.C.P.A., registrar, Stanway House, 77 King at

Australasian Institute of Marine Engl. neers, 35 Pitt out

Australasian Massage, 16 Pitt at Australasian Provincial Press, 178 Castle-

reitgli st Australasian Steamship Owners' Federa-

tion—C. Dillon, sec., 8 Spring st A ustralasi an Trained Is asses', 32 -Elizabeth

st Australasian Union Conference, Fox

Valley rd, \Val irooliga Australian Boot Trade Employees' Federa-

tion (N.S.W. branch)—llavid John- stone, secretary, 120 Redfern at, It'fern

Australisu Commonwealth Post and Tele- graph Officers, 82 Pitt st

Australian Journalists', 77 Castlereagh st Australian Lougwool Sheepbreeders', 10

Bligh at Australian Saddlery Trades Federation,

Rawson place Australian Traders' Co-operative Associa-

tion, Limited—T. Breen, manager, 158 Pitt at



ATLAS PUBLISHERS. Collins Brothers and Co., Ltd., 105

Clarence it SANDS JOHN LTD., 374 George at

AUCTIONEERS. Allard Francis, J.P., 12 Castlen.agh at

ALLDIS AND CO., LTD., slid (.1, FRANK COX & Co., LTD.), Auctimieers, Real Estate A gents and Sworn Valuators under It. P. Act. Offices and Salerooms, BONDI JUNC-TION. Tel. 33 Waverley ; Branch office. Bondi Beach Tel. 483 Waver. Icy. City Office: 107 Pitt st, Sydney.

City 1937 Alldis and Co., 82 Pitt st Backhouse and Goyder, Mutual • Life

Buildings, Martin place IIIIIIICS D. and W., 430a Parramatta rd,

Pet ersitani Barnard A Co., 77 Casth reagh it BATT, RODD, A PURVES, LTD.,

Property Auctioneers, Estate Agents - and Valuators, 88 Pitt at

Batchelor mid Tait, Lt41., Alaimo st,R'fern Battle A..1., George at, Parramatta Beale J.H. an I Co., 289 Pitt st Beatles .3. S., Rocky Point rd. Rockdale Beaumont W. N. and Co., 17 Grosvenorst Benson D. W., City Alarkets Berryninn and Whittingstall, Carlton par,

Carlton Bogle Alfred H. and Co., 215 Darling at,

Batman' Bradley Walter and Co., 273 George at Breasley end Co., Argyle at, P'inatta Brodribb E H , 770 George st end City ril Broughton Ernest C. V., .1.1'., 113 Pitt st 13rown Fred, Forest rd, Hurstville Bruntnell and Bannerman, Ltd., 72a

Pitt at BRYANT & HAYES, corner King

anti Sussex its, Syd..ey. Tele. 3126 and 3128 City

Burns Richard E.. .LP., South it, Butler W. F., 'LP., 441 Marrickville rd,

Dulwich Hill Cameron and McFritlyen, 143 Sussex at Carroll Jas. dlt Co., 19 Hunter it



ASYLUMS. See also Institutions and Ilospitals.

Asylum for Women and Children (Bene- volent Society of N.S.W.), Thomas st

Bayview Rouse, King st, Tempe Benevolent Society's Asyltun for W01/101

and Children, Thomas St Callan Park Hospital for the Insane,

Bah:rain rd, Leichhanit Cottage Homes for Aged Couples, Fitz-

williatn st, Parramatta Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institution,

City rti, Darlington Gladesville Hospital for the Insane,

Great Northern rd Hunter's 11111 Government Asylum for the Infirm,

George st, Parrationtta Hospital (or In sane, Fleet at, Parra matte in I u etmin' Blind Institutiondlootnerang it infants' lidne. Henry cc, Ashfield Infirm awl Destitute Asylum, Macquarie

at, Parramatta Lidcombe Benevolent Asylum, Joseph at Little Sisters of the Poor—Hotne for the

Aged and Infirm, A vcca it, Itandwick Newington Asylum, Day st, Lidcombe Receiving Howse for Insane, Forbes st

A ssodat Ions con (blued— Australian Work, rs' Union, (central

branch), 321 Pitt st Batman nod Rozelle Wood and Coal

Association, Mansfield st, Itozelle Board for the Protection of Aborigines,

:tichmond Terrace Bookmakers Clerks', 305 Pitt st Boot Repairers Union, 305 Pitt st Boy Scouts' Association, Grosvenor st British Immigration League of Australia,

7 O'Connell at British Medical (N.S.W. branch)—Dr. IL

H. Todd, hon. see. 32-34 Elizabeth at Carcase Butchers' Association, J. Guinan°,

secretary, 822 George st Catholic Federation, 197 Castlereagh st Child Study and Adult Health Assoc's.

tion of Australasia, 281 Castlereagh St Christian Roth avour Union, 202 Pitt st Church Extension, 44 Queen st, Woollahra City Markets Association, F. V. Hall,

Secretary, City Markets

CIVIL AMBULANCE & TRANS-PORT BRIGADE OF N.S.W.— Head Station and Secretary's Office. 494 Pitt st ; Tel. City 9530 (3 lines). Circular Qy. Station, Phillip St

Clean Towel, 46 Elizabeth St Coastal S. S. Owners, 64 Pitt st Commercial Defence , 92b Pitt st Commercial Travellers' Association of

New South Wales—A. R. Cooke, J.P., secretary, cor. Castlereagh & Moore sts

Commonwealth Registration Office for Cockatoo and Garden Island, Trades

Goulburn St 0o-operative Legal Aid, 153 Elizabeth et Corporation of Accountants and Auditors

of Australia, 17 Castlereagh at Country Press T. M. Shakespeare, sec.,

176-178 Castlereagh St Country Traders' of N.S.W. (The), 14

Moore St Dairy Produce Selling Agents, 375 George

st Dental of N.S.W.. 5 Elizabeth St Discharged Prisioners Attestor', 143 Com•

monwealth at District Nursing, 112 Surrey at Electrical Association of N.S.W., 5 Eliza-

beth st Electrical Employees, 12 Castlereagh St Employers' Federation of N.S.W.-2r1

Hunter at Engineering Association of N. S. W., 6

Elizabeth at Farmers' and Settlers' Association of

I. Campbell, J P., gen. sec., 7 O'Connell st

Fat Stock Buyers, 67 Market at Federal Ironworkers', Trades Hall, Gout.

burn st Federal Institute o I Accountants, Incor-

porated (N.S.W. vision)—Lionel C. 13rierley. A.F.I.A., secretary, Daking house, Rawson place

Federated Clerks Union of Australis, 1 Bond st

Federated Engine Driver's and Firemen's Union, Trades Hal I,Goulburn st

Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Federated Council, Trades Hall, Goul. burn at

Federated Ironworkere,, Rawson pl. Federated Jewellers, Watchmakers and

Allied Trades Union of Australia (N.S.W. Branch), 114a Pitt St

Federated Masters' and Engineers' Asso- ciation of Australasia, York st

Federated Picture Showmen's Association of Australia, 375 George at

Federated Seamen's Union of Australasia, 45-53 Clarence at

Federated Marine Stewards' and Pantry- teens' Assn. of Australia, Trades Ilall, Goulburn st

Fite Underwriters' Association of N.S.W., Exchange, 56 Pitt st

Forest Hill Progress, River st, Forest Hill Freetrade and Land Values League, 65

Market st Fruit Carriers', Barker st Furniture Manufacturers of N.S.W., Raw.

son Mace Gas Einp'oyees, Trades Hall, Goulburn st Graziers Association of N.S.W. (I. W.

Allen, sec.), 79-81 Pitt St Horticultural, 238 Castlerea g h at Hospital Saturday Fund Office, 176 Queen

Victoria Markets Hotel, Club, Restaurant and Caterers'

Employees' Union of N S.W,, 338 Pitt st

Hotel Property Owners' Association of N.S.W. 17 Castlereagh at

IndependelA Cable Association, Ltd., 171 Castlereagh at

Iron Trades Employers', Challis House, Martin place

Kindergarten Union of N.S.W. (Incorp.), Dept of Education WIding, Bridge st

Kindergarten Union of N.S.W., 278 Liver- pool St

Labour Council of N.S.W., Goulban at Leichhadt, Petersham & District Amateur

Fishermen's, 551 Pmatta rd, Pet'sham Liberal Associstion of N.S.W. (State and

Federal), 33-30 hunter at Liquor Trade's Defence Union of N.S.W.—

Edwin Stook°, sec., 17 Castlereagh at Lithgow Coal Association- J. S. Bragg,

secretary, Hoskins' building, 3 Spring street

Local Government Association of N.S.W., 103-104 Q.V. Markets

Local Government Clerks' Association of N.S.W., 12 . 11 O'Connell at

Manly District Commercial, 50 East Es. pietistic, Manly

Manufacturing Chemists' and Proprietors, 113 Pitt at

Marine Cooks', Bakers' and Butchers' of Australasia, 52 Day at

Master Bakers' Association—M. Thomson, secretary, 60 Castlereagh at

Master BakersPederal, Oa Castlereagh at Master Bakers' Mutual Indemnity Assoc'.

ation, Ltd., Intercolonial House, 4 Castlereagh St

Master Builders' Association of N.S.W., 12 Castlereagh at

Master Butchers' Association of N.S.W., Station House, Rawson place

Master Carters of N.S.W., Rawson place Master Painters, 12 Castlereagh st Master Plasterers, 12 Castlereagh St Master Plumbers' Mutual Indemnity Asso•

elation Ltd., Intercolonial house, 4 Castlereagh at

Master Plumbers' and Sanitary Engineers of N.S.W., 190 York at north

Masters Printers' and Connected Trades Association, 1 Bond at

Master Retailers' Association—S. J. Car-ruthers, secretary, 77 King at

Master Slitters', 12 Castlereagh st Master Tailors', 6 Castlereagh st Merchants' and Traders' Association, Ltd.

—John Gibbs, J.P., N.S. W. and Queensland, managing director • S. J. I/angin

' as J.P., secretary, Gibbs'

chambers, 7 Moore at, & at Newcastle Methodist Local Preachers' Association of

N.S.W., 139 Castlereagh st

Metropolitan Board of W. S. & Sewerage Employees', Lee are

Metropolitan Rugby Union, 6 Thigh at Milking Shorthorn Ort . tle Association of

N.S.W., 138 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Mine Owners' Association of N.S.W.—W.

Tarlatan, secretary, 107 Pitt st Motor Trades As s ociation of N.S W., 145

Castlereagh st Musical Association of N.S.W., Ash at National Association, 32 Elizabeth st National Coursing, 113 Pitt st National Irish, Station House, RillV8011 pi National Park Trust Office, 5 13ligh at National Rifle Association of N.S.W

350 George at National Young Women's Christian, 189

Liverpool at N.S.W. A mbuiniice Association, Circular

Quay N.S.W. Alliance, 321 Pitt st N.S.W. Amalg amated Beltway and Tram-

way Service Association, Lee IIVC N.S.W.Association of Master Pharmacists,

Richmond Terrace N.S.W. Athletic League, 114a Pitt at N.S.W. Bookmakers, 57 Market st N.S.W. Bowling, 12 Castlereagh St N.S.W. Brassfounders, 350 George st N.S.W. Bush Nursing, 32 Elizabeth st N.S.W. Chamber of Agriculture, 1140 Pitt

St N.S.W. Chamber of Manufactures Incor-

porated, 117 Pitt st N.S.W. Church Missionary, 129 The Strand N.S.W. City and Suburban Gas Consumers'

Protective, 60 Elizabeth st N.S.W. Country Press A ssochttion—T.

M. Shakespeare, secretary, 178 Castle-reagh at •

N.S.W. Cricket, 14 Moore at N.S.W. Government Tramway Employees'

Union, Lee are • N.S.W. Interstate Steamship Owners' As-

sociation, 8 Spring at N.S.W. Justices' A • sociation, Rawson place. N.S.W. Linen Tennis Association, Ltd.,

850 George so N.S.W. Locomotive E. D. F. and O., 224

King st, Newtown N.S.W. Alm iii' Ambulance, Circular Quay-N.S.W. Medical U111011, 32-34 Elizabeth at N.S.W. Mill Owners, 40 King st • N.S.W Newsagents' Association Ltd., 155a

Clarence at N.S.W. Presbyterian Widows' & Orphans,

107 Pitt st N.S.W. Public Morals Assn., 143 Common-

weal' at N.S.W. Rentpayers, 85 Flinders at N.S.W. Retail Grocers', 400 Sussex N.S.W. Rugby Football League, 169 Philip,

st 14.5.W. Rugby Union, 6 Bligh st N.S.W. Sheep Breeders, 3 Castlereagh st-N.S.W. Sports Club Ltd.

' 10-12 Hunter a

N.B.W . Typographical Association—E, 0. Alegre tit, sec., Trades 1.11111,G out burn at

Newtown District Ambulance & Transport 13rieade, O'Connell it, Newtown

N.S., Medical Protection, Angel place Northern Rivers Pine Export, 24 Bond st. Northumberland and Durham. 493 Pitt at Operative Bakers, Trades Hall, Goulbourn,

st Oversee Shipping Repres'tatives, 8 Spring

st P.A.T. Association, L. Edens, secretary, 14

Castlereagh at. Tel. City 943 Pastoral Finance Association, Limited, 23-

Phillip at ; and at North Sydney Perpetual Trading Assn., 105 Pitt at Phaniniceutical Defence Ltd. (John A u-•

derson, sec.), 63 Pitt at

Prisoners' Ad Association of N.S.W., 3 Richmond Terrace

Public Service Association of N S.W., 32 Elizabeth st

Public Works Contractors' Association of N.S.W., 12 Castlereagh it

Queen's Jubilee Fowl, 12 Castlereagh at Railway Traffic Employees', Rawson ph Railway and Tramway Officer's, 6 Bligh st Rationalist Press Association Ltd. of

London Challis House, Martin place Rea Estate, Auctioneers' and Aso nts'

Assoc'n. of N.S.W., 21 Castiereagh St flaunted Soldiers, 57 Elizabeth st St. John Ambulance Association, N.S.W.

centre, 350 George it St. John Ambulance Brigade, N.S.W.

centre, 360 George at Sawmills' 1111(1 Timber Yards' Employees,

Trades Hall, Goulourn st Shires Association of N.S.W., 7 O'Connell at Small Stock (logs and calves) Salesmen,

17 Castlerengh at Stock, Meat It Allied Industries of N. S. NV ..

• 17 Castlereagh at Stockowners' Association of N.S.W., 10

High at Sydoey Coal Lumpers' Union, Argyle at Sydney Bonded and Free Stores Associa-

tion, Challis House, Martin place Sydney and Brisbane Wool Buyers', 56

l'itt at Sydney Clerks' and Warehousemen's

Benefit, 06 King it Sydney Cricket Ground Trustees' Office,

Ocean House, 21 Moore at Sydney Day Nursery, 24 Arundel at, Forest

Lodge .Sydney Foremen Stevedores, 18 Bridge at Sydney and Suburban Provident Medical

Association — Dr. Acland Andrew O'Hara, hon. sec., 32-31 Elizabeth at

Sydney Marine Underwriters' and Salvage Association, Lts1.—W. 11. dockson, secretary, Exchange, 56 Pitt st

Sydney stoneware Pipe Assn. Ltd., 12 Castle • eagh at

Sydney and Suburban Provident Medical Afiall., 32 Elizabeth St

Sydney and Suburban Timber Merchants, 67 Castlereagh st

Sydney Wool-Selling Brokers, 56 Pitt St Telephone Association, Lee are Theatrical Amusement Employees, Cen-

tral at United Liberty League. 84 Elizabeth at lJiu ited Licensed Victuallers' Association of

N.SAV.—Charles Low, J.I'., general secretary, 161 Pitt at

United Pure Bred Dairy Cattle Breeders' Assii., V.6 Moore at

Voluntary Workers, 08 Elizabeth it Wine and Spirit. Association of N.S.W.

(The), 17 Castlereagh at 'Wornen's Christian Temperance Union,

139 Castlereagh et Women's Commonwealth Patriotic, 92b

Pitt it Women's Progressive, 22 Carrington at -Women's Reform League, Grosvenor and

George sts Woolclassers' Association of N.S.W.,

Rawson ph Workers' Educational Association, Edu-

cation Dept. Building, Bridge at

YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION—Williatn Gillen- dere, B.A., general secretary, 323-325 pia Street (see advt. opposite Name in Alphabetical)

'Young Women's Christian Assoclation.163 Castlereagh at, and 1811 Liverpool at

CHISHOLM H. AND CO. BLOOD STOCK SALESMEN & PEDIGREE EXPERTS. Stock of all description and [racehorses on our Books for Sale or Lease. Agents in all parts of the world. We are Branch Managers of the Yorkshire Insurance Co., and CAI effect Instil.- auce on all descriptions of Property ItIld Stock at Lowest Rates Sri! limit filly delay. Head Office ; 60 Castle-reagh at, Sy iney. 'I'eleplione, City 4328. Stables and Sale Ring, Mind- wick. Telephone, ItstidwIck 67. Cable address," Chisholms."

Clarke arid Solomon, 81 Mount et, N. Sy.1 Club!) George, .1.1'., 123 Weston rd, Itoz-

elle. Tel. W1057 Colon ifermati and Son, 174 George it Coleman A. 11. and Co., 317 George at Cooper G. A. Rawson place Country Prislucers Selling Co. Ltd.—M, F.

Hennessy, manager, I Bent it

COX J. FRANK AND CO. LIMITED, and (Alltris and Co"

Auctioseers, Financial and Property A gents, Lombard Chambers, 107 PITT ST. Tel. 1917 City. Train Teo minus, Boutil Beach. Tel. 483 Waverley ; and at Bondi June- thou, Tel. 33 \Yardley

Coy George E., 72 Alfred 6t, North Sydney Crammond C. II., Vickery's Chitinbers,176

l'itt at, and opp. Railway Station, Petersham. Tels. City 7000 and Petersham 86

Davis Sydney, 44 North Steyne, Mindy

Dean Valantme and Co. (Successors t6 S. It. Harris MI Co,) General Auctioneers awl Valuators. Salesroom, 210-2 2-201 Castlereagh at. Tel. 7802 City

DENT AND PERRY ( Established 1882), Auctioneers, PrOdllee Iler-chords and Commission Agents, 151 Sttssex at, Sydney. Telephone City 7319. Cable address, " Dent," P.O. Box 4 King st

Duff Hugh and Co.. 283 George at, and at Chatswood and Alosinsn

Earl II. AL, Gibbons at, Redfern Edwards James G. & Cu, 14 Moore at Ellis and Co., Thomas at Ethel' Plercy and Co., 163 l'itt st Farms Ltd., 36 Moore st Ferris A. II., Arg_t lost, Parnutiatta Fitzsimons W. J., 76 Pitt st Fleming James, 505 King st. Newto.,v11 Foley Brothers, Ltd., 355-357 Sussex at Forsyth It. T., J.P., Penshurst SO, Wirgby Fraser, Utiles mid Co., Ltd., City Mart

Buildings, Hamilton at Gegg John, South ter, Bankstown Gledhill W.. J.P., Emnore nl, Newtown Goldsbrough, Mort and Company, Limited,

Circular Quay, Pyrmont, and Darling Harbour

Goodin P. F., 146 Emnore rd, Einnore GRAY J. W. AND CO., Grain and

Farm Produce Merchants, Auctioneers and Commission Agents, 139 SUSS3X at, Sydney. Tel. 4617 City

GREEN J. E. AND CO., 28 Moore at. Telephone City 4150





A uctianeeri continued —Grills It. J., 147 Campbell at Hagarty slid Co., 338 Stamnore ril, Hain and &aright, Ltd., 12 Loftus at HALLORAN HENRY F. AND CO.,

Vickery's Buildings, 82 Pitt at. (See Advt. Alpha Section)

Hanks 1'. Horefall and Co., Lindfield, and at Pymble

Hardie and Gorman Proprietary, Ltd., 133 Pitt at, 3 Alfred at, Allison's Point, and Cowper et, NVaverley

Harnett 11„ jun., and Co.. ii) Hunter it

HEGERTY i. F. is CO. Auctioneers and Estate Agents. Out. door sales conducted. Valuations made. Rents collected. Prowtiee to Let and for Sale. Clients driven to Inspect. Sworn Valuators under R.P. Act. Adjoining Railway Station Rockdale. Tel. 40 Kogarah

HEIGH WAY & HIGGS, 24 Hercules st,Ashneld. Tel, U1317 ; Burwood rd, Durwood. Tel. U4190. And at Hurl. stone Park. Tel. U1962. (See Advt. Real Estate Agents Section)

Heutiry W. T., 125 Sussex at Henry Ivan, 67 Castlereagh at Hill, Clark and Co., .Ltd., head office, 2

O'Connell at Honeyfield and Co., Railway par, Kogli Horning H. W. and Co., Ltd., 131 Pitt at Inglis William and Son, 251a Pitt at and

George at, Camperdown Inglis William, 47 King at

JACO W. F. Auctioneer, Real Estate, Trustees and Investors' agent, Valuator and Estates Manager. Trustee for Rand. wick Estate, Flexman Estate, and Kerr-Whartou Trust, Macquarie at, Parramatta. 'Phones 1J8221, U8351. P.O. Box 11

Jenkins A. G., J.P., 361 Pitt at Jones J. T., J.P., 122 Redfern at, Redfern King Hobert, Burwood rd, Durwood Lang and Dawes, 4 Auburn rd, Auburn Law Sydney J., 89 Weston rd, Rozelle Laws IV. J., and Flowerdew, 379 Darling

st, Balmain Lawson Bros., Ltd., 52-51 William at

LAWSON JAMES R., 196 .198 Castle reagh at. Tel. City 7456. (See Ad vt page 1497)

Leahy and Co., 81 George at West Lennon and Co., 28 Castlereagh st Levy Henry, 135 Regent at Lister John P., 392 Pitt at

LITTLE W. A. General Auctioneer, Valuator, Arbi-trator and Commission Agent, 42 Castlereagh at, Sydney. Tel. City 4936. (See Advt. opposite name in Alphab. Sec.)

Lloyd 0. F. W., 182 Phillip at Lockwood and Co., Coronation st, Hornsby Macaulay A., 121 Batlitirstst McCoy and Co., 211 Marrickville rd, Mville MoINTYRE D. J. AND CO., Auction-

eel's and Estate Agents, Royal Cham-bers, No. 3 Castlereagh at, City. Established 1889. Tel. 1529 City

F18181101( W. NOBS Auctioneer,




11113T.A.331,1833CMIID 1880.

Victoria Chamber's, Victoria Arcade,

44 Castlereagh Street (First Floor).

Sworn Valuator under Real Property Act.

Member of Real Estate Auctioneers' and Agents' Association of New South


Insurance Broker.

Member of Institute of Public Accountants.

Estates Managed. Loans Negotiated.

Valuations Made. Insurances Effected.

Agent for• Victoria Arcade.

Telephone 8547 City.

hfackenzie, Son and Co., Ltd., 303 Military rd, Mosman

McMillan E. W. R. & Freeth, Rockdale (opposite Station). City office, 10 Castlereagh AL

Marshall anti Dempster, 112 Pitt at Martin H. W. Lytle at, Arncliffe hledealf and Co., 145 Redfern at, Redfern Middleton and Co., 166-170 George st west

MILLS J. Y., Auctioneer, Arbitrator, Valuator and Estate Agent, E. S. anti A. Bank Chambers, 725 King st. Tel,. City 1811.

Mitchell mid Cranston, 116 Abercrombie at Mitchell and Mitchell, 280 Pitt at Mobbs G. H., Ayyle at, Parramatta Blear° C.. Gentile et, Cronulla Mont tie Plete, 18 Elmore rd, Newtown Mood C. L. & Co. 1 Gilbert et, Manly Morton A. J., 3 Castlereagh st

MOSSMAN & ELLIS Auctioneers and Produce Salesman, Thomas at, near Central Railway Station, Haymarket. Tel. 7288 City. Sell all kinds of Farm and Dairy Produce. ( 70 years)

Murphy Hugh, Scott at, Liverpool Murray David, 18 Castlereagh it Myler and Cashman, 81 Elizabeth at and

Great North rd, Five Dock

NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND, MERCANTILE AGENCY CO" LIMITED, Auctioneers for Wool,. Produce, Grain, Stock and Station Properties, &c., Bridge and Loftus. ate, Sydney

Newell and May, Ltd., 267 Military rd, Neutral Bay

Newell W. J. and Co., 174 Sussex at North Shore Land Sale Roour, 15,

Hunter at Norton H. Y., Ilia Pitt st Palmer & Sons, King at. Rand wick Pearce E. P., George at, Parrarnatta Peck J. M. and Sons, 12-14 O'Connell at Pettit W. A., Bank Chambers, 268 King'

st, Newtown Phillipps A. J. and Co., 32 Belgrave at,.

Manly Phillips, Wheeler and Co., 7 Moore at Pike, Cowley anti Co., Good at, Granville Pitt, Son and Badgery, Ltd., 4 O'Counell

street Poultry Farmers' Co-operative Society.

Ltd., 34 City Markets Prescott Litnited, 365-375 Sussex at


Parratnatta, Produce Auctioneers Sale Days : Tuesdays and Fridays 'Phone U8540

Rawlinson and Co., 131 Church et, VI/tette.


Rickard Arthur and Co., Ltd., 818 Pitt at Riedle, Midge and Co., 109 Pitt at Robry, Hanson and Strong Ltd., 12 The

Corso, Manly Robinson Robert and Co., 145 Sussex st Rush Walter amid Co., 2 Queen at, W'ahroz Sautelle and Kelly, Military rd, Vaucluse

R. SHAW AND Co., • AUCTIONEERS & • Real Estate Agents,

Real Estate for Sale in all parts of the Commonwealth.

Challis House, Martin Place, Sydney, N.S.W. AUSTRALIA. Tele., City 7150 and Moimau Y2052

Sheppard, Harvey & Co., 379 Kent st and 137 Sussex at,

Shoppee P. J., J.P., 113 Elizabeth at Slack & Co., 184 Church at, Parramatta Smith R. E. and Co., 82 Pitt at Smithers H. J., J.P., Railway par, L'dembe

Smyth & Whitfield General Auctioneers amid Valuator,. 54 Park at, Sydney. 'Phone, City 7808. Auction Sales in the Rooms Ili-Weekly of Household Furniture and Effects. Pianofortes Pictures, Fine Arts, Jewellery, Plate, Mot tr Curs, General Merchandise, etc. Atte lion Sales in Private Residences a Speciality. Cash Advances made on Goods received for Unreserved Sale. Valmiatistis for Probate and Family Division and Inventories carefully prepared. Storage of Furniture and Household Effects undertaken at Lowest Rates.

Somerville J. A. and Co., 4 Hercules at, Astaield

Stanton and Son, Ltd., 129 Pitt at, and 3 Lackey st Summer 11111

Stanton R., J.P., 3 Lackey at, Summer Hill Stanway and Slack, Alfred at, Milson's Pt. Steele II., 228 Military rd, Mosman Stimson J. & Sons,47 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Stokes Philip B. az Go., 280 Elizabeth at Stream' Ernest II., Delmore rti, Wwick Strange F. R., 28 Market at

STRONGMAN AND WATKIN, Licensed Auctioneers amid Valuators for Probate, &c., Rents Collected and Remitted Monthly; Durwood rd, B rwood. Tel. U4200

Stutchbury and Co., 10 Barrack at Tate W. T. and Dive, 138 Glebe Point rd,

Glebe Tobin and Lyne, Argyle at, Parramatta Turner, Tate & Co., 2 Lackey st, Sum. H. Turner C..7. and Sons. City Markets Valantlem D. 11,200-204 Castlereagh st Waddy and Poulton, 109 Pitt st Walser Bro .., 8 Caltlereagh at Walker and Nixon, 65 Gibbons at, Meru Wall J. T. & Co., 80a Pitt. at Warrington K., 54 South par, Auburn Watkin and Waticht, 14 Moore at Watkins R. G. and Co. machinery auc-

tioneers, 107 Kent se Watkinson Bros., Bank chambers, Hay at Watson, Noble and Co., City Markets Weatherill George E., J.P., 1 Hercules st,

AslifieltLand 113 Pitt st, Sydney Weaver and Perry, Ltd. stock and station

agents, Castlereagh House, Hunter amid Ca s tlereagh its, Sydney. Branch aloes, Mnswellbrook and Tentertield

Webber Ambrose, Auburn rd, Auburn Wells George and Smith, 173 Sussex st Wilkinson and Lavender, Ltd., 1 Spring at Williams amid Son, 2 Harley rd, Manly

Wootlberry Ernest A, 70-72 Junction at, North Sydney

Woolnough H. P., Regent at, Kogarmili 'Lions Rube, 250a Pitt at

AUDITORS. Allard (11.13.), Way and Hardie, 12-14

O'Connell at Allard G. M., .LP., F.O.P.A., It Moore at Allen Hector and Son, 1(1 Spring at Barton A. E., Began and Co., Woodstock

Chambers, 88 Pitt at Barton Albert B, F.I.A.V., F.C.P.A.,

Woodstock Chambers, 88 Pitt st Bayley W. H., 4 Bridge st Bender F.. 114 Hunter at Began 11. Davis, A.I A.V., WoctIstock

Chambers. 88 Pitt at Boyden and Co., 25 O'Connell it BRAGG WALTER B., A.I.A.A.,

Incorporated Accountant tt: Auditor, Victoria Chambers, 83 Pitt st, Sydney. Telephone Oily 3798

BRIERLEY AND BRIERLEY, Incorporated Accountants, Auditors and Trade Assignees, Baking Home, next Central Railway Station, l'itt at

13rierley II. 0., F.I.A.V., F.F.I.A., F.C.P.A., Deicing House, next Central Railway Station

' Pitt at

Brierley H. Cecil, A.F.I.A., Daking House, next Centr..1 Railway station, Pitt st

Brierley Lionel U., F.F.I.A., Daking House, next Central Railway Station, Pitt at

BROOKS AND DEANE, Belmont Building, 15 Castlereagh at

Brooks Edwa qi E., F.I.A.A., 15 Castle- rough st

Brown ltichanl H., Si) Pitt at Bryant Alfred, 56 Pitt at Bull J. & Co., Bull's Members, 14 Moore at Clunpbell George S., 66 hlizabeth at. Carruthers, Ferrara and Co. (S. J.

Carruthers, J. P., F.C.P.A., John Fermin, F.O.P.A.), Public Ac- countants, Statiway House, 77 King at. 'I'd l , City 1468 and 1469

Carruthers S. J., P.O P.A., Stan. way House, 77 King at

CHRISTIE GEORGE AND COY (Geo. Christie, P.I.A. V., Allan Christie A.I.A.V.), Consulting Accountants and Auditors, Mutual Life Build- Inge, 14 Martin place. Tele-phone No., City 8786. Cable Address,

Consultant," Sydney. A.S.C. Code, 5th edition

Christie Gem, F.I,A.V., 14 Martin place Christie Allan, A.I.A.V.

' 14 Martin place

Clarke G. T. & Barry, 725 King st Clarke G. T., J. P., F.I.I.A., 140 Elizabeth et, Coates E. E., F.1.A.A. (L. S. Drummond

and Co.), Equitable building, 350 George st, S3oiney, and City Bank chambers, Hunter at, Newcastle

Cocker J. E., 925 Pitt at Colyer Walter T., 56 Margaret at Cork G. It. L, 82 Pitt st Cornell J. E. and Co., 24 Moore st Cullum William E., 77 Elizabeth st Cullen-Ward IL A. 113 Pitt at Callen-Ward Rex, 113 Pitt at Crane H. W., 107 Pitt at Cunningham H. L , A.C.P.A ,350 George at Dash Ralph B., BOW] and Pitt etc Davis Thomas Sheetly and Co., Austral-

asia chambers, Martin place

Deane Norman Y., F.I.A.A., 15 Castlereagh street

Dimond P. F. anti Co., 17 Castlereagh st Downes J. II., A.I.A.A , 360 George st DRUMMOND L. S. AND CO.

(E. E. Coates. F.I.A.A., 11. L. Cun-ningham, A.C.P.A., J. It. Downes, A.I.A.A.), Incorporated Accountants, Equitable Buildings, 350 George at., Sydney, and City Bank Chambers, Hunter at, Newcastle

Durham, King & Co., 12-14 O'Connell at Durham A. G. H., F.F.I.A„ F.C.I'.A.

12-14 O'Connell at Ferretti John, F.C.P.A., Stanway louse,

77 King it Fell David and Co., Equitable building,

George at Franekel, Spencer and Co. Royal Insur-

ance buildings, Pitt and Spring eta Fullwood Fred, F.S.A.A. (Eng.), F.O.P.A.,

public accountant, 11-12 Fors cham-bers, I Bond at

Frith '1'. B., 63 l'itt at George R. S., J.P., 21 Bond at HALBERG, PARSONS & AND-

ERSON, Public Accountants and Auditors, Equitable Building, 350 George at. Telephones City 9888 and

89 Harris 11. A., F.C.P.A., 79 Pitt st Harrison F. I. w ,I5 Bent at Helder 11. 1?„ F.1.A.A., 105 Pitt at Hemphill and Duesbury, 109 Pitt at Herber!' II. A., 89 l'itt st ilogg Samuel Nisbet. J.P., National

Mutual Chambers, Bond and Pitt sts HORLEY AND HORLEY. (Conrad

P. Holley, F. A.I.A., F.I.I.A.; Percy F. llorley, A .C,P.A.), Eldon Climunbers, 92 Pitt at. Telephone City 4930

Horley Conrad, F., Eldon Chambers, 92 Pitt at.

Henley Percy F., A.C.P.A., Eldon Chain. hers, 92 Pitt it

Hughes C., 24 Bond at Jackson F. W. P., 375 George at Jobson Alex., A.I.A., F.C.P.A., Ocean

House, 21 Moore at Johnson Milton F., F.O.P.A., Challis Ilouse,

Martin place Johnson Wilfrid E., F.C.P.A., Gibbs'

chambers, 7 Moore st Johnstone L. A., 14 Martin place KENT, BRIERLEY AND SULLY,

50 amid 100 The Strand, George at, Syd. Kerr William C., A.C.P.A., 725 King at King Ralph W., 811 Pitt at Leplastrier L., Dixson buildings, 64 Pitt et Little James, R. L., Sidey and Co.,

107 Pitt at Lord A. F. and Co., 369 George at AfacBride W. T., 728 King at Medic IL 0., 11 Moore at McKELL N. A L 0 OR N, J.P.,

F.1.A.A., Dixson buildings, 64 Pitt et. Tel. City 3297

MILES, SON AND CO. Public Accountants, Auditors, etc., Challis House, Martin place

Miller and Musgrave. 113 Pitt at, Sydney Moses D., F.().P.A., 58 Pitt at Moss (Leo), 88 I'itt at Orford Fred G., 111 Morgan st, Petersham PERRY & JOHNSON, Challis

House, Martin place Perry William II., J.P., F.C.P.A., Challis

House, Martin place




SYDNEY. — Telephones : City 4135 and 1136.

We «took any quantity of once" used WHEAT and CHAFF BAGS, or

any second-hand BAGS required.

Write us now. We are Money Savers Note Lb.' abort, address.

Silveri.on C. A., 02 Abercrombie at



SSS 1‘19.

Tel. 1,1959

I deal in SECOND-HAND JUTE, and specially


pack Bags for Wheat, Maize, Oats, Chaff, Potatoes, Onions, and all classes of Produce. Satisfaction guaranteed,.



Telephone—Auto M 1683. Cable Address—"FD3REX." Codes—ABC, 5th Edition ; Private.

WEETMAN CO., Ltd. Sack and General Jute Merchants,


Quotations given for near and forward delivery of all kinds of Now and Second-hand Sacks and Bags. • Large stocks always on hand. Write for Price Lists.


Starling John T., 270 Sussex at Steward G. E., 615a King at, St. Peters

• 1■1•0=1"

Lynch .7., 298 Sussex st Paul 0. 1?„ 58 . 60 Edith st, Leichhardt Rasmussen Jack, 803 Bridge rd, Glebe


Telephone City 22i2 Telegraph—Sacks Linatetl, Sydney Code—A.13.0. Mb Edition



.New and Secondhand Bags and Sacks 2117 Sussex at. Tel. City 0039

New Corn Sacks or Bran Bags Secondhand Sacks Specially Graded for iv heat, Chat% Potatoes, etc.


Auditors Continued— Price Eric, 98 Young st Priestley,Larcombe and Morris, 107 Pitt st, Raineford Boles IL, ELLA., Equitable

building, 350 George et Reid Robert D., Atlas Building,

8 Spring at Robertson (James), II. RuSsell Crane and

Co., Pitt and Spring at Robertson, Rudder and Co., 89 Pitt at RUSSELL AND RUSSELL (George

Gray Russell, M.A. (Can tab), F. 0. P. Russell), Incorporated Ac-oountants land Auditors, Atlas Building, 8 Spring st, Sydney. Tel. City 7627

Sands and Brown, 80 Pitt st Seandritt L. A., 4 Bridge at Sheedy E. P. M., Australasia chambers,

Martin place Simpson Janice A..S.A.A. (Eng.),

A.O.P.A.. Cludils House, Martin place Sivell Frederick, Ocean House, Moore et Sky F. M., 12 Loftus st Small William Beaumont, 81 Pitt st Smith Frederick J. and Johnson, Gibbs'

chambers, 7 Moore at Smith Frederick .1., F.C.P.A., 7 Moore at Smith S. T., 35 Rowe et Speirs J. McA., A.C.P.A.. 76 Pitt st Starkey and Starkey, 93 York et Stewart, Simpson & Co. Challis House,

Martin place Stewart John, Challis House, Martin place Swan Irwin and Bartle 67 Castlereagh st Tarleton William, F.C.P.A„ 107 Pitt St Taylor, Harris and Small, 79 . 81 Pitt at Taylor James, FX.P.A., 81 Pitt St Troup, Harwood, and CO, 77 King st Turner and Thompson, 338 Pitt at Vane IL Dunstan, 16 O'Connell st Vigars and Sky. 12 Loftus St Nets F. IL, 12 Loftus St Waine C. Scott, 79 Pitt et Wahnsley B. C., 81 Elizabeth st Ward R. A. Cullen, 113 Pitt at • Ward Rex Cullen, 113 Pitt at Wickham R. S. and Burton, 6 Castle.

magi) st Wilson. Rattray aud Daubs, 12-14 O'Com.

nell St Woodman Clive E., 16 Spring at Wools Horde T., Austra lasia chambers

Martin place Yarwood, Vane aid Co., 16 O'Connel at



See also Furniture Warehousemen. Grace Bros., 1 to 11 Broadway, Glebe

AKLEMAKERS. See Slacksmiths.

BABY LINEN WAREHOUSES. Arnold Edward and Co., 115 Oxford at,

corner Crown at Farmer and Company, Limited, Victoria

House, Pitt, Market and George sts Grace Bros., 1 to 11 Broadway, Glebe

HORDERN ANTHONY AND SONS, LTD., Sydney. (See head. lines throughout DI nEtrrOltY)

Way E. and Co., 213 .219 Pitt at

BACON CURERS. Barnes C. and Co., Ltd., 23 Liverpool St

FOGGITT JONES AND CO. LTD.—P. C. Hickling, Managing Director for N.S.W. Ham and Bacon Curers, Butter and Cheese Merchants. & Packers of Canned Pork Delicacies. 301a and 363 Sussex at, Sydney

Foley Bros., Ltd., 753 Sussex st Hutton J. 0. Proprietary, Ltd., James st

ant Church st, Canterbury

MAOREY J. Ss CO.. LTD., 2139-271 Sussex at, Sydney—Agents for the Celebrated " Pioneer" Bacon. Tele. phone City 6531

McLean John, 5 Hay at, Leichhardt North Coast Co-operative Co., Ltd., 379

Sussex st

BACTERIOLOGIST. Wallas T. I., " Wyoming," Macquarie at



CAMPERDOWN SACK AND BAD STORE James McNamara, Proprietor. Sup-pliers of all descriptions of New Jute Including Cornsacks, Bran Bags, Woolpacks. Ore Pockets, Hessian Cloth, Jute, Twine, &c., 8 George st, Camperdown. (See advt. above)

Colquhoun John, Sydney rd, Granville erupt!' G. G. and Son 9 O'Connor st Donaldson W. J., 181 Botany rd, Waterloo Freebairn Andrew, 72b King at

GADSDEN J. S. Corr, Mana2er. Hessian and Calico Bag and Sack Manufacturer, 26 Little Albion at, Surry Hills, Sydney. Tel. Pad. 285

GALPINE JOHN New and Secondhand Bag, Sack and Twine Merehant, 444 Sussex at. Telephone City 7226

Hales Freak. 0.. 251 Sussex et Hargreaves A. 408 SUMO( at Hill W. Ltd. 43-15 Dixon at Hirst John A„

Ltd., Point rd, Arncli ire

Hodgkinsou Samuel, 289 Sussex st

BAGS & SACKS Of all materials, for all purposes, are manufactured by

LIMITED, (LEATHER Travelling Bag Manu-facturers). Factory and Mice, Kippax and Lacey sts, City, near Central Railway Station. Td. Pad. 120. Salesroom, 127 York st, opposite Q.V. Markets. 'Phone City 120

Kitching C. E., '. 99 Georee at, Sydney Leighton J. W. awl Co., 09 King st Melnik and Itenkert, Ltd., 432-434 Kent st Weeks W. T., Farr am, Marrickville

BAKERS. Abel & Co., Ltd., 458.468 King st, Newtown Aerated Bread Co., Ltd. 189 Pitt at Allen Albert, Regent at, Kogarali Allen Ernest, Burwood rd, Belmore Athens Baking Co., Ltd., 78 Walker st,

lied I ern Banes 'I'. V. and Co , 128 King at, St. Pet. Balmain Cooperative Society, Ltd., off

21 Elliott at, 1311111min Bamford Frederick .T., 00 Cleveland st Barnes James,j P., 8211 eielerson rd, A'drirt Bauer Henry, Avoca et, Itandwick Biggenden Freak., 378 Military rd, Neut. B. Birch S.. Ltd., 120 Military rd, Neutral Bay Blair G. S., Bishop at, Burwood Blair George S., Burwood rd. Burwood Bonser Geo H., Sherwood rd, Merrylands

1 Booth 13. .1., 168-170 George at, Redfern Bowman Frank, 236 Oxford et, Murton Bowman P., 107 Church et, Parramatta

Beaten Adam, 441 Marriekville rçi, Dul. II Butler's Bakery, 123 Miller st, and 325-333

Lane Cove rd, North Sydney Buttsworth Noonan, Railway cies, B'croft

I Cambourn W. Arthur, Marlborough Bakery, 629.634 Crown at

Campbell & Co., 6 Elizabeth st, Paddington Carpenter Bros., 161 Albion at, An'dale Carrie George, 34 Rowley st, C'ilown Church Nicholas, 12 Tebbutt st, L'harilt Civil Service Co-operative Societe of New

South, Wales, Ltd., 152.156 Pitt st Colvin S., Forest rd, nrstviile Conlon Jolla, .1.1'. 25 Castle, eagh at, Irfern Conlon Stephen, J.P., 82 Harris at Cook James, 30 . 38 Victoria at, Paddington Corby J(11111, Ilalh et, Auburn' Corby John, John st, Liticombe Corkill Alfred, Park at, Campsie Iradaock F. d., Pegs Ferry rd Hornsby

Crellin Ilarrop S., 94 Park rd, Auburn Croft Alfred & Son, Bay et, Rockdale Curran .1. 13., Gordon rd, Gordon Dumb > Arthur, ill Lord at, Newtown Denison John, Balmy rd, Mascot Dibble Bros., 460 Elizabeth at Dibble Mrs. J. B., 66 . 68 Pitt et, Redfern Dibble Roland, 5o8 King st, Newtown Dibble William, 21 .23 Australia at, N'town Dingle John .1., 108 Oxford st, Paddington Dobinson A.13., Newcastle et, Rose Bay Docker Bros., Forest rd, Arnclille Downey John .t Son, Grose at, Parramatta Drury John, 9 Little Bourke at Dunleavy M., 92 Burlington st, N. Sydney Dyer Chad. s, Parkes at, !Lytle Bast F. 0., 230 Parramatta ril, Petersharn Elliott John U., 18 Elizabeth at west,

Croydon Emery 1111(1 Bradshaw, Sydenham rd and

627 Illawarra rd. Marriekville Ensbey C. It., 13 Gilmer at, Paddington Federal Baking Co., 45 Bedford at. N'town Ferguson and Bishop, S)dney at, Wirby Ferguson and Son, Colin at, North Sydney Fisher A. E., Victoria aye, Chatswood Freeman .7. V., Ill Alorellead at, Redfern Gamborne II. C., lielmore rd, Coogee Gambrill and McKay, Wigrum at, Finatta Gartrell 13., 351 and 461 Parratnatta rtl,

Leichlinnit Gartrell F., 237 Lane Cove rd, N. Sydney Gartrell P., 37 Maddisen at, Redfern Gartreil Francis, 33. 35 Bent at and 204

William at Gartrell IV. H., Gordon rd, Cliatswood Gibb George, Bridge at, Drummoyne Glasgow Bakery, William Robb, 612 Crown

at, *wry Hills Godfrey Henry and Son, Avoca et, Wwick tioldrick IL C. Gordon rd, Lintilield Goode G.. Bay at, Rockdale

RORDERN ANTHONY AND SONS, LTD., Sydney. (See head lines throughout DIREcTOitr.)

Lassetter F. and Co., Limited, 403-421 George St

Nettleton, Son & Co., 537-539 Kent St


Office and Factory, Cooper and Holt Streets,

Strawberry Hills. We Specialise In Oat, Potato & Corn

Sacks, Bran & Ore Bags, Printed Calico Bags, Meat Wraps, etc.

Correspondence invited. elephone-

City 0917 (3 lines) (See Advertisement In Alphabetical

' section on page 1460)



TURNBULL W. Jute Broker, Challis House, Martin place, Sydney. Telephones, City 2320 and 2321. Private 'Phone U1262

We' ker J. and Co., 422 Sussex st

• Weetman & Co. Ltd. (The Sydney Sack Exchange), 678 Harris at, Ultimo, Sydney. Tel. M1683. (See advt. above)


Australian Trunk and Bag Co., 44 earring,. ton at

Brush J(uhn, Propty, 371 George at Farroway j A., 270 Mitchell rd, A'dria



ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR STATION SUPPLIES. 1968 Bak TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Ban Rakers cont inned- Goodman Bros., 143 Ramsay rd. Granger Jas. & Son, 239 Church at, P'matta Gray and Co., 226 Victoria rd, Mueslile Harper William F., Cohen at, Manly Harrison R., Mills at, Carlton

• Harvey Allan, 100 Nelson at, Annandale Haselden Arthur, 56 Paddington at,

Paid ington Hawkins and Abberton, 447 Parramatta

rd, Leichltaint Hayes L., 14 St. Mary's at, Cam'down Hennessy J., 517 Parramatta rd, L'hardt Henninges Henry, 105 Wilson at, Newtown Hickey David, 30 Surrey at Hickey David, Alexandra at, Hunter's Hill Hull and Hilts ins, Marion at, B'town Hull Frederick H., Braneourt ave. 1S'town Hunter G. and Sons, 213 Darling at, B'nutin Hunter W. G„ 167 West at, North Sydney James Mrs. Annie, 050 Illawarra rd,

Marrickville Jarman James, 597 Darling at, Rozelle Jennings P. E., Lane Cove rd, Wahroonga Johnson F. W.. 40 Stamnore rd, Judge Arthur D., Second at, Kestle J. and Co., 270 Darling at, Balmain Kirkland Bakery, 56 Warren p1, Mvilie Kirkland T. It., Illawarra rd, Marrickville Krauss C. and A., Bridge at, D'inoyne Kubler John 0., 9 Cowper at, Waverley Kurtz Charles, 128 Park ova, Ashfleld Law W., 208-210 New Canterbury nl,

Petersham Leggett David, Parkes at, Hyde Leininger Wm., 23 Albemarle at, Ntown Lewis F. W., 8 Addison rd, Marrickville Liddell and Sainsbury, 5623Iarrickville rd,

Dulwich Hill London Bakery (The), 11 Wells st,An'dale Lovely 0. and Sons, 272 Pitt at Lysaught John, 336 Eliz dieth at McCall Bros., 5 King at, St. Peters McCall John, Forest nt, Hurstville McDonald and Co.,•Canterbury ni, 13'more Mack and Sons, Bridge at, Drummoyne McKay George and Son, Bristol rd,

Somerset bleKye A., 95 Pittwater rd, Manly McNeil John, Montgomery at, E. Kovarah Marlborough Bakery—W, A. Cambourn,

628 634 Crown at Marlow Mrs. J., 380 Botany rd, Botany May Edward, 16 Oxford square Meldrum R., Victoria aye, Chatswood IMeldrunt R. N., Greenwich rd, Greenwich Moloney Thomas, 283 Alfred at, N. Sydney Moran's, Ltd., George at, Camperdown Moran's, Ltd., Avoca st,Randwick Moss and Pearce, Canterbury rd, C'bury Murphy D., 62 Darling at, Balmain Murray T. F., Scott at Liverpool Multon William, J.P., Marsden at, P'matta N.S.W. Baking Co., Lbl. (Incorporating

William White), 73 Redfern at, Meru New South Wales Baking Co., Ltd. (The),

30 Wellington at, Waterloo N.S.W. Fresh Food and Ice Co., Ltd. (head

office), 25-33 Harbour at N.S.W. MARGARINE MANU-

FACTORY—J. Barnes, Proprietor, 2 Botany st, Waterloo. (See Advt., opposite pre(ace)

N.S.W. State Bakery, 96 Percival rd, Stanmore

Newnhaw John, Macquarie at, Liverpool Newton George, 77-79 Eastern a ye, Ken'ton Norman and Pigritn, Great North. rd,

Five Dock Ogston Mrs. Mary A., 115 Ramsay at,

Haberfleld Orr Robert and Sons, 03 Erskineville at,


PACKHAM JAMES, Forest rd, ilurstvillo. Telephone, 297 Kogarah

Patine R., Short at. Carlton Pattisson Chas., 753-755 Darling at, Rozelle Pegler Charles J., 43 harrow nl, Auburn Percival E S , Parmmatta rd, Concord Percival H. J., Good at, Granville Pitchers F. Baking Co. Ltd., 6) Evans at,

Rozelle, 77-79 Weston rd, 1107.0110 and 681.683 Balmain rd, Leichhardt

Pitcher 11.0. & Sons, Bolmore ri, B'wood Polden S. II., 687 King at, St. Peters Purves C. A., 03 St. John's rd, F. Lodge Purves J. W., 9 Corso, and Whistler at,

Manly Itaith J. I.. & C. B., 62 Glebe Pt. ni, Glebe Redmond James, 579 King at, St. Peters Reed & Skelton, 324 Military rd, Neut. Bay ftobb William, 612 Crown st, &wry Hills Rogers William, 25 Hercules at, Asiffield Rogers Wm., J.P., 76 Orpington at, Afield 110-s J. E, Young at, Annandale Rugless G., 60 Leichhanit at, Waverley Ryall's Ltd., 7 Denison at, Waverley, 159

Oxford at Waverley,. and Spring at, Wa series'

Stualvoss A., ileamish at, Campsie Saunders Alfred, jun , Parramatta nl,

Concord Saunders Alfrcd, Boulevard°, Strathtield Schneider Max, 0.5.11 rd, Vaucluse Scott John, 227 Botany rd, Botany Service Sand. J.,187 Liverpool rd, Ashfield Shadier A., William at, Manly Sigel John, 186 Layton at, Oamperdown Skellern George and Co., 341 Pitt at, R'fern Smith and Co., Coronation at, Hornsby Solomon G., 199 King at, Newtown South Sydney Bread Co., 184 Henderson

rd, Alexandria South J. S., Rocky Point rd, Koganth Standard Bretti Co., Hercules at, Dulwich

11111, and Paisley rd, Burwood Stanton E. W., John it, Lidcombe Stephens W., Rochester at, Hotnebush Stokes It , 45 Bedford at, Newtown Topper Manuel, 164 Devonshire at Towers H. A., Railway par, Kogansh Trompp S. W., Victoria a ye, Pensiturst Turnhanis Bakery, 12 Gladstone at, Vass C. & Sons, 16 Missenden rd, N'town Walmeley W. t.., 398 Parramatta rd,

Petersham Wayland J. F., 531 King at, Newtown White and Perryman. Mort's rd, Mortdalo White J. M., Gt. Northern rd, Gladesville White W., Erskineville nl, Newtown White Weeks (E. W. Holder, manager),

208 Enmore nl, Eitinore Why ley's Bakery, Percy ni, Auburn Williams F. 31., 109 New Canterbury rd,

Petersitam Wilson J., 72 Military rd, Moamar' 1Vrobel Joseph, 03-25 Derwent at, Glebe Wylie D., Pontos Ferry rd, Hornsby


LTD., Salt and General Merchants, 137 York at, Sydney

Dawson II. A., 50 Albert at, Erskineville Ebner Hans, Ltd., 208-210 Harris at,

MAUR! BROS. AND THOMSON, LTD. Importers & Manufacturers of Bakers' Machinery ; also Tinware, Brushware, Hops, Malt and all Sundries required by the Baking Trude, 123 to 131 Castlereagh at, Sydney. Telephones City 8685 to 8689

Slade C. H. and Co., 304 Kent at, Sydney

STUART (L. A. B.) WALKER & CO , Salt Merchants and General Butchers' Suppliers, 174 Clarence at, Sydney. Tel. City 8921 and 8922 ; also at A.A. Co.'s wharf, Newcastle. Tel. 809 Newcastle

Thrickeray J. T. and Co.. 343 Sussex at

WHEATLEY & JAMES, Importers of Bakers and Pastrycooks' Machinery Yeast, Food, anti General Requisites, Sussex House, Ma Sussex st, S)dney. Tel. City 1266

BAKING POWDER MANUFACTURERS. Champion A. A. and Sons, Cowper st, Par-

ratnatta Channon Unica, 72 Liverpool at City Milling Co.. 239 Sussex at Culinary Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 583a

George at

Freeman S. & Sons Ltd Manufacturers of BATHO'S BAK-ING POWDER, Freeman's Prize Pickles, Sauces, Vinegars, Peppers, &o. Offices and Factory : 350 to 362 Harris at, Ultimo. Tel. City 652

GRIFFITHS BROTHERS Proprietary, Limited, Tea and Coffee Merchants and Cocoa Manufacturers, sales room 534 George at, Sydney, offices and warehouse, corner Went-worth a ye, and Goulburn at; 26 to 30 Flinders at, and 66 Elizabeth at, Mel-bourne, 49 Rundle at, Adelaide. and 530 Queen at, Petrie's Bight, Brisbane. Tel. City 8342 (3 lines)

Leslie William, Ltd., 30 Market St

Sargents Baking Powder Sole Wholesale Manufacturers, Culinary

Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 583a George at, Sydney (opposite Mordent's). Tel. City 1953


MERCE, LIMITED (THE) — 0. M. 0. Shannon, General Manager ; Roderick A. Thomas, Acting Sec-retary ; Head Office, 387-373 George at; and Branches at 730 George at, Haymarket ; 457 EtIzabeth • at south ; Avoca at, RandwIck ; Cremorne Junction ; 322 Military rd, Mosman ; The Corso, Manly ; Lackey at, Summer 11111; Church at, Parramatta ; and Fairfield ; and Branches throughout the State of N.S.W. and Queensland, and at 2 King William at, E. C., London

Bank of Australasia—J, P. Doyle, J.P., manager. Head office, Martin place ; office of inspector, Martin place; Louis Grieve, chief inspector N.S.W. and Queensland. Branches, 6 .1 Pitt at 555 George at; Railway parade, Koga; rah ; Parramatta rd, Leichhardt - Marriekville rd, Marrickville Aus: Dullest and Kin g at north, Newtown- and Crystal at, Petersham




—J. Russell French, yea. manager ; W. E. Fraser, manager ; W. D. Roberts, assistant manager ; Head office, 341 George at, Sydney ; Branches; At corner George and Bathurst sts; 673 .675 George at ; Castlereagh by Liverp000l st, Haymarket ; Southern Branch, corner George and Regent ate; Royal Exchange, 7 Macquarie p1; 224 -230 Pitt at; Western Branch, corner of York and Market ate; 134 William at ; Annandale, 176 Parramatta rd, Petersham ; .4s1. field, 131 Liverpool rd ; amain, corner Darling and Beattie sts ; Bur. wood, corner Durwood rd anti Railway parade; Crow's NM, corner Willough-by rd and Falcon at; Dulwich Hill, New Canterbury rd ; brummoyne ; Eastwood Agency, Blaxland ri; Edgediffe, New South Head n1 Hornsby, Pe .t's Ferry rd ; Ken. Jill pion, Eastern avenue ; Manly, The Corso ; JIasnsan, Military and Belmont rile; Newtown, 268 King st Forth Sydney, corner Miller and Mount sta ; Parramatta, corner Church and George Is ; Rockdale, comer Rocky Point rd and Bay at; 110.18 Bay, New South Head rd Batelle, corner Weston rd and Pros-per at: kyle, corner Church and Glebe sts ; Surry Hills, 12i Cleveland at; Warerlev, corner Old South Head rd and Grosvenor at. (See Advt.)

Bank of New Zealand—S. II. Batchelor, manager, 339 George street

BANK OF NORTH QUEENS- LAND, L Offiee, Bris-bane ; Sydney Office, 263 George at. J. P. Canny, Manager. Tel. 4875 (3 lines).—(see Advt.)

CITY BANK OF SYDNEY — J. • Henderson, J.P., general manager;

J. S. Marks, JP. , 'finger ; Willism Clarke, inspector ; R. T. Moodie; accountant. Head Office, 166 Pitt at, Branches at George at, Haymarket, King and Sussex sts, 84 Oxford at, York at; Southern Branch, 336 Pitt. at ; Auburn rd, Auburn, Lidcombe, King st, Newtown, Burwood rd, Bur- wood, Regent at, Redfern, and Banks-tout.—(See Advt..) - •

COLONIAL BANK OF AUSTRAL-ASIA, Ltd.—J. A. G. Hadley (J.P. Queensland), manager, 105 Pitt at


Chief Office in Sydney, 273 George at. H. E. Weston, manager ; J. D. Aubrey, accountant. Branch Offices, city and suburbs. Branches in N.S. Wales : Gosford (receiving office at Woy Woy, Ourimbah), Hurstville, Mort. dale (receiving office of Hurstville), Katoomba (receiving offices at Black-heath. Lawson and Leans), New-castle (Hunter st), Rockdale (with receiving offices at Arncliffe, 'remora, Wagsta Wagga, West M yalong (with receiviug office at Wyalong), Wyong and Avencies throughout the Aust-

ralian States.

COMMERCIAL BANKING COM-PANY OF SYDNEY, LIMI-TED (THE)—H. II. Hassle, general manager ; A. J. Soutar, manager ; W R. Sayers, assistant manager. Head Office, 343 George at. Branches at Exchange, 58 Pitt at ; Eliza-beth st, near King at ; corner of Pitt and Bathurst ate ; 744 George at, Haymarket ; 7 George st west ; 173-77 Oxford at; 54 Botany rd, Alexandria; Mary at, Granville Ramsay ni, Haberffield ; Nlarrickville rd, Marrickville ; Military ni, Mos-man ; 291 King at north, Newtown corner of Oxford and Leicester ate, Paddington ; George at, Parrantatta MilItary rd, Neutral Bay ; Mount at, North Sydney ; Elizabeth and Redfern ate, Redfern ; Victoria are, Chatswood ; Parramatta rd, Leich-hanit ; Crow's Nest, Lane Cove rd, North Sydney; corner New Cauterbur rd and Livingstone rd, Petersham Railway par, Kogarall ; Bay it, Botany ; Bondi rd, Bondi ; and Beamish at, Catnpsie.—(See Advt.)

COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA—Pitt and Moore sts, Sydney. Denison S. K. Miller, Go-vernor ; James Kell, Deputy Governor. HEAD OFFICE, 8P111 03', M. B. Young, manager ; Branches at Ade-laide, Albury, Ballarat, Bendigo, Brisbane, Broadmeadows Depot A.I.F., Broken Hill, Bundaberg, Canberra, Dubbo, Enoggera Depot A.I.F., Fre-mantle, Geelong, Hobart, Kalgoorlie, Launceston, Lisinore, Liverpool DeyOt A.I.F., Matyborough, 31elhourne, Mitcham Depot A.I.F., Newcastle, Orange, Perth, Port Adelaide, Port Augusta, Port Pine, Rock hemp. ton, Taniwortit, Toowoomba, Towns-ville, Wagga Wagga, Tidworth (Salis-bury Plains), London. SAVINGS BANK BRANCHES at the above centres, and over 270) agencies and Rabaul (New Britain) receiving offices at Post Offices throughout the Australian Commonwealth and Papua. (See Advt. Banks aeetion)


. Hunter st.—(See Advt.) ENGLISH, SCOTTISH AND

AUSTRALIAN BANK, LTD. (THE)—N. F. Christoe. J.P., Manager In New South Wales ; A. J. Hooper, .1.P. Inspector of Sub-branches ; J. J. Caldwell, J.P., accountant ; Head Office, 365 George at, corner King at. Brauchesat 135 George st north ; 206 George at west ; 125 Harris at, Pyr-mont ; 333 Pitt at, corner Bathurst at; 227 William at, Darlinghttrat ; 291 Darling at, Liebman ; and Weston rd Ronne ; Military ni, corner Spit rd, Moan= ; Emote and Stanmore Eninore ; 339 Oxford at, Paddington Bondi Junction, Waverley ; Bridge at, Drununoyne ; New Canterbury rd, Dulwich Hill, and Boulevarde, Strath. fleld.—(See Advt.)

Government Savings Bank (Heal Office) —Robert .1. Warden, J.P. (president),. 11 Moore st

Government Savings Bank (Moore at Branch), 9 Moore at

Government Savings Bank of N.S.W., 11 Barrack it

LONDON BANK OF AUSTRALIA, Ltd.—John blillett (J.P. for N.S.W., Victoria, and Queensland), Manager K. J. Sutherland, .LP., Accountant. Head Office, Martin place, corner Pitt. at; branches at 52 Oxford at, 671 George at, Ilsymarket, and corner Market and Sussex streets. — (See-Advt )

NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTRAL-ASIA, LIMITED ( THE ) — R. S. Greven, Manager; M. T. Costello, Accountant, 60 Pitt st.—(See-Advt.)

, . THE..


WILLIAM SE WELL (J.P. for Queensland ' , manager,.


Reuter's Bank Ltd., 5 Moore st Royal Bank of Australia, Ltd.—Arthur

Paterson, J.P., manager ; J. P. Ounningimm,accoontant,Wynyard at

UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA, LIMITED—F. E. Bryant, Manager Albert Naish, Sub-manager ; W. H. Shimmon, Accountant ; P. Collie,. Inspector, corner Pitt and Hunter sts. Branches at 176 Castlereagh at, 609 George at (Haymarket), 377 George at, 21 Oxford at, 250 King at, Newtown and 231 Darling at, Balm:tin, (See Advt.)

Yokahanta Specie Bank Ltd.—T. Alzavva, agent, 117 Pitt at

BANNER PAINTERS. Legg J. J. and Co., 63 Clarence lane Lyons and Ilawen, 0 Loftus st

ALTHOUSE & GEIGER 117 Bathurst at (and rear of 584 George- at) Sydney, Balmer, Flag, Sign, Heral-dic, and Ornamental Painters, Glass Silverers, Gliders and Embossers, Painters, Gntiners, Paperhangers, and General House Decorators. Competent. men sent to the country. Telephone, City 8105

BARB WIRE MANUFACTURERS. Lyaaght Brothers and Co., Ltd. — R.

Champ, general manager, 39 Pitt at;. and at Steelman Point rd, Five Dock

BARK MERCHANTS. Winchoombe, Carson, Ltd., 46-52 Bridge



BARRISTERS. Abrahams L. S., 64 Elizabeth at Ackermann Val, 182 Phillip st Addison C. 0,, Phillip at Armstrong 14. F. M., 162 Phillip at Barton E. A., 182 Phillip at Ravin T. It., 167 Phillip at Beeby 0. S., 167 Phillip at Bethune F. J., 145 PililIp at lletts Selwyn F., 107 Phillip at Bignold Hugh IL, 61 Elizabeth at Blacket W., K.C., 1142 Phillip et Bonney R. S., 64 Elizabeth at Boyce P. S., 64 Elizitbeth at Breckenridge C. P., 61 Elizabeth at Brisetelsen E. M., LLD., Wentwortl

court, 64 Elizabeth at _Broomfield IL G., 174 Phillip at -Browne Hon. J. A, 31.L.C., 171.170

l'hilllp St Browning II. J., M.A., 119 Phillip at Campbell J. L., KC., 167 Phillip at Callaway A. P., K.O., 182 Phillip at Carlos Joseph, 64 Elizabeth at Chubb M. 0., 174 Phillip at Cockshott If. M., 163 Phillip at Colley F. L. V., 182-Phillip at Coghlan Dr. C. A , LL.D.. 61 Elizabeth at Cohen A. M., 174 " .iip st Cohen J. J., M.L.A.. 145 Phillip at Collins 0. M.. 174 Phillip at Cowan IL, 163 Pliillip at Coyle William T., 174 Phillip St Crawford T. S., 5f.L.A., 167 Phillip at Curiewis If. II., 182 Phillip at .Cintis W. J., 167 Phillip at Davidson Colin G. \V., 167 Phillip at Davies Banbury, 174 Phillip at Davies Wyndham J. E. 64 Elizabeth at Dawson A. F., 145 Phillip at Ddohery C., 64 Elizabeth at EE lwards D. S., 143 Phillip at Mdkvards If. G., 64 Elizabeth at Yerzuson J. A., 167 Phillip at Fitzgerald .1. D., 167 Phillip at Flannery George E., 182 Phillip at Foster T. 0..1., 174 Phillip st Gannon Hon. J. C., K.0 • M.L.C., 174

Phillip at /Garland Hon. John , K.C., M.L.C., 167

Phillip at Hall lion. D. R., 51.14 A„ Road,

Rose Bay Hammond .1. 11., 167 Phillip at Hardwick C. A., 64 Elizabeth at Harper A. M., 167 Phillip at Harriett 0 W., 61 Elizabeth at Hodgson It. V., 167 Phillip at Holdship A. It . 64 Elizsbeth at Holman Hon. W. A., 31.L.A., 15 Bayswnter

rd Hughes John, 167 Phillip at Dines R. H. L., 102 Phillip at James A G. F., M.L.A., 64 Elizabeth at Jaques IL V., 174 Phillip at Jordan F. R., 174 Phillip at Kelynack A. J., 182 Phillip at Hemp' it. E., Gordon at, Burwood Knox Adrian, K.C.,163 Phillip at Lamb S. Ernest, EQ., 163 Phillip at Leverrier Frank, E.C., 182 Phillip at Lingen J. T., 167 Phillip at Lloyd Allan S., 04 Elizabeth st Loxton E. J., K.C., 167 Phillip at .Macarthur E. J. Bnyly, 163 Phillip at Mricrallum M. L.

' 151 Phillip at

51cDonell A., 143 Phillip at Mack Sidney, 174 Phillip at 31cKean L. .1., 182 Phillip at Alacken J. V., 167 Phillip at McWilliani N. G., 64 Islizabeth at Mann W. J. G., 174 Phillip at lkismiing H. E., 174 Phillip st

LYLE M. • 126 Reservoir at and 5a Goodchap at,

Sydney. Wholesale and Retail Basket Maker. Warehouse and Stevedores' work a Speciality. Estimates given. 'Phone Paton 548

Mullens William, 41 Terry at, St. Peters Paokman H. 03. 181 Sussex st Paul mid Gray, Ltd., 45 Sussex at Reid J. & Sons, Dunblane at, O'down Weston Buckley, 493 ruminate rd,



ODLUM ARTHUR A. Inventor and Manufacturer of the 'Instants" Water Sc ded Tubular •Bath Hester. Successor to F. R. Robinson and Sons, Lt I.. after 42 years' service in connection with the above well known Bath Beater. Esti-mates for Installation Furnished on Shortest Notice. Fixing n Speciality. 97 Beattie at, Balmain. Tel. W 1455



Japanned Baths of all kinds. Factory and Cake, Kippax and Lacey sts, City (near Central Rail way Station.) Tel, 124 Pad. Salesroom, 127 York at, opp. Q.V. Markets. 'Phone City 120

BATHS. Abbotsford—Great North rd, Abbotsford Anderson's—Big, Bondi Bench Balmain C at, Balmain Balmnin Corporation, lassop at, Balmain Balmoral—liagInn at, Mosman Bolgratif John, 181) George at Bondi—The Reserve, BOIllli Bracey F. W., Billy at, Mortlake Brighton4e-Sands, 'Rockdale Bronte— W. II Bond, Nelson's Bay, Bronte Carr Mrs. Annie A., 129 Regent at Centennial-223 Church at, Parramatta Coogee—Beaeli st,Coogee Coos's River — iiverside cres, Merrick vine Corporation New—Domain Darnley Edward, Great North rd, A'ford Drummoyne—Bridge at, Drummoyne Farmer's, Itusheutters' Bay and Rose Bay Fisher William, Moore at, Drummoyne Government—Domain Hall It., 159 Elizabeth at Hampden-01mM' at, Lidcombe Hope William, 16 Campbell St Hunter's II 111—Woliwich ril, Hunter's 11111 Lavender Bay, North SYdlleY • Leichhardt Municipal, Mary at, L'Ilardt 31 it, ly—Esplanade east, Manly Innis' Hot Salt Water, Marine par, Manly

Manl y Ladies'--Esplanade west, Manly Matlock Hydro, T. & 0. Building, Eliza-

beth at Mortlake—Bennett at, Mertinke Mosinan Ladles' Baths, Spit ril, Mosman Mostnan Municipal, S,iit ril, MOSIllall Municipal Ladies'—Domain Municipal New Baths— Doinnha Pyrmont —Point at Randwick Municipal—Beach at, Coogee Rockdale—Brighton-le-Sands

Manning It. K., 64 Elizabeth at Sfarkell II. F., 64 Elizabeth at Martin 0, '1'., 174 Phillip at Mason J. N., Beaconsfield rd, Willoughby Mason W. H., 167 Phillip at Mauglinn D., 151 Phillip at Maxwell A. V., 167 Phillip at Meillon Jul.o 174 Phillip at Merewether Hugh 11. M, 163 Phillip at 3ierewether W. D. 31., 167 Phillip st Mitchell E. 51., 61 Elizabeth at Moolittit W. Hugh', 167 Phillip St Monaliati W. W., 143 Phillip at Moriarty James, 166 King at Miirray. Prior R. S., 149 Phillip at Newbery W., 174 Phillip at

"Nicholas 11.8., 161 Phillip at Noble E. M., 61 bash . t11 at O'Conor Hon. II. B., 51.L.0 ,61 Elizabeth at O'Reilly II. ds B., 61 Elizabeth at Owen Langer, KU., 161 Phillip at Parker W. A., 149 Phillip at Patrick IL A , 614 Elizabeth at Perry W. W., 162 Phillip at Pickburn J. P.. 174 Phillip at Pike (4. IL, 17 Phillip s. Niches Norman G., 64 Elizabeth St Pitt Arthur G. 31., 167 Phillip at Power T. P., 167 Phillip at Ralston A. G , 167 Phillip at Rovers 1'. liaise, 64 Elizabeth at Rutin Tom, K C., 167 P111111p at Rowland Norman Be H., 143 Phillip at Russell P. A. A., 182 Phillip at Sanders John M., UI Elizabeth at Shand A. It., ICC., 174 PhIllIp at Shannon H. R., 61 Elizabeth at Sheppard E. 11., 174 Phillip at Sheppard W. J., 61 Elizabeth at Sheridan J. P., 174 Phillip at Smith Hon. Bruce, E.G., 31.1'., 149

Phillip at Stephen E. Milner. 174 Phillip at Stephen 11. 51., 107 st Street R. W., 61 Elizabeth at Teece It. C., 64 Elizabeth at Thompson S. A., 145 Phillip at Toomson Alec, 167 Phillip at Tighe W.. 64 Elizabeth at Todd R. H., M.D., 163 Phillip at Waddell G. W., LLD ,61 Elizabeth at Wade Hon. 0. G., K.C.,M.L.A., 167 Phillip

at Watkins J. j., 174 Phillip at Watt A. R. .7., 64 Elizabeth at Weigall C. E., 167 Phillip at Wentworth W. C., 163 Phillip at Weston C. A., 151 Phillip at White Cecil A., 167 Phillip at Wickham E. W., 113 Phillip at Williams J. L., 237 Macquarie at Wilson David, 145 Phillipst Windeyer R., 182 Phillip at Young James, 174 Phillip at

BARROW AND LADDER MAKERS. &e Ladder, etc., Makers.

BASKET MAKERS. - Andorson•Gross Co., 2 to 11 Levey at, City Ashton A. J., 122 Gowrie at, Newtown Brasier E. G., 181 Oxford at Paddington Bryde Thomas G., 35! Harris at Deger Robert & Sons, 7 Ross at, For. Lodge Farman Frederick, 112 George at west Herrman Mrs. E., 39 Enflame rd, Newtown HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS,

LTD., Sydney. (See headlines throughout DIRECTORY)

Industrial Blind Institutlon—H. Hedger, manager, Boomerang at

Lea Thomas and Sons, 922 King at, Tempe Lyle John, So Goodell/4) at





Rose Bay Hyde Mimicipal—Waterview at, Sans Solid Shearer Mrs. It., Lawry parade, :kinsman Shipley's Pleating, Leichliardt Vaticluss Municip.11—Vancluse Watson's Bay Warr J. G., 243 Elizabeth at Woolwich—Woolwich Wylie's Surf Baths—Neptune at, Cooges

BEDDING MANUFACTURERS. Andrews 1 1 , A., 4 Raper at Beard E. W. mei Co., 49 Parratnatta rd,

Forest Lodge

Bruton and Wheeler Wholesale Bolding Ma nu fac t nrers. Specialists in all kinds of Bolding and Cushion Work. Best English Feathers and Down alwa y s on hand, 307 Sus-ex at. Sydney. Telephone City 38)1— IV. T. Brutop, Manager

Clark Marcus and Co., Ltd., Churell at, Newtown

Farmer rind Company, Limited, Victoria House, Pitt, Market, and George sts

Grace Bros., 1 to 11 Broadway, Glebe

HOME LIMITED Man AIM users and Importers of Tents, TarPrit1111174 , Horse Rug., Water Bag., Bedding and Wire Mattresses, 408 and 408 Kent st, Sydney. Tel. 2882

Hooker, Chapman and Co., 188 Sussex at HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS.

LTD., Sydney — (See headlines throughout DIRECTORY)

Industrial Blind Institution, Boomerang at

JONES DAVID, LTD. 349-359 corner George and Barrack Streets, opposite General Post Oftioe.

Joseph L., 52 Shepherd at. Redfern Lawler John mei Sons, Ltd., II O'Connor at Lawson Bros Ltd., 56-54 William at Lee Daniel & Son, liollingshol at, Mascot

NETTLETON, SON AND CO., Wholesale Furniture, Bedding, Flock and Wire Mattress Manufac-turers, Importers of Furniture, Kapok, etc. 537, 339 Kent at, Sydney. Tele. City 9852, 91153, 9651, NH

NEWLANDS BEDDING LTD., Bediling'Sliinufacturers, 252-276 Riley at, Scurry !tills (near Reservoir); Tele-phones 676, 677, and 678 Paddington. (See Advt. next page).

BEDSTEAD IMPORTERS. Briscoe and Co., Ltd.. 383-385 Kent at Grace Bros., Ito 11 Broadway, Glebe

HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS,. LTD., Sydney. — (See headlines throughout DIRECTORY)

JONES, DAVID, LTD. 349-359 corner George and Barrack Streets, opposite General Post Office. Telephone 6336 City (16 lines)

Lassetter and Co., Ltd., 403 to 421 Geo. at Lawler John and Sons, Ltd., '4 O'Connor


Telephone 6338 City (16 Ones) Lawson Bros. Ltd., 50 . 54 William at



Manufacturers of Counter Check Books, Account Books, and all Classes of Commercial

and Law Stationery.

Art Yetterpreii and, Yithofraphie Printer

Manufacturers of all Classes of Tins, Metallic Show Plates, Cartons for Dry

Goods, etc., etc.

do 374 George Street, Sydney. Factory : Druitt Street.


BATHS (ELECTRIC,. Job R., Bernard, 87 Phillip at

Electric Light Baths High Frequency Current

Baths. Electric Water Baths

Dry, Hot-Air Baths, An.

Mrs. M. Bennett, Masseusse Albert Schuch, Masseur 12 Oxford St., Sydney.

Telephone, 8 1 4 William

Smith Charles .1. and Miss M., 44 Eliza-betli at

Warr J. 0., 243 Elizabeth at --

OATHS (TURKISH). Booth John, 27 .29 Bligh at Hall It., 139 Elizabeth at

JOHN SANDS Ltd. Office Telephones:

1756 (3 lines). Factory Tele. :

9767, 9768, 9769. Systems: 1757.




The "EGYPT" Zin. Pillars. Latest pattern bedsteads with heavily mounted foot

pillars and two hand-painted porcelain centres.

Note Address and inspect our Showroom. Economic Packing. Trade only supplied.

GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS. Ask for our "LISTER" Hospital Catalogue. 'Phones Nos. 676, 677, 678 Paddington.

ctifia** E f• **A

Newland; Bros., Ltd. EMPIRE WORKS,

Riley St., SURRY HILLS (Near Reaervoir),

SYDNEY,- N.S.W. (Only eight minutes' walk from Railway Station).


for Household, Hospital, and Institution Requirements.

Makers of the famous "LISTER" Hospital Bedsteads and the celebrated "STA13ILIS" Back Wire Mattress. We are also makers of the "LIFETIME" Mattress, fitted

with the patent Sagless Springs.


McEvoy at, Alexandria. 'Phone, Redfern 313. "Acme" Registered Trade Mark

Anrrican Wall Bed Co., 380 George st Forster S. &Sons, corner of Mary Ann and

ltiino rd, Ultimo Holmes and Sons, flaking House, Rawson


HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS, LTD., Sy dney — (See headlines throughout DittEarollY)

N EW LANDS BROS., LTD. METALLIC BEDSTEAD and Wire Mattress Manufacturers, "EMPIRE" Bedstead Works, 262-276 Riley at, Sorry Hills (neat Reservoir), Sydney. 'Phones 676, 677 and 678 Paddington. (See Advt. above).

Pease S. N., Belmont et, Alexandria

BEE FARMERS. Abram W.110 Son, Melton rd, Beecroft

BEER ENGINE MANUFACTURERS. Greed J. A., J.P., 383 Elizabeth st Lassetter F. and Co., Limited, 903 to 921

Geo' ge at Watson and Crane, Ltd., 373-375 Pitt at

BELLOWS MAKERS. City Bellows Co. (A. Bennett,thanager)—

37 Regent st, Newtown Herron E., 72 Bathurst at Lassetter F. and Co., Limited, 403 to 421

George at ZOLLNER LTD., 28 to 36 Druitt at.

Telephone, 79 City

BERLIN WOOL DEPOTS, See also Fancy Repositories.

HORDERN ANTHONY tit SONS, LTD., Sydney — (See headlines throughout DIRECTORY)

Grace Bros.,' 1 to 11 Broadway, Glebe —



Black David, 274 Cleveland at Bourne H. J., 190 Weston rd, Rozello Bowles It. II., 515 George at Brewer Harold, 184 New Canterbury rd,

Petersham Brown Alphonse, 246 Pitt at Carter E. E., 87 Oxford at, Waverley Carter Joseph, 38 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Coombes. A. II , 586 Parratnatta rtl Voltam Edworthy Edward, 576 Patrramatta rd,

Petersham Henderson T. W., Ltd., 40-42 Park st Hubbard S. G., 94 George at west Lnrke W. and F., Ltd., 52.54 Bay at Lawrence Smith and Co., 58 Market at. Luker Leslie, 30 Belgrave at, Manly Milledge Bros., 146 Castlereagh at Moss Moses and Co., Wynyard lane Palmer William P., 460 Cleveland at Sheppard Wallace, Broad rd, StILR'wlek Turner Bros., 303 George at Williams Bros., 213 Elizabeth at Wilson James B., 114 George at west

BICYCLE MANUFACTURERS, Ackland and Platt, 222a Castlereagh at Bennett & Barkell, Ltd., 124-132 Castle-

reagh at BENNETT &WOOD LTD., Bicycle

anti Motor Merchants and Manufac-turers. " SPEEDWELL " Cycle Factory, corner of Bathurst anti Pitt ate, Sydney. Tel. City 6175

Bonnie II. J., 120 Weston rd, Rozelle Bowles II. 11., Burwood rd, Durwood Bowles Richard, Delmore rd., Randwick

Bevel•edge Card Glider, Ticket and Sign Writer, 96, 47 and 4fs Royal Arcade, opp. Queen Victoria Markets. Tel. City 4469. (Est. 1892)

BICYCLE IMPORTERS. See also Ironmongers and Sports Depots.

Ackland and Platt, 222a Castlereagh at Bennett & Barkell, Ltd., 124-132 Castle-

reagh at Bennett and Wood, Ltd., bicycle and

motor merchants, and manufacturers. "Speedwell" cycle works, corner of Bathurst and PJtt eta, Sydney. Tel. City 6176




Brewer Harold, 184 New Canterbury rd, PetersIIIIII1

'Carter E. C., 449 Oxford at, PatPton .0avey George, 118 Smith st, Stumner Hill Clapshaw Hadley, 199 Liverpool rd, A'field •Clarke Joseph, 38 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Davis Charles, Canterbury rd, C'bury Delandro F., 374 Lane Cove nl, N. Sydney ,Edworthy John, 87 Weston ni, Rozelle Elliott J. D., 62 Oxford at, Paddington ..Empson J. W., 126 Falcon at, North Syd. Foy A. J., 283 Military rd, Mostnan

•Goodhew S., Reenlist' at, Campsie •Goodyear Syd., Forest iii, Hurstville Gardon Harry, 138 Regent st, Redfern

•Griftitlis L. W., Rocky Pt. rd, Rockdale Harvey Major

' 49 Queen at, Auburn

(Henderson T. W., Ltd., 40-42 Park at Hillsdon Bros., 74 Auburn rd, Auburn Jude Ralph, Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Lawrence Smith and Co., 58 Market at Lawson Chat les, 10 Beattie at, Balmain Luker Les, 30 Belgrave et, Manly Lyon A. J., 3558 Oxford at, Woollahra Marrickville Motor and Cycle Works,

Mardekville ni, Marrickville Mobbs W., 19 Marlborough at, D'Inoyne Morris D. D., Beatnish st,Oampsie Palmer L. V., 4 I George st west Paris Clots., Loftus st, Dulwich Hill Mice Edward, an King at, Erskineville Russell and Saul, 238 Liverpool ml, Sheppard Wallace, Broad rd, S. Randvvick

.SLOANE B.. E., (Newtown Cycle Works), Cycle Builder and Repairer also District Agent for Bennett and Wo d, Ltd., Famous " Speedwell" Cycle. 123 King st, Newtown. Tel. L 1508.

Stapleton W., 30 Henderson ml, Alexandria Stevens W. B., 110 King at, Newtown Sully George. 149 Parraunitan rd, Airedale Surrey Cycle and Motor Co., 364 Parra-

matte rd, Petersham Tettsdel II, P., Sydney rd, Grenville Traders' Pram and Cycle Repairers, 812a

George st Watson George IL, South et, Granville Webb A., Victoria a ye, Chatswood Western Suburbs Bicycle Agency, 120

Western rd., Rozelle Vigginton Thomas, 803 King at, Tempe Wilson J. B., 114 George at west 'Wilson John P.

' 182 George at west

Wilson T. 11,453 Oxford at, Paddington

BILL POSTERS. Leabeater A. W., Phillip et, Parramatta Marcus, 36 Oxford at Rolis, 47 Wentworth ave


ileddy William, 52 Clarence at

BEIRON AND SMITH, Ld., 214-211i Castlereagh st. Tel. City 4697 and 7870

Todd Edmund J., Ltd., 377 Kent at

BILLIARD BALL MANUFACTURERS. Beddy William, 52 Clarence at HEIRON AND SMITH LB., 214-216

Castlereagh at. Tel .!. City 4697 and 7870

Todd Edmund J., Ltd., 377 Kent at


&slily William, 52 Clarence it

HEIRON AND SMITH, Ld., 214- 216 Castlereagh at. Tels. City 9697 and 7870 's

Moran Robert, 172 Catqlereagli it Todd Edmund J., Ltd., 377 Kent st

BILLIARD SALOONS. A bototney W., 865 George et Anderson \V. II., 5 Charlotte at, Ashfield Andreoll Joseph, 09 Castlereagh at Batt Henry J., Reenlist' at, Canipsie Baxter Arthur, 23a Falcon at., N. Sydney Bessell J. .1., 5855 King at Newtown Billiards, Ltd., 630-634 George at Booth W. I'., Reenlist' at, Campsie Boulton G., 29 Elizabeth at Bowers! Horace, George at, Camperdown lloyle T1101111,18, 369 Parra matta nI,L'hartit Brennan Thomas, 218 King • t, 'Amite Brett A. A., Derby at, Koga all Bryant J., Bridge st, Drummoyno Bullivant M., 390 Parramatta rd, 1"sliam Burton Francis J., 294 Darling st, Balmnin Chute T. G., Mary at, Newtown Cleary J. A.

' 178a Oxford at, Woollahra

Cobb If. G., Regent at, Kogarall Conlon Albert, 81 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Cunnane M., 236 Liverpool rd, Ashfield Dant Ade, 92 Ramsay ml, Ilaberflehl Darrell Louis, 89 Queen Victoria Markets Day II. C., 80 Edwin at, Croydon Derrett II. .1., Lyne st, Arneliffe Donnelly Thomas J., 193 Marrickville rd,

.Marrickville Dunn E. W., Bunnerang rd, Kensington Eginton W. 0.„ 459 New Canterbury rd,

Dulwich Hill Empire Billiard Theatre Ltd., 241 Pitt at Fry Wm., 195 Marrickville rd, Getout T., 15 Corso, Manly Garlick I. J., Great North rd, Five Dock Gibson and Wombey, 418 George at Gibson IL, Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Grey George, 89(1 Regent at, Redfern Hardy Itobart H., 126 Q.V. Markets Hassett Patrick, South at, Granville Ilayek G., 480 Elizabeth at Hegerty J. P., junr., Railway st, Rockdale Hotel .4 reevlia, Imperial Arcade 170 Pitt at Howard William J., 370 Oxford at, W'ahra Irving John II., 2994 King at, Newtown James Edward, 75 Oxford at, Waverley Janaway Edwin, 5 Pitt at Johnston A., 72 Corso, Manly Kelsall Hector, 144 Brougham at Kent H., 134 Military rd, Neutral Bay Keogh J., 321 King at, Newtown Laport Albert, 380 Oxford at, Woollahra Larcombe R. S., Bridge at, LhIcombe Leffler Ambrose A. 254a George at Lund Harry, 2 Lackey at, Summer Hill McFadzeati M. S., 24 Spit rd, Mosman McKay Thomas, St. Paul's st, Itandwick McRitchie David, Woodville at, Hurstville Mallick T., 50 North Steyne, Manly Margelson George, 192 Parrarnatta rd,

Petersham Mellick J. L., 18 Elizabeth at, Redfern Minehan James, 151 Miller at, N. Sydney Murray 0. H., 348 George at National Billiard Theatre, 369 Darling at,

Balmain Neale and Tiernan, Arden at, N'th Coogee Nicholls Charles, 60 Oxford at • 013yrne T. W.. Belmore at, Burwood O'Keefe R., 45 Mount at, North Sydney O'Neill James, 159 Entnore rd, Enmore

Pa'iner and Levy, 15 oxford at Parker Walter, Illaxlatol's rd, Eastwood Paul Leo, Short at, Carlton Pickering S., Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby Pope William, 334 Oxford at, Woollahra Pike William. sear ,3l6 King at, St. Pet. l'tyke Frank, Durwood ral, Burwood Itashley H. C., Ebley at, Waverley Richards D., George at. Newtowe. Sala E. J., 661 Darling at, Rozelle Salter .1., 305 Lane Cove rd, North Sydney Scott IV. W. C., The Strand Sharp John, 21 Valentine at Smith Dave, 323 Military rd, Mosman Smith J., 134 Westan rd, Itozelle Solomon W., Tennyson rd, Mortlake Steiltenson A., 103 Regent at, Redfern Stoneham Thomas, 658 Crown at Thomson A. W., 37 Darlingliurst Usher G. T., Botany rd, Mascot Weiss Fred, 169 George st West Whitton 0., Rocky Point ml, Rockdale Wills Claude, 152 Military rd. 3lostimn Wood A., Victoria ave, Chatswood Wood Alfred, 280 Alfred at, North Syd. Zervos J., 37 Park st

BILLIARD TABLE MANUFACTURERS. noddy William, 52 Clarence at HEIRON AND SMITH Ld.., 214-

216 Castlereagh at. Tels. City 4697 and 7870

MORAN ROBERT, Billiard Table, Cue and Ball Manufacturers, 172 Castlereagh at, Sydney. Tel. City 3203

Thomson and Co., Darlinghurst rd Todd E Inland J., Ltd., 377 Kent st

BIRD DEALERS. Butcher William, 61 Q.V. Markets and

South Randwick Raines It., 72 Glebe Point rd. Glebe Harding Henry, 126 George at Kennard E., 50 Q. V. Markets Macpherson IL, 249 George at Monaghan Thomas, 82 Campbell at Price C. IL, 2a Norton at, Leiolthardt Puxley Walter, 37 Q.V., Markets

BISCUIT MANUFACTURERS. Arnett William, Ltd. Head Office and

Factory, Homebush. Sydney Dis-tributing Depot, Thomas at—i. M. Arnett, Manager. Telephones -City 9251, 9252 and 9253

Aulsebrook and Sons, Ltd., Lyons rd, Camperdown

Ilackshall's Ltd., 01(1 Botany rd, Mascot Hardman Bros., Ld., 4 Sarah at, Newtown Pliamix Biscuit Co. Proprietary Ltd., 232-

214 Cleveland at Swallow and Ariell, Ltd.—James Bell and

Co., agents, 109 Pitt st Thorpe's Limited, Dog Biscuit Manu-

facturers, 315 Sussex at, and P'matta


Burns and Little Hay 5tH. Telephone City 316

. BLACK IRONWORKERS. ZOLLNER LTD., 28 to .15 Druitt at.

Telephone 79 City



ILACKLEAD MANUFACTURERS. Reekitts (Over Sea) Limited (London and

Hull)-11111 and Bourke sts, Redfern

BLACKING MANUFACTURERS. Australian Stain & Blacking Co., Bourke

st, Waterloo


(E. B. Rowe, Managing Director ; II. Bowe, Secretary),

Manufacturers of "COBRA' Boot Polishes, &c, Factory and Registered Office : Solar Works, Lachlan Street, Waterloo, Sydney. Telephone No, 221 Redfern. (See Advt. opp, Boot and Shoe Polish Manufacturers)

Cumming James and Sons, Parramatt a rd, Auburn

Freeman S & Sons, Ltd., 310-352 Harris et ' Lewis and Whitty, 101-168 Sussex et


BLACKSMITHS. Agnew Robert, Phillip St. Parramatta Ambler Hobert. Rocky Pt. rd, Arnelitle Anderson Freills, Canterbury rd, P'bowl Anderson H., 6 Bridge ni, Globe Andersen Win. J., 108 Palmer st, 13'main Ashton Henry, off 87 Wyndham et, Ardria Aston Arthur, 1 Crystal st, Petersham Avery and Dempsey, Hanks st, Waterloo Baird John. 157 Nelson St Annandale Dalian Arthur K. 50 Bourke et Bancroft T. J., 112 King st, St. Peters Barrett & Co., 2a Kettle st, Redfern Barry J., 4 Ultimo III Bastard Edwin. 174490 Devonshire at Bastard IL, 12 Shepherd st Becker Julius, Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Begg and Greig Ltd., 22 Erskine St Bell E. J., Mansfield st, Rozelle Billiton P., 74 Erskineville nl, Erskineville Bowden J., Bunnerong rd, Kensington 13ramston Richard, Omnibus lane Brown Charles, 118 Womerah a ye . Brown Henry, Maddox st, Alexandria Brown P. II., off 241 Castlereagh it Burke Mend Son, 433 Church et, P•matta Cannin g' W. J., Penshnrst at, Willoughby Chick W.11 , High st, Epping Chick Walter H., Blexhind's rd, Eastwood Clarke S., 321 Stainnore rd, Petersham Cleave Robert, 17 Catherine st, Leichhardt Coleman Albert, 25 Portman St. Waterloo Collins E. and H., Parramatta rd, Burwood Coate Jos., Argyle St. Parramatta Craig James, 2 Shelley et Craig James, 21 Edward st, Balmain Crandon Oliver, 1n5-107 King at, Newtown Crowyn Colin, 45 Merton st, Rozelle Dailey Andrew J., 205 Campbell st Davies J., The Old Kent ni, Bankstown Deane Joseph J., Hatton st, Hyde Hewett Bros., Pennant Hills rd, Pen. Hills Dixon Charles A , 220 orton at, L'honit Douglas John and Sons, 121 Oxford st,

Waverley Downie Andrew, Eunnerong nl. Kens•ton Dunn Bros., Banerong rd, Kensington Elliott John, Bridge st, Drommoyne Erskine Lemuel IL, 19 Cary st, D'movne Feld berg Charles, High st, Liverpool Fehrenbach C., 188 Liverpool rd, Ashtield Ferguson W. J., eanterbury rd, Belmoro Foord Stephen, Cabterbury rd, Canterbury Foord Thos., Liverpool rd, Durwood


Forsyth Bros., Pennant st, Barrainatta Forsyth 1'. W., Gordon rd, Lheltieitl Fraser and Co.. Adolphus st, Balinain Fry Peter anti Sons, illawarra rd, viii Gillen J. and Sons, Rawson at, Epping Gold A. M., Gordon ml, (lore Hill Goodwin It. A. and Siam, Rocky Point rd

Rockdale Hancock It., Forest rd. Ilerst y ille Harwood George, Canterbury rd, O'hury Ilawksley IL, 76 Church st Parramatta Hazen Bros.. 8 Eveleigh at, Redfern Henry 11 , Chapel rd, Liankstown Hill Simemi, 39 Vine at, Redfern Ilohnes G. A.. Lane Cove rd, Turramurra Ilolohan John, Rooky Point ii, Kogarah !lope J. and Sons, Slerrylands rd, Miami Iler 0. J., Parrionatta rd, Honnibush Jr rulings Stephen J.. St Anne's st, [(yule Johns di l'., Cook at Arnett ffe Joyner and Sons, 491-496 Ulenmore rd

Paddington Jurd anti McDonald, 33 Lane Cove rd

North Sydney Keliblewhite E., West par, Eastwood Kirk D.. Bunion Park ril, Alexandria Knight Edward, 98 Curtis rd, balniain Knight William G., J.P„ 14 Rowntree st,

Balinain Langley A., Borwood ni, Belmore Leigh Edward, 13 Albert st, St. Peters Lewis Thomas, 22 Cove et, Balmain Lever Frank, Marian at, Auburn Lincoln & Suns, 522 Illawarra ml, Logan Thomas, 77 Abattoirs rd, Rozelle LOTHIAN AND SKINNER, General

Blacksmiths, S James st, Leichhardt. Tel. 757 Petersham

Scully John, 5 Eustace st, Manly Sherwood E, .1,, You est DI. linrstaille Short W., hirer rtl, East Hills

e Simmons %Vinton', 30 Brisbane at Sloan T., Earl at, Mosman Smith A., 6 Beattie st, Balmain

,. Smith James. Sydney '41, Granville 'Stokes Ernest, Ityde iti, Hunter's 11111 Symons Frederick, Parramatta rd, B'woodt Thompson F., Gordon ml, Gordon Thompson F. W., 6 Little Mount at Thomson A ntirew & Sort, Ltd , McEvoy.

st, Alexandria Trevitt (;eorge, Delmore et, Rya Walker and Hunt, 31 LfIlle Cove rd, Nth.

Sydney Walker IL, 111 Angtietns st, Lelehhardt Wallace anti Egan, 57 I:ing st, St. Peters Warnecke John Ermington rtl, Emlon \S'assall E. and F., Isintore st, Dill. 11111 Watt George, 3 Vine st, Darlington Williams H. S., 368 Botany ml, Botatly Williamson W., 26 Wellington st, Rozelle Wilson John, George nit, Camperdown Young James, Oxford st, Burwool

BLOCK AND TACKLE MAKERS. See alto Masts, ,Cc., Makers.

iluckland Bros., 301 Kent it Buzacott end (Jo. Ltd., 7 and 9 Market st Paul and Gray Ltd., 82-84 Sussex st

BLUE MANUFACTURERS, Freeman S. A: Sons, Ltd., 350 Harris st Lewis and Whitty, 156 Sussex St Reckitte (Over Sea) Limited, London anti

Hull, Hill and Bourke ste, Redfern McCarthy Frederick, 7 Pine st, Rozelle Macdonald Devitt, Rhodeit's lane MacDonald James, Old Canterbury ni,

Som. Bill McDonnell T. G., Peat's Ferry rd, Walton' McHugh C., Liverpool rd, Bankstown McNamara T. J., 110 Weston rd, Rozelle MoWilliain W., Botany rd, Mascot Mainsvaring Bros. LG1., 3 .5 Merket St Staugan Thos., 23 Nelson st, Annandale 51angan Thomas, 2 Susan st, Annandale Marshall \V. G. & SOfi, Beandsh rtl, C'paie Mason J., Gordon ml, Ku turn Slilne Bros., 154-156 Sussex et Snuffle Harry, 37 Mullet's at, Balmain Mitchell Bros., 18 Spring st, Balinain Slitchell Bros., Bishop st, Harwood Moore Isaac, Auburn Park rd, Ick'town Morgan Bros., 37 Gonlburn Morrison Malcolm, Murray st Muir John, 40 Holden at. Ashileld Mures Luke, Powell et, Waterloo Murray John, Great Northern id, Gi'ville Nicholson and Fox, Avoca st, Itaildwick Nicholson J., Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Nielsen N. P. and Co., 491 Kent Ft Norman R. L. end Co., 20 Erskine at Olive W., Lane Cove ml, Pyinble Olsen G. D., Pan inmate id, Flemington O'Mara Jo. mu, Parrainatte rd, Concord Overall MeOray Ltd., Buchanan st, Rozelle Parnell Geo. & Son, Leichherdt st, \Var.,/ Pearce 0., Gordon rd. Clintswood. Pemberton William, 196 James St. L'hardt Petteford H. W., 24 Whistler at, Manly Pitman William, Hall it, Bondi Plumb W. II., Kendall st, Woollahra Polite Edward J., 397 Wattle at Prowse Robert C., Park rti, Kogarali tayner James, 2n1 Crown st togers W.nial Son, 472 Oxford st. Padlon by Duncan and Son. Itoekv Pt. ni.101ale Bissell T. and Son, Binitierung ml, Ken'ton

Scrutton R. L. and Co., Limited, Mary Alm st, Ultimo

BOARDINGHOUSES. Alison Miss B. L., 28-30 Bayswater rd AllenSins. A L., 143 Forbes et Allier' e Hotels Ltd., 117.191 Castle.

reagli at and 33 Park st Almond Mrs., 74-711 Bayswater rd Alvarez Mrs. Bayswater rel Alvarez Mrs. 1'. 4648 Darlinghurst rd Arnold Miss L.;137 Macquarie at " Astor '' (The), (123 Macquarie it Bailey Mrs. W..54 Carrington at Barlow Mrs. Elizabeth, 16 Itockwall cres. Bates Mrs. A. T., Milson ml, Cremorne Beatty Miss E., 3 York st Bedwell Miss C. C., 66 West Esplanade:

Manly Dealing Mrs. C., 32-34 Bayswater rd Benjamin Mrs. R. A., 59 . 63 Maeleay nit Bilton s. J.. 191 Victoria at - Boeck Mrs. Slade. 17 Bayswater rd Bond MI s. Si. A., 90 City rut Booth Mrs. E., 27 York at Boultoit Mrs. S.. 131-183 Macquarie st. Boulton W. G., 29-31 York at Bowden H s. Evelyn, 23 Orwell nit Bowman Mrs. Id

' . Buyswater rd

Brown Mrs. C .5 York at Brown Mrs. H. A., 43-44 Darlingliurst ri11 Brunton David, 17 Woolcott St Borg Mrs.BrIdget, 311 Cleveland st, R'fertz Burns Sirs. Agnes, 189 Victoria St Bushell Miss M., 81 Victoria st Campbell Miss L. (1., 38 Darlinghurst rd Dalton (Thu )-29 Victoria par., Manly Carroll Mrs. Elizabeth, 70 City rd Cate Miss E.

' 6 Barneleuth sq.

Chalk Mrs. M. H., 61 . 63 Darlingliurst rd Chapman C. W., Mann's eve, Neutral Bay Ciiippendall Edward, 41 Regent at, 1"ton. Christie Mrs. SI., 92 Victoria st Clifton Mrs. H., .66a-168 Al, ion st


Coberoft Mrs. J. F., 72-76 Darlinglitirst •Coeliiii Mrs. Ellen, 144 Phillip at Collard Mrs. 11..1., 24-26 Bayswater rd Constable Miss .. . Id Dart ingliurst rd Coogan Joseph, 135 Victoria at Cooper Miss C., 65-67 Sincleay st

Murcutt Mrs. R., Arden sr, South Coogee Murray MI:44J., Kissing Point rd. rmurra National Coffee Palace – Brads Margetis,

Proprietor, 615 till George st, Sydney N.S.W. Alliance Ileadquarrers ('0., Ltd.

BOARDS. Associated Board of the R.A.M. & R.C.M.—

Arthur C. Hull, res. see., 10 Castle- reagh St

Australian Board of Missions, 242 Pitt st Craggs Mrs. 0., 35 Woolcott st (Jraggs Startler, 1-3-5 Lower Port st

187 Castlereagh st Neilsoin M1. 8 F.

' 72 Wycombe ml, Neut. B.

Board of Fire Commissioners of N.S.W., .211-219 Castlereagh at

"Cromer," 01-117 Phillip it O'Cotinell Miss 111.. 13 Elizabeth Bey rd Board of I lealth, 93 Macquarie it Curran Miss, 21 Victoria par, lianly Davies The Misses, 21-23 Weedcott et

O'Sullivon Miss IL, 13 Woolcott at • Pears Mrs. M., 134 Phillip at

Board for the Protection of Aborigines, Richmond ter

Demhire Mrs. J. J., 205 V letorlit ['city George, 11-13 Harley at Closer Settlement Advisory Board, 32 IDestardins Madame Rene, 204 8 Victoria st Pender Miss E.. 77 Victoria st Elizabeth it Donlon Misses A. and E., 12 Harley et People's Palace lIoted, 398-4(18 st Commonwealth Prices Board, 157 Poillip Donovan Lawrence, 25 Woolcott st Phillips Mrs. Ellen .1., 125 Flilltlers at St Druitt E. F., 129 North Steyne, Manly Phillipson Sirs. F., 38 Oxford st, Woollahra Dental Board of N.S.W., 7 Richmond ter Drummond Mrs, Jsne, 80 City ml •• Earl's Court," 80 West Esplanade, Manly

Picand Mrs. E., 131 Phillip it Piercy Mrs. K., 378 Crown at

District Ountract and Supply Board, Circular Quay

Edwards Sirs. IL, 114 Phillip et Fenton Misses, 10 Harley St Ferguson NI is, J., 22 Bayswater rd Finlayson Mrs. Bridget, 67 Woolcott et Fisher MSS Sophia, I Woolcott nit Ford Mrs. Miry, 27 Wooleott st Foster Joseph, 23-25-27 GreVil rd, PatTton Franklin Mrs. E., 44 Margaret st Franklin Mrs. Emma, hi York at Freestone Sims. E., 375 Glebe I't. rd, Glebe Funiey Sirs. S. G., 51 Campbell st, N. Syd. Gabriel Mrs. (4., 25 York at Gavagan Mrs. Mary, 105 William at thalfrey Miss Kate, 17 Kellett st Godfrey Mrs. S., 52 Sydney rd, Manly Gorton Miss F., Hayes nit, Neutral Bay Gray Mrs. A. J., 1.1-15 Jameson it Gurton Mrs. 1.1., 76 Roslyn Gardens Hale Miss SI., 10 Rusebank st

Pullen Misses A. and B., 23 Lavender et, North Sydney

Quayle Mrs. Alice, 140.148 Phillip at It instill Mrs. C., 268 Vietoria at Read Miss C. E., 173 Victoria St Reid Silas J., 12-14 South Steyne, Manly [tendon Robert, 69 Darlinghorst n1 Richards Mrs. E. Delmore rd, Coogee Robbins Mrs. Etr:lly 71a Darlingliurst rd Robertson .1, fil„ 14 Harley rd, Manly Rogerson Miss S.. it Pitt st, North Sydney Rosevear Mrs. B., 280 Victoria nit Rossi Mrs. Ethel, 141a Victoria at Rowold Miss R., .9 Jamiesoa st Russell Mrs. E. 31., 9 Lower Fort st Ryan Miss P., NI Inns ace, Neutral Bay Salvation Army Women's Metropole; 360

Elizabeth st

Meat Balladry and A batt'rs, Richmond ter Medical Board of N.S.W, Richmond ter Metropolitan board of Water Supply and

Sewerage, 341 Pitt it N.S.W. Miners' Accident Relief Board,

Bridge at • Patents Investigation Board, 14 Caning-

te n nit Pharmacy Bonn% ItIchinoad ter. Domain Stores Supply Department, 15 17 Young at State Children's Relief, I, 3, 5 Richmond

ter, Domain State Public Service Boanl, 33-39 Holster

st Western Land Beard, 279 George st



BOATBUILDERS. lienlaker Mrs. Si. J., 329 Cleveland st,

Redfern Sapsford S., 62 North Steyne, Manly Scott Mrs, C. IL. 33 Derlintillurst rd

Brady John, 12 Alberto at Lelchhardt Buclion John, Clifford are, Manly Il

Harris Ms. Kate, 7 Darlingliurst rd Scott Mrs. P.. 129 Macquarie nit Carr George P., Q11 139 High St. N. Syd. -Harris Samuel, 15 Clarence at Seery John, 673 Dowling st Culat Thos., 31 Thowies at, North Sydney Marro)) Mrs. E., 72 Bathurst at Sheldon Mrs. Effie, 94 'Victoria nit Dearing Edgar, 3 Jacques et, Bahnain 'Hayes Miss Nellie, 15-38 Bayswater rd Sherwood Miss°. L.

' :18 Belgrave at, Manly Deering Edgar, 35 Cary st, Drummoyne

Ilayward Miss Eno, 113 Victoria at Skinner Miss F., 51 Upper Pitt at, N. Sy.l. Dodd Joseph, 99 LOIIIF41 rd, Balmain Hobo' Sliss Kate, 19 Woolcott at Skinner Mrs. I. B., 11 Cerebella at, N. Syd. Dunn Charles, Munro st, North Sydney Hollinsworth Mrs. Mary A., 15 Elizabeth Smee Mrs Agnes, 15 Kellett nit Ed werds James, Mandolong rd, Mosmait

Bay ni • Smith Mrs. A., 211 Victoria at Fisher & Fisher, or SIcHougall nit, N. Syd. Hope Lewis, 73 Phillip it S lath Sirs. Pauline, 14 Harley at Fisher C. A. M., 46 Blue's Point rd, N. Sul. Jarman William, 297 Forbes st Spalding Sirs Si • 64 W. Esplanade, Manly Golding W. H., 2 Broderick st, Itozelle Kelg Mrs. Winnie, 20 Bayswater rd Sproule Mrs. A., 11 Castlen•agli at, It'fern Grant Robert, Wiggins at, Botany Kellaway William, 1-3-5 Elizabeth Bay rd Stephen Sli•s Alice B., 214 Glebe Point Grant Robert M., B itany rd. [litany Kelly Mrs. N., 5 Castlereagh at, Redfern rd, Glebe Hayes .1.. 6-8 Weston nit, Balmaln Lenders Mrs. Lillian, 72 Bayswater rd Leach Miss E. L., 9-11 Kellett at Leggett Miss E., 172 Victoria at Len Mrs. Frederick, 47-49 . 51 Walker at,

• North Sydney Liebmann SliESCS, 50 Bayswater rd Lyons Mks Sturdy,!? "York St AI/10101 Miss E., 29 entigend at • McKinnon Sliss N., 15-18 Cerebella st,

North Sydney -.McLean John, 43 Clarence St Mucleay Street Ltd., 60 58 Maclesy nit Sinel'hee Bre. A. B., 30 East Esplanade

Manly 31enn Mrs., 22 Jamieson at Manning Mrs. J. C., 57 Elizabeth Bay 141 Mason Mrs. Eva, 75 Macleay nit

Stephens Mrs A nide, 372 Victoria at Stewart Mrs. , 94 City rd Stewart Mrs. Lena,50 Carrin g ton et Strong Miss Elizabeth, 233 Victoria at Struck Jemmies 0., 17 Clarence et Stubbs Mrs. Martha, 293 21)5 Crown st Summons A. J., 128 Flinders St Suttor Mrs. W. II., 3 Harlin rd Sweinston Sirs. W., 109 Darlinglimist rd Thaeter Mrs. E., 253 Oxford fit, l'adlon Thomson Miss L., 6-8 Woolcott st Totizean Mrs. Mary, 282 Vietwia at Towner J. B., 10-12 Bower at, Manly Turner Mrs. F., 3.1ilson ml, Orernorne Turner Miss Jessie, 22 . 24 Fitzroy st,

North Sydney

Holmes W., East Crescent et, N. Sydney Hubbard James E., 18 Leichhanit st, Glebe Johnsen' Bros. 62 Willoughby st, N. Sydney Johnson G. L., ofl 103 Louisa nl, Batman' Joyce C. A., lien Boyd rd, Neu. Bay Kemp Peter, Teviot aye, Abbotsford Langford Harry, 58 Kent at Longhair' J. A., Ben Boyd rd, Neutral Bay Lawson J. T., 16 Dariing et, Balmnin Lyons Charlie, The Spit, Mostutin Messenger Mrs. Chas., Marine par, D'ble B. Messenger Harry, Marine par, Double Bay Nept ine Motor Boat. and Slip Co., Laven-

der Bay Peterson C. P....leffrey it, North Sydney 1?ritchard Bros., Ltd., 125 High .st

North Sydney . Siatteer Mrs. B., 13-15 Gilbert st, Manly Tweddle Mrs. A. E.,15 Lower Fort st Pritchard C. G., Augustus st, L'Inirdt

Vauliee Henry, 20 Harley ml, :Manly Smith Reuben, Ormond et, Roseville MELROSE CAF E. — Up-to-Date Vercoe Slims S. A. 209a Victoria at Smith William, 68 Station at, Tempe Board and Residence. Hot and Cold Waddell Thomas B., 138 Darlinghurst Strong Ja nes J.. 27 Victoria st, N. Sydney

Baths. Every Convenience. Mrs. Watson J. F., North Steyeti' Manly Towns George, Wharf rd, Gladesville

Catherine Crayden, Proprietress, 75 Weekee Samuel II., 124 Victoria st Verrall J11011..51 , Burton et, Manly Parrainatta rit, Annandale. Tel., L White Mrs. A. M., 71 Harlinglimist rd Williams G., 34 St. George's ores, D'moyno 2036 White L, 209 Glebe i't' . ml, Glebe Yates J., Annette at, Oatley

Minogne Miss Alice. 61 Woolcott st White Sirs. M., 6 Harle y at Mitchell Thomas, 112 Flinders et Moor Miss Martha A., 17 1 avender it.

Wicht Miss C. 31., 242-246 Alfred st, North Sydney BOAT PROPRIETORS.

North Sydney Wilde Mrs. 0, 215.217 Victoria at Adams John, TheSpit, Atosmain Model Loc ging House, 211 Kent at Wilson Miss C., 217 Macquarie st Bailey A. C., Great North ml, Abbotsford Mulvey Mrs. AL, 14 Kangaroo nit, Manly Windsor J. T.. 29 Clarence it Banks Mrs. M. S., 93, Padlon Moulton! Sire. Fanny, 7 Kellett at Woodgate Walter, 116 Flinders st Banks It. J., Beach ml, Ituslicatters' Bay


ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, 1976 Bod TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Boo Boat Proprietor, continued — Barnes —, Tennyson et, Granville Blacksall John, Brighton-le.Sands Boyd Mrs. B, 11.Phoibe at, Delwin Brereton Daniel, Lambeth at, East Hills Brignell E., Beach rd, Rusheutters' Bey Broadurst F., 7$ Garnet at, Dulwich Hill Busch James, Beach rd, Rushentters'ellay Carroll John, La Permute Chapman G., Bridge at, Drummoyne Chapman G. A., Bridge at, Drummoyne Colley H. Isi., Avenue rd, Montan Cooper H. L., Sans Sone( Cowper John, Sans Souct Dempsey W., off Abigail at, Hunter's Hill De Russett E., West at, Balgowiall Dement Andrew, Wyong st,Oatley Fanning Edward, Frazer et, Leichhardt Farrell James, 40 Stuart at, Manly Federal Boat Sheds,Bityviewst N.Sydney Fisher W., Moore at, Drummoyne Footman B., Tennyson rd, Mortlake Fraser Hugh, 35 Duke at, Balmain Gale ii.. E., Bowden at, Meadowbank Goddard William, Rose Bay Goldsmith J. and G., La Perouse, Botany Goldsmith Mrs. G. A, La remise, Botany Graham F. W., The Spit, Mostunn Hall John, Botany rd, Botany Hall John fl., Dent st, Botany Hamilton William, 5 Phmbest, Balmain Harris Charles, Don Point Hayes John P., %Vattern par, Penshurst Hayward IL, Woulora rd, Blakehurst Hughes G. J., Sans /loud Humphries II., Sans Bonet Ives Bros., Dawes Point Joyce 1V. H., Ben Boyd rd, Neutral Bay Hemp Peter, Terlot liv e, Abbotsford Lamb Malcolm, Sandringham Langford's Boat Shed, Cliff Lane, N. Syd. Linmark Harry, Annette at, Catty Lucas Albert, Bridge at, Drummoyne Lyons Reginald, Canuneray rd, N. Sydney Molten% Tennyson et, Granville Mahalm S., Augustus at, Leichherdt Matterson Neil, Brighton-le-Sands Morrow F. W., 7 Alexat , der st,Balmain Morrow Frederick W., Morrow st,Irmain Mosley Joshua, Pan rd, Peakhurst Mosley Thomas, Pau rd, Peakhurst Mulgannon John, Avenue rd, Mosman Nichols J., Beach rd, Rushcutters' Bay Nixon J., Forest rd, Peaklmrst Pearce Harry, The Spit, Monne!' Pearson & Johnson, Elizabeth Bay Reserve Percival E. L., Kurtupgal-Chase rd, Tur-

ramurra Phillips Thomas H., 2 River et, Rilmain Press H. C., Domain Pritchard Mrs. F. A., Augustus at, L'hardt Read William, Jou bert at, Hunter's Hill Riddle 1V. G., Tile Spit, 3Ionnan Robinson's Boat Sheds, Marine par, D. Bay Robinson Mrs. E., Beach at, Double Bay Rosman Mrs. C., Avenue rd, Mosmau Sanders Charles, Cabarita rd, Mortlake Santey G., off Cammaray rd, N. Sydney Saunders' Bunt Shed, Cabarita rd, Make Shepherd N.. Pan rd, Peakhurat Shephanl William, Pan rd. Pealchurst Skinner C., 32 Darley nl, Manly Skinner George, Carey et, Manly Skinner Stanley, Carey at, Manly Sly C. G., East Esplanade, Manly Sly Charles, 7 Marine parade, Manly Sly Joseph, 62 Addison rd, Manly Thompson Thomas, 1Vyong t, Oatley Trinder J. W., Sans Sonci Vernal Jas., Bolingbroke par, Manly Vipond Benj., Beach rd, Rusheutters Bay Walker G. W., Church at, Leichhanit Ward Henry, Wyong at, Oat!ey Wells Mrs. Ada, La Perouse, Botany

Norman R. L. & Co„ 22 Erskine at Uverall MeCray Ltd., Buchanan st,Rozelle Paton and Webster, 2 Edward at, B'main Scadden & Sheldrtek, Gordon st, Rozelle Scrutton R. L. and Co., Ltd., Botany rd,

Alexandria Storey and Keers, Shelley at

TANGYES LIMITED Manufacturers of Boilers, Steam En-gines and Pumps, Oil Engines, Gas Engines, Suction Gas Plants, Irriga-tion Plants, etc.—Dalgety & Co., Ltd., Sole Agents for Australia. Sydacy Depot, A rgyie st,Miller's Point. Tele-phones, City 9420 to 0427. (See Advt. opposite Title Page)

Vale Henry and Sons, South par, Auburn Waugh and Josephson, Unwin's Bridge

rd, Marriekville Wilson Willimmumi & Co. (0 lasgowl, 56 Pitt at Woottley's Ltd., Berry's 13ay, Nth. Sydney

BOILING DOWN ESTABLISHMENTS. Barnes James, Blaxcell at, Granville Gearin Michael, Old Botany rib, Mascot Grubb W. A. and Co., Cook rd, Mascot O'Rionlan Michael and Sons, O'Itiordan

at, Alexandria Phamix Meat Co., Ltd., O'Riordan at,

Alexandria Tutneth Bros., O'Ittordan et, Alexandria


ABBOTSFORD MANUFACTUR-ING CO., .Abbotsford, Five Dock, Tel., Drum. 197

Bifurcated and Tubular Rivet Co., Ltd., Ash st, 07 338 George st

Brown and Brown, A.battoirs rd Federal Nut and Bolt Works Ltd., Unwin's

Bridge rd, Starrickville King Facia G., 86 Eveleigh st, Redfern Lassetter F, Co., Ltd., 403-421 George at

BONE MILLS, Gearin M., Old Botany rd, Mascot Lamb R. S. 11/1t1 Co., O'Itiordan at, A'ildrta

PATON BURNS ig CO. MANURE MANUFACTURERS AND MERCHANTS. 75 York at (corner of King et). Sydney. Tele-phones. City 965t3 and 9657

Pyramid Bono Mills and Manure Works-- O'Itiortlan at, Alexandria

Shirley George, Ltd., 7 Bent st Wooster Fertilizer Co., Ltd., O'Riordatt st,


BOOKBINDERS. Andrews (William) Printing Co., Ltd., 233

Castlereagh at ANGUS AND ROBERTSON, Ltd.,

New and Second-hand Booksellers, 89 Castlereagh at

Barrie G. E., 4 Dailey at Batson and Co., Ltd., 99 Clarence at

BROOKS WILLIAM AND CO., LTD., 17 Castlereagh at.

Wills J, H., tuf Cremona rd, Como 1VIlliams Edgar, J.P., Annette at, Oatley Willis & Murphy, Cremona rd, Como Wrixtou Mrs. E.,64 1Villoughby at, N. Syd.

MESAS. Amendola Francis, 6 1Vilmott at Dyson F. Thorpe, 33 Rowe at Gehrig IL J., 97 Oxford at Impsrial Bodega—Wynyard lane Vol LoInto and Co., 46 Market at

'OILER FLUID MANUFACTURERS. Adams William A: Company, Ltd., 157

Clarence at Bell's Asbestos Australian Agency, Ltd.,

315 Kent at, Sydney British Atat . fonling Composition and

Paint Co., Ltd., 63 Pitt at Julien's Ships' Composition, 19 Bridge at


Austral Whiting Co., 53 Day at Bell's Asbestos Australian Agency ' Ltd.,

315 Kent at, Sydney Gregory H. P. and Oo., 74 Clarence at


(London and Glasgow)—Boilers In Stock at Sydney — A. J. Arnot, M.I.O.E., 3LIM.E.. Australasian Manager, 427-429 Sussex at, near Hay at. Tel. City 9387 (two lines)

Column D. L. and Son., Mansfield at, Roselle

Chapman and Co., Ltd., 7-9 Druitt at Clyde Engineering Co., Ltd. (The), Clyde

Works, Granville ; Mutual Life building, Martin place

Hoskins G. and 0., Ltd., 512-510 Wattle at Howe G. W , 39-17 Botany at, Redfern Mort's Dock and Eugiueering Co., Limited,

35 Pitt at; works, Balmaiu


MACINTYRE EDWARD Asbestos Boiler and Steam Pipe Cover ing Contractors, " Itelidon," 239 Trafalgar et, Annandale

Sprod Charles & Co. Asbestos Boiler Covering Marlene-turers, Marine, Factory and Mine Steam Boilers and Pipes covered with Asbestos, by competent men; 24 Bond at. 'Phone, City 1814. 1Vorks, Dar-ling at, Glebe. 'Phone, M1853



Manufactured by Scott and Company, London (established 1874) — H. S. Maples and Go., Manufacturers' Re-presentatives for Australasia, Pacific Islands and Foreign, 19 Bridge at. Telephone City 7208

have the Largest Stock South of the Line of New and Secondhand Books on

all subjects.

Booksellers 4, Publishers

To the University of Sydney

Librarians The Sydney Book Club—

Australia's Leading Circulating Library

(Under the patronage of His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland,

G C.1t.G.) Catalogues and Terms of Subscription on application

BlIlltarg and Naval Books and all Military Requisites

Agents by appointment for War Office public/II:ions

Libraries and Parcels of Books purchased for Cash or by way of exchange.

Books, Pa mphlets, MSS., Autograph Letters, etc., re-ferring to Australasia and Polynesia, a speciality.

Correspondence invited from Trus-tees, Executors and Attorneys for Estates in any part of Australia having tiny of the above to dies pose of. All purchases paid for promptly at highest prices.


Met and Jones, 1 York lane Campbell J. A. and Co., corner Margaret

and Kent eta Carter II. & Co., 250a Pitt at Carter G. H., 545 George at Chapman E. (I. and Co.. 289 Clarence at Christie William, 176 Victoria at Fuerth and Nall, Ltd., corner Mary and

Reservoir eta Haines and Thomas, 82 Liverpool at

HENDERSON JAMES Bookbinding and Paper Ruling Works, Account Book, Legal and Music Binding a Speciality, 38 Clarence at, Sydney. Tel. City 2481

Jorrems C., 425 Kent at Johnson's Bookstore, binders of books

in all 'Materials, Specialist in Leather Binding, 101-103 Castlereagh at. Tele-phone City 1777

Kiely Edward, 250a Pitt at Lamson Paragon Ltd., 63-65 Ann at, Sorry

Lees SamuelE., Ltd.,68-70 Wentworth ave Leigh S. T. & Go, Ltd., 326 Castlereagh

st, corner 0 oulborn at McCarron, Stewart 'and Go, 22-24-26

Goulburn at Maolardy W. IL, 34 Clarence at Martyn John A., Si Minter st MURRAY D. S., Bookbinder and Gold-

stamper, 66 Royal Arcade, over 265a Pitt at. Tel. 1922 City

Norwood A., 429 Kent at Pacey Frank S., 425 George at Pedal W. C. and Co., Ltd., 183 Pitt at Pike W. H. & Co., 250a Pitt at PIncott W , 84 Hunter at Pontifex IL and Co., 29 Day at Pownceby Thomas, Ila King st, Newtown Roberts Bros., 250a Pitt at

SANDS JOHN (LTD.) 374 George Street

SHORT GEORGE AND SON, 333 Kent et Telephone City 7426

Smith W. E., Ltd. 22-30 Bridge at Townsend S. D. and Co., 282 Pitt et Turner & Henderson, Ltd., 10.18 Hunter st We/110101in Bros , Forest rd, Hunstville



New and Second-hand


Andy William, 177 Glebe Point rd, Glebe

ANGUS & ROBER'PSON, LTD 89 Castlereagh Street—(See Advt.)

AThstralasian News Co., Ltd., 226 Clarence at

AWARDS FOR ALL BUILDING TRADES, In book form, complete up to date of sale, 90 pages, 3/6 posted. Also our "Wages-at-a-glance" Quick Ready Reckoner for all trades, ed. posted. Obtainable only from L. Zions, Industrial Act Expert, 14 Castlereagh at., Sydney.

Bailey H. P., Imperial arcade Bear Sir Robert, 67-69 Market at 13erunscold J. A., 84 Redfern at, Redfern " Bible House" (The)-01tas. S. Bowen,

242 Pitt at Bible Book and Tract Dept, 373 at Bishop Bros., 24 Bond at . Blanchard Ralph E., 9 Queen Victoria

Market building British and Foleign Bible Society, 242

Broorkist1t t Vatu . and Co., Ltd., 17 Castlereagh street

Brown Mrs. B. A., 53 King et, Newtown Butterworth and Co. (Australasia), Ltd.,

Chrils8tilttP1 1111Viloil t Workers' Depot, 143 Common. wealth at

Church Stores Ltd., Daking House, Raw-son place

COLE E. W., BOOK AND MUSIC ARCADE, Bookseller (New and Seconil-hand) and Stationer, Circu-lating Library, 346 George at, Sydney (the first shop in Geor ge at below the G.P.0.1—T. E. G. Smith, Manager

COLLINS BROS. & CO., LIMITED (H. D. Dixon, Manager), Educa-tional and Bible Publishers, Wholesale and Manufacturing Stationers, 105 Clarence at, Sydney. Tele. City 6365 (two lines)

Cook Joseph, 251 Gottlburu Cruickshank S., 664 Darling at, Rozelie Cuthbert G. A., Bemis!' st, Caulpsie Dibley E. C., 83a Elizabeth at Dowliog P. R., 121 Norton at, Leichharilt Dwyer E. J., 705 George at








Our Smitten.' Method SAVES SPACE sad enables you to add to your Whet as your Business Crows.

BOOKSELLERS. Alexander Charles 183 NB.!!. rd, Pad'ton Anderson It. W. N., 515 Parrantatta rd.


Telephones: 9071 and 9072 City.



(Next Royal Hotel), Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods

(New, Seco' idliand & Rare Books). Publishers of Dymock's 1/: Guide

to Sydney and N.S.W. Australian Books a Speciality.

Telephone City 6431. (See also 68 and 70 Elizabeth street)

Edwards, Dunlop and Co., Limited, 123 129 Clarence at

Elphick S. E., 88 Goulburn st Ferguson Bros., 2 Corso, Manly Ga.son George, 174 Elizabeth at Gille Louis and Co., 73-75 Liverpool st Grace Bros. 1 to 11 Broadway, Glebe Grace A. T., 369 Elizabeth st Halewood II., 44 Castlereagh st Hardy John J.P., 140 New Canterbury ril,

Petersham Hillman George, 31 Young et, Annandale Holdaway Walter T., 118 Oxford at



Still maintains its Superiority over all others owing



ZIONS' INDUSTRIAL ACT TIME SHEETS or COMBINED TIME, PAY AND WAGES BOOKS (Copy. right) for all Trades and Callings. These are the only ones which comply with the Act. Obtainable only from L. Zions, Industrial Act Export, 14 Castlereagh street, Sydney. When asking prices, state class of business.

BOOK IMPORTERS. Angus & Robertson', Ltd., 89 Castlereagh at Collins Brothers and Co., Limited, 105

Clarence st Edwards, Dunlop and Co., Limited, 123-

- 120 Clarence at Grace Bros., .1 to 11 Broadway, Glebe Thomson Richard, 15 Castlereagh at Turner Henderson;Ltd , 16-18 Hunter st

BOOT AND SHOE IMPORTERS. See also Boot and Shoe Mankfacturers.

Abbott William, 223 Church at, Par'matta Adney William, 32 Cabramatta rd, Winan Adrian It. E., 3 Corso, Manly • American Shoe Co., 410 Geo-ge at Aron Frank, John at, Lidcombe Baldry IV. P., 284 Iterrickville rd, Blunflais Ltd., 287-2511 King st, Newtown,

36 Auburn rd, Auburn, 255 Liver-pool rd, Astdield, and 292 Marrickville rd, Marrickville

Barnett Mrs. E., 190 . 192 George at West Barnett Lewis, 152 Willistm st • Baxter Archibald. 17 Willoughby rd, N. S. Bedggood & Co„Propy., IA, 199 Clarence at Bellamy William, 659 George st Bellamy William, 2,12 Ensnare rsl, Enntore Brie E. C., 34 Auburn rd, Auburn Black J., 181 Military rd, Mosman Blackburn I. SiSon

' Bridge at, Drummoyne

Boss Pitt, 267 Pittst Bostock N.,„ 129 Oxford at Boston Shoe Store, 28 The Strand Bradshaw C., Burwood rd, Burwood Broadley's —,223 MarrIckville rut, M'yille Brown E.. Penshurst st, Willoughby ; . • Burcher Charles, Forest rd, Hurstville Burley James, 41 George at West Callaghan and Son, 395 George at Olutret M. F. and Sons, CO Military rd

Mosaints Claydon J. H., 171 Liverpool st Oluett F. E., 379 Parramatta rd, L'hara Colechitt W. 0., It twson place Commonwealth Shoo Co., Ltd., 93 York at,

12-14 Oxford at, and Mount at, North Sydney

Coney 1)israell, '58 Regent at Cooke Bros., 70 Dalhousie at, Haberfield

anshGreat North rd, Five Dock Cooke Charles sk, Son, Forest rd, Hurstville 001180114 Robert, 22 Lackey at, Su 0.11111 Clas Bertha F., Parks s at, Hyde Cropley's Ltd.. 736 and 800 George at, mist

13 and 447 Pitt at Cropley S. J. & Son, 473 Merrick vine rd,

Dttlwich 11111 Cull G. and Son, 316-322 Pitt st • Cunningham Miss M. A., Penshurst at,

Willoughby Calibe tson Bros., 214, 'King st, Newtown Davis Frank H., 177 Ramsay at, ll'Ileld Denning Mrs. M. 22 Leielshardt st, NI"ley Devitt William, 124 3111Ier at, N. Sydney Donath-Collier Shoe and Drapery Oo.,-495

51arrickville rd; Dulwich Hill Dudley David, 474 George St Duncan Alfred R., 187 Marrickville rd,


PookseMrs continued-

HORDERN ANTHONY SONS, LTD., Sydney. (See headlines throughout DIRECTORY)

Ireland G. W., 930 0,9.11, rd, WooDebra

Johnson's Bookstore New and secondhand Booksellers and Buyers of Books of all kinds, 101-103 Castlereagh St. Telephone City 1777

Kettlewell J. W., 38 Pitt at Law Book Co. of Australasia, Ltd. (late

C. F. Maxwell, (Hayes Brothers), law book sellers and publishers, SO Mize-beth st

Leber Henry, 48a Q.V. Markets Lusebrink 11., 151 Regent at, Redfern McEwen Mi88 J., 170 Church at, P'matta Macfarlane J. If., 113 Bathurst at McNamara Mrs. B., 221 Castlereagh at Mead Miss E., 52 South par, Auburn

METHODIST BOOK DEPOT—A. J. Carnet', Manager, 381 George at, Sydney. Telephone City 6630

Mihell Charles 0.. 313 Pitt st Millard Frank R.. 144 William at Molloy Miss L., '222 George at Mooney M., 222 Oxford St Moreton Mrs. Mary, 170-2 Darling at, Bal. N.S.W. Bookstall Co., Ltd., 476 and 406

George at, Central Railway Station, Circular Quay 51 and 1790 Pitt st Moamar: wharf and McMahon's Point, North Sydney. Iteg,d. office, 476 George at

New Thought Book Depot, 138 Elizabeth St Newton Otto J., 94 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Philip George B. and Son; 451 Pitt at

and 649 Harris at; branch, 57 Broad. way, Glebe

Pitt R. B., 01 Walker at, North Sydney Robertson and Co., Proprietary, Ltd.

(George), 238 Pitt at Russell Harry 11, 83 K11,g at, Newtown Sheridan It. B., sh Corso, Manly Skinner A., 270 Oxford at, Paddington Skinner R. IV., 121 Castlereagh at Starr George, 153 Harris at Stedman's Book Mart. 49 Goulburn at Swain and Co., Ltd., 16 Moore at Symonds Isaac J , 8 Auburn rd, Auburn Tait C. M., 212 Church at, Parramatta Thomas and Co., 195a Castlereagh at, and

186 King at, Newtown Thomson Richard, 15 Castlereagh at Throssell and Clark, 91 Market at Turner & Henderson, Lts l.,10-18 Hunter st Turner Jas., 130 Walker at, North SydneyTyas Willie's), 558 George at

I' Booksellers, Publishers and Art Dealers.

Australian Books, Pamphlets and Manuscripts purchased. 99 Castlereagh at., Sydney.

Telephone City 3463.

West Ernest, 645 King at, Newtown 1V/actiontl Harry, 273 Military rd, Mos. Williams Mrs. S. M., 12a Nowranie at,

Summer Hill

Dunlop Mrs. E. A., 305 Military rd, /gout* Bay

Duval E., High st, Epping Duval Ernest, Gordon rd, Lindfield Eddy W. IL, 218-220 George at Edwards Walter, 109 Bondi rd, Bondi Erby G. T., j.P.. 222 Church at, P'matta Evans George, Forest rd, Hurstville Exalt Mrs. Charles, 161 Glebe Point rd,

Glebe Exhibit Shoe Store, 67 New Canterbury rd,

Petersham Farmer and Company, : Ltd., Victoria

House, Pitt, Market and George-Sts Faulkner E. 11. and Co., 464 Elizabeth at Fay Edward, Ltd., corner Pitt and Liver-

p0,1 at and branches Fitzsimmons M., 34 Erskine at Flanagan F. V., J.P., 317 King at, N'town Fletcher Mrs. F., Madly rd, Mascot Flynn Will, Harwood rd, Burwood Forsyth 11„ 91 New Canterbury rd,rsham Gardiner Joe, Ltd, '272 George at, and

Branches Gilimore F. G., 196 Military rd, Mossmus Glass Mrs. E,, 16 Botany rd, Alexandria Goodman Walter A., 361 Parramatta rd,



AUSTRAL CLOTHIERS, 484, 488, 488, 490 GEORGE ST.

AND 3 to 17 ROYAL ARCADE. Branch Shop, 304 George et

The Model Store, Broadway Glebe.— (See Advt. opp. Drapers)

Graham H. M., 319 George st Gralrun Join1 R., jam-, 235 Liverpool rd,

Ashfleld ;rant W. A., Ltd.. 127 York at

Grundy Joseph, Bridge st, Marriokville Guthrie T. and Co., Ltd., 154 Elizabeth at Hall H. and Co., 167 Clarence at Hardwick G. J., Burwood rd, Burwood Harper and Rayner, Victoria aye, Wwood Harper H. D., 392 Oxford st. Woollahm Harris Bros., 97 Oxford 0, Waverley Hatton Mrs. J. II., Macquarie at., v'pool Hayes M. J.. 193 King at, Newtown HaW014F. c., 7 Auburn rd, Auburn

Hickey W. I. and Sons "The Leading Shoe Stores" ONLY ADDRESSES : 576-578 George at, 55 Oxford at; and 932Elizabeth at. Office, Sample Room and Bulk Stores, (Teleptions City 1096) 576 George at, Sydney. Telephones; City 7332: Lind

, 7393 Higgs A. A., 233 William st . Illugston F. P. 9 - Botany rd, Alexandria -Hogan Prank, 216 Military rd, Neutral B. Hordern Brothers, 203 to '211 Pitt at and

422 George at Horton F. H., 416 Elizabeth at Hunter John and Son, Ltd., Castlereagh

at, Redfern, and Lou ion (branches everywhere) '

Hurst Joseph, 82' Pitt at Machin J W.. Beamish at, Catnpsie Jackson's Ltd.. 3010 Pitt at. Jaede, Ltd., 282 George st





Boot Polishing Outfits in Beautifully Decorated — Metal Boxes




Containing Everything Necessary for Polishing Boots, Shoes, and all other Leather Articles.

Assorted Designs and Colours to suit all Tastes. •


Jarrett E., Railway par, Kozarah Jenkins Urialt, 374 Oxford st. Paddington Jolliffe S., J.P., 38 Regent at, Redfern

JONES DAVID, LTD. 849-359 corner George and Barraok Streets, opposite General Post °Moe. Telephone 6386 City (16 lines)

'Kean A. E., 182 Military rd, Mosman Kelly J., 708 Darling at, Rozelle King Joseph H., 150 Palace et, Petersham King Theo., 82 .84 King at Kliaberg & Co., 242 Parrett:man ril, P'shant Knight Mrs. E. E., 476 Parramatta rd,

Petersham) Koffel Morris, 377 Darling at, Balmala Lang's Ltd., 600 George at Langtry Matthew, 425 Crown St LarbalestierBres.,108 Henderson rd,Xdria Larbalestier J. W., Illawarra rd, Larbalestler J. W., Ltd., I-7 Alfred at La Reine, 139 Liverpool at Lassetter F. & Co., Ltd., 403 .405 George at "Le Rol" Shoe Store, 65 Omtlereagh St Levy and Levy, 135 31iller at, North Syd. Levy Mat. A., 370 Lane Cove rd, N. Syd. Lewis F. W., 103 Edwin at, Croydon Liddy Arthur J., 87 Liverpool at Line Clive, Beamish at, Campsie Littletair Thos., 219 Parramatta rd, A'ilale Louden A., 228 Pitt at Lot/don't Mrs. D. E., Percival st, P'hurst Lyon Shoe Co., Eustowid, Alexandria Lund S. 0., 5 Argyle st McEvoy John and Sons, 185 Clarence St McGilvray G., 56 Market st McGilvray Mrs. M., 684 Darling st, Rozelle McGrath W., 277 Darling at, Balms ill McMillan A. H., South et, Granville 3fcMurtrie and.Co., Ltd., 76 .78 Clarence at Mactiaught William

' 135 King st

Mannix Boot Co., 634 George st Alannix John E., 168 Pitt St Marshall Shoe Co., Ltd., 67 Castlereagh et Miler IL, Lytle at Arncliffe Minaltan Brothers, 301 Pitt it Moreau H. awl Co., agents, 84 Pitt it

Mortley T. Sons, 5 Lackey at, Sum. H. Morton Mrs. M. P., liceky Pt. nil, It'dale Morton Thomas, Forest rd, Anteliffe Murphy C. C., 147 Oxford at Murtay D. and W., Ltd., 50 York at Murray A. K., J.P.,7 Lackey at, Sum. Hill Murray William A., 7 Hercules at, Ashfleld New Shoe Stores, 77 Regent at, Redfern Norris John, 161 Parratnatta rd, An'dale Oakdale Shoe Co., 119 York St Olive Walter, 80 Devonshire st Palmer F. J. and Son, corner Pitt & Park

sts, and at 728 .728 George at, Hay.

market . Pazaky Louis, 617 King st, Newtown Peapea anti Co., Ltd.:309-31 IGeorge at • Peters H. H. Allison nl, Randwick Peterson Mrs., Bridge et, B ummoyne Phipps H., 46 .88 Corso, Manly

'Pierce E. J., 361 Darling et, Balmain Pliz E. 0., 496 Parratuatta rd, Leichhanit Pratt II., 139 Salisbur y rd, Stanmore Proctor Shoe Co., 119 York at Proops R., 49 Parmmatta rd, Annandale Quick Fit Shoe Store, Railway par, South

Granville Renno D , 92 Hunter st Reynolds J. H., 111 13oulevarde, Strathfield Richardson's Shoe Store Ltd., 255 Pitt st,

and 69a King at Rigncy Shoe Co. (The), 317 George at, and

179a Pitt at Roberts Alfred, 67 George A west

Robinson and Carter, 10 York St hand . rson E. L., Regent et, Kogaralt Saunderi and Brown, Auburn rd, Auburn,

Good at, Granville and 136 Church et, Parramatta

Scott Allan, 208a William at Shaw Bros.. 432 Pitt at Shaw Bros., 80 Miller at, anti 10 Wil-

loughby rd, North Sydney Sheen A. F., 458 Parrannitta rd, Fsham Shelborne F., Maxlatas rd, Eastwood Sherman W.,124 %Vilna/a St Smith Charles, Coronation at, Hornsby Smith IV. IL, 190 Parramatta rd, P'shatn Snow James, Victoria a ye, Chatswood Solomons Sidney, Railway par, Lidcombe Standard Shoe and Leather Co., 56

York at Stanford Cantan & Co., 84 Willoughby rd,

North Sydney Starr Charles, Parkes st, Ryde Steward Oliver, 150 Church at, Parramattn Swinbourne G. C., 329 King st, and 2 En.

more rd, Newtown Swinbourne James, 555a King at, N'town Sydne y Shoe Co., 574 George at Taut Ernest E., Demist' st. Can/pale Taylor Enoch and Co., 22 York at Taylor Cli ales, 70 Mount St. Nth. Sydney Thompson J. N., 467 New Canterbury rd,

Dulwich Hill Truebody 0., 19 The Strand, Croydon Talk %V., Durwood nil, Delmore Turn .T Walter, Railway par, Kogaralt Vickery Joseph and Company, 01 Castle-

reagh at retor L., Hidden et, Laketabt Wall Richard F., 03 Church et, Par'matta Wallace Samuel, 272 Darling st,Balmain Wallace W..463 Marrickville rd, Dui. Hill Wearwell Will. 491a Pitt at Webb Edward M., Belmont et, Arncliffe Willcock Jos.. 141 Oxford at, Waverley Wilson William N., 297 Parramatta at,

L ichhanit Wilson A., Behnore nil, Randwick Wolf's (G. Wolf), 42 Oxford A Wolf's Boot Store, 274-6 King at, s/' town Woods Mrs. A. M., Great North nil, GI'ville Wyatt William, 107 New Canterbury rd,


Adams James, George st, Parramatta Adams Leslie, 26 Hercules st, Aillam W. H ,2 Clark at Ager Christopher, 260 Military nil, Neut. B. Ager Wallace, 3 Hayes rd, Neutral Bay Allard H. T, 435 Parnunnt ta nil, L'hardt Allbon Frederick, 330 Catherine st, Leich- Antlehrnsrodt■S., 86 Military rd, Mostarin Anderson W., 14 Bond et Andrews W. E., Harwood rd, Durwood Andrews W. E. ;Joseph at, Lideombe Angelo IL, 74 Elizabeth at Anschau L..1. & Sans, Phillip at, P'matta Applebaum Jaeob, 197 William at, City Archer William, 237 Cleveland at, Redfern Asquith J., Rocky Pt. rd, Rockdale Austen D., Polding at, Drunimoyne Australian Boot Factory Ltd., 26 Iiippax

at Australian Boot Repairing Co., 05 Pitt-

water nil, Manly Ayers Percy If., 146 Mulleus at, Dal/nein Ayres J. T., 33 Edwin at, Croydon Baggott and Wilson, 143 Parramatta rd,

Annandale Bailey James, 88 Redfern at, Resifern Baird S. 25 Belgrave at, Manly Bardon and Sons, Avoca at, Randwick Denim' Thomas, 29 Spring st, Waverley Barnes Alfred T., 159 UMW!' at Barnett Bros., 123 Johnston at, Annandale Barnsley B., 1 Cove at, Heimann Barnsley B., 55 Darling at. Balt/lain Barnsley B., 456 Darling at, Rozelle Barn-ley Benjamin, 247 Glebe Pt. rd,

Globe Burwood rd, Durwood

BARTON, SMITH AND BARTON, LTD: Factory and Sample Rooms, 153 George at, Erskineville. 'Phone

Barton L2n18&Whitaker, 462 Elizabeth at Barton William, 251 Church at, Valetta Bates II. II., 585 King at, Newtown bike John, Railway par, Kogarali Beanies Edmund, 422 Crown at Heaney Henry, Forest rd, Hurstville Beehive hoot repairing shop, 122 Jersey rd,

Paddington Bell James 716 Pan atuatta nil, Petersham% Bell John, 126 Charch at, Parratnatta Bell Joseph, 467 Harris at Bennett F.,3231 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Berg J. II., Rochest r et, Homebush Bevan L. T., 262 Oxford at, Paddington ilidilul ph Prank, 108 William at Bishop E., 294 Pitt st Rh/0k George

' 65 Union at

Blakey T., 68 George et, Camperdown Blundell 0., (156 Crown St Illyton James, 10 Falcon at, Nth. Sydney Booth William, 175 Alfred at, 57, Sydney Bah; 11. A., 172 West st, North Sydney Bourne Alfred, 39 Waverley rd, Itandwick Bowen L. J., 35 .39 King at, St. l'eters 13.teaden S. A., 101 New Canterbury rd,

. Petersham Brice R. S., 170 Pitt at and 293 Castlereagh

St Briggs John T., 352 Liverpool ni, A'field Britannic Footwear Manufacturing Co.

L t d., 54 Bay et Bockby G., 31 Sussex et Buckingham H., 178 Blue's Pt. rd, N. Syd, Ballard S., 438 New Canterbury ml, Dal. IL Bultitude A.. 193 Church at, Parramatta Burney IV., 3)12 Pain/math/ rd, Petershatu Burns Patrick, 74 Surrey at Burrows Jose,,h, 29 Darlinghurst rd Burton P. J.

' 121a Oxford at, Waverle'y

Burton R., 12 Charlotte at, Ashfleld BuCer John T., 222 Military ni, Mosinan



(E. B. Rowe, Managing Director ; II. Rowe, Secretary.)

Manufacturers of" COBRA" Boot Polishes .S.T. Factory and Registered Office : Solar Works, Lachlan Street Waterloo, Sydney. Telephone No. 221 Redfern. Telegraphic address, "Counts," Sydney. (See Advt. opp.)

JOPLIN MANUFACTURING CO. LTD., 12 Harrington at. Telephone City 6874

Polish Co. Propty. Ltd , 84 Q. V. Markets

BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURERS. See also Boot and Shoe Inoporlers.

Abbey's Ltd., 222 Pitt at Abbey W and Co., 313 Ge urge st Abbott Henry, 269 Church at, P'nnitta Abrahams T. Renwick at, Leichhardt



CO-OPERATIVE BOOT PAC- TORY ( THE )—MeLlren, Harris & Co., Ltd., Pleasant st, Erskineville. 'Phone L 1861. Manufacturers of Gents', Ladles' and Children's reliable footwear

Cooperative Boot Factory Ltd., 154 Q. V. Maekets

Couch Harvey, 82 Mary Ann st Cousins Charles, 16 Enmore rd, Newtown Cousins Jem, 7 Wilson at, Newtown Cowdery Geor4e, 104 Botany rd, Alex'llrla Crampton Riehard, 10 Swanson at, E'ville Crampton William, 94 Mount at, N. Sydney Crawford John, 30 Lackey et, Sum. 11111 Crocker Henry 11., 2995 King at, Newtown CROOK HARRY, High Class Hoot.

maker, 26a J11.1111M11 at, Syduey CROPLEY'S LTD., Boot Mumble.

tureri and Importers, Patentees of the "Adapto " Boots and Shoes, 736 and 800 George at, Haymarket and Mooning Square, Pitt at, oppo-ste Hotel Sydney ; and 13 Pitt at, Circular Quay, City

Crozier David W., 23 Elizabeth at west, Ashtle4

Oubis Robert, Cant rbury rd, Canterbury Cunningham J., 410 Parrot/tette rd, P'sinun Cunningham John, 71 Murray at Curtis Walter, Rocky Pt. rd. Rockdale Dartnell Bros., 6 Stator at, Alexandria Davey A. C., Canterbury rd, Canterbury Davies J., 58 Willoughby rd, N. Sydney Davis James, 126 Walker at, North Sydney

DAY, SON & HARRIS Austral Boot Factory, Federation ml, Newtown. Tel. L1136

Day Albert, 105 Queen at, Woollahra Dennis John, 14 Castlereagh at Dias J. It ,•54 Kensington at Dingle Richard IL, 108 Percival td,S'more Dixon JfITII ,S, 419a King at, Newtown Dixon James, 498 King at, Newtown Dobbin W. F., 35 Crown at, St. Peters Dodds Harry, 555 Erskine st Donnellan S., 30 Royal arcade Douglas Robert, 182 Princes at Downes Thomas II., 358 Norton st, L'hardt Doyle James, 17 Shepherd st Doyle W., 109 Cleveland at Itedfent Duckworth S., Pittwater ml, St. Ives Edgar Robert J., 21 Parramatta rd, AnMale Edwards Mrs. IL, 115-117 Enmore rd,

Enmore Elbourn Daniel, 402 Darling at, Balmain Ellicombe J., Bay at, Rockdale Ellis B., 11 Oxford St Ellis Joseph, 18 Corso, Manly Ellis W. J., 173 King at, Newtown Etnerton J. D., 276 Oxford at, Woollahra Exley E., 209 Cottrell at, Parramatta Forrelly A., 189 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Pay Edward LtAl.,1385 Pitt rut Foyle CL, 175 Ml ler at, North Sydney Field James, 536 Marrickville ni, Dulwich

Hill Fineley and Co. 129 Buckland St. A'dritt Fletcher William, II umphrey at, Mascot Fortin Philip J., 136 Oxford at, Paddington Franks A. 11., 214 Crown at Freeman J. A., Burwood rd, 13nrwood Fulljarnes Richard, Bay at. Rockdale Gallen Bros., Lane Cove rd, Turranturra Gard F., 947 Oxford st, Paddington Gardiner Joe Ltd., 772 George at Gardiner IL & Son, 7 Ersk inevil le rd, E'vil le Gardiner Frederick, 180 Elizabeth at Gaul George D., 154 Cathedral at Gazeley Henry, 108 Smith at, bummer Hill Gelling J., Railway par, Burwood Gibson G. and Co. Ltd. Harley st, A'dritt trib,on Benjamin, 47 Flinders at rillmore J., Avoca at, Itandwick

Glenwright 01195., 195 Alfred et, N. Syd. Golding Mrs. M. J., 671 King et, Newtown Goodman Louis, 88 Foveaux at Graham If. M., 310 George at Graham J., Ocean at, Woollahra G, iflIn Geo., 3 Albion at, Waverley Brogan (leo., 351 Church at, Parramatta Hackney Alexander, 96 Elizabeth at,

Waterloo Hahn Frederic T., 71 Alfred at, N. Sydney Helm It., 238 Miller et, North Sydney !Ethics J. A., 91 Miller at HainsworthDavld,345 Military ml, Mosm'n Hall George, 256 Church at, Parntutatta Hall J. P., 09 Cleveland st, Redfern Holloway. and Dowding, 6 Rowe at nimbly W. J., 230 Cowper st, Waverley Hamey E. .1., J.P., 27 Alfred st , Milson's

Point Hansman Ltd., 3 Marian at, Redfern !larders George, 248 Oxford at, Woollahra tiardge J., Boulevarde, Strathfield Hardwick A C., 944 Bourke at Harper S. and Co.. 19 Abet cromble at Harris John, 218 Etnnore rd, Enmore Harris IV. 11., 380 Norton at, Harrison Isaac, 231 Glebe Point ni, Glebe Hart William, 101 William at ilaydon George, 110 George at, Redfern Helfernan M., Ocean at, Woollahra Henderson A., 323 Strum/ore rd, 1"sham Hewett W. J., 187 Regent et, Redfern Hickey W J., and Sons, 576 .578 George at Hicks Son and Watkins, Botany rd, Mascot Higgins H., 323 Darling st, Balnaain Higgs A. A., 233 William at Hill Charles. 70 King at, Newtown Hilton George, 49 Liverpool at

Boo Hirt J. F., 156 Harris at Hoare Edward, 236 Bul warm n1 Hodges I'. V., corner of Hendereon I and

Mitchell ids, Alexandria Rogan John, 81 Weston rd, Rozelle Hogan Patrick, 96 Fitzroy at Hogg James, Boulevarde, Strathfleld Hokin Albert J., 27 P'inatta ml, An'dale Hokin .Tillins, 168 Elmore rd, Einnore Hood F. E., 392 Stanmore rd, Stanmore Hopkins A., Victoria a ye, Chatswood Hopkins Benjamin, 189 Entnore rd, It'inores

HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS, LTD., Sydney. (S(e headlines throughout DIRECTORY)

Makers of Specialities in Ladles' and Gentlemen's Glace Kid Fine Foot wear, Welts, Pumps, Pairstitch aud Machine Sewn, 108 Henderson rd, Alexandria. Tel. 54 Redfern

1980 . Boo TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. - Boot and Shoe Manufactur,rs continued — Byrne Bros • Central at Cahill Th011laR, 6 A Wenn rd, Auburn Callaghan trial Son, 395 George at Cameron AEtut, 192 Marriekvil.e rd, Cameron J. M. 270 Oxford at, Woollahra Campbell William, 69 Westbourne et,

Petersham. Carew J., 103 Emnore rd, Enmore Carmody Henry D., 221 Military rd,

Neutral Bay Carmody James, 26 Junction et, N. Sydney Carr Thomas W 94 Weston rd, Rozelle Carroll John, 43 Cascade at, Paddington Carter Thomas M., 113 Evans et, Rozelle Cattier S. E.. Ocean et, Paddington Centennial Shoe Co.. Ltd., 147-153 Walker

at, Redfern Challinor George, 25 Broadway, Glebe Champion Shoe Manufacturing Co., Cir-

cular Quay Chandler Thomas, J.P., 383 Illawarra rd,

Marrickville Chapman Joseph E., 203 William at Chapman Roger, 108 Devonshire at °hate J. P.. 144 Cathedral at Cheetham T., 69 Antrum rd, Auburn Medium' Tom, J.I'., Sutherland st,Aub'n Ohipperrield WIN, 212 Liverpool rd, Cleary J0/111. 29 Market at

• Cleave Samuel, J.P., .13 John at Clines Jaws, 205 Parramatta rd, Atedale Cohen W.. 89 Walker et, North Sydney Coles G. F., Burwood rd, Burwood Collins John & Ions, 63 Leichhardt at,

Waverley Commonwealth heel Manufacturing Co.

167 (The) Botany rd, Waterloo Connelly William, 11 Oxford at Cooke Bros., 117 Smith at, Summer 11111 Cooper Reginald, 136-138 Albion st,An`dale


Horne Charles, 52 Abercrombie at Hornsnell John, 275-277 Military rd

?Somali Hough Ernest J., 238 Riley at Hughes Daniel, 2215 Glebe Point rd,

Glebe Hunter John and Son, Ltd., Castlereagh

st, Redfern Hutchin .1., J.P., 22 Corso, Matilr Hutchinson A. 3112 Parramatta rd, Hylnuel Reg., 138 Norton at, Leichhardt Ideal Boot & Shoe Co., Bourke at, Illing worth P., 227 Darling at, Balmain IllIngworth Frank, 302 Darling at, B'main Irwin William, 124 George at Jaede Ltd., 282 George St Jarman II. A. 01 Reservoir at lessop Oliver, 79 Aubu ii rd, Auburn Johns J. and Sons, 90 Pitt at Johns Thom Is, 75 King at John , on P., 87 Castlereagh at, Redfern Johnson It., 11 Junction rti, Sununu. Hill Johnson IV. I'., 379 Riley at Jolly James, 12 Hercules at, Ashfield Jones Arthur C., 18 Charlotte st, Ashfield Jones P., 1355 Miller at, North Sydney Jitter! Albert 291 Marriekville rd, Justin Harry, 86 George at, Camperdown Kane Franca, 5 Kennedy at Keage J. P., 9 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Keane George, Forest nl, Bexley Keatiug John 343 Darling at, Balmain Keggen .1., 21 Argyle at Keir James and Son, 174 New 5th. Head

rd, Double Itay Keith Geo. & Coy., 167n The Strand Kennedy IV., 332 Oxford at, Paddington Kensey Tho s., 228 Darling at, Baltuttin Kidd John, 85 Bayswater rd Killian H., 159 Castlereagh at Kimble J, 44 Druitt at Kirby William, 202 New Canterbury rd,

Petersham Lacy Samuel, 13 Sing at, Newtown Lane Joseph, 364 Cleveland at Langtry John, 472 George at Langtry Sanmel, Eastern ave, Ken 'ton


Larbalestier J. W., Ltd., Circular Quay Larbalestier P., Perouse rd, Itandwick Larkumit C., 69 Erskineville ni, Ersk'ville flaw S. A., 131 George at, Campenlown Law TI101/111S H., 410 Elizabeth at Lawrence J., Railway par, Kogarah Lawrence Frederick, 222 Pahner it Lawrence James, 153a William at Lee Arthur, 23 Marion at, Leichhardt Lee Frank B., 61 Palace st, Petersham Lee 11., 347 Oxford at, Paddington


Lee Walter. 492 Harris at Lennon John, Bridge Ft, Drummoyne Lenton Charles, J.P., 30 Elizabeth at,

Waterloo Leonard John. 13 Queen at, Woollaht Light 0. W., 159a Enmore at. Etimore Locke T. N., ii Lane Cove ni, N. Sydney Lorn Louis, 46 Foveaux at Louden Alexander, 28-30 Elizabeth at, Red.

fern Louden L., 52 Curtis ni, Balmain Loudoun Alex, Forest rdl, Penshurst Loutloun Arthur, Andover at, Carlton Loutalo Joe., 168 King at, Newtown - Lund S. C., 2 Argyle place Lynch Patrick, Avoca at, Randwiok Lyon Shoe Co., Euston rd, Alexandria Lyons D. J.. 189 George at Lysaght John, 106 Campbell at McCamley Bros., 4 Short st, Redfern AlcAppion Nelson, 622 Crown at McDottagli C. C.

' Forest IA, A rne:iffe

McEvoy John & Sons, Ltd ,155 Clarence st McFarlane Andrew, Belmore rd. Coogee McFarlane L.. Brit/lore r I, Rand wick McGee de Esther, 472 Pitt at McGinley 0. F.. 79 Parramatta rd, Mediae McGrath E , 232 Parnatnatta nut, P'sham McGrath Patrick, 116 Glebe Pt. ml, Glebe McHugh Frank C., 624 Darli»g st,Rozelle McKeown Jas., J.P., 110 . 112 Swanson at,


McKinlay and Cumming Gaorge at, Erskineville, Sydney. " Northampton" and "Bell ' Brands Men's Footwear Exclusively. Medium and Light Grade, Men's and Youths' in Latest Shapes and Styles, Machine 8Ir17n7 McKay and Fairstitch „ Tel.,

McKinnon Hugh, 163 West et, Nth. Sytl. McLaren, Harris & Co., Ltd., Pleasant at,

Erskineville Macklin William & Son, 369 Lotto Cove rd,

North Sydney McMahon M., 79 Forbes at McMurtrie and Co., Ltd., 70-78 Clarence

at and Abercrombie at and Marian at,

1 MoN at tu-dgfiel tr kV., 55 King at

MeSWOCIly S. L., 397 New Canterbury td, Dulwich Hill

Madden Mrs. G., 12 Cowper st, Waverley Madden R., 206 King at, Newtown Madden Robert, 15 Miseenden rd, N'town Mann Peter, 145 William st Marks AL, 70 Bathurst at Marshall James, 743 New Canterbury rd,

Petersham Mason Herbert, 310 Oxford at, Pad'ton Matta H., 91 Sussex at 3fatthewe A. E., 8 John at, Leichhardt Matthews James, 5 Yule et, Dulwich Hill Matthews James, 39 Lamb at, Leichhanit 3fitudson F. W., Victoria ave, Chatswood Mawhinnew T., 281 Parramatta rd,

Leichhardt May Wallis J., 135 Military ml, Neut. Bay Miles and Lovell, 79 BOIIIII rd, Bondi Mills J. H.& Sons, 634 Darling st, Roselle Mills C. H., Boulevanle, Strathfleld Mills J. S., 1 Datchett st,13 dmain Minalian Bros., 301 Pitt at and 48-52

King at, Newtown Moore E. C.& Son, 178 anti 41'5 Liverpool at Moore Harry G., Condor at, Durwood Moore Richard, 43 Barton at Morgan A. W., Victoria a ye, Chatswood Morgan William, 443 0.6.11. rd,Woollahra Morris it, 220 Elizabeth at

Mortimer D., AlexantInt at, Hunter's Hill Motto Ernest, 21 Sydenham rd, M'ville Murphy F., 47 Argyle at *welly Joseph, 143 William at Murray D. & W. Ltd., Holt House, 56-5s

York st ; tel. City 25 Making C., 28 Burton at, North Sydney Nash Ernest, 621 Illawarra it, Nelson 0. A., South at, Granville . Niholson Michael, 68 Nicholson at Nilsen 11„, 207 Miller at, North Sydney Minato Harry J., 51 Erskine st Niness S., 4 Prospect at, Erskineville Nixon George A., 360 hlizabeth st Noad G. F., 365 Union at Norris Robert, 11 Catherine at, Forest

Lodge o'Connor John, 362 1 1filitary nil, Neut. Bay O'Reilly P., 155 Military rd, Mostnau Paddle Bros., 185 Q. V. Markets Page J., 256 Pitt st Paisley Henry, 320 Bourke st Palfreyman G. H., 293 Marrickville rd,

Marrickville Paroz II. R., 25 Flinders at Pazaky Jacob, 576 King at, Newtown Peat W. (Melbourne), 82 Pitt at Peddle Mrs. M., 117 Regent st Pereira Atidtew, 316 Crown at Perkins and Co., 249 Abercrombie st,Redf. Petchell Frank and Co., Ltd., 209 Cleveland

st, Redfern Petchell William, Coward at, Mascot Peters Arthur, 54 Cook rd, Marrickville Petersen Christian, 306 Bourke at Phillips and Whipple, 97 King am, St. Pet. Pitcher Henry, 376 Darling st, Balmninl I Pitman Charles, 191 N.S.H. rd, Paddington Plowright Sydney, 96 Cowper at, Wav'ley Porter W. J., 8a City rd Potts John H., 127 Military rd, Neut. Bay Potts Thos., 313 Oxford at, Paddington Preece H. A., 19 Cowper at, Waverley Purcell AL, 126 Oxford st, Paddington Purcell Robert, 139 Bondi rd, Bondi Purser 0. J., 30 Grosvenor cres, Sum. Hill Rashleigh Arthur. 76 George at Rate Mrs. Mary, Short at, Carlton Rawson Thonme, 857 Pitt at Reed 0., 657 King at, Newtown Reed Robert, 514 King at, Newtown Renate Arthur, 171 Bondi rd, Bondi Reynallt H. II., Elizabeth at, A rtannon Reynallt M. H., Victoria a ye, Chatewood Reynolds Richard, 630 King at, Neu town Richards George, 67 Clarence at Richardson II., 146 Cathedral at Rigney Shoe Co., 179a Pitt at Roberts Charles, 339 Miller st, Nth. Sydney Roberts Henry 144 Bahnoln rd, L'hardt Robins J. & Sons, Ltd., 1-3 Hubert et,

Leichhanit Robinson and Co., 560 Botany rd, A'dria Robinson R., 296a Pitt at Ross It., 109 Harris st Ross William J., 26 Collins at, Annandale Royce Boyce., 39 Lackey at, Summer Hill Ityan and Co., 312a Pitt at Ryan M..1., 8 Queen's Court Sanchez Alphonse, 15 Sunny st Santlilands J., 812a George st Saville William II., 212 Bondi rd, Bondi Scott A. V., 1095 Johnston at, Annandale Scheers A , 640 Harris at Seez C.. 186 Oxford at, Paddington Seidel John, Macpherson at, IVaverley Shiny Richard, Albion et, Waverley Sheather J .,J.P.,26 Central rd, Ashfleld Sherden John, 729 Darling st, Rozelle Shenlen William, 263 Merrick. tile rd,

Marrlokville Sherry Mrs. K, 629 Darling at, Rozelle Shriven E. J., 16 Flinders at Simpson Mrs. E. S., 140a Alfred st, N. Syd

Skuse .1., 24-26 Willoughby rd, N. Syd. Shark Thomas, Adolphus at. Balmain Slinn and Co., 90 Bathurst st Smalley and Harkness, 115 Q.V. Markets sn.ith 11. ft. Waverley rd, Waverley Smith F., 6ellegent at. Redfern Smith G. G., 211 0.S.11. rd, Waverley Smith Henry, 42 Australia at, Newtown Smith W. J., 369 King at, Newtown Sneesby Henry, Joseph st, Lidcombe Solonione S., 426 Cleveland at Sorton Charles, 399 Liverpool st Spargo G., 731 King at, Tempo Simmer W. F., Bridge st, Drummoyne Stamper J. I., 518 Mnrrickville rd,Dul. Stapleton John, Beheore rd. Randwiek Starr A., 4 Swanson at, Erskineville Staveley W. 0., 160 Devonshire at Stephenson Cecil, 356 Illawarra rd, Stewart Charles, 18 Argyle pl Steuart James, 32 Oxford st, Paddington Stolweather Frederick, 264 Parrot/tette rd,

Petersham Strauss It.. N.S.H. rd, Rose Bay Sullivan Mrs. Emma, 426 Harris at Sullivan J. P.,335 Glebe Pt. nil, Glebe Sunderlohd dr Butter, 48 Avenue td, Mos. SW11111 0. 81 Parramatta nil, Annandale Spite wininin, 15 Falcon et, Nth. sydney Symons H., 167 Botany rd, Waterloo Taylor Enoch and Co., 22 York st ; factory

and tannery, Botany Taylor T., 98 Military rd, Mosman Templeton J., Clarendon at, Strathfield Thomas Henry, 27 King at, Newtown Thomas P. V. 71 Stator at, Alexandria Tollis , 8 Balmy rd, Alexandria Timms John, 397 Harris at Tolley Bros., 164 William at, Newtowu Towerton S., 147 Avenue rd, hlostnan Townend IL, 53 Willoughby rd, N. Syd. Troth W, G., 47 King at, Newtown Tull John, Bridge st,Drummoyne Turnbull A., 41 Evans et, Rozelle Turnbull W. 3, 542 Parramatt rd, P'sham Turner F., Alfred at, Point 'Fulmer F. A., 14 George at West Turner James 11.,602 Crown at Tyas William, 558 George at Vaubell H., 131 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Veness Aug. G., 45 St. John's rd, Glebe Veness Isaac, 26 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Vercoe J. B., Willoughby rd, Willoughby Vernon Shoe Co., Ltd , 133-137 Bluebell


Boot and Shoe Manufacturers and Importers, 201 Castlereagh at. Tel. City 1115

Walker Alfred E., 130 Phillip at Walker F. A., Baldwin st, Erskineville Walker George H., 1325 Darlinglitust Walker II., 36 Avenue rd, Mosmatt Walker J. It., lit Abercrombie at Walters Philip, 813 Illawarra rd, Walton Herbert, 151 Marion st, L'hardt Ward George IV., 323 Miller et, N. Sydney Ware David, 134 King at, St. Peters Waring B., 92 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Warner Brothers, 6015 George at Watts A. J., 271 and 374 Military st1,1fos'n IVearwell W., 416 0.9.11. rd., IVoollahra Wearwell Will, 1 Kirketon rd Weatherby Joseph, 133 Abercrombie at,

Redfern Webb Arthur, 71 Military rd, Neut. Bay Westacott S., Agar at, blarrickville Westbrook Joseph, 162 King st, St. Peters White anti Down, 14 Junction et, N. Sy& White and Sons, 22 .24 Hutchinson at White Jame, la Elizabeth st White R., 277 Clarence at White Thomas, 20 Victoria at, Lewisham




North Sydney Bottle Exchange— John Lowe, prop., Denison St. Nth Sydney

Palser A.. 146 Abercrombie St. Redfern Scats IL A., Skelton st, Leichhardt Shaw 0., 116 Wellington at, W'Cloo Sillenee James H. 69a Surrey st Stevens Peter, IR William at, Leichhardt Sydney Bottle Merchants, Little Bucking-

ham at. •

UNION BOTTLE CO, (Charles Mur- phy, mug.), 433 Wattle st, Tel. 311137

Vincent W. C., 3 Crystal st, Petersham

BOX AND PACKING CASE MAKERS, Mistral Box and Timber Co. Limited—

IV. IL Scott, managing director, Abet- -Mks ril, Pyrinont.

Barclav Thoinas and Co., 157 White at, Ieichhardt

Barrett P. J., Ivy lane, Redfern Beck John L., 110 Miller st Brunner Charles, 62 Baptist et, Redfern Brunner Charles, Phillip et, Waterloo Christie Thomas, 105-111 Kippax St Go-operative Box Co. of N.S.W. Ltd.,

• Elliott st, Balmain Crouch Sr dney E., 146 Goodlet st Cush H. If. end Co., Miller st


Fruit, Wine and Spirit Cases, &e., machine printed — Yeager's Wharf, Bowniami st, Pyrinont. Tel. 4934 City

Harks William, 273 Church st, Pinata Fewinge & Co., 29 Shepherd st, Darlington


Factory and °Mee — Kippax loud Limey sts, City (near Central Railway Station). Tel., Paddi oigt on 120 ; sales-room, 127 York St., opp. Q. V. Markets. Tel., City 120. Commercial Travellers' Cases made from "Globite" Fibre or 3-ply Veneer Timber

Fraser James sear., Crescent st, Itozelle Head Alfred J., Cowper at, Marrickville Lovett Henry, White st, Leichhardt McKenzie II. Ltd. (Hepburn McKenzie,

managing d)rector), box and packing COS3 factory, Abattoirs rd, Pyrmont.

Metropolitan Box Co., 65 Johnstone at, Annandale

New South Wales Box Co.. Ltd , 58 Mar-garet at, Sydney

Rosen Bros.: 4 Burnett st, Redfern Saxton & Binns LW., corner Jones st and

Pyrmont Bridge rd, Pyrmont, Sydney Skinner and Jones, Ill Booth at, An'dale Sydney Box Factory, 58 Excelsior et,

Leichhardt Union Box and Packing ewe Co., Ltd.,

Johnston at, Annandale

BRASS BAND INSTRUMENT IMPORTERS See also Mask .S4lers and Musical Astra.

Mellt Makers. Nicholson and Co., Ltd., 342 George st


MAKERS. ZOLLNER LTD., 28 to 36 Pruitt et


Cull G. and Son, 316-322 Pitt st FARLEIGH, NETTHEIM AND

CO. ; ids() Agents for Jones' Sewing Machines, 80 Clarence st

Johnson and Sons, 203 Castlereagh it McGrath Martin, 359 Pitt st

BOTTLE MERCHANTS. Bannister Bros., 97 King et, Newtown Biggs W. 11., Blue st, North Sydney Butler Walter, 94 Terry st, St. Peters City Bottle Yard, 699 Bourke st Coles A., 9 The Boulevard, Leichhardt Colquhoun 11., Dixon et, Terminate DODO Arthur, 179 Palmer et Flegg William, Dunks st. Waterloo Gold John, George st, Leiehhardt 'Phone

Pet. 1169 Henderson William, 175 177 York et north Hubbard S., 5 and 7 Pemell et, Enntore King Mrs. C., 53 nosehill at, Redfern Land B., William lane

McCarthy J. and Co. Case, Cask, and Bottle Merchents. Country Hotels promptly attended to. 46 .48 Riley Street, Woolloamooloo. Telephone, City 7683. Cable Address, "Barrel's."

Murphy Bros. and Co., 413 Wattle at N.S.W. Bottle Co., Ltd., 344 Bulwarra Norman and Butler, Sydney rd, Granville Norman Rex, 30 Oxford st, Woollahra

W. I Paling & Co., Ltd. P. F. ULRICH, Mansging Dfroctor.

Importers of Brass Band and all kinds of Musical Instruments and Fittings. Sole Agents for Ilessoo and co. awl Mosey R1111 CO.. the only statelartl makers of Brass Band Instruments,

339 George Street.

BRASSFINISHERS. Austin and McCarthy, 3-5 Cambridge et Castle J. and Sons, 32 King st, Newtown


Greed J. A.. .1.1'., 383 Elizahetli st Green T. and Co., Ltd., Mary Ann it

GRIFFITH LIMITED Brass Founders and Brass Finishers iestab. 187(m ). 77 and 79 L i verpool st, City. Tel. City 6905 (See Adv(.in Alpliii. section, page 1313)

Latham .1. and Soils, 37Ia Pitt st Mainwaring Brothers, Ltd.. 1-5 Market at Makin James, 183 Castlereagh it Mills MO Munro, 17 Wells st, Annandale. Milne Brothers. 10-166 Sussex it Dutton E., Meeks rd, Marrickville Percival \V. 1'., 374 Kent st Porter O. 11. ItIld Cto., 43-45 Druitt St Soviniterton S. L., 9 Weston rd, Rozelle Turnbull S. J.. Do Oxford st Watson and Crane, Ltd., 375 Pitt at, and

George st, Camperdown

BRASSFOUNDERS. Aldertlice John and Co. Proprietary Ltd.

11 3facentorie place Austin and McCarthy, 3-5 Cambridge st BELL'S ASBESTOS AUSTRA-

LIAN AGENCY, LTD., Manu-facturers of Aslesr P s Packed Gun 3letal and Iron Cocas and Valves and Water Gauges, etc., 315 Kent Street, Sydney, and at Melbourne and Fre-mantle. Tel. 8235. P.O. Box 1078

Bonner James, Ltd, 17 to 33 McKee St Bramwell und Vincent, 219 Harris st

BROMWICH J. J., 576ii Harris at, Ultimo. Teleph me No. 31 1235— (See Advt. inside back cover)

Brown and Brown, Abattoirs rd Campbell J. 51 , Chapel 4, Merrick ville Clarke F. W., Circular Quay Cole F. W., Reiby lane

DANKS JOHN AND SON PRO-PRIETARY, LIMITED, 31anu-lecturers and Importers of Engineers' Braseware, 324 to 830 Pitt at. Works, Grafton st, Blackfriars


Boot and Moe Manufaeturer, continutd--- White William, 237 Parramatta rd, A'dale Whittle Alfred, Gordon rd, Gordon

WHYBROW & CO. Metter's Building, 154-158 Elizabeth st. Sydney, makers of high-grade foot-wear—'' Own Make" am) " Exhibit" Brands. Tel. City 8421

Wilkie William, laa limner st Williams Paul end Co., 41 Oxford st, Pad. \\Ills James end Co., 124 King st, N'town Wills William, 711 Darling st, Rozelle


Manufacturers of the celebrated " A.N.A." and " Marchon" Fine Foot Wear, Park st, Alexandria. Tel. L1202 and LI741. Cable aoldress, 'Mercian', ' Sydney.

Wishatt Hobert, 424 Elizabeth fit Wolf Bros., eft 2 Pearl st,.Newtown Wolfson and Co., 15 Kippax et Wood W., 436 rd, Wooilehra Woodgate John, 45 Church et, Inmate Woodger A. H., 574 rd, Woollahra Woods George, 8 0 Harris st Woolf R., 193 Cleveland st, Re) fermi Worsley .f , 507 Terminate id, Leichhardt Wright Bros., 859 George st Wright C. J., 238 Emmore rd, 'Wrigley F., 211 Castlereagh et Young Frederick C., Lane Cove rd, PymIde Young G., 232 Oxford st, Woollahra Yoong W., Bridge rd, Strathfield

DAVIES SHEPHARD &CO Bridge and Parramatta rds, Annan-dale, Sydney. General Brasgottielers. 'Titmice LI129 and L1570

Day J. E., Ltd., 242 Enonore rd, Enniore Denney A. P. and Suns, Lower Tupper st.

Marrickville Ferris John, 41 Systrinn st Green T. and Co., Ltd., Mary Mimi St

GRIFFITH LIMITED Brass Footnotei s and Brass Finishers (estab. 1870o, 77 and 79 Liverpool st, City. Tel. City 6905. 'See Advt. in Alpha Sectimi, page 1313)

Grist Harold, Eastern are, Kensii,gton Hodge arid Zlotkowski, 110-116 Sussex st Hoskins G. and 0., Lt 1., Wattle St

HOSKINS W. & SON Brass, Gun Metal and Aluminium Founders, Engineers, Brass Founders and Oxyg• n Welders. All classes of small Engineering Works made and re-paired. Jobbing work to speciality. Greek at, Glebe. Tel. 31 1414

Howland John, 81-85 Pyrmont Bridge rd Jay James T., 20 Erskine st Lutton W. and J., 835 King st, Tempe Mainwaring Brothers, Ltd., 1-5 Nhorket st Mills eod Munro, 17 Walls et, Annandale Milne Bros., 160-166 Sussex st Morgan David, Paul's rd, Waterloo Mort's Polk end Engineering Co., LW

Mort st,BmmhimmaImi Nelson A. D. and Co., Mountain at Porter 1). II. and Co., 43-45 Druitt st Pratt & Son, Flood at, Leichhardt Maude Bros, Ltd., Victoria rd, Maeville Roberts Bros., 19 Eve at, ErsThieville Samos A. & B., Bourke st, Waterloo SWAN ROBERT C. & CO., LTD.,

301 Pitt Street, Sydney. Tel. Nos. City 7521 and 7522. Trade mark, "Swan "

Toowoomba Foundry Co., Ltd., Campbell st, St. Peters

Tucker A. E., 49 Drolitt st Turnbull S. J., 30 Oxford at Tylor J. anti Sons, Ltd., 13 Bridge at Vale Henry and Sons, South par, Auburn Watson & Grans, Ltd., 373-375 Pitt at, and

George et. Camperdown Welsh Bros., 78 George st, Camperdown

BRASS STAMP MANUFACTURERS. SANDS JOHN LTD., 374 Georg. st Snowdon and Sampson, 71a Market st

BRASSWARE IMPORTERS. Briscoe and Co., Ltd., 343-385 Kent st DANKS JOHN AND SON PRO-

PRIETARY, LTD., 321 to 3311 Pitts(

Everett and Co , LW., Ash st, or 338 George st

Stallman and Schaffer, 250a George st SWAN ROBERT C. & CO., LTD.,

301 Pitt Street. Sydney. Tel. Nos. City 7521 and 7522

Watson & Crane, Ltd., 373-375 Pitt at, and George st, Cam perdown

BREWERS. Kent Brewery—Tooth and Co., Limited-

26-36 George St west

RESCH'S LIMITED, Dowling at Redfern. Tels. Redfern, 873 allot 874 and 162 Paddington. Order Depart. ment, 876 and 876 Redfern

Standard Brewery, Toohey's Ltd., 300 Elizabeth St

Tooloey's Ltd., Standard Brewery, 300 Elizabeth st

Tooth anol Co., Limited, Kent Brewery- 20-36 George st west

Waverley Brewery, Dowling et, Redfern, Younger George total Sun, Ltd., Booth st,



Engineers, Cork Merchants, Brewers' and Cordial Makers' Supplies, 56 Clar-ence st, Sydney, Tel. City 2454


Importers and Manufacturers of Machinery Corks and Sundries for Brewers, Cordial Manufacturers and Bottlers, 123 to 1:11 Castlereagh st. Telephoto a City 8685 and 8689

N.S.W. Malting Co., Ltd., 366 Kent at


Ashfield Brick Co. Ltd. Milton at, Asbileid, Ahnaufacturers of every description of Bricks. Fretierick E. Greenwood, A .C.I.S., Secretary and Manager. Tel. U1939

Auburn Brick Co., Ltd., Park rd, Auburn


David R. Rogers, Manager ; p.r., Silver at, St. Peters. Tel. (house No.), L1871.

Manufacturers of all classes of Bricks, King and Cowper sts, St. Peters. Tel. (Works No.) L 1609

Anstrallan Brick Co., Liverpool rti, Enfield Bakewell Bros , LW., Concord and Coulson

sts, Erskineville Bankstown Brick Works, Oxford aye,

Bankstown Bedford Brickworks—Josiah Gentle, pro-

prietor, King at, St. Peters. Beulah Brickworks (Bakew 11 Bros., Ltd.),

imtiteiieli rd, Alexandra 8 01011 Sand-Linte Brick Co., Sophia st,

Wttverley Bar wood Dick Works, Cheltenham rd,

Berwooil Butcher Bros. and Co Hotham parade,

Gore Hill, North Sydney. Canterbury District Brick Co., LW., Can-

terbury rd, Campsie

CARRINGTON STEAM BRICK CO., LTD —Arthur H. Penn, Secre-tory, Barwon Park rd, St. Peters Telephone L1125

Central Brick Co. Ltd. Victoria it, St. Peters (Rear of Coun-cil Chambers), Manufact nrers of all classes of Bricks. Tel. No. L1516

C hidgey and Tanner, Alt st, Haberfield Christiansen M. anol Co., ()tango Grove rd,

Liverpool City Brick Co. Ltd. (W. S. Alderson, secre-

tary and mmmgr. , Enston rd, A'ilrie Clyde Brick Co. Ltd., Newton at, Auburn Cook Rupert, brick manufacturer, corner

Iltirwood rd and Mitehell st, Enfield Croydon Steam Brick Co., Lionited—J. IL

Whiteman, sec., Webb st, Croydon Dive Samuel. sen., Beauchamp rd, Botany Driver George, French's Forest rd, Manly Enfield Park Brick Co., Ltd., Park ri,

Enfield Enfield Brick and Pile Co., Madeline st,

Enfield EXCELSIOR Brualovorilcs —

Jones st, Croydon. Trustees of late W. .1. Downton, proprietors ; Thos. .1. Joiner, mgr. Tel. U1080

Federal Brick Co. Ltd.(The) E. A. Taylor, secretary, 3liteliell rd, Alexandria. Manufacturers of all classes of .13ricks, Drain Pipes and Fittings. Tel. L1277 day tond night

Federal Brick Co. (Carlton branch)—W . Mitchell, manager. Forest rd, Wyllie

Ferguson Bros. end Co., McFarlane st, Merrylands

Flemington Brick, Tile and Pottery Co., Lid., 25 Castlereagh st, and at L'combe

Fowler IL, George at. Cempertlown, Mar- riekville. and Bank Aown

GENTLE J. Manufacturer of Every Description of Bricks. Bedford Brickworks, King at, St. Peters. Tel. LI041

Goodlet and Smith, Ltd., Pyrmont and Granville

Great Northern Brick Co., Ltd., AI idson rd, Eastwood

Guildford Fire and Glazed Brick Co., Military rd, Guildford

ILtrens Daniel, Cross st, Bankstown Hornsby Tile, Pottery and Brick Works,

Ltd., Gordon rd, St. Leonards Hughes', Fr meit's Foiest ml, Manly tlurstville S earn Brick Works Ltd., Judd

st, Mortilale Illawarra Fireclay and Brick Co., Ltd.,

63 Pitt st Industrial Brick Co., Ltd., Botany rd,

Weterloo Kuring-gal Brick Works, French's Forest

rd, Manly Liverpool Steam Brick Works Co., LW.,

office, 12 Castlereagh et ; works, L'pool Metropolitan Brick Co., Ltd., 12 Castle-

reagh st National Brick Works Co., Ltd., Thorn-

leiglo Newbold Silica Fire Brick Co., Ltd., 77

Elizabeth St N.S. W. Government State Brick Works,

Botany and Lideombe North Sydney Brick and Tile Co., Ltd.,

Gore Hill, North Sydney Northern Suburbs Co-operative Brick Co.,

LW., Gordon rd, Gore Hill




TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Bui Brickworks continued- Parrsunsitta River Brick Tile and Pottery

Co., Ltd., Spurway at, Erminston Punchbowl Brick and Tile Co., Punchbowl Ryde Brickworks Ltd., Great Northern rd,

Hyde Sims James. Brixton rd, Lificombe South Ashfield Brick Works, Goodlet st,

Canterbury State Brick Works, Glebe and Lideombe Standsure Brick Works—T. Stanley Daley,

Sydenham rd, Marrickville Strathfield and Enfield Brick and Terra

Cotta Works, Ltd., Water at, Enfield Sydney Brickworks—Jas. IL Charlesworth

manager, Unwires Bridge rd, M'ville


Barwon Park rd, Alexandria. Tel' L1086. Geo. L. Edwards, Managers Rosette*. at, Penshurst. Tel. Keg- 486



IIuntley st, Alexandria,Sydney, Manu-facturers of every description of Bricks. Tel. L1412

Tempe Brickworks E. L. Speare, proprietor, King et. St. Peters (near Cook's River), Manufac-turers of all varieties of Bricks. Tel. L1456

Thomas George, Passefie'd at, Liverpool Tale of Clwyd(' C. B. and Brick Co., Ltd.,

14 Martin place Warren Brick Co., Mitchell rd, Alexendrie Waterloo Brick Co., Ltd., Botany rd,

Waterloo Wilson's Brickworks, Herbert at, Gore

BROKERS (GENERAL). See also resisectire headinc 7 under which

they trade .Alexander D. S., 44 Carrington at Anderson S. G. and Co. 2 Hunter at Baldick F. & Co., 397 Kent at Booker J. (Exerts, of the late) Vickeu's

chambers, 84 Pitt at Booth Edward, 82 Pitt at Boyd James A , 18 Brldge at Broadbent W. W., 72i King at Craig and Arnold, 161 Sussex at Douglas Percy and Co., 18 Barrack at Elsington C. W., 327 George at Fraser, tither and Co.. Ltd., Hamilton at. Grant and Co., 155 Phillip at Green Stanley E., 190a Sussex at Harvey Alfred and Phillips, 40 King st Hecht H. & Co , 67 Castlereagh at Boulder Brothers and Co., Ltd., Exchange

corner. 03 Pitt st Boustsn William, 255n George at Interstate Mercantile Brokerage Co, 350

George at Joseph IL, 375 George st Madden D. A. and Co„ 19 Bridge at Madden and Hixson, 19 Bridge at Muir P. It., 31 Pitt st Paine Warren, 82 Pitt St reppsr John, 114« Pitt at

BUILDERS. Abbott William, Elgin sq, Campsie Ackland Edwin J., Ross at, Acton William, 109 Hargrave it. Pad'ton Adams Arthur G., Joseph at, Lidcombe Aiken Thomas, Kensington at. Koganth Alderson Henry W., 106 Parramatta rd,

Aim ield Allan Alex. SI., 26 Henson at, Suin. Hill Allen Hugh, Shackel eve, Itaildwick Allen Hugh, Wentworth at, Itandwick Allman James G., Critelli at, Hurl. Park Anderson Andrew SI, Cheltenham rd,

13urwoo I Anderson J. G., 175 Blue's Pt. rd, Nth.

Sydney Andrews Albert It

' 608 New Canterbury

rd. Dulwich 1E11 Andrews James, Howani at, Lindfield Archer Frederick, George at, Mondale Archibald J., 320 Edgewarc rd, Newtown Armour Hector, Wyalong at, Willoughby Arthur Alfred, Parkes at, Itytie Askew Harold, Bernard Ft, Liticombe Atkin George, Great Northern rd, Orville Atkinson Fred. It.,49 Mackenzie et, L'hardt Atkinson John W., Steeple rson at, N. Bay Australien 13niltling Co , 10 Castlereagh

at and liaberileld

AWARDS FOR ALL BUILDING TRADES, in book form, complete up to date of sale, 96 pages, 3/6 posted. Also our "Wages-at-a-glance" Quick Ready Reckoner for all trades, fld. posted. Obtainable only from L. Vona, Industrial Act Expert, 14 Castlereagh at., Sydney.

Badtuitigton J., 11 Whistler at, Manly Bagge Christian N., 64 Alice at, Auburn: Bain Keuneth, 151 Womerah ave Baldwin Bros., Stant:core rd, Staiimore Banks William D., 3 Derwent at, Glebe Banner A , Canterbury rd, Belmore Barker George, 193 Norton at, Leichhardt Barnett J. & Co., Carrington .lane

Summer Hill Barnett ltniest, Harrow rd, Auburn Barnett John G., 108 Prospect tsl, Sum. IL Bari shy William G., Burwood rd, Enfield Barr JOI1108 K., Cros don are, Enfield

BARTLETT BROS. Builders and Contractors, Painters and Decorators, Shop and Office Fitters, 298 Pitt at, Sydney. Tel. City 2386. Workshops, rear of 85 Dement st, Glebe Tel. 31 1362

Bartlett A. K, Campsie et, Campsie Bartlett J01111, 110111Sey at, Durwood Batalitiet Sefton, Duke at, Kensington Baxter and Hepburn, 70 Hunter at Baxter James, 70 Hunter at - Beale Roland T., 29 Alexander at, Manly Beard Martin, 33 Mullet's at, Balmain Beat Bros. 107 Henrietta rd, Waverley Beaumont Harry, 68 Oxford at Huhn° Peter, Sutherland aye, Paddington Beer John. 25 Teo at, Neutral Bay Beeson Henry, Lane Cove rd, Turrainurra

BROOM AND SRUSHMAKERS. Abram's Brooms and Brushes, Ltd,. 82

Pitt at, and ,Tohn et, Glebe Australian Br, omit and Brush Co., 26

Hopewell at, Paddington Campbell and Km ella, 200 Crown at Federal Broom Co., 10 Fred at, Leichhardt Gruloneier Mrs. IL. 81 Foneart at, Rozelle Hamilton and Co. (Lend.), 32 Market at Harriett Bros., 64 Annesley st, Leichhardt Industrial Blind Institution, Boomerang at James T., 5 Barlow at Jessop Geodes, 3 Little Queen at Mc3tabon T., 6 Albion at Moxham IV. J. end Co., 35 Castlereagh at,

Redfern Palmer Bros., 21 Shepherd at Palmer and Ryan, 65 Fitzroy at Reliance 13room Co., 83 Queen at, W'ahro Schofield Brush Co , Newton at, Al'andria Simplex Brush Factory, tile Browning at,

Alexandria Smith John & Co., City Broom Factory,

58 Marlborough at, Burry Hills Stanford and Pilley, 48 Harbour at Star Brush Co., Ltd., Angel place Sydney Box and Brush Factory, Excelsior

at, Lelehhardt Sydney Broom Manufacturing Co., 35

Castlereagh at, Redfern TaylorSalnuel, Old Foster at II-Need-a-Broom and Trading Co., Suther-

land aye, Paddington Union Broom Factory, 368a Norton at.

Leiehhanit Wilkins Sydney J., Excelsior at, L'hardt Williams John, 3 Crescent at, Rozelle Wyld Alfred, 2 Buckland Zevenboom John & Co., Gibtons et, Wien'

BRUSHWARE IMPORTERS. Barnett Leopold & Co., 308 Pitt at Brooks Henry and Coy., proprietors of

" Helmet'' and " Star " brands brush ware, Wynyard buildings, Wyn-yard square, Sydney. Tel. City 73.3

Grace Bros., 141 Broadway, Glebe

HORDERN ANTHONY St SONS LTD., Sydney. (See buntlines throughout Din 8C•roltv.)

Lassetter P. and Co., United, 403 to 421 George at

Moreau H. and Co., 84 Pitt at Sayers, Allport Proprietary, Ltd., 53-55

Macquarie St Taylor Samuel, obi Foster at

BUCKET AND TROUGH MAKERS. Lassetter F. and Co., Limited, 403 to 421

George at.


Pole Bros. and Co., 119 SUSECX st Reed William E., 55 Pitt at Roberts Wynn, 18 Bond at Scott, Young, and Evans, 65 Sussex at Stavordale B. and Co., 163 l'itt at Thompson W. IL, 1 1 4a Pitt at Torrington F. W., 91 Pitt at 'Fournier Charles, 25a Pitt at White It., 84 Pitt at Whiting A. IV., 220« Sussex at Williams F. 0., 212 Clarence at Wood Reuben, Hunter House, 20 Hunter at

BROKERS. Austral Bronze Co., Ltd.—Sydney Full.

wood, Secretary, 11 12 Foy's Cluttnters, 1 Bond at. Works, 204 Botany rd, Alexandria


79-81 and 83a Commonwealth 'it. near Goulburn at. (See Advt. opp. Elec-troplaters)


Benbow John, J.P , 17 Railway rd, St. Per. Bennington Sand., Douglas at, Dul. 11111 Benson Leslie R., Blaxcell st, Granville Bertram Fredk. L., Rose at, Eastwood Black J. B., 25 Schweble at, Marrickville Blackman Herbert E., Argyle st,P'matta Blundell II. P., 92b Pitt at, and Park rd,

St. T.eonards Bogie \Vinton'. South par, Campsie Bolden W., 32 Cromwell at, Leichhardt Bos,ward Thomas IV., 15 Searl at, 'reliant 33osward W. G., 49 Selwyn at, Paddington Bott James, 11 Wattle at, Ilitberfleld Iloulton George, 130 Commit rd, S more Box Samuel, 4 Adelaide at, Woollehrit Bradford N. A. and Co., Woronora par,

Oatley Brazill Francis, Francis at, Carlton Breen B. J., Christina at, Longueville Bridger G. W., Mowbray rd, Chstswood Ilnerley H., Beacetateld at, Bexley Brierley P., Ileaconsfieldst, Bexley Brierley H., Durham at, Hurstville Brockway G. IL, 144 Ocean at, Paddington Brooks, Dean, Victoria rtl, Marrickville Brown and Childs, Ann at, Lideombe Brown and Haynes. Jabez at, SPville Brown Albert, 56 Elizabeth at we-t,A'fleld Brown Charles, Good et, Grenville Brown David T...1.1', Gladstone at, Bexley Brown Edwin, Joseph at, Liticombe Brown G. J., 141 New Cantetbury rd,

Petersham Brown .7. K., 12 Castlereagh at Brown James, 2 Frederick at, Ashfleld Brown John, Linden at, Mascot Drown John, 89-01 Lune Cove rd, N. Syd. Drown Sidney C., Croydon eve. Croydon


row '. E., Orara st,Wnitarn Brown IVilliam J.. Sutton at. Five Dock Bruce Henry C., Sharpe at, Delmore Buchanan E. if., J.1'., 10 Drutninoyne

ave. Drummoyne Buesnel, P..7., Victoria at, Epping Bullock Robert, Punchbowl rut Enfield Burnett A. W., Gordon rd, Gordon Burrell C. A., Plunkett at, St. Leo/lards Burrows Albert E., Victoria rd, Bellevue

11111, Rom Bay Bush William, Beaufort at, Enfield Butterworth John, Neich par, Burwood Byatt John, Landowne at, Penshurst Cabban E. E„ Gale rd, Sonth Randwick Calder J., 71 Stewart at, Paddington Calder William, 13 Day at. Drummoyne Callaby R. J., Flavelle at, Concord Callingliam W., Raglan at, Mosm Cornwell John, View at, Marrickville Case Walter T., O.S.H. rtl, Vitucluse Cavanagh Charles, Ii Cary at, Irmoyne Chambers Etiwarti,Coventry rd,Ifoinebush Chaney Charles L., Rawson at, Epping Chapple R. H. J., Stephen at, Paddington Chessell T. and Co., Brown st, Ashfield Chidzey William E., Wareetnba at, Ab'ford Christianson M. and Cu, Macquarie at,

Liverpool Christie Edward, Sutherland at, Mascot Clark Arthur, Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby Clarke Ernest IL, Woolwich rd, Woolwich Clarke Henry T., J P., The Point, W'wich Clarke L. W.,1 Woodbury at, 31.ville Clarke Thomas, 88 Arthur st. Nth. Sydney' Clifton Albert, Marlowe st,Catnpsie Coates Thomas W., 16 Susan at, Auburn Cole W. and Son. Railway par, Sutherland Coleman A. W., Belford at, Hursitone Pk Cotentin' Anthony, Arthur at, Enfield Coleman Charles 0.. Greenwich rtl, G'wich Coleman J. H., 50 DalhousIt st,Haberfield Coleman IV. A., Brussel at, Mascot Comber and Faust, Itowe et, Woollabra Compton Francis, 176 Queen at, W'Ialira

Connon George, Austral at, Kogarall Cook Bros., Crick st,Chatswood Cook II. 11., 4 Park par,Waverley Coombes H. T., Prince Edward at, L. Bay Cottage Builders, Ltd., 131 utlend n1,111'0(1'8 Coulthard George M., Alttlyan at, Como Coulter Alexander..T.P., Banksia at, Bot'y Coventry George, Blaxcell at, Granville Cracknell and Watts, Stills at, Carlton Cranes Charles, Harris at, Paddington Cranney Thomas, senr„Isebella at, P'matta Crawford W. G., Dora at, Hurstville Cropley R. 11., 172 Campbell at Cretin II., time at, Kogarali CrO s S 1110M09 V., Forest rd, HurAville Cunningham T., Botany rd, Alexandria Dale George IL, Victoria at, Durwood Davies It. T., Dmitroon at, Hurlstone Pk. Davies T. A., Sarner rd, Greenwich Davies IV. IL, 183 Vittoria at, Ashfield Davis Edwin W., Sproule at. Lokemba Dawes NIL Union at, Granville Dawson John IV., Plymouth at, Enfield Deadman Stephen, Goulburn sr, Liverpool Dean John A., Victoria Chambers, 44

('math result at Dean T11011111 . , 36 Belmont rtl, Bosnian Dedden W., Cardinal st, Mosman Denning John T., 150 Johnston at, A'ndale Beaman!' W. A. 163 Pitt at Beaman!' W. A., J . P., Rocky Point rtl,

Arneliffe Devlin Edward A., Great Northern rd,

Gladesville Dickson Archibald. Great Northsrn rd,

Gladesville Dodson John, Rochester at, Homehush Dodson John, Abbotsford rtl, Homebush Doorey B., 145 Avenue rd, Stumm' Dorliauer C. and Sons, 70 Queen at, Mehra Dorh tiler Otto, 68 Queen at. Woollaltra Douzans Bros., 123 Denison at, Canetiown Dowling George, 4 Sloane at, &limner Hill Dunning Albert, 752 Botany id, Alex'dria Dunning Albert, J.P., 21 Hansard at, IV'loo Dyke Tomas W., 54 Nowranie at, Sum-

mer Hill Eaton George, Stsde at, Neremburn Edwar Is A. S., Punchbowl ni, Punchbowl &heads Robert, GI anthain at, IV. Kog'ali Elder and l'otterdell, 14 Mertin place Ellie George IL. Dean at, Enfield Elphinstoue D. B., 9M Pitt at Emery J. C., Chapel ni, Bonkstown Epthorp Frank, Dudley at, Lidcombe Evans H., 17 Bridge at Ityles %V 13 Little West at Fairfax Percy. IIIVCCIICS3 ave, Penshurst Falliek S unuel,159 Ramon! rd, P'sham Farrell M., 36 Somerset at, Mostnan Faust Charles P., 4 Spring at, IVaverley Ferguson A. (J., 88 Angel at, Newtown Fewings F. J., 211-233 Cowper at, Waverley Finlay Garnet, Findlay age, Chatswood Fisher Charles, 202 Palmer at Fleming Alex. senr., Harkness at, W'itlira Fletcher Harry, 117 Schwebel at, Flood James, 6 Chapman at, Sommer 11111 Forbes and Wilshire, Daulcy rd, Manly Forsyth E. II., Parklands eve, Longueville Forsyth Francis, 28 Phillip st,Enmore Fortescue Bros., Kelsey at, Anicliffe Foster W. F. and Co., 114« Pitt at Foster W. F. end Co., 132-131 Iforehoul

at, 11..0 fern Franklin Paul, 58 Eastern aye, Kensington Franklin 'I'M:tines, 59 Fnincis at, Glebe Gale S. 13., Bank at, Steadowbank Gallop G., Clairvaux at, Vaucluse Gallop George, Dover rd, Rose Ray Gone (LW.. Albert par. Guildford Outland Henry & Son. Queenscliffe, Manly Gawne Walter and Sons, 31 Station at,

Newtown •

Gendere Arthur, Gower at, lItirlstone Park

Geraglity Conne11,1-3 Elizabeth st, Redfern °Wens John T., Queen at, Concord Gibbon Stephen A , George at, Parramatta Gibbons Henry, 7 Smith at. Manly Gibson W. P., Edmund at, Chatswood Gillespie Thomas, op'105 Norton at, L'hard t Gillett S. and Sons, Foreman at Gillett Samuel, Leslie at, Marriekville Gillman Bert. F., Alexandria a ye, E'twood Glautield John G., Broad rd, S. Rand wick Gleason Charles, J.P., Daniel at, Granville Glen Wilson, 37 Chelsea at, Redfern Gould A. E., Itosehill et, Parratnatta Graham James, 79 John at, Petersham

rid lam Samuel D., 26 Stoonble at, Sum. II. Grant John, 79 Palace at, Asidield Gray J. 31 Pariwa rd, Steelton' Gray IV., Regent st, Eogaralt Green fly., .1.P., Warringa rd, N. Sydney Greenfield Walter, Leopold at, Asidield Grimley Geo. S., :LP., 76 Adelaide at, Wool-

las re Grom IV. II., 11 Bedford cres, Dul. Hill Gunter G. W., Canterbusy nl, Canterbury Back Castles W., 35 13elmoro ril, It'wlek Iran and Smith, Railway par, liurstville Hamer Stumm) E., 43 Grafton at, Wlatint Herding Albert E., Alexandra at,

Hunter's 11111 Harkness E. K., 375 New South Head nil,

Double Bay ; p.r., " Carlotta," Car-lotta rd, Double Bay

Harris Joseph If., 11 Brighton at, P'sham Harrison John C. and Son, Union B ink

chambers, Hunter and l'itt sts, and 176 Parratnatta rd, Ashtlehl

Harrison Joseph it, 587 Illawarra ril, Marrickville

Haas Conntd, Condor at, Burwood Hart Ernest, 1 Tedium' are, Kensington Hastings T., J.1'

' 286 Norton at, L'hardt

Hawley John, 85 Surrey at Hayes C. .1., Vituglien at, Lidcombo Heard Frank, Pevlin at, Itytle Healey .Tolitr, Tressider aye, Flab Tfleld Henley William J., 258 Joh listonist. Ati'dale Hentish George, II Portman at, Waterloo Henson W. T., J.P., 152 Livingstone rd,

Marrickville liewson Ernest, Parratnatta rd. Auburn Higgs Roderick D., Koppel at. Concord Hill Charles, Hannant et, Arncliffe Hills Edward, 43 Spencer ni, Bosnian Itines John, Liverpool rd, Enfield Hocking Bros.

' off William at., Canterbury

Hodges A., 41 11.1dgecliffe ni, Woollahra Ilodgson Isaac B., J.P., Avoca at, Ito n d wi ck Hokin F..7., Anglo rtl, Campsie Holding Edwin, 0(1 180 Darling st,Balmain Holdsworth A. H., Jersey at, Hornsby Hokin Freak. J., Newton rd, Stnatitield Holland W. V., Villiers at, Bexley Hollis W. D., Broad rd, South Itaialwick Holt George B. and Co., II Moore at Homan P. H., Victoria move, Chatswood Hopper Arthur, Unara at, Campsie Horne E., 1 Westmoreland at, For. Lodge Howie, Moffat and Co., Ltd., 8 Spring at Howe John and Sons, 28 Moore at, end

Bourke at, Waterloo Howie John and Sons, Bourke at, Redfern Hudson Herbert C., Hotnebush cres,ll'hush Hudson Samuel Hill Crest at, Hughes Bros., Beltnore at, Burwood linglies H. It.. Strone aye, Wahroonga Humphries Bros., Willoughby rd, Wit-

hmumtglmby Hmiimphmriea Geo. It., Lane Cove rd, N. Syd, Bunt John, Short at, Enfield Ingram Alf, lie Falcon at, North Sydney Irvine Thomas, 9 Avenue, A shfield Jackson Thomas, 13 Lont'su et, En more


ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE MAN ON THE LAND. 1986 Bui TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Bui Mal ieri continued— James Walter, Parramatta ril, Five Dock Jamieson Samuel, Collett st, Manly Jarman '1'. E.. Bennett's rd, Eastwood Johnson and Poulton, Birdiesley st,C'wood Johnson Robert, Short st, L1101101(1 Jones G. P.. it Sons, 68 Caledonia :it, Pad'ton Jones H. T., Bembridge st, Carlton Jones It. F., 171 Paddington it, ProPton Jones Thomas, Randle at, Marrickville Kearney Michael B., J.P., Mardckville rd,

Sydenhain Kell nut Rigby. Bishop at. Durwood Kent W. C., 3 7 Kingston at, Haberfield • Kerins James, 68 North ace, Leichhana Kibler Fred, Westbourne at, Carlton King James, Warrant' st, Concord Kingsbury C. P., Barton at, Enfield Knight henry, Forest ri, Arneliffe Lackenby Thomas, Vimiera ril, Eastwood Lalor William, jour., Queen at, Enfield Lamplough Fred k. N., Rawson at, Epping Lance George

' Piper at, Leichhardt

Lang Robert, 86 Dalhousie st, Halerfield 'Apish John, J.P., 92 Holden at, Ashfield Lavor J., High at south, I fords Mirk 'Aycock Aaron, .1.1.'„ Coward st, Maacot Leary Herbert S., n Plunkett at, D'Inovne Leckie James, 73 Moms at, Summer Hill Lee and Parker, Rohl at, Baukstown Leech Thos. M. Clarke at, Gnmville Leggott J. S., Longueville rd, Lon g uevil e Leitch John. J.P., 1 8 Bourke at, Redfern Loma° F. IV.

' Prospect st, Woverley

Leine's.° Fred. W., 91a Elizabeth at, Pdlon Leslie Thos., J.P., 3 Woodstock at, 13ondi Lewis 0. II., 57 Harrow rd, Auburn Light John Son, Garfield at, Five Dock Light henry D., 75 St. Georges crescent,

Drunimoyi e Lightfoot Robert, 62 Auburn rd, Auburn Linsker G. S., Amy at, Campsie Lipscombe Stanley G., 119 Auburn rd,

Auburn Livingstone II., Anglo td, Campsic Llewellyn John L., Gordon ril, Roseville Lloyd Charles 11 Lang at, Wanton Logan G. W., J.P., 159 George at, and 37

Albert at, Redfern Long Martin, Cumberland rd, Auburn Longworth Harold, 65 Market at Loverldge it Hudson, Cleveland at, Irtern Loverldge Tiuos., J.P., Shaftesbury rd,

Durwood Lucas Kb. 13., Brisbane at, Granville Lusted Edward C., 94 Neville at. Maeville McAllister George, 2 Turner at, Balmain McOotter William H. Seymour at, Entield McDicken Henry J., King r.1, F. Dock McDonald Bros., Boulevarde, Punchbowl McDonald and Host, East ter, Bankstown McGregor James, 8 Ilopetoun at, Newtown McIntosh Jas. 0., 1 Wellington st,Nlown McIntyre Bros., oft' 14 Jestnond at McIntyre Archibald, J.P., Albany at. St.

Leotards bfeJannett W., 30 Fitzroy awe, Bahnitin McKay John, Sutherland rd. Beecroft Kclievett Edward, Devonshire at, Croydon McLeod Francis M., 14 Liverpool rd, Sum-

mer Hill McLeod Henry A, Eighth are, Campsie McMillan Wm., York at, Delmore McNamara Wm. J., Abbotsford par, A'ford Mantic John, 44 Brown at. Newtown Mahoney Edward J., Broad rd, Sth. Irwick Maitland John, 102 Morehead at, Redfern Maltwood and Parnell, Canary ri, C'bury Marrs C., Bourke at, Waterloo Marsh Henry, Sister's cres east, Dmoyne Marsh Henry K. Bridge at, Drummoyne Marsh P. E., Oxford at, Gladesville Martin T. II., 29 Breillatt at, Annandale Martha Willinumi, Esplinade, ThOrnleigh ALISSIO Robert, West at, Hurstrille

P•nrson Harry, Rickard at, Marrickville Pendlelmry Fernhill at, Millstone

Park Pendlebury William J., Gower at, Hurl-

stone Park Pickersgill B. A., 75 Ito .% al Arcade Pidgeon l'erey W„ 415 Liverpool rd, Allen] Pitt Alfred N.,93 Elizabeth at, Pairton Pittendrigh I'. A., 82 Brighton st, P'shatn Plaisted and Wrightson, Hay at Ponton Arthur, Florence s t, Hornsby Porter J. and Sons, 53-55 Foveaux at Porter James, Arden at, South Coogee Porter John, 4 Pacific at, Manly Potts Edward A., Stanley st. Chatswood Poulton Arthur, 142 Frederick st, A'field Poultou Ilenry P.. Roseberv at, Petishurst Pringle Jas. 11 and A.. 0.S.H. rd, W'alint Pbdialty John, 16 Cannon at. Stout imni Quigley IVilliam, 56 Carshalton at, A'fiel(11 Quinn Bros., 31e,vinott at, Rand wick Rand A. J.. Chelmsford ave., llo,eville Ronde' Sidney II, Desmond at, Milroy(' Raper Richard. Brook at, Nareniburn Redmond JIM 90 Carrington rd,Waverley Red! Alexander, Lennartz at, Enfield Rein Edgar, Rawson at. Epping Reynell Edward W., Claremont rd. Inlet& Rhodes Joseph A., Young at, Turratnurrrb Richards Arthur J., in Cooper at, Arvin° Richards William, Burwood rut, Bnrwood Richardson John, New st, Willoughby Richmond Malcolm, 226 Entnore rui,E'inore Robertson A lexaraler, Pt emicr at, Robertson John, Gordon rd, Gordon Robertson Robert. .MOrrison rd, Glad'ville tobinson A fired T., Ethel at, Durwood tobinson 0., II Fitzroy at, Newtown Rogers Win. J., Chisholm rd, Althorn. Roper C. W., Seventh are, Campsie Rime and Mears, Biles st, Alexandrils Ross Thomas, Pin., Francis at, Carlton Russell A., Lidbury st, Lidcombe Rossi ter F. It., jun., Acton at, Millstone Pk. Rouen John, 86 3litepherson at, Waverley Rudd Jimmy, 32 Ormond at, Paddington Rudolph Wm., Jaames at, Chatswood Rust D., 43 Rawson at., Auburn Sainsbury .1. J., 3 Keith st, Dulwich Hill Sainty Jos.. 114 13engalla at, Warrawee Sanbrook Bros., 114 Probert at, Catn'down Sanbrook Frolic., 145 Probert at, C'ilown Sawtell Thomas, Beaconsfield at, Auburn. Saxton W. B., 41-48 Day at Scheinelt J. G. it Son, 276 New Canterbury

rd, Petersliam Schofield IVilliam and Co., 2 Dailey st Schultz Charles, Tambourine Bay rd, Lane,

Cove Scott James, Unara Si, Campsie Scouller A. IL, 106 Homer° rd:Alsieville. Seymour H. T., Victoria rd, 31arrickville. S111/11110/1 J. G., Fox Valley rd, Wahroonga Shannon Robert, 1 Percival rd, Stanmore Sliced William, 106 (Mendes at, N. Sydney Shelton William IL, 5 Rawson at, Auburn Short J. T., George st, Afortdale Shoults Walter, Howard rd, East Hills. Shim Itobert D., 99 Womentli ave Simon IV. and Co.. 2 Hunter st Slime Robert D., 13urgoyne st, Gordon Smeddon Harry, Corona awe, Chatswood Smeal IL. J., 252-254 Lane Cove rd, Ntlr. ' Sydney

Smith A., 104 Belmont rd, Mosman Smith Frank, 86 Wamtali at. Hobe tield Smith George H., Violet at, Enfield Smith Henry, 56 Hardy at, Ashfield Smith J. A., 68 Wentworth aye Smith J. A., Gordon rd, Roseville Smith John, Franklin at, Sherwood Smith John A., Ivanhoe at, Mturrickville Smyth IV., 35 Edmund at, Waverley Sparkes Gladstone, Alfred at, Mascot

Master Builders' Association of N.S.W. and Exchange—N. Phelps Richards, see., 12 Castlereagh at

Nloston and Yates, 3 Spring at Matheson John, 60 Mai inn at, En mote Mathison John, 233 Lane Cove ri, N. Syd. Mayer John P., Concord rd, Concord Mnyes Charles E., Illilwit at, Neut. Bay Meredith George, Meredith st,13ankstown Alesher William, 28 Waterloo at, Rozelle Messent It. S., Morton at, Wollstonecraft Messervy Bros., Bonlevarde, Stratlitield Messervey Henry, The parade, Enfield Meyer Fenlinalid, 15 Elswick et. 1"shato B ill water F. T., 175 Underwood at, F'toti Miller T110111101. 13rickfleld at, Parraniatt a Al Rebell D., 144•146 Young at Redfern Moller '1'. P. 11 , Parkes st, byte Molyneaux Fuel. K., 523 Botany ti, \riot. Mo . ey Albeit, Shaftesbury ml, Burwood Monk S. A., 156 Pitt at; Redfern Monk Mimin g, Parramatt a rd, Concord Moodie Bros., Booth at, Anatindale Moore A., Penshurst st, Willoughby More Arthur. 40 station rd, Auburn Store Ernest, 157 Bondi rd, Bondi Moore Ernest. 20 Avoca at, Waverley Moran Jam s J., 20 Hopewell at, Prorton Moran P. .1., 8 Young st 11orrison Willhun, H yaline at, 0 mpsie Morrow John II., Beronga at Concord Morton William, 10 Allen at, Leichharilt Moss Hugh, Ninth ave. Campsle Mossop and Cooper, 249 George it Moitesey William, 18 Maildisonst, Redfern NIountford J. W., 48 Ernest at, N. Sydney APPRENTICE FORMS, For all

g'rades and 1.1usinessts, 1/7 per set of 3, with full instructions. Save legal expenses by using these which comply absolutely with the requirements of both the Apprentices and the Indus-trial Arbitration Acts. Obtainable 01113' front L. Zions, Industrial Act Expert, 14 Castlereagh at, Sydney

hfunit Bros., 518 0.S.II. ri, Woollahra Murphy F., l'avistock rd, Flemington Neal G., 180 Mullens at, Nicholls Bros., 171 Avenue rd, Mosman Nicholls T. & Sons, 13eresford rd, Str'field Nicholls William, 105 Macaulay rd, Stan-

more Nicoll and Toinkins, Homer at, Calit'bury Nicoll Angus, Homer at, Canterbury Nilson J..Itn G., The Esplannile, Guildford Nilsson Oscar 1V.. J.P., Bay at, Botany Noller John J., 4 Victoria at, Parramatta Noller 1Villiam, 107 Castlereagh st Noller William J.P., Denison at, 1"inatta Nuttall Charles, Ridge at. Gordon Nye C. W., Penkivil st, Willoughby O'Connell T. H., Frederick at, Rockdale O'CURRY D. Builder and Contrac-

tor, Marion at and Pringle awe, Banks. town. 'Phone U 7191

O'Grady Martin, 14 ,1 13irrell at, Waverley Oliver Charles, 63 Park rd, Auburn Pa ge Reuben IC , 79 Macquarie rd, Auburn Paine IV'. E., J.1'., Bay view at, Bexley Paiute IV. E., Mimosa at, Bexley Palmer Alfred Calypso awe, Mosnian Park J. IV. and Son, Great Northern rd,

Gladesville Park Gavin, Jordan st, Gladesville Par. John. Larkin st, Roseville Parkes W. and Co., Durham et, Hun. Hill Parkin Sydney, 38 Heighway ave, A'field Parkinson Bros., Patrick at, Ilurstville Parry Thomas, Prospect at, Granville Paterson C. 0., Tracy at, thirstville Poynter and Tropman, 89 Pitt st, and 35a

Hawthorne par, liaberfleld



'Springall J. 0.. 5 Myr-dwell rd, 11ostnan Springall Lawrence, 389 Military rd, Staples George IC., 517 Dowling St Steel Robert S., Tryon nil, Lindfield Stephens F. S., Godwin at, Bexley Stephenson 0. W., Strachan at, lielegton Steward Arthur, Bellevue et, A niclifte Stewart nod l'ropp. Midway par, Kogarall Stirling floor) . J., Petersham rd, Mar'kville Stock John and Sons, 0.8.11. rd,Rose Bay Stock James, 88 Holden at, A slitield 'Stock James, 5; Robert at, A slifield Stock John E., 0.S.11. rd, Rose Bay Stoker Frank, ill Carlisle at, Aslifield Stoker Frank, Shepherd at, Ash field Strain Jas., J.P., 37 Leamington rive,

Newtown Strong and Roberts, Whistler at, Manly Stuart Bros., 14 Lucas at, Cithiperdown Stuart Alex., J.P., Bignell sc. Como Stuart Donglas,444 Marrickville rd, 11'ville Sullivan J., 20 HoldsWorth ft, Nt.Wtt1W11 Stalwrland Alex, J. P., Frederick at, It'dale Sutherland Jos.,181 Slerion at. Leichlet nit euttle J, A. and Son, Cambridge st. Sutton Iloilo', 32 Mona at, Auburn Sutton 11f. 13 , 11 Bond at Sutton K. II., 17 Boylston at, Paddington Swan David It., Gordon rd, Gordon Sweetnetti A. 31..121 Paddington at, Fton Swindells T. M., Weston rd, Hurstville Sykes.Syl., 125 Willoughby rd, N. Sidney Tapson F., J.P., 241 Lane Cove ril, N. Syd. Taylor 1! F., 107 Burlington at, N. Sydney Taylor J. G., b Moore at Thom Robt , 37 Lelchliardt st, Leichlianit Thomas Lewis, 31 Rose at Thompson A. C., 38 Gt. Thorne st, Murton Thomp-on And., 8 .1 Prospect st, Stunt Hill Thompson H. .1., McEvoy at, Alexandria Thomson F. E., Penshurst at. Willoughtly Thorby Frederick .1„ 82 Styles at, L'hardt 'Thorn Charles S., lhmry at, Greenwich Thornton E., Victoria chambers, 44 Castle-

reagh at Thornton Edmund, 75 George at, Redfern Toelle IV. J., 227 Norton at, Leieldianit Thomk ins George, Christian rd, Torr Lawrence A., 11 Merest ave, Tregenza Hoch A., lInrstville rd, II 'vile Trevask is N. W., 16 Lane Cove zit, N. Stat. Trevemir George, Carrington at, Concord Trost Charles, 0.S.11 rd, Vane' use 'Prescott Edwin, 233 Church at, I' matte Tucker Mlle! E., 14 Grosvenor st Velma 'ruck well H.. 138 Dalhomile at, Tudehope A., 33 Caledonia at, Paddington Turner and Loveridge, Crescent and

Nelson sts, Anietudale Turner 11'. J., Albany at, St. Leonards Tturner William, Chisholm ml, Auburn Turtle E. A., George at, Newtowli Underwood F. S., Henry st, Gordon Urquhart William 42 Alice st, Auburn Van Kempen F., Innesdale rd, Aniclifie Vaughan A. J., Hampton Court rd, Carlton N'enion F., 33 Thompson at, Marrickville Vernon Henry, A' den at south Coogee Vernon Henry, J.P., 96 31oreheall at, Itlern Verrills James, gir Heed at, Noland Bay Vogt .7. A., Dennis st, Lakeinita V011t Jauttes, 6 Lorne at, Sommer Hill 1Vade George E., Watkin at, Bexley Wall R. and Sons, Ltd., 12 Castlereagh

at, Sloane st, Newtown, and M'ville Wallis F. H., Spearman at, Chatswood Walter William 11„ Archbold rd, Roseville Ward Charles It., Wai atoll at, Cant-rbury Ward Herbert C., Queen at, Concord Warner F. P., 20 Kalgom nest, Leichliardt Waterer and Wilkinson, Perouse at, 1Ianly Wridgli John, 24 King at, Ashfield Wityman Harry. 78 Oxford at, Woollahra 1V, ante H. E., High at, Liverpool

Warne Henry E., Railway at, Liverpool Webster Frederick IV., J.1'., Campbell at,

IVebIlev rerIIVH°1 .11'., Howard place, Itandwick Webster William, Behoove nl, Rand wick Webster W. W., Howard plaee, Rand wick Week ley J. II. A., 3 Mullion at, Stamoore WEINE AND CO., Expert- in Fibrous

Plaste r. '• Prompt Attention Our Motto." 'Phone 31 1873. Corner l'rafalgar awl Collins ats, Annandale

West Horace 0., A tons it, Auburn We,throok Henry E., Oat rington are,

Hurstville Wheelwright and Alderson." Wendouree,"

168 Parramatta rd. Asheeld Wheelwright Foster, 36 Charlotte it, :"..11111.

titer Ii ill Wheelwright George, 168 Parrinnuan

A slitield Whit Henry, Warwillu are, Wahroonga White J., Boyle at, Enfield White John, 3 Gunter at, Prullon Whitehead Joseph, Mo gan at, Parramatta Whiteley A., Edith st, Leichhardt Whittaker T. 17., Spring id, Rockdale Whit ting S. II., Dudley a , Hitherlield Wilkins Henry, Warwilla rive, Wahroonga Willian a lionjamin. Wonga at, Burivood Williams John, 47 Wattle at, If oberfield Williams '1'. 0 , 21 South at, Alarrickville Williamson W., 14-16 liarcom it ve Willis Ernest F., 55 Dolbot row st,Ceoydon Willis Leslie J., Galloway at, Pitentatta Wilson Hwy, Mabel at, Hurstville Wilson Henry J., Mackenzie at, Concord Wilson J. M., Ili) Wells st, Newtown Wilson William J., 102 Arthur at. N. Syil. IViokle Patrick, 21 Ropes at. Redfern WIACI111111Fred., BeamIsh at, Campsie Witcombe 31., 20 Sydenhani nl,Sydenhain Wood 0., 38'2 Military rd, Neutral Bay Woods Henry, 249 Livingstone rd, 3I'ville Wools Isaac, Albany at, St. Leotiards Wren Chris. 235 Trafalgar st, Annandale Wright A. H., Eastern a ye, Kensington Wrieht Albert G. 215 .217 Palmer at Wright 1lattliew A., 12 Qn en at, Youll William, Anderson at, Oliatswood Voting John, .1.P., 43 Cohan at, Petersham Young William J., Sandringham rd, Sans

Souci Zoeller Daniel and Sons, Ado Ft, Colo.ord Zoeller Charles II., Parrantatta nut, 13' wood


ASBESTOLITE (Asbestos and ('ement) Sheets and Shams, Enamelled Tiles, Corner Angle, Cornices, etc., 338 Pitt at, Sydney. l'elephones City 1440, 1441


tions, Walls, Ceilings, and Roofing. hInt ish Manufactu c. Noyes Bros. (Sydney) Ltd., Agents, 115 Clarence at,

B mica Leopold and Co., 301; to 308 Mast BRISCOE & CO., LTD. Iron and

Hardware 11erchants, 353 . 385 Kent at, Sydney ; 489 to 517 Wattle at, Sydney and at Melbourne, Victoria ; I ind, Wellington, Dunedin, Inver-cargill end Ch • istelturch. N.Z. : and London. Tels.—Kent at, City 9990 15 finest and 6741 ; Wattle at, City 7872 stud 7873

CRANE & SONS (G.E.) LIMITED 33 and 33 Pitt St—(See Advt. opposite name imi Alphabetical section)

Cross O. T. Ltd., 2 Bridge at DOBSON FRANKS LTD, 109 l'itt at

Elliott, Maclean and Co Expanded Steel, Lathing and Ex met, Diamond Steel Bars for Reinforced Conerete, Eine° Units for Beams, Stanchions, etc. ; " Key" Iteitiforced Concrete Lintels, Neponset Parold rind Proslate Roofings, Neponset Water-proof Wall Boards, Oak grained, Croon rind Plain ; Circular Quay (Ea . t). Tel. City 2157,.

EMBOSTEEL LIMITED Ball's Chambers, 14 Moore at. Tel. City 2274 nod 2291. Distributors of " DITRABESTOS" ASBESTOS CEMENT SHEETS & SLATES. (See Advt. mmosite Mem' Ceiling Manufacturers).

FRIEND W. S. and CO., Builders roninongery, B rassfound ry, Gas

Fittings Mantels, ete., 113 . 113 York at Sydney. Tels. City 99(0 (6 lilies)

Goodlet and Smith, Ltd., foot Harris st Goodsell John A., 640 King at, Ilegarty Michael, 30 Hopewell at, 1'11(1'ton Kogaralt Lime 111111 C'enient Co., Railway

par, Kogarall Lassetter F. and Co., Limited, 403 to 421

George at McDonald, Smith S.: Co., 32 Elizabeth at

NOYES BROS. (Sydney) ltd. Agents for "POILITE" Sheets and Sites; ` Waterproof

ro‘JM oieo.' est i'ititAntsb:,,lec Poluer "CONGO"

1 G 0%1

Roofing, and "EMU " Galvanized Iron. 115 Clarence at, Sydney

Ituberont Roofing and S.P.C. Material- 28 O'Connell at


nliSEaPvinills ; Timber, Joinery and Butilulers' Supply Mer-chants. Weatheri ward Cottages la speciality. Corner mimes at und Pyr-moot Bridge rd, Pyrinunt, Sydney. Tels City 9164 and 0165, 112515, 2510, 1732 and 1738; ( loinery Dept.) 111501,

Tonks John E., Ltd., 08i Pitt at


(Bituminous Rooting) for Flat Roofs, etc. : Morris and Auld, 34 Pitt st, Sydney. 'Phone City 961

Scrtaton R. L. it Co., Ltd., 161 Clarence at Sydney and North Syduey Lime and

Cement Co., Ltd.. 39 l'itt at Sydney Steel Co., Ltd. (The), Edinburgh

rd, 31arrickville




See also Companies (ifiscellaneous.) Ashfield Starr-Bowkett Building Society,

4 Brown at, Ashfield Auburn Starr-Bowkett Society, 4 Auburn

rd, Auburn Australian Bultding Co., 10 Castlereagh at

and St. David's rd, Haberfield` Balmain and Rozelle Starr-Bowkett

Society—A. 11. Tildesley, J.P., sec., 552 Darling at, Rozelle

Burwood Building and Land Co., Ltd., 7 • Moore at

Durwood Btarr-Bowkett Building Society Deane at, Durwood

Campsie District Starr-Bowkett Society North par, Campsie

OatholicClub Land and Building Co., Ltd. 197 Castlereagh at

Commercial Building and Investment Co., 4,1mited, 24 Bond at

Deep Deno Land and Building Co., Ltd., Chambers, Martin place

Equitable Permanent Benefit, Building, Land and Saving Institution corner Pitt and Park ate

Excelsior Land Investment and Building Co. and Bank, Ltd., 143 York at

Haymarket Permanent Land, Building and Investment Co., Ltd., 82 Pitt at

Home Building and investment Co Ltd., 117 Pitt at

Hornsby District Starr-Bowkett Building Society, Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby

Matson T. H. L., Ltd., 173 Pitt at Industrial Provident Permanent Building

and Investment Society, 145 York at Intereolonial Investment, Land and

Building Co., Ltd.,4 & 6 Castlereagh at Land and Provident Building Society, 26

Hunter at Lang Starr-Bowkett Building Society,

198 King at, St. Peters Leichhardt, Petershatn and Annandale

Starr•Bowkett Society, 442 Parra-matte rd, Petersham

Mascot Starr-Bowkett Building Society, Botany rd, Mascot

Metropolitian Lend Building and Iuvest-ment Co., Ltd., 1 Bligh at


N.S.W. Land and Farm Star-Bowkett 0o-op. Loan Society, 284 Pitt at

Newtown & Burner° Starr-Bowkett lug Society—A. J. Hancock, secretary, 19 Enmore rd, Newtown

North Sydney Starr-Bowkett Society, 81 Mount at, North Sydney

NORTHERN SUBURBS BUILD-ING AND INVESTMENT CO., LTD.—Geo. B. Gill, Managing Direc-tor, Walker and Mount ate, North Sydney. Tel. 1212 North

Northern Suburbs Starr-Bowkett Society (No. 1). Alfred at, Milan's Point

Paddington. Woollahra and 1Vaverley Starr-Bowkett Building Society, 30 Queen at, Woollahra

Parramatta and Granville District Starr-Bowkett Building Society, 194 Church at., Parratuatta

Parramatta Starr-Bowkett Society, 192a Church at, Parramatta

Port Kembla Land and Building Co., Ltd., 16 Spring at

Public Service Starr-Bowkett Society, 32 Elizabeth at

Penny, Rockliff and Co., 107 Elizabeth at Pickett and Co., 145 Castlereagh at Sydney Business Exchange, 171 Pitt at Thomas George and Son. 12 Castlereagh st Tildesley A. H., J.P.,1152 Darling st, Rezone. Waller and Co., Station House, Rawson pl Walshe and Co., 24 Moore at Warden J. G., 163 Pitt at Whelan and Co., 114a Pitt at Williams Owen L. and Son, 95 Elizabeth st



Ars now used in every class of business SAVE TIME AND AFFORD A BETTER RECORD

Investigate at 874 GEORGE STREET.


Australian Accountancy College Private Coaching (personally or by mail) in Double-Entry Book.keeping and for all Accountancy Examine,- Mons —Albert E. Barton, F.O.P.A., F.I.A.V., Public Accountant and Auditor. Director : It. Davis Bogen, A.I A.V., Secretary, Woodstock Cham-bers, 88 Pitt st. Tel. No. 1017 City. All correspondence to be addressed "The Secretary," not personally

Australian Woolciassing College, Daking House, Rawson place

Boyd Shorthand (N.S.W.) LIMITED,

(The Laird-13oymi Shorthand Schools), Deicing House, next Central Rail-way Station, Sydney. Telephone City 1940. (See Advertisement Page 1220 Alphabetical Section)

Crowliuret Commercial College, Ltd., and School for Private Secretaries, 3G Moore at

Federal Business and Accountancy Col-lege, Ltd., Rawson !lace

George and Hughes, 275a Pitt at linmpson's Actuarial Classes, Ltd., 24

Moore at Harrison Walter D., 28 Elizabeth at International Correspondence School

(Colonial), Ltd., 26 Jamieson et, and Station House, Rawson place

London Corresponden e Collegc,24 Bond at McLauchlan A. J., 84 Elizabeth at

St. George Starr-Bowkett Ballot filid S. Society, 10 Castlereagh at, and Station at, Rockdale

St. Joseph's Investmeet and Building Society, 47 Elizabeth at

Scottish Australian Investment Co., Ltd., 72 Phillip at

Suburban Building Co., Station House, Rawson place

Sydney Clerks and Warehousemen's Starr-Bowkett Society, 66 King at

Sydney Freehold Land, Building and In- vestment Co., Limited, 113 Pitt at

Sydney Permanent Freehold, Land and Building Co., Ltd.. 123 Bathurst at

Sydney Starr-Bowkett Benefit Building Society—S. J. Carruthers. J.P., scare. tory, Railway House, 77 King at

Town and Country Land, Building and Investment Co., Limited (in liquida-tion), 164 Pitt at

Willoughby and Chatswood Starr-Bowkett Building Society, Victoria eve, C' wood

Workmen's Home Building Co., 10 Bridge at

BUSINESS AGENCIES, See Agents, Commission Agents, Corn.

mercial Brokers, Companies (Miscel-laneous) and Beal Bettie, dc., Agents.

BUSINESS AGENTS. Ashley w., 194 Pitt at Backhouse and Goyder, 14 Martin Bingham J. L., 136 Pitt at Birch W., 6 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Brabant and Co., 44 Castlereagh at Bull J. and Co., 14 Moore at Burns and Co., Sydney rd, Manly Burrows and 00., 76 Pitt at Compton's Mutual 13usiness Exchange, 77

Alfred at, North Sydney Donaldson's Business Agency, 41 Eliza•

beth at Driminan and Co.. 117 Pitt at Dudley Henry, 77 Castlereagh at Dein A. B., 369 George at

ELLSMORE, LTD. (A. E. Murrell, General Manager), Hotel and Business Brokers. Partnership Adjusters and Farm Specialists, 117 Pitt at (base-ment). 'Phone City 4892

Gold R. & 0o., Rawson place Gordon R. H. and Co., Ltd, 506 and 508

George at, Sy e ney ; and 304-306 King se, Newtown

Gormley B. and Co., 114a Pitt at Halloran H. R.

' 117 Pitt at

' Henry Ivan 67 Castlereagh at Homey L., 107 Castlereagh at

ulbert Maurice. 5 Moore at Jeuner II. A., 130 New Canterbury rd,

Petersham Joseph amid Co., 136 Pitt at Lake and Co. 3 Castlereagh at Leahy and Co., 81 George at West Lennon and Co., 28 Castlereagh at Matthews William H., 482 Elizabeth at Mayhew R., 229 William at Merchants' and Traders' Association, Ltd.

(The) —John Gibbs, managing director, Gibbs chambers, 7 Moore at; and at Newcastle

MICH AL G. D., 135 King at, Sydney. Foreign and Colonial Estate and Busi-ness Agent. 'Phone City 8960

Murray Mrs. C., 41 Ciarenuce at Needham and Co., 31 Elizabeth at


Sydney School of Mechanical Drawing and Correspondence Instruction,

284-286 Castlereagh Street Telephone City 569. (Corner Liverpool Street).


We Specialise in all Drawing Subjects. We teach Mathematics and Trade Calculations for Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors.

We prepare for Cadet Draughtsmea Examination. Assistant Engineers' Examination. Shire Engineers' Examination.

Lady Tracers' Examination. At the last Examination 20 Candidates passed and 15 were trained at this School. The Public Service Board are offering £75 to £150 per annum to ladies who pass.


We Specialise in all Technical Supplies. Before purchasing your Drawing Outfit, Inspect our Fine Selection of Instruments and Materials.



Consulting Engineers and Architects.



But TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. But 1991 Burke II. B., Canterlairy rtl, Cant'hury Burke William, 35 Bourke at, Redfern Burniston 0. B.,179-181iLay ton nit, O'down Burwood Butchering Co., Burwood rd,

Burwood Butler Thomas, Rocky Point, Sans Sound Butlin 0. W., 27 Cowper et, Waverley Butlin 0. W. and F., 181 Kent at Buttel Charles, 56-58 Darling nit, Baltuain Buttel Alfred, 93 Market st I3uttel Thomas, 781 Darling st, Rozelle ByersII. snrui Sons, 699 Darling et, Rozelle Caldwell Samuel E., 7 Botany rd,W'rloo Callaghan B.A.. Liverpool rd, Bankstown Callow W. E., 37 Marion nit, Leichltanit Campton and Fleming, Wahroonga Cann %V. An Son. Eastern a ye, Ke islngton Cant (/. II., 16 Charles, Erskineville Carnegie & Son, 88 Miller nit, Nth. Sydney Carswell A. T., Coward at, Mascot Cary Mrs. Amy, 59 ErskinevIlle rd, Vein° Casey John, Durwood ril, Burwood Cash Samuel, 381 Bourke at Catley E. T., 92 Excelsior st, Leichhardt Chapman Harry, 18 Llewellyn st, 11' villa Chenery L. T., 278 Abercrombie at, It'fern Churchill William and Son, 64 Mullens st

13almain Churchill J. F., 132 Queen st, Woollnbra Churchill James, 13 Glerimore rd, Cizzlo Charles, 171 Entnore rd, Emnore Clark H. J., 33 Cameron et, Batman' Clarkson George. 572 Harris at Clews Oliver, 45 Military rd, Neut. Bury Cochran F., 107 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Cochran J., 176 St. John's rut, Forest Lodge Collard E. J., 229 King st, Newtown Collins J. D., 27 Bay se, Double Bay Condie F., Bridge nit, Drummoyne Condie Fred ,41 Weston rit, Rozelle Condie Jrick, 1513 Hargrave st, Pennon Condi° John, 164 Old Canterbury rd,

Summer Hill Condon Bros., 165 King st. Newtown Cooke S. A., 102 Sydney rit, Manly Cooper Bros., 151 Parramatta rd, An.

naudale Cornwell C. J., Wollongorg Arneliffe Cornwell Frank H., 5 Beatrice st, Auburn Cornwell G. W., Kerr's rd, Lidcombe Cornwell John, 59 Auburn rd, Auburn Cornwell John, John st, Lidoombe Cousemaeker A. J., Victoria live, C'wood Oox Joseph, 351 Darling nit, Baltnain Crabtree %V., 48 Railway nil, St. Peters °tittle Chas. L., 51 Ramsay ill, Butterfield Croall F. and Co., 92 Pittwater

Manly Ouneo Thomas, Alexandra at, Hunt. Hill Cunneen and James, 216 Devonshire at Cunneen P. and (Jo., Gordon rd, St. Leon's Cunneen Patrick, Willoughby rd, W'hby Dale Bros., George's River rd, Enfield Dale Walter, 34 Princes st Dale Walter. Victoria ril, Marrickville Dailey George, 495 Darling at, Rozelle Dance Alfred, 209 Liverpool ril, Aslifield Daniels Thomas. 88 Bridge rd, Glebe Davies J., 813-815 King st, Tempe Davis 0. L., 445 Parramatta rd, L'hardt Davis IL G., 96 Albion it Davy E. II., 299 Stanmore rd, Petershnin Dayes George, Firth st, Arncliffe Deakin James, 60 Leichhardt st, Waver'ey Delaney Charles, 123-125 Glebe Point rd,

Glebe Denmead F., 283 Church at, Parramatta Denney Marshall, Odium at, Hurl. Park Denton II, French's nt, Willoughby Dixon Wm. and Co., 449 Harris st Dodson Richard, 279 Darling st, 13almnin Donnell A. W., 358 Catherine st, L'hardt Dudley's Butchery, Broad rd, S. Itandwick Duff D., 82 Dowling A, Paddinton

Duffy Michad, Permute rd, Itandwick Duggan and Dunne, 73 Mount st, N. Syd. Duggan John, J. l'., 180 York st north Duggan john,311 Addison rd, 51'1411e Duggau Joseph, 6 Argyle nit Duncan Alexander, 18 Auburn ml, Aubten Duncan M., 46 Wren st, Waverley Dunkley Frederick G., 454 Nov Canter.

bury nil, Dulwich 11111 Dwane J., 338 Military Id, Neutral Bay Edge Richard, Herbert nit, Summer Hill Edmondson 0. C., Ferest rd, Hurstville Edmondson C. D., Railway par, Kogarah Edmondson E. J., Rocky Pt. ril, Rockdale Edwards W. A., 114 Grafton nit, Woollahra Elliot T11011IRS, 45 Dentsoe it, Itozelle Elliott Robert and Co., Gordon rd, Gordon Elliott Chas., 92 Abercrombie nit Elliott S., 73 Bondi rd, Bondi Elvy Arthur, 141 Rose St, Diellilia011 Elvy Willinm, 121 Percival ril, Stanmore Emery II.. Gordon oh, Gore 11111 Eriekson Edwin* 89 King st, St. l'eters Fairbitini IL, 120 Falcon at, N. Sydney • Fairfield E. J., Railway at, Rockdale Fairfield J01111, 650 Bonny rd, Alexandria Pane IV.. 165 Ramsay rd, Haberfield Farrow Jfilile3 E., 846 King at, Tempe Finlas . son W., 63 Church at, Parnincitta Finlayson W., 219 Church at, Parramatta Fitter A. and Son, Joseph st, Ildeonabe • Fitzhugh 11. A., 97 Percival nit, Stant/lore Fleming W., Gordon nil, Gordon Fienaday John, 113 Evans st, Rozelle Fletcher George, 379 Military rd, Mosinfin Floyd J. J., 789 New Canteroury nI,P'sbrun Flynn Mini, E., 416 and 490 . 442 Elizabeth St Flynn Mrs. E., 257 Belmont st, Alexandria Flynn Edward, 197 Elizabeth st, IVaCloo Fountain W. J., 283 51ar'kville rd, Fox James, 74 Palace st, Petersham Francis George It., 158 Norton et, L'It'dt Francis W., 137 Ramsay rd, Habertield Freeman A,, 214 Oxford st, W'airra Freeman Alfred, 27 John nit, Waterloo Fuller G., Penehurst at, Ponshurst Filliell J., I', at's Ferry ml, %Voltam Gaffney and Son, 38 Lackey at, Sum. IIII1 Garside 51., 13-1 Emnore rd, Marrickville Geddes F. G., 116 Willinnt at Geddes F. G., 318 Oxford st, Paddington Geddes F. G., 127 Oxford st, Waverley Geddes Frank, 252 Victoria at (Insides Harold, 633 King at, Newtown Geddes Ray, 162 Einnore rd, Emnore Gentiles Ray, 121 Abercrombie st, Redfern Geddes Ray, 104 Smith nit, Sommer Hill Geddes Ray, 45 Botady rd. Waterloo Geddes Raymond CI., 241 Liverpool rd,

Ashihlelul Geddes W. G., 491a Pitt at Gentiles %V. G., Itawaon place Geddes IV. G., 51 Booth st, Annandale Geddes W. G., Btlrwood td, Burwood Geddes IV. G., Beamish st, Llanipsie Geddes W. G., 79 Militory rd, Neutral Bay Geddes W. G., 392 Military rd, Neut. Bay Gee Samuel. Military rd, Vaucluse George A. H., 117 Catherine at, L'hardt Gibson IL, 69 North st, Leicithardt Gilkison William, 89 Evan st, Rexene Gillett Bros„ Oxford st, Epping Godfrey II., 97 George et, Waterloo Goldsmith Alfred, Ultimo rd Collett W. M.., 208a Enmore rd, Enmore Gotten IV. NI., 381 King st, Newtown Goode Caleb, Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Goodman G. A., Carlton par, Carlton Goodman John H., 374 Botany rd, Botany Grant Alex. C. D., Marion at, Harris Park Green Harry, 672 Darling at, Rozel e Grubb W. A. rind Co., 149-151 George it • Gullible T., 103 Percival rd,Stanmore Gumbley John, Avoca at, Randwick

riaimi !lorry, Ill Simmons at, Humor° Haigh and Iledger, Bondi rd, Bondi liaigh I,. IL, 65 Dowling et lintel Walter S., 1 Rochester st, Wbush Hall James C., 131 Francis nit, Leicithardt Hall P. E., Forest ml, Hurstville Halton, Ltd., 198 William nit Hammond Bros., Goribm nil, Chatswood.

unit Itoneville 11 , 11111101111 J., 132 Forbes st Hammond John, 423-427 Liverpool nit Hammond John. 3 Pine at, Rozelle Hampton Thomas. 117 King it, Newtown Hancock S., 181 Miller st, North Sydney Hann Joe, 149 Oxford at Hannan F. and Co., Belmore rd, R'wick Himmel F.. 96 William at Hanson James, Nelson rut, Annandale

C. It ,39 Military rd, Nettt. Bay Hardy Bros., Great Northern rd, Ablord Hallett' C., 69 13ily,water rd Harper John, 140-160 Military nil, N. Bay Ilarrington Delude, Trafalgnr fit, A n'dale Harris T., 31 Franklyn st,Glebe Haskins E., Parramatta rd, Auburn Hayes Bros., 274 Botany rd, Botany fifties Edgar, Botany rd, Hayes George, Australia at, Camperdown Hayes .1. E., 595 King nut, Newtown Hayes William, 39 Abercrombie st Headding Horace II., 115-117 Riley st Henuessy David, 201 Witmit at, Newtown lierron John E., 105 Quarry st Hickson Henry, 56 Daphne nut. Botany Hickson John. 46 Botany td, Botany 11111 H. l'., Illawarra rd, Marrickville Hillard Bros., Andover nut, Carlton Hillard C. V., Willison rd, West liogarah. Hillard T., Canterbury rd, Delmore Hillard Thomas, jun., Forest nil, II'ville Hilton A. 11., J.P., 162 Ilendarson ni,A'rirla. Hitchens Bros., Great North. nil, F. Dock Hockey end Drangwin, Gardener's rd„

Mascot Hodgson Robert, Warlahla st, W. Korerah Horner G. It., Greenwich rd, Lune Cove Horner Thos..P., 121 Blue's 1"t rd. N. Syd.. Hornsby Thatched/1g Co., Peat's Ferry rd„

Hornsby Hough Nathan, 49 B.nwsoit A, Auburn HellSe W., 996 Bourke at Howard Arthur, 110 Bridge ril, Glebe Howard John, 4 8 Bourke at Howell Sydney S , 43 Rung st, Newtown HUIlle G. It., Canterbury rd, Canterbury liumnhreys J. and Son, Gordon rd,

Lindfield Huxley George II., 62 Junction st, N.Syd. Hyde Peter O., 18 Oxford square Hyllea James, 282 Marrickville rd, Al'ville-Jack G. II. rid (Jo., 429i Pitt nit Jacicson H. and Son, 671 Parmtnntta rd,

Leichhanit Jackson A., 804 New Canterbury rd, Dui.

Hill Jackson A., 61 Alfred at, North Sydney Jackson Arthur, 2:2 Militnry ril, N. Bay Jackson Richard, 252 Addition rd, Jackson W1111'1111,224 Riley st Jackson William, 380 Darling et, Irmainn Jacobs W., 439 Niiller at, North Sydney Janson A., Willoughby rd, Willoughby Jennings IL, 99 Bondi rd, Bondi Jennings H , 151 Bondi rd, Bondi Jennings W.. 78 Queen nut, Woollahra Jennings William, 2 Heeleyst, Paddington Johnson O. F., Bridge et, Drunamoyne Jones F. W., Carlton par, Carlton Jones J. W. Willoughby rd, Willoughby Jones Robert J., 4510 Miller at, N. Sydney. Jordan Bros., 131axcell st, Granville Jordan Bros., Woodville Id, Granville Jordan Bros., flu ford nil, (3 u Ild ford Jordan Edward, 124 Enmore nil, 31 ville-


"1990 Bus TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. But Business Colleges continued- Zercho's Business College Ltd. (Me.

.Marconi Schools of bourne), Liverpool and I.:Hinsdale sts

Radiotelegraphy Sydney School of Mechanical aravi-

Hyde Park

lug and Correspondence Instruction

a.'so Ilalchers. Agnew .1. S., 735 Harris et and Homebush

Bay Ashcroft E. .1., Camphelitown nl, L'pool Barnes and Co , Glei.ore nit, Canterbury Black .1., Hamelin:ill Bay 'Low.' Charles, I (numb ash Bay Bruce A , Ifornebush Bay

. Bury •1 hos., Ilutnebusli Bay Carr If., Homebitsh Bay Colonial Wholesale Meat Export Co.

Abattoirs. Glebe I-land Cornwall G. W., Princess etl, Granville Coruwali John, Princes ril, Auburn Davis A. W., Madeline Et, Enfield Deveridge Bros., abattoir, Glebe Island

• and Holm:bush Bay Dunn Charles, Hontebusli Bay Editerton M . at Co. lloniebusP Bay Elliot James and do., Ltd., 822 George st,

and Abattoirs, Glebe Island and lIonaebush Bay

Field G. II., lloinebusli Bay Field T, A., J.P.,. Abattoirs, Glebe Island

and lioniebusli Bay Field ThOnifti A., 676 698 Harris st Flulayson William, Western rd, Went'ville Fitter A. & Sons, abattoirs, 'Finish Bay Ford M., Abattoirs, Glebe Island and 822

George nit Gaukrodger G.. Pitt utter rd, St. Ives Goldsmith A., lIonielnish Bay Griffiths E., Homehush Day - Grubb W. A. & Co., Cook st, Mascot Hammond's Slaughter Yards, West nit,

Pymblo Krust C. Herring rd, Eastwood Levy Samuel. liontebush Bay McLean J.. Ifornelnish Bay McNialion E , Hornebush Bay McPherson W., Hontebosh Bay Madden Bros., Khartoum rd, Ha 'tweed NIrthonv Henry. 131axcell at, Granville Mannahnu C., Homebusil Bay Meter Butchers' Association, of N.S.W.,

Station House, Rawson place Mathews It., Hotnebush Bay Metropolitan Meat Co., Hoeft:bush Bay Jiilcr & Co., 104 Catherine st,Leichbardt,

and liontebush Bay Ntoss IV., Parnunntta rd, 'Hyde Stoma James. Hampden ni, Wentw'ttiville Nicholls W., Homebush Bay Nicholson Alfred, Homebush Bay O'Brien E. J., Hoinebush Bay O'Gorman 31.- J., dioniebush Bay Oldham & Wheeler, Lioinebush Bay Oldham George, J.P.. Whsrf rd, Vilardt Pelirce S. T., lloxton Park rd, Liverpool Penglaze Thomas, Hoinebush Bay ['Mentz Matt Co., Ltd., Homebush Bay Pistols W., 737 Harris st Playfair T., Hemebush Bay • Pollard WI ham. Eddy st, Thornleigh Reynolds W. & Son Pty., Ltd., Glebe

Island run Hoinebush flay Riverstone Meat Co.—Richards and Sons,

Ltd., proprietors, Hay et

The only SehooIs in Australasia Licensed to use the Marconi and Telefunken Systems. Instruction in all branches of Practieal and Theore-tient Rail otelegraphy ; also Telegraph Operating for all purp nses, rind Radio-telephony. Headmiarters mid Schoal " Wireless House," 97 Clarence st, Sydney. Telephones, Cite 4254 and 4255. Cable -Addresi, Expanse," Sydney

Metropolitan Business College Limited -(T. Stanley Summerhayes and J. A, Tur- ner, Directors). For Instruction (In-dividually or by Correspoolence), in Shorthand Accomitnncy, Bookkeep. ing, Typewritieg, Pemmoiship, Coat. itten • ini (Art Lettering. Deslutillw, Color-work, etc.) English, Ma r he-mattes, Preparatiou for ell Exams, Languages, Mechnuicil and Architec-tuna Drawling and Quantity Survey-ing. &c., Robson House, 333 Pitt st (2 doors from Liverpool st)


Miss Hale, principal, Royal Chambers 3 Castlereagh st, Sydney. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping. 'Phone, City 4484

'Stott's Correspondence College, 70 Pitt st

Stott and Hoare's Business College

(Established over a quarter of a eon. tory.) Geo. H. Rose, B.A., ROA., Principal, Instruction personally or by post in Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping ; all Commercial sub-jects, English, Muthematics, Classics; all Technical and Art subjects ; Coaching for 101 Exnminations. "Remington House," Liverpool and Nithadale sts., Hyde Park, Sydney. Telephone City 8230

Stott and Underwood, Business College, 70 Pitt et

SYDNEY ACCOUNTANCY COLLECE Frederick Sivell, A.C.P.A., Director. Private Individual Coaching in the following subjects, personally or by post :—Commercial Bookkeeping and Accountancy, Professional Account ancy, Commercial Law. Station Book-keeping. Students coached for all Accouutnney Examinations, Ocean House. Moore st, Si dney. Telephone, City 4006

Rogers E. W., Abattoirs, Glebe Island Ryan P..1., lloinetaish Bay Sampsoo A., llomehrish Bay Silvester Bros., Roberts rd, Enfield Simes Charles, Hoinebush Bay Stewart J. II., II-niebusli Bay Stone Chub s J.. Stony Creek rd, Bexley Stone Thomas, Honnehunn iii Bay Tattered I'. W. & 11., Houleintsh Bay 'Paltered S. St sons, floneinish Bay 'rimmed Thomas. iloniebush Bay Thompson Cr. & Sons, Ilornebush Bay Tr mount E.. Ifontelni s h Bay Vidler W. IL, Old Prospect nil, Went'ville Welch C., I romehusli Bay Wheeler .1.. lioniebush Bay Willis IL, lIonielnisli Bay Wooditarn F., Homelnish Bay Woolfe Henri. , Malebo-di Bay Wright J., II ornebush Bay

BUTCHERS. 5,,e also finlehers, Carea.e.

Aberfo3 le Cash Butchery, 4 George st weit , Ackling •Ittitms. Kernida st, Enfield

Agnew Frederii . k. 557a King st, Newtown Ainsworth S. .1.. Boulevarde,Stnitlifield Aldrich George, 81 Botany nl, Botany Anderson John, Joseph in, Liticom be Anderson Robert, 8 Elswick it, L'hardt Aiming George. 219 Oxford St Mahoney Nrs.W. G., 124 Jame. st,L'harnit Ashby W. j., 154 .Eastel it nv", Ken'ton Ashcroft E. .1., Mac ocirle at, Liverpool Ambler F, C.. 26 Pa g lan st, Mindy Austin William, st,11nrIstone Park Bailey F.

' Forest rib, Bexley

Bailer F. S., Victoria ni, Bellevue 11111 Bahl II, J., Gordon rd, St. Leopards Baker C., 336 King st, Newtown !hiker George, 7 Leichhardt st, Waverley Baker Percy J., 47 Sot holland nit. St. l'et. Buldwin Wm. C., It dimly par, Kogarah 3arbier Ernest, N.S.II. nil, Rose Bay Barbour John, 06 Walker st, ItcAfern Millen Arthur, 66 Terry nil, St. Peters

Barden it. T., Canterbury iii, Belinore Barnes W. Cl-. and Co., Avoca et, It'wick Barnes IL W., 252-251 Marrickville rd,

Marriekville Barrett W. H., Ocean st, West Kogarali linrtlett Ii., 114 Oxford nit Bartlett IL, 513 King st, Newtown Beard W., 94 Oxford St. Paddington 13ecklums Thomns, 119 Military rd, M'Inan Bell IV., 36 Cabrantatta nil, Mosinnn Benson G. H., 575 Mown= ril, Billett Edward, 69 King et, Newtown Bishop A., Bridge nit, Drtimmoyne Matadi Geo , 59a Cleveland nit, Redfern Blanche Arthur. 100 Addison rd, Blanche J. E., 48 Cook rd, Marrickville Boland James E., Queen at. 13nrwood Bond E. J„ Wentworth st, BarwoNI Bottomley William J., Guildford rd, Gu'fd Bradley Aubrey, Myatt et, Nle'rryisnds Brangwiti Edwin C., Botany rd, Waterloo Brazier Arthur. 15 Holborrow nit, Croydon Brewer G., MInupat st, Bexley Brewer George, Forest rd, Bexley Bridge N., Great North rd, Five Dock Briggs IL, Hampden rd, Artarmon Broslovsky Abraham, 8 Oxford st, ProPton Brown A., 33 Cowper st, Waverley • Bruce It., 80 Reservoir fit Bruce Roy, 741 King nit, Tempe Bruce Wallace, Bridge st, Drummoyne Brunton James and Sons, Carlingford nit,

inkstown Bruton 6; Sons, Joseph A, Lidcombe Bryant W. J., Kyle at, Arnclifra Burke and Glass, 260 Marrickville


Telford S. Martin and Cl. Allen Martin, Principals, 281-2S6 Castlereagh st, Sydr.ey. Day and Evening Olasnes Tuition by Mail. Tel. 559 City (see advt preceding paste



EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE AT ANTHONY HORDERNS' 1992 But TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. But Butchers continued— Keen Silas and Sons, Liverpool rd, 13'wood Keep Joseph, Regent et, KogaraIt Kemp Thomas C., 22.24 Fo yeaux at Romp Thomas C., 83 Elizabeth st, Wat-

erloo Kennedy J., Victoria a ye, Chatswood Kennedy J. F., 99 Church et, Parramatta Kennedy R., Bridge at, Drummoyne Kennedy R., Great Northern rd, Kerridge Henry , 75 Henderson rd, A'drin Kerrigan C., Bridge at, Drinninoyne Ringham Edwin, 143 Marion at, L'hardt Kleemo K, 44 Bel g rave at, Manly Knight Alfred, 932 Cleveland at Knox Andrew, 54 Cowper tit, Glebe Krust Charles, Glebe at, Hyde Xrust Chas., Great Northern rd, Glades-

villa Laity Fredk., 940 Parramatta rd, P'sham Langham Cherie . , 47 Junction at, N. Syd. Larratt Otho, Burwood rd. Durwood Infiniti' Arthur, 73 Raglan at, Waterloo Lee and Coogan, 62 West at, Nth. Sydney Lee II. IL , Gordon rd, Gore Hill Lee IL D., 102 Eveleigh st, Redfern Lee Hartley, 322 Sydenham rd, Mar'ville Iewin F. II., Great North. rd, Five Dock Lowry L., 166 Church at, Parramatta Linavin George, 110 Regent at, Redfern Lith g ow Charles 13., O'Brien g, Bondi Lollard James F., Wiley's give, Lakemba Low Jmeph, 33 Cascade st, Paddington Incas C., Canterbury rd, Canterbury Luckey A., 374 Oxford st, Woollahra Lumley Tom, .1.1'., 8 Charlotte at, Ashfleld Lynch A. D., Sherwood rd, Merrylands Macau W., 222 Liverpool ni, Ashfleld McCarthy W. J. H., 225 Abercrombie at,

Redfern McDonald & Padginton, North ter, Mown McDonald Andrew, 238 Barcom ave McDonald John, Homer st, Canterbury McDonald P. A., Rocky Point rd A'cliffe McDonald William, Arden at, N. Coogee MeEtvan Bros., 252 Oxford at, Woollahra MeEwen A. C., 99 New Canterbury rd,

Petersham McGlinn J. IL, 265 Sussex at McIntyre James, 98 Crystal et, Petersham McKay J. H., Chapel rd, Bankstown Mackenzie, Ltd., 11 Corso and 48 Pittwater

rd, Manly Mackenzie A., Delmore rd, Coogee 1dclevett Bros., 228 Liverpool rd, Ashfleld Maclean C. J., 286 Parramatta rd, McMahon II., 142 Glebe Point ni, Glebe MacNamara Patrick, Kingiton rd, 0 down Maenentarra P. C., Dudley st,Marrickville McNiven 11.11., 191 Darling at, Heinlein Madden Bros., Bias:land rg I, Eastwood Madden Bros., High at Epping Mahony H., 241 Church at, Parramatta Muttony M., South at. Granville Anthony M., Wigram at, Parramatta Mallett C., 95 George st,Camperdown Mallett Doyle, 7 Australia at, Newtown Marks and Son, 31 Bourke st, Rs diens Marks Joseph, 69 Ivy at, Redfern Marshall George, Parramatta rd, Concord Martin Frank R., Bunnerong rd, Ken'ton Mason William IL, 2 Elizabeth at, W'Cloo Matthews W. D., Boulevard°, Strathfleld Matzen H., 198 William at Maynard P. T. 437 New Canterbury rd,

Dulwich Hill Miller & Barnaby, Percival at, Penslitu•st Miller E. J., 37 Bay at, Glebe Miller W. R., Penshurst et, Penshuret Milne Alexander, Gale at, Mortlake Morris Frederick, Canterbury rd, &bury Mortimer G., 31 Willoughby rd, N. Sydney Moss William, Glebe st, Hyde

Mugridge & Son, 128 Willoughby rd, North Sydney. and at St. Leopardi!

Muldowney W.. 3 Wilson at, Newtown Muldowney Walter, 9 Ivy at, Darlington • Mulligan Henry, 0 Morehead at, Waterloo Mtnatord Bros., Bay at, BrightondeSands 31unro James, 324 Church at, Pannatta Murphy Mrs. Kate, 328 Elizabeth at Nelson Arthur, Canberra at. Rstudwick National Butchering Co„ Ltd., 172 George

street Newcy Ernest II., 382 Lane Cove rd, N. Syd, Newport P. and J., 110 Bondi rd, Bondi Newport W., Botany rd, Mascot N.S.W. Meat Co., 104 Abercrombie at,

Redfern MASS A. C., Major Bay rd, Concord Nichol Adam, Ill Curtis rd, Baimain Nickols Robert, 101 Young at, Redfern Nicolls W. J , 50 Brisbane at Noakes Proprietary Ltd., Military rd,

Mosman Nome Thomas, 15 Lyndhurst at, Glebe O'Brien IL W., 95 Simmons at, Emote O'Brien R. J., 407 King at, Newtown O'Gorman John, Coward st, Maccot Oldham Butchering Co., 19 Sydney rd,

Manly Oliver A. and Son, 18a and 20 Pitt at' Oliver A. and Son, 18 Leichltardt at. Wav'y Oliver Alfred & Son, 346 Oxford at, Pad. Osborne (1. 11., 31 Ivy at, Redfern Osborne George H., 88 O'Neill at, L'hardt Page W. & Son, Ityde rd, Hunter's Hill Palfrey F. B., 78 02+ (OM fit. Paddington Palmer F., Burnie at, Little Coogre Paragon Butchering Co., Ill Regent

at, Redfern Parfett Henry B., 385 Liverpool at Parker Eugene H., 106 Queen at, Woollahra Parker '1'. .1., 135 Edgecliffe rd, IV'rthra Parry James, 186 Weston rd, Rozelle Parsona ge Freierick, Beamish at. Outmode Parsonage Fredk., Burwood tO, Belm're Parsonage Peroy,Haltimi at, Lakemba Pattison J. 1)., Boulevarde, Strathfleld Paul F. and A., 7 Pitt at Payne Ernest, Canterbury rd, Canterbury Pearce S. ,1., Bonnerong rtl, Kensington Pearce Stephen T., Campbelltown

Liverpool Pemberton J., 81 Young at, Annandale Petightze Thos., 91 Muttons at, Balmain Penny W. F., 88 Darlinghorg, rd Petty P., 621 Darling at, llozelle Philippe F., 568 Crown st Philip° William H., 178 Jersey rd, Pad'ton Mende W., 737 Harris at Mayfair Thomas, 106'168 George St Pointing A. & Son, 330 Oxford et, Pad'ton Pointing A., 313 Military rd, Mosman Pointing A.. 11 Willoughby rd, North Syd. Pointing Alfred IL, 133 Crown at Pointing Harold, 38 Gunner at, Padlon Pointing J. H., IVIndsor st, Paddington Pointing Joshua J., MI Elizabeth at, P'ton Pointing Leonard, 91 Fitzroy at Pointing W., 418-436 Oxford at, Pollard W. H., Lane Cove nl, Pymble Pollard IV. H., Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby Pollard IV. If., Pennant Hills rd, T'leigh Potter A. II.,236 Elizabeth at west, Alield Prentice Bros., Done at, Arneliffe Prentice R., Mina Rosa at. Enfield Presland A., Sydenhatu rd, Marrickville Price W., Penshurst at, Willoughby Puttock George, 139 Rowntree at, B'main Quinn F. R. & Co., 549 King at, Newtown Ralph It. 0., 90 Mount at, Nth. Sydney Ralston Mrs. M., Perouse rd. Randwick Ravens A. and Sons, Macpherson at,

Waverley Reardon Edwin, 139 George at, E'ville Reece D., O.S.H. rd, Waverley

Rees David, Albion at, Randwick Reynolds W. IL, 22 Victoria st, Lewisham Richards C., 202 Devonshire at Richards j. EL, Forest rd, Hurstville Richards Hiram J., Reenlist] at, Campsie Riordan John T.. 190 West at, N. Sydney Roberts It. & Son, 46 Botany rd, Alexandria Roberts J. IL, Salisbury rd, Stalin/ore Robinson J. T., 73 3fullens at, Balmain Robson Charles, 106 Denison at. Capedown Rogers' Meat Eniporintn, 112 Walker at,

North Sydney Roger William, 246 Victoria at Rollings T. Queen Victoria et, West

Roguish Ross and Co„ Avoca at, Rand wick Royle William IV., 32 Carrington at,

Leichherth Rimisey .7. It , Bunnerong rd, Kensington Runge H., Good at, Gninville, and 260

Church st, Parramatta Rutherford W., Old Canterbury' rd, Sum.

Ryan Grorge, 67 Weston rd, Rozelle Ryan .1., 286 1)arling at, Baltnain Ryan J. P., 102 Oxford at Salmon James W., 73 Leichhardt at, IVav'y Salmon Jolla, Frenchman's rd, It'udek Stinson] J., 310 Oxford at, Woollahra Sanders G., 2 3forellead at, Waterloo Sansmi J., 218 Elizabeth at Sanson J., Hall at, Bondi SIMSOR Joseph, 162 Queen at, Woollahra Santee James and Son, Peat's Ferry rd

Hornsby Saville F., 109 AfarrIckville nil, 31'villo Schell B., 90 Military rd, Mosman Schell W., junn, 119 Avenue rd, Mosnum Schofield Ernest IL, 119 johnston at,

Annandale SchonhanIt J., 6 Elizabeth at, Redfern Scott J. W., Victoria ave, Chatswocal Scoffing Mrs. F., 188 Beattie at, Balmain Scotts E. C., 335 Stantnore rd, Petershatu Scotts 1'. R., 00111101' at, BlIMO011 Seeley G. and IV., 2 Styles at, Leichhardt Seaton 1). U., 151 Oxford at, Waverley Seaton Francis, 150 Cathedral at Self A. IV., 066 Crown at Self F. A., 551 Alarriekville rd, Dal. Hill Selman Harry, 160 Liverpool rd, Aslifleld Seymour F., 34 Grosvenor cres, Sum. Hill Shalvey I'. A., 413 Darling et, Heinlein Shalvey P. J., 204 George at Slutivey I'. J., 91 George at west Shnivey P. J., 415 Parramatta rd, L'hardt Shaw Mrs. Annie, 70 Fo yeaux at Simi-meant Alex, Oranize at, Itandsvick Silvertou Meat Co., 39 Auburn ru, Auburn


Provision Merchants, Poulterers, &c., & Smallgoods Manufacturers, Whole-sale and Retail, 71 Regent street, Redfern ; 636.8 Brickfield Hill and 6 and 8 The Strand, Sydney. Manufactory, Renwick st, Red-fern. Tels., Factory, 150 Redfern. The Strand, City 7692 and Brickfield Hill. City 6857. Head OMee, 797 Redfern

Smedley Henry S., 191 Redfern at, Redfern Smith Jack, 131 King at, St. Peters Smith It. P., Denison st,Rozelle Smith W. L., 18 Albemarle st, Newtown Smithson A., 209 Parrantatta rd, An'dale Smithson H. C., Rocky Point rd, S. Scald Smythe Samuel, 604 King et, Newtown Spencer G.. The Strand, Croydon Stalgis S. J., 87 Darley at, Newtown Stanton George, Bunnerong rd, Ken'ton



Stanton If., 92 Cowper at, Waverley Starnes W. G., 133 Glebe st, Glebe Steele and Co., Sn , 11/1 at, It.111(1Wiek Steele 0. IL, 431 New Canterbury

Dubs ich Hill Steele George, 241 Livingstone rd, Wei he Steele S. It., 7 Elizabeth at, Waterloo Stevens NV. W. and Son, Gordan rd, L'fleld Stone G. B., Forest rd, II urstville Stone George. 75 Woolcott Stone William, 149 Foveaux at Stone William, 25 Lackey at, Stun. Hill Stott David, 257 King at, Newtown Sutton Forest Meat Co.—Ralph Walker and

Sons. 761-763 George st Swinburn It. N., 17 Edgeeliffe ril, W'Ialint .Sydney Most Co., 435 Pitt at Symonds Daniel, 236 West at, Nth. Sydney 'Tarleton F. W.. 2b Campbell at, N. Sydney Tarietp li W., 293 Annandale at. An'tiale Tarieton IV., 356 Ross et, For. Lodge Tarleton Wm., J.P., 57 Booth at, Medal° Tesler Oliver, 165 Glebe Point r 1, Glebe 'Taylor and Whitmore, Ilium tin ph, 31.'dale Tester I. and Sons, Mamma rd, Irvine Thomas and Son, 768 George at Thomas A. G„ 127 George at West Thomas II. L., Old Kent rd, Bankstown

Thompson A. & Sons, Lyons rd, DInoyne Thompson T, IV., 230 Glentnore rd, Pad-

dington Tlim F., 330 Glebe Point nil, Glebe Trim Frederick, 41 Collins at, Annentlale 'Truer Sydney, Stacey st, Bankstowit Tucker Walter, 204 131swick at, L'hardt Tuckey IV. S., 20 Willoughby rd, N. Sydney Tuckwell It., 344-340 Illawarra rd, M'ville Tumeth IV. E., 271 13ridsre rd, For. Lodge Turner G., 433 Liverpool rd, Ashlield Turner Samuel, 214 Catherine at, L'hanit Turner T. If., Botany rd, Mascot 'Turraniurra Butchering Co., Lane Cove

rd, Tu rram urns Upjohn M. A. and Co., 373-375 Parramatta

rd, Leichhardt Upjohn M. J., 65 New Canterbury rd.

Petershatn. Vandenberg If. L., 192.1114 Alfred at, N. S. 'Written F. C., Railway ter, Lewisham Vaux Janice, 20 Glebe st, Paddington 'niter W. 11.,41 and 172 Church et, Parra-

matte, and Railway par south, Granville

Waddell James, 93 Alien at, Leichhardt Walker Ralph and Sons, 701 .763 George at Walker C. E., 102 Eastern ave, Ken'tou Wallace William, 679 King at, Newtown 'Walsh Bros., Bearnish at, Camp& Ward W. 13. and Son, 203 N..11. rd, Plon Warden 11., Allison rd, Itandwick Ware John, 42 Myrtle at Warren Alfred, 426 Church at, P'matta Watson E. S., 462 Parramatta rd, 1"sham Watts A. B., 60 Cowper st, IVaverley Welland Arthur A, Parra natta rd C'cord Wells F. G., 47 Henderson rd, A'tlria Westcott William ds Co., 391 Harris at Westcott W., 290 Crown at Wheeler It. 11,327 Parramatta nil, L'harth Wheeler Walter, 16 Augustus at, L'itardt 'Whitby W. J., Railwa y par, Kogaralt Whitby William, Beig ie et, Iteckdale Whitby Walter IL, 339.311 King at, St.

Peters Whitby Wm. J., Rocky Point rd, 'White Edwin J., 153 Cleveland at, Redfern 'White Harry, Rocky Point rd, Arncliffe White S. It., 110 Union at, Erskineville White William, Illawarra rd, Marriekville Whittlesey W., Victoria ave Chatswood,

and 191 Willoughby rd, North Sydney Wieland George, 21 Abercrombie at, It'fern Wilcox F. 11,012 Crown at 1Vilcox Frederick, 12 Johneton at, Au'dale

Wilcox IL It., 133 Norton at, Leichhardt Willie and Compton, 55 Erskine at Wilkes Joseph. 43 Harris at Wilkinson A. J., 373i Crown at Williams Richard and Sons, 48 Erskine at

and 13a Union at Williams C. T.. Botany rd, cot Williams IL, 201 Darling at, Balmaitt Wllliamiis 11., 30-34 Albemarle at, Newtown Williams James, 402 Military rd, Neut. B IVIllings Henry J., 290.292 Livingstone rd,

Marrickville Willis Robert, 78 Moth at, Annandale Willis Robert, 107 Mansfield at, Rozelle Wileon Mrs. James, Kogarali rd, Kogargth Mildred M., 262 Darling at, Balmain Winter Anthony S., Marrickville rd,

MarrickvIlle Withers E. S., Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Wood C. E., 193 Campbell at Wool E. G., 104 Walker at, North Sydney Wood Henry, Forest rd, Bexley Woogl J. It„ 329 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Wool lain G. and Son, 19 Erakineville rd,

Erskineville Woods J. II., 2 Swanson at, End:lucent° IVoolfe Henry, 650 George at Woolley It. .1., 671 Darling at, Rozelle Wooster Sidney G., 423 Crown at Workman H. W., Railway at, Rockdale Wormwaiii 11. J. 0., 281 Liverpool rd,

Aalitielul Worrall J., Penshurst at, Willoughby Wright J., 105 Edwin at, Croydon

1Vyn glow T.. 81 Darling at, Balmain Wynne W. It., 186 Fannore rd, Einnore Ye:o and Banks, 5 Herbert at, Dulwich Hill Young J. A., 192 lIarris at


BERRY HENRY & CO. PROPTY. LTD., salt and General Merchants, 137 York st, Sydney

Ebner Mins, Ltd., 210 Harris at

HOLTERMANN H. A (late Chicago Butcher Supply Co., Ltd.), Importer of all kinds of Sausage Skins, Herbs and Butchers' Requisites, Salt and Machinery Merchant, and General Importer. Manufacturer of the celebrated " BOSS " Sausage Spice, 339.341 Sussex at, Sydney. Tel. City 7639

Lest& Henry, 208 Harris at Middlebrook & Stone, Ltd., 71 Gottiburn at

STUART (L.A.B.), WALKER AND CO., Salt Merchanta and General Butchers' Suppliers, 174 Clarence at, Sydney. Tel. City 8921 and 8522, also at A. A. Co's. Wli trf, Newcastle ; Tel. 809 Newcastle


See also Provision Dealers. Australian Margarine Factory, 519 Parra-

matte rd, Leichhardt Bacchus Marsh Concentrated Milk Co„Ltd.

1 Bond at Beaumont E., Barremma rd, Canterbury Bodalla Co., Ltd., 229 SUSSCX st hinges L. J., Cambridge at, Lidcombe Cadtnan Walter, Croydon at, Lakeinba

COASTAL FARMERS' CO-OPER-ATIVE SOCIETY LIMITED —C. E. D. Meares, Manager, 374 to 380 Sussex at. Tel. Nos. 2892, 3209, 7437, 7438, and 7439 City, Branches, 116 Liverpool rd, Ashfleld. 20 Lane Cove rd, North Sydney, Smith at, Parramatta, Rocky Point rd, Rockdale, 508 Darling at, Hei-nlein, 28 Cowper st, Waverley, and Fruit and Vesetable Stetion, No. 9 Municipal Markets, Quay at

Foggitt, Jones and Co., Ltd., 363 Sussex at Fraser Angus .1000 Sussex at Haughton William and Co., 255a George

street Hay Robert, 196 Sussex st Kershaw Martin and Co., 10 Bridge at Lonstlitle .1. and J. and Co., Ltd., 269-271

Sussex St Luhr C., 1 Hoiden st, Ashilehl MACKEY J. & 00. LTD., Australian

Representatives for .1. & .1. Lonsdale dz Co., Ltd., Colonial Dairy Produce Salesmen, Loudon and Sydney. Telephone, 0531 City. Distributing Agencies at Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Newcastle - on -Tyne, Cardiff, Newport, Swansea, Glas-gow, Dublin, Annagli, Cork, Now York, and Ingersoll, Canada-209- 271 Sussex 'at, Sydney. Tel. City 6531

:Merrick ville Margarine Co., Ltd., Edin-burgh at, Marriekville

NEW SOUTH WALES FRESH FOOD AND ICE COMPANY, LIMITED—G. A. Hodson. Mana-ger, 26.33 Harbour at. Branches at 92 and 94 King at and at North Sydney, Summer Hill, Waverley, Stratlitield, Marriekville. Manly, Moo. luau, Balmain Chatswood and A tt burn

N.S.W. Butter Co., New Canterbury rd, Huristone Park

N.S.W. MARGARINE MANUFAC- TORY — J. Barnes, Proprietor, 2 Botany at, Waterloo. (See Advt. opposite Preface)

Shelley H. J., 192 Elizabeth at west, A'lleld Stalker William, 685 Parramatta

Loiehharilt Yeo Charles, Hercules at, Dulwich 11111

CAB PROPRIETORS. See Coach Proprietors, &c.

CABINETMAKERS. See also h'orniture Manufacturers. „ Upholsterers.

Atlanta Henry, 16 Marsden at, C'down Ainsley F. A. and Co., 2 Fisher's reserve,

Peter,harn Alexandria Cabinet Works, 136 Botany

rd, Alexandria Allanson 0. A., Bridge at, Drununoyne Andersen & Petersen, off Alice at, N'town Apple L., Wigicaell at, itozelle Baker B. J., 290 Military rd, Neutral Bay

BARTON JOHN I Wisdom lane. Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer, Shop and OflIce Fitter.

Batchelor and Co., 41-46 Oxford at Beanl IVatson Limited, 361-3 George at Booth j., Catherine at, Forest Lodge



1994 Cab TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Oar Cabinetmakers continued— Brothers Benjamin 11.,134 Victoria st Burton E , 33 Bathurst at Campbell NV. W. & Co., Ltd., 249 Clarence st Central Cabinet Works, 22 Mew at Chambers Jess, The Strand, Croydon City Real Cabinet Works. 40 Glebo Point

nl, Blot e Crooks IL Co., Gibboas at Redfern De Green 13. S. and Co., 9 Wilmott DICKIN FRANCIS Manufacturer of

High-class Furniture, Wood Mantels, Fitments, etc. Showroom & Factory. 22-21 . 26-28 liuldanil st, corner of O'Connorst. Blackfrlars. Telephone, Redfern 316

Dwyer and Brown, 41 Darlington rd, Darlington

Eisen H. J., 131 Military ril Mosinan Freedman S., 8 Cooper St Bevies Joseph, 107 1 itzroy St Go 130 and Sons, 52-58 Reservoir at Goldberg and Berger, 206 Clarence st Hamiliton A., Catherine at, Forest Lodge Han Jan and Co , 363 Elizabeth St Huntress and Forbes, 15-17 Botany at

Waterloo Hardwick F., Jersey at, Hornsby Hank E. J., Bridge at, Drummoyne Hawkins and Nosworthy, 6 Faucett lane Hewitt Fred, Dean at, Enfield Hoe John, James at, Waterloo Holcombe G. R., 89 Campbell at, N'town Holden W. F., Cowper at, Marrickville Holden William, 96 Enmoro rd, Maeville HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS -

LTD., Sydney.(See headlines through out DIRECTORY)

Humphreys G., 171 N.S.H. rd, Paddington Humphreys H., 145 Walker at, N. S3 dney Jack S. and Co.. 23 Little Hay at Jackson Samuel. Kirketon rd Janssen Epp, 23 Bishop at, Marrickville Jones and Pike, 29 Macquarie at, L'hardt Jones J. H., Canterbury rd, Canterbury Jewett W. F., 213 Church at, Parramatta Kaplan and Kaplan, 161 Abercrombie at,

Redfern Lawson Bros., Ltd., corner WillIam and

Boomerang ate, Hyde Park Lee Thomas, 33 Old Foster at McGregor and Grant, Broughton at, Glebe McGregor James, 2 Kirketon McManus Edward, 97 Pt rmont st 3ferrifleld and Pout, 24 Grisest, Glebe Michel Victor, 2,2 Victoria rd, Moore F. W., 253 BUY at Myer, Sharp and Son, 12-111 Chippen at Page Robert, 92 George at, Oamperdown Painter F., 77 Miller at, North Sydney Pickard, Webber &Taylor,48-49 Cleveland

st, Darlington Ratner .1., 30 Catnden at, Newtown Richardson Fred., 13 Kent at, Newtown Roe and Wilkins, 54 City rd, Darlington Russell Arthur sour., 10 Percy at, 11'field Scarborough H. V., 114 King at, Newtown

SHARP J. B. LTD. Cabinetmakers, Chairmakers, Up-holsterers, and Bedding Manufac. turers, 2103 Darling at. and 2 to 14 Palmer at, Bultnain. 'Phone W1226

Shnonds S. A: Soks, 123i King st,Nowtown Slug L. W. and Co., 158 Botany rd, A'dria Sing War and Sons, 1-7 Albion place Slab r Joseph, 14 Short at, Manly Montan George, East at, Granville Smith Ernest E., 128 George at, Ersk'ville States Cabinet Works, Hutchinson at




17 Castlereagh at


Cardboat d Box, Carton and Corrugated 'Container Manufacturers, Printers, etc., Bnckingliam Devonshire and Chalmers sts, City. 'Phones 801 and 802 Redfern. " Corrugated," 803 Red-fern. (See Advt. opposite )

Firth P. J. Ltd., Codrington at, Redfern Fuca!' and Nall Ltd., 23 .29 Mary at Leigh S. T. and Co.. Ltd., corner Goulburn

and Castlereagh ate Mappin Bros., Mullins st

ROBERTSON AND WISHART, LTD., Printers and Cardboard Box Makers, Mountain at, Sydney. Tel. M 15213.

SANDS JOHN (LTD.) 374 George St

USED throughoet the Commonwealth II


CARD LEDGER Is Perpetual and Saves 50 %

time In Posting. 25 other Advantages.

Investigate at 374 GEORGE STREET.

Simpson LOtisililla Ltd., 7 Woodburn at,. Redfern

CARPENTERS. Adolfson C., 83 Walker at, North Sydney Aplin Arthur L., Charles at, Lidcombe Armstrong P. R., Crown lane Bayley Joseph 15a King at, Newtown Blundell Wm. 11., Ross at, Parramatta Carter W'. 0,204 Military ni, Neut. Bay Clyde Engineeting Co., Ltd. (The), Clyde

Works, Granville, Mutual Life build- ing, Martin place, Sydney

Cook H. J., Allisomm rd, Randwick Cummins Bros., 7 Queen's court Drake Bros, off Agar at, htarrlekville Flower E. V.

' Bishop's aye, Ilandwielc

Foot J. W., 352 Stanmore rd, Stant/tore Gowan James, 67 Flinders at Mifflin Samuel, Regatta rd, Five Dock Hannan H. E., 106 Castlereagh at Hayward T., 443 Oxford at, Paddington Hill A. McIntyre st, Gordon HotigkIns Harry, J.P., Bestic at, Rockdale Hunter John, Hay,st Johnston H. G., 11 Vit'entine at 31c Dowell D. W., 183 George at McMillan Robert, 9 Dailey st Marcel D. F., 11 Nimrod st Middleton A., Dailey lane, Newtown


Telephone 1763 City. M. C. MUHS,

Carpenter, Joiner, Shop and Office !Intel,

SIM w Cases a Speciality. 63 Druitt St.

Murray G. and Co., 105 Wyndham at. Alexandria

Nicholls Bros., 171 Avenue rd, Mosman O'Malley E. & Sons, 414 Elizabeth at Penman NV., jun., 522 King at, Newtown Punch James J., Blaxland rd, Rhodes

Sterling's Cabinet Works, 44 Styles st, Leto him rdt

Sydney Cabinet Co., 66 Botany nl, A'dria l'oogood & Jones, Pitt at, Granville Warbrick C. pin., 41 Carlton cres, Sum-

mer Hill War Sing C. & Co., 144 Commonwealth St Watts Henry, Belmore st, Burwood Wheatley J. E., 6 Morris at, Summer 11111 White William 11..409 Mamma rd, AI'ville Yee On Bros., 2 .17 Castlereagh st

CANDLE MANUFACTURERS. Alston Soap and Candle Manufacturing

Co., Ltd., Abattoirs rd, Rozelle Australian Kerosene Oil and Mineral Co.,

Limited On liquidation), 109 Pitt at Kitchen and Sons, Ltd., 365 Kent at and

Alexandria Mewling George and Son, 23 Alberta at Upton and Co., Beaconsfield at, AlexAria

CANISTER MAKERS. Orabbe J. W. & Sons, Ltd., 278 Palmer at Danks T., Elizabeth at, Waterloo Hughes R., 141 St. John's rd, For. Lodge Leigh S. T. & Co., Ltd., 326 Castlereagh at

CARBIDE IMPORTERS. Carbide Manufacturing Syndicate, Ltd.,

Bourke at, Waterloo Slade 0. II. and Co., 304 Kent at



Canister Maker and Metallic Printer,

Manufacturer of Enamelled Iron Signs, Advertising Plates, lc.

II. J. Salute, Pty Ltd, 276-282 Devonshire St. (Near

Crown St., Sydney, N.S.W. Canister Makers and

Tinplate Printers. Phone Pad. 900 and at 473-479 Swan St. Burnley,

Melbourne, Victoria.


J. Fielding & Co. LIMITED

Buckingham, Devonshire and Chalmers Streets, SYDNEY. 'Phones 801 and 802 Redfern.

803 Redfern (for Corrugated

Manufacturers of all kinds of Cardboard Boxes and Cartons for Foods, Patent Medicines, Confectionery, e&c., f3Dc.

Sole Manufacturers in Australia of Corrugated Fibre Board Packing Con-tainers, Single and Double' Faced Cor-rugated Boards of all descriptions.

PACKING SPECIALISTS—When putting new lines on the market consult us. We can make your products look worth more money.

Ralph James If., D'Arcy at. Parratnatta Robertson Adiun, 258 Cleveland at Robertson John, Gordon rd, Gordon Rolfe and Sedgley, Berwick lane SAXTON W. E., Builder and Contrac.

tor, Warelionse, Shop owl 0111ce Fitter, Day at, Sydney. (Opposite A.U.S.N. Wharf.) Tel. City 6212

Sone Ernest, Liverpool rd, Enfield Steil B. C., 256a George at Stephens U.n., 114 Australia at, Newtown Steward Richard, 47 Chanties st, Aslifield Tribe W. J., off 119 Bathurst et Watson Robert, 85 Phillip at

CARPET CLEANERS. Sydney Steam Carpet Beating and Clean-

ing Co., Ltd., Daniels et

CARPET WAREHOUSEMEN. Beard, Watson, Ltd., 361 and 363 G: orge at CAMPBELL W. W. & CO., LTD.,

Importers of Linolemn, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Table Covers, etc., 249 Clarence at, Telephones, City 9864, Mb, 9866, 9867 and 9868

Clark Marcus & Co.. Ltd., COW ral square, corner of George and Pitt sts

Farmer and company,Lt(1.,Victoria House, Pitt, Market and George sts

GRACE BROS. New Premises George st west section. The Model Store. Broadway, Globe.— (See Advt. opp. Drapers)

HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS, LTD., Sydney. (See headlines throughout DIRECTORY)

Hordern Brothers, 203 to 211 Pitt et and 422 George et, near G.P.O.

JONES DAVID LTD 349.359 center George and Barrack Streets, opposite General Post (Mx Telephone 6336 City (16 lines)

McArthur W. and A., Ltd., 79 York at MacARTHIIR W. BRASH, LTD.,

Furnishing Warehousemen, Importers of Linoletuns & Carpets, Upholsterers' Sundries and all Furnishing Ile-quisites, 251 and 253 Clarence st. Telephones, City 905, 4945 and 7695

Oriental Carpet Mann facturers ltd. (The)

Grace House," 279 Clarence st, Syd-ney. Telephone City 297

CARRIERS. See also Van Proprietors.

„ Forwarding Agents. Abbott'sBaggage Agency, 51 Sussex at Abbot L. and Son, Iteiby lane Adams Arthur, 294 Church at, Par'matta Adams W. J., 12 Holdsworth at, W'ahra Aitchison David F., 71 Trafalgar st,

Annandale A llen Herbert, Campbelltown rd, Liv'pool AMOR Monty, 125 Military rd, Neut. Bay Amin as 1.1. P., Ashbunter at, Manly Andrews Henry, 18 Mart at, Tempe Anitsbel Spencer, 54 Frederick Kt, St. Pet. Anthony E., Union at, West Kogarali Argent Arthur, 94 Read at, Waverley Arnold E. and Co., Mitchell at, Kogaralt Arnold B., 194 Rinnore ell, MarrIckvIlle Arnold Mrs. O., Rocky Point rd, Kogarah Arnold Henry, Rochford at, Erskineville Australian Express Co., 31 O'Connell at Bain JIIItteE, Harrow rd, Auburn





Carriers continued— Baker Fredk., Parade, Enfield Banner E., 21 Malakoff st, Martini:vine Barber Edward, 11 Mitchell at, Nth. Syd. Barden Stanley, 25 Prospect st, Ersk'eville Barnard James, 32 Edith at, Leichhardt Barrett John W., Fitzroy at, Belmore Bartlett A., 202 William at. Bates Spencer, 416 George at Batiste Mrs. E. Hyde rd, Hunter's Hill Beard, Watson, Ltd., 361-363 George at Board Henry, Rothschild a ye, Waterloo Beattie and Curtis. Victoria ave, C'wood Bell James, 123 Sydney rd, Manly Bell W., Joubert at, Hunter's Hill Bellamy J. and Sons, Pennant Hills rd,

Thornleigh Bellotti Benjamin, 296 Oxford at, Pad'ton Bennett W. J., 68 Underwood at, Pad'ton Bentley 0., 269 Sydenham nl, Maeville Bickel! William. "nun, Gordon rd, L'Ileld Bird John, Robinson St. Mascot Black 11. A., 29 Cabramatta rd, Mosman Board W., 142 Marrickville rd, Mar'ville Bolton II., Stafford st, Double Bay Booth Thomas, Denison st, Arnoliffe Borland Robert II., 167 Catherine at,

Leichhardt Bonito!' TI101/18S I., Amy at, Campsie Bonnie William, 0'Itionlon at, Alexandria Boyce Percy G., 56 Junction at, N. Sydney Boyd Hugh, 106 Beattie at, Bal mai n Brazier Henry, Bourke at, Waterloo Breen Henry and Co.

' Circular Quay

Briggs Samuel S., 27 Harley at, Newtown Bright William, Wentworth rd, Durwood Brightwell II. & Sons, 165 Wyndham at,

Alexandria Britten John, Dora at, Hurstville Brown F. and J., Joseph at, 1.111combe Brown Harry, Canterbury rd, Belmore Brown John, James at, Liticombe Budd W. E., 267 Sussex at Bull George, 7 Holborrow at Croydon Burgess F. 11 Wardell rd, Marrickville Bush Michael, Rothschild aye, Waterloo Butcher Bros., 105 Bourke at, Redfern Butcher Mrs. Mary, 100 Hunter at Campbell John, 33 Nichols st Campbell W., 220 Sussex at Niihau' IL J., Rocky.Point rd,Kogaralt Canham Robert, St. Paul's st,Ruldwick Cantell W. & Co., Wigram et, Parramatta Canterbury Sand and Carrying Co.,

Canton at, Canterbury Carew W., 10 Ennis lane, Balm:tin Carmody J., Waters rd, Neutral Bay Cassidy John, Young at, IVaterloo Challenger Charles, 18 Norval at, Auburn Charlton Albert F., 186 Rose at, Dar'ton Chatter P., 32 Young at, Neutral Bay Christie Isaac, Wallace at, Willoughby City Carrying Co. Ltd., 17 Bridge St Clark Charles, Ruston rd, Alexandria Clifford F., 183 Ben Boyd rd, Neutral Bay Clifford Richard, 2 Queen's court Clifford Richard, Bourke at, Waterloo Coady J., Arbitration st Cooke!! 0 dt IL, 118 Military rd, Mosman Coduer W. and Son, 127 Sussex at and

Murray at Cognr T., 58 Rosalind at, North Sydney Cole Stanley L. and Son, Arbitration at Collier Daniel, Carrington rd, Rand wick Cook Alexander and Sons Ltd., 519-527

Wattle at Cook JIMIN, 7 Euston rd, Alexandria Cooper Thomas, 41a Q.V. Markets Cooper William, Arbitration at Cooper William, Ruston rd, Alexandria Cooper William, McEvoy at, Alexandria Cooper Willlatn, Wyndham at, Alexandria Co-operative Carrying Co., 176 Clarence at Co-operating Carrying Co., 140 Frederick

at, Ashtield

Georgeson George, Parramatta rd, O'cord Gilbert Thos., 400 Church st, Parramatta Gilbert W., 152 George at, Waterloo Gillham J. J. 17 Bridge at, rind 24 Holt at Gill lea II. I., 168 Bondi rd, Bondi Gilroy James, Campbell st. Alexandria Globe Carrying Co., 24 Margaret St

• •

LIMITED Removal and Storage Contractors, 116-118.122 Miller at, North Sydney. Tel. 1 North,

Graham L., 175 Sydenham rd, Graves R., 203 Parratuatta rd, Gray Brothers, Ltd., Arbitration at Gray Bros., Ltd.. 243 Botany rd, A'drits Green James, 30 Prince at, Memel' Griffiths J. T., 13 Barlow at Griffiths J. T., Beecroft rd Beecroft Gross A., 14 Purkis at, Camperdown Gunn J. R. and Sons, 69 Sussex at Curtin Bros., 9 Munni at, Newtown Hall IV. J. and Sons, Claremont at, Canesie-flamilton Thome, Mountain at Hamilton William, 47 Terry at, St. Peters Ilananond R. J., 7 Junction at, N. Sydney Harding G., 2 Harbor st, !kinsman Harding O., 149 Avenue rd, 3fostnan Harris Albert, Circular Quay Harris Albert, Young at, IVaterloo Harris J., Skarrettst, Auburn Barris Stephen, Kogarah rd, Kogarall Harrison A., 102 Clarence at Harrison A., 17 Anderson st.Alexandria Harvey and Co., Ltd., The Pier, Manly Hayes Mrs. M.79 Pyrmont at Hills Horace, 351a Oxford at, Pad-

dington Hinkley F., Royal st, Chatswood Hinnigan John, 192 Rose at, Darlington Hirst Mrs Sarah, Merrylands rd, Holroyd Hitchcock Arthur, 12 Marsden st,C'down Hoare Alfred, 73 Elizabeth st, Pairton Hobbs Mrs. Annie, 152 View at, Athlete Hoey W. D., Penshurst at, Willoughby Holliday IL, Villiers at, Parrainatta Holman L. H., 10 George's River rd, Hopkins T., Allison rd, ltandwick Hopkins Thomas, 517 Daring at, Rozelle llorsey Frederick, Hurst at, Arncliffe Hourigan C. IV., 15 Hough at, Waverley Howard Walter, C.R., 296 West at, N. Syd. Hukins James, 2 Watson at, Waverley Hukins John, 1 Watson at. Waverles Humphries Mrs. Ellen, Ruston nil, APdria Hutchings Mrs. T., Victoria st, East Hills Hutton R., 11 Crystal at, Petersham Hyde and Co., 232-284 Oxford st, Padlon Isles Charles, 35 Australia at, Newtown Jackson and Sultan, 24 Young at, and

45 Albion at, Annandale Jacques George, 80 Wyndham at, Alex'dria Jago IL, 44 TayhT at, Annandale James William, 103 Marrickville rd, 5I'ville Jamieson William, 175 Bridge rd Glebe Jansen H. A., 24a Pitt at Jansen Henry, Piper at, Leichhardt Jarman Ernest, 19 O'Connell at, Newtown Jensen Marcus, 614 Darling at, Rozelle Johnson Charles, 68 Elmore rd, Enmore Johnson Charles, 247 Victoria rd, Di'ville Johnsone Joseph, Canterbury rd, Belitiore-Johnston W., 16 Whistler at, Manly Jolly James, Haltion at, Lakeulba

JONES DAVID , LTD. 849.359 corner George and Barra& Streets, opposite General Post Offloe. Telephone 6386 City (16 lines)

ii Cortield M., 218 Belmont at, Alexandria Coaling A. D., Eas • on rd, Alexandria Coulson J., 89 Darling at, Glebe Cralge John, Robert at, North Bondi Cridiand Frank, Carriers Ltd., 100 Clar-

ence St and Young st, Waterloo Croft John, 180 Bulwarra ril Crouttlla Carrying Co., 62 Wilson at, N't'wn Croudace .7. and Co., 13 Macquarie place Crowley John, 86 Moneta at, Woolltihra Cumming 3„ The Avenue. Granville Cunningham F. G., 1 Hastings at, B stony Curtis and Haddin, Gordon rd, Roseville Curtis George, 54 Portman et, Waterloo Daniels G. W. and Go., 7 Barlow at Daniels G. W. Co., Gordon rd,Olewood

DASBOROUGH C. C. • eral Parcel Delivery, Daily Motor

Deliveries to all Suburbs. Head Office, Gordon rd, Chatawood. Re ceiving Depot, 62 Queen Victoria Markets, York at, near Town Hall. Tel., .11252 and City 459

Davis J. B., 105a Clarence at Davis J. B., 23 Riley at Dawkins It., Waimea at, Burwood Day Harry, Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Delponte Philip and Son, 23 Margaret at Denehy Bros., Canterbury rd, Canterb'y Dennett 3% A. and Co., 107 SIMSOIC

at, and Larkin at, Camperdown Devitt James, J.1'., Cranbrook st, Botany Dickson W., 89 Bondi Bondi Dorlenter A., 3 dotal at, Woollalint Drels J. and Soh, Itomsey at, Hornsby Breves Edward, 135 Salisbury rd, S'inore Ducros 0. 11,94 New Ca n terbury rd,P'slunn Dull Sidney W., 92 Forbes at Duncan Daniel, 15 Hansard at, Waterloo Dunn W., 79 Burlington at, N. Sydney Dwyer F., 381 31illta • y rd, Mosman Earnshaw Alfred W., Lillis at, North Sysl Edlor Charles, Green st, Kogarall Edle r Edward, President ave, Kogarah Edwards John II., Harrow rd, Rockdale Edwards Jos. 68 Garner's a ye, 3Pville Edwick F., Waterview at, Five Dock Elliott J., A'Beckett at, Granville Ellis Arthur, 77 York at Ely Thomas, 43 Garnet at, Dulwich Hill Ely Thos., New Canterbury rd, hurl. Pk. Empire Parcels Express, 41 Q.V. M'kets Erskine Angus, Skarrett at, Auburn Evans W., 166 Missenden rd, Camp'down Eveille Julian L., 23 Church at, Newtown Farrell Bros., 107 Castlereagh st Farrell D. S. LW, 100 Sussex st. Ferguson W. J., 121 Military rd, Neut. B. Ferns It. S., '253 SU3SCX at Ferris Issue. Belmore at, Parramatta Field Joseph and Co., 18 Bridge at Fitzmattrice IV., 332 Oxford at, W'lahra Flint Frank, Avoca at, Randwick Flood Frank. Duncan st Flynn P. J., 89 Dowling at Ford George C., Robert's rd, Enfield Forrester G., Ultimo rd Forrester G. T., 88 Enmore rd, 3Pville Foster William, 102 King at, St. Peters Fuller Carrying Co., Ltd., 38 Carrington

st ; and 17 Loftus at Gallagher Miclmel, 83 Glebe st, Glebe Gallen Hugh, 199 Kent at Gallen H , 65 Weston rd, Rozelle Gilding Thomas, 4 A l exander at, Manly Gates A. 11.,176 New Canterbury rd,P's ham Gates Mrs. Eliza, Belmont at, Alexandria Gates Thomas, 111 Sussex at. General Parcels Delivery Co., Ltd., cor-

ner Grosvenor and George sts



Jones Moses, Alton at, Woollahra Kane Jack, Upward at, Leichhardt Kaye F. C., 91 Victoria at, Lewisham Keenan R. F., Quay at Kellick E. M. and Co., 105 Pitt at Kennedy Michael, IVellington at., Mascot Herr Norumn, Frogmore at, Mascot


Expert Furniture Itemovalists and Storers, General Carriers and For-warding Agents. Head Office, 128 George at West. Tale. No. 111051 and M1526. Branch Office, 28 Wallis at, IVoollabra, Tel. Edgecliffe 295 (any

1hour) Mgrs. residence (any hour) L1268 Successors to Albert Nicol. (See Advt. opposite Furniture Het/lo yalists). This firm has no connection with tile original firm of Kilnet's

KILNERS LTD. Head Office, 41 Broadway, Sydney, Re-moval Contractors. Tel. 512502 (all hours) ; 512101; and L1913 (all bolus); p.r., " Toowoombn," 76 Cardi-gan at, Clunperdown. (See Advt. in Alpha.)

King V. nnd W., 137 Walker at, N. Sydney Knowles J., Bond's rd, Punchbowl Laing Samuel, Fern fit, Ihuldwick Lake Sydney, 173 Alfred at, North Sydney Lawler W. II., 180 Alice tit, Newtown Lawler IV. 11, 466 King at, Newtown Lawrence Edward J., 186 Bourke at Lawrence W., Belmore at, Burwood Laws Vincent J., 33 Hearn at. L'hardt Leabeater •Arthur W., Cumberland rd

Auburn Leber A. and Soils, 78 Alfred at, Arendale Leura Transport Co., Ltd., 58 Margaret

at Lintlfield A.. Brid ge at, Hurst ville Lowe George, 292 Sydenham rd, M'ville Lutherborrow John and Son, Railway

eres., Beecroft Lynch F., 28b37111lieS011 at. Lynch Frederick, Lawrence at, A'drin Lyons Dennis, 5s2 Myrtle at McCalTery R. G. 151 Brougham at McCarthy John:11 Mill Hill rd, Waverley McCulloch Carrying Co., Ltd., Wright,

Heaton and Co., Ltd., agents, 97 Pitt at

McDonald II. A., Newton st, Alexandria Macdonald Joseph, 93 Sussex at Idaefarlatie W., 67 Westbourne at, P'sham AleGaw James, Albert awe, Chatswooll McGrath John J., 376 Eliza) eth at, IV'tloo McGrath P. .1., Lentliall et, Kensington :McGuire John, Garlaud rd, 'Willoughby .3facKander G., 49 Phelps at McIleand H. E., Old Botany rd, Mascot McKenna P., 49 Derwent at, GI . be McKeown W. M., Ltd., 68 Clarence at McMahon dames 1111f1 Co., 21 Loftus at, and

Pier et, Darling Harbour McNamara Patrick, 250 Botany rtl, A'dria McRae H. D., 96 Pyrmont Bridge rd,

Camperdown Maisey James, 149 N.S.H. rd, Pad'ton Maize .v Walter, Tennyson rd, Tennyson Maloney E. and W., 25 Mackenzie at,

Wave rley :Manly Carr y ing Co. 13 Eustace at, Manly Manning C., 38 Pitt at Manning Charles, Circular Quay

Mansfield G., 52 Cowles rd, Mosman Margett W., 44 Alexander at, N'th Sydney Nlart in A. II. Beecroft rd, Beecroft Mason and Bloat, 273 Sussex at Mason A Moat, 65 Macpherson at, Wley Mason It. and A., 273 Sussex at Mason A., 19 Sutherland are, Paddington Mason Henry, 73 Wyndham at, Alex'dria 31asterton IV. 96 Norton st,Ashtleill Matthews Richard T., Young at, Wat'loo 6fazzatelli F., Croydon at, Lakemba Mead Reuben J., Milton at., South A shfield 3Ieloy J. Ltd., 35 Pitt at. A Underwood at Miles F., Bridge at, Drummos Ile Allies Fred, Bitteman's rd, Gindesville Mills Thomas S., 11 Barlow st 3111iter John, Canterbury ni, Belmore Moat E., 273 Sussex at Molyneaux A. E., 8 Young st Moore D. J. and Sons, Gordon rd, St.

Leonards Moore C. 11., 219 Henderson rd, Alex'drin Moran William, Punchbowl rd, Plitebowl Morelli P. 314 Crown at Morgan Co., 62 John st,.Woollaltra Morgan E. A., 216 N. S. IL rd, Wide Bay Hurling William C II., 26 ['slime at, Morris, 42 Calvert at, Marrickville Morris II. J., 417 Liverpool at. Morris IV., 8 Arderson at, Alexandria Morris William, Circular Quay Morzillo Fn ine's, 10 Itainford at Mullen George. 49 LeiclilinnIt at, Waylay Myers D., 98 Windsor at, Paddington Myers II., 108 Hargrave at., Paddington New Zealand Express Co., Ltd, 42 Pitt at Newell George A., 66 Marion et, L'ilardt Nicholls 0., Hampden rd, Abbotsford Norman G. W., 38 St. James rd, Itandwick Noss George, Oxley at, St. Leonanis O'Connell 31. .1., Carrington rd. Ratialwick O'Connell T..1.. 37 Botany at., Waterloo O'Donnell H., 57 Chtrence at O'Dowd Michael, 245 Bulwarra rd Ogden Sydney, 100 Swanson at, Ersk'ville O'Grady R. D., Mentmore a ye, Waterloo Ormsby N. A., 182 Bulwarra rd Orr and Johnston, Ltd., 97 Sussex at, and

66 Rose at. Darlington Orwell A. E.. 393 Military rd, Mostnan Palmer James J., Kir g at. St. Peters Parkes U. W.. 71 Walker at, Redfern Parkes G. W., 167 Clarence at Patterson D. G., 18 Brillgs at Paul John A. Sons Ltd. 405 Kent at Patil J. & Sons, Ltd., 91 :Church at, Fulatta Paul W. J., Parrnmatta rd, Concord Pemberton Henry, Bridge at, Drummoyne

PERME WAN, WRIGHT AND COMPANY, LIMITED General Carriers, Forwarding, Cus-toms, Shipping and Commission Agents, and Produce Mt rchants. Branches and Agencies throughout the IVorld. Tele., General Office and Manager, City 9126. 9127, and 9129. Chief Office for S S.W., 12 and 14 Loftus at, Sydney.

Peterson 11., 39 Commie nil, Stanmore Phillips Caarles IV., Bridge st, L'combe 'Minim L. II., 141 Baptist at, Redfern

Pilon William, 22 Beatrice at, Auburn Photo R., 304 Military rd, Mosman Pithers Charles 3., Un win's Bridge rd,

Sydenham Pitkin N. V , Ilarbourne at, S. Ken'ton l'itt George and Son, Avoca at, Itandwick Pluck T. R., 36 Junction at, N'tli Sydney Porter Albert, 141 Alexander at, N. Syd.

Porter Henry, 115 'terra's "ii, Marrickville Powell Ambrose L., 30 Briggs st, C'down Pratt William, Phillip at, Parrantatta Purnell .7., Jamt s st, Hornsby Rafferty Thomas, 46 King at Ramsay Henry, 91 Darlieg at. Glebe RandellArthur W., High at, Liverpool Itedpath John W.. Short at, Carlton Ithind James, Frederick at, Rockdale Rich George, Nicholson at, Burwood Richards Frederick, Gipps at, Concord Rigby Andrew, Croydon at, Lnkemba Roach R. and Son Baldwin st,Erskineville Reber& E„ Barker st Roberts F. St Co..01(1 Punt Wharf rd, Hyde Roberts James, 125 Neville st, Robertson George, Phillip at, Purrain tile Roberts A. IL, 31 May at, St. Peters Itotey W. IL, 242 St.Jolln's rd, For. Lodge Robinson W. II. Sons, Pearl at, ltyde Robinson A.. 166 Young at. Annandale Rogan ,Tatnes, I Spit rd, Mostnan Ross,Tames, 6 Emma st, Leichhardt Rudder's Limited, 42 Pitt at Ros,a211 Henry, Chattier at, Matrick vine Russell Thomas, 225 Palmer St tam° .Joseph, 544 Botany rd, Alexmalria

Saillard M. L., G rialths at, Manly Sanders, Sutton and Whitehead Ltd., 442

Sussex st Saul J. D., Park st, Alexideirin

SAWYER GEORGE R. & CO., Removal Contractors niul Furniture Warehousemen, Pests Ferry rd, Horns-by. Upholstering dome. Sesond-hand Furniture Bought

Scott Bros., 157 Smith at, Summer 11111 Scott Arthur J., 75 Henry at, Nth. Sydney Scott EL Rawson at, Mascot Scott W., Shirlow at, Merrick vine Seabrook P., 101 Monctir at, Woollahra Selvage John, 62 Church at, S:. Peters Sharp .7., 93 SIIRACX at Sharp John W., Cairo at, Rockdale Sheedy .1., 10 Dailey at, and 241 St. John's

rd, Forest Lodge Shorter Matthew, 20 Addison rd. M'ville 8hortland W. and Sons, 8 Young at Shorthand R., 12 Great Buckingham at.,

Redfern Skillbeck E. J., 103 Alfred st,N th Sydney Small IL, 21 Marion st,Leichhardt Smith Charles, 01 10 Birchgrove rd, Iran Smith Charles, G eresh st, Gladesville Smith E. 1., 224 Enntore rd, Enniore Smith E. R., 21 Wilson at, Newtown Stni . 11 John E., 7 Broughton at Smith Thomas G., Broderick st, C'do wn Smith Walter, 331 Catherine at, L'hardt Smithson George, 41 Schweble at, 31aeville Smithson S., 1 Greenbanic at, Marrickville Sinsigrass William 6z Sons, Canary rd,

Canterbury Solomon A. 17 Rochester at, C'down Sommers Whiten], Bourke at. Waterloo South VV., MI Idle at., Rand wick Spackman S., 43 Burlington at, N. Syd. Speed Charlet; J., 39 Armstrong at, A'field Sperrin John, Bunnerong rd, Kensington Spruce George H., 15 Moore at, Leichhardt Stall wood S., 2 Ross at., Cam penlown Stilsby John, 37 M rime at, Marrickville Stock Albert, 8 :Margaret st, Itozt Ile

STONE WALTER Carrier and Forwarding Agent, 18 Castlereagh at, City. , 28 to 36 Cowper at, and Oxford at, Waverley---(See Advt. facing name in Alphabetical)




Customs, Slipping,


Carriers continued-- Storey Samuel J., 576 Crown at Sults James, Church at, I anterbury Sutherim.11 Bros., 3 Grosvenor at, W'ahra

SUTTON AND CO., LIMITED.— City Offices and Stores, ha Pitt at north, Circular Quay—(See Advt. opposite)

Swadling 0. and Sons, 3 Jones at Swadling Alex.,20 Lonsdalest,L'hardt Sydney Ha hour Deliver Co., Erskine at Sykes S., Harbourne at, South Kensington Tattier Gideon, King at, Rockdale Taylor F., Bridge at, Drummoyne Taylor Grorge, 6 Cambridv st, Rozelle Taylor S., Burwood rd, Enfield Taylor T. C., 27 Denison at, Waverley Todd G. and 11., Cornwallis at, Redfern,

and O'Riordan at, Alexandria Townsend E., 95 Lord at, Newtown Tulmor Arthur, 24 Queen at, Auburn 'lurid° James, 73 George st, Waterloo Tuttiett John, Paul's rd, Water:oo United Carrying Co., 52 Clarence at Universal Carrying Co., 5 Barlow at and

21; Abercrombie at Vaueluse Transport Co., Ltd., 17a Pitt at,

and The Lrescent, Vendome Vernon Percy W., 12 Henry at, Leichhardt Vintiner Charles B. and 0.r., Ltd., 120

George at, Camperdown. City Office, 24 Moore st

Walker James' 77 Abattoirs rd, Roselle

Waller h rank 105 Victoria rd,Marrickville Wallett Victor, 70 Northumberland rd,

Auburn Wallis S. O., 8 Young at Walsh M., Mt. Vernon at, Forest Lodge Walshaw A. G., Smithnore ui, Marrickville Walters Joseph, 57 Susan st, Annandale Ward T., 173 Norton at, Leichhardt Ward Thomas. Market Sow Wasserbrenner M., 632 Bourke at Watson Bros., 23 Carlow at, Nth. Sydney Watson John, 126 Sussex at Watson T. J., George at, Enfield Webb and Co., Dowling at, Waterloo Webster E., 132 Sussex at West E. M., Wattle at West Jesse, 13 Norton gt. Leichhardt Whee,er John, Robey at, Mascot Whitehead II. S. and Co., 632 534 Kent at Whitelock Jesse, 127 I31and at, Ashfield Wiggins George, 27 Bridge rd, Stannicre Wigzell A. J., Ilyedale rd, Wild It. J. and Sons, Ltd., 13 Barlow

at, 654 Parrainatta rd, Petersham, and Manly Wharf, Manly

Wildman Percy, 57 Gerard at, Alexandria Williams C., 514 King at, Newtown Willianur F. II, 107 Sussex at Wil lick G. and Cs., 25 Church at, rmatta Wilson Charles, 77 Lane Cove rd, N. SYd. V1intleM It. J., King rd, Five Dock Wingfield Win., 37 Edgeeliffe rd, Wolahra Winstanley S. 3..111 Millions at, Wood N. I., Canterbury rd, Canterbury Wood Patrick, 60 Phillip at, Alexandria Wood NV., 47 Marist, St. Peters Woods Albert J., &Rh at, Botany WRIGHT, HEATON • AND CO.,

LIMITED, Carriers, Forwarding, Shipping, Customhouse Agents, 97 Pitt st—F. W. Browne, Managing Director

Wright Albert E., 135 Belmont st.Alex'ria York and Korr,Ltd.. Arbitration at, and

79a Herefonl at, Glebe Yorturg's Customs and Baggage Agency,

5 Macquarie place


Fruit, Wine rind Spirit Casei. machine printed — Yeager's Wharf, Bowman at, Pyrmont. Tel. City 4934

Etudes William 273 Church at, Parramatta Fewines A. and Co. Shepherd at, Drieton Griffiths Fruit Supply Case Factory (The),

Barker at Ingham A. C. and Co., Jones at Jackson Bros, 32.33 City Markets King and Klein,291 Abercrombie at, Meru Louis Leon, Coward st, Mascot Maimed William. 33 Bathurst at New South Wa'es Box Co., Ltd., 58

Margaret at Newell John 11, Napoleon at, Mascot Preis Bros., 57 Pier at Speerin 0. L. & Co., 107 Bourke at, Meru Union Box and Packing Case Co., John

aton at, Annandale

CASE MERCHANTS. Cole L. J., 63 Charles at, L0°11111'1.4 Dillon George, Bourke at, Redfern Gibb E. A., Edgeware rd. 3Iarrickville Hubbard S., 5.7 Perna at, Newtown Joshua James, 126 Catherine at, L'hardt McCarthy J. and Co., 46 Riley at Rosen Bros., 4 &mica at, Redfern Storey Thomas W., 35 .37 Renwick at,

Itediern United Case Co., Lackey at Wernea.e II., 22 McEvoy at, Waterloo


LTD. (H. V. Prentice, Manager), Cask Carriers and Pneumatic Despatch Tube Manufacturers, 9-13 Queen et, otl' Regent at (City), Sydney. Tele-phone Redfern 714

Modern Stores Service CI., corner Gros-venor and George eta

Norton Collill Cash Carriers Co., Thomas at

CATERERS. See also Restaurants.

• Hotels. Abrahams B., 28 Leichhardt at, Waverley Aerated Bread Co., Ltd., 189 Pitt at Abel and Co., Ltd., 458 King at, Newtown B11111111111 Catering Co., 466 Darlingst,Roz. Bayley Richard J. 61 Glemnorerd, Pad.ton Bray S. P., Ltd., 498 George at, and

branches Copeland J. G., Bride° at, Drummoyste Chapple James, 641 Elizabeth at Crook W., 336 Abercrombie at, Redfern Crown. Catering Co., 22 Pitt at Curry W. J., Burwood rd, Durwood Easterbrook J. T., 63 Corso, Manly Hill Mrs. T., George et, Pa rramatta Laurie James P., 250 Victoria at Miller Henry, 19 Stanley at Munro Henry, 103 Walker at, N. Sydney North Sydney Catering Co., 144 Military

rd, Neutral Bay O'Rourke Mrs. L..1., 223 William at Pullen II., 18 Bridge st "Sargent," Limited, 252 Pitt at, and

b finches Saunders Percy, 283 Castlereagh at Sarni G. N. A., Bondi rd,

Sydney Catering Co. (The) James Claipple, Manager, 541 Elizabeth st. Caterers for Social Functions, Balls, Suppers, Banquets, Weddings, Picnics and Garden Par-ties. 'Phone 261 Redfern

CATTLE DEALERS AND SALESMEN. See also Auctioneers. „ „ Graziers.

Beale J. If. and N., 289 Fitt elf Bridge John and Co., Ltd., Albert at and

Circular Quay Bryant and Hayes, King and Sussex sts Chisholm H. and Co., 00 Castlereagh at ;Mann ills Wm , Isabella st, Parramatta

Goldsbrough, Mort and Company, Limi- ted, Circular Quay

Hill, Clark and Co., Ltd , 2 0Th /1nel' at Homebush Selling Agents' Association, 17 Castlereagli at

Inglis W. and Sons,George st, Carnperdosvn Morton A. J., Royal chambers, Hunter

and Castlereagh sts Pitt, Son and Badgery, Limited, 4

O'Connell et Slack and Co., Church st, Parramatta Wilkinson and Lavender, Limited, I

Spring St

CEDAR MERCHANTS. ■"" See also Timber Merchants.

Bell H. C., cedar merchant. 21 Duxford at, Paddington

Wallis Bros, Ltd., Abattoirs rd


BRISCOE AND CO. LIMITED, 383" 385 Kent at, Sydney. Telephones, Kent st—City 9890 (5 lines) and 6741 and Wattle st—City 7872 and 7873

Burns E. and W., Trafalgar at, P'shatn Cairticross D., Rocky Point rd, Itookdale

Telephone Number 7617 City Sydney Exchange.

SUTTON g• CO LTD. (EDWIN F. SUTTON, Managing Director),

Head Offiee: 17a PITT STREET., Depot : Frederick St. and Pyramid Bridge Rd., Oemperdeure.

General Carriers & Contractors

Forwarding and Insurance Agents.

c■s-Neinie■Ns sir Agencies throughout the States, New Zealand, and abroad.

Bills of Lading attended to. Goods Cleared through the Custom House. Wharfage Entries

passed. Letters promptly attended to. ,---

Heavy Goods and Machinery

a speciality.

TO SAVE MONEY, WORRY, or LOSS OF TIME, hand your Bills of Lading and Invoices to us • We will do the rest.

1998 Oar TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Cem CARVERS AND ORDERS. See also Picture Framers.

Carter Alfred and Co., 249 Castlereagh at Catecutt G., 221 Oxford at, Paddington Holdsworth F., William at, Maintain

CASE AND BOX MAKERS. See also lio.rmakers.

Austral Box and Thither Co., Ltd. Abattoirs road, Pyrinont

Beck John L., 110 Miller at Brunner Marie., Baptist at, Redfern Co-ot crake Box Co. of N .S.W ., Ltd.,

Elliott at, 13ahrmin Cash II. If. and Co., 69 Miller at

Fisher and Linghatu, 2 .3 Victoria Arcade, 44 Castlereagh at

Franks Harry, Merchants' court. 82 Pittst Gledhill Cash Registering Till Co., 18

Bridge st National Gish Register Co. of Austral-

asia, Ltd., 112 Bathurst at


CASH RAILWAYS. Lamson Store Service Co., Limited, 9.13

Queen at, off Regent at, Chippendale



CHAIRCANERS. 13everstock James. 55 Ashmore st,E'ville Brown William, 18 Elizabeth at BurridgeM,145 Henderson rd, Alexandria Cronin J., 273 Henderson rd, Alexand'ria Drew Thomas, 63 O'Connor at Lovell James, 64 Addison rd, Marrickville Shilling James, 609 King at, Newtown Smith Alfred J., Wentworth rd, Durwood Stevens Herbert, 45 Albert st, St. Peters Thurlow Thomas H , 101 Shepherd st Watson David, 27 Trafalgar st, Annandale Whitly A. J., Botany rd, Alexandria Whittorn Wm. IL

' King at, ArnclifTe

Wilson Alfred, 821 King at, St. Peters


Acme Chair & Cabinet Co. Manufacturers of High Grade Fur-niture, 2 to 14 Palmer at, Batman. 'Phone W 1226

Ad Gaon 13rts., 693 Batman iti, L'harilt Austral Chair Co., 12 Meagher at Barnett & Son, 43 Parramatta rd, Ateda'e Beard II. W. & Co., 49 Parramatta rd,

Forest Lodge Bickford's Hygienic Spring Seating Co.,

Ltd., Mitchell rd, Alexandria Bristow George, Son and Co., 6 Redmond

st, Lelchharilt Buckingham J. E. and Son, 25 Levey sit Campbell W. W. and Co., 219 Clarence at Capell Joseph, 36 Denison st, Rozelle

Dickinson and Flaxman Corner of May and Joseph es, Leta. hardt. Chair Manufacturers and Band Sawyers, etc.

Fowler N. M., Elizabeth at, Newtown Gow William and Son, 47-55 John at,


HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS, LTD., Sydney — (See headlines throughout DlitECT011T)

JEFFREYS W. AND SON, Chair- makers and Wholesale Upholsterers, 170 King at, Newtown. Telephone L1052


2000 Cem TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Che Ayres Eric L., Macquarie st, Li verpool Eames James H., J P., Bondi rit, Bondi Cement Importers and Manufacturers con- Quakers' Friends (The), Railway at, Lid-

tinned— combo COMMONWEALTH PORTLAND Randivick, The Avenue Randwielc

Raudwick general, Long Bey rd, Coogee Roman Catholic, Allan st, Leichhardt Hyde, Quarry rd, Hyde St. Anne's, Church at, Ryde •. St. Charles (R.C.), Great Northern rd, Hyde St. David's (Pres),Dallionsie at, Haberfleld St. John's. Alt st, Asidield St. ThOlillie, West fit, North Sydney St. Thomas' (B.C.), West at, Lewisham South Head, O. S. H. rd, Watson's Bay Trustees Catholic Cemetery, Neci•opolls-

L. Cotter, J.P., secretary, 52 Elizabeth st. Sydney

Waverloy—E. B. Kenyon, J.P., manager, St. Thomas at, Waverley

Wesleyan, ROSA st, Parreauitta Wesleyan, Gordon rd, Lane Cove Willoughby (R.C.), Anderson at, Chatswool Woronora General Cemetery Trust, 18

Bridge et

CEMENT COMPANY, LTD., THEI—D r. A. Scheidel, Ph.D., Man.

aging Director, 4 O'Connell st. Syd-ney. Telephones City 2336.2337

CRANE G. E. 8z SONS LIMITED, 33-35 Pitt st—(See Advt. opposite name in Alphabetical Section)

Cullen Bullet) Lime end Cement Co.— W. T. Hickey, mgr., 402 Sussex st

Davies and Co, I3urwood rd, Belmore Goodiet Smith, Ltd., foot of Harris at,

Pyrmont, find Granville Grace Bros., 1 toll Broadway, Glebe Hogg Bros., 261 Sussex st Hogg 11 .A. and S011, ityedale rd, Hyde Kogarali Lime and Cement Co., Railway

par, Kogarall Lassetter F. and Co., Limited, 403-121

George at Laurence and Co., Crescent at, Newtown Lee G. 3.1. Co., High st, Epping McEuen and Co., 3 Spring at Metropolitau Lime and Cement Co., 302

Sussex at N.8. W Cement, Lime and Coal Co., LW.,

77 Elizabeth at Noble F. J., Chapel St and Victoria rd,

Marrickville North Sydney Lime and Cement Co.,

Jersey st, Hornsby Belton William and Son, 140 Falcon et,

N. Sydney Slade C. IL and Co., 804 Kent at Stratlifield Lime and Cement Co., Brea-

ford at, Strathfleld Swinson P., West par, Eastwood Sydney and North Sydney Lime and

Cement Co., Ltd.—Frank A. Elliott, manager, 39 Pitt at, and 7 Falcon at, North Sydney

Wilson's Lime and Cement Store, Brown at, Ashfleld

CEMETERIES. All Saints', Fennell at, Parnsmatta flatulent, Derbyshire nt, Leichhardt Baptist, Western iii, May's Hill Baptist, Lane Cove rd, Hyde Botany New Cemetery, Botany rd Bunnerong Cemetery Trust, Botany Camperdown — It. Atkins, secretary

office, Old Deanery, George at Carlingford, Church st, Carlingford Chtitswood (Ma), Anderson st, Ohntswood Church of England (Necropolis)--H. Ittls" sell Crane, sec.,; office, 16 Spring at Church of England, O'Connell ,td, P'intitta Concord (11.0.), Flavelle at, Concord Field of Mars, Quarry ni, Hyde General (Necropolis)-11. Russell Crane,

secretary ; office, 16 Spring at Gore 11111, Gordon rd, Gore Hill Independent Cemetery Trust (Necropolis)

—S. /I. Lewis, secretary, 82 Pitt et Jewish, East st, Liticombe Kogarali (R.C.), Rocky Point ril, Kogarah Leiohliardt (11.0.), Elswickst, Leichhanit Long Bay rd—Long Bay rd, Randwick Manly, Bill at, Balgowiali, Manly Methodist (Necropolis)-011lee, 218 Castle-

reagh at Newtown—Church et, Nowtown Parrainatta Catholic Cemetery, Church st,

Parramatta Parrnmatte (C. of E.),O'Connell at, Pinatta Parramette (Wes.), Ross at, Parratnetta Presbyterian Cemetery, Necropolls—Wil-

Ram Wood, J.P., managing trustee; office, 23 York at

Presbyterian, Western rd, May's Hill

Lassetter F. and Co., Limited, 403.421 . George at

Page Henry, 485.487 Harris at Renard C.. 14 Wynyard lane Roo and Wilkins, 54 City rd, Darlington Sutherland J. 51., Collins at, Alexandria Tonkies William, Railway par, Maeville

CHEESE MANUFACTURERS. Bodalla Co., Limited, 14 Martin place

CHEMICAL IMPORTERS. Laughland, Mackay and Co., Ltd., 64

Pitt at, and 50 Lime at, Loudon Parke, Davis alai Co., 125 York st Rosewood John L., 17 Castlereagh st Slade C. IL and Co., 304 Kent at Stall/num and Schaffer, 256a George at Wallas T. I., "Wyoming," 175 Mac-

quarie at

CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS. Denver Chemical Manufacturing Co., 210

George at

DYE A. W. (A. Inst. MM.)

Analyst, Assayer and Metallurgist, 225 Elizabeth at (See Advertisement Jewellers' Section)

Elliott Brothers, Limited, Terry at, Bal. main. Rozelle

Featherstone Chemical CO., 1106 Bathurst St

General Chemical Co., Ltd., Equitable Buildings, 350 George at, Sydney Works: Parramatta rd. Clyde.

Gratrix Propty., Ltd., 643 George at Hudson's Eumenthol Chemical Coy, Ltd.

(Australasia', 31 Bay at, Glebe Joplin Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 12 Har-

rington et, Sydney. Tel., 6874 City King's Chemical Co., Hay st Lemont and Co. 91 George sit, O'down Major Bros. and Co., 63 Pitt St 5Inuri Bros. & Thomson, Ltd., 123-13/

Castlereagh st Radium Chemical Co., Ltd., 210 Clarence

at Slade C. H. and Co., 804 Kent at, Sydney Chemical and Manufacturing Co.,

74 Bathurst at United ClICMICal Co., 63 Pitt at Webster Chemical Co., Ltd., 66 Harrington

at IVoolwich Chemical Co., 83 Pitt St

CHEMISTS (ANALYTICAL). Byrn G. A., Reiby Chambers, Reiby lane DIXON AND BYRN (A. J. Dixon,

F.I.C., F.O.S., and G. A. Byrn, F.I.O., F.C.S.), Reiby chambers, Itelby lane. (Established 1873)

Dixon A. J., Itelby Chambers, Reiby lane Dixon W. A., F.I.C., F.C.S., Reiby Cham-

bers, Rei by lane Kopsch Chas. F. G. and Co., 8 Bridge sit MacMillan James L., 38 Pitt at Molosworth F. 11,82 Pitt St Orr and Welch, So hunter st Symmonds Robert S., 29 Elizabeth st Turner Basil, 83 Pitt at Vale and Cameron, 5 Hamilton at Wallas T. L. ''IV3 outing," Macquin le st Watt T. L., 5 Hamilton St

CHEMISTS (HOMEOPATHIC). See also Chemists and Druggists.

Elliott E. C. 84 Bathurst st Fisher and Co., 337 George at Osmond and Sons, 806 George at


See also Druggists ( Wholesale). Abraham J. S., 105 Queen Victoria Markets Allen and Hatiburys (Australasia), Ltd.,

13 Market at Arnold G., 8 O'Connell St Australian Drug Company, Limited, 19.21

O'Connell st Barden Tedbar, 36 Jersey st, 5Iarrickville Bishop Alfred (Australia), LK, 15 Gros-


tillers and Manufacturing Chemists Flora st,Erskineville, Sydney. 'Phone L1718

Bennington and Co., Ltd., 179 Harris at Bristo1. 51eyers Co., 45-53 Clarence st Burnside II. A., 7a Cary sit, Waverley Burroughs, Wellcome and Co., 481 Kent st

and Waterloo Chamberlains Ltd., 504 Riley et Denham, Wilson and Co., 222 Clarence at Deliver Chemical Manufacturing Co.—J.

U. Woodward, manager, 210 George St Durno Ltd., 182 l'itt sit Elliott Bros., Limited, 20-22 O'Connell at Fassett and Johnson, Ltd., 233 Clarence at,

Sydney. Tel. City 6084 Taunting F. II. awl Co., 6 O'Connell at Fletcher, Fletcher and Co., Ltd., 15

Grosvenor at Gardner R. W.. 82 Pitt at Grigor W. G., 186 George st Heali George W., 176 Castlereagh at Hearne W. G. owl Co., Ltd., 2 Bond at thorns Harry, Elizabeth at, Newtown Hudson G. Inglis (J. P. Queens.), 31

Bay at, Glebe Ingham Henry, 105 Rochford st, Ersk'ville Lassetter F. and Co., Ltd., 403-421

George at Leonard J. L., Roiby lane Marshall Brothers, corner Parkland Pitt ats Menley and James (Colonial), Ltd., 160

Clarence at Millyard C. A. and Co., 8 Bridge St Parke, Davis awl Co, 125 York st Pattinson and Co., Ltd.. Wentworth nye Potter and Dirks, Ltd.

' Grosvenor at

Rosewood J01111 L., 17 Castlereagh at Sayers, Aliport Proprietary, Ltd., 53-55

Macquarie st Scott's Etimision,—Scott and Bowne (Ans.

tralasia) Ltd., 483 Kent at Short IV. and Son, 10 O'Connell at, N'town Soul Washington, Pattinson Co., Ltd.,

268 l'itt at Stearns Frederick and 58 Harris at Wallas T. I. " Wyoming,"

Co.,kacquarie at

White A. J. (Colonial), Ltd ,160 Clarence at Wilson James J., 290a Pitt at Woods W. E. Ltd., 38 Collins St

CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Abraham J. S., 105 Queen Victoria Mark's Andrews Thomas, 57 Glebe l't. rd, Glebe Anti-Tuberculosis Dispensary., 181 Hay st Armstrong R. 13.,49b Castlereagh at Arneliffe Pharmacy, Firth at, Anicliffe Anent David, 122 Oxford st, Paddington Aslifield Friendly Societies Dispensary, 25

Holden at, Aslifield Auburn and Liticombe U.F.S. Dispensary,

39 Queen at, Auburn Ayres E. A., Liverpool rd, Enfield

Ball Albert S., Holuebush eres, Homeliest' Badman United Friendly Societies' Dis-

pensary, lo3 Beattie at, Belumin Barnecut Francis G., Walker a ye, Ninon Baxter W. II., Forest rd, Bexley Belcher P. B., 121 Miller at, North Sydney Benner° U. F. Societies Dispensary, Ley.

land par, Behnore Benson F. A., 141 George at Best awl Co., Burwood nih, Burwood 13evege A. C., 21 Willoughby rd, N. Syd. Boutcher Albert I., Beecroft rd, Beecroft Bowen J. T., 81 King st, St. Peters Bnalford S. C., Spofforth at, Montan Brennan H. T. C., 381 Military rd, Neu-

tral Bay Brereton It. G., LP., 225 Marrickville rd,

Marrickville Brokenshire J., Rocky Point rd, Sans Sone: Brown IL Graham, and Co., 87 Botany rd,

Botany and Mascot Buell D., 65 Military nl, Neutral Bay Buigin W., M.P.S., 118 Queen sit, W'alira Burnet II, Mimed!, 91 Railway ter, and 2

Victoria at, Lewisham Burwood District Friendly Societies' Dis-

pensary, 13urwood rd, Burwood Butterfield John II., Botany rd, Mascot Butterfield Joseph, J.P., 94 Redfern st,

Redfern Oains W. G., Ltd, 45 Pitt s'. and 132 Liver-

pool et Cab's It. H., Grandview rd, Pymbie Cambootternk Percy, Great North rd, Five


Campbell G., Firth st Arneliffe Canning Bales, 54 Pittst, Redfern Canterbury District United Friendly

Societies' Dispensary, Beamish at,

CarpetmerP051.°T., 111 Edwin at, Croydon Carroll C. J., Ltd., 21 Coro, Manly Carter E. A., Burwood rd, Belmore Casson H. J., Railway par, Kogarah Chatswood and Willoughby U.F.S. Dis•

pensary, Victoria ave, Cluttswood Chemist Co-operative Co. of N.S.W.. Ltd.,

147 George st West Clarke H. S., Hanlon st, Lakemba Clements F. 51., 113 Cambridge at, S'Inore Olemesha Harold, 416 Oxford at, W'ithre Clifton W. S., Alexandra sit, Hunter's Hill Cobb's Pharmacy 2 Leichhardt at, Wavley Cole Robert O., 77 Market st Constable James H., 666 Darling st,Rozelle Cook W. B., M.P S , 173 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Cornell V. J., Forest rd, Hurstville COS/1103 ApOthCCarICS' CO., 665 -667 George

street Cunningham) S.C., North ter, Bankstown Cullyngliame G. & R ,23 Auburn rd, Aub. Cunynglinme Sydney C. G., Railway par,

Lidcombe Curtis Mark, 317 Military rd, Mosman Dash A. C. it Co., St. Paul's at, Randwick Davies Herbert P., 60 Mullane st, B'main Davis P. E., 100 Percival rd, Stanmore Davis Philip C., J.P.,12 1.1George st,C'down Deane's Pharmacy, Beltway par north,

Granville De Ville William G., 45 Albion at Dick T. Ilislop, Boulevarde, S'fleid Dickson James C., 173 Military rd, Neut-

ral Bay Dixson James, J.P., 152.154 King at Drummoyne U.F.S. Dispensary Ltd.,

Bridge at, Drummoyne

DIJRNO LIMITED, Pharmaceutical Chemists, etc., 182 Pitt at, opposite Farmer and Co. City 6226


Earl Claude L., Illawarra rd, 51arrickville- Eden O. J., 196 Darling at, Bitimniu Edgar William,56 Wilton st Edniunds-Satinderson A., 7 Union at Efiland Alfred A., 256 Norton at, L'hardt Elliott II. C., 84 Bathurst et Ellis G. S., J.1'., 3 Erskineville rd, E'ville Einert F. W., George's River rd, Enfield Enright J. J., Belmore rd, Randwick EVall g H. R., 106 Eastern eve Kensington.

Aasvtoocransat.vollaKutehnvsic Kensington

Ferguson J., Great North rd, Five Hoek Ferguson S. N., 305 Military rd, Mosinee. Finciatm Charles P., corner Elizabeth and

Bathurst eta Fishier and Co., 337 George at Fleck's Pharnincy, G rd, Guild-

ford, and Granville Fogarty Patrick H. J., 6 Willoughby rd,

' North Sydney Fouicher A. J., Bridge st, D'inoyne Gabriel A. 51 , Frenchman's rd, Randwick. Gaud Geo. A., 520 Botany rd, Alexandria Gayfer S. J., J.P., 130 Smith sit, Suns. Hill Geary John J., Firth at, Arneliffe Gideon Lewis A., 300 Oxford at, Platon Gilbert F. W., 'Willou ghby rd, Willoughby

Blies G. 11, 51 P.S , 302 Elizabeth at Godfrey 0. P., West Esplanade, Manly Goldrick T. H. J., 40 Hunter at Granville U.P.S. Dispensary, Railway par

north, Granville Gray F. P. J., 158 Bondi nil, Bondi Gray L. A., J.P., H.!' 5., 475 Bourke at Gray's Pharmacy (No. 2), 165 Bondi. rd,.

Bondi Griffiths It. M., Ill Elution) rd, Entuote Grigor W. G., George st Grossmann Cecil S. S., 174 Church st,.

Permeate Hallam (Hunter st.), Ltd., 296 George sit,.

corner Hunter st. Hallam J. C., .1.P., 6 Oxford at Hallinan P. J.; 66 Dalhousie st, liaberflent Hamilton John, 137 Regent at Harper Charles. 360 Military rd, Neut. Bay. Hart Asher, J.1'., 352 Church at, Innatta Hart Ernest, 522 Parramatta rd, P'sinun Harvey's Pharmacy, 94 Prince Albert st,

5lostean Ilashun S. C., 619 George at. Hay nes' Pharmacy, 186 Military rd, Mos. Heap II. A., Parkes at, Hyde Henderson John L., 9 George st West Hill S. H., Railway a ye, Wahroonga Ilinvest lidward, 47 Einnore ni, Humor° ilislop G. 11,, 131 Palace at, Petersham Hoed Henry W., 43 Globe Point ni, Glebe Hobson H., Coronation at, Hornsby H udaon's Pharmacy, 561 King st, N town Hurstville and District U.F.S. Dispensary,

AlcMation st, Hurstville Hynard Alfred, 146 Alfred at, N. Sydney luighis .1. D., 289 Military ni, Mumma lugs Faris Wilson, Bur wood rd, Nwood Irvine T. A., Bridge sit, Drammoyne Irvine W. Armour, 295 Liverpool rd, A'fid Jones T. and Co.—A. E. Morton, pro-

prietor, 45 Market st Jones Frederick, 111 Elmore rd, Enmore Jones Harold F., 183 Liverpool rd, A'fleld Joscelyue and Cox, 72 Walker at, and 246

Miller at, North Sydney Keith Mrs. G., 135 Panm inate rd n , A'dale Kennedy G. II., 86 Corso, Manly Kestertoa IVIlliatn H. G., 218 Military rd,

Neutral Bay Kiernan A. A., 49a Cintlereagh at King A. 11., 53 Auburn rd, Auburn King Alfred, 250 (Bellmore nil, Paddington Knitpton George P., JP., 277 New South

(Dispensing Dept.), and City 31)89 j

Ii emil ni, Paddington




Chemists cora inned- Kogaraii U.F.S. Dispensary, Queen's

eve, Kogitrah Lancaster G. N. Gordon rd, Gordon Lassetter F.& Co., Lt 1..403 to 921 Georgest Lee I., Algernon, 499 New Canteroury rd,

Dui a Icli Hill Legg° Orion, 178 St. John's rd, 35 Ross

at. Forest Lodge leichhardt and Petersham C.F. Societies

Dispensary, 4 Charles' at, P'slitun Lennon F. J., 230a Pitt Et

North Sydney North Sydney United Frienily Societies'

Dispensary, 9446 Lane Cove rd, N.S. (kItlfellows' Medical Institute, 162 Castle-

reagh at 9)1son's Pharmacy, Railway par, Kog'ralt Olson A. K. 11., Ocean at. IVoollatint Orr J. 13., Boulevartle, Strathfield .0smond and Sons, 806 George at °Realty S. C., 260 Victoria at Ottoway Stephen C., 161 Oxford at Park W. S. and Son, 148 Pitt at Park W. S., jun., .1.1'. .Victorla are,

Chatswood parker and Allen, 101 130ndi rd, Bondi ,,arker II. .1., 132 William at l 'arker Josiah, 221 Milian' at

Dispensing Chemists, corner of George und Market ems, 378 and 518 George at; 720 George at, Haymarket; Eden's

Ilaymerket ; 35 Oxford at, 398 Oxford at, Paddington ; 17 an 1427 Pitt at, Haymarket (near Central Station); 10 Alfred at. Circular Quay ; 260 King at, Newtown ; 203 King et, Newtown ; ID Broadway, Glebe ; 359 Parr/matte rd, Leichltanit ; 107 Par- roulette rd, Annandale ; 3 Botany at, Redfern ; 81 Walkerst, North Sydney; 305 Darling at, Heinlein ; Bondi Junction ; 217 Marrickville rd, Mar-rickville ; 185 Military rd, Mosman; 650 Darling at, Roz-lle, and 581 Crown at, Sorry Hills. Factory, Wentworth live

Pawley George, J.P., 137 Regent at Penney Welter, J.P., $4 Darlington rd,

Darlington Perry Gilbert H., 217 :Marrickville rd,

AlarrickVille Perry H. E., 61 Gem e at west Perry W. .1. IL, 73 Weston ril, Rezone Peterkin C. J., 233 Elizabeth at Petersham Friendly Societies' Dispensary,

432 Parramatta rd. Petersham Peterson 'I'. A., 415 Mifflin; at, lialmain Philp It. T.. 321 Glebe l't. ru I, Glebe Poo'c Barry, 92 noulluirn st Poi ter Edward. Wardell rd, Dul. Hill Powell Septimus, 904 Oxford st, Pad'ton Price H. C.. Victoria a ye, Chatswooll Pyc Leslie W., 181 Church at, Parramatta Rayner Leonard, 132 I ercival rd, S'inore Redmond's Pharmacy, 297 Lam Cove rd,

North Sydney Reuss —. 96-ea Phillip at Ritchie 0.J., Gordon rd. Roseville Rockdale District U. F. S. Dispensary,

Railway at, Rockdale Rogan 11..1., Be tmish st, Campsie Rogers Alfred, 397 Parramatta rd, L'hardr Rose H. A. and Co., 531-535 George at,

and 149-151 King st Rushton \V. H., 461 Marrickville rd

Dulwich Hill Ryan it. S., Raymond at, Lidcombe Sabiel H. P., 78 Hunter at Sadler Alex., 210 Miller st, N. Sydney Sanderson's Pharmacy, 445 Miller et,

North Sydney Scales F. B„ Church at, Lidcombe Schofield E. C., 130 Queen at, Woollaltra Senior's Pharmac y, Ltd., 250 George st Sharpe Alfred E., 197 Oxford at Short A. G., 159 King at, Newtown SImpson's I remier Drag Store, 5-7-9

Albion at, Waverley Simpson 13., Victoria ave, Chatswood Sinclair F., Gordon rd, Litelflehl Storer F. E.—.1ames Di Xi011, proprietor,

152-151 King at Smith Frank II., 451 King at, Newtown Smith L. W., Canterbury id, (Tbury Such son's Pitarnevy, 209 Ettmore nl, Rum. Sono A. T., Bunnorong rd, Kensington Sone A. T., 239 Elizabeth at. Redfern Sotner Bros.. 35 Crown st, 478 Cleveland

at, and 429 Bourke at Sinner Bros., 433 Crown at tabback and Co., Delmore rd, Coogte

Stevens J., 129 Norton at, Leielthardt Stewart John, 79 Now Canterbury rd,

Petersltam Swindale 'I'. P., lone Cove rd, Tur'inurra Sydney Hospital Branch Dispensary, 412

Oxford at, Paddington Sydney United Friendly Societies' Dispen-

sary, and 11folical Distitnte—A. G. Kehltlewhite, .clifet dispenser ; 13-15 Commonwealth at

Sydney United Friendly Societies' Dis- pensary, 33 Glebe Point rd, Glebe

Sydney United Friendly Societies' Dis- pensary, Hardie at. Mascot

Sydney United Friendly Societies' Dispen-sary, 2 Jersey rd, Paddington

Sydney United Frietally Societies' Dispen-sary, 37 Botany at, Redfern

Sydney United Friendly Societies' Die- pensat y„ 88 Ebley at, Waverley

Sydney Flitted Friendly Societies Dis- pensary, 50 East Esplanade, Manly

Taylor's Pliarmacy 5 310 Riley at Thorawensen :\ I re..1. It., 31 Erskine st 'Tompkins W. Kingston, Chapel rd, Banks-

town Townley J. L , 672 Crown st Tucker Louis, 9 Lackey st, Sutntner Hill Vesper Peter, 80 Military rd, Unman Wadsworth A., 62 Miller at, Nth. Syd, Walker Drug Store, 463 Harris at Ward Mrs. Beatrice K, 75 Cowper at,

Waverlev IVat ten's Phartnney, Carlton par, Carlton Warren It. IL, Harwood rub, 13nr wood Watson John, 373 George st Watt, E. W., Oxford at, Epping Webb Ernest C., Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby Webster Charles F., Durwood rd, 1.3urwood

WEST C. H., J.P., ..P.8. Chemist and Dentist, West's Phar-limey, 183 Glebe Point rd, G (clue (oppo-site 1,04 ()Mee). Telephone No. M1121

IVeymonth Alum, 1 Char otte, Sum, Hill White II. K., 131axlmal's rd, Eastwood Williams D. J., 147 George at west Villiains G. J., 66 Darlinghurst rd; blanch,

228 Glenutore rd, Paddington, 265 N.S.II. ni, Paddington and Rose Day

Williams L. P., J. P., Si Botany ni, Wane° Williams S. B., 769 George at . Williams 'I'. J. C., 99 Regent at, Redfern Milian's Thomas, 281 Sing at, Newtown Williams W., 79 Pittwater rd, Manly Wilson Miss L., Gordon rd, Winning W. M., 25 The Strand, Croydon Winston W. F., 393 l'itt st Young IVilliam H., Guildford rd, Guild-

ford, and South at, Granville

CHIMNEYSWEEPS. (See page 2004)

Importers of

Continental Novelties and Modern BY EACH MAIL.

We Invite Inspection.


As the Oldest House In the Trade, we offer Buyers

SPECIAL Advantages.

. -,)1 a ;I../ .2., awl , ;apt .2-- ,


.T.P., examination, 271 Cleve- land st, Redfern. Tel. 76 Redfern

Lof berg Oscar IL, Rocky Point rd, Loney Sidney T., 208 William st Lynch .T. G., Dalhousie at, liaberfleld McCardle Thomas J., 679 Darling at,

Itozelle McCarthy W. II. Ltd., 7 Hunter at McCorthy P. J., 400 Stenmore rd, P'sh m MacCaulay Homy, 513 George at McCredie N. T., 385 Pittst McCredie Norman T., 121 Liverpool st

and 385 Pitt at McDowell L., 340 Elizabeth at 111cDowell Louis, 447 .449 Ell yn eth at Mackellar Arthur, 29 Oxford at. IVitverley Mackenzie It. V., Rocky Pt. rd, Rockdale Mackey II J. It.. 345 Darling Ft, Balmain McMinn: John F., 259 Liverpool rd, A'fle d McNamee F., Willoughby rd, Willoughby Maher E. F., 410 Pitt at Mallam C. J., Arden at north and Belmore

rd, Coogee Malone & Williams. 107 Johnston at. A'anle Manning E. A., 198 Military rd, Iitanning If. W., 45 Alfred st, N. Sydney 31arks Robert G., Forest rd, Hurst ville Marrickville U. F. S. Dispensary, 490

Mt:warm rd, Marrickville Marshall Brothers, Pitt and Park sts Martin Richard A. S.,484 Oxford gt, W'bra Mathew E. b., 8 Corso, Manly 3lay it Burgess, 104 Corso, Manly Mayhew W. IL, 168 New Canterbury rd,

Petersham Meagher Martin, J.P., M.P.S., 380 Cleve

land at. Tel. 126 Redfern Moore William W., 122 Abercrombie Ft,

Redfern Morey W. J., 208 Church at, Parramatta 31orrow A. E„ Crimmumn at Hurl. Park • Moss S. A., J.I'., Military rd, Vancluse Musson G. F. W., Hampden rd, A rtarmon Nell L., 191 George at north Newling A. J., Gt. Northern ni, GI'vil le Newman Albert II.. J.P., Avoca at, It'wick Newton C. V. 181 Enmore rd, Elmore Newtown United Friendly Societies' Dis-

pensary, 84 Elmore n1,1?Junore North Sydney Drug Co., 190 Alfred st

Parker S. C.. le Darlinglinrst Parker Stanley 11,41)2 Oxford at, Woorltra Parkes Percy, 137 N.S.H. rd. Paddington Park! F. A., 13eamish at, Campsie Parramatta and District Friendly Societies'

Institute, George at, Parratnatta


See also Earthenware Dealers. Andrews Albert Joseph at, 1.91combe Biggar Mrs J., 82 Regent at, lt,alfern Braybrooke 11. M., 695 Darling at, Rozelle Burrows J. T., 106 George at west

Chinn, Glass, Earthenware and Fancy Goods Importers, 93 Bathurst at, Sydney. (See Advt. opposite).


Our Stooks are the Largest in Australia. We invite Visits of inspootion.



Sole Agents for "Brown Lichfield Dinner Ware."

All Forms of




Our Seotional Method SAVES SPACE and enables you to add to your Cabinet 83 your Business GrOW8.

CHURCH FURNITURE IMPORTERS. 13occhi Luigi and Co., 187 George at Dwyer E. J., 705 George at

GILLE LOUIS AND CO., 73-75 Liverpool at, Sydney, and 300-302 Lonsdaie at, Melbourne

Grace Bros., 1 to 11 Broadway, Glebe

JONES DAVID, LTD., 349-359 Ge,rge at, Corner Barrack at, opposite G.P.O. Telephone 6336 City (16 lines)

Pellegrini and Co. Modellers, Importers and Church Furnishers, 489 George at, Sydney (near Bathurst at). Tel. City 2531

CHURN MAKERS. Lassetter F. aud Co., Ltd., 403-421 Geo. at.


Glass and Earthenware Importers continued—

CIVIL SERVICE CO-OPERA-TIVE SOCIETY OF N.S.W., LIMITED—T. G. Kenny, malinger; Samuel A. 0. Carter, secretary, 182. 154 .156 Pitt st, Sydney

'Clark Marcus & Co., Ltd., Central Square corner George and Pitt ate and Brown at, Newtown

Cohen David and Co., Ltd., 10 Spring at Cohen Sydney, Delmore rd, Randivick

,Critchley Thomas, Liverpool rd, Ashfield

Dynon John & Sons Ltd. China, Glass, Earthenware and Fancy Goods Importers, 93 Bathurst at, Sydney. (See Advt. preceding page).

Farmer end Co., Ltd., Victoria House Pitt, Market and George eta

Furness William, 150 William at

GRACE BROS. The Model Store, Broadway, Glebe— (See Advt. facing Drapers)

Grieve John, Victoria a ye, Chatswood Hales Ltd., 26 O'Connell at Harrison Neale, 62 York at Hawthorne E. E., 714 Darling at, Rozelle Hoffnung S. and Co., Ltd., 165-169 Pitt st 2ffoldsworth, Macpherson & Co., '252

George at

BORDERN ANTHONY & SONS, LTD., Sydney — (See headlines throughout DIRECTORY)

13011se IL, 146452 Regent at, Redfern -Johnson A., 464 Parrainatta rd, Petersham

JONES DAVID, LTD. 349.359 corner George and Barrack Streets, oppeaffe General Post (Mice. Tele phone 0336 City (16 lines)

Jones M. & Co., 391 Pitt at Lobb A., 233 Parramatta rd, Annandele Moore Bros., 77 Walker at, Nth. Sydney Murray's Ltd., 165 Church at, Parramatta Passlow George, 82 Regent at, Redfern Rook James. J.P.,452 Elizabeth at Seymour H. T., J.P., 3Iarrickville rd,

Marrickville Simian J. C., 180 William at Swindon J. F., Newcastle at, Rose Bay Sydney Importing Co., 20- 24 Chalmers at Tenthly!' William S., 99 Regent st, It'fern Walker IV., 411 Parrematta rd, L'hardt

CHIMNEYSWEEPS. Copeinan A., 57 Crystal st, Petersham -Common 0..185 N.S.II. rd. Paddington Debenham H., Thomas et, Chatswood Hill C. IL, George st, Parramatta -Oatley W., 60 Grosvenor at, Neutral Bay .01sson Charles, 18 Parkhant St Perkins William, Liverpool rd, LiverNol Prevost L., 2 Ulster at, Paddington White Thomas, 40 Reservoir St


See also Tobacco, &c., Manufacturers. Arpante E. It & Co., Underwood at Baker 0. J. M., Angel place, Pitt at Banks and Ferguson, 17a Pitt at Blashki A., Ltd , 352 George at Bock and Co., 8I2a George at British Australasian Tobacco Co., Propty.

Ltd.—Tod man a ye, Kensington Brown F., 113 Pitt at Ducktrout and Co., 167a The Strand Club Cigar Proprietary, 377 Sussex at Craig and Aitken, 654 George St Frossard Le yte, 92b Pitt at Hackett and Williams, 107 Castlereagh at Havana and British Borneo Cigar Co.,


LTD., Sydney — (See headlines throughout DintEcroItY)

Kebblewilite Arthur, 3 Spring at La Manola Cigar Co., 17a Pitt at Lind E. F. and Co., 280-400 George st Marks A. A., 376 George at Moznrnens Emil, 79 Gt. Buckingham at,

Redfern Niminski Albert, 74 William St Prescott T. S., 17 Hunter at Rutty M. and Co., 58 Margaret at SchroederF. P. IL, Ltd., 139i Regent at SCOTT, HENDERSON AND CO.,

10 Loftus at. Tels. City 3345, 3340, 3347 and 3348

Solomon A. M., 1736 Pitt at Stallmann & Schaffer, Malcolm D'idings,

256a George at Willa W. D. & 11. 0. (Australia), Ltd.-267

to 271 Castlereagh at; SACS branch, corner Bathurst and Kent sts

Tuckey Henry, J.P., 5 Ann at

CINEMATOGRAPH SUPPLIES. Australasian Films Ltd. (II. G. Musgrove,

general manager), 251a Pitt at Australian Feature Films Ltd., 68 Druitt

at . Clement Mason Cinematograph Co. Ltd.,

195 Castlereagh at Co-operative Film Exchange, Ltd., 129

Bathurst at Crick and Jones, 321 Pitt at CUMMINGS JAMES, Kodak Build-

ings, 379 George at, Sydney. 'Phone, City 9484-9485 (Kodak Co.). Electrical and General Mechanic Cinematograph Repairs my speciality. Any parts of any make of machine made to order. Dlographs for sale

Economic Film Service, 66 Druitt at Edison Thomas A., Ltd. (William W.

Wyper, Managing Director, 364-372 Kent at

Eureka Film Service, Ltd. 234 Clarence at

Fox Film Corporation (Australasia) Ltd.

William For, Governing Director Limit. Jim P. Anderson, Managing Director ; Carey Wilson, Foreign Agent ; 3rd, 4th and 8th floors, Sy-monds Building, 194 Pitt at. Tele-phone City 3558

FOX FILMS William Pox, Governing Director Lieut. Jim P. Anderson, Malinger Carey Wilson, Foreign Agent: 3rd, 4th and 5th floors, Symonds Building. 194 Pitt st. Telephone City 3558

Fraser Film Release and Photographic Co., Ltd.

Film Hirers, Producers, Biograph Sundriesmen

"Blue Bird" Photoplays "Red Feather" Photoplays —



Branches at Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Auckland (N.Z.) London, Newyork, and Italy.


Green and McCabe, 321 Pitt st Harringtou's Ltd., 386 George at International Film Exchange, 251a Pitt

street, Jerdan II. S., 397 George at Kinetopatah Ltd.. 35 high st Kodak (Australasia) Ltd., 379 George st Lean R. and Son, 107 Castlereagh at McIntyre Arthur II , 61 Market at Bathe Freres (Australia), bob King at Fettle's Home Cinematographs, 35 Bligh at

POPULAR PICTURE SERVICE, David 1'. Howells, 3rd floor, Symouds Building, 194 Pitt at

Spencer's Film Exchange, 251a Pitt at Small ( Herbert) l'ty. Ltd., 243 l'itt at Union Theatres Ltd., 251a Pitt at Willoughby George, 1100 Bathurst at World's Blograph Co., 110 Bathurst at

CLOTHIERS. See also Tailors.

Allen Samuel, 413 Parramatta rd, L'hardt Arnold Edward and Co., Oxford and Crown

streets . Battle Arthur, 619 King se, Newtown Bergman Isaac, 123 George at Brallain David and Co.. 70 Market at Brennan D., 291.302 King st, Newtown Buckingham William, corner of Oxford

and Riley ate Cadden K. and Co., Marrickville rd, Carleton's Ltd., Junction and Walker sts,

North Sydney Cliffe Abraham, 95 George at Drinau Mrs. Ellen, 427 King at, Newtown English and Co., 752 George at Et by George T., J.P., 222-224 Church at

Parramatta Evers & Cohen Ltd., 16 .22 Wentworth ave Farmer and Company, Limited, Victoria

House, Pitt, Market and George sts Feinberg Bennett, 1390 Bathurst at Forrester H., Macquarie at, Liverpool Franks Harris, 171 Regent st, Redfern Giliond Mrs. A., 62 Erskine st Goldstein Joseph, 137 Bathurst et


(A USTR AL CLOTHIERS), 481-486-488-490 GEORGE ST., & 3 TO 17 ROYAL ARCADE Branch Shop, 304 George

GRACE BROS. The Model Store, Broadway, Glebe— (See Advt. facing Drapers)

Grant N , 118 King Ft. Newtown Hatt° C. G., 301-303 King st, Newtown

HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS LTD., Sydney — (See headline throughout DIRECTORY)

Borden, Brothers, 263 to 211 Pitt at and 422 George at, near G.P.O.

Jacobs Woolf, 70 Goulburn Jenobson Mrs. Bertha, 97 George at

JONES DAVID, LTD. Makers of " ORIENT " CLOTH-ING for Men and Boys, 310-359 corner George end Barrack ate, opposite General Post Office. Tole. phone 6330 City (16 lines)

Kent W. H. and Co.. 107 George at Kopit Abraham, 83 Sussex at Leslie (1., 200 Pitt at Martin John, 804 George st Meyn W. .1., 251 - 253 Darling at. Balmain Mitchell Myer, 131, 145. 147 Betimrst st Murray Bros. Prop., Ltd., 167 Church at,

Parramatta Murray Mrs. G. 139 Devonshire st Myers Leah and Co., 42 George st west Newtown Tailoring and Clothing Co., 249

King at, Newtown O'Connor Jeremiah, 80 William st Palmer F. J. and Son, 293 Pitt et, and at

726-728 George st Piper Mrs. Eliz„ 58 Junction at, Nth. Syd. Price and Co., 329 George at Riley Bros.. Ltd., 614 to 620 George at Sampson Henry, 102 Liverpool St Terry P. B. & Co., 149 Church at, P'matta Vaughan T. J., 766 George at Weinberg Mrs. E., 18 King st Winn Ltd., 18-28 Oxford at Woolf M., 112 Bathurst at ZI0114 H. S., 0-8 Market at

CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS. Abraham B. & Son, 22 City rd AtIleck E. B., 94 Oxford st Alexander Henry alai Co., 302 Pitt at Atlas Clothing Manufacturing Co., 34 Wel-

Manton at., Newtown Baker 0 B. and Co., Ltd., 822 George at Baker and Co., Ltd., 822 George at Bennetts and Co., 44 Campbell et Blackmer° W. J. B. and Co., Phillip and

Marriott ate, Redfern Blain Mrs. S., 409 Kent at Blake Misses, 13 Prince at, Mosman Blanton S. G., Ltd., 119 York at Bruce .1. S., 433. 5 Kent at Braseit Reuben, Hyde l'ark Corner, 1-7

Oxford st Ilystol Clothing Co., 278 Elizabeth at British Clothing Manufacturers, Ltd., 136

George at West 13uckingliam L. V., 43 Wentworth eve Ball Henry and Co., York and Market sts

Clarendon 'Manufactining Co., 228 Clar-ence at

Cohen D. & Sons, Ltd., Ballarat House, 22 Wentworth ave

Cohen and Sons Ltd.. 433 Kent at Cohen C. H. A.;407 Kent at c. T. manufacturing Co., 81 Campbell at Davidson IL 1., 5-11 Parker at Davis M., 43 Wentworth aye Dawson Carl, 110 Abercrombie at, R'fern Dawson I no. .., 9 Shepherd at Dyson Mrs. Jane, 113 Goulburn st Evers and Cohen, Ltd., 16-22 Wentworth

ave Farmer and Company, Limited, Victoria

House, Pitt, Market and George sts Fienberg J., Grafton at Glynn E. AL, 117 Bathurst st Goeby H. J. awl Co.. etr480 Elizabeth at Goldstein Bros., 43 Wentworth ave Golthtein David,3 Oxford st, Pad'ton


(A USTR AL CLOTHIERS), 481 . 486-488-490 GEORGE ST., & 3 TO 17 ROYAL ARCADE. Branch Shop, 304 George at

reathead Robert, 12a City rd Harrison Mrs. M., 66 Druitt st Hatton W., 232 Miller at, North Sydney Het= A. J., 822 George at HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS,

LTD., Sydney. — (Sea headlines throu ghout DIRECTORY)

Herder], Brothers, 203 to 211 Pitt at, and 422 George at, near G.P.O.

JACOBS N. & CO., LTD. (D. Bernard, Sole Director) Wholesale Clothiers and Manufacturers, "Our Hero" Brand, corner of Da y, Erskine and Lime sts, Sydney. Telephone, City 0695

Jacobs Nathan, 136 George at West Jacobs Z. J., 72 Wentworth eve

JONES DAVID, LTD. Makers of "ORIENT" CLOTH-ING for Men and Boys., 349-369 corner George and Barrack streets, opposite General Post Mice. Tele-phone 6336 City (16 lines)

Johnston D, M. J., 40 Wentworth ave Jones M. A., 72 Abercrombie at, Redfern Karpin,icy and Freedman, 539 Elzabetlist Kelly H. II. Ltd., Milford at, Chippendale Kenna Mrs. 31., 66 Oxford at Levine W.and Cohen, 433 .5 Kent at Liinburg and Michael, 822 George at McArthur W. and A., Ltd.,71 York st McKeown Mrs. M., 355a Oxford at, Pad'ton Magee andl Williams. 136 George at west Martin W., 3 Wellington at Miller, Retallack & (Jo., ilaRainford at Murdock Sydney and Son, 533 George st Nathan D„ 8124 George at. Ostendorf Theo., 23 Manchester st,P'shain Parsons C. and Co., 82 Liverpool at Quinter and Heifer, 449 Pitt at Rapken Jack, 33 Renwick et, Redfern Reddy M. J., Mountain at Reid Robert and Co., Ltd., 32-34 York at

• Factory, O'Connor at Robertson James T,, Wellington at Rosenthal! and Co., 352 Kent at Samuels M. and Co.,82 Liverpool at

CHIROPODISTS. Curnow Miss Sylva, 103a Li verpool at Dayton W. T., 80 Oxford at, Woollahra

HALL FERGUSON Surgical Chiropodist and Proprietor of "Hall's Magnetic" Corn Remedy ; lady attendant ; 57 Hunter at, Sydney

Nives G. Halsey, 374 George at Overton Henry R., 6 Hunter at

PATERSON W., Chiropodist and Foot Specialist, 18 Castlereagh at, Sydney, opposite Athenaeum Club

Wake Mrs. Ellen, 32 Elizabeth at

CHOCOLATE MANUFACTURERS. See Cocoa and Chocolate Manufacturers,

CHRONOMETER MAKERS, Ailerding's Ltd., 42 Hunter at Flavelle Bros., Ltd., 340 Genre et Parker H. J., 18 Castlereagh at Wiesener T. F., Ltd., 106 King at



Millions Club of NR .W. 64 Pitt st Chigalom Club, 18 Judge st City Bowlhig Green. Colle ge it City Tattersallbi—Prank Walton, alert

t re 253 Pitt at Civic Chili Lartutelt, secretar

and manager. 175 Pitt et Clerics and Wareliouseinen's— CO lti ug it Connect that 1 rave ims Association of

N,S.W.—A. It Cooke, J.P., secretary, Moor,, s t

Coneord Golf Club, COrres it ate Coogee S.L.S.B., Beach at, Coogeo Cmintry Chi b—A. EL Frost, see., Castle•


Racecourse Lt:I.,16 Castlereagh .

Minium' Bowling and Tennis Club. Bel- 3' moat iii, Monnon

Mosnum Recreation, Bylinact rd Rosman Swimming Club awl Gymnasium,

The Spit, Mognan Motor Cycle flab of N.S.W., 47 Market st Motor Yacht Chat, of N.S.W., Wattulla

Rose Bay Musicians' MID Glob. A. E. O'Brien, .I.P•

Captain. 17 Rowe so National Club, 190 Cast loran . It st Neutral Boy Lawn 'Lee His Club, Barry st N.S.W. Anal tent Sputa Relies (e11111intea)

10 Hunter it Bio-Openttors ChM, 299/1 Pitt st

New South Wales (Ruh —Frank Evans, secretary, 31 Bligh it

N.S.W. Fire Brignde Rowing Carib's shed, Domain

N.SAV, Gun Club, 3 Castlereagh it and Ydrisent

N.S.W. League Club, 169 Phillip st Masonic Club, J. G. Moon, J.P.,

slab, 220 1410 at N.S.W. Sports ChM, Ltil.-1 4 , 0. Thaler-

wool, J. P., secretary. 10 12 lion ter it N.S.W. Railway rind Triumvoy Rrereatiali

Chill, Ltd., 18 O'Connell at, Newtown N.S.W. Trotting Club, 202 Pitt et Newtown Pastime flab, 6 Statima at,

Newtown North Botany Gnu Club, Botany rd, Nort:411 5Ssici li iirte Rowing faith, McDougall it,

North Syllney Nurses' Ciii b Lid. (The), 18 College at Parratnotta Bow(' itg and Itmeration

Mb, Pitt row, Panama° Petersham Bowling and Tennis Club,

Brighton et, Petersham Press (The), 77 Castlereagh it Professional linslehnis' Cinb—A. E.

O'Brien, 'LP., secretary, 23 Rowe at Pymble ChM, Lane Cove ril, Pyruble Queen's Club, Ltd., 211 Weiwork? at Queen Victoria, Mb, George ion I Grosve-

nor its. Rom' wick Bowling awl Reereation Club,

Cowper it. Rand wick Redfern Bowliug, Castlereagh at, Ile i fen] Itoschill 'lacing Club, 32 Elizabeth it thawin g Rifle Club, Gordon al, Roseville

Hoyal Prince Alfre I Yu ght—E, J. Per- kins, seen:tory. 11 Abram at

Royal Sydney Allogo Club, (Aloe), 3 Cos-Hen:agar it

Royal Sydney Golf Chili, N.S.H. rd, Rose Bay

Royal Sydiato Yacht Squadron Club, Peel it, N0rtli RPM*.

St. G eorge's Bowling awl Recreation Club, Frederick st, Itirekhale

St. Joseph's College Rowing, limiter's Hill St. Luke's Recreation, Shaftesbury rout,

lbw wood School of Arts Chess Clab,275 Pitt it School of Arts Debating Club, 275 Pitt it SoilLees' Club, 996 George it South Sydney 11111e Oinh—Myrtle st,

Botany Irat/11101d Recreation Club Ltd., Mural&

et, Strathflelil piney Bicycle mad Motor ti 3 ele Club, 77

Castlamigh st }Miley Dingy Club, 305 Pitt it yalley Fly Lug Squadron, 305 Pitt it ydney Rowing ClunGt. North ni, At,' (or,) piney Sailing—A. Jones, sec., 305 Pitt at attersalils—J. B. 011iffe, Jr.,. secretary,

904 Pitt at 'en fors Club, 250 l'itt at


reinarne Club Ltd., Bromley ave,Cbtionte Cremorne Lawn Thin's, Cremona rd Darlingharst Lliteral, 296 Victoria st bobroyrie Golf, Woodland st, H. A Afield Daiwa oytte Bowling, A lexandria et Drummoyne Collog Mary at, Dinioyne East Sydney Rowing, Domain Easton Suburbs Bicycle Club, off I.

Elizabeth st, Paddington Eastern Snburbs SWItilinhig Club, Nelson

itety, Brernate Edwards Bay We Sa ying Clnli, Balmoral

lk•aell Enterprise Rowing Club,Glassopst,Wmalu Feminist Club 18 Bridge it (Millstone Pat& Bowthig Club, Eaton at

Balmain Glebe Rowing Club, Ferry ed, Glebe Goef,n1 Racing Club Ltd., 202 Pitt it Greek Club—U, Lima, 159 Castlereagh st Greek Club—N, Kalepedie, seerctory, 200

Costlereagla at labalield Lawn Tennis anh Recreation

Chi% Lbl., Hawthorne par, lialarileld 110rosby Gymnasium, Erode rick 34 Turner's Hill flora, Church et, Haut. Mil Hurstville It tAlst,ulthicesterrh,"Frille 1.0.0.F. Club of N.S.W., 110 Elizabeth it

Leicitharilt Rowing, Frazer st, Lb irilt Liberal Assn, of N.S.W., Women's Literary

aril Debating Club, 3 .49 it Linilfield (11,ess, Gordon ra, /Midfield

m neld Recreation Club, Ltd., It asset' ate Liverpool Golf Links, oft' lanantra ell,

tiliiorebnnn k Mindy Amateur Fishermen's Association

2 Barley rd, Manly Manly Bowling, Sydney rd, Manly Slimil y Golf, Balgowiali al, Slimly Manly Life Saving, Marine par, Manly Manly Rowing and Sidling, East Esplanade Man y Surf Club Meuse), 8 South Sleyne IlarrIckvilie Bowling flit i l ItuereatIon Glob.

nl, Ibirriekvi I le Mew/hale Park 'lacing, 170 Pitt et Men's Recreation ChM, 13!1 l'almer st Metropolitan Ride, Rawson place

Shaffer A. D., 352 Kent it Sluipson A. :nal Co., 11 Blackfriars St SLUTZK/N L. PROPRIETARY'

LTD. (Melbourne) — 0. Chu /anon, Agent. SlonufaOtorers of Ladles' Cos. tames, Blouses, Underclothing, roll's Dresses, etc., 16 67. (is Queen A Hada Shirkcts (lint door, Alarnet it end). Tel. City 31l9

Snowball mid Stone, Ltd., Corn ineree htlihilligs , 89 Liverpool st

Solomon David. 281 Clarence st Spocterman A., 121-13, Elizabeth st, Wren Suite Clothing Factory, 114 Gloucester et Stead anal Henderson, 201 Castlereagh it Steigrad S., 12 Cunningham it STEWART ALEX. & SONS, LTD.,

CP P. Thompson, representative), Mercer!). S.pecialists and Monnfacturers of Sidra, Clothing, Straw Ffats,1 and Ladles' lInderclothlag, 11 tilt Mute, Second Flour, 51348' York Bt.

City NAG Turnbull IL A. & Co., 722 Liverpool st Vicars John and Co., clothing manatee-

turers, Victoria ril, 31Ra/eh:v1lla WaLlace mal Co., 168 . 180 Chelmerb; sit Watson and Pepper, 4 LJ Coo go st Webber and Lawson, 22 City rd Wentworth Cloth Co., Old Fo ter at Worley C., 28 King st, Newtown Wright H. U., Ltd., [Reliant Et, Newtown


Albert Clith—J. A 'gi g , see,, 220 Pit t st Way Recreation ChM, Afrplan

IVay, Boraces' Asli geld Bowling, Orpington at, Asblield Iowa Tem& Club, 315 Liverpool

rd, Aslaileld Assomated Racing Clobs, 15 Castlereagh at Athentuum Club, Ltd.—W. J. Johnston, Ba o. etary, 19 lthor •st Auburn Rifle Club, Queen at, Auburn Australasian Pioneers', [14 Hunter it Anstraltim—A. E. Atilliena, tee., corner

indium le nail Bent hes Australian Gulf Club, Addison at, limiter' Australian Jockey Club—G. W. Cropper,

secretary, 6 Bliglist Australian Trotting ChM, 170 Pitt it Automobile Cleo of Australia, 132 Phillip

st Balmain Bowling . Chili, 166o Darling it Balms'', and District Rifle, Darling st Maintain Rowing Club, of Giassop it Boom-oft Bowling tnit Recreation Club

Copeland it, las:croft Beectoot Tennis, Beeeroft rd, Beeerof t EMIT i Surf Bathing awl Life Savhig Club

Bi • Bondi h eath Donnie Coon Golf Glob, Marsh st, A rocliffe Bull Dog Chili of N.S. W., 170 Plit st Burns Anniversary Crab, 127a Q. V.

Sta r • Burns Club, 26 Hunter it Harwood Book Club, Belmore at, Durwood Bob ling Club I l tirwood rtl BUAil Book (Ilubol N.S.W., it Cammeray Coll, Sutherland at, Neutral

Day Compile Tennis Club, South par, Catufule Canterbury Club, Canterbary nl, C Miry Conterbney l'ask 'hieing Club, 15 Castle-

rough at ' Catholic Club, 107 Castlereagh st

Clintswoud IlowlIng,Gordori rd, Onatswood Chatswood Croquet, Gordon IA Cheltenham Recreation Club Ltd.—The,

Benlevattl, Cheltenham

Tramway Club, Lee ace Uninti Club, IV. Johnson, see., 2 BligIn at Union Recreation Clab—Monviek 0,

Stratlilleld triversity, 15 Castlereagh it

University Row Ing, Federal al, Glebe 'Vedanta Reading (Rub, 140 131zabeth it Victoria Park Bowling ChM, City n1

Compenlown Victoria Park Riming ChM, 170 Plt . t it Volantory Aid Nursing fluil, Rawson pl. WarrIgal—F. A. Collins, secretary, 1 it

Si amp/trio at Warringa Bowling ChM, Bradley's Head

rd, Bosnian Warwitik Fano Racing Clot, 202 Pitt st Waverley Bowling and Recreation Club,

Ltd.. Waverley it, Warerley Wonten's flub, 77 King it Women's, 97 Campbell it, Nilson's Point Wynn g Park Racing Chili, DO Pitt at

"YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN AS-SOCIATION—William 11.A. 1 genera/ secretary, 823 .325 Pitt at (See Advt. opposite amine in Alfilisind


Acme Conch and hIbtor Works, itridge it, Drunimoyne

Adams (I cargo, St. Alas it, 'Lyle Allan awl Co., 36 Glebe it, Glebe Angus and Son ,165-107 Castlereagh st, and

10-14 Sloane at, Newtown Ashdown (The C.) Carriage Co., 186.138

thairee it, mpenlown, and 97-90 Pyritiont hind ge rii,

Bela 0., 42 Holden it, Ashilehl Bain IL, 200 St. John's ril, Forest Lodge Barrett Mrs. Sandi, 110 Mug st, St. Peters Bath William, 14 Ann at Blake M. II., Lillie Cove rd, Pyinlile Donnik sun Parritniatta rd, Hyde BOO L1011101 John, 28 Brown at, Newt otort


Newtown Devlin itruest H. V., OM Lone Cove ni,

North Sydney Dignam Peter, 55 Sundt st D01111111 T. S., 52 Hopewell St, hold' ugton


The only Socialist Olub hi Australia. Excellent Li beery, Niers etc. Meeting place for SOeialtsti, of all Dinkins. Del wood Chambers, 117 'st, City

Italian Club, 94 Oxford it Jewish Social Oh/b 1114 George at Route/ Club of N.S.W. (Incorpwated),

IS Elizabeth it Killara l.a ten Tennis Club, Loultsley st Kithira Golf Clair, Gordon Mil:111.ra Kiwiniagid Recreation Ground awl how-

ling Gram, Ltd., Lure Cove ra, Wahroonga

Miring Tennis Yeo et, Neutral Boy League of N.S.IV. W I:calm/94 Cobar st,

LLOYD HENRY Sweeny Henry, '27 Junction rd, Snail. Mil Taylor Thos., 730'149 Parrunnucatta rib,

Petersham United Carriage Works, 49 Col has st

Coaeldmibier and Motor Cur Body Bohai Coachworks Co., 75 Cleveland st, Braider, Whoicsrik . and Rend: Sulky itearan Manufacturer, Rubber Tyre, 1Valler A. J., Railway liar, Kogurali Seats, Sulkies a S pee hility, and Paten- Wasson .1,, New Canterbury rib Du l. Hill tee of live (5) Spring Sulky and weigalic H. T., Reeky Point rd, Arne!' We Hu bbreak, 61 Krug it, Newtown. Williams Robert. Bale it, Lideombe

Mackey J., 23 Little Riley at Wood 'Walter S. , Chapel rd, Bunkstown, l Starkey obo, 260-277 Riley st

311:Naughton W. E., Montgomery st, Emit Woods George, .I.P., 31 Thorniey .4 t, Li lt tit Wools Henry, Forest ril, Mc =trine

Kagnrali Wright Sluitliel, 673-575 Harris it MeV icker IV .1 - , Terliaillin it, Liverpool lonag and A eclair, Great Northern rd, II nthieson Ana iie, Berry IA, N.Sydney Glathavitle

Hunt Rohl 0.,173 Liverpool rd, Asti field trbutson C.11., 493 to 507 Mug it N'town

Establislic111811 3.4 Drommoyne Motor Danes A., 112 Rai fern st, Rolf ern Coach Factory and General Black- Kent H. G., 273-281 lime Cove ni, N. Syd. smith. Vehicles of all descriptions It honer A., 1711 Ox ford se, PohangL(11i built and reiwired, Bridge at, Drunk King Hobert F., 32 MIsseitilen ril, N' town Moyne. Tel. 105 Drummoome Lothara John,101 Renwick et, Re•lfern

Braithwaite and Cash, Reeky Point rib haycock E., Joymton ay e, Waterloo

Leavers James, Parramatta nl. Cm cord

Brett W. & Sons, 138 Weston rd, Rozelle Arncliffe Leech Chas., 140-192 George st, ()nowt'

Ilunill Peter, 475 Darling at, Bolniain Leviim Bros., 62 .65 Oxford it, Witverley Stonks Herbert, 91-91 st, Nlown Little and Corbett, 102-101 Marion at, Stone and Ecreilltli. Bar wool Ti], Inwood

Curter John. Alfred at, MnEcot I aIrdt SwiellliiK pack' T., Pretoria at, L'I par& Casey & [Non 268-270 Lane Clove Littlefield Wm., Sydn6y rd, Granville Sweeny h., litiequarie st, Pitmrunuriuittmi

rd, North Sydney Cayley G., Sharpe Et, Delmore Clank 'nuns., 121; Abercrombie it, itch lent Cole Frederick, Mohan] it, Newtown Cole drain, 2 Campbell st,NeWtOWn Collis If, Jr Li., Parminatta rd, Bur wood Coin (non S., 193-195 Baimain rd, L'Imolt Cook's Bazaar mid N.S.W. Carriage Co.,

0 eorge it, Crunperilowit Cooper Clutrles, 141 Botany al. Waterloo Bellow nit's Omit mit Et, P inuttt Lownda S. It., 71nin Lo o II it,Sunnuer Hfil Ilson 6., onion rd, Chatsw ors

Dessnix A. S. & Son, 132-139 Barley at licelo skor W Church st Carlin glued Sim° IV " Ito ' 50 D"rii " gt" ""d A'

Mit lull Bros., Bishop it, Bur wood Monti O'Neil & Henley, 'II City ril, DI on Murray T.. 42 Collins at N.S.W. Carriage Cu., Booth it, north

Ca mat Mown Newland A rtnur, Susan at, Newtown Oglethorpe James, Porrainatto ril, Auburn

OWING G. H. WHEAT &WOOL VEHICLES modern designs; Waggons, Units and Carts for City, Country mid SI imielpid tank. Large stock of Sesotho1 Wheel Material. 47 Parra-watts al, Glebe (leave Leiellhardt Train at Ross st.) I'd. 311739

Parker / 1...T. J., Forest rd, IturstvIlle Payne A., 17-19 Glebe Et, G/elm Pearce James It., Lansdowne it, Minato 1991 Peray A. It., 288 Lone Cove al, N. Sydney Peters liras., Phi illp it, Wilterloo Peters A. IL, 68 Gipps it Pvtleford IL IV., 3t Whistler at, Manly Pittman fl. J., 'LP., 194 Morehead st,11'forn Pocock Fredk., 10 Kettle it, 'taller,' Pinitilley John, Moab) place, Nio trial° Pryor 11. J. 136 Unbind ti ni, Diehl:snit Purser David, 29 Kingston rd, Clown Riley A. Id., Gordon rd, Glia anted Rol arts IV., 183 Alfred at, North Sydney Robinson IV .1,90 Chalmers it llobson Cliarle g. . iii Raglan st, Waterloo Salisbury ling! 31„ l26 A obtan nil, „Mourn Scanlan Thome°, Cleveland at, City Smith .1. O., 'AI Margaret at and 830 Parra-

motto al,Pciershitin Smith S., I-6a City NI, Darlington STANDARD COACH WORKS

Swadilitg, Proprietor), 17 Prstoria it, Leichharilt. All classes of

Repall'ea mid Painted. Firstellas work guaranteed. 'Phone,

IS L'enerehciluri Star Bros., 591 King it, Nutrtottot


(THE) Wentworth RTC, Sydney. Dunlop It Tyres for Vehicles. Telephones City Mil, 8107, 8808

Gunn Urns , Soudan at, lea nil wick Dwyer Dear, Botany rd, Ilaseot Dwyer William, 144 lUng Et, Newtown Eaton crate tt Sons, Bourke at, Waterloo Eaton John, 6 Mary Ann it Espider II obert Cal Oxford it, Woollobra B y inis 0. nnd Sr in, 455 Liverpool ni,

Asittleld Farr FL., James it, \Vet/labor Mirrell I), S. Ltd., 109 Sussex at Farrell Denis S., 14 Booth sr, Annandale Firkin Oliver Botchy nil. Waterloo 'Oakes Willhon. 20 Marlborough it Gardner Jeremiah, int wool, it, Pyrinotit Ohms and Perna, 30 Geuuslcliutli o leneross C. and Son s, ilk IV ilson it,

N ct:1410:ov rnii Gonot Aubrey, Son tlt Gram' lie pa

G u r

Cray Brno., Ltd., Medi:dile et, Newtown HAININ I AND SON, Illitektelors st,

City. Coach & Ilotor Body Bailders. 'Phone Redfern 373

Hardy Joseph, 10 Portland s', Waterloo liar:v.0y P., 117 Cleveland it, lied fern 'Uhler Joseph, Narrickville Mar' dile Hillier II., .1.1 1., Parninottl rd, Glebe Horton Arthur, Lab, 244-8 Formula tta ml,

Peterslaiin 'forward G. H., 297 Chanel] st, Parramatta

Hans Tom L & Son Centennial Motor, Co teh 1111 4 1 Buggy Works. Special rittention In export work. Couillry e, lents ean rel y on prompt attention awl quick dospitteli. oil-S4) New Cantnintry al, Dulwich 11111. 'I'd. 39 Petend:am Steenhhomst Limited

4751 RILEY MEET, SYDNEY. halhIcrs of IfIgh ChM Altitor Aminlatice Waggoini, and Carriage Marmineturers. Muter Hoods, WIthl Seneca a, rorging,!. i . te. Importer.; of All Chasse of Doily Pit thugs. The Trail° Supplied. Duilders of Plummy and Coto inerclal horse Veitieles. Tel. 212 IVi


COACHBUILDERS' IRONMONGERS See also lronmougers(Coachbuilders).

Atkins William Ltd. 451 Kent at

BRISCOE AND CO.. LTD., 383-385 Kent at, Sydney. Telephones, Kent at, City, 9800 (5 lines), and 6741 Wattle at, City 7872 and 7873

Chandler Albert 388-390 Sussex at Hardy Daniel and Sons, Ltd., Jones at Griniley Limited, 263-269 Clarence at Wilson It. and Co., Ltd., 546 King at,



Avery William, 4 Wilton lane Baker William. 20 Nowranie at, Sum. Hill Barron Edmund, 42 Wallis at, Woollahra Beal G. 11,2 Bedford at Bell Thomas, 5 Eltham at, Lewisham Bennett Frederick, Forest ril, Feakintrat Rrady Thomns, Montgomery at, Kogerall

• Brennan B., South ter, Bankstown Brown George, Cooper at, Concord Brown Thomas, 265 Lawrence at, A'andriti Bruce T.. 4 Tara at, Woollahra Buckley John T., NAIL rd, Padlon Kent .7., 6 Darghan at, Glebe Burke Francis 0., 46 Henry at, Leichhardt Kelly J., 135 Military rd, Mom= Burns Thomas, 41 Glebe at, Glebe Kinsela Albert, 10 Short at, Forest Lodge Byron William, 120 Rose at, Darlin gton Levi Alexander, 76 Shepherd st Carter Matthew, Joseph at, Lidcombe Lillis Thomas, Kellick at, Waterloo Cashman M., 126 Hargrave at, Paddington Lohning John, Todd at, Holrqd Challinor T. F., Oberon at, Randwick McCauley Wilson, 53 'Trafalgar at, Simore Chain Rus . ell, Bridge at, Epping McDonald Roland A., Stanley at, B'wood Comity Bernard, 28 Larkin at, Camblown McDonnell L., 127 Arthur st. N. Sydney Condon Janice, 98a Swanson at, E'ville McGrath Baffle, Herbert at, Manly Copes Thomas, 329-341 Riley at McGuckin J., 4 Little Selwyn at, Pairton Cosgrove P., 52 Fitzroy at, Newtown McMesters G., Alma at, Paddington Cramp J., 34 Wardell rd, Marriekville McNamara John. 155-157 Castlereagh at Oreedon H., 36 Bridge rd, Glebe Magenni; Alfred, 35 North par, Auburn Cryen Albert, 21 Green at, Waterloo Magennia Carlyon V., 9 Mary at, Auburn Dale George, 40 Thomas at, Redfern Mahon Id., 152 Sutherland at, Paddington Dickson S., Hiles at, Alexandria Makepeace W., 10 Cowper at, Waverley Drone James, 31 Alfred at, St. Peters Manning George, 60 Taylor at Duncan H , 7 Denison at, Manly Miller Samuel, 50 Chandos at, Eddie Alex., 15 Arundel at, Forest Lodge Miller W., 114 Rose at, Darlington Edmonds Enos D., Ill Nelson at, An'dale Millikin R., Park rd, Hinatville Eggleton A., 5 Enmore rd, Newtown Montgomery R., 3 Arthur at, Ashfiehl Evans William, 197 Elizabeth at, Wat'loo Morgan George, Robertson at, W. Kogarall Extence .1., 3 Tara at, Woollahra Morris H., off Railway aye, Wahroonga Flood John, 60 Portman st, Waterloo Murphy James, 19 Kellett at Geoghegan P. J., Rookwood rd. Irtown Murray J., 217 Edgecliffe rd, Woollahra Geoghegan T1101111(8, Liverpool rd, Blown Newland's Carriage Bazaar and Motor (Mick M., 44 Vine at, Redfern Garage, George at, Camperdown Glendenning Joseph, Larkin lane, ()Mown O'Carroll 3Irs. Mary, 43 Hereford at, Glebe Graham Francis, Brunswick a ye, St'tield Parbury Alfred, $06 City Markets Hackett J., T.P., 09 Lechlan at, Waterloo Peat Charles11, 215 Elizabeth at, Wat'loo Haines Christopher, 105llegentst, N'town Riley Phillip, 118 George at, Erskineville Haines John, 93 Church at, Newtown Ritchie Robert, Waimea at, Burwood Halpin John. 47 Signs at, Newtown Robertahaw W., oIl 40 Copeland at, A'dria Hamilton Andrew, Tilton' at, Waterloo Rout= Thos., 24 Morehead at, Waterloo Hannah IL, Tilford at, Water:oo Rus.som Harold S., Carrington rd, Way'y Harrold Thomas, 35 Turner st, Redfern Ryan W., 52 Holdsworth at, Woollahra Hathaway Edwin, 55 Mount Vernon at, Salisbury Wm. J., 3 Carshalton at. A'field Forest Lodge Schweikert Frederick, 5:5 Illawarra rd, Heapy George, 3 Glebe at, Paddington Marrickville Henderson Frank, Parramatta rd, Ll'bush Sewell C., Ocean at, Woollahra Hilliaril Robt., Parramatta rd, Concord Sharpe William, Hills at, Alexandria Howard Charles E., Hudson at, Medal° Slade James, 87 Walker at, N. Sydney Howlet W., 32 Fairmount at, Petersham Smith Walter T., Parramatta rd, Burwood Howlett Archie, 7 Terme rd, Marrickville South William, off New at, Lldcombe Hughes George, Marian at, Parramatta Summers J., 75 Livingstone rd, Maeville Hughes Henry, Dixon at, Pamtmatta Teston William, 5 Glebe at, Paddington Hughes Hugh, 77 Church at, Parramatta Tuffy Jame s, 527 Botany rd, Waterloo Hughes W. E., Railway par south, (W yllie Walz P. P., Frederick at. Rockdale Hukins Arthur, 87 Bourke at, Waterloo Whelan John, 113 Buckland at, Alexandria Johnson Jarrett, Everton rd, Strathfleld Wilkinson Alfred W., 2 Arthur at, Manly Jones Franc., Parratnatta rd, Concord Williams G., 96 Military rd, Mosinan Judge James, 42 Edmund at, Waverley Williams Mrs. M., 259 West st, N. Sydney


Cabloik Tolegraphic Address— di EMBALMER."

The oldest established Coach and Carriage Proprietor of New South Wales. Wedding Carriages a speciality, Head Office, 143 Oxford at, City ; Stables, 63 Oxford at, Paddington, foot Barrack Hill. Telephones, 694 and 695 Paddington


472-84 HARRIS STREET. 'Phone 311169 — District, Agent. Telephone

No. ALEXANDRIA—W. McNamerit, Itedf'n 818 BALMAIN, Darling Street—

Mrs. S. Si. Adshead, W1078 BANKSTOWN—Mrs. McGuar U7156 BURWOOD —E. A. Morley .. U4143 CAMPSIE—H. Mason ......111345 CANTERBURY—E . A. Rose U1080 CHATSWOOD —F. H. Homan .. J1065 CHATSWOOD—Koollner &Sirl „ nor& DARLINCHURST—Mrs. R. F. Thomas,

Willism 10 DARLING pDINT—R.R. Russaok, Edg.1412 DRUMMOYNE—miss Gardiner, D'myno 163 DULWICH HILL—A. L. Chantler P'slit 1692 CLADESVILLE—Mrs. Ford, Hunt. 11111 276 HABERFIELD—C. J. Wood .. U1473. NDRImy—Dobson and Bembrick,

Wahroonga 169 K1LLARA—Mrs. Rochaix J1203 KOGARAH J. F. Handley .. Kogarah 44, LEICHHARDT—Mrs. Jansen, Petersham 40 MARRICKVILLE—E. T. Hill, P'sham 473 MOSMAN (Avenue RNolacd2

o—lls Bros., Y1943 AmmAN (Military Road)—

W. Calliugham, Y1748 NORTH SYDNEY—w. Lloyd, North a PETERSHAM—E. W. Bromley, P'aliam 22 RANDWICK—A. McEllione, It'wick 1296 ROZELLE —Mrs. Bartlett W1070 RYDE—L. Gordon .. Ryde WAYERLEY—Mrs. Quinn .. Waverley 538


WO 0






Head Office .. Mortuary Chapel


'Phones 9226-9229 City.


Wolfe Benj., 15 Charles at, Forest Lodge Wolfe Thomas, 187 Nelson at, Annandale Wood Charles, Bourke at, Waterloo Wood George, 3 Wilton lane Woods Chas., 431 Miller st, N. Sydney Woods Mrs. AL A., 494 Elizabeth at

COACH PAINTERS. Bannister and Mossong, Glemnore rd,

Paddington Clark Henry, 17 Steel at MIMI A., 123 Australia at, Newtown Laybutt L. G., 596.8 Parramatta rd,

Petersham McLaughlin Thomas, 72 Carrington rd,

Waverley Tovey George, Fennell at, Parramatta


LTD. — Isaac Chapman, general manager ; Norman R. Chapman, secretary, 4 O'Connell at, Sydney. Tels. City 9111 and 9112. And Scott at, Newcastle. Colliery : Abermain, via West Maitland

Avondale Coal Syndicate, Challis House Australian Coal Supply Co., Ltd., The

Crescent, Annandale Bellambi Coal Company, Ltd. (The), 16

Spring at Brown J. and A., 4 O'Connell at Bulli Colliery, 38 Pitt at CALEDONIAN COLLIERIES,

LIMITED — Howard Smith Ltd., Maunging Agents, Equitable Build-ings, 350 George st, Sydney

Coal Cliff Collieries, Ltd., 82 Pitt at Coal Ltd., 14 Martin place 0o-operative Colliery, Wallacnd, 7 O'Con-

nell at

Co-operative Proprietary LIMITED.

Merchants awl Colliery Proprietors, Best Quality Steam and Household Coals in Stock, also Oxide Colors of Finest Quality, 7211 King st

Corrimal-Balgownie Collieries, Ltd.—G. S Yttill and Co., Ltd., agents, 6 Bridge at

Excelsior Colliery, Ltd.. 63 Pitt at Federal Coke Co.. Ltd., 109 Pitt at Great Western Coal Mining Co, 6 Loftus at Hebhurn Ltd., 261 George at Hettou Coal Co., Ltd ,56 Pitt at Hoskins G. and C., Ltd. (Litligow), Equit-

able building, 350 George at Malvern' Coke Co., Ltd., 4 Bridge st Invieta Coal Co., 56 Pitt at Invicta Colliery Co., 18 Bridge at THE INVINCIBLE COLLIERY,

LTD.—Howard Smith Ltd., M ding-ing Agents, Equitable Buildings, 350 George at, Sydney .

LITHGOW COAL ASSOCIATION —James S. Bragg, secretary, Hoskin Buildings, 3 Spring at, Sydney. Tele-phone City 7699

Lithgow Valley Colliery Co., Limited— (City office), 90 Pitt at

Lymington Collieries, Ltd., 4 Bridge st Main Range Collieries and Estate, Ltd.,

107 Pitt at Metropolitan Coal Co. of Sydney, Ltd.—E.

H. Scales, secretary, 107 Pitt et

Metropolitan (Helensburghl Colliery— W. A. Firth, manager, 38 Pitt at

Mount Keira (Osborne Wallsend) Colliery —W. A. Firth, manager, 38 Pitt at

Mount lieira Colliery—E. Vickery and Sous, Ltd. proprietors, 78 Pitt at

Mount lie/tibia Collieries, Limited, 38 Pitt at

Mount Pleasant Coal and Iron Milling Co., Lt I., 56 Pitt st

Mount Pleasant Colliery, 38 l'itt at Neath Colliery, 2 Hunter at Neweastle-Belmont Collieries, Ltd. (in

liquidation), 72b Ring at Newcastle Wallsend Coal Co.—Alexander

R. Douglas, secretary, 2 Spring at N.S.W. Cement, Lime, and Coal Co., 79

Elizabeth' at North Bulli Colliery, Ltd., 4 O'Connell at North Wallarall Calliery Co. Ltd., 375

George at Oakey Park Coal Mining and Coke Co.

Ltd. 83 Pitt at Pacific


Co., Ltd, 58 Pitt at Rhondda Colliery (Terallet), 7 O'Connell st Saywell's Collieries, Ltd„ 89 Pitt at

SEAHAM COLLIERY CO., LTD., Isaac Chapman, General Manager Norman R. Chapman, Secretary ; 4 O'Connell at, Sydney. Tels., City 9111 and 9112. Collieries, West Walisenci

South Clifton Coal Nlining Co., Ltd., 89 Pitt at

South Greta Colliery (N.L.), 107 Pitt at Southern Coal Owners' Agency—W. A

Firth, manager. 42 Pitt at Sydney Coal Co., Ltd.-0tlice, 63 Pitt st,

and Forbes at

SYDNEY HARBOUR COLLIERY, LTD.—(G. S. %MIL and 00., Ltd., Agents), 6 Bri !go at, S ydney. Tele. City 9520,9521, 9522, and 9323

Vale of Clwydd Coal Mining and Brick Co., Ltd., 14 Martin place

Welland' Coal Co., Ltd. 13 Spring et Wickham and Bullock Island Coal Co.,

Ltd , 2 Hunter at


AGENTS. Bellambi Coal Co., Ltd. (The), 16 Spring at harp Bros. and Co., Ltd., 8 Spring at Kirton and Itarnshaw, 63 Pitt at Lane and DAWS011, 8 Spring at Scott, Fell and Co., 251 George at Webb A. E., 79 Pitt at


See also Fuel, Wood and Coal Merchants

Browne and Co., 43 Enmore rd, Newtown Byrnes Lt., Ltd., 56 Pitt at Caledonian Collieries, Ltd.—Howard Smith

Ltd., egents, 360 George st Jones Bros., foot of Bathurst at Lockley Bros., D'Arey lane McCauley S. A., J.P., 30-32 Garden at,

Alexandria Metropolitan Coal Agency, If invites

Bridge rd, Sydenham Sydney Coal Co., Ltd., 63 Pitt at Thompson John S., 70 Pitt at Warburton & Son, Russell's Wharf, Barker

at, off foot of Bathurst at,


TURERS. Bendoller Chocolate Co., 184 Abercrombie

st Bonsdorp awl Co., 76 Pitt at

hooker's Dutch Cocoa Malcolm Buildings, 256a George at, Telephone, City 3504

Cadbury Brothers, Ltd., represented by William Cooper, 267 George at

Ennever RIO Appleton, 86-83-90 Bay at FRY J. S. AND SONS, Limited

(Bristol, London )—William Crosby, and Co., agents, "Geelong House," 26-30 Clarence at. (See Advt. above Confectioners, Manufacturing and Importing)

GRIFFITHS BROTHERS Proprie-tary, Limited, Tea, Coffee and Cocoa Merchants, Sales Room, 534 George at, Sydney ; OtlIces and Warehouse corner Wentworth avenue and Gout- burn at; 26 to 30 Flinders at and 66 Elizabeth at, 31elbourne ; 49 Rundle at, Adelaide ; awl 530 Queen at, Petrie's Bight, Brisbane. Telephones, City 8342 (3 lilies)

Parsons Bros. and Co. Proprietary, Ltd„ 321 to 327 Kent at

VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA — Hard- sons Ramsay Proprietary, Ltd., repre-sentatives, 40-42 Clarence at, Sydney


See also Grocers (11'holesale). Andronicus Bros., 197 George at north Booth J. A. add Co., 73 George st West Boylson Bros., 2 Castlereagh at Bushell's, 28 Geor ge at north Callachor A. S., 17 Bridge st (Immo Coffee Co., 12 Washington at Edwards and Co., Ltd., 152 Clarence at Ewington E. R., 9 13urns Gibson J. A. D. and Co., 432-434 Kent at Gray Arthur and Co., 370 Sussex st

GRIFFITHS BROTHERS Proprie-tary Limited, Tea Coffee and Cocoa Manufacturers, gales Room, $34 George at,Sydney ; Offices and Ware-house, corner Wentworth avenue and Goulburn at ; 26 to 30 Flinders St., and. 66 Elizabeth st, Melbourne; 49 Rundle at, Adelaide; and 530 Queen st, Petrio's Bight, Brisbane, Telephones, City 8342

Harper Robert awl Co., Ltd., 93 York st ; mills, Duncan et

Harris E. H. and Co., 27 The Strand Holle and Co., Hamilton st Intercolonial Bonus Tea Co., 266 and 685

Darling at, Balmain DicEnery and Co

' 618 George st

Martin George, 306 Kent at 3lockbell's Mocha Coffee Co. (Reg.), off

84i Pitt at Moran and Cato, Ltd., 122 to 120 Cleve-

land at Oiler O. I., oti 241 Castlereagh at Parry J. and Co., 66 Pitt at, Waterloo Parsons Bros. and Co. Proprietary, Ltd.,

321 to 327 Kent at Poole and Holmes, 232 Sassex st Turner and C.'., 102 Sussex at



Bridge at. Sydney. 31anila P.I. and Yuill's Ltd., 120 Ferichurch it, Lon- doe, E.C. Agents for the Corrinial-Balgownie Collieries, Ltd. Tele. City 9520-9521-9522 and 9523


LTD. (G. S. Yon: & 0o., Ltd., agen ts), 6 Brid ge st, Sydney. Telephones, CPy 9520-9521-9522 and 9523

HEBBURN LIMITED A A. Company's Wharf, limiter at, west, Newcastle. Proprietors 11th. burnColliery ; agents for "A.A." Coal. Cable address : "Ifebburnpit," Bent-ley's Code and A B.C. (5th Edition). Telephones, Nos. 18 and 395 ; Box 208; Sydney Office, 261 George St

DENT AND PERRY (Established 1882), Auctioneers, Produce Merchants and Commission Agents, 151 Sussex st. Sydney. Telephone City 7349 Cable Address, "Dent,' P.O. Box 4 King st

Douglas Percy and Co. 18 Barrack St Drew, Brown and Drew, 1117 Sussex at Dum•ton Wm. & Sons, 15 City Markets Buret E., 48 Eantlisplanade, Manly Ellis Joseph, 150 King at Farnsworth & Co , 172 Sussex st Felton 31., Grosvenor and George sts Fisher Henry, corner Grosvenor and

Georg e sts Foggitt Jone4 and Co., Ltd., 363 Sussex st Foley Bros., Ltd., 353-357 Sussex St Fors'ythe W. E , 05 Market st

raser J. H. W.. 119 SI1FFeX st °Miami 1. L., J.P„ 14 Castlereagh st Gates G., 5 City Markets Ghest Captain R. C.. 19 Bridge st GRAY J. W. AND CO., Grain and

Farm Produce Merchants, Auctioneers and Commission Agents, 139 Sussex st, Sydney. Telephone 4047 City



COLD STORAGE WORKS. Batchelor and Talt,Ltd., Marian st.R'fer Burwood Ice Works, Burwood rd. B'woor Central Ice and Cold Storage Co.. Cal(

(Ionian et, Paddington Crystal Ice and Cold Storage Co., Crescen


MILK 00., LTD.—S. H. Cate manager. 666-608 /Ferris st, corner o Thomas st, Ulthno, Sydney. Tel. Nos City 9030 and M1303

Java Cold Storave and Eastern Tradin and Agency Co., LW., 12-14 Loftus s

McDonald & Eklond, Wilford et, Newtowi Manly Ice and Cold Storage Co., 16

Pittwater rd, Manly

METROPOLITAN ICE AND COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED —J. A. Menzies, manager. 239-245 Harris st. Telephone, City 4468 and M 1056

Municipal Cold Storage Works, City Mar-kets

New South Wales Fresh Food and Ice Co., Ltd.—Head office, 25 . 33 Harbour st

New South Wales lee and Cold Storage Works, Marian at, Redfern

Newtown Cold Storage Ice Works, Wilford et, Newtown

Ferry and Fisher, Little Comber at, Pad.

SYDNEY ICE SKATING RINK AND COLD STORAGE COM-PANY, LIMITED (711E)—Cold Storage and Refrigerating Works—W. B. Must, J. 1'., manager, 702 to 720 Harris et nea r George at. Telephones, M1663 and M1474

COMMERCIAL BROKERS. See also Brokers (General).

Alexander Duncan S., 44 Carrington st Augenson Gustav, Challis House Banks J. D., 16 Spring at Bassett W. li • 114a Pitt st Blackett-Smith A. 18 Bridge st Broadbent W. Vi'., King st Clarke Charles &Son, 12-14 O'Connell at Fairfax W. B„ 19 Hunter st Hill J. Macartney & Co., 163 Pitt St Uslie S. 117 Bathurst et Loewentintl's, 359 George st Macdonald 11. and Co., 2 Hunter St Macleod C. W., 182 Q V. Markets Martin Thews, 9 Hamilton at Pepper John, 114a Pitt st Pritchard 11. IL, 24 Bond at Tracy F. C., 17 Castlereagh at Watt Alexander, 12-14 O'Connell at Wood Reuben, 26 Hunter St

Gregory H. P. and Co., 74 Clarence st Hall Bras., 5a City Markets linzelton & Donovan, 4 City Markets Hill, Clark and Co., Ltd., 2 O'Connell st Hogan P. and Co., 125 Sussex st Holdhoptons and Co., 220 Castlereagh st !letterman!' H. A., 339-341 Sussex id Isaacs L. B. and Sons, 11 City Markets Tones J. and Co., Ltd., 233 Sussex at Kelly Walter H., 114a Pitt st Kershaw Martin &Co., 19 13ridge st Lawler J. T. & Co., 141 Sussex st

LAWSON JAMES R., General Auc-tioneer, 1116 . 198 Castlereagh st. Tel. City 7450. (See Advt. on page 1497)

Lennon and Co., 28 Castlereagh at Leonard !Bullard, 107 Castlereagh st Lewis Frederick, 121 Pitt St

LITTLE ROBERT & CO., Timber Indentors and Importers. (Agents for G. W. 31cNear (Inc.), San Francisco), Castlereagh Chambers, 10 Castlereagh et, Sydney. Tel. City 9136 (2 lines)

LITTLE W. A., General Auctioneer, Valuator, Arbitrator and Auctioneer, 42 Castlereagh at, Sydney. Tel. City 4930. (See Ad vt. opposite name in Alph rbetical section)

Livingstone and Bashami 123 SUFSCX at McDermott's, Ltd., 101 Sussex St Mackey .1. awl Co., Ltd., 269-271 Sussex st MacRae Co. (The), 55 Day at \Inciter Adolph, 116 The Strand Ninnies & Quereaw. '273 George st 31nneer Arthur, J.P., 247 Lawrence st,

Alexandria Martin George, 306 Kent st nelliday John, 13ox 803, G.P.O. Menzies JOi1/1, 44 Castlereagh at Mitchell T. S.. 14 City Markets Hobbs G H., Argyle st, Parnimatta Moss J., City Markets Musgrove W., .1.P., 8 City Markets :Huston Arthur and Sons, 17 Bridge st O'Neal S. VV., 79 . 81 Pitt at Oxenhatri H., 241 Pitt st Peach Bros., 70 Pitt st, and at Koganth Pope W., 136 l'itt st


36i to 375 Sussex st. Tel. City 7040 (3 lines) and 7013 (2 lines)

Reid J. IL, 16 O'Connell at Ritchl Samuel, J.I'., 211-213 Trafalgar

st, Petersham Robinson C. K. and Co., 125a Sussex at Rosen S., Rawson place Rudder's Ltd., 42 l'itt at Ryan P. V. rind Co. P.O. chambers,

Ilia Pitt St Sunday A. E., 29 City Markets Scott, -Benderson & Co., 10 Loftus st Scott Joseph M., 18 Charles For, Lodge Senn ton R. L.and Co., Ltd., 61 Clarence

st, Sydney See John and Co., 212 214 Sussex st Sheppard, Harvey and Co., 135-137

Sussex st Solomon S., 246a Pitt at Stairway Albert, hissing l't. nl, Erin'ton Stallmatin and Schaffer, 256a George at Stevens F. G., 3 City Markets Stone H., City Markets Stoyles Walter, 8 Steam Mill st Swift and Company, 26-30 Clarence st Trevarthen J. H., Ltd., 1 City Markets Tweet' Ii, IL, 27 Jamieson at Wain and Mead, 5l1 South par, Auburn Walker and Ox by, 153 Sussex at

Waterninn N. IT., 401 Sussex at Wells (George) and Smith, 173 Sussex at Weymark & Son, IA,!., 14 . 18 Steam Mill at Williams 0. L. and Son, 95 ElizaliAli at Wood Reuben, 26 Hunter St. Young G. E. J.P., 38a Beater-A, Bithintin

COMMISSION MERCHANTS. American Trailing Co. of Australia, 40

King at Barnett Leopold and Co., 396.393 Pitt st Chipman (Australasia) Limited, 51 Mar-

garet st Chipman Holmes S., 54 Margaret st Fisher Hy., corner Grosvenor & George sts Letiyou A. E. and Co., 255a Geor ge at Laughland, Mackay and Co., Ltd, 01 Pitt

st, and 50 Lime at, London Mettler mid Quereau, 273 George at Markell Charles and Co., 15 O'Connell at Martin George, 306 Kent at MOX1111,111 W. J. awl Co , 35 Castlereagh st

Redfern Myers end Solomon, 42 Market st Parkes G. A., 55 Pitt St Rosewood J. L., 17 Castlereagh st Scott, Hendersou and Co., 10 Loftus at Swift and Company, Ltd., 20-30 Olarencest Tait W. S. and Co., Ltd.. 8 Spring st Terry Charles M., 115 Pitt at Waters C. E. and Co., Ltd., Mountain at

Byrne Norbert, Attorney-General's Dept. Cape A. J., Commercial Union chambers,

99a Pitt at Cape C. S., CoMmercial Union chambers,

99a Pitt St Cape II. Cecil, Railway par, Burwood Carr-Boyd C. .1., Attorney-General's Dept. Carruthers Hon. Sir Joseph H., 0.8.11. rd,

Waverley Charlton J., District Court Clark F. G., 79 Pitt St Clarke William, stipendiary magistrate Coglibui Cl. J., Attorney-General's Dept. Cohen E. G. Maildocks, 77 Elizabeth st Cohen E. R., 62 Hunter at Connell H. II , C P.S. and C11.31

lame Cove rd. North Sydney Cope William. 14 Castlereagh at Cotton Stuart, J.P. Durwood rd,13in wood Cowlishaw Reginal:1, 104 Pitt at

COWPER CECIL SPENCER DE GREY (Allen, Allen and Heinsley) (for High Court of Australia), awl for Northern Territory of Australia, Wigtain House, 19 Castlereagh st

Cowper F. R., 19 Post Office chambers, 114a Pitt at .

Oreagli A. J., 17 Bridge at Creai411.1. S , Attorney-General's Dept. Creagh W. J., 17 Bridge at Croaker George, 14 Biartin place Crockford W. W., tinder-sheriff, Supreme

Court Curtiss Frederic, 84 Elizabeth st Cusick E. P., Attorney-Genend's Dept. Daly E. Newton, 1-3 Castlereagh at Danger R. N., 10 Bligh st Davenport F. A., Ocean tiouse,21 Moore at Dawes E. G., 119 Pitt at Delehery A. II.

' 119 Phillip at

Dixon L. F.,10 Hunter st

DOBBIN AND SPIER (Leonard Dobbin. Notary Public and Commis-sioner for Affidavits of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and New Zealand), Equitable Building, George st, Sydney. Tel. City 7060

Dobbin Leonard, Equitable building, George st

Dodds Alexander J. (Queensland), 02 Hunter St

Dowling J. Arthur, 113 Pitt at Drew C. Mathews, 2 Hunter St Dunphy M. J., Supreme Court Ebsworth A. C., 67 Castlereagh at Ebsworth F. 0., 9 Bridge st Fitzharilinge M. A. II., Bull's chambers,

14 Moore at Flynn J. A., 127 King at Flynn William A., Attorney-General's Dept Forsyth Walter George, 11 Moore at Fosbely E. E., 107 Pitt st Fuller B. C., Supreme Court Gale & Gale, Challis Hmse Martin place Galbraith F. H P 31.,Chihiren's Court Gale 0. C., Challis House, 3Iartin place Gardner Ernest H., el Elizabeth at Garrett T. W., 67 Castlereagh at Godfrey A., 262 Johnston st, Annandale Gould The Hon. Sir A. J., 121 Pitt at Gray William Symons,375 George at Greenwood G. H., 80 Dowling st, Redfern Hamilton Alec A., 75 Pitt at Hargraves W. II., Equity Office Harriett Harold P., 1-3 Castlereagh at Harris Reginald, 60 Castlereagh at Hepworth II. B. P., 56 Pitt at Heydon The Hon. L. F., M.L.C., Mary

sr, Illinter's Hill Holiiship A. If , C Elizabeth at

Hohne J. B., Industrial Registrar Ilorsley Chas. J., J.1'., Boundary st, (Tweed. Hourigan P. J., 1e3 Pitt at Houston Ralph L., 25-O'Connell at (Fiji,

Tas.), Houston John W. hI., 5 Moore at Hughes and Hughes, 26 Hunter st Hughes Robert, Attorney-General's Dept. Hughes 31.L.C.,26 Hunter st Hughes Thomas J., J.P., 121 Pitt at Huntington Ily. Wm. Hemsworth, 21

Goo I Hope st, Paddington Jamieson H. IL, accountant, 263 George at Jaques A. E., 12 awl 14 O'Connell st • Jones J. P., Hunter and Castlereagh sts Jones Wilfred 31., 89 Pitt at Jones W. It., 107 Pitt 81 K1411111111 '1'. Maughan, 920 Pitt at Kilgour Charles, 10 O'Connell at King John IL, 117 Pitt st Kent F. D., Ha Pitt St Kitching F. W., lielitstrial Registrar's

office Lanffiton It. S., 2 Bond St Laurence and Laurence, Wyuyard at Laurence 0. A., George and Wynyard sts Laurence G. M., 61 Pitt at Lee Benjamin, .7.1'.

' 78 Johnston st, An'dale

Leiblus (4. H., 1 .41 Pitt st Levy Daniel, 3.1'., M.L.A., 9-11 Castle-

reagh st Lloyd A.S.

' Supreme Court

Lobban A. Mee., 350 George at Love 31. S:, S.M., 10 Bennett at, Neutral B. Lowe Walter C., 82 Pitt at Lucas C. IL, Supreme Court MeCar thy A. W., 19a Elizabeth at 31c0ulloch P. V., 118 Pitt st Mackenzie W. K. S., Supreme Court McLachlan A. 3., E. S. and A. Bank

buildings, King and George sts DIeLaughlin John, corner Hunter and

Pitt eta Midway E. A., Attorney-General's Depart. Mniming Claude, Challis House, Martin

Mime . Marks Percy J., 920 Pitt at Marshall T. and Marks, 07 Castlereagh st Marshall IL Osborne, Australasia climb.,

Martin pI Marshall Thomas, 67 Castlereagh at Mason II. IL , Queen's Square Matthews E. 0. H., 24 Moore St Maybury 0. E. 13., sheriff, Supreme Court Al (elicit l Pitt at Millin 13., 3.1'., corner Bridge and Pitt sts 311111111;ton J. F., 117 Pitt st Moffatt J. B., 44 Elizabeth St Moloney F. N., 79 Elizabeth at Slonday R. C., Probate Office, Chancery

square Montego N. W.. 220 l'itt st Morgan Hnrold T., Ocean House, 24

Moore et Morris II. F., Attorney-General's Dept. Murphy Jos., Supreme Court Myers David M., (Victoria), 56 Hunter at Norris Osborne E., 15 Castlereagh st Nott J. E. V., 375 George at O'Brien Thomas 0., 37 Elizabeth at Page E. II., Attorney General's Dept. Palmer W. If., Official Assignee, 47 Eliza-

beth at Parker A. L., Wynyard at Parkinson C. 13., Crown Solicitor's Office Paterson 1). G., Atterney-General's Dept. Perkins E. W., .1.1'., 122 Pitt at Phillips Oswald J., 8 Spring St Plunkett A. 0., J.P., Police Court,

Sydney rh, Manly Poole E. T., 6 Castlereagh st Priddle It. U , Somerset !louse. 5 Moore st Rainsford P., Hopetouri at. Petersham Ralston John T., 70 Pitt st




Tetley Frederick, 025 Harris st



Os: Craftsmen in Ornamental Steel and other Metals, Intercoloninl house, 4 Castlereagh st, Sydney. Telephone 1702 City. (See Advt. opposite Name in Alphabetical Section)

COMMISSION AGENTS, Alexander Duncan S., 41 Carrington at Alldritt Frank, 57 • Market St Bach L. and Co., 14 Carrington st BACKHOUSE & GOYDER, Mutual

Life Buildings, 14 Martin place Machin W., Ltd., Bond and Pitt sts Bardsley Charles, 184a Sussex at Basch° and Lowney, 308 Sussex at Black H., 17 City Markets Blake P. S., 4 Dailey st 131yth David and CO., 412 Kent St Boyd and Hanlon, 348 Sussex St Broadbent J. 11., 161 Sussex St Browne Joseph, 61 Market st Bryant and Hayes, King and Sussex sts Bryant Alfred, 116 Pitt at Burns, Philp & Co., Ltd., 10 Bridge St Byers A., 136 Pitt St Cameron it Meadyen, Ltd., 143 Sussex st Malt n F., 10 City Markets Clarke Thomas, 216-218 Sussex st Chine Bros., 370 Sussex st Cohen David, 5 Egan at, Newtown Craig and Arnold, 161 Sussex st Crummy, Marsden, Baker and Scott, 77

Castlereagli at Crossley W., 114a Pitt at

CRAVEN T. W., Produce 3Ierchant, 168 Sussex St. Tel. City. 2964

Denham Bros., 359-361 Sussex st

COMMISSIONERS FOR AFFIDAVITS. Abbott Macartney, 67 Castlereagh at Abigail James W., 70 Elizabeth at Addison O. G., Supreme Court Addison G. 0., Registrar, Industrial Pe.

gistrar's Office, Macquarie at Addison L. M.. Supreme Court Allen R. P., 2b Castlereagh st

ALLEN REGINALD CHARLES (Allen, Allen and lionsley), (for N.S.W., South Australia), Wigram House, 19 Castlereagh at

Arnett William, J.P. 99 Pitt st Balcombe William A, Equity Office Barnes A. E., IS Castlereagh st Barraclough F. E.. Master in Lumley

office, Macquarie st Barry G. J., .1.1', 15 Castlerea gh at Bassett E. Prichard, & Co., 375 George at Theitian A. A. 0., J.I'., Albert ave,Clattsw'a Baylis F. C., Supreme Court Beaver Edmund, Supreme Court Beaver W. R., Clerk of the Peace, Mac-

quarie at Boding 111111 SI1110011, 61 Elizabeth at Beehag S. A.H., 04 Elizabeth st Wisest° G. A. F., High Court of Australia.

N.S. W., Queensland, South Australia, West Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, 279 George St

Berne 1'. W. 113 Pitt St Beveridge II. S., J.P., Relmore at, B'wood Blechman Robert 0., Bankruptcy Office Blacktnore A. 13., 920 Pitt at Bonthorne Id., Attorney • General's

Department Bonthorne J. M. A., Registrar District

Court Bowman Artlifir, 279 George st Bradley II. H. B., 60 Margaret st Bray Wm, Et. J.P., 10 St. Elmo st, 3Iosnuni Brereton Victor Le Gay, Lands Titles

Office Briggs Alfred E., Probate Office 13romhead W, S., Attorney-General's

Department Broughton L. W., George at, Parramatta




COMPANIES (MISCELLANEOUS). See also respective headings under which

they trade. Aarone' Exchange Hotel Co., Limited—

W. A. Mutton, manager, Gresham at Aerated Bread Co., Ltd., 189 Pitt st Alliance Hotels Ltd., Park and Castlereagh

sts Allis-Chalmers Co., 77 King st American Trading Co. of Australia—

R. C. Wilson and W. G. Wilson, joint managers, 40 King st

Anchor Fence, LW., 107 Pitt at • Art Reproduction Co, York at

Augustus Downs Pastoral Co., Ltd., 107 Pitt et

Aurora Products Co., 191 Liverpool at Austral Whiting Co., 53 Day at Australasian Institute of Marine Engineers

—John Telfer, secretary, 35 Pitt at Australasian Mortgage and Agency Co.,

Ltd., 56 Hunter at Australasian Vinyl Co., Equitable build-

ing, 350 George St Australia Hotel Co. Ltd.,45 Castlereagh st

Comstock (W. H.) Co.. Ltd. (Australian branch), 23 Lang et

Concord Golf Links, Ltd.—R. V. Sad-dington, secretary. 1.09 Pitt at

Coodra Vale Co., Ltd., 1-3 Phillip st Co-operative Coupon Co., Limited—George

A Barry, manager, 697 George st 'o-operative Proprietary Ltd., 725 King at

Cope's Creek Dredging Co. (no liability)— R. V. Saddington, manager, 109 Pitt street

rown Bromide Enlargement Co.—M. Blow, general manager, 448 George at

Dalmally Ltd., 14 Martin place Direct Agencies, 54 York st Dunlop Rubber Co. of Australasia, Ltd.,

255 Clarence st Elnislie, Ltd., 109 Pitt st Empire Transport Co., Ltd. 63 Pitt at Emit Harbour Plantation 111, 15 Bent at Emu and Prospect Gravel and Road Metal

Co., Limited—L. V. Puckle, T.P., sec- retary, 164 Pitt at

Eucrasy Co.—E. H. Norton, 62 Hunter st Excelsior Macaroni Co., Ltd., 117 Pitt st Excelsior Trading Co., Rawson place Farmers' and Dairymen's Milk CO, Ltd.—

S. H. Gatos, ngr., 666 .608 Harris at Federal Match Co., Ltd., Park st. A'andria Foster McClellan Co., 76 Pitt St Gilberthorpe Buckle, Ltd., 726 King at Goldbeaters' Co. Gold Leaf and Bronzes—

M. IL Lauchlan and Co.' colonial re-

presentative, 32 Market at. Tel. City 4'32

Grand Lodge of N.S.W. Masonic Hall Co.— 283 Castlereagh at

Groongal Pastoral Co., Ltd., 15 Bent st Guthrie Thomas and Sots' Pastoral Co.,

Ltd., 15 Bent st Historical Distributing Co., 24 Bond st liodels Ltd. 17 Castlereagh at Holt-Sutherland Estate Co., Limited—M.

- Maloney, secretary, 5 Bligh st Homing Tyre Co., Ltd., 10 Bligh st Hunter's Hill Recreation Co., Ltd.,

Madeline at, Hunter's Hill Hunter Valley Distillery Co„ Ltd.—C. H.

Starkey, 93 York at Hygeia Ltd., Ocean House, 24 Moore st Hygienic Olean Towel Supply Co., Rawson

place illawarra Harbour and Land Corporation,

Ltd., 63 Pitt at Incandescent Lighting Piaissetby System

Co. Ltd., 321 Pitt et Inverleigh Co., Ltd. (The), 10 Castle-

reagh at Jackson Improved Water Heater Co., 197

Hay at K. W. Ignition Co., 15 Market at Keeling (A. It.) Construction Co. (The),

Mutual Life building, Martin place Klan Valley Tin Dredging Ltd.— W.

Tarleton, secretary, 107 Pitt at Koko-Nfaricopas Co. LW., 9 Hamilton st Kuring.gai-Chase Trust, 15 Bent at Lamson Store Service Co., Limited, 9-13

Queen st, Chippendale Lamson Paragon, Ltd.—A. Epstein, mgr.,

63-5 Ann at, Surry Hills Leceite Co., Ltd. (The), 180 Darling at,

Balmain Lever's Pacific Plantations, Ltd., 89 Pitt st Little Doctor Rabbit Poison Co., 7

Spring et . Malaysian Tin Tarleton, secret-

ary, 107 Pitt at Malayta Co., Ltd., 725 King at " Malt/mid " Rooting and P. and D. Co.,

Challis House, Martin place Mammitein Proprietary, Ltd. 109 Pitt st Manufacturers' Agency, La. (The), 69

York at


Own nItsioner, for nifilat its, continnel- Ravei George A., 113 Pitt at Rawlinson .T., J.P., 28 Castlereagh st Read (Vero) and Bell, 25 Castlereagh st Read T., 5 Moore St Read Vero, 26 Castlereagh St Rich H. 0. Ellison, 10 Bliigh at Richardson J. S., City Mutual chambers,

62 Hunter at Roberts II. G. C., 26 Castlereagh at Rohl'Hard P. II. J.P., George st, P'matta Robson W. E. V., M.L.A., 164 Pitt st Rogers George 11., 12 Castlereagh at Rolin F. Lynne, 25 Castlereagh st Roxburgh Russell C., 18 Bridge st Russell E. H. T., Equitable buildings, 350

George at Saddington A. G., Supreme Court Scott E. Lewis, 65 Renwick et, Leichhardt Scroggie 11. Be Y. 21, Castlereagh at Shaw A. G. Y., 121 Pitt st Simi.son E. P., Union Bank chambers,

Hunter street Sly G. J., LL.D., 369 George St Sly Dr. J. D., 88i Pitt st Smithers 0. 11., Stipendiary Magistrate,

Hazelbank rd, Wollstonecraft Spain Staunton W., 18 Bridge St Steel H. P

' eden 926 Pitt at

Stephen E, F., Webb's a ye, Ashflehl Stephens S. J., Probate Office Stevenson George, J.P., 114a l'itt st Sullivan Reginald, 114a Pitt St Taylor A. J., J.P., 36 Moore St Thompson and Nott, 375 George at Thompson J., jun., Vickery's chambers, 82

Pitt st Tout George, Probate Office Turner G.,11., 26 Hunter at Vindin W. M., 14 Castlereagh at Walker F. W.. 12 Castlereagh at Walsh C. R., Prothonotary, Supreme Court Ward F. H., Supreme Court Watson George, J P., Brown at, White W. T., District Court Wilkinson Frederick B., 14 Castlereagh at Williams II. S., 109 Pitt st Williams W., Curator's Cilice Williamson G. F., 163 King at Wills A. C., 671 George st Wilson F; Y., Royal chambers, 1-3

Castlereagh at Wimleyer and Williams, 23 O'Connell at Windeyer William A., 23 O'Connell at

Australian Alliance Assurance Os. (Fire, Life, Marine, Accident Sickness, Employers' Liability, Workmen's Compensation, Guarantee, and Live Stock)—Robett Kerr, .1.1',, manager, 33 Hunter st. Tels. City 9747, 9748, 9749

Australian Alum Co., Ltd.—J. M. Dixon, secretary, 109 Pitt st

Australian Diatomee, Ltd., 330 George st Australian Drug Co, Ltd., 19-21 O'Connell


MORTGAGE CO., LIMITED (THE)—F. G. Catterall, manager, Imperial hambers, 16 O'Connell St. Head °Mee : 96 Leadenhall Ft, London, E.C.

Australian Gypsum Ltd., 77 Elizabeth st AU S T R ALIAN MERCANTILE,

LAND AND FINANCE CO., LIMITED—James Kidd, J.P., man-ager, 4 Bligh St

Colonial Sugar Refining Co., Limited— Edward NV. Knox, general manager ; W. H. Rothe, asst. manager Hastings McCarthy, secretary, 1 O'Connell at

Commonwealth Blue Metal Co.,3 Spring at

Australian Paper Co., Ltd.—J. B. Steel, manager, 192 . 194 Castlereagh st

Australian Thermit Co , Ltd., 387 Kent at Australian Traders' Co-operative Associa-

Ltd.—T.Breen, manager, 158 Pitt street

Australian Trading Co., 18 Brick-0 at Auto Spray Contractin g Co., 109 Pitt et Bain's White Ant Exterminator Co.,

Ltd.—T. W. Bremner, see., Mutual Life building, Mat tin place

Balearros Propeller Co. LW., 1 Bond et Barrenjoey Co. Ltd., 14 Castlereagh st Beaver Board Companies, 12 Castlereagh st Benger's Food Ltd , 117 Pitt st Bifurcated and Tubular Rivet Co., Ltd.—

Ash st, wt. 338 George st Batelle Co., LW., 229 Sussex at Borax Consolidated, LW., 15 Grosvenor at Brief Co., Ltd. (The), Rawson place Buckenbowra Wattle Bark Co., LW, 100

The Strand Bullivants' Australian Co., Limited-11.E.

Farmer, manager, 331 . 333 Kent at Buttabone Pastoral Co., Ltd. 107 mu st Calcutta Co., Ltd., 33 Hunter et Caledonian and Australian Mortgage and

Agency Cm—Gibbs, Bright and Co., agents, 37 Pitt st

Captive Aeroplane Co. of Australasia Ltd., 82 Pitt at

Central Mining and Tramway Appliances Proprietary, 79 Macquarie at

Central Railway Palace Buildings, Ltd„ 31 Campbell at

Chancery Estates Recovery Cm—Benja. Mill Cooke. 4 Rowe St

City Properties Ltd., 376 George st Colgate and Co., New York, 56 Margaret at Colonial Consignment and Distributing

Co., Ltd.—Pitt, Son and Badgery, Ltd., agents in N.S.W., 4 O'Connell at

Commonwealth Cash Order Co., Lee are Commonwealth Handkerchief Co., Ltd.,

\Volt worth avenue Commonwealth Oxygen Co.

' Ltd.. 25

O'Connell st, and Park at, Alexandria Commonwealth Salt Refining Co., Ltd.—

Arthur 3fuston and Sons, agents, 17 Bridge st

Commonwealth Speciality Sales Co., 77 Elizabeth at



Marriokville Estates Ltd. (Reg. office)-1 11.0. Brereton,M.P.S., J.P„ managing; director, 225 Marrickville rd, I

Masonic Hall Co., George at, Parramatta ! May-Oatway Fire Alarms, Ltd.. 82 Pitt

at Mears' Ear-Phone Co., 387 George at Model Lodgin g House Co.. 211 Kent at Meern Store Service Co., Grosvenor and

George sts National Barber Supply Co., 283 Clarence at National Cash Register Co. of Australasia,

Ltd., 119 Bathurst at National Park Trust Office —Michael

Maloney, .1.P., secretary, 5 Bligh st New Britain Corporation, Limited, Challis

House, Martin pace N.S.W. Charcoal Co., Ltd. 58 Pitt at N.S.W. Country Press dmoperative Co.,

M. Shakespeare, J.P., mana- ger, 176 Castlereagh at

• N.S.W. CANNING FACTORY— James Baru" , proprietor. 2 Botany at, Waterloo. (See Advt. opposite Preface)

• N.S.W. Fresh Food and Ice Co., 23 Han

hour St N.S.W. Fruit Exchange Cm-op. Co., Ltd.,

Barker at N.S.W. Land and Agency Co., Ltd.—C. M.

Buck, .1.P., manager, 16 Loftus at N.S.W. Motzo Co., Brown at, Camperdown N.S.W. Phosphates Co., Ltd., 16 Hunter st

NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MER-CANTILE AGENCY CO., Ltd. —E. R. Graham, Manager ; N. L. Gilfillan, Sub.51anager, Bridge and Loftus ate, Sydney

North Coast Gold Platinum Co., Ltd..1 926 Pitt at

NORTHERN SUBURBS BUILD-ING AND INVESTMENT CO., LTD. — George E. Gill, Managing Director, Walker and Mount streets, North Sydney. Tel. 212 North.

Northrop and Lyman Co. (Toronto, Canada), 15 O'Connell at

Ocean Accident Guarantee Corporation Ltd.—Charles M. Biontetiore, general manager, Ocean House, Moore at

Orange Freehold Land Co., Ltd.—Fred Fullwood, secretary, Nos. 11-12 Eoy'e chambers, 1 Bond at

Papaseea Plantations Ltd., 14 Martin pl Papuan Rubber and Trading Co., Ltd.,

273 George st Papuan Industries Ltd., 17 Castlereagh st

PATENT ASPHALTUM CO. OF N.S.W.—Herbert A. Jones and B. W. Mansell, Proprietors, No. 20 (foot of) Druitt at. Works, Gore's Bay, Green- melt. Telephone City 4677

Peacock Bros. Business Systems Co., 14 Moore st

PERMANENT TRUSTEE CO. OF NEW SOUTH WALES, LIMI-TED — A. I ercewal Bedford, . Manager, 25 O'Connell at. (See Advt. opposite Trustee Companies)

PERPETUAL TRUSTEE COM-PANY (LIMITED)-11 Copland Lethbridge, Manager ; R. L. Hassle, J.P., Sec. etary ; 0, E. Cowilery, Chief Trust Officer; 33 to 39 Hunter at., Sydney.

Poll-Shine Mop Co., 48 Hunter at Protestant Hall Co., Limited, 238-240

Castlereagh st Pyrites Ltd„—W. Tarleton, secretary, 107

Pitt at Queensland Pearlshell Co 16 Spring at mown' mil Co.. 5 Moore at Rheumatic Ring Co , Regd., 46 Glemnore

rd, Paddington Rochdale Pastoi al Co., Ltd., 12 O'Connell

at Rockwood Pastoral Co., Ltd., 16 Loftus at Roneo Company of Australia Ltd., 21

Hunter st Roselle Trading Co., Ltd., corner Kent at

ana Albion place Ruberoid Rooting, and " S.P.C.' Materials

—Hales Ltd., agents for N.S.W., 26 Hunter •t

S. and M. Supply Co., 12 . 14 O'Connell at St. George Ochre and Oxide Co., 14 May at,

St. Peters Sala bltS Rubber Plantation Ltd., 105 Pitt

st Sanitary Supply Co., 76 Pitt at Savo Supply (Jo., 82 King st Saywell's Tramway and Estates, Ltd., 89


VESTMENT CO., LIMITED— H. F. Chhcott, J.1'., Manager ; A. M Shannon, Sub.matinger, 72 Phillip at




Our Sectional Method SAVES SPACE and enables you to add to your Cabinet as your Business Grows.

Scottish Australian Mining Co., Limited— H. F. Chilcott, J.P., manager ; Ii. G. Robinson, sub-manager, 72'Phillip at

I Silverton Tramway Co , Ltd. (Sydney office', 113 Pitt st

Sogeri Para Rubber (Jo., Ltd., 14 Martin pl Standril Distributing Co., Commerce

Buildings, Liverpool at Standard-Waygood, Hercules, Ltd, 77 King

street Sydney Boiler Scaling Co., Relby lane Sydney Export Co. Ltd., Sydn oy Fanwood,

sesretary. 11-12 Foy's Chambers, 1 Bond at

Sydney Ice Skating Rink and Cold Storage Co., Ltd.—A. W. Buzacott, secretary,

Bond at Sydney Powellising Co. Ltd., 4 Bridge at Sydney Safe Deposit—J. NV. Boys, J.P„

manager, Ash at, oq 338 George at Sydney Skating Rink Ltd., 376 George at

SYDNEY AND SUBURBAN HY-DRAULIC POWER COMPANY LIMITED, A. M. Heron, manager and secretary, Mutual Life building, Martin place 1 pumping station, Pier St. Daring Harbour

CONDIMENT MAKERS & IMPORTERS Cooper and Sons. Railway a ye, Stainuore

FREEMAN S. AND SONS, LTD., Manufacturers of BATHOS BAK-ING POWDER, Freeman's Prize Pickles, Sauces, 'Vinegars, Peppers, &c. Factory and Offices, 350 to 362 Harris at. Ultimo. Tel. 652 City

Holbrook's LW., 407 Kent at Johnson's Condiments Co. Ltd. (The),

Ethel st, L'rskineville Matthews Ltd., 2 Young et, Annandale Monk's Vinegar Works, Henderson rd,

Alexandria Newman , Manufacturing Co., Drinks st,

Waterloo Norris Walter, 115 Denison rd, Petersham

PARRY J. & CO. 64-66 Pitt at, Waterloo. Telephone 810 and 811 Redfern

Parsons Bros. and Co. Proprietary, Ltd. 321 .327 Kent St

Pick-Me-Up Condilnent Co., Ltd., 60 Alice st, Newtown

Row Edward and Co., 43-47 George at Soul Washington H. and Co., 160 and 268

Pitt at United Conditnent Co., Ltd., 117 Pitt at


Atlas Confectionery Co., 42 Meagher et Australian Confectionery Co., Ltd„ Mc-

AustCrnIrittahlYi IJ'lealcley Bean Co., Ltd., 19.23 Dixon at

Bacchus W. 11., 106 Nelson at, Annandale Bass and Co., 656 George at Sens lorp and Co., 76 l'itt et Riddell Bros., Ltd„ Lackey st

Sydney Supply Co., Ltd., 1106 Bathurst st Town Planning Co. of Australia Ltd.-11.

Stanton, managing director, 129 Pitt at Tudor Accumulator Co. Ltd., 67 Castle-

reagh st Tungsten Mines Ltd.—William Tarletoa,

secretary, 107 Pitt st, Sydney Underwood William and Co., 15 O'Connell

at Union Plantation and Trading Co., Ltd.,

88 Pitt at United Safe Toll Co., 67 Castlereagh at Universal Land and Deposit Bank, Limi-

ted, 113 Pitt at Usher's Metropolitan Hotel, Ltd.—W.

Tarleton, sec., 107 Pitt at Vanrook Pastoral Co. Ltd., 10 Castlereagh

at Wallangra Pastoral Co., Ltd., 26 Castle-

reagh at Washwell Side Co., 76 Pitt at Wells ad Richardson Co 15 O'Connell at Williamson J. C. Ltd., 51 Castlereagh at Winter John Strange (Australia) Ltd.,

26 Jamieson st Worthington Pump Company, Limited,

32 Clarence at Yenda Estates, Ltd.—W. Tarleton, sec,

107 Pitt at York Buildings Ltd.—Frederick J. Smith,

rec., 7 Moore at




Telephone—City 9634 & 9655, LIMITED

5-13 Parker St., HAYMARKET. WI







BRISTOL & LONDON. Manufacturers of

High-Class Cocoa and Chocolates


To His Majesty the King and other Royal

and Queen of England Houses of Europe.

WILLIAM CROSBY & CO., Agents Geelong House, 26-30 Clarence St., Sydney.

Telephone 3008 City.


Confectioner8 Manufacturing continued- BUCHANAN'S CHOCOLATES

& CONFECTIONS (GLAS-GOW) -W. W. White and Co., Ltd., Sole Agents, Morfoot's Build-ings. Parker at, Haymarket. Tele-phone City 2536. Shops supplied. (See Advertisement opposite).

"'Carlos," Ltd., Parker at Carrington and Co., Ltd., 53 P'inritta rd,

Glebe Commonwealth Confectionery Co., Ltd.,

. I ayton st, Camperdown Cook Confectionery Co., 8-10 Taylor at Croker Rupert, Victoria et, Paddington CROSBY WILLIAM AND CO.,

Agents for J. S. Fry and Sons, Ltd, and Importers of Confectionery, "Geelong House," 26-30 Clarence st. Telephone 3008 City. (See Advertise. molt above)

Deakin and Ewing, Ltd., 119 Salisbury at. Stanmore

Durcher and Co. 13 Shepherd at Edwards Alfred, 16 Regent at, Redfern England E., 57 Parmmatta rd, Forest L. ENNEVER AND APPLETON, Con-

feetionery and Chocolate Manufac• turers, 86-8840 Bay at-

PRY J. S. & SONS, LIMITED (BRISTOL, LONDON), cocoa and Chocolate 6fanufacturers—Wil-Ham Crosby and Co., Agents, "Geelong House," 26-30 Clarence at, Sydney. (See Advertisement above)

Hargreaves J. and Son, 43 Carlisle at, Leichhardt

HENDERSON'S SWEETS—Ilen-derson's Sweets Ltd., Proprietary, Manufacturing Confectioners and Chocolatiere, Barlow st, City. Tele. City 4518, 830, and 6868

WHITE W. W. AND CO., LTD., Morfoot's Buildings, Parker at. Haymarket. Telephone City 2530. Representing John Buchanan and Bros., Ltd., Chocolates and Con-fectionery (Glasgow), Powell's (New York). Shops supplied. (See Adver-tisement opposite)

Woodbill William, 289 Bourke at

MONS' INDUSTRIAL ACT TIME SHEETS or COMBINED TIME PAY AND WAGES BOOKS (Copy-right) for all Trades and Callings. These ore the only ones which comply with the Act. Obtainable only front L. Lions, Industrial Act Expert, 14 Castlereagh street, Sydney. When asking prices state class of business.

CONFECTIONERS. Abel Robert C. B., 348 Liverpool at Aekers A. E.. CM Darling st, Rozelle Adams John, 155 Oxford at. Addisan Ge urge W., 183 George at West Aerated Bread Co., Ltd , 189 Pitt at Alexander John, 8 King st, Newtown Angelides George, 647 Gearge et. Anglo-American Candy Co., 739 George at

and 287 Pitt st Anglo-American Candy Co., 108-106 Corso,

Manly Antonio Cl., 124 Market at Apostol B., 61 Market at A ro pey E., 238 George at Ashby W. EL, 336 Church it, Parramatta Baker Harry, 10 Lackey et, Sum. Hill Baker Philip, 175 Oxford st, Waverley Barnes Stanley, 426 Oxford st, Pairton Bass and Co., 580 and 656 George at and

101 Kin g st

Hillier Ernest, 162 Pitt et Ireland James, 114-140 George st, C'down Isaacs Joseph, 155 Walker at, Redfern Kerslake Arthur, 93 Mount at, N Sydney Keys Douglas 22 Abercrombie at

MoFARLANE BROS., Mudgee Manufacturing and Distributing Con-fectioners, and Proprietors of "Bank Note" Baking Powder, Mudge°

Nestle's Confectionery Depot, 8 Young st Pacific Candy Co, Ltd., 61 George at N'th

16■100"1"..111111.11P ...10,/-•■••■•■••■■■

Wholesale and Manufacturing Con- fectioners, 14 0-144 Cleveland at, Chippendale. Sydney. Telephone Red- fern 514, 545 - 8

Probyn Alex. and Co., Rawson place Reilly Bros., 57a Parramatta rd, F. Lodge Rosemond J. and Sons, 4 Annandale st,

Anneudale Silbersehmitit Carl, 509 Bourke at Small H. and Co., Parker at

STEDMAN JAMES LIMITED (James N. Stedman, Managing Director), Barlow st, Hay-market, and Factory, Harris et, Pyr-mont.—(See Advt. facing inside front cover)

Wade and Co.,. 173 Q V. Markets Wells Alfred. 79-81 Nelson st, Annandale White Rose Confectionery Works, College



CI...mellow Alfred, 76 Oxford Crocker Alfred and Daughters, Strition

House, Itlivson pi Daley 0. S., 93 Bondi rd, Bondi Davie Robert A. 20 Cowper at, Waverley Day M. and S., Frenchman's rd, it'ivick Deery C. J., 70 Elmore ni, Fanner° De limey Mrs. J., 192a Pitt at Bellow W. G., 135 Devonshire st De Lorenzo and Picone, 76 Junction at,

North Sydney Dillon T. W., 115 Nelson st, Annandale Dixon Miss M. A., Burwood rd, Durwood Downes H., 10 Oxford it, Paddington Minton and Clancy Misses, 299 Pitt at F.cliard George, 753 George at Egan 0. J., 310 Parratnatta td, Ellis A., Avoca at, itandwick Emanuel Max, 130 King st, Newtown Farley F. W., 162 Oxford at, Paddington Fearnley K., 23 King at Finnic Misses A. and M., 4 Elizabeth st Firth Toni, 454 Darling at, Balmain Fidel Mrs. 5., 215 King st, Newtown Fitzgerald O., 1 Campbell at Fletcher James G., 214 Liverpool rd, Afield Flower John, 91 Bourke et Ford F., 236 Military rd, Blosman Ford Percy, 25 Bathurst et Fowler E. H., 31 Lackey st, Stun. Hill Furness and Hinds, 688 Darling et, Rozolle George and Nicholas, 389 Pitt at Georgiatos Thomns it Co., 802 George at Gillibrand E., 357 Oxford at, Pad'ton Gosbell G. B., 1 Corso, Manly Gray ltobert, 22 Grosvenor it Gieen Walter, 607 George at Greenfield H. and Co., 1 Botany it, Rlerit Greening Leonard E., 21 (lowlier et, Wav'y Greening L. A., Rawson pl Griffiths Benjamin, 104 thirds rd, Bali/min Griffiths James, 393 Crown at Grivas A. G.,865 George it

flames Mrs. Albert, 191 Liverpool rd, Aelffield

Hand John IL, 59-01 Darling st, Bahrain Harding John It.. 404 Elizabeth at Hine William, 115 Bondi rd, Bondi Harrington Mrs. M. A. 172 Elizabeth at. Hart and /Cowman, Aimee, Beamisli it,

Canipsie hart John, 17 Abercrombie at Hart Mrs. L., 167 Oxford at, Waverley Hawkins and Abberton, 2 Johnston at,

Annandale Hayes Misses, 127 Edwin st, Croydon HENDERSON'S SWEETS —Hen-

derson's Sweets Ltd., Proprietary, Manufacturing Confectioners and 011ocolotiers, Barlow st, City. Tel. City 4518 end 830

Hill Miss A. M., 53 Castlereagh et Hogan Eugene F., 572 George at Holienberg Hugo, 40 Oxford at Hyndman Mrs. L., 5113a King st, N'town Inglielaere J., Cremorne wharf, eremorne Jackson John, 143 l'itt at James William C.. 37 Enniore rd, N'town Johnson A. P., 152 York at. north Joughin Mrs. Mary, 91-96 Market at Jowett Ilerbt. II., 1 Junction it. N'th Syd. Jubilee Confectionery—G. Pangar, 748

George at Karlingee and 1Couvario, 133 Oxford it Karanges George, 89 Oxford at Kean Miss B., 216 Oxford at, Woollahra Keene W. H., 120 Kin g at Kerr Lincoln .110a Bathurst at Kerslake 0.11., 247 Parrot/lotto rd,Au'dale King .1. A., Rochester st, Homebush Lawson Allan, 200 Harris at Lawson O., 216 Bondi rd, Bondi laathard Andrew II., Burwood rd, B'wood Leslie Wm. N., 1s3 Bondi rd, Bondi Ley Fraek, 494 Bourke at

Baxter Robert M., 37 Lackey at, Sum. Bell Chas. A., 148 Botany rti, Alexandria Bellhouse Mrs. A., 17 The Strand Biddle W. H., 318 Darling et. Bailmain Blanc John, 40 Cowper at., Waverley Blood A. C., Victoria a ye, Chatswood I3oden Miss E., 91 Eninore rd, Entnore Bodilly Robert, 70 Oxford it., Pad'ton Bouchler Miss May, 426 Elizabeth at Bourne Mrs. Sarah, 237 Darling st B'main Boyd Mrs. R. S., Liverpool rd, Aslifield Brennan John P., 50 Oxford at, Prorton Bubb Miss E. M., 932 King et, Newtown Buckman Mrs. I., 113 Oxford at, Wavley Cain W., 213 Cleveland at, Redfern Callas Peter and Co , 90 William at Cameron J. P., Victoria eve, Chatswood Campbell and Richardson, Railway ter,

Lewisham Carden Miss Francis, 452 Cleveland st Carlos Lbi., 974 Pitt at Carlton Confectionery Store, 823 George at Carter Richard H , 67 Windmill at Carveles mid Angel, 189a Parramatto rd,

Annandale Obese J. . C., 177 Military ri, Memnon Chestnut Thomas, 113 George it Chicago Candy Co., 596 George at Christopher T. G., 65 George at west Colt s Alfred J., Rocky Pt. rd, Rockdale Colliver & Co., 113 Parramalta rd,An'tla'e Conlin° A., 310 George at Con and Tavlaridas, 298a George at Congeorge Peter, 194 King at, Newtown Conner Abraham, 469 Pat'unitta rd,L'Ilard Cooke Thomas, 13urseood rd, Burwood Corbett Mrs. N., 118 Oxford et, Padlon Cousins James, 271 King st, Newtown (Jeweller Misses, 19 Charlotte at, Ashfleld Cowley W., 7 Alfred at, Milemes Point Crabb James 5, Rocky Pt. rd, Rockdale Crawshaw A. & Sons, 271 Darling at, 13a1-

main, Marrickville, Newtown, Wa- verly, Paddington, and Rexene


ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE WORLD'S COMMODITIES. 2016 Con TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Con Confectioners con t ued- Long Richard, 21 Market at . May Daniel, 297 Darling at, Itaimain McAppion H., 608 Crown at McCurdy Mrs. Ethel, 58 William at McDo.nalci Mehl. H., 91 Oxford at, Way'y McGeorge John, 27 Broadway, Glebe MeNab Misses A. and F., 63 Blue's Point

rd, North t-Ifitiey Manuel E. J., 599 George at Marti and Murray, 176 George at west Martin A. E., 484 Elizabeth at Maul Miss F., 121 En/1;0re rd, Emnore 3lay Mrs. T. IL, 425 Pitt st Miller Mrs. W. ' 169 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Moreton John C., 140 Alfred Ft, N'tit Syd. Morrison Mrs. E. 9 Hercules at, Asbfleld Morton Charles, ;18 Bondi rd, Bondi Mount Mrs, Margt., Durwood rd. B'wood Myhill %Ira. J., 180 Enmore rd, Entnore NapierWilliain J., Albion st,Waverley Newman Miss J. M., 207 N.8.11. rd, Parilon Newton A., 3 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Newton Mrs. M., 574 Crown at O'Brien A. E., 191 Enmore rd, Enmore Original American Candy Co., 757 George st Pandas and Co., 187 Oxford at Parkinson E. D., 29 Entnore rd, Newtown Faxinos and D,tvies, 16 Park at PILXIII08 P. 13., 118 King at yeachman Mrs. E. EL, 53 William St Pearson and Rawlings, 175 N.S.II. rd

Paddington Pearson B., 118 Oxford at Peters J. D., 585 King at, Newtown Peterson C., 188 Parramatta rd, P'shans Phillips A. S., 175 Avenue rd, 3fostnan Plasto 'I'. E., jun., Glebe at, Hyde • Prince G. W., 110 Market at Pritchard Ronald, 135 Regent at, Redfern Purcell James A., 127 Enruore rd, Elmore Remus Mrs. E. J., 1 Arundel at, F. Lodge

. Raptakis John, 552a George at Iteasi Mrs. T. M., 486 King at, Newtown Reid and Moyes, New Canterbury rd,

Petersham Rico Slice Frances, 143 Bathurst at Richardson John, 113 Smith at, Sum. Hill Riley E. D., 151 George at west Began and Gleeson Misses, 127 Alfred at,

North Sydney Russell E. L 683 King at, St. Peters Itydge Win, H.,479 King at, Newtown Sales S. and E., 147 Carrington at, Eetnore Sanders di Boyd, 329a Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe " Sargents" Limited, 390 George at Saunders A. ' B

' oulevard° Strathfleld

Schartylorff Charles, 499 Crown st Schofield John, 253 King at, Newtown Seessie F., 101 King et, Newtown Selby Mrs. M., 80 Hercules at, Ashfleld Senhouse S., 161 King at Serbs Bros., 564 George at Serbs Z. P., 275 Pitt at Shanahan A., 95 Parramatta ml, A'dale Shaw Edward, Ritmo' d rd, Minor° Shaw James, 341 Kim: et, Newtown Eilddens Mrs. IL, 84 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Siddens J., 93 .97 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Silverson C. A., 61 Abercrombie at Slinos Stratis and Co., 171 George at west Slums S., 108 Liverpool at Simeon Mrs. M. 151 Ramsay at, Haberfleld Slade James, 434 Elizabeth at Smith and Co., Coronation st, Horneby Smith Arthur, 647 King st, Newtown Smith Joseph F., 184 Harris at Sotos George. 224 George at Soulis Bros. and Louisou ,287 Pitt at Soulos J., 19 Oxford at Smiles Bros., 478 George at Soulos Bros. and Louison, 108 Market at

Ecuador—James Clark, Consul, 59 Pitt at France—A. Chayet, Consul - General

Georges Step, Chancellor, Bond street • chambers, 2 Bond at

Greece —S. S. Cohen, Consul General, Syd. Honduras—Frederic Walsh, J.P., Consul-

General, cor. George and Wynyard sts Italy — Dr. C. V. Marano, C.A., 233

Macquarie at Japan — S. Shimizu. Consul-General in

Australasia ; 13. A man, Vice Consul, K. Naito, Chancellor ; 13. W. Foscali, English secretary, Twyforti Chambers, 17 Castlereagh st

Netherlands—H. I. IV. Huber, Consul N. If. Paling, Vice-Consul, 50-58 Hunter st

Nicaragua—Vesey Il. GO3C1Ie, J.I' , 179 Nor way-3I. Arne Scheel, Consul General,

Olav. 13. Panes, Consul, 98•Pitt at Panama Republio—Hon. A. Coote, Athen-

aeum Club, 14 Moore it Paraguay—F. A. Boyle, J.P., (N.S.W.,

Vic. and Q'intid), Consul General, G. B. Boucher, J.P., Vice-Consul, Royle's Chambers, Bond st

Peru—Senor J. M. de Macedo, Consul. General for Australia ; John M. Paxton, J.P., Consul, 4 Dailey at

Portugal — F. W. Clarke, Consul, 58 Margaret at

RU1SIS—T. A.Welch, Consul, E5 CPrence at Spain—T. J. Dalton, Hon. Vice-Consul,

525-527 Rent at Sweden—lion. S. T. Von Gas, Consul-

in•Chlef to British Ati-tralasitt ; J. II. Andersson, Vice Consul ; I. Mac-Intyre, private secretary, The Al-bany, Macquarie at, Sydney

Switzerland—M. Rutty, Consul, 68 Mar- •goret st

United States of America—Jcsepit I. Brittain, Consul General of United States of America, Ell Taylor, Vice- Consul, Mutual Life Building, 14 Martin place,

Venezuela—J. M. Paxton, J.P., Consul, 4 Dailey at

CONTRACTORS. Addison T. S., 2 Belmore at, Rozelle Amery IL, 13 Spicer at, Woollahnt Anderson J. G., 175 Blue's Point rd, North

Sydney Appleton Cuthbert, Millewa aye, IV'roonga Argent John T., 71 Glebe st, Globe Arkwright, J. F., 46 Wetherill at, IThardt Ashton George IV., Wilson at, N. Sydney

AWARDS FOR ALL BUILDING TRADES, in book form, complete up to date of sale, 96_ pages, 3/0 posted. Also our "Wages-at-a. glance" Quick Ready Reckoner for all trades, 6d. posted. Obtainable only from L. Vona, Industrial Act Expert, 14 Castlereagh at., Sydney.

Baker Thomas S., 68 Park ave, Ashfleld Baldwin Bros., Staninore rd, Stainnore Barker John, 37 Thorilley at, LeichhanIt Barnes R. C., Lougueville rd, Longueville Barnett IV. J., Gordon rd, Gore Hill Barren Roberti:I., 53 Railway at, Pet'shain Barrie and Cowtlery, 81 Pitt st Barrie Hettrikson and Co., 81 Pitt st Bartlett George, Robinson st, Mascot Baxter and Hepburn, 70 Hunter at Baxter James, 70 Hunter at Bickford E. J., 74 York st Black H. A., 29 Cabramatta rd, Mosman Blake Edward, Junction et, Kogarall

STEDMAN JAMES LIMITED — James N. Stedman, ins aging director. Barlow at, Hay-market, and Factory, Harris st, Pyr-mon t. (See Advt. facing inside front cover.)

Sterling Mrs. Fanny, 158 William at Stewart G. P., 517 King at, Newtown Stockman Miss Annie. 12 Q. V. Markets Storm F. A., 287 Elizabeth at Stutsden G. 11.,: 873 King at, Newtown Tanner W. C., 185 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Tarifas A., 42•Park at Teesdale John, Durwood rd, Durwood Tennant J. L., 71 Darling at, Bitimain Tetiow IV. A., 201 Oxford at Thompson Thos., 39 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Towtey H., 71 Bondi rd, Bondi Trefoils E., 64 Oxford at TrevIllion Charles J., 167 King sr, N'town Tyrrell George 125 King at, Newtown Vincent J. H., 423 King at, Newtown Vitnell E., 189 Pitt at, Redfern Vracima+ Bros , 215 Oxford at Wells A. H.. 659 George at White J. T., Jr, 268 Pitt at, 30 Royal

Arcade, and 333 Castlereag.11 at White J. T., 3 Oxford st, Paddington Willis Silas, 189-191 Weston rd, Rozelle Younger Aire.IK., 99 Hastert' a ye, Ken' ton Wilson M., 1E6 West at, North Sydney Wright S., 210 King at, Newtown Zimmerman C., 384 Oxford st,.1Voollithra

ZUTTION P., Sole Manufacturer "Snowdrop" Cones and Wafers, 089-6617 King at, St. Peters. Tel. L 1493. (See Advt. opposite)


Berry Henry and Cc., 137 York at

CAWSEY, MENCK & CO., Pro-prietors and Manufacturers of the "New Century" Aerated Water Machinery and Soda Fountains, O.K.O. Brand of Cordials, C.M. Coffee Essence, Unicorn Brand Worcester. shire Sauce, Quinn). Etc., 447 Kent st, Sydney. Tel. City 4396. Head OflIce, St. Kilda ml, Melbourne.

MAURI BROTHERS AND THOMSON LIMITED, 123 to 131 Castlereagh at. Telephones City 8685 to 8689

Slade C. H. and Co., 304 Kent st

CONSULS. Argentine Republic, South America-

Consul-General in Australia, J. T. Tillock, J.P., corner Liverpool and Kent sts

Belgian—Maurice Watteeuw, Consul, 14 Castlereagh at

Brazil—E. IV. T. Dunn, Consul-General, 3 Spring at

Canada—B. 3Iillin, J.P., commercial agent, corner Pitt and Bridge sta.

Chili—Win. Brown, Consul, 4 O'Connell at China — T. K. Tseng, Consul-General,

' Melbourne Columbia Republic' (of South America)—

Carlos H. SImmonds, Consul, 188 Castlereagh at

Cuba—Alfredo L. F. Y. Reyes, Melbourne Denmark—W, E. Hawkins, Acting-Consul,

88 Pitt at



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Stock Sixes: The Original Manufacturer 3d. Cones 54d. Cones Other Imitations Cannot Compare. 2d. „ Id. Cups Id. „ Wafers Our Motto : Quality First.

When ordering insist on ZUTTION'S—Supplied by all Wholesale Manufacturers.

Office and Manufactory :

689-691-3-5-7 KING ST., ST. PETERS , SYDNEY •


Hewson Ernest, Parramatta rd, Auburn

Guile H. G., Botany rd, Mascot O'Brien James, 330 Riley at Hues and Eggers, Ltd., 163 Clarence at O'Curry D. J., Marion St, Bankstown Hannan Henry, limo n nites rd, Puchbowl O' De n oell (F.T.S.), Drillin 5: Co., Ltd., liarbutt H., Billyard ace, Wahroonga , 363 Pitt at Heels Thomas, 13 National at, Rozelle O'Donnell James, Bundarra ace, W'roongn Hellion Bros., Canterbury rd, Belmore Olive E. Shepherd at, Hyde I lenley W. .7., 25S Johnstone st, Annandale Ormsby 'Adam, 81 Darling at, Glebe Hennah George, II Portman at, Waterloo Parker Thos., 22 Cambridge at, Resells

Parkes G. W.,167 Clarence at

for all kinds of Stonework ; " D-Lanor," Coonanbarra rd, Withrow/gm

Pike Win., 20 Delmore st,Entnore Pollock and Pollock, Oxford at, Eppiug Porter E. C., Andrew at, Little Coogee Ptelney IVilliam H., Belmore at, 13iirwomb Qunrtly E., 286 King at, Newtown Quinn W., 35 Blenheim at, Waverley Reckless A. M., 272 Falcon at, N. Sydney Redmond C., Campsie at, Ca umml,sIe Reed & need, 58 Wentworth ave Robinson H. E., Duntroon at, Hurl. lark Robson Thomas, 8 Clarke at, Crow's Nest Rodgers William, 17 Ice at Rogers James, J.P., 44 Hereford at, Glebe? Rosi J. Ssott 300 MIlitary rd, Neutral Bay Rourke J., Waterloo ml, Eastwood Rudd II.. 240 Moore Park rd Rumble Kirby & Co., Gibson at, Waterloo. tust D., 43 Rawson at, Auburn

Sale George, 63 Morehead at, Redfern Saxton W. E., 44-48 Dayst Scott Fell & Co., 251 George at Scrutton It. L. anti Co., UAL, Mary A ms

et, Ultimo Sellars A. J., 50 Foucart at, Rozelle Shannon J. G., Fox Valley id, Wahroongis Shearstono E. T., 222 N.S.H.rd, Double B. Sheehy D. & Sons, Goner a ye, Greenwiclb Shipley Albert II., Fairfield rd, Guildford Siemens Bros. Dynamo Works, Ltd., 42 Bridge at Silveira G. J., 38 George at, Waterloo Simpson Alexander & Sons, Trafalgar at,

Annandale Simpson Bros., 32 Clarence at Singleton & Co., Dailey at Slocum!' T. 0., Ballantyne at, Miasmal' Small Albert W., Comma ol, Eastwood, Smith Bros., Victoria par, Sherwood Smith A., 46 Gerrard at, Neutral Bay Smith J. T.. Addooeyst, Auburn Smyth W., 93 Carrington rd, Waverley Solomon IV. and Sons, Tennyson rd,

Mortlake Solomon W. 5: Sons, Elgin at, Woolwich Sommer,' W., Bourke at, Waterloo Solder Herbert. Carlingford rd,Carlingrni Sprigga %V. C., Underwood rd, Homebush Stanley William, 210 St. John's rd, Forest.

Lodge Staples John, 64 Regent at, Newtown Stead Si., Carrington st, Mortdale Steel William

' 21 Clubb at, Rozelle

Stevens J., 114a Pitt at Stewart .7. and Co., 121 Bathurst at Stokes J01111, Herberton ave, Hunter's Hit

Contractors coat in ued —

Boberg William, McCauley at, Alexaudria Booth S., 41 j.iiwick at, Redfern Boyd Hugh, 100 Beattlest, Bahnain Brausgrove Robert rd, Baukstown Brignull William, 3 Easton at, Rozelle Brodie Richard, Lane Cove rJ, Turramurra Brown F., O'Connell at, Parratnatta &armlet' Arthur A., 60 Ernest st, North


Clarke It. T., thirds rd, Bankstown Clegg James, 97 Park ave, Ashlield Clifton Arthur, 391 Liverpool rut, Ashfleld Clyde Engineerieg Co., Ltd. (The), Chile

n Works, Graville; Mutual Lite build- lug, Martin place, Sydney

Coates Alfred, Fuller's rd, Chatswood Coates T. W., 10 Susan at, Auburn Colebrook G., Bridge at, Drummoyne Coleman W., Moorneldsol, Canterbury Cook Bros., Crick at, Chatswood Comley William 66 Amkurst st, North

Sydney Cone W. C. and Co., East Crescent at, N.

Sydney Cotterell John, Riverview rd, Undercliffe Couling A. D., Reiby lane Cowell' J. T.& Son, 192 Marion st,L'hardt Cox F. and w ., Oxford at, Burwood Cox and Livesley,Gladesville rd, Hunt. H. Cozens W. Burton et, Concord Creed A. G. P., 119 Pitt at Crompton and Co., Ltd., 56 Margaret at °toucher A. U., 399 Harris at Cruickshank Alex., 1 Jesmond at Dawes Ell, Uni011 St, OrISIVIlle Dean John A., Victoria Chambers, 44

CaAlereagli at Dick, Kerr and Co.. Ltd., 77 King at Duncan Alex., 189 St. John's rd, F. Lodge Dunks Christopher, 100 Beal tie et, Balmain Earnahaw J., 327 Cleveland at, Redfern Eiger W. H., Chapel at, Leichhardt Ellison George, 256 Cleveland at Everett Alex. D., Muriel at, Hornsby Evans IL, 17 Bridge at Ewart J. and Sons, 12 Gordon st Mosumn Fenton and Sons, Broad rd, St. Randwick Ferns IL Sidney, Gt. North rd, Five Dock Fisher Charles, 202 Palmer at Fisher H. B., 57 Holden at, Ashfield Flawith George, Ha yward at, Gladesville Fletcher IL, 16 Marion at, Leiehhardt Flew Thos., 44 Avenue rd, Mosman Foran Thomas, sem, 24 Denison at, IVav'y Fordham C. and Sons, 159 Paddington

st, Paddington Fullagar Colin C., Northumberland at,

Liverpool Furness William, 246 Victoria at Gallagher Edward, 14 Theodore at, B'main Garnett John, Western rd, Parramatta Ghost Captain It. C., 19 Bridge at Gill William, 64 Rose at Gillham J. J.,17 Bridgest Gillman Bert. F., Alexandria ave, E'wood Waling F. W., Ltd., 197-109 Wilson at,

Newtown Gordon W., 397 Cleveland at, Redfern Grace P. R., Condamine at, Manly Grant John & Sons, St. Paula rd, C'down Gray Bros., Ltd., Arbitration at Griffin S., Baltimore at, Bohner° Griffiths L. P., Wellington at

Hocking Bros., off William at, Canterbury Burke John, 250 Oxford st, Woollahm Holloway and Grant, 21 Jamieson st Burke M. Undercliffe rd, Undercliffe Holt Georde B. and Co.' 11 Moore at Burrows J. T., 106 George at West Howie John and Sons. 28 Moore at Came Charles A., 46 Glover at, Mosman Irturgard S., 62 McKenzie at, Leiehhardt Carter 11. C. and Sams, 9 Little Riley at Hughes Bros., Delmore at, Burwood Carter Harry and Sons, 146 Campbell at Hynes James, 30 IVallis at, IVoollahra ()aye George, 74 Alfrad at, North Sydney Hyn • s Patrick, 22 Denison at. Waverley

Mamma' J. G. and Son, II Glen at, Damn I Dilution A , 88 Australia at, Newtown Chap* F. J., 24 Iluilens s t, Bal main Imo ama R., 80 Siland08 at, North Sydney Clark A., Wimbledon at, Five Dock Jebaul F., 9W 0 'ren st, Waverlev

:night W. J ., 22, Junction st, Woollaltra Knox W'. .1., Carlotta at, Gore Hill Lane and Peters, 222 Clarence at Leake II., 147 Park a ye, Ashfleld Leggott .1. S., Longueville rd, Lane Cove Loveridge and Hudson, Cleveland at,

Redfern Lucas S., 173 Underwood at Paddington Lmicombe It., Bourke st, Waterloo McAlpine A., Sir Joseph Banks at, Botany McCaffery J. W. & Co., Alma at, McCarty James, 30 Brown st,Caum'clown McCoy Jobn, 80 Arthur at McClure C. N., J.P., eif Margaret at,

Woolwich McDonald Frank II., 35a Tebbutt at

LeichbanIt McIntyre Bros., Of 14 Jesmond at McLeod Bros., 94 Pitt at, and Leichhardt lIfolets1 W. A; Sons, 67 Castlereagh at McMahon & Cale, Darling Island Ma guire T. H., 179 N.S.H. rd, Padlon Marsh Stephen, 13tirwood rd, Beltnore Martin Cline. It., sen., Glebe at, Paernatta Martin William, Esplanade, Thornleigh Marvel and Gibson, 95 Ourimbah rd. Mos. Mason 5: Yates, 210 George at, Matthews J., 81 Darlington nl, Harlon Mercer Andrew, Condamine at, Manly bfeloy J. Ltd., 35 Pitt at Miley William. Bream at, Cooges Milne John,J.P., Crescent at, Newtown Moore G. W., Duntroon et, HttrIstone Park Morgan Olms., Queen at, Arncliffe Morgan M. T., J.P., Segenhoo et, Anicliffe Morris & Auld, 34 Pitt at Morris James E., Second a ve, Eastwood Morris Robert, 20 IVindsor rd, Petersham Hurt's Dock and Engineering Co., Ltd.,

Balmain Mounsey Wm., 18 Malblison at, Redfern Mulcahy II., Olivia Lane Willey W. W., Gull 'ford rd, Guildford Munro Finlay 16., J.P., 23 Moorgate at Munro James, Petulant at, Parratnatta Murrin James, Agar at, Marrickville Myers Charles. Cook's a ye, Canterbury Nicol IV. G., Second ave, Gore Hill Noller William, 107 Castlereagh at Norton Griffiths & Co.—Joseph Mayoll,

general manager ; 75 O'Connell at Nortou William, McCauley at, Alexandria Nurthen Thos. K., West at, Paddington O'Brien D., Bristol ril, Somerset

Johnston Frank, Hiles st, Alexaudria Jones John, Miliewa ace, Wahroonga Kelly Edward IL, Greenwich rh, Gulch Kevin C J., 44 Carrington at KILNERS LTD., 41 Broadway, Syd.


128 George at west. (See Advt.)

Paynter and Tropman, 35a •Hawthorne- par, Habertleld

Peace E., Paula rd, IVaterloo Pearce Richard, 17 0'001111or at 'erosion Robert G., 33 Fulham at, Itinnore

Pentictett F. W., 100 Windsor st, PloPton Phillips O. W., Eibo rd, Lidcombe Phillis William, 5d Bourke am, Redfern Phippard II., Lorne are, Killen' Phippard Henry, 24 Moore St

PICK WORTH BERT. (late T. Pick- worth), Contnictor ; Estimates given




Convent School, 0.1,S.11., Kensington rd, Herd Charles E., 6 Cast iereagh at Ifacilerntott E. S., Registrar-General's

" Santa Sabina," The Office IfeGarvey W. J., 14 Castlereagh at Bouleverd, Straddle!!!

Good CrossSamaritan


rd , SOWooll Albion

ltrast McINTOSH H. E., J.P., 13.If.A. Chant-

lloly Edgecl, a bers, 32 Elizabeth st, Sydne y . (See ininutonlate Coneeption Convent and business card Solicitm s' t:ectiMn Boarding Scheol Jane at, Hallman Kensinetoe Convent, liensingtum rd, E't 0mm Mackel:zie J. J. IL, 10 Bligh Lora,' Convent, Pennant 11 his rd, Nor- Ifason E. If., Stores Supply Tender Board

NOW' s John, 82 Pi t at Loreltilon tulit});17etilt, 81 Carabelln at, N. Sydney Nobbs .Tolin J.P., IViltisain at, Granville II an -t s ister s Woolwich rd. Woolwich , Parkinson C. E.. Crown Solicitor's Office

Taylor Charles anti Cu., Homer st, Undo • Monte Oliveto Convent, Albert at, W'lithra , Pennington C. A., 62 If tinter at aloun Can t nel, Kellick at, Waterloo [Poole W. Holtegistrar•General's Office

l'holei huillsr(FretlerIck. 89 (,Iliet91 at, W0011;111111 Mottilt St. Patrick's, 49 Gordon at. Parrtall lint/Shard P. 11...1.P., George st, 1"matta Thornten E., Victoria Chatubers,44 Castle- hunt lit St. Bonnard Convent, Lane Cove ol, Itofe P. G.. CO Castlereagh at

reagh at • Shepherd II. W., i; eorge at, Parramatta Todd G. and IL. Allen's rd, Alexandria Novitiate . 1ie iftr the Little Sisters of the Poor, SmitAlloto'orelirsit, Government Savings Bank, Tiald H enry, 1113 A lyn.crom bit at, Redfern Avoca at, Randwick '1'011I1 William, 27-31 Raglan at, Darlinsiton Noo s ing Sisters of the Little Company of Thompson John, hiS EliZaindll at

'TOO/101S A. J., 236 Oxford at, Woollahra hi try , Thomas at, Lewisham Tremlitt George G., 47 Ernest at, N. Sytl. Turner mid Loveridge, The Crescent, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Botany ; ninon W., J.11 , ,,68 Pitt at

Mascot White A. J., 9 Castlereagh at 18 National at, It ozelle Our Lady of Perpetual Succor, Swanson Whiteford W. A., 12 Castlereagh it

Walker It. J., Liverpool ri, Enfield at, Erskineville Ward W. Shions at Presentation Convent (Dourremy), First W m

, Ward William, Barley ril, Itand wick

' 'Waterhouse II., Central at. Nareinburn Saere't‘leffFeaie COOPERS.

;t, rt1,1.1nuter's 11111: Alley & Gartner, William at. Alexandria Wheel‘vright & Alderson, 168 Parramatta Sacred Heart, Vaueluse ri, N'auellise ',Australian Ceoperage Ltd., so Duke

oh. Aslithild. St. Bede's. 26 Oxford at, Newtown Brotchle Bios., W ii haul at, Mascot Whitehouse IL C., Church at, Hunter's Hill St. Brigid's, \Vivienne at. Ilosinan Brumfield IL, St. Peters at Wiggles Henry, 008 Botany ol, Bot tily St. Clare's, Carrington ni, Waverley l'onint, J "o iii%e,ialitt C lt ooperage Ltd., 5 Parson Will It. J. Rua sous, Ltd., Manly Wharf, St. Edward's of the Good Sainaritnii, Aber-


Miuthy crombie at i Dempster G., Renwick st, Redfern LaWf•011 f=t, 1'10,111/WWI/ St. Founds Xavier, Parramattn rd, C'cord !Liggett Bros., 372 Parrainatta ml, P'shain

W Writ's A. A., 3 Avon st, Gle! e St. Joseph's, Forest ol, A rnelille • at Williams George, Ballevne at, Perna matte Williams William, II Mmini at, Newtown 'Williamson W., 14 Hareem tine IV ilson Jas., Rose at, Darlington 'Wilson James E., .1.P., 160-162 Union st,

Etskineville 1Vilson W., 169 Weston rd,Rozelle Wilson William II., 3 Hamilton at 'Woodcock W., 131 Wells st, Newtown Woods John, 113 Pitt at Wright, Heaton and Co., Ltd., 97 Pitt at 'Zoeller C., Burton at, Concord Zoeller C., Buchanan at, itozelle

St. Mary's donvent, Georgtat, Liverpool Julea 0111ce and Showrooms, 83 & 35

St. Magdalene's Good Samaritan, Bucking- Pitt, at, Sydney. Lead told copper

ham at., Blackwattle Bay. (See A dyt St. Mary of the Angels, Rosebank, , alpha Sectioin

Harris rd, Five Dock St. Mary's Star of the Sea, 0.8.11. rd,

STONE WALTER, Carrier, Contrac-tor for Removals and Storage, and Forwarding Auent, Sole Gperator of Booth's "Vacuum" Cleaner of Car-pets, etc., Without Removal, 18 Castle-reagh at, City, 25-35 Cowper at, and Osford at. Waverley.—(See Advt opposite name in Alphabetical)

Strain James, J.P., 37 Leamington are, New

'Stuart Bros., LlteaS St, Camper,lown Sweat ey .1 smiles, Liverpool iii, Bankstown

St. Joseph's, Chapel nil, Baukstown St. Joseph's, Duke at, Campsie St. Joseph'', 34 Collins ol, Annelid:de St. Joseph's, Alice at, Auburn St. Jasseples, Traumere Pt, Drunimoyne St. Joseph's, Woodville rd, Granville St. Joseph's, Ca,liope at, G uild fool St. Joseph'a, Parramatta rd, Granville St. Joseph's Convent of Mercy, Miller st I COPPER BOILER MANUFACTURERS.

North Sydney St. Joseph's Convent, 27 Mount at, N. Syd. GRANE soNs St..los • lill's, Chapel at, Kogarall

St. Joseph's, Gordon rd, itozelle St. Joseplea Willou ghby rd, Willoughby

5 , Rusinuasen C. C. and Co., 10-12 Trinity aye

, Stephenson S., 299 Kent at 'Stuart Robert j au , Moore at, Leichhardt I Thatcher D. and Sons, Gardener's ol,

Mascot I Thatcher Daniel, Tramway st, Mascot


Bethlehem, Bland at, Aslitield Brigidine—Belinore rd, Rand wick Carmelite, Wardell rd, Dulwich Hill Chatawood Couvent, Archer at, Chatswood Convent of the Good Samaritan, Despointes

at, Marrickville Convent of the Good Samaritan, llocky

Po lit rd, Arncliffe Convent of the Good Shepherd, Victoria

at, Ashtlehl Convent of the Immaculate Conception

and Boarding-School, Jane at, B'main Convent of the Maternal Heart of Mary,

Thomas at, Lewisham Convent of Mercy, Forbes at, Newtown Convent of Our lattly of Mercy, Pennant

at, Pan (mate Convent of Our Lady of Mercy, High Hol-

born at Convent of Mercy, Wielgong at, Mosman Convent of the Sacred Heart, 55 Elizabeth

Bay rd Convent of the Sisters of Charity, 76 Vic-

toria at -Convent of the Sisters of II:rey, 127 Har-

rington at Convent of Sisters of Mercy, Mount St

Mary's, Forbes at, Newtown Convent of the Sisters of Mercy, Redfern

st, Redfern (Convent of the Sisters of St. Joseph,

Church at, Lideombe


,COPPERSMITHS. St. IV'o 'ti tt•licollt"'sseConvent, Grosvenor at 1 Denby and Malin, 31 Oxford at, Fannon St. Patrick's Convent of the Sisters of I r, o , 'x end Lawson. Susiex lane

Mercy, 127 Harrington at !Goldstein & Co., 332 Kent at St. Pins' Convent of 51erey, Edgeware I'd, I Hodge and Zlotkowski, 110-110 Sussex at

If arrick ville Jny T. J., 211 Erskins st St. Scholastica Convent, 2 Avenue rd,G'be , Milne Brothers, 164-166 Sussex at Sisters of Charity, Betlinnia, 15 Challis ti re , ,Ifort'a Dock and Engineering Co., Ltd., Sisters of Mercy, Kellick at, Waterloo i thomniti Sisters of St. Joseph, Bondi nil, 'Bondi Nicholson & Foster, 27 Edward st,13alinain Sisters of St. Joseph, Ilissentlen rd, (Now'', Sisters of St Joseph, Church at, Liticombe Star of the Sea, Forest ril, ilurstville I PORTER 0. H. & CO. , 43.45 Druitt st. Sydney, Coppersmiths

CONVEYANCERS. Brassfounders. Furnishers and Ship's Plumbers. Manufacturers of Stills'

Allen Richard, Aust. Chambers, Martin 1,hl Pans and Refrigerators. Tel. 6965 City Bertram Leopold B., 153 Elizabeth at

Cowley Oettivius IV., J.P., 107 Pitt at TAYnLiOniRber,TRiirOashls AnSii,d Cso&peetraniiirt01:: Byrnes Charles E., (Icing's t. Parramatta

Davey Henry G., and Cowley, 107 Pitt at Worker, 176 Sussex at. All kinds of HALLORAN HENRY F. & CO. Steam Pipes, Rails, Still . , Sugar Pans,

Viekery'a Huildiegs, 82 Pitt at. (See Gasometers made and repaired

Mifflin S., State Crown Solicitor's Mee. Turnbull John , J.P., 36 Mayfair at As)tlial' iLleAy John. Sect ion) , Thomns Alfred W.. 212 Castlereagh at

,' Wartl James, Ltd., Bennett place I


SANDS JOHN (LTD.) 374 George at


COPYRIGHT ATTORNEYS. See also Patent Attorneys.

Griffith and Ihtssel, 77 Castlereagh at Hepburn C. G., 90 Pitt at Newton Mantleld, J.P., Challis House,

Martin place

FRED WALSH — INTER-NATIONAL PATENTS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS AND COPYRIGHTS, con George and Wynyard sts. Telephone City 2137. (See Advt. opposite Patent Attorneys)

Spruson W. J., corner King & Elizabeth sts Waters Edward and Son, 67 Castlereagh st

CORDIAL MANUFACTURERS. ' See also .4ernled Water Manufacturers.

Mineral Water Ma»rifact firers.

BA Ltd., 20 Abercrombie at Birch William, 85 Rose st, Annandale Cawsey John and Co., Ltd., Circular Quay Coma Spa Co., Little Hay at Crystal Fountain Co-op. Cordial Co., 7,9

Alfred et, St. Peters Henfrey and Co , 5042 Redfern et, R'fern James Bros. Ltd., IGO Pittwater rd, Manly Long & Barden, 349 Lane Cove ni, North

Sydney and National at, Leichbardt McLaren E. D. H., 260 Lane Cove rd,

North Sydney McLean Malcolm, 693 Botany ni, Waterloo Merchants Ltd., 1-21 Pine at, & at P'mntta Monk's Vinegar Works, Henderson rd,

Alexandria Nicholls' Tasmanian Dandelion Ale Co.,

7-9 Sparkes at, Camperdown O.T. Limited 48 Holt at Oertel C., 27 Renwick at, Alexandria Pocock & Co., 1.3 Mason at, Camperdown Pocock & Co., Lyons rd, Camperdown Richards S., 6 Alexander at, North Sydney


Burns and Little Hay eta, Darling Harbour. Tel. City 316

Schweppes Ltd., 73-77 Foveaux at Sharpe Bros., 13roughton at, Glebe,

Kogarah' North Sydney & Parramatta

Simmons A., Forest rd, Aruclitte Sims William, 82 Garner's aye, Starkey's Ltd., Bridge ni, Statimore Summons and Graham, Dixon at, Parra-

matte, and at Liverpool Syphon Aerated Water Company, Ltd., 639

Elizabeth at Toolley's Ltd., 300 Elizabeth at Tooth and Co., Ltd., 26 George at West Wilee's Cordial Works, 9 Erskineville rd,


COSTUMIERES. see also Dressmakers.

Alexander and Brodziak, 222 Clarence st Alexander Miss B., 107 Castlereagh st Allan Miss N., 112a Sing at Allen and Brown, Rawson place American Costume Co., 171 Liverpool st American Costume Co., Ltd., 2 NIthsdale st Andrews Miss Bertha, 107 Castlereagh at "Armany," 173 Pitt at Atkins & Wright, 250 Military rd, Neu. B. Australian Costume Co., 37 Oxford st Barker 111111 Canals Misses, 136 Pitt st Beattie Miss Mary, 112a King St Bedford Miss G , 130 l'itt Bennett Misses E. and A., 88 King st Mgt; Mrs. G., Carrington rd, Itandwick Bower and MeNeilly Misses, Rocky Pt. rd, -


PANY, Ladies' Costume Milkers (established a Quarter of a Century), 76 Market st (between George & Pitt sts.) Telephone City 0750

Bray Miss P., 635a King at, Newtown Bray Mrs. W., 478a George St Brown Miss, 165 George at Bubb Miss AL, 23 Queen at, Woollahra Buck Miss Alice, 437 Oxford st, Pad'ton Buckley Miss S., 173 Pitt at Burke Miss Johanna, 914 Liverpool st Button Hole Fancy and Theatrical Cos.

tumiere Co., 140 Elizabeth at Caldwell Madame, 190 Bondi rd, Donut Campbell SI ice, Rawson place Carlson Misses, 44 Havelock at, D'moye Case Misses, Rocky Pt. ni, Rockdale Clark Mrs. (1.. 488-492 King at, Newtown Cockerill Mrs. E., 350 George at Cohen and Sons, Ltd., 433-435 Kent at Colonial Skirt and Costume Co., 82

Bathurst st Commonwealth Costinse Co., 119 Walker

at, North Sydney Condon Miss AL, 2a City rd Cone Mrs. E., 90 Elizabeth at west, A'field Commis Miss E., 107 Castlereagh at Coulter Miss, 24 Moore at Cowper Madame E. M., 114 Hunter st Cromer 51. and Co., 222 Clarence et Cunningham Miss 0., 65 Market at Die Madame, 40 Elizabeth at Daley Miss Minnie, 65 Market at Davis 11. L. and Co., 181 George at west Deslandes Madame, 300 Victoria at Divers M., 275 Liverpool rd, Ashfield Doherty Miss A., 170 Victoria at Dominion Costutne Co. Ltd., Wentworth

eve Dowrick Madame. 67 Castlereagh at Duncan Miss D., 19 Knmore rd, Newtowu Durham Mi .s J., 333 Darling at, Hallman Ebeling F. W., 295 lidzabeth at

CORK MERCHANTS. Australian Drag Co., Ltd., 19-21 O'Connell

street Henriques F. A. Ltd. 56 Clarence at La wrence Alfred and Co., 158 Clarence at


Cork Growers and Manufacturers and Importers of Aerate(' Water Machinery, also Manufactnrers and Suppliers of Brewers' Requisites, 123 to 131 Castlereagh at. Telephones City 8685 and 8689

Stallmann and Schaffer, 253a George at

CORSET MAKERS. See also Stay Makers.

Aertex Cellular Underclothing, 76 Market street

Bayer Charles & Co., 56 Market at BORSDORFF AND CO., Manufac-

turers, Importers and Warehousemen agents for the celebrated French " P.D." Corsets, and "Nautilus" Cor-sets, 89 and 89a York at, Sydney. Tuts City 9222 and 3136

Florenz Madame IL, 67 Castlereagh at Glasheen Mrs. E., 360 George st Gover E. & Co., 83 Market at HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS,

LTD., Sydney — (See headlines throughout DIRECTORY)

Hygienic Corset Company LTD.

Manufacturers of Corsets and Corset Sundries, 263 .285 Clarence at. Sydney. 'Phone City 8002


JONES DAVID, LTD., 349, 359 CAWSEY, MENOK & CO., Pro- George st, oppositeG.P.O. Telephone,

prietors and Manufacturers of the 6336 City (16 lines) "New Century " Aerated Water Machinery and Soda Pountain4, Kelly Miss S. Ai., 1066 King at O.K.O. Brand of Cordials. C.51. Coffee Macdonald Mrs. AL, 13 Bathurst st,W'alira Essence, Unicorn Brand Worcester- McGuinness Miss 5I., 24 Moore at shire Sauce, Quinol, l&c., 447 Kent at, O'Connell Mrs. M., Henry at, West Kog. Ss (hwy. Tel. City 4396. Head Office, Pate Madame, 378 Moore Park rd St. Kilda rd, Melbourne Pauline Madame, 285b Elizabeth at .

Polley Madame E., 59 Sydney Arcade HENRIQUES F. A., LTD., Ins- Pretty William & Sons Ltd., 127 York at

porters, Cork Merchants and Brewers' Richardson bliss L., 161 The Strand Engineers, 50 Clarence at, Sydney Sharp E. C. and Co., 60 Castlereagh at

" Unique "Corsets, Ltd., Comme cc Build. Mg's, Liverpool at

Zander W. and Co. 352 Kent at


Lawrence Alfred and (Jo.. 158 Clarence at Slade 0, H. and Co., 304 Kent st



Corn Flour, Maizena and Starch Manufacturers, Layton et (late Church at), Newtown. Tel. LI386. Selling A gents : Swift and Co., 26 .3U Clarence at

Clifford, Love and Co., Ltd., 75 Clarence at

Afunn's Maizena, Propty. 72 Liverpool at Parsons Bros. and Co. Proprietary, Ltd.

321-327 Kent at

Edwards Mrs. A. M., 395 Crown at Jades Miss F.,107 Castlereagh at Blyard Miss E., 39 Church at, Newtown England Miss, 158 Pitt at Farmer and Company, Limited, Victoria

House, Pitt, Market and George sts Fyffe Miss M., 193 Stant/lore nil, P'sliam Galligau Miss M., 465 Elizabeth at Goldsmith Mrs. Mary, 1 Cambridge at,

Etnnore Grace Bros., 1-11 Broadway, Glebe Graham Miss, 170 Pitt at Grant Madame, 67 Castlereagh at Hall Miss G., 1068 King at Hammer. Alis tst, Ill William at Hands Miss A. H., 19 Boulevard's, &field Hannaford Mrs. W., 305 Crown at Hanson and Co., 222 Clarence st Harte Mrs. 1., 61 Market at Harvey Miss Maggie. 110 Bathurst at Hellyer Mrs. A. IS., 554 George at Henderson Miss Alice, 22 The Avenue,

Strathfield Higman Miss M., 350 George at Hoffman Mrs. Mary, 163 George at west Holder —., Rawson place Holmes Silas E., 47 Sydney Arcade Hordes, Misses E. and Al., 101 The Strand

HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS, LTD., Sydney — (See headlines throughout DIRECTORY)

Hordern Brothers, 203 to 211 Pitt at and 422 George at

Howes Ernest, la Hunter at Hutton Miss M., 206 George st west Hughes and Sanderson, Bridge rd, S'field Hunter Street Howes (Ernest Howes), 14

Hunter at Hutchinson Mdm. J.,15 Morris at, Sum. H. lkin Miss Clara, 154 Globe Pt. rd, Glebe Ivers Miss H., 12 Park a ye, Aslifield James Mrs. Lilian, 78 Oxford at James Miss M., 41-43 Sydney Arcade Jesse Madam, 318 Parrantatta rti, P'sharn Jessep M. k V., 53a Darlitighurst rd

JONES DAVID, LTD. 349-369 corner George and Barrack Streets, opposite General Post Office. Telephone 6336 City (16 lines)

Kain Mrs. A., 163 Enmore rd, Entnore Kavanagh Mrs. Alice, 106 King at Kelly Miss, 64 Pitt at Kennedy Miss Kate, 105 Elizabeth at Kennedy Miss N., 187 William at Keshan Miss, 1108 Bathurst at Lane Miss E., 387 George at Lang Mho Ethel, 793 George at Lanzius Mrs. Rawson place Lavery Miss S. E., 24 Moore at Levy P. 344 Kent at Lewis Airs. A., 55 Oxford at, Paddington Lusi Madsme, Park rd. Hurstville Mackel Miss K., 110 Liverpool at Mackenzie Mrs., 209 Q.V. Markets McKew Miss S., Wean at, Paddhegton Mackie AL, 222 Clarence at AioLean Mrs. A. M., 136 Pitt at McManus Mn.s M., 86 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe McNab Miss Mary, 177 William at McNamarra Miss E., 482 George at McNicol Miss, Drown at, Ashfleld McNicol Miss, 1 Hercules et, Ashfleld Maettle Madame E., 89 Mount at, N. Syd. Maillot Miss E., 14 Moore at Malone Miss, 209 Marrickville rd, Alascotte's Fancy Costumes (The), 449

Pitt at 64

Mildred Madame, 107 Castlereagh at Milligan Miss, 63 Sydney Arcade Mobbs Miss's H. and 1. High at, Epping Moodie Miss AL

' 14 Moore at

Morgan Miss 1105 Bathurst at Morpliew Miss Ettie, 60 Queen at, W'alira Morris B. As Co., 176a George at Muller Miss Janet, 130 The Strand Murdock Miss E. AL, 473 Elizabeth at Murray-12101(11e Madame, 358 Parramatta

rd. Petersham Nichol' Sirs. M., 67 Castlereagh st O'Brien Miss M., 218 Oxford at, Pad'tou O'Donnell Misses, Short at, Randwick O'Donnell Miss J. A., 301 Riley at 011ivler Ma riam, 92 Bayswater rd O'Loughlin Miss D., 416 George st O'Neill Miss S., 71 Womerah eve Original American and Skirt Manufactur-

ing Co., 53 Oxford st Pacific Costume Co.. 387 Pitt at Phillips & Wilson Misses, Duke st, Catnpsio Pluck Mrs. J.,35 Junction at, N. Sydney Pond and Pond, 276 Pitt at Quirk Miss Sarah, 188 Williams at Radecki Miss, 67 Castlereagh at Redden and Crotty, 173 Pitt at Eenauf Mies Ruby, 107 Castlereagh at Rie Madame, 928 Pitt at Riley an 1 Borgogni, 63 Crystal at, P'slutm Roberts Misses, 119 Ramsay at, Haberfield Robins Miss Florence, 124 Oxford at Robinson Misses S. and S., 97 Eastern eve,

Kensington Robson's, 136 Liverpool at Rose Miss A. E., 105 Pitt at Bose Jack, 97 George at west Ryan & Pugh Misses, 45 Royal Arcade fialwny Miss E. J., 16Darleyrd, Manly Scott Mrs. W. F., 21 Roslyn Gardens Seiffert Miss A.. 230 Oxfonl et, Woollahra Sharp Miss, 172 William at Shings Misses, Canterbury nil, Canterbury Siddons Mrs. W.. 499 Elizabeth at Slutzkin L. Propy., Ltd., 66. 67 Q.V. Markets Smith Miss S.

' 327 George at

Snashall Miss 11., 380 George at Snelgrove Madame, 10 Alfred at, Milson's

Point Snowball & Stone Ltd., Commerce Build-

ings, Liverpool at South Miss, 136 Pitt at Sparke Silas, 123 Military rd, Mosman Steere Misses, Lavender at, Five Dock Stevens Miss E., 46 Clarence at Sydney Costume Co., 895 York at Sydney Costume Co., 18 Elizabeth at, R'tern Talty Bliss K., 180 Queen Victoria Markets Tamblyn Miss Eadith, 81 Elizabeth at Tartu Costume Co., 191 Liverpool at Thomas Miss, Wynyard st Thompson and Coy., 222 Clarence at Thompson Miss E., 221 Forbes at Thomson Mies 91., 101 Oxford it Tillock Misi M., 80 Bathurst at Tompkins Miss E., 44 Castlereagh at Toombe Mrs. A. J., 236 Oxford at, WoValtra Tilrfler Miss, 874 George at Ward W. E., and Co., Ltd., 47 York it Watt and Skelley, 228 Clarence at Wel -litnt.n Miss, 136 Pitt at Whaley Mrs. Zoe, 237 Victoria at Williams Misses, 459 Oxford at, Pad'ton Willmore Miss Alice, 132 Liverpool st Woodall The Misses, 380 George at Woolley Mimi Ruby, Railway at, O'woo 1 Wright and Lyte Misses, 409 Military rd,

hfosman Wright W. J. and Fox, 428 Kent st "Zenda," 374 George at


LTD.—Geo. A. Barry, Manager, 897 George at, Haymarket, Sydney. Tele-phones City 0598 and 6692. Branches, 178 Church at, Parratnatta, and 88- Hunter at, Newcastle


CARRICK J. & SONS, LTD. (Min. burgle), Cranes and Hoists for all pur-poses, steam, electric and hand ; sole Austrulasian agents, J. E. Toole & Co., Crane Engineers, 70 Hunter st, Sydney. Tel. City 3560

Toole J. E. and Co., crane specialists and engineers, 70 Hunter at


See also Sports Depots. Dodge L. W. and Co., 10 . 12 Hunter at Dye Alfred, 514 Cleveland at Holdsworth, Macpherson and Co., 252-256


LTD., Sydney. — (See headlines throughout DIRECTORY)

Searle James, 316 Pitt it

SIMMONS MICE LIMITED, 720 to 724 George et, Haymarket; 119 King at, City ; 183 Oxford at, 311 King at, Newtown ; 687 Darling at, Roselle Church at, Parramatta, 177 Oxford at, Bondi Junction and hunter at, Newcastle and Edward at, Brisbane —(See Advt. opposite name in Mph-abotical)

CROWN LANDS AGENTS. Carroll James and Co., 19 Hunter at

CURIOSITY DEALERS. 13iggs John, 122 Phillip at Coles O., 47 Castlereagh at Hamilton John, 382 King at. Newtotvit Smith Howard Bros., 9 limiter at TOST AND ROHU—The largest col-

lection un Sydney of Australasian Curios br choose from, 14 Moore at. (near G.P.O.). Tel. City 7098. (See advt. opp. Furriers)

CURLED HAIR MANUFACTURERS. See also Hair Manufacturers.

Andrews R. A., 9 Raper at Lee Daniel and Son, Hollinslied at, Mascot


Shipping and Transport Agent, 17 Loftus at, form. Customs House, Sydney. Agencies throughout the World Tel Oity 1466 and 1467, with Exteaslon Lines to all Depts.; p.r., "Iteyttella," Mitchell at, Greenwieli

Creighton and Seeders, 5 Bulletin place Cridland Frank Ltd., 100 Clarence at Elliott & Itylands, 25a Pitt at Fairland 0. A., 5 ) Fl it at Fitzgerald St sties mid Co., 28 O'Connell it. Ford, Adams and Co., 8 Young at




Whymark D. and Sone, Celitml rtve, Mos. Whymark W., 20 Stafford it, Stamnore Whyte Mr,s, II., Castlereagh it, Liverpool WIIIIItinS Alfred J.. 1 Short it, Ismislimic Williams Janie+, Iliawarra rd, Mae vine Williams Killion, Baker it, Enfield Wilson James. Cavendish st, Concord Wilsou James, Aleek's al, Ilarrickville Wilson James, Warren nil, Marriekville Wright George H., Balmoral live, liosailale• Wright John, Carroll at, Kogarah Wright %V. G., Bourke al, A lexiinili•ia Wyatt Alfred, IIiirp at, Caliteroury

DAIRY MACHINERY IMPORTERS, ANIL Milking Machine Co., 1.111, 343'

Koot at Andersson .1. II, and Cg., 228 Clarence at BALTIC SEPARATOR COM-

PANY LTD., 317 Sussex street, Sydney. Household Hail I and Power Separators, Illinois, regain-kers, °milers, Vat a, Cans, etc.

BELL JAMES AND COY., Suppliers of Onlry and Batter Factory Mullins- cry and Requisites. Sole Agents, "Simplex " Combined Churn and Butter Worker, Batch Pastearisers. 377 Swaim it, Sydney. Tel, 3803 City

Cherry &Sons Proprietary LIMITED

281 SIISSItt St., afrinnfooturers of Butter Factory mid Dairy Appliances. Agents Tor eDonio" ()ream Separators, Cliorne, Butter Cutters, %Yorkers, and Cheese -Milking April lances, Tele. Phone, City 38011.

Co-operitive Dairy Factor! s' Supply House, 2511 Kent it

DIABOLO SEPARATOR CO. LTD. ' Aberdeen II wise. 2'J4 Clarence et, Syd-ney. Box 102 0.P.O. ; Tel. City 6096, Dinholo Separators, Dlaholo Churns. Hone 'es S • parators, Punip Separa-tors, Alnx Milking Machines, Oil Engines, etc.

Gone Milking Machines and Patent Automatic Milk Releaser Attachment. Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Agents for N.S.W., Queensland, Vies thrill, South Australia and West Australia. Srdney Depot, Miller's Point. Tel. day 0120 to 11427. (See Advt. opposite Title Page)

00111111edoi .1. raid Co., 22 to 28 Wilson it, Newtown

Lawrence A. J. & Co., Ltd., 210 Kent at Lister Cream Separator—Dangar Gear°

and Go„ agents, 9 to 13 Young at

Ilillar Wade king Apparatus Ltd., 41) Elizabeth it

Simplex Milk Machine Co., Ltd, 0 Castle-reagh at

DAIRY PRODUCE DEALERS, See also Proditer Dealers awl Mereliontr.

Buochus Ilarsh Concentrated Si ilk Co. Ltd., I Bond it

Berrien: DistrIct Dion Rad Dairy 0o.„ Ltd., 401 Sussex it




Customs Horne donde coatiourar.— YULLER CARRYING CO, LTD.

38 Carrington st, Sydney. 'Phone 81101 City

Hammon Board & Co., 19 Bridge at IL okay and Austin, S Loftus it

HORWOOD it CO., 34 O'Connell it, Sydney, W. S. (4. Harwood, manager, Costar], house Brokers and Slopping Agents. 'Pei., City GOO and 6077

-Hutchison A. J. nod Co., 24u Pitt at

JACKSON & JUCHAU Customs Agente, Forwarding Agenhe Carriers and Free Stores, 24 Young st, City. Tel., City 4101

'Rain Henry. 55 l'itt et Renick E. M. and Co., 1115 Pitt st Kelly A. J. M., la Loftus at Levy mid Payne, 38 Pitt it List, Veil:Mine and Co., S Wound at Ifeerae n1111 Bill, II Macquarie Ellice McMahon J. IUD I Co., 11 . 13 Loftus st Madden D. A. and Co., 19 Bridge st Moles:rued: E. W., 3 Macquarieplace Moore h. 0„ 164 The Strand Moss George. 13 Lot tos st

PERMEWAN, NICHT AND COMPANY, LIMITED General Carriers, Forwarding, Oils. tome, Shipping and Commission Agents and Prude el: Merchants. Branches awl Agene1US throngliont the World. Chief 0111ce for 1113.W., 12-14 Loftus at, Sydney Telephone/1, General Calico am/ Manager, City 9126 9127 and 0128

Pike Thomas .1., 31 Pitt st Preston Arthur, 55 PIG at „Rapid Freight Despatch Co., Ltd., 98 Clar-

ence st Rogers C. S ,I; Loftus st Rudder's Ltd., 42 Fitt it Simpson N • 71 SIISEOX St

.SmEth John, 17 Loftus at STONE WALTER, Carrie; 18 Castle

reagli it, City, and 28-36 Cowiwr it and Oxford st, Waverley—(See Advt.oppo- site mune ill Alpha.)

SUTTON AND CO., LIMITED— /ay (knees and Store I7u st north, Circular Quay. See Advt. opp. Garters)

Valuer °harks B. & Co., Ltd., Moore it

WALL GEORGE. 18 Loftus it. Tele- phones, City 9879 and 9871

Woolcott V. B., 28 CaCklunell it Wright, Heaton nail Co., 114., 07 Ph t st Young's Onstelne Baggage Agency, 5 Mac.

triode place

HORDERN ANTHONY it SONS LTD., Sytthey. — (See headline throughout DlltfigTortV)

Maminatt W. and Sons, 03 York at

, Ciumlinh Elijah, Centennial a ye, Inagryllie s Clark Mrs, S., 31 Halloran at, Leiehhanit

Clarke le, Third ave. Gore II ill• Clementson C.. Carlotta at, Gore Hill Clembison C. T., Hanover it,' Gore Hill Gloat H. J., Woodville al, (41 idl y II le Colless Charles, Dan it, Enfield Collett A. IL, , Peanant at, 1"matta Culver Frank, Fidden's Wharf rd, Lkitleld Com/glom liegh, Toelle at, Roselle • Cook John 11„ Parrainattii rd, Durwood Cooney Bros., Macpherson it, Motown, Cooper Bros., 187 Livingstone nil, Cooper Arthur, Halligan it Marriek Ole Cooper William, Lily it, EntleId Conte W., Longuernle rd, Longneville Cronin Peter, Liverpool rd, Hi, riehl Curie John, Ross it, Parr:mint ta Darmody .1. NV., Adderly st, Lideombe David-on A lexamier, Bel more nil, P howl Davis W,, Woodville ril, Ihinkstown Dickle M., Campbell it, Little ()"ogee Dick ion Bow., Sola.41/11 nl, Eastwood Dickean Lawrence, Princes ,t, Myna Dobson Ilrs. A. E Ryae al, Ii v i i Ille Dobson Airs. El17,11, Beauchamp rd, Botany Dahl Fred rick, 137 1V hire st, L'harilt Donnelly J., 5 Spring it, Waverley Donovan NI., Resebery rd, Einem Durally Hugh, Old Prospect rd. Weld:vine Dorally J. W. C.. Kissing l i t. ri, Ityiliihn. Douglass ILO., Stanley al, Panay Dinikley A., 5 Alfrel at, St. Peters East IL. Hyde rd, fiordMI Elliott G., Iland at Banich . 11 le 1Illiol t George, Riverview nl, Undcrcliffe Palmy John, Stacey it. Bankstown Farraway Edward, Eviulda it, Entleld Farrington Frank, Croydon rd. Croydon Find ks J. It . Romer at Caul en. ary It itzsimmoi 5 Patrick, Oliver at, Cwood Flint Edward A., Albeit st, Botany Flynn II., Pooch owl ar, Enfield Forrest E. K., Go nano at, For ., t or Francis, 3Inirinwris re, Wilverley Prater It. IL, Ilya 0 al, Willoughby Fo g Andrew, Ferndale et,0 ran vilar Frost .lidni, Ira train it. Concord ft emboli h., Cliff it, Parramatta

TI10111IIP, PatrIck St, Hurstvire rarliek It raiik, Moore at, Hurnvillo

Garlick J., 12 George it, Ltichluirdt Gar \rock Robert, Clyde st, Granville lIblos John, Paid's al, Waterloo

Olbson George W., Gordon aro, Gran vii he Gilroy John bikini/in et,•Slierwood Gordon .1aIIIPF, Floss at, Harlitone Park Gorman M., Oxford st, Mortilale Got Lich II., Thomos St. Parramatta Cow II. W., Salisbury r,I, Willoughby C4riges Mary, Intro at, Grindley Edward W , Ken to st,C mnvilIe Goy W. J.. Bettie it, Rockdale Harbor I.. J., Botany it, itimdklek Ilaii whim P„ Wilihun et, WavorIey Hardakur Robert. ()Id Botany rd, Mascot Harding John, off 400 31iller at, Nth. Syd. Hargreaves 0. 3., Clyde at, Croydon Park Harvey G., Macpherson at, Waveriey Darrey Hobert, 5 Wallace st, Wavorley Hastings John, 2 Station at, Petersham Hayes 51rs. 31,50 Whey at, Wavcrley Haynes Jessie, Chalmers al, Hontebosh Heffernan Mrs. II., Robey it, Mascot Hilton Mrs. Mary, Atkinson it, Liverpool Hilton Win., of Illa warm ol, 11norebank Hodges John, Gardener's lane, Mascot Hogan John, Chisholm at, Greenwleh Hogan Wm., Factory it, Granville Holden )lichard, ernes it, Nov/nth Holmes Alfred H.. Victoria par, Sherwood Hopkins George, Glen it, Marriekvil Hough M elmel W., Auburn at, Auburn lio want James, Croydon rd, 11 nrstethe

Hull Reuben, Monatford at, Guildford Humphreys Thos.. off Ifuorebnid: aye,

• Mom-cheek Hygienic Dairies, Ltd., 89 Pitt et, awl

Major Bay rd, Concord Ingrain James, Parramatta ril, Ryde Jounce). Mrs. E. 1., Stony Creek rd, Bexley Jersey Dairy Co. (The), Old Canterbury

ril Joffe lD,P, 4e 64firsOlirrafloilid at, Paddington Jones William H., Caintuaray rd, North

Sydney Kelley 3 sines, 134 Eklgeoliffe al, Woollahra Kelly NI., lichnoro al, Dahnorton Kennedy John, Longueville al, LOnctiville Kennerilide Ci., Carnarvon st, Auburn Kenney Mrs, Sarah, Sutherland it, Mascot Kershaw Themes, Clan/vine a ye, Sant:tin Kidd nue iteanlen, Lawson it, Roselle Kidd Jobn, 51 Elliott it, Hail/min !flaked° Henry, 27 Crescent at, Roselle Kinkade Lan, Moore st, Leiehhardt Lambert Wm., 103 Alicii it, Leichhardt Dimond James, Hooky Point rd, Amen fie Land J. W , Murrivene rd, /perky Langdale John, 111 Allen it, Leichhardt Leek George, Osborne al, Normanharst Lloyd and Arlen Provinoial ril, Lindfle1d Lookwood Mrs. S., St,George's par, Hv itie Lodge Mrs. S., Ohl Botany rd, Mascot Lenard Arthur, Wiley's nee, Lakernhe Lonergan J., of Botany al, Waterloo Loosemore Win. G., 51 White et, Lim& Lohy William. King it, Mascot Lysol] Mrs, Thomas, 2 Ilorrulf at, Nrabra IleCarroll James, 357 Catherine st,Llianit TleCorinnek L., Park al, Willoughby McDonald John, Graham at, Letdown/re Ninekeuzie F. A., J.P., 169 Bondi ni, Bond! McKenzie Tom, North of, Eastwood MaLardy J. Q: Son, Stony Cheek rd, Pymb McNamara EL, 108 Arthur at, MarrickvIlle McNamar° T., Willison nil, West Roger-all NIcQunde Henry, 78 Hewlett at, Waverley Madill Bros., Cumberland ml, Auburn Maher Mrs. Mary, 5 Hansard st, Waterloo Maker William, ii Huston rd, ANIria Midway P., Wurriugn al, N, Sydney Mangan D., Cambridge at, Peakiiiirst Manly Dairy Co., 70 Corso, Nlanly Martin Edward. Young at, Hyde Martin Harry, Witham par, Penshor.t Martin John J., 57 Meek's al, Martin W11111011, 39 Laurence at, ablrla Irani') William, Murray rd. Beeerof t Mintoreon W7, O., Wender:: rd, Bliikehurst Matthews Samuel, Durwood rd, Enfield /Nand IL, Morrison rd, Hyde Melvin Si., Botany et, thirst y Ilk Miller C. N., High it, Willa lighby Monaghan P. J., Augusta it, Hoineloush Moore E. W., off Condamine et, Manly Moorefield Bros., Ness ave, Dulwich Hill Morehead Bros., Tennyson et,Dul. 11111 Moyes 1'. R, Storey Creek rd, Hurst:411e Mullein° Mrs. M., Canteron rd, Pymble Ilona\ William and Son, Oberon st,/1' wick Munro John A., Talbot and Belivicw its,

St. Peters Murphy. I. rough P., Croydon ra, Irvine Nefigan James, Cook's live, Canterbury Nond John, Varna it, Randwlok Nom/ Sydney, 14 Varna it, Wanaley Norquay Mn,s J. E,, Wood it, Chatswood O'Brien Timothy, Lower Forth st,Wlahra O'Halloran Mrs. M., St. George's parade,

urstviile Oliver Reginald H., 127 Church it, West

Croydon 011aitaii George, Merrylands rd, Holroyd Othan Allele. William at, OnmeIlle O'Neill Conant it, Mascot Osborne T., 215 Sydenbrun rd, Marriekville

Palmer Aroldhalil, Mount Auburn rd, Lidoombe

Parker F., O'Neill st, Brightnii-leRands Patterson James, Forest rd, Peakharst Peel John, Raven it, Hyde Pepper Jame s A., Jersey p 1, Wntw.theille Petersen E. A, Kuring-gai:Ohase nl,

Thunman-a Phillips William A., Great North rd, Five

Dock Playford Mrs. L„Northeoto st, Canterbury Poole and Watson, Marlon it, Bankstown Porter John Si., Rocky Pt. al, Kogarall Power .Tamee, Marlborough rd. N to-graham Prospect Dairy Co. — W. Solomon 74

Church at, Pan-matte Pyirsciit Jos., oft' Croydon live, C i tron Park Quinn Mrs. B., 'Pinola it, Waterloo Quirk James, West Botany rd, Rockdale Itatterry Owen, Tambourine Bay ril, Lane

Cons Reeves .7., Bateman's nil, Glailesvilie Renshaw Joseph, Kuririg.gai-Chase rd,

Torrannirra Reynolds W., 18 Harnett at, MarriokvilIe Richardson Frank, 33 Blenheim it, Wav'y R iley Mrs. A.. Letitia it, Oatloy RIxon Bessie H., King it, Dun Ins Hassell Mrs. R,, Parrannitta rd, Flee Dock Russell William, Great North rd, F. Dock Ryan Philip, O'Sullivan rd, Rose Bay Ryan Mrs. Thomas, Botany at, Hanes/111e Solway Jim, Orphan School nil, PI:natal Smell Walter H., 25 liewlett at, Wav'y Schofie - d G., West Botany nil, Arnoliffe Soholes Mrs. E., Peel at, North Bondi Sharp Alfred, Boundary it, Ilmillwlek Sharpe Herbert L., Carrington rd, Iliwiek Shelley W., Lakemba it, Li, kemba Shepherd mid Cartwright, O'lliordan at,

Ateximdrill Shields S., Caste Hill al, Pennant Hills Shipley 1'., Queen's rd, Short William '1%., Beaconsfield at, South

BankstoWn Single 11. 11. and E. U., Fowler's aye,

Guildford Smith A. A , Bond's al, Punchbowl Smith George, Flavelie at, Concord Smith Harry, of Terry it, Botany Spring Mrs. (I, Bay st, Rockdale Steer Frank, 5 Carrington it, Summer H. Stuart-Hogg '1'. %Water it, Enfield Sullivan R., 8 kinstrong st, North Sydney Sweeney Bros., Ciondiunine it, Manly Taylor George, Rocky l'olot ril, Kogarali Thomas Sirs. A., Robert at, Cmiterbin y Titania, John H., Parkes it, Ityde Thomas W. J., 120 Swacson it. ErskinvIlie Thompson J. dr Sons, Pennant Inns al,

Normauhlugt Thornton C., Pork st, Sans Saudi Tisdell Albert, Alexandria st, Wertmend Tobin James, Condamine st, !dully Tooliey rd, W. Regrind' -Fournier John, May st, Hunter's 11111 Trevennr Mrs. S., Milton at, SO,. Ashrleld Varldel Louis A., Margaret st,Belmore Von Doinieux Geo., 14.5,11 rd, Vauclasn Wade Ernest, Chiswick rd, Auburn Walker Moses, West Botany r,I, Rockdale Walker Robert 0, Harris rd, Five Dock Waller Ent, L., Lower Forth et, Nridtra Warden Albert, Wiley'sare, Lakemlia Warner .1., Eilinbugh rd, Willoughby Warner John R., High it, Willoughby Watts W., North nil, Eastwood Webster Charles, Tower st, East Hills Walla W. and Son, Easton rd, Alexandria Wheeler Ernest, 60 Ocean it, North Bondi White EL, Eddy al, Cliatsworal WhItellunit J., Brighton at, Enfield White/Oust S., JAL, Joynton aro, Wattle° Whittaker W., Botany rcl, Waterloo

MARTIN. HALL & CO., LTD. (itheffiehl, Eng.), Manufacturing Silversmiths, Electra Platers, awl Cutlers. 16ri Ciistlernigh it, Sydney

Milburn it. T. rind Son, 29 Goolburn II Miran S., 235 Ells I both it - National Saw and Cutlery Works, 105

Elisabeth it. Redfern Owen Thomas, 519 King et, Ne:vlown RESLAW, GREEN AND CO.

(reprotonting G. Wolstenliolin and Son, Ltd„ Sheffield), 163 Pitt at, Syd- ney. Tel. City 1117

Richt A. & E., 50 Market it Shaw Henry F., 277 Pitt it, Anil 92

Bathurst It - Sheffield Cutlers, 176 Pitt it

SHIRT S. T. & SONS Manufacturing Cutlers MA Grinders. Lova Mowers TI Speciality, 3 Central it, Sydney. Tel. 674 City

Teewee awl No:rhui. 90 Q.V. Markets Wain John, 03 York at Walker and I fall, 416 George at Webster ma I If onloa, 1758 Pitt et

DAIRYKEEPIRS. A1/11111A Wm. F., William la, Enfield Allen George 11., James st, Rockdale Ainery ConstitaGoo ri, Meadowlarkilk Anderson Bros„ Gore et, Greenwich Anicornhe Moues, it, Waterloo Awell F., Cabarila rd, Mortlake Arens Gerard, Henry et, Five Dock Aroney N., Orange Grove rd, Liverpool Atherton John, Chisholm rd, Auborn Ayre William 11., off Euston r,l , Kdria hued 'his Marsh Coneristratel Milk Co.,

Ltd., I Bond it Ball Georde, I lay it, Botany bode A.,Siwk rifle it, Bexley Bearer Mrs. A., Franklin it, Sherwood Beek haus .7., 90 Hubert it, Leichlirtalt Bell J. 31., 140 Ernest it, North Sydney Belt James, Green's ave, Dundee Bennett NV. IL , Clarence it, Behnore Best Mrs., Carey at, Rsindwick Be elm N , Upper Spit al, Minium) Billet James O., May st, Manirkville Black William. CiinWrIntry rd, Canipsie Boyd IL, Wellington st, Mascot Boyle Santee

' Marsden rt. firmington

Brady Wm., Enston nl, Alexandria Brady William, Y ardley a • e, Wuhan: 13reen J., Eases at, Epping Breen J., Maloney at, Ila cot Breen Thomas, Sutherland al, Epping Brooks G. E., Ye alley a ye, Waitnm Brown Herbert, Wilson rt. Botany lkownlee Jaines,47 White at, Leiehhardt Buchan William, Coogee it, Blind wick Buchan Willinin, Carrington rd, Itandwiek Buckley Mrs. K., Botany al, Alexandria Britian° H. A., 309 Belmont at, Abiria Burnett Thomas Arthur it, Granville Byrne Thomas, sifl Hannah it, Ileeeroft Campbell John H , 131 Violent: it, Cannon M., 93 Henrietta at, Waverley Carpenttr John, Cambridge at, Penshorst Catton A. 70 George at. Lelebharrit Chandler R. II., of Canterbury rd,Campsie

luippelow Mrs. D., Arnellffe rd, AnielIffe

CUTLERS. See alas Iroomonge re.

Baker NV, John, 3 limiter it Bell if. Arthur, 250a George it Chectinni and Sour, 237 Elizabeth it •Grace Bros.. Ito II Broadway, Globe Green J., 374 Oxford et, Paddington



Approved by Public Works Deportment, N.S.W. ECONOMICAL, DURABLE AND EASY TO LAY.


"ORMONOID" is made by an entirely new process, is the most economical and has the most thorough damp - resisting properties known to science. Guaranteed not to run with heat or


"ORMONOID" BLACK ENAMEL Is a true and guaranteed rust

preventer. Nothing " just as good" on the

market. Motorists will find tyre and tube bills greatly lessened by applying a coat of "ORMONOID" Enamel to the rims. Applied to mudgards will prevent

them rusting. No heat required. Ready to apply.

No sediment. "If all the world were a ring of gold ORSON would be its


R. W. LLOYD co CO. Auto Phone L1976. 25 TRADE ST., NEWTOWN, N.S.W.

P. A. C. BATES. Sole Agent. for N.S.W., 387 George St., Tel. City 4590.




Dunn Arthur, 12 Wood's lane Dunn J. J., 506 Kin g at, Newtown Edwards Joseph, 346 Edge ware rd, N'town Einersen Bros., Munro at. North Sydney Essermsn Joseph, 153 Bathurst at Exalt Charles .1., 40 Botany rd, Alexandria Feldheim Joseph, 188 Elizabeth t Fine Phillip, 51 Goulburn at Fischer T., 105 Liverpool at Fitz Harry, 287-291 Crown st Freeman 0., 326 Bourke at Gale James, 651a King at, Newtown Goodwin Henry, 195 Crown at Grace Edward, 41 Regent at, Redfern Grace John L., 264 Oxford at, Parton Green Barnett, 32 King at Green John E., 488 Riley at Green John T., 710 Botany nI, Alexandria Gregory Mrs. R., 45 King at. Newtown Guest George, 29 King at, Newtown

william IL, 128 Church at, Parramatta Haines Harry, I A Hon at Hall John, 17 Enmore rd Newtown Haws= Mrs. Lucy 99 Quarry at Hare and Abrahams, Short at Harmer W., 179 Devonshire at Hutton James, 99 Regent at Hay Mrs. E., 26 Glebe pt. rd, Glebe Hayes Mrs. Eliz., 25 King et, Newtown Himmelferb Charles, 329 Sussex at Ffingston Frederick P., 189 Regent et,

Redfern Hingsteu N. C., 502 King at Newtown Howes George, 466 Crown at Hunts-20 Upton at Hunt Mrs. Francis, 90 Wentworth ave. Hutchins Miss Matilda, 432 Elizabeth at Jones H. E., Sydney rd, Granville

Dairy Produce Dealers continued- Bodalla Co., Ltd., 229 Sussex at 'Cochrane and Co., 74 Liverpool at Dalgety and Co., Ltd., 16 Bent at Farmers' and Dairymen's Milk Co., Ltd.—

S. 11. Oates, manager. 666 Harris at Foley Bros., Ltd., 359 Sussex at and 29

Lane Cove ril, North Sydney

NEW SOUTH WALES FRESH FOOD AND ICE COMPANY, LIMITED—G. A. Hodson, Man-ager, 25 .33 Harbour at. Branches at 92 and 94 King et; and at North Sydney. Summer Hill, Waverley, Strathfield, Marrickville, Manly, Mos-man, Balmain, Chatswood and Auburn

New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., 38-40 Bridge at and 381 Sussex at


DAMPCOURSE (It. W. Lloyd ft Co.), Office and Factory, .25 Trade at, Newtown. Sole Agent for N.S.W., P. A. C. Bates, 387 George st, Sydney. Sole Manufactnrers, Made in Austra-lia Tel. L1976. (See Advt. above).

DEALERS. Bee also respective headings under which

they trade. Abrahams and Wildams, 75 Cleveland at


Abrahams Alfred, 105 Liverpool at Anchor Mary, 33 Erskine at Anderson Mrs. Margaret, 169 Relent at

lied fern Archer C., 379 Elizabeth st Arymovitcch Hyman, 139 Regent at., Morn Asher Solomon, 67 Holt at Barnet Aaron, 97 Liverpool at Barnett Harry, 60 Oxford at, Paddington Briljamin Henry, 341 Elizabeth at Blackmore George E., 28-30 Norton at Blanchard E., Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Bonus WIlliam, 3 Aylesbury at, Newtown Brentnall and Spencer, 40 Corso, Manly Bresinski Benj., 432 Oxford at. Paddington Brouston Alexander, 279 Crown at Brown Mrs. Mary A., 571 King at, N'town Canhain John, 475 Kin g at, St. Peters Casey Mrs. Agnes, 626 Darling at, Rozelle Chahnowitz Martha, 639 Darling A, Roz. Clark William, 110 Regent at, Redfern Clarke George, 580 Darling et, Rozelle Cohi n IC., 26a Erskine at Cohen Frederick, 92 Regent at, Redfern 'ohm Myer J., 267 Parramatta rd, LW& Connors Thomas, 560 Parramatta rd, Pet Crawford G. A., Bridge at, Stanmore Cooper Mrs. Cecilia, 396 Elizabeth at Cruise Miss N., 52 Oxford at, Paddingtou Curtis A., 190 King at, Newtown Outtriss Edward, 170 I itt at . Davies J. A. G., 5 Little Riley at Dawson D. G., 193 Regent at, Redfern Diplock Jerrold, 23 Barlow at • Dixon T. A., 121 Oxford at, Paddington Domeny Dan D., 390 King at, Newtown Donovan Michael, 699 B urke at Duggan James, 22 Goodchap at

Kelley A. P., 155 Regent at, Redfern King J. H., 413a King at, Newtown Lorin Abraham, 80 1 evonshire at Lee H. & Co., 369 Oxford at, Paddington Leo William, 428 Sussex at Lewis Mrs. Kate, 38 George at, West Libation May, 86 !regent at. Redfern Loffman Mrs. Sarah, 153 William at McCabe James, 33 Railway pa ., Wyllie McCabe James, 32 Sydenham rd, M'ville MeRmald Ern..147-149 Mitchell rd, kdria Machin Edward, Botany rd, Alexandria McKeown Mrs. M., 110 Miller at Malouf J., 21 Barlow at. Mandelberg Mrs. A., 108-110 Castlereagh at Mapstone George, 249 Henderson rd,

Alexandria May George, 10 High Holborn A Mayne George, off 117 Liverpool at Middleton Miss Janet, 237 Darling at,

Mitchell Harry, 128 Bathurst A Mitchell Myer, dealer in left. ofT clothing,

131-145.147 Bathurst at Mudge W.. 1I2i Glebe pt. rd, Glebe Murphy Mrs. A., 324 Burton t Murphy D. D., 253 Crown at Myers J., 16 King at Newland J. & Sons, 142-144 George at west Newland John, 114 Liverp:.ol Newman William, 116 Riley at Norris Jas. E., 193 Parramatta rd, Aii'dale Oldhain .7. B, 102-106 King at, Newtown Baltic Samuel, 8 Campbell at


Are now used In every class of business BECAUSE THEY ARE A GUIDE and SECURITY TO COMMERCIAL MEN I

Investigate at 374 . GEORGE STREET.

Panchen E., 729 Bourke at Patmoy Max. 271 Crown at Pedetnota, Frank, 51 Liverpool at Pedemont J., 145 Liverpool rd, Ashfleld Perlman Mrs. R., 87 Sussex at Terse & Newman, 377 Lane Cove r,1, Nth.

Sydney Peterson C. V., 6 Henderson nil, Alex'dria Powell Miss H., 139 King at, Newtown Power Mrs. Ruth, 784 Abercrombie at Puckeridge Mrs. Margaret, 479 Harris at Rapaport Charles, 222 Castlereagh at Roberts T. H., Rooky pt. rd, Articliffe Robinson Frederick, 133 Campbell at Robinson Frederick, 44 Commonwealth at Rosner Jack, 194 Elizabeth at Rugg Mrs. L., 69 George st west Russell Richard, 18a Griffin at Sampson Mrs. Sarah, 193 William at Savage J.. 26a McKenzie st,Leichhardt Sawyer George, 97 Goulburn at Simmons S. C.,46 Bulwarra Simon Benjamin, 45 Junction et, N. Syd Smith William E.. 22 Rainfonl at Solomon Samuel, 104 Devonshire at Sturgeon Henry W., 70 Marlborough at Swain F. J. & Co., 142 Regent at, Redfern Thorpe G., 414 Elizabeth at

Tune Henry A., 506 Elizabeth at Usher Mrs. Fanny, 173 Crown at Vivash W. F., 21 Park at Wainwright Geo., 562 King st, Newtown Whack G., 89 Blues pt rd, North Sydney Woolf M., 112 Bathurst at Wyatt Mrs. Mery, 281 Crown A


Account Collection Specialists

RUSSELL-GIRVEN Mercantile Agency

Principals : A. C. RUSSELL (A.F.I.A.) Az C. W. OARVEN,

Bull's Chambers, 14 Moore st., Sydney. Most Experienced Collection

Men In Australia. A

Prompt Collections nnd Re- mittances Guaranteed.

Telephone City 6169.

Australian Traders' Co.operative Associa-tion, Ltd.—T. Breen. manager, Phoenix chambers, 158 Pitt at



Sydney Stook Exchange Building, 113 PITT STREET.

COLIN F. VENN BROWN, PRINCIPAL Tel. City 8224. Box 583 G.P.O.

City Mercantile Agency (THE)

Collecting and Adjuetments—William J. Toot, Mimi ger, 16 Temple Court, 81 Elizabeth at. near King at

Commercial Defence Avocia'n, 923 Pitt at

DUN R. G. & CO. Proprietors of The Mercantile Agency —J. Neill. Barclay, (J.P. for Victoria and Queensland), General Manager for Australasia and New Zealand, Challis House, Martin place (sec Advt. on fore edge of DtitttarOttY)

Harper Mercantile Agency, 173 Pitt at Luinsdaine Collection and General Agency,


ASSOCIATION, LIMITED — John Gibbs (J.P. Queensland), Managing Director: S. J. Douglass, J.P., Secretary, Gibbs' chambers, 7 Moore et, and at Newcastle — (See Advt. In Country Section)

I Miller-Musgrave Mer- cantile Agency (The) (John Miller and %William Miller), No. 6, 7 end 8 Stock Exchange Building, 113 Pitt st, Syduey. Tel. City 2859

Mott and Co., 19a ElizabAll at

STRONGE & ELIDE (Mercantile Professional and Trade Agency) Accountants, Collectors, Inquiry and Financial Agents, 72 P.O. chambere, 114a Pitt at, Sldm,ey. Tel. 1966 City.

DECORATORS. See also Painters.,

ALTHOUSE GEIGER 117 Bathurst at, and rear of 581 George st, Sydney. Int, nor Decorators, Painters, Paperhangers, Sign mid Banner Painters, Glass Silverera, Gilders and Embossers, Grainers. Corn- potent 3Ien sent to the Country. Telephone City 8105

Atterton and Co., 234 Castlereagh at Babalinski .1. F., Fletcher at, Bondi Bartlett Bros., 296a Pitt at 13owron and Fuller, 12 Flieders at Carter Alfred and Cu., 249 Castlereagh at Cattier Edward, 19 Grosvenor at, Neut. Bay Chapman J. (4. & Son, 14 Glen at, Bondi City Writing and Decorating Co., 12

Dailey at Cook Bros., 139 Walker at, N. Sydney Crisp Bros., 134 Pitt at Corral, J. it J., Marian at, Dare A. and Son, 9 Cnstlereagli at Downey •r1105.. 27 Forbes at, Newtown Evans H., J.P., 484 .486 Parramatta rd,

Petersham Gray Arthur, 171 King st, St. Peters Green 311IIICS, Segenhoe:st, Amain (Dice B. J. and Co., 56 Hunter at Haynes and Tittle, Sloper eve, Ken'ton Johnson A. K., 116 Redfern at, Itedfern Koch F., 241 Military rd, Nfosman Leach lime., William it, Turramurra Lyon, Cotticr and Co., McLachlan eve and

166b William at Lyons and NIcEwen, 6 Loftus at McLeish George, 82 King at Nlayliew G. and Co., 55 William at Miller Henry, 62 Plunkett at, Drummoyne Miner Edward J., Izitte Cove rd, W'roonga Morrison C., 170 William at Nicholls A. and Co, Gordon rd, Gordon Nunn J. F., Gordon rd, Lindfield O'Connor J. A.. 3 Spit rd, Afosnian Parkin W. J., 131 Itutliven at. Randwick Peattleld W. awl Son, Railway par,

Kogarah Perrott James, 107 Castlereagh at Reynolds it Charlick, 34 Telford at, Glebe Rochester .1., 6 Dover at, Summer Hill Rousel Henry, 36 Oxford at Sandy James & Co. Ltd., 326 .328 George st Skelle T. K., 17 Dudley at, Wavei ley Steel Frank, Brown at, Asliflehl Stevens James, junr., 114 Burton it Wornhatn W. W, N.S.H. rd. Rose Bay Yewdall William, Mimosa et, Bexley



DENTISTS. Abrallems Vivian W., 177 Pitt it Adams C. J., 199 Oxford it Alexander Gordon M., 812et Geosge it Alexander John, 316 Parramatta rd'

Petersham Allan Maxwell S., 201 Macquarie st Allen W. C., 408 Marrickville rd, American Dental Co., 115 Regent it.

Redfern American Teeth Institute, 108 King et,

Newtown Archer Albert 0., 162 Alfred it and 18

West it, North Sydney Arnold 11. R., Good st, Granville Ash P. A., 139 Macquarie it ; p.r., 24

Harriett at, Neutral Bay Asher S. D., 96 King at Atwill M. S., 4 Moonble it, Summer Hill Auatin W. Howard, 65 Market it Austral Dental Parlors, 492 Oxford it,

1Voollehre Australian Dental Co., 295 Elizabeth it Barber Frederick 0., 27 Oxford it Barkers G. P., 1 Hercules it and Orpington

it, Ashlleld Barnes a; Barnes, 472 Crown at Barnes Miss Madge, Challis House, Martin

Place Barnes A. Stewart, Parkes it, Ityde Barrett A. T., George at, Greenwich Barry C. W.,Belmore rd, Randwick Barton V. It., 480 King at, St. Peters Bastian C. C., 81 Elizabeth it Beatty 0. M., Elizabeth and Park its

BECKETT LEONARD S. (B.D.S., SYD.) Dentist, Culwulla Chambers. 67 Castlereagh st,Syd. Tel. City 187

BECKETT WILLIAM THOMAS, D.D.S., Dentist, OnlwitIla Chambere, 67 Castlereagh st,Syd. Tel. City 187

Bedkober Leo J., 494 Oxford it, Beer Arthur II., 315 Murrickville rd, Mar.

rickvil.e Bell C. H., 81 Elizabeth it Benbow 0. Burchell, 46 College it Bennett Bert, '25 Falcon it, N. Sydney Bennett William, Bohner° rd, Coogee Bennetts E. 0., 81 Elizabeth it Benson George W., 40 Percival rd, Stanore Beetle Edwin II., 235 Mataputrie it Binns Fred, 147 Redfern at, Redfern Bans Stanley J„ 147 Redfern staltedfern Blackadder Victoria nve,Ohntswood Blackwell Ernest, 181 Macquarie it Blue N. Irwin, 147 Elizabeth at Bohringer John F., 318 Marrickville rd,

Marrickville Bohrsmann Aubrey, 283 Elizabeth it Balton Augustus F'., 135 Macquarie it Booth A. E., 29 high it and Avoca it,

Randwick Boston Dental Parloura, 58 Regent it,

Relent Boulton K. It., 132 Military rd, Homan

and 394 Military rd, Neutral Bay Bowden Thos., 87 Addison rd, Marrickville Boyd-McCredie It. II., antacid eve, L'fleld Boys H. A. 397 Glebe Point rd, Globe Bnaldock " Wyoming," Macquarie it Bradley J. Houghton, " Wyoming,"

Macquarie it Brennan-Horley IL. Cowper it, EandwIck Brereton It. G., J.P. 225 aturrlekville rd,

Marriekville Brick wood IL, Wollongong rd, Arneliffe Bradley Walter A., Vivian it South,

Bellevue Hill Brockenshire A. E.. 122 Liverpool it, 976

Marrickville rd, Dulwich Hill

Brolie Alex. N., 160 The Strand, and Arnold it, Killant

Broughton F. W. W.,193 Macquarie at Bruce Arther, 80 Walker it, N. Sydney Buell D., 05 Military rd. Neutral Bay Burge Cecil J., 283 Elizabeth it and

Frenchman's rd, Ilandwick Borne A., J.P., 183 Liverpool st, and 13

Dailey it, Waverley Burne A. Danger, 183 Liverpool it and

Stuart it Longueville Burton Arthur W., l Frazer rd, Lewisham Burton Percival A., 67 Castlereagh st Byers W. E., Pembroke at, Epping Calder R. A., Cross at, Double Bay Cambage A. S., 233 Military rd, Illosman Coupling A. IL, Regent st, Kogarall Crimpling G., Bch/lore it. Arnoliffe Cantwell IL J., 92 Bolgrave it, Manly Caro Althea J., 57 Market it Carrot Thomas, King it, Rockdale after A., Dora it, Willoughby

Carter Anderson, 118 Willoughby rd, N'th Sydney

•Inter L. A., D.D.S., 183 Macquarie at, and Ityde rd, Hunter's Hill

Carter W. R., 19b Elizabeth it Casey F. C., 404 Oxford it, Padloa Chaim S., 195 Elizabeth it Chambers IV. Clark, Mount it, N. Syd.,

and Slade st, Naremburn Chambers James, Parkes it, Ryde Cayman Brougham, 235 Macquarie st Thurman Edward C., 227 Cleveland it

Iterlfent Thapple Ernest, 165 Botany rd, Botany Marlton H. C , 113 Macquarie it alativel 0. T., 25 Fisher it, Petersham Merry W. H., 278 Oxford its Paddington Thowne Edward Y., 48 Carrington st Clarke B., 711 New Canterbury rd, Finn Clayton H. .1., Park and Elizabeth its Cleary A. W., 316 Bourke it Cliff J. W., 07 Castlereagh it and Edin-

burgh rd, Willoughby Clifford W. P., Lane Cove rd, Pymble Clipsharn Paul, 283 Elizabeth it, Grand-

view rd, Pymble Coates Frank C., 16 Blend at, Aslitield Cocks Walter N., Bondi rd, 13o .di Cohen R. P., 211 Macquarie it Combe T., Kensington it, Kogarah Cook Carlyle, 5 Grosvenor et, Woollahre Cooper Cyril M., 183 alacquarie it Cope Norman, 14 Bolgravo at, Manly Copp E. .1., Moirtgomery it, Kogan!' Corbett Benjamin. ' Labrenaa 77 Cowper it

Waverley. Tel. 46 Waverley Conleaux S. M., 193 Macquarie it Corniack Donald S., 193 Macquarie it Cottec Arthur, Allister it, Neutral Bay Cottee T. J., 144 Military rd alosulan Crawford A. D., Forsst rd. Burstein° Crocker 0. Ii., 806 Miller it, Nth Sidney Croker Alfred, 139 Elizabeth it and

Gordon rd, RoaevIlle Croker J. Miller, 137 Elizabeth at Crook Ernest J.,J.1'.,14 Norton it, L'hardt Crook J. H., 1 Church it, Newtown ruise II. G., 214 Glonmore rd, Padlon

Cruise II. I'. 412 Oxford it, Bondi Junctai Cruise W. H., Champion rd, Tennyson Cumming D. V., Ross it, Forest Lodge Cumming William, 486 Marrickville rd,

Dulwich Hill (Beeves Cummins It. T., 195 Elizabeth it Cusack Cecil, Park and Elizabeth its Cusack H. J., Park and Elizabeth its Cusack John, 18 Annandale it, &natal° Dahlia F. H. W., West par, Eastwood Ballow Albt. V., 110 Ramsay at, Ileberfield Daly Percy J., 650 Crown it Greenwell Dare F., le3 Oxford it Darton .1 S., 168 New Canterbury rd, Greenwell


Davis F. L., L.P., 122 Weston rd, Ronne Davis Oscar, 235 Macquarie it Dean Stanley J., 416 Parramatta rd, P'sham Be Boos V. L.

' 24 Norton et, Leichhardt

Deck Ernest. Mary it, Mosinee Deck Ernest F., 67 Castlereagh it Dental Hosphal, Creamers it De Saxe G. F., 329 rd, arkville Dickie Bober t, 49 Mount it North Sydney Dill-Macky It., 151 Elizabeth st Dobson 0. Thornton, 136 Pitt it, and

Delimit:4h it, Cainpsie Dolan A. P. B., 240 Church it Parramatta Donkin (leo. D., 50 East Esplanade, Manly Douglass Arthur, Burwood rd, Burwood Dowling Vincent J., 183 Liverpool it Duke Fredk., 426 Darling it, Batman Durack L. .1., 143 Macquarie it Durham J. It., Macquarie it. Parraniatta. Durham John H. Macquarie it, Panetta Du Vernet H. Stirling, 183 Liverpool it Emanuel Abraham, at) Grosvenor it,

VoolluIura Everingliain Colin O., 234 Parramatta rd,

Petersham Everingli un J. C., 113-115-117 King it,.

Newtown Everingliain L., 2994 King at, Newtown Ewens Fred. J., 231 Macquarie st Ewington Edward, 98 Glebe Pt. ni, Glebe Fad Charles W , Challis House, Martin

place Farnsworth H. J., 283 Elizabeth it Featherstone S. V., 119 Oxford it Ferris G. A., J.P., Argyle it and Pennant.

Hills ni, Parramatte Fyfe A. G. la, 361 Marrickville rd, M'ville Fife George 1%, 231 William it Finigan E. and 0.. 405 Darling it, Banat), tarlatan D., 185 Church it, Partninatta Fitton C. A., 07 Castlereagh it Fitzhardinee 11. C. 235 Macquarie it ;

Cremona: rd, Oremorne Fitzsimons W. It., 143 Macquarie it Foley D. P.;5 13onlevertle, Stratlifield Forsyth J. Edward, D.D.S., 67 Castlereagn

at Forwood G. F., J.P., 51 Auburn rd,Aubura Foster It., 9 Duxford it, Paddington Fox A. stanley, Cowper it, Waverley and.

12 Harkness it, Woollahra Fritsch S. Philip, 157 Elizabeth it Fronde .1. IL, 413 Darling it, 13alumin Gabriel A. G., 67 Castlereagh it Gabriel Leonard, J.P., Australasia cham-

bers, Martin place Gabriel Walter C., 283 Elizabeth it Gallia N. Ha 208 Miller it, North Syd. Gates Edmond 0., D.D.S., 67 Castlereagh,

it Gates Reginald, Burwood rd, Burwood g eorge and George, 391a Pitt it George Fergus W., 391a Pitt it George J. \Valera E., J.P., 3910 Pitt it Gillis J., 414 Oxford at, Woollahra, and

AlbiOn it, WIIVOrley 00011MIln Alfred, Macquarie it, L'pool Goodman Alfral H., 21 Castlereauli at Goodman Rapti J. 147 Elizabeth it Goodman Walter El, 151 Elizabeth it Goodwin A., 01 0.8.11. rd, Waverly Goodwin Albert E., Albion it, 1Vaverley Grant W. H. R., 183 Liverpool it Gray L. A., 475 Bourke it

Horace, 183 Liverpool it Green E. Brangwin, Peat's Ferry rd,,

Hornsby Green Harry 13. 14 Sloane it, Sum. 11111 Green Reginald H., 36 Stanniore rd,

MarrickvIlle Green S. E., 126 Liverpool rd, Ashflold

G. S. S.. "Wyoming," Mac- (buarie it

H. It., "Wyoming,' Macquarie. street

Crosse Edward 1i., 2 9 Military ttl, Marian troth J. A., Maadolong rd, Mosman

Guise A. F., 51 Ridge it, North S,t(Iney Hall Charles A., J.P., 35 Blue it, N. Syd Ball 1). S., 676 Darling it, Rozelle Hall Gordon, 676 Darling at, 'Lorene Ball Henry, 676 Darling it, hall T. G., 458 Miller it, North Sydney Hallett A. D„ 377 Illawarra rd, al'vtlle Ilallett John IL, 12 George at west Hamilton Miss M., 7 Hunter it Hampshire T. B., 50 Market et Hansen A., Springdale rd, Killtra Hansen Arthur C., 203 'Macquarie it Hardie Howard 0., 193 :Macquarie it, Harding 0. 11, 285 Miller it, Nth. Sydney Harding S. A., Parkes at, Hyde Hardwick Dental Co., 347 to 319 Crown it If aria and Narks, 106 King s: Harris Charles I.. 166 King at Harrison 11. 13„ 536 King it, Newtown Bart Leslie B., 231) Macquarie it Harvison G.. A nela rd, Canipsie Hattersley D., 201 Mammal° at Ilitwkins E. V., Challi I House, Martin

place Hayes A. I'., Hill st, Roseville Bayley N. 31,223 Macquarie at Head F. P., 145 Elizabeth it Hellberg John G., 50 Auburn rd, Auburn Henderson .1. W., 81 Elizabeth it Henderson J. Wilson, 3 Canrobert it

Mosman Hewett Leslie, Railway par, Carlton Hill Percy, 235 :Macquarie it Binder Terence, alyaligalt rd, :Samar' Hinder W. Septimus, D.D.S., 139 Macquarie

street Hingat on J. C., 'Malvern a y. , Croydon Morns C. L. H., 91 Elizabeth St Hirsh Jacob. 3 Northumberland rd, Antral Hobson H., Cm °nation it, Hornsby Hodgson C. G., 157 Macquerie it Hollander A. J., Albion at, Waverloy Hollander I'. It., 215 William at Hope Henry, .1.1'., 183 Liverpool it lantern Ii. V., 143 Macquarie at Ilorwitz Claude, 145 Elizabeth at Horwitz Karl, 235 Macquarie at Horwitz a, Church it, Lidcombe Bough W. C. P., "II) timing," Macquarie

it Bowen W. G., 473 Darling it. Batman Hoy Leslie, 297 Lane Cove rd, N. Sydney Hudson Arthur, 120 Abercrombie it,

Redfern Hughes C. E , Botany rd, Mascot Hughes George, 20 Livingstone rd, Marine Hughes II., 298 Oxford it, Woollabra, and

Dover rd. Rose Bay 'Jingles William O'Gormita, A ubin it,

Neutral Bay Hula C. T., 106, Carrington it, Stanmore Mont J. D., Burwood rd, litirwood Hunter F. W., 223 Afacquarie it Ilnynes W. J., 5 Wilson it, Newtown Irving C. II., 15 Oxford at Isaacs Septhnus, Challis House, Martin pl. Jackson A. Russell, 183 Liverpool it Jennings H. D., 197 Elizabeth it Jepson H. J„ Parramatta rd, Five Dock -Johnson A. C. It., 295 Elizabeth it Johnson N. E., South it, Itandwick Johnston O., Alfred it, Milson's Point Jolliffe H. N., 401 Marrickville rut,

Dulwich HIll Jones Albert, Broughton rd. Artarmon Join's Aubrey, 175 Liverpool rd, Jones Basil, 127 Macquarie at Jones Ernest, Marriekville rd, 'Twice II. H., Parramatta rd, Ityde Jones Herbert, Marrickville rd, aTville Jones Percy D., 185 Macquarie it Jones IV., J.P., 132 Glebe Point nil, Glebe

Kadwell H. W., Walz it. Rockdale Kahl Mr. al., 151 alitequarie st Keelan Edward IL. 7 Q. V. Markets Kelynack Aubrey C., 229 Macquarie at Kelynack F., 64 Ramsay it Haberfleld Kempthorne J. Buckley, 339 alarrickville

rd, Marrickvtlie Kendall R. Clifton. 143 Macquarie it Kennedy 1'. A., 10 Castlereagh at, Itlern Kennelly William, 49 Oxford it, Wavley Kennelly William, 159 Edgeeliffe rd,

Woollahra Kerr Kenneth, The Crescent, Croydon Kerr Kenneth V., 19$ Macquarie st Kilgour H. al., 109 Eastern arts, Kenalon Kirkpatrick Francis P , 14 Cestlereagh Knaggs E. 11., Alexandra at, Hunter's Hill

and Great Northern rd, Glatleaville Kotaters 0., 82 Enntore rd, lannore Larba-Lestier E. K. S., 133 King it,

Newtown Lee Arthur II., 375 Crown at Lee Stanley D., 87 Eastern ave, Keraton Lenin' A., 11 Moore it Lester A. It., D.D.S.. 231 Macquarie it Letton Vincent, 3 Evanore rtl, Newtown Lever SinIE, 229 Macquarie St Liddell Thomas IV., Challis House, Martin

place Locke Anstin T., 203 Macquarie it Lockett Chas., 135 Addison rd, Lockett Clut • lea, 121 Weston rd, Rozelle Lockett T., Goodwood it, Kensington Lockett '1'., Station House, Rawson pl Lockett Thomas, 295 Elizabeth it, and

576 New Canterbury rd, 11111 Lockett Timothy, 731 George at London Dental Institute—S. D. Asher,

dentist, 98 King at Lyell Arthur L., 205 Macquarie at Lynch David VI , 143 Macquarie at McBride C. a.. Challis House, Martin place :McCarthy P. J., 103 Berry it, NtlaSyti. McCauley Vibeent A., 98 George it west,

and Beach at, Coogee McOredie Edward Ha 16 Castlereagh it McDermott E. 3,21 ?McLaren at, Nth. Syd. aleDermat Ormond J., J.P., 419 Gle e

Point rd. Glebe McDonald A. J., 9 Newcastle it, Rose B. !MacDonald II. S. 0., 8 Lackey it. Sum. 11111 Macdorinld E., 263 Elizabeth it NIcEllione George 205 :Macquarie it McElroy Edward, 202 Annandale it,

Annandale McGrath Harold, 178 Parramatta rd,

Petersham McIntosh A. M. Hilt it, Roseville Mackenzie a. C., Peat's Ferry rd, ll'rnsby aicKern NV. G., 67 Castlereagh it McLean George S., 179 Elizabeth at McManus J. J. F., 445 Darling it, Banal!) McNamara D., 206 Chalmers it afacqueen W. G., 134 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Magnus E. Randolph," Wyoming," Mac-

quarie it Matteis Frank D., 183 Liverpool it Maliony P.. 67 Castlereagh it Marland Percy, 297 Addison rd, Waffle Starr A. Fyvie, 229 alacquarie at. Marshall Cornelius C., 141 Itlizebeth it Marshall J. I., J.1'., 522 George it Marshall Norman, 522 George it. Martin Eric, Norton a', Leichlianit Mathews R., 140 Ramsay it, Haberfield Matthews Ce.c11, 19 New Canterbury rd,

Petersham afedlcalf Cherles S., " Wyoming," Mac-

quarie street Medlicott Mrs. IV. A., 14 Ormond it, Pad. Medlicott William A., 14 Ormond at, Plon aleldrum J. al., liorneinish cres., ll'bush Middleton Frederick, 183 Liverpool it Milford D. H. F., Hopetoun aye, reline

MILLER W. A., P.D.S. Dentist, cor- ner of Macquarie and Marsden its, Parrametta. Tel. U8432

Mills and Mills, 1-la City rd Miner Claud W.. 648 Darling it, Rozelle Moffatt Frank A., 27 al, Iler st, N. Syd. Moiony Miss NI. K., " Ening," Oxford at,

Poltlingten Moore A. IL alilton, 110 Norton st, lahartit Moore George A., 285a Elizabeth at Moore L. 11.,229 Parritinatta ra, Alariale Moore Norman, 265 Oxford at. Moore W. E., 308 Elizabeth it Morgan E..1., 141 Macquarie it alorris A. C., 130 Queen at, Woollahrit Morris W. It., 141 Elizabeth it Morrison George G. C., 7.3 Weston rd,

hiozelle Moses Charles, 561 Crown it Moses Phillip 793 George at. M0;4,4111111 W. L , 9 Liberty its Stan more Moxliron Cecil," Wyoming,".alacquarie it SI ox ham C. 0., 0 hoistone a ve, Mesita aloxliam Doric,"Wyoming," Macquarie at Moxhain II. C., "Wyoming," Macquarie at Muir Harald, 0 George at • west Murphy .1. F., 163 ilawarra rd, M'ville Nanearrow T., Pon y at, Hunter's Hill Napthali 11..1 ,60 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Nutiorial Dsaistry, Ltd. alie),261 Castle-

reagh it Neave Bevait.W., Victoria a y e, Chatswood Newman C. A., aleepherson it-, Neut. Bay Newton Bertie, 39 Willoughby al, N. Syd. Newton E. A., 239 l'atfalger at, P slam Newton Percy A., 183 George at Newton-Tabrett Bertram C., Challis

House, Martin place Nicholls Frank IV. D., Northumberla. uh rd,

Auburn, and Railway In south, (1 ratt y ille

Noble I. A., 20$ Macquarie at Nolan J. Spencer .1.1%, 135 Liverpool at,

and 2 .4 and 177 Oxford at Nolan 1V. Holine, " Wyoming," Macquarie

st Norrie Frank, 195 Elizabeth it Norton Ceell, 183 ',Macquarie at °fitly Keith, 235 Macquarie at O'Brien W. .1., 235 al ectputrie it Ceding Henry G., 151 Elizabeth it Ogilvie William, N.S.11. rd, Woollahra O'Kene W..1..235 Macquarie at Ormistou F. A., 233 Elm tbetat it Ormiston J. Si., 283 Elizabeth at Osborn .7. A Son, alcIford it, Burl. Park Osmond and Sons, 806 George it • Osmond G. T., 185b Midge rd. Glebe Paige C. N., " Wyoming," Macquarie at Pea Arthur A. L., 27 Yasinar ave, Balkh' Palmer A., B.A.,"Wyoming" Macquarie at Park George A., Australasia chambers,

Malan place, and Burwood rd,13'wood Parker Ralph, Challis House, Martin place Parsons; Ada T. 160 Bondi rd, Bondi Pascoe H. E. It., 149 Elizabeth it Pascoe, j., 751 George at Paterson Hugh, 183 Liverpool it Pateraon Hugh, 12 Johnson it, Balm:tin Paterson S. E._, 81 Elizabeth at l'atterson W. L.,185 Macquarie st Paul W. H., Argyle it, Parramatta Paul Oscar, " Wyoming," Macquarie it Paul It. H., Lane Cove rd, North Sydney Paul W. M., 193 Macquarie it Fawley C. L., 139 Regent at Peach Henry, D.D.S. 21)5 Elizabeth it Pears It. D., 134 Phillip it Petite R. L., Joseph it, Lidcombe, and

Victoria par, laminator] Pelletier E., Burwood rd, 13tirwood Pelletier S. F., 18-20 Hercules at, A'ffeld

and Railway par, Burwood



Dentists continued— Perry Gilbert H., 247 3larrickville rd

Marrickville Pettitt Arthur, 20 Barton ave. Rebottle' Pettitt Charles, 55 Flood at, Bondi Pickering Bert, J.P , "Wyoming," 4 Nor

ton at;, Leichliardt ; p.r., " Conga- wol," 8 Kingston at, Ilaberfleld

Pickering William, Brooklyn at, Tempe Piggott II. AL, 207 Macquarie at Pittar A. T., 216 Castlereagh St Mtn r Walter, 12 Oxford I, t Poolman P. S., J.P., High at, Liverpool Praed Miss A.,Cliallis House, Martin pia° Pressly Henry T., Albion at, Wirverley Pridhain IL 183 Liverpool at; p.m, Henry

at, Gorslon Quinton E. W., J.P. 105 C,owper st, Way Ramsay A. E., 183 Liverpool at Ramsay E. H. Piers, 135 Macquarie at Rea Leonard, Albert ave, Chatswood Rea Stanley, 201 Macquarie Reading E. 107 Elizabeth at Reading Philip B., "Wyoming," Macquarie

street Reading R. Fairfax, " Wyoming," Mac-

quarie at Heaney P. 13., 206 George at west Reid Robert, 62 Euniore rd, Humor° Renton W. K, Beamish at, Caiiipsie Reuben H. R., Railway par, Burwood Richardson A., Rawson place Riding J. W., 122 Norton at, Leichhardt Riding W. H. T., High at, Epping Ridley A. Herbert, 09 Audley at, P'shatil Mout A. H. G., 520 Parramstta rd, Falun Robberds W. IL. 69 Oxford at Roberts 0. S., 2

II,., at, reteraliam

Roberts Chas. S. 101 Norton at, Leichliardt Roberts E., Railway at, Rockdale Robilliarl A. J., 143 Macquarie at c Robinson IL 0., 11 Morris at, Summer Hill Robinson J., 2 Erskinev ille rd, Newtown Roche Thompson, Bridge at, Drum noyne Rogers James T., 200 Glebe Point rd, Globe Rodgers S. H., Regent at, Heger's,' Rowell Alfred 5,71 Denison at, Waverley Rona H. T., 290 King at, Newtown Ruse B. B., 235 Macquarie at Ruse Byron, 235 Macquarie at; p r., Rutter S. AL, Blaxland's rd, Eastwood Ryan Thomas, 34 Warren rd, Menlo:Arvin° Sainsbury A., 201 Trafalgar at, P'shani Satchel' E. K.. J.P., 283 Elizabeth at Satchel' Glanville K., 283 Eliz Meth at; Sautelle George E., 235 Macquarie at; Schwabe Miss L., Australasia chambers

Martin place Scott E. Scott, 151 Elizabeth at;. Seale Oswald, Beecroft rd, Beecroft Sherry J. Stephen, 235 Macquarie at Shirlow W. IV., 135 Darlington rd,Darl'ton Shirlow W. W., 384 New Canterbury rd,

Petersham Short W. Nelson, Everton rd, Stmthfield Simpson L. A., Taylor at. Parraniatta Skinner William, 46 Oxford at Slate G. M., 136 Macquarie at Slocombe Vincent S., 387 George at Smith Donald, 159 Macquarie at; p.r.,

Strum," McLaren at, North Sydney Smith Frank, 175 Macquarie at Smith Lionel, 207 Macquarie at Smith Samuel H., 42 The Avenue, D'moyne Smith W. A., Marriekville rd, Dul. Hill Soderberg Theodore, 283 Elizabeth at; Solomon Elias P., 4 Johnston at, An'dale Solommis L. P., 220 Miller at, N. Sydney Soper Thos. M., 186 1Vardell rd, Dal. Hill Sparke Edward,54 Wolaeley rd, Point Piper Spears Percy V. 59 Military rd, Nth. Syd. Spencer A. W., 134 Pitt at Spencer John, 84a King at; Spencer Malcolm, 84a King at

Stabback J. 5., 1 Jubilee at, Lewisham Stansell L. V., Tryon rd, Lindfleld Stansell Leslie V., 224 Miller at, Nth. Syr Starkey William A., Victoria ave, O'wood Stevens F. 0., 283 Elizabeth at Stevens Frank R., 248 Victoria at Stockwell Leslie, 193 Macquarie at Stoyles B. L. 0., 228 Pitt at Street Esbert S., 89 Johnston at, Medal° Sum merhayes 11 A., 41 Butner° rd, N'towi Sutherland Keith, J.P., Itedinyr3 rd, an

The Boulevarde, Strathilelt Swann Miss Israel, 183 Liverpool at Swift E. Stanhope, 135 Macquarie at Syine A. J.. 223 Macquarie at Tayler J. Sinclair, 490 Oxford at;. W'ahra Taylor James, 21 Robert at, Ash field Taylor James W., 178 William at; Taylor L. V., Bounish at, Campsite Thompson, F. W., Challis House Thompson 1'. A. A., "Wyoming," Mac

quark" at; Thompson W., 283 Elizabeth at Thompson IV. G.. N.S.11. rd, Double Bay Thompson Willoughby, 212 Ocean at, Pad. Thomson Alex., 134 Wycombe rd, N. Bay Tighe Cecil P., 259 Oxfordst, Paddington T111 Edmund, 5 Dillon at, Paddington Tonna:at F. D., Gleat North rd, Five Dock Tolhurst H. S., 40 George at, West Foil:us:A Hubei t, Great North rd, F. Dock Traill F. Windeyer, 183 Liverpool at; Underwood 1'. J.,43 East Esplamole, Manly United Dental Hospital of Sydney—

Office, 12 Castlereagh at Usher Cecil H., 334 Lane Cove rd, N. Syd. Usher E. W., 59 Oxford at;, Waverley Vaughan H. Graham, 67 Castlereagh at Vickers E. W.,183 Macquarie at Vickers G. E., 1 Edgware rd, Remora and

37 Metropolitan tsi, Enmore Wade F. D., 151 Macquarie at Wade Reg. 11., 339 Darling at, Balmain Walker Basil, 67 Castlereagh et Walker H. E., J.P , 295 Glebe Point rd,

Glebe Wallace E. S., 186 Military rd, Neut. Bay Wansbrough E. R., 91 Prince Albert at.,

Alosinau Ward Dental Surgeries, 118 Willoughby

rd, North Sydney Waring H. J., 283 Elizabeth at Watson E. Oliver, "Wyoming," Mac-

quarie at Watson J. J. IL, 231 3facquarie at Watson S. 0.11., 39 Ridge at, Nth. Sydney Weatherall Walter, Beimore rd, Wwick Webb Teeth Institute, 179 Oxford st Weingarth Sydney, 151 Macquarie at Weir Edwin, 433 Oxford at, Paddinen Wells 11. Hilder, J.P., 223 Elizabeth at Wells Norman J., 147 Elizabeth at Wells Norman J., Arnold at, Killara West C. H., J.P., 181 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Weatou W. H., 231 Macquarie at . Whetton C. B., 57 Eninore rd, Enntore White Norman IV., Lane Cove di, Pymble Whyte E. J., 1 Campbell at Williams D. J.,147 George at West Williams E. F., 10 Norton at, L'hardt Williams S. B., 769 George at Williams T. C., 18 New Canterbury rd,

Petersham Williams Thomas, 168 Smith at, Sum. Hill,

and 281 King at;, Newtown Williamson Alexander, Edmore rd, Coogee Wilson & Smart, Rocky Pt. rd, Rockdale Wilson Arthur A., 243 Miller at, N. Syd. Wilson John S., 27 Manning at, Roselle Wilson W. B., Si.) East Esplanade, Manly Withycombe R. Morse, 176 Macquarie at; Wood Reg. B., Greenhill at, Croydon Woodward A. Bentley, Ma Devonshire at Work J. L., 62 Eumore rd, Emnore

Young A.., 27 Myaligali rd, Alosman Younger H. J. T., 173 Oxford at, Waverier Younger H. M., 183 Liverpool at Younger Walter L., Clients House, Martin

place Ziele W. Stewart, 185 Macquarie at


Australian Drug Co., Ltd., 21 O'Connell at Bono and Roberts, 242 Pitt at Bosch, Barthel and Co., 114-120 Castle-

reagh at Commonwealth Dental Supply Co. Ltd.,

110b Batlihrst at Dental Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 9 O'Con-

nell at Edwards Dental Manufacturing Co., -Ltd.,

28 Castlereagh at Elliott Bros. LW., 22 O'Connell at; Flavelle Brothers Ltd., 340 George at Sayers Aliport Proprietary, Ltd., 53-56

Macquarie at, Circular Quay Wools and Gibling, 287 Clarernee at

DERMATOLOGISTS. Adger J. IL, 7 Thigh at; Brahain bliss Eva, 374 George st Fitzgerald Miss K., 64 Pitt at Ifygela Ltd., Ocean House, Moore at McMurray W., "Wyoming," Macquarie at. Neale Alfred, M.D., 183 Liverpool at Radiolysis Co., 67 Castlereagh at; Ogaard Ltd., 161 Pitt at Van Brakkel Miss, 20 The Strand

DESIGN ATTORNEYS. FRED WALSH, International Patents,

Trade Marks, Designs and Copyrights. Corner George and Wynyard sts Tel. City, 2137 — (See Advt. opposite Patent Attorneys)

DESIGNERS. Cottrell Francis J., Grosvenor and George-

sts De Closay E. T., 58 Elisabeth at Fryer John F., ssi Pitt at limiting Fred, 46, 47.48 Royal Arcade Raynor F. W. and Co., 482 George at Rowe S. V., 00 Queen Victoria Markets

George street Smith and Julius. 24 Bond at Smyth Arthur and Sons, 26-30 Jamieson at Thomas Fred and Co., 71-73 The Strand Ward W. F., 75 York at

Pleven° Brothers Ltd., 340 George at Hardy Brothers Ltd., 13 Hunter at, Syd.,

and 116-118 Queen at, Brisbane Ideznar P., 351 Kent at; Ralphs IV., 522 George at Sanders L., 135 King at Sergeant G., 478a George at;

DIE-SINKERS. See also Engravers, also Embosses&

AMOR W. J. Die-sinker, Engraver, and Medallist. 24 Wentworth Avenue, Sydney. Tel., City 10601

Bass Frederick, 100 King at Brown J. W., 411 Kent at Brown Mrs. L., 187 Beattie at, Balmain Brown Thomas, 8 Rowe at; Kemp Edgar, 215 Jamieson at Maclardy IV. AL, 84 Clarence at Miller and Morris, 76 Goulburn at Penfold W. C. and Co., Ltd., 183 Pitt at Radford Charles, 11 Bond at

SANDS JOHN (LTD.) 374 George at

Smith W. E. Ltd., 22 to 30 Bridge at; Tscherue J., 4 Bond at Turner A Henderson Ltd., 16 Hunter at Ward IV. P., 75 York at

DININIROOMS. See Restaurants.

DISCOUNT COMPANIES. See Loan and Discount Companies.

DISINFECTANT MANUFACTURERS, Australian Disinfectant Co., 50 York at

CARBOLACENE (Arthur Muston and Sons, Sole Agents for Australia). Liquid Cleanser Disinfectant "IEL' Disinfecting Fluid and Carted:scene Disinfecting Blockett...ts, 17 Bridge at. Sydney. Tel. City 7,151.

Joplin Manufacturing Co., Ltd , 12 Har- rington at, Sydney. Tel. 6874 City

Kearns Alunro Ltd., 255a George at; Kidd Fred & Co, Ltd., 619 Harris at, Syd. Lion Disinfectant Co., 342 Bulwarra ra

MAJOR BROS. A CO. Manufacturers of every dcseription of Disinfectants, Phenols, Liquia Solos, "Cleanaol," etc , P. sit LI Buildings, comer Pits end Bridge ate. Sydney. Works, Johnstone's Bay. Tels. Cisy 10157 & W1,90.

Morris Little and Son, Ltd., 56 Hunter at Muir & Neil, 52a Pitt at Oil Sheep Dip Co., 4 Dailey at Quibell Bros., Ltd., 15 Bent at Boyle A. E., 8 Glebe at, Paddington

DISTILLERS. Colonial Sugar Refining (Jo., Ltd., 1

O'Connell at Buchanan J. A Co., Ltd., 255 George st

Dewar John & Sons, Ltd., 53-55 Liver- pc ol at

Distillers Co. Ltd., of Edinburgh (the), Angel place, off 127 Pitt it

Haig and Haig Ltd , 10 O'Connell at Hubter 1- alley Distillery Co., Ltd., 93

York at Penfoid and Co., corner York & Market sts Walker John and Sons, Ltd., 9 Phillip at Watson James and Co., Ltd., 360-362

Kent at. Tel. 429 City

DRAFTSMEN. Baron H. J., 9 Castlereagh at Cantle J. M., 129 Pitt at Garvan C. F., 25 Blue at, North Sydney Griffiths IV. Scots, 3 Cmtlereagli at Findley B., Mutual Life building, Martin

place Aloginie A. II., 68 Pitt at Robinson H. E. 0., 221-223 George at N. Sydney School of Mechanical Drawing,

296 Castlereagh at

DRAINERS. 13arnfield IV., 24 Telopea at;, Redfern Basilan Henry, Avenue, lumdi Bastion W. J. 172 Parramatta rd, P'sliam Brown E., 21 Burnt at, Leichhardt Condy Bros., Alfred at, Waveriey Dawson George, 70 Bent st, North Sydney Demerit' A. B. C., 13aldrey at, Chatswood Fish Alfred F.. 220 Liverpool at Galley W. G., 165 George at Graham W., Nortlicote at, Rare/Mann Gra:uon William, 2 West st, Nth. Sydney Hawksford John, corner Willinm and

Bourke sts Holloway and Grant, 24 Jamieson at Hudson George E., 21 Hatboro at, L'hardt Jones B., 40 Broughton at, Glebe Kenny P. J., 45 Australia et, Woolialira Knight W. J., 22 Junction at-. Woollahra Milne James, J.P., Crescent et, Newtown

Bridge Moloney J P.. 8 Bliley at, Waveriey 3It °die S. A G., Underwood at Papworth J., 275 Sussex st Sorensen C., b Reuss at, Leiehliardt Thome Alfred IV., 212 Castlereagh st West J. E. and Co., Hamilton at We sterbere NV., Portland at, Enfield

DRAPERS. Ada Joseph, lel Glebe Point rd, Glebe Adams Miss J., 330 Norton at, L'hardt Ahearn Mrs. M., 388 Church at, Parramattu Aikman Frnest, 109 Devonshire et Aikman Ernest, 420-422a Elizabeth at Alexander Miss Mary A., 216 Cleveland at Allaburton B., 16 James mat, Leichhardt Amey L. AL, Firth st, Anicliffe Anderson Aliases, 178 178 Military rd,

Beaman Andrew T., 66 Regent st, Redfern Andrews 6t Co., 131 Norton at, Leichhardt Andrews Albert, Joseph at, Lidcombe Arnold Edward and Co.,113-115 Oxford at,

corner Crown at Arnold W., 555 King at, Newtown Babour Alle, 485 Crown at Badman ILE., 17 Auburn rd, Auburn Ball & Welch Propy. Ltd., 509-581

George at Barnes Mrs. It. L., 46 Foster st, L'hardt Barr J. M., Parkes at;, Hyde Barrett John 5., 712 Darling at, Rozelle Battle E. A., 162 Church at, Par:lunette Beard 11. and Co., 330 Oxford at, Pad'ton Beards Bros., 317 Parrametta rd, L'hardt

Bell Mrs. Alice, Durham at, Hurstville Bennett Mrs. Gertrude, 121 Catherine

at, Leichhardt Bennett Philter's, 105 George at West Bertram Mrs,. Minnie, 383 Lane Cove, Nth.

Sydney Booking Murray, Percival at, Penshurst Bond Mrs. Dorothy, Oxford at, Epping Bondi Cash Stores, Ltd., 336-346 Oxford

at, Woollahra

BON MARCHE Drapers, Tailors, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Pianos and General Fur-nishing Wareleseinen, 1-3-5-7 George at West and 769-771 Harris at;, Sydney. Telephones Auto 51 1406 and 1208

Bolting George, 18 Military rd, Neat. Bay Hour G. W., 411 Pitt st Boyers S., 221 Mar rlckville rd, Alarrickv ill e Boyle and Co., 44-46 Regent st, Redfern Brackford A. J., 236 Liverpool rd, A'field Breaks Aman, 510 Parramatta rd, 1"shem Brasnett P. H., 354 Oxford st, Paddington Brennan Daniel, 294 302 King it, Newtown Brewster James G., Rocky Pt. rd, Rockdale Bridges George, 180 Pitt at Bridgman A Co., 3(11 Military rd, Armen Browne G. AL, 135 Bondi rd, Bondi Buchanan's Silk Shop Ltd., 420 George at Buckingham William, 69-73 Oxford BD, and

167-169-171-173 Riley at Buist Bre. Eva, Orange St. Randwick Bullock Miss Florence, 174 Botany rd „Dot. Bullock Harry, J.P., 08 Botany rd, But. Burrill Miss S. A. 485 Darling at-, B'main Butte' Mrs. A., 26 Burt at, Roselle Caddell K. and Co., 'limeade rd, Wyllie Cadden K. & Co., Marrickville rd, 31' y Me Caddy Miss Emily E., Behnore at, Arricliffe Cadwallader E., itallway par, Kogarah Cahill E., Peat's Ferry IA, Hornsby Cameron mai Co., Great North rd, Five

Dock Carnfield Alfred, Carlton par, Carlton Campbell Jas., 23 Willoughby rd, N. Syd, Campbell John, J P., 167-169 Oxford at,

Waverley Campbell Mrs. L. M., 130 Enniore rd,

Aterrickville Carleton's Ltd., Walker st, Nth. Sydney Carney Mrs. J., Fox at, Gordon Carter J. & Son, 280 Oxford st,Paddington Carter George J.. 443 Mi l ler st, N. Sydney Casey Miss L., '221 Oxford st Chambers, N.S.H. rd, Rose Bay Chiba S., 114 King at Chick H. B., Canterbury rd, Belmore Chittick Miss, 33 Ross at, Forest Lodge Chung lam and Co., Essex at Clark Marcus end Co., Ltd., Central

Square, corner Pitt and George sts south, Brown at, Newtown, anti 155 to 167 Miller at, North Sydney

Codlin John, 736 Darling at, needle Cohen 31., 41-45 Now Canterbury rd, Pot Collins Martin. 27 James at, North Sydney Congdon George, 116 Curtis -d, Balmain Cooke Themes and Co., 408-410 Oxford at,

Paddington Cooper Mies N., Rocky Pt. rd, Rockdale Coorey M.,114 Regent at, Redfern (kiorey S., 106 Botany rd, Botany Costello° James R., Burwood rd, Wwood Cotillion J., R., Bemis!' at, Campsite Cox Mrs. L., 455 Afarrickville rd, Dul. Cox S. H., 117 Bondi rd, Bondi Crotty Mrs. F. L. 737 New Canterbury rd,

Petersham Cruse A. S. and Co., 137 Marrickville nil,

Marrickville Dale I'ercy L., lay Pt. rd, Arucliffe




DIAMOND MERCHANTS, Apte IT. D., 289 Pitt at; Bernascoui Ernest, 71 Royal Arcade Felleman A. J., 107 Castlereagh at Ginder A Couch, 164 Pitt at Hardy Brothers Ltd., 13 Hunter st,

and 116-118 Queen at, Brisbane Howard Smith Bros., 9 Hunter at Jim W. G., 134 Pitt at Kleomo P. (4:. Co., Ltd., 217 Clarence at. Littlejohn's, 170 Pitt at Lucks Diamond Co., 113 King at Murphy Edmund F., 89 Market at; Prom's Ltd., 187 Pitt at

DIAMOND SETTERS. See also Jeweller,.

Bruce as ' Aralsh, 502 George at Clark 0., 134 Pitt at; Cotterill R. G., 107 Cast l ereagh at



349-359 corner George and Barrack Streets, opposite General Post Office. Telephone 0336 City OA lines)

Jones Mrs. Emma J., 117 Ramsay rd Habertleld

Jones P. 0.. 55 Erskineville rd, E'ville Jones Miss Teresa, 391 Crown at Jones William L.. 684 Darling at, Roselle Kali. Miss G. A., 122 King at, Newtown Kelly Mrs. B. A., 88 1111/TIS at King S., 45 Erskineville rd, Erskineville Kiehl Morris, 100 Regent at, Redfern Kops David, 240 Church at, Parramatta Kops Mrs. Pauline, Avoca et, Itandwick Kortlang Mrs., 88 Prince Albert at, Mos. Lambert Mrs. A., 35 Oxford st, Waverley Lane J. T., 91 King at, St. Peters Lappan Adam, 101 Johnston at, An'dele Larsen Mrs. F., 174 Parromatta ril,P'sham Lassetter F. 8: Co., Ltd., 403 to 421 George

street Leber Aaron, 148 Alfred at, North Sydney Lennon Mimi J., 415 King at, Newtown Leslie G., 20 Pitt at Lessil Mrs. A., 16 Auburn rd, Auburn Leteher Miss A., Boulevarde, Strathileld Levy Bros., 173 Military rd, Mosman Lewis Nat., 117-141 Liverpool at


Drapers con! in i,ed-

Dan Joe, 227 King st, Newtown Davidson R.,, Drummoyne Dawes Mrs. S. A., 333 King st, St. Peters DeBoos, Mrs. H. A., Durwood rd, D'w'd Deehow George, 265 Marrickville rd, Mar


DEMPSTER CHARLES (trading as Dempsters), Ladies' Costumes, Blouses, Skirt g , Underclothing, 57 Oxford st.

Dobell H., Railway par', Carlton Donath-Collier Shoe and Drapery Co.,

457 Marrlekville rd, Dulwich Hill Doonan Mrs. Rebecca, Grimm st,Hurlstone

Park Douglas G. T., 161 Military rd, Neut. Day Down Miss E. 1., Beamish at, Camp& Dunlop Mrs. J. J., 250 Marrickville rd,

Marriekville Dunn Miss E., Hampden rd, Artarinon Dunn Miss E., Victoria ave, Concord Dunn Mrs. G., Gordon rd, Lindfield Eckert John, 670 Darling st,Itozelie English Misses, 475 Marrlekville rd,Dul. H. Erby George T., J.P., 230 Church st

Parramatta Farmer and Company, Ltd. Victoria

House, Pitt, Market, and George sts Farrelley Bros., 231 Liverpool rd, Ferguson David, Blaxland's rd, Eastwood Fernandez &Co., 37 Botany rd, Waterloo Finch A. E., Lane Cove rd, Nth. Sydney Finch A. E. 2 Willoughby rd, Nth Syd. Flashman S., 02 Walker st, North Sydney Mather W Penshurst at, Willoughby Fletcher 0. W., 211 Church at, rotatta Foggin Mrs. 1C., 47 Auburn st, Auburn Forssberg C. J. E., 00 William at • Foy 0. P., 157 Oxford at Fo3's Mark Ltd., Liverrool at, corner of

Castlereagh and Elizabeth ate Fraser Hughes, 383-385 Bourke et,

and Campbell at Fraser Alexander, Firth at, A rneliffe Frazer Miss AL, 119a King at, Newtown Friendship Mrs. M. J., 17 ,1 owper at

Waverley Furness Mrs. R., Bridge at, Drummoyne Gardner Miss Lyon's rd, Drummoyne Garland Mrs. Alice M., 131 Parramatta rd,

Annandale Gayior Mrs. A. L., Durwood rd, Delmore George on Miss J. 0., 173 Avenue rd, Mos. Giddy Misses Parramatta rd, Ryde Gilbert John, 112 Miller at, North Sydney Gillespie William, 11 Union at Gladesville Cash Drapery Co., Great

Northern rd, Gladesville Glasheen Miss M., 24i Lelehhardt at, Wley (1161rick J. F., Regent at, Kogorali Goldstein D., 27 Auburn rd, Auburn Goldwater Mrs. L., 74 Leiehhardt st,

Waverley Gordon Bernard, 128 Queen at, Wotan Gushy John, Percival at, Penshurst

Haslam J. It., 447 Now Canterbury rd, Dulwich Hill

trustful James, 18 Botany rl, A lexandria Hate Mrs. C. G., 295 King at, Newtown Hawkins George, Delmore rd, Coogee Hayton Mrs. M. E.. Delmore rd, R'wlek Henderson . MN. J., Fore4 rd, Hurstville Higgins Mrs. En'e, 251 Parramatta rd,

Annandale Hill F. K., 57 Alfred at, North Sydney Hines Brothers, 136-142 William st Hodgens IL H., J.P.. Liverpool Aslifield Hodges Mrs. L., 5110 Bourke at Hogarth Miss .7., Hill at, Roseville Hogarth R., J.P., Victoria are, Chatswood Holcombe 0. C., 13nrwood rd, Durwood Holmes M. Beami h at, Csmpsie Hopkins Bros., Ileamish at, Campsie HORDERN ANTHONY 8r SONS.

LTD. Sydney — (See headlines throughout DIRECToltV)

HORDERN BROTHERS 203 to 211 Pitt br and 422 George at

!Risking and Co., Ltd., 161 George at West loose Mrs. Olive, 115 Booth at, An'dale hunt Miss H. M., Major Day rd, Concord Hunter Mrs. L. Tennyson rd, Mortlake Huntress Miss A., George's River rd, E'field Hurley Mrs. J., 127 Ramsay rd, Hab'fleld Hurstville Diapery Store, Forest rd,

Hurstville Ingrain and Boyle, 196 Abercrombie at,

Redfern Ingram J., 137 Harris st Jackson 31.. 3 Terry st, St. Peters Jacobs Ellis W., 88 West st, N'th Sydney James Mrs. Annie, II Delmore at Jaires Mark, 398 Oxford at, Woollahra Jeffs Miss G., Forest rd, Hurstville Jenkins George, 0 Northumberland rd,

Auburn Jobber!' Frederick, North ter, Bankstown Johnson's Ltd., 215 George at Johnson Mrs. Annie, Botany rd, Mascot Johnson W. IL, 206 Church at, Parramatta Johnston C., 12 Falcon at, North S3 dney

Links Bros., 237 Church at, Parramatta Little S. A. and Cu., 60 Corso, Manly Littlewood Misses, 128a Military rd.

The Model Store, Broadway, Glebe— (See Advt. opposite)

Grosset Mrs. G., 300 Addison rd, Grounds Arthur, 2.0 Cleveland at Hale S. J. and Co., LW., 41 George at, Wo,t Haley Mrs. It., Penshurst at, Willoughby Hamilton Mrs. R., 300 Military rd, Hanlon E. & A., 453 New Canterbury rd,

Dulwich Hill . Hart W. J., 244:King at, Newtown

Hasten' Bros. E. & V., 400 New Canter-bury rd, Dulwich Hill

Mosinan Lloyd G. D., 84 Harris at Lonsdale Jas., 58 Ryan at, Leichhardt Lound Frederick ii., Joseph at, Lideombe Luce Madame, 59 . 01 Corso, Manly Lynch Mrs. K., Victoria ave. Chu tweed Lynch Mrs. Mary, 403 Harris at Weenie Ltd., 107-201 Pitt at MeConaghy Mrs. S., Bondi rd, Bondi McCook Misses E. and A., 401 Military rd,

Neutral Day MeCraunnond D., 88 Darling at. Dalmain McCraw Annie, 285 Marrickville rd, Mar McCrea W. A., 62: George at 3feDonned Frederick C., 5 Cowper at,

Waverley McDowell &Illughes, Ltd., 380-382 George

st McGill G. G., 60 Willeeighby rd, N. Sydney Magnus II. 392 Oxfor 1 at, Paddington 3faitland Miss M. A., 134 Blues Point rd,N.

Sydney Malouf C., 220 Elizabeth at, Redfern Melon( J. T., 231-233 KI ,zabeth at, Redfern Malouf L. 31.. 603 King at, Newtown Marlow R., 485 New Canterbury rd, Dui. H. Martin John, 804 George at Blay M. and Sou, Drummond at, Belmore Menzies 3Irs. E. Hyde rd, Hunter's Hill Messent Mrs. Elsie, Penshurst st, burst Meyers Mrs. E. 303 Military rd, N. Bay Miller Mrs. J.13., 151 Norton st,Leiellinudt Miller T. E., Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby Mitchell Miss Mary A., Oil Glebe Point rd,

Glebe Moore 3liss, George's Hirer rd, En0eld Moran 31rs. I. 211 Pittwater rd. Manly 3forphett W..150 Church at, Parramatta Morton Thomas, Forest rd, Arneliffe Mulligan James and Co., 472 George at Murt6y W. F., 58 George at West Money Bros. notary, Ltd., 107-171

Church at, l'arrainatta Murray & Co„ Ltd„ Durwood rd, B'wood Nairn W. It, Co„ 91-101 Cleveland. at,

Redfern Newbury Bra. A. Forest rd, Hurstville Newton John, Forest rd, Bexley Nippon Kaisha, 169 King at Nock and Kirby Ltd., 190 to 194a George

at Nolan 0, 26 Grosvenor at Norton D. Canterbury rd, Canterbury Nowlund dohn, Durwood rd. Durwood Oakley Mrs. Emily, 7 The Strand, C don O'Brien Miss K. dc Co., Memoirist rd,

Marriekville O'Connell Mrs, K„ 127 Walker at, N. Sy. O'Malley and Brown, 110 Wellington at,

Waterloo O'Sullivan Mrs. Kate, 139 Redfern st,

Hastier!' Palmer and McCreath, Homebush ores.,

Strialdield Patridge E. G., Rocky Point rd, Amanita Paterson Mis. Bridge at, Drummoyne Paton and Co., 452 .450 Parramatta rd,

Petersliam Pattenden Mrs, J„ 275 Military rd, Neut

Bay Paulsen Mrs. E

' 9 Auburn rd, Auburn

Pease M rs , E,, Penshurst at, Will'by Penshurst Mrs. L., Durwood rd. Behnore Pepper Thomas, 378 Oxford at, Woollahrs Percival G., Avoca at, Randwiek Perry Frank S. K., Good st, Granville Phillips Mrs, A„ 47 Willoughby no, Nth,

Sydney Piper W., Great North rd, Gladesville Pittaway Mrs. J., Third are, Lidcombe 'olson 0, IL Co„ 738 George at


2032 . Dra TRADES AND PROFESSIONS, Dre TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Dru 2033. Dre Wilson Misses, 440 Miller et, N'th Sydney Wright Mrs. Florence, If5le King at, New-

town Yaw Miss H , 75 Abercrombie st, Redfern

DRUGGISTS (WHOLESALE). A.ustralinn Drug Co., Ltd., 19 .21 O'Connell

street Brausch told Delany, 32 Market at Elliott Bros. Ltd., 20-22 O'Connell at

FASSETT Az JOHNSON LTD., 233 Clarence at, Sydney. Tel., City 6084. Head Offices, St John's Gate Build-ings, Denton, E.C.

Representing— Angier Chemical Co., Ltd. California Fig Syrup 00.—" Whig Seabury awl Johnson (Plasters and

Surgical Dressings) . Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Thennogene Wimpole Vaccines International Plasmon Ltd. " Winearnis," Cole stan's To Kalon Ltd., London International Chemical Coy., LOIltiOlb

—Minh)), Phormoid, Chola Bark, Salida Leaves, filtrate of Tar, Bitro Phosphates

Cockles, Jas. & Co., London—Cockles Pills

Electro. Silicon Plate Powder Murray and Lammas Florida Water Bristol's Sarsaparilla and Pills Lundhom's Perfumes, Talcums and

Velcrema Ittnol-Keleet Powder Seltiffmann's (Dr.) Asthmador • Argyrol and Ovoferrin Citrophen Hal & Rocket, New York and Lon-

doe—Sozotiont Dentfrice, and powder

Dr. Earls Sloan. Boston, Mass., U.S.A. --S!oan's Liniment, human and veterinary

Saungen Sall rates Co., Renate! Bath Salts, Alkia Saltrates

Fielding and Co. ,110b Bathurst at Fisher and Co., 337 George st Ceske Benson it: Co., Ltd., 82 Pitt at' Ilutison'e Itumenthol Chemical Go., Ltd.

(Australasia), 31 Bay at. Glebe Kugelinalin it Co., 17a Pitt st Lennart' J. L., Rol by lane Muir & Neil, 52a Pitt at

Potter & Birks Limited Grosvenor House, 3rosvenor at, Syd-ney. Sole Agents or—Alfred Blehop (Australia) Ltd.; Fletcher, Fletcher OM) Co., Ltd.; Johnson anti Johnson; Borax Consolidated Ltd.; Davenport's Olive Oil ; Waterbury Chemical Co. Torsion Balance Co.; Bidwell, Bidwell and Co., Ltd. ; Hodgman Rubber Co.

Sayers, Allport Proprietary, Limited, 53 .55 Macquarie et, Circular Quay

Sheldon Drug DO.,Ltil. ('lime), 15 O'Connell at

Soul W. II. and Co., 160 Pitt st,aud Went-worth ave

Sunset Drug Co., 528 Riley et Wilson Alexanti r & Co., 256a George st

WAY E. and COMPANY Drapers, Milliners, Costumiers, Every-thing for Ladles' and Children's Wear, 213 .219 Pitt at. Sydney. Tele-

Olty 7953, -7954 am! 7955 ox 1525 G.P.O.


for all purposes. Automatic Coal-ing Vessels, etc. 70 Hunter street, Sydney. Tel. City 3560

DRESSMAKERS, Abbott Mrs. F., 39 Flinders at Adams Misses B. & A., 112 Paddington at,

Paddington Adnam Mrs. O., 38 Day at, DrutninoS•no Ahearn Miss A., 3 Oxford at, Paddington


Drapers conlineted-

Pond Richard, 90 Oxford at Pride Mrs. M., 96 New Canterbury rat,

' Petersham Pringle Mrs. It. IL. 230 Marrickville rd

Marrickville Puokering and Co., 201 Elizabeth at, R'feril Pores Benjamin, 742 Datling et. Rozelle Quelch NV. IL , Beaulieu at, Campsie Quinn Thomas A., 206 Cleveland at Ralph Robert, Forest rd, Hurstville Ravenseroft & Co., 82-84 Miller at, N. Syd. Rennie Mrs. B., 12) Smith it, Summer Hill Reynolds Mrs. Al., 17 Boulevarde, Str'field Rhettben E. F. & Co., 133 Ramsay rd

Ilaberfield Richards W. 'it. & Co., 90 Eastern ave,

Kensington Richards 11., Rocky Pt. rd, Rockdale Richards Mrs. Lucy, 624 George at Richrads T., 474 Parramatta rd, P'ellans Richardson T. H., Rocky Point rd, It'dale Riley Bros.Ltd., 614-620 George at Ring Mark, Orinnau at, Hurlstone Park Robertson Miss H. A., 85 George at west Robins Miss Lucy, Biennial' at, Robinson Edwin, Forest rd, Hurstville Rogers H., 265 Darling at, Balusain Roper F., 106 Percival rd, Stanntore Rose H. A., 524-530 Parramatta rd,

Petersham Rose AL, 208 Bondi rd, Bondi Ross David, Ltd., 602 George st Ross David, Ltd., 161 Liverpool at Bundle M s. Hannah, 353 King at, N'town Rutter Mrs. E. C., 144 New Canterbury

rd. Petersham Ryan Mrs. AL, 400402 Oxford at, Pad'ton Sachs L., 403 Bourke at Salmon Bridgest, Driumnoyne Schofield James, 951 Harris at Shaw Mrs. Mary, 7 Pitt at, Waterloo Sheehan Miss T., 83 Oxford at Sherborne Fred., Blaxland's rd, Eastwood Sherwin -Ellie, 286 Bondi rd, Bondi Shoebridge A. A., Peat's Ferry rd, 11'neby Simon J. E., 113 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Simon Michael, 324 Oxford at, Padlon Simnel E., 113 Regent at, Redfern Sindel Arthur, Macquarie et. Liverpool Sindell Miss Ethel A., 174 William at Skelly W. E., 360 Illawarra ml. Maeville Skerritt S., Good at, Granville Skinner Mrs. E., Great North rd,

Gladesville Slade Mrs. A. J., Haldon at, Lakernba Slattery P., 40 George at, Waterloo Smith 1'. G. and Co. Ltd. (Tamwortb), 163

Pitt at Smith Sydney V.and Co., 48-50 Willoughby

rd, North Sydndy Smith E., 308 Harris at Smith Mrs. E., 543 King at, Newtown Smith F. AfcC., 211 Enmore ml, Elmore Smith J. M., Pants Ferry rd, Hornsby Solomon Mrs. E., 25 Lenton par, Waterloo Sparks Mrs. C., Stud at, SUL Randwick Spence Roger, 163-169 Oxford at Stackpool Miss ht., Ocean at, Woollahra Stanfield Mrs. E., 50 Darley at, Newtown Stanley Will'am H., 147 St. John's rd,

Forest Lodge Stapleton A., Church at, Parramatta State •Stores Ltd. (The), 199 to 213 Regent

at, Redfern, and Botany at, Redfern Stephens Miss, 57 Parramatta ml, An'dale Stephenson Miss O., Willoughby nil, Wil-

loughby Stewart James • H., 388 Lane Cove rd,

North Sydney Strand Drapery Co.,_ 244 to 252 Darling

at, Balmain, and 38 Corso, Manly Sullivan William, Church et, Carlingford Sweet Bros., Ltd., 259-261-263 King at,


Webb Henry W., 85.87 Oxford at Webber E. (ft Co., 65 Auburn rd, A'burn Weeks and Go., Mac q uarie et, Parramatta Whately Sidney H., South at, Granville Wheeler George W., Oxford at, Epping Whitbread Mrs. B., C5 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Whitchell and CoSVictoria a ye, Chatswood Wild Mrs. Sarah, 104 Queen at, Woollahra Williams Mrs. J., 136 Military rd, N. Bay Williams Mrs. J., Railway par, Kogarah Williamson D. 0055 Young at, An'clale Williamson Mrs. Sarah, 312 Norton at

Leichhardt Wills W., Willoughby rd, Willoughby Wilson and Cooper, 10 Cunningham at Wilson William J., 105 to 111 Parratnatta

rd, Annandale Winn's Ltd., 18-28 Oxford at Winn Ohms., 225 Liverpool ni, Ashfield Wiseman Mrs. It., Forest rd, Arncliffe %oiulon John, 415 Parramatta rd, L'hanit

froodhill and Co., Durwood nil, Burwood Woods Henry, Guildford rd, Guildford Woods Jack, ()sod at, Granville Woon Henry J., 77 New Canterbury rd,

Petersham Wych Mrs. AL A., 53 Lamb et, Leichltardt Wynnes Charles, Bellevue rd, Doub. Bay Youngman and Kingeborough, 214 Ens more rd, Enmore

. DRAPERS (FAMILY). Clark Marcus and Co. Ltd., Central square,

George and Pitt eta Farmer and Company, Limited, Victoria

House, Pitt, Market and George its HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS

LTD., Sydney — (See headlines throughout DIRECTORY)

Hordern Brothers, 203 to 211 Pitt at, and 422 George at

JONES DAVID, LTD. 349-359 corner George and Sanaa Streets, opposite General Post Offloe. Telephone 6336 City (16 lines)

Way E. and Company, 213 to 219 Pitt at. Telephones City 7953.4.5

DRAPERS (FURNISHING). Brake!' G. R. and Co., 20 Underwood st

Farmer and Company, Limited, Victoria House, Pitt, Market and George eta

GRACE BROS., 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, Broad-way, (I lebe—(See Advt. opposite Drapers)

HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS, LTD., Sydney — (See headlines throughout DIRECTORY)

Hordern Brothers, 203 to 311 Pitt at, and 422 George st

JONES DAVID, LTD. 349-359 corner George and Barrack Streets, opposite General Post Office. Telephone 6336 City (16 lines)

Murray Bros. Prop'ty, Ltd., 167-171 Church at, Parramatta

DRAY PROPRIETORS. See also Carriers.

Barton John, 47 Bridge nil, Glebe 13rien John, Crown in, Sherwood Clifton James, Wamtah it, Enfield Cummings Michael, 29 Barley st, Newtown Delavere IL W.,173 Arundel at, For. Lodge Fishy Michael, S Lugar et, Waverley Fatima Peter, Farr at, Marrickville Foster W.. Fairfowl at, Dulwich Hill Johnson J. II., 338 Edgeware rd, N'town Jones George, Britannia a ye, Durwood McGill T., Jour., 14 Little Toothill at,

Lewisham McGrath Michael, 74 Quarry at McKnight IV., 78 Hutchinson et, St. Peters Munro B. B., 71 Dement at, Glebe Padroth George, 2 John it, Leichhanit Parser J. H., Si St. Peters et, St. Peters Porter J. B., 114 Wardell rd, Dulwich Hilt Russell John, 42 Hutchinson st, St. Peters Ryan James, 49 Wells at, Redfern Todd W. and J., 94 Rose et, Darlington Warr George, 2 Albert it, Forest Lodge . Williams William, 137 Rochford at,


Aiken M iss A., 44 Castlereagh at Andrews Miss B. A., 107 Castlereagh at Andeews Mrs. L., 441 King at, Newtown Andrews Miss S., 23 Elmore rd, Newtown Austin Misses, Victoria a ye, Chatswood Baly Miss Clara, 82 Pitt et Banks Miss Mary, 101 Abercrombie at Batman Mrs. S., 118 Underwood at, P'ton Barwick Mrs. E., 49 Cowper et, Waverley Bastion Miss B., 173 Pitt st Berg Mrs. II., 151 The Strand Resorno Mrs. Harriett, 354 Cleveland st Blake Misses, 13 Prince at, MO91111111 Bradley Miss P., 1 Morris at, Sum. Hill Bray Miss I. E., Rawson place Bremner Miss S., 172 Bondi rd, Bondi Brighten Miss E., Gordon rd, Gordon Bross Madam B., 236 Liverpool at Brown Miss 46 Elizabeth at Buchanan Silk Shop Lt1., 420 George st Burt Mrs. M., 11 Mill Hill rd, Waverley Bush Mrs. Margaret, 80 Glebe Point rd,

Glebe Buell Mrs. Sarah, 99 Walker st, N. Syd. Cameron Miss Si. A., 187 Q.V. Markets Carrie Miss A. F., Victor at, Chatewood Casson Misses, Botany nil, Mascot Cecile et Cie 31odes, 92b Pitt st Chishohne Miss Hilda, 297 Lane Cove nil,

Noi th Sydney Clarke Miss, 282 Castlereagh at Cobb Mies D., 28 Belgrave at, Manly Cohen Miss I., 3 Oxford at, Paddington Cox Miss Ruth, 82 King at Coyle and Georgeson Misses, 40 Blue et,

North Sydney Davidson Miss Matilda, 41 Oxford at,

Paddington Davies Mrs. Sarah, 120 Walla at, NV. RTril Delaney Miss H., 56 Holden at, Aslifield Dickson Miss Myra, 220 Pitt at Dingle Mrs. Julia, 112 Oxford et, Peallon Dixie Miss H. A., 112a King at Doran Mrs. J., 251 Glebe Point nil. Glebe " Dorrii n," Miss R. Gore, 114 Hunter st Douglas Miss G., 44 Castlereagh st Driver Mrs. Ethel, S'S Oxford at, Pad'ton Earls Mrs. A., 287 Glebe pt. rd, Glebe Edginton Clyde, Lee avenue Edwards & Bain, Wavtrley nil, Waverley Edwards Miss Mary, 269 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Ellwood Mrs. A., 8 Lenten par, Waterloo Estelle et Cie, 79 Sydney Arcade Enfield Alias H. IL, 1 Edgware rd, Enraore Evans Mies, Bunnerong rd, Kensington Falk H., 213 Cunningham at Farmer & Co., Ltd., Victoria House, Pitt,

Market and George sts Farrell Miss Nellie, 44 Elizabeth at Fife Miss, 9 The Strand Gallagher Miss K., 131 Victoria st Garnett Mrs. Isabe'la, 524 King et. N'town Goodere MISS L., 121 Alexander at, North

GoreSAyidisnseyR., 114 Hunter at Grace Miss 31., 120 Flinders at Harroway Miss J., 221 George at Hay Miss A., 19 Hunter at Helm Miss, 62 Junction at, North Sydney Henderson Miss H., 156 King et Henriette Madame, 157 King it Hillier Mrs. Charles, 600 Crown at Holmes Mrs. AL, 82 King at

HORDERN ANTHONY SONS LTD., Sydney. — (See headlines throughout DIRECTORY)

Hordern Brothers, 203-211 Pitt at and 422 George at

Hudson & Dickson, 126 King at, St. P'ters Humphrey Miss, Rawson place Hutchinson & Rorke, (The Misses), 384

Pitt at

Jay's Dressmaking School, 128 Strand Jarrom Miss, 380-382 George St Jean Madame, 173 Pitt st Johnston Miss L., 158 Pitt at

JONES DAVID LTD., 349-359 George st, corner Barrack et, opposite G.P.O. Telephone 6336 City (16 lines)

Jurd Miss S.,528 King at, Newtown Kennedy Mrs. A., 361 Harris at KC/11101y MISS L., 158 Pitt at Kerby Mrs. IL, 145a Castlereagh St Kraft Madam, 7 Darghan st, Glebe Leonard Mrs Sarah J., 273 Forbes at Lockwood & (iidley, 725 New Canterbury

rd, Petersham Lovegrove Miss A., 183-184 Q.V. Mrkts. McArthur Mrs. E., 74 Glebe Pt. nil, Glebe McCarty Miss N.,86 Belgrave at, Manly McDowell and Hughes, Ltd., 378-382

George at McCabe Mrs., 482 George at McNamara Mrs. J., 80 Jersey nil, PaiPton McPherson Miss J., 29 Elizabeth et Madden Miss b'., 387 (.4. orge at Middleton Miss Bertha, 62 Junction st,

North Sylinty Martin Flora, 201 William st 31artin Miss, 84 Elizabeth st ALtelintan Misses S. & E., James street,

Cluitswood Mende Miss AL, 360 Darling at &amain Alison Mrs. I. 31 , 96 Glebe pt. rd, Glebe Mitchell Miss E., 176 Pitt at Monnythan Misses, 14 6 Probert at, C'down Morrison Mrs. C., 164 The Strand Muller Mks Alice, 554 Bourke st Muller Alies, 130 The Strand Murphy Misses I. & Si., 59 Parramattn ni,

An/midst° Neale & Brophy, 76 Alfred at, Nth. Sys]. Neely bliss, 107 Castlereagh et Nicholson Misses, 512 Darling at, Roz. O'Connor Miss 1.015 Smith at, Sum Hill O Dell Mn,s Carrie, 1st Bourke at O'Halloran Miss Katie, 249 Forbes st 011aff Madam M., 114 Hunter at 011erenshaw Miss E., 87 Thomas at Page Miss AL, 282 Castlereagh at Parfaite Madame, 61 Market st Parrott Miss E., 122 Liverpool at Peell Mite H. L., 114 Hunter at Phelan Miss, 567 Crown at Prestage Miss E., 208 Oxford at, Paton Prior Miss Agnes 117 Bathurst at Rees Miss Margaret, 12 Sydney Arcade Rees MI s Margaret, 18 Sydney Arcade "Rejwoonoe: 4 Sydney Arcade Robert Misses V. & U., Burwood nil, Bur-

Ryan & May, 31 Regent at, Redfern Sachs Mrs., 9 Blight at Scott Miss Mary, 12 Victoria et, Milani Sharkey Miss K., Durwood rd, Burwood SIOMMI AIN; V., 180 William et Spence Miss, 206 George at West Stanborough Mrs. E., 22 Elmore nil,

Newtown Stephen. MIami E. Ds 28 Moore at StuaHrtiltalliss Eliza, 114 Carlton ores, Stun.

Sullivan Misses E. & E., B'wood rd, B'w'd Sullivan Misses F. & K., South st, ville Taylor Madame, 79 Billiton rd, Entnore Tidmarsh Mrs. Martha, Railway par, Kog. Trevaskis Miss L., 84 Elizabeth st Tynuns & Patterson, Duntroon at, Hurl.

stone Park Wales Miss Louisa, Regent at, Kogarah Ward Mrs. Lillie, 40 City rd, Darlington Welch Mrs. Mary, 141 Bfiller at, N. Syd. White Mrs. F., TIme Strand, Croydon

Swyny S. 11., Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Sydney Snow Ltd.. corner Liverpool and

Pitt sts, Sydney Tapping S., Botany rd, Mascot Taylor E. B., Great North rd, Five Dock Taylor Airs. M., 173 Parraniatta rd,

Amanda lo Taylor Miss Sarah, Haldon at, Lakemba Terry P. B. & 00., 149 Church et, P'matta Thomas Miss M., The Strand, Croydon Thompson Mrs. 0. A., 63 West at, N. Syd. Tidily It. W.. Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Tiernan Mrs. S. C., 235 Henderson rd,

Alexandria Turner H. end S., 573 King at, Newtown Turner Miss Joanna, 636 King at, E'ville Turner Walter, Railway par, Kogarali Turnock Wm., 153.187 Emnore nil, Entnore Ure Robert, 191 193 Military rd. Unman Vivian S. L., 356b Oxford at, Woollshra VOPC Mrs., 331 &minor° rd, Petersham Walker J. E., Rocky Pt. rd, Sans Soul Wallace John, George at, Concord Wahnsley It. L., Gordon rd, Lindfield Walsh Miss F., 9 Albemarle at, Newtown Walsh Patrick, 439 New Canterbury rd,

Dulwich Hill Ward Miss Edith, 124 Walker st, N. Syd. - Waters W. T. & Co., Ltd., 394 George at,

74-78-80 King at Waters Mrs. 13 , Great North. rd, G'ville Watt Mrs. Margaret, 74 Willoughby rd,

North Sydney Watts Mrs. F., 79 Beattie at, Balmain


DRYSALTERS. Australian Drug Co., I hnited, 19-21 O'Connell st Berry Henry and Co., Pty.,Ltd .137 York st Elliott Brothers LW., 20-22 O'Connell st


loneo" Company of Australasia, Limited

Duplicating Machines, Copier's and Steel Filling Cabinets: Circulars Re-produced, inuld or typewritten, Dom 50 to 5000 copies-21 Hunter st. See Advt. opposite name in Alphabetical Section)

Stott and Underwood Edi-on R Miry Duplicators and Wax-less btenell Paper, Mulligraph Mac-hines, "Bede, wood" and "Corona" Typewriters, 70 Pitt p t. Telephones, City 0381 and 6382

Fader S., 32 McDonald st, Paddington Garside Richard A., 2980 Oxford street,

Woollahra Gourley James, 107 King st and 254a

Victoria st Gourley Thomas, 67 Oxford st, WaVerley GritlIn 0. and M., 147 Bridge ni, Glebe Hall John G., 206 31arrickville rd, M ville Ilall Robert, 37 Queen st, Auburn Hanks and Co., 68 Military ni, Mosman

and 186 Military rd, Neutral Bay Harris John, 277a Elizabeth at, 31 Rowe st

and 314 Crown st Hartley & Co., 556 Marrickville rd,

Dulwich Hill Hehley Frank, 72 Barcom rive Hodges & Brown, 205 William at Hubbard G., 138 Raglan et, Waterloo Hubble and Brandon, 60 Erskilie at Hynes Michael, 18 Westmoreland

Forest Lodge Jarvis Ilerbert 152 Ring at, Newtown Jones lh rbert, 9 Lane Cove nil. N. Sydney Kelso Mrs. A.., 8 Bondi rd, Waverley Kum. Samuel, Kirketon rd King D EL, 463 King st, St. Peters Lane J., 140 Liverpool at Larkliam Miss V., 454 King st, Newtown Lonnie Dairy, 1163 Darling et, Itozelle lammile Frank If., 102 Weston rtl, Rozelle


REID and GREGORY Manufacturers' Agents, Representing Samuel, Samuel, and Co., Ltd., Yokohama, 379 Kent st, Sydney

Satoh Bros., 14 The Strand Shanahan A. G. and Co., 568 Harrle et




Duff John F. (Successors), 171 Clarence street Eastern Trading. Co.. 255a George st Folstead & Co., 56 Market st Gilleeple Bros. and Co., Barker st Harper Robert amid Co. Proprietary, Ltd.,

93 York et Java Cold Storage & Eastern Trading

Agency Co., Ltd., 12 Loft us st Kanemattnt F., 8 O'Connell st Love Clifford and Co.. Ltd., 75 Clarence at KOMURA T. AND CO., Japanese Mer-

chants, Importers, Exporters, find In. dentors, Henley Building, 73 York st. Telephone 3613 City

Landahl and Schureck, 204 Clarence et McKenzie :hones F. and Co., Proprietary Ltd , 306 Kent st Mitchell D. and Co. Ltd., 153 Clarence st Nakano T. (Chiba), 176 Pitt St OSAWA J. AND CO., Japanese Ater

chants, Importers and Exporters, Silk Goods a Speciality, Nos. 10 and 11 York House, 50-52 York st, Sydney Head office, Kloto. Branches : Kobe, Osaka, Japan, Hong Kong and Bris-bane. Telephone, City 3342

Quine John A., 21 Alfred et. Nth. Sydney need Allen, 167 Military rd, Neutral Bay Rogers Bros.. 181 Oxford et, 775 George st, and 455 Pitt st Sedgwiek William, 590 Crown et Selig and Solomon Mesdames, Imperial

Arcade, 170 Pitt et Shift Ai thur, 204 Alfred st, Nth. Sydney Solomon Mies D., 193 Oxford St Solomon L. A., 155 Parrainatta rd, A'dale Solomon Nathan, 37 King et Standard Cleaners and Pressers, 10 Alfred

st, Allison's Point Stone Mrs. E , 24 Rawson place Sydney Dyeing and Cleaning Co. (

Stewart), 155a William st Tilley J., 42 Queen st, Woollehra Tilley John, 5 Crescent st

DYERS, CLEANERS AND SCOURERS. Acme Dry Cleaning Works, Rocky Pt rd, Kogarali Ameriean Cleaning & Dyeing Co., 69

Regent st, Redfern Andmon Frederick, 107 Castlereagh st Berbu Charles & Son, '200 31ilitary rd,

M08111)111 Barber Augustus, 106 Sussex st Ditty E. and Co., Victoria eve, Chatswood Baty Henry, 193 Citetlereagh st Block W. &Co., 183 George st Bloch W., 22 King et Blumenthal 31 NA, 43 Q. V. Markets Bon Ton (The)-0. Ellis, manager, 140 Hay st Bridger Harry, Brown st, Ashfleld Broadbent and Co., 1e4 Miller st, N. Syd. Bryant Mrs. IL, 368 Lime Cove rd, N. Sytl. Butler Arthur W., 78 Devonshire st .Cartledgo IL, 377 Elizabeth ss Chummy Abraham, 11 Gordon st, 3I'ville Cohen Maurice, 1221 Phillip et Co-opera( ve Cleaning and Dyeing Wor1 66 Olitrenee st Cox A., 167a King et, 50 Hunter st, and 61

William et Crossley P., 133 Morehead st, Dore Gustave, 158 Pitt at Dyson Thomas G., 278 Church et, P'in'ta Eastern Cleaning Cu, rd, Ways/Hoy

ELDRIDGE W. C. and CO. (Established 1830), Dyers, Cleaners, etc., 31 Q.V. Markets (Tel. City J02); 7 and 9 Lord st, Newtown

176 Emma rd, Newtown (Tel. L 1 088) and 1 Glebe Point rd, Glebe (Tel. 31 1703) ; also at 270 High st, West Ma l timid. Tel. 361 W.31.

Elite American Cleaners and Pressers, 229 William st Evans Chas. A., Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Evans 3liss Eike A., St. Mac et, It'wick Beane John, 3 Union at Even Alphonse, 17 Queen Victoria

Markets, 22 James st, Enmore, and 1 Bayswater rd

SUZUKI AND CO. " LEITCH HOUSE," 127 YORK ST. Telephones City 3141 and 3161. Importers of Japanese Timbers, Sulphur, Eastern Pr dune, Electric Goods, Silks and Cotton Piece Goods, Melbourne 13ranch: Lane Centre, Flinders Lane, Melbourne. Telephone 9039 Central. Agents for MASUD A and COY., Yokalinina, Kobe, Tokyo, Osaka. Japan, Dairen, Shatig-hid, China and London.

Tallerman and Co., Ltd., 156 Oinreece at Waters C. E. & Co., 35 Liverpool st Whitelaw and Co. Ltd., 169 Clarence at


Angus and Robertson, Ltd., 89-95 Castle-reagh at

Borden) Brothers, 203 to 211 Pitt at, near G.P.O.

Philip George B. & Son, 451 Pitt st Robertson George and Co. Proprietary,

Limited, 238 Pitt st Turner & Ilendereon, Ltd., 10-18 Hunter et


City Manufacturing Co. • LIMITED (THE) Egg Fillers (Interlocking), Egg Boxes, all kinds and sizes, 383 Sus-sex 1st, Sydney. Tel, City 230

EGG MERCHANTS. Clothier A., 372 Sussex at CRAVEN T. W., Commission Agent

and Produce Merchant, 168 Sussex et. Tel. City 2964

Federal Ego Preserving Co. Ltd, 372 Sussex st

Paddington E gg Supply, 4-6 William st, Paddington


Adams William & Co. ltd. Electrical Department, 45 King st, Sydney. Telephone City 911. Ito- porters and Si/miners of Electrical Accessories, Motors, Wires, and Cables, etc.

Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia) Ltd. Manufacturers and Importers uf In-struments for Wireless Telegraphy, Wireless Telephony and Scientific Pur-poses. Sole Agents and Licensees for Ohio Marconi System. " Wireless House," 97 Clarence st, Sydney Telephones, City 4250 and 4255. Cable Address, "Expam.e," Sydney

Augurs Railway Safe Running Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd., 113 Pitt st

Australian Electric and Gas Light Int provement Co., 321 Pitt at

Australian Electric Supply Ltd., 350 George at

Automatic Telephones (Australasia), Ltd., Stanway House, 77 King St


Magnet House, 257 Clarence Street Sydney. Tots., City 7618-7519. Australasian Representatives of the General Electric Co., Ltd. (England), Peel Conner Telephone Works, Ltd., Pirelli ; General Cable Works, Ltd.; °stain Robertson Lamp Works, Ltd.; British Electric Transformer Co., Ltd. ; Wilton Kramer Electric Tool and Hoist Co. ; Witton-Jantes, Ltd., etc., etc.

Butler and Wilkinson, 16 Spring st Colonial Electric Manufacturing Co.,

7 Ryder et Commonwealth Electrical Construction and Supply Co., Ltd., 14 Moore at

CROMPTON & CO., LTD. 56 Margaret at, Manufacturer's and Importers of all Electrical Machinery. Stocks of Latest Patterns of Acces-sories kept. Telephones, City 3559 and 6887

Cruickshank J., 227 George et edison Thou RH A., Ltd., William Wy per,

managing director, 364-372 Kent at Edison Swan Electric Cu., Ltd., 58

Clarence st Electric Motor and Dynamo Co., 244

Kent st Electric Supplies and Engineering Ltd., 163 Clarence st

HUMPHREYS LTD. Imperters Electrical Fittings and Supplies, also this Fittings, II. Theakston, Manager, In 3facquerie place. Tel. City 3849

Indiltrubiler, Guttapereha, and Telegraph Works Co., Ltd. (Silvertown Rubber Co., Essex), 270 George st

Lawrence and Hanson Electrical Co., Ltd 33 York et

Lee Fred., 416 George st

McFarlane 1. S. andSons Electric Light Letter Makers, 119 Goulletrn at, Sydney. Tel. City 125

Martin A. E., 395 Kent at Middowe Brothers (Australia) Limited,

73 Clarence st

OWES BROS. (Sydney) ltd. Agents for The Lancashire Dynamo Co., 3111'u:heater, and Ferranti, Ltd, Manchester ; 115 Clerence et, Sydney

Paton James and Co., la Macquarie place, Pitt, Vickery, Ltd., 835 Pitt at


Ramacciotti A., 333 Pitt at Rodman & Keleher, 107 Elizabeth at Rosewood John L., 17 Castlereagh st Standard .Waygood Ilercules, Ltd, 77 King

St Stevenson Cecil V., 605 George st Summit T. H. and Co., 8 Central st Swett Robert O. and Co., Ltd., 304 Pitt at Watson W. G., and Co., Ltd. (W. G.

Watson, in tug. director), 270 Clar- ence at


PROUDS LTD. Maitufacturers of Turret Clocks, Synchronome and Electric Clock Systems, Wall Clocks, etc (31tirday's Patents). Works, Lawson House, 40 Clarence st, Sydney. Telephone, City 0903

ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANIES. Soo also Electric Appliance .Ifannfacturers

—Electricians. Australian General Electric Co., corner

Wentworth rive and Goulburit at, Sydney, sole agents for Genera/ Electric Co.. U.S.A.

Australian Lighting Co., Ltd., 370 Kent. street

British Thommit Houston Co. (Eng.), (The)— A mu. tral Jan 0 eneral Electric Co., sole agents, canter Wentworth, ave. and °minium at

Electric Light aml Power Supply Corpora-tion, Ltd , 50 The Strand

Electric Light end Power Supply Con- Iteration, Ltd., Margaret st, Rozelle sub-stetion, Regent st, Newtown Nor-ton st, AsIttleld General Electric Co., U.S.A.—Australia's General Electric Co., sole agents,. corner Wentworth a ye & Geuther!' st,

di G lit Co. of Australasia, 186

Clarence at General Electric Co., LW. (Eng.), 25T

Clarence st Manly Electric Supply Co., Ltd., 34


Whistler at, Manly, city ollice 14 Martin piece Northern Sydney Electric Light & Power Supply Corporation, Ltd.. 23 Phillip st end 114 31iller st, North Sydney

Parramatte Electric Supply Co., Ltd ,. Macquarie st, Parrarnatta

I'arramatta Electric Supply Co., Ltd., Macquarie st, Parramatta

Sydney Mimi' ipal Commit Electric Light Dept., 132 Q.V. Markets ; Station,. Pyramid Western Electric Co. (Australia), Ltd., II. B. Hungerford, mgr., 194 Castlereagh st


RAMACCIOTTI A. Electric Advertising Specialist, Elec-tric w ndow Misplays and Novelties, Electric Motor and Thermos Flashers, Importer of Electric Lamps, Recep-tacles and various Electric Cools; 338 Pitt at Blear Liverpool at), Sydney.

- 'Phone, City 4931

LEMOINE ERNEST (Late Eugene Virtu and Co.) Genuine Dry-Cleaning (Viau system), preserves colour end lustre, no shrinkage. Steam Works and Office, 4 John st, Glebe Tel. 7.11512. City Receiving (Mice, 10 Queen Victoria Markets. Tel. 1544 City

Lenthen Mrs. L., 41 Castlereagh et Lenthen Meyer 28 Parramatta rd, P'shant Les Teinturiers, Ltd , 147 Liverpool rd

Asidield, and Durwood rd, Durwood Levi Mrs., 48 Davies st McDougall and Sons, 605 George et west Mann Isaac, 2a Botany rd, Alexandria Mayne Mark, 211 Sydney rd, Manly, and

323 Military rd, Mosman Mearriek Mrs. V; , 82 Mount st, N. Sydney Mears Cleaning Co., 273 Sussex at My Valet, 225 William st New York Cleaning and Dyeing Works,

7S William st, and Kensington Osman J., 82 The Corso, Manly

POULL1118 LIMITED Modern Art Dyers and Dry Cleaners, 102-104 Altdon st (near Behnore Park) Sydney. Tel., Pad. 149. Receiving depots : 1400 King st, and 109 Oxford et, Bondi Junction

Tuck Miss Ethel, 304 Bourke at Vincent and Sons, 28 Oxford et, Padlon Walkley Charles, 38 Beattie at, Balmain Williams John, oil 6 Stanley st Wilson W. H., 33 Willoughby rd, N. Syd. Windehank Mark, 13 Enmore rd, Newtown Yatna K., 7 Oxford st, Paddington, and

74 Cowper et, Waverley

EARTHENWARE DEALERS. See also China, ke., Dealers and Importers

DYNON JOHN & 'SONS, LTD., 93 Bathurst st. (See Advt. opposite China, Glass and Earthenware Im-porters)

Grace Bros., 1 to 11 Broadway, Glebe HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS,

LTD., Sydney. (See headlines nit oughout Di ItIlcronY )

Murray Bros. Ltd., Church et, Parramatta

EASTERN MERCHANTS. Ackmans Ltd., 279 Clarence st American Trading CO. of Australia, 40 Mug St Bowden Brothers and Co., Ltd., 18 Bridge at City Mantifaceg Co., Ltd., 383 Sussex at &lien L. and Co., 56 York st CRAMP H. H . AND CO., Importers of Eastern, English, and .:inerican

Goode and General Merchandise, Eagle and Globe Building, 379 Kent st, Sydney. Tel. City 16u

• Australian Agents for Thursfield's High-class Electric Light Fittings, Lauson House, 49 Clarence street, Sydney. Telephone, City 6093




Specialists in the repair of Magnetos and the upkeep of Electric Lifts. With every Magneto repair we do, we give a binding guarantee of three months' service. Send us your deli- cate Electrical Machine ELECTRIC LIFT

THE MAGNETO The Life of the Engine.

With every Electric Lift we undertake to look after, we guarantee to give thorough service, and 'holdourselves responsible to the smallest screw. There are no extras whatever. Ask us to call. We do all classes of high grade Electrical Work. Ask us for an estimate. 343 Kent Street, SYDNEY.

when it needs attention. The Great Labor Saver.


Magnet House, 267 Clarence at, Sydney. Tel., City 7518-7510 Australasian kepr.sentatives of the General Electric i)o. Ltd. (England), Peel Conner Telephone Works, Ltd ; Pirelli—General Cable Works, Ltd. Osrani Robertson Lamp Works, Ltd. ; British Electric Transformer Co., Ltd. ; Witten Kremer Electric Tool and Hoist Co. ; \Fitton-James Ltd., etc., etc.


Australian General Electric Co., Sole Agents, corner Wentworth aye and Goulburn st, Sydney, and corner Queen and Little Collins sta. Melbourne Telephones, City 3510 (5 lines)

CROMPTON & CO. LTD. 58 Margaret at, Manufacturers and Importers of all Electrical Machinery. Stocks of Latest Patterns of Ac-cessories kept. Telephones City 3559 and 6887

Dick, Kerr and Co., Ltd., Stanway House, 77 King st

Electrical Contractors and Suppliers Co., 34 5foare et

FEDERAL ELECTRICAL AND ENGINEERING WORKS (A. A. Oxlaile), Electrical and Mechani-cal Engineering Work of every description carried out, 10 Dean's place, Sydney. ffeleplione, City 6881

Gardner, tern and Co. Representing A limanna Svenska Electric Co., Aga System Dissolved Compressed Acetylene, Johnseredo Ltd., Woodworking Machinery, Swed-ish Diesel Polar Engines, "S.K.F." Ballbearings, Jungner Accumulators and Oxy-Acetylene Welding Planta, 334 Kent st. Tel. 2001 City


Australian General Electric Co., Sole Agent., corner Wentworth avenue and Null/urn street, Sydney, and corner Queen and Little Collins streets.

- Melbourne. Telephones, City 3510 (5 lines)



British Westinghouse Electrical and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 77 King at

BRUCE. PEEBLES & 00,, LTD. EDINBURGH — N Onthridge, Ltd., Agents City Office, Equitable Buildings, 350 George st, Sydney

Clyde Engineering Co., Ltd (The), Clyde works, Granville, Mutual Life build-ing. Martin place, Sydney

Cook Stanton & Co., 3 Dailey at



Magnet House, 257 Clarence street, Sydney. Tels„ 7518-7519 City. Australasian Representatives of the General Electric Co., Ltd. (Eng.) Peel Conner Telephon y Works, Ltd.; Pirelli—General Cable Works Ltd.; Osram Robertson Lamp Works, Ltd.; British Electric Transformer Co., Ltd. ; Witten Kramer Electric Tool and Hoist Co. ; Witton-James Ltd., etc. etc.

British Insulated and Nelsby Cables Ltd.

95 King et, Sydney. Telephone, City 911. Insulated ()able., Flexibles, Bare Copper Cables, Trolley Wire, Tramway Equipment, Busbar, Copper Rod, etc. (William Adams and Co., Ltd., Sole Agents in N.S.W.)

CALLENDER'S CABLE AND CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. Noyes Bros. (Sydney) Ltd., Agents, 115 Clarence st, Sydney

HENLEY'S (W. T.) TELEGRAPH WORKS CO., LTD., Electrical Engineers, Electric Light and Power Cables and Wires of every des-cription, and Manufacturers of the "Why Not" Golf Ball, 61 York st, Sydney. Telephone City 2061


ADAMS WILLIAM & COMPANY, LIMITED, 173 and 175 Clarence st, corner of King st. Telephones City 9180 and 9181

Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Ltd. "Wheless House," 07 Clarence et, Sydney. Tots. City 4254 and 4255. Cable address—"Expanse," Sydney

AUSTRALIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. Corner Wentworth eve and Goulburn at, Sydney,and Corner Queen and Little Collins st, Melbourne. Sole Agents for General Electric Co. U.S.A., and The British Thomson Houston Co. (Eng.). Telephones, City 8E0 (5 fines)

Bell Francis, 244 Kent at

Guthridge N. Ltd., Equitable buildings, George at, Sydney.

'fees and Eg gers Ltd., 163 Clarence st Handley & Thomas, 105 Pitt at Indiarubber, Gentapercha and Telegrahle

Works Co. Ltd., (Silvertown Rubber Co., Essex), 279 George at

JOHNSON it PHILLIPS, LTD. LONDON. N. Glithridge Ltd., Agents, City Office, Equitable Building, 350 George at, Sydney,

Johnson T. P. and Co., 65 Druitt Kopsole Charles F. G. and Co., 8 Bridge et


Electrical Engineers, Contractors and Suppliers of every description of Electrical Apparatus, 33 York at, Wynyard Square, Sydney, also at Mel-bourne, and Wellington, N.Z. Tel., City 6016 (3 lines)

LEWIS NORMAN E. Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, General Contractor for Electrical and Mechanical Installations, Estimates Free, 240 .1/MIMI] St, City. Telephone City 4183

Maas and Maas Ltd., Cuiwulla Chambers. 67 Castlereagh st

Mach/teen & Lane, 623 George at %elute/in C. D., 623 George Major, Stevens & Coates Ltd., Challis

House 5liddows Brothers (Australia) Ltd., 73

Clarence st

MOODY & COY, Electrical Engineers. " The Good Eleeticael Firm," 343 Kent at, Sydney. Telephones, City 1740 and 1741. (See Advt. opposite)


101 Alfred at, North Sydney. Con-tractors for all ein . ses of Electrical Work. Eleetroplaters and Gliders. 'Phone, 1951 North

Paton James & Co., la Macquarie place Ramacciotti A., 838 Pitt st Standard Waygood, Hercules, Ltd., Stan-

way House, 77 King at The T. T. Electric Fitting Co., 15 Market

st, corner Kent st

WARBURTON, fRANKI, [TO. Electrical and General Engineers and Contractors. Marine and Mining Work a Speciality. 307-309-311 Kent st, Sydney. Telephones 6721 and 6722 City .

Watson W. G. and Co., Limited—W. G. Watson, man, director, 279 Clarence at

Western Electric Co. (Australia) Ltd., 192-191 Castlereagh at

ELECTRICIANS. Abbey and Abbey, 227 George at Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia) Ltd.,

Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony and Scientific Instruments. " Wireless, House," 97 Clarence at. Telephones City 4264 and 4255 ; Cable Address, " Expanse," Sydney.

Barry Bert., lb JR111103011 at British Ever Ready Electrical Co., Ltd.,

163 Pitt at and Burns st British Westinghouse Electrical and Manu-

facturing Co. Ltd., 77 King at Bruce R. E. & Co., Beamish st, Campsie Carlton Electric Co., 59 Carlton orea, Sum-

mer Hill City Electrical Co., Mount st, Nth. Sydney City and Surburban Electrical Co., Raw-

son place Court W. A. L„ Kogarah ril, Kogarah

CROMPTON & CO. LTD. 56 Margaret et, Manufacturers and Importers of all Electrical Machinery. Stooks of Latest Patterns of Ac-cessories kept. Telephones, City 3559 and 68s7

Crossing A. II, 210 Military rd, Nommen Cummings James, srp George st Edison Thomas A., Ltd., 364-372 Kent et Electric Construction .Co. of Australia,

343 Kent at

Electr:cal Contractors and Supply Co., 34 Moore at

Electrical Installations Co., 227 Liver-pool rd, Asiefield

Faulkner Electric Co., 22 Washington at Federal Eleetrical and Engineering Works,

10 Dean's place Ferguson ltobt. M., Macquarie at, P'matta Golding amid Co., 8 Rowe at Matte A., 120a King at, Newtown Hayes Bros., 117 Bathurst at Hipsley and Waddell, Ltd., 35 Palmer at Indiarubber. 0 uttopercha, and Tele-

graph Works Co., Ltd., 279 George at Jerdan's H. S. 387 George at Kendor K. F.;173 Pitt st Howie Charles F. (1. and Co., 8 Bridge st Lawrence and Hanson Electrical Co.,

Ltd., 33 York st Lions and Machin,21 Clarence a Lock William, 489 I'orramatta rd, L'hardt Mans and Maas, Ltd., Culweella chambers

67 Castlereagh at MOODY AND CO., 343 Kent at (see

Advt. preceding page) Morris J. R., 598 Marrickville rO, Dui. Hill New T. and Sons, Wentworth place


101 Al fred at, North Sydney. Con-tractors for all classes of Electrical Work, Electroplaters and Gliders 'Phone, 1951 North

Paterson T. H., 208 Clarence at Paton James & Co., In Macquarie place Radcliffe 0., 40 Campbell at Ramacciotti A., 338 Pitt st Robinson it Hawkins, 27 Jamieson at Scharlt & Schulz, 58 Wentworth ave Sharp Ramsey & Co: Ltd., 217 George at Seinen Paul, 7 Bourke at

THAETER H. ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER. Electric Bello, Orna-mental Bell Pushes, Electric " Watch-man Telltales," and Electrical Clocks. Norwich Chambers, 56 Hunter et, Sydney

WARBURTON, FRAM, LTD. Electrical and General Engineers and Contractors. Marine and Mining Work a Speciality. 307-309-311 Kent at,. Sydney. Telephones City 6721 and 8722

Western Electric Co. (Australia), Ltd. 192-191 Castlereagh at

Whitaker H. A., 105 Cavendish st, S'enore Whittaker Bros., 183 Ramsay rd, H'field Wilson W. H., Great North tO, Five Dock


Manufacturers of Plain and Fancy Stationery. Australian Plating and


SUPPLIERS. AIMIMM (&e Page 2010).

ELECTROTYPER& See alto Stereotyper*.

Andrew John and Co., 21 Phillip at Harrell Bri)s8 Dean's place. Iles and Pontey;l67 Plarenee:st • Paul Henry 8, 9 Dailey at

Increase the effieleno y of your Office by Installing •


0. Ross, Proprietor ; Rooms, 22 and 23 Gary's Chambers, 812 George at,

' Sydney •

Commonwealth Plating Co., 5 Central at Crawfoot J.. 377 King at, Newtown Crowley and Sons, 142 Sussex at SANDS JOHN (LTD.).

374 George Street WIMBLE F. T. AND CO., LTD.,

Printers' Outfitters, Typefounders, Printing Ink Manufacturers, Printers' Roller Composition Manufacturers and Electrotypers, 87, 89 and 91 Clar-ence et ; and at Melbourne

Factory: °milli Street -

FENN AND CO. Specialists in Silverplating, Oxydis. lug, Repairing, etc., 25 Erskine at, Sydney. Telephone City 101,65 -

Flavelle Brothers, Limited,3100eorgest



BRISCOE AND CO„ LIMITED, 383-385 Kent at, Sydney. Telephones Kent at, City 0890 (5 lines) and 0741 ; Wattle at, City 7872 and 7873

Cooper Bros. and Sons, Ltd., 204 Clarence street

Dempster J. M., Ltd., King and York sts Farmer William and Co., 30b Hunter at Flavelle Brothers, Ltd., 310 George at . Grace Bros., 1 to 11 Broadway, GieLe

GRIFFITH LIMITED, Electroplate Manufacturers, Eleotroplaters, Gild. ors, dm. Rstab. 1870. 77 and 79 Liverpool at, City. Tel. City 6905. (See Advt. opp, name in Alpha. Section)

HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS, LTD., Sydney — (See headlines

•throughout DIREOTORY)

•MARTIN, HALL & CO., LTD, •(Sheffield, Kng.), Manufacturing fillversnilths, Rieetroplaters and Cut-

lers, 16a Castlereagh at

PROUDS LTD. lintel and Restaurant Supplies. Solo Agents for Elkington 3: Co.,Ltd.. (London), Silver Plate an Cutlery, Lawson House, 49 Clarence at, , Sydney; and Hatton Garden; London. Telephone, City 6903

Sheffield Manufacturing and Plating Co., Ltd., of Sydney, .809 Pitt at, and 78 Wentworth avenue

Sutton Electroplate Co., Ltd., 40-1 Shepherd at

Williamson H. Ltd., 116-118 Olnrence at •


79-81 and 83a Commonwealth at, near Goulburn at. (See Advertisement Opposite)


Adler H. W., 15 Myrtle street

l'GOOUD . "11. M. Electro Plate Manufacturer, Electra Plater, etc. Electra Plating in Gold, Silver, Nickel, Copper, Brass, etc. Office, 140 ' Queen Victoria Markets. Factory, 203 Annandale at, Annandale. 'Phone, Pot. 1226

GRIFFITHS LIMITED Electroplaters, Gliders, &c. Estab. 1870. 77 and 79 Liverpool at, City. Telephone City 6905. (See Advt, opposite name in Alpha. Section)

Hill, Plant and Co., 3 Parker at Jenkins and Smith. Barker's lane Johnston Alfred 1., 8)8 King at, Tempe Martin, Hall S.; Co., Ltd., Hia Cantlereaghst Miller and Morris, 76 Goulburn at Sanders W. J., 80 Hunter st Sheffield Manufacturing and Plating Co.,

Ltd. of Sydney, 300 Pitt at, and 78 Wentworth ave .

Smith B., 181 Hay at


(late Stokes & Sons), Tileetroplaters, Gliders, Oxidisers, and Bronzers, Manufacturers of Electroplated Ware. Repairs a Speciality. 225 Clarence at, Sydney. Tel. City 6088

Sutton Electroplate Co., Ltd., 49-51 Shepherd at

Sydney -Plating Co., 22 Barker's lane Walker 44 Bali, 416 George at Watson and Crane 373-375 Pitt st

WHALE:AA. Ele:troplater add Manufacturer. Lacquering Lk Bronzing a Speciality, 31 Washin gton at, off 265 Sussex at.

• Sydney. Tel. City 4253


79.81 and 886 Commonwealth at, near Gonlburn sr, (See Advertisement opposite).


314 George Street SYDNEY.

Printers Counter Check Book


Account Book Makers,

LITHOGRAPHERS Manufacturers of all classes -

of . Tins and Canisters, Metallic Show Cases, Cartons for Dry Goods,

etc., etc. •




CITY 4284.




Manufacturers of

Electro-Plated Wares (Wholesale only.)

Gold, Silver, Nickel, Brass and Copper, Electroplating Works.

Stompers & Piercers. Repairing & Re-Plating,

Glass Fittings for E. P Ware.


COULBUIN STREET), Refer to Special Headings.

"ZONAX" Metal Salts to making Nickel, Brass, Cop. per, Zinc, gold mail Silver Solutions — only magr. dissolving in water.

tar- Panelling Lathes Polishing Mops, with Self-Oiling in all sizes and Ring Bearings and all qualities for Ball Bearings. poliohill g all


Dynamos and Motor Generators for


Pirating Vats for all Solutions. —

Plating Barrels.

Howard and Co., 120 Pitt at Kenwood end Jeitancret, 375 Giorge at King C. W. B.. 120 Pitt at Lamrock W., 26 Castlereagh at Lane and Peters, 222 Clarence at Lawrence and Chalmers, 70 l'Itt at

MASSEY GEORGE, M. lust. SIX., Post Office Chambers, 114a Pitt at

Morse T. Roy, 3 Spring it Newton Mauna!, J.P„ Challis Hon

Marlin place Oakley awl Midelton, 21 Bond at

POLLITZER S. J., 0.E.. Consulting aunt Mining Engineer. Licensed Sur-veyor, Terry's Chambers, 14 Castle. roagh at

Ricbanis R. W., M. lust. CE., 350 George at

Roberts George A., 76 Pitt at

ROSS H. E. AND ROWE, Brink. able Building,George at, Telephones, 3986 and 2087 (ity

ROSS HERBERT E., F.LA., Equit able Bnilding, George street. Tel. 3950 and 3087 City

• ROWE H. RUSKIN, A.I.A., Equitable

Building, George at. Tel. 3096 and 3987 Olty

Ryarato P. Si'., 104 Pitt st Shaw It. Albert, Challis House, Martha



Swann-fel H. H., I I1a Pitt at TooleJ.LL and Co., 70 II enter at

VICARS JAMES, M.E. (SYDNEY), Gold Medallist In Engineering and Arelliteeture. Consulting Engineer and Architect, ChM& Hon .; Martin place Sydney. Tel. 3010 City

WildrIdge J. and B11101R1r, Ltd., 82 Pitt Wilson IV. C., 32 Elizabeth at

ENGINEERS (CONSULTING). Alexandar James 0„ Challis House, Martin

place Allen T. 0., J.P., registered patent and

trade mark attorney and consulting engineer, 127 King at, City

Amalgamated Wireless (Austrainaia)Ltd., for Wirelese Tele graphy and Tele. phony. Reuse," 97 Clarence at, Sydney. 1 el City 4251 and 4265 Cable address "Expan se," Sydney

Armstron g A. H., 79 Pit t at Balaton J. It., AUER., Stanway House

77 King et. Tel. City 1822 Barr EX., 5 Moore at Caniew J. Haydon, M. Inst. C.E., 79 Pitt


Connie P., 40 'Pitt at Coxon Frunk and Son, 03 Pitt at Colon Frank, 03 Plat at Curtis L, A., S.F., 926 Pitt et Cuthbert William, 273 George at Ellis J. N , II Moore et Fenavick James. 10 Bridge at Ferrier and Dickinson, 50 Pitt st Finch E. W., 12 . 14 Logue at Franki 11..1. N., 07 Castlereagh at lyvie & Stewart, 25 O'Connell at German J., 24 MGM at Granowski 0..387 Kent at Griffith and Hassel, 77 Castlereagh at Griffith Hon. Arthur H., J.P., M,L.A., 77

Castierengh at Hall(figeaoari gand Wilton, Equitable building,

Wards It. A, and Co., 28 Castlereagh at Harris It. A., 70 Pitt A Hatton Chance, J.P., 77 Castlereagh at fHepburn

o a f; t n0T. .0 C I03P ritituatst JULIUS AND POOLE (G. A. Julius

14.8e., Id.E , M.T.Mecb.U., and William Fools RE, Ammo. ht. Inst. CE., 31.1.1111q.), Consulting Engineers, 006 Calwulla Chambers, 07 Castlereagh st, Sydney. Telephone No., City 4065 P.O. Box 1403

Julius G. A., B.Sc„ ME., consulting engineer, Oulwulla berg, 07 Castlereagh at

Kay, Mactileol and Co., Ohnille House, Martin place

Laldley R. W., 7 O'Connell al Macartney J, 31., 04 Pitt at

• Corner King and Elizabeth sts, Tel City 0529. (See " Patent Attorneys' and below "Solicitors")

Stone John J., Chains House, Martin place Stowe P. Ernest. 20 Hunter at

WO OD 001"



Embalmer and Undertaker. Head Office: 143 Oxfordst, City; New Club terbury nl. Dulwich Hill (near P.O.); Balfour rd, Keneingto ,n • 61 Oxford at, Paddington Rockdale. OPPoiffie station ; Delmore rd, Randvdok; Tea Garden., Bondi Junction ; and .197 Illawarra ni, igarrickvil/e. Tula. phones, Paddhagtott. 091 and 095, (See Advt. o pp. name in AlphalletIcal)

Kirby Mrs. P. and Son, Ltd. Head office. 7 Elizabeth at

EMBOSSERS. Bee also Engravers. „ PleAsInters.

Animas and. Geiger, off 117 Bathurst at Austral Embossing Co., Commerce Build-

ings, 315 Liverpool at Australian Card Manufacturing Co.—Min

Politzky, 15 Briehane at Bowdon John B., Bridge At, Crummy/le Flanders 0. F. de Co , 4 Dailey at Maolardy W. M., 34 Clarence at Fanfold Si', 0. and Co.. Ltd, 183 Pitt at 'teflon Embossing 0o., 202 Elisitheth at,


DARIASHMST—MI S. IL F. Thomas, 1111

GARIN. POINT-3 .3. Rossaolt,161g.1412 IMUMMME .-Mla Gardiner, D imple 108 DULWICH HILL—A . L. Channel. Voil a' 1692 ILAOMVILLE— Mrs. Find, Hunt. Hill 270 NABERFIELD-0. J. Wool G1473 HONSIV—Dotami and Bembriok,

Waltroonga IGO KILLARA—Mrs. Rochalx 31203 gagmtaw—J, F. Handley Kogarah 41 LEICHHANOT—Mrs. Janneu, Petersham 40 MARRICKVILLE— E . T. Mr, r'sbam 473 MDSMAN (Avenue Read)—

Nicholls Bros., Y1945 MOSMAN (Military lload)—

W. Callinglinin, Y174e NORTH SYONEY— w. LW, North 0 PETERSHAM—E. W. Bromley, ninon 22 ItANDWICK—A. McEllione, !Nick 1200 BUMF —Mr& Bartlett .. W1070 HYDE—L. Gordon .. Ityde 32 WAVERLEY—Mrs. Quinn Waver/ey 530

Cable& Telegraphic Address- "EfABAILMEll."


C lyde Engineering Co. Ltd , Swan ll. C. and Co., Ltd., 3414 Pitt at.

Bulk stores, James st,Redfern

ENAMELLERS. Browning G., n Nelson at, Rozelle

Telephone City 6390 Kingsford, Smith

and Company, gelling Agents for Australian-

Made Enamelled Signs and Advertising Plates,

63 Pitt Street, Sydney (over P. & O. Co.)

Lording A. at F., Barker lane Patrick A. W., DB WIlson et, Newtown Peyron Julien, 9 Clifton at east, Balmalit &reign H. and Co., North at, ee Sussex at

ENGINEERS (AGRICULTURAL). Olyde Engineering Co., Ltd. (The), Clyde.

Works, Granville; Mutual Life build- hug, Martin place, Sydney

lionleby It. & Sons, Limited, corner Bar-rack and Ceram ate

HOERSTZ C., Manufacturer of Wool. Preeses, Wool Scouting Plant, Pump Quartz Crushers, Stump Extractors, AbattnIrs rd, Pyrtnont

Leplastrier Arthur and Co., General Engi-neers. representing Robey and Co., Ltd. (Lincoln, England),79 Macquarie at, and Circular Quay, adjoining Mao- Mahon'. Bond

Martin James & Co„ Ltd., Concord west Ritchie Brothers, South par, Auburn




Plating and Polishing Plant Machinery and Materials. .


EVERYTHING Neceimary for Plating and Polishing.






CANNING W. AND CO., BIRMING-HAM (ENGLAND), Manufac-turers of Plating and Polishing Plant Machinery and Algerian. Dynamos Resistance Ilmanis and Electroplating Apparatus. (See Advt. opposite)

Healing A. G. and Co. Propty. Ltd., 120 Hay at

Lawrence Smith &Co., 58 Market at


Jeffrey ManigneturingOorg ibsou Battle and Co., Ltd., agents, 535 Kent et

Standard-Waygnod Hercules, Ltd., Stan- way House 77 King at

EMBALMERS. Andrewe Ernest & Co., 53 Australia g

New Bull IV. N., 104 King st, Newtown



Head Office .. Mortuary Chapel

110.12 GEORGE ST., SYDNEY. 'Phones 9220-9229 City.


72-84 HARRIS STREET. 'Phone 311109

District. Anent. Teletshone )4). LEXAMMIA—W. McNamara, Iledrii 818 ALMAIN, Darling Street—

Mrs. 14. E. Adaltead, II/107e ANNSTOWN meatier .. U7i50

DURWOOD—a A. Morley ....U4113 CAMPSIE— l l. Muscat uutaz CANTERBURY—E. A. Rose — U1080 CH ATSWODD—K M.Homan JI005



SANDS JOHN (LTD.) 374 George Street

telfunoni Madame, 206 Miller st,NOttit Sydney

yduey Embossing Co., 21 Park at homas Fred. and Co., 71-73 Strand tanner & Ilendurson. Ltd., 10 Hunter at

ENGINEERS (CIVIL), Atchison & Schielultor, 926 Pitt at OARDEW J. HAYDON, 111.0.Ke 70 Pitt street (powdery and Cowdery. Castlereagh at Craig A. Donald, 151 Pitt at Curtis L. A., 926 Pitt at Eslirk T. H., Wilke City, Rusheuttene

Bay Ferric- and Dickinson, 56 Pitt at Ferrier Robert R,. Si Pitt at Fyvie & Stowart, 26 O'Connell at Gmnowski Otto, 387 Kent at Grant G. L., 14 Cast/erengli at g riffin 3- G. aud Harrison, Equitable.

building, 350 George at Halloran Henry F. and go., 82 Pitt at Hart Arthur .7., 375 George A Hophuni C. G., 90 Pitt at Houghton T. IL, 03 Pitt at









314 George St, SYDNEY.




STONE AND SIDDELEY, LTD., Consulting and Constructional Engin-CON, Atlas Buildings, 8 Spring at, Sydney. (See Card Advt. opposite list of Architects)

STONE JOHN JASPER, C.E., Con-sulting and Mechanical Engineer, Challis House, Martin place. Phone, City 1827

Swarbrick II. H., 114a Pitt at Thomson Jaffies R. & Son, 26a Pitt at Toole J. E. and Co., 70 Hunter at

VICARS JAMES, M.E. (SYDNEY), Gold Medallist in Engineering and Architecture. Consulting Engineer and Architect, Challis House, Martin place, Sydney. Telephone 3010 City

Watkins 11. 0. and Co., 107 Kent at Webb Arthur C. F. and Burgess, 67

Castlereagh at Wilcoxson A. J., 101 Pitt at

WILDRIDGE J. AND SINCLAIR, LTD., Consulting Engineers, Naval Architects and Refrigerating Experts, Vickery's Chambers, 82 Pittst, Sydney (see Met. page 1010)

Wildridge Itichanl and Co., 70 Pitt St


LIMITED, 173 and 175 Clarence at, corner of King at. Tel. City 0180 and 9181

Aldons D..1., 143 Regent st, Redfern Armstrong D. B., 812a George at Bainton J. It., Stanway House, 77 King at.

Tel. 2963 Bingham H. E., Angel place Boll H. P., 67 Castlereagh at


"Magnet House," 257 Clarence at, Sydney. Pals., 7518 7619 City. Australasian Representatives of the General Electric Coy., Ltd. (ling.) Peel Conner Telephone Works, Ltd. ; Pirelli—General Cable Works Ltd. •, Osram Robertson Lamp Works, Ltd.; British Electric Trans-former Co., Ltd. ; Witten Kramer Electric Tool and Hoist Co. Witton-James Ltd., etc., ete.

Brown F. 0 & Co.,103a Castlereagh at Browning & Eyes; 50 Chelsea at, It fern Bruce, Peebles and Co., 350 George at Bruce II, 18. & Co., Beamish at, Camp& tech:man A. K., 17 Castlereagh at

Clarke A. J., N. S. H. rd, Rose By Clyde Engineering Co. Ltd. (The), Clyde

Wprks, Granville ; Mutual Life build- ing, Martin place, Sydney

Colin Julius and Co., 44 Carriegton at Cook Stanton Ltd., 3 DalleY at. C011phil111 and Waddell, 17 Day at

CROMPTON AND CO., LTD. 66 Margaret Ht., Manufacturers and Importers of all Electrical Machinery Stocks of Latest Patterns of Acces-sories kept. Telephones, City 3550 slid 6887

Cummings James, 179 George at Dick, Kerr and Co., Ltd. (London), Stall.

way Home, 77 King at Duncan, Moffatt and Pritchett, comer of

Matfett at and Bridge rd, C'dowu Father N. & Co., 183 Care lereagh at Edmiston & O'Neill, 375 George it Electric Supplies & Engineering LW., 163

Clarence at Falkiner Electric Co., 5 Moore at Federal Electrical and En g leeering Works

(A. A. Oxlade), 10 Dean's place Outhridge N. Ltd., Equitable building,

350 George at Ham and Eggers, Ltd., 163 Clarence st 'Writings A. 0. & Co., 198k Pitt at Ilaivkins J. & Son, Chisholm at Ilipsley and Waddell, LW., 35-37 Palmerst Hoene J. J. and Co., 57 Goulburn at HUNGERFORD R. B., Electrical

Engineer, Manager for The Western Electric Co. (Australia), Ltd. Tele-phones, Cables, Electric (sights. Wires and Cables, Electrical Machinery and Supplies, 1e2 Castlereagh at, Sydney Telephone City 336

Hunt John C., 87 George at Hutton A. 31, 12 Shelley st Indiarubber, Cluttapercha and Telegraph

Works Co., Ltd., 279 George at Johnson T. P. and Co., 61 Druitt at Kopsch Charles F. G., 8 Bridge at Lane George P., 277 Sussex et

Warburton, Franki, Limited, electrical and general engineers awl contractors. Marine and minieg work a speciality. 307-300 .311 Kent at, Sydney. Tels City 6721 and 6722

Warren George R., 133 Military rd, Mosmen

Watson W. G. Co. Ltd., 279 Clarence st Watt, Thompson d: Co., 220 Oxford at,

Woolialtra Webb Arthur C. F. and Burgess, 67

Castlereagh at Western Electric Co. (Australia), Ltd.

R. B. Hungerford, manager, 192 Castlereagh at

Wiles IV. H., 74 Goulburu at Wolk Emil, Rawson place

ENGINEERS (GAS). See Gas Engineers.

ENGINEERS (HYDRAULIC). Arnold &Co. Propty., Ltd., Challis House,

Meal!' place Brown Brothers and Co., Ltd. (Edinburgh)

Steam Steering Gear, Telemotors, etc. —Price, Martyn and Co., representa-tives, 68i Pitt st, Sydney. (Sec Advt. page 1692)

CartiewJ. Heyde'', 31.Inst.C.E., 79 Pitt at Curry Bros., '26 Druitt at Chapman end Co., Ltd., Dmitt at Gregory II. P. and Co., 74 Clarence at Hamlet/es Ltd. 134 Castlereagh at Houghton T. If., 63 Pitt at

MAINWARING BROTHERS LTD., Ironfounders, 1-5 Market at. Telephone City 7543

Massey George, M.I.31.E., Post Office Chambers, 1141 l'itt at

Parke anti Lacy Co., Ltd., 60 Clarence at Standard-Waygood Hercules, Ltd., 77

King at

TAMES LIMITED Manufacturer') of Hydraulic Machin-ery, Steam, Gas and Oil Ittigine, Pumps of all descriptions, Boilers, etc.—Dalgety and Co., Ltd.. gole Agents for Australia. Sydney Depot, Argyle at, Point. Telephones, City 9120 to 9427. (See Advertisement opposite Title Page)

Toole J. E. and Co., 70 Hunter st Tylor J. and Sons, Limited, 13 Bridge at Worthington Pump 0o., 32 Clarence at


LTD., Engineers' Furnishers, Iron nod Machinery Merchants, 88-88 Sussex at, Sydney. Telephones, City 3969, 9133, and 9134

GREGORY H. P. AND CO., Ti Clarence at. Telephones, City 4085 and 2716. (See Advt on front pages of DIRECToitY)

Kirkland John & Co., 02 to 100 Cleves land at

Lawrence A. J. and Co.. Ltd., 250 Kent at Scrutton It. L. & Co., Ltd., 161 Clarence

at, Sydney

ENGINEERS (MARINE). Atlas Oil Engine Co., 15 Market at.

HALL BROS. LTD. Solo Agents for " FERRO" Marine and Sationary Oil Engines. Agents for Steven's On Engines. Sole Agents for Leeson "Frost King" Farm Engines. Importers of Marine Sun-dries, 211 George at, near Circular Quay. Works, Duke place, oil Darling st, Balm:tin

Logan A. E., 8 Young at Reeks Walter, George and Grosvenor sts Regal Oil Engine Co., Avenue rd, 111'11111n Thomson Jas. R. & Son, 25a Pitt st Union Oil Engine Co., 232 Clarence at


Automatic Couplers, Boyle & Co., Australasian Representatives, Royle's Chambers, 5, 7 and 9 Bond at, Sydney. (See Advt. page 1730)

Acme Motor Engineering Works, Bridge at, Drummoyne

Acton & Webb, Little Regent at

ADAMS WILLIAM & COMPANY LIMITED — Head Office 173-175 Clarence at, Sydney ; Works, George at, Red fere. Telephones City 0180 and

; Works, 799 Redfem

Alexander & Sons, Parrainatta rd, Homehush

Alexander James C., 135 Palmer st Alright Ltd ,28 Qneee at Allen T. C., J.P , 127 Kin g at Anchor Fence Ltd., 79 Mullett at, Cam-

perdown, and 107 Pitt at Anderson John, 124 Pyrinont Bridge rd,

CampenloWn Andersson J. B. and Co., 228 Clarence at Arnold and Co. Propty., Ltd.. Mullis

House, Martin place, end 0 Connor at A vamme Engineering Co. Ltd. (The), 60

Ciediereagli at

BABCOCK AND WILCOX LTD. (London end Glestrow), Engineers and Builders of Patent Water Tube Steen' I3oilers.—A..T. Arnot,151.I.O.E., ILIA E , Australesian Manager, 427- 429 Sussex at, Sydney. Tel., City 9387 (2 lines)

Bailey and Lance, 66 Harrington at Baker's (Leeds), Ltd., Ilunslet, Leeds,

Englund, Baker's Oil Separators — Price, Martyn and Co., egents, 613i l'itt at. (See Advt., page 10021

Bell A., Trafalear at, Pstershant Ballerutu land Co., Ltd.. 195 Kent at Barnett Charles L.

' Itainford st

Beacon Lamp and Engineering Co., 4 Col-lege lane

edley Motor & Engineering g Co., Itoelty Pt. rd, Itorkdale

Begg reig, Ltd., 18-20 Erskine at 1241ffirlA s _


Electrical Engineers and Con-tractors. Estimates free for Elec-tric Lighting and Power for Horse or Factory. Builders. Electric Hoists supplied and erected. 363-865 Pt at, Sydney. Telephones, City 4545, 4546; and U 4480

O'Sullivan & Durkin, 35Pa Pitt at Phippsnl and Co., 195 C evelatel at, It'fern Pritchett W., of,) 67 Hunter at ftatnacciotti A., 338 Pitt at Ramsay Sharp & Co., Ltd., 217 George at Rintelahl and Co., 99 Sussex at Robinson & Hawkins, 27 Jamieson at Rollins Clyde, 271 l'itt at Row Cecil C., 43-47 George la St. Clair Bros., 385 Military rd, Mosinee &Alderson, Edison & Langridee 21 O'Con- • nel at

Scott J. L., Ltd., 80 hunter at Siemens Bros., Dynamo Works, Ltd., 42

Bridge at Sphere Electrical and Engineering Works,

24 Clsrence at Standard-Waygood Hercules Ltd., Stan-

way House, 77 King at Stanton Cook sr Co., 3 Dailey at Steanes T. Es 332 Pitt at Sydney Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd.,

532 Kent at The 1'. T. Electric Fitting Co., 15

Market at, corner Kent st

TOOLE J. E. AND CO., 70 Hunter et, Enginwring Contractors, Importers and Merchants, and Agents for all Classes of Lighting and Power Plants

Vickers Ltd., 173 Clarence at

.11rigirteers (Consulting) continued — MoCREDIE A. L. & ANDERSON,

Architects, 7 . Bridge at, Sydney. Telephone; City 9063 (Bee busiliees card opposite Architects)

MARTIN G. ALLEN, Sydney School Mechanical Drawing and Oorrespon dence Instruction. Max Swifts' Building, 284-286 Castlereagh at, Syd- nay. Tel. City 569. (See advt. oppo-site Business Colleges)

MARTIN TELFORD S., Consulting Engineer, Max Swift's Buildings 284 and 286 Castlerengh at. Tele-phone 569 City. (See advt. opposite Business Colleges).

MASSEY GEORGE, M.I.M.E., Post Office Chambers, 114a Pitt at

Nardin E. W., ILE., 12 Castlereagh at Newton Mantield, Challis House, Mirth!

Place Park Herbert,Gibbs Chambers, 7 Moore it Pollitzer S. J., 0.13., Terry's chambers, 14

Castlereagh at Poole William, Jill. Assoc. M. Inst. 0.13.,

B., Cul widla chambers, 67 Castlereagh at

Power and Adam, Wynyard at Price H. Lowell & Co., se Pitt at Rayson Russell, 12 0 istiereagh at Robertson J. IL If , 38 l'itt at Richards It. IV. it , 350 George at Rodgers A , Catherine at, Forest Lodge Rogers A., 41 Arundel et, Forest Lodge ROSS H. E. AND ROWE, Equit-. ah's tionding, George at. Telephoner;

3981 and 3987 City

ROSS HERBERT E., Fl A., Equit-able Building, George at. Telephones 3986 and 3987 Oity

ROWE H. RUSKIN, A.I.A., Ewa. able Betiding, George at. Telephones 3986 and 3987 City

Sproele Albert II., 375 George at Spruson Wilfred J., 91 Elizabeth at

Lawrence and Hanson Electrical Co., Ltd., 33 York at

Leverrier H., Challis House Lewis Norman E., 21 Jamieson at Lewis I'. A., 57 Royal Arcade Lodge Gilbert and Co., 109 Pitt at Maas Se Maas, Ltd., 67 Castlereagh at Maeltirean & Lane, 623 George at Madsen Frank H., 19 Queen at, Newtown

MASSEY GEORGE, 'M.LM.E., Post Office Chambers, '114a Pitt at

Maxwell II. J., off 148 Phillip at Mitchell & Creasey, 13 Masgrave at, Moe-



"The Good Electrical Firm," 343 Kent at, Sydney. Telephones City 1741 and 1741: (See Advt. opposite Electrical Engineers)

North Sydney Electrical Engineering Co., 101 Alfred at, North Sydney

NOYES BROS. (Sydney) Ltd. Electrical, Miffing and General Engi-neers end Merchants, Electrical Fittings and Acce.sories. 115 Clarence street







T.I. 31 °' 8325 SYDNEY. STORES: 37 SUSSEX ST.



























Engineers (Mechanical) continued.

Beldam Packing Agency (Australia) ltd. (The) Australian Representatives of the Beldam Packing and Rubber Co. Ltd. (London), Somerset House, 5 Moore st; Stores, 87 Sussex at, Syd- ney. Telephone, City 8325. (See Ardvt. above)

Bell Francis and Co., LW., 250a Pitt at Bent A. E., 86 Wentworth ave Black nelson, 344 Darling et, 13almain Blakeney P. K., 6 Washington at Boll H. P., 67 Castlereagh at Bonner James and Sons, 17 to 33 McKee at Bowser S. P. & Co., 6 Castlereagh at Itritislt-Australlan Machinery Co., Ltd.,

Engineering Contractors and Mac- hinery Merchants, Wynyard at, Sydney. Tel., City 7306

Broolithead J. W., 47-49 Weston rd, Rozelle DroWn and Brown, Abattoirs rd, Pyrmont Drown &Milker. LW., 74 Wentworth ave Brown William, Church at Liricombe Dryden Brown & Co., 77 Macquarie at, and

18 Bridge at BUDGE JAMES, 209 (0 215 Harris at,

curlier Bridge rd, Pyrmont, General Refrigerating Engineer and 'Pipe Coil Maker

Budrodeens Ltd, Missendeu rd, Canfdown Btillcn & Grant, Bulwarra rd

Butler Bros, 59 Addison rd, Marrickville Campbell J. M., Chapel at, Marrickville Chapman and Co., Ltd., 7-9 Druitt at and

&Intel') Chapman Graham, 26 Clara st,Ersk'ville Clark and Mulholland, 18 Washington at Chlicott Engineering Co., Ltd., 100

Kippax at Clements and Sanderson, Parramatta

rd, Burwood Clyde Engineering Co., Ltd. (The)—W. M

' Noakes, managing director, Clyde Works, Granville; Mutual Life bldg., Martin place, Sydney

Dale and Wilson, Railway cres, Banksia

DAVIES, SHEPHARD & CO, Bridge and Parramatta rds,Annandale, Sydney. Every Description of Wheel Cutting, Turning, etc. Phones— L 1129, L1578

Davis Joseph E., 4 New Foster at Daa'son H. A., 50 Albert st, Erskineville Dial Engineering Works (J. Heine & Son,

Ltd.), 88 George at, Redfern Dickson and Cridland, McEvoy st,ktiria Donney A. 1'. & Sons, Lower Tupper st,

Marrickville Duncan, Moffatt and Pritchett, LW.,

Mallett and Bridge rd, Camperdown

Cock burin' Limited (Glasgow), valves and patent feed water heaters. Price, Martyn & Co., 68} Pitt at. (See Advt., pigs 1692)

Cole F. W., Relby lane :din Julius and Co., 44 Carrington at

Commonwealth Motor and General Engi. 'leering CO., Ltd, Layton at, O'dOIVII

Connell Arthur G., 673 Botany rd, W'loo Connolly Jstn a. Mountain at Cook, Stanton Ltd., Dailey at Coombes A. IL, Parramatta rd, P'sharn

COOPER ENGINEERING CO. LTD. Shearing and Clipping Machin-ery Engines, Pumping Plants, etc., 129-131 Sussex at. Telephone, City 8662

Coupland and Waddell, 17 Day at Cromack G., 56 Pitt at Cummings James, 379 George at Curry Bros., 26-28 Druitt at


EAST R. E. A CO. Engrneers, Blacksmiths and Steel Tool Manufacturers, 414 Elizabeth et. (near Devonshire et), Sydney

Edwards Joseph & Son, Bolton at, Sydenhain

Elder W. 4: Co., 6 Edward at, BnImain Ellis & Lucas, Hutchinson at. Annandale Engineers & Machinery, Limited, 282

Liverpool rd, Aeldield Eriamann A. E., 30 Jenkins at, N'th Syd.


ESPLIN & WILLARD Engineers and Founders, Brickmaking Machinery and Wrought Iron Pulley Manufacturers, 542-544 King at, New-town. Tel. No. L1387

Fieldgate W.; 8 Dick at Fletcher & Son, 59 Charles St, Wville Flood William, 13 & 14 City rd, Darliegton Fogerty W. It, 67 Castlereagh st Foreman R. & Son, Ltd., Chapel st,

Marrickville Forster S. and Sons Mary Ann at Fortescue George E. and Sons, Ltd., Hurst

at, Arncliffe FOSTER GEORGE it SONS LTD.

Engineers and Iron and Brnssfounders, Brickmaking and Milting Specialities, King at, St. Peters, Sydney. Tele. phone No. L1258

FOWLER, JOHN& CO. (Australia Ltd.)

Engineers, Traction Engines and Steam Cultivating Machinery, etc., 388-300 Elizabeth st. (near Central Railway Station). Tel., City 2870

FYYIE A STEWART Engineers, Permanent Trustee Bldg, 25 O'Connell et, Sydney. Steam Power Plants and Accessories. Estimates given for Complete In-stallations. Engineers' Specialities. Correspondence invited

German J., 24 Moore st Gibson J. and Son, off 44 Louisa rd,

Balmain Gommesen J. and Co., 22-24-26-28 Wilson

at, Newtown Goodall T. M and Co., Ltd.. 303-5 Kent at Goodman James S., 313 Church at, P`mattes Goodwin John D., 14 Queen at, Aslifiehl Green T. and Co., Mary Ann at Gregory H. P. and Co., 74 Clarence at Griffin J. G. and Harrison, 350 Geo • ge at Gurney T., 13.E., A.31.1.31.E., 350 George

at lines and Eggers LW., 163 Clarence st

Sydney Halliday Bros., 30 Erskine at Halliday Thos., of 4 Hooking at, Balmain Hamer and Norris, Small st Hands and Scott, Alexander at, Arncliffe Hannams Ltd., 134 Castlereagh at Hansel and Son, 262 Edgecliffe rd,

Woollahra Hanven V., 28 Castlereagh st Harries D., 207 Bulwarra rd

HARTLEY A DOYLE 27 Washington at (of Sussex at), near foot of Bathurst at., Sydney. General Sfeehan'eal Engineers and Contractors. Estimates given for all classes of Engineering Work, Tele-phone, City 4064

Harvey and Co., 292 Clarence at Hasiam & Munro, Circular Quay Hay and Martin, 136 Mitchell at, Glebe Haythorpe & Co., Strand, Pitt at Head %V. 11., 2 Marriott at, Redfern Hipsley A: Waddell, Ltd., 27 .37 Palmer st



For Plumbers, Tinsmiths, Canister- Makers, Sc.

Automatic Can-Making Machinery for Meat, Fruit & Milk Preserving.

FUMES k DIE3. Corner of Allen and Franots Sta.

Leichhardt. Tel. P'shatn 1607.

Hodge and Zlotkowski, 110 Sussex at Hodgkinson James, 33 Bennett at

HODKINSON T. & CO. Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders. Mining mull Brick Machinery a Specialty. 616-661 King at, Newtown, Sydney. Tel. LI045

Hodkinson W. A. & Co., 17-19 Perramatta rd, Annandale

Holding and Overall, Bridge at, D'inoyne Holloway F. J., 25 O'Connell at Hooworth Henry & Co., Botany road,


Hopkins E. I, and Son 47 Druitt st. Sydney. Marine and General Engineers. Telephone, City 2287

Hornsby R. and Sons, LW., 1 Barrack at


Engineers, Blacksmiths, Boiler and Pipe Makers, 512-540 Wattle st., and Rhodes. Litligow Iron Works, Col. liery and Estate, Litheow. City Office, Equitable Buildings, 353 George st

Hoskins W. & Son, Greek at, Glebe Houghton T. IL, 63 Pitt at Howe G. W.,39-47 Botany at, Redfern Hudson Richard, 31-33 Rote at, L'Itardt Hulburd Engineering ondon— Royle

and Co., agents, 6-7 Co.,

iond at Lines Charles, Help st, Chatswood James W. F. tt Co., Ltd., 13-17 Nic-

holson at jantieson H. B. & Co., Hutchinson at Jardyne James, 28 Wyndham at, Alex'dria Jarman Bros., 37-39 Shepherd st Jay J. T., 16-18 20 Erskine at Johnston W. J., Ltd., 44 Campbell at Jubilee Floating Dock—liort's Dock and

Engineering Co., Tertian at. Balmain Killsorn Willick, oil Park rd, Auburn Kingloc Ltd., Sparkes at, Cemperdown Kirkland John & Co., 92 to 102 Cleveland

at. Tel., Redfern 778 KyliOch LW. 277 Clarence g Lack, Fogortv it Co., 44 Castlereagh at Lark Parkes Ltd., 44 Foveaux at LASSEN AND HJORT ((thngswaY,

London), Water Systems and Purify- lug Plants. Boyle and Co., Austra Winn Representatives, Royle's Chain bees, 5, 7, and 9 Bond at, Sydney. (See Advt. Page 1739)

Lauder Wm., Bayview at, Nth. Sydney Law it Taylor, 81 Wilson st, Newtown Lawrence & Chalmers, 76 Pitt at

Leplastrier Arthur& Co. Machinery Merchants, Representing Robey and Co.

' Ltd. (Lincoln, Emig.

land National Gas Engine Co. Ltd.,. Foden and Co., and others, 79 Mac-quarie stand Circular Quay (opposite Watson's Bay Ferry Wharf). (Sec Advt. opp. our Name in Machinery Merchants' Section)

Lewis Norman E., 24 Jamieson at

LINK BELT CO. Steel Merchants and Mining Engi-neers, 22 Clarence at. Telephone 2369 City

Lowe Bros. Ltd., 49 Sussex A [mitt E. and Co., 58 Margaret st McArthur Engineering Co., 13 Macquarie

place McCormack Robert, 273 George at McCourt W. A., 2 Ferry rd, Drummoyne MoCulla Hamilton. Ltd., Bourke et, W'Ploo McDonnell James, Carrington et, Geville McGowan H. and Co., 5 Clarke at MacGregor & Brown, 147 New Canterbury

rd, Petersham Machin 0.0., 14 Elizabeth st, Pad'ton Mackensie Bros., Ltd.. 743 .747 Harrisst Mackenzie W. & Co., Roberts at, Rozelle 31aelurcan & Lane, 623 George st McNeil William, 17 Burns at Macquarie Garage and Engineering Co.,

67-69 Macquarie at Madsen Frank II., 19 Queen at, Newtown

MAINWARING BROTHERS LTD., Ironfounders, 1 . 5 Market st. Tel. City 7543

Malcolm Bros., Wentworth r. 1 , Burwood Martin James and Co.. Ltd., Concord W. Massey George, 114a Pitt st Metropolitan Engineering Co. Ltd., 67

Castlereagh at Milne Bros., t60-166 Sussex at Mitchell J. P., 8 Spring at

MONARCH CONTROLLER CO., LTD. (London), Brake Block Ad-justers.. Royle and Co., Australasian Representatives, 5. 7 and 9 Bond id, Sydney. (See Advt. Page 1739)

Morris 0. J., 284-290 Lawrence at. A'antIrla Mortis F. 1i., 205 Walker at, lied fern Mort's Dock and Engineering Co., Limi-

ted—J. P. Franki, J.P., manager, Canrronst, Batman ;office, 35 Pitt st

Mountney and Co., Botany rd, Mascot Muras Luke, Powell at, Waterloo Neave E. J., 105 Liverpool Et Nelson A. D. and Co., Mountain and

small eta Neptune Motor Boat and Slip Co.

Lavender Bay

NEW T. AND SONS Engineers, Electricians and Con-tractors. Gas Engine Experts. Wentworth place, or Kent and Sussex ate, Sydney (near Druitt at.)





Toomey NI., 372 Sussex at TallOCh Limited, Bulwarra rd Turnbull S. J., 30-32 Oxford at Turner Bros., 14 Wyndham tits Alexandri Twentieth Century Engineering Co.,

Dolphin St. Coogee Tylor J. end Sons, Ltd., 13 Bridge st Ultimo Iron Works, Omnibus lane Union Oil Engine Co., 232 Clarence st Vale Henry and Sons, Office and Works,

South par, Auburn Vincent George, 261 George st Voyce Frederick, 21 Cary at, Drummoyne

Freeman A.W., BE., Challis House, Martin place

GIITHRIDGE N. LTD., Manu- facturers of Card Coneent . e.tor, Burr Thickener and Classifier, Richards Jig and Classifier, etc., etc, 10 George at, Camperdown. City Office, Equit- able Building, George at

Haas and Eggers, Ltd. 163 Clarence at, Sydney •

3fcCulla Hatnilton Ltd., Bourke at, Water- loo

McDonald C. A. Ltd., Challis House, Martin place

M A I NW AR IN G BROTHERS, LTD. Ironfounders, 1-5 Market at Telephone City 7543

Standard-Waygood, Hercules, Limited, 77 King at

BELL'S ASBESTOS AUSTRAL- IAN AGENCY, LTD., Engineers' Factors, 313 Kent at, Sydney ; and at Melbourne and Fremantle. Tel. 8235 City. Box 1078

Blackwood J. and Sou., Ltd., 86-88 Sussex at

BRISCOE AND CO., LTD., 383-385 Kent at, Sydney. Telephones, Kent at, City 9890 (5 Bites) and 6741 Wattle et, City 7872 and 7873


ADAMS AND COMPANY LIMITED, Sole Australasian Agents, 173-175 Clarence st, Sydney. Telephones, 9180 and 9181 City.

Paton & Webster, Peacock Pt, Bahuain Payne and Denton, 675 George st Perkins Engineering Ltd., 60 Castlereagh

et Petry N. and Co., 0 Faucett lane Poole and Steel, Stenhen at, Dalmatia Pope 'W. J., 72 Norton at, Lelehhardt Price Lowell II. & Co, 89 Pitt st PRIC E, MARTYN AND CO.

Union Bank Chambers, 6811 Pitt st (See advt. opposite name in Alpha-betical section)

Price P., 3 Wilmot st Pymble It. ds Son, Telegraph rd, Pymble Quirk's Li ghting and Engineering Co.

Ltd., Belmont at, Alexandria Minden F., 594 Pasramatta rd, P'sham Rappeneker & Richards, Ltd , Smith at,

Marrickville Reeks Walter, Grosvenor and George sts Reid Alan H. and Co., 360 George st Reid J. R. and Sons, 401-403 Kent St Richards Bros., Limited, corner Victoria

rd and Richards st, Marrickville Richards Arthur, Pyrmont Bridge rd Richards Reuben, Mowbray rd, West


Russell & (Jo, Adolphus st, Bahnain Ruston, Proctor and Co., Ltd. (Lincoln

En gland)—Gibson, Battle and Co. Ltd., Sole Agents, 535 Kent at

Smideman G. E. S., 60 Willoughby at North Sydney

Saunders Frank, Ltd., 232 Clarence at Schmidt A: Muller, 65 Sussex at Serutton R. L. and (Jo., Ltd., Mary Ann,

at. Ultimo. Simpson Bros. L., 32 Clarence st Simpson W. J. ana Co., 99 Sussex st Smith and Turner, 41 Parramatta rd,

Forest Lodge Smith .1. M.. 5 Little Edward at, Baltimin Smith T. K. and Co., 107 Regent st Sonnerdale and Son, Bridge rd,Stanntore

SOUTHERN LOCOMOTIVE VALVE GEAR CO., LTD. (U.S.A.) -Hoyle nod Co., Austra-lasian Representatives, Royle's Cham-bers, 5, 7, and 9 Bond st, Sydney. (See Advt. Page 1739)

Speers A. S., 45 Clarence st Stacy W. II. S., 218a Sussex at Standard \Vaygood Hercules, Ltd., Stall.

way Rouse, 77 King at Steel & Christian, 19 Clubb st, Roselle


General Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders, Boilermakers anti Black-smiths. Cranes of All Descriptions. Steel Constructional Work. Brick- making, Mining, Dredging, and Artesian Well Boring Machinery. Head °Mee and Works, Victoria rd, Marriekville. Telephone, L 1341

Stevens W. IL, 110 King at, Net.vtown Stokes and Reynolds, 20 Elizabeth st, Pad. Storey and Keers. Shelley at Stratton F. J., Harbourne at, Sth. Ken. Structural Engineering Co., 29 Eve st,


LTD. (LONDON) - Hoyle and Co., Australasian Representatives,

Sydney 31achine Co., Botany rd, W'Cloo Sydney Smelting and Engineering Works,

Ltd., 77 Castlereagh at Sydney Steel Coy., Ltd. (The), Edinburgh

rd, Marrickville TAIKOO DOCKYARD & ENGIN-

EERING CO. OF HONGKONG LTD.-G. S. Mill and Co., Ltd., Agents, 0 Bridge at, Sydney. Tale. phones City 9520, 9521, 9522 and 9523


Wakefield A. S., Blue's Pt. rd, Ntlt. Syd. Walls J. S., 45 Clarence at Warburton, Frank', Ltd., 307-311 Kent at Ward James, Ltd., Bennett place Warrior Alfred, 31 Bannister lane Watkins It. G. and Co., 107 Kent st


HODKINSON T. & CO. Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders. Mining and Brick Machinery a speci-alty. 040 . 601 King at, Newtown, Sydney. Tel. Lle45

Horton T. W., Challis House, Martin place Link Belt Co.,21 Clarence at

MASSEY GEORGE, M. Inst. MIL , Post Office Chambers, 114a Pitt st

Middleton P. IL, 17 (lastlereagh at Miller 1.3„ 289 l'itt at Mitchell .1. P., 8 Spring at

NOYES BROS. (Sydney) Ltd. 115 ()Strewn at, Sydney

Parke and Lacy Co., Ltd., 69 Clarence at Poole and Steel, Stephen at, Batumi!' Price, Martyn and Co., Union Bank cham-

bers, 6811 Pitt at. (See Advt. opts name in Alphabetical section)

Slessor Robert, 25 Castlereagh st

STEWART HECTOR, M.C.E., (Con suiting), 24 Goulbuna st and Emanuel Buildings, Perth, W.A.

Smith .1. D. Audley, 158 Pitt at Toole J. E. and Co., 70 Hunter st Vale Henry and Sons, South par, Auburn Watkins R. G. and Co., 107 Kent at


Fyvie and Stewart, 25 O'Connell st Gibson, Battle and Co., Ltd., 535 Kent st Scrutton It. L. & Co., Ltd., 101 Clurence st Johnston J. Barre and Co. (Agincy), Ltd.,

20 Loftus at Toole J. E. and Co., 70 Hunter at

WATKINS R. G. AND CO., Machinery and Hardware Merchants, Mining Supplies end Explosives, 107 Kent et

WILDRIDGE J. • & SINCLAIR, LTD. Vickery's Chambers, 82 Pitt at, Sydney

Worthington Pump Company, Limited, 32 Clarence at

ENGINEERS (PRINTERS'). Roden F.,15 Jamieson at Close John, 92 to 96 Shephsrl st

ENGINEERS (REFRIGERATING). Budge James, 209 to 215 Harris et, corner

Bridge rd, Pyrtnont Clyde Engineering Co., Ltd., Clyde Works,

Granville Ball J. & E., 19 Castlereagh at

Danks John end Son Proprietary, Ltd., 324 to 333 Pitt at

Greed J. A., J.P. 383 Elizabeth at If urll James and Co., Ltd., 115 Pitt at Mc Satight James 0.. 105a Clarence st Milne James, J.P., Crescent et, Newtown Nathan and McMillan, 78 Alfred st,N.Syd•

SWAN R. C. AND CO., LTD., 304 l'itt st. Bulk Stores, James at, Redfern

Tate W. T., King Edward st, Rockdale Tyler J. end Sons, Ltd., 13 Bridge at


TED (London and Glasgow), Patent Water Tube Steam Boilers for Marine and Lend Purposes. Boilers in Stock at Sydney. Australasian Oftlea-A. J. Arnot, M.I.C.E., ALUM E., Aus-tralasian Manager, 427-429 Sussex at, near Hay at. Telephone City 9387 (two lines)

Bellies and Morcom, Ltd. (131rmingliam), /linkers of the celebrated " Bellies" Typo High Speed Engine for Electric Lighting, Power and Traction pur-poses, Turbines (Live and Exhaust Steam), Condensers and Air Coin. premors. See Corporation Electric Light Station, Melbourne ; Wel. lington. N.Z., Corporation Tram-way Station ; Fremantle Tnunway Station, etc. Price, Martyn and Co., agents, Otti Pitt at. (See Advt. pages 1693-1894

flees rind Eggers, Ltd., 163 Clarence at Elliott, Maclean and Co., 75 Macquarie at Macfadyen D., 3 Hamilton st Toole .1. E. anti Co., 70 Hunter st Worthington l'innp Cotnpany, Limited,

32 Olarstice it


PANY, LIMITED, 173-175 ()tar-. ence st,corner of King at. Telephones

City 9:80 and 9181

Austral Engineering Supply Co, Ltd (The), 183 Clarence St

Beldam Packing Agency (Australia) Ltd. (The)

Australian Representatives of The Beldam Packing and Rubber Co., Ltd. (Loudon). Somerset House, 5 MOM at ; Stores, 37 Sessex at, Ss (I-ey. Telephone City 8325. (Sec

Advt. opp. Engineers, Mechanical)

PRIETARY, LTD., 324 to 330 Pitt at

Engineering Supply Co. of Australia, Ltd. 76 Pitt at

Fyvie and Stewart, 25 O'Connell st Gibson, Battle and Co., Ltd., 535 Kent at

GREGORY H. P. AND CO., 74 Clarence at. Agents for "Pickering" Engine Governors. Telephones, City 4080 and 2716. (See Advt. Oil front pages of DIRECTORY)

Lassetter F. null Co., Limited., 403 to 421 George at

Lawrence A. J. and Co., Ltd., 250 Kent at 'Alit E. anti Co , 68 Margaret at Lyon and Gilles Ltd, 222 Clarence st Malleable Fittings Co.,173 Clarence at

O'BRIEN 0. H. & NICHOLL, 17 Bond st, Sydney, Engineers' Supplies, Glides, Greditg, Acheson, Graphite, Siloxlcon. 'Phone 3302 City

O'Neill John and Co., 496 Kent at Parke and Lacy Co., Ltd., 00 Clarence at

ROYLE AND CO., Importers of En-gineers' Supplies, Royle's Chambers, 5, 7 and 9 Bond at, Sydney. (See Advt. page 1739)

Saunders Frank, Ltd, 232 Clarence at Serutton it. L. & Co., Ltd., 161 Clarence

at, Sydney Watkins It. G. and Co., 107 Kent at \\ration W. G. & Co., Ltd., 426-430 Kent at

ENGRAVERS. See also Printers

See also Engravers (Copper Plate) Amor W. J., 24 Wentworth aye Andrew John and Co., 21 Phillip at Bacon and Co., Ltd., 31a Pitt at

BASS FREDERICK Engraver, Die Sinker, and Medallist. Every description of Ornamental, Heraldic [Ind Inscription Engraving, Saw Piercing and Carving. 2nd door, 100 King at, Sydney

Batson and Co., Ltd., 93 Clarence at Begg J., 478a George at Brown J. W., 411 Kent at Brown Mrs. L.. 167 Beattie at, Balmain Brown T110111aS 8 Rowe at Bryant Richard, 88 King at °Larson S. C., 19 Hunter at COTTRELL FRANCIS J., Com-

mercial Designer and Eugraver, Chamber of Commerce Building, Grosvenor st, City

Douglas James E., 137 Q. V. Markets tinmett W. H., 5 Hunter at Excisior Supply Co. Ltd., 284 George at

Newton W. & Company General and Marine Engineers, D'A rcy lane, off foot of Druitt st, Sydney, Hat Machinery Manufacturers. Installa-tion and Repairs in Steam, Gas, Oil null Electrical Machinery Executed with Dispatch. Telephone, City 2999

Nicol Bros., 50 Day st NIELSEN N. P. AND Co., Engineers,

Blacksmiths etc., 491 Kent et. Tele-phone City 7201

Norman R. L. and Co., 22 Er-kine st Northrop .2. II., Underwood st Norton Menufectureng Co., 123 Darling-

hurst rd • Ocean Metallic Packing and AnG.Friction

Metal Co., 40 tinware° at, Ilainlul in O'Malley K. and Sons, 414 Elizabeth st Overall, MeCray Ltd., Reynolds at,

Baimain Paragon Motor Body Works, Crown at,

Glebe Parke and Lacy Co., Ltd., 60 Clarence st

PARSONS C. A. AND Co. LTD., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, Makers of Steam Turbines Coupled to Dynamos, Alternators, Blowers,

RIDER-ERICSSON ENOINE CO.,LIMITED, Importers of Hot-air Pumplug Engines, etc.—G. Maddison, Secretary and Manager, 112414 Manufacturers of Iloilers, Steam En- Hunter st, City. Tel., City 0477 glues and Pumps, OR Engines, Gas

Engines, Suction Gas Plants, Irriga- Rigby Healy Ltd., Mullett ad, C'down tion Plants, etc. Dalgety & Co., Ltd, Rigby Thomas, 11 Burns at Sole Agents for Australia. . Sydney Ritchi,? Brothers. South par, Auburn Dept, Argyle at, Miller's Point. Robey and (Jo. Ltd., 79 Macquarie et Telephones, City 9420 to 9427. (See Robinson Bros„ 44 City rd Advt opposite Title Page) Robinson Thomas & Soil, Ltd., 75-91

Harbour at Taylor J. P., and Co., 143 Princes st Rowlandson Sew/salt Ltd , McEvoy at, Thomson James R. and Son, 25a Pitt at

Alexandria Thornley W. ((lid SODS, 8.1i01/ St, WVille ROWIllildS0/1 A: J., Woodburn st, Redfern Timmings Harry,lfarrickville ave, M'ville Rowntree's Floating Dock and Works, TooleJ. E. and Co., 70 Hunter St

Stack at, Balmain i

85 to 80 Pyrinont st, Pyrmont. Engineers, Blacksmiths, and Sheet Iron Workers. Phone, 31 1716

Waugh and Josephson, 142 to ISO Gold- burn at

Wearne and Breakspear, 296 Sussex at Weir and Harrod. el 3 Cary st, D'moyne White Henry E., 350 George at.Wilkieson F. and Co„ 51-53 Washington


Engineers and Founders. Manufac- turers of all classes of Briekmaking and Pottery Machinery. King and

od Gosell sts. Newtown. Telephone L 1035

Williams George, Bourke at, Waterloo Willis William, 210 Weston rd, Roselle Wilson James, 115 Pitt at Worthington Pump Company, Limited,

32 Clarence at

Sydney. (See Advt. Page 1739)

ENGINEERS (MILLING). Budge James, 209 to 215 Harris st, corner

Bridge rd, Pyrmont Gelder P. J., 34 Lower Campbell at • Nelson A. D. Mai Co., Mountain and

Royle s Chm abers, 5, 7 and' 9 Bond st, Smail sts 1

Robinson Thomas & Son LTD.

(of Rochdale, England) Manufac-turers at all kinds of of Milling and Woodworking Machinery, etc. Syd-ney Branch and Depot, 75. 91 Harbour st, Sydney. Cable Address, " Wol-lombi," Sydney. Tel., City 6501

Simon Henry (Australia) Ltd., 767 Harris street

ENGINEERS (MINING). Blakemore G. H., 10 Castlereagh at Cape F. W., 29 0 Connell at Cardew J. Hayden], M. Inst. CE., mining

surveyor, 79 Pitt st Chapman and Co.. Ltd., Druitt at Clyde En g ineering Co. (The), Clyde works,

Granville. Mutual Life building, Martin place, Sydney

Fletcher T. M., 5 Moore at

FOSTER GEORGE & SONS LTD., Engineers and Iron and Brassfounders BrIckmakitig and Milling Specialities. King at, St. Peters, Sydney. Tel. No. L1258


J. TSCHERNE Engraver.

Medals and Badges in all Metals, Dies for Catalogues, Booklets and Show Cards. Bookbinders' Brass Tools and Hat Bands. Perfume

Labels, Cigar Bands, etc. 4 Bond St., Sydney.


Morris E. H. 24a Pitt at Penfold W. C. and Co. Ltd., 183 mu st Potter Herbert, 256 Pitt at Powell & Mohnen, 92 Bathurst at Radford Charles, 11 Bond at

RAYNOR F. W. & CO. Brass Name Plate Engravers, Manu-facture ‘ s of Brass Name Labels for Motor Cars, Machinery Electricians, etc., 482 George at, Sydney. Tele-phone City, 3320.

Rider J. C., 389 Pitt et Roger, W. T., 283 Pitt at &key Theo. IL, 175 The Strand Salisbury Thomas, 82 King st

SANDS JOHN (LTD.) 374 George Street

Simons W. F., 164a The Strand Sparkes George, 289 Pitt at Stelling Franz IL, 69 King st Stewart Erie, 258 Pitt at Stokes and Brown, 220 Pitt at Stakes Alfred E. S., 290 Pitt at Thomson A., Dailey at Thornthwaite S., 369a Pitt at

Turner & Henderson, Ltd., 16-18 Hunter st Tutton G. R. W. and Co., 15 Q.V. Markets Ward W. F., 75 York st Woods George, 370 Pitt st

ENQUIRY OFFICE (PRIVATE). Baxter E. W., 121 Pitt st Chancery Estate Recovery Co., 4 Rowe at Cooke's Detective Agency, 4 Rowe et Cooke Benjamin, 4 Rowe St Edwards James S., 05 Market at Millar A. H., 61 Market at

ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS. Brooke William & Co., Ltd., 17 Castle-


37 Wynyard Square DE TMOLD WILLIAM, LTD

Wholesale Stationers, Envelope and Account Book Makers. Warehouse and Factory, 299-305 Sussex-at, Sydney. Tel. City 6163 & 10215. (See Advertisement op. Stationers, Wholesale and Manufacturing)


Envelope Makers, Pence, Business, Court, Official, Legal end Special Shapes, all qualities, 119-121 Clarence et. Sydney. Telephones City 2972 and 2973

SHASHALLS LIMITED Envelope Makers, Wholesale Manu-facturing Stationers and Paper Merchants, 34 to 38 Bellevne at of Foveaux at). 'Phone 601 Paddington

"Transo" Transparent Envelope (The), 50 York at


Austral Essence and Perfumery Co., Raw-son place

Culinary Manufacturing Co. Ltd., 583a George at

Hean's Essence Proprietary, 176-178 Castlereagh at.

Sydney Es.sence Co., 41 Sussex at Turnbnli Extract Co., 107 Renwick at,

Redfern Wallas T. I., "Wyoming," 175 Macquarie at

ESTATE AGENTS. (See Real Estate Agents) •

EUCALYPTUS MANUFACTURERS, Australian Eucalyptus Ltd., 12 O'Connell

at, Newtown Barclay and Son, 59 Alice at. Auburn Coast Eucalyptus Co., 14 Bond st Colemane and Sons, Ltd., 92b Pitt st

ENGRAVERS (PROCESS). Bacon & Co., Ltd, 3Ia Pitt st Baker W. T. & Co., Ltd., 190 Sussex at Batson and Co., Limited, 99 Clarence st

GULLIVER & MURCH, 204 Castle-reagh at, Sydney. Phone 4378 City. Phots Process Engravers, High-class Blocks in half-tone and line. Photo-graphic and Artist work a speciality

HARTLAND AND HYDE, Photo- Engravers, 45 to 53 Clarence at,. Church Hill, opposite Petty's Hotel. Telephone 7625 City

LAWSON A. A' ' LTD. Photo Process

Engravers and Photo Lithographers, Victoria Arcade, Sydney. Tel. City 7228

MORRIS E. R„ Process Engraver, Photo Lithographer, and Block Maker, 24a Pitt st, Sydney. Tel. City 6274.

Engravers continued— Farr A. T., 284 George st Floyd John M., 30 Hunter st Hall S., 29 Hamilton at Huxley S. V., 107 Castlereagh st Keegan Bros., 46 Q V. Markets Kemp 13.igar, 21b Jmnieson st Lawrence David B., 18 Barrack et Lawson A. A., Ltd., 44 Castlereagh St Leigh S. T. and Co., Ltd., corner Castle-

rengli and Gouiburn et.; McCarron, Stewart and Co., 22-24-26

Gonlburn at Ifackanes. P. T., 57 Market at Maciardy W. M., 34 Clarence at Memorial Card Engraving Co., 142 King at

IBetter& Engravers, Badge Makers and Medallists.

Manufacturers of Medals, Trophies and Enamelled Badges for Societies, Associations, etc., Company's Seals, Brass Plates, Stencils, Steel Sta in ps, etc.

76 thallburn St., SYDNEY, Telephone City 7983.



ENGRAVERS (GRASS-PLATE). Amor W. J., 24 Wentworth ave Andrew John and Co., 21 Phillip at Miller & Morris, 76 Goulburn st RADFORD CHARLES, Brass-plate

Engraver, 11 Bond St

RAYNOR & F. W. CO. Brass Name Plate Engravers. Manu-facturers of Brass Name Labels for Motor Caro, Machinery, Electricians, etc., 482 George at, Sydney. Tel. City 3329.

SANDS JOHN (LTD.) 374 George Street—(See adds.)

Ward W. F., 75 York at

ENGRAVERS (COPPERPLATE). Bacon and Co., Ltd., 3Ia Pitt at Batson and Co., Ltd., 99 Clarence at Emmett W.11.. 5 Hunter at Penfold W. C. and Co., Ltd., 183 Pitt at

SANDS JOHN (LTD.) 374 George Street

Turner & Henderson, Ltd., 16-18 Hunter st


See also Art Galleries, &e. Aidenhoven W., 74 Hunter at Robertson George and Co. Proprietary,

Ltd., 238 Pitt at

SANDS JOHN (LTD.) 874 George Street—.(See Adyte.)

Turner & Henderson, Ltd., 16-18 Hunter at

Patterson Shugg Propty, Ltd., 18 Bridge at

Randle Photo. Engraving Co., Ltd., 178 Castlereagh et.

Raynor F. W. & Co., 482 George st Williams William, Ackl end way, Waterloo Woods George, 370 Pitt at


SANDS JOHN (LTD.) 374 George Street--(See Advt.s.)

Thorttlawnite S., 869a Pitt at

ENGRAVERS (WOOD). See also Engravers.

SANDS J0194 (LTD.) 374 George Street


COLEMANE A W., SEN. Mrs. May Hill (Daughter) Proprietress. The Original Manufacturer of Cam. phoria Eucalyptol Extract and Oil, also Camphoria Eucalyptol Jiffies. Also the Largest Manufacturer of Pliellandrene Eucalyptus for Mineral Purposes. Head Office, 421 King at, Newtewn

Douglas John A., 138 Glenmore rd, P'ton Eucalyptus Oils, Ltd., 163 Pitt at Reedy Creek Eucalyptus Oil Co. Ltd., 18

Bridge et

EXCHANGES. Australian Metal Exchange, 79 Elizabeth

st Builders' Exchange—N. Phelps Richards

secretary, 12 Castlereagh st Chinese Chamber of Commerce, 73

George at, north French Chamber of Commerce — Paul

Chnleur, hon. sec nud treas., 2 Bond at. N.S.W. Chamber of Agriculture, 17

Castlereagh at Pastoralists' Exchange mid Information

Bureau, 10 Bligh at. Real Estate. Auctioneers' Exchange, Ltd.—

Will A. Pettit, hon. see, '2 426 Castle-reagh St

Royal Exchange of Sydney—B. Minim J.P., secretary, cornier Bridge and Pitt streets

Swedish Chamber of Commerce for Ants. tralasia and South Sea Islands, 228 Clarence at

Sydney Chamber of Commerce (Incorpor. ted)—J. N. Bell, secretary, corner Grosvenor and George ate

Sydney Fruit Exchange, Barker at - Sydney Stock Exchange—H. R. Wonson,

secretary, 113 Pitt at Sydney Wool Sale Room, Royal Exchange

—John Leach, secretary,.56 Pitt st

EXPLOSIVE COMPANIES. Dnlgety and Co., Ltd., Bent and O'Connell

sts Outhridge N. Ltd., 10 George at, Camper.

down ; City office, Equitable building, George at

"K. W." Ignition Co., 15 Market at

XYNOCH LIMITED (England), Manufacturers of High Explosives, Permitted Explosives for Coal Mines, Compressed Pellets, Blasting Powder, Detonators, etc. Sydney office, Kynoch House, 977 Clarence at. Telephone City 2331


THE CHILWORTH GUNPOW-DER CO., LTD. (London)1 William Bennett, Sons and Co., Ltd., Fuse Manufacturers, Detonators. High Explosives, Arms, and Ammunition; 102 Clarence at. Sydney

Powerite Explosive Co., Ltd., 15 Castle-reagh at

Redfern Shot 'Factory, Phillip it, Redfern Scott, Henderson & Co.,agents for Messrs.

Otirtt •I'S rilld Harvey's Ex-plosives 10 Loftus at

Southern Explosive Co., Ltd., 109 Pitt at

EXPORTERS. American Trading Co. of Australia, 40

King at Arkell Douglas (Incorp.), 127 York at Belgian Import and Export Co. (of Aus-

tralia) Ltd., 16 Spring at

BIRT & CO., LTD., Exporters of Frozen and 'Chilled Meat, 4 Bridge at, Sydney. Tels. City 2072 (4 lines)

Brenk, A. J. V. D., 163 Pitt it Broad E. F., Ltd., 2 Hunter St

BROWN DAVID & CO. Exporters of Hides, Sheep, Fur and Rabbit Skins, Horns, Tallow, Hair. Wool, and all kinds of Colonial Pro- duce. Office, 66 Bay at, Sydney. Stores, Small at, Sydney. Tel., 111013

Cambridge Delicacies Ltd., 27 Pitt at Capron, Carter and (Jo., LW., 127 York st Cl.trton Hodgson & Co., Ltd., 109 Pitt at CURCIER, ADET & CO., Exporters of

Hides, Skins, Wool, Tallow, and General Colonial Produce, 10 O'Connell at, Sydney

Curtis and Curtis, Ltd., 273 George st Davis Packing Co., Ltd., Harbour at Davis John, Jun. City Markets Ebner Hans Ltd.:, 218 Harris at Fisher Henry, cor. Grosvenor and George

streets FriederIchs Emil, 56 Pitt at General Agency and Trading Co., 285

George st Gordon Woodroffe and Co., 14 Moore at Huge Hermann, corner l'itt and Bond st Hasell Arthur H., Union Bank chninbera

limiter st Haughton Wmn. & Co., 255a George at Hey Robert, 196 Sussex at Kane:nada F., 8 O'Connell at Kerr Brothers, Ltd , 375 Geor ge at Kershaw Martin anal Co, 19 Bridge at Kidnum Arthur, corner Grosvenor Mal

George sts Lamb G. N. & Co., Ltd., 81 Pitt st !Alegi/land, Mackay and Co. (Australasia),

Ltd., 64 Pitt nut

LITTLE • ROBERT AND CO. Frozen and Canned Meats, Rabbits, Tallow, Hides, etc., 10 Castlereagh at, Sydney. Telephones, City 9136 (2 lines)

Lonsdale J. and J. and Co., Ltd., 269 and 271 Sussex nut

McArthur Shipping and Agency Co., Ltd., 16 Macquarie place

McClure Charles, 70 Pitt at Mack Gerald S., 196 Sussex at Marks Joseph, 5 Bond at Mitchell D. and Co.. Ltd.

' 153 Clarence at

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. (Tokio), 4 Bridge nut

Mothin W. and Co., Ltd., 39 Pitt at Mom e and James, 67 Francis at, Glebe Moore Joseph, 5 Harbour at Moss, Scott and Garrad, Comtnerce

Buildings, Liverpool at Nevanus S. V. it Co. Pty. Ltd., 8 Spring s street O'Brien Bros ,Daking House, Rawson pl Ottawa J. amid Co., 50-52 York at Oversee, Export Co., Ltd., 67 Castlereagh

at Pacific Commercial Company, Po neroy

House, corner Barrack and York sts Telephone, City 7813

Parker and Fraser, 850 George at Paterson John, 4 Bridge at Patterson John, City Markets Regan and Davis, City Markets Robertson and Young, Ltd., 56 Hunter st Ruddin James, Hay st Stalinism' and schaffer, Malcolin's Build,

hugs, 256a George at Sun Kwong Fling and Co., 311 Castle-

resell st Sydney Butter Exporters, 375 George at Symnione A., Rawson place Walters Harry fuel Sons, Mince of Irate,

Wel, 778 George at, Haymarket, Sydney. Telephone, City 4523

WIllinnition W., Itelby lane Wil g011 R1111 Flood, 167 Q.V. Markets Wing Wall and Co., 317 Castlereagh at Yonei Shoten, 119 York at

YUILL G. S. & CO., LTD. (Cold Froren Meat and Dairy Produce. etc.), 6 Bridge d, Sydney. -Manila London Office, Yiiill's Ltd., 120 Fen-cluirch st. 11.0. Telephones. City 9520, 9521, 9522 and 9523

FANCY GOODS IMPORTERS. Alcock Brothers, Ltd., 8-12 York at American Bag Store, 193 Pitt st Chiba S., 114 King at Cohen L. and Co., 56-58 York at

Dynon John & Sons Ltd. China, Glass, Earthenware raid Fancy Goods Importers, 93 Bathuret st, Sydney (see Advt. opposite China, Glass and Earthenware Importers)

Edwards, Dunlop and Co., Limited, 123-129 Clarence et

Farmer mill Company, Limited, Victoria Honse. Pitt, Market Imo George ate

Foldheim, Gotthelf Ltd., Barrack nut Foy'e Mark Ltd., corner Elizabeth and

Liverpool eta Gollin & Co., Pty. Ltd., 50 Clarence nut Grace Bros., The Model Store, Broadway,

Glebe Harris 13aron, 406i George at and 32 The

Strand Hoffnung S. and Co.. ltd., 165-169 Pitt at

HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS, LTD., Sydney. — (See headlines throughout DinEaroitv)

Hutchinson II. T. Ltd., 710 George at Jackson's Ltd., 382 Pitt st

JONES DAVID, LTD. 349-359 corner George and Barrack Streets, opposite General Poet Office. Telephone 6336 City (18 lines)

JORGENSEN & CO. LTD., Importers of Toys and Fancy Goods. 305 Kent st, Sydney. Telephone 8356 City

Kanematma F., 8 O'Connell at Ltassetter P. & Co., Ltd., 403 to421 George st Law P. T. and Co., 45 Clarence at Levy Bros., 628 George st London Notelty Co., 159 Pitt at Myers & Solomon, 42 Market at New York Novelty Co., 710 George et Nott Bros. and Co., 58 York at