CONTENT · 2020. 12. 20. · our teaching plans, try utmost in making a bond or friendship with our...

Post on 28-Jan-2021

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Transcript of CONTENT · 2020. 12. 20. · our teaching plans, try utmost in making a bond or friendship with our...

  • I


    1. Founder’s Day ............................................................1

    2. Chairperson’s greetings .............................................2

    3. From Principal’s Desk ................................................3

    4. Editor’s Note ..............................................................4

    5. Online Class Activities ................................................5

    6. Student’s Work ........................................................10

    7. Teacher’s Corner ......................................................30

    6. Parent’s Corner ........................................................31

    7. Parent’s Feedback....................................................35

  • IV

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    What is so special in Kothari International School today? It is our FOUNDER’S DAY! It is a Special day in our school, and everyone looks forward to celebrate this day in an exhilarating way. But as fate stands as always, lockdown has put a lock on these thrilling moments that we celebrate or spend at school every year. But, we believe WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY. So, We, the Kotharians decided to celebrate it as a virtual yet exciting ceremony. We started our day with meditation for 10 minutes as a gesture of showing gratitude and respect to our dear, dynamic, visionary and diligent founder, Lt. Mansukhlal Mahadev Bhai Kothari. At KIS, we call him ‘Babuji’ out of love and respect. Though he was from a small village, he was a visionary with resilience and honesty. Words always fall short whenever we start talking about him. Moreover, meditation gives us mindfulness, heartfulness and calmness. And, we wish that should always be there in us, in our young students, in our parents and all. After that, we had a ceremony called JOY OF GIVING. Every year, on 25th July, we distribute essential stuffs to various NGOs, but the current situation has disrupted this year’s plan. However, We, at KIS, believe in the concept of JOY OF GIVING and no situation can disrupt us from doing that. Henceforth, we had celebrated this ceremony virtually and in a different way. We shared the vibrance of LOVE and PEACE as an ACT OF GIVING. Children had long conversations with their friends and teachers in their exclusive attires. There was no formal study at all, yet learning happened in an informal way by spending time, talking to their friend and listening with each other by expressing their emotions. Small children were very happy to see their friends in colourful dresses. And, senior children watched a video on Babuji. And, this is how we celebrated this year’s FOUNDER’S DAY and we wish all students, staffs and everyone to stay healthy, keep smiling, be strong, stay hygienic and have excitement in their life. GOOD LUCK!!

    Lt. Mansukhlal Mahadev Bhai Kothari, our Founder

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    Chairperson’s Message

    Our school is the foundation for a new generation of leaders and innovators who will continue to pave the way for a better and brighter future for our world. The general strength of Kothari International School is the high quality programs and transparency in its system. Our well-groomed school’s community consists of talented teachers and supportive parents working together to make the school an ideal place for students to learn, grow, and become torch bearers for a better tomorrow. Over a decade, K.I.S has lived up to its mission statement and has established itself as one of the top institutions for students in Pune. We always open to new ideas, inquiries and feedback from the stakeholders.We provide an environment that helps transform education to empower the students, the teachers and the parents to expect more and do more and achieve more. We welcome you to be a part of our journey of achievements and excellence!

    With love,Arti Kothari,Chairperson, Kothari International School

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    From Principal’s Desk

    Dear Readers, The second edition of the newsletter I-create is being launched on the Founders Day of the school virtually. The Covid 19 has taken away all the privileges of the students, parents and teachers to connect over events in the school and has left us with fewer options for us to connect virtually. Yet 2020 academic year has seen school assemblies being streamed, students experiments, online classes, Fathers’ day event, parents teachers meet, two newsletters and the joy of giving day being celebrated on the virtual platform. Education has always been a priority of each individual defined by oneself very differently for their own needs and purpose. For some education has been acquiring qualifications and scores, for some it’s defining themselves and the way they look at the world, for most it’s a way to secure a livelihood and socio -economic status and for some it is to make a difference in this world. For the school and us, educator’s education is the joy of giving. And in our journey of giving, we experience many a learner unwilling to receive, unready or unknown to the art of receiving and that’s where each teacher of the school has strived to open up the souls of the learners to receive, reflect and discover themselves. On the other hand, we experience a handful of thirsty and zealous learners embracing the receiving and there our teachers have strived to open more windows and doors for the learner to discover himself. We impart education with the vision to shape a character and a life which learns the balance to live in this world with his utmost self. Such a vision can only be fulfilled when the learner too gets the vision shared and transcended in his or her own environment, now that our learners are distanced from school and connected with curriculum practices.With the hope and blessings that our readers would embrace education as a four dimensional aspect of their lives, we keep to our journey of giving with joy. Stay Healthy Happy and Enjoy Reading!

    With love,Ishita GhoshalPrincipal,Kothari International School, Kharadi

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    My dear students, teachers, parents and all working staffs of KIS,Firstly, I would like to WELCOME all of you to Kothari International School. I hope you all are safe, secure and strong, both mentally and physically, in this cruel pandemic situation. Every year, we start our Academic session with meeting our little students, keep ourselves busy like a bee in decorating our classes and creating our teaching plans, try utmost in making a bond or friendship with our students and so on. But, this year is totally different to other years. The situation is unacceptable!! Everywhere it is a tension, crisis, disappointment, harassment and what not! Everyone is disturbed and heart-broken. And, this is the time, when we should keep one thing in our mind and that is NO SITUATION IS PERMANENT, AND CHANGE IS INEVITABLE! So dear all, it is my message to my dear students- kindly be strong and focused in this situation. Try out something new in life. You all have enough free time or some of you have a lot of work. So manage your time, but work on the unknown or suppressed skills that you have in you and have not worked upon it till now. This is the time, my dear students, when you can actually work on your passion along with studies. Be a writer with your own style, a thinker of the society, an incredible dancer with various hard moves, a budding scientist with lots of practical experiments, or an artist with new practices of art. Be whatever you want to be; however, be constant, determined and strict to time, regular practices and a self-motivator. I hope that my message would inspire you to start believing your dream, passion or utilizing your spare time. I also hope that after this lockdown or pandemic, all of you will become a motivator, mature, self-dependent, responsible citizen and a sincere student.Best of luck to all of you!

    Urmi DuttaEditor,Kothari International School, Kharadi

    Editor’s Message

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    Grade –Pre-K

    Topic: Slanting line with Play-dough

    Learning Outcome: Enhances fine-motor skill, Improves pre-writing skills and develops hand-eye coordination.

    Grade K1-

    Topic: Pyramid with glasses

    Learning outcome: To improve creative thinking, collaboration, teamwork and time management.

    Online Class ActivitiesOnline Class Activities

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    Online Class ActivitiesOnline Class Activities

    Grade K2-

    Topic: Story of Goldilocks and the three bears.

    Learning outcome: Stories help child to learn speaking and listening skills. Helps child to improve imagination skills


    Topic- Natural Resources

    Lesson Objective- Students will be able to identify and use natural resources around them.

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    Online Class ActivitiesOnline Class Activities

    Grade-2‘Hindi matrayein’ are integrated with Art and children had fun in learning them.


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    Fabric Collage

    Online Class ActivitiesOnline Class Activities

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    Topic- Synthetic Fibres and Plastics

    Online Class ActivitiesOnline Class Activities

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    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

    Life Skill Section

    Activity-1- Awakened Citizen ProgramThe Awakened Citizen Program is designed for students that are based on the principles of Swami Vivekananda. The vision of this program is to empower the students. The program is meant to enable the students to discover a sense of self-confidence and courage. We, at Kothari International School, Kharadi, have executed this program in their Life Skills period among the students from Grade 7 to 9. The program talks about the Universal Possibilities that can be developed by each one of us, such as: being heroic, being a truth seeker and few more. And also, the Unique Possibilities which can be developed based on interests, talent, self-effort and environment, such as: inventing new things, creating value and many more.

    Reflection on Collective Intelligence

    Student’s Reflection-1

    Ants are social insects, meaning they live in large colonies or groups. They do everything together. Their social organization and their ability to modify habitats together have always brought them success. Ant societies have an ability to solve complex problems together. As we know that collective intelligence can make things possible which can be impossible if done individually, ants have been together and made everything possible. Thus, we can surely say that ants are an example of collective intelligence.

    - Jennifer Leslie, from Grade-7B

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    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

    Student’s Reflection-2

    - Shreya Pillai, from Grade 7B

    Student’s Reflection-3

    Ants are an example of collective intelligence because collective intelligence means that it allows mankind to do things that would have been impossible to achieve by a single individual .So ants can’t do all the things on their own because they are very tiny. So they go in groups and do the work as seen in the picture. For example if they want to take the food they need to be in a group so they can form a large group and take the food. Thus, ants are an example of collective intelligence.

    - Akshara Bhandari, from Grade-7A

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    Other Activities

    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

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    In the journey of making Kotharians a better human being

    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

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    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

    Library Section

    Activity: Book Reviews

    - Tannistha Gupta, from Grade-8

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    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

    - Kovid Gangwar, from Grade-8

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    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

    - Dharini Patel, from Grade-5

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    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

    Our Readers and Thinkers

    Art Section

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    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

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    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

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    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

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    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

    Our budding Artists and their creations

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    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

    Dance Section

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    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

    Young Kotharians are busy in dancing

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    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

    Recipe : Watermelon Popsicle

    Ingredients: 1. A half cut watermelon2. Ice cream sticks3. Ice-cream mould4. Mixer grinder

    Steps: 1. Cut your watermelon into pieces (remove the seeds)2. Take the mixer grinder and add your watermelon and blend it into a thin juice.3. Pour your watermelon juice into the mould.4. Keep the mould in the freezer for 4hrs5. After first 2hrs, add the ice cream stick into the Popsicle.6. Let it rest for the remaining 2hrs as well.7. Take your Popsicle out and lick it.

    - Sai Rakesh, from Grade-10

    My Life during Lock-Down My life during lock-down is a bit melancholic as well as cool. According to me staying at home and spending quality time with family is very nice, but going out is also equally good. The timetable is same for every day. Getting up by 10:30 or 11 am and starting the day with full of laziness, doing brunch by 1 pm and then starting with my school work and tuition and ending up doing all the homework. The learning part by the evening is the most important and biggest thing that consumes large part of my time. Sometimes, I even paint and make new dishes. I just love to bake these days. We had a plan to go to my home in Delhi, but we can’t go in May now as the lock-down is extended. This lock-down has made everything IN a halt. Now, I just don’t have anything new to wear. I really want to go for shopping and eat in my favorite restaurant, but this lock-down is making our family closer. We all are watching the best movies of all times. I, sometimes, feel a little bit depressed, but my mom and dad always say that we should always be positive as this time shall pass. We should always think that the glass is half full, not half empty.

    - Janvi Khanna, fron Grade-10

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    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work


    CHARACTERS:-Boatman- determined, brave and kind-heated-Lady (Pooja)- brave, gutsy and fearless-Chief (Raj)- strong, courageous and faithful-Father- (Lord Bhanupratap)) powerful, stubborn and arrogant -Narrator (or singer)

    COSTUMES & PROPS :-Boatman: wears a shirt, a typical fisherman’s “lungi and topi”. Has boat and oars (hockey sticks or yardsticks can suffice for oars.)-Lady/Pooja: wears a colourful sari, and carries a bird-cage, a “potli” of clothes and a work basket.-Chief/Raj: wears a turban, kurta-pyjama. He is armed with a bread-knife or pistols; he also carries a suitcase or bag, an umbrella, and has money to give the Boatman.-Father/Lord Bhanupratap: wears a turban, dhoti-kurta and a plaid shawl arranged over his shoulder. Armed with a lance, which can be improvised from a yardstick.-Narrator/Singer: may wear normal clothes.

    ACT 1

    SCENE 1

    The curtain rises, revealing the ferryman in his boat. As real boats are not easily obtainable, one can make a substitute out of two-three large clothes-baskets, which will accommodate three persons easily. There must be footstools or boxes for seats, and beneath the boat large shawls or tablecloths should be spread, which the assistants at the sides of the room can shake to imitate the movement of waves--slightly at first, but more and more impetuously as the story goes on. The STORY (poem) begins thus:

    A chieftain, to the mountains bound,Cries, “Boatman, do not tarry!And I’ll give thee a silver mohurTo row us o’er the ferry.”

    (During the singing of this verse, Raj and Pooja enter. Raj shows the boatman a silver mohur.)

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    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

    “Now who be ye, would cross Dudhsagar,This dark and stormy water?”“Oh, I’m a chief of Ramgarh’s isle,And this Lord Bhanupratap’s daughter.”

    (All in pantomime. The boatman calls attention to the stormy water, as the waves rise, and strives with gestures to dissuade them from crossing.)

    And fast before Lord Bhanupratap’s menThree days we’ve fled together;For should he find us in the glade,My blood would stain the heather.”

    (Pooja is terrified and shudders, looking imploringly at the boatman...)

    His horsemen hard behind us ride;Should they our steps discover,Then who will cheer my beautiful “Dulhan”When they have slain her “Dulha?”

    SCENE 2

    (The Boatman consents to receive them, and bustles about as preparing the boat. Pooja clings to Raj and looks anxiously behind.)

    Out spoke the hardy Highland soul:“I’ll go, my chief; I’m ready.It is not your silver bright,But for your winsome lady.“And by my word! the beautiful “Dulhan”In danger shall not tarry;So, though the waves are raging white,I’ll row o’er the ferry.”

    ACT 2

    SCENE 1

    (They hurry their luggage into the boat; Pooja gets in; Raj and the boatman remain standing, and look back for the pursuers. But now the storm increases. The lights

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    should be dimmed, and the music should be a low, dull roll (bass), with occasional high, wild notes to represent the water-spirit.)

    By this the “toofan” grew loud apace,The water- “bhoot” was shrieking;And in the scowl of heaven each faceGrew dark as they were speaking.But still as wilder blew the wind,And as the night grew drearer,Adown the glade rode armed men--Their tramping sounded nearer.

    (A tramping should be made in the hall, gradually approaching; the terror of all in the boat increases.)“Oh, “jaldi” please, “jaldi!” Pooja cries,“Though tempests round us gather;I’ll meet the raging of the skies,But not an angry father.”The boat has left a stormy land,A stormy sea before her--When, oh! too strong for human hand,The “toofan” gathered o’er her.

    (Pooja clings to her belongings, Raj feebly assists in the rowing. The waves increase, and the tramping approaches nearer. The terror of all in the boat increases.)

    SCENE 2

    And still they rode amidst the roarOf waters fast prevailing.Lord Bhanupratap reached the fatal shore;His “ghussah” was changed to wailing.

    (Here Lord Bhanupratap rides in on a chair or cane, armed with a lance. Seeing the fearful situation of things, the distracted father rides frantically up and down, imploring their return, his steed curveting excitedly.)

    For, sore dismayed, through storm and shade,His child he did discover;

    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

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    One lovely hand she stretched for aid,And one was round her lover.“Waapas Aao! Waapas Aao!” he cried with grief,“Across this stormy water;And I’ll forgive your Highland chief,My daughter! O my daughter!”

    (The gestures of the stern father must show how intense is his anxiety. The boat reels. One by one the things are thrown overboard—birdcage, potli of clothes, suitcase, umbrella, and work-basket. Even these sacrifices are in vain. The boatman endeavours to turn the boat.)

    ‘T was vain--the loud waves lashed the shore,Return or aid preventing;The waters wild went o’er his child,And he was left lamenting.

    (The entire boat and its contents toss and reel, until they at last all topple over, and are supposed to be submerged in the wild waters; the waves [shawls] rise, and finally cover them from sight. The father remains frantically riding to and fro, wringing his hands, and enacting the most intense despair.)


    - Zahan Printer , from Grade- 7

    Student’s WorkStudent’s Work

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    Teacher’s CornerTeacher’s Corner

    ICT- A SUBJECT OR A TOOL“It’s not that we use Technology, We live Technology – Godfrey Reggio”Hi, I am Ms. Arpita Trivedi, ICT Incharge in Kothari International School,Kharadi. My relation with technology is not new. I belong to that age when Computer used to be taught as a compulsory subject in schools right from grade 6. I had seen the transformation of Computers or ICT from being a subject to a teaching tool that is used for various subjects. During my school times, Computer was basically a subject, where we had to learn it like any other subject, It had its own curriculum bifurcated into both theory and practical applications. But as century changes, technology has advanced, better and high end computers have been built up and henceforth, computers is transformed from a subject to a TOOL.Today with so much of advancement, both in technology and student mindset, ICT has to become a tool. If you want to explain a Physics Theorem, simulator programs are available, where student changes one variable and can see its impact on other components on spot and henceforth, all confusions get clarified then and there.If you are teaching English, Aloa is there that can take students to the era when book was written and they can feel the history or civilization of that era closely by virtual tours. From sitting in your class at Pune, you can compare your life with others of any part of world or if I say Universe, it’s not wrong. This is the distance that a Computer had travelled in recent year. Teachers, who were having issues in how to use computers or AI (in today’s language) in their subject, have also started using it during Covid 19 Lock down period.Teachers have upgraded themselves, learnt new software to incorporate in their classroom teaching and giving online session to students sitting at home. This is the power of Technology. If it is used wisely, it will serve you the best; otherwise it will make you serve him.In the words of Bill Gates – “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.” Thus, let’s pick ICT as a tool only and use it more for the benefits of our students. - Arpita TrivediICT Incharge,Kothari International School, Kharadi.

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    Parent’s CornerParent’s Corner

    The Most Valuable Gift

    What could be the most wonderful giftThat could make your heart liftWith joy and exhilaration,That gives you meaning each day,When you’re dismal and have nothing to say,When all’s going wrong and nothing’s going right?

    Is it the radiant sparkling light that appears-From behind the gloomy clouds,To scatter your doubts and comfort your bouts,The silver lining of your mom’s latest recipe,That lifts your spirits, her newly made delicacy,Her words of motivation, “You are the best, my child!You are the winner of the world, my kid!”And you suddenly feel buoyant at heart.

    On days, when you’re particularly annoyed-By a scuffle that got you aggravated,When you’re about to punch the wallOr your friends got you into a brawl,Instantly comes daddy, your best buddyTo pull you out of your rage,And help you fly like a bird out of cage,With games galore or amazing facts that dazzle,Challenge you with a Math riddle or a crossword puzzle.

    When O when do you feel left out?Your mommy and daddy don’t always shout,Or reprimand you when you’re in doubtThey are your angels, who guide you through all the way,In dejection, cheer, or on a never-ending day,They bring the flash on your face.

    The bond with you they share, is what you must always value and careFor parent their children and for them their parents Matter most, as much you may prod,That is what my dear, is the greatest gift of GodFor His replacement is your motherAnd the protector thy father!

    -Ekta Batra

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    Parent’s CornerParent’s Corner

    We Arrived Late

    Hey, all you folks out there, hope you’re doing fine just as much as I am. Though I’m trying to recover from the shock of my friend Anandi’s tragic demise just a couple of days back, I’m doing just fine. My name is Eravat and I am known to be the world’s largest land mammal almost weighing 4000 kg. I stand almost 3 metres from the ground and my favourite pastime is to stroll near the river and splash water on my calves. You might have by now known the place I reside, it’s the beautiful rainforest in Kerala named Mallapuram. We travel several kilometers a day to feed ourselves and when I say this I recall that tragic day.That unfortunate day, my dearest Anandi suddenly left our herd and went astray. Perhaps she was hungrier than all of us, you can understand if our normal lot can eat almost 150 kg food (as much as 375 tons of baked beans a day) then how hungry my sweetheart must have been. After all she had to provide for her baby that was about to see the world soon. She sneaked into the Silent Valley in search of greener pastures for all she wanted was to deliver her calf weighing no less than 120 kg. Who knew hell was lurking in the Silent Valley. She might have twitched every muscle of her trunk to feel her food. God’s given us 150,000 muscle units in our trunk and we are so sensitive that we can pick a peanut, blow the shell to consume that teeny weeny nut.Anandi kept meandering in the forest until she reached the spot where a large green yellow tropical fruit lay right in front her, inviting her to relish every bit. Least did she know it would spell her doom and she would perish in hours. How I wish we were given the survival instincts to detect danger and avoid it the minute we could see it approaching. But this isn’t with our breed and however sharp we may be in terms of remembering (you know, we never forget), we cannot perceive peril. Anandi was all of fifteen and she had to nurture her baby after it was born. She was all excited that day and every minute she was getting close to delivering a new life into this world. And then appeared the luscious looking full blown fruit almost left for her to feed. One joint of her trunk, bending her snout she guzzled the pineapple in her mouth. It didn’t quite taste quite juicy and sweet but turned eruptive and prickly. Her food started piercing her lower jaw as if pins were hurled from a billion quarters. Her hunger turned into pain and she trumpeted loudly as if to seek help from us. We heard her call but were nowhere close by and she kept running in madness in excruciating pain in search of water. Water there was but her energy was almost dying, she dragged herself to the river and stood silent for a while almost apologizing to her unborn child, asking for forgiveness, tears rolling down, no one to rescue. Her last hope was water that could dissolve

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    Parent’s CornerParent’s Corner

    the juice and dilute her agony but she fed the fetus venom instead of savory juice and silently perished along with her calf. We kept looking for her and when we finally spotted her from a distance, we saw humans dragging her out of water with ropes tied all around her. She was numb and cold. We had to retreat in silence, her fading view from a distance as our herd receded. We arrived too late and all was gone. Late we were in saving our beloved and her kid. Alas! We were too late. For there is no place for us in our very own forests and we have no right on the fresh flowing waters of the rivers that was meant to be shared by the creatures of the ecosystem. It’s now the human system and we were too late!

    -Ekta Batra(Parent of Bhavika Batra, 4-B)

    Engage, Empower And Enable ChildrenTo Become Powerful At Managing Their Emotions

    As parents, we have a responsibility to teach children how to be aware and express their emotions in a healthy way. Being a mother of two boys aged 9 and 5, I know that besides academics, it’s also their emotional intelligence, which will help them become better individuals. What is emotional intelligence? In simple words, it is the ability of a child to be aware of their own emotions and manage it effectively, in order to build strong relationships with other people or children. Trust me, this is easier said than being done. After some trial and error, I thought of sharing the five tips, which are working for me as a parent:

    1) Accept and Acknowledge their emotions: When a child is sad, I have often seen parents tell them “Don’t be sad, it will be all right. “Of course, the situation will eventually get better.” The question we should ask ourselves is “How do I help my child to deal with his current emotion?” “I still remember when my elder son was upset that he could not travel to celebrate his best friend’s birthday, I accepted that he was sad and acknowledged it by saying “I know you are sad that you can’t go for the birthday party, why don’t we discuss it together?” Trust me, this helped him manage his emotion better and solve the problem eventually.

    2) Do not punish the child’s emotions, especially if it’s not positive –This is a trap that we subconsciously fall into. A classic example is when a child falls and he hurts himself, we may easily use de-motivating words such as “You are now a big boy/girl, you should not cry”. Instead of using words that maybe negative, let them cry, vent out their emotions and become calm. Trust me, just listening to your child, using the right words, giving them a hug, eventually teach the child how to self soothe himself/herself

    3) Be a role model-Children imitate and learn from their environments. If we are under stress,

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    Parent’s CornerParent’s Corner

    snapping at people constantly and getting irritated at the drop of a hat, how do we expect our children to manage their emotions effectively ?” It’s important to walk the talk.

    4) Handle your own emotions effectively –When I shout at my five year old for not picking up his toys after playing with them, and he still doesn’t do it though I’ve told him umpteen number of times, I need to realize that my screaming strategy is not working. In this case its best to pause, self-reflect and then try a different approach .Most importantly dig deep within and ask yourself “Why am I going through these emotions “It’s as simple as saying “If you are an unhappy parent, how can you expect happy children ?”

    5) Apologize when you make a mistake - Lets accept it, I will still make mistakes on my journey. If I ever let my guard down, I know I will apologize and have that difficult discussion with my child to ensure that there is no permanent damage caused to our beautiful relationship.

    Whether it’s the changes in our lives due to COVID or the journey ahead, we need to remember that engaging, empowering and enabling (3E model) our children to effectively manage their emotions will help them become powerful. As quoted by Ann Landers “It is not only what you do for your children , but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.”

    - Kajal Mullapudi (Parent of Raghav Mullapudi, K2-B)

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    Parent’s FeedfbackParent’s Feedfback

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    Parent’s FeedfbackParent’s Feedfback

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    Parent’s FeedfbackParent’s Feedfback

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    Parent’s FeedfbackParent’s Feedfback

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