Contemporary traditional maori_culture_part_1_

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Contemporary traditional maori_culture_part_1_

contemporary Traditional Maori Culture,part 1

"Who are the Maori"

By:JESSICA CEBALLOS,1/11/12per.1

Culture and Geography 

The Maori are an indigenous culture of New Zealand.

New Zealand is a large island in the South Pacific Ocean off the south east coast of Australia.

Some contemporary Maori are traditional. some live non-traditional, modern lives.

One tradition of the Maori culture is the Haka war dance. The dance however is now performed for ceremonial purpose, not war.

Another tradition of the Maori is Ta moka: tattooing or painting the face and  body with dark arching patterns.

Traditional Maori culture is truly beautiful.

Sadly, like other conquered indigenous peoples, many Maori struggle with poverty, alcoholism and drug abuse.