Consumer Trends for the next 10 years connected.thoughts consumer trends

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Consumer Trends for the next 10 years connected.thoughts consumer trends



the next 10 years @rajdeepc

Consumer trends


Digital Schleimspur



Your privacy is Gone It was traded for perceived security and also better customer experiences



Omni Channel Experience


Multichannel is made up of the consumer touch points across all the channels you use as a company. Omnichannel is made up of the touch points your customers connect with you on


Omnichannel is multichannel done right


Strategy + programmatic context, content AND ads


“Experiences cloud”



Ubiquity vz Relevance



The future of search and SEM also lies outside of Google. Consumers are more influenced by other consumers’ online comments. Customers are also starting searches in places such as Youtube, Pinterest and also in apps directly.



Messaging apps - the new social media



Notification windows introduce a thin layer for rapid engagement.


Virtual and augmented reality experiment with killer apps



Webrooming becomes more common than showrooming



Crowd capitalization accelerates disruption… everywhere



Mobile payments early today, but will soon skyrocket.



YouTube, Vine, etc., represent “a” new Holly/Bollywood.



Wall Street becomes influential again forcing brands to trump customer experience for revenue @rajdeepc

@rajdeepc @rajdeepc

the precipice of change…


@rajdeepc @rajdeepc

Big brands will die…mastered skills will become redundant…




1 law & 4 fast moving variables…


@rajdeepc @rajdeepc

40% of global population is on the Internet as on 31st Dec’13



Of 7.2 billion global population 5.6 billion will be on smartphones …connected



Data Consumption over drive


Anyone who can be connected is getting connected



Moore’s law …every 18 months the

number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately

every two years at half the cost…”


AnyThing that can be connected will get connected

There are 16 billion active wireless connected devices in 2014

By 2020 expected to be 40.9 billion

ABI Research -

There are 16 billion active wireless connected devices in 2014



Some are even predicting that 50 B things will

be connected by 2020


The wearable future…





Anything that can be connected will be connected


So what is needed when people, things are getting connected?



25% CAGR in Cloud services



‘Cloud’ is heading towards an inflection point

@rajdeepc @rajdeepc


Nexus of Forces 1. Extreme persuasion of social 2. Pervasive access of Mobile 3. Contextual information from Big data 4. World Class delivery because of cloud



The interplay in the nexus of forces…


@rajdeepc @rajdeepc

So what are the implication of this…



Brands that use these forces to maximize their business

Businesses who own the infrastructure that drive the usage of these forces

Businesses whose services lets consumers and brands harness these forces

Tsunami of Opportunities @rajdeepc



to provide valuable easy solutions to the consumers so that the consumer can easily buy your brand

Brand’s game play



Infrastructure providers Microsoft, Google, Apple, Cisco



The new cool kids - The makers of wearables, of devices that will empower IoT


70% of tomorrow’s jobs have yet not been invented



Cyber Warfare



The future is nearer than one would imagine…
