Consumer slideshow1

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Consumer slideshow1

+GLIT 6756

Literacy & Inquiry:Becoming Critically Informed Consumers of Peer Reviewed Published Research


+Research as systematic inquiry

p. 29 of your textbook

+Relationship of Research Logic to the Evaluation Template

Context of study (purpose, question, problem area, relevant other research)

Framework (theory and concepts)

Design and methodology

The evaluative template (Appendix 1 in your syllabus)

+Tasks for today

Forming work groups (teams) & sending names and email addresses to Michele & Colin

Kitting up (key resources for the semester)

Becoming familiar with the evaluative template

Locating a literacy-related peer reviewed research-based paper to critique (that all members of a group can “relate to”)

+Forming work groups

Ideally 4-6 members

Likely to share some common interest to help with article selection

Likely to be able to work together online and offline and contribute equally to the final analytic paper

+Kitting up

Using Google Drive to write collaboratively ( )

Using the internet to communicate between meetings (e.g., Google+ Hangout, Skype, or messenger/chat, blog, Twitter, email, Delicious or Pinterest)

Resources for finding a suitable article (e.g., ; MSVU online article archives)

+Using Google Drive

+Google Docs

+Google Docs (cont.)

+Google Docs (cont.)

Title your document here

+Google docs (cont.)

Share your Google Doc with Colin and Michele:

+Using Scholar Google as a meta-search engine

Select “Scholar


+Scholar Google (cont.)

+Scholar Google (cont.)




+Scholar Google (cont.)

+Finding a focus articleThe article must be relevant to literacy


The article must be a peer-reviewed and formally published research article.

Ideally published within the past 5 years.

You need to be truly interested in the focus of the article. Focus must be good and “meaty”

The focus of your article needs to have a prior history of research (i.e., be part of a research area or field)

Your final paper must engage with debates, present an argument, and include critique (your group needs to take a theorised position and you’ll be reading well beyond your focus article)

+Course website & additional resources


There are several examples of final papers posted here.